Dear Frenship ISD Students and Parents,
Middle school is the perfect time to begin thinking about student interests and begin taking appropriate planning and action steps to ensure a successful transition to high school and beyond. This course guide contains the current course offerings for middle school students in the Frenship ISD. This information is to help you and your student make informed choices as you plan what courses they will take in middle school to best set them up for success in high school. Plan for your best future when selecting courses.
Students and parents, best wishes in your pursuit of a quality middle school education and creating a plan of study that will provide your student many options upon high school graduation!
Please contact your middle school administration or campus counselor if you need assistance.
Thank you for choosing Frenship ISD!
2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Alcove Trails Middle School
7510 63rd Street
Lubbock, TX 79407
Principal Rebecca Whipkey
Terra Vista Middle School 1111 Upland Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79416
Principal Cale Bridges
Alcove Trails Middle School
7510 63rd Street
Lubbock, TX 79407
Rebecca Whipkey
FISD Middle School Administration
Frenship Middle School
500 Main Street
Wolfforth, TX 79382
Principal Casey Loafman
Heritage Middle School 6110 73rd Street
Lubbock, TX 79424
Principal Chelsey Campbell
FISD Middle School Counselors
Frenship Middle School 500 Main Street
Wolfforth, TX 79382
Counselor Chelsea Click
Heritage Middle School 6110 73rd Street
Lubbock, TX 79424
Nina Montemayor
Terra Vista Middle School 1111 Upland Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79416
Counselor Courtney Miller
2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
3 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide Table of Contents Technology .................................................................................................................................4 Textbooks ...................................................................................................................................4 Learning Management System....................................................................................................4 Testing Requirements ................................................................................................................4 Grading Practices and Policies ....................................................................................................5 Schedule Changes ......................................................................................................................7 Programs ...................................................................................................................................8 Courses ....................................................................................................................................10 Required Courses .....................................................................................................................10 Elective Courses .......................................................................................................................19 Clubs and Extra-curricular Activities .........................................................................................26 Sample Course Choice Sheets ...................................................................................................28
Student laptops are available and issued to students in Frenship ISD free of charge. Each student is responsible for his or her device issued by their school and is responsible for payment for lost and/or damaged textbooks occurring in the school year.
In courses where textbooks are available, students in Frenship ISD can check one out free of charge. Each student is responsible for his/her textbook issued by their school and is responsible for payment for lost and/or damaged textbooks occurring in the school year.
Learning Management System-Schoology
Students in Frenship ISD will be provided a login to Schoology. Schoology is a learning management system that specializes in course instruction, curriculum, resource sharing and collaboration.
Testing Requirements
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP Growth)
Frenship ISD administers MAP Growth to all students in grades 6-8 in the areas of mathematics, reading and language. Students are assessed during fall (Beginning of Year), winter (Middle of Year) and spring (End of Year) administration windows. It provides teachers with accurate and actionable data to target instruction for each student or groups of students regardless of how far above or below they are from their grade level. The MAP Growth assessment is computer-adaptive, which means that as students answer questions correctly, subsequent questions are increasingly more challenging; similarly, as students answer questions incorrectly, subsequent questions become less difficult. This type of assessment allows for the precise measurement of student academic performance.
State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
Based on the content standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), the STAAR and STAAR EOC assessments align to courses taken throughout a student’s school experience. The STAAR/EOC tests emphasize specific learning objectives, called “readiness” standards, and are designed to be rigorous assessments of the content knowledge that students should possess at the completion of the course.
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College Readiness Assessment: PSAT-8
All eighth-grade students will take the grade level appropriate version of the PSAT in October at the district’s expense. The PSAT is a good indicator of college readiness, and scores can be compared to SAT scores. More information about the PSAT is available at
Fitness Assessments
Texas Education Code §38.101 and §38.103 requires school districts to annually assess the physical fitness of students enrolled in grades 3 through 12. The assessment instrument must (1) be based on factors related to student health, including the following factors that have been identified as essential to overall health and function: (A) aerobic capacity; (B) body composition; and (C) muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility; and (2) include criterion‐referenced standards specific to a student's age and gender and based on the physical fitness level required for good health.
Grading Guidelines and Policies
Grading guidelines for each grade level or course will be communicated and distributed to students and their parents by the classroom teacher. These guidelines shall ensure that grading reflects a student’s relative mastery of an assignment and that a sufficient number of grades are taken to support the grade average assigned. Guidelines for grading shall be clearly communicated to students and parents and have been approved by the campus principal.
These guidelines establish the minimum number of assignments, projects, and examinations required for each grading period. In addition, these guidelines establish how the student’s mastery of concepts and achievement will be communicated (i.e., letter grades, numerical averages, checklist of required skills, etc.). Grading guidelines also outline in what circumstances a student will be allowed to redo an assignment or retake an examination for which the student originally made a failing grade. Procedures for a student to follow after an absence will also be addressed.
Purpose of Grading
In Frenship ISD, grades are a measure of students’ mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Grades communicate academic progress and provide timely feedback to students and parents.
Grading Roles and Responsibilities
• To take ownership and responsibility for his/her performance.
• To communicate with the teacher when he/she does not understand.
• To set goals and be an active learner.
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• Initiate communication with the teacher when concerns arise, or support is needed.
• To assist with establishing a work environment conducive to learning.
• To provide appropriate level of support for the student, stay current with following student’s grades in Skyward.
• To communicate expectations, both regular and long term.
• To provide opportunities for feedback.
• To enter grades into the online grade book according to guidelines.
Campus Administration
• To ensure that teachers understand the guidelines.
• To monitor and support the guidelines.
• To provide feedback to teachers concerning practices relating to the guidelines.
Required Number of Grades
A minimum of 10 grades should be entered per subject per six weeks.
Grades: Skyward
Grades will be recorded into the teacher gradebook weekly. By the end of the three-week grading period, half of the grades must be recorded into Skyward. Grades recorded in the gradebook should be linked to key understanding, performance assessments, or TEKS student expectations.
Students shall be allowed a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or re-take a test for which the student received a failing grade (below 70). The purpose of re-teaching and reassessment is to allow students who have not yet demonstrated mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills additional opportunities to learn. To support student learning, teachers will provide appropriate interventions for students before they re-do work. Specifics concerning elementary and secondary guidelines can be obtained from the campus principal.
Percent Weights of Grades
English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies will have two categories in the electronic gradebook with the corresponding weights:
Formative 60%
Summative 40%
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Middle School Course Guide
*Formative Assessments are progress monitoring tools that determine how we can help students in the process of learning. They are assessments FOR learning. Formative assessments can be taken as grades, but do not have to be recorded as a grade in the gradebook (i.e.: thumbs up/down, tickets out, four corners, gallery walks, labs, observations, questioning, discussions, learning/response logs, graphic organizers, peer/self-assessments, practice presentations, individual responses [written/digital], spelling tests, homework, editing, recording thinking while reading, think/pair/share, portfolios, anecdotal records, participation etc.).
*Summative Assessments measure how much students have learned over time. They are assessments OF learning. They assess mastery of the curriculum standards and help determine effectiveness of instruction. Summative assessments should be created prior to instruction to capture and identify both content and process of learning that represent the desired outcomes (ie: end of unit tests or projects, standardized assessments, labs, completed compositions, completed portfolios).
No more than 20% of a 6 weeks grade may be based on a single assignment, so no less than 2 summative assessments should be required each grading period.
Attendance Requirements
To receive credit for a course, a student must be in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. This 90 percent includes ALL absences, excused and unexcused, per Texas Education Code Sec. 25.092.
Schedule Changes
Dropping/Adding a Course
With parent permission, a student may fill out a change request form with the campus counselor. After the fifth-class day of the semester, there will be no changes until the next semester. If approved the student is responsible for missing make-up work. Exceptions are only approved by the building principal.
Dropping an Honors, GT Course
The student must have parent approval and complete the change request form with the campus counselor. After the fifth-class day of the semester, there will be no changes until the next semester. If approved the student is responsible for missing make-up work. Exceptions are only approved by the building principal.
FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Honors Program
Honors/GT courses include highly rigorous and accelerated instruction that helps students prepare for future advanced classes such as Advanced Placement or Dual Credit. Honors/GT courses incorporate elements of project-based learning in which students demonstrate their mastery of content in a variety of ways, including both conventional and non-conventional means of assessment through the creation of products and/or performances.
In Frenship ISD, these classes are offered at the middle school level in grades 6-8 in all four core content areas (Math, Reading Language Arts (RLA), Science, and Social Studies). Any student may enroll in Honors classes in Reading Language Arts (RLA), math, social studies, and/or science classes in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Gifted and Talented
Frenship ISD recognizes the gifted and talented student as one whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require a variety of special provisions to meet their educational needs. As students, they represent all races, socioeconomic groups, geographic locales, and environments. As adults, they are leaders in government, medicine, invention, creative arts, communication, philosophy, industry, science, and many other fields. Frenship ISD seeks to offer educational opportunities appropriate to each student’s ability, including providing for the unique needs of the gifted and talented.
The goal of the FISD’s Gifted and Talented (GT) program is to provide experiences whereby students will be challenged academically, socially, and emotionally to achieve their greatest potential to manage change and to have a sense of responsibility for self, school, community, and society.
Identified students in GT may enroll in Honors Reading Language Arts (RLA), Math, Social Studies, and/or Science classes in Grades 6, 7, 8. Informational meetings for parents of current and potential GT students are held in early Fall.
Bilingual Emergent (or English as a Second Language (ESL) program)
All students who register in this school district will complete a home language survey form. If this survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken in the home or is spoken by the student most of the time, the student must be referred to the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC). After the language assessment results have been reviewed by the LPAC Committee, the committee will make recommendations for the student to receive ESL services.
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program shall be an integral part of the regular educational program. State-adopted English as a second language instructional materials and supplementary materials are used as curriculum tools. This program is aligned with the district's general education literacy program. The English
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as a second language program shall address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of limited English proficient students (emergent bilinguals).
ESL classes, which focus on intensive development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English, are offered to emergent bilingual students at all campuses.
Dual Language Program (Currently offered at Terra Vista Middle School)The one-way dual language immersion program is a biliteracy model in which students identified as English learners are served in both English and another language Students are prepared to meet reclassification criteria to be successful in Englishonly instruction not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school. Instruction provided in a language other than English in this program model is delivered by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education under TEC, §29.061. Instruction provided in English in this program model may be delivered either by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education or by a different teacher certified in ESL in accordance with TEC, § 29.061.
The goal of the one-way dual language immersion is for program participants to attain full proficiency in another language as well as English. This model provides ongoing instruction in literacy and academic content in the students’ primary language as well as English, with at least half of the instruction delivered in the students’ primary language for the duration of the program.
Athletic Programs
Students may schedule athletics courses instead of physical education. Sixth graders interested in participating in the competitive athletic program in seventh grade, should sign up for Pre-Athletics their sixthgrade year. In the seventh and eighth grades, football, basketball, track, cross country, golf, and tennis contests will be scheduled with schools inside and outside the district.
Students may try out for volleyball, basketball, golf, and tennis in the early fall. Football, cross country, and track are open to all students. Students participating in athletics must maintain a 70 in all subjects and must pass the annual physical examination required by University Interscholastic League (UIL). Students interested in athletics should contact the individual school campus to obtain the necessary forms.
To access the Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct:
Off Campus PE
Frenship Independent School District’s Off-Campus Physical Education (OCPE) Program offers students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn physical education credits by participating in appropriate privately or commercially sponsored programs that meet district and state requirements. The OCPE programs offers schedule flexibility to students who are making serious attempt to develop higher-level abilities and skills in specific activities that surpass what the district can offer though general physical education curriculum.
Contact the campus counselor for more information.
FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Fine Art Programs
Frenship ISD Fine Arts Program provides a comprehensive, sequential, and cumulative arts education for students in grades 6-8. At the middle school level, students are offered a wide range of elective course offerings including art, band, choir, theatre, and orchestra.
Career and Technology Programs
Career & Technical Education (CTE) offers an opportunity for students to learn skills they may use in high school, in college, in a career after graduation, and/or as a financial means to help further their education. CTE blends academics and career preparation to produce well-rounded graduates ready for the opportunities of the world.
• All students are required to complete two years of Physical Education while in grades 6-8.
• All students must complete at least one year of Fine Arts.
• Grades 6 and 7: Reading Language Arts (RLA) is double blocked, meaning the student will have the class twice a day with the same teacher and students.
• Students must qualify to be placed in Read 180, Dyslexia, or English as a Second Language (ESL)
• Honors Math 7 or equivalent course is required for Algebra 1
• Some elective courses require instructor approval.
• Middle School Courses offered for High school credit:
o Algebra 1, Spanish, Broadcast Media 2: High school credit is not granted until both semesters are completed at the middle school. Grades earned in these courses will be reflected on the student’s high school transcript.
Required Courses Mathematics
Math 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: None
Description: The primary focal areas in Grade 6 are number and operations; proportionality; expressions, equations, and relationships; and measurement and data. Students use concepts, algorithms, and properties of rational numbers to explore mathematical relationships and to describe increasingly complex situations. Students use concepts of proportionality to explore, develop, and communicate mathematical relationships. Students use algebraic thinking to describe how a change in one quantity in a relationship result in a change in the other. Students connect verbal, numeric, graphic, and symbolic representations of relationships, including equations and inequalities. Students use geometric properties and relationships, as well as spatial reasoning, to model and analyze situations and solve problems. Students communicate information about geometric figures or situations by quantifying attributes, generalize procedures from measurement experiences, and use the procedures to solve problems. Students use appropriate statistics, representations of data, and reasoning to draw conclusions, evaluate arguments, and make recommendations. While the use of all types of technology is important, the emphasis on algebra readiness skills necessitates the implementation of graphing technology.
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Honors Math 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Description: Students in Honors Math 6 will experience the content described in the Math 6 course; however, they will be expected to address learning objectives with greater depth and a faster pace along with higher expectations for student performance.
Math 7 Gr: 7
Prerequisite: Math 6
Description: The primary focal areas in Grade 7 are number and operations; proportionality; expressions, equations, and relationships; and measurement and data. Students use concepts, algorithms, and properties of rational numbers to explore mathematical relationships and to describe increasingly complex situations. Students use concepts of proportionality to explore, develop, and communicate mathematical relationships. Students use algebraic thinking to describe how a change in one quantity in a relationship result in a change in the other. Students connect verbal, numeric, graphic, and symbolic representations of relationships, including equations and inequalities. Students use geometric properties and relationships, as well as spatial reasoning, to model and analyze situations and solve problems. Students communicate information about geometric figures or situations by quantifying attributes, generalize procedures from measurement experiences, and use the procedures to solve problems. Students use appropriate statistics, representations of data, and reasoning to draw conclusions, evaluate arguments, and make recommendations. While the use of all types of technology is important, the emphasis on algebra readiness skills necessitates the implementation of graphing technology.
Honors Math 7 Gr: 7
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Description: This course is designed to prepare students for Algebra 1 (Honors) in grade 8. Students in Honors Math 7 will experience the content described in the Math 7 course and Pre-Algebra course.
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Pre-Algebra Gr: 8
Prerequisite: None
Description: The primary focal areas in Grade 8 are number and operations; proportionality; expressions, equations, and relationships; and measurement and data. Students use concepts, algorithms, and properties of rational numbers to explore mathematical relationships and to describe increasingly complex situations. Students use concepts of proportionality to explore, develop, and communicate mathematical relationships. Students use algebraic thinking to describe how a change in one quantity in a relationship result in a change in the other. Students connect verbal, numeric, graphic, and symbolic representations of relationships, including equations and inequalities. Students use geometric properties and relationships, as well as spatial reasoning, to model and analyze situations and solve problems. Students communicate information about geometric figures or situations by quantifying attributes, generalize procedures from measurement experiences, and use the procedures to solve problems. Students use appropriate statistics, representations of data, and reasoning to draw conclusions, evaluate arguments, and make recommendations. While the use of all types of technology is important, the emphasis on algebra readiness skills necessitates the implementation of graphing technology.
Algebra (High School Credit) Gr:
Prerequisite: Honors Math 7 or equivalent
Description: The major focus of this course is a function approach. This course deals with directed numbers, polynomials and their operations, and factoring. Also included will be graphing linear functions, solving systems of equations in two variables, rational expressions, graphing quadratic functions and solving quadratic equations, and graphing and evaluating exponential functions. A strong component of this course will be the use of technology with the graphing calculator and appropriate software. Successful completion of this course will receive high school credit. Preparation for the EOC is also a component of this course.
Math Lab Gr:
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
Description: This course is offered as a supplement to Math 8. Students in Math Lab will receive targeted instruction in Math 8 standards to fill in gaps in student’s learning and strengthen their understanding of the foundational skills needed to be successful in Math 8 and beyond. Size of this class are typically smaller in number to better accommodate students’ needs. This course will replace an elective.
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Reading Language Arts
RLA 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: None
Description: Students in RLA 6 master previously learned skills in increasingly complex reading selections and written compositions. Sixth-grade students read and respond to literature, learning to make inferences and recognize the purpose of essential literary devices. In reading informational text, students interpret information, synthesize, and make logical connections between ideas, and explain how different organizational patterns develop the main idea and the author’s viewpoint. Students determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other roots and affixes. Sixth- grade students utilize all steps of the writing process to develop different forms of writing for specific purposes and audiences, such as to express, reflect, influence, and communicate ideas through composition. Students revise drafts to clarify meaning and enhance style and edit their writing based on their growing knowledge of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Students produce final revised and edited pieces of written composition on a regular basis. They search multiple texts to complete research reports and projects. Students give an organized presentation with a specific point of view, participate in discussions, and work productively with others. This course is double blocked.
Honors/GT RLA 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: Honors criteria
Description: Students in Honors RLA 6 will experience the content described in the regular course; however, they will be expected to direct their own studies more independently and in greater depth than students in a regular section. This course is double blocked.
RLA 7 Gr: 7
Prerequisite: None
Description: Students in English 7 master previously learned skills in increasingly complex reading selections and written compositions. Seventh-grade students read and respond to literature, learning to make inferences, recognize the purpose of essential literary devices, and reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension. In reading informational text, students use different organizational patterns as guides for summarizing and forming an overview of different kinds of expository text. Students determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other roots and affixes. Seventh- grade students utilize all steps of the writing process to develop different forms of writing for specific purposes and audiences, such as to express, reflect, influence, and communicate ideas. Through composition, students revise drafts to clarify meaning and enhance style and edit their writing based on their growing knowledge of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Students produce final revised and edited pieces of written composition on a regular basis. They search multiple texts to complete research reports and projects. Students produce an organized presentation with a specific point of view, participate in discussions and work productively with other. This course is double blocked.
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Honors/GT RLA 7
Prerequisite: Honors criteria
Gr: 7
Description: Students in Honors RLA 7 will experience the content described in the regular course; however, they will be expected to direct their own studies more independently and in greater depth than students in a regular section. This course is double blocked.
RLA 8 Gr: 8
Prerequisite: None
Description: Students in English 8 master previously learned skills in increasingly complex reading selections and written compositions. Eighth- grade students read and respond to literature, making intertextual links among and across texts, including other media. In reading informational text, students make subtle inferences and draw complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns. Students determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other roots and affixes. Eighth-grade students utilize all steps of the writing process to develop different forms of writing for specific purposes and audiences, such as to express, reflect, influence, and communicate ideas. Through composition, students revise drafts to clarify meaning and enhance style and edit their writing based on their growing knowledge of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Students produce final revised and edited pieces of written composition on a regular basis. They search multiple texts to complete research reports and projects. Students produce an organized presentation with a specific point of view, participate in discussions and work productively with others.
Honors/GT RLA 8
Prerequisite: Honors criteria
Gr: 8
Description: Students in English 8 (H) will master and extend the language, composition, vocabulary, and literary objectives established in the regular course in greater depth than students in regular sections. Students will be required to read extensively both inside and outside of class with an emphasis on literary analysis and critical thinking. A greater depth of study of the English language and more extensive and abundant practice in writing a variety of essays and written responses, including open-ended reinforce the study of literature and expository text.
Note: Honors courses address learning objectives with greater depth and a faster pace along with higher expectations for student performance.
Dual Language SRLA 6-8(only offered at TVMS)
Prerequisite: Must qualify
Gr: 6-8
Description: The goal of the one-way dual language immersion is for program participants to attain full proficiency in another language as well as English. This model provides ongoing instruction in literacy and academic content in the students' primary language as well as English, with at least half of the instruction delivered in the students' primary language for the duration of the program.
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Reading Dyslexia Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: Must qualify
Description: Frenship ISD utilizes the dyslexia approved programs to support students with dyslexia. Frenship's therapists are highly trained and continue to acquire the latest research regarding the characteristics of dyslexia and intervention. This course is offered in addition to a student’s core RLA class and will take the place of an elective.
Read 180 Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: Must qualify
Description: Students who qualify will focus on reading comprehension skills and helping students gain confidence in their reading skills. Students participate in three station rotations (small-group learning, student application, and independent reading) with personalized instruction tailored to their needs. This course is offered in addition to the student’s core RLA class and will take the place of an elective.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Prerequisite: Must qualify
Gr: 6-8
Description: This service targets English Language development through academic content instruction that is linguistically and culturally responsive in English Language Arts and Reading.
Science 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: None
Description: Grade 6 science is the first phase of a three-year sequence of integrated science. The 6th grade science curriculum has a focus on Physical Science. Students learn about the periodic table, density, force, motion, and simple machines. They will also study renewable and nonrenewable resources, space exploration, the rock cycle, and classification of organisms.
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Honors/GT Science 6
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Gr: 6
Description: 6th grade Honors/GT Science curriculum studies the same topics as the 7th grade science class. However, in Honors Science there is a focus on students doing inquiry-based science by designing and conducting their own investigations, learning to use and develop critical thinking skills, and problem-solving methods. The course is intended to ground students in the inquiry skills of science and encourage thinking and acting like a scientist so that they are better prepared for the AP Sciences in high school.
Science 7 Gr: 7
Prerequisite: Science 6
Description: Grade 7 science is the second phase of a three-year sequence of integrated science. The 7th grade science curriculum has a focus on Life Science. Students learn about photosynthesis, flow of energy in ecosystems, the chemistry of digestion and organic compounds. They also study human impact on Earth systems, characteristics of Earth that allow life, and the human body systems with an emphasis on living systems in their environment, adaptations, and cell theory.
Honors/GT Science 7
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Gr: 7
Description: 7th grade Honors/GT Science curriculum studies the same topics as the 7th grade science class. However, in Honors Science there is a focus on students doing inquiry-based science by designing and conducting their own investigations, learning to use and develop critical thinking skills, and problem-solving methods. The course is intended to ground students in the inquiry skills of science and encourage thinking and acting like a scientist so that they are better prepared for the AP Sciences in high school.
Science 8 Gr: 8
Prerequisite: None
Description: Grade 8 science is the third phase of a three-year sequence of integrated science. Grade 8 science is interdisciplinary in nature; however, much of the content focus is on earth and space science. The 8th grade science curriculum has a focus on Earth and Physical Science. Students learn about atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical reactions, formulas, and equations. They also study Newton’s 3 laws of motion, seasons, tides, lunar phases, stars and galaxies, plate tectonic theory, weather, and environmental changes due to human activities.
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Honors/GT Science 8 Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Description: 8th grade Honors/GT Science curriculum studies the same topics as the 7th grade science class. However, in Honors Science there is a focus on students doing inquiry-based science by designing and conducting their own investigations, learning to use and develop critical thinking skills, and problem-solving methods. The course is intended to ground students in the inquiry skills of science and encourage thinking and acting like a scientist so that they are better prepared for the AP Sciences in high school.
Social Studies
Social Studies 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: None
Description: In Grade 6, students study people, places, and societies of the contemporary world. Societies for study are from the following regions of the world: Europe, Russia and the Eurasian republics, North America, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Southwest Asia-North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Pacific realm. Students describe the influence of individuals and groups on historical and contemporary events in those societies and identify the locations and geographic characteristics of various societies. Students identify different ways of organizing economic and governmental systems. The concepts of limited and unlimited government are introduced, and students describe the nature of citizenship in various societies. Students compare institutions common to all societies such as government, education, and religious institutions. Students explain how the level of technology affects the development of the various societies and identify different points of view about events.
Honors Social Studies 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Description: Students in this course study the same topics as Social Studies 6. However, this honors-level class will provide students with opportunities to explore the content and themes of 6th Grade Social Studies deeper and more critically while preparing students for Honors/GT Texas History in 7th Grade.
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Social Studies 7 Gr: 7
Prerequisite: None
Description: In Grade 7, students study the history of Texas from early times to the present. Students examine the full scope of Texas history, including Natural Texas and its People; Age of Contact; Spanish Colonial; Mexican National; Revolution and Republic; Early Statehood; Texas in the Civil War and Reconstruction; Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads; Age of Oil; Texas in the Great Depression and World War II; Civil Rights and Conservatism; and Contemporary Texas eras. The focus in each era is on key individuals, events, and issues and their impact. Students identify regions of Texas and the distribution of population within and among the regions and explain the factors that caused Texas to change from an agrarian to an urban society. Students describe the structure and functions of municipal, county, and state governments, explain the influence of the U.S. Constitution on the Texas Constitution, and examine the rights and responsibilities of Texas citizens. Students use primary and secondary sources to examine the rich and diverse cultural background of Texas as they identify the different racial and ethnic groups that settled in Texas to build a republic and then a state. Students analyze the impact of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the development of Texas in various industries such as agricultural, energy, medical, computer, and aerospace. Students use primary and secondary sources to acquire information about Texas.
Honors/GT Social Studies 7 Gr:
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Description: Students in this course study the same topics as Social Studies 7. However, this honors-level class will provide students with opportunities to explore the content and themes of Texas History deeper and more critically while preparing students for Honors United States History in 8th Grade.
Social Studies 8 Gr: 8
Prerequisite: None
Description: In Grade 8, students study the history of the United States from the early colonial period through Reconstruction. Historical content focuses on the political, economic, religious, and social events and issues related to the colonial and revolutionary eras, the creation and ratification of the U.S. Constitution, challenges of the early republic, the Age of Jackson, westward expansion, sectionalism, Civil War, and Reconstruction. Students describe the physical characteristics of the United States and their impact on population distribution and settlement patterns in the past and present. Students analyze the various economic factors that influenced the development of colonial America and the early years of the republic and identify the origins of the free enterprise system. Students examine the American beliefs and principles, including limited government, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, and individual rights, reflected in the U.S. Constitution and other historical documents. Students evaluate the impact of Supreme Court cases and major reform movements of the 19th century and examine the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the United States as well as the importance of effective leadership in a constitutional republic. Students evaluate the impact of scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the development of the United States. Students use critical-thinking skills, including the identification of bias in written, oral, and visual material.
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Honors Social Studies 8 Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Honors Criteria
Description: Students in this course study the same topics as Social Studies 8. However, this honors-level class will provide students with opportunities to explore the content and themes of United States History deeper and more critically while preparing students for advanced-level classes in high school.
Dual Language Social Studies 6-8 Gr. 6-8
Prerequisite: Must Qualify
Description: This course is currently offered only at Terra Vista Middle School. The goal of the one-way dual language immersion is for program participants to attain full proficiency in another language as well as English. This model provides ongoing Spanish academic instruction in this specific content area in the students' primary language for the duration of the program.
Elective Courses Physical Education
Boys PE Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Description: This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills for access to a physically active and healthy lifestyle. Students participate in physical activity and are encouraged to maintain a healthy level of fitness as their bodies grow and change. Instruction is directed more toward encouraging the incorporation of physical activity into a daily routine and less toward fundamental skill development. This course does not require a Physical Examination to participate. Workout clothes are not provided.
19 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Girls PE Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Description: This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills for access to a physically active and healthy lifestyle. Students participate in physical activity and are encouraged to maintain a healthy level of fitness as their bodies grow and change. Instruction is directed more toward encouraging the incorporation of physical activity into a daily routine and less toward fundamental skill development. This course does not require a Physical Examination to participate. Workout clothes are not provided.
Off Campus PE Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: required paperwork
Description: Frenship Independent School District’s Off-Campus Physical Education (OCPE) program offers students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn physical education credits by participating in appropriate privately or commercially sponsored programs that meet district and state requirements. The OCPE programs offers schedule flexibility to students who are making serious attempt to develop higher-level abilities and skills in specific activities that surpass what the district can offer though general physical education curriculum. Contact the campus counselor for more information.
Boys Athletics 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: none
Description: This course focuses on students learning (when applicable) the fundamental skills of competitive athletics, including football, cross country, basketball, and track. Students also learn proper strength and conditioning techniques. This course is designed to prepare future athletes in the areas of sportsmanship, character development, mental toughness, and how to be a team player. This course does not require a physical examination to participate. Workout clothes are not provided. Commonly referred to as “Pre-Ath ”
Girls Athletics 6 Gr: 6
Prerequisite: none
Description: This course focuses on students learning the fundamental skills of competitive athletics, including volleyball, cross country, basketball, and track. Students also learn proper strength and conditioning techniques. This course is designed to prepare future athletes in the areas of sportsmanship, character development, mental toughness, and how to be a team player. This course does not require a physical examination to participate. Workout clothes are not provided. Commonly referred to as “Pre-Ath.”
20 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Boys Athletics 7-8
Prerequisite: Boys Athletics 6 or teacher approval
Gr: 7-8
Description: Students in this course will be given the opportunity to compete in football, cross country, basketball, and/or track with other teams within and outside the district. Some teams require a try-out process. Students who do not make a team remain in the course and will participate in “off season.” All students enrolled in this course will follow UIL guidelines. Poor behavior/grades may cause a student to be placed on probation, which may result in removal from the course and/or future participation in athletics. A physical examination is required. Workout clothes and uniforms are provided.
Girls Athletics 7-8
Prerequisite: Girls Athletics 6 or teacher approval
Gr: 7-8
Description: Students in this course will be given the opportunity to compete in volleyball, cross country, basketball, and/or track with other teams within and outside the district. Some teams require a try-out process. Students who do not make a team remain in the course and will participate in “off season.” All students enrolled in this course will follow UIL guidelines. Poor behavior/grades may cause a student to be placed on probation, which may result in removal from the course and/or future participation in athletics. A physical examination is required. Workout clothes and uniforms are provided.
Tennis 6-8
Prerequisite: Tennis 6 preferred or previous experience
Gr: 6-8
Description: Students in grades 7-8 will be given the opportunity to compete in tennis matches with other teams within and outside the district. There are a limited number of seats available for this course and a tryout may be necessary. All students enrolled in this course will follow UIL guidelines. Poor behavior/grades may cause a student to be placed on probation, which may result in removal from the course and/or future participation in athletics. A physical examination is required for grades 7-8. A tennis racquet, workout clothes, and uniforms are provided.
Golf 7-8
Prerequisite: none
Gr: 7-8
Description: Students in this course will be given the opportunity to compete in golf tournaments with other teams within and outside the district. There are a limited number of seats available for this course and a tryout may be necessary. All students enrolled in this course will follow UIL guidelines. Poor behavior/grades may cause a student to be placed on probation, which may result in removal from the course and/or future participation in athletics. A physical examination is required. Golf clubs, workout clothes, and uniforms are provided.
FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Band 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Fine Arts
Gr: 6-8
Grade 6: No prior musical skills or experience required. Band directors will work with students to determine the best instrument fit through appointments. The introductory course for membership in the Frenship Tiger Band provides musical experiences to students who are brand-new to band or who need remedial instruction on their instrument. Students will learn essential skills necessary to perform and compete individually and in ensembles. “Intro to Band” prepares students for continued participation in the Middle School Band program and FHS Band program. This course will require participation in a handful of concerts and special events.
Grade 7-8: Students in advanced bands participate in a variety of activities including pep rallies, a high school football game, various concerts including Fall, Christmas, and Spring, Solo and Ensemble Contests, UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest, Pre-UIL Contest and a Spring trip to the Greater Southwest Music Festival in Amarillo. Students may be offered an Advanced Band class upon completing Beginning Band, passing an audition, and acquiring the teacher’s approval
Orchestra 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Gr: 6-8
Grade 6: No prior musical skills or experience required. Orchestra directors will work with students to determine the best instrument fit through appointments. The introductory course for membership in the Frenship Orchestra Program provides musical experiences to students who are brand-new to orchestra or who need remedial instruction on their instrument. Students will learn essential skills necessary to perform and compete individually and in ensembles. “Intro to Orchestra” prepares students for continued participation in the Middle School Orchestra program and FHS Orchestra program. This course will require participation in a handful of concerts and special events.
Grade 7-8: Students in advanced orchestras participate in a variety of activities including Fall, Christmas, and Spring concerts, Solo and Ensemble Contests, UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest, Pre-UIL Contests, and a Spring trip to the Greater Southwest Music Festival in Amarillo. Students may be offered an advanced orchestra class upon completing beginning orchestra, passing an audition, and acquiring the teacher’s approval.
Art 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Gr: 6-8
Description: Students will learn about different artists, media, and techniques and how to apply them to their own works of art through drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking, and fibers. Many student projects are displayed at various art expositions throughout the community and may be entered in competitions.
22 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Choir 6-8 Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Grade 6: No prior musical skills or experience required. Choir 6 prepares students for continued participation in the Middle School Choir program and membership in the FHS Choir program. Students will learn to read music and sing different styles of music: classical, musical theatre, and pop. Students will develop their voices to perform/compete in small and large groups/ensembles. This course will require participation in a handful of concerts and special events.
Grade 7-8: This course provides the student with the opportunity to expand their music reading skills and singing range. Students will be given an opportunity to participate in a Christmas program, a Spring program, compete in UIL Choir Contest, and Solo/Ensemble Contest.
Theatre 6-8 Gr: 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Description: Each student will strengthen teamwork, self-confidence, and people skills while learning about all the aspects of Theater and Drama. Students will explore the concepts of self, body and voice work, improvisation, acting techniques, and reading and writing related to Theater study.
Students will learn the basic strands of theatre through a variety of theatrical experiences. Students communicate in a dramatic form, make artistic choices, solve problems, build positive self-concepts, and relate interpersonally.
Languages Other Than English
Spanish 1 (High School Credit) Gr: 8
Description: Spanish I is an introduction to the Spanish-speaking world, its languages, and its people. Emphasis is placed on the early oral communication skills while developing the listening, reading, and writing skills of a second language. This course requires the student to be disciplined, with a commitment to additional study time outside the school day.
23 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Technology Applications 6-8
Prerequisite: none
Career & Technical Education
Gr: 6-8
Description: This is a great class to become familiar with technology. Students will begin the year becoming acquainted with the computer, file creating, file saving, and more tricks to access information and keep that information available. The students will spend time improving keyboarding skills. By the end of the year, students will be familiar with Microsoft Office Products (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher) by creating various projects in these programs.
Digital Design 7-8
Prerequisite: none
Gr: 7-8
Description: This course offers students the opportunity to learn the basics of digital design while using various computer software programs. Microsoft FrontPage, School Center, and Adobe Photoshop are used to design web pages for the Middle School web site. Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access will be learned and used to create brochures, programs, flyers, business cards, address labels, databases, spreadsheets, various documents, and slide presentations.
College and Career Readiness
Prerequisite: none
Gr: 8
Description: This course focuses on the basic skills, planning and investigation needed to begin a specific career path. This is a great course to help students identify areas of personal strength and interest while beginning to focus on their future. Students entering high school are required to select an endorsement that will determine high school course work. This course provides early exposure to the endorsement areas.
Broadcast Media 1
Prerequisite: none
Gr: 7-8
Description: Introduction to Media Literacy, which produces Tiger Vision News, is a course for students interested in television broadcasting. Students produce daily broadcasts that are streamed through TVs and posted on campus websites. Students learn camera techniques, audio, graphics, editing, lighting, interviewing, reporting, script writing, anchoring, producing, and directing. Students will also explore commercials, video production, and advertising. Students are placed in Broadcast Media II based on skills gained through Broadcast Media I.
24 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Broadcast Media 2 (High School Credit) Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Broadcast Media 1
Description: Students hone skills camera techniques, audio, graphics, editing, lighting, interviewing, reporting, script writing, anchoring, producing, and directing. Students will also explore commercials, video production, and advertising. Students are placed in Broadcast Media II based on skills gained through Broadcast Media I.
Other Electives
Yearbook Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Application
Description: This course is for highly motivated, independent, and creative individuals who wish to create and design the school yearbook. Students must meet strict deadlines and work before, during, and after school. Students should also have strong writing skills. Students will learn about page layout, photography selection, caption and copy writing, and more as they create each individual page of the yearbook using publication design software.
Office Aide (Requires administrative approval) Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Application
Description: This class is limited in the number of available positions. If approved for the course, students will be assigned to campus offices to assist secretaries in office duties, such as but not limited to greeting visitors, delivering items to rooms, and organizing/filing papers.
Library Aide Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Application
Description: This class is limited in the number of available positions. If approved for the course, students will be assigned to library/media center to assist media specialist in duties such as but not limited checking materials in/out, reshelving books, and delivering items to classrooms.
25 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Teacher Aide Gr: 8
Prerequisite: Application
Description: This class is limited in the number of available positions. If approved for the course, students will be assigned to a specific teacher and will assist them in duties such as but not limited to organizing/filing papers, cutting/pasting, and delivering items.
Middle School Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
Robotics is offered as an after-school program for grades 6-8. Students in this program will work together to design and build a robot. Students in Robotics will participate in the First Tech Challenge (FTC), Air Battles (Drone competition) and GEAR (Get Excited About Robotics). Students will learn programming skills, problem solving strategies, and how to work as a team. Students can continue the Robotics pathway by taking Robotics and Engineering in High School.
Spelling Bee (English and Spanish)
Each middle school hosts a campus Spelling Bee early in the second semester. The Bee is open to any student who wants to participate. The winner from each campus will advance to the District Spelling Bee. The winner from the District Spelling Bee will have the opportunity to participate in our area’s local Spelling Bee. Spanish Spelling Bee will be held at Terra Vista Middle School.
Members of the cheer/mascot team promote good sportsmanship, citizenship, school spirit and are foremost representatives of their school. Only eighth grade students are selected for the team. Tryouts are held in the spring prior to their 8th grade year. Selection of members comes 75% judges score and 25% teacher recommendation. All members must abide by the FISD Student Code of Conduct, FISD Extracurricular Code of Conduct and UIL rules
Student Council
This organization strives to represent the interests of the student body and gives students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. Students will also work with the administration, faculty, and staff to ensure the student body has a voice concerning school issues. Students must maintain good academic standing and be a positive role model for the school.
FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
National Junior Honor Society
Students are selected to be members based on their character and academic standing. The purpose of the organization is to create an enthusiasm for learning, service for others, leadership among peers, and character development. Selection of membership begins in the second semester of 7th grade but may also be selected in the 8th grade.
Superintendent Select
Eighth grade students are selected based on their performance on their STAAR test from the previous year. Students must score in the top 10% in the district in at least one subject area of the STAAR test. This distinction also allows students to be eligible to enroll in Gifted and Talented sections of core subjects in 9th and 10th grades, even if they are currently not in GT.
UIL Academics
UIL Academics is a competition in which students can compete in events as an individual, or in some cases, as a team. These events that are designed to complement and expand upon the curriculum that students learn in the classroom In some cases, students must first try out to be able to compete. Typically, the competition is held in early November between both in district and out of district schools.
27 FISD 2023-2024
Middle School Course
Middle School Student Course Choices 2023-2024
Sex: M F Date of Birth_____________________
Skyward Login_____________
Parent Name (print)
Required Core Courses: Reading/Language Arts (RLA), Math, Science, and Social Studies
RLA 6 is double-blocked, meaning the student will have the class twice a day with the same teacher and students. Placement in GT requires meeting Frenship Independent School District program requirements.
Reading/Language Arts (RLA) 6 ___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Math 6 ___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Social Studies 6 Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Science 6 Regular OR ___Honors/GT
Required Physical Education or Competitive Sports Course
Two years of a physical education class is required for middle school students. Select ONE choice.
Physical Education (PE)
___Boys OR ___Boys OR ___
___Girls ___Girls
Fine Arts and Elective Courses
All students are required to take one year of fine arts (art, band, orchestra, choir, or theater) during middle school. We suggest taking a fine arts class in 6th grade as all fine arts programs advance through middle school and high school. (If band/orchestra) is a top choice, the directors will work with students to determine the best instrument fit through appointments or Band Night opportunities during the spring.
We will attempt to honor your first request for electives, but because of class sections, class size, and reading intervention, we cannot guarantee placement in any elective choice.
Please select your top FOUR choices and number them 1 through 4 with “1” being your top choice.
Fine Arts: ___Art 6
Elective: ___Tech Applications
___Band 6
___Women’s Choir ___Theater 6
___Men’s Choir
STUDENT SIGNATURE________________________________________________________
28 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Phone _________________________________
Middle School Student Course Choices
Required Core Courses: Reading/Language Arts (RLA), Math, Science, and Social Studies
RLA 7 is double-blocked, meaning the student will have the class twice a day with the same teacher and students. Placement in GT requires meeting Frenship Independent School District program requirements.
Reading/Language Arts (RLA) 7 ___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Math 7 ___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Social Studies 7
___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Science 7 Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Students must take Honors/GT Math in 7th grade in order to select Algebra I in 8th grade.
Required Physical Education or Competitive Sports Course
Two years of a physical education class is required for middle school students. A physical is required for Athletics, Golf, and Tennis. Please select ONE choice. Physical
Fine Arts and Elective Courses
All students are required to take one year of fine arts (art, band, orchestra, choir, or theater) during middle school. We will attempt to honor your first request for electives, but because of class sections, class size, and reading intervention, we cannot guarantee placement in any elective choice.
Please select your top FOUR choices and number them 1 through 4 with “1” being your top choice.
29 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Athletics Tennis Golf ___Boys OR ___Boys OR ___ OR ___ ___Girls OR ___Girls OR ___ OR
Education (PE)
___Women’s Choir ___Theater 7 ___Orchestra ___Men’s
Fine Arts: ___Art 7
___Broadcast Media I ___Digital Design ___Tech Applications
STUDENT SIGNATURE______________________________________________________ DATE PARENT SIGNATURE DATE
Student ID____________________________ Last First Sex M F Date of Birth_____________________ Elementary___________________________
Login_______________________________ Skyward Password_____________________
Parent Phone _________________________
Parent Name (print)
Middle School Student Course Choices
Required Core Courses: Reading/Language Arts (RLA), Math, Science, and Social Studies
Placement in GT requires meeting Frenship Independent School District program requirements. Students must complete Pre-AP Math in 7th grade in order to select Algebra I in 8th grade. *Algebra earns a High School credit. Grade, attendance, and EOC requirements apply to earn credit
Reading/Language Arts (RLA) 8 ___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Math 8 ___ Pre-Algebra OR ___ *Algebra 1
Social Studies 8 ___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Science 8
___ Regular OR ___ Honors/GT
Required Physical Education or Competitive Sports Course
Two years of a physical education class is required for middle school students. If you have already had two years of PE, these courses are optional and will be counted as an elective. A physical is required for Athletics, Tennis, and Golf. Please select ONE choice if you need or want to take this course.
Physical Education (PE) Athletics Tennis Golf
___Boys OR ___Boys OR ___ OR ___
Fine Arts and Elective Courses
**Golf Team tryouts required.
*Spanish I and *Broadcast media II earn a High School credit. Grade and attendance requirements apply to earn credit. We will attempt to honor your first request for electives, but because of class sections, class size, and math intervention, we cannot guarantee placement in any elective choice.
Please select your top SIX choices and number them 1 through 6 with “1” being your top choice.
Fine Arts: ___Art 8 ___Band 8 ___Women’s Choir 8 ___Theater 8
___Orchestra ___Men’s Choir 8
Electives: Tech Applications ___Broadcast Media I ___*Spanish 1
___Digital Design
___College & Career Readiness
___Office Aide
___*Broadcast Media II ___Teacher Aide
___Library Aide
30 FISD 2023-2024 Middle School Course Guide
Name_____________________________________ Student ID____________________________ Last First Sex M F Date of Birth__________________ Skyward Login______________________________ Skyward Password_____________________ Parent
Parent Phone _________________________
Name (print)