Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
Featuring Untamed by Tula Pink
Collection: Untamed by Tula Pink
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Size:
Finished Sizes:
x 2.42m)
Finished Block Size:
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
Project designed by Tula Pink | Tech edited by Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Flowerfield Cosmic
PWTP243.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(B) Flowerfield Lunar PWTP243.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(C) Hello Dahlia Cosmic
(D) Hello Dahlia* Moonbeam
(E) Peony for your Thoughts Nova
(F) Peony for your Thoughts Lunar
(G) Daisy and Confused Nova
(H) Daisy and Confused Moonbeam
(I) Puppy Love Nova
(J) Puppy Love Moonbeam
(K) Sweet Tooth Cosmic
(L) Sweet Tooth Moonbeam
(M) Impending Bloom Cosmic
(N) Impending Bloom Nova
(O) Impending Bloom Lunar
(P) Impending Bloom Moonbeam
(Q) Rainfall Cosmic
(R) Rainfall Lunar
(S) Light the Way Nova
(T) Light the Way Moonbeam
*includes binding
PWTP234.COSMIC 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWTP234.MOONBEAM* 11⁄4 yards (1.14m)
PWTP235.NOVA 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWTP235.LUNAR 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWTP236.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP236.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP237.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP237.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP238.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP238.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP240.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP240.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP241.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP241.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
Fabric Requirements (continued...)
(U) Check Please Cosmic
(V) Check Please Lunar PWTP242.LUNAR
(0.46m) (W) Check Please Nova PWTP242.NOVA
(0.57m) (X) Check Please Moonbeam
(Y) Neon Tent Stripe Cosmic PWTP069.COSMIC
(0.30m) (Z) Neon Tent Stripe Nova PWTP069.NOVA
(0.30m) (AA) Neon Tent Stripe Lunar PWTP069.LUNAR
yard (0.23m) (AB) Neon Tent Stripe Moonbeam
PWTP069.MOONBEAM 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AC) Designer Essential Solid Manatee
CSFSESS.MANAT 57⁄8 yards (5.37m)
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Peony for your Thoughts Nova
PWTP235.NOVA 8 yards (7.32m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide Hello Dahlia Wide Cosmic
QBTP017.COSMIC 23⁄4 yards (2.51m)
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 93" x 104" (2.36m x 2.64m) quilt batting
• Removable fabric marking tool
WOF = Width of Fabric
Cut dimensions are listed as width x height throughout the pattern.
Fabrics A, B, K, S, and T, cut from each:
(1)4" x WOF; subcut
(4)23⁄4" wide x 4" high
(8)23⁄4" squares
(1)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(4)4" wide x 23⁄4" high
(8)11⁄2" wide x 23⁄4" high
(1)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(8)23⁄4" wide x 11⁄2" high
(8)11⁄2" squares
Fabrics C, E, F, G, and H, fussy cut from each:
(2)81⁄2" squares with desired motifs centered
Fabric D, cut:
(11)21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fussy cut (2) 8 1 ⁄ 2 " squares with desired motifs centered
Fabrics I, Q, and R, cut from each:
(1)81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(2)81⁄2" squares
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
Fabric J, cut:
(1)81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(3)81⁄2" squares
Fabric L, cut:
(1)4" x WOF; subcut
(6)23⁄4" wide x 4" high
(4)23⁄4" squares
(4)11⁄2" squares
(1)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(6)4" wide x 23⁄4" high pieces
(8)23⁄4" squares
(12)11⁄2" wide x 23⁄4" high
(2)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(12)23⁄4" wide x 11⁄2" high
(8)11⁄2" squares
Fabrics M, N, O, and P, cut from each:
(2)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(8)23⁄4" x 4"
(8)23⁄4" squares
(16)11⁄2" x 23⁄4"
(1)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(8)11⁄2" squares
Fabric U, cut:
(4)4" x WOF; subcut
(12)4" x 61⁄4"
(12)4" x 41⁄4"
(1)2" x WOF; subcut
(12)2" x 21⁄2"
Fabric W, cut:
(4)4" x WOF; subcut
(14)4" x 61⁄4"
(14)4" x 41⁄4"
(1)2" x WOF; subcut
(14)2" x 21⁄2"
Fabrics V and X, cut from each:
(leaves, 4 blocks each)
(3)4" x WOF; subcut
(8)4" x 61⁄4"
(8)4" x 41⁄4"
(8)2" x 21⁄2"
Fabric Y, cut:
(1)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(12)21⁄2" squares
(2)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(6)11⁄2" x 13"
Fabric Z, cut:
(1)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(14)21⁄2" squares
(3)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(7)11⁄2" x 13"
Fabrics AA and AB, cut from each:
(stems, 4 blocks each)
(1)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(8)21⁄2" squares
(1)11⁄2" x 13"
(1)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(3)11⁄2" x 13"
Fabric AC, cut:
(9)3" x WOF for borders
(7)5" x WOF; subcut
(42)5" x 61⁄4"
(8)31⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(84)31⁄2" squares
(6)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(84)23⁄4" squares
(3)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(42)21⁄2" squares
(16)13⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(168)13⁄4" x 23⁄4"
(84)13⁄4" squares
(38)11⁄2" x WOF; set aside (12) 11⁄2" x WOF for long sashing strips
From remaining strips, subcut (18)11⁄2" x 13" sashing strips
(42)11⁄2" x 61⁄4"
(336)11⁄2" squares
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
Flower Block Construction
Follow the arrows to place fabric pieces with directional prints so that all prints will be rightreading in their final orientation. Disregard the arrows when using Fabrics M, N, O, and P for petals, as the prints are non-directional.
1. Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of (4) 23⁄4" Fabric A squares, 2 in 1 direction and 2 in the opposite direction. Repeat with (4) 1 1 ⁄ 2 " Fabric A squares. Fig. 1 Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of (16) 11⁄2" Fabric AC squares.
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
2. Arrange (4) marked 23⁄4" Fabric A squares on a Fabric Q 81⁄2" square as shown, noting orientation of corner squares for directional prints. Fig. 2a Stitch along marked lines. Trim seam allowances to 1⁄4". Press corners out to complete Unit 1. Follow the same method for all the following steps listing the stitch-andflip corner technique. Fig. 2b
Note orientation of corner squares
3. Arrange (2) marked Fabric AC 1 1⁄2" squares on top edge of a Fabric A 4" wide x 23⁄4" high piece as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique from step 2 to complete Unit 2a. Fig. 3
Fig. 3
4. In the same manner, make (1) each Units 2a-2d, noting orientation of each Fabric A piece. Fig. 4
Fig. 4
5. Arrange (1) marked Fabric A 11⁄2" square on a corner of a Fabric AC 23⁄4" square as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to complete Unit 3a. Fig. 5
6. In the same manner, make (1) each Units 3b-3d, noting orientation of each Fabric A piece. Fig. 6
7. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to add (1) marked Fabric AC 11⁄2" square on a corner of a Fabric A23
wide x 1
high piece as shown. Add a Fabric AC
piece as shown to complete Unit 4a. In the same manner, make Units 4b-4h, noting orientation of each Fabric A piece. Fig. 7
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
8. Arrange units 1 – 4h in rows as shown. Sew units on sides of Unit 1 together, then stitch to sides of Unit 1. Sew top and bottom units into rows, then sew to top and bottom of Unit 1 to complete (1) Flower Block (13" square unfinished). Fig. 8
9. Following Steps 1-8, make a total of 21 Flower Blocks referring to the Flower Blocks table below for fabric combinations and block quantities.
Fig. 6
Flower Block
Leaf Block Construction
10. Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of all the following Fabric AC squares: 31⁄2", 21⁄2", and 13⁄4".
11. Arrange (1) each marked Fabric AC 1 3⁄4" and 31⁄2" squares on opposite corners of a Fabric U 4" x 61⁄4" piece as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to make (1) Unit 5a Fig. 9 and (1) Unit 5b Fig. 10 , noting orientation of added corners.
Fig. 9
12. Stitch a Fabric Y 21⁄2" square, with stripes oriented vertically, to a 2" x 21⁄2" Fabric U piece as shown. Make (2) Unit 6. Fig. 11
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
13. Sew a Fabric U 41⁄4" x 4" piece to the side of a Unit 6 to make 1 each Units 7a and 7b, noting orientation of pieces. Fig. 12
Fig. 12
Fig. 12
14. 14. Arrange (1) each marked Fabric AC 13⁄4", 21⁄2", and 31⁄2" squares on corners of Units 7a and 7b as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to make (1) each Units 8a and 8b, noting orientation of added corners.
Fig. 13 Fig. 13
Fig. 13
15. Arrange Units 5a, 5b, 8a, 8b, 2 Fabric AC 61⁄4" x 5" pieces, (2) Fabric AC 61⁄4" x 11⁄2" pieces in columns on either side of a Fabric Y 1 1⁄ 2" x 13" strip as shown. Sew units and fabrics into columns, then stitch to sides of the Y strip to complete (1) M/Y Leaf Block (13" square unfinished). Fig. 14
Fig. 14 Fig. 14
Block - Make 6
16. Following Steps 11-15, make a total of 21 Leaf/Reverse Leaf Blocks referring to the Leaf Blocks table below for fabric combinations and block type and quantities.
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
Quilt Top Assembly
Follow the Quilt Layout diagram (page 9) while assembling the quilt. Press seam allowances towards sashing. Measure the Quilt Center width and height before cutting and adding borders and adjust border cut lengths if necessary to match your measurements.
17. Noting Quilt Layout diagram (page XX), arrange the blocks and Fabric AC 1 1⁄ 2 " x 13" sashing strips into (6) columns. Sew the blocks and strips into columns.
18. Sew the Fabric AC 1 1 ⁄ 2 " x WOF strips together end to end and cut into (5) 11⁄2" x 91" long sashing strips.
19. Sew rows together connected with Fabric AC 11⁄2" x 91" sashing strips to complete the quilt center (80 1⁄ 2" x 91" including seam allowances).
20. Sew the Fabric AC 3" x WOF strips together end to end and cut into (2) 3" x 91" and (2) 3" x 851⁄2" borders.
21. Stitch the 91"-long borders to the right and left sides of quilt center. Add the 851⁄2"-long borders to the top and bottom of the quilt center to complete the quilt top.
22. Sew together the 2 1⁄ 2" Fabric D binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
23. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
24. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
25. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Blooming Bouquet Dark Quilt
Quilt Layout
Quilt Layout
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
Featuring Untamed by Tula Pink
Collection: Untamed by Tula Pink
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Size:
Finished Sizes:
x 951⁄
(2.15m x 2.42 m)
Finished Block Size:
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
Project designed by Tula Pink | Tech edited by Alison M. Schmidt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Flowerfield Cosmic
PWTP243.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(B) Flowerfield Lunar PWTP243.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(C) Hello Dahlia Cosmic
(D) Hello Dahlia Moonbeam
(E) Peony for your Thoughts Nova
(F) Peony for your Thoughts Lunar
(G) Daisy and Confused Nova
(H) Daisy and Confused Moonbeam
(I) Puppy Love Nova
(J) Puppy Love Moonbeam
(K) Sweet Tooth Cosmic
(L) Sweet Tooth Moonbeam
(M) Impending Bloom Cosmic
(N) Impending Bloom Nova
(O) Impending Bloom Lunar
(P) Impending Bloom Moonbeam
(Q) Rainfall Cosmic
(R) Rainfall Lunar
(S) Light the Way Nova
(T) Light the Way Moonbeam
PWTP234.COSMIC 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWTP234.MOONBEAM* 11⁄4 yards (1.14m)
PWTP235.NOVA 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWTP235.LUNAR 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
PWTP236.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP236.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP237.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP237.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP238.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP238.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP240.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP240.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP241.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP241.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) *includes binding
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
Fabric Requirements (continued...)
(U) Check Please Cosmic
(V) Check Please Lunar PWTP242.LUNAR
(0.46m) (W) Check Please Nova PWTP242.NOVA
(0.57m) (X) Check Please Moonbeam
(Y) Neon Tent Stripe Cosmic PWTP069.COSMIC
(0.30m) (Z) Neon Tent Stripe Nova PWTP069.NOVA
(0.30m) (AA) Neon Tent Stripe Lunar PWTP069.LUNAR
yard (0.23m) (AB) Neon Tent Stripe Moonbeam
PWTP069.MOONBEAM 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AC) Fairy Flakes Paper
PWTP157.PAPER 57⁄8 yards (5.37m)
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Peony for your Thoughts Nova
PWTP235.NOVA 8 yards (7.32m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide Hello Dahlia Wide Cosmic
QBTP017.COSMIC 23⁄4 yards (2.51m)
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 93" x 104" (2.36m x 2.64m) quilt batting
• Removable fabric marking tool
WOF = Width of Fabric
Cut dimensions are listed as width x height throughout the pattern.
Fabrics A, B, K, S, and T, cut from each:
(1)4" x WOF; subcut
(4)23⁄4" wide x 4" high
(8)23⁄4" squares
(1)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(4)4" wide x 23⁄4" high
(8)11⁄2" wide x 23⁄4" high
(1)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(8)23⁄4" wide x 11⁄2" high
(8)11⁄2" squares
Fabrics C, E, F, G, and H, fussy cut from each:
(2)81⁄2" squares with desired motifs centered
Fabric D, cut:
(11)21⁄2" x WOF for binding
Fussy cut (2) 8 1 ⁄ 2 " squares with desired motifs centered
Fabrics I, Q, and R, cut from each:
(1)81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(2)81⁄2" squares
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
Fabric J, cut:
(1)81⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(3)81⁄2" squares
Fabric L, cut:
(1)4" x WOF; subcut
(6)23⁄4" wide x 4" high
(4)23⁄4" squares
(4)11⁄2" squares
(1)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(6)4" wide x 23⁄4" high pieces
(8)23⁄4" squares
(12)11⁄2" wide x 23⁄4" high
(2)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(12)23⁄4" wide x 11⁄2" high
(8)11⁄2" squares
Fabrics M, N, O, and P, cut from each:
(2)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(8)23⁄4" x 4"
(8)23⁄4" squares
(16)11⁄2" x 23⁄4"
(1)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(8)11⁄2" squares
Fabric U, cut:
(4)4" x WOF; subcut
(12)4" x 61⁄4"
(12)4" x 41⁄4"
(1)2" x WOF; subcut
(12)2" x 21⁄2"
Fabric W, cut:
(4)4" x WOF; subcut
(14)4" x 61⁄4"
(14)4" x 41⁄4"
(1)2" x WOF; subcut
(14)2" x 21⁄2"
Fabrics V and X, cut from each:
(3)4" x WOF; subcut
(8)4" x 61⁄4"
(8)4" x 41⁄4"
(8)2" x 21⁄2"
Fabric Y, cut:
(1)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(12)21⁄2" squares
(2)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(6)11⁄2" x 13"
Fabric Z, cut:
(1)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(14)21⁄2" squares
(3)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(7)11⁄2" x 13"
Fabrics AA and AB, cut from each:
(1)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(8)21⁄2" squares
(1)11⁄2" x 13"
(1)11⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(3)11⁄2" x 13"
Fabric AC, cut:
(9)3" x WOF for borders
(7)5" x WOF; subcut
(42)5" x 61⁄4"
(8)31⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(84)31⁄2" squares
(6)23⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(84)23⁄4" squares
(3)21⁄2" x WOF; subcut
(42)21⁄2" squares
(16)13⁄4" x WOF; subcut
(168)13⁄4" x 23⁄4"
(84)13⁄4" squares
(38)11⁄2" x WOF; set aside (12) 11⁄2" x WOF for long sashing strips
From remaining strips, subcut
(18)11⁄2" x 13" sashing strips
(42)11⁄2" x 61⁄4"
(336)11⁄2" squares
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even using matching thread. Press as directed after each seam.
Flower Block Construction
Follow the arrows to place fabric pieces with directional prints so that all prints will be rightreading in their final orientation. Disregard the arrows when using Fabrics M, N, O, and P petals, as the prints are non-directional.
1. Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of (4) 23⁄4" Fabric A squares, 2 in 1 direction and 2 in the opposite direction. Repeat with (4) 1 1 ⁄ 2 " Fabric A squares. Fig. 1 Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of (16) 11⁄2" Fabric AC squares.
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
2. Arrange (4) marked 23⁄4" Fabric A squares on a Fabric Q 81⁄2" square as shown, noting orientation of corner squares for directional prints. Fig. 2a Stitch along marked lines. Trim seam allowances to 1⁄4". Press corners out to complete Unit 1. Follow the same method for all the following steps listing the stitch-andflip corner technique. Fig. 2b Fig. 2a
Fig. 2a
Note orientation of corner squares
Fig. 2b
3. Arrange (2) marked Fabric AC 11⁄2" squares on top edge of a Fabric A 4" wide x 23⁄4" high piece as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique from step 2 to complete Unit 2a. Fig. 3
Fig. 3
4. In the same manner, make (1) each Units 2a-2d, noting orientation of each Fabric A piece. Fig. 4
Fig. 4
5. Arrange (1) marked Fabric A 11⁄2" square on a corner of a Fabric AC 23⁄4" square as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to complete Unit 3a. Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Fig. 5
6. In the same manner, make (1) each Units 3b-3d, noting orientation of each Fabric A piece. Fig. 6
Fig. 6
Fig. 6
7. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to add (1) marked Fabric AC 11⁄2" square on a corner of a Fabric A23⁄4" wide x 11⁄2" high piece as shown. Add a Fabric AC 11⁄2" x 23⁄4" piece as shown to complete Unit 4a. In the same manner, make Units 4b-4h, noting orientation of each Fabric A piece. Fig. 7
Fig. 7
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
8. Arrange units 1 – 4h in rows as shown. Sew units on sides of Unit 1 together, then stitch to sides of Unit 1. Sew top and bottom units into rows, then sew to top and bottom of Unit 1 to complete (1) Flower Block (13" square unfinished). Fig. 8
Fig. 7
9. Following Steps 1-8, make a total of 21 Flower Blocks referring to the Flower Blocks table below for fabric combinations and block quantities. Flower Blocks
Flower Block
Leaf Block Construction
10. Draw a diagonal line across the wrong side of all the following Fabric AC squares: 31⁄2", 21⁄2", and 13⁄4".
11. Arrange (1) each marked Fabric AC 1 3⁄4" and 31⁄2" squares on opposite corners of a Fabric U 4" x 61⁄4" piece as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to make (1) Unit 5a Fig. 9 and (1) Unit 5b Fig. 10 , noting orientation of added corners.
Fig. 9
12. Stitch a Fabric Y 21⁄2" square, with stripes oriented vertically, to a 2" x 21⁄2" Fabric U piece as shown. Make (2) Unit 6. Fig. 11
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
13. Sew a Fabric U 41⁄4" x 4" piece to the side of a Unit 6 to make 1 each Units 7a and 7b, noting orientation of pieces. Fig. 12
Fig. 12 Fig. 12
14. Arrange (1) each marked Fabric AC 13⁄4", 21⁄2", and 31⁄2" squares on corners of Units 7a and 7b as shown. Use the stitch-and-flip corner technique to make (1) each Units 8a and 8b, noting orientation of added corners.
Fig. 13
15. Arrange Units 5a, 5b, 8a, 8b, 2 Fabric AC 61⁄4" x 5" pieces, (2) Fabric AC 61⁄4" x 11⁄2" pieces in columns on either side of a Fabric Y 1 1⁄ 2" x 13" strip as shown. Sew units and fabrics into columns, then stitch to sides of the Y strip to complete (1) M/Y Leaf Block (13" square unfinished). Fig. 14 Fig. 14
Leaf Block - Make 6
16. Following Steps 11-15, make a total of 21 Leaf/Reverse Leaf Blocks referring to the Leaf Blocks table below for fabric combinations and block type and quantities.
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
Quilt Top Assembly
Follow the Quilt Layout diagram (page 9) while assembling the quilt. Press seam allowances towards sashing. Measure the Quilt Center width and height before cutting and adding borders and adjust border cut lengths if necessary to match your measurements.
17. Noting Quilt Layout diagram ( page 9 ) , arrange the blocks and Fabric AC 11⁄2" x 13" sashing strips into (6) columns. Sew the blocks and strips into columns.
18. Sew the Fabric AC 11⁄2" x WOF strips together end to end and cut into (5) 11⁄2" x 91" long sashing strips.
19. Sew rows together connected with Fabric AC 11⁄2" x 91" sashing strips to complete the quilt center (80 1⁄ 2" x 91" including seam allowances).
20. Sew the Fabric AC 3" x WOF strips together end to end and cut into (2) 3" x 91" and (2) 3" x 851⁄2" borders.
21. Stitch the 91"-long borders to the right and left sides of quilt center. Add the 851⁄2"-long borders to the top and bottom of the quilt center to complete the quilt top.
22. Sew together the 2 1⁄ 2" Fabric D binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
23. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
24. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
25. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Blooming Bouquet Light Quilt
Quilt Layout Quilt Layout
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
Featuring Untamed, Neon True Colors, and True Colors by Tula Pink
Collection: Untamed, Neon True Colors, and True Colors by Tula Pink
Technique: Pieced
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Finished Sizes:
Finished Size: 90" x 96" (228.60cm x 243.84cm)
Finished Block Size: 6" x 6" (15.24cm x 15.24cm)
All possible care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this pattern. We are not responsible for printing errors or the manner in which individual work varies. Please read the instructions carefully before starting this project. If kitting, it is recommended a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Project designed by Stacey Day | Tech edited by
Alison M. Schmidt
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Flowerfield Cosmic
PWTP243.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(B) Flowerfield Lunar PWTP243.LUNAR 1⁄3 yard (0.31m)
(C) Hello Dahlia Cosmic
(D) Hello Dahlia Moonbeam
(E) Peony for your Thoughts Nova
(F) Peony for your Thoughts Lunar
(G) Daisy and Confused Nova
(H) Daisy and Confused Moonbeam
(I) Puppy Love Nova
(J) Puppy Love Moonbeam
(K) Sweet Tooth Cosmic
(L) Sweet Tooth Moonbeam
(M) Impending Bloom Cosmic
(N) Impending Bloom Nova
PWTP234.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP234.MOONBEAM 1⁄3 yard (0.31m)
PWTP235.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP235.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP236.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP236.MOONBEAM 1⁄3 yard (0.30m)
PWTP237.NOVA 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP237.MOONBEAM 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP238.COSMIC 11⁄8 yards (1.03m)
PWTP238.MOONBEAM 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWTP239.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP239.NOVA 1⁄3 yard (0.30m)
(O) Impending Bloom Lunar PWTP239.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(P) Impending Bloom Moonbeam
(Q) Rainfall Cosmic
PWTP239.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP240.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
(R) Rainfall Lunar PWTP240.LUNAR 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(S) Light the Way Nova PWTP241.NOVA 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
(T) Light the Way Moonbeam
PWTP241.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
Fabric Requirements (continued...)
(U) Check Please Cosmic
(V) Check Please Lunar PWTP242.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (W) Check Please Nova PWTP242.NOVA 1⁄3 yard (0.30m)
(X) Check Please Moonbeam
(Y) Neon Tent Stripe Moonbeam
PWTP242.MOONBEAM 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP069.MOONBEAM 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (Z) Neon Pom Pom Cosmic
Pom Pom Lunar PWTP118.LUNAR
(AB) Neon Pom Pom Mystic
(AC) Neon Pom Pom Moonbeam
(AD) Neon Pom Pom Spirit
(AE) Wildflower Spring
(AF) Hexy Rainbow Peacock
PWTP118.MYSTIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP118.MOONBEAM 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP118.SPIRIT 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP149.SPRING 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP151.SHELL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP151.PEACOCK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (AG) Hexy Rainbow Shell
(AH) Neon Fairy Flakes Cosmic
(AI) Neon Fairy Flakes Lunar
(AJ) Neon Fairy Flakes Moonbeam
(AK) Neon Fairy Flakes Spirit
(AL) Tiny Dots Bluebell
(AM) Tiny Dots Cosmic
(AN) Tiny Dots Candy
PWTP157.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP157.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP157.MOONBEAM 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP157.SPIRIT 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP185.BLUEBELL 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP185.COSMIC 1⁄8 yard (0.11m)
PWTP185.CANDY 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) continued...
Fabric Requirements (continued...)
(AO) Tiny Dots
(AP) Tiny Dots Thistle
(AQ) Tiny Stripes Honesty
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
PWTP185.PEACOCK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m)
PWTP185.THISTLE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP186.HONESTY* 7⁄8 yard (0.80m) (AR) Tiny Stripes Mystic
(AS) Tiny Stripes Moonglow
PWTP186.MYSTIC 1⁄8 yard (0.11m)
PWTP186.MOONGLOW 1⁄3 yard (0.30m) (AT) Tiny Stripes Sunrise
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Puppy Love Moonbeam
PWTP186.SUNRISE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
PWTP237.MOONBEAM 8 yards (7.32m) OR
108" (2.74m) wide
Hello Dahlia Cosmic
Additional Recommendations
• 100% cotton thread in colors to match
• 98" x 105" (2.49m x 2.64m) quilt batting
QBTP017.COSMIC 3 yards (2.74m)
• Spray starch, starch alternative or fabric stabilizer
• 61⁄2"square rotary cutting ruler
Use the cutting diagrams (below as provided for the most efficient cutting from the cut of fabrics. Use the appropriate guide for the yardage and cut only what you need as listed in the directions. Not all fabrics will need each piece shown; the diagrams are to help visualize where to make your cuts. Always cut from largest piece to smallest as listed in the directions. Consider using a fabric stiffening spray to stabilize fabrics before cutting, as blocks will have bias edges.
WOF (40” w/o selvedges)
6 1/2” x 6 1/2” 6 1/2” x 6 1/2”
6 1/2” x 6 1/2” 6 1/2” x 6 1/2”
Additional 2 5/8” x 10“ pieces can be cut here.
Cutting layout options
(not all fabrics will require all the pieces shown)
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
WOF = Width of Fabric
Fabrics A , P, Q, T, U, AD, AE, AK, AL, and AO, cut from each:
(3) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles (6) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric B, cut:
(2) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(2) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (4) triangles
(6) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics C, E, G, and M, cut from each:
(4) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(6) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics D and AS, cut from each:
(2) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(2) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (4) triangles
(5) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric F, cut:
(3) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(2) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (4) triangles
(6) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics H and AA, cut from each:
(2) 61⁄2˝x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(3) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics I and AJ, cut from each:
(1) 61⁄2˝x 61⁄2"
(2) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (4) triangles
(2) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric J, cut:
(1) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(2) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric K, cut:
(10) 31⁄2" x WOF for outer border
Fabric L, cut:
(5*) 31⁄2" x WOF for inner border
*If you plan to join border strips with diagonal seams, cut 1 more WOF strip.
Fabric N, cut:
(3) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(4) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric O, cut:
(4) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(7) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric R, cut:
(2) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(1) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (2) triangles
(4) 25⁄8" x 10"
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
Fabric S, cut:
(2) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(2) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (4) triangles
(2) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics V and AI, cut from each:
(3) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(4) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (8) triangles
(5) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric W, cut:
(2) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(4) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics X and AC, cut from each:
(1) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(1) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (2) triangles
(3) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric Y, cut:
(1) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (2) triangles
(1) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabrics Z, AB, AF, and AH, cut from each:
(2) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(6) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric AG, cut:
(1) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(1) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (2) triangles
(4) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric AM, cut:
(2) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric AN, cut:
(3) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(3) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (6) triangles
(7) 25⁄8" x 10"
Fabric AP, cut:
(1) 61⁄2"x 61⁄2"
(1) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (2) triangles
Fabric AQ, cut:
(11) 21⁄2"* x WOF strips or enough 21⁄2"*-wide bias strips to make 107⁄8 yards (9.94m) of bias binding
*Or your preferred cut width for binding
Fabric AR, cut:
(1) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (2) triangles
Fabric AT, cut:
(1) 61⁄2" x 61⁄2"
(2) 4" x 4"; cut on one diagonal into (4) triangles
(1) 25⁄8" x 10"
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
Use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout. Sew all pieces with right sides together. Press as directed.
1. Refer to table (right) for fabric combinations and placement, arrange (2) 4 " triangles and (2) 25⁄8" x 10" strips together as shown. Sew together, matching centers, and press seams open or to one side, as you prefer. Using a 61⁄2" square ruler, line 2 ruler corners up with the center seam and trim the excess from the block to make a 61⁄2"x 61⁄2" block. Make the quantities of each block listed below. Note: Some fabrics will have a single triangle left over after all the blocks have been made.
Fig. 1
2. Arrange (28) 61⁄2" squares and (28) blocks together as shown into (8) rows of 7 elements, referring to the fabric letters and block numbers in the diagram for each row. Pay very close attention to the orientation of the pieced blocks in each row- all the blocks should have the diagonal seams running from top left to bottom right, and most block fabrics will match adjacent squares to create the houndstooth pattern. Sew into rows. TIP: If you are having difficulty with blocks stretching, pin at each end and sew with the block towards the feed dogs (61⁄2"fabric square on top), to allow the feed dogs on the machine to help manage the bias edges. Press the odd rows to the right and the even rows to the left, so seams will nest. Sew the rows together in order, pinning to match seam intersections, and press down to make a quilt center 421⁄2" x 481⁄2".
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
Tip: Set the blocks up on a design wall or lay them out flat in their rows and double check the fabric placement by taking a photograph. Look for any blocks that may not be oriented correctly and adjust them.
3. Sew together all the Fabric L 31⁄2" x WOF strips end to end. Cut (4) 481⁄2"long inner border strips.
Sew an inner border strip to the left and right sides of the quilt center. Press towards Fabric L, then sew the remaining inner borders to the top and bottom. Press towards Fabric L.
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2b
Fig. 2b
4. Arrange (21) 61⁄2" squares and (21) blocks together into (3) rows of 14 elements as shown, referring to the fabric letters and block numbers in the diagram for each row. Pay very close attention to the orientation of the pieced blocks in each row- in this and all remaining sections, all the blocks should have the diagonal seams oriented opposite of the quilt center. Sew the elements into rows. Press the odd rows to the right and the even rows to the left. Then sew the rows together to complete the top pieced border (901⁄2" x 181⁄2").
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
5. Arrange (13) 61⁄2" squares and (14) blocks together into (9) rows of 3 elements as shown, referring to the fabric letters and block numbers in the diagram for each row. Make sure the diagonals are oriented matching the top border. Sew together in the same manner as step 4 but press the seams in the odd rows to the left, and the even rows to the right, to complete the left side pieced border (181⁄2" x 541⁄2").
Fig. 3
6. Repeat step 5 using (14) 61⁄2" squares and (13) blocks to complete the right side pieced border (181⁄2" x 541⁄2").
Fig. 5
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
7. Repeat step 4 using (21) 61⁄2" squares and (21) blocks to complete the bottom pieced border (901⁄2" x 181⁄2").
Fig. 6
8. Sew the left and right side borders to the quilt center, paying very close attention to the orientation of the borders and the quilt center. The diagonal block seams in the quilt center will point to the top left corner, but in the borders, they will all point to the top right corner. Press towards Fabric L.
9. In the same manner, sew the top and bottom borders to the quilt center, paying very close attention to the orientation of the borders and the quilt center. Press towards Fabric L.
10. Sew the Fabric K 3 1 ⁄ 2 " x WOF strips together end to end and cut (4) 901⁄2"-long outer border strips. Sew an outer border strip to the left and right sides of the quilt center. Press towards Fabric K, then sew the remaining outer borders to the top and bottom to complete the quilt top. Press towards Fabric K.
Fig. 6
Rainbow Regalia Quilt
11. Sew together the 21⁄2" Fabric AQ binding strips end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Press the binding strip in half wrong sides together.
12. Layer backing (wrong side up), batting, and quilt top (right side up). Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim excess batting and backing even with the top after quilting is completed.
13. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew the binding to the top of the quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where the loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding right sides together. Trim seam to 1⁄4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
14. Turn the binding to the back of quilt and hand-stitch in place.
Quilt Layout
Quilt Layout
Featuring Untamed by Tula Pink
Aunt June’s Flower Garden Quilt
Finished Size: 60" x 80" (1.52m x 2.03m)
Project designed by Julie Herman-Lazy Girl Designs
Purchase pattern at lazyangle.com
Technique: Pieced with Jumbo Lazy Angle Ruler, LGD 902 | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Aunt June’s Flower Garden Quilt
Fabric Requirements
(A) 24 pc. Fat Quarter Bundle
(B) Light the Way Nova
(C) Light the Way Moonbeam
(D) Check Please Moonbeam
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately) 44" (1.12m) wide
yards (2.51m)
yards (1.14m)
yard (0.57m)
Hello Dahlia Cosmic PWTP234.COSMIC 5 yards (4.57m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Hello Dahlia Cosmic QBTP017.COSMIC
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
yards (2.29m)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
Flower Block Quilt
Finished Size: 96" x 110" (2.43m x 2.79m)
Project designed by Bess Casey Wilke
Purchase pattern at sidelakestitch.com
Technique: Pieced | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Featuring Untamed by Tula Pink
Fabric Requirements
(A) Untamed Untamed FQ Bundle
(B) Tiny Dots & Stripes Tiny Dots & Stipes FQ Bundle
(C) Tiny Stripes Clarity
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Puppy Love Nova
Flower Block Quilt
PWTP186.CLARITY* 5⁄8 yard (0.57m)
PWTP237.NOVA 91⁄2 yards (8.69m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Hello Dahlia Cosmic
QBTP017.COSMIC 31⁄2 yards (3.20m)
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
(A) (B)
Featuring Untamed by Tula Pink
No Shrinking Violet Quilt
Finished Size: 95" x 95" (2.41m x 2.41m)
Project designed by Robin Long - Robin Ruth Design
Purchase pattern at robinruthdesign.com
Technique: Strip Pieced Mariner’s Compass Blocks using the Fat Robin 16-Point Book/Ruler Combo, and Applique
Skill Level: Intermediate
No Shrinking Violet Quilt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Hello Dahlia Cosmic
(B) Hello Dahlia Moonbeam
(C) Peony for your Thoughts Nova
(D) Peony for your Thoughts Lunar
(E) Daisy and Confused Nova
(F) Daisy and Confused Moonbeam
(G) Puppy Love Nova
(H) Puppy Love Moonbeam
(I) Sweet Tooth* Cosmic
(J) Sweet Tooth Moonbeam
(K) Impending Bloom
(L) Rainfall
(M) Light the Way Nova
(N) Light the Way Moonbeam
(O) Check Please Nova
(P) Check Please Moonbeam
(Q) Fairy Dust Cotton Candy
* includes binding
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
(5.49m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide
Hello Dahlia Wide
Fabric Swatches on next page...
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
No Shrinking Violet Quilt
Fabric Swatches
Backing 44"
Backing 108"
Featuring Untamed by Tula Pink
Untamed Garden Quilt
Finished Size: 631⁄2" x 731⁄2" (1.61m x 1.86m)
Project designed by Antonie Alexander-The Red Boot Quilt Co.
Purchase pattern at theredbootquiltcompany.com Technique: Pieced and Hand, Machine or Fusible Applique | Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Untamed Garden Quilt
Fabric Requirements
(A) Flowerfield
(B) Flowerfield
Cosmic PWTP243.COSMIC 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
Lunar PWTP243.LUNAR 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(C) Hello Dahlia Cosmic PWTP234.COSMIC 3⁄4 yard (0.69m)
(D) Hello Dahlia
(E) Peony for your Thoughts
PWTP234.MOONBEAM 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
Nova PWTP235.NOVA 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(F) Peony for your Thoughts Lunar PWTP235.LUNAR 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(G) Daisy and Confused
(H) Daisy and Confused
(I) Puppy Love
(J) Puppy Love
Nova PWTP236.NOVA 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
Moonbeam PWTP236.MOONBEAM 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
Nova PWTP237.NOVA 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
Moonbeam PWTP237.MOONBEAM 1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(K) Sweet Tooth Cosmic
(L) Sweet Tooth
(M) Impending Bloom
1⁄2 yard (0.46m)
(N) Impending Bloom Nova PWTP239.NOVA 1⁄2 yard (0.46m) (O) Impending Bloom
Lunar PWTP239.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (P) Impending Bloom Moonbeam PWTP239.MOONBEAM 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (Q) Rainfall
Cosmic PWTP240.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (R) Rainfall Lunar PWTP240.LUNAR 3⁄4 yard (0.69m) (S) Light the Way Nova PWTP241.NOVA* 1 yard (0.91m) (T) Light the Way Moonbeam PWTP241.MOONBEAM 1⁄2 yard (0.46m) (U) Check Please Cosmic PWTP242.COSMIC 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (V) Check Please Lunar PWTP242.LUNAR 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (W) Check Please Nova PWTP242.NOVA 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (X) Check Please Moonbeam PWTP242.MOONBEAM 1⁄2 yard (0.46m) (Y) Mineral Amber PWTP148.AMBER 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (Z) Mineral Citrine
PWTP148.CITRINE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AA) Mineral Morganite
PWTP148.MORGANITE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AB) Mineral Opal
PWTP148.OPAL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AC) Mineral
PWTP148.TOPAZ 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AD) Tiny Stripes
PWTP186.WILDFIRE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AE) Tiny Stripes
PWTP186.SUNRISE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AF) Tiny Stripes
PWTP186.SONGBIRD 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AG) Tiny Stripes
PWTP186.PETAL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AH) Tiny Stripes
PWTP186.MOONGLOW 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AI) Tiny Stripes
Misty PWTP186.MISTY 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AJ) Tiny Dots
PWTP185.BLUEBELL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AK) Tiny Dots
Candy PWTP185.CANDY 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AL) Tiny Dots
PWTP185.COSMIC 3⁄4 yard (0.69m) (AM) Tiny Dots
PWTP185.FLARE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AN) Tiny Dots
* includes binding
PWTP185.MEADOW 1⁄8 yard (0.11m)
continued on next page...
Untamed Garden Quilt
Fabric Requirements (continued...)
(AO) Tiny Dots Peachy
PWTP185.PEACHY 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (AP) Tiny Dots Peacock
PWTP185.PEACOCK 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AQ) Tiny Dots Sky
PWTP185.SKY 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AR) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Aegea
CSFSESS.AEGEA 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AS) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Amethyst
CSFSESS.AMETHYST 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (AT) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Cajun
CSFSESS.CAJUN 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AU) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Cerulean
CSFSESS.CERUL 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AV) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Cornflower
CSFSESS.CORNF 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AW) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Cricket
CSFSESS.CRICK 3⁄8 yard (0.34m) (AX) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Freesia
CSFSESS.FREES 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (AY) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Hibiscus
CSFSESS.HIBIS 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (AZ) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Legendary
CSFSESS.LEGENDARY 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (BA) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Marigold
CSFSESS.MARIGOLD FQ (45.72cm x 53.34cm) (BB) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Matcha
CSFSESS.MATCHA 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (BC) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Sparkle
CSFSESS.SPARKLE 1⁄4 yard (0.23m) (BD) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Snapdragon
CSFSESS.SNAPDRAGON FQ (45.72cm x 53.34cm) (BE) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Sea Breeze
CSFSESS.SEABR 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (BF) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Stargazer
CSFSESS.STARGAZER 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (BG) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Persimmon
CSFSESS.PERSI 1⁄8 yard (0.11m) (BH) Tula Pink Designer Essential Solid Tula
Backing (Purchased Separately)
44" (1.12m) wide
Puppy Love
CSFSESS.TULAX 1⁄4 yard (0.23m)
Nova PWTP237.NOVA 41⁄2 yards (4.11m) OR 108" (2.74m) wide Hello Dahlia
QBTP017.COSMIC 21⁄2 yards (2.29m)
Fabric Swatches on next page...
If kitting, refer to the final pattern for yardage amounts, it is recommended that a sample is made to confirm accuracy.
Untamed Garden Quilt
Fabric Swatches
continued on next page...
Untamed Garden Quilt
Fabric Swatches
Backing 44"
Backing 108"