1 minute read
railway for solutions
Railway Expert And Commentator
Lalit Chandra Trivedi
The stated strategy in railways is to charge more for a commodity with inelastic demand for transportation by rail as alternatives are not feasible to maximise freight earnings.
IR’s problem is empty haulage of wagons like boxwagons in return direction, unlike covered wagons used for transportation of cement/food grain etc which are loaded in both directions.
Recommended strategy
1. Cut down staff cost presently costing 60-70% of the total input cost.
2. Use of technology to optimise wagon utilisation by eliminating empty running.
3. Expeditious completion of DFCC , particularly commencing work on Sonnagar - Dankuni (Kolkata) 500 kms stretch where even tendering process is awaited.
4. Mechanising loading and unloading processes to cut down terminal detention .
5. Action plan for increasing permissible axle loads.
6. Increasing average speeds of good trains from 25 km/h to 50 km/h.