Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 14

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EDITOR’S NOTE “Marijuana is a gateway drug” man, I thought that died along with the bleached tips and metallic-everything of the 90s. I find it absolutely fascinating that people still say this, and even more so that they vehemently believe it as if it were some immutable truth. It’s like they closed off research, news, and testimonials after the turn of the century with some D.A.R.E. inspired filter over themselves. It’s as if they’re immune to hard truths… like this little nugget of information - There is no gateway drug, there just isn’t. (a strong case could be made for opioids, but opioids tend to spark a need for an opioid-like high and nothing else) Here’s another one - certain people have an untapped, yet waiting to be triggered, disease called ‘addiction.’ It’s not that marijuana magically turned a sweet, law-abiding, bill-paying, citizen into a drug fiend, it’s more likely that they had a genetic predisposition for addiction that was awakened by the experience. Just because the fire was stoked by cannabis doesn’t mean it was the sole culprit - that’s just giving it entirely more power than it deserves. Anything could have set it off, i.e., alcohol (perfectly legal and easy to obtain), the rainbow medley of pain medications (perfectly legal and easy to obtain), a romantic relationship, etc. Let’s be honest, how many addicts


| JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018



are out there turning tricks on the street just for a dime bag? That’s a little harsh, but it seemed like an appropriate attempt at putting some perspective on this matter. There are plenty of good people who smoke marijuana just like there are plenty of good people who drink alcohol. (and to be fair, there are also plenty of good people who are addicts - they just happen to be struggling with something not many of us are fully equipped to understand. But that’s a different conversation for a different day) The point is, meth, heroin, crack, opioids… these things are a danger to society that will drive the best of us to our knees with addiction whether we were predisposed for it or not. Hell, even alcohol walks a little too close to that line for many. Marijuana falls low on the totem pole for the things we need to seriously worry about. We’re headed into a year of great debate as each of our respective communities tries to figure out the best way to handle Prop 64 - and just so we’re clear, it’s not going to disappear, so trying to maintain a total ban will only going to last for so long. The more we’re educated about the commercial marijuana industry, the better we can engage in meaningful conversation with our lawmakers. But we first have to be willing to open ourselves up to a variety of information, not just those that agree with us.






s of January 1st, medical and recreational (adult use) marijuana became legal in the state of California. Per the Prop 64 measure, adults over the age of 21 can now consume, purchase, possess, and grow cannabis without the fear of prosecution so long as they are within the regulation of the new law… and in accordance with any other policies put in place by the city with which they reside. However, for any business looking to get into the marijuana industry gold rush, things are a little bit more complicated.

QUICK FACTS The state of California now allows for adults over the age of 21 to possess up to 1 oz of marijuana for personal consumption. Each household (not person) may contain up to 6 plants. However, the rules of growing are likely to differ between cities. As a general rule, plants are to be grown indoors, and they should not be visible to others outside your household. Smoking in public is prohibited under the ballot measure of Prop 64 unless allowed by a local ordinance - in other words, don’t smoke it just anywhere, fines may occur. Businesses may begin their application process with the Bureau of Cannabis Control in Sacramento so long as they have received a permit from the city they plan to operate in. Each municipality can determine their own rules and regulations as to how commercial cannabis will coexist in their communities, if at all. Cities still hold the final ruling on whether or not marijuana businesses can operate within their jurisdiction. So, what does all this mean for Central Valley residents and entrepreneurs? The short version is, it’s murky - there are more questions than answers as of yet - however, the long version can help give insight as to what to expect in the coming months.

marijuana will come with some additional conditions that will vary according to the city of residence. In an article by the Madera Tribune, it stated that Madera growers will need to obtain a permit from the city which will need to be displayed in plain view at the residence where the growing will occur. Failure to do so could result in a $1,000 fine per plant or possibly, per day. Renters who would like to grow in their residence would need written permission from their landlord before applying for a permit with the city. Farmersville disallows growing outside which forces residents to grow indoors - this will also require a permit. “Now residents will have to obtain a City-issued permit and inspection if they are going to grow marijuana inside. The mayor added the permit is meant to ensure that electrical component and lighting are up to code and that there is not any mold where they are growing it.” (Paul Myers, The Foothills Sun-Gazette) At the time this article was written, no other city had yet to implement an ordinance surrounding personal growing. That said, no matter how a city decides to regulate growing in their area, it cannot take away an individual’s right to grow indoors. Adults over 21 may also purchase

cannabis and cannabis products from licensed retail outlets for recreational use. Patients who use medicinal marijuana may visit either a recreational or medical dispensary; however, medicinal marijuana will be exempt from paying the hefty (yet minimum) 15% sales tax. “Proposition 64 would allow the state to impose a 15% excise tax on the retail sale of marijuana. Also, the state would be able to levy a cultivation tax on growers of $9.25 per ounce for flowers and $2.75 per ounce for leaves. The ballot measure also would let cities and counties to impose their own taxes to cover costs of services, including enforcement.” (Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times) Expect the price of cannabis to fluctuate from city to city, or from county to county. Although the cultivation tax only affects commercial growers, it’s likely that those costs will be passed down to the consumer. However, locating a retail cannabis dispensary is going to be the real challenge.

WHERE TO BUY As each city is in different stages of deciding how they’ll handle commercial marijuana, recreational dispensaries may not yet be either approved or available to consumers.



Possess up to 1 ounce.

Grow up to 6 plants per household. (some cities require a permit)

Legal age is 21

No public smoking

Green Bean Pharm Woodlake, recreational dispensary opening in late February

Farmersville, Merced, and Woodlake allows for recreational dispensaries

Although adult use is now legal, finding a recreational dispensary will be difficult for Central Valley residents as many cities have moved to ban recreational operations, Fresno, Clovis, and Visalia among them. Farmersville, Coalinga, Hanford, Merced, and Woodlake are the first cities, so far, to allow commercial marijuana operations for either manufacturing or sales, and in some instances, both. “But Woodlake - a town of less than 8,000 people about 15 miles northeast of Visalia in Tulare County - has pushed forward at breakneck speed, going from idea to ordinance to the approval of two companies’ dispensary proposals in less than six months. City leaders hope to unlock a treasure trove of tax revenue, which can be used to beef up a thinning public service budget and attract customers to a blip on the map found well off the beaten path.” (Rory Appleton, The Fresno Bee) Green Bean Pharm, formerly a medical cannabis delivery service only, is set to open their new recreational marijuana complex in February.

Central Valley residents can lean on statewide rules regarding their right to consume, possess, and purchase cannabis. However, growing | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

continues on page 4... | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | B&S | CLASSIFIEDS |


JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 |


SPOTLIGHT \\ CANNABIS ...‘Recreational Marijuana’ cont’d from pg 3 SETTING UP SHOP While some cities have approved commercial operations, not all have OK’d recreational sales. If you’re looking to get into the game as a dispensary, you’ll need to start off with the understanding that your options will be limited. Only Merced, Farmersville, and Woodlake have given the green light to recreational sales. Those looking to jump in as growers or manufacturers can look to Coalinga who is still accepting permit applications. More information can be found at under the ‘Business’ tab.

FRESNO - A JOURNEY FROM TOTAL BAN TO OPEN MIND Fresno voted in the 12/14 City Council meeting 7-0 to begin the steps in allowing medical marijuana dispensaries within city limits along with cultivation, manufacturing, delivery, testing, and processing - all limited to medicinal purposes only. The original text amendment included commercial operations open to both medical and recreational marijuana. After a tense debate from City Council and passionate testimonies from the public, City

Council Member Steve Brandau motioned to revise the amendment to limit all commercial cannabis operations to that for medicinal purposes only, Garry Bredefeld seconded the motion. Council President, and co-sponsor of the amendment, Clint Olivier, declined the revision before ultimately voting ‘yes’ alongside the rest of the council. The vote does not immediately translate to an open application process for those seeking a permit to open a dispensary, but rather to begin the conversation and research into creating the rules and regulations that will allow medical marijuana sales in the future. With the total ban in place, City Council would have been unable to approach the topic with any real meaning. At least with the new amendment, Fresno can move forward on deciding what medical marijuana operations could look like within city limits. To help them draft the ordinances, the city has set aside a budget to hire a consulting firm to “sit with professional city staff, our professional city planners and determine how many dispensaries are needed by this community, where should they go, who should the operators be, [and] how we select the operators,” said Olivier during the 12/14 City Council meeting. Both sides of the argument were present during the discussion as members of the public took to the dais. Law officials rebuked the statement made by procannabis - that by allowing legal marijuana, the black market would disappear - arguing

that the imposed taxes would raise costs significantly and drive those who could not afford legal cannabis back to the black market. However, they provided no counters to any claims made by the medical marijuana community which consisted of relief for symptoms of cancer, physical pain, anxiety, and insomnia to name a few. It is perhaps, the driving reason behind the City Council’s move to revisit the total ban. It is what helped Fresno Police Chief, Jerry Dyer, change his tune on the topic of medical marijuana, after all. “I do have mixed feelings about medical marijuana, I really do. And I can tell you that my feelings have changed over the years after listening to some of the stories that have been told here, from the individuals I’ve talked to and I do believe that there are individuals out there that have a legitimate need for medicinal marijuana [and] I support that, I really do,” he stated during the 12/14 City Council meeting. However Dyer’s outlook has changed on medical cannabis, the Police Chief still firmly opposes recreational marijuana on all fronts. It will likely be several months before Fresno sees any drafts on the regulating of how medical marijuana is commercially grown, cultivated, processed, manufactured, distributed, and sold within the city. Expect more passionate City Council debates to follow as Fresno works to reconcile differences locally with County regulations and nationally, federal law still

Courtesy of


| JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018



classifies marijuana as an illegal substance.

LEGAL - SORT OF… Just days after California legalized pot, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, decided to rescind the Obama-era policy that kept the federal government’s heavy hand out of states’ marijuana laws. Still considered an illegal substance on the federal level, the Obama Administration’s policy allowed each state to decide for themselves on whether or not to legalize and regulate marijuana generally barring federal law enforcement officials from interfering with sales in states where cannabis was legal. “In 2013, President Barack Obama’s attorney general advised prosecutors not to waste money targeting pot growers and sellers that were abiding by state laws but to go after flagrant violations such as trafficking across state lines or selling to minors. Under this policy, several states legalized recreational pot, growers and sellers had begun to drop their guard over fears of a federal crackdown and the business blossomed into a sophisticated, multimillion-dollar industry feeding state government programs with tax dollars.” (Brian Melley and Sadie Gurman, Associated Press) With the shift in federal policy, some investors are skirting the cannabis industry by either choosing to wait out the storm or by leaving it altogether for fear of increased marijuana prosecutions. However, members of Congress - both Democrats and Republicans - are pushing back with the claim that the turnover not only violates states’ rights but it is also destructive and backwards. Sessions’ move also goes against the will of the people. “According to a 2017 Gallup poll, 64 percent of Americans support legalizing cannabis for adult use, including a majority of Republicans. And a poll conducted by Marists indicates that 83 percent of Americans support legalizing cannabis for medical purposes.” (Eric Brakey, CNBC) It’s unclear how the federal level decision will affect each of the states moving forward, but it’s clear that the marijuana industry won’t be fighting it alone. So much remains ambiguous about the regulated future of legalized pot in California, even more so in the Central Valley. As some cities are still waiting to make their final decision, others have banned it outright, and Fresno is soon to embark on the unique challenge of writing new policies for medical marijuana businesses, from growing all the way to sales - but one thing is clear, and that it is going to make for a busy yet very interesting 2018.


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts Cannabis style

1. The word “canvas” is related to the word “cannabis.” Historically, canvases were made of hemp.

6. The first ball dropping celebration atop One Times Square was held on December 31, 1907. 7. Several studies indicate that both alcohol and smoking are more harmful than marijuana. Marijuana is also much less harmful than other “hard” drugs, such as cocaine and heroin.

11. Someone would have to smoke over 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about 15 minutes to die of a lethal overdose. In other words, dying from a weed overdose is nearly impossible. 12. In The Evil Dead, the original script called for all the characters to be smoking marijuana when they are first listening to the tape. The actors decided to try this for real, and the entire scene had to be later re-shot due to their uncontrollable behavior.

8. The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung. 2. Scientists have found that a marijuana compound can The emperor documented the drug’s effectiveness in treatfreeze and stop the spread of some types of aggressive ing the pains of rheumatism and gout. 13. Marijuana seeds are a source of all amino acids. They cancer. are one of only a handful of substances that man can 9. During the temperance movement of the 1890s, mar- sustain off indefinitely with no other food and provide all 3. Both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington grew known amino acids. hemp on their plantations. The British crown even ordered ijuana was commonly recommended as a substitute for alcohol. The reason for this was that use of marijuana did the colonists to grow the plant. not lead to domestic violence while alcohol abuse did. 14. Pot plants are so common in Bhutan that they are seen as a pest, and virtually no one smokes them. 4. According to the U.N., 158.8 million people around They are found along roadsides, in forests and even 10. From 1850 to 1942, marijuana was listed in the United the world use marijuana, which is over 3.8% of the world’s growing out of cracks in pavement. They are said to be States Pharmacopoeia as a useful medicine for nausea, population. rheumatism, and labor pains and was easily obtained at the more common than grass. Much of the cannabis is used to feed livestock. local general store or pharmacy. 5. Since the legalization of marijuana in the Colorado, highway fatalities have hit a historic low. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 |



| JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018




EATS 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1. Chop, eat, repeat. Not into cooking? Simply buy whatever looks good, wash it, cut 1 tablespoon honey into slices and enjoy, perhaps dipping it into salad dressing or a yogurt dip. 1 teaspoon mustard 2. Shop the frozen-food aisle. Delicious and easy-to-prepare frozen foods such as DiGiorno pizzeria! thin Margherita pizza or Lean Cuisine Ricotta Cheese & Spinach Ravioli provide your family plenty of wholesome meals without requiring lengthy prep time. Simply pair with tasty side dishes made with fruits and vegetables for a balanced meal. 3. Divide and conquer. Each Sunday night mix your favorite veggies into a big salad bowl with a cover, combining Romaine and iceberg lettuce with darker green varieties and throwing in other tasty ingredients that will motivate you to want more; consider slices of grilled meat or shrimp, boiled eggs, or small amounts of nuts, cheeses, dried fruit, etc. Then divide the mix into individual plastic containers for the week’s lunches. 4. Top it off. As soon as your favorite frozen pizza comes out of the oven, boost its nutrient punch by adding pieces of fresh tomato, basil, pineapple, spinach or arugula.

You Need More Fruits and Veggies: 5 Easy Ways to Get There (BPT) - Most Americans understand the importance of including a variety of fruits and vegetables into their diets, but finding inspiration and fresh ideas for incorporating them into everyday meals can be challenging. Research shows that only 10 percent of Americans are meeting the MyPlate recommendations for daily intake of fruits and veggies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As a rule of thumb, half the foods you eat for any given meal should be made up of fruits and veggies - preferably ones incorporating a range of different colors and nutrients. Daily meal planning is made easier if you turn to your freezer for a little help. Balancing your plate with frozen meals and pizzas and adding fresh side dishes is a sim-

ple solution that can help make you feel good about what you’re eating, even with a hectic schedule. Choose your favorite frozen prepared foods and pizzas as the foundation, add side dishes made with fresh fruit and vegetables and you have a balanced meal that is both delicious and nutritious. Nestle’s Balance Your Plate educational program aims to help you put together delicious and nutritious meals that incorporate frozen and fresh foods. The website,, provides information, tips and recipes to help consumers create easy, balanced meals that meet dietary guidelines. Here are some quick and easy tips for including more fruits and veggies in your diet:


Salt and pepper to taste Instructions * Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. * Slice the pears vertically and scoop out the seeds with a spoon or melon baller. Spread the walnut halves on one side of the baking sheet and layer the pear slices on the other. Place in the oven for about 5 minutes, toss the nuts and flip the pears. Continue roasting for an additional 5 minutes. * Make the dressing by whisking together the olive oil, lemon juice, honey and mustard until fully combined. Season with salt and pepper. * Assemble the salad by adding the arugula to a large bowl or platter. Top with the roasted pear slices, sprinkle on the walnuts and drizzle with the dressing.

5. Stir it in. Add complementary veggies to Simple Kale Salad your favorite comfort food, like Stouffer’s Mac & Cheese. Suggested stir-ins: roasted Pairs well with Lean Cuisine Ricotta Cheese broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots or but- & Spinach Ravioli ternut squash. (Recipe from Loop88) Nestle’s Balance Your Plate offers two delicious side dish recipes that, when served with Recipe your favorite frozen prepared foods, create a perfectly balanced meal you and your family 2 medium bunches kale, stemmed and will love. roughly chopped

Arugula and Roasted Pear Salad with Toasted Walnuts

4 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Pairs well with DiGiorno pizzeria! thin Mar1 small red onion, thinly sliced gherita (Recipe from Hungry Couple of Tasting 1/4 cup feta cheese crumbles Spoon Media) Sea salt Recipe 3/4 cup chopped walnuts 4 cups arugula Instructions 2 pears Dress kale with olive oil, apple cider vinegar and sea salt, then top with red onion, feta 1/2 cup chopped walnuts cheese and toasted walnuts. Dressing: For more recipes, information and meal ideas, visit 1/4 cup olive oil



JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 |


COMMUNITY \\ Johnny Cash Tribute Benefits FCC Free Food Assistance Program by Buck Ray |


aturday, February 3, 2018, at 8:00 pm The Only Cash Tribute Band will be performing a tribute to the legend Johnny Cash at the Fresno City College Auditorium in the old Administration Building. In 1990 Danny Millsap had the great pleasure of seeing Johnny Cash live in concert in Fresno, California. He had always been a fan of the Johnny Cash style of country music and the mystery he brought to the stage, and after seeing him in concert, he was hooked. Danny formed The Only Cash Tribute Band, and they are doing their part to keep the music of the legend Johnny Cash alive. On bass guitar will be Mike Gentry, Stephen Bernd will be playing lead guitar, Edward Fritz will be on drums, Christie Kelly will perform some of your favorite June Carter Cash songs, and Danny Millsap will portray Johnny Cash. On Saturday, February 3, 2018, The Only Cash Tribute band will be playing all of your favorite Johnny Cash tunes. The audience is always a part of the show, and it will be a fun evening for the whole family. This is one of the best Johnny Cash Tribute bands you will ever experience. The mannerisms, voice, and signature black wardrobe of the late, great


| JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018

Johnny Cash are all part of the show. On September 12, 2003, Johnny passed, and we lost a true legend. God Bless you Johnny Cash. We will all be together up yonder in a little while. No matter where we go, it is an honor to recreate the style, mystery, and the music of the legendary Johnny Cash. You can also help to keep the music going by coming to one of our shows and buying Johnny Cash music today. We promise to be true to the Cash sound and make Johnny proud. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to the Ram Pantry at FCC by The Only Cash Tribute Band. The Ram Pantry is a free food assistance program for college students currently enrolled at FCC with an ASB card. The Ram Pantry believes that food insecurity and hunger should not be a barrier to success for the students. The goal is to increase the graduation and course completion rate of the students at FCC. Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 3, 2018, for a Tribute to Johnny Cash by The Only Cash Tribute Band at 8 pm at the Fresno City College Auditorium in the Old Administration Building. Tickets are available at for the low price of $30.00 for Preferred Seating and $20.00 for General Admission. Same day ticket sales may be available, but this event is expected to sell out so purchase your tickets today. Secure and safe parking on site is available for only $1.00 per vehicle in the auditorium parking lot. Come out and help keep the music of the legend of Johnny Cash alive and support the FCC Ram Pantry Program.


Bullard Knights Baseball 2017 Community Service Project by Charles Lewis |


haring is caring’ is the theme for this and every holiday season and it is not a rare occurrence for sports teams to raise donations for their athletic programs. However, how often do you see a high school baseball team reach out and use their resources to show appreciation for someone else? The Bullard Knights High School Baseball Program annually gives back to the Fresno Community, but this year, the Bullard families spread the love by way of care packages to over thirty men and women serving in our country’s military. When asked what inspired the BHS baseball team to reach out to send care packages to military members stationed overseas, Head Coach, Chad Thornhill, had this to say: “The Bullard High School baseball program has always tried to do something community-based, whether it’s to go to a senior home, like last year, or [to] food banks. This year, Michelle Adams - BHS baseball supporter - proposed the idea of creating care packages for our military service men and women, something we had never done before. It just worked because we have a few baseball alumni that are currently serving, not to mention family members of our current players who are also serving. It is something our entire program has really gotten behind with the number of donations we’ve received - it has been amazing. I am really proud of the families in our program


for helping support our community.” The community, likewise, should be proud to have a program in the Central Valley that has such a high standard of excellence in the classroom, and on the field of play, with an open, compassionate heart of serving others. With the success of this year’s community service project, the Bullard Baseball Program is hoping to collaborate with other sports on the campus for next year and reach out to a larger group of military service personnel from our area. This endeavor will look to bring in more resources throughout the community to help with donations in 2018 to increase the list of recipients the project wishes to reach. “These young men are getting to play a child’s game, free of fear because of what our military men and women provide for us. Because of things that we don’t see our military go through on the front lines, we almost take things for granted. [This] gives our players perspective on how lucky they are,” reflected Thornhill. The project was able also to include care packages for two Bullard baseball alumni from the class of 2012, Nick Perez and Savea Sefo, who are currently serving overseas. Family members of the team like Marjahne Johnson - stationed in Dubai, India - asked Coach Thornhill to forward her gratitude to the BHS family for her care package, love, and concern for all the soldiers reached by the program.



instructor on site giving out buyer’s FREE info. On how to Academy & Arts.1298 N. Wis- given with paid entry and Active Minds (UK), lessons and will have Ruben go about purchasing a home, hon Ave., Fresno, ticktes fmaa. additional tickets can be pur- Sunday, January 14 at 6:30 Hurtado Band ( Featuring the buying process from STEM-based chased at the show! PM - 11:30 PM,Full Circle Guest Vocalist) Also Featuring start to finish, how to apply double feature! 4:00: A radio- Brewery Co, 620 FSt , Fresfrom San Francisco ,Carlos for a mortgage loan, buyer’s active musical based on the Pinot’s Palette Paint n Sip noDestructive productions/ K. Michelle at Aldo’s Night- Ramirez , and from Fresno property search list, home science and life of Madame Night , January 16 Tuesday F.P.P. Ravished Reaping Havclub,Thursday, January James Derby. owner’s insurance, what is Marie Curie, a persistent at 6.30-9pm . Pinot’s Palette oc DISBLUNT (debut show) an escrow and the process, woman who changed our un- 6763 N Palm Avenue , Fresno. ALL AGES $7 or 2 for 10 be11, 2018 at 9 PM - 2 AM The Big Gay Cabaret! also the importance of a derstanding of the universe. Tickets fore 7pm Aldos Night Club,617 W Bel mont Ave, Fresno .Tickets al- Saturday, January 13 at 3 Home Inspection and MUCH Core chemistry concepts be- PM 5 PM. Our Saviour’s LuMUCH MORE‼️‼️ For more come lyrical metaphor in an Free Rose Pruning Class Room Service at Longdosnightclub.comK. Michelle theran Church, Fresno,2101 info. contact me direct Juan award-winning biography of with Bill Welzenbach, horn Saloon, Saturday, @ Aldo’s Nightclub 18+ | N Fruit Ave, Fresno, raising Barajas Broker/Owner of discovery (all ages, 60 minSaturday, January 13 at 11 January 13 at 9 PM - 1 AM 21+ FULL BAR ;VIP SERVICE: money for June’s Pride celEmpire Realty & Property utes). 5:00: INTERMISSION AM 1 PM,Gazebo Gardens 6493 W Shields Ave, Fres559.999.4490 ebration in the most logical Management: Office: 5596:00: CALCULUS: THE MUSINursery 3204 N Van Ness no, ROOM SERVICE plays all way possible: by showing off 412-4670 Cell: 559-355CAL! Isaac Newton joins forcBlvd , Fresno. Bill Welzenbach, the best Classic Rock songs Top Rank Boxing,Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 5:30 our own Pride! Come witness 2851 email: info@empirereal- es with Ada, a modern math simply put, is a local treasure. from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, PM - 11 PM,Tachi Palace Ho- some of Fresno’s most talent- student, on a rollicking adven- He is a consultant rosarian 80’s and 90’s! ROOM SERture through the peaks and emeritus with the American VICE is a top-notch Classic tel and Casino,17225 Jersey ed LGBTQA performers, along Avenue, Lemoore.Featuring: with a few of our favorite al- Winter Kickball Kickoff, troughs--and concepts and Rose Society who has been Rock band that is available to Daniel Valdivia, Joe Lopez, lies, as we sing and dance Thursday, January 11 at 7 PM history--of Calculus. The quest sharing his love of roses with rock your club, party, corpoQuilisto Madera, Bryan Lua and act our hearts out, in or- - 10 PM,Kocky’s Bar &Grill , for the instantaneous rate of gardeners throughout Central rate event, or any other speTicket Prices: $28, $43, der to raise money for a great 1231 Van Ness Ave, Fresno change and the area under California for over 40 years. cial occasion that you need a $103 Doors Open at 5:30pm cause. Donations accepted Winter kickball has arrived! the curve comes alive with an More than just pruning- if fun, professional cover band. Showtime 6:45pm at the door. Casual cham- Come celebrate the start of unforgettable soundtrack (all there is ANYTHING you ever ,Free Admission Will Call is open from 3pm- pagne reception to follow. the season with teammates ages, 55 minutes).See BOTH wondered about growing ros- new and old. There will be lots acclaimed touring musicals es, you can get answers here. Second Annual Winter Com9:45pm, day of the show.Tick- 2018 Food Not Bombs of opportunities to size up the back to back for just $15! Many people are surprised to munity Reading Saturday, Janets Fundraising Party! competition as we host dar- find out how drought tolerant uary 13 at 2 PM - 5 PM,Tower Sesame Street Live! Lets Sunday, January 14 at 5 PM - ing battles on the beer pong DRAKE VS KANYE DJ Night, and easy to grow roses can Sports Club, 1294 N Wishon Party ! Friday , January 12 at 9 PM, Full Circle Brewery Co. , tables and karaoke stage! Sunday, January 14 at 9 PM be. Whether you are new to Ave Fresno. Fresno Women 6pm . Saroyan Theatre , 700 620 F St,Fresno, Tickets www. You won’t want to miss this - 1:30 AM Strummer’s 833 rose gardening, or an old pro- Read is taking over the TowM St, Fresno . Jump to the blakejonesmusic.comThe kickoff party! Drink and food E fern Ave, Fresno21+ only you’ll get somethng out of a er Sports Club once again beat on Sesame Street at an ANNUAL FOOD NOT BOMBS specials to be announced. FREE! Playing hits and deep morning with Bill. Roses will for our Second Annual Winter all new , interactive show that FUNdraising party is coming Kickball registration is live at cuts by the two megastars of be 15% off during the event, Community Reading! This is so that’s another big plus. our favorite event of the year, unfolds on one the worlds at us again. Doors open and the Valley Social Sports web- hip hop This is a rain or shine event. and we can’t wait to kick off most famous streets at the the POTLUCK dinner begins at site, www.ValleySocialSports. 5pm. 5:30 Blake Jones & the com New Year Same PUNX, Cafe Van Ness will be open. the new year with all of you. funniest , furriest neighborTrike Shop/6:30 Anton Bar Monday, January 15 at 7 PM Come grab a drink and hear hood! tickets at Ticketmaster beau/ 7:30 The John Clifton Tommy Emmanuel CGP - 11 PM,Full Circle Brewery- Rock En Espanol NIGHT, kickass work from this year’s Salsa Night At Tioga ! Blues Band. It’s an ALL-AGES with Special Guest J.D. Simo Co 620 F St, Fresno Debut Friday, January 12 at 9 PM incredible cross-genre line-up Thursday, January 11 at 7:30 SHOW! We’ll see you there!!! ,Sunday, January 14, 2018 at show for new production co - 1:30 AM,Strummers 833 of Fresno women writers. 8 PM - 11 PM,Tower Theatre We Da PuNx! Featuring two E Fern Ave, Fresno21+ only PM - 10:30 PM Tioga Sequoia “FREE First Time Home 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, Tick- bands from San Antonio, Tx FREE! A night of music and 12th Night Feast and CeleBrewing Company,745 FulBuyer Seminar”, Thursday, ets along with some of the Fres- visuals from your favorite rock bration,Saturday, January 13 ton St, Fresno.Coming up on January 11 at 6:30 PM, no’s popular local bands. en espanol artists. Sing and at 6 PM - 10 PM, American Thursday 1/11/18 we have a Salsa Dancing . This event The Falls Event Center , CURIE ME AWAY! & Cal- $5 @ the Door ; Will also be Dance to the likes of Cafe Legion Fresno Federal Post is all ages and free to sign up 4105 W figarden Dr,Fresno culus: the Musical! in Fres- holding a raffle during the Tacvba, Mana, Soda Stereo, 509 3509 N 1st St. at the brewery on the date of Empire Realty & Property no,Sunday, January 14, 2018 show (prizes will be posted Caifanes, Maldita Vecindad, the event .,There will be an Management. We will give at 4 PM - 7 PM,Fresno Music later). ! raffle ticket will be Jaguares,

This Week January 11-17




JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 |


10 | JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018




CALENDAR Genuine Bass with Dj Pro- FAB presents The Fungi- Fresno-Clovis Comic Con . Mary Poppins (1964) At Hisfessor Stone, Friday, January neers,Saturday, January 13 Jan 21 ,11am-5pm. Ramada toric Crest Theatre Fresno, 12 at 10 PM - 2 AM Veni Vidi at 9 PM - 2 AM FABFresno Fresno near Cal state, 324 Friday, January 19 at 8 PM Vici, 1116 N Fulton St, Fresno, 718 E Olive Ave $10 Cover East Shaw, Fresno. Tickets - 10:35 PM, The Crest TheCrunk Hyphy Hip-Hop & Rag- 9pm-2am Doors open early available at Wonderland Com- atre Fresno 1170 Broadway ga Bass Music mixed by your With Djs HouseBoy & Aldo ics at 1409 N Van Ness Ave, Plaza,DOORS OPEN: 7:00PM local Host Dj Professor Stone The Fungineers are a super Fresno. | FILM BEGINS: 8:00PM Tickplus special guest. Starts group of fantastic Funovators ets Only $5 (Presale Tickets at 10:30pm and goes until who create colorful music, “Fossil Youth, Born Without Available Online @ https:// 2am. 21 & Over * No Cover videos, live shows, and more. Bones, Werebear, Artesia and ) The Fungineers are led by Par- Wilted, Sunday, January 21, North Meets Central Valley agon the Cyber-Unicorn-Tron, 2018 at 7 PM - 10 PM,Full Make your own Heart by Friday, January 12 at 9 PM part robot-monkey, part uni- Circle Brewing Co.620 F St, Ballis Glass,Wed, January - 2 AM The Standard , 9455 corn, all beatboxing DJ. This Fresno,Tickets www.seetick- 24, 2018 12:00 PM – 1:00 N Fort Washington Rd, Fres- musical menagerie includes” PM,2888 N Sunnyside #104 no,For the 3rd Time Ever, MC’s Lil Dino, Doctah Aqua- Fresno, Guest Artists Wanted. AGBU-YPNC Returns to Fres- Sock-ta-Puss, Flavatar, Baby Kyle Gass Band (from Tena- With Valentines Day ahead, no for this Popular Mixer! Swagress and the Sillion- cious D), LIVE at Full Circle! it’s time to create a beautiJoin us this January as we aire, plus an always-expand- Friday, January 19 at 7 PM ful Glass Heart. Make it for connect the Armenian Young ing cast of Fun friends and - 12 AM, Full Circle Brewing yourself or give as that perProfessionals of Nor Cal and guests galore, all managed Co. 620 F St, Fresno,The Kyle fect one of a kind gift. This Fresno once again during the by the esteemed Janitor-Man- Gass Band comes to Full Cir- class includes everything Kyrian Gineerian. cle Brewing Co.!! With special you’ll need to design that 3rd Annual CA statewide Gala ager, Tour! AGBU-YPNC hits the road guests From Dust Came Lions one of a kind glass heart. on a 2018 Gala Tour, connect- Farooq, Rampage, Tiger- Bear Claw Spruce For The Re- You get to choose your own ing with various Armenian YP blood, and Chasing Ghosts, cord Sexual Steveoh & The colors, add them to molten groups and friends all over Saturday, January 13 at 8 PM Neighborhood Scum The Red glass and then sculpt it into California! The first stop on - 11 PM,The Next Bar 4231 Coats Tickets on sale soon @ a heart. Made right before this epic tour will be The Stan- E Shields Ave , Fresno Come , your eyes in a matter of mindard in historic Fresno, CA! ring in the new year right utes! Great for ages 6+. Each MLK Weekend is the destina- with Farooq, Rampage, Tiger- Disney’s Frozen w/ Anna class is one hour long and has tion weekend to connect the blood, and Chasing Ghosts! & Elsa At The Hanford Fox seats for 6 people so make it Fresno and LA communities Jan. 13th at The Next Bar. $5 Sat. 1/20!.Saturday, January a family event. Closed toe with the Nor Cal Young Profes- at the door. 21+ Only. Doors 20, 2018 at 2 PM - 4 PMp. shoes REQUIRED, light cotton sionals at popular venues for open at 8pm. Fox Hanford,326 N Irwin St, clothing preferred. Light Refood, drinks, and networking. Hanford, Frozen is rated PG freshments will be provided. Keep the connections going L.A. Vation - A Tribute to U2, and the running time is 109 All glass items that we make in San Francisco at the 18th Saturday, January 13 at 7 PM minutes,it is a 2013 Ameri- have to cool over night so Annual AGBU SF Winter Gala, - 10 PM,Tower Theatre,815 E can 3D computer-animated they will need to be picked up this February 16-18, 2018! Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets tow- musical fantasy film produced at a later time.Tickets www. For more info on the Winter ertheatrefresno.tix.com95.7 by Walt Disney Animation Gala, visit www.agbusfwinter- The Fox & White Claw Hard Studios and released by Walt Seltzer present The 2018 Disney Pictures. tickets www. Fashion Monster Tea! Undercover Concert Series ty,Friday, January 19 at 5 Downtown Classic Movies: at The Tower Theater! Imag- PM - 6 PM, Taipei 101 Fresno THE THING (1982),Wednes- ine a Rock and Roll Tribute Jo Koy At Saroyan Theatre - 6702 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, day, January 17 at 7 PM,Bit- show, so realistic, it will over- Fresno Convention Center, Fri- Hello my fashion monster wise Industries 700 Van Ness whelm your senses of sight day, January 19 at 8 PM - 11 friends! To celebrate the Ave,Join us for the 1982 sci- and sound. L.A.vation is that PM, Saroyan Theatre 700 M New Year, Kawaii California fi/horror classic THE THING, band, and U2 its inspiration! St, Fresno,, Tickets ticketfinal. and Central Valley CA Haradirected by John Carpenter L.A.vation has faithfully craft- com juku Fashion is hosting a (Halloween, Escape from New ed an amazingly accurate meet-up and this time it’s York) and starring Kurt Rus- show, incorporating memo- The Appletones w/ Y&T,Fri- at Taipei 101! Please come sell. Free admission, rated R. rable stage elements from day, January 19 at 7 PM - 11 and have some sweet treats past U2 concerts with “spot- PM, Tower Theatre 815 E Ol- while making new friends Learn the Strategies for on” musical execution, all the ive Ave, Fresno, tickets tow- where you can discuss fashSuccess in Fresno,Hosted while emphasizing the pride ion interests and exchange by Daymond John’s Success and passion of the four lads blog info! You can dress up Formula, Jan 17 at 12 PM to from Dublin. L.A.vation-The Cash’d Out The Ultimate in your favorite Japanese Jan 20 at 9 AM, Tickets day- World’s Greatest Tribute to Tribute to Johnny Cash Friday, style from lolita, decora, fairy mondjohnsuccessformula. U2 #tribute 95.7 The Fox Plus January 19 at 8 PM - 12 AM, kei, visual kei, shironuri, cult com.Daymond John’s Suc- special guest D.K. Revelle’s Strummer’s 833 E Fern party kei, cosplay, etc. Raffle cess Formula Team is head- Pirate Radio! Doors open at Ave, Fresno,All ages! Prizes! Photographer on site ed to Fresno! Register now 6pm. Tix at http://www.ticketweb. *Kawaii California is not proto claim your FREE seat and com/t3/sale/SaleEventDe- viding food or beverages for learn how you can become tail?eventId=7821655&dis- attendees. your own boss and entrepatch=loadSelectionData preneur! Isn’t it time to comand at Strummer’s during reg- Fresno’s Monthly Motown ular business hours! Night, Saturday, January 20 mand your future? We will be offering events in: Visalia, CA at 8 PM - 12 AM, Strummer’s - January 17 @ 12 PM & 6 PM Iration Heatseekers Winter 833 E Fern Ave, 21+ only Fresno, CA - January 18 @ Tour 2018 at Rainbow Ball- Calling All Promotors We Tix at https://www.ticketweb. 12 PM & 6 PM Modesto, room Friday january 19 7pm- can help get you out there. com CA - January 19 @ 12 PM 11.30pm. Tickets www.tick- We’ll design, print and disMerced, CA - January 20 @ tribute. We’ve got great rates Calling All Promotors. 9 AM on bulk prints too 559-472We’ll design, print and distribFRESNOFLYER.COM 7182 ute. Call 559-472-7182

Art Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm ArtHop occurs every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. It’s one of the most active and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers and enthusiasts from all walks of life flock downtown Fresno and the Tower District on the first Thursday of each month, and the rest of ArtHop venues in the Fresno metro areas on third Thursdays, to meet and greet with the artists and enjoy the reception and music. Museums, studios, galleries and other venues open their exhibitions to the public at 5:00 p.m. and run the free event until 8:00 p.m. Parties for the Parkway Artists’ Reception - K Jewel Art Gallery,Thursday, February 1 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM, K-Jewel 105.5 FM 1415 Fulton St, Fresno,*FREE EVENT **FAMILY FRIENDLY Join the River Parkway Trust Board of Directors for a reception celebrating the 2018 Parties for the Parkway donating artists. In honor of the River Parkway Trust’s 30th Anniversary, K Jewel Art Gallery is hosting a special evening where you can view silent auction art donated by talented local artists, place starting bids and mingle with friends of the River Parkway Trust. Art will be displayed throughout the month of February at K Jew-

el Art Gallery. This is a regular ArtHop night and many other nearby galleries will be open. We hope to see you there! RIVERPARKWAY.ORG Trashique 2018 Produced by The Fresno Art Museum, Saturday February 24 at 5.30pm11.30pm . Signature Flight Support FAT( Fresno Yosemite International Airport , 3050 N Winery Ave , Fresno. Tickets 5th Annual Bizare Art Festival Jan 27, 2018 at 11 AM to Jan 28, 2018 at 8 AM 4545 E Church Ave Fresno. This Hip-Hop event is being held to honor the life of Lord Bizare68 and all artists who are no longer with us. Bizare had a love and passion for art, music, family and fun. This is a time for all of us to come together for this family event, people of all ages are welcome. There will be performers, aerosol artists painting live on the art wall, BBoy Vietnam Workshop, bboy/ bgirl battle, vendor booths, raffles and a kids area. General Admission: $5.00 advance tickets contact info 800.595.4849 $10.00 at the door Children 12 & Under are Free Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

Next Week January 18-24




JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 | 11



The Sound of Music ( Tour- Disney On Ice presents ing), Wednesday ,Maarch 14 Follow Your Heart , Saturday at 7.30pm at Saroyan Theatre February 3 at 3pm, Selland 700 M St, Fresno, tickets tick- Arena , 700 M St, Fresno . etmaster. Tickets by ticketmaster Seussical The Musical on A Night at the Museum February 1-February 3 at 7pm - Do You Want to Build a at LJ Williams Theatre 1001 Snowman?!Friday, January W Main St , Visalia. The mu- 26, 2018 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 sical combines the stories of PM.ImagineU Interactive ChilDr Suess with spectacular dren’s Museum,210 N Tipton music and dance St, Visalia, ticket imaginemu Kinky Boots on Broadway Wednesday January 31 at Free Dental Event, Satuday 7.30pm. Saroyan Theatre, February 24 at 8am -4pm at 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets tick- Willow Dental Group, 6753 N etmaster Willow Ave, fresno. Celebrat ing their 6th Annual Free DenJoe Rogan on Friday, Febru- tal Event ,Adults age +18 can ary 16 at 7.30pm-10.30pm . choose a FREE fillin,Cleaning Fresno Convention Center , or Extraction. Don’t miss out at the Saroyan Theatre 848 and get in line early M St , Fresno. An American stand up comeian and martial THE FRESNO DISCOVERY arts commentator and odcast CENTER local Non Profit Park host . Tickets avaailbale at and Museum on 5 Acres and we are still growing! Dedicat ed to our visitors and giving Visalia Adventure park. kids of ALL AGES a hands Arcade, Family Track, Lazer on experience with all things Tag, Batting Cages and more science, history and nature! 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, Our park includes our beau93277, 559-635-7275 tiful Deutsch Cactus Garden, Tortoise compound with Dino FRESNOFLYER.COM friends, Walden Pond and lots of space for kids to run,

12 | JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018


swing, have lunch and just be KIDS! (559) 251-5533 1944 N Winery Ave, Fresno. Admissions Adults $6 Children (3-17) $8 Seniors (65+) $5 Military Free A Night at the Museum - Do You Want to Build a Snowman?! Friday, January 26, 2018 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM ImagineU Interactive Children’s Museum 210 N Tipton St, Visalia Ticket Information It will include lots of activities and events associated with snowmen, private time in the museum, a movie, dinner, snacks and a special craft. This is a drop-off event, open to children 2-10 (as long as children are potty-trained). This popular event fills up quickly! Spaces are limited, so sign up today! (Members: $20 per child; Non-Members: $25 per child) Fresyes Fest , Saturday , March 24 , at 1pm-11pm . Tioga sequoia Brewing Company, 745 Fulton ST, Fresno . The Annual Block Party in Downtown Fresno promoting local music, food and food trucks, vendors, and of course craft beer! Always free to attend and all ages.

dy show starring Marianne ly event! 12 and under are LeMoine Phoenix and Yvette free!Tickets are $5 if bought Karr. Phoenix, a native Cen- in advance. Tickets will be $6 Meux Home Museum Tours tral Californian, Marianne at the door unless you have a Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays has entertained extensively $1 off coupon. 12:00pm-3:00pm 1007 R St. beside such luminaries as at Tulare Fresno, CA 93721 Wayne Newton, Dolly Parton Shopkins Live! Shop It Up!, The Meux Home Museum and Debbie Reynolds, with a Monday, February 5 at 6:30 recaptures the flavor of Vic- repertoire that runs from Nat PM - 8:30 PM, Warnors Thetorian Fresno by presenting to Natalie Cole, Billie Holiday atre 1400 Fulton Street, Fresa middle-class residence fur- to Bette Midler, with stops as no,NOTE: Shopkins Live! Shop nished in the period, as a rep- Streisand, Reba and Motown. It Up! at Warnors Center has resentative house museum. Karr, who sang lead for the been rescheduled to February A costumed docent will lead rock band Pipe Dream for 5, 2018. All tickets from the you on a one hour tour of this 11 years, has an extensive original date scheduled for restored urban dwelling of the background in contemporary November 14, 2017 will be 1890’s. The architecture of Christian rock.Ages: All ages honored. Shopkins Live! lights $29-$39 up the stage in this premiere the Meux Home results in a Price: calculated restlessness that Event Website: towertheatre- live production packed with show stopping performancmakes the home as intriguing es featuring the Shoppies. today as it was in its own day. The 10 rooms are furnished Seussical The Musical on Join Jessicake, Bubbleisha, more or less as a Victorian February 1-February 3 at 7pm Peppa-Mint, Rainbow Kate, family might have had them - at LJ Williams Theatre 1001 Cocolette, and Polli Polish the kitchen has a pie safe and W Main St , Visalia. The mu- as they perform the coolest the library; a portrait showing sical combines the stories of dance moves, sing the latest the young Dr. Meux on his way Dr Suess with spectacular pop songs, and show off the to join the Confederate Army. music and dance trendiest fashions. Featuring innovative set design, creThe Meux home was placed Hanford-Visalia Comic Con ative costuming, and state on the National Register of Historic Places on January on Saturday, February3 at of the art projections, this is 11am-5pm.The Kings Fair one theatrical you don’t want 14, 1975. 10th Ave, Hanford. Tickets will to miss! , tickets ;tickets.war Cherry Avenue Auction 8$ at the door . Kids 12 and Every Saturday & Tuesday under are Free! And Yes Free 2018 Prepared Private 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Ave- Parking ! Evening Childbirth Class nue Auction 4640 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, 93706 www. 15th Annual All You Can by Clovis Community MediEat Crab Feed!,Saturday, cal Center,Thu, February 15, February 3 at 6 PM - 9 PM, 2018 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM, The Fresno High Flea: Sat- Holy Trinity Armenian Apostol- Clovis Community Medical urday, February 3 at 10 AM ic Church 2226 Ventura St, Center 2755 Herndon Ave- 2 PM, Fresno High School Fresno, THE 15TH ANNUAL nue Clovis,This private class Fresno,Celebrating our ALL YOU CAN EAT CRAB FEED condenses the four-week 5th season of The Fresno IS BACK! FOR TICKETS AND series into 3.5 hours of indiHigh Flea As always, Family RESERVATIONS CALL 559- vidualized instruction. It is designed to meet the needs friendly and Free to attend. 323-1955 of expectant parents seeking A special monthly market that showcases the finest hand The Sound of Music ( Tour- a private class option or for made goods, vintage items, ing), Wednesday ,Maarch 14 those who have time contag sale stalls, and delicious at 7.30pm at Saroyan Theatre straints. Private classes are treats. The Fresno High Flea 700 M St, Fresno, tickets tick- located at Clovis Community Medical Center located in will be held the first saturday etmaster. the AOB Conference Room of the month in the spacious lot on the corner of McKinley Johnny Cash Tribute hosted B located in Builiding 721. and Echo. FREE to attend. by The Only Cash Tribute Band If you have questions, please We are always accepting ,Fresno City College 1101 Eu- call our Parent Education Denew vendors, food trucks niversity Ave , Fresno, tickets partment at (559) 324-3773. and musicians. email us at Gardner- Junior Badge. Ani-Me Con 7.0Mar 17, Sat, January 27, 10:00 AM Fresno-Easton Comic Con 2018 at 10 AM to Mar 18, – 12:00 PM .Clovis Botanion February 25, Sunday at 2018 at 7 PM. The Big Fres- cal Garden,945 North Clovis 11am-5pm. This is a akiddo no Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Avenue,Clovis. Girl Scout Jufriendly event , Kids under 12 Fresno,Tickets registration: nior, how does your garden its free ! Tickets at the door grow? Your Junior will find out are 7$ and 5$ if bought in registration/The Big Fresno what grows well in the Cenadvance . CPDES Hall 172 w. Fairgrounds has been home tral Valley, visit a community Jefferson Ave , fresno to some of the biggest and garden. They will earn their exciting events in the Central badge while working with 50 Pounds From Star- Valley such as The Big Fresno other Juniors from our coundom,Tower Theatre, Saturday Fair, EDM events, Tattoo Ex- cil. Includes supplies, snacks February 17 at 815 E.Olive pos, RV shows, and etc. Now and badge. Tickets www. Ave. Fresno,phone (559) it is home to Ani-Me Con 7.0. 485-9050. Musical, Comedy, Satuday, March 24 at 11am- Pop “50 Pounds From Star- 5pm, Los Banos D.E.S .Por- FRESNOFLYER.COM dom” is a music and come- tuguese Hall, 1155 1 St , los banos .This is a kiddo friend-




CALENDAR Fresno Monsters vs. Long Beach Gateway Ice Center 2473 North Marks Avenue, VSS Downtown Run Club Fresno. Feb 15, 2018 , 7:45 ,Every Tuesday Jan 2-Dec25 PM monstershockey.yapsody. at 6-8pm, 865 Fulton Mall, com Fresno. Fresno Monsters vs. Long Rock Climbing ,Sunday Beach Gateway Ice Center February 25 at 10.30am- 2473 North Marks Avenue, 12.30pm.Metal Mark Climb- Fresno. Feb 16, 2018 , 5:30 ing &Fitness 4042 N Cedar PM mostershockey.yapsody. com Ave, Fresno . Call 3535247 Fresno Monsters vs. Ontar- 2018 Sycamore Island 5k & io, Gateway Ice Center - 2473 10k Run/Walk,Sunday, JanNorth Marks Avenue, Fresno, uary 28, 2018 at 8 AM - 11 CA, Jan 25, 2018 , 7:45 PM AM, Sycamore Island - Public tickets monstershockey.yap- Fishing on the San Joaquin River 39664 Avenue 7 1/2, Madera, Tickets runsignup. 3rd Annual Hanford Cow com. Join us for a family Run, Half Marathon and 5K friendly 5k & 10k run or walk on Sunday , February 4 at at Sycamore Island located 7am-12pm.This race ia excel- just around the corner from lent for beginners and experi- Valley Childrens Hospital enced runners , walkers are along the San Joaquin River. always welcome . For more Awards will be presented to information log onto to www. Top 3 Male & Female runners in the 5k & 10k. Age group awards will be presented to PBR:Professional Bull Rid- the top 3 Male & Female runers on Saturday, March 17 at ners in 10 year age groups. 7pm at The Save Mart Center All Participants will receive: A long sleeve event shirt, 2650 E Shaw Ave , Fresno. custom finisher awards, and Fresno Monsters vs. Valen- post race refreshments. cia Gateway Ice Center - 2473 Proceeds from the event will North Marks Avenue, Fresno benefit the San Joaquin River Jan 27, 2018 , 5:30 PM, mon- Parkway & Conversation Trust and Sycamore Island tickets by ticketmster Fresno Monsters vs. Phoe- nix Gateway Ice Center - 2473 North Marks Avenue, Fresno. Feb 1, 2018 , 7:45 PM, tickets Y&T , Tower Theatre on Jan uary 19 Friday 7.30pm-10pm. Fresno Monsters vs. Phoe815 E Olive Ave ,Fresno. Ticknix Gateway Ice Center - 2473 ets North Marks Avenue, Fresno. Feb 2, 2018 , 5:30 PM, monThe Kingston Trio, day, February 8 at 8 PM - 11 PM, Tower Theatre,Credited Fresno Monsters vs. Phoewith launching American folk nix Gateway Ice Center - 2473 music into mainstream popuNorth Marks Avenue, Fresno. larity, the legendary Kingston Feb 3, 2018 , 5:30 PM, tickTrio topped the charts in the ets monstershockey.yapsody. 1960s with songs from the com storytelling “Tom Dooley” to the humorous “Tijuana Jail.” Fresno Monsters vs. San DiAny evening spent with the ego Gateway Ice Center - 2473 tight harmonies and smooth North Marks Avenue, Fresvocals of the Kingston Trio no. Feb 8, 2018 , 7:45 PM, is about more than just memories, it’s memorable. Where Have All the Flowers Fresno Monsters vs. San Gone? 815 E Olive Ave. Diego Gateway Ice Center 2473 North Marks Avenue, The Fab Four , January 26 Fresno. Feb 9, 2018 , 5:30 Friday at 8pm-11pm at Towr PM monstershockey.yapsody. Theatre 815 E Olive Ave , com Fresno. Tickets towertheatre… The ultimate Fresno Monsters vs. San DiBeatles tribute ego Gateway Ice Center Fresno. Feb 10, 2018 , 5:30




J.I.D + Earthgang, Chaz The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/ French, Lute Thursday, Feb- Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance ruary 8 at 8 PM - 12 AM, Lessons start at 8 pm; muStrummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, sic and dancing follow every Fresno, All ages! http://www. Tuesday night at The Cellar Door. Beginners’ lessons run earthgang-chaz-french-strum- from 8-8:45 pm, advanced mers-tickets/7867565 and lessons from 8:45-9:30 pm, at Strummer’s during regular and dancing follows. All dabce business hours! lessons are free with admis sion. www.cellardoor101. Armed for Apocalypse, com/event-calendar.html Amenthes, Benson, Sinew Event Info: (559) 636-9463 Friday, January 26, 2018 at 7 The Cellar Door 101 W. Main PM - 11 PM.Full Circle Brew- St. Visalia. ing Co.620 F St, Fresno, Tickets Social Fridays @imperiofres no! Good Vibes This & Every 3 Doors Down Acoustic – Weekend. Don’t Miss Out on Back Porch Jam Thursday, these great drink specials January 25, 2018 at 7:30 PM Drink Specials before 11pm - 9:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 308 W Main St, Visalia www. Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, California. Brad Paisley: Weekend Warrior World Tour Friday, January Calling All Promotors We 26, 2018 at 7 PM Save Mart can help get you out there. Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates Fresno. on bulk prints too 559-472 Tommy Castro & the Pain- 7182 killers: Stompin Ground CD Release Tour Friday, January 26, 2018 at 8:30 PM Show Map Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno www.ticketfly. com New Kingston, The Late Ones Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 8 PM - 12 AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno New Kingston is a Progressive Reggae group Queens of the Stone Age Monday, January 29, 2018 at 8 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, Fresno. Miranda Lambert February 9, 2018 Friday 7:00 PM Save Mart Center 2650 East Shaw Avenue Fresno. tobyMac: Hits Deep Tour February 13, 2018 Tuesday 7:00 PM Save Mart Center 2650 East Shaw Avenue Fresno. The Avett Brothers March 29, 2018 Thursday 7:30 PM New Exhibit Hall 848 M Street Fresno.

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182 BURN OUT: Cannabis, Art, Music,Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 4 PM - 9 PM.Tulare County Fair,620 South K Street, Tulare, Tickets www. open at 4pm // $20,620 S K St, Tulare.Vendor Booths: www.

Wine VS Beer Showdown Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Civic Center Auditorium 400 N Douty St, Hanford. www. This enjoyable wine, beer, and appetizer tasting event benefits Kings County Farm Bureau’s Ag Education Programs, including scholarships and Farm Day. This is a 21 and over event. It’s a fun evening supporting local youth and enjoy local wines, beers, and food.

Reverend Horton Heat, Igor and the Red Elvises, Voodoo, Jan 31 at 8pm . Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero st , Fresno. Tickets

First Friday Karoke At The 509 Friday, March 2 at 7 PM - 10 American Legion Fresno Federal Post 509 3509 N 1st St, Fresno.

Winter Forest Lights PaintNite at Moravia Wines Wednesday, January 17 at 7 PM - 10 PM Moravia Wines 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Tickets Available FRESNOFLYER.COM

DJ Steve Garcia at Post 509 Friday, March 16 at 7 PM - 11 American Legion Fresno 3509 N 1st St, Fresno. Calling All Promotors. We’ll design, print and distribute. Call 559-472-7182

21 & Over Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut House hosts daily wine tastings, with appetizers and full menu items. (559) 432-4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno Daily 8am-8pm



JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 | 13

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FRESNO FLYER Reaches thousands every month. Start running your ad for as little as $20 issue. Call or email us for a free consultation 559-472-7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


BE JOB READY In A PLACE FOR as few as 7 months! MOM. The nation’s SJVC offers medical, largest senior living cials! Pay 2 months I WANT a personal get 2 months FREE. DENTAL business, and technical referral service. ConINSURloan from a private 6’x8’x10’ high only ANCE. Call Physiprograms at campuses tact our trusted, local party in the amount of $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ cians Mutual Insur- throughout the val- experts today! Our ser$8,000.00. I am will- high only $21.50/ ance Company for ley. Programs vary by vice is FREE/no obliHEALTH & ing to pay $200.00 per mo. (average cost details. NOT just a campus. Financial aid gation. CALL 1-855FITNESS month for 48 months per month with free discount plan, REAL is available to those 621-5373 ($9,600.00). I have months factored in) coverage for 350 pro- SHIELDS & WEST who qualify. Call 866- good credit and earn Free moving truck! cedures. OVERPAY844-848- Barbershop! Reg hair 388-7490 or visit sjvc. STOP on average around Bob’s Mini Storage 5575 or http://www. cut $4.50. Seniors edu. ING for your pre$1,200.00 per month. scriptions! SAVE! 5280 N. Barcus Fresno d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / and boys under 12, AL (559) 548-0363. 93722 (559) 275-4000 fresno Ad# 6118 $4.00. 1224 W Shields GO-KART Mini-Bike Call our licensed Se Habla Espanol Ave, Fresno. Mon- Repair & Service. Vis- Canadian and InterNEED A LOAN? Let pharmacy, Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun 8-5. it Jensen & Watts 516 national us help you get the A PLACE FOR (559)227-6739 N. Chestnut, Fresno. compare prices and get EDUCATION money you need! No MOM. The nation’s (559) 255-0465 $25.00 OFF your first application. No cred- largest senior liv- LEARN TO DRIVE DENTAL prescription! CALL INSUR- it check. Call Dean’s ing referral service. A FORKLIFT. ANCE. Call Physi- WE LOAN & Buy 1-800-291-6572 ProCoins for more in- Contact our trusted, Tr a i n - T h e - Tr a i n e r cians Mutual Insur- Guitars & Amps. Call mo Code CDC201625 formation (559) 264- local experts today! & Re-Certification ance Company for Dean’s Coins (559) 4653 Our service is FREE/ Classes Available. Day details. NOT just a 264-4653 DENTAL INSUR ANCE. Call Physino obligation. CALL & Night Classes Avail- discount plan, REAL LEARN TO DRIVE 1-855-621-5373 able. $50 Discount to coverage for 350 pro- CHAINSAW chain & cians Mutual InsurA FORKLIFT. Veterans. Visit CFTC. cedures. 844-848- Garden Tool Sharp- ance Company for Tr a i n - T h e - Tr a i n e r LIFE ALERT. 24/7. net For More Info. 5575 or http://www. ening. Visit Jensen & details. NOT just a & Re-Certification One press of a but- 559-325-8097 d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / Watts 516 N. Chest- discount plan, REAL Classes Available. Day ton sends help FAST! nut, Fresno. (559) 255- coverage for 350 profresno Ad# 6118 & Night Classes Avail- Medical, Fire, Burglar. BE JOB READY In 0465 cedures. 844-848able. $50 Discount to Even if you can?t as few as 7 months! 5575 or http://www. Veterans. Visit CFTC. reach a phone! FREE SJVC offers medical, SELLING MISCELLANEOUS net For More Info. Brochure. CALL 800- business, and technical THING? List it for fresno Ad# 6118 559-325-8097 760-7834 programs at campuses I WANT a personal only $10 issue 472SUPPORT LOCAL throughout the val- loan from a private 7182 BE JOB Ready WHY RENT an apart- ley. Programs vary by party in the amount of In as few as 7 months! ment? When you can campus. Financial aid $8,000.00. I am willSJVC offers medical, rent a home. Beautiful is available to those ing to pay $200.00 per business, and technical and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- who qualify. Call 866month for 48 months programs at campuses rooms Available. Only 388-7490 or visit sjvc. ($9,600.00). I have throughout the val- $1000 month. Call to- edu. good credit and earn ley. Programs vary by day! 888-563-3003 on average around campus. Financial aid $1,200.00 per month. is available to those AL (559) 548-0363. EMPLOYMENT who qualify. Call 866PERSONALS 388-7490 or visit sjvc. LICENSED HAIR WE LOAN & Buy edu. MEET SINGLES in CUTTER WANTED Guitars & Amps. Call your area. Real Hook- Busy Shop. 1224 W Dean’s Coins (559) ups Real Fast. Try it Shields Ave, Fresno. 264-4653 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 FREE! Ahora en Es- Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun list it for FREE. Send panol 18+ (559)761- 8-5. Call SHIELDS & SELLING SOMEit to info@fresnoflyer. 0162 WEST Barber Shop THING? List it for com (559)227-6739 only $10 issue 472SUPPORT LOCAL 7182 BOB’S MINI Storage

ANNOUNCEMENT - 1/2 off Winter Spe-


GOT A CAR? Got some free time? Drive with Uber. Call 855652-0777

clothLARGE VARIETY VINTAGE of Bearings - Sprock- ing & accessories at ets - Drive Compo- BeBe O’s in Tower. nents. Visit Jensen & We also carry vintage Watts 516 N. Chest- items & furnishings. nut, Fresno. (559) Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. 255-0465 Wishon Ave. Fresno. ReBOB’S MINI Storage (559)445-1928 - 1/2 off Winter Spe- ceive $5 off your $25 cials! Pay 2 months purchase. get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only GOT A CAR? Got $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ some free time? Drive high only $21.50/ with Uber. Call 855mo. (average cost 652-0777 per month with free months factored in) MANUFACTURED Free moving truck! Homes in a Gated Bob’s Mini Storage Community. Homes 5280 N. Barcus Fresno starting at $59,000. 93722 (559) 275-4000 Owner financing, low Se Habla Espanol down payments, competitive interest rates. GO-KART MINI Veterans let us help Bike Tires - Clutches you with a $2,500 - Chains - Sprockets. grant towards the Visit Jensen & Watts down payment on a 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- home! Call Willows of Santiago today (888) no. (559) 255-0465 563-3003 RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno.



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JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 | 15

CLASSIFIEDS TROYBUILT Mower LAWN SERVICE. and Weedeaterblower Cleanups, Fertiliz$75 (559) 614-4822 er, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler DENTAL INSUR- BISSELL Turbo Vac- ANCE. Call Physi- uum $35 (559) 289- CHAINSAW chain & Repair & Lawn ReGarden Tool Sharp- seeding. Call for a cians Mutual Insur- 9321 ening. Visit Jensen & Free Estimate! 559ance Company for details. NOT just a DISHWASHER with Watts 516 N. Chest- 696-5149 or 559-275discount plan, REAL stainless steel interi- nut, Fresno. (559) 7630 coverage for 350 pro- or $120 (North Fork) 255-0465 cedures. 844-848- 559-312-6497 LAWN DROP spread5575 or http://www. HAULING d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / WHIRLPOOL wash- er, Scott’s large 3000 $35 559-360-2977 fresno Ad# 6118 er $200 652-2549 JW CLEAN-UP SER VICES. Estate Sale KENMORE washer RIDING MOWER Cleanups. Yard, Trash, and electric dryer $180 Tires & Tubes. Visit Construction cleanup, FURNITURE 559-394-3369 Jensen & Watts 516 rubbish, trees & demo, N. Chestnut, Fresno. rentals, lots, apartBOB’S MINI Storage ments & forclosures. - 1/2 off Winter Spe- GOOD USED Ken- (559) 255-0465 We do it all Just Call! cials! Pay 2 months more Range, Dish- get 2 months FREE. washer, and Micro- KING O’ LAWN edg- (550)307-4304 ask for 6’x8’x10’ high only wave Hood. Removed er for sale $55. call or James $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ for upgrade. Every- text 559) 475-4230 high only $21.50/ thing is clean and mo. (average cost works great except the LAWN & GARDEN TOOLS per month with free turntable in the micro months factored in) wave. $250 Text or LAWN SERVICE. Free moving truck! leave voice mail. 559- DEWALT 12V Drill Cleanups, Fertilizand battery $40 (559) er, New Saw, Lawn Bob’s Mini Storage 355-0579 270-6314 5280 N. Barcus Fresno Spraying, Sprinkler 93722 (559) 275-4000 1/2 OFF Winter Spe- Repair & Lawn Recials! Pay 2 months CHAINSAW chain & seeding. Call for a Se Habla Espanol get 2 months FREE. Garden Tool Sharp- Free Estimate! 5596’x8’x10’ high only ening. Visit Jensen & 696-5149 or 559-275 $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ Watts 516 N. Chest- 7630 ANTIQUES & high only $21.50/ nut, Fresno. (559) 255- COLLECTIBLES mo. (average cost 0465 CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharp1920S Atwater Kent per month with free 55 Floor Standing months factored in) WERNER multi func- ening. Visit Jensen & Tube Radio $140 Free moving truck! tion ladder in excellent Watts 516 N. Chestmeasures 25” wide by Bob’s Mini Storage condition, 225 lb rat- nut, Fresno. (559) 25515” deep and 38.5” 5280 N. Barcus Fresno ing. Can be configured 0465 tall. Price is firm. 470- 93722 (559) 275-4000 into many different Se Habla Espanol positions. Call 559- RIDING MOWER 8091 text 360-2977. $145 Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 ANTIQUE Dollhouse RIDING MOWER N. Chestnut, Fresno. ELECTRONICS with furniture $125 Tires & Tubes. Visit (559) 255-0465 (559) 994-6463 KICKER SOLAR Jensen & Watts 516 MATCHING antique baric sub - L7 new in N. Chestnut, Fresno. BIKES hardshell suitcases, box $200 obo 578- (559) 255-0465 Samsonite brand $85 2196 U BOAT Material GREENLINE Beach (559) 765-9464 Handling Cart 5 Ft. Cruiser KENWOOD flip flop Aluminum Tall by 16” wide by Frame $110 Please call face CD player 9013 SILVER Teapot--F B 5Ft. $140 (559) 577- 559-261-4680 Rogers 1883 $30(559) $175 obo 578-2196 8894 994-0256 KENWOORD 200 26”LADY’S TORKwatt 4 channel amp LARGE VARIETY ER BOARDWALK of Bearings - Sprock- BEACH $200 obo 578-2196 CRUISER CLOTHING & ets - Drive Compo- $75 559-652-8164 ACCESSORIES WE LOAN & Buy nents. Visit Jensen & TV’s & Electronics. Watts 516 N. Chest- BIKE NEXT talk girl VINTAGE clothCall Dean’s Coins nut, Fresno. (559) 255- 20 “ $40 (559) 577ing & accessories at 0465 (559) 264-4653 7122 BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage SELLING Something items & furnishings. List it for only $10 YARD WORK FARM & GARDEN Come check out the issue 472-7182 inventory! 1130 N. JW CLEAN-UP HYDRAULICALLY Wishon Ave. Fresno. SERVICES. Estate (559)445-1928 Re- controlled bin trailers Sale Cleanups. Yard, $5800 Call Pete for ceive $5 off your $25 more info: 559-591- Trash, Construction purchase. 7485 cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & forcloSUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL sures. Call 307-4304

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Joan Lunden, journalist, best-selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate. 16 | JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018







APARTMENT for rent 1145 E. Clinton 1bd 1ba $600 deposit $620 month. 6462804 or 451-1100 for more information. Se renta apartamento una recamara $620 al mes $600 deposito.

$899 / 1br - 675ft2 THE SCOTTSMEN APARTMENTS 2777 Willow Ave (559) 292-4755 No Application Fees - $200 Deposit to Hold your apartment while we work through the application & credit check process. Once approved the $200 holding deposit will be applied to your security deposit!

ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209


$825 / 1br - 708ft2 - Lovely Upstairs WHY RENT an Apartment! We pay apartment? When Water, Sewage, Trash ROOM FOR RENT you can rent a home. Garden Villa ApartBeautiful and Roomy ments 289 W. Santa FRESNO/ASHLAN 2 & 3 Bedrooms Ana, Clovis 93612 Large room like a Available. Only $1000 (559) 291-4305 studio. Single or Cou- month. Call today! ple, no kids. $700/mo 888-563-3003 $1040 / 2br - 935ft2 - $500/deposit Habla WELCOME HOME! Espanol Call (559) 2BED 2BATH, NEW- 400-1500 HOUSES FOR LY RENOVATED, RENT W&D HOOK-UPS! FRESNO FLYER Pet Friendly 559-292- Reaches thousands WHY RENT an apart1000 4092 N. Chest- every month. Start ment? When you can nut Diagonal running your ad for as rent a home. Beautiful little as $20 per issue. and Roomy 2 & 3 BedRENTING your Call or email us for a rooms Available. Only house? List it here for free consultation 559- $1000 month. Call toonly $20 per issue. 472-7182 info@fres- day! 888-563-3003 Call (559) 472-7182


RENTING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855621-5373 $1295 / 3BR For rent 3 bedroom 2 bath home (559) 367-9043

$1250 / 3BR - 1980ft2 - Lovely Ranch Style Home (Coarsegold) Open floor plan family/den and kitchen. Very clean and cared for, with attached 2-car garage. Central heating/air and ceilings fans in all rooms. Kitchen comes with refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and microwave. Separate laundry room with pantry off kitchen. Bay windows in livingroom, separate room off dining area . Master has two closets. Attached 2-car garage. Located on 1.5 acres with seasonal stream. Call Town & Country Property Management (559) 273-8712.


HOUSES FOR SALE 3BR/2BA (Bullard/Fig Homes in a Gated

MOBILE HOME Arabian Villa 55+ Community in Clovis. 2bd 1bth some upgrades. $13,000 Firm. More info please call (559) 291-8651

MOVE IN READY 3BR/2BA (Bullard/Fig Garden) David Carrasco 559-259-1649 All State Homes Realtor BRE# 02028365

MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest $1050 / 3BR 1000ft2 rates. Veterans let - 3 bedroom home for us help you with a FLYER $2,500 grant towards ready to rent. 1925 so. FRESNO thousands the down payment on orange (559) 824-7542 Reaches every month. Start a home! (559) 898$1200 / 3BR 1200ft2 running your ad for as 2088 or (888) 563- House for Rent near little as $20 per issue. 3003 Sierra Vista Mall Call or email us for a (4572 N Sunnyside free consultation 559472-7182 info@fresAve) (559) 244 9929 $1495 / 3BR 1688ft2 - House - 3 Bed / 2 Bath (559) 261-0208


Garden) David Carrasco 559-259-1649 All State Homes Realtor BRE# 02028365

$205000 / 3br - 1530ft Nice 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom. Large lot with Jungle Gym in backyard. The tranquil rear yard is a great place to relax with its covered patio. Has both a living room and family room. Very clean and well-maintained home. Brand new Central Heat and Cool Unit. call 559349-2543

Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (559) 898-2088 or (888) 563-3003

BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Fall Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $19/mo - 6’x10’x10’ high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free REAL ESTATE months factored in) FOR SALE Free moving truck! A PLACE FOR Bob’s Mini Storage MOM. The nation’s 5280 N. Barcus Fresno largest senior living 93722 (559) 275-4000 referral service. Conyour tact our trusted, local SELLING experts today! Our ser- home? List it here for vice is FREE/no obli- only $20 per issue. gation. CALL 1-855- Call (559) 472-7182 621-5373


JANUARY 11 & 18, 2018 | 17

AUTOMOTIVE 2007 SUZUKI V 18’ MALLARD 2003 TOYOTA Echo Strom 1000 $3500 CAMP TRAILER M I N T / P R I S T I N E (559) 285-3222 $7900 (559) 246-2164 Condition $3650 (559) 2006 Honda TRX 940-0194 450R $3200 (Kings- 2011 Victory Cross 2005 Wildwood Trail- burg) 559-859-5981 Roads $7000 (Visalia) er $8200 Pull behind, (559) 734-3098. 28ft, kitchen, large AUTO SERVICES 08 BRUTEFORCE slide out, awning, 750 4x4 fuel injected KAWASAKI Nin- queen bed, sofa sleeper BRAKES, TIRES, atv kaeasaki $5500 ja 500R $2400 (559) and kitchen table. Call Wheels, Complete (Madera Rancho’s) 473-3070 or text 5593127228 Auto Repair. Call Pay(559) 341-7179 less Brakes & Tires 2009 Kawasaki KLX 2008 Tango Travel (559) 237-5377 GO-KART Mini SM 250 $2200 (Visa- Trailer Bunkhouse Bike Tires - Clutches lia) (559) 786-7466 299BHS, excellent GO-KART Mini-Bike - Chains - Sprockets. condition, sleeps 9. Repair & Service. VisVisit Jensen & Watts 1978 HONDA hawk it Jensen & Watts 516 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- cb 400-t 400cc BRAND NEW queen N. Chestnut, Fresno. no. (559) 255-0465 twin cyl. 5 speed mattress for master (559) 255-0465 original paint air bed, double/single 2015 POLARIS 570 cooled fork lock bunks. Five new tires midsize ranger - $7500 electric and kick start (less than 1,000 miles), TRUCKS (Tollhouse) 2,500 only 7000 miles garage one slide, all working miles (200 hours) kept reliable runs great appliances, working BRAKES, TIRES, Brand new Bronco $1,500.00 call Richard AC unit, power aw- Wheels, Complete suspension Brand at 559-903-3235 ning. Sway bars, with Auto Repair. Call Paynew tires, Terabite hitch included. Current less Brakes & Tires 27/11/12rear - 27/9/12 GO-KART Mini registration, and clean (559) 237-5377 front Softtop , 3500 Bike Tires - Clutches title. Trailer is ready lb winch, under- - Chains - Sprockets. for your first trip to the 04 CHEVY Silverado seat toolbox. 1/2 Visit Jensen & Watts beach or mountains!!! 5.3 - $4800 (Dinuba) Windshield, Brand 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- Asking $12,000 OBO. 160 k miles Clean title new 30 ah Battery no. (559) 255-0465 Call/Text Dave at 559- Runs perfect V8 $ 7 , 5 0 0 681-0958. Automatic Good tires call 559-994-4465 Tags up to date Noth WEEKEND Warrior ing wrong. 209-486RVS 2002 HONDA trx 90 Super Lite FS2300 0486 $1200 559-708-2564 BOB’S MINI Storage $12500 (559) 284 - 1/2 off Winter Spe- 0072 text 2000 FORD ExpeGO-KART Mini-Bike cials! Pay 2 months dition XLT $2300 Repair & Service. Vis- get 2 months FREE. TAHOE Travel Trail- (CLOVIS) 559-326it Jensen & Watts 516 6’x8’x10’ high only er 25RK W/Slide-out 3781 N. Chestnut, Fresno. $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ $8500 559-287-1287 (559) 255-0465 high only $21.50/ 2001 JEEP Cherokee mo. (average cost - $3700 (559) 426 per month with free CARS 0459 MOTORCYCLES months factored in) Free moving truck! TOYOTA camry 2007 FORD F-150 2006 1997 YAMAHA Vi- Bob’s Mini Storage 120xxx miles 5,500 $6700 (559) 320-7949 rago 750 $2100 (559) 5280 N. Barcus Fresno obo 559-223-8213 285-3222 93722 (559) 275-4000


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