Fresno Flyer Vol 6 No 9

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If you don’t already know, the Pride celebration was born out of rebellion - an absolute refusal to lay down for oppressors. Drag Queens, Lesbians, Trans, and Queer folks took a stand against a swarm of police officers inside a small bar and simply said “no more.” The police had come to raid the bar for serving queer customers. The protesters’ actions would later become known as the Stonewall Riots of 1969. Their actions have taught us, the heirs of that precious Queer History, that we’re born from a tenacious fighting spirit. But as much as we are born out of that fierce defiance, the spirit of that rebellion also shows that we are born from profound love. When we choose freedom over living in the proverbial closet (when we choose life), we choose to love ourselves unconditionally, despite the cost. When we step into a queer bar and choose to surround ourselves with others like us - we choose to love our community. And that love is not singular; everyone there has made the same choice we did. So that love reverberates ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and fills up all the space in between that we cannot see. But even though we can’t see it, I assure you, we can certainly feel it. It is in large part what makes the LGBTQ+ community so special.

This community loves deeply, so when it loses a pillar - a figurehead of that community - it also mourns deeply. Jeffery Robinson embodied Pride through his tenacity, his grit to keep fighting for a safe space in the Central Valley for

over 30 years, and his immense love for his community. His loss is forever etched in the hearts of many who will mourn his absence for many years to come.

I grew up in the small military town of Lemoore, where there were no gay bars and no gay mentors. The ‘Gay Straight Alliance’ club at our high school was treated as a joke - literally, many of the students only joined to make fun of it. Queer kids had nothing. I had nothing - real support didn’t exist.

It was a revelation to find out Fresno had a Pride parade and celebration. Have you ever seen the movie Pleasantville? The one where people get trapped in a 50s TV show and the whole world is in black and white, and everyone’s mind gets blown when color starts seeping into their lives? Going to Pride for the first time was like that. It was like waking up from a coma or finally breathing again after holding in your breath for a really long time - it was suddenly feeling less alone in the world, feeling connected. I felt I could finally start understanding who I was and who I wanted to be.

I have Jeffery to thank for that - he was at the helm of bringing Pride to Fresno for three decades. Without his profound love for the community, so many of us may have never found our way. He was the lighthouse in the dark, helping to steer those of us wandering at sea away from unnecessary destruction. My only hope is to somehow carry that light, that torch forward in honor of Pride and in honor of Jeffery.



Twoyears ago, Fresno Rainbow Pride turned 30. Unfortunately, the parade and festival were put on hold due to COVID lockdowns and restrictions on social gatherings. Instead, it was replaced with virtual events, drive-in performances, and Zoom parties. When the Flyer spoke with Fresno Rainbow Pride founder and unofficial “Gay Mayor of Fresno” Jeffery Robinson last year, the setback did not diminish his excitement and optimism.

“Pride is so much more than just the parade and partying. It’s a spiritual recharge,” Robinson said. “For many people in the community, it’s a rare opportunity to express who they truly are without fear or judgment and interact with others who share the same experiences.”

Guided by that sentiment, the 2020 and 2021 Pride celebrations embraced social media, YouTube, and virtual technology like never before to continue the 30-year tradition of providing Fresno’s LGBTQ+ community and allies a place to come together, support each other, and get that much-needed spiritual recharge. And while the Virtual Pride events were a huge success, Robinson eagerly anticipated the return of the traditional parade and festival.

“I can tell you this,” Robinson beamed, “when we can finally get together in person again, it’s going to be an absolute blowout!”

Sadly, it would be a celebration that Robinson wouldn’t get to see. Jeffery Robinson tragically and unexpectedly passed away in March. His death shook the community and left Fresno Rainbow Pride without its beloved founder and captain of the ship. However, in a true testament to Robinson’s leadership, the festival committee rallied together to do what he would have wanted them to - make sure the

show still went on.

Tracie Cisneros is the Volunteer Coordinator for Fresno Rainbow Pride. Less than an hour after hearing the news of Robinson’s passing, she and the rest of the committee were sitting in a room together, collecting their thoughts, consoling each other, and strategizing.

“There was no way we were going to let Jeffery or the community down by letting any part of the festival fall to the wayside,” Cisneros said, adding, “Jeffery would have been very disappointed in us if we didn’t keep our focus.”

While Robinson could no longer be with his team physically, his presence was still felt by everyone at Fresno Rainbow Pride. His strength and spirit inspired the team to carry on with renewed vigor. The obvious first decision was to make this year’s festival a celebration of Robinson’s life and legacy.

“We have decided to make Jeffery a grand marshal in our parade this year. We are foregoing the usual grand marshal selection process and have decided instead to choose Jeffery and several other community activists and leaders who we lost in the last two years,” Cisneros explains.

In addition to Robinson, Fresno Rainbow Pride will honor Susan Kuhn, Zoyer Zyndel, Patty Colucci, Toni Harrison, Mark McKay, Andrew Strambi, and Ron and Jerry Hendrix. They made a difference and helped create safe and welcoming spaces for the Central Valley’s LGBTQ+ community.

This year’s attendees will see some significant changes in the look and layout of the festival events. The parade will still take place on Olive Ave, as it always has. However, the festival has outgrown its previous spot close to the parade route. So it is moving to a new location at Fresno City College. This new space at the college will be bigger and filled with much more entertainment, food vendors, and booths than ever before. Live music, DJs, drag performers, a beer garden,

and some of the best food in the valley will be there. Along with the larger space comes grassy and shady areas and lots of open space for people to get together, relax, and enjoy the day.

The committee also wanted to ensure attendees would have no problem getting from the parade to the festival area. So they partnered up with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission to provide shuttle buses between locations. These buses will run regularly throughout the day, shuttling visitors from the parade site to Fresno City College and back again if necessary.

Having a new, bigger location to fit even more food, vendors, and entertainment couldn’t come at a better time. After two years of Zoom parties and virtual events, the turnout is expected to be bigger than ever. And a bigger than ever celebration means the need for volunteers in all areas has never been greater.

“Unfortunately, the two-year gapas well as ongoing concerns about COVID - may have cost us some folks. But we’ve gained some fresh faces too,“ Cisneros observed. “We definitely still need a lot of volunteers.”

One of Robinson’s founding principles for Fresno Rainbow Pride was a commitment to community outreach and volunteerism, and it’s one that Cisneros says they’re still firmly focused on. Volunteer recruitment is ongoing, and they plan to increase their outreach to spread the word even more over the coming weeks. Currently, their greatest need is for volunteers to help with setting up, tearing down, parade route maintenance, and cleanup.

Fresno Rainbow Pride’s parade and festival committee hold their meetings every Monday at 6:30 PM at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, located at 2101 Fruit St in Fresno. In addition, they conduct a hybrid meeting so people can join through Zoom. They are always searching for new faces with fresh ideas and contacts that they may not

have already made in the community. For more information about Fresno Rainbow Pride, including ways to volunteer services or donate resources, visit their website: Anyone interested in volunteering can also email Tracie Cisneros at tracie.fresnorainbowpride@

Robinson’s work in community outreach was perhaps most focused on connecting with LGBTQ+ youth. He was committed to ensuring that all LGBTQ+ youth in the Central Valley had a space where they could feel safe, welcome, and free from judgment. This focus resonates particularly strongly with Cisneros.

“As an ally and as a mother of a rainbow child, my hope for Fresno Rainbow Pride, now and in our future, is to maintain our focus on the youth in our community,” Cisneros relates. “Bringing them closer to the organization and exposing them to the work that it takes to make all of this happen. In doing so, I would hope to educate them about the struggle and the fights that had to be won so that they could be here at this moment.”

It was his belief in finding the strength as a community to come together and face any adversity headon that perhaps best defines Robinson’s legacy. In his parting words ahead of last year’s Virtual Pride, when asked about COVID restrictions creating yet another obstacle to celebrating Pride. Robinson stated matter-of-factly, “This is what we do. We adapt. We overcome. We take whatever life throws at us, and we come back stronger than ever because we do it together.”

In his words, “Our strength is in each other. Celebrating the power of inclusion and acceptance - that’s what Pride is all about.”


My First Pride

BeforeI knew I was gay, I was attending my high school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club in the conservative town of Hanford, California. I was lucky enough to grow up with parents who had fought their demons over LGBTQ+ people, having come to accept, love, and understand them. They did so much to instill that acceptance in me, and I joined the club because I thought it was important. However, I never gave much thought to my own sexuality or gender until a couple years later. Since then, I’ve bounced around quite a few different labels in an attempt to find something that felt like “me.” But now I feel like I know who I am, and it brings me peace.

My name is Kyle, and I know I’m a non-binary lesbian. But at almost 25 years

In A

Word: Spirit

Remembering Jeffery

Last year, I had the privilege of interviewing Jeffery Robinson ahead of the second year of virtual Pride events due to the COVID lockdown. As with every interview I’ve done, I was nervous and unsure how our conversation would go. I looked at my questions, double and triple-checked them, convinced myself they were good, and then my phone rang, and our interview began.

What I had guessed would be a 30-minute to maybe an hour-long interview turned into a 3-hour conversation. The man I was worried might not like my questions ended up giving me an invaluable lesson in Queer history. His knowledge and insight

old, I’m a bit late to the Pride parade scene compared to many queer people my age. It’s hard finding people to go with around here. Or, at least that’s what I tell myself. Though I never bothered to keep in contact with my old GSA friends, and I never made an effort to look for clubs in college. Truthfully, I was still discovering myself and figuring out where I fit in the community.

I first looked into the Fresno Pride Parade back in the spring of 2020, and as we all know, that didn’t end up being a great year for large gatherings. By that time, I was comfortable in my skin and identity, and I was becoming more interested in other people’s journeys into self-discovery. The book “Stone Butch Blues” by Leslie Feinberg changed my life. It wasn’t just about what it was like to be a lesbian; it was about finding your community and organizing and resisting as kindred spirits. I wanted the kind of camaraderie that the book’s protagonist, Jesse, found in lesbian bars and workers’ unions. I wanted to be a part of something. So the Pride parade felt like a good first step toward immersing myself in the world of my people. Unfortunately, the pandemic put my plans to a halt. However, I still carried with me that desire for community and action. That’s why it’s crucial for me to finally attend this year’s Pride parade in the Tower District—and espe-

cially the Tower District. Not only are the people attending this parade my siblings in queerness, but they’re also my neighbors. They want to make my home a better place. I held a certain level of bitterness in my heart for the rigid political leanings of the Central Valley, but I’m coming to the realization that there are people like me in this community, too. People who are accepting and loving. I just have to seek them out.

Jesse never completely figured out their identity by the end of “Stone Butch Blues,” and I think that’s an essential point of the story. I feel confident in who I am now, but I know that someday that may change, and I might find different labels that fit me better. I used to stress about that, but now I see that it doesn’t really matter what I call myself or who I want to be. What really matters is fighting for what’s right and the people I meet along the way. To me, being queer is about making the world a better place for everyone. That means standing up for ALL disenfranchised people, not just those I identify with.

I know I have a lot of work to do to better myself and the world around me, but I’m taking small steps toward doing what’s right. The Pride parade in Fresno means the world to me because I can immerse myself in the community I’ve been craving. I spent too long thinking I needed to be invited into my own community when I just needed to make my presence known. And that’s precisely what I plan to do.

were profound. His enthusiasm was infectious. His passion was inspiring. And his spirit was indomitable.

Jeffery had been fighting for Queer acceptance almost as long as I have been alive. He founded Fresno Rainbow Pride and organized the first Pride parade in Fresno when I was a freshman in High School. He fought tirelessly against hate and bigotry for over 30 years and never gave up. In the face of all that adversity, he never lost his spirit. The love he held for the LGBTQ+ community - especially Queer youth and those struggling to find their identity - was so pure, genuine, and unfaltering. He was called the “Gay Mayor of

Fresno,” and he was the most natural leader I’d ever met.

I could have listened to him talk about his life’s journey all day long. But unfortunately, a dying phone battery and a hungry 3-year-old tugging at my sleeve brought our conversation to a reluctant end. To this day, Jeffery is my favorite interview I’ve ever done. He made me laugh, he made me think, he educated me, and he made me feel like an old friend. One 3-hour conversation was enough to leave an impression I will never forget.


Masks For Dummies XXII

Dearest reader, about two years ago, we started this Masks for Dummies (MFD) ad hoc column series. We did that because we needed and truly wanted to do our part in the effort to save lives in our community during a deadly pandemic— plain and simple. And, because of you, we made a difference. Thank you.

But it’s not what you think. Our battle wasn’t against this horrible SARSCoV-2 virus—no—instead, our struggle was with the disinformation and fake news surrounding this pernicious SARS-CoV-2.

And there’s been too many casualties.

Let’s face it; there are a lot of dumb people out there. And, especially back at the beginning of the pandemic, there were even more. This series is dedicated to them. But unfortunately, we lost a lot of them in this epic coronavirus war—a war waged on the battlefields of social community spaces where modern humans and their fancy technology congregate. But their fancy technology couldn’t save them against their archnemesis, the infinitesimal spiked infectious protein bag of RNA - the coronavirus.

To date, over 993,717 dear Americans have died because of Covid after 81,358,000 coronavirus infections.

Last month, I had predicted that we’d already hit one million deaths by the end of April. Thank God I was wrong.

Thankfully, our current Covid infection rate and death toll have declined. According to a recent interview by Dr. Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the United States is “certainly, right now, in this country, out of the pandemic phase.”

What does this mean?

“Namely, we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now. So if you’re saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this country? We are,” Dr. Fauci explained.

But, what does this not mean?

Well, it does not mean that the pandemic is over. Read that again. We’re still

in it.

Just ask the friends and family of the 26 poor souls here in Fresno County since last month who recently lost their battle with Covid. We’re still in it. They know it’s still dangerous. Since last month, we’ve had about 2,268 new Covid infections—a 1% increase, about 77 new infections each day.

Dr. Fauci clarified what he meant: “We’re not over the pandemic. Don’t let anybody get the misinterpretation that the pandemic is over, but what we are in is a different phase of the pandemic—A phase that’s a transition phase, hopefully headed toward more of a control where you can actually get back to some form of normality without total disruption of society, economically, socially, school-wise, etc.,” he said.

Last month, I shared what Fresno County Interim Health Officer Dr. Rais Vohra had to say about our progress: “Right now, it appears that the numbers are under control,” he reassured the county. However, he emphasized, “people should keep in mind that could change. We have to be agile and flexible. We understand how things could get worse because we’ve been there before...”

Dr. Fauci has shared the same sentiment. He pointed out: “So what we need to do is continue to be vigilant, to follow the CDC guidelines, to do the kinds of things that protect you: get vaccinated, if you’re not vaccinated; get boosted if you’re eligible for a boost. If you do get infected, be aware that there is availability of antivirals.”

Thankfully, we are now at a final stage of the pandemic where sweeping government mandates do not overpower individual choice. There was a time when mandates were crucial to preserving life. But today, we have the virus under better control thanks to our technological advances in vaccines and respirator masks. Dr. Fauci acknowledged: “In general, the risk is low,” but he cautioned: “Each of us, in our own personal way, has to make an assessment of what risk you’re willing to accept about getting infected.”

The virus is still out there. Don’t be mistaken. The difference now is that we

have the weapons of protection—vaccines and respirator masks—more readily available and accessible to combat it. But, if we don’t use these weapons, then we remain as vulnerable as ever. So don’t be fooled into thinking you’re naturally invincible to Covid when you’re definitely not. As Drs. Fauci and Vohra have advised that we need to tread carefully around the coronavirus and take every precaution against it. After almost two grueling years of writing about it, I have to tell you I’m still so excited about masks—respirator masks. Of course, I’m talking about the N95 lifesaving Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that we’ve been discussing for over 22 consecutive installments. They save lives! As you already know, N95s (and other similar models) filter out about 95% of all tiny particulate matter when properly worn, making them highly effective in keeping tiny particles like the coronavirus out of your airways. They work.

It’s the design that makes all the difference. And we have Sara Little Turnbull to thank for it. Called “Little Sara” for short and “corporate America’s secret weapon,’ this powerful little woman, standing at only 4’11,” was the brilliant designer and innovator behind this lifesaving tool. You may have wondered what the shape of the N95 respirator resembles or what it was designed after. It looks like a round cup. Wonder no more—it was shaped after Little Sara’s prototype for her bra cups. How creative!

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention and innovation. But, not only that—having heart is an essential part of the equation. Little Sara realized that doctors and nurses needed better facial protection at hospitals. She had the heart to do something about it. We’re all indebted to her.

I’m a dummy for a mask like that.

the power of compromise and a Bouquet of flowers

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.

Compromise - the lovely ten-letter word that so often eludes us when we are in the throes of a heated discussion or disagreement.

When was the last time you were on the brink of concluding a conversation only to find reaching a compromise was the inevitable and reasonable conclusion? Compromise can be just the life jacket a relationship, office meeting, or family rivalry needs.

The definition of compromise is to agree to settle a dispute, arriving at a solution and understanding. However, and all too often, parties may choose to rationalize to the point of agreeing to disagree. Compromise requires listening, learning, and debating the topic, hopefully with little or no distress and condemnation. The world would be a better place without hurtful words thrown like stones. But, so often, it boils down to the loss of control, feeling powerless for fear of the unknown.

Do you feel judged when trying to reach a compromise?

“Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Matthew 7:1)

Techniques to consider in reaching a compromise:

We can’t possibly know what the other person is going through or living with, nor do they know us. Listen, and be patient with all concerns on the topic

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in review. Nobody likes to be dictated to. Make it a team effort, whether it’s a group of ten or only two people. (a couple, a family, a staff meeting).

What is the goal everyone is aiming for?

• If they are different goals, break them down, focus on the most urgent, and work your way down the list.

• Write it all down and agree on the top 3 to start.

• Give copies to all involved, and everyone initials their document.

Solution-focus results in a reasonably adequate compromise and one that will hold the test of time.

The month of May blossoms in a glory of color and fragrances as the season turns to Spring and we experience the revival of flora. So, give a little compromise and bring a bouquet of flowers to the table. It is just the ticket for harmony, kindness, and gratitude as it reflects empathy in the utmost for those we love and the ones we work with closely.

VICTORY! (we hope.) Now what happens?

Thestruggle for control of the Tower Theatre entered a new phase on April 21, as the Fresno City Council voted to buy the theater from its current owner, Laurence Abbate. While city ownership is a positive step forward, the fight is not yet over. Instead, the council vote sets up a new set of conflicts that will need sorting before the Tower Theatre is truly safe.

The proposal to buy the theater squeaked by on a 4-3 vote after nearly a full day of public comment in city council chambers. The hearing included heartfelt testimony from Tower District defenders, angry shouting, heckling by Adventure Church partisans, and at least one spontaneous sermon from an overexcited preacher.

As you would expect, the sole argument from the supporters of Adventure Church was that any solution that did not leave the church in complete control of the Tower Theatre was religious persecution on a scale not seen since the height of the Spanish Inquisition. However, that claim was soundly rejected by several Christian ministers who voiced support for the city’s acquisition of the theater and preservation of the unique, queer-affirming culture of the Tower District.

For those of you keeping score on which council members are friends of the Tower District, the members in favor of saving the Tower Theatre were Miguel Arias, Nelson Esparza, Tyler Maxwell, and Esmeralda Soria. The votes against the proposal were Garry Bredefeld, Luis Chavez, and Mike Karbassi. You might want to remember that when you vote in city council elections this year.

The deal that the city council approved attempts to make a comprehensive settlement of all outstanding property disputes. Consequently, the agreement has a lot of moving parts. Here’s what it contains:

—The city will buy the Tower Theatre from Laurence Abbate for $6.5 million.

—Sequoia Brewing Company will buy its building and lot from the city for $1.2 million.

—However, Sequoia will receive credits for repairs and legal fees that will reduce their net purchase price to $950,000.

—Sequoia will waive its first right of refusal to buy the Tower Theatre property to allow this deal to move forward.

—The city will open the Tower Theatre parking lot as public parking.

—The city will pay for the Tower Theatre out of general funds and Measure P funds. (Measure P funds, financed by retail sales taxes, are earmarked for support of the arts and parks and recreation purposes.)

—The city will indemnify Laurence Abbate and Sequoia from litigation by Adventure Church.

—Laurence Abbate will continue to manage the Tower Theatre for one year and receive $8,000 a month from the city for his services.

The indemnification provision shows that the city fully expects Adventure Church to sue. Sure enough, within days of the proposal, Adventure Church’s lawyer issued a statement threatening to sue the city. Adventure’s lawyer made as much drama as possible of the threat of a lawsuit, waving claims of religious persecution once again and calling the city’s purchase of the theater “financially reckless.”

It makes for a good press release, but it’s not immediately clear whether Adventure Church even has any standing to sue. Adventure Church has not suffered any material harm by Laurence Abbate finding another buyer. Adventure never completed its purchase of the theater, and they have never owned any interest in the building. Adventure Church has had its hopes dashed and its pride wounded, but you can’t sue on those grounds.

The key legal question seems to be whether Adventure’s purchase contract from November 2020 is still in effect. Laurence Abbate and the city say Adventure’s deal has been dead since they let their escrow expire in March 2021; Adventure’s lawyer insists the contract is still open and in effect.

It should be noted that Adventure launched a lawsuit against Laurence Abbate in February of this year for not disclosing Sequoia’s first right of refusal in November 2020. On the one hand, Adventure concedes that Sequoia did have the first right of refusal; on the other hand, Adventure also argues that its contract is still in effect. This is trying to have it both ways. Suppose Sequoia did indeed have the first right of refusal. In that case, it could be argued that Adventure’s purchase contract was never valid. Well, we’ll see how all this works out in court.

But even if Adventure does not prevail in its litigation against the city, there remain plenty of questions about what will happen next. For example, how long will it be before the city effectively controls the Tower Theatre? When will Adventure Church be barred from holding weekly Sunday services at the theater? And after Abbate’s one-year management contract expires, how will the city manage the theater?

The city has a terrible track record of mismanaging theater venues — just look at the current state of the Veterans Memorial Auditorium and the Saroyan Theatre. Once the city has possession of the Tower Theatre, the next phase of community struggle will be to ensure that the community decides who will use the theater, not some soulless L.A. promotions company. The ideal solution would be to put theater management in the hands of a community-based arts nonprofit organization that represents artists and residents.

Like all real-life victories, the city purchase of the Tower Theatre is messy, somewhat unsatisfying, and provokes a lot of concerns. But it is a victory, and that should be celebrated.

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Nancy M.A. Counseling Psychology Author & Narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors” & “Keeping a Suggestive Mind Through Meditation”, Mediate to Meditate, speaker for transition, loss & grief.

Celebrate Spring Moments with a Taco Feast for the Senses

(Family Features) Busy calendars loaded with holidays, celebrations, parties and reunions make spring a perfect time for gathering with family and friends. Plus, springtime itself is worth celebrating thanks to warmer temperatures and longer days. Making the most of those joyous occasions calls for a menu filled with variety to keep everyone coming back for more.

Few options say “variety” quite like this Epic Taco Party Feast from Ericka Sanchez, creator of “Nibbles and Feasts.” Pay homage to Hispanic-style culinary and cultural traditions by loading your table with an array of family favorites like taquitos, tacos, rice, guacamole, pico de gallo and more. Add in the wholesomeness of Real California dairy like Cotija and Queso Fresco cheeses and cremas for a top-notch feast.

Elevating your dishes starts with these delicious options, but freestyling the menu is what truly makes it your own. Mix up proteins based on your loved ones’ preferences from carne asada and carnitas to shredded chicken and meatless options. Sprinkle, drizzle and layer cheeses according to your own cravings then finish with a range of toppings for customized classics.

Creating a taco and taquito table in your own style doesn’t just give your crowd what they crave; it also celebrates the people, culture and delicious dairy that goes into favorite foods while encouraging guests to connect through food and flavor. Make your own memories this spring by looking for the Real California Milk seal on cheese and dairy brands, which means you’re supporting family farmers by using quality, sustainably sourced dairy to foster family moments.

Find the full recipes, instructions and more ways to celebrate with food at

Epic Taco Party Feast

Recipe courtesy of Ericka Sanchez (@nibblesnfeasts) on behalf of Real California Milk

Top Row, Left to Right: Cheese taquitos

Salsa verde

Real California Cotija Cheese, crumbled

Pico de gallo

Potato taquitos

Real California Queso Fresco, crumbled

Real California Crema

Tequila with chili salt (optional)

Middle Row, Left to Right: Carne asada tacos

Real California Queso Fresco, crumbled

Chicken street tacos

Real California Chipotle Crema

Carnitas tacos with hard shells

Bottom Row, Left to Right:

Real California Cotija Cheese, crumbled

Real California Crema

Mexican rice

Carne asada tacos


To assemble top row: Place cheese taquitos in pan, salsa verde in bowl, Cotija cheese in bowl, pico de gallo in bowl, potato taquitos on plate and Queso Fresco in bowl. Garnish potato taqitos with pico de gallo, guacamole, Queso Fresco and crema. Optional: Add tray with tequila, cups and chili salt.

To assemble middle row: Place carne asada tacos on plate, queso fresco in bowl, chicken street tacos on plate, chipotle crema in bowl and carnitas tacos on serving tray.

To assemble bottom row: Place Cotija cheese and crema in bowls, potato taquitos on serving tray, Mexican rice in bowl, carne asada tacos on plate and guacamole in bowl.

Photo courtesy of Ericka Sanchez (@nibblesnfeasts)


Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio. Saturday, May 7th, 7pm. Sensorio, 4380 Hwy 46 E, Paso Robles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date— an enormous multi-acre walk-through installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll.

Tickets $20-110

Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio, FAMILY NIGHT. Thursday, June 2nd, 7pm. Sensorio, 4380 Hwy 46 E, Paso Robles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multi-acre walk-through installation— at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Powered by solar, the stunning exhibition captivates visitors, inviting them to engage with the landscape and environment through an ethereal light-based and sculptural experience.

Morning Altars: Nature, Art and Ritual to Nourish Your Spirit. Saturday, May 14th, 10am. San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden, 3450 Dairy Creek Rd, San Luis Obispo. Join internationally renowned author, teacher and artist, Day Schildkret of Morning Altars to learn how to use nature and art as a way to mark the special moments in our lives. Based on the practice conceived and popularized by Day’s first book, Morning Altars: A 7-Step Practice to Nourish Your Spirit through Nature, Art and Ritual, this workshop will guide you through Day’s unique seven-step practice and help you strengthen your skills of wonder, belonging, gratitude, creativity, wholeness and non-attachment.

FADE- A Staged Reading. Saturday, May 14th, 2pm. 2nd Space Theatre, 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. When Lucia, a Mexican-born novelist, gets her first TV writing job, she feels a bit out of place on the white male-dominated


set. Lucia quickly becomes friends with the only other Latino around, a janitor named Abel. As Abel shares his stories with Lucia, similar plots begin to find their way into the TV scripts that Lucia writes. Fade is a play about class and race within the Latinx community, as well as at large, and how status does not change who you are at your core.

Astro Landscape Photography.

Thursday, May 19th, 6:30pm. Horn

Photo, 7899 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Milky Way season is upon us! Learn the secrets of the universe as it applies to your photography. Experienced astro landscape photographer, Joseph Hawkins will show you his step-by-step method for capturing spectacular Milky Way images. His class will provide you with all the the information you need to photograph the Milky Way, from start to finish. His method is easy to follow and foolproof, as long as the sky conditions cooperate.

Under Pressure Exhibit. Thursday, May 26th, 12pm. Art Center Morro Bay, 835 Main St, Morro Bay. Under Pressure is an exhibition of work by the Central Coast Printmakers, a group of around thirty artists who share a love of printmaking. In this exhibit of individually hand-made prints, there will be a wide variety of styles and printmaking techniques. Printmakers use many different surfaces such as wood, metal, linoleum and plastic, and methods like carving blocks, etching with acid, and painting materials to print, using a large assortment of papers to achieve these images. Under Pressure will be on display in the main gallery, concurrent with “Broken Nature” which will be on display in the Virginia Russel gallery upstairs, from May 26 through June 27, 2022. This event is free and open to the public.

Beyond Van Gough - An Immersive Experience. Starting Friday, May 27th, 10am. Fresno Convention and Entertainment Center, Exhibit Hall 1, 848 M St, Fresno. Through the use of cutting-edge projection technology and an original score, Beyond Van Gogh breathes new life into over 300 of Van Gogh’s artworks. Occupying over 30,000 square feet, Beyond Van Gogh is the largest immersive experience in the country, offering guests ample room to safely enjoy the exhib-


it. Comprised of over 4 trillion content pixels, this high-resolution portrayal of Van Gogh’s work gives guests the opportunity to become one with his paintings. Tickets available only online at


Enchílate Social 2022. Friday, May 13th, 7pm and Saturday, May 14th, 12pm. 4774 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. It’s been two years... and it’s about time to return to form - join us for Enchílate’s (formerly annual) Social Dance Fundraiser at Pete & Carmen’s Salsa Dance Academy!

Door open at 6:30PM, main event at 7:00PM, featuring: -Pete and Carmen - instructors! -Alex Leyva (Bakersfield) - instructor! -Dj Cee Dos (Fresno) -Súbale - live salsa and bachata music! -Erika Saucillo (Los Angeles) - performing! -Las Reinas del Valle, directed by Martha Solis, performing!

-Enchílate Salsa Team - performing!

-Dj Mitchy Mitch - emcee! -Mirrorage

- photo booth! -Tacos Super Pollo - delicious food to keep you dancing all night! Our event will feature a two-day choreo intensive with Erika Saucillo! Workshops will be on Friday, 5/13, 7:00-10:00PM, and Saturday, May 14th, 12:00-3:00PM at Dianna’s Studio of Dance. Learn AND perform an original choreography!

Paint with Jenn. Saturday, May 14th, 1pm and Sunday, May 15th, 3pm. 415 E Olive Ave, Turlock. All ages paint party with Jenn. Frida Kahlo painting. All supplies included. Tickets $30.


FCC Choral Concert: SING! Friday, May 6th, 7pm. Fresno City College

OAB Auditorium, 1101 E College Ave, Fresno. Join the FCC City Singers, Symphonic Choir and alumni for a celebration of singing of Fresno City College! Directed by Julie Dana. Tickets ONLY available for purchase online, NO in-person ticket sales. Tickets start at $8.

Comedy at The Labyrinth Art Collective. Friday, May 6th, 7pm. The Labyrinth Art Collective, 1470 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Stand Up Comedy; Featuring Franklin Yi, Ruby Setnik. Also featuring Benton Harshaw, Dave Whittemore, Lauren Ybarra. Hosted by Mike Wooten.

Peter Pan. Friday, May 6th, 7pm. Tower Theatre for the Performing Arts, 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Break the Barriers is excited to announce our upcoming Spring 2022 show, Excerpts From Peter Pan—coming to the Tower Theatre for the Performing Arts! At Break the Barriers, we provide a place for everyone on the stage. Our biggest stars often come from where you least expect them. We invite you to join us on the following days and times while we tell our next story, Excerpts From Peter Pan

If All the Sky Were Paper. Friday, May 6th, 7:30pm. Merced Multicultural Arts Center, 645 W Main St, Merced. A play in one act by Andrew Carroll Presented by Students from UC Merced’s Global Arts Studies Program. If All the Sky Were Paper is based on

Carroll’s incredible journey to more than 40 countries on six continents, to seek out the most extraordinary war letters ever written. The actors go through the full spectrum of emotions and experiences contained in the letters. From the incredible drama and ferocity of battle to the pathos and humor of everyday life on the front lines, these letters and Carroll’s story will deeply move and inspire audiences.

Full Circle Presents: The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Sunday, May 8th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. We are excited to announce The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Come see some of the Central Valley’s brightest comedy stars, and many of it best up and comers, work out their new bits on stage. And maybe give that stand up dream a go yourself while you’re at it? If you need a few beers before you try it out, we got you there too. Live comedy in a fun supportive environment, in one of Fresno’s best live performance spaces. It’s going to be a great time and we can’t wait to see you there!

Open Mic - Music/Comedy. Monday, May 9th, 4:30pm. 2.0 Coffee Co, 1570 W Olive Ave, Porterville. Local stand up comedians and muscians, come on down! Music 4:30 to 5:00pm Comedy 6:00-8:00pm

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining Matt Cole. Wednesday, May 11th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Since he began pursuing comedy, Matt has become a Brea Improv regular and fre-


quently performs at The Ice House, The Comedy Store, and both Irvine and Ontario Improv’s. He can be seen nightly with a microphone in hand flooring audiences with true tales at countless other comedy shows in the surrounding areas.

Jazz Ensemble & Concert Band. Wednesday, May 11th, 7:30pm. Fresno City College Theatre, 1101 E University Ave, Fresno. Jazz Ensemble directed by Paul Lucckesi. Concert Band directed by Elisha Wells. Professor Joe Lizama will be featured on the drumset, and Julie Dana will be a guest conductor on a final piece that combines concert and jazz band instrumentalists with the FCC City Singers.Tickets ONLY available for purchase online, NO in-person ticket sales. $8 General Admission, $5 Student (promo code: STUDENT)

Slice of Comedy Headlining Adam Hunter. Friday, May 13th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. A New York City Native, Adam Hunter is one of the hottest young comedians around today. He headlines all over the country, putting his heart and soul into every performance with an act that is brash, deep and hilarious.

Virzi Triplets, Willie Mac, & More at Barmageddon. Friday, May 13th, 9pm. Barmageddon, 126 E Kern Ave, Tulare. Alex, Mitchell, and Sean Virzi are identical triplets and stand-up comedians born and raised in Los Angeles. Their energetic comedy has been featured on Netflix’s Floor is Lava, America’s Got Talent, ABC’s The Gong Show, TBS’ ‘Angie Tribeca’ and Hulu. This is a 21+ event

Gala Opera Concert. Saturday, May 14th, 7:30pm. Fresno City College OAB Auditorium, 1101 University Ave, Fresno. $8 General Admission, $5 Student (promo code: STUDENT)

Directed by Melissa Wolfmann. Fresno City College Opera / Musical Theatre workshop presents a beautiful night of singing. The Opera Gala will present Fresno City College singers and special guest opera workshop alumni. Tickets ONLY available for purchase online, NO in-person ticket sales.

Every Brilliant Thing Tour. Saturday, May 14th, 7:30pm. The MAC, 645 W Main St, Merced. A production team from Modesto is touring Duncan Mac-

millan’s and Jonny Donahoe’s imaginative one-man show Every Brilliant Thing. Directed by Traci Sprague & starring Chris Hayhurst, this show brings a heartwarming, gorgeous, and self-aware look at the very serious topic of suicide and how it has a rippling long lasting impression on the people left in the wake.

Brunch Babes @ The Marriott. Sunday, May 15th, 11am. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. A lively drag brunch & show on the beautiful front patio of the Marriott. Come and enjoy the sun with the Brunch Babe and have a bite to eat! $15 for the show, $45 includes brunch and mimosas.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining AJ DeMello. Wednesday, May 18th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. With a delivery ranging from nuanced Neanderthal to out right joker, A.J. DeMello’s no-nonsense material and nonchalant pacing leaves audiences in complete hysterics. The Turlock native used his skills to win The 2018 Laughs Unlimited Coming to The Stage Competition and become a finalist in The 2018 Rooster T Feathers Competition. The touring comedian had the pleasure to release his first comedy special, “I Didn’t Drive Here Either” which is currently streaming on Amazon Prime.

Henry Phillips Slice of Comedy. Friday, May 20th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Henry has performed his stand up and twisted songs on Comedy Central Presents, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and as a regular on the Bob and Tom Show. You may also recognize him as “John the Server Guy” on HBO’s Silicon Valley, or as the star of the cult film “Punching the Clown”. But die hard fans will know him from his youtube cooking series, Henry’s Kitchen, which has garnered millions of views worldwide.

Eager Studios Spring Spectacular 2022. Saturday, May 21st, 2pm. Encore Theatre Company, 324 S N St, Tulare. 3rd Annual Eager Studios Spring Recital & Showcase - Recital #2 Come out and support our amazing student’s successes this semester. Thank you to our amazing sponsors for their help in making this event possible, and keeping music education alive in our community!

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Becky Lynn. Wednesday, May 25th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. With a dark, but charismatic style and dry, but engaging delivery, Becky Lynn has made herself one of the brightest young stars in the Northern California comedy scene opening for such heavy hitters as Jen Kirkman, Erica Rhodes, and Rhea Butcher.

Erik Power & The Fun Junkies present Whiskey River Comedy Night. Atwater are you ready! Erik Power & The Fun Junkies present Whiskey River Comedy Night. A night filled with booze and big laughs! This months lineup stars Pete Munoz and features Erik Power and Jon Gab. Get your tickets before they’re gone.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Marc Yaffee. Friday, May 27th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Marc Yaffee’s diverse comedy career has landed him in 43 states and 11 countries spanning 4 continents. Additionally, Marc may be the only comedian with the distinction of air, land, and sea comedic credits. He’s entertained Alaska Airlines passengers at 30,000 feet, performed on a flat-bed truck for U.S. Marines in Iraq (while getting his head shaved), and done comedy for Holland America Cruise ship passengers on the high seas.


The Fresno Community Concert Band: “An American Tale” Sunday, May 29th, 3pm. Paul Shaghoian Memorial Concert Hall, 2770 E International Ave, Fresno. The story of America unfolds as we honor and commemorate Memorial Day. Experience Eternal Father Strong to Save (“The Navy Hymn”) and Where Never Lark or Eagle Flew by James Curnow - both reverent and moving works. Performing the American Flute Salute is our special guest soloist, John Barcellona, Professor of Flute Emeritus at CSU Long Beach. Join us as we remember our fallen heroes.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Dana Turner. Wednesday, June 1st, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. In the 4th grade her dream was to be on SNL, so there’s no better way to do that than start doing comedy in the back of pizza parlors and breweries in her 40’s. Dana bounced into comedy and in just a few short years went from open mics, to hosting, to headlining. With a background of teaching Childbirth and Sex Ed., no topic is off limits. Her quirky outlook and vivid imagination shapes her comedy style, and has been steadily gaining fans all over, even overseas!

Tower Blendz Art Hop Open Mic Night. Thursday, June 2nd, 5pm. Tower Blendz, 802 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Our open mic events are always family friendly and provide an open platform that welcomes all types of artists. We welcome and support all types of first-timers and experienced artists. Our host: We have the talented Apocalypse Phoenix as our special host for this event! NOTE: This is a free event open to the community during Art Hop

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Sam Ridley. Wednesday, June 8th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Hailing from Virginia Beach, VA, and living near Los Angeles, Sam Ridley is a seasoned comedian and show producer with a knack for bringing real-life perspectives to the comedy stage. After almost a decade in the industry, he continues to feature and headline shows from coast to coast. He’s known for his ability to connect with audiences by skillfully weaving humor in real-life experiences that will resonate with anyone.


Jazz Jam at The Brewery District. Sunday, May 8th, 2pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Come out and listen to Trio Expression play some jazz or join in on the fun yourself as you can sign up to play with them! 2-5pm / All Ages / Free

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. Tina Marie. Sunday, May 8th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio on Mother’s Day for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, May 8, from 3pm-6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Tina Marie for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

BRUJERIA: “Raza Odiada West America Tour 2022 ” w/ GOATWHORE & UNIDAD TRAUMA. Thursday, May 12th, 6pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Tickets available at

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Ft. That Little Band. Thursday, May 12th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Thursday, May 12, from 6pm-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes That Little Band for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

John Pemberton at Full Circle. Thursday, May 12th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Thursday, May 12th - Country music artist, John Pemberton will be taking the stage at our Brewery District Taproom! 7pm / All Ages / Free

She Rocks! Thursday, May 12th, 7:30pm. DiCicco’s Old Town Clovis, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. A Musical Tribute To 8 Great Female Classic Rock Icons of The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Featuring Catt John. With Karen Tesi and Kari Edwards. Tickets $15-25.

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Ft. Elena Experience. Friday, May 13th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, May 13, from 6pm-

9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Elena Experience for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

AC Myles at Full Circle. Friday, May 13th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Friday, May 13th - AC Myles is back on our stage! 7pm / All Ages / Free

THE BROTHERS COMATOSE at The Grove House. Friday, May 13th, 7pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. Whether traveling to gigs on horseback or by tour bus, Americana mavens The Brothers Comatose forge their own path with raucous West Coast renderings of traditional bluegrass, country and rock ‘n’ roll music. The five-piece string band is anything but a traditional acoustic outfit with their fierce musicianship and rowdy, rock concert-like shows.

Scott Stevens - Small Town Loud Tour. Friday, May 13th, 8pm. The Wakehouse, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. An up and coming singer/ songwriter, Scott has been opening shows for Justin Moore lately with his upbeat, unique sound and style! $13 online. $20 at the door. All proceeds will go to The Resiliency Project, helping LOCAL first responders with mental health & more.

Blink 180TRUE at Full Circle. Saturday, May 14th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Saturday, May 14th - Blink 180TRUE is hitting our stage w/ Fresno’s Unlikely Band! Blink 180TRUE is a nationally touring Blink 182 Tribute band! 7pm / All Ages / $10 Adv. / $15 Dos.

Tributo a Maná y Caifanes con Blanc Bandera ft El Vampiro (Maná, Jaguares). Saturday, May 14th, 7pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Noche de rock con exitos de Maná y Caifanes. Desde Salinas Ca, Blanc Bandera ft El Vampiro de Maná y Caifanes. Puertas habren a las 7 y musica empieza a las 10:30. Boletos en la puerta $30

BOUNCING SOULS, Swingin Utters, The Last Gang. Saturday, May 14th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tickets at

Mike Hammer and the Nails. Saturday, May 14th, 8pm. Hangar BBQ, 26 Macready Dr, Merced. Mike Hammer and the Nails, with special guests “The Professor” Mike Boykin, and


Rob Tracy. Doors open at 7:00 P.M. $10 online or at the Door

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. AC Myles. Sunday, May 15th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, May 15, from 3pm-6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes AC Myles for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

ESCAPE THE FATE The Dead Masquerade Tour with The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Violent New Breed. Sunday, May 15th, 6pm. Presented by Tickets at

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Ft. Rich V. Thursday, May 19th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Thursday, May 19, from 6pm-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Rich V for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

93.7 KISS Country Summer Concert Series featuring Joe Nichols. Thursday, May 19th, 6:45pm. 93.7 KISS Country’s Summer Concert Series presented by Michelob Ultra. Scheduled to perform: Joe Nichols, Elvie Shane, Conner Smith and Joe & Martina. This is a general admission show. You must be 21 years or older to attend. Tickets start at $10.

Folk Night w/ HazeyAutumn. Thursday, May 19th, 7:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. HazeyAutumn is a local folk rock, indie artist playing here at our taproom for the 1st time! Come out and have a beer and snacks while she plays.

Teenage Wrist, Thursday, May 19th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by $10 adv, $12 DOS. Tickets at

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. South 65. Friday, May 20th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, May 20, from 6pm-9pm. Our

beautiful patio welcomes South 65 for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Brainrack @ Full Circle Brewing Co. Friday, May 20th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Brainrack makes his Fresno debut May 20th! With Shmekin, V3ga, and EJ Beats. Tickets $10-25.

Live Performance By Pepe Marquez & The Band August. Saturday, May 21st, 7pm. Yosemite Falls Cafe Granite Park, 4020 N Cedar Ave, Fresno. Live Performance by Pepe Marquez & The Band August. Tickets $25.

The Coveralls at Full Circle. Saturday, May 21st, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. The Coveralls have classic jazz standards, Motown hits, funk and rock & roll classics and pop chart gems… they cover it all.

Back to Black: A Tribute to AMY WINEHOUSE, plus Fatty Cakes & The Puff Pastries. Saturday, May 21st, 8pm. Presented by numbskullshows. com. Tickets at

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge/Patio Ft Fire on the Mountain. Sunday, May 22nd, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, May 22, from 3pm-6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Fire on the Mountain for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Rivers of Nihil at Full Circle. Thursday, May 26th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Freno. Rivers of Nihil, Fallujah, Alluvial, Warforged, The Zenith Passage, plus More TBA. Tickets $18

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Ft. Three Brothers. Thursday, May 26th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Thursday, May 26, from 6pm-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Three Brothers for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM

Rock En Espanol. Friday, May 27th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Friday, May 27thRock En Espanol is back! There will be food, vendors, live music, cold beer + more!

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. Rene Emilio. Friday, May 27th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, May 27, from 6pm-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Rene Emilio for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Sweet N’ Juicy plays Hideout Saloon. Friday, May 27th, 8pm. The Hideout Saloon, 5031 CA 140, Ste F, Mariposa. Sweet N’ Juicy brings their fruity funk back to Hideout Saloon! Get ready to dance harder than you have in a long time. Good times and crazy days, humans. Let’s tie one on and forget everything for one night of bliss.

Ryan Cassata Concert at The Woodlands. Saturday, May 28th, 7pm. The Woodlands, 4211 W Goshen Ave, Visalia. Ryan Cassata is an award-winning singer-songwriter, actor, performer, published writer, LGBTQ+ activist, and motivational speaker. The Source LGBT+ Center, in partnership with Elevate Youth California & StepUp Empower Youth, is ecstatic to present Ryan Cassata live at The Woodlands on May 28, 2022! Join us at 7pm for an accoustic live performance from one of the fastest rising stars in the music & film industry. This event is ALL-ages and LGBTQ+ youth are especially invited to attend! The Source will have transportation available for both the Northeast and Southwest sides of Visalia, CA for youth. Food, a sober bar, and a “chill station” will also be available at the venue.

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Feat. Karri Henry. Sunday, May 29th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, May 29, from 3pm-6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Karri Henry for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Music SPECIAL OFFER 20% CHAINS AND WEDDING BANDS* OFF SPECIAL OFFER 20% DIAMOND JEWELRY* OFF Over 50 years in Business (559)297-0201 Free Jewelry Cleaning & Insp EXPIRES 06/30/2022 * Must present ad for discount. Excluding Simon G & Zeghani jewelry. Open Mon-Fri 10AM-6PM Sat 10M-5PM Closed Sun 493 W. Shaw Ave (West of Peach) SPECIAL OFFER 20% SEIKO, CITIZEN & MOVADO WATCHES* OFF SPECIAL OFFER WATCH BATTERIES & JEWELRY REPAIR * 10% OFF

Illtown Sluggaz presents The Slugga Lounge 2022. Tuesday, May 31st, 5:30pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Are you planning to attend the New Kids on The Block Mixtape Tour 2 2022 concert? Join Illtown Sluggaz & friends for the Ultimate Pre-Party/EXCLUSIVE Meet & Greet. We’re taking this experience to the next level in the “Slugga Lounge” with Music, Free Giveaways, Special Guests and more! Hang out with Vin Rock, DJ Kaygee and DJ Slugga.

Origin at Full Circle. Wednesday, June 1st, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Origin Abysmal Dawn Tombs Killitorous More TBA! All Ages / $22 Adv / $27 Dos.

Tyler Braden - Small Town Loud Tour. Friday, June 3rd, 8pm. The Wakehouse, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. Tickets - $15 online. $25 at the door. Tyler Braden has exploded the last year, touring with acts like Brantley Gilbert, his voice and energy on stage is so unique and powerful. Don’t miss out! All proceeds will go to Reedley Fire Association!

Summer Smash. Saturday, June 4th, 7pm. The Tarmac, 1930 Airdrome Entry, Atwater. Join us for our launch into Summer with live music, beers, and family fun! We will bringing in the talented Scott Patrick, Troublesome, Crashboat, and DJ for this spectacular evening! Tickets include access to the venue and nearby food trucks. Guests under 13 have free entry with a ticketed adult.

Sunday Fest Presents: THIZZ NIGHTZ. Saturday, June 4th, 7pm. Edison Social Club, 3325 W Clinton Ave, Fresno. THIZZ NIGHTS starring J-Diggz & Daboii with special guests. Tickets $30-60.

The Wrecks: Better Than Ever Tour with Special Guests Girlhouse and Mothe. Thursday, June 9th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Tickets at

Mr. Crowley - Ozzy Tribute. Friday, June 10th, 8pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Full Circle Brewing brings The Most Authentic Sounding & Looking Ozzy Band in America!

Nonpoint – Taken Apart + Put Back Together Tour plus VRSTY, Days Under Authority. Saturday, June 11th, 7:30pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Tickets at


Creative Art Classes For Kids & Teens. Saturday, May 7th, 10am. Palak Studiolnk, Online Art Classes, Clovis. This free painting class is open for all ages. You are welcome to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easier. I have different versions of same painting so it suits all ages.

An Evening with Bobby Jo Valentine. Saturday, May 7th, 6pm. United Methodist Church of Merced, 899 Yosemite Pkwy, Merced. Please join us for an evening with singer/song writer Bobby Jo Valentine. Dessert is included. Community Vendor Fair after concert.

Park Playdate. Thursday, May 12th, 9am. Riverway Sports Park, 3611 N

Fresno Pirate Festival. Saturday, May 14th, 10am. Kearney Park, 6725 W Kearney Blvd, Fresno. A pirate fun-filled weekend with 100’s of pirates, entertainment, vendors selling all sorts of Piratey goods, food, Ale, and Rum Tasting!

Kepler Neighborhood School Community Carnival. Saturday, May 14th, 10am. Kepler Neoghborhood School, 1462 Broadway St, Fresno. Kepler Neighborhood School is inviting YOU to its first-ever Community Carnival in Downtown Fresno on Saturday, May 14! Bring the family and join us for a day filled with great food, fun carnival games, local vendors and to learn more about Kepler Neighborhood School. The Community Carnival is free admission.

Family Craft Day. Saturday, May 21st, 7am. 24768 E Kings Canyon Rd, Reedley. MakeArt Family Day welcomes visitors of all ages to experience a variety of exhibition-related activities! This May, dive into an olfactory exploration of Living with Scents. The Ministry of Scent brings their famous Fragrance Bar to the galleries, where you can discover your favorite combination of top, heart, and base notes. Get creative with silly synesthesia, create a fragrant May flower -

er to keep your room smelling fresh! Visitors can also scavenger hunt through the exhibition with MakeArt Gallery Games, tinker with magnetic

architecture, and view a screening of the recent virtual Speaker Series with exhibition-featured scientists and designers! All ages welcome– craft your day with the whole family at MCD!

Bubble RUN. Saturday, May 28th, 8am. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 Chance Ave, Fresno. If you’ve done a traditional 5K, you know they can be a bit lackluster. But the BUBBLE RUN™ is like running through Willy Wonka’s factory. Clad in white t-shirts, adults, kids and strollers run, walk, dance and play across 3 miles of absolute fun! At each kilometer, participants will run through the Foam Bogs where there is enough colored foam to cover you from head to toe!

Dino Day. Saturday, June 11th, 9:30am. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum, 175 E Tenth St, Hanford. We will have game activities, fossil making, photos with dinos, and race on our bouncy dinos! Member

Child: $10 Non-Member Child: $12 Member Adult: Free Non-Member

Adult: $5 At the door ticket sales will include an additional $2 We accept all form of payment methods.

Anime Fuse X Bushido Car Show. Saturday June 11th, 10am. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Anime Fuse and Bushido Car Show collaboration, one-day event with over 200+ Cars (Itasha, Imports, and Muscle cars). Over 100+ Vendors and Artists. Special Guest Voice Actors, Guest cosplayers, and Maid Café. We will be hosting a cosplay event as well a special tournament for cash prizes! Swag bag for VIPS! Please note, Kids under 10 enter for free. Tickets has access to both Anime Fuse and Bushido Car Show.


Central Valley Cards and Collectibles (CVC) Show. Saturday, June 11th, 10am. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. CVC is about bringing a community of Collectors together in one physical venue. We are a family oriented and believing organization that promotes buying, selling, and trading of all Collectibles. Whether you are into sports cards, memorabilia, Pokemon, anime, comics, toys, shoes, Funko PoPsour show will have it ALL! We will also be hosting alongside Bushido Car Show and Anime Fuse - one general admission ticket will get you into all three shows on the same day!


California wrestling association: Behind enemy lines (Live pro wrestling). Saturday, May 7th, 3:30pm. Castle Youth Center @ Veteran’s Park, 1699 County Park, #3, Atwater. CWA is back in Atwater! Come support all your favorite CWA stars! And be there for a night for amazing wrestling action.

559 Fights 87. Saturday, May 21st, 6pm. Visalia Convention Center, 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. 559 Fights is back with live MMA and Grappling action Saturday, May 21. Doors open at 6pm, first fight starts at 7. Fight card subject to change. E1403/559-Fights-87

Valley Fight Series 8. Sunday, May 28th, 6pm. The Wakehouse, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. Valley Fight Series kicks off their 8th show of MMA fights- featured at the Wakehouse in Reedley, CA! If you love mma fights, drinks, food and live music, You won’t want to miss this night out on the Kings River!

559 Fights 88. Saturday, June 11th, 6pm. Visalia Rawhide Baseball Club, 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. 559 Fights is back with live MMA and Grappling action Saturday, June 11. Doors open at 6pm, first fight starts at 7. Fight card subject to change. amateur-mma-events/E1404/559Fights-888

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


21 and Over

Girls Night Out the Show at La Maison Kabob. Tuesday, May 10th, 8pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Get ready for the BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER! Whether you’re celebrating a Birthday, Bachelorette Party, Divorce, Dirty Thirty or your Sheer Awesome Self; You will meet your party match with “GIRLS NIGHT OUT THE SHOW”! Tickets $21.95 – $382.95

Karaoke Beer Pong Night. Wednesday, May 11th, 8pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Do you sing in the car? Here’s your chance to take your best rendition of “Purple Rain” or “Love Shack” to the people! Weekly Karaoke Only Drink Specials. With Bartender Holly Behind The Bar. Fantastic food, fun, and company- can’t beat that! This is a real fun night with great people in a comfortable environment. Bring or show your karaoke ticket to bar and get 10% off your first drink.

THE SOUND CHAMBER at Strummers. Friday, May 13th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. [ Performances by ] Carl & JB, Brian Cade, Zee Will, Crash [ Sounds by ] Spiribolt, Dj D Soto, Kasino Kam [ Vendors ] 2nd wav, My Guy Market

Friday The 13th at Fulton 55 w/ Fire To The Throne, Perception & Centerpath. Friday, May 13th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Join us for a spooktacular good time on Friday, May 13th at Fulton 55 with the return of both Centerpath and Perception, as well as The Remedy to kick things off. Doors open at 8 and music starts at 8:30. Tickets will be available soon for $5 and it will be $10 at the door. This is a 21+ event

Mint w/ Simon Patterson. Friday, May 13th, 10pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Simon Patterson returns to Fresno! DJSimonPatterson Tickets $10-275.

“The Nesmith Factor” - The Music of Mike Nesmith. Sunday, May 15th, 6pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Join us for a celebration of The Music of Michael Nesmith of The Monkees. Singer/Songwriter - Video

Pioneer - Creator of MTV - Actor - Producer - Novelist - Grammy Winner - Pop Visionary. Performers include: Richie Blue, Debi Ruud, Blake Jones,

Cattie Ness, Gary Baxter, Ron “Doc” Morse, John Shafer, Jorden Rosen, Charles Smith, Geoff Anderson, Ben Sondheim, Jerry Thurston, Mike Alexander, Bill Reiland...with more

Fresno’s Favorite Cumbia Bass! Friday, May 20th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Fresno’s favorite Cumbia dance party is back at Fulton 55 with guests DJ Bambino & Matty Segura! DJ’s , dancers, lasers , art, costumes, cumbia ,cumbia & more cumbia downstairs and upstairs! presale tixs 10.00 online and 20,00 door starts at 9pm purchase tix online at

Neck of the Woods. Saturday, May 21st, 7pm. Barmageddon, 126 E Kern Ave, Tulare. RAD Music presents: Neck of the Woods(Progressive Death Metal from Vancouver, BC)https://neckofthewoodsmetal. com/ The Beast Of Nod(Intergalactic Technical/Progressive Death Metal from SF)https://www.thebeastofnod. com/ +more TBA. Saturday May 21st 2022 | 7pm | 21+ | $10 // $12

American Made Concerts Presents Circus of Power. Saturday, May 21st, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. CIRCUS OF POWER motors into the Fulton 55-Fresno on Saturday, May 21 at 8:00pm! Get your tickets on-line at: and http://www. or visit our friends at Tower District Records (1930 N. Echo St., Fresno,) Cali Stuffed Pipe (2377 E Shaw, Fresno,) Fly Trendz Clothing (1156 Clovis Ave, Clovis) and The Fulton 55 Box Office (convenience fee may apply.) 21 & Over/Doors open at 7:30pm/Showtime at 8:00pm.

2022 Valley Music Hall of Fame Inductee Class Announcement. Sunday, May 22nd, 5pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Join the Valley Music Hall of Fame for the announcement of their newest inductees on Sunday, May 22. Doors at 4:30 Music and Presentation from 5-9. List of scheduled performers : Dying Suns, Heavy Weather, Cody Allred Band, Screaming Eagle, Ujal Gummi

Merle Jagger plus special guests. Thursday, May 26th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Merle Jagger’s reputation has expanded into mainstream realms as well. Their music was incorporated into the soundtracks for “CMT Party Down South” and “Duck Dynasty.” Christian

himself was featured in Guitar Player Magazine’s January 2009 issue as one of ten guitarists chosen to perform at the magazine’s “Guitar Superstar” show presented at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. Tickets $15.

The Emo Night Tour. Friday, May 27th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Welcome to The Emo Night Tour. The Emo Night Tour DJ’s will be spinning all the angst your teenage dirtbag heart desires all night long and a special guest band will make you feel like you’re at Warped Tour ‘08 minus all the dust and melting in the sun! These shows will be selling out and fast, so make sure to Tell All Your Friends and Sugar, Come Down! 21+ / $17 Adv / $22


Mint w/ Darksiderz, Talon & Kreation. Friday, May 27th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Mint w/ Darksiderz, Talon & Kreation. 21+ event.

Tickets $10-275

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


The Yawpers at Fulton 55. Thursday, June 2nd, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Bloodshot Records’ band The Yawpers craft tunes that are engrossed in creative context. They conduct parallel frequencies with the ferocious and raw proletarian roots of Uncle Tupelo, the burning-hot thrashings and cavernous sonic space of Hot Snakes, and mix in derisive scrutiny that brings to mind Ween or the Minutemen. Tickets $15-17.

Mint w/ Fatum, Naz, re:boot. Friday, June 3rd, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Anjunabeats Worldwide 10 Tour comes to Fresno June 3rd! Tickets $10-275

Dinner with the Vampires 8.20.22

6-9pm Join us for an evening of fine dining and live entertainment, drinks are not included. Seating is limited so get your ticket now! Please dress to impress or your very best costume. Tickets are being sold at the Brass Unicorn 1007 N. Van Ness Ave Fresno , 93728

16 | MAY 2022 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM | FRESNO FLYER Get the Flyer in your mailbox every month. SUBSCRIBE TODAY Name: Address: $ 35 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR subscription form City: Zip: Phone: Email: CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY *For your security, please do not mail your credit card information. We will call you to complete the order. PAYMENT METHOD: CHECK or MO #: Mail To: FRESNO FLYER P.O. Box 4582 Fresno CA, 93744 Money Order Check Credit / Debit Answers to last issue’s puzzles





SOLID WOOD cabinet for displaying $250 (559) 577-0295

2 CARTS for sale 1 $250 the other needs love and is $100. Brian 559-779-7537

VINTAGE RCA phonograph not sure what year needs repair 75.00 price is firm (559) 9304455


KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484

OSTER countertop oven and air fryer with large 3.7L capac-

ity, brand new in open box, $100, txt559-8698268.


Refrigerator $400 refrigerator is in very good condition. It is not very old. Ice and water in the door. It is 26 cubic feet in size. 559 513 0723. My phone does NOT text, please call 559 513 0723


ceramic Tower Heater with remote and widespread oscillation $35 (559)548-4872


A good working and very clean High-Flo Gold Series Duplex Diaphragm Pump 12 Volts, 60 Psi , 2.1 Gpm made by Fimco Part#5277981 is for sale for only $50.00 please call or text me at (559)389-4462


2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock except for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basically brand

KAWASAKI kfx 90 quad for sale. Runs great, no issues and just had it serviced. kids don’t use it. This quad is not registered due to it was only ridden on my property. As you can tell it really only needs a new seat and other than that, it’s great. $1,200 (559) 392-8466

OEM TINTED half windshield Canam maverick x3 New, Used on 1 trip due to full windshield on back order. Excellent condition and works well. Easy install, perfect fit New 350$ asking $300 (559) 760-9023


LADIES 26” Road

Master bicycle functional but needs restoration, $300. 559 259 9740.

USED in excellent condition girls 16” cruiser bike. Everything works. Ready to ride. 50 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216


Alloy Seven Cruiser with 7 speed. Just had it tune up, new handle bar grip, chain and cable comes with pump. $150. Call/text 6449OO3. Thanks

3 SPEED Nexus 26” X 1.75” Tires Clean and in good condition $150 Please call 559-2614680 if interested. No text.


2003 TOYOTA Camry $2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. 559-458-1056


our RECYCLING DREAM become a reality by always recycling your CRV BOTTLES & CANS.
Turning something old, into something new Help


2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

SELLING something

List it here

FARM & GARDEN WEED EATER is working perfectly. It is basically brand new it was hardly used. We are asking $130. If Interested call (559)8005118

THE WOODYard Firewood (559)9068983 We are selling green split firewood for only $40 per bin. Eucalyptus, Almond, Pines, and more. It’s green but now is the time to buy and get the best deal. Call us today. We deliver

TORO 22inch recycler self propelled lawn mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything works. $150. (559)3555533

SELLING something List it here


BEDROOM or Living Room Tables with Drawers Both for $35 Text call 559-207-0589

ROCKING Cradle for babies/infants Antique 60 years old ORIGINAL Owner Call Ann 559-765-0980 NO Texts please.

TALL BREAKFAST table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024

55 GALLON metal barrels. Food GRADE. Lids included. $12 each. (559) 287-9304


2009 Yamaha R1 14XXX Exhaust slip on, carbon fiber front and rear fairings New chain, new plugs, new levers, new throttle cable Second owner Runs 100% $8,500 559-7507479

2019 YFZ 50 Great condition Always garaged Pink in hand Trickle charger Ready for something bigger Bought brand new Price firm. $2000 559250-9761

2020 CRF450R $8700 Bike has a total of 22 hours on it. Brand new wheels, bars, levers, plastics, discs, chain/ sprocket, wheels, tires, exhaust, Factory Connection Suspension. (209)271-9494


WOOD Workbench on Wheels with Vise $75 cash! Call 559 341 2575


2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 341 2575

2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

LOW-HOUR (26.5) 2018.5 KTM 450SXF. The bike is basically stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and everything OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratches here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559-246-8965 $8500 OBO.


Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind! Call Call 559 341 2575

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484


FENDER SQUIRE statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case

- Brand New! - $120 Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888


set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. Gladly taking phone calls only. 831601-0915


ROOM FOR rent for single person $350 month. Near Fresno State, by airport. Small deposit, utilities split evenly, no pets. Call (559) 797-5209


2003 fleetwood pioneer 23ft travel trailer rv$6,900 559-581-5 0 8 3

PIONEER 18’ Camp Trailer - $12,500 “Like New” Fully Self Contained, Dual Axle/New Tires, SLEEPS SIX, Air Conditioner & Heater, Full Solar Power, Shade Kit, Antennae Stereo, Microwave (559) 287-5664

1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse

Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230

SELLING something

List it here SUPPORT LOCAL

2000 mallard 24 ft

Model# 24J Everything works No leaks Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed New tires Registration $9200 559-214-9352


GOLF CLUB starter

Sets $35 Each 559 5194648

TENNIS Racquets

$20 each Call 559 5194648

LEEDOM Snowboard

Helmet XL call 559 519-4648

ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interested call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648

NEW TENNIS bag with back pack carrying straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. Price is firm. Thanks! $40 470-8091 text please

PSE Nighthawk Recurve Bow. Great condition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762

GOLD’S GYM elliptical excellent condition has fan and heart monitor. $200 559-213-6452

19 | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNO FLYER | MAY 2022 | GOLD, SILVER, JEWELRY, COINS, ELECTRONICS, MUSIC EQUIPMENT, GAME SYSTEMS, LAPTOPS TOOLS, MOTORCYCLES, & MUCH MORE! 3235 E. Belmont Ave Like Us on Facebook & Instagram Fresno Stars of Pawn YouTube hockshoppin Monday -Friday Monday -Friday 10-5:30 10-5:30 Saturday 10-2 10-2 Closed Closed LIC # 1005-0990 ALWAYS BUYING BUY.SELL.PAWN. PAWNSHOP PAWNSHOP PAWNSHOP (559) 264-5856 Fresno Hock shoppe the @fresnohockshoppe 25% OFF FOR SENIORS 55 AND OLDER 25% OFF FOR MILITARY & VETERANS 25% OFF FOR TEACHERS & COLLEGE STUDENTS M O N D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y 115 SHAW AVE. IN CLOVIS! OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM MON - SAT THRIFT STORES 30% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE White tag items are excluded. One coupon per person, per day. Must surrender at the time of purchase Discount off the subtotal, before taxes Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photo-copies accepted Valid only at Clovis location Expires 5/31/22 CASHIER USE: FF30 Need a pick-up? We come to you! Just leave it out front!* (559) 892-2120 for pick-ups and store info! We accept gently used clothing, household items, furniture, & more! *Restrictions apply. We cannot enter your home The Back Page ADVERTISE HERE INFO@FRESNOFLYER.COM

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