Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 9

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EDITOR’S NOTE Being in this business, we’re always talking to well, other businesses. The single reason behind how we’re able to offer the Flyer free to you, the reader, is due to the advertisers you see in these pages. We’re also just always looking for a new place to shine the spotlight, you know, putting the focus on a local business, non-profit, event and the like. So, to reiterate, we’re always talking and meeting other businesses/organizations in our area. After nearly four years of doing so, I can guarantee that one of the first things out of my contact’s mouth is the question, “How much does this cost?” Now, granted, if we’re talking about advertising, then it’s a natural progression for the conversation, but if it’s for an article or a spotlight… why on earth am I being asked this? Every time it happens, I’m always a little surprised, although I shouldn’t be by now. See, when we do a spotlight or an article, we’re not doing it for the money, we’re not out to hustle people through the guise of supporting them. However, there are plenty of others who will approach these businesses or organizations under the


| NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017



impression that they’re here to help spread the word through positive coverage only to pull the rug out from under them with a hefty price tag. When we choose to cover a particular topic, local figure or organization, we do it because we think it’s something our readers should know. Because we support local, we believe in being champions for each other, and we find enormous value in the small business model for local economies. Not everything is about me. (or rather, about what we can get from other people) The Flyer needs to make a living, sure, it’s how we maintain and continue to grow. However, it’s not our goal or purpose to squeeze every last dollar we can from everyone we meet. And I wish more of the Central Valley would follow a similar standard. It’s true that the world is only interested in what it can get from you and each person has to learn how to make that work in achieving their own goals. But we cannot forget our integrity in pursuit of those goals… maybe then the idea of ‘working together’ wouldn’t be so difficult.





MONSTERS. The Fresno Monsters Hockey team is coming back strong for the 2017-18 season.

by Lisa Talley | - photos by Kiel Maddox


he Fresno Monsters are currently 6-6 for the 2017-18 season. The Tier II Western States Hockey League (WSHL) team opened the season with a three-game series in Lakewood, CA on September 28 against team rivals, the Long Beach Bombers. A quick look at the stat sheet and it would be easy to assume that things are sailing into a repeat of last year’s disappointing season for the Monsters with an ending 25-22 record… but anyone making that assumption would be wrong. So very wrong. Looking past the next two games, this time against the Valencia Flyers, the Monsters rose to the occasion after a 2-8, 2-5, loss and hit hard in the third set with an impressive 11-3 win. That’s more than enough to turn heads because luck doesn’t bring an 8pt lead – that’s the signature of dedication and hard work. The Monsters took to the start of the season with only 12 players - a staggering number compared to the 20-25 on the opposing teams - not reaching a full roster themselves until well after the start of the season. And although it’s arguable that the increase in numbers for the team played a significant role in helping to boost the Monsters’ performance for game three against the Flyers, it would be short-sighted. Anyone looking for a sense

of what the core spirit of the team looks like this year only needs to look closely at the opening games in Lakewood - where the players showed grit and determination. “That weekend, those guys showed me a lot of character, a lot of passion, a lot of heart. The 2nd game we lost with 2 seconds left, the 3rd we missed the net with 15 seconds left after we pulled the goalie. That 3rd game we kept pressuring and I’m thinking we’re going to collapse, we’re going to get so tired in the 3rd period, but these guys kept coming and coming - it showed me what kind of character we have in that locker room, and they made this coach very proud,” says Head Coach Kevin Kaminski. Each game in the first series the Monsters lost by a single point, by a few mere seconds, and all with only 12 players taking the brunt of every other shift. Even still, the team powered through, holding their ground with resolve, skill, and willpower; it isn’t difficult to imagine how different those games would have been had the team arrived with a full roster. The following three-game series against the San Diego Sabers showed an upswing as the Monsters dominated 2-1 through the weekend with a 5-2 start, an impressive 6-0 second game, and a 1-3 loss with the Sabers pulling the win in the third set. The most recent series against the Phoenix Knights at the Monsters’ home venue, Gateway Ice

Center, showed not only the fans but the league that the team means to finish big this season. October 19, 20, & 21, the Fresno Monsters swept the weekend with a notable 6-3, 9-3, and a demolishing 11-0 to round out the threegame sweep. Team Captain, Cody Key, is optimistic about the t e a m’s

performance moving forward, “The guys this season have a lot of heart, a lot of drive, so I think this year we have a good [team] to go all the way.” Bringing back a number of players this year - defensemen Daniel “Goodie” Goodwin (20) and Logan Domagala (19), as well as veteran Cody Key (20) - the team has also signed on several new talent both national and international - Fresno native and forward, Daylon Mannon (18), goalie Adam Barvik (20) and defenseman Ondrej Gabrhelik (20) both from the Czech Republic. Players from Canada, Hungary, Latvia, and Slovakia also round out this year’s talent. The incorporation of international players brings with it the addition of different styles of hockey and provides yet another active layer in the team.“The European guys, they bring a different kind of hockey out here to the states… they’re more skilled in that they do a lot of finesse with the puck. All the guys from the states, they bring a gritty attitude to the ice. It’s good to have it all on the team,” says Key. As it stands, however, the season’s top scorer (at the time of this article) goes to a local. Daylon Mannon - debuting both with the Monsters and the league this season - holds the title with the 18 goals and 16 assists for a total of 34 points over the course of 12 games.

#4 Logan Domagala taking the role of enforcer. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 |


SPOTLIGHT \\ MONSTERS ...‘Monsters’ continued from pg 3 “I couldn’t do it without my teammates, Cody Key, Rudy, and my defense, honestly,” says Mannon of his success through the start of the season, “I talk a lot to the vets on and off the ice, they tell me what I should and shouldn’t do because of [their experience]”. The Monsters’ identity and the foundation are rooted in a strong work ethic and unity. As stated by Kaminski, “a relentless work ethic and a physical brand of hockey.” “Here in Fresno everyone bonds together becomes a family. We sacrifice our bodies and put ourselves on the line day in and day out for each other,” Key adds. Defenseman Logan Domagala is holding down the ice as an enforcer for the Monsters with a total of 44 minutes in penalties so far - a responsibility he shares with fellow defenseman Daniel “Goodie” Goodwin. Although fighting in hockey has changed over the years as the game has put more emphasis on speed and skating ability, throwing off the gloves is still a very present element. “It happens. When you’re down by a lot or have a [teammate] get run - cheap shotted or whatever it may be, you have to protect your young guys and your goal scorers. Some of us just have to do it,” shares Domagala. The Fresno Monsters, established in 2009, has a reputation for being a strong contender in the WSHL. Fresno alone stands as a city with a long hockey tradition dating all the way back to 1940 with the Fresno Falcons one Taylor Cup and eleven years as champions in two different leagues - the Fresno Monsters, after the Falcons folded in 2009, picked up the torch without a blink and have been charging ahead ever since. Only the 2016-17 season last year stands out as a slight hitch in their stride. However, it was also that same year the team underwent some major changes. After a six-season run coaching the WSHL Monsters, then head coach and general manager, Bryce Dale stepped down from his position in March 2016. Three months following, in June 2016, owner, David White sold the team to the Central Valley Community Sports Foundation, led by Jeff Blair. Massive changes to shoulder for a team ramping up to a new season. Coming in to replace Bryce Dale as head coach and general manager is former NHL enforcer, Kevin “Killer” Kaminski. With an 11-year professional career, the past Washington Capitals Center is known for his hard-nosed style of play, and he’s bringing it to the ice here in Fresno. “I pride myself and the team on work ethic, tenacity, playing physical and [having the team] demand that out of each other,” says Kaminski of his coaching style, “Talent is great, but when you combine that talent with


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Head Coach, Kevin “Killer” Kaminski leading the team during practice. a work ethic you [have] a special kind of player.” And a special kind of team, no doubt. Retired in 2001, Kaminksi left the NHL due to concussions and a debilitating injury when he caught a hockey puck to the right side of his face that resulted in “2 plates, 12 screws, and 140 stitches.” All telltale signs of his signature fearless and aggressive style of play which is evident in how the Monsters tackle each game. However, his experience also brings a honed awareness of the toll the sport of hockey takes on an athlete. “It’s a long season. [As a] players coach I know when to push them and when to give them a day off or 2,” says Kaminski. Building a cohesive team, according to the head coach, requires not only demanding strong performances but also reminding everyone to have fun. Because that’s what it’s all about, “to go have fun and score some goals.” The success of the Monsters is significantly reliant on the eye and precision of the head coach’s ability, the steadfast leadership of the team captain, as well as the skill, unity, and determination of each player. And the devotion of the fans. “This is a mad-house, [other teams] don’t like coming to Fresno,” shares Domagala, “You wouldn’t expect Fresno to be a hockey town, but it definitely is.” “You can say that we have the rowdiest fans in the league,” adds Goodwin. Between the signs, the various props, cheering and heckling towards the opposing teams, the Fresno Monsters are immensely grateful for the support of the fans who show up to every home game. “It intimidates a lot of other teams when they come to our barn because we get so many fans in here - it puts us a step ahead. I appreciate our fans and hope they keep coming out,” continues Key. Both Key and Goodwin “age out”


#23 Daniel “Goodie” Goodwin powering through the opposition this year as the WSHL league eligibility caps at age 20. Each player hopes to leave a legacy of hard work, strong leadership and to set the standards for new players coming through the ranks of what it means to wear the Monsters jersey. “Be strong and level-headed, keep your composure, and go hard. Do your best and leave it all on the ice,” shares Goodwin. The team has their sights set on driving deep into the playoffs and punishing the opposition for a chance at the Thorne Cup. If the Monsters continue to perform in the manner with which they’ve been handling the last few games, and judging by the scope of talent, focus, and determination of the players led by Kevin “Killer” Kaminski, the odds are that fans will see them in the finals by midApril 2018. Storming the ice, the Monsters bring speed and aggression to the game. It’s a sight every spectator should experience first-hand, as the arena only allows for the smallest separation of plexiglass between fan and athlete. No high rise or expansive rows to shy away to, fans are face-to-face with the action, which often means being less than 2 feet away from a flying puck or a 180-200lb player slamming the opposition. Fans don’t just watch; they’re part of the battleground. The Fresno Monsters full schedule of games is available on their website www. along with stats, news, and tickets to the games at the Gateway Ice Center. Follow them on Facebook @FresnoMonsters, Twitter and Instagram @WSHLMonsters.



What Is Revolution? An analytical series Part 1

by Kayla Moon


Revolution is the erupting frequency of social, systematic, environmental and economic hardships. It rises once a system begins to collapse and can no longer serve or sustain the majority. Revolution is a cycle in time when one stage ends and another begins. Collectively, on a global scale, we are experiencing the revolution. In this day and age, we can see into every corner of the earth while sitting in traffic due to the power of technology. This ability has awakened us to streaming live feeds which highlight global pains we never knew existed or had been hidden from the public eye. Syrian children are living without limbs to walk or crawl, Palestinians being bombed, fishers in Africa being forced to starve while their ocean’s floors are robbed by corporate America so that we can have our two dollar fish fillets. Within the growing global revolution, our empathy and morality must rise. For the many who have access to these technological resources choose outlets of entertainment

rather than joining the evolution of a more empathetic humanity. This is a trend that must be labeled as a prehistoric tradition. For we all have an obligation in helping to shift empires and nations in regards to how its leaders treat our fellow citizens and global communities. A darker and more invisible truth to admit to ourselves is that the rulers of this current political system and “technological and industrial elites” are more like us than not. Most of us hold their values in our daily lives. We support the narratives they portray to us. Think about the music that is played on the radio, the main substance (if we can even call it that) of drugs, hypersexualization, and a party that never ends. We value the top one hundred billboards and have memorized every lyric in these songs. Our relationships are carved from these narratives and millennials specifically have moved from consuming products to now consuming relationships and people in this shallow ‘hit it and quit it’ culture. Then there’s the film industry jam-packed full of eternal scandals and lust for violence “pushing the boundaries” and never-ending action films created to promote military agendas with non-stop explosions. We must collectively examine our consumer culture and collective desires for violence and gore. We must see this type of consumerism as an immediate threat to the already crumbling foundation of our American culture. The oppressors will continue to sell us what we need, as long as we buy what they sell. With these realizations, there is one thought that has never been able to leave my mind, and that is that the undeniable

fact that the rest of the world sees us clearer than we see ourselves. They know who we are, they know our character, our lack of morality our incessant lust for bloodshed, and we will be held accountable once the powers shift because they always do. Every empire has fallen, and we are in mid-air, collapsing. So when it comes to the revolution we must urgently dismantle and shift the energy of what drives and fuels how we define ourselves and interact in this world. We must establish dignity and respect for our fellow humans in this country and all other countries around the world. I beg every reader to breath in deep breaths of healing. Focus on your own emotional and mental wounds. Find ways to heal your past, build new systems within your circles of influence and help create the future. It is up to us in what direction our revolution will take. The outcome is unknown and unpredictable. But everyone is responsible for their actions in this lifetime, and as well responsible for how we choose to define the word revolution. ---*Authors Note: This will be a continuing series written with the intention to use current events, personal experience, and revolutionary literature throughout the ages to highlight America’s contemporary social and political atmosphere. With the prayer that we ease the future horrors for our children, heal the wounds of the past and be awake and knowledgeable in our present times.

Mental Health Matters by Cynthia Callaghan Every week is ‘suicide prevention’ week to me. The actual ‘week’ is in September, but that doesn’t matter when it is someone you know that does it or even attempts it. We need to ask ourselves what we can do to help. Awareness helps. Over the years, I have worked with chronically suicidal people. When something happened to them that was unfair and painful; their default thinking was about dying. Dying would solve their problems. It would stop the pain. It would end the numbness. And then they would no longer be a burden to anyone. Their treatment with me was quite long and arduous, and I don’t regret a minute of it. Thankfully, they are still alive and text me randomly to check in. I am so glad that I could help. My neighbor, Gary, though, hung himself in his garage. He had health issues that were creeping up on him. He felt lonely and wanted so much to be in a relationship with someone, and she spurned his sweet advances. The mournful sound of the constant trains going by reminded him of his pain. He laid out all of his bills so that his parents could handle his affairs for him after he died. I felt terrible for a while that I didn’t help him, but in fact, I didn’t know he was suffering. While attending a big therapy training event a few weeks ago, the topic turned to suicide. The trainers spoke extensively on how to talk to suicidal clients. Validate, they said. Validate? Yes. From a genuine place in your heart, validate their experience. That they want to die. And then tell them why you want them to live. Talk about all of the reasons to live. There are a LOT of reasons to live. And then get them lots of supportive people to rally around them, and not stop. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has a website full of helpful information and resources. They also host the Out of the Darkness walks to fight suicide - November 11 in Oakland and December 2 in Upland. You can find more info here: Let’s all either walk or make a donation or get informed more about warning sign and risk factors for suicide. We never know when we may run across a friend in need. And don’t forget to breathe. --

Cynthia Callaghan is a licensed mental health clinician and lives in Fresno, Ca. She can be reached at | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 |


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts

flight from New Jersey to Vancouver. It was later recovered 8. Chicago Blackhawks Hall of Famer Stan Mikita is most by an Air Canada employee. often credited with the creation of the curved stick blade in the 1960s — all blades were previously straight — though 4. Before 1914, referees used to place the puck on the ice many others, including fellow Hall of Fame forward Andy The Hockey Edition Bathgate, also claim to have curved their sticks as far back between the players’ sticks for faceoffs. This led to many cuts, bruises and even broken hands for the referees. Start- as the 1930s and ’40s. 1. Unlike baseball or basketball, the origins of ice hockey ing in 1914, the referees were allowed to drop the puck between the players’ sticks. 9. In the 1974 NHL Draft, Buffalo Sabres GM Punch are murky, at best. While some say a version of the game Imlach decided to fool the media and league officials by was played by the French and Irish as far back as the drafting Taro Tsujimoto of the Japanese Hockey League’s 1700s, others claim it was invented in the mid-1800s when 5. The first hockey puck, used during outdoor pickup Tokyo Katanas. Trouble was, neither Tsujimoto nor his games in the 1800s, was reportedly made of frozen cow Canadians with homemade sticks would skate on frozen team was real. The pick was later stricken from the records. dung. ponds in Ontario.

10. The record for most points in a single game is held 6. In 1992, goalie Manon Rhéaume became the first woman to play in the NHL, suiting up for the Tampa Bay by Darryl Sittler. He had 10 points in a game in 1976 between his team, the Leafs, and the Bruins. The Leafs Lightning during an exhibition game. won. Maurice ‘Rocket’ Richard previously set the record 7. Since 1914, the Stanley Cup has been awarded in every with eight points. 3. The Stanley Cup has had many adventures since its cre- year but two. In 1919, it was not awarded after members 11. The greatest player of all time, Wayne Gretzky, has ation in 1893. Through the years, it has been used as a cere- of the Montreal Canadiens were stricken with sickness al bowl, accidentally left by the side of the road, tossed into during the Spanish flu pandemic, and in 2005, it was not 61 NHL records. Nobody else comes close to this many handed out after the season was canceled due to a lockout/ records. a swimming pool and even lost, like luggage, on a 2010 work stoppage. 2. Kris Draper was traded for just 1$ in 1993 to Detroit Red Wings. Thus, he began his reputation as the “One Dollar Man” and went on to win four Stanley Cups for Detroit.


| NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017





Old fashion burger on a charbroiled grill.

Anytime Egg Nachos




Ingredients: 2 Eggland’s Best eggs (large) 1 large (or 2 small) sweet potatoes, washed and sliced into thin chips 1 tablespoon olive oil


4145 N. Chestnut Diagonal, 93726

1 teaspoon salt, divided 1 teaspoon pepper, divided 3 tablespoons milk 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Morning inspiration: Choosing a Better Breakfast (BPT) - The alarm beeps as you gaze out the window at the soft sunlight welcoming the day. You roll out of bed and your stomach grumbles. You stumble to the kitchen to see how you can tame the hunger pangs, ultimately reaching for a doughnut or prepackaged breakfast bar. While this may satisfy momentarily, it won’t fuel you through the morning. As your blood sugar spikes, you’ll feel a short burst of energy followed by a mid-morning crash that leaves you exhausted and hungry. You need to kick the quick fix and instead choose a better breakfast. When you eat a wholesome meal to start your day, you give your body and mind the fuel it needs all morning long. Whether at home or on-the-go, eating well during the most important meal of the day is easier than many people think. Here are a few tips to keep you satisfied: Plenty of protein: Protein helps you feel full longer so you’re less likely to need a mid-morning pick-me-up. Plus, protein is an important building block for the body, helping support bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Try adding protein-packed foods to your breakfast, such as meat, beans, nut butters and eggs. Necessary nutrients: According to Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner, eggs are a classic breakfast food, but there’s one easy change that can supercharge any meal. “Swapping out ordinary eggs for Eggland’s Best eggs, gets you six times more vitamin D, 10 times more vitamin E, double the omega-3s and more than double the vitamin B12,” says Blatner. “Plus, Eggland’s Best

eggs also contain 25 percent less saturated fat than ordinary eggs - that’s why they are the only eggs I serve my family and recommend to my clients.” Fresh produce: Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to breakfast not only gives you extra vitamins and minerals, it also helps you keep meals fresh and interesting. Add lettuce and sliced peppers to your egg sandwich. Top your oatmeal with chopped peaches or favorite seasonal fruit. Become a mix-master by blending smoothies in endless combinations to satisfy taste buds. Whole grains: Like protein, whole grains help you to feel satisfied longer, so you don’t feel the need to eat until lunchtime. In general, most people need to eat about 6-8 ounces of grains daily, according to the USDA. Half of that should be whole grains. To boost your breakfast, choose whole-grain cereals, stuff a whole-grain tortilla with scrambled eggs, or top whole-grain toast with nut butters. Want some more breakfast inspiration? Try this recipe straight off the Eggland’s Best Better Egg Food Truck for Anytime Egg Nachos, which features fresh vegetables plus protein-rich beans and nutrient-packed Eggland’s Best eggs. Fans can also visit www. from now until Dec. 22, 2017, to enter the first-ever EB Delivers Sweepstakes for a chance to win a visit from the Eggland’s Best Better Egg Food Truck to a city near them! One lucky winner will also receive a private better brunch to enjoy with their friends. Scrambling for another entry? You can enter once per day and also share on Facebook or Twitter for a bonus entry!


1/2 cup black beans, drained and rinsed 1/4 cup finely shredded red cabbage 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped 1/4 cup guacamole 1/4 cup pico de gallo or favorite salsa Sour cream, jalapenos or other additions for serving if desired Preparation: Preheat oven to 400 F. Place sweet potatoes on a large sheet pan in a single layer, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with half the salt and pepper. Don’t overcrowd the pan. (You may need to use 2 sheet pans.) Bake for 15-20 minutes. Flip sweet potatoes and bake for another 10 minutes or until potatoes are crispy chips. Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and bring to medium heat. Scramble the eggs with milk and remaining salt and pepper, and pour into skillet, stirring often until cooked through. Set aside. Remove sweet potatoes from oven and top with half of the cheese, followed by the eggs and beans. Top with remaining cheese. Place back in the oven until cheese is melted about 5-10 minutes. Remove from oven and place on serving dish. Top with cabbage, cilantro, guacamole and salsa. Serve immediately.



NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 |


FRESNO FLYER is looking for regular contributors. We’re especially looking for Foodies. Music lovers. Local activists. Interested? Send it to:


| NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017





Join us in this celebration by becoming part of this magnificent celebration. Contact The Tower Theatre / #559-4859050 for information CMAC FEST Thursday, November 2 at 5:30 PM - 9:30 Bulldog Football: vs. BYU PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness (Salute to Services) Saturday, Ave, Fresno. LIVE MUSIC November 4 at 4 PM - 7:30 from The Medium Blue, PM Bulldog Stadium 1600 E. Videotape - CA, Luke Warm Bulldog Lane, Fresno. & The Flat Growlers. FOOD TRUCKS: Meltdown Bistro and The Smokin Burrito Food 5th Annual Bill Babb Memorial Demolition Derby SaturTruck and Catering. BEER & WINE GARDEN. INTERAC- day, November 4 at 6 PM - 11 PM Fresno Fair Grounds We TIVE VIRTUAL REALITY will start our night with our (VR) DEMOS, TOURS of Kids Power Wheel Derby and CMAC’S TV TRUCK and end it with a “Metal Twisting, STUDIOS, PHOTO BOOTH, and much more Car Crushing, Bring Your Big Boy Pants DERBY!! Bring the whole Family out!! There Bruno Mars Thursday, will be music, drinks, food, November 2 at 8 PM - 11 and a whole lot of NOISE! PM Save Mart Center 2650 Admission to the grandstands E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Conis $5 and all children 12 and certWith.Me - http://cwm. under are free! io/763b3b 559 Fights 60 “Aguilar vs. Nov. 2nd native ameriLiu” Saturday, November can arthop and SMM raffle 4 at 6 PM - 11 PM Visalia Thursday, November 2 at Convention Center 303 E Ace5 PM - 8 PM M Street Arts quia Ave, Visalia. visaliatix. Complex 1419 M St, Fresno. celebrate Native American Heritage month with art and Fresno Collectors Expo raffle benifiting Sierra Mono Saturday, November 4 at 10 Museum,all art will be native AM - 6 PM Manchester Center american themed,multiple artist, multiple giveaways. 1901 E Shields Ave, Fresno 2017 Autumn / Holiday De de los Muertos Art Show Open House aturday Nov 4th Friday, November 3 at 5 PM Cat House on the Kings The - 11 PM Fulton St, Fresno. Cat House On The Fresno Underground Art is back with it’s Dia de los Muer- 7120 S Kings River Rd, Parlitos Art Show. Got alot of talent er. guided tours of our 12-acre cat rescue and sanctuary along for this event. A few surprises the Kings River coming up. Vendors, Food Tucks and some great music. Old Town Clovis Flea Market Madera Pomegranate Fes- Nov 4 at 8 AM to Nov 5 at 3 PM The Old Town Flea Martival Saturday, November 4 at 10 AM - 5 PM Madera County ket 748 Rodeo Dr, Clovis. Fairgrounds. Inspired food, kid zone, live music, classic cars. Vibe Seafood & Crab Fest Saturday, November 4 at 3 PM - 8 PM Bitwise Industries 78th Anniversary Celebra700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. tion for The Tower Theatre The purpose of the Sea Food with WAMFF Saturday, Festival is to highlight and November 4 at 2 PM - 10 PM bring awareness to Small Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Local owned Restaurants Ave, Fresno. Let’s commemand Businesses in the Fresno orate 78 years of incredible area, also creating a platform performing arts at The Tower for Adults and Students so Theatre for the Performing they can come and retrieve Arts! This year, the Tower life changing knowledge as it Theatre will open their doors relates to Health & Wellness, to local artists and musicians Technology, Family Interin a fundraising festival that not only celebrates the mission vention, Financial Literacy, successfully carried for almost Professional Career Building and Workforce development. a century, but also the infinite

This Week November 2 - 8

creativity and diversity of people from the Central Valley.

2017 UU Arts & Crafts Fair Sunday, November 5 at 9 AM - 2 PM Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno 2672 E Alluvial Ave, Fresno. Annual community event featuring local artisans, hand crafted items, fair trade goods & more. Brian Simpson LIVE at The Standard Wednesday, November 8 at 8:15 PM - 10 PM The Standard 9455 N Fort Washington Rd, Fresno. 21+ Door 7PM / Show Starts at 8:15PM sharp Food and Drinks are served all night long!

Next Week November 9 - 15 MURS Thursday, November 9 at 8 PM - 12 AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All ages! Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night ~ in a festive celebration of Christmastide November 9-11, 16-18 (Thursdays-Saturdays) at 8 pm November 12 (Sunday) at 2:30 pm North Hall 123 (Seminary Chapel) TICKETS: $12 General, $10 Seniors/non-FPU Students, $5 FPU Production time- 2 1/2 hours including intermissio. Fresno Pacific Theater 1717 S Chestnut Ave Fresno. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 |



Yosemite Alba Revisited by Don Priest aka The Hound Dog |


proposal has surfaced, by the National Park Service, to raise the entrance fee at popular parks, including Yosemite, to more than twice its original cost. Albeit the pass is good for a week at some parks, the price would increase from $30 to $70 per car. It brings to mind what personal value the parks have to each who visits them. Even casual day-trippers to the National Parks speak at length about the impact their visit had on them. Some say it changed their lives. What a shame it would be others were denied that kind of opportunity for the sake of mere dollars. As an ex-Marine looking to sort things out after Vietnam, I spent about five years ‘healing’ in the Park before leaving to rejoin the outside world. Years passed before I found my way back, as I felt no short visit could ever compare to my long-term stay. When I finally made the rip, I found myself reflecting on that stay and what it meant to this one individual. -------Once raucous and rumbling, now serene and almost silent, the Merced River carries me slowly along on a raft full of memories. Looking up at the granite walls, now slightly veiled by the smoky haze, reminds me of the confused and purposeless young man who stumbled into The Valley 40 years ago

10 | NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017

in fall, and energized in spring. I especially remember the springs, when the power of the water plunging over the precipice would literally shake the ground and its thunder would reverberate through the still night air. Somehow, laying in a meadow under a starlit sky, enveloped in the furious sound of the falling water, brought me a sublime sense of peace and energy. Drifting along on the placid river now, I’m reminded of all the threads that went into weaving my Yosemite tapestry. The smell of spring in El Portal, the long hikes in the high country, the quiet moments by the little lake no one seemed to know about with the incredible view of Clouds Rest, digging my truck out from its long winters’ nap under a blanket of snow, the cross-country ski trip from Mammoth to The Valley that was three days longer than expected because we had to wait out the storm at the foot of Donohue Pass - and so many other big and small events. I’m also reminded of the colorful friends I made during my time here: BamBam Anders and his yellow cart, Stormin’ Norman the Queen of Housekeeping, Trout – who never caught one, The Midnight Rose - who only bloomed at night - and so many others whose faces I can see but names I can’t recall. We sometimes had, both good and bad, as we shared each other’s “Yosemite Experience.” Looking back on it some 40 years later, I can fully comprehend the transformative effect Yosemite had on my life. The five years I spent here marked the passage from what I was before - into what I became after. It was the time to regroup, reform and recharge before beginning again. It was like a long intermission (with great snacks!) before the second half.

with no clear vision of the what or why of his said calmly, “If I unclip this, will we die?” He life. meant it as a joke. I didn’t laugh till the next He came on a whim, making a day. mad dash of escape from the calamity of his I was afraid every time I went up post-war existence. Somehow the route led with them. But looking back on it now I him here as if his little orange truck had an appreciate how those moments of being “one internal compass piloting its own course into with the rock” brought me a unique sense of I didn’t plan to leave. Just like I didn’t plan this granite sanctuary. Then refused to leave calm and courage I’d never known before. for five transformative years. Likewise, the sight of Yosemite to come. It just happened, as if The Park If a walk in “The Park” can create Falls, now just a trickle in the mid-summer was done with me and sent me back into a sense of healing and well-being in just heat, conjures up memories of living under the world. That seemed to be the common a few hours, imagine what it’s like to wake its influence every day. The many moods theme among us transient residents. We all up every morning to the early light peaking of The Falls, as they changed from season to had different lengths of “service” to complete. I don’t come back often. I guess I’m over the shoulder of Half Dome, or end the season became the barometer of my life: content to let my Yosemite Experience lie day awash in the alpine glow of El Cap, then restive in winter, purposeful in summer, calm where it is – still a warm fuzzy wandering the peaks and valleys of on cold nights – and move on. this mountain oasis on a brilliant I’m retired now. I’ve had moon-lit night – or a pitch black a good career, raised a family, one lit only by the stars. That’s bought houses, realized some healing on a grand scale! dreams and missed out on a few Floating quietly along, others, but I’m OK. I survived. the first glimpse of Royal Arches And I don’t know that I would revealing itself from behind the have if it hadn’t of been for trees reminds me of the climbers Yosemite. That experience who befriended me and took me changed everything. with them on their “Wall Nut” They say Yosemite casts adventures. I remember vividly a mystical spell on the soul, standing on a narrow ledge about even on those who are here halfway up a granite face while my for just a day. Magnify that climbing partner sorted through exponentially for those who a tangle of ropes and carabiners, choose to stay. then held one up in front of us and The author, Don Priest, during those five important years.




CALENDAR Veterans Day Breakfast Fri- Jarabe de Palo Monday, An Irish Christmas Saroyan for kids to run, swing, have day, November 10 at 8:30 AM November 13 at 9 PM Fulton Theatre Sunday, December 17 lunch and just be KIDS! (559) - 10 AM Draper St. Kingsburg. 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. at 2 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 251-5533 1944 N Winery Ave, Join us as we host our 1st AnDe Palo is a Latin rock group M St, Fresno. Fresno. Admissions Adults Breaking Up is Hard To Do nual Veterans Day Breakfast. from Spain led by Pau Donés, $6 Children (3-17) $8 Seniors November 16 - January 7, Veterans and their families will singer, songwriter and guitar(65+) $5 Military Free 2018 The nostalgia, music, receive a free Swedish Panist. and laughter keep on rolling in cake Breakfast while we honor this comedy as the cast belts those that have served. This is Grape, Nut & Tree Fruit out Neil Sedaka’s greatest hits Visalia Adventure park. a family friendly event and all Expo Tuesday, November including “Sweet Sixteen” Arcade, Family Track, Lazer are welcome. Breakfast will be 14 at 7 AM - 3 PM 1121 S “Where the Boys Are” and Tag, Batting Cages and more Adopt-A-Block (Neighbor$5 per person. Chance Ave, Fresno. “Calendar Girl” just for start5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, hood Outreach): Laundry of ers! Rated PG. For more info 93277, 559-635-7275 Love Saturday, November Fresno Film Festival 2017 Shopkins Live! Shop It Up! 25 at 12 PM - 2 PM Valley November 10 – November 12 Tuesday, November 14 at shows/breaking-up-is-hard-toThe Fresno Discovery CenDream Center 1835 North Tower Theatre 815 E Olive 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Warnors do/ ter local Non Profit Park and Winery Ave., Fresno. Please Ave, Fresno fresnofilmworks. Theatre 1412 Fulton St, Fresno Museum on 5 Acres and we join us Saturday, November org will feature eight exclu The Hunchback of Notre are still growing! Dedicated to 18th, 2017 from 10am-12pm sive feature-length movies Saturday Night Fever Dame November 17-Decemour visitors and giving kids of for Adopt-A-Block: Laundry from nine different countries, (1977) Wednesday, November ber 12 Tickets are available ALL AGES a hands on expeof Love. This will consist of including special filmmaker 15 at 6:30 PM - 9 PM Visalia at or at rience with all things science, us going to the laundromat at appearances, social gatherings, Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, the Selma Arts Center box history and nature! Our park Chestnut and McKinley and and Q&A discussions. The Visalia. office located at 1935 High includes our beautiful Deutsch paying for laundry, helping to festival is made possible by Street, Selma, CA 93662. Box Cactus Garden, Tortoise fold clothes, helping people the generosity of community office hours are Tuesday– compound with Dino friends, carry items if needed, playing sponsors and Filmworks memFriday, 1PM-6PM. Tickets Walden Pond and lots of space games with the kids. bers. For more information are $19 for adults, $17 for please visit http://fresnofilmseniors/ students. Doors open Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm half hour before show time. ArtHop occurs every 1st and For information, call (559) 3rd Thursday of each month. Fruition at Fulton 55 Friday, 891-2238, email nicolettea@ It’s one of the most active and November 10 at 9 PM Fulton, or visit the successful programs organized 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Selma Arts Center website at by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers and enthusiasts from all walks of life flock Reggae At The Brewery SatAladdin 25th Anniversary At downtown Fresno and the urday, November 11 at 7 PM The Fox Saturday, November Tower District on the first - 12 AM Full Circle Brewing 18 at 2 PM - 4 PM Fox HanCo. 620 F St, Fresno. Thursday of each month, and ford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford the rest of ArtHop venues in Ticket Information www. Travis Tritt Saturday, Novem- the Fresno metro areas on third ber 11 at 8 PM Merced Theatre Thursdays, to meet and greet 301 W Main St, Merced. CMA with the artists and enjoy the Black Cat Saturday, Novemreception and music. Museand Grammy Award-winning ber 25 at 8PM Tower Theatre ums, studios, galleries and country star. 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno towother venues open their exhibi When tions to the public at 5:00 p.m. Kearney Renaissance Faire a near-decade old murder case and run the free event until November 11 Celebrating our involving a movie star threat20th Anniversary of this event! 8:00 p.m. ens to reopen, adult child Duke King Henry VIII and his court, Moody decides to make a true 2 Stages full of entertainment, Fresno Women’s Summit crime documentary, financed Saturday, November 18 at Food, Shopping, Battle of the by his mother. 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM VinNations with 12 Nations. A tage Rose 437 E Olive Ave, Full Day of entertainment for The Nutcracker - Presented Fresno. Women will have the the whole family. Try the Ale by Valley Performing Arts opportunity to listen to panels or mead, watch the cannons, Council Sunday, November 26 about branding and crafting and play some games. at 1 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 your passion, engage in social M St, Fresno. Holiday Boutique Saturday, media workshops, and connect with each other in a positive November 11 at 9 AM - 3 PM A Gentleman’s Guide To 1744 E Nees Ave, Fresno. space. Early Bird All Access Love and Murder (Touring) Tickets ($48) are on sale at Tuesday, November 28 at 7:30 Homage: Beethoven’s Fifth PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Sunday, November 12 at 3 PM Admission includes: Access Fresno. - 5 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M to panels + breakout sessions St, Fresno. Ticket Information Lunch + Cocktails Beauty Bar Swede Fest 17 Sunday, DIY Faire Swag bag December 10 at 5 PM - 7 Social Hour PM Tower Theatre 815 E Winter Jam 2017 Lecrae, Olive Ave, Fresno. Pick your Calling All Promotors We Mac Powell, Andy Mineo, favorite movie and remake it can help get you out there. Building 429, Moriah Peters in a fun, creative, low-budget Feat. Trala, Family Force Five, We’ll design, print and disway using your friends, family, tribute. We’ve got great rates and whatever you have laying NewSong, Nick Hall, Westoon bulk prints too 559-472ver, Mallary Hope. Sunday, around the house. Send it to us 7182 November 12 at 6 PM - 10 and we’ll show it on the big PM Save Mart Center 2650 E screen for all to enjoy! Free for Shaw Ave, Fresno. all ages








Meux Home Museum Tours Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 12:00pm-3:00pm 1007 R St. at Tulare Fresno, CA 93721 The Meux Home Museum recaptures the flavor of Victorian Fresno by presenting a middle-class residence furnished in the period, as a representative house museum. A costumed docent will lead you on a one hour tour of this restored urban dwelling of the 1890’s. The architecture of the Meux Home results in a calculated restlessness that makes the home as intriguing today as it was in its own day. The 10 rooms are furnished more or less as a Victorian family might have had them - the kitchen has a pie safe and the library; a portrait showing the young Dr. Meux on his way to join the Confederate Army.

NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 | 11

CALENDAR Cherry Avenue Auction Peace Community Crafts Taste of Fresno 5: Festival Every Saturday & Tuesday Faire Saturday, December 2 of Fresno Sunday, December 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Aveat 10 AM - 4 PM Fresno City 17 at 1 PM - 6 PM Full Circle nue Auction 4640 S. Cherry College Cmps Café 1101 E Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno. Ave. Fresno, 93706 www. University Ave, Fresno. FREE Crafters, Artists, Makers, Admission, FREE entertainDirect Sales, and Food Trucks ment, and FREE parking. needed! This will be smaller as ZooLights is back The entire Signature Soups, Activities all festivities will be inside for Zoo is transformed into a for Children. Shop for unique an amazing Christmas Concert magical holiday wonderland! handmade winter holiday gifts Event! Fully decorated and strung created by artists and craftswith miles of brilliant lights people from near and far. and holiday music. Got a letter for Santa? The big guy himself The Super Run Fresno 2017 will be joining us every night Saturday, December 2 at 8 AM Be Super, Be You-2017 through Dec 23rd. Holograph- - 11 AM Woodward Regional Valley Deaf Festival Saturday, ic glasses are back and availPark Fresno. Be a Hero. Help November 18 at 10 AM - 4 PM able for $2 each. November a Cause. Join the Run. Grab Fresno County Fairgrounds. 24-26 December 1-3, 8-10, your cape and fly over to The Only $5 admission! Special 15-23, 26-30 (Children 1 and Super Run, a national series performance by Dack Virnig! under are free) Members: $7 of Superhero-themed 5K fun adults, $5 children (ages 2-11) runs that partner with nonprofit Special Emcee host is Sheena McFeely from ASL Nook and Non-Members: $9 adults, $7 organizations to put on events children 894 W Belmont Ave to help raise funds and aware- Shay & Ivy Children’s Book! We’ll have food, entertainFresno. ness for their cause. Heroes ment, vendors, and more! and villains are all welcome. Temporary Tattoos, Game Calling All Promotors We Zone, DJ and more. frequently Santa Claus Lane Opening can help get you out there. Night Friday, November 24 asked questions visit: www. We’ll design, print and disat 6 PM - 10 PM Santa Claus tribute. We’ve got great rates Lane 3116 Indianapolis, Cloon bulk prints too 559-472vis. This is a driving and walk7182 Calling All Promotors We’ll ing night. Light concession design, print and distribute. will be available and FREE 559-472-7182 pictures with Santa Claus.

Special Events

Creative Writing 11/14 1-2:30pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Bridge 11/6 1-3pm Palm Vil- Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) 346- Fresno State Bulldogs 7662 or (559) 916-3078 lage Senior Network 7638 N. Wrestling vs. Illinois Friday, Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. November 17 at 7 PM Save Train Brain 11/15 10:30am (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Palm Village Senior Network Fresno. 3078 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or Train Brain 11/8 10:30am Yoga for Cyclists with (559) 916-3078 Jameson Henkle Wednesday, Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, November 22 at 7:30 PM BUNCO 11/16 1-4pm Palm Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or 8:30 PM Sunnyside Bicycles (559) 916-3078 Village Senior Network 7638 6105 E Kings Canyon Rd, N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fres Ste 104, Fresno. Cost: $10** 3/13 11/9 2-4pm Palm Village no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) (Please bring cash as this goes 916-3078 Senior Network 7638 N. to Jameson directly.) **James Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. on has graciously agreed to Bridge 11/20 1-3pm Palm (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916donate $2 per entry to Best Village Senior Network 7638 3078 Buddies Central Valley! N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fres no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) Adult Coloring 11/10 12Boise State at Fresno State 2pm Palm Village Senior Net- 916-3078 Sat 11/25/17 at 12:30pm Bull work 7638 N. Ingram, Suite dog Stadium 1600 Bulldog Ln. 111A, Fresno. (559) 346-7662 BINGO 11/21 2-3pm Palm Fresno or (559) 916-3078 Village Senior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, FresVisalia Race Against Hunger no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) Bridge 11/13 1-3pm Palm 5k & 2 Mile Walk/Run Thurs916-3078 Village Senior Network 7638 day, November 23 at 8 AM N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fres- 11 AM Downtown Visalia Train Brain 11/22 10:30am no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) Palm Village Senior Network 916-3078 Calling All Promotors We’ll 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, design, print and distribute. Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or 559-472-7182 (559) 916-3078




A department within the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at California State University, Fresno

12 | NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017




CALENDAR The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/ Bulldog Football: vs BOISE Trans-Siberian Orchestra 2017 Wednesday, November Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance STATE Saturday, NOV 25 29 at 7:30 PM Save Mart Cen- Lessons start at 8 pm; music at12:30 P.M PM Bulldog Stater 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. and dancing follow every dium 1600 E. Bulldog Lane, Tuesday night at The Cellar Fresno Foo Fighters Friday, DeDoor. Beginners’ lessons run cember 1 at 6 PM - 9 PM Save from 8-8:45 pm, advanced Fresno State Bulldogs Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, lessons from 8:45-9:30 pm, Mens Basketball vs. CSU and dancing follows. All dabce Bakersfield Roadrunners Mens Fresno. www.ticketnetwork. lessons are free with admisBasketball Tuesday, December com sion. 5 at 7 PM Save Mart Center event-calendar.html Event 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Mariachi Sol De Mexico de Jose Hernandez Saturday, De Fresno State Women’s Bas- cember 9 at 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olketball vs. Montana Women’s Basketball Sunday, December ive Ave, Fresno. Jóse Hernàndez 10 at 2 PM Save Mart Center is a master of mariachi music. 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. An internationally recog nized musician, composer Fresno State Bulldogs and educator, Jóse Hernàndez Wrestling vs. Illinois Friday, continues to break boundaries November 17 at 7 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, in the world of mariachi. Fresno. Big Head Todd & The Mon sters Tuesday, December 12 at 7:30 PM The Crest Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Songs of the Season Clovis 98 Degrees Thursday, Community Band & Choir in November 16 at 6 PM - 9 Concert Sunday, December PM Tachi Palace Hotel and 17 at 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Paul Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Shaghoian Concert Hall Lemoore. 2770 E International Ave, Fresno. Melanie Fiona Friday, November 17 at 10 PM - 11:59 Cirque Dreams Holidaze PM Tower Theatre 815 E Wednesday, December 20 at Olive Ave, Fresno. 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. The Blaze 105.1 “Here & Now” Presents: Otherwise/Vyces/Helsik Sunday, November 19 at 8 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Social Fridays @imperiofres no! Good Vibes This & Every The Beetles “Magical MysWeekend. Don’t Miss Out tery Thanksgiving” Wednesday, November 22 at 7:45 PM on these great drink specials Drink Specials before 11pm $3 Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Budlights $5 AMFs $7 Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, CaliforWine Down Black Friday nia. with Allen Woodward Friday, November 24 at 12 PM - 5 PM Fresno Adult Prom: A MoEngelmann Cellars 3275 N ment Back In Time Saturday, Rolinda Ave, Fresno. December 9 at 6 PM - 12 AM 2017 Battle Of The DJs Nov Show Map The Grand 1401 1401 Fulton St, Fresno. The 25 at 12 PM to Nov 26 at 12 California Collaborative for AM Azteca Theater 838 F St, Excellence and Downtown Fresno. Fresno Partnership - Taking place in downtown Fresno, Slice Of Comedy HeadlinA Moment Back In Time ing Darren Carter Saturday, November 25 at 8 PM - 10 PM will be a classy and elegant DiCicco’s 408 Clovis Avenue, evening dedicated to Downtown Fresno, the Downtown Clovis. Fresno Foundation, and to celebrate the newly reopened One Last Waltz Sunday, Fulton Street. The Grand 1401 November 26 at 7 PM Fulton Ballroom on Fulton Street. A 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Downtown Calling All Promotors We’ll Fresno Foundation. Tickets design, print and distribute. will be available at fres559-472-7182

Info: (559) 636-9463 The Cellar Door 101 W. Main St. Visalia. Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut House hosts daily wine tastings, with appetizers and full menu items. (559) 4324023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno. Daily 8am-8pm

FAB T-Dance Brunch Sunday, November 19 at 12 PM 6 PM FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Ave. FREE continetal bruch fro 12noon-4pm No Cover

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-472-7182

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

FAB Karaoke Night Wednesday, November 29 at 8 PM - 1:30 AM Nov 29 at 8 PM to Nov 30 at 1:30 AM FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Ave. Weekly drink specials!


21 & Over




NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 | 13

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14 | NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017

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NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 | 15



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VINTAGE clothing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items & furnishings. Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon FRESNO FLYER Ave. Fresno. Reaches thousands (559)445-1928 Receive every month. Call or BOB’S MINI Storage $5 off your $25 puremail 559-472-7182 - 1/2 off Fall Spechase. SELLING SOMEcials! Pay 2 months THING? Call 559SELLING SOMEget 2 months FREE. 472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL THING? Call 5596’x8’x10’ high only 472-7182 $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol

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16 | NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017


GE LIGHTING Sensor 21.75’’ 1.6 cu. ft FARM & GARDEN Countertop Microwave $75 (559) 285-1914 EDGER POWER TRIM 200, 2 HP $135 starts easy, runs great, ELECTRONICS new blade and belt. Call 559-360-2977 BIG SAVINGS on TVs, Computers, SCAG 36” zero turn Phones and Tablets mower for sale. It at TVGuyz. 50-70% is in good working OFF Retail prices! condition. It has a Shop TVGuyz 4842 N briggs&stratton 20hp Blackstone Ave. (559) motor. The motor has 493-8403 been serviced and it has a new starter. Also has REPAIRS - TVGuyz new blades and new offers iPhone/Comput- catcher. For more info er/Game System/Tablet TEXT me at 575-2199 Repairs Call (559) CHAINSAW chain & 493-8403 Garden Tool SharpKICKER SOLAR ening. Visit Jensen & baric sub - L7 new in Watts 516 N. Chestnut, box $200 obo 578-2196 Fresno. (559) 255-0465 KENWOOD flip flop 2006 MORGAN 4 face CD player 9013 horse trailer $8500 $175 obo 578-2196 (559) 281-0782 KENWOORD 200 RIDING MOWER watt 4 channel amp Tires & Tubes. Visit $200 obo 578-2196 Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut 255-0465 SUPPORT LOCAL



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BEAUTIFUL long Buffet. White color with stained top. Very spacious solid wood and very sturdy. 4 top drawers and 4 bottom doors with inner shelf. 97 1/2 in long x 36 1/2 in tall x 18 1/2 in depth Asking $200 Call or text me 559-495-8169 Don’t forget to mention the Flyer.

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6 FT aluminium step ladder 250lbs max very good condition text me at(559) 905-8235 $35 TRAILER TILT Bed dual axle all metal frame $975 (Clovis) (559) 284-7361 NISSAN 3-Stage Mast Forklift 3500 lb. $2500 (Lemoore) (559) 7075108

TOOLS BLACK & DECKER Versa drill set the flashlight Sawzall and a couple other things all in good shape works but needs new batteries asking $25 call 559474-3172 CHAINSAW CHAIN & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 HONDA EU2000i Inverter Generator Companion $800 (559) 967-4922 RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 COMPLETE set high speed steel number drill bits. $30 (559) 977-7910 LARGE VARIETY of Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 SET OF BLUE Point Snap ring pliers made by Snap On. In very good condition, the set consists of six pliers. Asking for $100 or best offer. Call or text at (559) 472-6479.


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 ask for James | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559-696-5149 or 559275-7630

MAINTENANCE DRAIN CLEANING. 24 hour service. Sewer lines. washers, faucets, toilets, sinks, gas & water lines, water heaters & more. Call MDM Home Repair (559) 321-5263


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 ask for James


LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559-696-5149 or 559275-7630 CHAINSAW CHAIN & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465

BIKES MOTIV GROUND Pounder Mountain Bike $95 24 Please call 559-2614680 TRIKKE T8 Air Scooter $100 PH 559645-7642 VINTAGE RALEIGH Sports 3 speed 1978 LOOK $175 287-515 SUPPORT LOCAL


3-BEDROOMS $800.00-$850.00!! Remodeled Apartments, Central A/C, Secured Complex WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call Toll-Free 1-888-8959623. For more info visit


ROOM FOR RENT Fowler/Ashlan in CloFRESNO/ASHLAN Large room like a studio. Single or Couple, no kids. $700/mo $500/ deposit Habla Espanol Call (559) 400-1500

ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. APARTMENT for Quiet Clean Available rent 1145 E. Clinton 1bd 1ba $600 deposit Now. Close to Fresno $620 month. 646-2804 State, Airport Near or 451-1100 for more Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209 information. Se renta apartamento una recamara $620 al mes $600 SLIM, good looking white male, 60. deposito. Looking for slim good looking female 50-60 FRESNO FLYER Non-smoker. Serious Reaches thousands relationship, maybe every month. Start running your ad for as live-in. Won’t have rent little as $20 per issue. or utilities to pay, you keep your money for Call or email us for personal expenses. Call a free consultation (559) 779-1021 559-472-7182 info@ SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS

vis. Free use of house - kitchen - washer/ dryer. Utilities included - cable & internet included. Proof of income required $500/ mo $100 non-refundable cleaning deposit & first month’s rent. Call (714) 335-5341


3-BEDROOMS $800.00-$850.00!! Remodeled Apartments, Central A/C, Secured Complex WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call Toll-Free 1-888-8959623.

SELLING your house?

HOUSES FOR RENT List it here for only $20

WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003

A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-6215373

3 BEDROOM/ 2 bath 1200ft2 - NW Fresno 3/2 Home / Huge Back Yard! (Ashlan and WHY RENT an apart- Hughes) Deposit is ment? When you can $1,175.00 No Section 8 rent a home. Beautiful Credit, income, and and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- eviction verification rooms Available. Only will be completed on $1000 month. Call each adult. Credit aptoday! 888-563-3003 plication $30 per adult. 559-307-2254



per issue. Call (559) 472-7182


MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated HOUSES FOR SALE Community. Homes starting at $59,000. MANUFACTURED Owner financing, low Homes in a Gated down payments, comCommunity. Homes petitive interest rates. starting at $59,000. Veterans let us help Owner financing, you with a $2,500 grant low down payments, towards the down paycompetitive interest ment on a home! Call rates. Veterans let us Willows of Santiago help you with a $2,500 today (888) 563-3003 grant towards the down payment on a home! BOB’S MINI Storage (888) 563-3003 - 1/2 off Fall Spe cials! Pay 2 months SOUTHWEST Solar. get 2 months FREE. No payments until the 6’x8’x10’ high only end of 2018 with 100% $19/mo - 6’x10’x10’ financing available. high only $21.50/ We carry the biggest mo. (average cost per stock in California month with free months for faster delivery and factored in) Free movservice. Residential ing truck! Bob’s Mini and commercial. $500 Storage 5280 N. Barcus off system purchase. Fresno 93722 (559) FREE estimate. (559) 275-4000 Se Habla 478-2225 or (855) Espanol 808-8887 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS SUPPORT LOCAL


A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-621-5373

ATTENTION Run your listings in the Flyer and reach thousands. Starting $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182

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NOVEMBER 2 & 9, 2017 | 17

AUTOMOTIVE ATVS 2005 POLARIS 500 Predator Troy Lee Edition $2950 (Madera Ranchos) (559) 2738453 RZR 800 $6300 (HANFORD) (559) 730-8400 GO-KART Mini Bike Tires - Clutches - Chains - Sprockets. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 FULL SUSPENSION go kart new motor clutch asking $450 obo please call txt 559-3557565 2007 YFZ450 looks & runs like new, it’s 07 so it’s a Tru 450 comes with stock pro taper bars, has HMF exhaust & ESR air intake Carb has been jetted & tuned for intake & exhaust so its runs great everything else is all stock fresh oil,plug,filter,coolant so it’s ready to go, title in hand green sticker till June 2019 call or Tex 559-722-9895 POLARIS 850 Sportsman $2000 (559) 342-5091 GO-KART Mini-Bike Repair & Service. Visit Jensen & Watts 2550465

SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! List it for only $10 per issue 472-7182


BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Fall Specials! Pay 2 months MOTORCYCLES get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only 2007 BMW F800ST $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ $5200 (559) 978-3593 high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per 2007 kawasaki ninja month with free months factored in) Free mov$1650 (coarsegold) (559) 580-0704 ing truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus 2013 HARLEY Fresno 93722 (559) Davidson 883 sportster 275-4000 Se Habla $6200 (Tulare) call or Espanol txt 799-7842 1982 STARCRAFT 1200 CUSTOM sport- tent camper $1000 ster 2005 $4800 (559) (Tollhouse) (559) 930341-6110 6476 text 2012 KLR 650 $4000 1982 WILDERNES by Fleetwood $3900 (559) 280-1378 (559) 213-5330 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON ROAD MOTIVATED to sell KING $11900 $1500 2008 travel trailer DOWN financing Zinger 27 foot long available $198 A fully self contain MONTH O.A.C non-smoking no pets 559-776-5257 One large living room slide out Rear bay winGO-KART Mini dow sleeps six central Bike Tires - Clutches heat and air awning - Chains - Sprockets. Full bath and shower Visit Jensen & Watts This trailer is fully 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- equipped and ready to no. (559) 255-0465 go for more information please contact me SUPPORT LOCAL 209-345-4770 $8900 1995 DUTCH star $4000 (Madera) (559) 575-4928 73 GMC 26ft transmode $7500 (559) 905-7986

TRAVEL TRAILER ultralight $6100 (Madera ranchos) (559) 970-1117

CARS 2006 HONDA Accord ex $3999 (559) 2838275 16 FORD Fiesta SE Low Miles 11xxx actual Like A New! $7000 (selma) 559-397-4836 call 2005 CAMRY LE, Auto, power windows/ locks, Cruise, emergency button $3950 559-549-7311 MOBILE Mechanic “I come to you!” Brakes / Headgaskets / Engine Repairs / Big or Small Jobs OK - All work guaranteed. Call (559) 318-4360

BRAKES, Tires, Wheels, Complete Auto Repair. Call Payless Brakes & Tires (559) 237-5377 MOBILE Mechanic “I come to you!” Brakes / Headgaskets / Engine Repairs / Big or Small Jobs OK - All work guaranteed. Call (559) 318-4360 SUPPORT LOCAL

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