Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 25

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EDITOR’S NOTE The CSU Summer Arts program is one of the coolest things I ever did. And I’m not talking about my perspective as an audience, but instead, that of a student. While deciding on whether or not I should apply, everyone I knew who had attended the program all said the same thing, “it was a life-changing experience.” That solidified my decision, and you know what? They were right because it was. I took Screenwriting - yep, you read correctly, I had grand aspirations to write earth-shattering scripts for feature films. However, I should note that I didn’t sign up for the class because it was some vocational, job-placement program - I did it for the artistry, because I had/have such a need to tell stories that if I don’t, it feels as if I’ll burst. And because I want to tell those stories to the best of my ability. Summer Arts helped me find that and gave me the tools keep raising the bar on what the definition of ‘best’ means. They helped me find the beating heart of every story I feel compelled to tell. For two weeks, we wrote, every single day we wrote. The instructors gave the class a prompt to take home to write a short script that was due the next morning. All scripts were read aloud and critiqued by both the students and teachers. Afterward, we ran exercise after exercise, delving into the depths of what made stories great. At the end of the


| JUNE 14 & 21, 2018



day, we were given a new prompt to take home and summon into a script to turn in the next. And so it went, for the entire duration of the class. Summer Arts took what I knew about myself as a writer and my ability to tell stories, stripped it bare and turned it inside out. The critiques were humbling - my writings were torn apart, shredded, plucked bit by bit to analyze every mistake. When the dismantling was over, the faculty built me back up. It was truly enlightening. What’s more, is that towards the end of the program we all got to share our work with the everyone else in the form of a showcase. CSU Summer Arts will host a number of student showcases next month where artists will bring their crafts to the forefront. Not just that, but they’ll be laying their hard-earned, blood, sweat, and tears projects at your feet. And guess what? It’s free. Neat, right? I may not be writing blockbusters or chic, independent films, but I still get to write stories for a living; it’s just taken on a different shape. Sharing what you love with others who appreciate the art form and connect to its message is, hands down, the raddest thing around. If art is your thing, go check out who’s going to be leading it into the next evolution.


Saturday, July 7 An Evening of Comedy Chicago-Style Comedy 7pm – John Wright Theatre


CSU SUMMER ARTS RELEASES FOUR WEEKS ARTS FESTIVAL CALENDAR IN JULY Program Brings an Array of Artists to Fresno State for Performances Open to the Public (Fresno, Calif.) The Fresno State campus comes alive with dance, music, comedy, poetry and art this July as Summer Arts returns for another inspired arts festival season. For more than 30 years, CSU Summer Arts has assembled dozens of the world’s top creatives to be a part of our annual Festival -– to perform and to teach our students. For the festival, we produce more than 25 live events so members of the local community can see the worldclass talent with their own eyes. Calendar


Thursday, July 19 Bob Dotson 7pm - John Wright Theatre

ob Dotson has traveled more than four million miles, crisscrossing America almost nonstop for half a century, searching for people who are practically invisible—the ones who change our lives, but don’t take the time to tweet and tell us about it. His longrunning series, “The American Story with Bob Dotson,” was a regular feature on “The Today Show” until his retirement on the 40th anniversary of the day he joined NBC. The former NBC National News Correspondent is one of the most honored storytellers of our time. A New York Times best-selling author, Dotson has won numerous awards for his journalism

highlights include:

Tickets for the 2018 CSU Summer Arts Festival season are now on sale online www. Tickets can also be purchased at the Fresno State box office. CSU Summer Arts is an international summer arts program of master classes and a festival of the arts. It’s a place where profound learning and entertainment converge, creating an inspired educational environment. During the day, students study alongside some of the greats in their fields and at night a public arts festival gives the community an opportunity to experience the amazing talent of our guest artists. To learn more, visit

and work. His book American Story: A Lifetime Search for Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things details his amazing journey across the country. Weaving in the life lessons of others and his own personal insights, he creates a larger image of the American Dream playing out wherever he travels. His career in journalism has provided him with valuable insights into both the craft of storytelling and the human experiences that shape each narrative. Bob Dotson has made a career out of giving a voice to heroes that have been

invisible. His work is a reflection of the heart of America. Bob Dotson’s lecture concerns past and present—his incredible experiences give audiences the chance to re-envision their country and its citizens. In a world of soundbites and shallow journalism, he strives to capture the heart of his subjects. His latest book, Make it Memorable, concerns the larger craft of visual story-telling, and is taught at universities across the country. His own history is as impressive as any of his subjects on American Story, and he is prepared to tell it all.

Spectrum Dance Theater, a dance company led by visionary Donald Byrd based out of Seattle, Washington with regional and national significance (July 2 at 7 p.m.) Stage Combat, a lecture detailing the ins and outs of stage combat choreography, and demonstration how they make everything look so real on stage and screen (July 16 at 7p.m.)



ur guest artists for “Chicago-Style Comedy” are here, and they’re bringing the party to CSU Summer Arts. Trained in the mystic arts of improv, comedy writing, and sketch, these actors have years of experience in the world of professional comedy. They’ve trained with Second City, The Annoyance, and iO; now they’re bravely voyaging to Fresno to let us in on the joke. They deliver a motley mix of improvisation, sketch, and performance games the likes of which Summer Arts has never seen before. David Razowsky brings to light the techniques of improvisation he’s acquired performing with the likes of Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, and Amy Sedaris. His teaching emphasizes the “present presence” of the actor and puts honesty over gimmicks. Rachel Hamilton, who Tina Fey calls “brilliant at long-form, short form and musical improv,” graces us with her presence and her deep respect for the gifts of improv acting. The dynamic comedy duo of Amy Seeley and Mike Ross perform, demonstrating the comedic excellence they’ve channeled in their original sketch show and sci-fi comedy web series. Together these artists share Chicago’s unique brand of stage comedy. Chicago’s rich theatre scene contains companies like Second City that have trained some of the nation’s most famous actors and writers. Emphasizing the relationships at the core of every scene, the Chicago-style of comedy allows artists to channel their personalities into hilarious characters and scenarios. From moment to moment, the actor is truthful and aware, discovering the scene as it unfolds along with the audience. For the unacquainted, it’s a totally unique way to experience comedy. These guest artists bring Fresno a memorable evening of merriment and frivolity. They showcase the thrill and immediacy of improv, and wit honed by decades of practice and experience. For one night, they create an experience perfect for students of comedy or anyone who likes to have a great time. Their performances are instructive but entertaining, sowing the seeds of comedic excellence in a new environment.


JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 |




For tickets and more information visit us online at

Spectrum Dance Theater: July - John Wright Theatre

H.R.3244 (Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000), which explores the emotional response to human trafficking and draws parallels to historical black slavery in the United States.

Denise Bookwalter July 10 - John Wright Theatre Bookwalter works in a range of print media including traditional and digital processes, installations, and dimensional prints. She uses old and new print technologies to create collaborative artist books.

Kiese Laymon

An Evening of Flute

July 5 - John Wright Theatre

July 6 - 2018 Concert Hall

A Black southern writer, born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. He is the author of the novel Long Division, and a collection of essays titled How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America.

A vibrant evening of flute with primo musicians Carol Wincenc, Wendy Caldwell, Ian Clarke, John Barcellona, Bryan Pezzone, and Rena Urso. Styles include classical, opera, rock, jazz, contemporary, and experimental.

Accent Olympica: Building Skills for Accent Flexibility

The World We Create

Student Showcases

July 11 - John Wright Theatre

July 13, 14, 27 & 28 - Various

July 9 - John Wright Theatre

Ant Black and Kimberly Dark use spoken word performance, dialogue and audience interaction to explore how different races, genders, religions, sexualities, and experiences create the world in which we live.

Student Showcases will take place over 4 days as a culmination to their Summer Arts experience. Details for each can be found on pg 10. Showcases are non-ticketed, free events. 559-278-5858

Kristen Radtke:

Les Rose:

July 20 - John Wright Theatre

July 24 - John Wright Theatre

Writer, artist, and the art director and deputy publisher of The Believer. She is an LA Times “Face to Watch,” and has been called “a superhuman of illustration” by the New York Times.

38 years as a TV news photojournalist at top networks in the country, covering stories from the OJ Simpson Trial to U.S. hostage releases in West Germany to war zones in Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Honduras.

Christopher Notbusch Daniel Cahill:


July 3- John Wright Theatre Creators of 3D sculptures by hand or by using scanning and printing technologies to create unique and totally rad models. They’ve created objects, art, creatures, and people.

Founder of Knight-Thompson Speechwork (KTS), a skills-based approach to training actors for detailed and nuanced accent work.

Stage Combat:

Elena Passarello and Dinty W. Moore:

Our returning champions are Tony Carreiro, Collin Bressie, and Nate Mitchell, all Society of American Fight Directors Certified Teachers. They will present a lecture of stage combat choreography, and demonstrations.

July 17 - John Wright Theatre

July 16 - John Wright Theatre


| JUNE 14 & 21, 2018

Passarello’s first book, Let Me Clear My Throat, was a finalist - Oregon Book Award. Moore, multi-awards including a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship




Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

For the fun of Summer

1. The “dog days of summer” refer to the weeks between July 3 and August 11 and are named after the Dog Star (Sirius) in the Canis Major constellation. The ancient Greeks blamed Sirius for the hot temperatures, drought, discomfort, and sickness that occurred during the summer. 2. In the summer heat, the iron in France’s Eiffel Tower expands, making the tower grow more than 6 inches.

6. Many Native Americans held ritual dances to honor the sun during the summer solstice. For example, the Sioux would set up teepees in a circle to represent the cosmos, and participants would decorate their bodies in the symbolic colors of the sun: red (sunset), blue (sky), yellow (lightning), and black (night). 10. Before the Civil War, schools did not have summer vacation. In 7. AA ubiquitous summer treat is rural communities, kids had school watermelon. Watermelon is part off during the spring planting and of the cucumber, pumpkin, and fall harvest while urban schools squash family and consists of 92% were essentially year-round. The water. On average, Americans con- long summer holiday didn’t come sume 15 pounds of watermelon about until the early 20th century. annually.

3. The month of June was named after either Juniores, the lower branch of the roman Senate, or 8. Popsicles, a popular summer treat, was accidentally invented by Juno, the wife of Jupiter. an 11-year-old boy in San Francis4. Both “equinox” and “solstice” re- co in 1905. He left a glass of soda fer to the path of the sun through- sitting outside and by the next out the year. During a solstice, the morning the soda had frozen. He sun is either at its northernmost began selling them at an amusepoint (Tropic of Cancer) or it is at ment park in New Jersey. In the its southernmost point (Tropic of U.S., cherry is the number 1 flavor. Capricorn). An equinox is either of the two days each year when the 9. Shakespeare’s Midsummer sun crosses the equator and both Night’s Dream takes place on Midsummer’s Eve, a time that Elizday and night are equally long. abethans would have associated 5. Ancient pagans celebrated mid- with celebration. The summer solsummer with bonfires. It was be- stice was associated with dancing lieved that the crops would grow as drinking, mystery, and magic. In high as a couple could jump across his bewitching play, Shakespeare the fire. Additionally, bonfires captures the festive atmosphere of would generate magic by boosting the season and even includes some summer rituals. the sun’s powers. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

11. According to Rolling Stone, the top 10 best summer songs of all time are 1) “Dancing in the Street,” Martha & The Vandellas; 2) “Summertime Blues,” Eddie Cochran; 3) “School’s Out,” Alice Cooper; 4) “California Girls,” The Beach Boys; 5) “Rockaway Beach,” The Ramones; 6) “Hot Fun in the Summertime,” Sly & the Family Stone; 7) “Summer in the City,” Lovin’ Spoonful; 8) “Vacation,” The Go-Gos; 9) “Summertime,” DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince; and 10) “Cruel Summer,” Bananarama. 12. The longest summer bikini parade on record happened on August 19, 2012, in China with 1,085 participants.



JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 |



Increase in Canine Distemper Cases


he Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH) is advising residents to be on alert for Canine Distemper Virus (CDV). Environmental Health staff has seen an increase of cases of CDV throughout Fresno County. CDV is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. CDV poses no threat to human health but unvaccinated dogs can become infected. Distemper is most commonly spread through coughing infected respiratory secretions, but can also be shed through most other bodily secretions,


Dash A041292 is hoping to make some new friends soon! He’s friendly and does well with other dogs. 559-233-7722 ext.116

including urine. Animals that are infected often move slowly, stumble, and can appear blind and/or confused. In wild animals, they may lose their fear of humans, and can become aggressive if cornered. If you notice any animals behaving abnormally, or acting sick, do not approach or try to handle the animal. If the animal is seen in the unincorporated areas of the county, please contact Fresno Humane


Bubbles A049283 will put a smile on your face! Her bright and cheerful personality will brighten your day. 559-233-7722 ext.116

Ripples Posy

Ripples A046169 would love to climb into your lap! She’s a cheerful, curious kitty with affection to spare. 559-233-7722


| JUNE 14 & 21, 2018

Posy A046383 is a sweetie with a heart of gold. She loves cuddling and playing with her friends! 559-233-7722 ext.116


Animal Services (FHAS) at (559) 600PETS (7387) to report the sick animal. If the animal is observed in the City of Fresno please contact the Central California SPCA at (559) 233-7722 or contact the City of Clovis Animal Control at (559) 324-2450 to report the sick animals in the City of Clovis. For all other incorporated cities, contact your local animal control agency. Precautions can be taken to


Andy A041251 doesn’t let his cloudy eye keep him from seeing all the love you have for him! 559-233-7722 ext.116


Simba A045173 will be the king of your heart! You’ll never be alone with him by your side. 559-233-7722 ext.116

protect your pets from contracting distemper by vaccinating them yearly. Low cost vaccinations are available for residents residing in the unincorporated areas of the county at FHAS located at 760 West Nielsen Avenue, Fresno. For more information regarding vaccine availability, or to schedule an interview please contact FHAS at (559) 600-7387.


Milo A041239 is looking for his happy place. He’s a little shy, but with love and patience, he’ll love you forever! 559-233-7722 ext.116


Sky A043746 is ready to go go go! She’s loving and excitable and can’t wait to go home with you. 559-233-7722 ext.116



Chunk A041288 is a big hunk o’ love! He’s ready for anything, from camping to beach walks to long naps. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Spades A042597 will smother you with love! She’s perfect for any family looking for a large dog. 559-233-7722 ext.116


RECIPE // FOOD Farmers Market Mini Pierogy Salad

2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons kosher salt 2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper

Prep time: 12 minutes Total time: 18 minutes Servings: 4

1 pound ground beef 1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon minced red onion 4 deli slices Colby Jack cheese, quartered

1 box Mrs. T’s Mini Classic Cheddar Pierogies

4-6 skewers

1/2 cup white balsamic or cider vinegar

14 pieces curly leaf lettuce

1 small garlic clove, crushed

7 cherry tomatoes, halved

1/4 teaspoon salt

14 cornichon pickles

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Crowd-Pleasing Summer Entertaining (Family Features) If you’re hosting a backyard barbecue, game night or TV show marathon with friends this summer, it’s helpful to have a plan in mind before diving in. Consider these tips and recipes featuring Mrs. T’s Pierogies that can help make planning a breeze and allow you to kick back and enjoy the fun alongside your guests. * Master the Music. Set the mood as soon as your guests walk in with an upbeat playlist. * Add a Creative Twist to Your Menu. When you’re craving something real and satisfying - but want to keep things simple - reach for an option like Mrs. T’s Pierogies. Available in 16 varieties, including mini-size, these pasta shells, filled with creamy whipped potatoes, are loaded with flavor and perfect served alone or as part of creative recipes like a Farmers Market Mini Pierogy Salad. You can also grill them up like in this Mini Pierogy Slider Kebab recipe.

* Create Self-Serve Stations. Arrange a buffet-style table to allow your guests to help themselves to food. It’s a simple way to ensure you get to enjoy yourself. Just remember to provide the necessary fixings at each station. * Bust Out Some Games. Whether it’s a game night or just a get-together with friends, keep games like cornhole or bocce ball on-hand to keep your soiree lively.

Heat grill or indoor grill pan to medium heat. Toss pierogies with oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through. Remove.

1 large tomato, coarsely chopped

In medium bowl, combine ground beef, Worcestershire sauce, onion, salt and pepper. Form into 14 equal sized patties.

4 ounces feta cheese, crumbled

Add patties to grill and cook 3-4 minutes per side. Add one slice of cheese to each during last minute of cooking to melt. Remove and cool slightly to handle. To assemble: skewer one pierogy, flat-side down, then one piece of lettuce, tomato, pickle, burger and another pierogy, flat-side down, to sandwich it all together. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

1 medium cucumber, seeded, if necessary, and coarsely chopped 1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced

Saute pierogies according to box directions; place in large bowl. In small bowl, combine vinegar, garlic, salt and oregano; whisk in olive oil until well-blended. Add tomato, cucumber, red onion, feta and vinaigrette to bowl with pierogies; toss to mix well.

For more recipes perfect for entertaining, visit

Mini Pierogy Slider Kebabs Prep time: 15 minutes Total time: 20 minutes Servings: 4-6 1 box Mrs. T’s Mini Classic Cheddar Pierogies




JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 |



| JUNE 14 & 21, 2018





This Week June 14-20 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - GCP Thursday, June 14 at 7 PM - 9:30 PM Good Company Players 1105 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical hit is a joyous retelling of the story of Joseph, his doting father, his eleven jealous brothers, and his adventures in Egypt. Family fun of biblical proportions!! 80’s Night 2018 Thursday, June 14 at 6 PM - 10 PM Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. Come enjoy $1 beers from 6-8pm along with live pregame music from TBG & The Ritz! Wear your best 80’s attire and receive a free Pasture ticket thanks to Party City! $2 ticket upgrades available for the Red Zone. Nick Moss Band featuring Dennis Gruenling This event is in the Tower Theatre Lounge June 14th Doors 7pm, Show 8pm INSIDE THE TOWER THEATE LOUNGE The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling will release their label debut, The High Cost Of Low Living, in March 2018. Moss is a 30-year veteran guitarist who paid his dues gigging in Chicago’s rough and tumble West and South side blues clubs under the tutelage of some of the city’s greatest blues luminaries. He learned directly from, and toured with, blues giants Jimmy “Fast Fingers” Dawkins, Willie “Big Eyes” Smith and Jimmy Rogers. New Jersey’s Dennis Gruenling is considered among the very top blues harmonica players today. Blues Revue called Gruenling “a leading light among a new generation of harp players...a true innovator.” Tickets starting at $27.00 Link: Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno (559) 485-9050 Swan Lake Friday, June 15 at 6:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. FAB presents Oddities w/ Vander Von Odd Friday, June 15 at 9 PM 2 AM FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Ave, Fresno. FAB Fridays presents Oddities feature Dragula Season 1 winner Vander Von Odd June 15th 2018 Show at midnight $10 Cover 9pm-2am Free if in DRAG List Your Events Start running for as little as $20 issue 559-4727182

64th Annual City County All Star Football Game Friday, June 15 at 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Lamonica Stadium 1055 Fowler Ave, Clovis. The 64th annual City County All Star Football Game will take place at Lamonica Stadium on the campus of Clovis High School on Friday June 15th at 7:30 PM. This game brings together the football high school senior “stars” of the central valley from the 2017-2018 season. The Boys and Girls Clubs receive all proceeds from the game. It is a fun evening of off-season football while benefitting kids in the community. This game is put on by the Greater Fresno Optimist Club. Dance Fest 2018 - Contemporary dance show based on Mary Poppins Friday night June 15th LJ Williams Theatre 1001 W Main St, Visalia Ticket Information www.spacdance. com

eyes in a matter of minutes! These glasses are very durable, they are dishwasher and freezer safe. Great for ages 14+. Each class is 2 hour long and has seats for 6 people so make it a family event. Closed toe shoes REQUIRED, light cotton clothing preferred. Light Refreshments will be provided. It will be warm in the studio so dress accordingly. Father’s Day Brunch BBQ Sunday, June 17 at 9 AM - 1:30 PM San Joaquin Country Club, Fresno CA 3484 W Bluff Ave, Fresno. Waffles with Dad Sunday, June 17 at 8 AM - 12 PM The Revue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno Let’s Celebrate Men: Father’s Day Thursday, June 14 at 4 PM - 7 PM

Orloff Jewelers 770 W Shaw Ave, Ste 101, Fresno. Stop by for our Father’s Day event - OXOTIC Supercar Driving Experience, whiskey and vodka tasting provided by Riley’s Father’s Day Run & Walk Sun June Brewery, luxury watch brands includ17 2018 52nd Father’s Day Run in ing Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Hublot 2018! The FDR is the second old- and many more, music, friends est community fun run on the west and a good time at Orloff Jewelers! coast, we promote not only exercise **enter for a chance to win a pribut also the fathers within our com- vate flight and dinner for 2 at Harris munity, and the idea of family as Ranch Restaurant well. All proceeds go to the Fresno City College Track and Field Teams. Mathews Harley-Davidson June Race Day Schedule 7:00am - 2 Mile 16, 2018 - 6:00PM 65 GIFTS FOR Run and Walk 7:30am - 6 Mile Run 65 CUSTOMERS the first 65 customPacket Pickup Saturday June 16th ers to make a purchase will receive Fleet Feet Sports Fresno 11am to a limited edition (SURPRISE!) along 4pm 9447 North Ft Washington with a (ADDED BONUS!) as we thank Road #106, Fresno. Late packet you for loyalty! 548 N. Blackstone pickup Race Day 6:00am to 6:45am Ave. / 555 N. Abby St. Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd. Foam Glow 5K Father’s Day Auto Show and Bar- Saturday at 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM becue Sunday, June 17 at 9 AM - 1 The Big Fresno Fair PM LifeBridge Community Church 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Foam 5125 N. Gates Ave., Fresno. Join us Glow 5K™ is an exhilarating expeFather’s Day for our 3rd Annual Fa- rience where runners or walkers ther’s Day Car Show and Barbecue. are BLASTED with Glowing Foam We will be honoring all dads! Car show and then lit up by Blacklights scatwill take place at Les Schwab’s park- tered throughout the course. Our ing lot. Address is 4588 W Shaw Ave. glowing runners are all different Vehicle registration begins at 8:30. ages, shapes, sizes, and speeds. To register, the cost $30 per vehicle. So no matter your experience level Our services are at 9/11, where ev- our run will have you shining bright ery DAD will be honored! & eagerly awaiting the next run! Along the running path, you will find Fathers Day - Blow Your Own Pint Glass Foam Glow Zone’s, which are associJUN 9 Sat 10:00, 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM ated with a designated color: green, Ballis Glass 2888 N Sunnyside #104, pink, or orange. All products are Fresno. Guest Artists Wanted. With 100% natural and non-toxic. At the Fathers Day right around the corner end of the race, there will be a Foam it’s time to create a Pint Glass. Make Glow Party filled with music pumping it for yourself or give as that perfect from a live DJ, glowing foam and tons one of a kind gift. This class includes of blacklights! everything you’ll need to design that one of a kind Pint Glass. You get to Calling All Promotors We can help choose your own colors, add them get you out there. We’ve got great to molten glass and then blow them rates on bulk prints too 559-472into a glass. Made right before your 7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary At The Hanford Fox Sat. June 16th pin Hanford Fox Throwback Films 326 N. Irwin St., Hanford. WHY 2Pac Exhibit Saturday, June 16 at 5 PM - 7 PM African American Historical and Cultural Museum of the San Joaquin Valley 1857 Fulton St, Fresno. The Australian Bee Gees Show – A Tribute to the Bee Gees Saturday at 8 PM - 11 PM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold. Chukchansi’s 2018 Sounds of Summer outdoor concert Series is proud to present The Australian Bee Gees Show - A Tribute to the Bee Gees, Saturday June 16, in our outdoor pavilion. The Australian Bee Gees Show is an energetic and toe-tapping tribute to one of the greatest pop acts of all time. Recognized around the world as one of the greatest Bee Gees cover acts, these Australians resemble the members of the original group in look as much as they do in sound. Gold Leaf Mandala (Limited Seating) Saturday, June 16 at 10 AM - 12:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave (S E Corner of Blackstone @ Barstow), Fresno. Tickets Available allardsart. com No experience necessary!


Special coupons for attendees! $67 class fee. Includes supply kit. Included Supply Kit: 1 8x8 in Wood Panel 1 F.W. Acrylic Ink 2 POSCA Paint Markers 1 Sakura Micron Pen 1 Uni-ball Impact White Gel Pen 1 6x6 in Stencil Gold Leaf Provided by Allard’s: Gold Leaf Sizing (Glue) Register instore or by calling (559) 225-1500. Alice in Wonderland - A Story Ballet Dance Fest 2018 - Saturday night June 16th LJ Williams Theatre 1001 W Main St, Visalia Ticket Information Summer of Plays: Alicia in Wonder Tierra Sunday, June 17 at 5 PM - 8 PM Civic Center Auditorium 400 N Douty St, Hanford. Mexico vs Germany Watch Party w/ WBC Champ Jose Ramirez Sunday at 8 AM Dave & Buster’s 212 E River Park Cir, Fresno. 10th Annual “Who’s Your Daddy” Tournament Sunday, June 17 at 2:15 PM Club One Casino 1033 Van Ness Ave. Give your poker playing husband or pops the perfect gift! An entry (or two) to our $100 buy-in, $15,000 GTD Father’s Day Tournament! Ditch the lines. Pre-reg is available at the cage.


JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182 Fresno FC vs. Swope Park Rangers Sunday, June 17 at 6 PM - 8 PM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Make Your Own Copper Earrings, Taught by Camille Cole Wednesday, June 20 at 10 AM - 1 PM Ballis Glass 2888 N Sunnyside #104, Fresno. Metal Texturing 101: Make your own copper earrings. We are having a Guest Instructor for this class, taught by Camille Cole. In this class you will learn with simple copper hardware store washer, you can create beautifully exotic earrings. Using different hammers I’ll show you how to form and add multuple textures on metal, for a one of a kind design that is specific to only you. Each student will have a station with all your metal and supplies provided. If you have your own tools and pliers feel free to bring them with you. Also each student will leave with a finished pair of earrings to show to family and friends. I’m looking forward to a class full of laughter and creativity. Drinking water will be provided and it does get warm in the studio even with coolers, so you will want to dress accordingly. Ages 18+ State of the City Luncheon June 20, New Exhibit Hall, Fresno Convention Center, 700 M St, noon2p,

Next Week June 21-27 Fresno FC U23 vs. San Diego Zest FC Thursday, June 21 at 7 PM - 9 PM Fresno State Soccer Field Fresno. Fresno FC U23 hosts San Diego Zest FC Thursday, June 21 at Fresno State Soccer Field with kickoff set for 7pm!

As always, TB&J is free to attend and open to all ages, at the fun and festive Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company beer garden. The Princess Ball - Fresno Grizzlies vs. Albuquerque Isotopes Friday, June 22 at 7:05 PM - 10:05 PM Fresno Grizzlies 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. IT’S THE MOST MAGICAL NIGHT OF THE YEAR! Friday, June 22 is THE PRINCESS BALL presented by Expo Party Rentals & Floral! We will have 10 of your favorite princesses in the ballpark, a special dance with a light up dance floor, Princess sing-alongs, fireworks and more activities for kids. ALL KIDS 12 & UNDER IN PRINCESS COSTUME GET A FREE TICKET TO THE GAME! Tickets are now on sale starting at just $10 and are available online at or at the Grizzlies box office. Boots In The Park - Fresno Friday, June 22 at 5 PM - 10 PM Woodward Park 7775 N. Friant Rd., Fresno. Activated Eents, the producers of Coastal Country Jam bring you Fresno’s biggest outdoor country music event, Boots In The Park! Happening on Friday, June 22 on the lawn at Woodward Park. Get ready for a major artist announcement coming soon! Boots In The Park had brought some of the biggest names in country music including Billy Currington, Justin Moore, Locash many others. This event is open to all ages. Strictly 21+ to drink. Event will feature multiple bars, great BBQ and food selections, vendors, and much more! LeAnn Rimes Friday, June 22 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia. Sonny Coelho Band at On The Edge in Clovis Friday, June 22 at 7:30 PM - 10 PM On The Edge 412 Pollasky Ave, Clovis. 38 Special Saturday, June 23 at 8 PM - 11 PM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold. 38 Special’s hits like “Hold On Loosely,” “Rockin’ Into the Night,” “Caught Up in You,” “Fantasy Girl,” “If I’d Been the One,” “Back Where You Belong,” “Chain Lightnin’,” and “Second Chance” have made the band a household name since 1976. Classics from more than 15 albums continue to dominate radio waves and are still immediately recognizable from the first opening chords.

FAB Fridays presents Sharon Needles Friday June 22nd 2018 Show at midnight 8:pm-2:am $20 Cover | $30 Cover + Meet & Greet Hosted by Isis De Luna Featuring: Nikita Rage Velveeta Whoremel Cookie Cutter Maximus Orgazmo Hazzard Strange & More.. TBJ: Tacos, Brews & Jams w/ Ships Have Sailed Thursday, June 21 at 5 PM - 10 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. We’re thrilled to be hosting up-and-coming alt rockers Ships Have Sailed, who are joining us from L.A. to play their fresh List Your Events Start running new single “Let’s Just Dance,” as for as little as $20 issue 559-472heard on New Rock 104.1. Fresno’s 7182 own The Morning Drive will join them.

10 | JUNE 14 & 21, 2018



Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182 A Holistic Approach to Improving Your Fertility, Naturally! Saturday, June 23 at 11 AM - 12:30 PM Fresno County Woodward Park Regional Library 944 E Perrin Ave, Fresno. We are local experts in holistic and natural reproductive health! Join Dr. Tais (naturopathic doctor), Dr Brooke (chiropractor), Teryn (nutritionist) and Shirley (licensed acupuncturist) for a free talk at the library. WWE Live SummerSlam Heatwave Tour Sunday, June 24 at 7 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Party for the Parkway #27 Paint “Night” During the Day/Art Tour Sunday, June 24 at 12 AM - 3 PM San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust 11605 Old Friant Rd, Fresno. Visalia Health and Fitness Expo Sunday, June 24 at 11 AM - 4 PM Visalia Convention Center 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. The Visalia Health and Fitness Expo on June 24, 2018 will feature health, fitness and wellness experts displaying and selling products and services. classes, plus cooking and fitness demonstrations and a kids zone for your little tikes fitness needs. Meet instructors and experts in their field and ask questions right here at the Visalia Health and Fitness Expo. Ticket Information: General admission tickets are $5, 12 and under are free. VIP Fitness Passes (100 available) $20 - Expo entrance, four (4) 30 minute workouts led by local trainers and studios, complimentary treats and prizes for each class. Experience different workouts that are available right here in our community. KIDZ KAMP 1 June 25 – June 28 Clay Cafe 1018 E Mineral King Ave, Visalia. This is our first Kidz Kamp of summer break! Dont stay home, join us for 3 days of fun: monday, tuesday, and thursday. Our week includes lunch, snacks, ceramic art, crafts and games! Limited space, so reserve asap. Cost: $80 each. Ages 5-12 years. Teens welcome upon approval. $20 non-refundable deposit reserves. Call! 733-2022 Calling All Promotors We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-472-7182


CALENDAR Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great Painxted Sign Party in Lumber- rates on bulk prints too 559-472town Tuesday, June 26 at 6 PM - 9 7182 PM Madera District Fair 1850 W Family Rock Painting Workshop FriCleveland Ave, Madera. heartday, July 6 at 2 PM - 5 PM Dinuba Branch Library 150 S I St, Dinuba. Join us on Friday, July 6th for a fun Opening Reception: 2018 iPhorock-painting workshop. All ages are nography Juried Exhibition Friday, welcome, supplies are provided, and July 6 at 6 PM - 8 PM Arts Visalia 214 events are always free. Hope to see E Oak Ave, Visalia. Calling all photogyou! Bring a friend! raphers of all ages, phone photographers that is! This special exhibition will showcase photographs taken with phone cameras which will be entered into four different catego- ries. The Opening Reception will be CSU Summer Arts Student a fun night to tour the exhibition, talk Showcases Friday, July 13, 2018 | with the photographers, and vote for 4:15pm - Spectrum Dance Theater your favorite piece for the “People’s Student Showcase - John Wright TheChoice” award. atre | 7:30pm - The Complete 21st Century Flutist Student Showcase Tie Dye Workshop (Limited Seat- Concert Hall. Student Showcase are ing) Tuesday, July 24 at 2 PM - 4:30 non-ticketed, free events. Admission PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone is first-come, first-seated. www.csuAve Fresno. Tie 559-278-5858 dye isn’t just for hippies anymore! You can turn any ordinary piece of CSU Summer Arts Student Showcotton fabric into a work of art with cases 11am - Acting in Accent Stujust a few rubber bands and some dent Showcase - John Wright Theatre dye. In this workshop, you’ll learn | 2:15pm - Social Action Writing different folding techniques to create Student Showcase - John Wright Thegroovy patterns onto a T-shirt and a atre | 4pm - Papermaking and Artist large tapestry for your wall. We use Books & Creature Workshop for Anithe good stuff - Procion dyes from mation Student Showcases - Conley Jacquard Products to ensure the Gallery | 7:30pm - Chicago-Style most vibrant and vivid colors that Comedy Student Showcase - John won’t wash out or fade. Bring your Wright Theatre Student Showcase own T-shirt and we’ll supply the fab- are non-ticketed, free events. Admisric for the tapestry. This class is fun sion is first-come, first-seated. www. for people of all ages! No experience 559-278-5858 necessary! Special coupons for at- tendees! $45 class fee. Includes CSU Summer Arts Student Showsupply kit. Bring a Cotton Shirt In- cases Friday, July 27, 2018 4:15pm cluded Supplies: Soda Ash 6 Jac- - Performing Spoken Word Poetry: quard Procion Dyes 6 Bottles Plastic Black Girl Magic Student Showcase Bags Rubber Bands 3’x3’ Tapestry John Wright Theatre | 7:30pm - VisuRegister in-store or by calling (559) al Storytelling: The News Feature Stu225-1500. dent Showcase - John Wright Theatre Student Showcase are non-ticketed, Pet Photography Class Thursday, free events. Admission is first-come, June 28 at 7 PM - 9 PM Horn Photo first-seated. www.csusummerarts. 7899 B Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Join org 559-278-5858 Horn Photo and Sony on Thursday, June 28 for a fun pet photography CSU Summer Arts Student Showclass and meet your model Lily, a cases Saturday, July 28, 2018 French Bulldog mix. Learn the best 11:30am - The “It” Factor: What camera settings and how to work Makes a Dancer a Star Student with your pet for the perfect photo. Showcase - John Wright Theatre Get tips and tricks for capturing fun | 2:15pm - The Normal School”s photos of your pet. On-site Sony reps Summer Workshop Student ShowDave Rhodes and Sarah Regnier will case - John Wright Theatre | 4pm answer all of your questions. Hands- - Contemporary Photographic Stuon live studio shoot featuring Lily. dio: Beauty is Everywhere StuBring your own camera or demo a dent Showcase - Conley Gallery Sony camera/lens for this event. 7:30pm - Lights, Camera, Fight! Please bring an extra memory card if Stage Combat Student Showcase you are going to be using Sony loan- John Wright Theatre Student Shower gear. Cost for the event is $50. case are non-ticketed, free events. Space is limited – sign up early! Admission is first-come, first-seated. 559List Your Events $20 an issue 559- 278-5858 472-7182




Jasmine Mans and Yazmin Monet Watkins Wednesday, July 18, 2018 John Wright Theatre Yazmin Monet Watkins is an internationally touring bisexual spoken word poet and actress from Los Angeles whose work in higher education combines art and activism, providing critical artistic outlets for students to self-advocate, heal, negotiate, and navigate the space that is higher education. Jasmine Mans is an author, performer, poet, teacher, and artist who enjoys having various forums to express her thoughts, moods, opinions, and a voice to speak out on behalf of others and the community around her. 559-2785858 YES! Project ~ Youth Engage Shakespeare Wednesday, July 18 at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Fresno Pacific Theater 1717 S Chestnut Ave, Fresno. WHEN: Weeks 1-3: Mondays-Thursdays, 10 am - 3 pm (minus July 4) - at Fresno Pacific University Week 4: Monday-Wednesday, 6 - 9 pm (show on July 18 at 7:30 pm - at Woodward Park’s Festival Stage WHAT: The YES! Project is a summer youth camp where young people engage Shakespearean text and themes. We play theater games, learn Shakespearean style and scenes, and devise original dramatic material as we speak back at the text. Then we put it all together in a 45 minute or so performance out at Woodward Park for friends and family. This is a partnership project between FPU and Woodward Shakespeare Festival. StageWorks Fresno presents: Fun Home When her father dies unexpectedly, graphic novelist Alison dives deep into her past to tell the story of the volatile, brilliant, oneof-a-kind man whose temperament and secrets defined her family and her life. Moving between past and present, Alison relives her unique childhood playing at the family’s Bechdel Funeral Home, her growing understanding of her own sexuality, and the looming, unanswerable questions about her father’s hidden desires. Fun Home is a refreshingly honest, wholly original musical about seeing your parents through grownup eyes. Friday, June 29 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Dan Pessano Theater Fresno. Todd Hido and Clint Woodside Monday, July 23, 201 John Wright Theatre Join us for a discussion with photographers Todd Hido and Clint Woodside, moderated by Contemporary Photographic Studio course coordinator Niku Kashef. Their curious and evocative works are widely distributed across the United States, and beyond. www.csusummerarts. org 559-278-5858

Bring It On The Musical Friday, July 20 at 7 PM - 9:30 PM Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. Tickets

Kids ZOO Camp CUBBY CAMP Ages 3-5 Every Monday through Friday from June 11-August 17 from 9am to 12pm Enjoy learning with games, art, projects, and fun. Children will engage in a hands-on learning atmosphere. Each class will include a tour of the Zoo and an educational animal visit. A snack will be provided during the morning. Children must be potty trained. Please bring a change of clothes. Morning extended care is available for an additional fee. Extended care in the afternoon is not available for Cubby Campers. Fresno Chaffee Zoo For Members – $125; for Non-members – $135; on the week of July 2-6 there will be no camp on July 4 – the price is reduced for members – $100 and for non-members – $108 List Your Events We can help get you out there. Start running for as little as $20 issue 559-4727182



JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 | 11

CALENDAR Camp 2018 Monday, June 25 at 9 AM - 12 PM Sublime Time 1419 M St, Fresno. Details and schedule of projects coming soon. Ages 7 and up (including adults) This year we will be showing our work during Art Hop on July 5th (the week after camp) to show off the creative awesomeness of the week :) $150/ week : https://squar e u p . c o m / s to r e / s u b l i m e t i m e fun/item/ar t-camp-session $75 deposit will secure your spot : Kiki’s Kids’ Camp Tuesday, June 26 at 10 AM - 1 PM Kiki’s Quilt Shack This is a 4-Day class June 26-29: 10am-1pm Class fee $300 1732 W. Bullard Ave, Fresno, California 93711 Kiki’s Kids’ Camp offers a fun, creative opportunity for your kids to learn sewing and quilting on their very own sewing machine. They will learn the basics of using a sewing machine, receive hands-on instruction to practice new techniques, and make several finished projects to take home. 559-412-8233 List Your Events $20 an issue 559472-7182

ZOO Camp ADVENTURE CAMP Every Monday through Friday from June 11-August 17 from 9am to 4pm Ages 5-11 All sessions foster an appreciation and understanding of wildlife and nature through animal interactions and observations, games, arts and crafts, and other exciting activities.. A morning and afternoon snack will be provided. Please bring your own lunch. Campers will be grouped by age. Extended care is available for an additional fee. Fresno Chaffee Zoo For Members – $215; for Non-members – $230; on the week of July 2-6 there will be no camp on July 4 – the price is reduced for members – $172 and for non-members – $184 This summer, join Break the Barriers in a galaxy far, far away! Bring your 5-12 year old child to Break the Barriers, Monday-Friday from 9am to 12pm, to enjoy exciting games and activities in gymnastics, dance, martial arts, aquatics, and art. There will also be a performance day at the end of the week, where the kids can show off what they learned to their family and friends. There will also be a swim day during the week. Coaches will tell kids when to bring their swim-

suits. June 25-29; July 9-13; July 1620; July 23-27 from 9am to 12pm Break The Barriers – 8555 North Cedar Avenue, Fresno, CA 93720 $135 per week – Fees include Day Camp shirt (sizes subject to availability at sign up); *Fees due at registration to secure your camp session; *No credit or refunds on day camp fees paid Call 559-432-6292 to register! SKATE CAMP Ages 5 to Adults Skaters will learn new skills such as Pushing, Pumping, Carving, and Park Etiquette in beginner, intermediate, and expert levels. 3 different sessions from June 18-22, July 2-6, July 16-20 from 8am to 12pm Todd Beamer Skate Park – 1890 E. Plymouth, Fresno, CA, 93720 $65 per person Call 559-621-PLAY (7529) to register! CAMP SURVIVOR Ages 8 – 12 Compete in Woodward Park Survivor Challenges! Games center on teamwork and teams compete against each other for points! Based on the television show Survivor! July 23-27 from 8am to 12pm Woodward Park Group Activity Area – 7775 Friant Rd, Fresno, CA 93720 $65 per student Register online at www.parcsonline. YOUNG FILMMAKERS Ages 9-13 Is your child interested in video and movie making? Then this is the perfect summer educational opportunity! CMAC’s expert staff members will guide your child through a fun and exciting four-day filmmaking camp. They will produce, direct and act in a short film developed from an original script. They’ll learn about filmmaking using iPad camera kits, lighting, and editing with iMovie software. Campers will receive a CMAC t-shirt, daily snacks, a flash drive containing their short film, and a 1-year CMAC membership. We will screen the short films for the campers, their family, and friends on the last day of camp. Space is limited. July 31 – August 3 Community Media Access Collaborative (CMAC) – 1555 Van Ness Ave., Fresno, 93721 $75.00 Register at starting June 1st. Kevin Kaminski’s Summer Camp July 16-18 Players will receive the full “Killer Hockey” camp experience and learn the game on a truly personal level from a former NHL/AHL player, Calder Cup Champion, and 2009 CHL Coach of the Year! Kaminski and his staff will personally work with each camper throughout the week, teaching a full array of hockey skills and will conclude the week with a hockey camp cookout and award ceremony! Gateway Ice Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno, 93722 (559) 277-2233

12 | JUNE 14 & 21, 2018


Visalia Adventure park. Arcade, Family Track, Lazer Tag, Batting Cages and more 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, 93277, 559-635-7275

Tickets will become available shortly- to become a sponsor and receive complimentary tickets, visit https://

Jimmy Allen Free Concert Wednesday, July 11 at 6 PM - 8:30 PM Tulare County Fair 620 South K Street, Tulare. KJUG FREE concert series Chill: Desserts, shopping, beer & brings Jimmie Allen to the Tulare more Thursday, June 28 at 5 PM - 10 County Fair on July 11, 2018. Gates PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company open at 6:00 p.m. concert starts 745 Fulton St, Fresno. CHILL is back at 7:00. FREE Admission, Parking for 2018. It’s Fresno’s most glorious $5.00 party devoted desserts and shopping — in short, it’s everything you love. Movie Night! Friday, July 6 at 5:30 We’ve gathered some of the most PM - 9:30 PM Letterman Park delicious and coolest dessert ven908 Villa Avenue, Clovis. Join us for dors from around Fresno, plus great our next FREE summer movie night hand-made local vendors for your on Friday, July 6, 2018! It is being shopping pleasure, craft beer from held at Letterman Park (on Villa Ave Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company between Barstow Ave and Bullard and fantastic vibes from our DJs. AmAve (same park as the skate park)). persand Ice Cream Sno Cafe Rubia’s We will be showing “Coco” by Disney Churro Parties Pops Emporiu ChickPixar and it will start at dusk (sunies Tasty Treats Where’s The Food? set). There will be FREE hotdogs, Waffliciousfresno Believe Mobile popcorn, and more (while supplies Boutique with MANY more to come. last), and our sponsor is AAA at their CHILL is free to attend and open to Clovis/Herndon office. Along with all ages. So bring your whole crew free food, there will be local vendors and CHILL with us. selling items, free games, and more! Meux Home Museum Tours Fridays, Cherry Avenue Auction Every SatSaturdays & Sundays 12:00pmurday & Tuesday 6:00am-3:00pm 3:00pm 1007 R St. at Tulare Fresno, Cherry Avenue Auction 4640 S. CherCA 93721 The Meux Home Museum ry Ave. Fresno, 93706 www.cherryavrecaptures the flavor of Victorian Fresno by presenting a middle-class residence furnished in the period, as Summer Sunset Concert Saturday, a representative house museum. A June 30 at 7 PM - 11 PM San Joaquin costumed docent will lead you on a Winery 21821 Avenue 16, Madera. one hour tour of this restored urban Bring your lawn chairs or reserve dwelling of the 1890’s. The architecone of our VIP tables to enjoy a nice ture of the Meux Home results in a evening of wine, food and live music. calculated restlessness that makes The New Monsanto Band is a local the home as intriguing today as it band with members from Parlier, was in its own day. The 10 rooms Sanger, and Fresno that play many are furnished more or less as a Vicdifferent types of music to dance to! torian family might have had them Doors open at 7pm and en- the kitchen has a pie safe and the tertainment starts 8pm! library; a portrait showing the young Dr. Meux on his way to join the Con- Food by Campos Tacos federate Army. The Meux home was Hour: Reptile Night placed on the National Register Happy of Historic Places on January 14, Friday, July 13 at 6 PM - 9 PM Moravia Wines 1975. 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Spend Miss California 2018 Wednes- your Friday sipping some wine day, June 27 at 7 PM - 10 PM and hanging out with snakes, lizSaroyan Theatre ards, and more (or don’t, which700 M St, Fresno Join us as we nar- ever you prefer). We’ll have our row the field from 54 contestants scaly skin friends out at our winto 15 and crown Miss California! ery again this year on July 13th! Miss California’s Outstanding Keep an eye out for the full Family Teen will feature the 28 con- Happy Hour Friday festivities! Every testants from across the gold- summer Friday evening from 6 pm to en state, narrowed down to 10 9 pm, enjoy time with your family at during finals on Friday, June 29. Moravia’s beautiful winery. Moravia Live from Fresno’s William Saroyan grounds are open for picnicking, kids Theater, the show will be available to play on the SS Moravia, and everyacross the state via our television one to relax while the sun sets over partners (to be announced), as well the vines. as web streamed across the world. List Your Events Start running RSVP to let us know you’ll be attending for as little as $20 issue 559-472or tuning in, and invite your friends! 7182




CALENDAR Friday Sunset Kayak Tour June 22 & 29, Fort Washington Beach 10705 N. Lanes Road Fresno 4:30p-8p, 559-248-8480

Sports Protecting Home: Jose Ramirez Saturday, July 7 at 4:30 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. 1st Annual Scanlan / Davila Boxing Invitational Saturday, July 28 at 7 PM - 10 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Presented by The Fresno County Public Safety Association Tickets starting at $35.00 A fundraiser to establish and benefit scholarship funds for the children of Toamalama Scanlan and Juanita Davila who were grievously wounded by an armed attacker while on duty at the Fresno County Jail on Saturday, September 3, 2016 Taco Truck Throwdown 8 July 1920, 2018. Presented by La Tapatia Tortilleria, Inc. The Fresno Grizzlies and their frequent alter-ego, the #FresnoTacos, will announce full plans and the schedule for the organization’s 2018 edition of the Taco Truck Throwdown event at Chukchansi Park in the coming months. Last year’s two-day event drew 20,000 people who consumed 50,000 tacos. Tickets at www.milb. com/fresno Bacon & Beer Classic (Sportsman’s Weekend) June 24 Join us for our 3rd annual Bacon and Beer Classic sponsored by Sequoia Brewing Company Visalia! Packages are available for $40, and this will include a ticket to our shaded STHIL Saloon deck area, three (3) Sequoia Brewing Company beer vouchers, and access to the all-you-can-eat Bacon Station! $15 non-drinker tickets also available. Get your tickets today by emailing Jerry@rawhidebaseball. com or calling 559-732-4433!

be provided at 12:00 pm. To reduce waste, please bring a reusable bottle of water. CONTACT INFORMATION: (559)-353-6130 This event is Free but registration is required.

Music Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis, hosts Sierra Nights Live the 2nd and 4th Thursdays May through July from 6pm to 9pm FREE concert open to all ages. Bring a blanket or chair and enjoy the music at the Sierra Vista Mall Community Park in front of the Sierra Vista Cinemas 16 Movie Theater. Join us for a night of dancing, giveaways, food, and drinks!v105.1 The Blaze is bringing in the hottest tribute bands and giveaways … make sure to visit The Blaze booth for details! Those 21 years of age and over can enjoy the MICHELOB ULTRA Beer Garden. Beer Garden Opens @ 6pm Opening act @ 6:30pm Music @ 7pm Come early, grab your meal from one of our restaurants and dine in the park as you enjoy the evening with us! SIERRA NIGHTS LIVE SCHEDULE: June 28th: Jaded Band July 12th: Flannel 90s Band: Alternative & Grunge Rock Tribute July 26th: Fuse Box Sierra Vista Mall located on the southeast corner of Clovis and Shaw Avenues For more information on this and other events, check our website at or call (559) 299-0660. Sierra Vista Mall… at the corner of Fashion and Fun! Latin Music Night - War Tribute Friday, June 15 at 5 PM - 10 PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Madera Music - Dancing - Wine - Beer - Food - Cigars 21 yrs & Older Only Bring a Lawn Chair Foam Wonderland Friday, June 29 at 8 PM - 2 AM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Foam Wonderland - The Ultimate Foam Party Experience Unity Tour 2018 Presented by K-Lin and Crowdsurf Fresno Friday, June 29th Chukchansi Park 18+ with 21+ Bars TICKETS --- Ticket info Country Night Friday, June 29 at 9 PM - 1 AM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold Chukchansi’s Country Night is the last Friday of every month! Line Dance Lessons by Dancing With Rhonda DJ Music 9:00pm to 1:00am in the Firehouse Lounge Get Bucked on our mechanical bull! Drink Specials! Must be 21+

Brit Floyd Eclipse World Tour 2018 Tuesday, July 10 at 8 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets · $51.50 SNOW THA PRODUCT returns to Fresno Wednesday July 18, 7pm to Tioga Sequoia Brewery in downtown Fresno. Tickets onsale at 745 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 (559) 486-2337 The Black Dahlia Murder and Whitechapel, Fleshgod Apocalypse. Coming to Strummer’s on Thurs, July 5! 7pm All ages! Tix on sale at www. at Strummer’s during regular business hours! 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 Foam Wonderland (Fresno, CA) - Unity Tour 2018 Friday, June 29th Chukchansi Park 18+ with 21+ Bars Since its inception in 2013, we have seen tens of thousands of smiles at our events all across the country. This year, we invite you and your friends to leave your worries behind as we UNIFY the masses for one spectacular storm-like experience, dancing to the sounds of the world’s hottest DJs and biggest foam production on the planet! Lineup: Ookay, Midnight Tyrannosaurus, ARIUS, TrollPhace *Artist lineup subject to change YES, YOU WILL GET WET! Although there are dry areas within our venues, expect to get wet.. This is a foam party!

21 & Over Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut House hosts daily wine tastings, with appetizers and full menu items. (559) 432-4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, 93720 Daily 8am-8pm

The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance Lessons start at 8 pm; music and dancing follow every Tuesday night at The Cellar Door. Beginners’ lessons run from 8-8:45 pm, advanced lessons from 8:45-9:30 pm, and dancing follows. All dabce lessons are free with admission. event-calendar.html Event Info: (559) 636-9463 The Cellar Door 101 W. Main St. Visalia. Social Fridays @imperiofresno! Good Vibes This & Every Weekend. Don’t Miss Out on these great drink specials Drink Specials before 11pm $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno. Girls Night Out, The Show Switch Lounge & Nightclub Tuesday, July 24 at 8 PM - 11 PM Switch Lounge And Nightclub 5665 N. Blackstone Ave Suite 110, Fresno. Bully Benefit for Fresno Bully Rescue Saturday, July 14 at 8 PM - 12 AM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Only $10 at the door. All proceeds benefitting FBR! Downtown Bakersfield Craft Beer Festival, downtown Bakersfield 6-10:30p, Ladies Night Out - Grab your girls and join us for our first Ladies Night Out on Wednesday, June 27 from 6-9PM. We will have various local vendors for you to shop with and food for purchase from Los Rocha’s Tacos...and of course plenty of wine! This is a FREE event. Please claim your free ticket(s) by registering through ticket link above! 21+ Kings River Winery 4276 S Greenwood Ave, Sanger, 93657

List Your Events Start running for as little as $20 issue 559-4727182 Brunch & Bubbly - The Avant Garde Experience Presents: Brunch & Bubbly July 8 11:30am-4:30pm Come and enjoy brunch and bottomless mimosas and dance the day away to your favorite jams. Brunch and bottomless mimosas will be served with the Day Party happening throughout the event. Cocktails will be available for purchase Come dressed to impress and ready to have fun! *If you would like bottle service call us at 707-706-3410 HR7 - Saturday Music by the River Live Oakhurst. Music by the River at Queen’s Wine Bar & Beer Garden will feature live music from HR7 on Saturday, June 30th. The bar opens at 4pm and music will begin at 6:30pm. Our bar features a large selection of quality wine and beer from around the world. Food is available to purchase at this event. No outside food or beverages permitted. 21+ only please. 41139 Highway 41, Oakhurst, 93644 Dave Henderson Group - Saturday Music by the River Oakhurst Live Music by the River at Queen’s Wine Bar & Beer Garden will feature live music from The Dave Henderson Group on Saturday, June 23rd. The bar opens at 4pm and music will begin at 6:30pm. Our bar features a large selection of quality wine and beer from around the world. Food is available to purchase at this event. No outside food or beverages permitted. 21+ only please. 41139 Highway 41, Oakhurst, 93644 Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

Adaptive Kayak / Paddle-board Clinic with Valley Children’s Join Valley Children’s Adaptive Sports and San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust, Inc. for a kayak and paddleboard clinic on Saturday, June 30th. The clinic will be held from 8:30 am- 2 pm right in our backyard at Sycamore Island on the San Joaquin River. We will meet at the Valley Children’s Hospital playground at 8:30 am and then caravan down to Sycamore Island. This clinic is for children with physical disabilities and wheelchair users are encouraged to attend (all ages to 21 years List Your Events Start running of age). Families and friends are welfor as little as $20 issue 559-472come to join. A free picnic lunch will 7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 | 13





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14 | JUNE 14 & 21, 2018




BE JOB Ready In as few as 7 months! SJVC offers medical, business, and technical programs at camLIFE ALERT. 24/7. puses throughout the One press of a but- valley. Programs vary ton sends help FAST! by campus. Financial Medical, Fire, Burglar. aid is available to those Even if you can?t reach who qualify. Call 866a phone! FREE Bro- 388-7490 or visit sjvc. chure. CALL 800-760- edu. 7834 WHY RENT an apartEMPLOYMENT ment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful GRANDMA’S Helper and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- $20/hr part time house rooms Available. Only keeper. Duties include $1000 month. Call to- cleaning and getting day! 888-563-3003 groceries 559-432 5050 call after 12p, please. SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. info@


WE LOAN & Buy GO-KART Mini Guitars & Amps. Call Bike Tires - Clutches Dean’s Coins (559) - Chains - Sprockets. NEED A LOAN? Let 264-4653 Visit Jensen & Watts us help you get the 516 N. Chestnut, Fresmoney you need! No CHAINSAW chain & no. (559) 255-0465 application. No credGarden Tool Sharp- it check. Call Dean’s ening. Visit Jensen & RIDING MOWER Coins for more inWatts 516 N. Chestnut, Tires & Tubes. Visit formation (559) 264Fresno. (559) 255- Jensen & Watts 516 4653 0465 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 GRANDMA’S Helper A PLACE FOR MOM. $20/hr part time house The nation’s largest se- VINTAGE clothkeeper. Duties include nior living referral ser- ing & accessories at cleaning and getting vice. Contact our trust- BeBe O’s in Tower. groceries 559-432ed, local experts today! We also carry vintage 5050 call after 12p, Our service is FREE/ items & furnishings. please. no obligation. CALL Come check out the 1-855-621-5373 inventory! 1130 N. LEARN TO DRIVE Wishon Ave. Fresno. A FORKLIFT. TrainSTOP OVERPAYING (559)445-1928 ReThe-Trainer & Re-Cerfor your prescriptions! ceive $5 off your $25 INSURANCE tification Classes SAVE! Call our li- purchase. Available. Day & censed Canadian and INSURNight Classes Avail- DENTAL International phar- MANUFACTURED HEALTH able. $50 Discount to ANCE. Call Physimacy, compare prices Homes in a Gated & FITNESS Veterans. Visit CFTC. cians Mutual Insur- and get $25.00 OFF Community. Homes net For More Info. ance Company for SHIELDS & WEST your first prescription! starting at $59,000. 559-325-8097 details. NOT just a Barbershop! Reg hair CALL 1-800-291- Owner financing, low discount plan, REAL cut $4.50. Seniors and 6572 Promo Code down payments, com BE JOB Ready coverage for 350 pro- boys under 12, $4.00. CDC201625 petitive interest rates. In as few as 7 months! cedures. 844-848-5575 1224 W Shields Ave, Veterans let us help http://www.den- Fresno. Mon-Fri 8-6, DENTAL SJVC offers medical, or INSUR- you with a $2,500 grant business, and technical Sat-Sun 8-5. (559)227- ANCE. Call Physi- towards the down payprograms at campuses Ad# 6118 6739 cians Mutual Insur- ment on a home! Call throughout the valley. ance Company for Willows of Santiago Programs vary by cam- DENTAL INSUR- details. NOT just a todayr (888) 563-3003 pus. Financial aid is PERSONALS ANCE. Call Physi- discount plan, REAL available to those who cians Mutual Insur- coverage for 350 pro- qualify. Call 866-388- MEET Singles in your ance Company for cedures. 844-848-5575 DENTAL 7490 or visit area. Real Hookups details. NOT just a or http://www.den Real Fast. Try it FREE! discount plan, REAL DENTAL INSURBOB’S MINI Storage Ahora en Espanol 18+ coverage for 350 pro- Ad# 6118 ANCE. Call Physi- 1/2 off Spring Spe- (559)761-0162 cedures. 844-848-5575 cians Mutual Insurcials! Pay 2 months LARGE VARIETY ance Company for or http://www.denget 2 months FREE. SLIM, good look- of Bearings - Sprockets details. NOT just a 6’x8’x10’ high only ing white male, 60. Ad# 6118 - Drive Components. discount plan, REAL $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ Looking for slim good Visit Jensen & Watts coverage for 350 prohigh only $22.50/mo* looking female 50-60 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- cedures. 844-848-5575 10’x12’x10’ high only Non-smoker. Serious MISCELLANEOUS no. (559) 255-0465 or http://www.den$34.50/mo (*average relationship, maybe cost per month with live-in. Won’t have BOB’S MINI Storage Ad# 6118 GOLF CLUBS Full free months factored rent or utilities to pay, - 1/2 off Spring Spe- sets or individual piecin) Free moving truck! you keep your money cials! Pay 2 months es starting at .50cents Bob’s Mini Storage for personal expensget 2 months FREE. FURNITURE Located at 3235 E Bel5280 N. Barcus Fresno es. Call (559) 7796’x8’x10’ high only mont Ave (559) 26493722 (559) 275-4000 1021 $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ BOB’S MINI Storage 5856 Se Habla Espanol high only $22.50/mo* - 1/2 off Spring Spe 10’x12’x10’ high only cials! Pay 2 months SEVERAL laptops A PLACE FOR $34.50/mo (*average get 2 months FREE. EDUCATION starting at $90 all reMOM. The nation’s cost per month with 6’x8’x10’ high only furbished Come see largest senior living LEARN TO DRIVE free months factored $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ at Fresno Hock Shop referral service. Con- A FORKLIFT. Trainin) Free moving truck! high only $22.50/mo* 3235 E Belmont Ave tact our trusted, local The-Trainer & Re-CerBob’s Mini Storage 10’x12’x10’ high only (559) 264-5856 experts today! Our tification 5280 N. Barcus Fresno $34.50/mo (*average Classes service is FREE/no ob- Available. Day & 93722 (559) 275-4000 cost per month with ligation. CALL 1-855- Night Classes Avail- SELLING SOMESe Habla Espanol free months factored 621-5373 able. $50 Discount to THING? Under $300 in) Free moving truck! Veterans. Visit CFTC. list it for FREE. Send Bob’s Mini Storage net For More Info. it to info@fresnoflyer. 5280 N. Barcus Fresno com 559-325-8097 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol | FRESNOFLYER.COM | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | B&S | CLASSIFIEDS |



JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 | 15


7UP MACHINE $100 I do not have a key for machine. Machine does turn on ARCHITECT AN- but as far as full funcTIQUE TABLE - $100 tioning I do not know. table in good condition Interested call or text call or text 559-451- 559-286-4976 5730


GE WASHER and gas dryer good condition $300 obo call or text 559-393-8801 leave a message if no answer

BBQ GRILL Propane - $120 Brinkmann Propane Grill 4 Burner + 1 Side Burner. Clean and HUBER ANTIQUE APPLIANCS Works Great. Call 559TRACTOR - $800 289-9321 HUBER Tractor for LG WINDOW-Type restoration or parts. Air Conditioner 20’’W BOB’S MINI Storage Has blade and scraper. 20’’D12.5’’H, LIKE - 1/2 off Spring SpeWill need to come pick NEW! 259.00 OBO cials! Pay 2 months it up Model 5360, SN 559-341-2575 get 2 months FREE. 1016027 Call 530-7556’x8’x10’ high only 4051 $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ SUPPORT LOCAL high only $22.50/mo* 10’x12’x10’ high only $34.50/mo (*average The support you need to find quality cost per month with free months factored SENIOR LIVING SOLUTIONS in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE 5280 N. Barcus Fresno A Place for Mom has helped over a million families find senior 93722 (559) 275-4000 living solutions that meet their unique needs. Our Advisors are trusted, local experts who can help you understand your Se Habla Espanol options. Here’s what’s included with our free service: A dedicated local Advisor

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Joan Lunden, journalist, best-selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate.


CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 2550465

TRUCKTRAILER SEVERAL laptops Steel Bud rim 22.5- starting at $90 all re75.00 559-341-2575. furbished Come see at Fresno Hock Shop TORO Commercial 3235 E Belmont Ave Lawn Mower - mower (559) 264-5856 has been completely rebuilt, Like new, with new bag $1,200 Call MUSIC 559-385-5540 INSTRUMENTS RIDING MOWER SCHECTER 7 string Tires & Tubes. Visit electric guitar $190 Jensen & Watts 516 Come see at Fresno N. Chestnut, Fresno. Hock Shop 3235 E (559) 255-0465 Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 CRAFTSMAN lawn mower $135 (Kerman) EPIPHONE electric (559) 800-5118 guitar les paul $120 Come see at Fresno USED metal grape Hock Shop 3235 E stakes. 6.5 feet long Belmont Ave (559) (78 inches) $1 each. 264-5856 Cross arm for grape stakes. 12 inches long. EPIPHONE electric 25 cents each. I have bass 4 string Thunderapproximately 6000 bird $225 Come see stakes and cross arms. at Fresno Hock Shop My phone number is 3235 E Belmont Ave 559-999-1169 (559) 264-5856 BRASS Instrument Sale at Fresno Hock Shop. Flute, claranet, XBOX1 with 1 con- trombone, trumpets. toller all cords $120 Located at 3235 E BelCome see at Fresno mont Ave (559) 264Hock Shop 3235 E 5856 Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856


I N D O O R / O U TDOOR gardering planters, about 70 to- NEW RELEASE blue tal. $25.00 559-341- ray movies $5 each Come see at Fresno 2575 Hock Shop 3235 E E L E C T R I C I A L Belmont Ave (559) hardware (Recepta- 264-5856 cles) Was used for indoor gardering 25.00 SELLING SOME559-341-2575 THING? Under $300 list it for FREE. Send SUPPORT LOCAL it to info@fresnoflyer. com


GOLF CLUBS Full sets or individual pieces starting at .50cents Located at 3235 E Belmont Ave (559) 2645856 S O F T B A L L S $5-$15 each 559 519-4648

GLOVES KIDS size 8-11 $5 each Cleats size 12 kidsadult 9 $10 pair Helmets $5-!10 each Call 559 519-4648 BRAND NEW callaway ultra golf bag $150 (559) 470-7472

JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 ask for James

IGLOO CONTOUR Maxcold Cooler, 165 quart/156 Liter/ White $75 559-261-4680

LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Re seeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559TOOLS 696-5149 or 559-275CHAINSAW chain & 7630 Garden Tool Sharp- ening. Visit Jensen & HAULING Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 2550465 JW CLEAN-UP SER VICES. Estate Sale RIDING MOWER Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Tires & Tubes. Visit Construction cleanup, Jensen & Watts 516 rubbish, trees & demo, N. Chestnut, Fresno. rentals, lots, apart(559) 255-0465 ments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! LARGE VARIETY of (550)307-4304 Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts LAWN & GARDEN 516 N. Chestnut, Fre sno. (559) 255-0465 TREE SERVICE! We do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps & More. YARD WORK Free Estimates. Call (559) 421-8555 TREE SERVICE! We do it all! Palm Trees, LAWN SERVICE. Tree Stumps & More. Cleanups, FertilizFree Estimates. Call er, New Saw, Lawn (559) 421-8555 Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn ReSELLING SOMEseeding. Call for a THING? Under $300 Free Estimate! 559list it for FREE. Send 696-5149 or 559-275it to info@fresnoflyer. 7630 com



Super Suds

Laundry Tower

CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 2550465


1950’S Schwinn bicycle- Fresno State Custom Paint - $1200 This bike is one of a kind. Fresno State Bulldogs theme custom paint job & art work! This will make a great collectors item for that Fresno State fan. The bike is in excellent condition! 559-970-4748 SCHWINN Women’s Lulu Cruiser Bike - $120 7 Speed Grip Shift. 26” Tires, Basket, Spring cushioned seat and matching fenders. Shimano Components. Clean and in excellent condition. Please call 559261-4680 if interested GT TRIPLE Triangle Outpost 21-speed vintage bike. $100 obo. Tires are good. Water bottle holder. Chain may need a bit of oil. 559-803-3329 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. com

Open 7 Days a Week 7am-10pm

Under new ownership! 444 E Olive Ave Quick Turn Time New! Wash in Under 1 Hour Service

Well Maintenanced Washer/Dryers

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16 | JUNE 14 & 21, 2018





2006 YAMAHA Raptor 700 and paddle tires - $4,000 Low hours, 2nd owner. Tags are expired 2016. Comes with a set of paddle tires. (559) 825-1814 YAMAHA BIG Bear 400 - $3,000 2002 Big Bear Quad 2wd good condition. Title in hand. Registration to 2020. Text preferred 559-470-7480 2005 POLARIS Predator 500 - $3,000 2005 Polaris 500 special edition Troy Lee Design Fox Racing Shox set up paddle tires on rims $3,000 firm. Very low hours. SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. com

1985 EL CAMINO - $2,000 One Owner been sitting since 2011 on a non op. Been started from time to time. Does run, needs tune up, tires needs TLC. Selling for $2000 or best offer as is. Call 559-255-2153

2013 HARLEY Davidson 883 iron $3,000 In great running condition. Only selling because i purchased as a starter bike. Black matte, low mileage 4,600 miles. Well maintained and stored in a heated garage. Newer battery, V&H exhaust, forward controls, saddle bags, custom LED tail light with integrated turn signals, extra seat included. Call 504-867-9569 1999 SUZUKI LS Savage - $2,300 belt drive, 4756 miles, runs great. Come get out of my garage! $2300 OBO 559-458-1079


2015 FORD FUSION se 65,700 miles - $9,800 Fully loaded runs and looks like new. It’s a clean title, new tires, back up camera, bluetooth sync, power seats, 4cyl, great on gas. Call 559-836-8235


2005 HARLEY-Davidson Dyna Lowrider - $9,500 17k miles. (559) 349-3031 SUPPORT LOCAL

Real Singles, Real Fun... 30 Minutes free for Men, always free for ladies.



2009 EXCURSION 40 ft fleetwood. Diesel, 5,000 miles. $121,000 OBO (559)301-3336


More Numbers: 1-800-926-6000 18+



JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 | 17


SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 $830 / 2br - 967ft2 Largee 2 bd - Silver Lake One-Story Apartment(5425 E Belmont) ONE BEDROOM One Bathroom available August 1st $675 per month Los Arbolitos apartments 555 S. Argyle Ave Fresno 93727 (559)255-8370 SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182

MERIT MANOR Apartments One Bedroom One Bath$850.00 - $875.00 Ft: 714 sqft Two Bedroom One Bath- $985.00 $1,015.00 Ft: 904 sqft Two Bedroom Two Bath- $1,040.00 $1,065.00 Ft: 994 sqft located just minutes from Fresno State and excellent shopping. Our apartments are located in wonderful garden settings with beautiful shade courtyards. You may take advantage of our fully equipped clubhouse and fitness center!! (559) 291-9555 CHATEAU MONTEREY I 2881 Willow Ave. Clovis (559) 294-7144 MONTHLY RENT $650.00 Studio 1 bathroom $350.00 security deposit application fee $25.00 per adult SUPPORT LOCAL

18 | JUNE 14 & 21, 2018

WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 $895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting. Please contact us at (559) 291-4305

ROOM FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent in quiet Clovis neighborhood. Month to month rent with 30-day notification. The rent includes the following: Full house and kitchen privileges (spelling correct please), use of washer and dryer cable TV, WIFI, and all utilities are included in the rental price. $475.00 per month Provide proof of income text or call (714)335-5341

2 BEDROOM 1 BATH 950 SQ. FT. Under New Management Ashlan & Marks FRESNO/ASHLAN 559-226-6086 2 Rooms Available - Large room like a $1025 / 2br - 928ft2 - studio. Single or CouPerfect for roommates ple, no kids. $600/mo (559) 292-1009 Beau- $500/deposit Second tiful unique floor plan Room - $400/mo $500 with private master Deposit Habla Espanol suite Plank floors, 2 Call (559) 400-1500 full baths, walk in closet Conveniently locat- RENTING your ed to freeways, airport room? List it here for and shops. only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182


ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209


WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 ONE BEDROOM One Bathroom apartment available August 1st $675 per month Los Arbolitos apartments 555 S. Argyle Ave Fresno 93727 (559)255-8370

HOUSES FOR RENT WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 3 BED 1 bath home. Central A/C and heat. Dual pane windows Ceiling fans. Lots of storage closet space. Single detached garage. Gated carport cover. patio cover. Nice well kept front & backyard. Close to freeway access. Sorry No Sec 8. $1099 Please call 559-288-4834 RENTING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 or SUPPORT LOCAL


BEAUTIFUL house for rent for $1250 a month is located in a quiet neighborhood south of Sierra Vista Mall. It has 3 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms with central heating and A/C. It is districted for Clovis schools. No section 8. Call for more information between the hours of 9am and 7pm. (559)-999-3335

$1300 / 2BR - House for Rent (1342 N Van Ness) approximately 1,560 square feet. Single family home located on North Van Ness in the Tower District. Close to restaurants, shopping and schools, including Fresno City College. It has a large living room plus 2 large bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large kitchen and dining area. Large utility room with washA PLACE FOR MOM. er and dryer hookups. The nation’s largest se- Large back yard. No nior living referral ser- pets. No smoking. Sevice. Contact our trust- curity deposit $1300. If ed, local experts today! interested call Jack to Our service is FREE/ set up an appointment. no obligation. CALL (559) 513-3999 1-855-621-5373 BEAUTIFUL 4bd 2bath Nw fresno RENTING your great location near home? List it here for new shopping center only $20 per issue. Fireplace Includes Call (559) 472-7182 yard work Hardwood floors1-year lease no section 8 (559) 9305690



B&B ON THE CREEK IN FISH CAMP! $998,000 Well-established bed & breakfast inn situated on year-round creek, located 2 miles from the south entrance to Yosemite Nat’l Park. Operated by sole proprietor since 2002. 3 beautifully furnished guest suites, each with their own balcony, heating and bathroom with soaking tub. Upgrades throughout including a new kitchen with quartz counters and high-end appliances. Own this retreat for your own private getaway. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

TOP OF THE WORLD VIEWS! $215,000 Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom mountain home with incredible views. Open concept with plenty of natural light from the large windows. Relax on the huge partially covered deck. On Deadwood Mountain, minutes from Oakhurst. TOP OF THE WORLD VIEWS! $215,000 Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 6837183 office (559) 4620321 mobile SELLING your home? List it here for Call (559) 472-7182


YOUR OWN PRIVATE HOMESTEAD! $325,000 Only minutes from town, this custom home was designed and built by the owner! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living /dining room combined, kitchen and an office make up the 1,589 square feet of space. All on 5.95 acres that has a small barn for horses, two creeks, and room to roam. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

YOUR ENTERTAINMENT OASIS! $559,000 Stillmeadow 1 subdivision in Oakhurst Minutes from town. Pool, hot tub, waterfall and beautiful views. Landscaped yard. 2790 sf two-story home with 5 Bd, 3Ba, open living area, and wraparound deck. Main floor master suite. Room to park your RV/toys.! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 6837183 office (559) 4620321 mobile

NORTHEAST Fresno Home For Sale 3bd 2bth with pool! Remodeled, Solor, HVAC, Insulation, Dual Pane Windows. $305,000 Call (559) 252-3331 No Realtors Please. $179000 / 3br - 1424ft2 - For Sale By Owner (Lemoore) (559) 5545885 MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call 898-2088 $205000 / 3br - 1435ft 3 bedroom 2 bath home centrally located, has a Large living room and Family room, perfect for entertaining. Both bathrooms have been remodeled, Neutral two tone colors. Kitchen has granite counter tops. plantation Shutters in living room. Spacious rear yard with pool. 349-2543

BEAUTIFUL AND secluded 34.99 acre ranch property lies at the approx. 3300’ elevation in Mariposa County. Oak and pine trees. Older farm house. Pond. Spring. New well. Septic. $430,000. Please contact Kimberly Cole (Broker)at Cole Realty (BRE#-01294224). (209)628-0593 / kim@

PIERCE LAKE ESTATE! $55,000 Ready to build near Oakhurst Schools. 1.07 Acres in the desirable Pierce Lake Estates. Enjoy the meandering seasonal creek and take advantage of a flat building site. Mature trees provide a bountiful canopy of shade. Come see this parcel today! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) SELLING your 683-7183 office (559) home? List it here for 462-0321 mobile only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

YOSEMITE LAKES PARK! $14,500 1 acre of land in the community of Yosemite Lakes Park (YLP). Great location. Close to recreation center. Property is covered with rock outcroppings, has a seasonal creek, and ready for your imagination. Ask your realtor for the “One Time Close Construction” worksheet that has estimated costs for you to build your dream home on this wonderful slice of land. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

BUILD ON 10.98 ACRES! $95,000 10.98 acre lot on a quiet road in Coarsegold. Paved road to the property. Nice rock outcroppings with level land as well as rolling hills. Room for all your animals. The private well and pump have been installed, just need to hook up to the power. Electric power poles are across the street. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 $179000 / 3br - 1424ft2 - For Sale By Owner (Lemoore) (559) 5545885

$275000 / 3br 1676ft2 - Beautiful 2 bath home in well-established neighborhood (Selma) You do not want to miss out on this home. Call me now for your private showing. Noe Cruz 559-916-8617 CA BRE 01877037



JUNE 14 & 21, 2018 | 19

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