Frenship Independent School District Frenship Middle School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
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Campus #152907041 August 28, 2020 9:45 AM
Table of Contents Comprehensive Needs Assessment Demographics Student Achievement School Culture and Climate Priority Problem Statements Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation Goals Goal 1 : Frenship ISD will create a thriving environment where learners maximize their potential and emerge from the classroom as empowered, equipped, and diverse leaders who engage and collaborate to positively impact communities. Goal 2 : Frenship ISD will assist and educate students, parents and staff regarding aspects that support and maintain classroom learning such as: student health, attendance, discipline, and related issues. Goal 3 : Frenship ISD will assist and educate students, parents and staff regarding aspects that support and maintain safe schools and a secure environment. Goal 4 : Frenship ISD will optimize parent and community engagement partnerships through timely communication, participation opportunities and partnerships designed to consistently enhance whole child learning and participation. Campus Funding Summary Addendums
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Demographics Demographics Summary FMS is mostly comprised of two Ethnic groups, White (non-Hispanic) and Hispanic. These two groups make up for much of the student population, 53.9% of the students are classified as white (non-Hispanic) and 39.5 % are Hispanic. The remaining students are as listed, American Indian .5%, Asian 1.1%, African American 1.7%, and students who classify as two or more races 3.2%.
Attendance at FMS has been consistently above the state average. The state average for the 2017-18 school year was 95.4% attendance, while FMS was at 96.1% attendance rate.
The staff at FMS is made up of many different people who all play a vital part of keeping the school running. The breakdown of the staff is as follows: Teachers 74.0%, Educational Aides 10.2%, Professional Support 11.1%, and Administration 4.7%. The ethnic makeup of the staff is white (non-Hispanic) 89.7% and Hispanic 6.1%. 73.9% of the staff members are female the other 26.1% are male.
The average years’ experience of teachers on the campus is 12.2 years. This is a decrease from the previous year where the average years’ experience was 13.7 years. The campus teacher years in service average is both above the district average and the state average. The breakdown of the teachers by years’ experience is as follows: beginning teachers 3.5%, 1-5 years 35.0%, 6-10 years 12.7%, 11-20 Years 27.9%, and over 20 years 20.9%.
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Demographics Strengths The population is an accurate depiction of the demographic makeup of the boundaries of FMS. We have a diverse student body and a veteran teaching corp that helps push our students to achieve high level of academic success. Our attendance rates top the state consistently and a large part of this is our students want to come to school, and the support that comes from our staff in building relationships with students.
Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): STAAR passing scores in Hispanic population has dropped below the State average. Root Cause: Need for more targeted tutoring approach to minority students.
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Student Achievement Student Achievement Summary The students at Frenship Middle School have traditionally been extremely high achieving. Although student passing rates on STAAR have been outstanding, increased passing rates as well as a focus on commended rates are two areas in which we would like to ensure continued improvement. For the latest STAAR results in 6th grade reading and math FMS not only surpassed the state average but the district average as well. 6th grade reading at approaches was 75% and for Math it was 83%.
The 7th grade class achieved at or above the state average in all three categories At Approaches level for Reading was 80%, Math 82%, and writing was 87%. The same can be said for our 8th grade scores. For Science this year was no different with 87%. The reading rate was 91% and math was 88%. Our largest increase came in Social Studies where we saw a 14% score above state average with a passing rate of 83%.
Student Achievement Strengths Increased percentage of students participating in Duke Talent program. And of those participating six reached state recognition and one reache national recognition. FMS had six of the ten state recognitions in the entire district and one of only two national recognitions in the district.
At or above state average in every STAAR test 6th through 8th grade At Approaches level.
State qualifiers or tournament champions in many different extracurricular activities such as band, choir.
Problem Statements Identifying Student Achievement Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Need to increase the number of students at the Masters level on STAAR in all categories. Root Cause: need for more targeted accelerated instruction for students on the masters level bubble.
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School Culture and Climate School Culture and Climate Summary The administration, department heads, and leadership at FMS remain dedicated to creating a culture and climate in which students thrive in success and teachers flourish in their profession. The campus has a belief that every student can be successful and should be pushed to reach their maximum potential. Relationships with our staff and students is the cornerstone of our success.
School Culture and Climate Strengths Student centered climate. One of our missions is “We will always put the needs of our students first.” We provide a safe and secure atmosphere for our students and staff. Parents and visitors are required to check-in through the raptor software program. High degree of parental involvement including a tremendously active Parent Teacher Association Increased focus on new teachers to the profession as well as to FMS. Continued effective professional development of our teachers.
Problem Statements Identifying School Culture and Climate Needs Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Not all of the students at FMS feel welcomed and supported while at school by adult staff members. Root Cause: Lack of meaningful relationship with adult staff member.
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Priority Problem Statements Problem Statement 1: STAAR passing scores in Hispanic population has dropped below the State average. Root Cause 1: Need for more targeted tutoring approach to minority students. Problem Statement 1 Areas: Demographics
Problem Statement 2: Need to increase the number of students at the Masters level on STAAR in all categories. Root Cause 2: need for more targeted accelerated instruction for students on the masters level bubble. Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Achievement
Problem Statement 3: Not all of the students at FMS feel welcomed and supported while at school by adult staff members. Root Cause 3: Lack of meaningful relationship with adult staff member. Problem Statement 3 Areas: School Culture and Climate
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis: Improvement Planning Data District goals Accountability Data Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data Student Achievement Domain Student Progress Domain Closing the Gaps Domain Accountability Distinction Designations Federal Report Card Data
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Goals Goal 1: Frenship ISD will create a thriving environment where learners maximize their potential and emerge from the classroom as empowered, equipped, and diverse leaders who engage and collaborate to positively impact communities. Performance Objective 1: Hispanic and Economically Disadvantaged student scores on all four 8th grade STAAR tested areas will increase from 74% to 78% of students approaching grade level by the end of the 2020-2021. Evaluation Data Sources: Increase tutoring time for targeted students based off of core subject unit assessment and benchmark data Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Identification of economically disadvantaged students who are experiencing difficulty with mastering objectives while targeting teaching practices and resources to level the learning experiences and opportunities available to ensure success. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduction in the gap between economically disadvantaged and non disadvantaged student achievement on standardized tests Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
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Title I Schoolwide Elements: None ESF Levers: None
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Strategy 2: Increase the number of students served by tutoring during tiger time and after school to meet student needs in regards to needs in the areas of specific content SE's Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Tutorial schedule, List of students served
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Department heads
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
May Summative June
Strategy 3: Make parent contact on students who have a dip in attendance to attempt to get students in class and increase parent involvement in the academic success of the students. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: increased attendance rate Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, attendance secretary
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 4: Academic performance of all student groups will be monitored to identify any gaps in curriculum or learning opportunities and necessary changes and adjustments will be made to ensure student success in learning. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Closing of gaps in TEK learning objectives, STAAR scores
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 5: Extended year programming will be utilized for students identified as at-risk for academic performance success. As well as RTI, intervention programs and personnel will be utilized to increase understanding, comprehension and passing rates of struggling students. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Growth in student performance on STAAR, EOC, TPRI, TELPAS and local assessments (TEK checks) Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Department Heads Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: 199 - PIC 24,26,28,30, 32 - General Fund: SCE
ESF Levers: None
Formative Dec Mar May Summative June
Strategy 6: Use of the Read 180 program integrated in the curriculum to improve the Lexile reading levels and TPRI scores of students. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reading Lexile levels of students will increase and show growth
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Read 180 Teacher
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 7: Students identified as dyslexic will receive services and academic support through the dyslexia program. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Growth in dyslexic student reading skills and academic performance
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Dyslexia teacher
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: 199 - PIC 24,26,28,30, 32 - General Fund: SCE
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 8: Increase tutoring time for targeted students based on Benchmark assessment scores. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in TEK check and STAAR assessment scores particularly for Hispanic and economically Formative disadvantaged student sub-population Dec Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Mar Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: 199 - PIC 24,26,28,30, 32 - General Fund: SCE
ESF Levers: None
May Summative June
Strategy 9: Utilize technology to provide intervention for At-Risk students in STAAR tested subjects. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase STAAR scores.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: 199 - PIC 24,26,28,30, 32 - General Fund: SCE
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
No Progress
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Performance Objective 2: Increase math passing rates and mastery level rates for all student groups grades 6-8 by 5% by the end of the 2020 -2021. Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR scores Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Provide a rich curriculum that includes real world connections and enrichment activities. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students make real world connections to curriculum.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration and Department heads
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: FMS will adopt an inclusive approach to PRE-AP and other advanced classes through open enrollment. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in number of students receiving accelerated instruction
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Department Heads
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 3: Student performance goal setting and progress monitoring will be implemented by tiger time teachers. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students become more involved in there learning and take ownership
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Performance Objective 3: TELPAS regression will decrease from 60% to 50% by the end of the 2020-20201school year. Evaluation Data Sources: TELPAS scores Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Provide/encourage professional development opportunities on ELPS instructional strategies. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased teacher knowledge in ELPS teaching strategies. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, ESL coordinator
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Establish a stronger collaboration between the ESL teacher and the campus instructional coach to support implementation of ELPS teaching strategies. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased teacher knowledge in ELPS teaching strategies. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, ESL coordinator
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Performance Objective 4: The percent of SPED students approaching grade level in reading and math will increase by 10% by the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Evaluation Data Sources: State Testing data Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Additional interventions and tutoring will be provided for all student sub populations with emphasis on special education students in reading and mathematics to increase proficiency on TEK checks and STAAR. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: TEK check and STAAR increase in performance data
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Increase opportunity for online testers to practice assessments in an online or computer based format. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in online and computer based testing scores.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
No Progress
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Goal 2: Frenship ISD will assist and educate students, parents and staff regarding aspects that support and maintain classroom learning such as: student health, attendance, discipline, and related issues. Performance Objective 1: Establish a community connection to FMS prior to the start of each school with all new incoming students and parents attending FMS. Evaluation Data Sources: parent involvement in campus registration and orientation. Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: New parent orientation and organizational meetings to build parent involvement in organizations and activities at FMS. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Sign in rosters at meetings. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, organization sponsors
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Tiger tour day of all incoming fifth graders from feeder schools to show students the FMS campus and organizations to ease the transition between Elementary and Middle School. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students online course request completed on this day. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Campus administration, Staff members attending Tiger tours
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Performance Objective 2: Utilize teaming period weekly with a focus on Student/Parent/Teacher communication and collaboration. Evaluation Data Sources: Increase teaming participation to include SPED and elective teachers on a monthly basis. Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Once each six weeks have a Super Teaming meeting to include SPED and Elective teachers along with Core teachers to increase collaboration time leading to an increase in student needs being met as demonstrated in team meeting notes and follow through in subject area classes Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: teaming sign in rosters
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Team leaders Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Teachers participate in weekly content and grade specific PLCs or training to discuss best teaching strategies and dissect student data. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: PLC minutes Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Department Heads
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 3: Core teachers participate in weekly grade level teaming meetings to discuss student issues and concerns, missing work, in an attempt to create ways to best meet the needs of a diverse student population. (ie-homeless, homebound, foster, migrant services, 504, special ed, ESL, economically disadvantaged) in an attempt to reduce dropout rates. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teaming minutes and sign in rosters.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Team leaders Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 4: During Super Teaming the campus counselor will coordinate assemblies that will get out a positive message to the students in the area of safety, future planning, drugs, conflict resolution, and suicide prevention in an attempt to increase student safety and decrease placements due to behavior issues. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: schedule of assemblies
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Counselor Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 5: School counselor will provide discussion topics to teachers for use during Tiger Time in the areas of future planning and readiness to prepare students for life after school include but not limited to physical and verbal aggression, dating violence, health and wellness, TBSI restraint training as warranted and abuse and neglect. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: list of topics sent out to teachers.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Counselor Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 6: School Counselor sent out a comprehensive students needs survey to all the students to complete during Tiger Time in an attempt to target students in need of assistance or guidance. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student surveys collected Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, School Counselor
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 7: Targeted Tiger Time discussions on topics to include bullying, drug awareness, social media, violence prevention and intervention, pregnancy related services, in attempt to inform students of potential issues related to these topics. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: list of topics given to teachers Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, School Counselor
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 8: Teachers participate in weekly content and grade specific PLCs to discuss best teaching strategies and dissect student data. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teaming minutes and sign in rosters.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Team Leaders Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Performance Objective 3: Provide Staff Professional development opportunities to support student achievement. Evaluation Data Sources: Staff participation in Professional development opportunities. Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Provide/Encourage professional development opportunities for staff on accommodations, modifications, and tools for students with special needs. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in online and computer based testing scores.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Campus instructional coach will increase support and feedback, engaging, and differentiated instruction for gifted and talented students. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased differentiated instruction for higher level learners.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 3: Teachers will be provided professional development opportunities to improve differentiated instruction Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in Mastery level scores on STAAR
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 4: Provide content specific professional development opportunities on using data to make instructional decisions. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved curriculum design and assessments.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 5: Provide teachers and staff with high quality professional development targeting low SES students to maintain highly qualified teacher. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase of teacher knowledge of strategies for lower SES students
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
No Progress
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Goal 3: Frenship ISD will assist and educate students, parents and staff regarding aspects that support and maintain safe schools and a secure environment. Performance Objective 1: Collaborate with families as full partners in the learning, development and academic success of their children. Evaluation Data Sources: Invite students, staff, and all campus stakeholders to be active partners with the campus Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: All students will attend a start of the year student expectation assembly by grade level to be informed of school rules and procedures. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Schedule of class meetings. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, School Nurse, Campus Police Officer
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Visible presence of campus Police Officer at all school functions and activities when more than 50 people will be in attendance to provide security and assistance. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: schedule of events Campus Police Officer attends.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Campus Police Officer
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 3: The use of the eighth grade career exploration videos on the school website that are made available for the students and family members to view to guide future career interest. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: number of views and website hits on the videos. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Webmaster, School Counselor
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Performance Objective 2: The percentage of staff noting that they have received meaningful recognition and/or validation from leadership within the most recent ten days will increase from 52% to 75% by the next climate survey. Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Climate survey Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Department heads will conduct needs assessments to determine professional development training for campus designated PD days Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: targeted PD opportunities. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Department Heads
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Performance Objective 3: The percentage of staff agreeing that the campus decisions made are consistent with our mission and our core values will increase from 61% to 80% by the next climate survey. Evaluation Data Sources: Campus culture survey Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Campus admin will include relevant personnel in key campus decisions. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: increase in campus buy in of procedures.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Campus Admin will empower and Support department heads with certain leadership functions. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase morale
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 3: Campus leadership will work with department heads to hire and retain highly qualified teachers and staff. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: None
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: None Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
No Progress
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Goal 4: Frenship ISD will optimize parent and community engagement partnerships through timely communication, participation opportunities and partnerships designed to consistently enhance whole child learning and participation. Performance Objective 1: Establish a community connection to FMS with all students and parents attending FMS. Evaluation Data Sources: Increase in parent involvement at school functions and activities Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Make home visits in an attempt to visit the home of all new incoming students who will attend FMS to increase in parental involvement in school activities and events. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Yard signs left with families, notes left with families, route lists.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 2: Summer Call Outs to inform parents of important events and dates in regards to the start of the upcoming school year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: list of people signed up for call outs.
Formative Dec
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
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Strategy 3: Use of Campus website and official school social media sites to disseminate important information and promote the success that are happening at FMS Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Number of webpage hits, Number of twitter followers. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Webmaster, Campus Communicator
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 4: School call out to inform parents of progress reports being sent home for parents to be aware of their students academic progress. Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in parent involvment
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
Strategy 5: Parent and community involvement will be increased through consistent communication and encouragement of volunteer opportunities and events Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Communication through verbal and written forms, call out system and flyers sent home with students Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
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Dec Mar
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None ESF Levers: None
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May Summative June Campus #152907041 August 28, 2020 9:45 AM
Strategy 6: Campus organizations hold special events at least twice a semester, such as; doughnuts with dad, curbside coffee, Muffins with mom, fruits of our labor, etc in an attempt to increase parent involvement and participation Formative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased parent involvement Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Organization sponsors
Title I Schoolwide Elements: None
Problem Statements: None
TEA Priorities: None
Funding Sources: None
ESF Levers: None
Summative June
No Progress
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Campus Funding Summary 199 - PIC 24,26,28,30, 32 - General Fund: SCE Goal
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