Susan Winters Smith Her Covered Head The young Muslim woman leaves for work at a local bank where she’s a clerk. She walks our neighborhood with dread of those who loathe the cloth around her head, which shows her devotion to Allah and spouse, as does her carefully buttoned up blouse. She treads very lightly on “Christian” sod, her covered head a lightning rod for those whose hearts are full of hate, seeking a scapegoat to berate. USA born, she’s red, white and blue, with skin that shines with an olive hue. She’s kind to all who cross her path, so why do some lash out with wrath, fighting their own Jesus Jihad, crueler than in Baghdad or Balad? I’m sure that the Sunday School Jesus I knew would frown upon this arrogant few, who tease and torment this sweet girl, created by God in God’s own world.