Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 12

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EDITOR’S NOTE It’s been nearly four years since we put out our first paper, and this issue puts us a step closer to our two year anniversary as the Fresno Flyer. When we decided, with not much but a hope and a prayer, that we were going to take on the task of providing original editorial content, we didn’t know what to expect. How would people react? Would our readers even keep reading it? Can we really keep the articles coming? We stepped out into the unknown without an iota of a clue as to what those answers would be. Assuming the role of Editor meant stepping out of my comfort zone and learning how to be a people-person. I’ve always been behind the camera, behind the computer tucked away in a snug, dark corner with my multiple monitors and a set of tunes playing comfortably through a set of awesome earbuds. Now I had to leave that warm little pocket of quiet and get out to hold one-onone interviews with local artists, business owners, and other influential members of our community. Like any true introvert, I met the challenge with some reserve, trying to get someone else to hold the interviews and do all the talking for me - I’d still write the articles, of course. It didn’t work. After almost two years, I don’t know what I expected or why I pushed back on doing the in-person interviews myself; every experience was - for


| DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017



lack of a better word - really cool. Take, for example, the piece on the opposite page featuring Raphio Chocolate. The owner, her husband, they were incredibly enthusiastic and hospitable. Their passion for their craft was contagious and made us instant cheerleaders for their success. Not only that, but they’re working on something unique here in Fresno, the capital of the Central Valley so-to-speak, by choice. They are choosing to invest in the Valley. A few months ago we covered 411 Broadway Ales & Spirits whose brewmaster couldn’t stop smiling the whole way through the interview. When he talked about brewing, crafting new flavors, and being a part of the downtown movement, it was hard not to rally behind his project and root for what felt like a well-deserved triumph. Every interview was like this. I always walked away pumped for the future, and utterly surprised at how inviting so many of the entrepreneurs were. The Central Valley really is brimming with talent and people who are fighting for a renewed prosperity in a very unsuspecting place. A sense of community drives These daring, and hard-working businesses/ artists/ entrepreneurs/people, determined to prove that California isn’t just about San Francisco and Los Angeles. And that, my friends, is downright rad. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


by Lisa Talley |


he door opens, and within seconds is that each batch of chocolate is made from the air explodes with the intoxicating scratch using less than five ingredients, most smell of chocolate. It ripples and swarms, of which (if not all) is organic, a significant and finds the intricate crevices of the human departure from the more common and sensory receptors, cramming in its rich and commercial brand of chocolate we often find inviting aroma. It in the grocery instantly inspires store. a slew of pleasant Real chocolate childhood is made from memories. cacao beans, “ I t ’ s which are found not exactly in cacao pods, Willy Wonka… which grow but welcome on cacao trees. to our factory.” Cacao beans The charming, essentially consist yet humble of cacao powder Roasted cacao beans introduction and cocoa butter by Elisia Otavi, - and when chocolate maker and founder of Raphio ground or milled over a period of time Chocolate. that cacao butter melts and mixes with the It may not be an expansive crushed beans developing into the smooth, playground of wild colors, weird melted chocolate consistency we’re all so contraptions, and physics-defying candy, familiar with. However, most commercial but there’s no question that there is a hint of dark chocolate makers press the butter out magic in the air. And in all honesty, what’s and replace it with an oil substitute. the most important thing to any chocolate “Cocoa powder is what remains lover anyway? The chocolate itself, of course. after the process of pressing the cocoa butter Inspired by her sons, Raphael and out of the ground cacao beans is complete. Rio, Elisia wanted to make a chocolate bar To make chocolate from the cocoa powder, that she would be confident to serve them. the large commercial chocolate producers No fillers, no preservatives, no artificial typically add the oil substitute in place of the flavors, just healthy chocolate. highly-prized cocoa butter, such as soybean Seems a little like an oxymoron, oil, palm oil, canola oil, or some other but real chocolate is actually good for you. cheaper vegetable oil. To mix them, they add “Doctors do recommend eating soy lecithin as an emulsifier which is a waste dark chocolate every day, the only rule is product… and other products to stabilize that the chocolate has to have at least 72% the chocolate,” Otavi further expands. cocoa content. Meaning, the percentage During this part of the commercial amount of cocoa in the bar eaten,” Explains process, the chocolate tastes so bad that the Otavi. chocolate producers have to add a significant The entire Raphio collection amount of sugar and vanilla extract to cover contains a minimum of 72% with some up the flavor. The over processing of the going above and beyond to the 82%, 92% bean removes the chocolate from its natural and even 102% cocoa levels. What’s more state and in doing so, eliminates any health | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


benefits that were initially present. Labeled ‘Single Origin Artisan Craft Dark Chocolate,’ Otavi is present through the entire process of ‘bean-to-bar’ for all of Raphio’s products. Handselecting the cocoa beans, the flavors are brought out through the roasting - to which Otavi will taste the beans herself. Afterwards, the beans then go through a few Cacao nibs - after crushing and separation of the beans days of continuous grinding where the level of organic cane sugar maintaining one flavor and one flavor only, is determined and added. Directly following as a craft chocolate maker she’s focused on is an aging period, and lastly, depending on harnessing the true characteristics of the the type of bar, the chocolate will achieve its cacao for a rich experience every time. final flavor profile before being molded in Visitors can also get a closer look their signature Raphio shape. That’s it. No at the chocolate making process by taking a fuss, no muss. tour of Raphio Chocolate’s factory. Bonus: One of the truly unique there’s a tasting at the end. characteristics of Raphio Chocolate is that the chocolate isn’t always the same, meaning The Chocolate Factory Tour that the flavors can change from batch to batch… and it’s how Elisia Otavi prefers it. Could you blame us for taking the tour? “Just like wine and coffee, the soil, Talking chocolate just isn’t the same if it climate, rainfall, and other environmental isn’t coming from the first-hand experience. factors do play a role in affecting the flavors Fortunately for us, Elisia and her husband of the cacao beans which are grown on the invited us to their factory to get an inside trunk of the cacao tree. The different flavor look at how their chocolate is made. notes in my single-origin chocolate bars Near the corner of Barstow and are pretty distinctive depending on which First, in a quaint and unsuspecting suite, country and region the tree is grown,” she is Raphio Chocolate. You can spot them offers. by their signature and ornate logo design On the wrapping of every bar, displayed in the window. handwritten on the back of the label, is Otavi takes us to the back room the batch number. Because of the above - a quick two room jump from the front factors, the chocolate can take on a myriad door - where the smell of chocolate seems of complex flavors - however subtle - that to be bursting at the seams. There, she walks change from batch to batch - much like us through her roasting process and then wine. As with coffee, flavor profiles will proceeds to hand us each a single bean. bloom during the roasting process, allowing Somewhat like a walnut, the bean any natural toffee or nutty notes to come cracks under the pressure of our fingers. A to the front. Otavi isn’t interested in light shell fragment away from the more deconstructing the bean to force a flavor that substantial pieces of the bean and we’re told never existed in the first place for the sake of to eat one of the more solid parts. It was



DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 |



Dried cacao pod that contain the beans

Signature Raphio Chocolate bar after molding

almost like eating a chocolate covered coffee bean - chocolate notes were present, but a prominent bitterness immediately overtook the sweetness. This - in its near unaltered state - was the authentic taste of chocolate in its purest form. Otavi takes us through the separation process where the beans are crushed, then separated into cacao nibs (the inside of the bean) and cacao husk - the outer shell of the bean which is not thrown out. Instead, it’s used to create a sort of loose leaf tea - this helps to ensure that Raphio Chocolate’s process is virtually waste-free. The next room - moving closer to the front - holds the grinders. Want to know where all that explosion of chocolatey goodness in the air is coming from? Here. The room with the grinders. *tip - try not to drool. This is the stage where Otavi decides the percentage of cacao by adding the organic cane sugar to the mix. However, if it’s the 102% cacao, no sugar is added, and


| DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017

the ‘chocolate-making’ ends here. The next step was what I found the most surprising - I assumed that after the mixing, the chocolate would be molded, chilled, and packaged, however, it wasn’t. The chocolate first goes through an aging process. Again, the comparison to wine deepens. Chocolate, as Otavi explains it, will continue to develop specific flavors and change profiles during an aging process that is anywhere from 2 - 4 weeks. Huge blocks of chocolate line the shelves of their grinding room, patiently waiting to be plucked from the stack and molded for public enjoyment. Once a block of chocolate is ready, it’s taken through a tempering process to achieve that beautiful, glossy finish with a crisp, familiar snap when broken. And now we’re on to the tasting.


(the only bar in the Raphio line with 72%, 82%, 92%, and 102% cacao) We start with a sample of the 72% cacao. It is reminiscent of most craft dark chocolate I’ve tasted, but the Ecuador carries a nuttiness that pushes back the bitter bite of the cacao. Next up, the 82% cacao. As a dark chocolate lover, this hit the sweet spot (figuratively) on the spectrum of punchy cacao with a full body of flavor that teeters on the edge of being coffee-esque.

Peru Coming back down to the 72% line was a near shock in terms of the difference. For me, it almost widened my pallet - jolting it awake if you will - to the depth of flavors present in the other bars. The Peru line held a sweetness closer to that of brown sugar mixed with a little bit of fruit, complimenting the cacao by using its bitterness to give the bar its full breadth of flavor.

Nicaragua At the time of my writing this, this bar was out of stock on the Raphio website. The Nicaragua steps closer to the brown sugar with a more profound range, without any fruity notes to combat the cacao.

Tanzania A personal favorite. Where the other bars stayed true to the round, full-bodied flavor of the cacao, the Tanzania bar shared the spotlight equally with its different characteristics.

*tip - rinse with water between each tasting

*tip - do not chew the chocolate, but let it melt on the tongue

We’re on to the 92% cacao, and we’re getting closer to that real original flavor. The punch hardened on the taste buds and stayed on my pallet long after the chocolate has melted. Definitely a great way to pack a lot of flavor into smaller portions. 102% - this is not for the faint of heart. No sugar, no sweetness, just pure cacao. If you like your whiskey neat and your beer sour, this is for you.

The cacao hits the taste buds, but almost immediately backs off, what replaces it is something akin to honey. The melting chocolate coats the mouth with a roughly similar consistency, but as quickly as it arrived, it disappears, and the honey has transformed into an unfamiliar fruit. By the time I think I’ve figured it out, the cacao reappears and finishes the experience.



Peppermint, Coffee, and Clementine Olive Oil New to the Raphio line is the inclusion bars utilizing additional flavors. Peppermint - using organic candy canes - is here just in time for the holiday season. Coffee featuring coffee flavors from locals Kuppa Joy Coffee and Clementine Olive Oil, another collaboration with the local company, Enzo Olive Oil Company. The Clementine was a pleasant surprise, hearing the words ‘olive oil’ doesn’t inspire a clear direction of how this flavor is going to fit with the dark chocolate, but one taste explains it all. The bright citrus cuts through the cacao and a symphony of orange flavor bursts in the mouth. It’s clear how this bar won Gold in the International Chocolate Salon as well as Gold in the Best Chocolate Bar category. Their Coffee bar also took home a Bronze. But of course, each person’s pallet is going to be different, and you’ll have to do a little bit of tasting on your own to find your perfect dark chocolate adventure. Raphio Chocolate, the locally owned and operated artisan craft dark chocolate company, invites you to take a tour, partake in a tasting, and experience a time-honored treat in a delicious yet healthy way. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @Raphio.Chocolate to stay up to date on tours, news, and giveaways. A full location of where to find their bars and cacao products for purchase can be found on their website www.RaphioChocolate. com.


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts For the love of Chocolate

1. A jewel thief made off with $28 million dollars of gems in 2007 because he was able to gain the trust of the guards working the bank in Antwerp, Belgium, by repeatedly offering them chocolate. 2. At one point during WWII the Nazis plotted to assassinate Winston Churchill with an exploding bar of chocolate.

Chocolate Day on July 28, International Chocolate Day on for 90% of its history. September 13, and, of course, National Bittersweet Choco9. Cacao was brewed in both Mexican and Aztec culture, late With Almonds Day on November 7. though the result was nothing like today’s hot chocolate— 4. It takes a almost a full year for a cocoa tree to produce it was a typically bitter concoction that was often used for ceremonial occasions like weddings. enough pods to make 10 standard-sized Hershey bars.

5. Milk and dark chocolate come from the cacao bean, which grows on the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), an evergreen from the family Malvaceae(other members of the family include okra and cotton). This makes the most important part of the sweet treat a vegetable.

10. The Fry and Sons shop concocted what they called “eating chocolate” in 1847 by combining cocoa butter, sugar, and chocolate liquor. This was a grainy, solid form of the treat.

11. Dr. James Baker and John Hannon founded 6. The ancient Maya are believed to be the first people to their chocolate company—later called Walter Baker regularly grow cacao trees and drink chocolate. The Aztecs Chocolate—in 1765. That’s where the term “Baker’s Chocolate” comes from. got it later, but they had to trade for cacao because they 3. July 7 is Chocolate Day, a nod to the historical tradition couldn’t grow the trees. that the day marks when chocolate was first brought to 12. Chocolate gives you a more intense mental high and Europe on July 7, 1550, though a number of sources argue 7. The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word “xo- gets your heart pounding more than kissing does. that it might have hit the continent’s shores as far back coatl,” which referred to the bitter, spicy drink the Aztecs as 1504, thanks to Christopher Columbus. Official day 13. Hershey’s Kisses got their name from the kissing made from cacao beans. or not, we do know that chocolate first arrived in Europe sound the machine that deposits the chocolate on the some time in the 16th century. There’s also National Milk 8.In fact, chocolate was consumed as a liquid, not a solid, conveyor belt makes. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 |




ith the end of the drought in the Central Valley, the agricultural industry has made it through one of the toughest times in recent history. And with the hiring of Jeff Tedford, Bulldog football has eclipsed the past generation of infertility. Fresno State holding a current record of 9-4 - has seen a return to the Mountain West Championship Game, achieving a top 25 rank and pushing the Bulldogs into national prominence. Despite a tough loss to Boise State with a late field goal and a 28-17 loss to the Broncos just a week prior at the Bulldog stadium, falling short of their championship dreams, this year’s success has brought back memories of the team’s dominance throughout its history. Since the inaugural season of 1921 - 96 years of collegiate football - the Bulldogs can boast 26 Conference Titles and 12 Bowl wins. This season’s success will culminate with a bid at Sheraton Hawaii Bowl in Aloha Stadium on Christmas Eve. The game starts at 5:30 pm and the Bulldogs will be facing the potent offense of The University of Houston Cougars. ESPN will nationally televise the highly anticipated game. The event will give Dinuba High School local hero, quarterback Marcus McMaryion, a chance to shine on the national stage. Originally signed to attend Oregon State University, McMaryion eventually decided that the grass was not greener on the other side and chose the rich history of great quarterbacks instead, to take the reigns as the next generation to add to Fresno’s deep history of success. This season’s success can’t be attributed to a one-dog-show, as the team offered significant talent all throughout the roster. The hard-hitting Fresno State Defense was on display all season long and will have to bow its neck against one of the best offenses in college football. The senior leadership of the Bulldogs’ 2 defensive tackles, Malik Forrester and Nathan Madsen, along with the much improved defensive scheme of coordinator, Orlondo Steinauer, will have to shine to bring home the Hawaii Bowl victory for the 13th time in Fresno State’s history. With local talent playing key roles, you can bet the Fresno Bulldogs will represent the Central Valley with a tidal red-wave of support. These players, seeds that were planted in this fertile soil, cultivated by local hands, and soon harvested on NFL rosters to be cherished by football connoisseurs once again. Perhaps it’s the resurgence of the water rushing back to the Central Valley for both life and agriculture that is - in some connected way - responsible for the rising success of Bulldog Football once again.


| DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017

8 Gifts to Enjoy All Year Long (BPT) - With the holiday season in full swing, many people are heading to a local department store, or their favorite website, to tick off their holiday shopping lists. While some gifts are fun for the instant gratification they provide, it is nice to give goods that can be enjoyed for months, and years, to come. If you’re looking to impress this year, here are eight gift ideas your loved ones will be able to enjoy all year long. Whole-home connectivity: Do you have a friend who is always complaining about their home internet? Tired of playing tech support for your family? Check out the eero Home WiFi System. Eero replaces your router with a series of sleek-looking devices that ensure every room has fast and reliable WiFi. The eero system is easy to set up and will keep your household connected all year long. Plus, it’s a great gift to ensure all those shiny new gadgets - from gaming consoles to smartphones to Apple TVs - function properly throughout the home. You may want to pick up a system


for yourself, while you’re at it. A reason to say cheers: For anyone who enjoys unique kitchen items or barware, North Drinkware’s glasses make a great gift. Their nature-themed tumblers and pint glasses are hand blown in the U.S., and the base of each glass has the imprint of an iconic U.S. mountain. The glasses are

made with care, each requiring 30 steps and two days to produce. It’s almost like drinking out of a piece of art. Printable memories: The popular ‘70s point-shoot-and-print camera trend is back. But instead of lugging around a brick of a camera, companies like Fujifilm have


reimagined the original Polaroid. Check out the Instax Mini 70. It’s lightweight and comes in a variety of colors to match any personality. It’s a fun gift for people of all ages who want to capture real-time moments, all year long. Charging on-the-go: For that friend who struggles to keep their phone charged, a portable battery pack is a great stocking stuffer. The Anker 20000 is a great portable charger. It’s slightly larger than a smartphone yet can recharge an iPhone 7 nearly seven times. It has two USB plugs so you’re able to charge multiple devices at once, and can be easily slipped into a pocket or bag for charging on-the-go. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving. An upgraded little black book: Whether used for a shopping list, sketchbook, journal or diary, it’s nice to have a beautiful notebook to carry around with you. Rifle Paper Company produces ornately designed paper goods, among them, compact notebooks. The Birch Notebook Set comes with two, 64-page richly colored books. Each 6-by-8 notebook features metallic gold foil accents and a lay-flat binding for easy writing or sketching. No-stress weeknight meals: Practicality meets fun with Blue Apron. Blue Apron is a meal kit delivery service that’ll save you time and answer the dreaded weeknight question, “What’s for dinner?” A $60 gift card covers a one-week meal plan for two people. Fresh, pre-portioned ingredients will be delivered to the recipient’s door and meals are ready in less than an hour - perfect for a work or school night. Blue Apron also makes a great gift for people learning how to cook because each recipe comes with simple, step-by-step instructions. A little slice of luxury: For a gift that’ll greet you with open arms, consider a Parachute bathrobe. Spun from 100 percent Turkish cotton, Parachute’s bathrobes give you the ultimate spalike experience in your own home. The robes are plush and absorbent, and are the perfect little luxury after a long day. Peace of mind: It’s hard to put a price tag on feeling safe and secure at home. Why not give that priceless feeling as a gift this holiday season? The Ring Spotlight Cam has got you covered. It’s a wire-free HD security camera that lets you see, hear and speak to anyone on your property from your smartphone or computer. It makes greeting guests, the delivery person or not-so-savory individuals quick and easy. Gift it with an eero WiFi System to ensure every corner of your home is connected and secure. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

EATS Roast Lamb Shoulder with Salsa Verde and Roasted Carrots.

• 1 lg. onion (quartered)

• 24 hours in advance: Add all the ingredients into a pot. Bring to a simmer at medium heat until all salt has dissolved. Allow brine to cool completely. Place the lamb in the cool brine, cover and leave for 24 hours. Drain the brine and pat dry.

• 1 carrot (quartered)



• 1 boned lamb shoulder, rolled and tied.

• 4 cups chicken stock

For the Brine: • 8 cups of water • 1/2 cup salt

Hearty Food and Wine Ideas for Winter (StatePoint) When cool weather makes you wish for rich hearty meals, let New Zealand be the source of your culinary inspiration. The country’s dishes make for delicious feasting. Think earthy meats like lamb and rich roasted vegetables, paired with juicy medium-bodied red wines. Thanks to the development of six major grape growing regions with breathtaking landscapes, New Zealand has become a top destination for food and wine enthusiasts. While a trip halfway around the world may not be in the cards for you this season, you can bring the classic flavors of New Zealand to your table by starting with a bottle from one of the country’s top wineries. Craggy Range Winery, a family-owned operation, creates New World wines with Old World style. The Te Muna

• Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. • Preheat a large skillet over medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes. Raise the heat to medium-high and add the lamb. Brown the lamb all over then remove from heat. • On a roasting tray, add carrot and onion. Then add 4 cups of hot chicken stock.

• 2 tbsp. brown sugar • 3 bay leafs • 1/2 onion, sliced

• 1/2 packet pickRoad Pinot Noir 2014 (SRP $44.99), a ling spices medium-bodied selection, is an enjoyable accompaniment at a winter gathering. Its rich red fruit, fine tannins and good acidi- For the Salsa ty creates a savory, dry finish on the palate Verde: and pairs nicely with robust flavors. For an appetizing pairing, con- • 1/2 cup Italian sider serving Pinot Noir alongside a classic parsley recipe from the Terrôir Restaurant at Crag• 1/2 cup mint gy Range Winery: Roast lamb shoulder with salsa verde and roasted carrots. The • 1/4 cup cornichwine’s bright red fruit will bring out the on pickles lamb’s darker, earthier notes for a delicious • 2 tbsp. capers meal. There are a few steps and quite a bit of ingredients to achieve this dish, so • 1/2 cup olive oil make sure to give yourself plenty of room. • 2 lemons - juice and zest In fact, enlist some of your family members to help you in the kitchen, it’ll be another great reason to bring everyone together.


Brine Instructions:


• Place the lamb on top and then put in the oven to cook for 3 hours. • Remove lamb from the liquid, rest for 25 minutes. In the meantime, strain and skim the stock and reduce by 2/3rds. • For the salsa verde, blitz all ingredients in the food processor until smooth. • Slice the lamb and garnish with roasted baby carrots, salsa verde and some stock. Serve with a glass of Te Muna Road Pinot Noir.


DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 |



| DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017





AM - 2 PM Pawsitive Connec- Corks & Palette Colr me tions Kingsburg. Bring your Imperfect , Saturday Decempet to get a ‘paw-fect’ picture ber16 at 7pm-9.30pm. Corks with Santa! Everyone is wel- and Palette Mixer, 1526 N come. Photos are a $5 dona- Palm Ave , Fresno.Tickets at Wreath Across America tion and a digital image will be Eventbrite 2017 ,Satuday December16 e-mailed to you. Santa Jack Paint Party, Friat 8.30am-10am,Clovis Cem- day December15 at 6pmBallis Boys Holiday Sale,Satetry District, 305 N Villla Ave, Clovis. Honor those who serve urday Demember 16 at noon 8.30pm, Yosemite Falls Café and their families, Remember till 6pm, Ballis Glass,2888 4020 N Cedar Ave, Fresno. www.painthenight. the Fallenand pay tribute. N Sunnyside #104, fresno. Tickets com Mutiple vendors selling their Wayne Brady Thursday, De- beautiful arts and crafts , jew- cember 14 at 6 PM - 11 PM elry, and chainsaw carvings . Silent Party Fresno,SaturTachi Palace Hotel and Ca- FRRE and FUN for all ages. day, December16 at 9pm2am. 721 Broadway Street,sino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Fresno.Tickets by Eventbrite An Irish Christmas Saroyan Lemoore Ticket Information Theatre Sunday, December Doors Open at 6PM Showtime at 7:30PM 17 at 2 PM Saroyan Theatre Manifest Destiny with The Located in Bingo Hall Ticket 700 M St, Fresno. Iron Maidens,Friday December 15 at 7pm-11pm. Tower Prices- $35, $55, $75 Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, Kaleidoscope The Musical Fresno. Tickets towertheatreDecember 15 – December Free Pictures with Santa 17 Fresno City College TheClaus on Santa Claus Lane!, atre 1101 E University Ave, Friday Demember 15 at 6pm10pm, Santa Claus Lane, Fresno Ticket Information 3116 Indianapolis, Clovis. KALEIDOSCOPE is a Christian theater 3/13 Cards 12/14 2-4pm experience featuring a live Palm Village Senior Network band, gospel singing, and 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, dancing of all styles! A little HOLIDAY SHOW with The Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or bit “dance theater” and a litOlate Dogs on Thursday Detle bit “gospel concert,” KA(559) 916-3078 cember 21 at 7pm-10pm. LEIDOSCOPE shares a story Tower Theatre , 815 E Olive of friendship, loss, and God’s Bridge 12/18 1-3pm Palm Ave, Fresno. Tickets at towrestorative love. Performed Village Senior Network 7638 The over a soundtrack of songs N. Ingram, Suite 111A, FresOlate Dogs are the winning made popular by Earth, Wind, no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) participants from season 7 of & Fire, TobyMac, Jesus Cul916-3078 America’s Got Talent. ture and Tasha Cobbs, this colorful, emotional, and high Bingo 12/19 2-4pm Palm Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm energy production paints a Village Senior Network 7638 ArtHop occurs every 1st and portrait of hope with powerful N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fres3rd Thursday of each month. characters, heartfelt perforno. (559) 346-7662 or (559) It’s one of the most active mances, and soulful singing. 916-3078 and successful programs or ganized by the Fresno Arts Taste of Fresno 5: Festival How the Grinch Stole ChristCouncil. Art lovers and enthuof Fresno Sunday, December mas, Saturday December 16 siasts from all walks of life 17 at 1 PM 6 PM Full Circle at 7pm-9pm The Crest Theflock downtown Fresno and Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno. atre Fresno, 1170 Broadway the Tower District on the first Crafters, Artists, Makers, DiPlaza, Fresno. (FREE ADMISThursday of each month, and rect Sales, and Food Trucks SION) the rest of ArtHop venues in needed! This will be smaller as all festivities will be inside Smash Mouth at Crest Theatre Saturday, December 16 for an amazing Christmas at 7:30 PM The Crest Theatre Concert Event! 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fres- Holiday Bazaar & Rebozo no. Fashion, Saturday December Best of the West Wrestling 16 at 10am-2pm, Holistic CulFresno City College Saturday, tural and Education Wellness December 16 at 6 PM - 9 PM Center, 4867 Ekings Canyon Fresno City College Cafeteria Rd, Fresno. 1101 East University Avenue, Cirque Dreams Holidaze Fresno. Wednesday, December 20 at Home Alone at Crest The- 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 atre Saturday, December 16 M St, Fresno. at 12 PM The Crest Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fres- Green Jello Suxxmas( Art Silva’s B’day Bash),Sunday no. December17 at 4pm-11pm, Pet Photos With Santa Claus Full Circle BreweryCo,620 F Saturday, December 16 at 10 St, Fresno. 10$adv/All Ages!

This Week December 14-20

This Week December 21-27


the Fresno metro areas on Middle Kingdom, a profound Thursday of each month, and third Thursdays, to meet and spirit of this lost civilization the rest of ArtHop venues in greet with the artists and en- to life onstage with inrivaled the Fresno metro areas on joy the reception and music. artistic mastery. Tickets www. third Thursdays, to meet and greet with the artists and enMuseums, studios, galleries joy the reception and music. and other venues open their exhibitions to the public at Gingerbread Wonderland at Museums, studios, galleries 5:00 p.m. and run the free Tioga Sequoia (family event),- and other venues open their Friday December 22 at 6pm- exhibitions to the public at event until 8:00 p.m. 9pm .Tioga Sequoia Brewing 5:00 p.m. and run the free Journey to Bethlehem, De- Company, 745 Fulton St,Fres- event until 8:00 p.m. cember 19-22 at 6pm , Beth- no. Pinot’s Palette Paint n Sip any Church Fresno. Joinin on the live action drive-through A Smooth Jazz Christ- Night , January 16 Tuesday tour of the true story of Christ- mas-Tidings of Jazz and Joy at 6.30-9pm . Pinot’s Palette mas,complete with live ani- on Saturday, December 23 6763 N Palm Avenue , Fresno. at 8pm-11pm. Tower Theatre Tickets mals Admission FREE 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno . Tick- towertheatrefresno.tix. Trashique 2018 Produced by The Miss Alans Friday, De- ets The Fresno Art Museum, Satcember 22 at 9 PM Fulton com urday February 24 at 5.30pm55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno Vineyards Farmers Market 11.30pm . Signature Flight Holiday Gift &Craft Show Support FAT( Fresno Yosemite ELF (2003), Saturday,De- 2017,Saturday December 16 International Airport , 3050 N cember23 at 8pm-10pm. The & 23 at 7am. Vineyards Farm- Winery Ave , Fresno. Tickets Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 ers Market, 100 W Shaw Ave, Broadway Plaza Tickets elf- Fresno. Kid friendly. 5th Annual Bizare Art Festimovie.brownpaper tickets. Battle of the New Year’s 3 val Jan 27, 2018 at 11 AM to com , Wednesday,December 27 Jan 28, 2018 at 8 AM 4545 E It’s A Wonderful Life at 9am-5pm, The Big Fres- Church Ave Fresno. This Hip(1946),Friday December 22 no Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave Hop event is being held to at 8pm-10.25pm. The Crest ,Fresno. BOTNY is a collab- honor the life of Lord Bizare68 Theatre Fresno, 1170 Broad- orative effort made by local and all artists who are no lonway Plaza, Fresno. Tickets bboy/bgirls to help uplit the ger with us. Bizare had a love itsawonderfullifethemovie. Fresno Breakin’ scene. All and passion for art, music, ages, Registration fee 30$/ family and fun. This is a time team , for more details G.Yang for all of us to come togeth er for this family event, peoElvis Christmas Dinner 5592869920 ple of all ages are welcome. Show with Jeremy”Elvis” There will be performers, Pearce at the Belmont Counaerosol artists painting live try club on Thursday Decemon the art wall, BBoy Vietnam ber 21 at 7pm-10pm. 8253 E Workshop, bboy/bgirl battle, Belmont Ave, Fresno.Dinner and show just 25$ reserva- Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm vendor booths, raffles and ArtHop occurs every 1st and a kids area. General Admistion reqd. 3rd Thursday of each month. sion: $5.00 advance tickets Shen-Yun 2018 (5000 years It’s one of the most active contact info 800.595.4849 of civilization reborn) Decem- and successful programs or- $10.00 at the door Chilber 26,Tuesday at 7.30pm ganized by the Fresno Arts dren 12 & Under are Free. and December 27 at 2pm Council. Art lovers and enthuEST. 730 M St,Fresno. Shen siasts from all walks of life Yun invites you to experience flock downtown Fresno and FRESNOFLYER.COM this divine culture of the the Tower District on the first




DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 |


10 | DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017





Theater Breaking Up is Hard To Do November 16 - January 7, 2018 The nostalgia, music, and laughter keep on rolling in this comedy as the cast belts out Neil Sedaka’s greatest hits including “Sweet Sixteen” “Where the Boys Are” and “Calendar Girl” just for starters! Rated PG. For more info gcp-shows/breaking-up-ishard-to-do/ The Hunchback of Notre Dame November 17-December 12 Tickets are available at or at the Selma Arts Center box office located at 1935 High Street, Selma, CA 93662. Box office hours are Tuesday–Friday, 1PM-6PM. Tickets are $19 for adults, $17 for seniors/ students. Tickets will also be available at the door for the same price, until sold out. Doors open half hour before show time. For information, call (559) 891-2238, email, or visit the Selma Arts Center website at selmaartscenter. com Ghostbusters 2(1989) at The Crest Theatre Fresno, Friday , December 29 at 8pm10.05pm, 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Tickets “CURIE ME AWAY! & Calculus: the Musical! in Fresno,Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 4 PM - 7 PM,Fresno Music Academy & Arts.1298 N. Wishon Ave., Fresno, ticktes STEMbased double feature!4:00: CURIE ME AWAY! A radioactive musical based on the science and life of Madame Marie Curie, a persistent woman who changed our understanding of the universe. Core chemistry concepts become lyrical metaphor in an award-winning biography of discovery (all ages, 60 minutes). 5:00: INTERMISSION 6:00: CALCULUS: THE MUSICAL! Isaac Newton joins forces with Ada, a modern math student, on a rollicking adventure through the peaks and troughs--and concepts and history--of Calculus. (all ages, 55 minutes).See BOTH acclaimed touring musicals back to back for just $15!

Kinky Boots on Broadway science, history and nature! Wednesday January 31 at Our park includes our beau7.30pm. Saroyan Theatre, tiful Deutsch Cactus Garden, 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets tick- Tortoise compound with Dino etmaster friends, Walden Pond and lots of space for kids to run, swing, have lunch and just be KIDS! (559) 251-5533 1944 N Winery Ave, Fresno. Admissions Adults $6 Children (3Visalia Adventure park. Ar- 17) $8 Seniors (65+) $5 Milcade, Family Track, Lazer itary Free Tag, Batting Cages and more 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, A Night at the Museum - Do 93277, 559-635-7275 You Want to Build a Snowman?! Friday, January 26, Winter Cartoon Camp , 2018 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM January 3 at ( 1pm ) and Jan- ImagineU Interactive Chiluary 5 at 4pm. Central Cali- dren’s Museum 210 N Tipton fornia Art Association 1015 St, Visalia Ticket Information J street, Modesto. Join the i m a g i n e u m u s e u m . z 2 s y s cartoon artist Patrick Barr for It will include lots an awesome winter break fun of activities and events asso.Topics will include character ciated with snowmen, private design ,comics , marker tech- time in the museum, a movie, niques,story telling,didgital dinner, snacks and a special drawing and much more! Tick- craft. This is a drop-off event, ets at eventbrite open to children 2-10 (as long as children are potty-trained). Sesame Street Live! Lets This popular event fills up Party ! Friday , January 12 at quickly! Spaces are limited, 6pm . Saroyan Theatre , 700 so sign up today! (Members: M St, Fresno . Jump to the $20 per child; Non-Members: beat on Sesame Street at an $25 per child) all new , interactive show that unfolds on one the worlds most famous streets at the funniest , furriest neighborhood! tickets at Ticketmaster Cubby Camp, on Wednesday Disney’s Frozen w/ Anna , December 27 at 9am Fresno & Elsa At The Hanford Fox Chaffee Zoo 894 W. Belmont Sat. 1/20!.Saturday, January Ave. Fresno. Each class will 20, 2018 at 2 PM - 4 PMp. include a tour of the Zoo and Fox Hanford,326 N Irwin St, an educational animal visit. A Hanford, Frozen is rated PG snack will be provided during and the running time is 109 the morning. Children must minutes,it is a 2013 Ameri- be potty trained. Please bring can 3D computer-animated a change of clothes. Morning musical fantasy film produced extended care is available for by Walt Disney Animation an additional fee. Extended Studios and released by Walt care in the afternoon is not Disney Pictures. tickets www. available for Campers. $33 per day for Member $36 per day for Non-members Disney On I ce presents 9:00am-12:00pm Follow Your Heart , Saturday February 3 at 3pm, Selland Shadow A Keeper Camp at Arena , 700 M St, Fresno . Fresno Chaffee Zoo,Wed, Dec 27th8:30am Fresno Chaffee Tickets by ticketmaster Zoo,894 West Belmont Ave Free Dental Event, Satuday Fresno, CA 93728.Monday, February 24 at 8am -4pm at Dec 18th to Friday, January Willow Dental Group, 6753 N 5th 2018 Tickets: $65 per Willow Ave, fresno. Celebrat- day for Members, $75 per day ing their 6th Annual Free Den- for Non-Member. tal Event ,Adults age +18 can choose a FREE fillin,Cleaning CArtHop, Thursday , Decemor Extraction. Don’t miss out ber 28th 11:00am-2:00pm,Mariposa Plaza,Mariposa and get in line early ! Way Fresno.CArtHop is the THE FRESNO DISCOVERY Downtown Fresno PartnerCENTER local Non Profit Park ship’s weekly gathering of the and Museum on 5 Acres and best local independent food we are still growing! Dedicat- trucks that the Valley has to ed to our visitors and giving offer! Join us for lunch! kids of ALL AGES a hands on experience with all things FRESNOFLYER.COM



ZooLights Thursday, December 28, 2017 ZooLights is back and better than ever! The entire Zoo is transformed into a magical holiday wonderland! The halls are decked, fully decorated and strung with miles of brilliant lights and holiday music. Ticket Information: (Children 1

and under arefree) Members: $7 adults, $5 children (ages 2-11) Non-Members: $9 adults, $7 children (ages 2-11) The Story of Ferdinand Storytime in Fresno,Saturday December 30at 11:00 AM,Barnes and Noble Book-

sellers.7849 North Blackstone Avenue ,Fresno. All the other bulls love to run and jump and butt their heads together, but not Ferdinand. He would rather sit and smell the flowers. Join us to find out how Ferdinand fares in this classic story, in theaters now.




DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 | 11

CALENDAR Horse Drawn Carriage Rides at Old Town Clovis. Sun, Dec 31st 1:00pm-4:00pm. Old Town Clovis ,Pollasky Clovis,Bring your friends and family to Old Town Clovis for our free Horse Drawn Carriage rides! Taking place every Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4pm through the weekend after Christmas. Catch the Carriage rides in front of EECU on Pollasky between Fourth and Fifth Street. Santa will also be in residence on a limited basis for photo opportunities!” Enzo’s Table Food Truck Fair,Sun, Dec 31st 10:30am2:30pm.Enzo’s Table,1959 N Willow Ave Clovis, ENZO’S TABLE has quickly been established as a popular weekend destination as numerous gourmet food trucks gather to serve scrumptious local fare! Chefs offer some of the town’s best eats, with menu selections that are unique and diverse. Many of the

fabulous cooks use ENZO’S TABLE produce and ENZO Organic Olive Oil, so you can taste first-hand delicacies prepared using Ricchiuti Family Farms’ finest. Once you have ordered, sit and enjoy your afternoon, taking in the scenic view of the P-R Farms orchards and the surrounding Sierra mountain tops. With a visit inside ENZO’S TABLE to cap off your outing, you can sample, shop and purchase the best the San Joaquin Valley has to offer. Cherry Avenue Auction Every Saturday & Tuesday 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Avenue Auction 4640 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, 93706 www. Fresno-Clovis Comic Con . Jan 21 ,11am-5pm. Ramada Fresno near Cal state, 324 East Shaw, Fresno. Tickets available at Wonderland Comics at 1409 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno.

Gardner- Junior Badge. Sat, January 27, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM .Clovis Botanical Garden,945 North Clovis Avenue,Clovis.Girl Scout Junior, how does your garden grow? Your Junior will find out what grows well in the Central Valley, visit a community garden. They will earn their badge while working with other Juniors from our council. Includes supplies, snacks and badge. Tickets www. Seussical The Musical on February 1-February 3 at 7pm at LJ Williams Theatre 1001 W Main St , Visalia. The musical combines the stories of Dr Suess with spectacular music and dance. Moscow Festival Ballet’s Cinderella at the Visalia Fox Theatre on Sunday Fbruary 4 at 1pm-4pm, 308 W main st , Visalia . Tickets Tickets go on sale on Decembr 12 at 10am ,

group and series discounts are availble . Youth and family tickets are are available for a discounted price . The Moscow Festival Ballet was founded in 1989 by former Bolshoi Ballet satr Sergei Radchenko, brings you a rag to riches cinderlla story , this exquisite timless ballet fostrs belief of a world where fairy tales really do come true !

3rd Annual Hanford Cow Run, Half Marathon and 5K on Sunday , February 4 at 7am-12pm.This race ia excellent for beginners and experienced runners , walkers are always welcome . For more information log onto to www.

Neon Countdown New Year’s Eve 2018 Party Sunday, December 31 at 8 PM - 2 AM Rainbow BallRoom 1725 Broadway St, Fresno. Largest 18+ New Year’s Eve Party and Countdown in The Valley” Sunday December 31st 2018 18+ W/ID 3K Balloon Drop Live Performers Insane Rock Climbing ,Sunday Lighting & Lasers Full Bar for February 25 at 10.30am- the 21+ w/Id Food Available 12.30pm . Metal Mark Climb- all night VIP Areas Available The Sound of Music ( Tour- ing &Fitness 4042 N Cedar Located Inside The Rainbow ing), Wednesday ,Maarch 14 Ave , Fresno . Call 3535247 Ballroom, Fresno CA. Limitat 7.30pm at Saroyan Theatre ed $15 Tickets on sale now. 700 M St, Fresno, tickets tick- PBR:Professional Bull Rid- etmaster. ers on Saturday, March 17 at 7pm at The Save Mart Center We’ll design, print and disFresyes Fest , Saturday , 2650 E Shaw Ave , Fresno tribute. We’ve got great rates March 24 , at 1pm-11pm . Tio- on bulk prints too 559-472ga sequoia Brewing Company, 7182 745 Fulton ST, Fresno . The Annual Block Party in Down3 Doors Down Acoustic – town Fresno promoting local Back Porch Jam Thursday, music, food and food trucks, DOIN’ TIME Tribute to Sub- January 25, 2018 at 7:30 PM vendors, and of course craft lime, ONEoz, Jan 5 at 8pm . - 9:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre beer! Always free to attend Strummer’s Fresno 833 E 308 W Main St, Visalia www. fern ave, fresno . Tickets www. and all ages. Meux Home Museum Tours Brad Paisley: Weekend WarFridays, Saturdays & Sundays Y&T , Tower Theatre on Jan- rior World Tour Friday, January 12:00pm-3:00pm 1007 R St. uary 19 Friday 7.30pm-10pm. 26, 2018 at 7 PM Save Mart at Tulare Fresno, CA 93721 815 E Olive Ave ,Fresno. Tick- Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, towertheatrefresno.tix. Fresno. The Meux Home Museum ets recaptures the flavor of Vic- com torian Fresno by presenting Tommy Castro & the Paina middle-class residence fur- Iration Heatseekers Win- killers: Stompin Ground CD nished in the period, as a rep- ter Tour 2018 at Rainbow Release Tour Friday, January resentative house museum. Ballroom Friday january 19 26, 2018 at 8:30 PM Show A costumed docent will lead 7pm-11.30pm. Tickets www. Map Fulton 55 875 Divisadeyou on a one hour tour of this ro St, Fresno www.ticketfly. restored urban dwelling of the com 1890’s. The architecture of The Fab Four , January 26 the Meux Home results in a Friday at 8pm-11pm at Towr New Kingston, The Late calculated restlessness that Theatre 815 E Olive Ave , Ones Sunday, January 28, makes the home as intriguing Fresno. Tickets towertheatre- 2018 at 8 PM - 12 AM Strumtoday as it was in its own day.… The ultimate mer’s 833 E Fern Ave, FresThe 10 rooms are furnished Beatles tribute no New more or less as a Victorian Kingston is a Progressive Regfamily might have had them - Cash’d Out, Strummers Jan- gae group the kitchen has a pie safe and uary Friday 19 at 8pm-12am the library; a portrait showing , strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave Queens of the Stone Age the young Dr. Meux on his way , Fresno. Tickets www.tick- Monday, January 29, 2018 at 8 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, to join the Confederate Army. Fresno. The Meux home was placed on the National Register of YDR Winter Jam 2017 Historic Places on January 14, Saturday, December 30 at 7 Miranda Lambert February PM - 12 AM The Fresno Fair- 9, 2018 Friday 7:00 PM Save 1975. grounds Fresno. We are excit- Mart Center 2650 East Shaw ed to announce our first YDR Avenue Fresno. Winter Jam featuring some of today’s hottest Hmong Amer- tobyMac: Hits Deep Tour Febican rappers in the game. ruary 13, 2018 Tuesday 7:00 Free Women’s Self Defense December 30th All Ages PM Save Mart Center 2650 Seminar, Jan 6 3pm-6pm. Doors open 7pm Agriculture East Shaw Avenue Fresno. Tickets Eventbrite, Fresno Building, Fresno Fairground School of Self Defense 3333 1121 S. Chance Ave. Fres- The Avett Brothers March W Sussex, Fresno. no, CA Artist Lineup: David 29, 2018 Thursday 7:30 PM Yang Vue Peter Shong Lee New Exhibit Hall 848 M Street Winter Basketball Camp- Deathrhyme LP & TL RARE Fresno. 6 Weeks, Breakaway Fitness Dress Code: Semi Formal and Athletics, 2960 N. Miami Strict Security with Fresno PD Calling All Promotors We Ave, Fresno, starts January $20 Advance / $25 at Door can help get you out there. 8th - February 14th. EVERY $50 VIP Single / VIP Table We’ll design, print and disMONDAY WEDNESDAY.Cost: Available Purchase your tick- tribute. We’ve got great rates $99,5:30-6:30pm—6-9yrs ets now @ http://buytickets. on bulk prints too 559-472old,6:30-7:30—10-13yrs old at/ydr 7182



12 | DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017




CALENDAR 21 & Over ONESIE & WAFFLES PARTY!December 30, 2017 @ 8:00 PM – December 31, 2017 @ 12:00 AM. Full Circle Brewing Co.620 F Street Fresno. Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut House hosts daily wine tastings, with appetizers and full menu items. (559) 432-4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, 93720 Daily 8am-8pm

lessons are free with admission. www.cellardoor101. com/event-calendar.html Event Info: (559) 636-9463 The Cellar Door 101 W. Main St. Visalia. Social Fridays @imperiofresno! Good Vibes This & Every Weekend. Don’t Miss Out on these great drink specials Drink Specials before 11pm $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, California. NYE 2018, Mezcal Lounge Sunday December 31 at 9am -4am . 1310 Van Ness Ave , Fresno. Tickets

The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/ Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance Lessons start at 8 pm; music and dancing follow every Tuesday night at The Cellar Door. Beginners’ lessons run Calling All Promotors We’ll from 8-8:45 pm, advanced design, print and distribute. lessons from 8:45-9:30 pm, 559-472-7182 and dancing follows. All dabce


Black & White New Years Ever Party Decembe 31st 9-1:45am $10 cover Strict dress code with black & white only! Lamp Liter Inn 3300 W. Mineral King, Visalia. Party Rock Promotion Presents - The Sounders - Fresno HNY @Imperio December 30, 2017 Saturday 9:00 PM Club Imperio 3950 North Cedar Avenue Fresno. Fresno Hmong New Year Saturday, December 30th, 2017. 21+, Dress to impress Doors open at 9PM - Performances will start at 11PM Ticketed Event - Will sell out! VIP Booths are available Contact 5597901237 for Info/Booking/Questions Harlem Nights New Year Eve Party Sunday, December 31 at 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM The Falls Event Center 4105 W Figarden Dr, Fresno. FOR

NEW YEARS EVE TICKETS GO TO Reverend Horton Heat, Igor and the Red Elvises, Voodoo, Jan 31 at 8pm . Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero st , Fresno. Tickets Pincheanera NYE 2018 , Sunday December 31 at 9pm-2am . Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St , Let’s Go Bowling, Los Hooligans at Fulton 55 Saturday December 30 at 9pm , 875 Divisadero St , Fresno. Tickets Tickets only $25! On Sale Now! Ring in 2018 at Chukchansi’s Red Carpet Gala! The New Years Eve celebration in Firehouse Lounge will include: Live music performed by Hindsite Countdown with a balloon drop and free party favors! Join us for a night full of excitement! Must be 21+ to attend

FAB presents Valentina Friday, January 19, 2018 at 8 PM - 2 AM FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Ave. Wine VS Beer Showdown Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Civic Center Auditorium 400 N Douty St, Hanford. www. This enjoyable wine, beer, and appetizer tasting event benefits Kings County Farm Bureau’s Ag Education Programs, including scholarships and Farm Day. This is a 21 and over event. It’s a fun evening supporting local youth and enjoy local wines, beers, and food.

BURN OUT: Cannabis, Art, Music,Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 4 PM - 9 PM.Tulare County Fair,620 South K Street, Tulare, Tickets www. open at 4pm // $20,620 S K St, Tulare.Vendor Booths: www. Calling All Promotors We New Years Eve Party Sunday, December 31 at 9 PM - 1:30 Calling All Promotors We’ll can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and disAM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RE- design, print and distribute. tribute. We’ve got great rates SORT & CASINO 711 Lucky 559-472-7182 on bulk prints too 559-472Ln, Coarsegold. chukchan7182



DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 | 13

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Con- ALL MALE HOT puses throughout the ment? When you can A Mini FORKLIFT. (559)227-6739 tact our trusted, local GO-KART DENTAL GAY HOOKUPS! valley. Programs vary rent a home. Beautiful Tr a i n - T h e - Tr a i n e r experts today! Our ser- Bike Tires - Clutches Call FREE! 800-546- by campus. Finan- and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- & INSURRe-Certification DENTAL INSUR- vice is FREE/no obli- - Chains - Sprockets. DENTAL 8918 only 18 and over cial aid is available rooms Available. Only Classes Available. Day ANCE. Call Physi- gation. CALL 1-855- Visit Jensen & Watts ANCE. Call Physi to those who qualify. $1000 month. Call to- & Night Classes Avail- cians Mutual Insur- 621-5373 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- cians Mutual InsurHABLAS ES- Call 866-388-7490 or day! 888-563-3003 no. (559) 255-0465 ance Company for able. $50 Discount to ance Company for PANOL? HOT Latino visit details. NOT just a Veterans. Visit CFTC. details. NOT just a STOP OVERPAYING Chat. Call FREE! 800- net For More Info. discount plan, REAL for your prescriptions! BIG SAVINGS on discount plan, REAL 936-4519 BOB’S MINI StorComputers, coverage for 350 proINSURANCE 559-325-8097 coverage for 350 pro- SAVE! Call our li- TVs, age - 1/2 off Fall Specensed Canadian and Phones and Tablets cedures. 844-848 cedures. 844-848 cials! Pay 2 months DENTAL INSUR- BE JOB READY In 5575 or http://www. International pharma- at TVGuyz. 50-70% 5575 or http://www. ANNOUNCEMENTS get 2 months FREE. ANCE. Call Physi- as few as 7 months! d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / cy, compare prices OFF Retail prices! d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / 6’x8’x10’ high only cians Mutual Insur- SJVC offers medical, fresno Ad# 6118 and get $25.00 OFF Shop TVGuyz 4842 N fresno Ad# 6118 O C C A S I O N A L $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ ance Company for business, and technical your first prescription! Blackstone Ave. (559) house cleaning $18 high only $21.50/ details. NOT just a programs at campuses CALL 1-800-291- 493-8403 hour. Call (559) 432- mo. (average cost discount plan, REAL throughout the val- MISCELLANEOUS 6572 Promo Code FURNITURE 5050 per month with free coverage for 350 pro- ley. Programs vary by CDC201625 RIDING MOWER months factored in) cedures. Tires & Tubes. Visit BOB’S MINI Stor844-848- campus. Financial aid BE JOB READY In YOUR NEW Career Free moving truck! 5575 or http://www. is available to those DENTAL INSUR- Jensen & Watts 516 age - 1/2 off Fall Speas few as 7 months! Starts Here. Health & Bob’s Mini Storage d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / who qualify. Call 866ANCE. Call Physi- N. Chestnut, Fresno. cials! Pay 2 months SJVC offers medical, Beauty. Financial aid 5280 N. Barcus Fresno fresno Ad# 6118 cians Mutual Insur- (559) 255-0465 388-7490 get 2 months FREE. business, and technical for those who qualify. 93722 (559) 275-4000 ance Company for 6’x8’x10’ high only programs at campuses Employment services Se Habla Espanol details. NOT just a VINTAGE cloth- $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ throughout the valfor graduates. No High discount plan, REAL ing & accessories at high only $21.50/ PERSONALS EMPLOYMENT ley. Programs vary by School Diploma or A PLACE FOR coverage for 350 pro- BeBe O’s in Tower. mo. (average cost campus. Financial aid GED? Call Milan, we MOM. The nation’s MEET SINGLES in O C C A S I O N A L cedures. 844-848- We also carry vintage per month with free is available to those can help! 1-888-216- largest senior living your area. Real Hook- house cleaning $18 5575 or http://www. items & furnishings. months factored in) who qualify. Call 8661797 MilanInstitute. referral service. Con- ups Real Fast. Try it hour. Call (559) 432d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / Come check out the Free moving truck! 388-7490 or visit sjvc. edu tact our trusted, local FREE! Ahora en Es- 5050 fresno Ad# 6118 inventory! 1130 N. Bob’s Mini Storage edu. experts today! Our ser- panol 18+ (559)761 Wishon Ave. Fresno. 5280 N. Barcus Fresno NEED A LOAN? Let vice is FREE/no obli- 0162 LICENSED Re- 93722 (559) 275-4000 HAIR GO-KART Mini-Bike LARGE VARIETY (559)445-1928 us help you get the gation. CALL 1-855CUTTER WANTED Repair & Service. Vis- of Bearings - Sprock- ceive $5 off your $25 Se Habla Espanol money you need! No 621-5373 SELLING SOMEBusy Shop. 1224 W it Jensen & Watts 516 ets - Drive Compo- purchase. application. No credTHING? Under $300 Shields Ave, Fresno. N. Chestnut, Fresno. nents. Visit Jensen & SELLING SOMEit check. Call Dean’s SELLING SOMEWatts 516 N. Chest- GOT A CAR? Got THING? List it for list it for FREE. Send Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun (559) 255-0465 Coins for more in- THING? List it for nut, Fresno. (559) 255- some free time? Drive only $10 issue 472it to info@fresnoflyer. 8-5. Call SHIELDS & formation (559) 264- only $10 issue 4720465 with Uber. Call 855- 7182 com WEST Barber Shop 7182 4653 652-0777 (559)227-6739 SUPPORT LOCAL





DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 | 15

CLASSIFIEDS ANTIQUE smoking stand; has indentaCLOTHING & tion for ashtray on ACCESSORIES both the top and the shelf below; excellent VINTAGE clothcondition; made of ing & accessories at walnut (think); size is BeBe O’s in Tower. 10” square by 29” tall We also carry vintage (559) 269-9079 items & furnishings. Come check out the VINTAGE 1984 Met- inventory! 1130 N. ANTIQUES & al Pink Panther And Wishon Ave. Fresno. COLLECTIBLES Sons Lunch Box - $10 (559)445-1928 ReNO TEXT 559-264- ceive $5 off your $25 GE SPEAKER 12” $60 (hanford) Sounds 0085 purchase. Great 559-499-3699 ANTIQUE RECORD SELLING SOMEANTIQUE portable PLAYER “SONORA” THING? List it for Singer sewing ma- IT PLAYS GREAT!! only $10 issue 472chine. Works good, ASKING $85 CALL 7182 Great condition. BETWEEN 6am-7pm $75.00. Call 559-246- 559-855-2402. ASK SUPPORT LOCAL FOR BOB 1203.No Texts. BIG SAVINGS on TVs, Computers, Phones and Tablets at TVGuyz. 50-70% OFF Retail prices! Shop TVGuyz 4842 N Blackstone Ave. (559) 493-8403

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BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Fall Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol


WEBER SPIRIT natural gas grill / barbecue / BBQ for sale. Starter button is the only thing not working (just use a candle lighter). Other than that it’s in great condition. Asking $200 obo. Ryan (951) 514-5061 PROPANE WALL furnace heater $350 559-676-0196 Model number dv-35ELECTRONICS 2sg Width: 37” Height: 27-3/4” BIG SAVINGS on Depth: 11-1/2” TVs, Computers, Phones and Tablets MAYTAG FREEZ- at TVGuyz. 50-70% ER. Works perfect- OFF Retail prices! ly. Very Clean. $199 Shop TVGuyz 4842 N (559) 307-6835 Blackstone Ave. (559) 493-8403 KENMORE top- mount refrigerator REPAIRS - TVGuyz for $299.99. Comes offers iPhone/Comwith a 30-day war- puter/Game System/ ranty and an in-store Tablet Repairs with labor warranty. De- 90 day warranty. Call livery also available. (559) 493-8403 info (559) 441-1117. SUPPORT LOCAL

KICKER SOLAR JOHN DEERE 2955 baric sub - L7 new in good clean tractor no YARD WORK box $200 obo 578- oil leaks new batteries 2196 ready to go $17000 JW CLEAN-UP SER obo (559) 287-0118 VICES. Estate Sale KENWOOD flip flop Cleanups. Yard, Trash, face CD player 9013 RIDING MOWER Construction cleanup, $175 obo 578-2196 Tires & Tubes. Visit rubbish, trees & demo, Jensen & Watts 516 rentals, lots, apartKENWOORD 200 N. Chestnut, Fresno. ments & forclosures. watt 4 channel amp (559) 255-0465 We do it all Just Call! $200 obo 578-2196 (550)307-4304 ask for 2011 KUBOTA rtv James WE LOAN & Buy 1100 with 2000 hours TV’s & Electronics. diesel 4 by 4 hydraulic LAWN SERVICE. Call Dean’s Coins dump bed Runs good Cleanups, Fertiliz(559) 264-4653 serviced regular , just er, New Saw, Lawn replaced fuel injection Spraying, Sprinkler pump due to smoking Repair & Lawn ReFARM & GARDEN brand new, rtv has seeding. Call for a heater and ac and tow Free Estimate! 559 ECHO WEED-TRIM- hitch Asking 8500 696-5149 or 559-275MER (SRM200DA) obo call or text 559- 7630 660-9499 $50 284-8893 CRAFTSMAN mow- HONDA commercial HAULING er with bag $50 (559) generator $300 (559) 286-9699 547-7661 JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate CHAINSAW chain & Sale Cleanups. Yard, Garden Tool SharpTOOLS Trash, Construction ening. Visit Jensen & cleanup, rubbish, trees Watts 516 N. Chest- ECHO CHAIN saw & demo, rentals, lots, nut, Fresno. (559) 255- $150 (Kerman) (559) apartments & forclo0465 800-5118 sures. We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 CHAINSAW chain & ask for James Garden Tool Sharp- ening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chest- LAWN & GARDEN nut, Fresno. (559) 2550465 LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, FertilizRIGID 42” bolt cut- er, New Saw, Lawn ters $50 (madera) Spraying, Sprinkler 530-354-1868 Repair & Lawn Re seeding. Call for a RIDING MOWER Free Estimate! 559Tires & Tubes. Visit 696-5149 or 559-275Jensen & Watts 516 7630 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 CHAINSAW CHAIN & Garden Tool Sharp2-BLAND NEW ening. Visit Jensen & KERSHAW KNIVES Watts 516 N. ChestPICO 3470 $40 559- nut, Fresno. (559) 287-3455 255-0465 LARGE VARIETY RIDING MOWER of Bearings - Sprock- Tires & Tubes. Visit ets - Drive Compo- Jensen & Watts 516 nents. Visit Jensen & N. Chestnut, Fresno. Watts 516 N. Chest- (559) 255-0465 nut, Fresno. (559) 255- 0465 BIKES WORK BENCH w/ Tool box & cabinet GIRLS bike fro4 drawers 48”W zen theme. For ages x 20”D x 34”H 3&4. Great condition. $120.00 (559) 289- Please text Sarah at 9321 559-360-8675. $15

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16 | DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017




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SELLING SOMETHING? List it for only $10 issue 4727182


(Sanger) SELLING SOMETHING? List it for only $10 issue 4727182


APARTMENT for rent 1145 E. Clinton 1bd 1ba $600 deposit $620 month. 6462804 or 451-1100 for more information. Se renta apartamento una recamara $620 al mes $600 deposito.

$899 / 1br - 675ft2 THE SCOTTSMEN APARTMENTS 2777 Willow Ave (559) 292-4755 No Application Fees - $200 Deposit to Hold your apartment while we work through the application & credit check process. Once approved the $200 holding deposit will be applied to your security deposit!

$825 / 1br - 708ft2 - Lovely Upstairs Apartment! We pay ROOM FOR RENT Water, Sewage, Trash Garden Villa Apartments 289 W. Santa FRESNO/ASHLAN Ana, Clovis 93612 Large room like a studio. Single or Cou(559) 291-4305 ple, no kids. $700/mo Habla $1040 / 2br - 935ft2 - $500/deposit WELCOME HOME! Espanol Call (559) 2BED 2BATH, NEW- 400-1500 LY RENOVATED, RENTING your W&D HOOK-UPS! Pet Friendly 559-292- house? List it here for 1000 4092 N. Chest- only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 nut Diagonal


SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182

3BR - 1200ft2 HOUSE FOR RENT 3/2 1,200 SF $1250 (Madera) Living WHY RENT an room, dining room, reapartment? When $1050 / 2br - LPM - modeled kitchen with you can rent a home. 1524 N Glenn Avenue new range hoods, new Beautiful and Roomy paint cabinets, Cen(559) 444-0934 2 & 3 Bedrooms tral heat & Air, mstr Available. Only $1000 bath shower, new tile RENTING your month. Call today! home? List it here for throughout the house, 888-563-3003 only $20 per issue. new carpet and new paint interior. (559) ROOM FOR Rent. Call (559) 472-7182 940-9209 Single room for single PLACE FOR person. Kitchen priv- A ileges and parking for MOM. The nation’s a car. No alcohol or largest senior living HOUSES FOR SALE drugs allowed. $335 referral service. Con- HOME a month $25 cleaning tact our trusted, local MOBILE deposit. No calls after experts today! Our ser- Arabian Villa 55+ 7 pm. Available De- vice is FREE/no obli- Community in Clovis. cember 1st. Call Louis gation. CALL 1-855- 2bd 1bth some up621-5373 grades. $13,000 Firm 559-519-5146 (559) 291-8651 2 BDRM/1 bath with detached room. large MOVE IN READY HOUSES FOR lot $1050 text or 3BR/2BA (Bullard/Fig RENT call 559-8247542 no Garden) David Carras WHY RENT an apart- section 8/no pets/ no co 559-259-1649 All State Homes Realment? When you can evections - 1000ft2 tor BRE# 02028365 rent a home. Beautiful SELLING your and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only home? List it here for $1000 month. Call to- only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 day! 888-563-3003



$1525 / 4br - 1827ft2 4BD/2BA, A/C, Hardwood Floors (559) 432-3111

MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! (559) 8982088 or (888) 5633003

MOVE IN READY 3BR/2BA (Bullard/Fig Garden) David Carrasco 559-259-1649 All State Homes Realtor BRE# 02028365


MOBILE HOME Arabian Villa 55+ Community in Clovis. 2bd 1bth some up$205000 / 3br - 1530ft grades. $13,000 Firm Nice 3 Bedroom, 2 (559) 291-8651 Bathroom. Large lot with Jungle Gym in MANUFACTURED backyard. The tran- Homes in a Gated quil rear yard is a great Community. Homes place to relax with its starting at $59,000. covered patio. Has Owner financing, low both a living room and down payments, comfamily room (may be petitive interest rates. able to be converted to Veterans let us help a 4th bedroom). Very you with a $2,500 clean and well-main- grant towards the tained home. Brand down payment on a new Central Heat and home! Call Willows of Cool Unit. call 559- Santiago today (559) 349-2543 898-2088 or (888) 563-3003 SELLING your home? List it here for SUPPORT LOCAL Call (559) 472-7182



A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855621-5373 BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Fall Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $19/mo - 6’x10’x10’ high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 275-4000 FRESNO FLYER Reaches thousands every month. Start running your ad for as little as $20 per issue. Call or email us for a free consultation 559472-7182

DECEMBER 14 & 21, 2017 | 17

AUTOMOTIVE GOOD condition 2000 trail-lite 18ft CARS about one year old. sleeps7 easily EveryRed color. Manuel thing works refrigYAMAHA warrior Wheelchair also OBO erator stove convec- 2008 MITSUBISHI 350 $1300 (Sanger) ( 559)709-4729 $900 tion oven AC heater GALANT $3900 559559-374-7759 Has rear full bed has 451-7959 2008 Honda a removable sec- 2011 Toyota Camry 2007 KAWASAKI CBR600RR $3500 tional Dinette forms LE low miles $6700 kfx700 for sale auto- (559) 960-0856 a king bed. Very (559) 548-2565 matic it has lots off lightweight weighs power i have pink 2000 Kawasaki ninja 2700lbs And its easi- KIA 2006 spectral slip in hand with tags 750 $3500 559-346- ly pulled with any V6 $3000 Clean title wit until 2019 askin 3100 9953 Asking $5,500 80000 miles. Smog or possible trade for open to offers ready tag and regisequipment trailer -tool 1996 TITAN custom Call for info tration current call box with tools, mack- $5500 (Merced) (209) 559 612 4235 5595487141 snapon. call for info 769-2477 559-284-6272 04 JAYFLIGHT 27ft GO-KART MINI Bunkhouse sleeps9 AUTO SERVICES GO-KART Mini Bike Tires - Clutches $7500 559-400-4640 Bike Tires - Clutches - Chains - Sprockets. BRAKES, Tires, - Chains - Sprockets. Visit Jensen & Watts 1998 24’ Sierra Toy- Wheels, Complete Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- hauler $5800 obo. Auto Repair. Call Pay516 N. Chestnut, Fres- no. (559) 255-0465 Pink slip in hand. Not less Brakes & Tires no. (559) 255-0465 interested in trades. (559) 237-5377 100 gal fresh water. 2006 SUZUKI LTZ 45 gal Gray and 45 GO-KART Mini-Bike RVS 250 Quad - only 58 gal black. No genera- Repair & Service. Vishours! $2700 Call Jeff BOB’S MINI Stor- tor. Everything works. it Jensen & Watts 516 @ 559-760-313 eight. age - 1/2 off Fall Spe- 559-349-8317 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 cials! Pay 2 months SANDRAIL $3800 get 2 months FREE. 2003 MALLARD 21 (Kingsburg) (559) 6’x8’x10’ high only Foot Travel Trailer 351-2357 $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ $5450 209-425-6463 TRUCKS high only $21.50/ 1987 SUZUKI LT mo. (average cost VINTAGE TRAIL- BRAKES, Tires, 250 quad racer $2500 per month with free ER Aristocrat $3800 Wheels, Complete (559) 385-8503 months factored in) Front end rebuilt,new Auto Repair. Call Pay Free moving truck! counter. Front double less Brakes & Tires GO-KART Mini-Bike Bob’s Mini Storage bed, back double bed (559) 237-5377 Repair & Service. Vis- 5280 N. Barcus Fresno and bunk, Tons of storit Jensen & Watts 516 93722 (559) 275-4000 age. Chalkboard door. SUPPORT LOCAL N. Chestnut, Fresno. Se Habla Espanol Dry Weight 2250, 16 BUSINESS (559) 255-0465 feet long. Registered 2006 THOR Sum- in California. Call or mit 24’ Travel Trailer text to see (559) 341MOTORCYCLES $7900 (559) 273-7695 3156


2003 softail/trade $5900 (Hanford) (559) 704-1447


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