Frenship ISD Parent & Student 1:1 Technology Guide

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1:1 technology frenship isd parent and student guide

TABLE OF CONTENTS Frenship ISD 1:1 Technology ............................................................................................................................ 1 Deploying Devices .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Returning Devices .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Devices .................................................................................................................... 4 Fee Collection ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 General Device Use ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Apps and Digital Tools....................................................................................................................................... 7 Appropriate Use of Devices ............................................................................................................................... 8 Inappropriate Use of Devices ............................................................................................................................ 9 Internet Safety and Cyberbullying ................................................................................................................ 10 Use of Personal Devices................................................................................................................................... 11

FRENSHIP ISD 1:1 TECHNOLOGY Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, Frenship ISD will launch a 1:1 initiative to ensure all students have equitable access to technology and digital resources. Through this program, every Frenship ISD student will be provided a district-issued device to use throughout the school year in the classroom. Greater access to technology and digital resources means more opportunities for students to explore, research, and learn anywhere at any time. Why 1:1? Frenship ISD is committed to personally meaningful learning which adapts to the changing world. Incorporating devices as an instructional tool provides enhanced and dynamic instruction for students while allowing teachers to be more flexible and creative with their lessons. This 1:1 model has many benefits for Frenship ISD learners including: • Personalized Learning • Higher Engagement • Faster Feedback • Digital Equity Integrating technology in the classroom on a regular basis and increasing digital literacy also ensures our students are ready to tackle the ever-changing world of technology. As we rollout the 1:1 model, Frenship ISD will continue creating future-ready learners who are: • Academically Equipped • Effective Communicators • Responsible Citizens • Passionate Learners Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Devices Students in pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade will receive an iPad, iPad case, and charger. • iPads will stay in the classroom and will not go home with the students. • iPads must remain in the district-issued case at all times. • Extenuating circumstances may arise in which a student enrolled in pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade may need to take his/her assigned iPad home. Campus administration may approve students taking home the iPads on a case-by-case basis. 3rd - 12th Grade Devices Students in 3rd through 12th grade will receive a Windows laptop and charger. • Students will take their laptops home every day. • NOTE: Students in grades 3 - 5 will start taking their laptops home after the second six weeks once they've had time to be trained on the device/apps. UPDATED: 9.29.21 • Students are expected to bring their device to school each day charged and ready for learning. • WiFi hotspots may be issued to a student based on need. Frenship will create a thriving environment where learners maximize their potential and emerge as empowered, equipped, and diverse leaders who engage and collaborate to positively impact communities.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


DEPLOYING DEVICES All Frenship ISD students will receive a district-issued device at no charge at the beginning of each school year. In order for the student to be issued a device, the parent/guardian must complete the "Frenship ISD Student/Parent 1:1 Use Agreement" form in Skyward during the registration process. If a parent does not want his/her child to receive a device, the parent should notify his/her child's campus. Deploying Devices for a New School Year • Students will be issued devices the second week of school. • NOTE: Campuses will not deploy devices during the back-to-school registration process or prior to the first day of the school year. Deploying Devices to New Students During the School Year • When a new student enrolls after devices have been deployed, campuses will ensure the new student has a device within five (5) school days. Students Switching Between Frenship Campuses During the School Year • If a student transfers to another Frenship ISD campus, the student will turn in their device to the campus from which they are leaving/withdrawing. • The student will be issued a device at the new/enrolling campus. Deploying Devices During the Summer (Grades 9 - 12 Only) • Deploying a device during the summer may be approved on a case-by-case basis as determined by the campus administration.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


RETURNING DEVICES The student’s right to possess and use the device terminates no later than the last day of enrollment in Frenship ISD unless terminated earlier by Frenship ISD. Return of Devices at the End of the Year • Students must return the district-issued technology at the end of the school year. Campuses will communicate with students/parents on the specific return dates. • If the device is damaged or not returned, the student/parent will be responsible for the repair cost or the replacement cost of the device. Withdrawals • When a student withdraws from a Frenship ISD campus they must turn in their device before the withdrawal process can be completed. • If the device is damaged or not returned, the student/parent will be responsible for the repair cost or the replacement cost of the device. • The transfer of student records may be delayed if the device is not returned or fee(s) are not paid. Graduating Seniors • Students who are graduating must return their device and pay any outstanding fee(s) prior to graduation. • If the device is not returned or the device is damaged and the associated fee(s) have not been paid, this could result in a delay in the graduated senior receiving a diploma. Repossession of Device • Failure to comply with the "Frenship ISD Student/Parent 1:1 Use Agreement" form and Student Code of Conduct may result in the termination of the student's rights of possession and the district may repossess the property.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


LOST, STOLEN, DAMAGED DEVICES Accidental Loss or Stolen Device • Students/parents are required to report a lost or stolen device/charger within five (5) business days after the occurrence. • Parents must report stolen devices to the local police and provide a copy of the police report to the campus administrator within five (5) business days after the occurrence. • The Technology Department may disable the device remotely to protect the device and/or data on the device. Accidental Damage / Defective Device • Elementary: Students/parents should report damaged devices/chargers to their teacher. • Grades Pre-K - 2: iPads should remain in the district-issued case. If an iPad is damaged while not in the district-issued case, an additional fee may be charged. • Secondary: Students/parents should report damaged devices/chargers to the campus principal or designee. Device Repair • If the device must be sent for repairs, Frenship ISD's goal is a 3-5 day turnaround. • In some circumstances, students may receive a replacement device to use for the remainder of the year. • It is important to have all data backed up before turning a device in for repair in case a replacement device is deployed. • Do not attempt to personally repair or schedule a repair outside of Frenship ISD. • NOTE: Any attempt to personally repair or schedule a repair outside of Frenship ISD will void the 1:1 device warranty and may require full cost of replacement. Deploying Loaned Devices • If necessary, a student may be issued a temporary loaned device from the campus Technology Center. • Loaned devices must be returned to the campus principal or designee before the original device is returned to the student.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


FEE COLLECTION All Frenship ISD students will receive a district-issued device at no charge at the beginning of each school year. Prior to device deployment, parents and students must sign the "Frenship ISD Student/Parent 1:1 Use Agreement" form to acknowledge and consent to pay any identified replacement fees for lost or broken items. For students who qualify for the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program, the fee will be reduced accordingly. Fee Collection Parents/students have two options to pay fees: • Pay in person with cash or check at the student's campus • Pay online through My School Bucks If at any time your family faces a financial hardship that does not allow you to pay for the fees, please contact your student's campus principal. Fees Associated with Damaged iPads/Laptops • 1st Repair: No Cost • 2nd Repair: $15 • 3rd Repair: Full cost of the Device • Full cost of device may vary depending on the type of device and age of device Replacement Fees • iPad charging cable: $20 • iPad charging wall adapter: $20 • iPad case: $30 • Windows laptop charging cable: $25

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


GENERAL DEVICE USE Device Protection • District-issued iPads should remain in the district-issued case at all times. If an iPad is damaged while not in a district-issued case, an additional fee may be charged. • District-issued laptops should remain in the student’s backpack when not in use. • Students should keep the devices clean by using a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not use Windex or harsh chemicals on screens. • Devices should not be left in an environment with extreme temperatures such as outdoors or in a vehicle. • Devices should not be modified from their original issued condition. Examples of inappropriate modifications include but are not limited to ink/permanent pen markings, stickers, engraving or screen coverings. • Inappropriate content will not be allowed on devices and is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct. Charging Devices • Only an Apple charger is to be used with an Apple device. Using a non-Apple charger has been known to cause problems with the device. • Only a Dell charger is to be used with the Windows laptop. • Students in grades 3 - 12 are expected to bring their device to school each day charged and ready for learning. Device Sharing Between Students • Students are not permitted to loan or borrow devices from other students. • Students should not share their usernames and passwords with other students. • Accessing another person’s account or device without their consent or knowledge is considered hacking and a violation of the Acceptable Use Agreement and the Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct. Student Learning Expectations Student learning is the most important element of a technology initiative that provides equitable access to devices. The device is another tool for the teacher to use to provide an engaging learning experience where students are creating, collaborating, communicating, and creatively thinking in their building of knowledge. • Students should use the device at teacher direction, specifically when the lesson and student learning expectations dictate a need. • Not all instructional days will require the use of technology. Screen Time Awareness Educational screen time is defined as active, productive learning. Balance is always key, and making sure students have physical activity and other curriculum choices that do not use a screen is an important part of a student’s school day experience.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


APPS AND DIGITAL TOOLS Frenship ISD uses digital tools or Apps in a way that is consistent with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). To have access to the managed apps, students will need to use Frenship’s Company Portal for Windows laptops and Mosyle Portal for iPads using their district-issued email/password. Doing so will also automatically add them to the Frenship ISD WiFi. Music, Videos, Games, Apps or Programs • Apps rated 17+ or games with an ESRB rating of Mature are not allowed on student devices. • 17+ rated apps, R & NC-17 rated movies, TV-MA rated content and Explicit Content are restricted on student devices by the district. • Frenship ISD blocks explicit music and videos. • Illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damage and, in some cases, criminal prosecution. • Copyright infringement also violates the district’s internet service provider's terms of service and could lead to limitation or suspension of the district’s internet service. Deleting Files/Apps on Devices • Students are not allowed to delete any apps, folders, or files they did not create or that they do not recognize. • Deletion of certain files or apps may interfere with the student’s ability to complete certain coursework and may affect their grades. • District-purchased apps, such as textbooks and content-related or multimedia apps, may not be removed from the student’s device.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


APPROPRIATE USE OF DEVICES Administrators and teachers will follow normal campus procedures outlined in the Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct when viewing content on a student device (FNF-Legal). It will be each student’s responsibility to follow the rules for appropriate and responsible use. Appropriate Use of Device by Students • Students will adhere to good digital citizenship expectations. • Students must only open, view, modify, and delete their own computer files. • Internet and bandwidth usage at school must be directly related to school assignments during class time. • Students will be assigned individual network accounts and must use only those accounts and passwords they have been assigned. • All account activity should be for educational purposes only. • Students must immediately report threatening messages or questionable internet files/sites to a teacher. • Students must always use the district’s electronic communications system, including email, wireless network access, and Web 2.0 tools/resources to communicate. All communicaiton should be kind and respectful. • Students are responsible for their use of the district’s electronic communications system and must assume personal responsibility to behave ethically and responsibly.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


INAPPROPRIATE USE OF DEVICES Standard disciplinary procedures will be followed to address violations of student device use. Parents will be notified when content is removed from a student device that violates the "Frenship ISD 1:1 Student/ Parent Use Agreement" and the Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct. Inappropriate Use of Device by Students Students will be in violation of the signed Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) if any of the following occur: • Using wireless hotspots not provided by Frenship ISD while at school (These are prohibited on the Frenship ISD network) • Circumventing the Frenship ISD Company Portal to load apps not approved by the district • Using the district’s electronic communications system for illegal purposes including, but not limited to, cyberbullying, gambling, pornography, and computer hacking • Disabling or attempting to disable any system monitoring or filtering security measures • Sharing usernames and passwords with others and/or borrowing someone else’s username, password, or account access • Purposefully opening, viewing, using, or deleting files belonging to another system user without permission • Electronically posting data (including but not limited to audio recordings, video recordings, images, and personal information) about others or oneself when it is not related to a class project and/or without the permission of all parties • Downloading or plagiarizing copyrighted information without permission from the copyright holder. • Intentionally introducing a virus or other malicious programs onto the district’s system • Electronically posting messages or accessing materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal • Gaining unauthorized access to restricted information or network resources Presence of weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, gang related symbols or pictures found on the device will result in disciplinary actions Consequences for Inappropriate Use • Appropriate disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws including monetary damages. • Suspension of access to the district’s electronic communications system. • Revocation of the district’s electronic communications system account(s) and/or device. • Possible criminal action.

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


INTERNET SAFETY/CYBERBULLYING Internet Safety There are many sites on the internet that can be potentially dangerous to minors. These sites are blocked with the district content filter while students are working online both in school and outside of school. • Frenship ISD filters block inappropriate websites rated 17+ anytime devices are connected to the internet – a federal requirement of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). • Attempts to view inappropriate content will display a “blocked content” page on the device. • Inappropriate content is not allowed on any district-issued device. • Presence of weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, gang related symbols or pictures found on the device will result in disciplinary actions. • Students are in violation of Frenship ISD policy if they bypass the district content filters by accessing these sites through proxies or by removing Frenship ISD profiles. • Parents are encouraged to monitor their student’s home internet usage. Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is defined as the use of any Internet-connected device for the purpose of bullying, harassing, or intimidating another student. (Refer to the Frenship ISD Student Code of Conduct for more information on bullying and cyberbullying.) This includes, but may not be limited to: • Sending abusive text messages to cell phones, computers, or any electronic device • Posting abusive comments on someone’s blog or social networking sites • Creating a social networking account or web page that masquerades as the victim’s personal site • Posting another individual’s personal information • Sending abusive comments • Recording and distributing media with the intent to manipulate or embarrass others

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


USE OF PERSONAL DEVICES Students may use a personal device in place of a district-issued iPad or Windows laptop. Personal Device Limitations • Frenship ISD strongly recommends students utilize a district-issued device in order for the district to provide the most comprehensive technical support. Troubleshooting and support may be limited on personal devices. • Students may experience delays in the provisioning of personal devices. • Students may experience compatibility issues with access digital resources and programs. • Students will not be permitted to take tests on personal devices. All testing, if done on a device, must be done on a district-issued device. Student Expectations If a student does not utilize a district-issued device: • Students must adhere to their teacher's expectation of device use in the classroom. • Devices should be charged prior to arrival at school. • Students with personal devices must use the district wireless network and not cellular data. This ensures the internet access on the device is filtered while at a Frenship campus. • Personal devices should only be used for instructional purposes while at school. • Students with personal devices must adhere to Frenship ISD guidelines outlining appropriate use of technology and digital resources. • Students are responsible for personal property brought to school and should keep personal items secure or in a locked space. • Frenship ISD is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen personal devices. Minimum specifications for Grades Pre-K - 2 • iPad for Education model • iPad 10.2-inch - Apple • 10.2-inch screen • 32GB storage • Register device on Frenship’s Company Portal Minimum specifications for Grades 3 - 12 • Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise operating system • 11” or larger display • 8GB RAM • 128 GB hard drive • Wireless – 802.11AC • USB 2 or higher • 3.5mm headphone jack • Register device on Frenship’s Company Portal

1:1 Technology Parent/Student Guide

Frenship Independent School District


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