Fremantle Arts Centre (FAC) is a multidisciplinary contemporary arts hub situated in Walyalup (Fremantle) on Whadjuk Nyoongar Boodjar, a place celebrated for its innovation, culture and Housedcreativity.inanextraordinary gothic heritage building and lush leafy grounds, our annual program includes curated contemporary visual arts exhibitions and a diverse range of multi-disciplinary performance, music and conversations. We support a unique artist in residence program, extensive creative learning classes and support WA designers and makers via our shop FOUND.
Fremantle Arts Centre is situated at Walyalup on Whadjuk Nyoongar Boodjar. We acknowledge the Whadjuk people as the traditional owners and custodians of these lands and waterways and extend our respect to their Elders, past and present. We offer our heartfelt gratitude to the Whadjuk community and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who continue to care for Country and share their knowledge – this generosity and wisdom helps us to understand and navigate Country safely and respectfully. wanjoo welcomewanjoo

VISUAL Nih!RevealedARTSExhibitionYorgaWaangkiny Yey A Gentle Misinterpretation Jila Kujarra: Two Snakes Dreaming Tania Ferrier: Pop Porn SPECIAL Disclosure:EVENTSBeg,Borrow & Steal An Evening with the Collection: Tania Ferrier FAC Yeah! FAC Community Choir Pecha Kucha Karaoke! Music CONTEMPORARYMOORESAdultKids'CREATIVEBusterStoryFAMILYGigsFUNTimeLEARNINGCoursesCoursesBUILDINGART SPACE ABOUT CalendarAccessContactOurOurFOUNDCreativeUSCampusPeoplePartnersUs contents 3020108642121416181921212226242831323334 JULY — SEPTEMBERFAC.ORG.AU2022

RUNS SAT 7 MAY – SUN 31 JUL / FREE ENTRY ARTSVISUAL The 2022 Revealed Exhibition celebrates the creativity, ambition, and diversity of contemporary Aboriginal Art practice in Western Australia. Dedicated to showcasing new work and the best emerging WA Aboriginal Artists working across remote, regional and metropolitan areas, the Revealed Exhibition is a generous and diverse visual feast – with over 250 works from 100 artists. Explore works which range from highly traditional to cutting edge in a range of mediums including painting, installation, textiles, photography, print, video, weaving and sculpture. Visit fac.org.au for the full list of exhibiting artists. All works in the exhibition are for sale. TACTILE TOUR THU 7 JUL / 10:15AM Visit fac.org.au for details revealed exhibition Image: Dora Parker, Pukara, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 110 x 85cm. Image courtesy the artist and Spinifex Arts Project 3 NEW AND EMERGING WA ABORIGINAL ARTISTS

Nih! Yorga Waangkiny Yey features a small but considered collection of works by Nyoongar women, each at different stages of their lives and creative careers. Together they come together to yarn and reflect on their lives and the worlds they Visitorsshare.are invited to respectfully explore, to djennung (look) and nih Curated(listen).by artist and curator Yabini Kickett, Nih! Yorga Waangkiny Yeh unites Burdiyah (bosses/leaders), revered and loved by community, with younger women just beginning their creative and cultural journeys. The exhibition celebrates the enduring strength and creativity of Nyoongar yorga and the legacies they leave. waangkinyyorga
Ilona McGuire Lola LaurelMcKickettNannup CURATOR Yabini Kickett 5
Image: Kirla Boodja Bull Ant Country, 2018. by Yabini Kickett
ARTISTS Sharyn Egan Bella

Carr David Charles Collins Theo residentsJingdezhen+AndrewCherishPilarTarrynSusanCostantinoFlavellGillMataDupontMarringtonNichollsVariousartisansfromChinaandofBrighton,UK
TACTILE TOUR THU 29 SEP / 10:15AM Visit fac.org.au for more details
CURATOR Andrew Nicholls
Image: Andrew Nicholls and Jingdezhen artisans, Untitled (Cobalt Skull #1), hand-painted cobalt on porcelain, dimensions variable. Cobalt painting by Yu Xuan, 2016. Photography by Bewley Shaylor
‘Chinoiserie’, the Western appropriation of Asian aesthetics, briefly represented the height of fashion for European aristocracy during the early eighteenth century, before falling out of favour and being variously characterised as effeminate, immoral and transgressive. Today the style remains something of a guilty pleasure, via its undeniable aesthetic charm, but intensely problematic and kitsch appropriation of Asian Conceivedculture.andcurated by Andrew Nicholls, A Gentle Misinterpretation: Australian Artists and Chinoiserie features new works by twelve Australian artists investigating this fascinating legacy. The exhibition will transform FAC’s gallery spaces into an opulent, sensual and comedic exploration of one of Western culture’s most fascinating aesthetic curiosities.
ARTISTS Abdul Abdullah Casey TanijaSandraNathanAyresBeardBlackandGraham

TACTILE TOUR THU 29 SEP / 10:15AM Visit fac.org.au for more details
— Desmond Taylor, 2019 9 jila kujarra
Jila Kujarra: Two Snakes Dreaming, is an exciting cross-cultural collaboration between Warnman artist Desmond Taylor and Boorloo-based textiles practitioner Mariaan Pugh. Taylor and Pugh have worked together to transform Taylor’s Niminjarra paintings, usually seen on canvas or paper, into highly tactile textile works, animating the important Niminjarra Jukurrpa (Dreaming). This body of work is borne of Taylor’s desire to see his artworks reimagined through a textile medium and is a contemporary crafting of important ancestral stories deeply rooted in Warnman Ngurra (Country). The dynamic intercultural collaboration between Desmond Taylor and textiles practitioner and educator Mariaan Pugh continues the practice of cultural and creative exchange, driven by Taylor and other Martu artists through Martumili Artists, sharing narratives and understandings of the world from the Great Sandy, Little Sandy and Gibson deserts with national and international audiences.
Image: Mariaan Pugh & Desmond Taylor, Niminjarra, 2022, assorted yarn, monks cloth. Image courtesy of the artists
ARTISTS Desmond Taylor Warnman Peoples, WA Mariaan Pugh CURATORS Glenn Iseger-Pilkington and Martumili Artists “Niminjarra is the two brothers transforming into a snake so they can come back home to Ngayartakujarra (Lake Dora). They were in training for ceremony, those two brothers, but they were kept too long, and nobody was there to release them. They waited then they decided to transform into snakes to travel back to where they came from, because their mother was waiting for them. This is Jukurrpa (Dreaming story).”

This City of Fremantle Art Collection exhibition presents a series of Ferrier’s new print works and short animated videos alongside a survey of her internationally renowned Angry Underwear project. Continuing Ferrier’s decades-long feminist practice, the new body of digital prints use photo-montage to reassemble ‘taboo’ 1980’s Playboy Challengingcentrefolds.misogynistic ideals and giving voice to feminine authority, Ferrier reimagines women’s bodies from passive, objectified figures into dynamic surrealist forms. new works featured in Pop Porn were developed while Ferrier was in residence at Fremantle Arts Centre in 2021.
ARTIST Tania Ferrier CURATORS André Lipscombe and Tania Ferrier
Image: Angel wearing Tania’s Angry Underwear at Wild Fyre men’s club in Brooklyn, New York, 1988. Photography by Tania Ferrier. Image courtesy the artist Tania Ferrier’s new exhibition Pop Porn is a reverent acknowledgement of women’s and an investigation into the representation of women in popular pornography of the 1980s.
tania ferrier: pop porn

BEG, BORROW AND STEAL WITH ANDREW NICHOLLS Image: Andrew Nicholls. Photography by David Charles Collins
TUE 30 AUG / 6 – 8PM / FREE ENTRY disclosure
Disclosure is a quarterly evening of discourse and ideas, a space of ambition and experimentation. From art theory to contemporary identity, Disclosure presenters will share knowledge and experience from their own unique vantage points, challenging us to see the world through a different lens, if only for an evening.
In this Disclosure, Boorloo-based artist and curator Andrew Nicholls takes you on a journey through key themes and ideas that are unpacked with A Gentle Misinterpretation: Australian Artists and Chinoiserie (p6), Nicholls’ most recent curatorial endeavour, opening at Fremantle Arts Centre on Friday 12 August. Join us for this lecture that will delve into the problematically kitsch appropriation of Asian culture known as Chinoiserie, and a broader discussion of appropriation in art. Before the night ends, there will be time to mingle over a beverage to keep the ideas flowing.

Image courtesy
for details and to register your attendance. an witheveningthecollection THU 22 SEP / 6:30 – 8:30PM / FREE ENTRY Image:
The City of Fremantle Art Collection is the largest municipal art collection in Western Australia. order to share the rich and diverse array of artworks held by the City, we’re inviting you to join us for An Evening with the Collection – a quarterly night of conversation hosted by André Lipscombe, the Collection’s Curator. coincide with her solo City of Fremantle Art Collection exhibition Pop Porn, Tania Ferrier and special guests will join Andre to discuss the impact and relevance of Ferrier’s iconic Angry Underwear project and the new body of work she developed for the exhibition. soon. fac.org.au Tania Ferrier, Autuer, 2021, inkjet print on paper, 110 x 80cm. the artist TANIA FERRIER
Guest speakers announced

EVENTSPECIAL If you need a midweek feel-good boost, look no further than FAC Yeah! Fremantle Arts Centre’s popular new choir is a wholesome high point in the week. Singing with a group of like-minded friends, new and old, makes you feel great. Led by local music sensation Natalie Gillespie, FAC Yeah! is a fun drop-in group where you can fill your lungs, and your heart, and have a ball singing. New members welcome at any time. Singing chops not required, just turn up and join in. Visit fac.org.au the day before each session for song details and winter venue updates. fac yeah! COMMUNITY CHOIR FORTNIGHTLY FROM TUE 5 JUL / 7 – 8:30PM / FREE ENTRY Image: Photography by Miles Noel 17
FRI 22
pecha karaokekucha!
The rules are simple. A screen, a microphone, 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. That’s pecha kucha! As the closing party for Revealed and Nih! Yeyi Yorga Waangkiny, this edition of Pecha Kucha celebrates First Nations people, cultures and Pechaexperiences.Kuchapresentations
will see a diverse group of speakers share the inspiring projects they’re working on in communities across WA. Stick around as we follow that up with some joyful karaoke hosted by House of Bok. They have curated a list of karaoke classics that reveal the diverse musical tastes of First Nations People, from Country love songs to hip-hop beats, and everywhere in between. JUL / 6:30PM Photography by Jarrad Seng

music gigs LINEUP + TICKETS AT FAC.ORG.AU Fremantle Arts Centre is one of Perth’s most iconic spaces to enjoy live music. Whether you’re watching an up close, intimate performance in the Inner Courtyard, enjoying a picnic in the sunshine at a relaxed Front Garden show or dancing with thousands of fellow music lovers on the South Lawn, the beautiful setting makes every concert experience at Fremantle Arts Centre a memorable one. UPCOMING SHOWS CROOKED COLOURS FRI 19 AUG / 6—10PM LEON BRIDGES SUN 25 SEP / 6—10PM Subscribe at fac.org.au and follow us on socials to stay up to date with all our concert announcements. Image: Leon Bridges 19

WEEKDAYS TUE 5 – FRI 15 JUL FAC Kids’ Courses are a fun and creative school holiday activity. Kids learn new artistic techniques in an encouraging, hands-on environment, with streams for younger kids (5–7), older kids (8–12) and teens. Budding artists can try their hand at: TEXTILESSCULPTUREPRINTMAKINGMOSAICSPAINTING +MUSICDRAWINGCLAYMUCHMORE kids’ courses Browse the full program and enrol at fac.org.au

busterstory time FORTNIGHTLY FROM FRI 1 JUL 10AM / FREE / FOR KIDS 0–6 Join us for Story Time – a perfect introduction to our galleries for young children and families. These fun and engaging sessions are presented by a lively storyteller. Each week features a new book, sing-alongs and a craft activity. Buster is a free City of Fremantle program for families to learn and play Bustertogether.runsweekly during school terms. WEDNESDAYS / 9:30AM / FREE BEST SUITED FOR KIDS 0–6 21

Fremantle Arts Centre offers adult art classes that cater for all abilities from absolute beginners to experienced creatives. Choose from weekday, weekend and night classes to suit your schedule. Try a new medium in a one-day course or really hone your skills over the full term. FAC classes are taught by highly skilled and experienced artists. Class sizes are small to ensure you get the hands-on support and guidance needed to build your confidence and technical knowledge. LEARNINGCREATIVEadult courses TERM 3 RUNS MON 25 JUL – SUN 25 SEP There’s an ever-growing range of classes to try in: DESIGN,JEWELLERYPRINTMAKINGDRAWINGPAINTINGCERAMICSTEXTILES & CRAFT CREATIVE WRITING ARTMUSICHISTORY Browse the full program and enrol at fac.org.au. Become a member for discounts and early enrolment. 23
Fremantle Arts Centre is a place for artists, for ideas and Acrossdiscourse.ourcreative campus we are committed to fostering a community of innovation and inspiration, collaboration and curiosity, risk taking and rigour. We support artistic excellence and experimentation through our studio program, offering free studio space for artists of all disciplines to develop their practice and ideas. COMPANY IN RESIDENCE Encounter (WA) creative campus STUDIO ARTISTS Jacky Cheng (WA) Stephen Eastaugh (WA) Tania Ferrier (WA) Carolina Furque (WA) Jenny Gilbertson (WA) Hannah Gregory (WA) Julie Hylands (QLD) Belle Palmer (ACT) Mariaan Pugh (WA) Giorgia Schijf (WA) Tegan Smith (CAN) Judith Van Heeran (VIC) Jess Vivante (WA) Adrienne Williams (QLD)

Jila Kujarra: Two Snakes Dreaming opens 6:30pm Friday 12 August (p8).
Image: Mariaan Pugh. Image courtesy the artist
INTRODUCING STUDIO ARTIST MARIAAN PUGH Mariaan Pugh was born in the UK (1993). She holds a BA in Textiles from Curtin University (2013) and an Advanced Diploma of Fashion & Textile Design from North Metropolitan TAFE (2016). Drawn to vivid colour, playful motifs, and seducing tactile surfaces, Mariaan’s work subverts traditional textile techniques including rug making, embroidery, and Mariaanweaving.teaches fashion and textile design at North Metropolitan TAFE and the Children’s School of Contemporary Art. During her residency, Mariaan will be finalising works for her upcoming exhibition Jila Kujarra: Two Snakes Dreaming, a collaborative project with Warnman artist Desmond Taylor that sees his traditional paintings transformed into tactile, contemporary textiles.

BLOOM SAT 30 JUL – SUN 7 AUG A collaborative exhibition from eight local and international artists exploring the concept of Bloom through sculpture, print, paint, installation and photography.
CROSS-SECTION SAT 3 – SUN 18 SEP Cross-Section is a showcase of historic and new works by Mt Pleasant-based contemporary artist Peter Lowe. Peter uses a range of unconventional materials, and techniques include painting, sculpture, printmaking and mixed media.
CLAIMING SPACE THU 11 – SUN 21 AUG As part of the Fremantle Festival: 10 Nights in Port, artists Sam Kerr and Hugo Flavelle take over and create screen-led multi artform installations featuring their lived experience of claiming public space. Hugo’s mobile media LIGHTHOUSE and Sam’s mobile TIKI BAR will feature in this lively exhibition. Artistic partners include Lincoln Mackinnon, Duncan Wright and producer Simone Flavelle.
space Located in Fremantle’s historic west end, the Moores Building Contemporary Art Space (MBCAS) is managed and curated by Fremantle Arts Centre. As an arts and cultural hub in the heart of the city, MBCAS offers regular visual arts exhibitions, workshops and performances. 10AM 3PM
moores contemporarybuildingart
Image: Peter Lowe, Dreamweaver, 1995, acrylic paper, gouache, bamboo, cotton, stone, Laminex, Perspex , 91 x 46 x 7cm. Image courtesy the artist 27
Dedicated to showcasing the best of Western Australian design, FOUND stocks an exquisite and extensive range of locally made homewares, artwork, jewellery, clothing, textiles, books, toys and much more. Open seven days 9am–5pm, pop into Fremantle Arts Centre to browse the full range, with an ever-expanding selection also available on FOUND’s online store. found SHOP 7 DAYS / 9AM – 5PM SHOP ONLINE SHOP.FAC.ORG.AUATFOUND_FAC


our people DIRECTOR Anna Reece GENERAL MANAGER Caris Harper VISUAL ARTS GlennCuratorIseger-Pilkington Exhibitions Manager Caitlin Pijpers Exhibitions CoordinatorInstall Tom Freeman Exhibitions Engagement&Coordinator Emma Buswell Residencies & Studio Coordinator Bevan Honey Revealed CoordinatorExhibition Jane Chambers CITY OF FREMANTLE ART COLLECTION Curator Andre Lipscombe DESIGN ASSOCIATE India Mehta CREATIVE LEARNING Creative AssociateLearning Shannon Lyons Creative Learning & Education Coordinator Jefferson Burrow Creative Learning Studio Coordinator Sarah Nelson Creative AssistantLearning Linda Iriza Studio Technician –Ceramics Finn Anderson MARKETING Marketing ManagerCommunications& Andrea Woods Communications & Content Officer Rosamund Brennan Graphic Designer Joe Scerri FINANCE Finance Officer Christine Lofthouse Finance Assistant Danielle King EVENTS Events Coordinator Kailyn Crabbe FOUND Found Manager Pia Chomley Retail Assistants Jenny Dawson Rose Megirian India Mehta Betty Poulsen Ruby Talbot-Dunn OPERATIONS Precinct Coordinator George Gregson Facilities Production& Assistant Aaron Lyons Administrator & Reception Kate Gregory Customer AssistantsService Joanna AmyPhoebeBrownClarkPerejuan-Capone Huge thanks to all our amazing tutors and casual staff!
Fremantle Arts Centre is supported by the State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. is presented by FAC with the support of the WA State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries; and the Australian Government through the Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support Program.

Fremantle Arts Centre 1 Finnerty Street Fremantle Western Australia 08 9432 fac.org.auartscentre@fremantle.wa.gov.au9555 OPENING TIMES Open 7 ReceptionGroundsdays8am–5pm&FOUND 9am–5pm Galleries 10am–5pm Closed Good Friday ENTRY Free admission to galleries Free and ticketed events GETTING HERE / PARKING Free parking is available outside FAC on Finnerty Street, Ord Street and Vale Street. Paid parking is available at Fremantle Leisure Centre (opposite FAC on Ord Street). Fremantle train station is 1.2km from FAC. You can walk from the station to the Arts Centre in approximately 15 minutes. COVID SAFE The City of Fremantle is committed to providing a safe space for our Forcommunity.thelatest COVID information visit fac.org.au/covid-safe KEEP IN TOUCH Subscribe online to receive the FAC e-newsletter at FreoArtsCentreFremantleArtsCentre#FremantleArtsCentreFremantleArtsCentrefac.org.au contact us Cover image: Andrew Nicholls and Jingdezhen artisans, Untitled (Cobalt Skull #1), hand-painted cobalt on porcelain, dimensions variable. Cobalt painting by Yu Xuan, 2016. Photography by Bewley Shaylor. DISCLAIMER: All details are correct at time of publication and © Fremantle Arts Centre. This information is available on FAC’s website and can be requested in alternative formats such as large print, electronic, hard copy, audio or braille via reception.
QUIET HOUR The hour between 9am and 10am is quiet hour at FAC and is available on request. Individuals, groups and families with special needs wanting to beforeaccessunhurriedexhibitions inexperience ouramorerelaxed,environmentcanrequesttothegalleriesforanhourtheyopentothepublic. TACTILE TOURS THU 7 JUL / 10:15AM THU 29 SEP / 10:15AM Our Tactile Tours are co-designed with DADAA for people with disability, their friends and carers to experience the exhibition with an experienced guide. Each tour will be followed by a hands-on arts workshop to create artworks inspired by the exhibition. FAC will run two Tactile Tours per exhibition. Each tour will run for two hours. Bookings essential. AUSLAN We can provide AUSLAN interpretation services on request for our events. Subject to availability. USCONTACT access WHEELCHAIR ACCESS Due to the heritage nature of Fremantle Arts Centre we have some areas where access is currently limited. If you are in a wheelchair or have mobility impairment, please contact us to discuss your requirements. ACROD PARKING Two ACROD parking bays are located on Finnerty Street, next to FAC’s entrance. To request a service or if you have any access enquires please contact artscentre@fremantle.wa.gov.au or phone 08 9432 9555. Fremantle Arts Centre celebrates diversity and difference and we are committed to ensuring our spaces, programs and events are as accessible as possible to all. 33
VISUAL ARTS Revealed (p2) Nih! (p4) MUSIC & SPECIAL EVENTS FAC Yeah! (p18) Revealed Tactile Tour (p35) Pecha Kucha Karaoke (p20) CREATIVE LEARNING Kids’ Courses (p22) Adult Courses (p24) FAMILY FUN Story Time (p23) Buster (p23) MOORES Bloom (p28) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 JULY VISUAL ARTS A Gentle Misinterpretation (p6) Jila Kujarra (p8) Tania Ferrier: Pop Porn (p10) MUSIC & SPECIAL EVENTS FAC Yeah! (p18) Crooked Colours (p21) Disclosure: Andrew Nicholls (p12) CREATIVE LEARNING Adult Courses (p24) FAMILY FUN Story Time (p23) Buster (p23) MOORES Bloom (p28) Ten Nights in Port: Claiming Space (p28) AUGUST VISUAL ARTS A Gentle Misinterpretation (p6) Jila Kujarra! (p8) Tania Ferrier: Pop Porn (p10) MUSIC & SPECIAL EVENTS FAC Yeah! (p18) An Evening with the Collection (p14) Leon Bridges (p21) A Gentle Misinterpretation Tactile Tour (p35) CREATIVE LEARNING Adult Courses (p24) FAMILY FUN Story Time (p23) Buster (p23) MOORES Cross-Section (p28) SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 what's on
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY — SEPTEMBER 2022 FAC.ORG.AU