Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 5

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EDITOR’S NOTE The world is on fire. Literally and figuratively. Every time I open my web browser and log in to social media, it’s an onslaught of priceless moments that drive my hand to my forehead. Facepalms. Over and over and over. The news of the Trump administration rescinding DACA just came in a few hours before I sat down to write this. The entire west coast is experiencing the largest wild fires in history, and a whole metropolis is submerged in flood waters after a devastating hurricane, yet this is where our government chooses to focus its energy. It’s the undocumented children in this country who deserve to be in the cross hairs of public policy? No. Incorrect. Wrong. I’ve said more than a few times that we’re not a publication that dabbles in politics, rather we leave that to the big guys unless it hits too close to home. It’s only in those rare occasions that we decide to dip our big toe into the political mix. But the more I watch the news and see the enormous good will of the people rising together to fight the odds, pulling even the tiniest of stranded animals out of harm’s way I realize it’s all of us together... the whole country is our home.


| SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017



These issues affect us all, and we should all be talking about it. There is no leaving it to ‘the big guys.’ Now, this is not my attempt at changing the face and purpose of the Flyer. Rather, this is just an editor’s realization that in some ways, we (the people) leave significant issues, policy, law, government plans, we pay it no mind, doing nothing more than assembling a wellformed opinion, and letting the professionals handle the rest. They’ve got it under control. Looking at the current state of affairs, I don’t think they do. My voice. Your voice. We all have to start talking, listening, and paying very close attention. The age of complacency needs to see its end, and the age of active participation needs to begin. When something is wrong, and we know it in our heart of hearts, then we need to find the energy to pull our heads from the sand and say so. No more playing neutral, we’re not Switzerland. Find ways to get involved, go out of your way and make an effort to participate in something that makes a difference. Feel passionate about something other than Game of Thrones because the world is on fire, and how much longer before it’s all ashes?




steady ‘click-clack’ of heels chirp across the 3rd floor of the Pacific Southwest Building as Sandra Chaires charges into the umpteenth hour of her shift. Her phone is buzzing with phone calls, emails, texts, social media alerts, and timers, but a member of the Workspace floor has a question. Chaires, with remarkable warmth and patience, stops mid-stride to address one of the many conundrums that occur throughout a typical day. “I think my primary job overall is to make people happy,” Chaires says in all honesty. A hair second later, she also laughs in response to her statement, as if to feel the weight of that expectation and reflect on her own sanity in shouldering such a large responsibility. Located in Downtown Fresno, the Pacific Southwest Building is 16 floors with four live venues: The Banker’s Ballroom, The Vault, Workspace, and The Lofts; complete with revolving events, numerous members and tenants complete with changing and ongoing needs, all while the entire building receives various degrees of reconstruction. Sandra is at the center of it all. Like a network gateway, Chaires is the hub through which information passes and multiple tasks funneled. Each venue with every available phone number and email are routed directly to Sandra. “I handle the lofts, anything

to do with the tenants [along with] PR, marketing, showings, new contracts… Same goes for Workspace. The Ballroom and The Vault, I coordinate events, PR, marketing, scheduling… And I make sure all of them are tidy...” Chaires pauses, looking for a different word to accurately describe this thought, and with a smirk she finds it. “I make sure everything is ‘pretty.’” It’s a lighthearted way to depict how the Pacific Southwest Building always seems to feel so inviting. Aside from the usual comforts of an always stocked bathroom, clean floors, and spotless windows, it’s a fresh pot of coffee every few hours on the Workspace floor. It’s hints of vanilla nestled in the confines of the elevators and hallways, and the knack for always remembering everyone’s name. “We’re a business, and we can’t run a business without making sure everyone who comes to the building has a good experience,” says Chaires. Although the grace of well-placed hospitality is a great way to ensure that a guest does have a good experience, the building handles some of that work by itself. Built in 1925, the Pacific Southwest Building has a charm that’s difficult to ignore. Original Cherrywood doors, the intricate art deco high-rise ceiling of the ballroom, open concept designs with exposed walls and ceilings on the redeveloped floors, and of

The Banker’s Ballroom

course, the view. Those who exhibit even the slightest fear of heights leave their dread behind and welcome the only thing left to take its place, awe. The tall, broad windows hold the city close to the viewer, seemingly close enough to touch. There’s something about engulfing so much of downtown at one time - bustling, growing, changing - that it makes the landscape feel all the more intimate. It instills a notion that there is a heart, not just in this city, but within the entire valley. The impact of that view and the first impression it made is half of what sold Sandra Chaires into taking on her complex role some 2 ½ years ago. The other responsible half was the vision the Katchadourian brothers have for the building. “I immediately fell in love with the view, and I was in love with the building. But not only that but [Sevak] talked about what the building could be and their plan for the future… [the brothers] believe in the potential and believe that we [the building] can be restored to our original glory,” shares Sandra.

Pacific Southwest Building - est. 1925

Purchased in 2011 Serko and Sevak Katchadourian did a core evaluation of the building and decided it was going to be a mixed space – not just endless floors of offices – that would allow people to live, work, and play in the Pacific Southwest Building. The plan is to develop this over the course of 3 phases. Phase 1 is available now and near completion with The Banker’s Ballroom, The Vault, and the newly incorporated Workspace. Each venue exists on their own floors with The Banker’s Ballroom on the first floor for events ranging from weddings and Quinceaneras to fundraisers and costume parties. Beneath the ballroom

Director - Sandra Chaires

One of the open concept lofts on the upper floors | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


...continues on page 4


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‘downtown’ cont’d from pg 3... is, as Chaires puts it, the underused venue: The Vault. Smaller than the ballroom, The Vault is a more informal setting with a bar, pool table, foosball table, a small stage for a DJ or live band, and a mini-movie theater. Formerly the Security Bank building, the Pacific Southwest Building has kept some things from its former life, like the giant bank vault. However, aside from the classic vault door, not much remains the same. Large, reclining leather seats fill most of the room facing a large flat screen TV. Speakers mounted on the surface of the walls, completing the theater. The Vault, too, is used for a variety of events from birthday parties and general events, to small weddings and receptions. Workspace is the newest addition to the building that required an entire overhaul to the 3rd floor. In a nut shell, it’s a shared office environment where entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses can incubate without the hefty fees that often accompany individual commercial spaces. Those who utilize the floor for a small fee are referred to as ‘members,’ and members have access to things they normally wouldn’t if they were on their own. For starters, an office located in the Pacific Southwest Building, 24/7 finger-print access, and security cameras. But the real gem of Workspace is in the aesthetics. Wide open windows provide natural light, adjustable standing desks for healthier working situations, and décor handpicked for encouraging professionalism, productivity, and creativity. It’s also where you’ll find Sandra on most days, ready to tackle your questions. Phase 2 of the building includes adding more lofts to the upper floors.

South facing side of Workspace on the 3rd floor - the space also features a conference room, private office spaces, and a lounge area.

Installed by Sandra King, the former owner of the building, the Katchadourian brothers plan to expand on her idea and dedicate more space for tenants. There are also plans to incorporate a café into the 2nd floor next to the Loft Salon. Phase 3… well, that’s up to the people. Chaires elaborates by stating, “Yes, we are one building, but we’re mainly real estate. The goal is not to bring in our own businesses. We do have the Banker’s Ballroom, The Vault, The Lofts, and Workspace but that’s it. The vision is to make the building open to the public, where other people can come in and realize

their own dream; be it a bar, restaurant, or other business.” Also, according to Chaires, the Katchadourian brothers are one of very few investors in Fresno who is doing their investing 100% on their own dime. Reconstruction, development, it’s all taking place out of pocket without the assistance of grants or funds from the city or state. Sevak and Serko have enormous faith in Fresno, the kind usually only found in Fresnans, not bad for a couple of Angelinos. (that’s LA residents for you layman’s folk) But the entire journey of the building and its successes aren’t owed to the Katchadourians alone. Chaires is the first to admit that the whole of the Pacific Southwest Building team plays a vital role in providing the momentum to furthering the forward progression of the building. “We have a new guy, Victor, who just started maintenance. Sometimes, he gets frustrated saying ‘I’m just cleaning toilets all day.’ And I say ‘Victor; your job is just as important as mine.’ And I feel that way about all of us that run the Pacific Southwest Building.’ We couldn’t do our jobs without [each other],” she shares. Without Michael Barry

The Vault beneath the Banker’s Ballroom - from top left: the original vault doors, pool table, theater room


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and Victor Marquez handling maintenance, Assistant Director - Madeline Loya, Building Manager - Charles Atikian, Construction Manager - Ray Quintero, the Construction Crew – Jason Shaffer, Ruben Delgado, and David Tucker, and the Event Staff – Renee Ballin and Kristopher Havlik, and the Director, Sandra Chaires, the Pacific Southwest Building would not have the same shot it does today in realizing its potential. Even so, there’s still a long road ahead. The building is in a state of evolution, as it finds its new purpose in the center of downtown Fresno. The team is still learning how this is all going to work and where the building will fit with all the revitalization happening in downtown. They’ll need more foot traffic from the public to fully understand how to shape themselves. Anticipation is high for the Fulton Street Grand Opening on October 21st, where the building, of course, will be hosting 2 VIP parties. “Craig Scharton of the Downtown Fresno Partnership once said that the Pacific Southwest Building is the heart of downtown. When the [Fulton] street opens, we’re going to start beating, and there won’t be any stopping us.” --Follow the Pacific Southwest Building on social media for upcoming events. For more information, visit www. Facebook: @pacificsouthwestbuilding – Banker’s Ballroom: @bankersballroom – The Vault: @thevaultfresno – Workspace: @ workspacefresno


Cycling & Menstruation Bike LIFE: ... Who Cares? by Edna Pedroza | Graphic Designer


enstruation. Why is this such a taboo subject? Let’s face it, all women go through it, and they have been going through it since the beginning of time. It helps to ensure that the human race has a future, so why does menstruation have to be such an awkward conversation? Let’s start with our young girls as an example (as relayed to me by my 13-yearold niece). Teenagers spend most of their days in a classroom and are required to ask for permission to use the restroom. Imagine what this means for a girl when a teacher says ‘no’ even after being told it’s a ‘Code Red’ situation. Her face flushed, her anxiety building, the ‘Crimson Tide’ rushing in as she eyes the exit - her only hope of saving herself from eternal embarrassment - blocked. What then? I don’t have children, so it’s hard for me to picture what parents do in these situations, but I would like to think I would tell my would-be daughter to “leave and take care of yourself anyway.” Being young is awkward enough, but throw in society’s dismissal of menstruation, and things get exponentially more awkward. In fact, being told ‘no’ after revealing something so intimate about yourself can be quite a blow. It’s enough to make a girl feel isolated, embarrassed, and for some, like a freak. No woman should feel this way, young or old. Women ought to feel more comfortable in taking care of themselves when they need to, without any feelings of shame or alienation. And it starts with talking about it without flinching, no matter where we are when it comes up. Now, I’m not saying that we have to forget the graceful ‘time and place’ mantra. I mean, you wouldn’t start shouting about being on your rag and how you’re dealing with it in the middle of a graduate school thesis presentation, right? There just shouldn’t be any surprises if the topic comes up in conversation. It isn’t ‘gross’, ‘tactless’, or ‘irrelevant’. It’s nature at work, and it deserves emotional intelligence and respect. So, in my quest to further the dialog of menstruation, I’ve tied the topic into cycling. (any chance I get bicycling on the radar is a win) I asked a couple of questions to a handful of people in my circle: what do you do to prepare for riding during your period? And, do you think the conversation of menstruation and bicycling is an important one to have? Why or why not?

Stacy Garr Layton UT Hmm, it’s been a while since I’ve had to think about that... While on my period, I would have had to make sure my ride was short enough to not need a bathroom break or at least bring the proper supplies and

think about where I might find a restroom on my route. I do think the topic merits a conversation as it impacts about 50% of the population, and anything that could make it more convenient to deal with would be awesome.

Layla Mohn Fresno

prepared for the added flow from activity and was also wearing white one day for a 20 mile ride. Needless to say, I learned young. Not every woman is as lucky (or unfortunate depending on the viewpoint) as I was to learn early. Our bodies react to activity. You get your heart rate up while menstruating and you’re likely to have a mess you’re not prepared to deal with.

To prepare, all I do is use the necessities (use a pad) and make sure to stay super hydrated Felicia Rocha before and during. I also believe that it’s good Fresno to get a nice, energizing meal in beforehand. With the second question, I think Ok cool, yea, I think it’s important. Especially there is a lot of people who think women for women who wear pads, I could see can’t ride bicycles while on their period. I comfort being an issue as well as protection/ believe that it should be empowering and leakage. Imagine heavy bleeding while on a shouldn’t be an excuse not to ride. I think it’s long bike wearing a pad. I’m sure that would [an] important [conversation] to have with be present a few challenges. I personally have never had to do people who do not understand, but [those are] people who make anything specific to too big of a deal about prepare to ride while INTERESTING NOTE: it. on my period. I wear The first mentions of the tampons and my periods menstrual pad were seen around are pretty short, not Wendy the 10th century when Hypatia, really heavy and only W. Remley a Greek Alexandrian philosopher like two days so it’s never Syracuse UT was said to have hurled one really been an issue for of her used menstrual rags at me personally. a gentleman caller when she If I’m going to be going did not wish to be called upon. for a bicycle ride while Sarah Ruedas During this time women would menstruating, I make Madera also make tampons out of lint sure that I wear dark wrapped around small pieces of colored shorts (easy I don’t ride. [But] wood or use materials like moss, because my cycling yes, it’s important [to animal skins and grass. shorts are black). talk about]. Women But, I use a should be informed menstrual cup, so that simplifies a lot of the practical stuff. I would of the options they have as far as meds to bring some wipes just in case I needed to take for pain or discomfort, even taking into consideration PMS. Also, the options empty the cup while on the ride. of feminine hygiene products to use while Edna: Nice. I just heard of the Diva Cup - I cycling. hear it’s messy when changing. Not really, no. I used the Diva for a while, but then switched to the Lily Compact. It doesn’t hold as much, but it’s more comfortable and folds up small. It’s not significantly more messy than an OB tampon. Edna: I’ll have to try it.

Dusty Smith Portland OR If I’m on my period and going to cycle, I make sure to have panty liners in addition to tampons because they make me feel more protected. I keep Always Wet Wipes on hand to ensure complete cleanliness. If it’s a long ride I’ll check for stops at appropriate intervals. Funny story… I got super OCD about the subject as a teen because I wasn’t


Starr Christensen Salt Lake City UT

I prepare by loading up on sanitary supplies. And wearing underwear that don’t dig (granny panties or boy short type) but that are still suitable for riding (usually I wear things that don’t get in the way but thongs don’t work on my period, so I have to find a middle ground somewhere) Sometimes, I’ll even go so far as to not use tampons the day or hours before a ride, just pads, because it seems to allow my menstrual cycle to discharge more… so that I won’t bleed quite so much on the ride. I’ve never considered any conversation about menstruating and cycling. But I guess that may be because I view menstrual cycle downfalls and extra prep as necessary evils (for any sport or physical activity) I wish that weren’t the case.


Mental Health Matters by Cynthia Callaghan


ello, Flyer readers. Because of a small hiatus to sell my house and get the kids back to school, I did not do a column last time, but here I am with another compelling question for us to discuss. Are you ready? Let’s do this. Question: I have a friend who always has problems and is super negative. Even in the face of good news or great ideas by me, other friends or even her family, she seems to enjoy having significant problems. She is so tiring. I am done with her. Help! Answer: This answer has two parts. First off, let’s look at the person that is ‘stuck.’ Are they this way because they have things going on in their lives that truly are permanent like chronic health issues or ongoing stressors that never end? Or does being stuck bring them the needed attention & support they are lacking and craving in their life? Does staying stuck mean that they don’t have to work towards change? Or is this a habit that they have grown accustomed? People are complex and often products of their experiences. We may never know why they are the way they are. And they will change when they are truly ready to. Secondly, there is YOU. What makes you believe that you can change her? You can try, but you will get even more tired. And resentful. You can bug her, threaten her, bargain with her, beg her, bribe her and ultimately ignore and reject her. But can you change her? Stop. Reflect. Think about what you like about her. What is special about her? Hold onto and think about that. If you have to lessen the time you are with her, do so. Look at yourself. What else has to happen for you to be ready to be with her. Are there certain things you both enjoy doing that makes the time together better? So, yes, she is tiring. Try not to give your energy away. Nothing good can come of that. We need our personal power to live our life, be kind to others, have lots of fun, work hard, do things that give us joy, nurture those that need it, pay our bills, follow the rules and of course, breathe. Don’t forget to email me with your questions. -Cynthia Callaghan is a licensed mental health clinician and lives in Fresno, Ca. She can be reached at


SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 |


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts In honor of September as Wine Month

1. A “cork-tease” is someone who constantly talks about the wine he or she will open but never does.

6. During the prohibition, grape juice mix was sold with the warning “After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine.” 7. The prohibitionists, or the “drys,” in the early twentieth century fought to remove any mention of wine from school and college texts, including Greek and Roman literature. They also sought to remove medicinal wines from the United States Pharmacopoeia and to prove that Biblical praises of wine were for unfermented grape juice.

2. In 1976, there was a wine tasting in Paris that blindly compared Californian wines to French wines. California won and the lone reporter covering the event was blacklist8. Ancient Egyptian kings avoided wine because of its ed for reporting it. resemblance to blood. They believed that it was the blood of those who battled the gods and lost and that it was the 3. California is the fourth-largest wine producer in the reason why drinking wine temporarily drove people out of world, after France, Italy, and Spain. their senses and made them a little crazy. 4. There is increasing scientific evidence that moderate, regular wine drinking can reduce the risk of heart disease, 9. Greece is the only country in the world that has perpetuated up to the present the ancient tradition of adding Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and gum disease. a tree resin to wine to give it a unique sappy taste. Most 5. Staying awake for 17 hours leads to decrease in perfor- non-Greeks assert this type of Greek wine or retsina wine is an acquired taste and should be served very cold. mance, which equals two glasses of wine.


| SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017


10. The vintage year isn’t necessarily the year wine is bottled, because some wines may not be bottled the same year the grapes are picked. Typically, a vintage wine is a product of a single year’s harvest. A non-vintage wine is a blend of wines from two or more years. 11. Not all wines improve with time. In fact, a vast majority of wines produced are ready to drink and do not have much potential for aging. Only a rare few will last longer than a decade. 12. When Tutankhamen’s tomb was opened in 1922, the wine jars buried with him were labeled with the year, the name of the wine maker, and comments such as “very good wine.” The labels were so specific that they could actually meet modern wine label laws of several countries. 13. In the Middle Ages, the greatest and most innovative wine makers of the day were monastic orders. The Cistercians and Benedictines were particularly apt wine makers, and they are said to have actually tasted the earth to discover how the soil changed from place to place. Their findings are still important today.




BBQ Just The Tip People’s Choice & Best Restaurant - Tri Tip Throwdown 1950 E Divisadero St, Fresno. (559) 570-8570

Premier Brick Oven Pizza Stone baked pizza, calzones, and more 1628 Howard Rd Madera (559) 395-4322 Corsaro’s Family Pizza It’s all about the breadsticks 1456 Draper St Kingsburg (559) 897-5585

Maw n’ Paw BBQ Homemade barbeque, sauces, and sides 2686 N Clovis Ave Ste 101 Fresno. (559) 348-9559

Chinese China Chef Traditional, with fresh ingredients 1187 N Willow Ave Ste 101 Clovis (559) 299-7175

Grill Masters BBQ Smoked meat platters & burgers 2700 Clovis Ave. Ste 109 Clovis (559) 348-9483

Flower City Restaurant AsiaStar-TV’s “Best Chinese Take-Out” 5785 N Palm Ave Fresno (559) 432-2030

Uncle Buddy’s Smokehouse n Grill Authentic Texas style BBQ 836 Pollasky Ave Clovis (559) 299-3200

Lee Kitchen 37357 Ave 12 Madera (559) 645-6888


Ding Ho Kitchen 3022 W Bullard Ave Fresno (559) 431-9685

CHARburger Great burgers, fries, sides, & milkshakes 901 L St Fresno (559) 733-7902 Take 3 Build your own burgers, milkshakes & fries 1230 Fulton Mall Fresno (559) 489-0490 Maria’s Burger Bar Burgers, sandwiches, salads, and more 114 N Gateway Dr Madera (559) 479-8386


Mexican Castillo’s Mexican Food 3659 E Ventura Ave Fresno (559) 485-1635 Casa de Tamales Gourmet, savory, & sweet takes on tamales 609 E Olive Ave Fresno (559) 541-4656 Country Fare Café 4662 E Belmont Ave Fresno (559) 255-9764

Javence Pizzeria Known for the Carne Asada pizza 4305 E Tulare Fresno (559) 374-6412

Sal’s Mexican Restaurant Most awarded local Mexican rest. over 75yrs 2001 W Cleveland Ave Madera (559) 673-7257

BC’s Pizza & Beer Pizza and a huge selection of global beers 1315 Shaw Ave Clovis -

Your Restaurant Here List your restaurant in our food section. Call 559-472-7182


Sushi Sashimi Express 1057 N Willow Ave Ste 105 Clovis (559) 3253265 Umi Sushi 2321 Kern St Fresno (559) 515-6636 Oishii Japanese Cuisine 4462 W Ashlan Ave Fresno (559) 276-9300 Hibachi House Sushi Bar 948 Sierra St Kingsburg (559) 897-5288

Indian Standard Sweets & Spices Authentic Indian & Grocery store 1819 E Dakota Ave Fresno (559) 241-0645 Indian Kebab Palace Wide range of Indian cuisine 1552 E Champlain Dr Ste 103 Fresno (559) 374-6070

Mediterranean Mediterranean Grill & Café 1031 U St Fresno (559) 441-7050


Berlin Street Grill Mediterranean eats from the German streets 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno (559) 554-9910

Italian Piemonte’s Italian Delicatessen E Olive Ave Fresno (559) 237-2038 G’s Ristorante Italiano Homemade Italian meals 2025 Second St Selma (559) 898-0424 Luna Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis Mike’s Pizzeria Authentic Italian for over 50 years 3228 N West Ave, Fresno (559) 229-2635

Fusion Zen Wok Fusion 609 E Olive Ave Fresno (559) 442-1277 Limon Peruvian cuisine with Indian, Chinese, and Japanese- 7089 N Marks Ave Fresno (559) 447-1226 Sushiculture 3189 W Shaw Ave Fresno (559) 227-0277


SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 |


it is delicious. You can find a variety of quality options from Arnold, Brownberry or Oroweat in the bread aisle of your local grocery store.

Meanwhile, try the contest’s winning sandwich recipe from last year:

Moroccan Rainbow Carrot Sandwiches with Spicy Orange Dressing

* When dealing with messier ingredients like roasted vegetables or condiments such as dressing, try lightly toasting or searing one side of each slice of bread in a pan atop the stove, until the side is crisp. Stack with the toasted sides facing in to help build a strong foundation for your sandwich.

A Celebrity Chef ’s Secrets to Building a Better Sandwich

(BPT) - A great sandwich is a delicious meal choice, which could be why about 60 percent of American adults eat at least one for lunch every week and 70 percent pack one or more in their children’s lunches, according to food industry trend-watching company Datassential. In fact, sandwiches are so popular and so common that at some point in the past you’ve probably made or eaten a lackluster sandwich. However, every sandwich has the potential to be great - or at least better - says celebrity chef and sandwich expert Tom Colicchio.

to fit your and your family’s palettes, not what the latest trends tell you to eat,” he says. “At the same time, don’t be afraid to experiment. One of the best things about sandwiches is the endless potential to create something new and delicious. If an experiment doesn’t work out, you can always try again tomorrow!” In fact, more than one-third of consumers say they love sandwiches because of the ability to customize their meal by choosing from a variety of proteins, vegetables, cheeses and condiments, Datassential reports.

Sandwich Starters

Building Better Sandwiches

Americans eat more cold-cut sandwiches than any other kind, while burgers, poultry, hot dogs, other meats and peanut butter and jelly round out the six most commonly eaten types of sandwiches, according to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. Whatever you decide to put in your sandwich, always start with the freshest ingredients available, Colicchio advises. “There’s no substitute for a perfectly ripe piece of produce.” “Create and customize sandwiches


| SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017

“The architecture of a sandwich is as important as what you put in it,” Colicchio says. “I think there’s an actual science behind building the better sandwich.” Colicchio, the James Beard Award-winning founder of Craft Hospitality and ‘wichcraft, offers some tips to help ensure every sandwich you make is the best it can be: * The bread is the foundation of every sandwich, and it should be as sturdy as


* Build from the bottom up. Place the driest and heaviest ingredients on the bottom slice of bread first before adding toppings like lettuce and tomato. Spread condiments on the second slice of bread as the last step before topping the sandwich.


* For cold sandwiches, place the cheese next to the bread to help reinforce the stability of the sandwich. For hot sandwiches, place the cheese next to the meat so the flavors can interplay properly. * To avoid sogginess and ensure consistent seasoning throughout, dress greens before placing them on the sandwich. * Don’t go crazy with condiments. “The more you mix them, the more muddled the flavor becomes,” Colicchio says. “Pick one that will really accentuate the flavors you’re highlighting.” * Finally, don’t overload your sandwich to ensure your ingredients won’t fall out or leave a mess behind when you take a bite.


Bite Into Better Looking for sandwich inspiration? The America’s Better Sandwich Contest, hosted by Arnold, Brownberry and Oroweat Breads, gives entrants the chance to hone their skills by creating delicious and nutritious sandwiches that feature the breads as the base. Visit for recipe inspiration, contest rules and to find out how to enter.


2 slices of Arnold, Brownberry or Oroweat Whole Grains Oatnut Bread, toasted 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon harissa 1 tablespoon orange marmalade 1/4 teaspoon each of ground coriander andground cumin 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch each of salt and black pepper 3 medium assorted rainbow carrots, shaved into long ribbons with a vegetable peeler 1/2 cup loosely packed arugula 2 teaspoons fresh mint, chiffonade 2 tablespoons golden raisins 2 tablespoons chopped roasted pistachios 3 tablespoons crumbled feta 1/4 cup roasted garlic hummus

In a medium bowl, whisk together the oil, lemon juice, harissa, marmalade coriander, cumin, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Add the carrots, arugula, mint and raisins. Toss mixture and let sit for five minutes. Gently stir in the pistachios and feta. Spread hummus over each slice of toast, and top with the carrot mixture.



Workshop: Field Production Four-day Annual community 1st - $100 Cash Money Sep 12 at 6 PM to Sep 13 at 9 celebration with carnival rides, 2nd - $25 Cash / $25 Gift PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, food, outdoor music, local Card To Standard Fresno. Hands-on introduction entertainment and so much 3rd - $25 Gift Card To Stanto filming on-location, includ- more! dard. Complimentary mask’s ing proper setup and breakwill be available if you don’t down of the camera, audio, want to make or buy your own. and lighting equipment, camParty goes until 2am! and other assistive listening Eddie Money Saturday, erawork, basic interviewing services are not available for September 9 at 8 PM - 11 PM tips, and planning for post-proAbsolute Journey - Engelthis film. http://fresnofilmMadera District Fair 1850 W duction. The Field Production mann Cellars Friday, Cleveland Ave, Madera. www. workshop requires a CMAC tember 15 at 6 PM - 10 PM membership ( The Toughest Monster Truck Engelmann Cellars 3275 N Tour returns to the Tulare Stage Works Fresno Pres membership/) and compleRolinda Ave, Fresno. www. ents: Mothers and Sons The Sanger Chamber’s 20th An- tion of the CMAC Orientation County Fair! One Night Only - Friday Sept 15th! Friday, Fresno ART Museum-Bonner nual Farmers Market & Street ( September 15 at 7 PM - 10 Auditorium 2233 North 1st Faire Saturday, September 9 online-orientation/). Central Valley Summit Street Fresno. Friday, Septem- at 5 PM - 9 PM Sanger Cham- PM Tulare County Fair 620 Saturday September 16th and South K Street, Tulare last from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and ber 8th @ 7:30 p.m. Saturday, ber 1789 Jensen Ave, Ste B, Workshop: Audio for Video September 9th @ 7:30 p.m. Sanger. Come join us DownThursday, September 14 at 6 will be a day long networking Brian Davis Friday, SepSunday Matinee, September town Sanger during Farmers PM - 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van event with speakers dis10th @ 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Market & Street Faire dates Ness Ave, Fresno. Learn about tember 15 at 8 PM - 11 PM cussing a wide array of real September 14th @ 7:30 p.m 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/29, 9/30. microphone placement, choic- Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, estate related topics. Creative Hanford. financing, guerrilla marketing, Farmers, Food, Crafts, Retail, es, types, and proper techA Taste of River Park 2017 and Info booths and a craft nique to help give you the best increasing cash flow, investing Saturday, September 9 at 6 beer garden with live music sound recording possible for Marc Anthony Friday, in notes, using your IRA to PM - 10 PM River Park 71 E. every Saturday! your video. The Audio For Vid- September 15 at 8 PM - 11 invest in real estate, tiny housVia La Plata, Fresno. www. eo workshop requires a CMAC PM Save Mart Center 2650 es, crowdfunding, syndication, 21 + Fresno Monsters Golf Clas- membership ( E Shaw Ave, Fresno. www. and buying and flipping vacant land as well as many other event in River Park Shopping sic Saturday, September 9 at membership/) and compleCenter! The 8th annual event 1 PM - 8 PM Riverside Golf tion of the CMAC Orientation subjects. Tickets are $49.99 4th Annual Masquerade Ball and can be purchased at Cenconsists of Food, Fashion, and Course 7492 North Riverside ( Sep 15 at 9 PM to Sep 17 at 2 you can Fun! Dr, Fresno. Each year we strive online-orientation/). AM The Standard 9455 N Fort call Jay Orlauski at 559-779 to provide our supporters with Join us at the Grand Opening a memorable golfing experi73rd Annual Kerman Harvest Washington Rd, Fresno. 21+ 9818 for more information. Event. All online tickets just of Bowlero Fresno on Satence at Riverside Golf Course. Festival Sep 14 at 6 PM to Calling All Promotors We’ll $10 http://standardfresno. urday, 9/9 and enjoy FREE Your continued support of this Sep 17 at 10:30 PM Kerkoff design, print and distribute. bowling, arcade play, $4 pints tournament will enable us to Park 15061 W G St, Kerman com/masquerade-ball/ 559-472-7182 A Best Mask Contest! from 805 Beer, a special provide lifelong memories for performance from the Hubcap our student-athletes. Stealers, and so much more! Get Ready to Be Bowled: bit. Workshop: iOS Production ly/bowlero-fresno-grand-open- Monday, September 11 at 6 ing PM - 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. The best Central California Champi- camera is the one that you onships Saturday, September have with you. Learn how to 9 at 9 AM - 11 PM William shoot and edit video with iOS Saroyan Theatre Fresno. mobile devices. Check out a CMAC Mobile Production Kit or NPC Event - Bikini, Figure, bring your own iPhone or iPad Women’s Physique, Men’s with the iMovie app installed. Bodybuilding, Men’s Classic Exercises in shooting and Physique, Men’s Physique. editing on the iOS platform. Open, Novice and age catego- The iOS Production workshop ries requires a CMAC membership and completion of the CMAC Calling All Promotors We Orientation. More information can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distrib- about how to get started can be found at ute. 559-472-7182

Find Out What’s Going on in Your Neck of the Woods. This Week September 7-13

Art Hop on September 7th! Frank’s Place at Warnors Center 6pm-8pm Art featured by Mean Muggin Lizzy Mailho Free Admission for all ages $2 admission 8pm-12am Live Music 1432 Fulton St, Fresno. California Craft Beer Summit Sept 7-8 Sacramento Convention Center 1400 J St. Sacramento The Summit Expo is organized around the four main ingredients in beer, offering hands-on ingredient experiences, food and beer pairing demos, tasting stations, “Tap Talks” with brewing legends and more. 21 and over $99$299 cacraftbeersummit. com/ Anjelah Johnson LIVE Thursday, September 7 at 6 PM - 9 PM Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Lemoore. Kool & the Gang Friday, September 8 at 8 PM - 11 PM Madera District Fair 1850 W Cleveland Ave, Madera. www. Pop Aye, presented by Fresno Filmworks Friday, September 8 at 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno a road film about a disenchanted architect named Thana who bumps into his long-lost elephant, Popeye, on the streets of Bangkok, Thailand. Presented in Thai, with English subtitles. Closed Captioning


Next Week September 14-20



SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 |


Legendary Garage Rock Band, The Seeds, to Make Rare Performance at Tower Theatre on Sept 16


he legendary garage-rock and influential proto-punk band The Seeds will perform a handful of intimate reunion shows this fall, including a stop in Fresno, CA at Tower Theatre on September 16th. Tickets are on sale now at Celebrating 52 years as a band, The Seeds’ upcoming reunion will feature founding member Daryl Hooper and Seeds alumnus, drummer Don Boomer along with Alec Palao on bass, seasoned session guitarist Jeff Prentice and vocalist dynamic Paul Kopf. The Seeds remain one of the most iconic American rock bands of the mid1960s. Their signature hits ‘Pushin’ Too Hard’ and ‘Can’t Seem To Make You Mine’ still pack a punch with both the original baby boomers and a legion of new and younger fans. Led by the late Sky Saxon, the Seeds were associated with Flower Power at the time, but their musical legacy actually resides within 70s punk and all alternative music thereafter. In fact, the band’s minimalist sound is probably more influential now than during their brief flash of record success.The Seeds germinated in southern California in early 1965 with the original line-up of Sky Saxon on vocals, keyboard player Daryl Hooper, guitarist Jan Savage and drummer Rick Andridge. Signed to the GNP Crescendo label, the group graduated from a hip “underground” reputation in the clubs of Hollywood to heavy regional airplay for their attitude-laden records like ‘Pushin’ Too Hard’, ‘Can’t Seem To Make You Mine’ and ‘Mr Farmer.’ Numerous TV appearances, best-selling albums such as The Seeds and A Web Of Sound, and unprecedented scenes of fan pandemonium across the country and Canada followed. Because Crescendo have always kept the group’s records in print, the Seeds’ edgy, distinctive brand of garage rock continues to attract a whole new audience with each generation. Usage in films, advertisements and the recent rehabilitation of the Seeds

10 | SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017

catalog on CD with bonus tracks – leading to accolades in Rolling Stone and elsewhere – has kept the band’s profile high, as has the 2015 rockumentary The Seeds: Pushin’ Too Hard, directed by Neil Norman and produced/written by Alec Palao. The film gathers the band further plaudits wherever it is shown. LEGACY & INFLUENCE The Seeds have been among the most frequently cited pre-punk influences by American punk musicians since the 1970s. Cover versions of various Seeds songs have been recorded by The Dwarves, Alex Chilton, Johnny Thunders, The Ramones, Yo La Tengo, Garbage, Murder City Devils, Spirits in the Sky Paul Parker, Pere Ubu, The Makers, The Embarrassment, The Bangles, The Rubinoos, Strawberry Alarm Clock, and other artists. Some lyrics in Frank Zappa‘s album Joe’s Garage satirically refer to “Pushin’ Too Hard”: “You’re plooking too hard, Plooking too hard on ME”. On July 24, 2009, members of The Smashing Pumpkins, Love, and The Electric Prunes performed a tribute concert at the Echoplex in Los Angeles in memory of Sky Saxon. The Seeds Tour Dates: Sept 14 - San Jose - The Ritz Sept 15 - San Francisco - DNA Lounge Sept 16 - Fresno - Tower Theatre For More Information: “One of the great garage punk bands of the 1960s” – “They just owned rock and roll... One of the best shows I’ve ever seen.” -Bruce Johnson The Beach Boys




The Parlier Car Show Satur- ( The symposium will be Slice of Comedy Headlining partners, testimonials and CMAC 12 Hour Film Race day, September 16 at 10 AM ship/), and completion of the Saturday, September 30 at 9 comprised of workshops inNick Petrillo Saturday, Sepmuch more! Eaton Plaza 2400 - 10 PM 660 1st St, Parlier. CMAC Orientation (http:// structed by experts in each of tember 30 at 8 PM - 10 PM Di Fresno St, Fresno. AM - 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van Come see amazing cars, Ness Ave, Fresno. challenges their specialties. The breakout Cicco’s Italian Restaurant 408 Come hear great live enterentation/). Clovis Ave, Clovis. PAW Patrol Live!: Race to you to create a 3-5 short film sessions provide writers, actainment, Come taste a variety tors, musicians, dancers, and the Rescue Sunday, October in under 12 hours on Saturof mouth watering foods, Asian Pacific Islander Film 8 at 10 AM Saroyan Theatre day, September 30 from 9am visual artists with an opporCome smell the deliciousness tunity to network, share ideas Festival October 20 5pm 700 M St, Fresno. to 9pm! Films will be judged of BBQ, but most importantly, and cash prizes will be award- and plan for the future. www. Fresno State 5241 N Maple Come connect with others Ave, Fresno. For more details 22nd Annual Kid’s Fest ed at a special screening Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm to enhance our community on the film visit their website: Jungle Jamboree Saturday, event on Thursday, October 5 connectedness. ArtHop occurs every 1st and http://www.framebyframethe- October 14 at 12 PM - 4 PM at 6pm at CMAC. $500 for 1st International Sailor Moon 3rd Thursday of each month. prize, $250 for 2nd prize, and Day Saturday, October 21 at Holmes Playground 212 S. It’s one of the most active 9th Annual Tour de Fresno $100 for 3rd prize. Films will 10 AM - 6 PM Woodward Park First Street, Fresno. Free and successful programs Saturday, September 16 at Admission & Activities For be judged on quality, not how 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno.Ani- FEAR FRIDAY’S: THE organized by the Fresno 6 AM - 3 PM Fowler www. fast you finish it. This compe- Me Con in collaboration with SHINING (1980) FILM Friday, All Ages! Contests/EntertainArts Council. Art lovers and Charity CASERPLOY proudly presents October 20 at 8 PM The Crest ment/Carnival Games/Crafts/ tition is open to the public. enthusiasts from all walks of A limited amount of video Bike Rde offers 5 different International Sailor Moon Day Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Bounce Houses/Concessions route options: Century, Metric life flock downtown Fresno Stands & More! production equipment will be - Fresno. This is the first event Fresno. Century, plus, 49, 40 and 16 and the Tower District on the available to certified CMAC of it’s kind in the Central Val first Thursday of each month, members (you can become a ley. International Sailor Moon Aventurera Sunday, October mil rides and the rest of ArtHop venues member at Day is about celebrating Sailor 22 at 7 PM - 10 PM Warnors in the Fresno metro areas Vietnam Live: A Bridge Moon and it’s legacy and just Theatre 1400 Fulton Street, Special elements are reon third Thursdays, to meet To Understanding Sunday, quired to be in your short film. the joy it brought to their fans Fresno. and greet with the artists and These elements (could be a September 17 at 12 PM - 8 worldwide. Dakota Crossing Live At Cougar Country BBQ ‘17 Saturday, enjoy the reception and music. PM Clovis Veterans Memorial theme, action, or prop) will be Beautiful: the Carole King District 808 4th St, Clovis. Museums, studios, galleries Musical Tuesday, October 24 September 23 at 5:30 PM - 11 announced at the beginning of PM Clovis Rodeo Fairgrounds and other venues open their at 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre the race, Saturday, September exhibitions to the public at Rajasthani Caravan Sunday, 700 M St, Fresno. 30 at 9am. You can sign-up September 17 at 6 PM - 11:30 5:00 p.m. and run the free Antiques & Collectibles Fair to participate in the 12 Hour & British Car Roundup Sunday event until 8:00 p.m. ImPARalbles Saturday, PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Film Race beginning next September 24, 2017 8:00 am September 23 at 6 PM 9 PM Ave, Fresno. All ages! Tickets Friday, August 25. There’s no to 4:00 pm The Streets of Old Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W An Underground Picnic To entry fee. The full rules and Town Clovis Benefit Woodward Shakesale/SaleEventDetail?evenguidelines for the competition Main St, Visalia. Visalia Adventure park. speare Festival Thursday, Au tId=7642825&dispatch=will be announced at that time Arcade, Family Track, Lazer The Martial Artists and Acgust 24 Woodward Park 7775 Dolores Screening Sep 22 loadSelectionData Rajasthani as well. Tag, Batting Cages and more robats of Tianjin China Friday, N Friant Rd, Fresno. Ticket Caravan aims to promote, at 7 PM to Sep 28 at 10 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, September 29 at 7:30 PM Information www.universe. preserve, and share RajasOctober Art Hop at Frank’s PM Maya Cinemas Fresno 93277, 559-635-7275 - 10 PM Tower Theatre 815 E com 3090 East Campus Pointe thani culture. Performances Place Thursday, October 5 at 6 Olive Ave, Fresno. It is one of will include various elements PM Frank’s Place 1432 Fulton Drive, Fresno. See the film, On Friday, September 29th the best acrobatic troupes in Workshop: Studio Production directed by Peter Bratt, of the Rajasthani arts: St, Fresno. 6pm-8pm & Saturday, September 30th, China with over one hundred about Dolores Huerta. She is September 26 – September colorful costumes, spinning Art featured by Mean Muggin 2017, Community Partners 4 acrobatic, magical and martial dance of the snake- charmer, 28 CMAC 1555 Van Ness Eddy Lee @eddyleeart (insta- among the most important, Recovery (CP4R) will be hold- arts performers. With novelty yet least known, activists in Ave, Fresno. How to produce devotional singing, unusual gram) Free Admission for all ing the 12th annual Soberand superior techniques, the American history. An equal a show in the CMAC television instruments, story telling, and ages $2 admission 8pmStock at Eaton Plaza as part of acrobatic troupe is favored partner in co-founding the studio. Hands-on experience ancient love songs. 12am Live Music first farm workers unions with National Recovery Month! This by the audiences all over the needed to safely operate a Cesar Chavez, her enormous is a FREE event, so invite your world. Workshop: iMovie Tuesday, video camera in our studio. Save the date!! Art & Soul friends and family. You don’t Also practical skills on the September 19 at 6 PM - 9 PM Arts Symposium Saturday, Oc- contributions have gone Harvest Hoedown Sat, Sept video switcher, audio board, CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, tober 7 at 9 AM - 3 PM Show largely unrecognized. Dolores want to miss this! 30 at 6 PM - 11 PM Madera tirelessly led the fight for racial teleprompter, and simple Fresno. Learn the basics of Kepler Neighborhood School While live music and emDistrict Fair 1850 W Cleveland and labor justice alongside graphics. The Studio ProiMovie. Covers the basics of 1462 Broadway St, Fresno. Chavez, becoming one of the bracing recovery are a big part Ave, Rib Ticklin’ BBQ with all duction workshop requires a Art and Soul is a one day importing, editing, effecting, the Fixin’s Dancing to Cadillac and exporting. Certification is CMAC membership (https:// Symposium for artists to meet most defiant feminists of the of the event, there will also be guest speakers, a classic Cowboys Live & Silent Auction twentieth century—and she and required for reserving CMAC and collaborate, performers to car show presented by Feed Advance ticket purchases only continues the fight to this day, completion of the CMAC Orienedit suites. The iMovie workbe showcased, and instructors My Sheep Ministry, informa- $65.00 per person. at 87. shop requires basic computer tation ( share their knowledge of tion booths from community shops/online-orientation/). skills, a CMAC membership art related business practic-








SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 | 11

Craftapalooza Handmade Harvest Sat. Sept 30th | 3pm -8pm | Tioga-Sequoia Brewing Company We’re booking now so if you’re an independant handmade crafter, artist or musician, please email CraftapaloozaFresno@icloud. com to see how you can be part of the Craftapalooza Family! Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. The Grand Armenian Festival 2017 1-day annual harvest festival centered around an eight hundred year old Armenian tradition, which may be closely likened to the celebration of Thanksgiving by North Americans. The festival is run by The Armenian Cultural Foundation of Fresno and all proceeds from the festival are used to fund the various programs offered and towards the maintenance of The Armenian Community Center located at 2348 Ventura Ave. in Fresno’s Old Armenian Town. FREE PARKING * $5/ PERSON * CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE California Armenian Home 6720 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno.

Arte Américas 30th AnniFriant Road, Fresno. Twenty versary Celebration Saturday, of the area’s best taco-centric September 30 at 6 PM Arte restaurants will offer a wide América 1630 Van Ness Ave, range of mouth watering Fresno. taco creations. The day will be packed with incredible Octoberfest Craft Beer Fes- local and national musical tival Saturday, October 14 at performances. In between the 2 PM - 6 PM Civic Center Park musical performances, make 113 Court St, Hanford. your way to the other end of the festival to catch live Lucha Madera & Fresno Comic Libre wrestling matches from Con 2017 Sunday, October 15 Tijuana’s own Baja Stars! at 11 AM - 5 PM St. Joachim School of Madera 310 N I St, The Haunted Yard - A 3 Night Madera. This is a kiddo friend- Spooktacular Event For All! ly event! Kids 12 and under When: October 26, 27, 28 are FREE Haunted Tours: $2 per person Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM An Evening of Magic & Located at: Ted C. Wills ComComedy Wednesday, October munity Center 18 at 6 PM - 9:30 PM Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater 1226 Now Recruiting: Ghost, N Wishon Ave, Fresno. We witches, zombies, clowns, are very excited to debut the pirates, and more to volunteer Fresno Magic Clubs very first in various haunted scenes. fundraiser show. The Fresno To sign up for this frightful Magic Club Strives to continu- event, walk in register at Ted ally promote the art of Magic C. Wills Rec Room Mondays and provide resources to our 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM or online members to aid in learning the at wonderful performance art of Magic. Cherry Avenue Auction Every Saturday & Tuesday 6am-3pm Fresno Taco Fest Saturday, Cherry Avenue Auction 4640 October 21 at 11 AM - 10 S. Cherry Ave, 93706 PM Woodward Park 7775

12 | SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017


Calling All Promotors We 9/25 Bridge 1-3pm Palm can help get you out there. Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. We’ll design, print and distrib(559) 346-7662 or (559) 916ute. We’ve got great rates on 9/6 Train Brain 10:30am bulk prints too 559-472-7182 Palm Village Senior Network 3078 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, 9/26 Creative Writing Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 1-2:30pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Prestige at Selma Roaring 9/6 Train BINGO 3-4PM Palm Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) BrewFest Saturday, SeptemVillage Senior Network 7638 346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 ber 23 at 6 PM - 9 PM Pioneer N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. Village 1880 Art Gonzales (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916- 9/27 Book Club 10:30am Pkwy, Selma. This is going to Palm Village Senior Network 3078 be a great time! 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Central Valley Lioness Lions 9/8 Adult Coloring & Potluck Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or Club is sponsering Selma (559) 916-3078 Palm Village Senior Network Roaring Brewfest! Beer, Food 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, & Music! Music with Prestige Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or begins at 6:00 p.m. 21 and (559) 916-3078 older event. Tickets $35.00 #loveprestigeband www.pres9/11 Bridge 1-3pm Palm All or Nothing Professional Village Senior Network 7638 Boxing at the Valdez Hall next N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. to the Selland Arena Saturday Livingston Sweet Potato (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916September 23rd. The main Festival Sep 22 at 3 PM to 3078 event featuring Fresno’s own Sep 24 at 11 PM 2600 Walnut MIKE RUIZ JR ranked #13th by Ave, Livingston here will be a 9/12 Creative Writing the NABA & NABF VS JONAcarnival, live bands, entertain1-2:30pm Palm Village Senior THAN TORRES from Guadament, Pro Wrestling, Lucha Network 7638 N. Ingram, lajara, Jalisco. Plus five more Libre, A Corn Hole TournaSuite 111A, Fresno. (559) exciting boxing matches ITS ment, Kid Zone, Recipe Con346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 ALL OR NOTHING Doors open tests, Sweet Potato Education at 6 & matches start at 7. TickExhibit, Real Camels, Farmers 9/13 Train Brain 10:30am ets: https://www1.ticketmasMarket, Culinary Exhibit and Palm Village Senior Network activities geared 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, F28A5A towards sweet potatoes. Every Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or food vendor will have a sweet (559) 916-3078 Bulldog Football: Ag Fest (vs. potato specialty item. Nevada) Saturday, September 9/14 3/13 Cards 2-4pm Palm 30 at 7 PM - 10:30 PM BullPistachio Party at the FarmVillage Senior Network 7638 dog Stadium 1600 E. Bulldog ers Market Friday, September N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. Lane, Fresno. 29 at 5:30 PM - 9 PM Clovis. (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916 3078 15th Annual Rally in the ValOpening Night - Haunted ley Saturday, September 30 at House Friday, September 29 9/15 PVSN Monthly Lun2 PM - 10 PM Woodward Park at 7 PM - 11 PM Snellings cheon 12-2pm Logans RoadRotary Amphitheater Fresno. Ranch of Horrors 15080 N house Palm Village Senior There will be Food Vendors, Snelling Road, Snelling Network 7638 N. Ingram, Craft Vendors, Kid Zone, Raid Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) er Cars, and Bikes on display, Light of Hope Benefit Dinner 346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 Raider Characters, KOS MemSaturday, September 30 at 6 bership Booth, Raffles, Silent PM - 10 PM West Hills College 9/18 Bridge 1-3pm Palm Auction, Live Auction, Men and Golden Arena Gym 555 ColVillage Senior Network 7638 Woman Best Raider Tattoo lege Dr, Lemoore. N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. Contest. (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916 The Official ClovisFest & 3078 Fallen Heroes 2nd Annual Hot Air Balloon Fun Fly Event Car Show Saturday, October 7 Oct 28 at 7 AM to Oct 29 at 9/19 Bingo 2-3pm Palm at 10 AM - 4 PM Sierra Vista 5 PM ClovisFest - Celebrating Village Senior Network 7638 Mall 1050 Shaw Ave, Clovis. the Real California. a Clovis N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. Chamber event. 500 Pollasky (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916Bulldog Football: vs. New Ave, Clovis. 3078 Mexico (Homecoming Game) Saturday, October 14 at 7 PM Vibe Seafood & Crab Fest 9/20 Tain Brain 10:30am - 10:30 PM Bulldog Stadium Saturday, November 4 at 3 Palm Village Senior Network 1600 E. Bulldog Lane, Fresno. PM - 8 PM Bitwise Industries 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or UNLV at Fresno State Sat The purpose of the Sea Food (559) 916-3078 10/28/17 Bulldog Stadium Festival is to highlight and 1600 Bulldog Ln. Fresno bring awareness to Small 9/21 BUNCO 1-4pm Palm Local owned Restaurants Village Senior Network 7638 Boise State at Fresno State and Businesses in the Fresno N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. Sat 11/25/17 at 12:30pm area, also creating a platform (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916Bulldog Stadium 1600 Bulldog for Adults and Students so 3078 Ln. Fresno they can come and retrieve life changing knowledge as it Calling All Promotors We 9/22 Casino Games Day relates to Health & Wellness, can help get you out there. 4-6pm Palm Village Senior Technology, Family IntervenWe’ll design, print and distribNetwork 7638 N. Ingram, tion, Financial Literacy, Proute. We’ve got great rates on Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) fessional Career Building and 346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 bulk prints too 559-472-7182 Workforce development.

Senior Events

Special Events




XFINITY go here: https://www. Tastemakers 2017 Saturday, 98 Degrees Thursday, November 16 at 6 PM - 9 October 14 at 5 PM - 10 PM PM Tachi Palace Hotel and paul-paul Visalia Rawhide 300 N GidCasino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Animal Rescue of Fresno dings St, Visalia. Pepper - Tribal Seeds ThursLemoore The Green, Durand Jones Fri- day, September 21 at 7 PM presents PAWS for Metal 3 day, October 6 at 7 PM - 11:30 Nothing But Thieves, Airways - 10 PM Vina Robles AmphiSeptember 16th featuring 2017 Battle Of The DJs Nov Sunday, October 15 at 7 PM PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern theatre 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Motorheads. Doors open at 25 at 12 PM to Nov 26 at 12 7 Fulton 55 875 Divisadero Ave, Fresno. All ages! Tickets - 11:30 PM Strummer’s 833 Robles. AM Azteca Theater 838 F St, Street E Fern Ave, Fresno. All ages! Tickets http://www.ticketweb. Fresno Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Fri- sale/SaleEventDetail?evenFresno. day, September 29 at 7:30 PM tId=7627615&dispatch=load- com/t3/sale/SaleEventDe The Original Sal’s Mexican Halloween Party At Chuktail?eventId=7573885&dis- 10:30 PM Save Mart Center SelectionData patch=loadSelectionData and Restaurant (Selma Loca2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. chansi 9 PM - 1 AM CHUKat Strummer’s during regular tion) invites you to the 75th Ice Cube Tuesday, October 10 CHANSI GOLD RESORT & at 7 PM The Big Fresno Fair business hours! Anniversary Block Party/Street CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarse 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Fair Saturday, September Janet Jackson Sunday, gold 16th from 11am-5pm. The Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull September 24 at 8 PM - 11 event will take place as we Friday, October 20 at 7:30 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Brian Wilson presents Pet Canine Classic with special PM Save Mart Center 2650 E block off a road directly west guest Shorty Rossi Sunday, Shaw Ave, Fresno. centerfres- Sounds – The Final Performances Thursday, October 12 Shaw Ave, Fresno of the Sal’s Restaurant in October 29 at 11 AM - 4 Selma. Enjoy a variety of stage PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, at 7 PM - 8 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fres- Air1 Positive Hits Thursday, entertainment including Live Madera. $10 @ the door, Jeremy Camp, Big Daddy music and Folklor Dancers. October 26 at 7 PM - 9 PM no Weave, & More Thursday, Proceeds Benefitting Fresno Our restaurant will be open Save Mart Center 2650 E October 5 at 6:30 PM - 10 PM Bully Rescue Apcal is a 21+ Cafe Tacvba Friday, October Shaw Ave, Fresno. and serving our full menu, The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Only Venue No outside food or but outside enjoy some of our drinks please Chance Ave, Fresno. 13 at 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM Woodward Park Rotary Amphi- Andre Rieu Thursday, Octo- Sal’s Street Taco’s. 2163 Park St. Selma, 93662 www.salsChicago Friday, October 6 at theater Fresno. All ages tickets ber 26 at 8 PM - 11 PM SelWine Tasting Food/Tasting J. land Arena 700 M St, Fresno. 7 PM - 8 PM The Big Fresno Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra sale/SaleEventDetail?evenFair 1121 S Chance Ave, Nut House hosts daily wine Jay-Z Wednesday, November Calling All Promotors We Fresno. To buy your tickets or tId=7385825&dispatch=tastings, with appetizers and loadSelectionData, SBI, and 1 at 7 PM - 10 PM Save Mart can help get you out there. see the full Table Mountain full menu items. (559) 432We’ll design, print and distrib- 4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 Casino Concert Series line-up, at Strummer’s during regular Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. business hours! ute. 559-472-7182 presented by Toyota USA & N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno,


21 & Over




93720 Daily 8am-8pm The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/ Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance Lessons start at 8 pm; music and dancing follow every Tuesday night at The Cellar Door. Beginners’ lessons run from 8-8:45 pm, advanced lessons from 8:45-9:30 pm, and dancing follows. All dabce lessons are free with admission. www. Event Info: (559) 636-9463 The Cellar Door 101 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 Social Fridays @imperiofresno! Good Vibes This & Every Weekend. Don’t Miss Out on these great drink specials Drink Specials before 11pm $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, California. MAGIC MEN Thursday, September 28 at 7 PM - 10 PM Visalia Convention Center 303 E. Acequia, Visalia. visaliatix.

SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 | 13

Business & Service AC & HEATING

DON’T FORGET to mention you found them in the Flyer!

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A1 LOCK & KEY with over 30yrs expeSHIELDS & WEST rience. Automotive/ Barbershop! Reg hair Residential/Industrial/ cut $4.50. Seniors and Commercial/Car INSURANCE boys under 12, $4.00. Remotes & Electronic 1224 W Shields Ave, HOME & LIFE Insur- Keys Programmed. Lic SPORTING GOODS Fresno. Mon-Fri 8-6, ance. Help protect what #05885 Call Martin Sat-Sun 8-5. 227-6739 you love, but also help (559) 298-LOCK SPORTING GOODS you to save even more. Fishing and Hunting Come visit your local Accessories. SpecialCLEANING MAINTENANCE Farmers agent. 369 ize in bass, trout, and W. Shaw Ave. Fresno LIST YOUR CLEAN- (559) 435-4100 DRAIN CLEANING salt-water fishing. Reloading, gun accesING BUSINESS 24hr service. Sewer HERE Only $20 per DENTAL INSURlines, washers, faucets, sories and extensive selection of ammuniissue. Reach thousands. ANCE. Call Physicians toilets, sinks, gas & tion. Valley Rod & Gun 559-472-7182 water lines, water Mutual Insurance Give us a call 559-292heaters and more. Call Company for details. FISH (3474) MDM Home Repair NOT just a discount CONSTRUCTION plan, REAL coverage 559-321-5263 for 350 procedures. TREE SERVICE FOR YOUR HOM844-848-5575 or http:// FOR YOUR HOME REPAIR NEEDS. REPAIR NEEDS. www.dental50plus. COMPLETE TREE Drywall, Painting, com/fresno Ad# 6118 Drywall, Painting, Removal, Year Round Plumbing and More. Plumbing and More. Cleanups, Branch LIST YOUR BUSINo Job is too Small. No Job is too Small. Removal, Hedge TrimNESS HERE Line Free Estimates 704Free Estimates 704ming & More. Free esads are just $10/wk. 5967 Unlicensed 5967 Unlicensed timates. Call Martinez Looking for something Tree Service 824-8226 bigger? Call us for a Lic#1011777 free quote, no obligations. 559-472-7182


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SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 | 15

SAFE STEP Walk-In Tub #1 Selling Walk-in Tub in North America. BBB Accredited. Arthritis Foundation Commendation. Therapeutic Jets. MicroSoothe Air Therapy System Less than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Call 877-654-2138 for up to $1500 Off. DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-848-5575 or http:// www.dental50plus. com/fresno Ad# 6118 LEARN HOW bundling Home & Life Insurance can not only help protect what you love, but also help you to save even more. Come visit your local Farmers agent. 369 W. Shaw Ave. Fresno (559) 435-4100

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BE JOB ready in as few as 7 months! SJVC Madera Campus offering medical programs. Madera and Fresno Campus offering business programs. Classes start every 5 /wks. Financial aid available to those who qualify. (559) 302-2155 GO-KART Mini-Bike Repair & Service. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 STOP OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-800-291-6572 Promo Code CDC201625 SELLING SOMETHING? If it’s under $300 list it here for FREE! Over $300? List it for only $5/wk 472-7182

DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-848-5575 or http:// www.dental50plus. com/fresno Ad# 6118 LARGE Variety of Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 GO-KART Mini Bike Tires - Clutches - Chains - Sprockets. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 VINTAGE clothing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items & furnishings. Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno. (559)445-1928 Receive $5 off your $25 purchase. SAFE STEP Walk-In Tub #1 Selling Walk-in Tub in North America. BBB Accredited. Arthritis Foundation Commendation. Therapeutic Jets. MicroSoothe Air Therapy System Less than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Call 877-654-2138 for up to $1500 Off. DRYWALL, Painting, Plumbing, Doors, Windows, Cabinets, Concrete & More! No job is too small. Free estimates. Call (559)704-5967 MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,900. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (559) 273-3150 or (888) 563-3003


DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-848-5575 or http:// www.dental50plus. com/fresno Ad# 6118

SPANISH CANADA DRUG Center es tu mejor opcion para ordenar medicamentos seguros y economicos. Nuestros servicios de farmacia con licencia Canadiense e Internacional te proveeran con ahorros de hasta el 75 en todas las medicinas que necesites. Llama ahora al 1-800-9861851 y obten $10 de descuento con tu primer orden ademas de envio gratuito.

FURNITURE SOLID WOOD Cabinet or you can used for Tv In good condition. Text me or call at 559.424.3585 $47

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES VINTAGE Cosco step chair in great shape and sturdy. Asking $65 (559) 930-8042 ANTIQUE 1950s Wedgewood $200 (559) 994-8519 GLOBE and stand. Asking $100 OBO (559) 803-1515

ELECTRONICS KICKER SOLAR baric sub - L7 new in box $200 obo 578-2196 KENWOOD FLIP flop face CD player 9013 $175 578-2196 KENWOOD 200 watt 4 channel amp $200 578-2196

APPLIANCES MAYTAG Neptune washer dryer set Front loader washer Electric dryer In good working order clean $400.00 559-313-7519 KENMORE ELECTRIC DRYER can deliver $150 704-8872 KENMORE Washer and Dryer $200 (Kerman) 559-567-7140 LARGE BLACK GE microwave oven. Looks and works great. $40 Call 559-213-4950 BEAUTIFUL antique that works great. 40x28x47 $80 OBO 410-6100 SAMSUNG RS261 series (energy star) certified 26.6 Cu. Ft.. all black..french doors a few dents in the front. (559) 970-5116

CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 JOHN DEERE 302-A DIESEL LOADER TRACTOR w/ SCRAPER $6500 (Paso robles) (805) 975-8307 RIDING Mower Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 HEAVY DUTY Tractor Dually tilt bed trailer $1800 (Madera) 647-2375 JOHN DEERE ride on tractor $1300 (559) 977-1540 CRAFTSMAN Pro series 7400 Lawn Tractor $1200 (Coarsegold) (559) 676-7139 new wooden planters (559) 268-6650 ELECTRIC Chainsaw $35 559-304-4381


ROYAL WEED Eater $150 559-708-8485 CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool SharpVINTAGE CLOTHening. Visit Jensen & ING & accessories at Watts (559) 255-0465 BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items LADDER, WERNER & furnishings. Come 10 ft fiberglass 300 lb check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon FARM & GARDEN rating $145 559-3602977. Ave. Fresno. (559) 445-1928 ReCRAFTSMEN LAWN RIDING MOWER ceive $5 off your $25 EDGER $75 (559) Tires & Tubes. Visit purchase. 284-8893 Jensen & Watts 516 N. SELLING SOMETORO PRO Line 37 Chestnut, Fresno. (559) THING? Under $300 commercial $900 (559) 255-0465 it’s FREE! Call 559803-8579 SUPPORT LOCAL 472-7182




CRAFTSMAN work bench - a bit worn and the top has a board under it call rob if interested at 233-6313 $140 obo LARGE VARIETY of Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 PAIR OF Heavy Duty Steel Ramps (559) 899-4847


ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209

ROOM FOR Rent Fowler/Ashlan in Clovis. Free use of house HONDA EU3000is In- - kitchen - washer/ vertor Generator $1500 dryer. Utilities included (559) 967-4922 - cable & internet included. Proof of income required $500/ APARTMENTS mo $100 non-refundable cleaning deposit & FOR RENT first month’s rent. Call (714) 335-5341 3-BEDROOMS $800.00-$850.00!! Remodeled ApartFOR RENT ments, Central A/C, Secured Complex WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call 3-BEDROOMS $800.00-$850.00!! Toll-Free 1-888-8959623. For more info Remodeled Apartvisit ments, Central A/C, Secured Complex WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call SELLING SOMEToll-Free 1-888-895THING? Call 5599623. 472-7182


MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,900. Owner financing, low down payments, comWHY RENT an apartpetitive interest rates. ment? When you can Veterans let us help rent a home. Beautiful you with a $2,500 grant and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedtowards the down payrooms Available. Only ment on a home! Call $1000 month. Call Willows of Santiago today! 888-563-3003 today (559) 273-3150 or (888) 563-3003


DRYWALL, Painting, Plumbing, Doors, Windows, Cabinets, Concrete & More! No job is too small. Free estimates. Call (559)704-5967


YARD WORK JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. (550)307-4304 LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559-696-5149 or 559275-7630



JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 ask for James


DRYWALL, PaintMAINTENANCE ing, Plumbing, Doors, MANUFACTURED Windows, Cabinets, Homes in a Gated Concrete & More! No DRAIN CLEANING. Community. Homes job is too small. Free 24 hour service. Sewer starting at $59,900. estimates. Call (559)Owner financing, low lines. washers, faucets, 704-5967 down payments, com- toilets, sinks, gas & petitive interest rates. water lines, water heatHOUSES FOR RENT ers & more. Call (559) Veterans let us help LAWN & GARDEN you with a $2,500 grant 321-5263 WHY RENT an apart towards the down payment? When you can LAWN SERVICE. ment on a home! Call DRYWALL, Paintrent a home. Beautiful ing, Plumbing, Doors, Cleanups, Fertilizer, Willows of Santiago and Roomy 2 & 3 BedNew Saw, Lawn Spraytoday (559) 273-3150 Windows, Cabinets, rooms Available. Only ing, Sprinkler Repair & Concrete & More! No or (888) 563-3003 $1000 month. Call Lawn Reseeding. Call job is too small. Free SELLING SOMEtoday! 888-563-3003 estimates. Call (559)- for a Free Estimate! THING? Call 559559-696-5149 or 559704-5967 SUPPORT LOCAL 472-7182 275-7630



CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 SUPPORT LOCAL


BIKES ROYCE UNION BMX 1980s and Royce Union Torch 1998 $95 Text or call at 559481-3317 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 it’s FREE! Call 559472-7182

SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017 | 17

SCHWINN voyageur Comfort Road Cruiser Bike $85 (Kingsburg) 559-321-6383 TREK 7500 Alpha Multitrack Hybrid bike in excellent conditions and great price. $130 Text or call 559 481 3317 PHAT DAISY / Huffy Cranbrook Women’s Bicycles $65 559-2645856 SCHWINN BEACH cruiser $70 (Clovis) (559) 240-4193

ATVS 2015 450R Honda TRX Orninal owner less than 10 hours pink slip No trades 559-2102635 $7400 GO KART 125 CC Adly atk 125CC One seater has reverse turn on with key has head lights brake light 559210-26-35 $1300 GO-KART Mini Bike Tires - Clutches - Chains - Sprockets. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 2007 SUZUKI LTZ 250 (Hanford) $2,800 OBO. Cash only (559) 994-8066 2014 YAMAHA Grizzly 700 EPS Camo $1500 (559) 376-2374 1994 YAMAHA Banshee. Has New Stock Top End. All Plastics in good shape. Edgar at 559-871-6309 GO-KART Mini-Bike Repair & Service. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465


1985 HONDA Magna v65 Crazy Fast $1300 (559) 240-0871 2005 1200 custom sportster $4800 (559) 341-6110 96’ YAMAHA royal star $3500 (Selma) 559-981-6026 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS

18 | SEPTEMBER 7 & 14, 2017


2008 CUSTOM Yamaha raider. Custom exhaust, tuner, handlebars, and paint. Lowered. Asking $8500 OBO or trade for boat. (209)756-2207 96 SUZUKI Intruder 800 Brand new battery. Tagged until July 2018. Was originally turquoise color. Needs touch up. Black paint job never finished. $1800 obo. Jantzen 559-580-1308

28FT FORESt River Salem AC full kitchen microwave front queen bedroom bunkhouse fully self contained very roomy lots of beds sleeps 8 easily must see $4,500. (559) 832-7299 (559) 270-1292

1977 CAMARO, custom paint job, Has 350 engine, 4bbl edlebrock carb, newer racing bucket seats in front with 4 point restraints. Car runs very strong. $7000 (Coalinga) (559) 301-6948



2006 ACURA TSX BRAKES, Tires, W/ navigation. $3,500 Wheels, Complete Auto or best offer. Sold as Repair. Call Payless is. Clean title on hand. Brakes & Tires (559) Need to replace water 237-5377 2005 SUZUKI BLVD pump. Just recently $5000 545-8564 purchased 4 brand new GO-KART Mini-Bike tires a month ago. Seri- Repair & Service. Visit 2004 HONDA shadow ous injuries ONLY. Jensen & Watts 516 N. 11000 miles,excellent Douk at (559) 365Chestnut, Fresno. (559) condition,extras,senior 9743 or (559) 365255-0465 owned 559-904-9046 9539 no texts $3200 (Hanford) 1998 VW BEETLE TRUCKS $2200 obo 4cyl, autoGO-KART Mini matic with a/c, power BRAKES, Tires, Bike Tires - Clutches windows and locks. Wheels, Complete Auto - Chains - Sprockets. Clean title (not salRepair. Call Payless Visit Jensen & Watts vaged) Lien sale. Sierra Brakes & Tires (559) 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- Towing 559-323-2020 237-5377 no. (559) 255-0465 1991 TOYOTA MR2 1994 CHEVY S10 2.2 Engine $6000 Extended Cab pick-up RVS (Merced) (209)600Truck. $1,500 Firm 9609 155k miles Salvage 2007 PIONEER Travtitle Text 559-905-9973 LANCER 03 $2200 el Trailer 28’ $9500 (559) 385-0009 obo $2200 559-3961996 CHEVY Truck 1981 $2200 text me at 5591994 TOYOTA 216-4060 ITASCA SPIRIT Mo- 2007 CAMRY LE torhome $11,500 (559) Clean Title 4 cylinder 2001 GMC Yukon SLT 408-3088 127,000 miles Semiwith a 5.3L v8 engine. new tires Very good runs and drives great 2000 30’ Holiday Ram- condition No problems with no issues. 200k bler Aluma Lite Series. or issues. Great on gas $2500 559-960-8528 Sleep 6 14’ slide out Clean Interior $6300 14’ pullout awning 559-309-3846 1985 CHEVY Subnew tires $9500/obo urban on 24” rims Call/txt 559-908-9406 SELLING SOME$2500 (Merced) (559) THING? Under $300 246-6102 JAYCO JAY Feather it’s FREE! 472-7182 X19 H $13,500 559the Fresno 217-6281 STARCRAFT Hybrid BUY. SELL. PAWN. 2007 $11900 (559) 940-0973 1974 GMC Motor home. Original 455 oldsmobile. It has a rebuilt carburator, new Bring this ad in plugs, new fuel lines, new heater hoses and and save even more! original color: white. If you are interested or Lic. #1005-0990 have questions please contact me at 559-9057986. $8000 RV PROWLER 25.5G YouTube $3700 (559) 994-9232

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a forklift. Train-the-Trainer and Re-Certification classes available. Day and night classes available. $50 discount to veterans. 559-325-8097

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