Fresno Flyer Vol 6 No 8

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Writing for the Flyer has sometimes felt like sending messages into the sky - the vast unknown. Or perhaps it is more akin to writing a letter and stuffing it into a glass bottle to float at the ocean’s whim in search of a reader.

L et me be clear; I do not say that as if to suggest that I think no one reads what I write. Instead, I say it to emphasize how the communication between our writers and our readers seems to exist on a largely one-sided basis. We choose the topics, and we ground those decisions on what we assume our readers will either find important or, at least, enjoy. But “assumptions” are one of my greatest pet peeves - because you know what they say about people who assume… it makes an ass out of you and me.

The Publisher and I have long dreamed of creating a magazine like the Flyer - something local, focused on Central Valley culture, and something that reflects the honest voices of those living in it. It took us two years to build it and another six years to refine it into what you hold in your hands today. It is our labor of love. But it is not complete without the most essential part - you.

The F lyer readership is our lifeblood. We cannot exist without you, not only as our readers but also as our contributors. And I do not mean that you need to step up and embrace

your inner Walter Cronkite or W.E.B. Du Bois, but that you contribute your thoughts, opinions, or suggestions about what topics we might consider covering in the future. Even if you simply want to share your reaction to the content we published in a recent issue, I want to hear it.

Seriously, talk to me.

However, I feel like now is the appropriate time to include a disclaimer - not every suggestion passed in our direction will be chosen for future publication.

W ith that out of the way, I want to stress that I’m fully content with making educated guesses about all future topics, sending articles into the proverbial glass bottle to float in the equally proverbial ocean - so long as you keep reading them. When you stop reading is when we’ll stop writing. But it would be a lot more fun to build the Flyer’s next evolution with your opinions in mind.

The F lyer may have only a few select names on its pages and even a photo of my face, but this isn’t just for us. We wanted to build a platform so that the community could use it. So please, use it.

Take a few minutes and send me an email or even a letter (I adore getting letters in the mail). It gets lonely on this side of the ocean sometimes. We’d love to hear from you.




Few vocations are more ingrained into our culture and history than the American cowboy - the rugged, hard-working wrangler sitting atop his trusty horse under a dusty Stetson hat, driving his herd of cattle west across a vast, untamed landscape. Cowboys have always been a symbol of freedom, determination, and independence. So it’s no wonder that cowboy culture has been a mainstay of popular entertainment in the United States since the birth of movies and television. Cowboys on both the big and small screens have historically shared many of the same common characteristics. The trademark hat, boots with jingling spurs, gun belt with six-shooters slung low, a bandana around the neck - and a white complexion. The white complexion was as much a part of the cowboy’s uniform as their white hat. So uncommon was the idea of a non-white cowboy that Mel Brooks based his 1974 comedy classic Blazing Saddles around the “outrageous” notion of a Black cowboy riding into a western boomtown and becoming sheriff.

However, history reveals a starkly different truth. It may come as a surprise to learn that 1 in 4 cowboys was Black. Historians have estimated that roughly 25% of cowboys in the American West were African American. Not only were Black cowboys commonplace, but their contributions have also had a lasting impact on both the cowboy profession as well as modern rodeo competitions.

Even the name “cowboy” itself is owed directly to Black wranglers. White cowboys were initially referred to as “cowhands.” In contrast, “cowboy” was used as a pejorative term for Black riders. Its use was a carry-over from slavery and the southern plantation era, where “boy” was used to refer to a Black male regardless of age. Many southerners moved to the West after the Civil War ended. As a result, they brought their nomenclature along with them. Despite the racism prevalent in the post-Civil War American West, being a cowboy was one of the few professions that provided Black men and women a level of freedom and autonomy that was almost unheard of in the late 1800s.

While they were enslaved, many African Americans worked as ranch and stable hands, often assisting their enslavers on cattle drives. After the Civil War ended, many newly-freed African Americans mi-

grated West, where their skills would prove useful in the cattle industry. Black cowboys were taught the cowboy way of life by their former enslavers, Native American cattle handlers, or Mexican Vaqueros. Vaqueros were the original cowboys of the American West, and their skills transformed the cattle industry, especially in California.

The everyday life of a cowboy was a rough one regardless of their racial or ethnic background. However, Black cowboys often had it even harder than their White counterparts. Black cowboys were usually given the wildest, most unruly horses - which they had to train in order to ride them. Additionally,

in even greater demand when ranchers in Texas and Oklahoma began selling their livestock in northern states, where beef was nearly ten times more valuable.

The lack of railroads in the western states meant that enormous herds of cattle needed to be physically moved to shipping points, which required significant human resources. Ranchers hired on the newly-freed Black cowboys, whose cattle handling skills and strong work ethic quickly earned them the respect of their White counterparts. Black cowboys still faced discrimination in many towns they passed through on their drives, often being barred from eating in restaurants, drinking in saloons, or sleeping in hotels. However, among their White crew members, the Black cowboys were treated with a level of respect and equality rarely shown to other African Americans.

nia. Vaqueros were renowned for their exceptional roping and riding skills. Black cowboys soon discovered that the techniques they had learned from vaqueros adapted perfectly to the theatrics of Wild West shows and rodeo competitions.

Bill Pickett is one of the most famous early Black rodeo stars. Pickett was born in 1870 and was a child of formerly enslaved people. He dropped out of school to become a ranch hand, where he developed a method of catching stray cows that quickly earned him international attention. Pickett was inspired by watching how cattle dogs would put cows off balance and eventually subdue them. So Pickett applied a similar strategy of pinching the cow’s lip, which would subdue it enough for him to flip the cow on its side and quickly bind its legs with rope. Pickett called this method “bulldogging,” and both the term and its execution were precursors to rodeo’s modern steer wrestling event.

African American cowboys were expected to perform more than just their one-hired duty on a cattle drive. For example, a Black cowboy hired as a trail cook would be expected to cook, hunt deer and other wild game, entertain his fellow cowboys on the trail by singing or playing a musical instrument, and assist the other cowboys with their jobs. Some Black cowboys also filled the role of nurse, bodyguard, and money transporter for White cattlemen.

Black cowboys found themselves

By the turn of the century, large cattle drives were coming to an end —thousands of miles of new railroad lines connected western towns to shipping routes. The invention of barbed wire solved the need for hired hands to constantly monitor and contain large cattle herds. Lastly, the forced relocation of Indigenous tribes to reservations decreased the need for additional cowboys to provide security for cattle teams. This left many cowboys to face a rough transition. It was particularly difficult for Black cowboys, who still weren’t allowed to buy land and were thus prevented from pivoting into farming or ranching the way their white counterparts were able to do.

While traditional work opportunities for the cowboy were drying up, the public’s fascination with the cowboy way of life would create a new source of income in the form of Wild West shows and rodeos. As Black cowboys continued to move West, they regularly worked with Mexican vaqueros in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Califor-

In 1972, 40 years after his death, Bill Pickett became the first Black honoree in the National Rodeo Hall of Fame. In 1984, Lu Vason formed the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo in his honor. It is the only touring Black rodeo in the country, and this year it will be making stops in Oakland and Los Angeles.

The Black cowboy is still underrepresented in the history of the American West. Most popular accounts of the era focus on men like Pickett or Nat Love - a formerly enslaved person turned cowboy who also became a famous rodeo star. However, most Black cowboys lived lives that were modest and ordinary. They had limited access to social mobility and the opportunity to parlay their skills into a lucrative entertainment career. While most Black cowboys haven’t received the recognition of exceptional riders like Pickett and Love, their contribution to the history of the American West is no less significant. Both the Black cowboy and the Mexican vaquero were essential to settling the western United States. And without the Black cowboy’s adaptation of the riding and roping skills learned from vaqueros, rodeo competitions might look vastly different than they do today.

The Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo will be in Oakland July 9th-10th and in Los Angeles July 16th and 17th.


Sit Beside Me, Let us talk


Festival Organizers Rightfully Claim Fresno County “Garlic Capital of the United States”

Whenwe have something to say to someone, it is best to sit, share, and explain. We should use our wordsrather than stand in front of one another in a confrontational power struggle. Let us sit, share, and listen to what each of us has to say. The interpretation should lead us to be calmer and less threatening with little or no persecution.

When we speak to one another, there is a speaker and a listener; both should focus on hearing the other’s message. However, sometimes the listener misinterprets the shared message. The conversation can then become inflammatory, with escalated emotions reaching elevated levels in our voices. Therefore, having a technique with rules for both the speaker and listener is crucial to maintaining respect for an amicable outcome.

Technique for Improved Communication:

• Begin by sitting side by side, looking at one another, not front to front. It is less aggressive.

• Set forth the technique’s rules before reiterating that respect and compassion are integrated throughout the speaker’s message.

• No interruptions when the person speaking has the floor.

Continues on pg 5...

FRESNO, CA. Some have called it one of the greatest boosts to our local economy, tourism and Fresno County’s Reputation in decades. Others have called it a fantastic idea whose time has come.

Peter De Young, CEO of the Fresno based National Food Festivals, inc. says, “it’s time to invite the world to Fresno County for some delicious fun.” On May 13,14, and 15 of this year, Fresno County will be celebrated as the one, true, “GARLIC CAPITAL OF THE UNITED STATES”. The soon to be annual “National Garlic Festival” event will take place from 11am to 11pm each day (11am to 9pm Sunday) at The Big Fresno Fairgrounds. Discounted Presale tickets will go on sale on Wednesday 2/16 at

“Most people don’t realize that Fresno County is the true Garlic Capital of the

United States, and has been for a very long time, De Young said. He added, while other communities process our garlic, our farmers grow far more fresh garlic than any other county in the U.S. It’s time for all of us to stand proud and celebrate it!”

The national event will feature more than 300 garlic inspired foods (yes –even free garlic ice cream) multiple beer and wine gardens, a garlic foods pavilion, and garlic agriculture showcase, six performance stages, a large carnival and midway, nightly fireworks, an amazing car show, and a main performance stage with nationally recognized performers (which will be gradually announced over the coming months). Additionally, the festival will feature a team of wellknown Food Network celebrity chefs who will teach attendees dozens of gar-

lic inspired dishes. The Paul Paul Theater will be converted into a full-blown kitchen stadium for thousands of garlic fans to catch all the cooking demo fun. The Festival coordinators are working to break the world record for attendance at a garlic festival of 109,067 attendees, making the event the largest garlic festival in the world.

Our National Garlic Festival & Food Expo is dedicated to our healthcare heroes – from doctors, nurses, lab technicians, to EMT’s and others. Every medical worker will be invited to attend the festival at no cost (by presenting a valid work ID at the gate). A small recognition of the enormous sacrifices they’ve made over the last 3 years to keep us well.


Masks For Dummies XXI

Whenyou take a good look at the verifiable world Covid data at reputable sources like Johns Hopkins, you can see the pandemic move across the globe in unique and interesting trends. For example, we are not doing too bad right now compared to the rest of the world. What do I mean?

In the past month, about a dozen other countries have experienced worse Covid infection spikes than the United States. Believe it or not, South Korea is doing the worst right now, with about 9.4 million new confirmed cases in just the past month alone. And Germany is runner-up with 5.7 million new cases, followed by Vietnam and then France, with 5.6 million and 2.8 million cases, respectively. We’ve had 879,750 new Covid cases here at home this past month. The hotspots right now across the globe are in Europe and East Asia.

But don’t get too excited for us just yet.

The U.S. still leads the way in deaths. That’s right—all deaths. In total deaths, recent deaths, long-term deaths, and short-term deaths—we’re number one when it comes to Covid deaths. We’ve lost over 23,000 dear souls to the coronavirus this past month alone. Overall, we’ve lost over 982,377 friends, beloved family members, coworkers, and acquaintances in this devastating pandemic. We should pass the grim one million death mark by the end of this month.

To put this in perspective, let’s see how many deaths each of the hotspot countries mentioned above have. We’ll start with South Korea: 17,453 total Covid deaths. And in the past month, 8,357 deaths. This means that South Korea experienced about half of its Covid deaths just last month. And, of course, 8,357 Covid deaths in a single month is a tragedy in every sense of the word—but those numbers are lightweight for us. Germany, the next most active current Covid hotspot, has had a total of 130,052 Covid deaths, with 5,921 deaths this past month. Finally, in Vietnam and France, they have experienced a total of 42,600 and 143,540 Covid deaths, with 1,787 and 3,244 deaths occurring this past month alone, respectively.

The difference is staggering with grim implications. How has the most advanced and powerful country in the world—with the best medical technology at our disposal—suffered so many Covid deaths? Our numbers are astronomically high compared to the rest

of the world; it’s almost unbelievable. The following countries with the highest total Covid death tolls, Brazil and India, have 660,410 and 521,358 deaths, respectively. This tiny little SARS-CoV-2 virus has outsmarted and outmaneuvered us in the most disrespectful ways. It has shown us how truly weak and vulnerable we are in the grand scheme of our natural animal kingdom—even with our fancy technology. But unfortunately, none of that could save our 982,377 fallen dear ones.

In this horrible pandemic, we’ve learned that we must first control transmission and community spread to prevent Covid sickness and death. But one of the main problems that we had as a country at the start of the pandemic two years ago was that people were very slow in mobilizing against it. Sure, it’s hard fighting an unseen enemy. But misinformation and fake news about Covid made it even harder. When government officials, aided by the best available medical and scientific advice at the time, recommended shutdowns, sheltering-in-place, quarantining, and mask-wearing, Americans pushed back hard and mocked these orders. And the coronavirus continued to spread voraciously.

Here in Fresno, we’ve had a total of 2,722 Covid deaths, with 12 new deaths leading up to the first week of April. Last time this month, we had 2,597 Covid deaths. That’s a 125 death increase, or about 4 Covid deaths per day this past month.

Yes, we’re doing a lot better—but we

are still in the fight for our lives. At a recent media briefing at the beginning of the month, Fresno County Interim Health Officer Dr. Rais Vohra acknowledged this progress but warned Fresnans to be vigilant and prepared for the future.

“Right now, it appears that the numbers are under control,” he reassured the county. However, he emphasized, “people should keep in mind that could change. We have to be agile and flexible. We understand how things could get worse because we’ve been there before—We’ve learned the hard way what surges can do to our health care system, to ourselves and our neighbors.”

As things warm up this April and life gets busier, let’s not forget all we’ve learned, dear reader. As you already know, our number one weapon against Covid transmission is our mask-wearing. But, of course, our number one protection against severe Covid sickness and death is our vaccine. Both are needed to crush SARS-CoV-2. Just remember: viruses need hosts to survive, and if they can’t make you their host, well, we win.

So, dear Mask Dummy, let’s keep them out and keep on winning! - - -

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.


• Say what it is you would like the listener to hear. Be to the point. Be brief, no longer than a minute or two.


• Listen to the speaker to understand, not interrupt.

• When the speaker is done, it is your turn to paraphrase, “So what I am hearing is…” and recap what you heard the other person say.

• Focus on the message received, don’t rebut.

The speaker may retake the floor to respond. Sometimes you may use a pillow or an object to refer to whoever has the floor - as something only the speaker will hold. Make sure to give this to the next person to speak. (This technique may be used for a group where everyone has an opportunity to share.)

When each of you has processed and heard the words communicated, you each have an opportunity to have the floor and repeat back what you heard. Be respectful, be patient, and remember the purpose of this exercise is to understand one another.

This technique decreases emotional flare-ups and brings people closer together as they begin to develop compassion for someone else’s feelings. Hurtful words are damaging, and it takes a long time to repair a relationship once such hurtful things are said. Anger surfaces when people react, and words bubble out that cannot be taken back. This communication technique will help prevent such a reaction and heal those who have been verbally abused. An explanation of anger and an apology using this technique is healing to help break down barriers built up after relationships have been broken. Then, we can repair, step by step, and learn to trust again.

Have a blessed and renewed Spring this April!

Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb, M.A. Counseling Psychology Author & Narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors” & “Keeping a Suggestive Mind Through Meditation”, speaker for transition, loss & grief.

...Let us talk cont’d from pg 4

adventure church is suing the tower theatre. Can this marriage be saved?

Whenwe last looked at the ongoing saga of Adventure Church’s quixotic attempt to plant a homophobic church in Fresno’s one gay neighborhood, the forces of righteousness had won a major victory. On January 19, Sequoia Brewing Company won its appeal to maintain the legal block on selling the Tower Theatre. Even better, the forces of evil were roundly punished; after finding that Tower Theatre owner Laurence Abbate had acted in bad faith, the court ordered Abbate to pay Sequoia’s legal fees.

(If you’re just tuning in to this soap opera, Sequoia has an ongoing lawsuit to block the sale of the Tower Theatre. It has been rumbling its way through the courts since early last year. Sequoia, which leases its Tower location from the Tower Theatre, argues that its lease agreement gives them the first right of refusal to buy the theater if it’s ever put up for sale. This case may be resolved sometime in 2023. It’s been a thing.)

But Abbate’s woes were just beginning. On February 9, it was reported that Adventure Church was also suing Abbate. In its court filing, Adventure Church alleged that Abbate had not disclosed Sequoia’s first right of refusal when Adventure agreed to buy the theater. As a result, Adventure demanded that its purchase of the theater be completed and, because why not, that Abbate should have to pay their legal fees as well.

If you’re keeping score, Abbate is definitely on the hook for Sequoia’s legal fees and may be forced to pay Adventure’s as well — which would serve him right for his double-dealing. Abbate is now in the hole for tens of thousands of dollars or possibly even over $100,000. Somehow I don’t believe Abbate will be remembered as a genius businessman.

On its face, Adventure would seem to have a legit case against Abbate. (Unless Adventure already knew about Sequoia’s right of first refusal when the church signed a purchase contract for the theater.) But Adventure has known about Sequoia’s first right of refusal since February of last year. If Abbate’s deceptions truly blindsided them, they could have sued him a year ago. I don’t see why they waited a year to decide they had been cheated.

One would also think that if you genuinely believed that a seller had deceived you, you would pull out of the deal. But Adventure continues to rent the theater to hold services every Sunday. So do they trust Abbate or not?

Whatever the sincerity of Adventure’s grievance against Abbate, the remedies they demand are ridiculous. If the substance of Adventure’s complaint is that Abbate did not disclose Sequoia’s right of refusal, Adventure’s suit concedes right from the start that

Sequoia has a legitimate right of first refusal. And if Sequoia indeed has first right of refusal, then that contractual right can’t be taken away just because Adventure demands it. Well, no one ever claimed that Adventure was run by smart people.

What makes this even more absurd is that, as soon as Adventure’s lawsuit was reported in the news, Adventure Church Pastor Anthony Flores released a video to his congregation insisting the lawsuit was not a genuine grievance against Abbate but merely a negotiation tactic. To me, that seems like an admission of filing a frivolous lawsuit. And why did Flores want to play negotiating hardball with his good friend Laurence Abbate? Because Abbate had been holding closed-door talks with the Fresno City Council. Rumor had it that Abbate, squeezed by Sequoia’s legal fees, was now desperate to find a buyer and was looking to the city for a bailout. (I don’t know why the obvious solution of settling with Sequoia did not occur to Abbate.) Apparently, Adventure’s lawsuit was a shot across Abbate’s bow to warn him that the church would sue if he sold to anyone else. I think it’s safe to say that Laurence Abbate is now one of the most unpopular men in the Tower District, but he brought it all on himself.

The ownership of the theater will not be settled until Sequoia’s suit against Abbate goes to trial sometime in 2023. In the meantime, Adventure Church still holds services in blatant defiance of zoning law. The city of Fresno still refuses to take any action about it, presumably out of fear of being sued by the lawsuit-happy church.

But the city has been put on the spot by a complaint filed with the Fresno City Planning Commission by Lisa Flores, a well-known gadfly at city public hearings. Flores, an opponent of Adventure Church’s takeover of the Tower Theatre, filed a complaint with the planning commission, asking the commission to deny a conditional use permit to serve alcohol at CDT Cocina, a new restaurant in the Tower Theatre building.

In her complaint, Flores argued that CDT Cocina’s liquor sales were too close to Adventure Church’s worship services and child care facilities in the same building. In response, CDT Cocina filed a letter noting that the Tower Theatre is zoned for restaurants but that Adventure’s religious and child-care services violate zoning. The planning commission considered Lisa Flores’ complaint at a March 2 meeting. I don’t yet know the result, but it will be great to put the city on record that Adventure is violating zoning.


Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio. Sunday, April 17th, 7pm. Sensorio, 4380 Hwy 46 E, Paso Robles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multi-acre walk-through installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Tickets $20-110

River Park’s Art Groove Galley - Art Hop. Thursday, April 21st, 5pm. River Park, 7786 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. ArtHop is one of the most active and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers have the opportunity to meet the artists and experience their art exhibits. ArtHop has received a remarkable response from the Fresno community. River Park Shopping Center will host ArtHop at River Park’s Art Groove Gallery the 3rd Thursday of every month from 5-9 p.m.

NoLove Live Arts and Music Fest. Saturday, April 23rd, 12pm. Mono St btwn L St and Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Join us for the first annual NoLove Live Arts and Music Fest in the heart of Downtown Fresno! The purpose of the event is to shine a light on the incredible work going on in the Fresno Artist & Creative communities. Our intention is to celebrate and represent through a live demonstrative indoor/ outdoor festival - the wide variety of artists and artistry that exist here in the city. We are proud to bring it all this amazing talent to the heart of Downtown Fresno.

Paint Your Pet to Benefit Woods Humane Society. Saturday, May 7th, 2pm. Paso Market Walk, 1803 Spring St, Paso Robles. Woods Humane Society and ArtSocial805 invite you to celebrate National Pet Month and join us for a PAINT YOUR PET experience. The artists of ArtSocial805 will

guide you through a very personal pet painting experience. The $60 fee will include all supplies, a prepped photo of your pet and a donation to Woods Humane Society. Share your love for your pet while helping homeless cats and dogs. Paso pups will donate little treat bags to each participant!


Urban Bachata Thursdays. Thursday, April 14th, 21st, 28th, and May 4th, 8pm. Urbano California Bistro, 1016 H St, Modesto. Urban Bachata Thursdays featuring Urban Bachata

Lessons and Dance after!! Try our refreshing Mojitos, Sangrias and Margaritas!

Ancient Yoga. Friday, April 15th, 6pm. The Power of Serenity, 725 W 18th St, Merced. A system of yoga which involves a combination of physical movements, deep breathing techniques & meditation. This form of yoga is inspired by Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and has a larger emphasis on breathing patterns, while also instilling the philosophies of self-development, healing of mind-bodyspirit and self-discovery.

A Psychedelic Sound Bath ( live music performance). Friday, April 22nd, 6pm. Elevate Community Yoga. 899 W Roseburg Ave, Modesto. A multi-dimensional, bio-healing, state of the art sound bath and musical performance. Please join us for an event like none other you have ever experienced at Elevate Community Yoga! $33 donation.


Open Mic - Music/Comedy. Monday, April 11th, 4:30pm. 2.0 Coffee Co, 1570 W Olive Ave, Porterville. Local stand up comedians and muscians, come on down!

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

John Edward Brickley. Wednesday, April 13th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. John Brickley hails from Minneapolis Minnesota and made his way to Los Angeles where he currently resides. You can currently see him performing all over California and the surrounding states. When on stage, you will


hear his unique perspective on life, families, relationships, the constant struggle of being large man in a small world.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Chris Cope Saturday Show. Saturday, April 16th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Comedian Chris Cope is a Florida transplant living in Los Angeles, LA’s been great to Chris thus far, In his short time in town, Chris has appeared on The Jimmy Kimmel Show, Laughs on Fox , Tosh.0 and “Grey’s Anatomy”. Tickets $20-265.

Full Circle Presents: The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Sunday, April 17th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. We are excited to announce The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Come see some of the Central Valley’s brightest comedy stars, and many of it best up and comers, work out their new bits on stage. And maybe give that stand up dream a go yourself while you’re at it? If you need a few beers before you try it out, we got you there too. Live comedy in a fun supportive environment, in one of Fresno’s best live performance spaces. It’s going to be a great time and we can’t wait to see you there!

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining Danny Minch Birthday Show. Wednesday, April 20th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Headlining Comedy with comics from all over with open mic to follow. Danny Minch From the documentary MONSTERS OF COMEDY. Danny Has performed at the biggest comedy venues in the world. He has worked alongside some of the biggest names in comedy. This Birthday show always is a sold out experience so get your tickets fast.

Full Circle Brewing Presents: Daniel Eachus Live on Earth Day. Friday, April 22nd, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Daniel Eachus is a rising young star in the comedy world. Even at such a young age, Eachus has the chops of a comedy veteran and people are taking notice. Born and raised in Fresno, CA, he was surrounded by farms, but didn’t want to smell raisins for the rest of his life, so he turned to comedy to get him out. Tickets $15-100

Erik Power & The Fun Junkies present Comedy & Cocktails Atwater. Friday, April 22nd, 7pm. Corbin Cash Distillery, 3133 Hull Rd, Suite B, Atwater. We’re back for another night of Laughs and Drinks! Erik Power & The Fun Junkies present Comedy & Cocktails ! This months lineup features Erik Power , Roman Guzman, and Headliner Mike Betancourt. Tickets $25.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Danny Minch Birthday Bash. Friday, April 22nd, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Nationally touring comedian and DiCicco’s OTC house comic is having a birthday and as always some of his funniest friends are coming to celebrate. Danny Minch From the documentary MONSTERS OF COMEDY

Chris Cruz and Friends Comedy Night. Saturday, April 23rd, 6:30pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Chris Cruz and Friends Comedy Night. Tickets $15-225

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Tom Goss. Wednesday, April 27th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Tom Goss is a stand up comedian and podcaster based out of Los Angeles California. His comedy is based in making the morbid silly and the silly morbid. Tom has done comedy all over North America and performed in typical venues like clubs, colleges, and theaters. He also enjoys atypical venues like barns, wrestling rings, and campgrounds.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Phil Johnson. Friday, April 29th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant. 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Phil Johnson has an action packed show filled with his two loves, comedy and music. It’s a show filled with sharp unexpected turns, sneak attack jokes, and hilarious songs that doesn’t shy away from controversial territory… race, sex, religion, and doughnuts – so many doughnuts – all delivered from the viewpoint of a guy who happily grew up in the deeply multi-everything community of the San Francisco Bay Area.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Rob Smallwood. Wednesday, May 4th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Rob

Smallwood is based out of Los Angeles, by way of Baltimore Maryland. He has been featured on Kill Tony podcast, Brian Redban’s Deathsquad and ABFF award winning Podcast Tough Choice with Kazeem Rahman. Rob has caught on to being one of the most genuine and fun loving comedians on the market. With sharp satirical point of view and unique perspective on race, dating and politics, Rob has moved mountains of audience members.

If All the Sky Were Paper. Friday, May 6th, 7:30pm. Merced Multicultural Arts Center, 645 W Main St, Merced. Written by New York Times bestselling author Andrew Carrol, If All the Sky Were Paper is based on Carroll’s incredible journey to more than 40 countries on six continents, to seek out the most extraordinary war letters ever written. The actors go through the full spectrum of emotions and experiences contained in the letters. From the incredible drama and ferocity of battle to the pathos and humor of everyday life on the front lines, these letters and Carroll’s story will deeply move and inspire audiences. Tickets $10.

Peter Pan. Friday, May 6th, 7pm and Saturday, May 8th, 2pm/5:30pm. Tower Theatre for Performing Arts, 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Break the Barriers is excited to announce our upcoming Spring 2022 show, Excerpts From Peter Pan—coming to the Tower Theatre for the Performing Arts! At Break the Barriers, we provide a place for everyone on the stage. Our biggest stars often come from where you least expect them. We invite you to join us on the following days and times while we tell our next story, Excerpts From Peter Pan. Tickets $18.


unapologetiQ presents PRIDE PROM NIGHT Saturday, April 9th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. A special adult prom party for Fresno’s LGBTQ community! Rock your flyest outfit and come celebrate who you are!! $5

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM



Tim Montana. Sunday, April 10th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Whether he’s performing onstage with ZZ Top in front of a crowd of thousands, kicking it with his friend Dave Grohl at a Foo Fighters gig or racing ATVs with extreme-sports star Travis Pastrana, Tim Montana has a knack for always being in the right place at the right time. But don’t chalk it up to luck. Rather, it’s Montana’s innate talent, unrelenting hustle and magnetic charisma that have made the country-rock singer-songwriter a dude that everyone — from the famous to the blue-collar — wants to be around. $12 adv, $15 DOS.

The Loud and Clear Tour with RITTZ plus Grieves, Trizz. Monday, April 11th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by All ages.

The Veer Union at Full Circle. Tuesday, April 12th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St,

Fresno. The Veer Union 2 Shadows MadZilla Life Jacket More TBA! All Ages / $12 Adv / $15 Dos

Napalm Death, Elder Devil. Wednesday, April 13th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Although the name Napalm Death has existed since 1981, as the band’s first lineup plundered the post- and anarchopunk scenes for inspiration, it was 1987’s seminal Scum album that would ensure their place in the grand pantheon of heaviness. A visceral dismantling of conventions, it effectively kick-started the entire Grindcore scene, gaining Napalm Death something approaching household name status for their insane speeds, animalistic screams and uncompromising political stance. From that moment, the band became synonymous with both proudly-held ethical principles and the relentless pursuit of new ways to terrorise people with riffs and noise.

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. Lance Canales. Thursday, April 14th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Covention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Thursday, April 14, from 6pm9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Lance Canales for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Thursday Night DJ Dance Party. Thursday, April 14th, 6pm. Yosemite Wine Trails, 40409 Highway 41, Oakhurst. We are rocking the house with DJ Kevin @ Yosemite Wine Tails. Dust off those dancing shoes for this once a month party night! DJ Kevin will be mixing in pop, country, R&B, rock and soul selections to keep the energy flowing throughout the night! Enjoy crafted wine cocktails, beer and sake. Tickets $10-100.

Loathe & Dying Wish at Full Circle. Thursday, April 14th, 6:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Loathe Dying Wish Reminitions Cloud Construction more TBA! All Ages / $17 ADV / $22 DOS

The Killer Dueling Pianos. Thursday, April 14th, 7pm. California Coast Beer Company, 1346 Railroad St, Paso Robles. If you have never had the chance to see a dueling pianos show in San Francisco or Las Vegas, this is your chance to see one in Paso! This is an all-request, crowd-interactive show. Appealing to all genres of music lovers, The Killer Dueling Pianos will have you clapping , singing, and laughing along all night with their special brand of entertainment. Tickets $25-300.

She Rocks. Thursday, April 14th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Old Town Clovis, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. A Musical Tribute

To 8 Great Female Classic Rock Icons of The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Featuring Catt John with Karen Tesi. For More Information Visit The She Rocks Website at Tickets $15-25

Moonshine Bandits Bucked Up

Tour with Justin Time. Thursday, April 14th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by All ages

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. Tina Marie. Friday, April 15th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center,

300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites. Our beautiful patio welcomes Tina Marie for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Sumer Sun Party. Friday, April 15th, 7pm. Expo Even Center, 3666 N Valentine Ave, Fresno. This is a party for everybody. Featuring DJ Edoo, DJ Dee James, Dj Gio Bilzerian, and DJ J Smooth. Tickets $15.

We Are Young: 2010s Night with DJ Blade. Friday, April 15th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Welcome to the debut of our latest theme night We Are Young featuring 2010s bangers & visuals all night long courtesy of DJ Blade. Time flies. $5

Jeffrey Martin / Kassi Valazza / Johnny Franco at The Grove House. Saturday, April 16th, 6pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. Three of the very best come together for one special night at The Grove House. Tickets $15.

Red/ Mackinondabeat/ Lyjah presents Fresno spring bling. Saturday, April 16th, 7pm. 2965 N Maroa Ave, Fresno. Fresno spring bling the hottest event going down this spring! Food vendors, Twerk contest and more this is a 18 and up event.

Snax N Chill - Reggae Edition. Wednesday, April 20th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Wednesday, April 20thCome out to Snax N Chill Reggae Edition! DJ Burns & Lo will be spinning the Reggae vibes for the evening!

Snax Truck: Fire N Spice. 6pm / All Ages / Free

Big Star Third at Saint Joaquin. Wednesday, April 20th, 6:30pm. Saint Joaquin, 1755 Broadway St, #106, Fresno. Listening session for the Best Band You’ve Never Listened To.

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. South 65. Thursday, April 21st, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Thursday, April 21, from 6pm-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes South 65 for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Ft. 3 & The Machine. Friday, April 22nd, 6pm. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, April 22, from 6pm-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes 3 & The Machine for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

The Tens’ Broken Romantic Tour @ California Coast Beer Co. Friday, April 22nd, 6pm. California Coast Beer Company, 1346 Railroad St, Paso Robles. The Tens are upholding the tradition of what it means to be a real, live, rock ‘n’ roll band. Their improvisation and groove has since taken them across the country several times, establishing them as a premier touring spectacle. The group is currently set to release their debut studio record Broken Romantic in April 2022.

Ramon Ayala El Rey Del Acordeon / Grupo Alfa 7 / Banda Nuevo Estilo. Friday, April 22nd, 8pm. Princeton Event Center, 1640 Princeton Ave, Modesto. Headliner is RAMON AYALA Grammy Award winning Songwriter, Musician and Singer with over 120 Albums. Also, ALFA 7 Musical Group origination from La Mira, Michoacán, Mexico. Tickets $50.

Anthony Green, Sawce. Friday, April 22nd, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by

Jefferson Starship. Friday, April 22nd, 8pm. Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo. Jefferson Starship is one of the most successful arena rock groups of the 1970s and 80s, earning 3 platinum and 8 gold records, as well as numerous Top 40 singles. While Jefferson Starship continues to tour today, the band has experienced numerous lineup and personnel changes, and each of those members have contributed to the magic and alchemy that make Jefferson Starship iconic. Tickets from $41.50

NoLove Live Arts and Music Fest. Saturday, April 23rd, 12pm. Mono St btwn L St and Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Join us for the first annual NoLove Live Arts and Music Fest in the heart of Downtown Fresno! The purpose of the event is to shine a light on the incredible work going on in the Fresno Artist & Creative communities. Our intention is to celebrate and represent


In the know for rodeo!

The Clovis Rodeo returns for the 108th time this month. From April 20th - 24th, the Clovis Rodeo Grounds will buzz with the sounds of fans cheering on their favorite riders in every event. Whether you are a long-time fan or a first-time attendee, the Flyer has put together a little Rodeo primer to help get you up to speed on all of the exciting competitions coming our way.

Roughstock Events

The first thing to know is that all Rodeo competitions fall under one of two categories: roughstock and timed events. In roughstock events, the score is determined by both the rider and the animal’s performances. To earn a qualified score, the rider - using only one hand - must stay on a bucking horse or bull for eight seconds. If the rider’s free hand touches the animal, themselves, or any of their equipment, they’re disqualified.

Bareback Riding: Without question, the toughest and most dangerous of all the roughstock events is the bareback competition. Bareback riders are subjected to more abuse, earn more injuries, and suffer more long-term damage than all other cowboys.

To stay on their horse, referred to as a “bronc,” the bareback rider uses a rigging made of leather and constructed to PRCA safety specifications. The rigging resembles a luggage handle on a strap, and it’s placed atop the horse’s withers and secured with a cinch.

As the bronc and rider burst from the chute, the rider must have both spurs touching the horse’s shoulders until its feet hit the ground after the initial move from the chute. This is called “marking out.” If the rider fails to do this, they are disqualified.

Completing a qualified ride and achieving a money-winning score requires more than just strength. A bareback rider is

CLOVIS Schedule

Monday April 18 -19, 2022

Rodeo Blood Drive

also judged on their spurring technique, the degree to which their toes remain turned out while spurring, and their ability to endure whatever might come during the ride.

Saddle Bronc Riding: Saddle bronc riding is a classic rodeo event. Less dangerous and extreme than bareback or bull riding, the saddle bronc competition requires strength, to be sure. It also demands style, grace, and precise timing. The technical skill necessary to master saddle bronc riding makes it arguably the most challenging of all roughstock events.

Every move a saddle bronc rider makes must be synchronized with the horse’s movement. The rider’s objective is a fluid ride, which puts it in contrast to the wilder, less-controlled bareback rides.

Saddle and bareback bronc rides both require the rider to “mark” the horse out of the chute. However, unlike the leather handle rigging used in bareback, saddle bronc riders use only a thick rein attached to the horse’s halter. The rider tries to stay securely seated in the saddle using one hand. As with bareback, if the rider touches any part of the horse or their own body with their free hand, they are disqualified.

Bull Riding: The bull riding competition is a product of the fearless and somewhat foolhardy nature of the «cowboy» persona.

Timed Events

In timed events, riders compete against the clock and each other. Each contestant’s goal is to post the fastest time in their event. For example, calves and steers are given a head start in the roping events. The riders must then catch up to and successfully rope them in the shortest time possible.

Steer Wrestling: The objective of the steer

Wednesday April 20, 2022

PBR Bull Riding & Concert

Thursday April 21, 2022

Rodeo Performance & Concert

wrestler, known as a «bulldogger,» is to use their strength and technique to wrestle a steer to the ground as quickly as possible. Speed and strength are everything in steer wrestling. With a world record of only 2.4 seconds, steer wrestling is the fastest event in rodeo.  While that may sound simple enough, the steer typically weighs more than twice as much as the wrestler, and they’re both often traveling at 30 miles per hour. So speed and precision are of paramount importance and make bulldogging one of rodeo’s most challenging events.

Tie-Down Roping: Like many rodeo events, the roots of tie-down roping can be traced back to the working ranches of the Old West. When calves were sick or injured, cowboys had to rope and immobilize them quickly for veterinary treatment. Ranch hands prided themselves on the speed with which they could rope and tie calves, and they soon turned their work into informal contests.

In modern tie-down roping, the mounted rider starts from the “box,” a three-sided fenced area adjacent to the chute holding the calf. The fourth side of the box opens into the arena. The rider’s success in tiedown roping depends largely on the precise teamwork between them and their horse. The calf receives a head start determined by the length of the arena. One end of a breakaway rope barrier is looped around the calf’s neck and stretched across the open end of the box. When the calf reaches its “advantage point,” the barrier is released. If the roper breaks the barrier before the calf reaches its head start, they are assessed a 10-second penalty.

The horse is trained to stop as soon as the rider throws their loop and catches the calf. The rider then dismounts, runs to the calf, and throws it by hand, a maneuver called “flanking.” Once the calf is flanked, the roper ties

Continues on pg 12...

Friday April 22, 2022

Rodeo Performance & Concert

Saturday April 23, 2022

Clovis Rodeo Parade - 9 AM

Saturday April 23, 2022

Clovis Rodeo Performance

Sunday April 24, 2022

PRCA Rodeo Final

11 | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNO FLYER | APRIL 2022 | ROPE UP SOME SAVINGS! 115 SHAW AVE. IN CLOVIS! 115 SHAW AVE. IN CLOVIS! OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM Monday - Saturday Monday - Saturday THRIFT STORES 30% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE White tag items are excluded. One coupon per person, per day. Must surrender at the time of purchase. Discount off the subtotal, before taxes. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photo-copies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 4/30/22. CASHIER USE: FF30

..Rodeo cont’d from pg 9

any three legs together with a “pigging string” - a short, looped rope held in the rider’s teeth during the run.

After tying the calf, the roper throws their hands in the air to signal that the run is completed. The roper then remounts their horse, rides forward to create slack in the rope, and waits six seconds to see if the calf remains tied. If the calf kicks free, the roper receives no time.

Barrel Racing: In barrel racing, the goal of each competitor is to see who can complete the course in the fastest time. The course consists of three barrels placed in a triangle at the center of an arena. The rider enters the arena with the horse at full gallop, and the clock starts when they cross the starting line.

The horse and rider must complete a cloverleaf pattern around the barrels and then race back to the starting line. If any barrels are tipped during the run, a 5-second penalty is assessed for each one.

Success in barrel racing requires a strong relationship between the rider and the horse. Excellent horsemanship and athleticism are essential for a winning run.

Now that you’re up on the basics of

pro rodeo competition, you’re ready to enjoy the thrilling events that make rodeo such an exciting sport to watch. And, if you’re still hungry for more high-octane pro rodeo action after the Clovis Rodeo ends, you can follow all of the PRCA events all over the state for the rest of the rodeo season.


Riverdale Rodeo

Riverdale | May 1st

Mother Lode Round-Up

Sonora | May 7th-8th

Woodlake Lions Rodeo

Woodlake | May 7th-8th

Battle of the Best Coarsegold |May 8th

Salinas Valley Fair

King City | May 14th

Redding Rodeo

Redding | May 18th-21st

Rowell Ranch Rodeo

Hayward | May 20th-22nd

Valley Center Stampede Rodeo

Valley Center | May 27th - 28th

Santa Maria Elks Rodeo

Santa Maria | June 2nd - 5th

Glennville Round-Up

Glennville | June 12th

Old Santa Ynez Tortilla Days

Santa Ynez | June 25th - 26th

Folsom Pro Rodeo

Folsom | July 1st - 3rd

Stanislaus County Fair Pro Rodeo

Turlock | July 13th

Santa Barbara Old Spanish Days

Stock Horse Show & Rodeo

Santa Barbara | Aug. 5th - 7th

Sonoma County Wine

Country Rodeo

Santa Rosa | Aug. 6th

Norco Mounted Posse PRCA Rodeo

Norco | Aug. 26th - 28th

Ramona Rodeo

Ramona | Aug. 26th - 28th

Poway Rodeo

Poway | Sept. 23rd - 24th

through a live demonstrative indoor/ outdoor festival - the wide variety of artists and artistry that exist here in the city. We are proud to bring it all this amazing talent to the heart of Downtown Fresno.

DB Boutabag & J Stalin at SpringJam by Shawn Eff. Saturday, April 23rd, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 702 Fulton St, Fresno. Doors open @ 7pm. Security strictly enforced. Brought to you by @hppromo. Tickets $15-60.

Jazz Jam at the Brewery District. Sunday, April 24th, 2pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Jazz Jam at the Brewery District. 2-5pm / All Ages / Free. Come out and listen to Trio Expression. Play some jazz or join in on the fun yourself as you can sign up to play with them!

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge Feat. Fire on the Mountain. Sunday, April 24th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, April 24, from 3pm6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Fire on the Mountain for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Grover Anderson & the Lampoliers. Sunday, April 24th, 3pm. 1705 Sherwood Ave, Modesto. Folk, country, rock, and Americana from the wilderness of the Sierra Nevada Foothills. Grover Anderson writes songs that tell stories of love, loss, and frontier mischief. He lives in the wilderness of the Sierra Nevada foothills with his wife and daughters, and when he’s not touring he teaches high school Drama and English. Tickets $10-25.

TRANSVIOLET Drugs in California

Part 2 Tour. Sunday, April 24th, 8pm.

Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. From the very beginning, Transviolet has made a point to approach music differently. Now in 2019 with multiple support (Twenty one pilots, LANY, Dua Lipa Joywave) and headling tours (US, UK) under their collective belt, and tens of millions of streams - Transviolet is gearing up to release their first Independent full album. All Ages, $12.

Charley Crockett - Jukebox Charley Tour. Monday, April 25th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Born of Osiris & Veil of Maya at Full

Circle. Tuesday, April 26th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Born of Osiris, Veil of Maya, VCTMS, Hunt the Dinosaur, Slay Squad All Ages/ $25 Adv / $30 DOS

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. Rene Emilio. Thursday, April 28th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Our beautiful patio welcomes Rene Emilio for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio Feat. The Sensations. Friday, April 29th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, April 29, from 6pm9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes The Sensations for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Cowboys and Indians tour. Friday, April 29th, 7pm. Jackson’s Roadhouse, 20023 Auberry Rd, #1, Clovis. The Good Ol’ Boyz Cowboys and Indians tour comes to Jackson’s Roadhouse in Clovis. Tickets $20.

Taylor VS Billie VS Olivia DJ Night with Blade. Friday, April 29th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Festive interactive DJ Night featuring music and visuals from these pop megarstars. $6 adv/$8 DOS

Sunday Fest Presents: THIZZ NIGHTZ. Saturday, April 30th, 7pm. Edison Social Club, 3325 W. Clinton Ave, Fresno. THIZZ NIGHTS starring J-Diggz & Daboii with special guests. Tickets $30-60.

Sensi Trails Live at The Pour House. Saturday, April 30th, 7pm. The Pour House, 525 Pine St, Paso Robles. The Pour House welcomes back up and coming reggae stars SENSI TRAILS to end their Spring Fling 2022 tour! Tickets are just $10 each for general admission, and tables are on a first come, first served basis.

Haunt, Screamer, Traveler, Saber. Saturday, April 30th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. presented by $10 adv/$12 DOS

DURAN DURAN DURAN Live at Fulton 55. Saturday, April 30th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno.

Come and Dance the night away to Duran Duran and other 80’s hits of the new wave, synth-pop, pop-rock genres. Since 2004 Duran Duran Duran has enjoyed worldwide recognition, headlining an exclusive San Francisco performance for Gimme a Wristband, the leading international Duran fan site, on the eve of Duran Duran’s performance at the Fillmore. Tickets $10-15.

Beer & Taco Fiesta. Thursday, May 5th, 4pm. Madera Fairgrounds, 1850 Cleveland Ave, Madera. Come Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with us at the Beer & Taco Fiesta! Performances by: Tierra, Malo, Lighter Shade of Brown, Candyman, Natalie and more!

Barn Dance with Rick & the Country Crew. Friday, May 6th, 6pm. Monrovia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Country classics for dancing or just tapping your toes. Bring out the whole family to enjoy country classics from the likes of Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, George

Strait just to name a few. Perfect music for the two step or country swing, or just sitting back and singing along. Bring a picnic and/or purchase a “S’more kit” to enjoy around the fire.

Cinco De Mega Freestyle Explosion

Throwback Jam 2022. Friday, May 6th, 6:30pm. Rotary Ampitheatre at Woodward Park, 7775 Friant Rd, Fresno. This year’s Cinco De Mega Freestyle Explosion Throwback Jam lineup is stacked with some of the top hit-makers from the 80’s and 90’s! Scheduled to perform: Stevie B, Lisa Lisa, Expose, Montell Jordan, Rob Base, Pretty Poison, Tag Team and Timmy T. General Admission tickets $48.

Cinco de Mayo Block Party. Saturday, May 7th, 12pm. Graceada Park, 401 Needham St, Modesto. The Cinco de Mayo Block Party is a two-day event that is taking place at Graceada Park. Saturday’s concert - Lighter Shade of Brown, Natalie LaRose, Marcos Hernandez, The Central Valleys own Texas Funk, The Bay Areas


own Midtown Soul Band and more! Tickets $30-85

The Mighty Cash Cats and The Linda Ronstadt Experience live in Paso Robles! Saturday, May 7th, 7pm. The Pour House, 525 Pine St, Paso Robles. A must see show for all Johnny Cash fans! Opening the show will be the amazing Linda Ronstadt Experience- 2 GREAT shows for the price of 1! Hailed as one of the best Johnny Cash bands in the world, The Mighty Cash Cats are endorsed directly by the Cash family. They have traveled all over the world and return to the central coast for one night only at the Pour House in Paso Robles. This will be an outdoor event. Tickets $12.

Cinco de Mayo Block Party. Sunday, May 8th, 11am. Graceada Park, 401 Needham St, Modesto. The Cinco de Mayo Block Party is a two-day event that is taking place at Graceada Park. Sunday’s concert - Live performances by MC Magic and Malo! Plus Legendary Latin Band Tortilla Soup! Tickets $30-85



Creative Art Classes For Kids & Teens. Saturday, April 16th, 10am. Pahlak Studiolink, Online Art Classes. This free painting class is open for all ages. You are welcome to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easier. I have different versions of same painting so it suits all ages. for more info.

Tie Dye Art Walk - Grown-ups & Children. Thursday, April 21st, 5:30pm. Mistlin Gallery, 1015 J St, Modesto. Enjoy a fun evening creating art before exploring the art walk downtown. Register one adult for this class and enjoy a FREE children’s class at the same time (Ages 7 to 18). In this month’s class, artists Susan Rossmann and Betty Gay will be guiding participants in creating their very own tie dye shirt. Preregistration required. Materials included. Bring your own shirt or purchase on site for $5. Tickets $25.


209BEATDOWN XIV. Saturday, April 16th, 4pm. Modesto Centre Plaza, 1150 9th St, Modesto. JR Entertainment Presents “209 BEATDOWN

XIV” Extreme Cage Fighting, Saturday April 16, 2022, at the Modesto Centre Plaza Live MMA Cage Fights. Title Belts Middleweight, Bantamweight, Welterweight, Featherweight and Heavyweight!! Fighters from the 209 vs. The rest of California. Tickets $50125

Silver Moon Race: Reedley. Saturday, April 16th, 6pm. 3000 N Reed Ave, Reedley. The Silver Moon Race is about challenging yourself, taking your endurance ability, and miles to new heights. Perfect for those who want to elevate from half marathons to marathons to ultramarathons. You’ll run in beautiful scenic locations in a 10K or for 6, 12, 24-hours, or 100-mile race on an awesome lap course. Go solo or in a 4-person team relay with your favorite running friends. The race is always timed on a weekend closest to the full moon. Starting right before sunset and running through the night under the vibrant glow of the full moon and stars into the sunrise the next day.

559 Fights 86. Saturday, April 23rd, 6pm. Visalia Convention Center, 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. 559 Fights is back with live MMA and Grappling action Saturday, April 23. amateur-mma-events/E1402/559Fights-86 Tickets $35-600

2022 Golf Tournament - Foundation for Sanger Schools. Saturday, April 30th, 7am. Ridge Creek Golf Club, 3018 Ridge Creek Dr, Dinuba. Join us for the 5th annual Foundation for Sanger Schools golf tournament. Money raised will support senior scholarships & classroom grants. Enjoy a day of golf at Ridge Creek Dinuba Golf Course. Players will enjoy a round of golf, golf cart, bucket of balls, goodie bag, breakfast burritos, & burger bar lunch.

2nd Annual Kolyde For Parkinson’s Golf Tournament. Saturday, April 30th, 10am. Dragonfly Golf Club, 43369 Ave 12, Madera. Golf Tournament Dragonfly Golf Course April 30th at 10am.

Blacklist Pro Wrestling. Sunday, May 1st, 5pm. Dinuba Futbol Club, 289 W Tulare St, Dinuba. Blacklist Pro returns once again to Dinuba CA, witness the hybrid of Pro wrestling and lucha Libre (card subject to change).

Tickets $15-25

California wrestling association: Behind enemy lines. Saturday, May 7th, 3:30pm. Castle Youth Center @ Veteran’s Park, 1699 County Park, #3, Atwater. CWA is back in Atwater! Come support all your favorite CWA stars! And be there for a night for amazing wrestling action. Tickets $20-25

21 and Over

D.O.A. with The Death Set. Monday, April 11th, 7:45pm. The Siren, 900 Main St, Morro Bay. In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of its release, DOA plays this legendary album from start to finish! Plus their greatest hits.

Tickets $20.

Karaoke Beer Pong Night. Wednesday, April 13th, 8pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Do you sing in the car? Here’s your chance to take your best rendition of “Purple Rain” or “Love Shack” to the people! Weekly Karaoke Only Drink Specials. With Bartender Holly Be-

hind The Bar. Fantastic food, fun, and company- can’t beat that! Wednesday night from 8 PM till closing, we keep the party going by putting you front and center on our stage singing your favorite songs with KJ Ellie. This is a real fun night with great people in a comfortable environment. Bring or show your karaoke ticket to bar and get 10% off your first drink.

Johnny Franco and his REAL Brother DOM. Friday, April 15th, 7pm. Rick’s Saloon, 17701 Sonora Rd, Knights Ferry. Brazilian EntertainerJohnny Franco gives up fame back home to fulfill his destiny as artist and his need to play honest music that matters. Johnny Franco (the Real Entertainer) & his real brother DOM franco are 2 fantastic musical tallent’s! Young, fresh and beautiful they have something really special just think if Paul McCartney and George Harrison were brothers and were from Sao Paolo Brazil. Tickets $10.

Club Cypher: Throwback Party. Friday, April 15th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Club Cypher Presents Throwback Party at Fulton 55. 21+ | Doors 8:30pm | $10 PreSale | $20 At - the - Door

Mint w/ Gawm. Friday, April 15th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Gawm returns to Fresno to headline Mint Friday April 15th! Tickets $10-275. Instagram/com/GawmMusic

Souldies Saturday Night with Thee Sinseers and The Altons. Saturday, April 16th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Fulton 55 is proud to present Thee Sinseers, Southern California’s premiere souldies band and special guests, The Altons. Tickets at Tower District Records by Fresno High, Cali Smoke Shop2 (The Original Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and FlyTrendz Clothing in Clovis, at the corner of Clovis Ave and Barstow.


Candy O (A Tribute To Ric Ocasek and the Cars). Saturday, April 16th, 8pm. The Siren, 900 Main St, Morro Bay. THE CARS is easily one of the most popular bands from the late 70’s and early 80’s. Their first album is among the best debut records of all time, spawning chart- topping hits and songs that to this day are still played all over the radio. Covering all of the Cars’ radio hits as well as some popular album cuts, Candy-O captures the terminal cool of the Cars live performances. Tickets $16-18

90’s NIGHT - Selena Edition. Saturday, April 16th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Special Selena Night plus all of your 90’s favorites. 21+ $5

Bon Voyage Presents Electric Sun. Saturday, April 16th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Bon Voyage Presents Electric Sun. Tickets $10-275.


Late Nite Productions Presents: Grouch & Eligh + Amp Live. Tuesday, April 19th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. “The 420 Tour” Grouch and Eligh (Living Legends) w/ guest Amp Live and DJ Aesop. 8pm Doors / 9pm Show / 21+ Tickets


High Daze, Sad Nights. Wednesday, April 20th, 8pm. 4/20 celebration presented by

Blackout 15: Shady Nate. Thursday, April 21st, 9pm. My Mimosas, 917 J St, Modesto. Blackout 15. Performances by: Shady Nate, Da KRSE, Choppa, A Paypa, & Eddie Gramm. Tickets $10-50.

Mint w/ Hvdes. Friday, April 22nd, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. HVDES Fresno debut April 22nd! Tickets $10-275. Instagram. com/_hvdes_

The Purple Ones - Insatiable Tribute to Prince. Friday, April 22nd, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. The musical dexterity of The Purple Ones – with 12 pieces on stage including a full horn section - delivers their own spin on Prince’s (and other Prince related artists such as The Revolution, The New Power Generation, Sheila E., Morris Day & The Time and the general Minneapolis Sound) live onstage in a way that has to be experienced to be believed. Tickets $15-20.

O.T. Genasis performing live at the Palladium Nightclub in Modesto. Friday, April 22nd, 9pm. Palladium Nightclub, 950 10th St, Modesto. Mark your calendars for Friday April 22nd and make sure to join us for a live performance by O.T. Genasis. O.T. Genasis will be performing all his hits like, “Everbody Mad,” “I Look Good,” “Cut It,” “CoCo,” “Bae” and much more. Tickets $35

American Made Concerts Presents

Enuff Znuff. Saturday, April 23rd, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Enuff Z’Nuff returns to the Fulton 55. Plus special guests, Guns Of Justice and South Of Sin. Doors open at 7:30pm. tickets available at, (surcharges apply)

Mint/ TyDi. Saturday, April 23rd, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. TyDi returns to Fresno Saturday April 23rd!. Tickets $10-275.

TOTALLY 80s REWIND with Duckie D’Albino & DJ Numbskull. Saturday, April 23rd, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Our salute to all things 80s returns. Featuring DJ Numbskull & Duckie D’Albino providing aural & visual delights. Plus an 80s costume & trivia contests, Dance-off, & plenty of giveaways. $5

Ravefam at Grizzly Rock. Saturday, April 23rd, 9pm. Grizzly Rock Cafe, 4905 N Golden State Blvd, Turlock. Join Ravefam Radio DJs in a night of banging EDM music and brews at Grizzly Rock! Tickets are available online only! Gates open at 8:30pm. Please have your E-ticket or printed ticket ready to scan, with valid ID .

Diggin Dirt w/ Special Guests. Wednesday, April 27th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Diggin Dirt is a seven-piece band emerging from behind the redwood curtain in Humboldt County. Diggin Dirt is no ordinary funk and soul band. Their sounds explode off the stage with a pure authentic energy, and once they have you in their clutches, the relentless dance party does not let up. Tickets $15.

William Black Pieces Tour. Thursday, April 28th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Now a producer of feelsy, nearly emo electronic music, Black is creating his dream in LA. Since releasing his first remix around two years ago, he’s received attention from producers like Gareth Emery, Adventure Club, NGHTMRE and Slander. Tickets $10-275. 21+

80’s to the Max featuring Max Headroom and DJ Mad Max. Friday, April 29th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Bag Your Face, Barf Me Out, Eat my Shorts, Gag Me With a Spoon, Gnarly. Who’s ready for some 80’s to the Max featuring Max Headroom - 80s Tribute Band and DJ Mad Max? Will it be Grody to the Max? No way dude, it’s going to be totally tubular! Tickets $12-15. 21+

Tower District Records, CaliSmokeShop2 : The Stuffed Pipe near Fresno State and at FlyTrendz Clovis, Corner of Barstow and Clovis avenues. Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


21 Plus Saturdays presents: Lil’ Flip LIVE at Switch Lounge. Saturday, April 30th, 9pm. Switch Lounge, 5665 N Blackstone Ave, #110, Fresno. Lll’ Flip is best known for his hit singles “The Way We Ball”, “Game Over” & “Sunshine” 21+ For bottle service: Tickets $1020

DURAN DURAN DURAN Live at Fulton 55. Saturday, April 30th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Paying homage to a band as prolific and beloved as Duran Duran is tricky business, but Duran Duran Duran has the looks, chops, and swagger to impress even the most die-hard fans. With Special Guests Surf Monster. Doors at 8, Show at 9. Tickets $10-15

Miss Bix Album Release Party. Sunday, May 1st, 6:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. LESLIE BIXLER aka MISS BIX aka LESLIE LETVEN has been writing, recording and performing since her early twenties. Her first international record MAKE IT RIGHT was released on Syndrome Records under her maiden name Leslie Letven and did very well in the smooth jazz category, reaching 12 on the charts, and still receiving radio play today. Tickets $30.

Blackout 16: Cinco De Mayo Party. Thursday, May 5th, 9pm. My Mimosas, 917 J St, Modesto. Blackout 16: Cinco De Mayo Party. Performances by: Derek King and Da KRSE. Tickets $10-50

Cinco de Mayo with Monsanto and Niteflite and DJ Woody Pena. Friday, May 6th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Cinco de Mayo with Monsanto and Niteflite and DJ Woody Pena. Hosted by Henry Lozano. Tickets available at, Tower District Records in Fresno, Cali Smoke Shop Stuffed Pipe across the street from Fresno State and Flytrendz Clothing in Clovis, corner of Barstow and Clovis Ave.

Aeromyth (The ultimate Aerosmith Tribute show). Saturday, May 7th, 8:30pm. The Siren, 900 Main St, Morro Bay. Not only does AEROMYTH have an amazing Steven Tyler impersonator, but all band members really look and sound like the Aerosmith band members they portray, plus we have an amazing Joe Perry look alike! All members, walk, talk, act, perform, and look like AEROSMITH. Tickets $20

Bouncing Souls, Strike Anywhere, The Last Gang. Sunday, May 8th, 7:30pm. The Siren, 900 Main St, Morro Bay. The Bouncing Souls are something of a punk rock institution. The band have been consistently churning out their beloved brand of anthemic punk since 1989, and have earned an intensely loyal fanbase with tireless touring and an unrelenting love of making music. Tickets $27-28

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


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SOLID WOOD cabinet for displaying $250 (559) 577-0295

2 CARTS for sale 1 $250 the other needs love and is $100. Brian 559-779-7537

VINTAGE RCA phonograph not sure what year needs repair 75.00 price is firm (559) 9304455


KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120 Call or text 559 Two 86-1484

OSTER countertop oven and air fryer with large 3.7L capacity, brand new in open box, $100, txt559-8698268.

KENMORE washer in good working condition is a dependable long lasting washer and everything works. I’m asking 140$ for it and delivery is also available if interested call me call or text: (559) 721-3520

Refrigerator $400 refrigerator is in very good condition. It is not very old. Ice and water in the door. It is 26 cubic feet in size. 559 513 0723. My phone does NOT text, please call 559 513 0723


ceramic Tower Heater with remote and widespread oscillation $35 (559)548-4872


A good working and very clean High-Flo Gold Series Duplex Diaphragm Pump 12 Volts, 60 Psi , 2.1 Gpm made by Fimco Part#5277981 is for sale for only $50.00 please call or text me at (559)389-4462


K-Classic K50 Black coffee maker - $100 New, never used, Keurig K-Classic K50 Black, Single Serve Coffee Maker, 3 Cup Sizes, 48oz Includes Quick Start guide Call/ text 559.301.4141


2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock except for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basically brand

KAWASAKI kfx 90 quad for sale. Runs great, no issues and just had it serviced. Only selling because the kids don’t use it. This quad is not registered due to it was only ridden on my property. As you can tell it really only needs a new seat and other than that, it’s great. Electric start $1,200 (559) 392-8466

OEM TINTED half windshield Canam maverick x3 New, Used on 1 trip due to full windshield on back order. Excellent condition and works well. Easy install, perfect fit New 350$ asking $300 (559) 760-9023


LADIES 26” Road Master bicycle functional but needs restoration, $300. 559 259 9740.

USED in excellent condition girls 16” cruiser bike. Everything works. Ready to ride. 50 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216


Alloy Seven Cruiser with 7 speed. Just had it tune up, new handle bar grip, chain and cable comes with pump. Asking $150. Call/text 644-9OO3. Thanks

3 SPEED Nexus 26” X

1.75” Tires Clean and in good condition $150

Please call 559-2614680 if interested. No text.


2003 TOYOTA Camry

$2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. 559-458-1056

2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

2008 CHEVY Malibu lt clean title and smog ready to go, in excellent conditions ,4 cylinders, runs very good, tires in good condition, paint in good shape, clothes interiors like new, power windows and doors lock alarm, power seat,A/C cold more info 451 7959


2 EPSON Stylus Color 3000 PRINTERS $100 CALL ME AT 559307-5552

CAMBRIDGE soundworks Left & Right Channel Movie Works

5.1 Heavy Duty Speakers. This Movie Works

5.1 left/right channel speakers are in excellent working condition. $30 If interested please call or text (559) 2745996


15watt Guitar Amplifier Amp - Like New. This 15watt guitar amp is in excellent working condition. It is like new. This amp is only for a guitar and not a bass guitar. measurements: 12 inches high x 10 inches wide x 6 inches deep. $30 If interested please call or text (559) 274-5996

SELLING something List it here



WEED EATER is working perfectly. It is basically brand new it was hardly used. We are asking $130. If Interested call (559)8005118

THE WOODYard Firewood (559)9068983 We are selling green split firewood for only $40 per bin. Eucalyptus, Almond, Pines, and more. It’s green but now is the time to buy and get the best deal. Call us today. We deliver

TORO 22inch recycler self propelled lawn mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything works. $150. (559)3555533

TITAN Implement root grapple. These grapples attach to the skid steer quick attach mounting system. A third function of some sort is required to be able to operate this grapple. I have one sizes currently in stock: 48” root grapple. This one is $1,300. Call Joseph at 559-574-5445 extension 2


BEDROOM or Living Room Tables with Drawers Both for $35 Text call 559-207-0589

ROCKING Cradle for babies/infants Antique 60 years old ORIGINAL Owner Call Ann 559-765-0980 NO Texts please.

TALL BREAKFAST table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken..

$80. Call or text 559217-9024

55 GALLON metal barrels. Food GRADE. Lids included. $12 each. (559) 287-9304


2009 Yamaha R1 14XXX Exhaust slip on, carbon fiber front and rear fairings New chain, new plugs, new levers, new throttle cable Second owner Runs 100% $8,500 559-7507479

2019 YFZ 50 Great condition Always garaged Pink in hand Trickle charger Ready for something bigger Bought brand new Price firm. $2000 559250-9761


I bought the bike brand new at the end of 2020. It’s completely stock and has been well maintained. Amazing bike, crazy power, fully loaded, but I never ride it so it needs a new home. -Title in hand

-Fuel Injected -Selectable Engine Map Switch -Traction/Torque Control

-Launch Control -Electric Start w/ Lithium starter battery (10 year life span) Cash only. Call or Text 559-3808998

2020 CRF450R $8700 Bike has a total of 22 hours on it. Brand new wheels, bars, levers, plastics, discs, chain/ sprocket, wheels, tires, exhaust, Factory Connection Suspension. (209)271-9494


WOOD Workbench on Wheels with Vise

$75 cash! Call 559 341 2575

2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 341 2575

2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

LOW-HOUR (26.5)

2018.5 KTM 450SXF. The bike is basically stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and everything OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratches here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559246-8965 $8500 OBO.

DECORATIVE Real Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind! Call Call 559 341 2575

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120 Call or text 559 Two 86-1484

1-888-773-5664 Find the right senior living option with our personalized process Our service is free, as we’re paid by our participating communities and providers.
Call(559)313-0488 SELLING something List it here SUPPORT LOCAL SELLING something List it here SUPPORT LOCAL



statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case - Brand New! - $120 Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888

VINTAGE DRUM set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. Gladly taking phone calls only. 831601-0915


ROOM FOR rent for single person $350 month. Near Fresno State, by airport. Small deposit, utilities split evenly, no pets. Call (559) 797-5209


2003 fleetwood pioneer 23ft travel trailer rv -

$6,900 559-581-5 0 8 3

MARCO TRAILER that is 24’ from ball hitch to tail gate. It has 400 watts of solar,4- 6 ,volt batteries, 2000 watt inverter, 4000 watt generator, 45 amp converter with wizard that allows you to leave the trailer plugged in to shore power of you wanted. 25 gal. Fuel station,6

gal. Water heater that is gas/ electric. 53 gal. Fresh water, 38 gal gray , 38 gal black. Tires are good with less than two years use. 32” flat scree8n television. LIghting is all led. 10’ awning in good shape. Will hold Polaris are so 1000. Easy couple gas line for BBQ or gas fire pit. Furnace and AS work great. Has load leveled hitch. Has electric front jack. Land line call only 559 841 5358

PIONEER 18’ Camp Trailer - $12,500 “Like New” Fully Self Contained, Dual Axle/New Tires, SLEEPS SIX, Air Conditioner & Heater, Full Solar Power, Shade Kit, Antennae Stereo, Microwave (559) 287-5664

1997 HOLIDAY Rambler vacationer 29ft.

Class A. Like new low miles - $12,900 (1 owner super clean must see!) 559-770-6130

1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse

Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230

2000 mallard 24 ft

Model# 24J Everything works No leaks

Sleeps 6 comfortably

Dinette converts to bed

Couch converts to bed New tires Registration $9200 559-214-9352


Sets $35 Each 559 5194648

TENNIS Racquets

$20 each Call 559 5194648

LEEDOM Snowboard Helmet XL call 559 519-4648

ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interested call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648

NEW TENNIS bag with back pack carrying straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. Price is firm. Thanks! $40 470-8091 text please

PSE Nighthawk Recurve Bow. Great condition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762

GOLD’S GYM elliptical excellent condition has fan and heart monitor. $200 559-213-6452


2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

something Turning something old, into something new Help our RECYCLING DREAM become a reality by always recycling your CRV BOTTLES & CANS. 621-1111 RECYCLING SELLING something List it here

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