Participation in Prize Patrol: Donor will present and surprise teacher with their Grant check and take photos with teachers
Invitation to be recognized in person on the football field during a Frenship varsity home football game
Video of prize patrol featuring sponsors played at football game, Frenship.TV, Frenship’s SuddenLink Channel, social media and website
Business logo displayed and shoutout as a Teacher Grant sponsor during Convocation in front of all 1,400+ Frenship staff members
Recognition in one edition of Tiger Tales, the District eNewsletter that is sent to all 1,400+ staff members and community subscribers
Business logo posted on Foundation website as a Teacher Grant sponsor
Recognition as a Teacher Grant sponsor on social media
Participation in Prize Patrol: Donor will present and surprise teacher with their Grant check and take photos with teachers
Business logo displayed and shoutout during a Frenship varsity home football game
Business logo displayed and shoutout as a Teacher Grant sponsor during Convocation in front of all 1,400+ Frenship staff members
Recognition in one edition of Tiger Tales, the District eNewsletter that is sent to all 1,400+ staff members and community subscribers
Business logo posted on Foundation website as a Teacher Grant sponsor Recognition as a Teacher Grant sponsor on social media
Participation in Prize Patrol: Donor will present and surprise teacher with their Grant check and take photos with teachers Recognition in one edition of Tiger Tales, the District eNewsletter that is sent to all 1,400+ staff members and community subscribers
Business logo posted on Foundation website as a Teacher Grant sponsor Recognition as a Teacher Grant sponsor on social media
Business logo posted on Foundation website as a Teacher Grant sponsor Recognition as a Teacher Grant sponsor on social media