Summary of
Fungicide Recommendations
Cereals and Oilseed Rape 2015 Season
Winter Wheat T1
Lay the yield foundation Best performance following a T0 chlorothalonil (Septoria protection) + tebuconazole (early rust eradication) spray.
Key aim To maintain protection of leaves 3 and 4 from Septoria, rusts, mildew and cover any risk of stem base disease, aiming to keep leaf 2 clean ahead of flag leaf emergence.
Timing GS 31-32, leaf 3 emerged. Target Leaves 3 and 4 + stem base.
What to use and best practice
Proline275 0.55 L/ha plus CTL For broad spectrum foliar and stem base disease control. • Covers Septoria, yellow rust, mildew, true eyespot and early season Fusarium inoculum management. • If yellow rust has escaped the T0 timing and is active in the crop add a strobilurin to 0.55 L/ha Proline275 + CTL. Can switch to 1.35 L/ha Firefly155 + CTL for pre-formulated solution. • Where the T1 is delayed or in very high early Septoria pressure seasons, substitute the CTL with bixafen i.e. use 1.0 L/ha Aviator235Xpro.
Aviator235Xpro 1.0 L/ha plus CTL At T1 for broad spectrum foliar disease control and non-disease crop health and yield benefits. • Use CTL with Aviator235Xpro only in protectant situations following a T0. • Do not add in CTL where timings are delayed. • If established rust in the crop, substitute CTL for a rust active strobilurin.
Winter Wheat T2
Build the yield Best performance following a robust, well-timed T1.
Key aim Protect the flag leaf from Septoria and rusts and maintain green leaf area. Eradicate disease on leaf 2 which escaped the T1 timing.
Timing GS 37-39, flag leaf fully emerged. Target Leaves 1 and 2.
What to use and best practice
Aviator235Xpro 1.0 -1.25 L/ha For broad spectrum foliar disease control and non-disease crop health and yield benefits. • Unlike other SDHI + azole co-formulations, no need to add CTL for Septoria at T2. • No need to add rust-active strobilurin for extra knock-down in a well-managed programme, but advisable with any new SDHI + azole co-formulation if rust has escaped onto the flag leaf by T2, or if sprays are delayed on rust-prone varieties with active disease in the crop. • Use 1.25 L/ha Aviator235Xpro if extra eradicant activity required where the T2 unavoidably delayed.
Aviator235Xpro and Adexar at T2 in 2014 12.0
100 90
Yield t/ha
11.0 60 10.5
10.0 30 20 9.5 10 0
9.0 Aviator235Xpro 1.0 L/ha
Aviator235Xpro 1.25 L/ha
Adexar 1.25 L/ha
Adexar 1.5 L/ha
% Septoria control
15 BCS and 5 AICC trials in 2014. Average UTD yield = 9.1 (t/ha). Average untreated disease score across L1 + 2 = 29 %. All other treatments applied as oversprays. *Average treatement cost £/ha based on prices from GfK Kynetec Webprice survey 2014.
Winter Wheat T3
Protect the quality Best performance following a well-timed T2 such as Aviator235Xpro.
Key aim To ensure long-lasting suppression of the whole ear blight complex e.g. Microdochium nivale and all true Fusarium species, as well as sooty moulds. To help extend flag leaf disease protection to harvest (especially in extended growing seasons/regions). Timing GS 59-65, early to mid anthesis. Target Ear and flag leaf. What to use and best practice
Proline275 0.55 L/ha For broad spectrum suppression of seed infecting Microdochium nivale and mycotoxin-forming yield robbers Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum. Will also provide extended Septoria and rust protection. • Best integrated activity on the full ear blight complex. • Best mycotoxin suppression. • Covers sooty moulds. • Provides extended Septoria and rust protection. As with all T3 fungicides, in difficult late season brown and/or yellow rust epidemics, or where rust has escaped the prior programme, add 60-80 g/ha of rust active strobilurin or tebuconazole.
Maximising ear blight control at GS 63-65 using Proline275 12
10 80 9
Yield t/ha
4 30 3 20 2 10
0 Proline275 0.55 L/ha
Tebuconazole 0.75 L/ha
% Fusarium control
70 8
Mean of 2 inoculated trials (FERA and Harper Adams). AVG untreated stats; yield 3.3T/ha, TGW 33.1 HLH 59.1, DON 44683, Fusarium infection 52.3%. T3 application made at GS 63.
Oilseed Rape Light leaf spot control Key aim To protect leaves from initial infection from air-borne ascospores and subsequent rain splashed conidiospores. Spores landing on leaves can germinate and produce lesions within 14 days in optimum conditions so optimally timed treatment is essential. What to use and best practice
Proline275 0.46 L/ha Apply in the late autumn often before symptoms have been seen to ensure the crop is protected from ascospore infection going into the winter. Higher rates up to 0.63 L/ha can be considered in areas where disease pressure is higher. Then monitor crop from early January using lens and bags to incubate leaves to spot infection and be prepared to apply a further minimum of 0.32 L/ha Proline275 as soon as infection is detected.
Sclerotinia control Key aim To protect petals and stems from infection from ascospores released from apothecia germinating within the crop or in fields nearby. What to use and best practice
Proline275 0.46 L/ha Apply at early to mid-flowering. Follow up with 0.32 L/ha three weeks later if flowering continues. OR
Proline275 0.46 - 0.63 L/ha If using a single spray approach apply at mid-flowering.
A split spray approach has been shown to be the best, especially in high disease pressure situations or when flowering is prolonged. In a split spray approach the first spray will have the biggest impact on final yields, Proline275 has been shown to perform better at this timing than competitors. Where a single application is used, if flowering is prolonged, the crop will not be fully protected against later infections of Sclerotinia.
Winter Barley T1
Build the yield
Key aim The most important and responsive spray timing in winter barley, aiming to protect leaf 3 from all foliar disease, to eradicate disease on leaf 4 and to ensure effective suppression of stem-base disease to optimise tiller survival. Timing GS 29-31. Target Leaves 3 and 4. What to use and best practice
Fandango 1.0 L/ha Use on lower yield potential crops. OR
SiltraXpro 0.6 L/ha Use on higher yield potential crops, or where disease pressure is elevated.
Protect the yield
Key aim Foliar disease top-up: net blotch and Rhynchosporium in all areas; brown rust in the south and east; Rhynchosporium in the north and west in cool wet summers or Ramularia in the north and west is particularly important if there are periods of leaf wetness in spring and/or if crops are stressed. Timing GS 39-49. Target Leaves 1 and 2. What to use and best practice
Fandango 0.75 L/ha Use on lower yield potential crops. If Ramularia is the target of the T2 spray then the addition of 500 g/ha CTL to Fandango is advised. OR
SiltraXpro 0.4 - 0.6 L/ha Use on higher disease potential crops or where disease pressure is elevated. If Ramularia is the target of the T2 spray then the addition of 500 g/ha CTL to SiltraXpro is advised. Use the higher rate of 0.6 L/ha where disease pressure is high or where the period of green canopy is extended (ie. Scotland). Benefits Prothioconazole can offset the need for a specific mildewicide, infections of mildew can reduce green leaf area. Bixafen in SiltraXpro is at the most effective dose for barley to avoid over-extending crop greening effects. Bixafen and prothioconazole are formulated to work together in SiltraXpro for effective, mutual, Rhynchosporium, net blotch and Ramularia resistance management.
Spring Barley T1
Build the yield
Key aim To protect against Rhynchosporium, net blotch, mildew and brown rust this is particularly important in the east. Timing GS 25-31. Target Mid to late tillering. What to use and best practice
Fandango 0.75 L/ha Use on lower yield potential crops. OR
SiltraXpro 0.4 L/ha Use on higher yield potential crops where soil moisture is less of a limiting factor or where soils are particularly fertile.
Protect the yield
Key aim The most important timing for economic yield responses in spring barley, especially Rhynchosporium in the eastern region if the summer has been wet. In the northern and western regions this is the key time to control Ramularia and Rhynchosporium. The best responses to fungicides are seen at this timing in spring barley. Timing GS 39-49. Target Top 3 leaves. What to use and best practice
Fandango 0.75 L/ha Use on lower yield potential crops. If Ramularia is the target of the T2 spray then the addition of 500 g/ha CTL to Fandango is advised. OR
SiltraXpro 0.4 - 0.6 L/ha Use on higher yielding crops. If Ramularia is the target of the T2 spray then the addition of 500 g/ha CTL to SiltraXpro is advised. Use the higher rate of 0.6 L/ha where disease pressure is high or where the period of green canopy is extended (ie. Scotland).
Proline275 contains prothioconazole. Aviator235Xpro contains prothioconazole and bixafen, Firefly155 contains prothioconazole and fluoxastrobin, SiltraXpro contains prothioconazole and bixafen, Fandango contains prothioconazole and fluoxastrobin, Folicur contains tebuconazole. All are registered trademarks of Bayer. Adexar contains epoxiconazole and fluxapyroxad and is a registered trademark of BASF. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Pay attention to the risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to ŠBayer CropScience Limited 2015
Bayer CropScience Ltd. 230 Cambridge Science Park Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0WB Bayer Assist: 0845 6092266 or 01223 226644