Fresno Flyer Vol 1 No 22

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e changed things again, didn’t we. And of course without any sort of notice to prepare you for something completely new. But wasn’t it more fun as a surprise? I don’t anticipate there being any more changes as drastic and shocking as the complete overhaul of the entire front cover. However, it’s hard to tell. Part of the fun in being the Fresno Flyer is that we get to experiment all day long, trying new things in order to improve the paper. And of course, it always happens when we’ve finally found a groove and rhythm for things that we discover a need to disrupt it all and, in some sense, start over. Although, I would be lying if I said we didn’t know this was coming. Every major city has an


| MAY 4 & 11, 2017

independent newspaper, roughly about the size of our publication but with infinitely more pages, that acts as a sort of city guide. They’re these mammoths of paper that reflect each city’s unique identity. And it’s not the one tourists see or the exaggerated reputation the country sees, but the real one… the one the locals see. It’s the city’s culture printed on the pages by way of local music, arts, nightlife, and politics. Highlighting bands, theaters, clubs, schools, and whatever else the area has to offer. Picking up an SF Weekly or an SN&R means you’re picking up some of that city’s own brand of swagger. A lot of people would agree that we’re a pretty big city, so why doesn’t Fresno have one of these? Well, it does


now. That’s us. That’s what we’re building and this new look is what we’ve been working towards since the beginning. There’s still room for improvement, as is true with all things in their early stages. As the weeks go on and new issues hit the stands, you may see a few changes here and there as we find what brings Fresno Flyer closer to its full potential in representing the Central Valley’s unique brand of cool. But the one thing that will never change is our commitment to our community and our readers. We listen when you tell us what you want to see, and we do consider all the suggestions that are thrown our way… so never stop communicating with us. This whole paper? It’s a joint venture. Help us keep the uniquely


diverse identity of Fresno constantly visible by sharing with us stories of amazing members of our collective communities.

Send a letter to the Editor: The Fresno Flyer ATTN: Lisa Talley 560 E. Shields Ave #103 Fresno CA, 93704 Or Email me directly: Don’t be afraid to call:



Works of

HOPE Neurocognitive disorder. Psychosis. Bipolar. Artist. A journey of survival, strength, and acceptance leads to self discovery. Lubna K Suboh creates captivating photos while challenging perceptions of ‘crazy’. By Lisa Talley Artwork by Lubna K Suboh titled: Houb


an’t. It’s a definitive verb with unimaginable stopping power, the likes of which the word ’impossible’ is its only competitor. In some instances, it is an undeniable truth, but more often than not, and unnecessarily so, it’s only a relative term we choose not to challenge. Instead, we accept its presence like some old stain we can never remove. And we’re forever making it synonymous with the words like ’disability’ and ‘mental illness’. 24-year-old Fresno based artist, Lubna K Suboh, is throwing ‘can’t’ to the wind as they rewrite their own story in answer to the one usually given to those living with conditions like theirs. (No, that’s not a typo. Suboh is part of the LGBTQ community identifying as queer and trans with gender-neutral preferred pronouns of they/their/them. If you’d like to learn more about preferred gender pronouns [PGP], UWM.EDU/ lgbtrc/support/genderpronouns has a

great breakdown of gender pronouns, why they’re important, and how and when to properly use them) Diagnosed with psychosis, neurocognitive disorder, bipolar disorder, and PTSD to name a few, life for Suboh can take on an array of complicated shapes and sizes. There are breakdowns, seizures, delusional episodes, and crushing depression. But these aren’t the only definitions of living for them. Through the lens of Suboh’s camera, there is also art, beauty, and hope. “I needed to make art to survive. I was in so much pain [because of ] depression, rolling anxiety attacks, and PTSD [and] the only way I could relieve that pain was by creating art… it was my way to work through it and it became more healing than therapy,” Suboh shares in an interview. They emit a calm surety about themself that is open, honest, and heartfelt, only sometimes wringing their

Artwork by Lubna K Suboh titled: Love Hauntings 2 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

hands together in a slight display of anxious nerves as they continue to tell their story. “I would probably be dead by now, I never thought I’d make it past 18 years old [and] I feel grateful that I found photography as a medium.” The art Suboh creates are blasts of captivating color, rooted in natural landscapes and past traumatic experiences. It’s not uncommon to find that the responses to their work tends to be an emotional one. The dynamic display of light and dark hits home to something personal for many. “If you notice, I have a lot of shadows in my artwork along with a lot of light. Because of the contrast, some [people] gravitate to the shadows more than the light or vice versa, and they’ll say things like ‘I feel really depressed now’ or ‘I feel relieved’ or ‘I feel so calm’ after viewing the photos,” explains Suboh. This kind of reaction with the audience is when Suboh feels the message has made its way through. Although photography has given Suboh an outlet in which to deal with their own set of conditions, it has also provided them with a unique opportunity to show the rest of the world what it’s like to be inside the mind of people like them. “I have psychosis and it affects the way I see things. There are times that I think I’ve had a conversation with someone


and I’ll approach them only to find out that the conversation never happened. It’s very disorienting… the photos are similar to what it’s like to experience psychosis,” Suboh continues. Each piece of art is a culmination of up to 12 different photos Suboh has taken themself. The merging of each image is done by applying them with varying degrees of opacity, amongst other editing techniques. The result reflects a feeling of being pulled out of reality. There are elements of certainty, knowing what’s in the photo during the first look, but on the second glance, the viewer begins to find things that weren’t there before, challenging the notion and feeling of what’s true. Or as Suboh puts it, “[feeling] like they’ve dropped into another dimension.” Creating a connection between mental illness and disabilities to their artwork is important to Suboh. At every mention of their diagnoses, they never falter or hitch on words like ’disorder’ and answer each question about their condition with complete ease, more than happy to educate on what seems to be considered a taboo subject. “It took me a long time to come to terms with my disabilities, and I’ve even experienced overdosing on medication… I


...continues on page 5 MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


Adoptable Pets Bart

Bart has a soft spot for soft spots. A creamy white terrier, he’s a bit shy at first. But with a little love and care he’s all yours. This 2-yr old would prefer a home without young children.


This 2-yr old butterball is Bonnie, a pug/dachshund mix, with a perpetual smile. Her legs are short, but she can really cover some ground when excited. Come out and meet our favorite lowrider!


Sabrina is one silly girl, who’s come a long way. Nervous and scared in the beginning, she’s all smiles now. A stocky package of fun, she’s the perfect size for any lap.


Here’s a sweet face we’re sure you can’t resist. Juniper is often used for medicinal purposes, so let us fill your prescription for happiness. A 1-yr old rat terrier mix, Juniper’s the remedy for whatever ails you.


Adorable Andy just might be winking at you. A 3-yr old terrier with a mellow disposition, he’s a bit scruffy, a little wiry, and all cuteness. And with those ears, he might also pick up cable. Bingewatching, anyone?

| MAY 4 & 11, 2017

This handsome, mature guy gets along great with other dogs big and small. He knows some basic commands and seems to be house-trained, too! This guy may be a bit older, but he still has a lot of spunk!


Meet Sweetie! This little girl came to us from the County Animal Control where she was brought in as a stray in terrible condition. She is suffering from mange but is expected to make a full recovery with some time and TLC. Sweetie gets along with other dogs and is your typical curious and adventurous puppy. She is coming out of her shell more as she starts to feel better. Please arrange in advance to meet her!


Say hello to Decker! A handsome fawn and white 2 year old with stunning eyes! He’s great with kids and other dogs and is the perfect size. Did we mention he has the cutest little bulldog tail? Decker will need a family that will exercise him daily.

Just look at that underbite! Meet Kasey, a 1-yr old dachshund/Chihuahua mix. Like a piece of licorice, he’s sweet as can be. His black fur goes with everything; even your crazy patchwork couch.



Hi, I’m Meeka! I’m house trained and I do well with other dogs. Please keep in mind I am young and require training and regular exercise. I need a family that is active and ready for a young guy like myself! You can meet me at the shelter.


Meet River! She is super smart and affectionate. She has a silly, sweet personality and responds well to a good pack leadertype owner. She is great with children.



This tiny girl came to us from the Sanger Animal Shelter. She was found very underweight and was being eaten alive by ticks and fleas! She loves people and has an adventurous personality. She’s great with other dogs big & small and is a happy, curious girl. Come meet her at our shelter! Open - Wed, Fri, Sat, & Sun. 9am - 4pm 8547 W Herndon Ave Fresno, 93723 (559) 276-7611


Open Wed 2pm 5pm | Fri - Sun 11am - 3pm 4545 E Dakota, Fresno 93726 (559) 225-5715



Find your next best friend here! Each of these animals are ready for adoption at their corresponding shelters listed at the bottom of this page, or in the listing themselves. The Fresno Flyer (559) 472-7182


‘Works of Hope’ continued from pg 3... feel [as if ] not enough of the people who are going through these sorts of things are talking about it. More representation is necessary [because] without it, things will never change,” Suboh addresses the stigma surrounding mental illness that keeps honest and continuing conversations about it from widely existing. A disparity between individuals who suffer from mental illness and the rest of the world continues to persist in what Suboh considers a ’true understanding’ of persons experiencing mental disorders because of a lack of visibility. What exists now is a sense of pity, or disdain, that a person with mental illness is somehow a drain on society but Suboh is living proof that this does not have to be the only narrative, and they hope that through their work people will begin to change how they themselves perceive and understand those living with disabilities. “You can be ‘crazy’, or whatever [the world] defines as ‘crazy’ and you can still play a role and be a part of society…

I’ve poured my soul into my art and I want people to see that, to connect with me as well as the art,” Suboh goes on to explain that their art is also intended to reach the viewer on an intimate level. As the artwork is a display of their own world, it’s also a display of their own struggles and through it, the understanding of yours. “I want people to release whatever they’re going through… most of us are walking around with bottled up emotions trapped inside [and] I want this artwork to help heal that in some way.” As Suboh continues to create art and promote visibility for those with disabilities, they also hold up their work as a beacon to those living with similar conditions to never lose hope for a new world of understanding. That one day, society will begin to hear and see them more clearly. “Because,” Suboh adds, “hope is something we all really need right now.” With a full list of debilitating conditions that range from medical to the psychological, Suboh navigates each


day like a journey without a road map. Sometimes it yields magnificent discoveries, and other times it’s a harrowing turn into the dark without a foreseeable end in sight. There aren’t always precedented methods in handling the exhausting weight of mental and psychological conditions, but in spite of it all, Lubna K Suboh is carving out their own path with bold, sweeping colors. ------Lubna K Suboh was born in California, raised in Amman, Jordan during her early childhood and currently resides in Fresno. A self-taught photographer, Suboh utilizes both the digital and film platform. Suboh will be featuring 50 original pieces in Bitwise Industries’ building beginning in November and the art will be displayed until January. Follow Lubna K Suboh on Instagram @SubohOriginal, Flickr under Lubna Kamal Suboh (lsuboh4799) and to stay up to date on new shows and artwork. Along with photography, Suboh is


Lubna K Suboh also a poet with 7 self-published books out now. This, along with prints of their artwork can be found on Etsy under LubzzPotions available for purchase.


MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts

Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

4. Less than a decade after she fought so hard to make it happen, Anna Jarvis ended up despising the holiday she In honor of Mother’s Day helped popularize. She spoke out vehemently over the commercialization of Mother’s Day, called for its demise 1. While the modern American Mother’s Day didn’t evolve and was arrested during one of her protests in 1948. until years later, the most clear precursor to the holiday was the Christian celebration of “Mothering Sunday.” In the 5. In 1870 a female activist, writer and poet by the name United Kingdom and parts of Europe, Mothering Sunof Julia Ward (she wrote the “Battle Hymn of the Repubday fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent, where parishioners lic”) suggested a day of peace and strongly advocated other would return to their “mother” church. women to stand up against the war. From this plea she was able to get Boston to recognize mothers on the second 2. In Greek mythology spring festivals were held in honor Sunday of June. of the maternal goddess called, Rhea. She was the wife of Cronus and was believed to be the mother of many deities. 6. In the vast majority of the world’s languages, the word for “mother” begins with the letter M. 3. Anna Jarvis was also a woman that may have been behind our traditional Mother’s Day celebration on the 7. Other countries celebrate their own versions of Mothsecond Sunday of May. Anna never had any children, but er’s Day. The UK has Mothering Sunday, which dates back wanted to carry out her own mother’s wishes of having to the 16th century and is observed on the fourth Sunday a day just for moms. Anna tirelessly campaigned and on after Lent; Japan has its celebration of the Empress Kojun’s May 8th, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint


| MAY 4 & 11, 2017


birthday, which has become just as commercialized as the American Mother’s Day; and Spain and Portugal celebrate on December 8 by honoring both the Virgin Mary and their own moms.

8. Coretta Scott King, the wife of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., organized a march on Mother’s Day in 1968 in support of underprivileged women and children. In the 1970s, women’s rights activists also used Mother’s Day to raise equality awareness. 9. Mother’s Day is the third most popular holiday in the world, second to only Christmas and Easter. 10. The job of a mother is never done. It’s a 24/7 commitment. According to the 2015 Mother’s Day Index, if you put monetary value on the many things Mom handles in the household, her market value would be an impressive $65,284. 11. Carnations are a popular symbol of Mother’s Day. The tradition is to honor mothers who are living with red or pink flowers, and those who are deceased with white ones.




oil, leeks and 1/8 teaspoon of the salt. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring regularly, to soften. Place the cooked leeks in the bowl with Created Exclusively for Potatoes USA by Kathe potatoes. tie Cavuto, MS, RD 3. Add the yogurt, paprika, oregano, maple syrup, mustard, 1 egg, the pepper, and reYield: 16 servings (2 bites per serving) maining salt to the bowl with the potatoes and leeks. Mash the potatoes, stirring periodIngredients ically, until smooth. 2 pounds russet potatoes, washed and cut 4. Place the potato mixture in the refrigerator into 2-inch cubes for 30 minutes. 1 tablespoon olive oil 5. Preheat the oven to 425 F. 1 teaspoon sea salt, plus extra as needed 3/4 cup diced leeks, white part only (one me- 6. Crack the remaining 2 eggs in a small bowl and whisk. dium leek) 1/2 cup low-fat plain strained yogurt 7. Add the panko to another small bowl. Sea1 1/2 tablespoons mild smoked paprika son with salt and pepper. 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano 8. Make 2-tablespoon portions of the potato 3 tablespoons real maple syrup mixture and roll them into balls. 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 3 large eggs, divided 9. Working one at a time, dip the balls into 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper, plus extra the eggs, then dredge in the panko, pressing as needed it to coat. 1 1/2 cups panko (regular or gluten-free) 10. Place the balls on a baking sheet coating Olive oil cooking spray with olive oil cooking spray. Spray the tops of the balls with cooking spray as well.

Smoky Maple Potato Bites

Cover Your Nutrition Bases With This Popular Vegetable (BPT) - Whether you’re on or off the field, it’s important to fuel up wisely. Leading sports nutritionists across the country recommend potatoes as the go-to choice for fueling your body before or after a workout. “To perform at your best, put potatoes on your plate,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD, the nutritionist for the 2016 World Series Champion Chicago Cubs. That’s because the benefits of America’s most popular vegetable go far beyond its delicious taste and versatility in the kitchen. Up to bat and gearing up for a grand slam? Here’s how potatoes can get you there. Did you know that carbohydrate is the primary fuel for your brain and a key source of energy for muscles? Because your body’s own stores of carbohydrate are limited and may be depleted even in a single session of intense and/or prolonged exercise it’s important to replenish them for optimal mental and physical performance. With a medium (5.3 ounce) skin-on potato containing 26 grams of carbohydrate, potatoes are a nutri-

ent-dense carb, containing as much, if not more, of several essential vitamins and minerals than spaghetti, brown rice or whole wheat bread (compared on a per-serving basis). A medium (5.3 ounce) skin-on potato also contains 620 milligrams of potassium. That’s more potassium than a banana! Potassium is an important electrolyte that aids in muscle, cardiovascular and nervous system function. The 2015 Dietary Guidelines mention potassium as an under-consumed nutrient of concern and recommends consuming foods with high levels of potassium, such as white potatoes. Whether you lead an active lifestyle or compete with elite athletes, there’s an allstar potato option to fuel your body and brain throughout the day. Katie Cavuto, MS, RD, chef and dietitian for the Philadelphia Flyers and Phillies, keeps her potato dishes interesting with recipes like Smoky Maple Potato Bites, combining a crunchy panko crust with a creamy and satisfying potato center to create an easy make-ahead, post-workout (or in between inning) snack.



11. Bake for 15 minutes and then, if needed, 1. Add potatoes to a large pot of water and broil them for 2 to 3 minutes to brown. Serve bring them to a boil. Cook uncovered at me- immediately. dium-high heat for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are fork tender. Drain the potatoes Per serving (2 bites): Calories: 136, Fat: 3 g, Cholesterol: 35 mg, Sodium: 273 mg, Carand place them in a large bowl. bohydrates: 23 g, Fiber: 2 g, Potassium: 386 2. While the potatoes are cooking, heat a mg, Protein: 5 g, Vitamin C: 9% large skillet over medium heat. Add the olive



MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


A Foodie’s Review by Saeed Alkurdi


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he hotdog, the bratwurst, and the sausage. The centuries old tradition of stuffing meat into the shape of a tube combined with spices and sometimes, strange and wonderful cheeses before it hits the grill, oven, or pan continues to be a wonderfully basic and satisfying meal. Alone, a sausage or hotdog sandwiched in a soft, fluffy bun can be a completely blissful exercise in simplicity but with the addition of the right toppings the hotdog or bratwurst experience is elevated to heights never imagined. Enter Rocket Dog Gourmet Brats and Brews. Nestled near Shaw and Blackstone in Fresno, Rocket Dog celebrates the hotdog and its cousins in all their forms and glory. For example, ‘The Danger Dog’ is loaded with things like bacon, cheddar cheese, and Sriracha. Or ‘The Firehouse’ topped

with house-made chili and made complete with corn chips, cheddar cheese, and red onions… it’s enough to make any hotdog lover’s heart skip a beat. As if these weren’t enough, Rocket Dog also offers things like house-made potato chips and a fine assortment of craft beers, common domestics, and local brews. The atmosphere is casual and inviting, a place to have a truly relaxing lunch or an early dinner. The wait staff is friendly and knowledgeable about the menu as they were willing to make recommendations on what to try and what’s currently popular. The restaurant is clean, modern, but as I mentioned, casual. I order ‘The Firehouse’, ‘The Gangnam’, and sweet potato fries. My food arrives fifteen minutes later and the presentation is fantastic. The food looks

hot, fresh, and perfectly cooked. I bite into The Firehouse and the first thing I taste is the chili, which is smoky and rich. The bite continues into the all-beef hotdog that has a wonderful snap to it with a great meaty flavor. The crunch of the corn chips hits in symphony with the broiled bun everything is piled upon, and it all manages to hold together with zero signs that it will split or come crashing down into a mess. Every bite of the dog continues to display the flavor its creator intended for us to taste, and it’s delicious. In between bites of the hotdog and sips of beer, I manage to eat a few sweet potato fries which are coated in honey and cinnamon. This is a combination I’ve never encountered before, but after having experienced it I now wonder how I could ever go on without it, it was a spectacular addition to the dish. Next, I bite into The Gangnam and the flavor is spot-on-good. The chicken sausage is light, juicy, and seasoned well making for a flavorful experience. The toppings of pickled veggies, jalapeños, and cilantro are bound together with the very mild Sriracha mayo. The heat in this dish is what I would consider a ‘small bite’ and doesn’t overpower the array of flavors. However, halfway through devouring The Gangnam, the bun splits and the contents spill onto my plate. It’s a small inconvenience so I press on with a fork to finish the dog. At the end of the meal I sit and reflect on what Rocket Dog Brats and Brews has been able to accomplish. The hotdog is still considered the most basic of dishes and yet, this restaurant with the help its staff have created a much more elevated experience of a longtime favorite.

EXP 6/15/17

The Gangnam in all its glory


| MAY 4 & 11, 2017


The Firehouse complete with house-made chips and a brew.




Find Out What’s Going on in Your Neck of the Woods.

Feb. 19, 1942 – with a focus on those from the San Joaquin Valley. Sat 5/6/17 at 9am-5pm Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm Sun 5/7/17 at 12pm ArtHop occurs every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. 11:59pm Mon 5/8/17 - Thu 5/11/17 at It’s one of the most active 7:45am-11:59pm and successful programs Fri 5/12/17 at 7:45am-5pm organized by the Fresno Sat 5/13/17 at 9am-5pm Arts Council. Art lovers and enthusiasts from all walks of Sun 5/14/17 at 12pm11:59pm life flock downtown Fresno and the Tower District on the Mon 5/15/17 - Thu 5/18/17 first Thursday of each month, at 7:45am-11:59pm and the rest of ArtHop venues Fri 5/19/17 at 7:45am-5pm California State University, in the Fresno metro areas Fresno – Henry Madden Lion third Thursdays, to meet and greet with the artists and brary 5200 N. Barton Avenue enjoy the reception and music. Fresno Museums, studios, galleries Ariel Fashionista Paint and other venues open their Class Friday, May 26 at 6 exhibitions to the public at PM - 9 PM High Sierra Grill 5:00 p.m. and run the free event until 8:00 p.m. House 2003 W Bullard Ave, Fresno. Hosted by Margaritas and Masterpieces for tickets Fresno Wicked Wine Run Saturday, June 10 at 5:30 PM Join us for the second part of our Kings River Winery 4276 S Princess Fashionista Series. Greenwood Ave, Sanger. This time we will be painting Beginning Yoga at the Brass the princess of the seas, Ariel!! Unicorn Friday, May 19 at 6:05 Inspired by the classic Disney PM - 7:05 PM The Brass Uni- Movie “The Little Mermaid”, corn 845 E Fern Ave, Fresno. this depiction is stylized with a Class is great for Practitioners French fashionista flare! Bring New to Yoga. Class is great for your friends and fellow Disney Experienced Yogis that want to die-hards for and evening of get back to the basics. Space painting, music, drinking and lots of fun! is limited. Please register in advance. A $5.00 non refundable deposit is required Arthouse Documentary Friday, May 26 at 7 PM - 10 to hold a spot. Cost of class $10.00 per person (cash only) PM Bitwise Industries 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. This Class is one hour long. documentary showcases the story of the Arthouse told by 9066: Japanese-Amerithe founders and several indican Voices from the Inside viduals in the art community Art Show. This exhibition, of Fresno. Compiling photos commemorates the 75th anniversary of the World War and videos over the years of art shows and events held at II incarceration of Japathe Arthouse this documentanese-Americans – as per President Franklin Roosevelt’s ry focuses on the culture and Executive Order 9066, signed youth of the art community in



Fresno and gives a glimpse of what is in store for the future of Arthouse artists. Madera County ArtsFest Saturday, May 13 at 10 AM - 2 PM Madera County Office of Education - Student Events 1105 S. Madera Avenue, Madera. Madera County ArtsFest is a fun and free community festival promoting art! The event will feature face painting, hands-on art activities, live art demonstrations, performing art groups, student artwork, food, and more! The event is free and the public is invited to attend.

Theater Steel Magnolias ViSTA Theatre 11298 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno. May 7 @ 2:00 pm Friday, May 12 @ 7:30 pm Saturday, May 13 @ 7:30 pm Sunday, May 14 @ 2:00 pm The 2017 season of the Woodward Shakespeare Festival will be presenting: Twelfth Night (Runs June 15 - July 18) & Titus Andronicus (Runs August 3 - August 26) General audition information is available on our website: http:// www.woodwardshakespeare. org/season-13/ Sister Act Musical This feelgood musical is based on the 1992 hit film about an aspiring disco diva who witnesses a murder and hides in a convent disguised as a nun. This Good Company Players production is rated PG. Shows start at 7 pm Thursdays (dinner at 5:30), 7:30 pm Fridays and Saturdays (dinner at 5:30), and 1 pm Sundays (brunch at

11 am). Begins in July. Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater 1226 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno Princess and the Pea Sat 5/13/17 at 4pm Enchanted Playhouse Theatre 307 E. Main St. Visalia.

Cinderella Tuesday, May 16 at 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno Rodgers + Hammersteins CINDERELLA is a Tony Award winning Broadway musical. The lush production features an incredible orchestra, jawdropping transformations and all the moments you love the Murder Me, Murder Me pumpkin, the glass slipper, the Not Comedy - Randolph masked ball and more plus Gaston has been murdered some surprising new twists! and everybody is after the insurance money (including Auditions: Carrie The Muthe deceased). The characsical May 11 at 6 PM to May ters include a grieving widow, 12 at 6 PM Selma Arts Center the family maid, the minister, 1935 High St, Selma. http:// the girl next door, the French inspector and the confused auditions boyfriend. But everyone isn’t necessarily who they seem Fresno Filmworks: Chasing to be. There are a series of Trane Tower Theatre 815 double-crosses, fake identities E.Olive Ave. Fresno. Fresno and fake mustaches, adding Filmworks presents “Chasing up to an intriguing comedy. Fri Trane,” a documentary feature 6/2/17 at 7:30pm-9:30pm exploring the life, work and • Sat 6/3/17 at 7:30pminfluence of jazz icon John 9:30pm Coltrane. Featuring interviews • Sun 6/4/17 at 7:30pmwith legendary musicians such 9:30pm as Carlos Santana, Wynton • Fri 6/9/17 at 7:30pmMarsalis and Common — and 9:30pm also featuring Coltrane’s own • Sat 6/10/17 at 7:30pmrare interviews, as narrated by 9:30pm Denzel Washington fresnofilm• Sun 6/11/17 at 9:30pm • Fri 6/16/17 at 7:30pmComedy Show - Danny 9:30pm $12 in advance, $14 Minch & Friends Saturday, at door, $12 seniors,military May 6 at 6 PM - 10 PM ApCal and students 32749 Avenue 7, Madera Dan-


ny Minch is gathering some of California’s top comics and bringing them to ApCal for a night of belly laughing fun! $15 advance --- $20 gate Gates open at 6pm - Music 7-8pm --- Comedy 8-10pm Wine - Beer - Food Music - Comedy - Cigars Catering by Smoke Joint BBQ and Ruffoni’s Artisan Pizza 21 yrs & Older Only. Bring a Lawn Chair. NO Outside alcohol, soda or water Carlos Mencia Thursday, May 18 at 8 PM - 11 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Carlos Mencia is undoubtedly one of today’s most popular entertainers and comics. Whether it is man-onthe-street interviews, studio comedy, commercial parodies, nationwide sold-out tours, or films, Mencia demonstrates an extraordinary ability to connect with a wide and diverse audience. Tickets availabe at Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. Don’t need the design? Cool. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-472-7182 Follow Us Online on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to learn about giveaways.


MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


in a small-town beauty parlor, the play is alternately hilarious and touching— and, in the end, deeply revealing of the strength and purposefulness which underlies the antic banter of its characters. “Harling has given his women sharp, funny dialogue…The play builds to a conclusion that is deeply moving.” — NY Daily News. “…a skillfully crafted, lovingly evoked picture of eccentricity in the smalltown South…Robert Harling is a new voice in the theatre and the qualities of STEEL MAGNOLIAS suggest he may be an important one.” —Drama-Logue. “…suffused with humor and tinged with tragedy.” —NY Post.

Fresno Music Academy & Arts and ViSTA Theater Presents

For more information find “Vista Theater” on Facebook or go to

Steel Magnolias T

he new ViSTA Theater in the heart of the Tower District on Wishon just north of Olive (1296 N Wishon Avenue, Fresno, CA, 93728) is host to the iconic play written by Robert Harling, STEEL MAGNOLIAS. It is under the direction of Joyce Mayhew and features a local Fresno star-studded cast (from left to right): Britt Monahan as Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie, Kate McKnight as M’lynn Eatenton, Jennifer Hurd Peterson as Truvy Jones, Elizabeth Stoeckel as Clairee Belcher, Julie Shows as Annelle Dupuy-Desoto, and Joyce Fitzgerald as Ouiser Boudreaux. THE STORY: The action is set in Truvy’s beauty salon in Chinquapin,


| MAY 4 & 11, 2017

Louisiana, where all the ladies who are “anybody” come to have their hair done. Helped by her eager new assistant, Annelle (who is not sure whether or not she is still married), the outspoken, wise-cracking Truvy dispenses shampoos and free advice to the town’s rich curmudgeon, Ouiser, (“I’m not crazy, I’ve just been in a bad mood for forty years”); an eccentric millionaire, Miss Clairee, who has a raging sweet tooth; and the local social leader, M’Lynn, whose daughter, Shelby (the prettiest girl in town), is about to marry a “good ole boy.” Filled with hilarious repartee and not a few acerbic but humorously revealing



verbal collisions, the play moves toward tragedy when, in the second act, the spunky Shelby (who is a diabetic) risks pregnancy and forfeits her life. The sudden realization of their mortality affects the others, but also draws on the underlying strength—and love— which give the play, and its characters, the special quality to make them truly touching, funny and marvelously amiable company in good times and bad. A first play which met with immediate critical and popular acceptance in its premier production by New York’s WPA Theatre. Concerned with a group of gossipy southern ladies


Saturday, May 6 @ 7:30 pm Sunday, May 7 @ 2:00 pm Friday, May 12 @ 7:30 pm Saturday, May 13 @ 7:30 pm Sunday, May 14 @ 2:00 pm TICKET INFORMATION: $20 / ticket (4/28-5/13) $25 / ticket (5/14 Mother’s Day Special includes complimentary champagne and/or sparkling cider) Photo credit: John Alden 2017


The Wizard of Oz ASL Visit with local stores, service Musical Saturday, June 3 at 6 providers and tradesmen to PM - 9 PM LJ Williams Theater make your home life easier. 1001 West Main Street, Shop our Marketplace featurVisalia. Join us for the Valley’s ing area artisans, crafters and very first American Sign local reps for a wide range of Language Musical. Produced favorites. by: The Ruby Slipper PAA, Vizual Voices, and The Fourth Community Action Day Wall Theater Company http:// Saturday, May 20 at 8:30 AM rubyslipperoz.brownpapertick- - 11:30 AM Friends of Calwa, Inc. 3980 E. Jensen, Calwa. Join Fresno Building Healthy Communities and other community leaders and help us clean up Calwa at the Fresno Building Healthy Communities’ Movie Lover’s Night- Girl Community Action Day on SatWith The Dragon Tattoo Wed, urday, May 20, 2017. RegisJun 14th 6:00pm Fig Garden tration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Regional Library 3071 W. and the clean-up will be from Bullard Ave. Fresno www. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tickets available at www.eventbrite. com Lunch will be provided for Selma Raisin Festival those who register. May 4, 2017 Open from 4:00pm-10:00pm Summer Series 5k - Pajama May 5, 2017 Open from Run Tuesday, June 13 at 7 PM 4:00pm-11:00pm with the - 9 PM Woodward Park Raisin Royalty Coronation at 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. 7:00pm at Lincoln Park gaebo May 6, 2017 Raisin Fun Run Fresno Pirate Festival clock registration begins at 6:00am May 20 at 10 AM to May 21 at with run starting at 7:00am. 5 PM Fresno Pirate Festival Cost: $15-Up. Trophies to the 7160 W Kearney Blvd, Fresno. winner in each category. Call There be pirates in the wilds 559-891-2200, X3106. Farm- of Kearney Park. Come see er’s Market at 9:00am as well the cannons, the pirates, the as other classes. EntertainGovernor and all manner of ment from 12:00pm-9:00pm. costumed persons. Carnival open 10:00am11:00pm Moombash Sundays: Day May 7, 2017 Raisin Festival Party Edition Sunday, May Mother’s Day Celebration/ 28 at 4 PM - 9 PM Full Circle Mini Mariachi Festival from Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno. 12:00pm-8:00pm. Carnival Food Cart on site Volleyball from 12:00pm-10:00pm Games + More Line up: Brohh T ( Resident ) JKat ( Resident )


Clovis Expo 2017 Wed, May 10th 5:00pm-8:00pm Clovis Veterans’ Memorial Building 808 4th St. Clovis. This event is free and open to the public! Meet and spend time with Central Valley business professionals while learning about ways to grow your business, leading tech trends, new local products and services in just one day!

+ More TBA All Ages!

2017 California Rendezvous Saturday, May 20 at 10 AM - 5 PM California Rendezvous Bike Show 1850 W Cleveland Ave, Madera. Ride in bike show, two stunt shows, Playboy models, vendors, food and beer, go go dancers, weenie bite contest, amateur wheelie contest, hot bikes and luscious models. Live bands, food, bike games, dealer expo Poverello House 5K Run for and best of all - the Miss RenMeals Sat, Jun 3rd dezvous BIKINI contest! 7:15am Join us on Saturday, June 3rd for the 5th AnnuMeux Home Museum Tours al Run for Meals 5k. Help Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays raise money to support the 12:00pm-3:00pm 1007 R St. programs at Poverello House. at Tulare Fresno, CA 93721 A 5k run and 2 mile walk The Meux Home Museum are scheduled for this years’ recaptures the flavor of event. The Timed 5k run will Victorian Fresno by presentbegin at 7:15, and the 2 mile ing a middle-class residence walk is scheduled to begin at furnished in the period, as a 7:30 Woodward Park 7775 representative house museN Friant Road Fresno. www. um. A costumed docent will lead you on a one hour tour of Taste new foods from area restaurants and walk along our Vineyard for some delicious regional wine tastings!

today as it was in its own day. Visalia Adventure park. The 10 rooms are furnished Arcade, Family Track, Lazer more or less as a Victorian Tag, Batting Cages and more family might have had them - 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, Benefit Car Show to Save the kitchen has a pie safe and 93277, 559-635-7275 St. Helen’s School May 13 the library; a portrait showing at 10 AM - 6 PM St Helens the young Dr. Meux on his way School 4888 E Belmont Ave, to join the Confederate Army. Fresno. Car Show, Live Music, The Meux home was placed Food, Drinks, and Drawings! on the National Register of The Windham will have a venHistoric Places on January 14, Bridge 5/8 1-3pm Palm dor table as well - come join Village Senior Network 7638 1975. us! General admission is $10; N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno Kids 12 and under are FREE Spring Bully Walk 2017 Sun- (559) 346-7662 day, May 21 at 8 AM - 12 PM Piñata Fest Saturday, Creative Writing 5/9 1-3pm Woodward Park 7775 Friant May 27 at 1 PM - 9 PM Arte Rd., Fresno Online registration meet at Woodward Park. Palm Américas 1630 Van Ness Ave, Village Senior Network 7638 is now open! Sign up here: Fresno, Music, art, pinata N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno http://fresnobullyrescue. breaking, vendors, perform(559) 346-7662, drinks, piñata making walk2017_registration classes, activities for kids, Train Brain 5/10 10:30am ALL DOGS ARE WELCOME! food and tons of FUN. The Bully Walk is NOT limited Palm Village Senior Network to only “bully-breed” dogs. All 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Follow Us Online on FaceFresno (559) 346-7662 proceeds benefit the Fresno book, Instagram, and Twitter Bully Rescue. to learn about giveaways. 3/13 Card game 5/11 2-4pm Palm Village Senior Network Expanded Zumba classes 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, in Kerman! Every Tuesday Fresno (559) 346-7662 and Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:00pm and Every Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am Adult Coloring & Potluck – 10:30 am at the Communi- 5/12 12-2pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, ty/Teen Center, cost is $5 a day or $40 for a 12 day punch Suite 111A, Fresno (559) 346-7662 card. Bridge 5/15 1-3pm Palm Thunderstruck Dance Competition May 19 at 4 PM Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno to May 21 at 9 PM Saroyan (559) 346-7662 Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets available at http:// Train Brain 5/17 10:30 am www.thunderstruckdance. Palm Village Senior Network com/ 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Youth Resource Fair Thurs- Fresno (559) 346-7662 day, May 18 at 3:30 PM - 6 PM Fresno EOC Sanctuary and Bunco 5/18 1-4pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 Youth Services 2336 CalaN. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno veras St, Fresno. Visit local (559) 346-7662 agencies providing housing, employment, education, and Monthly Luncheon 5/19 health information for youth 12-2pm Eddie’s Bakery. Palm up to age 20. Free food and drinks, entertainment, and hy- Village Senior Network 7638 giene supplies (while supplies N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno last). Youth can participate in (559) 346-7662 a raffle by visiting each agency Bridge 5/22 1-3pm Palm booth that attends. QuesVillage Senior Network 7638 tions? Call (559) 498-8543 ext. 206/237 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno (559) 346-7662 Vineyard Farmer’s Market Crafts 5/23 1-3pm - Making 100 W. Shaw Ave. Fresno bracelets for fundraiser. Palm 93704 Hours of operation: Wed: 3:00pm-6:00pm Satur- Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno days 7:00am-12:00pm Year round Rain or Shine. Vineyard (559) 346-7662 Farmers Market provides the Train Brain 5/24 10:30am finest quality, locally grown, Palm Village Senior Network fruits and vegetables direct 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, from the grower and is dedicated to providing your family Fresno (559) 346-7662

Special Events

Senior Events

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-472-7182 Rusty Roots Show Junk Market June 24-25,2017 at Tulare Fair over 100 vendors. 2017 Cat House on the Kings Spring Open House Sat 5/6/17 at 10am-2pm Community Event, Benefit/ Fundraiser, Animals, Fair/ Festival 12-acre cat rescue and sanctuary along the Kings River in Parlier. There will be music, food for purchase, a silent auction, raffles and all the cats and kittens you could ever hope to pet and play with. Admission is a donation (cash/check, canned cat food, dry cat food, litter, paper towels, bleach, pine cleaner) (559) 443-9124

with a healthy grocery options Calling All Promotors We Cherry Avenue Auction can help get you out there. Every Saturday & Tuesday We’ll design, print and distribthis restored urban dwelling of 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Ave- ute. Don’t need the design? the 1890’s. The architecture nue Auction 4640 S. Cherry Cool. We’ve got great rates on of the Meux Home results in Ave. Fresno, 93706 www. bulk prints too 559-472-7182 a calculated restlessness that makes the home as intriguing | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


Sports V Town Roller Derby Bout Saturday, May 13 at 5 PM - 10 PM 520 S Linwood St, Visalia. Come cheer on your V Town Roller Derby teams in their next double-header, Saturday, May 13, at Roller Towne of Visalia. Doors open at 5:00pm and wheels roll at 5:30pm with the Darlings taking on Misery Loves Company. Then at 7:30pm, the Dames battle it out against Humboldt Roller Derby. THERE WILL BE RAFFLE BASKETS TO BENEFIT MIRACLE LEAGUE OF VISALIA. As always, there will be a beer garden (for the 21+). Tickets are only $10 presale, $12 at the door, and kids 10 and under are FREE. Tickets can be purchased at Roller Towne, The Crystal Barn, The Loft Thrift Store (Fresno), any skater, or from Brown Paper Tickets. 559 Fights 56 “Liu vs Mora” Friday, May 26 at 6 PM - 10 PM Convention Center 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. Tickets start at just $25 and can be purchased at Visalia Convention Cetner, Nutrishop Visalia and www.559fights. com 20th Season Jersey Giveaway Fresno Grizzlies vs. Memphis Saturday, May 20 at 7:05 PM - 10:05 PM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. The first 1,500 fans through


| MAY 4 & 11, 2017

the gates get a Grizzlies 20th Season Jersey, presented by PG&E! This awesome jersey showcases the three different logos eras through the first 20 seasons Grizzlies history. The Grizzlies take on the Memphis Redbirds starting at 7:05pm. Gates open at 6:05pm. 64th Annual Woodlake Lions Rodeo May 13 at 1:30 PM to May 14 at 3:30 PM Woodlake Lions Rodeo 19400 Avenue 398, Woodlake. The 64th Annual Woodlake Lions Rodeo is coming May 13-14, 2017! Check out our website, to purchase tickets and for more information.

Thu 6/22/17 - Sat 6/24/17 Fresno Fuego vs. San Diego at 7:05pm Sun 6/25/17 at Zest Thursday, June 8, 2017 5:05pm Grizzly Staduim 1800 Tulare Street Fresno. USAC West Coast Sprint Cars at Hanford Saturday, Fresno Fuego vs. Southern June 17 at 5 PM - 11 PM California Surf Saturday, June Keller Auto Speedway at Kings 10, 2017 (Fresno Freeze vs. Fairgrounds 801 S. 10th Ave, North Bay Wave, 5:30 p.m.) Hanford Grizzly Staduim 1800 Tulare Street Fresno. Baseball: Sacramento State at Fresno State Tue 5/9/17 at Fresno Fuego vs. Ventura 6:05pm California State Uni- County Fusion Thursday, June versity, Fresno – Beiden Field 15, 2017 (Fresno Freeze vs. at Bob Bennett Stadium 1620 West Coast Wildkatz, 5:30 E. Bulldog Ln. Fresno p.m.) Grizzly Staduim 1800 Tulare Street Fresno. Baseball: New Mexico at Fresno State Fri 5/12/17 Sat 5/13/17 at 6:05pm Sun 5/14/17 at 1:05pm California FREE Little T-Wolves State University, Fresno – Puddle Of Mudd at Full Football Camp Who: K-6th Beiden Field at Bob Bennett Grade Where: Clovis East High Stadium 1620 E. Bulldog Ln. Circle Brewing Saturday, May 20 at 5 PM - 1 AM http:// School 2940 Leonard Ave, Fresno Clovis. When: June 19-21st event/3930/ Full Circle Brew5:30-7:30PM FREE - Instruc- Rancho Cucamonga ing Co. 620 F St, Fresno. tion by Clovis East Football Quakes at Visalia Rawhide Varsity Coaching Staff and Fri 5/12/17 - Sat 5/13/17 Players teaching position spe- at 7pm Sun 5/14/17 at 1pm The Goblin Kings Masquerade Ball Friday, May 26 at 8 cific fundamentals and comMon 5/15/17 at 6pm Wed petitive games. Camp includes 5/31/17 at 6pm Visalia Raw- PM - 11 PM Fulton 55 free T-shirt and camp photo. hide Stadium 300 N. Giddings 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Contact Info: AndrewPancotti@ St. Visalia Wednesday 13, Once Human, Gabriel and the Apocalypse, Fresno Fuego vs. Ventura Stockton Ports at Visalia County Fusion Friday, May 26, plus more! Saturday, June 24 at 6 PM - 2 AM Fulton 55 875 Tue 5/23/17 - Wed 5/24/17 2017 (Fresno Freeze vs. Totat 6pm Thu 5/25/17 at 7pm tenham Hotspur Ladies, 5:30 Divisadero St, Fresno. Visalia Rawhide Stadium 300 p.m.) Grizzly Staduim 1800 Beach Fossils, She-Devils, N. Giddings St. Visalia Tulare Street Fresno. Ablebody Friday, July 7 at 8 Calling All Promotors We PM - 12 AM Strummer’s 833 E Sacramento River Cats at can help get you out there. Fern Ave, Fresno. Tickets availFresno Grizzlies Chukchansi We’ll design, print and distrib- able on 8pm All Park 1800 Tulare St. Fresno ute. 559-472-7182 ages!



The Live Nation promoted outing will storm through cities across parts of the U.S. and Canada landing in Fresno at Save Mart Center June 12th. Joining Def Leppard on Los Lonely Boys Blues, select dates are Poison and Rock, Pop Los Lonely Boys Tesla. Front man Joe Elliott are the three Garza brothers: says, “We’re thrilled to be Henry on guitar, Jojo on bass able to take this tour to cities and Ringo on drums. They we didn’t play in 2016. The play music drawn from diverse demand for us to return, or sources, blending the influenc- rather extend the tour was es of Tex-Mex, country, blues phenomenal! There’s a great and rock and roll pioneers like buzz around the band right Richie Valens, Chuck Berry, now and we’re loving the fact and Fats Domino and such that we can do this with the pop music giants as The Beat- latest album being so well les. Fulton 55 875 Divisadero received.” Save Mart Center St. Fresno. 21 and over $30 2650 E. Shaw Ave. Fresno in advance, $35 at door www. Cheap Trick Sat 5/20/17 at 7:30pm Rock - For three Nick Waterhouse Sat decades, Ray Appleton has 6/17/17 at 8pm Nick Water- been the Voice of the Valley at house is a blues guitarist and News Talk 580 & 105.9 KMJ songwriter from Los Angeles. and it’s time to celebrate! It’s He frequently performs with Ray’s 30th Anniversary Bash, his six-piece band, The Tarots. presented by News Talk 580 Strummer’s 833 E. Fern Ave. & 105.9 KMJ and Les Schwab Fresno Tire Center in association with the Big Fresno Fair and Coors P-LO, Rexx Life Raj Wednes- Light on Saturday, May 20th day, June 21 at 8 PM - 12 AM at the Fresno Fairgrounds Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, featuring Rock and Roll Hall of Fresno. 8pm All ages! Famers Cheap Trick and spe cial guests Jimmie “JJ” Walker Def Leppard and Poison and The Appletones! Gates Mon 6/12/17 at 7pm With open at 2:00pm. A portion of Tesla. Fresh off winning the proceeds will benefit the their fan voted Classic Rock Fresno County Historical MuMagazine Album of the Year seum. Ray’s 30th Anniversary award, Def Leppard announce Bash featuring Cheap Trick, they will return to the road Jimmie “JJ” Walker and The this spring for a three month Appletones Price: $30 run across North America. Larry Keyes Band Sat 5/13/17 at 7pm-10pm Sat 5/20/17 at 7pm-10pm Sat 5/27/17 at 7pm-10pm Dukes 1414 Clovis Ave. Clovis



Suicide Girls Burlesque Thu 6/22/17 at 8pm The SuicideGirls: Blackheart Burlesque is unlike any other burlesque act you’ve seen, filled with pop culture references, a high-energy indie soundtrack and a sexy choreographed striptease to make your inner nerd explode with glee. Their geeky burlesque show will include striptease performances in tribute to “Star Wars,” “Orange Is the New Black,” “Donnie Darko,” “A Clockwork Orange” and more. Strummer’s 833 E. Fern Ave. Fresno 18 and over Price: $20, VIP meet-and-greet $85 Jake Shimabukuro Fri 5/26/17 at 8pm Folk, Classical, Rock, Pop Jake has elevated the ukulele from a beloved Hawaiian folk instrument to a world-class vehicle, fearlessly traversing boundaries and putting his inspired touch on everything from island standards, to popular tunes and, most recently, classical symphonic concertos. $33$77 Visalia Fox Theatre 300 W. Main St.Visalia Gloria Trevi vs. Alejandra Guzman Sun 6/11/17 at 8pm Latin/Salsa Two of the most legendary performers in the history of Latin music, Mexican divas Gloria Trevi and Alejandra Guzman, have long been considered rivals, with controversies and media scandals to match. But here they are; they’ve paired up for a concert tour. The two have managed to establish themselves as the most groundbreaking, successful musicians and ambassadors of Mexican pop and rock music of all time, with more than 60 million albums sold, 100 international hits and 5,000 concerts, as well as appearing in films. Save Mart Center 2650 E. Shaw Ave. Fresno The Legends of Motown - All Star Revue Show Saturday, June 24 at 8 PM - 11 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Experience the magic, memories and the music of yesterday. Featuring classic tributes to The Temptations, The Spinners, and The Marvelettes Temptations The Marvelettes The Spinners The Legacy Motown Revue Motown the Musical Sierra Vista Rock the Mall 1050 Shaw Ave Clovis. May 11, 2017 Masters of Rock - May 25, 2017 Force ‘Em - June 8, 2017 Foreigner Unauthorized - June 22, 2017

Max Headroom- 80s Tribute Band - July 13, 2017 EXIT 13 Fresno - July 27, 2017 Faithfully Journey Tribute www. Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut House hosts daily Paul Thorn Tuesday, June 20 wine tastings, with appetizers at 8 PM - 12 AM Strummer’s and full menu items. (559) 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tick- 432-4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fres no. Daily 8am-8pm The Devil Makes Three, The Brothers Comatose Thursday, Fresno Wicked Wine Run May 25 at 7:30 PM - 11:30 Saturday, June 10 at 5:30 PM PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Kings River Winery 4276 S Ave, Fresno. All ages! Tickets Greenwood Ave, Sanger. available on The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/ Sam Outlaw, Michela Anne Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance Friday, June 2 at 8 PM - 12 Lessons start at 8 pm; music AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern and dancing follow every TuesAve, Fresno. All ages! Tickets day night at The Cellar Door. available on Beginners’ lessons run from 8-8:45 pm, advanced lessons OverTime’s Johnny Rotten from 8:45-9:30 pm, and dancTour May 24th at 7 PM - 2 AM ing follows. All dabce lessons May 24 at 7 PM to May 25 are free with admission. www. at 2 AM Full Circle Brewing 620 F St, Fresno. Overendar.html Event Info: (559) Time returns to Fresno, CA 636-9463 The Cellar Door for his Johnny Rotten Tour on 101 W. Main St. Visalia. Wednesday, May 24th at Full Circle Brewing Co.! This time Sip n’ Salsa Outdoor Party! with Jesse Lives & Cordell Saturday, May 27 at 8 PM Drake Doors: 8:00 PM | All 12 AM Toca Madera Winery Ages Event | Adv Tix Available 36140 Avenue 9, Madera. at http://www.OverTimeMusic. OUTDOOR DANCE PARTY!! com/Tickets Latin Fresh Mixers Dj CEE Dos | Dj GLEZ Celtic Woman Tuesday, May SALSA! BACHATA! MERENGUE! 30 at 7 PM - 10 PM William CUMBIA! COMPLIMENTARY Saroyan Theatre Fresno. Tick- DANCE CLASS at 8! No partets ner necessary and beginner friendly! BEAUTIFUL VENUE & Dynamic Edge Wednesday, AWARD WINNING WINES June 14 at 7 PM - 10 PM DANCE ON THE VERANDA Yosemite Falls Cafe WITH BREATH-TAKING VIEWS 4020 N Cedar Ave, Fresno. GOURMET FOOD TRUCK on Performing live classic dance SITE The Details: 21+ -$10 rock for Hog Heaven Bike Cover -Doors open at 8:00 night. Also featureing Gary p.m. -No outside food or drink Abid and Lamar Leathers join- allowed http://shop.tocaing us for the evening!Come out and party with us for some cool rock and roll, awesome FAB Karaoke Night looking bikes and great food! Wednesday, May 31 at 8 PM - 1:30 AM FAB Fresno 716 E Music Nights Cover/TribOlive Ave, Fresno. ute Band/Performer Logan’s Roadhouse Features local Taste and Toast of Tower bands every other Friday. Fri Thu, May 11th 5:30pm5/19/17 at 10pm Fri 6/2/17 8:30pm Tower District Olive at 10pm Fri 6/16/17 at 10pm & Wishon Avenues Fresno. Fri 6/30/17 at 10pm Logan’s Spring in the Tower District Roadhouse 7507 N. Blackbrings the quintessential stone Ave. Fresno. Tower event. Featuring over 3 dozen sampling locations and Jazz Experiment Fri 5/19/17 a dozen local wineries. Tickets at 6pm-8pm will present include a map of all the an evening of smooth jazz. sampling locations throughout Patio Café 5138 N. Palm Ave. the Tower District and a comFresno plimentary wine glass. Just follow the map and sample to Calling All Promotors We your heart’s content. It’s like can help get you out there. Trick-Or-Treating for adults! We’ll design, print and distrib- Tickets are available at the ute. Don’t need the design? Chicken Pie Shop, Sequoia Cool. We’ve got great rates on Brewing, Livingstone’s, Irene’s bulk prints too 559-472-7182 Cafe the Tower Theatre box office, and online at

21 & Over




MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


Business & Service AC & HEATING

AIR Conditioning Repair & Maintenance For reliable, honest, & skilled service call a PRO at Temp Pro. For questions or to schedule your appointment please give Temp Pro a call. (559) 477-7377 www. Lic#1019016 LIST YOUR BUSINESS HERE for only $10 a week. Call 559472-7182

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| MAY 4 & 11, 2017




Classifieds TREE THINNING,

WHO WILL pay for your funeral expenses? You may qualify for a Complete Tree Restate regulated program moval. Free Estimates to help pay for final call Martinez Tree expenses. You’re entiService (559) 259-4186 tled to receive no-cost or (559) 824-8226 information. Call Clint Lic#1011777 Cartridge (559)478 0425 BOB’S MINI STORAGE - EVERYDAY LUNG CANCER? 60 LOW RATES! Call or Older? If So, You for specials 6’x8’ only and Your Family may $32.00 per month. Be Entitled To A Sig10’x10’ only $59.00 nificant Cash Award. per month, 8’x24’ only Call 855-977-5367 To $81.00 per month. Free Learn More. No Risk, moving Truck!! Bob’s No Money Out of Mini Storage 5280 N. Pocket Barcus Fresno, CA. 93722 (559)275-4000 PORTABLE Oxygen Se Habla Espanol Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! DISH TV 2 Year Reclaim independence Price Lock With Flex and mobility with the Pack. Only $49.99/mo. compact design and Includes FREE Hopper long-lasting battery and 3 Months HBO, of Inogen One. Free Cinemax, Showtime, information kit! Call Starz & Dish Movie 844-833-6577 Pack Call Today 1-800- 416-5143 HUGHESNET: Gen4 satellite internet is LIFE ALERT. 24/7. ultra fast and secure. One press of a button Plans as low as $39.99 sends help FAST! Med- in select areas. Call ical, Fire, Burglar. 1-855-463-8442 now to Even if you can?t get a $50 Gift Card! reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 800- ATTENTION SMOK760-7834 ERS: Stop smoking with TBX-FREE! ClinSTOP OVERPAYING ically proven. More for your prescripeffective than patch tions! SAVE! Call our or gum! Fast acting ? licensed Canadian and No Side Effects. 88% International pharmacy, success rate! Just $1.67 compare prices and get per day with 1 month $25.00 OFF your first supply. CALL 1-855prescription! CALL 961-5733 1-800-291-6572 Promo Code CDC201625 NEW AT&T INTER NET OFFER. $20 and WHY RENT an apart- $30/mo plans available ment? When you can when you bundle. 99% rent a home. Beautiful Reliable 100% Affordand Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- able. HURRY, OFFER rooms Available. Only ENDS SOON. New $1000 month. Call Customers Only. CALL today! 888-563-3003 NOW 1-866-945-2404 WINDOW TINT specials going on now! INSURANCE Back half starting at $139.99. Full cars LEARN HOW starting at $189.99. We bundling Home & Life use the best tint in the Insurance can not only world. Call Dynamite help protect what you Car Audio (559)438love, but also help you 6666 to save even more. Come visit your local SELLING SOMEFarmers agent. 369 THING? If it’s under W. Shaw Ave. Fresno $300 list it here for (559) 435-4100 FREE! 472-7182

ADULT Branch Removal, ENTERTAINMENT Pruning, Topping &

MEET SINGLES in your area. Real Hookups Real Fast. Try it FREE! Ahora en Espanol 18+ (559)7610162 MEET HOT black singles Now Call FREE! 1-800-731-5606 ALL MALE HOT GAY HOOKUPS! Call FREE! 800-546-8918 only 18 and over HABLAS ESPANOL? HOT Latino Chat. Call FREE! 800-936-4519


YOUR NEW Career Starts Here. Health & Beauty. Financial aid for those who qualify. Employment services for graduates. No High School Diploma or GED? Call Milan, we can help! 1-888-2161797 MilanInstitute. edu LEARN TO DRIVE A FORKLIFT. Train-TheTrainer & Re-Certification Classes Available. Day & Night Classes Available. $50 Discount to Veterans. Visit For More Info. 559-325-8097 BE JOB READY in as few as 7 months! SJVC Madera Campus offering medical programs. Madera and Fresno Campus offering business programs. Classes start every 5 /wks. Financial aid available to those who qualify. (559) 302-2155 PINKY’S 1 Stop professional cleaning service. Rental, Business, Organization, Event cleanup and Property move-out. Receive $10 off first service when you mention this ad. Visit or give us a call (559) 314-5391. Licensed, Bonded & Insured


DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-848-5575 or http:// www.dental50plus. com/fresno Ad# 6118

PERSONALS MEET SINGLES in your area. Real Hookups Real Fast. Try it FREE! Ahora en Espanol 18+ (559)7610162 VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! Cut your drug costs! SAVE $$! 50 Pills for $99.00. FREE Shipping! 100% Guaranteed and Discreet. CALL 1-855-520-2892


YOUR NEW Career Starts Here. Health & Beauty. Financial aid for those who qualify. Employment services for graduates. No High School Diploma or GED? Call Milan, we can help! 1-888-2161797 LEARN TO DRIVE A FORKLIFT. Train-TheTrainer & Re-Certification Classes Available. Day & Night Classes Available. $50 Discount to Veterans. For More Info. 325-8097 BE JOB READY in as few as 7 months! SJVC Madera Campus offering medical programs. Madera and Fresno Campus offering business programs. Classes start every 5 /wks. Financial aid available to those who qualify. (559) 302-2155 DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-848-5575 or http:// www.dental50plus. com/fresno Ad# 6118

Run it with us for FREE! It’s Easy! If you’re a private party and selling items for under $300 then we’ll list it for free. Email your classified ads to: PORTABLE OXYGEN Concentrator May Be Covered by LICENSED HAIR Medicare! Reclaim CUTTER WANTED independence and moBusy Shop. 1224 W bility with the compact Shields Ave, Fresno. design and long-lasting Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun battery of Inogen One. 8-5. Call SHIELDS & Free information kit! WEST Barber Shop Call 844-833-6577 (559)227-6739 DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance HEALTH Company for details. & FITNESS NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage SHIELDS & WEST Barbershop! Reg hair for 350 procedures. cut $4.50. Seniors and 844-848-5575 or http:// boys under 12, $4.00. www.dental50plus. com/fresno Ad# 6118 1224 W Shields Ave, Fresno. Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun 8-5. (559)227- LEARN HOW bundling Home & Life 6739 Insurance can not only help protect what you LIFE ALERT. 24/7. love, but also help you One press of a button sends help FAST! Med- to save even more. Come visit your local ical, Fire, Burglar. Farmers agent. 369 Even if you can?t reach a phone! FREE W. Shaw Ave. Fresno Brochure. CALL 800- (559) 435-4100 760-7834 ATTENTION SMOKSAFE STEP Walk-In ERS: Stop smoking Tub #1 Selling Walk-in with TBX-FREE! Clinically proven. More Tub in North Amerieffective than patch ca. BBB Accredited. or gum! Fast acting ? Arthritis Foundation Commendation. Ther- No Side Effects. 88% success rate! Just $1.67 apeutic Jets. Microper day with 1 month Soothe Air Therapy supply. CALL 1-855System Less than 4 961-5733 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Call 877-654-2138 for up to $1500 Off. VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! Cut your drug costs! SAVE $$! 50 Pills for $99.00. FREE Shipping! 100% Guaranteed and Discreet. CALL 1-855-520-2892 LUNG CANCER? 60 or Older? If So, You and Your Family may Be Entitled To A Significant Cash Award. Call 855-977-5367 To Learn More. No Risk, No Money Out of Pocket



MISCELLANEOUS THING? If it’s under PINKY’S 1 Stop professional cleaning service. Rental, Business, Organization, Event cleanup and Property move-out. Receive $10 off first service when you mention this ad. Give us a call (559) 314-5391. Licensed, Bonded & Insured TREE THINNING, Branch Removal, Pruning, Topping & Complete Tree Removal. Free Estimates call Martinez Tree Service (559) 259-4186 or (559) 824-8226 Lic#1011777 BE JOB READY in as few as 7 months! SJVC Madera Campus offering medical programs. Madera and Fresno Campus offering business programs. Classes start every 5 /wks. Financial aid available to those who qualify. (559) 302-2155

$300 list it here for FREE! Over $300? List it for only $5/wk 472-7182

BOB’S MINI STORAGE - EVERYDAY LOW RATES! Call for specials 6’x8’ only $32.00 per month. 10’x10’ only $59.00 per month, 8’x24’ only $81.00 per month. Free moving Truck!! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno, CA. 93722 (559)275-4000 Se Habla Espanol MULTI-PURPOSE bench 4ft x 8ft x 33” high $75 call (559) 341-2575

2006 HONDA accord 115,435 original miles current registration and clean title in hand 559722-9405 DISH TV 2 Year Price Lock With Flex Pack. Only $49.99/mo. Includes FREE Hopper and 3 Months HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, GO-KART Mini- Bike Starz & Dish Movie Repair & Service. Visit Pack Call Today 1-800Jensen & Watts 516 N. 416-5143 Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 STOP OVERPAYING for your prescripLATCH SIDE of slid- tions! SAVE! Call our ing glass door without licensed Canadian and frame 49 1/4 x 79 1/2 International pharmacy, must sell $125 obo call compare prices and get (559) 341-2575 $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL SELLING SOME1-800-291-6572 Promo THING? Under $300 Code CDC201625 it’s FREE! 472-7182

MOBILEHELP, America?s Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether You?re Home or Away. For Safety and Peace of Mind. No Long Term Contracts! Call Today! 1-855-437-8662



MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


WINDOW TINT specials going on now! Back half starting at $139.99. Full cars starting at $189.99. We use the best tint in the world. Call Dynamite Car Audio (559)4386666 GO-KART MiniBike. Tires - Switches Chains - Sprokets. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 CRAFTSMAN 7hp self propelled lawnmower $200 (559) 970-9825 WHO WILL pay for your funeral expenses? You may qualify for a state regulated program to help pay for final expenses. You’re entitled to receive no-cost information. Call Clint Cartridge (559)4780425 VINTAGE clothing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items & furnishings. Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno (559)4451928 Receive $5 off your $25 purchase. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS

SAFE STEP Walk-In Tub #1 Selling Walk-in Tub in North America. BBB Accredited. Arthritis Foundation Commendation. Therapeutic Jets. MicroSoothe Air Therapy System Less than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Call 877-654-2138 for up to $1500 Off. MOBILEHELP, America?s Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether You?re Home or Away. For Safety and Peace of Mind. No Long Term Contracts! Free Brochure! Call Today! 1-855-437-8662 HUGHESNET: Gen4 satellite internet is ultra fast and secure. Plans as low as $39.99 in select areas. Call 1-855-463-8442 now to get a $50 Gift Card! LARGE VARIEY of Bearings - Sprokets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465


SELLING SOMETHING? If it’s under $300 list it here for FREE! 472-7182

USED SIMON Li FurDENTAL INSURniture Leather Glider ANCE. Call Physicians Recliner Cost: $399.99 Mutual Insurance new asking $160 cash Company for details. CALL OR TEXT: 559NOT just a discount 575-0530 plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. VINTAGE WOODEN 844-848-5575 or http:// Room Divider Room www.dental50plus. divider; painted on com/fresno Ad# 6118 wood; 4 panels; each panel us 18” wide and tallest panel us 72”; excellent condition $225 SPANISH (559) 269-9079 CANADA DRUG SOLID OAK kitchen Center es tu mejor table with leaf and 6 opcion para ordematching chairs; good nar medicamentos seguros y economicos. condition; without leaf, 42” round; with 21” Nuestros servicios de leaf insert, 63” long farmacia con licencia Canadiense e Interna- (42” wide). (559) 323cional te proveeran con 4503 ahorros de hasta el 75 en todas las medicinas BEAUTIFUL GRAY que necesites. Llama dresser/ buffet. 7 drawers with 2 doors with ahora al 1-800-986an inner shelf. Solid 1851 y obten $10 wood 53 in long x 35 de descuento con tu 1/2 in x 20 in depth primer orden ademas Asking 225 Call or text de envio gratuito. me at 559-495-8169

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES VINTAGE CLOTHING & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items & furnishings. Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno. (559) 4451928 Receive $5 off your $25 purchase . LARGE Chinese vase 22x 21 in. Very big and heavy no cracks or chips very nice 559724-5341 $75 LIGHT FIXTURE wood with stained glass Antique, Stained glass light fixture with walnut wood. Looks great in a game room either above a pool table or a game card table. 100. Or best offer. $100 (Madera) (559) 373-1089


VINTAGE clothing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items & furnishings. Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno. (559) 4451928 Receive $5 off your $25 purchase.

CHAINSAW CHAIN & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 SCOTT’S DROP Seed/Fertilizer Spreader $30 (559) 353-1232

CRAFTSMAN 6.25hp. Self propelled Lawnmower works great starts on the first pull. Looks pretty good. The mower is ready for the summer APPLIANCES Call or text Reyna (559)970-9825 SHARP WINDOW air $165.00 o.b.o conditioner Very good working condition. FORD TRACTOR sharp window air conRuns great! Good ditioner 559-536-2087 tractor for small farm $150 (Madera) acreage $2800.00 firm. Only serious inquiries. WHIRLPOOL Call 559-476-7300 refrigerator Side by (Madera) side. Water and ice dispenser. $160 (559) 4 FT LADDER $25 405-0363 like new ladder cash only 559-801-1540 KENMORE refrigerator excellent condition. TABLE TOP SmithAsking 150 or best APARTMENTS Hawken copper rooster offer. (559) 392-5793 table top weather vane, FOR RENT 17.5”tall, in excellent WHIRLPOOL 31” condition. Call 5593-BEDROOMS Gas Cooktop. Clean 259-9740. $75 and in excellent shape. $750.00-$850.00!! MULTI-PURPOSE FURNITURE Ask for Cheryl at 559- Remodeled Apartbench 4ft x 8ft x 33” VINTAGE aluminum 930-2417. $125 ments, Central A/C, MANUFACTURED PINKY’S 1 Stop pro- high $75 call (559) Stove Top Percolator Secured Complex Homes in a Gated Coffee Pot with an WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call fessional cleaning ser- 341-2575 Community. Homes unusual shaped and vice. Rental, Business, CEMETERY PLOTS Toll-Free 1-888-895starting at $59,900. LATCH SIDE of slid- beautiful wood handle. 9623. For more info Organization, Event Owner financing, ing glass door without The glass at the top cleanup and Property WHO WILL pay for visit down payments, move-out. Receive $10 frame 49 1/4 x 79 1/2 is perfect and looks your funeral expenses? competitive interest must sell $125 obo call beautiful too. Cash off first service when You may qualify for a rates. Veterans let us (559) 341-2575 Only call or text only you mention this ad. state regulated program RENTING A HOUSE help you with a $2,500 Visit www.Pinkys1Sto 559-304-8054 $10 OR APARTMENT? to help pay for final grant towards the down or give us a TWO SOLID wood expenses. You’re enti- List it here for only $5 payment on a home! barstool for sale is in SELLING SOMEcall (559) 314-5391. tled to receive no-cost week! Call 472-7182 Call (559) 273-3150 or Licensed, Bonded & good condition. Both THING? If it’s under information. Call Clint (888) 563-3003 spin around. Text me or $300 list it here for Insured Cartridge (559)478call 559.424.3585. $45 FREE! 472-7182 ROOM FOR RENT 0425 ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to ELECTRONICS House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, KICKER SOLAR Kitchen Ect. $385 all baric sub - L7 new in box $150 obo 578-2196 utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno KENWOOD FLIP State, Airport Near flop face CD player Clovis Small Deposit 9013 $100 obo 578(559)797-5209 2196 KENWOOD 200 watt 4 channel amp $150 obo 578-2196


3-BEDROOMS $750.00-$850.00!! FARM & GARDEN Remodeled Apartments, Central A/C, Secured Complex RIDING MOWER WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call Tires & Tubes Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Toll-Free 1-888-895Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 9623. For more info visit


| MAY 4 & 11, 2017




WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003

HANDYMAN DRYWALL, Painting, Plumbing, Doors, Windows, Cabinets, Concrete & More! No job is too small. Free estimates. Call (559)704-5967

HOUSES FOR RENT WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003


MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,900. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (559) 273-3150 or (888) 563-3003

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CENTURY 21 AGENT SELLS FARMS & RANCHES. Call (559) 259-0713. Ray Schmall Century 21. RENTING A HOUSE OR APARTMENT? List it here for only $5 week! Call 472-7182 MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,900. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (559) 273-3150 or (888) 563-3003 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS

LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Lawn Reseeding. Call HAULING Cleanups. Yard, Trash, for a Free Estimate! Construction cleanup, 559-696-5149 or 559- JW CLEAN-UP rubbish, trees & demo, 275-7630 SERVICES. Estate Sale rentals, lots, apartments Cleanups. Yard, Trash, & forclosures. We do it Construction cleanup, all Just Call! (550)307TREE SERVICE rubbish, trees & demo, 4304 ask for James rentals, lots, apartments TREE Thinning & forclosures. We do it SELLING SOMEBranch Removal & all Just Call! (550)307THING? If it’s under Complete Tree Remov4304 ask for James $300 list it here for al. Free Estimates (559) FREE! Over $300? 259-4186 or (559) 824- SELLING SOMEList it for only $5/wk THING? Under $300 8226 Lic#1011777 472-7182 it’s FREE! 472-7182



SELLING SOMETHING? If it’s under $300 list it here for FREE! Over $300? List it for only $5/wk 472-7182

HOME IMPROVEMENT DRYWALL, Painting, Plumbing, Doors, Windows, Cabinets, Concrete & More! No job is too small. Free estimates. Call (559)704-5967



COMPLETE TREE Removal, Year Round Cleanups, Branch Removal, Hedge Trimming & More. Free estimates. Call Martinez Tree Service 824-8226 or 259-4168 Lic#1011777

KIDS BIKE. Specialized ~ 20” good condition, everything works properly. $279.00 new. Aluminum light frame. Good condition. Text or call 288-1768 $60

NISHIKI SUPER 5 Bike 27” tires Five CHAINSAW CHAIN speeds Good condition & Garden Tool Sharp- and ready to ride. call ening. Visit Jensen & 559-261-4680 if interWatts 516 N. Chestnut, ested no text $75 Fresno. (559) 255-0465


26” OLD SCHOOL BIKE $30 RUNS GOOD ALL ORIGINAL call 266-8469 or 270-8133 HUFFY GIRLS bike with new Schwinn leather seat, bell and bike bag, includes helmet. $50 (559) 3678875 SELLING SOMETHING? If it’s under $300 list it here for FREE! 472-7182


ATVS GO-KART Mini- Bike Repair & Service. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 2005 SUZUKI 400 LTZ ATV Quad Clean/ Garage Stored Low Hours New Battery New Pro Taper Bars New Ambush Tires. $3500 obo Contact Don (559) 756-0476

MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |


2015 450R Honda TRX Orninal owner less than 10 hours k&N filter HMF full exhaust paid $800 Green sticker until June 2018 Serous buyers only pink slip Trade for truck or car of same value 559-210-2635 $7600



HOILDAY Rambler 2001 Travel Trailer One Owner 30Ft 2-Sildes Hardly Used Like New PH 559-250-3205 $9800

BRAKES, Tires, Wheels, Complete Auto Repair. Call Payless Brakes & Tires (559) 237-5377

PIONEER Fleetwood 2005 Travel Trailer SPORTMAN Polaris Orginal Owner 19Ft 4 x 4 500 quad for sale Fully Self Contianed big tires street legal Excellent condition register new carbure559-260-8372 $6400 tor new battery new tuneup Green sticker 2004 WILDWOOD good shep gun rack and with A couch slide out Storage box in the front dinette table rear queen (559) 977-6631 bed roof air everything works great 26 foot SUZUKI QUAD fully cell contain call $1300 (559) 681-8641 209-345-0371

GO-KART Mini- Bike Repair & Service. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 GO-KART MiniBike. Tires - Switches Chains - Sprokets. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465

BRAKES, Tires, Wheels, Complete Auto Repair. Call Payless Brakes & Tires (559) 237-5377

2001 TACOMA 4cl 2.7 clean title 2 howner whit 140xxx milles 01 COACHMAN 25 ‘ $11,500 any question MOTORCYCLES $6900 559-246-2164 BRAKES, Tires, call 559-286-3104 Wheels, Complete Auto Repair. Call Payless 2009 yz450f $3300 2000 CHEVY subBrakes & Tires (559) (Madera) 559 593 1770 AUTO urban Or trade $5000 237-5377 ACCESSORIES (559) 283-5049 2007 SUZUKI BOU81 GMC K2500 4x4 LEVARD C50 Great WINDOW TINT 2007 CHEVY 5.7 350 V8 $5500 Shape - ONLY 2,700 specials going on now! TrailBlazer LS $5500 (559) 259-4744 MILES, runs great, lots Back half starting at Clean Title In Hand, of extras, Mustang seat $139.99. Full cars Tags July 2017, Great and backrest, rack, re- starting at $189.99. We 2007 GMC Sierra Family Suv, V6, V6, Clean title on hand moveable saddle bags, use the best tint in the Automatic, Am-Fm-Cd 121,000 miless New driving lites, only a few world. Call Dynamite Player, Power Windows tires. Tagged to Nominor scratches - really Car Audio (559) 438vember 2017 Smogged And Door Locks, Cold a great buy. $3900. 6666 A/C, Has 127k Miles, Call 559-994-7222 Clean title, have pink, Runs Great, Just Passed $12,000 OBO just re-registered April FOR ALL your car Smog Check, Tires In this year. Call Rich stereo needs. No credit Good Condition, Clean 1987 FORD F-150 559-321-6158 check financing. Call Suv, More Info (209) X-Cab $4500 V8 A/T. Dynamite (559)438A/C. Dual tanks. Clean 565-4954. 07 KAWASAKI Vul- 6666 or come on by title in hand. Asking can 900 Clean title 17 k 6053 N. Blackstone. SELLING SOME$4500 obo. 351-4329 THING? If it’s under miles 2800 OBO I will or 559-871-6737 consider reasonable $300 list it here for offers 559-349-7602 FREE! Over $300? CARS SELLING SOME List it for only $5/wk THING? If it’s under 472-7182 2008 HARLEY DaBRAKES, Tires, vidson Dyna Low rider Wheels, Complete Auto $300 list it here for SUPPORT LOCAL FREE! 472-7182 $10950 (209) 617-6727 Repair. Call Payless BUSINESS Brakes & Tires (559) 2002 HONDA VTX 237-5377 1800 C. Very Low only 13,800 miles on this 2006 NISSAN Altima beautiful bike, The Clean Title smogged Custom paint is immac- $3300 559-253-3762. ulate it is in like new condition with illusion 2012 Chevy Malibu blue paint scheme! Call LTZ Spanish 559-477559.905.5565 $5800.00 9440 English 559-942OBO 2344 NO TRADES


ASKING $5600 obo 2008 MITSUBISHI galant $4900 559-4517959 2004 HONDA crf150f 2006 HONDA accord $1800 (559) 285-9015 115,435 original miles current registration, 2008 KTM 450 excr clean title 722-9405 setup as a super moto Asking 6500 obo call SELLING SOMEor text 559-259-3187. THING? If it’s under 1976 HARLEY Davidson FXE Shovelhead $5500 (Kerman) (559)355-5521



| MAY 4 & 11, 2017


$300 list it here for FREE! 472-7182




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MAY 4 & 11, 2017 |




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Fresno/Ashlan for single $350 or couple for $450. Habla Espanol. 559-400-1500


$750 - $850 remodeled apartments. Central AC, Secured Complex, Wifi. 8th and Olive. Call Toll Free 1-888-895-9623 for more info visit


Sells farms and ranches. Call 559259-0713 Ray Schmall


In as few as 7 months! SJVC Madera Campus offers medical and business programs. Financial aid available to those who qualify. Call 559-302-2155 or visit our website Let 2017 be your year!


and Lawn Service. Pruning, Topping, Complete Tree Removal, Large Hedge Trimming. FREE ESTIMATES. Call 559-824-8226 or 559-259-4186


Call 1-800-609-2690 All offers require credit qualification and 24-month commitment and early termination fee with eAutoPay. Offer ends 1/28/17. Call for details.

Call The Fresno Hock Shoppe (559) 264-5856 or come in. 3235 E. Belmont Ave. Fresno. We have electronics, jewelry, and more! You can also check us out online www.

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