Fresno Flyer Vol 3 No 10

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| MAY 2019


For the last couple of years or so, we’ve been putting out a ‘Pride’ themed issue to commemorate the now world-wide celebration as it exists in our own backyard. And in each of those issues, I make sure to include the story of Stonewall, the reason Pride is celebrated so visibly in the first place. But this year, we didn’t add it, and that decision was purely made out of the rare instance that we didn’t have room – we have the great fortune of including pieces for both Fresno and Visalia Pride events. So, naturally, I wanted to spend my Editor’s Note this month talking about the Stonewall riots. This year marks the 50th anniversary since the famed ‘Pin drop heard round the world’ took place. Being gay used to be illegal, and serving customers who were gay was also illegal. Bars were notoriously raided for this activity frequently – nothing else but for the simple fact that gay individuals existed semi-openly. The Stonewall Inn was one such bar that experienced numerous raids, and on June 28, 1969, the patrons decided ‘no more,’ and fought back, literally. A riot broke out and continued for days after. Newspapers caught wind of the riots and soon, news of the uprising spread throughout the country. On the one-year anniversary of the riots, the first gay pride marches took place



in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. In the years that followed, gay rights groups erupted in almost every major city in the U.S. Pride parades are held in celebration of this liberation, specifically on or around June 28th. Cities in close proximity to each other coordinate their parades throughout June so as not to conflict with each other – such as Visalia on May 25, Fresno on June 1st, L.A. on June 8-10, San Francisco on June 29-30, and San Diego on July 13, for example. It has been a long journey for the LGBTQ community in their fight to equality, and that fight still isn’t over. But Pride has always been a way to remember the historic riots at Stonewall, for community members to come together in celebration, and while it rejoices in the incredible work that has been done thus far, it is also a reminder of the work that still remains. Staying connected to our past is essential. As Americans, our history is short, and our culture is still finding its way, but one thing is certain – deeply embedded in our core is to fight against injustice, to rebel against tyranny, and to stand firm in our conviction. We must never forget where we’ve been so that we may continue to carve out a path that is lit towards a better future.

”together” WE’RE ALL IN THIS

Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade & Festival 2019 By Lisa Talley |

United we stand, divided we fall. Together we’re going to overcome, together we will resist, together we will love, and together, we will achieve.” Jeffery Robinson, Co-Chair, and CEO of Rainbow Pride Parade’s parent organization Community Link, encapsulates the spirit in the theme behind the upcoming 29th annual LGBTQ Pride Parade and Festival: ‘2Gether.’ “We realized that the secret really is that we do this together with our friends, family, neighbors, and allies,” shares Robinson. It’s a Wednesday evening, and the planning committee spans an entire conference room at the back of Common Space in downtown Fresno. Three pages of an agenda are passed around the room as more and more community members file around the ‘U’ shaped layout of tables; there’s a lot of work to be done, and it’s been going all year round. The theme ‘2Gether’ was revealed on the heels of last year’s conclusion of ‘Raising the Bar’ complete with monthly incarnations. In November it was ‘2Gether We Vote’ and ‘2Gether We Give Thanks,’ December was ‘2Gether We Celebrate,’ February with ‘2Gether We Love,’ and the current subtheme, ‘2Gether We Werk’ (a RuPaul’s Drag Race spin) Under these monikers, the community can engage, support, and connect together in a unifying enthusiasm of Pride. Where previous years saw a January – June workflow in planning the parade and festival, things have graduated into a continuous and ongoing effort. The evolution of Fresno Rainbow Pride has grown beyond the parade and festival into a monumental push to record and archive the Valley’s LGBTQ history. Last year’s theme of ‘Raising the Bar’ celebrated the first real community centers in the LGBTQ world: the bars. Fresno Rainbow Pride put the spotlight on bar owners, past and present, as a reflection to how far the

community has come. Gay bars were the first place to welcome an ‘out’ person without the presence of fear or primitive social constructs that labeled LGBTQ individuals as less than human. More than bars, these establishments became beacons of hope. Robinson quickly recognized the lack of documentation in Fresno and the Central Valley of queer-centric bars and put into motion a project to rectify that. Under the direction of Fresno State Associate Professor, Katherine Fobear, they began collecting oral interviews with key members of the

ultimately live on in the archives of Fresno State’s Henry Madden Library. One of the largest collections, so far, is the Oral History project. Members of the Fresno Rainbow Pride were recently trained by the ‘Lavender Effect’ – a spinoff group inspired by the Shoah Foundation which interviewed and recorded testimonies of survivors of the Holocaust. The Lavender Effect is a project that is recording the life stories of elderly gay people before the world loses their unique voices altogether. The twenty individuals trained by

community who worked, tended, or owned the bars throughout the years. Now, inspired by the stories and momentum the project has received, Fresno Rainbow Pride has expanded their work to capture queer history in its entirety as it relates to the Central Valley. Dubbed ‘Qistory,’ the project seeks to create collections that correlate to a theme i.e., the bars mentioned above, time frames, or related to specific organizations such as the Imperial Dove Court, for example. That will

this group are set to interview a growing list of sixty people narrating their stories and experiences within the local LGBTQ community. There are hopes that a digital library of interviews will eventually be established so that the oral histories are available online to anyone in the world. “[Whether] you’re in Alabama, Dos Palos California, Tel Aviv, London, or Moscow, you [could] pull a story and listen



to a 93-year-old lesbian who sued the federal government to overturn her dishonorable discharge in the 1950s during the ‘Lavender Scare’ and how she won her battle and now her dog tags, uniform, and discharge paperwork is enshrined in the Smithsonian Institute,” shares Robinson. The stories will serve the collective goal of documenting and archiving - in one place - the fight, struggles, accomplishments, and overall journey as it has endured within this community throughout the decades in a way that LGBTQ people have never experienced. It’ll be a compilation of stories from those who have either paved the way, were present during significant shifts in history, as well as those who weren’t initially sure they had a story worth telling. A personal friend of Robinson’s who is in her 90s is a perfect example of a narrator who felt she didn’t have anything to contribute to the project but whose anecdotes were valuable additions. She came out in a time when LGBTQ people had something called ‘Beards’ in the community. “A gay man would have a woman that was like a phony wife to pretend they were heterosexual. Well, she hung out with a gentleman here in Fresno whose ‘Beard’ was country star, Buck Owen’s, lesbian sister. And they hung out in Bakersfield, in the bars out there,” explains Robinson. Stories that don’t feel overtly memorial or critical to the LGBTQ history on its surface are still incredibly important to record. It is the experiences such as this one that not only describe the steps in a difficult journey to equality and acceptance, but it also helps to build a bridge between the generations. Queer history is not only fractured in its documentation, but up until the birth of ‘Qistory,’ wholly nonexistent for the Central Valley – the youth will now have a ‘center’

Continues on pg 6... | FRESNO FLYER |

MAY 2019 |


Big Pride in the South Valley By Nick Vargas |


GBTQ communities and their supporters will commemorate the 50th anniversary of The Stonewall Riots which occurred June 28, 1969. The Stonewall Riots were a series of demonstrations by LGBTQ people against police raids on a gay bar, The Stonewall Inn. The LGBTQ Pride celebrations we see today evolved from the yearly commemoration of Stonewall. One of the nation’s newest pride events is Pride Visalia; this upcoming Memorial Day weekend will mark the third annual Pride Visalia event. The inaugural Pride Visalia festival was in June 2017 at The Old Lumberyard in downtown Visalia. That first event was attended by over 1,500 people. The second event boasted nearly 3,000 attendees, and the organizers expect to see about 4,500 people walk through the gates this year. “It’s going to be our best Pride yet,” said event co-chair, Dean Jackson, “We are already at capacity with vendors, exhibitors, and sponsors. There will be more drag shows, entertainment, food, and things to do and see this year,” said Jackson. Pride Visalia is a signature event of The Source LGBT+ Center, headquartered in Visalia. The Source was founded by Brian Poth, Nick Vargas, and a few others who saw a gap in services and activities for the LGBTQ population in Tulare and Kings Counties. Since its founding in May 2016, The Source has tripled in both physical space


| MAY 2019


and budget. Co-founder and Executive Director Brian Poth attributes this growth to the strong need in the community. “The Source fulfilled a need to provide a space for LGBT people to be themselves and create solutions to decades of discrimination, isolation, and a lack of inclusion in the Central Valley. The Source is doing the life-changing work around access to health care, culturally competent mental health, LGBT suicide prevention, and HIV education, support, and prevention” Poth explained. “Not only our LGBT+ community but the entire community in and around Tulare County have embraced us. It’s been overwhelming, and we’ve worked hard to earn and retain their trust,” Poth said. Indeed, The Source has secured a strong following and earned respect from the local community in its three-year existence. In 2018 the organization was named “Nonprofit of the Year” by the Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber as well as “Outstanding Queer Nonprofit” at the annual Queer Out Awards in Fresno. Executive Director, Brian Poth, was named “Community Leader of the Year” by a fellow nonprofit organization, ACT for Women and Girls. Most recently, The Source earned the top spot in its category for the second year in a row during “Give Out Day,” a national day of giving to LGBT centers, held every April. This year, the Source had over 400 individual donors, beating out 94 other organizations to earn a

$10,000 leaderboard prize in addition to the $7,000 in donations. “We work closely with the community to keep The Source running and relevant,” said Nick Vargas, Source Director of Development and Strategy, “It’s an amazing feeling to see how the community rallies around us and supports us.” Vargas said the increased interest in Pride Visalia has followed a trend since their first attempt to have a Pride. “Right after we opened in May 2016, we wanted to have a Pride event in June. We created an event on Facebook and planned to have a hundred people or so for a BBQ in the park, but it didn’t turn out that way,” Vargas said. He explained that he had to cancel the event a week before it was scheduled to happen. “The Sunday before the Pride BBQ in the park, the Orlando massacre happened. Overnight our event went from 60 people to 300 who said they were going on Facebook. We couldn’t handle that many people in the spot we reserved,” Vargas said. The event was canceled, but Vargas and Poth promised their community that they would give them what they really wanted, a proper Pride celebration where hundreds of people could gather in solidarity and celebration. In June 2017 they made good on their promise. “The first year we had Pride Visalia, we held it in June because most Prides are



held then to commemorate Stonewall,” said event Co-Chair Dean Jackson. He went on to say, “It was 105 degrees and miserable. But people still came out. In a post-event survey, the attendees told us they loved it [Pride Visalia] and that it was so needed in our area, but to have it when it was cooler. So, we listened, and now it’s in May.” Two years later, Pride Visalia has become a staple in the local event scene, and one of the most well-attended Pride celebrations in the Central Valley. The Pride Visalia website tells readers what to expect: “PRIDE Visalia is a celebration of diversity, inclusion, and acceptance, not only for LGBT+ people but for an entire community. The Source LGBT+ Center is proud to be a hub of resources, education, and support for our LGBT+ population. We hope that you can feel the LOVE we have for the city of Visalia and Tulare and Kings County. Food trucks and vendors, exhibits, entertainment, a Kid’s Zone, education, outreach, but most of all YOU.” “The drag shows are probably the most popular part of the day,” explains cochair Nick Vargas, “But the queer slam poetry, rock wall, music, and food were a hit last year.” This year, Pride Visalia will add additional entertainment including an LGBT Ballet Folklorico group and more art projects for children. Another anticipated feature of

Continues on pg 6...

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In honor of Pride

tell,” and the importance of being able to discuss their families and 1. Records of same-sex relation- loved ones with fellow servicemen ships have been found in nearly and women. every culture throughout history with varying degrees of acceptance. 5. The number of gays and lesbians in the U.S. is estimated to be ap2. While the first U.S. Pride event proximately 8.8 million can be traced back to 1970, the first Dyke March didn’t happen for 23 6. In 1930, Hollywood studios enmore years. Dyke Marches, which acted the Motion Picture Producusually happen on the eve of Pride tion Code, prohibiting all referparades, were first organized by the ences to homosexuality or “sexual radical activist group, The Lesbian perversion” in the movies. It was strengthened in 1934 under presAvengers. sure from the Catholic-led Legion 3. The original flag at the Gay for Decency. It remained in effect Freedom Day Parade in San Fran- until the 1960s. cisco in 1978, and was designed by Gilbert Baker, was hand-dyed and 7. The entire species of the dwarf stitched by 30 volunteers. Baker as- chimpanzee is bisexual. Lions have signed different meanings to each also exhibited homosexual behavcolor. Hot pink represents sexuali- ior. Homosexual behavior has been ty. Red represents life. Orange rep- observed in 1,500 animal species resents healing. Yellow represents and is most widespread among ansunlight. Green represents nature. imals with a complex herd life. Turquoise represents magic and art. Indigo represents serenity and 8. The Greek Lambda symbol harmony. Violet represents spirit. was another commonly used Gay Stripes were eventually dropped Rights symbol prior to the Rainfrom the design for mass produc- bow Flag, and was the sign of the tion resulting in the six-strip flag Gay Activist Alliance we see today. 9. The pink triangle was the symbol 4. The Pentagon has an LGBT gay men were required to wear in Pride event. The Pentagon’s first Nazi concentration camps during Pride event was held in 2012. Gay WWII. Lesbians were sometimes members of the military talked required to wear a black triangle. about the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

10. Approximately 1 million children in the U.S. are being raised by same-sex couples. 11. Early marches commonly used ‘Gay Liberation’ and ‘Freedom,’ in their names. Then, with cultural changes and decreased militancy in the 1980’s and 1990’s these words became less frequent, and the term ‘Gay Pride,’ became commonly used. 12. The World’s Largest Parade: With an estimated 3.5 million attendees in 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil hosts the World’s Largest Pride Parade! 13. Symbolic Colors; the original LGBT – Flag was hand – dyed and consisted of eight symbolic colors: Hot Pink: Sexuality, Red: Life, Orange: Healing, Yellow: Sunlight, Green: Nature, Turquoise: Magic/Art, Blue: Serenity/Harmony, Purple: Spirit 14. Harvey Milk was an American Politician who became the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California! | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


MAY 2019 |


... ‘South Valley’ cont’d from pg 4 the 2019 event will be “Free Mom Hugs.” “Free Mom Hugs will be there this year. It’s a pet project of Chavaleh Forgey, associate pastor at Christ Lutheran here in Visalia,” said Vargas. “Chaveleh is very passionate about LGBT issues and wants to rectify the harm caused by the church to LGBT people. She and about 50 other moms will be giving hugs to young people who are estranged from their families because they are lesbian, gay, transgender or bi” explained Vargas. Free Mom Hugs was started by Sara Cunningham, who states on the Free Mom Hugs website, “I’m a Christian mom with a gay kid living in Oklahoma saying enough is enough. If I don’t fight for my son (and his rights) like my hair is on fire, then who will? It’s time we celebrate our LGBTQ+ children. And I won’t stop until I no longer hear horror stories from the LGBTQ+ community and their mothers. “Free Mom Hugs will be available at Pride Visalia for any person who no longer has a connection with their mom or parent because of who they are. I imagine anyone can get a hug who needs or wants one that day. There’s plenty of love to go around” Vargas explained. The event has grown as its budget has increased. Pride Visalia is funded by a $5 admission fee to the event and by generous sponsors. The website lists the Anthem Blue Cross Foundation, The California Endowment, Walmart, Wells Fargo, and Tachi Palace as major sponsors of the event. Additionally, individuals and families can sponsor at the $100 level and get 4 passes to the event as well as a complimentary sitting the “Pride Portrait Studio.” Though it’s the largest Pride event in the Visalia area, Pride Visalia is not the area’s first Pride celebration. “There used to be a family fest in the park several years ago,” said Jackson, who was an attendee of the event. “It was groundbreaking at the time, but it was not like what we are doing now with Pride Visalia. Still, it was ‘Family Fest’ that laid the groundwork for Pride Visalia” explained Jackson. The last Family Fest was in September 2012 at


| MAY 2019


Mooney’s Grove Park in Visalia according to its Facebook event page. The Source cofounders, Brian Poth, and Nick Vargas credit the work of LGBTQ organizers and activist in the area who came before them as one of the reasons they are successful today. “There were many people in the area over the last two decades advocating on behalf of the LGBT+ community. They were here during Prop 8 and living their lives in a time when it was much more difficult to do so” said Poth. “We’ve come a long way, but there is an incredible amount of work to be done,” said Poth, who is a Tulare city native and attended Tulare Union High School before moving to Los Angeles to become a television actor. He returned to Tulare 5 years ago to be closer to family. When asked why people should attend Pride Visalia, Nick Vargas explained, “I’ve been to many Prides in different cities, and this one brings all the things I love about those Prides in one place. There are colorful sights, interesting people, cool things to buy, see, and taste. And there’s this tangible feeling of family and togetherness. People are really happy and kind. And you see LGBTQ people and a lot of straight allies side-by-side, as one community. And this happening in my hometown, a place I never thought I’d see a Pride celebration. For many local people, it’s their first Pride. There will even be people who come from out of town to experience a ‘small town pride.’” Vargas said. “I think Pride Visalia is one of those experiences that benefits all who are there with a feeling of hope in humanity. You’ll also leave with lots of good memories. I hope those reading this will join us.” How to attend: Pride Visalia is May 25, 2019 from 11am to 4pm. Location is The Old Lumberyard, 300 E. Oak Street, Visalia, CA 93291. Admission is $5; kids 10 years and younger are free. More information and pre-sale tickets available at or by calling The Source at 559-429-4277 or email

... ‘Together’ cont’d from pg 3 from which it can learn where the community has been and discover ways to pick up the torch and carry it forward when the time comes. The Oral History Project, as large as it’s shaping up to be, is still only one piece in a much larger puzzle. Over the years, Robinson has been collecting various artifacts connecting to the local queer history – things he affectionately calls “garbage people didn’t want anymore.” His collection includes items such as fliers, posters, ashtrays, matchbook covers, ticket stubs, programs, t-shirts, pictures, meeting minutes, financial reports … “anything and everything that was related to our community.” A multi-sensory presentation of queer history is scheduled to go on exhibit in the grand, two-story tall Elliptical Room of the Henry Madden Library at Fresno State from October 2020 to January 2021. The items above along with radio programming, video from past Pride parades, and the impressive 100ft ‘Meet in the Middle’ banner that once hung in front of City Hall will be on display. The massive undertaking of the Qistory project – the archives, exhibit, and digital library – will be the culmination of community members and various organizations working hand in hand. “If you think about it, we’re all in this together,” expresses Robinson. Inspired by support and excitement behind the project, Robinson wants to include a ‘Pop-Up History’ booth at the festival with a theme all its own: Pride pre1991, which was the year Fresno put on its first Pride parade. “We want to capture the history of what people did when Pride first started in the 70s, through and up to 1991,” says Robinson. A large portion of Fresno’s queer history is the journey to visibility, which didn’t occur until 1991 – Pride, as a sense of spirit, was still a massive part of the community long before the parades and festivals were established here. Queer people celebrated what they could in a much more conservative time in a relatively restrictive city, and that



took on many different forms. On May 14, at Tacos Marquitos, Fresno Rainbow Pride will host what they call a ‘Community Convening’ welcoming folks to come in for “organic, spontaneous sharing,” about the years leading up to the first Pride Parade. Any items and stories volunteered by the community members who attend will be on display at the Qistory booth. “We’re [also] going to give people a chance to give a sound bite or tell a little bit of a story – and we’re going to record it right at Pride,” Robinson shared. Event goers will have an opportunity to share their experiences, whether it’s about attending Pride or regarding any involvement within the community, and have their stories potentially added to the Qistory project. Some may even hear their voices in the promos for next year’s 30th anniversary Pride. Fresno’s Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival will also see expansions to its entertainment options. Riot pop band Fatty Cakes and the Puff Pastries, a local “musical grrrl gang” reminiscent of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, will play live all day in the Pride Lounge. Unison has partnered with Royal Jelly to feature new and young DJs and MCs to perform. And carnival style circus acts, such as acrobatic silk performers and stilt walkers, are scheduled to be on display. FAB Fresno, the LGBTQ nightclub located in the Tower District, is also planning to host premiere drag performers from wellknown drag troupes such as the likes of Ru Paul’s Drag Race or Dragula. The parade is free to watch and begins at 10 AM on June 1st in the Tower District starting at Palm and ending at Maroa Ave on Olive. The festival starts just after the parade ends, is only $5 to enter, and lasts until 3 PM. The festival area will also have a children’s area with bounce houses as well as activities for those in the teen community. Booths are available until May 15, but floats are accepted all the way until the start of the parade. Space at the end of the line is always allocated to any last-minute arrivals every year. And volunteers are welcome to join the fun at any stage. Contact, forms, and general information can be found at

CALENDAR May 4-10 Art Mixed Media Collage Workshop Monday, May 6 at 10 AM – 12:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. Great for all ages! No experience required! Special coupons for attendees! $39 class fee plus supplies. Three Ways to Register: Online:, Call us at (559) 225-1500 or talk to a cashier in-store. For more classes, visit: Kids Afterschool Art Camp - Character Design Wednesday, May 8, at 4 PM – 5:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. No experience required! Special coupons for attendees! This class is designed for kids! $30 class fee. All supplies included Three Ways to Register: Online:, Call us at (559) 225-1500 or Talk to a cashier in-store For more classes, visit:

Theater Transit, presented by Fresno Filmworks Friday, May 10 at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Fresno Filmworks Tower Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Filmworks presents the neo-noir dramatic thriller “Transit,” inspired by the World War II novel by Anna Seghers. Two showtimes: 5:30 PM and 8:30 PM

Family Super Adoption 2019 Saturday, May 4, at 9 AM – 2 PM Valley Animal Center 3934 N Hayston Ave, Fresno. Join Valley Animal Center and many other incredible rescues from the Valley as we work together to find homeless animals their forever homes all in one location! This community event will be full of HUNDRED’S of adorable adoptables, vendors, food trucks, a kid’s zone, & raffle prizes! Entrance to the event is FREE!! The Central California Antique Flea Market Saturday, May 4 at 7 AM – 2 PM 4500 S Laspina St, Tulare. This Flea Market is unique you will find vendors selling items that are 20 years and older. Furniture, vintage clothes, pottery, garden art, architectural salvage, art, industrial, kitchenware, miscellaneous collectibles, advertising, toys, musical instruments, rugs, kitchenware, farmtiques, antiques and so much more. Vendors can apply on the website. Chinatown Live! Tuesday, May 7 at 4 PM – 8 PM Chinatown Fresno Kern St at F A wonderful evening of food, music and culture. Visit the courtyard at the Bing Kong - Full Circle Brewing will be there to greet you with samples of their very best. Enjoy John Cho Lion Dancers while you sample tastes from: Chef Paul, Central Fish Co., Cris Meat Market, Tofuji and La Elgante along with Challenge Dairies Reserve your tickets at

9 to 5 The Musical Friday, May 10, Calling All Promotors We can at 8 PM – 10 PM Reedley’s River help get you out there. 559-472City Theatre Company 1720 10th 7182 St, Reedley. 9 to 5 The Musical, is based on the seminal 1980 hit movie with music and lyrics by Dolly Parton. Set in the late 1970’s, this hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era is outrageous, thought provoking, and even a little romantic. Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers construct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. 9 to 5 will show on the following dates: May 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, and 19th. Call our Box Office at (559) 638 - 6500 OR visit 9 to 5 The Musical is rated PG-13

Thursday Night Market Place THU, MAY 9 5:30 PM in Downtown Hanford Irwin and Seventh Streets, Hanford. We are so excited to bring you the best of the best in the Central Valley! Our market has the freshest fruits and vegetables available in our Certified Farmers’ Market, delicious food vendors, pony rides, train rides and more! You can enjoy the best live music in the valley on the Courthouse Stage, in beautiful Civic Park! Armenian Festival Friday, May 10, at 4:30 PM – 10 PM St Paul Fresno 3767 N 1st St, Fresno. Free admission. Live music. Home-made baked country. Hye Bazaar. Dinner.

O’Reilly Monster Truck Spring Nationals - Friday May 10, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Stanislaus County Fair


Grizzly Fest May 4, 2019 at 11 AM – 10 PM Grizzly Fest 7775 N. Friant, Fresno. Fresno City College Community Symphony Orchestra Concert Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30 PM – 9 PM Fresno City College OAB Auditorium 12887 E Ashcroft Ave, Fresno. Blackcat Thursday, May 9 at 7 PM – 11 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Bridge 5/6 1-3pm Palm Village Se- The Hits of Motown Friday, May 10 nior Network 7638 N Ingram, Suite at 8 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Olympic - Tower District 1426 N Van Ness 111 (559) 346-7662 Ave., Fresno. Featuring Hope Garcia Canasta 5/8 2-4pm Palm Village and the Believers $5 | All Ages | Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, 8pm Suite 111 (559) 346-7662

Senior Events

21 & Over

Adult Coloring & potluck 5/10 122pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, Suite 111 (559) The Chill Suite : R&B and Soul Jams May 8 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 346-7662 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. The Chill Suite is where we rock to a full menu of neo-soul, soul & smooth R&B. Presented by Fight To Win BJJ 112 Friday, May 10 DJs PDK & yelo., What began as a at 5:30 PM – 10:30 PM The Big Fres- weekend radio show has evolved no Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. into a sophisticated bimonthly main$45 General Admission Get tickets stay at Fresno’s finest venue. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at Fulton 55 at Streaming Live On Facebook at The Chill Suite No charge to chill. $Free 21+


Taste and Toast of the Tower Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Don’t miss the 2019 Taste and Toast of the Tower, Fresno’s Oldest Wine and Food Walk. Stroll through the Tower District stopping at up to 20 locations for a wide variety of wine and food samples from 10 local wineries and 12 restaurants. Wine Tasting. Your ticket and souvenir wine glass will grant you access to wine samplings from Cru Wine Co., CSU Fresno Winery, Engelmann Cellars, Toca Madera Winery, Quady Winery, Idle Hour, Cardella Winery, Moravia Winery, Nonini Winery and Kings River Winery. Eats. Enjoy a variety of delicious food samples from Cuca’s, Bocca, Irene’s Cafe, Sequoia Brewery, The Painted Table, Bobby Salazar’s, Richie’s Pizza, Casa Tamales, Lincoln, Mama Mia’s, Piemontes and Tower Sushi. Come out with friends or bring a date for a unique and memorable experience in the Historic Tower District. Must be 21 years old to participate. Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, May 8 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 224-0522 with questions. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



MAY 2019 |


FREE THE FESTIVE GRIZZLY Getting to know the man behind Fresno’s highly anticipated Grizzly Fest By I. smiley G. Calderón |


was pretty damn lucky to be able to schedule a recent sit-down interview with Fresno’s original guru of Grizzly Fest himself - the man, the myth, the legend - Mr. Aren Hekimian. To say that he’s busy at this time of the year is a serious understatement. Most people just don’t know or appreciate the incredible amount of work, skill, and time that go into planning and executing a successful live music and arts festival - especially one like Grizzly Fest that brings only the best and most exciting musicians and artists from around the country straight to small-time Fresno to entertain thousands. And, it’s no easy feat, either. I could feel the palpable aura of hard work and sacrifice emanating in the room while sitting in Mr. Hekimian’s makeshift office inside the small Grizzly Fest box office at the River Park mall. Behind the curtain where we sat, I was surrounded by boxes upon boxes of Grizzly Fest material and paraphernalia. Blood, sweat, and tears were all I could think of as I listened to Mr. Hekimian passionately recount the exciting origins of Grizzly Fest and the eventful journey that finally led him and his team to Northeast Fresno’s Woodward Park - the most strategic and best venue in the Central Valley for his event. And, Mr. Hekimian is the perfect man for the job, too - a young Fresnan professional that genuinely understands Fresno’s unique culture with its vibrant emerging art and music communities. In fact, with his specialized entertainment experience and business acumen, you might even say that Mr. Hekimian is Fresno’s only man for this Herculean task of meeting Fresno’s rising demand for world-class live entertainment. His goal for Grizzly Fest is simple and sweet, too: To bring culture, art, and music to Fresno. Who can argue with that? Believe it or not, there are some in the city who have dedicated themselves to doing just that. Incredible as it may seem, it’s no secret that some Fresnans don’t feel at ease with having such an innovative and dynamic show in town. Certain Fresnans are uncomfortable with Grizzly Fest and don’t want its youthful excitement anywhere near them in their backyard – specifically at Woodward Park. Instead, they want to keep the Grizzly caged downtown. Even city Councilmember


| MAY 2019


Garry “No Grizzly Fest” Bredefeld, who represents Northeast Fresno, acknowledges that “it is a wonderful event,” but in the same breath insists that he doesn’t “believe it belongs in Woodward Park.” Instead, he asserts: “I believe it belongs downtown…” But why? The noise. Really? Is that how Councilmem-

considerate professionalism! Aren doesn’t ignore community complaints about his event, like other businessmen in his shoes might have done - instead, he listens and takes action. What an example! And that’s how I first met Aren. I attended the City Council meeting on April 4th, and as I typically do, I sat in the back

The 2018 Grizzly Fest team ber Bredefeld truly sees world-class music and entertainment - as noise? He said he received about 100 complaints from his constituents last year about the event and he is committed to having the festival moved out of Woodward Park for the future. Clearly, Councilmember Bredefeld sees Grizzly Fest as a nuisance and wants it and the kinds of people who enjoy its brand of music out of his district - for good. But that’s why I highly esteem Mr. Hekimian, a very personable and respectful guy who probably would be a little bit irked that I keep on referring to him as “Mr.” when he casually introduces himself as Aren. In response to the complaints of loud music late at night during last year’s Grizzly Fest, Aren personally proposed and requested to modify this year’s festival to end an hour and a half earlier - at 10pm instead of at 11:30pm - to purposefully and directly address the latenight noise complaints. Wow - talk about

on the first floor. And, right next to me, sat Aren. I didn’t know who he was - I didn’t even know what Grizzly Fest was at the time. (I’m new to town and am slowly getting to know Fresno). But then when Councilmember Caprioglio of District 4 invited Aren to the podium to talk about the economic benefit of last year’s Grizzly Fest, I was shocked to see the guy sitting right next to me casually walk up to the microphone and respectfully address the council. He explained how last year’s Grizzly Fest impacted Fresno’s local economy to the tune of 3-6 million dollars and that at least 16,000 people attended the event. What a success! Yet, he warned: “It’s not logistically possible for the festival to continue operating downtown.” As a businessman, Aren knows that numbers don’t lie. The best place for Grizzly Fest is Woodward Park. Period. Hell, if Woodward Park itself could talk, I’m sure that it wouldn’t be able to stop



talking about the sizzly Grizzly and all of the fun and excitement that he brings when he’s around that one weekend out of the year the cool music and good vibes - not to mention the incredibly fresh food and drinks. Grizzly Fest is a family affair, and all ages are welcome to attend - and everyone knows that Woodward Park loves families. The best event for Woodward Park is Grizzly Fest. Period. Still, as an excuse to conceal his disdain for the kind of music that Grizzly Fest will exhibit and the types of people that it attracts, Councilmember Bredefeld had this to say about his colleagues: “I think the council turned their back on helping downtown by not having it there.” If anything, Councilmember Bredefeld should thank Aren for bringing Grizzly Fest to his exclusive district. District 6 could use an extra dose of culture, art, and music - even if it is only for a couple of days out of the year. Yet, Aren keeps a positive outlook about his interactions with the city. In our interview, when I asked him if he felt if the city was making it hard for him to produce successful Grizzly Fests, he disagreed. “I believe we have forward thinking people on our city council - everyone wants what’s best - and I respect that,” he told me with conviction in his eyes. He understands that the council only wants to ensure that Fresno is host to the very best possible event - one that’s safe and fun for everyone. And Aren agrees. “For us, we just want to provide something the city can be proud of,” he said with a smile. At the end of our interview, I could tell that Aren had another long day and night ahead of him as he tirelessly works to finalize any last-minute details to make this year’s Grizzly Fest as perfect as possible. It’s exhausting, but he reminded me: “It’s a shame if you got the tools to do something great but don’t use them.” Exactly. And, it’s encouraging that the city is finally recognizing Grizzly Fest for the wholesome family fun event that it truly is. Mr. Aren Hekimian, the Grizzly incarnate, is ready and willing to put in the work to get Fresno on the entertainment map of California - all we need to do is free this Festive Grizzly and let him do what he does best: bring culture, art, and music to his hometown.

MORE May 11-17 Art Dragon Ball & Heroes Con May 11 at 10 AM – May 12 at 5 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Free parking. This event is for bring all anime fan, sci-fi fans, TCG players, gamers, vendors, artists, musicians, and the community together and showcase all the fine talents we have in the Central Valley and beyond. Do try your best to attend and share and invite all your friends. More details will be updated as the days progress Introduction to Modern Calligraphy Saturday, May 11 at 2 PM – 4:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. Through three hours of instruction (it sounds like a lot, but it goes by fast!), local artist Shelley Borcherding will cover all the basics needed to get started on your hand lettering journey, from building capital and lower case letters, basic letter connections, and styling. No experience necessary! Special coupons for attendees! $65 class fee. Includes supply kit. Provided by Allard’s: Light Refreshments. Three Ways to Register: Online: Call us at (559) 225-1500 or Talk to a cashier in-store For more classes, visit: Art in the Park Paint Party Thursday, May 16, at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Civic Center Park 113 Court St, Hanford. To participate in the guided paint party in Civic Park purchase tickets on our webiste at Check-in starts at 5:30PM in Civic Park! Tickets are $35 per person and includes ALL Art Supplies, and of course you get to keep your masterpiece! Enjoy a Thursday night creating a MASTERPIECE with your FRIENDS, surrounded by downtown Hanford’s beautiful CIVIC PARK!

Theater Theatre Under the Stars Saturday, May 11 at 7 PM – 10 PM 4845 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. StageWorks Fresno Join us for an evening of food, fun, and fantastic entertainment as StageWorks Fresno celebrates Theatre Under the Stars! This annual fundraising event combines delicious food, wine and spirits, a wonderful assortment of auction items, and the captivating brand of entertainment that only StageWorks Fresno can provide! Expect live performances from some

of your favorite StageWorks Fresno performers that highlight current Broadway shows and teasers for StageWorks’ 10th anniversary season! Enjoy dinner and a no-host bar, as well as a silent auction, a live auction, and a dessert auction! This lively outdoor event will take place at the Old Fig home of Tom & Angie Hyatt: 4845 N Van Ness Blvd Fresno. Tickets are available at or by calling the Box Office (559) 289-6622 For tables of 10, please email The Comedy of Errors SAT 11th 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM, THU 16th 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM, FRI 17th 8:00 PM 10:00 PM Woodward Shakespeare Festival 7775 Friant Rd, Fresno. Come enter a vaudevillian world of madcap antics, slapstick humor, and mistaken identities as the Woodward Shakespeare Festival presents William Shakespeare’s classic comedy, THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. It tells the story of two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated at birth. Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant, Dromio of Syracuse, arrive in Ephesus, which turns out to be the home of their twin brothers, Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant, Dromio of Ephesus. When the Syracusans encounter the friends and families of their twins, a series of wild mishaps based on mistaken identities causes chaos and comedy. Wait Until Dark Friday, May 17, 2019 at 7 PM – 9:30 PM Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. A sinister con man, Roat, and two ex-convicts, Mike and Carlino, are about to meet their match. They have traced the location of a mysterious doll, which they are much interested in, to the Greenwich Village apartment of Sam Hendrix and his blind wife, Susy. Sam had apparently been persuaded by a strange woman to transport the doll across the Canadian border, not knowing that sewn inside were several grams of heroin. When the woman is murdered the situation becomes more urgent. The con man and his ex-convicts, through a cleverly constructed deception, convince Susy that the police have implicated Sam in the woman’s murder, and the doll, which she believes is the key to his innocence, is evidence. She refuses to reveal its location, and with the help of a young neighbor, figures out she is the victim of a bizarre charade. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. 559-4727182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

bounce houses, science mobile, information booths, limbo competition, and MORE! There will also be Miss Molly’s Mother’s Day Tea Sat- a Princess Moana meet and greet! urday, May 11 at 11 AM – 2 PM Snack bar & BBQ proceeds beneThe Meux Home Museum 1007 R fit the youth of Quigley Playground! St, Fresno. Festivieties will include: Lei’d Back Luau Friday, May 17th, Tour of the Museum, Victorian Craft 2019 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Quigley PlayDemonstraton and a silent auction. ground - 808 W. Dakota Ave. Tickets are $40.00 per person No parties larger than 8 persons per table Limited seating available If you have any questions please contact the Museum at 559.233.8007 or Bridge 5/13 1-3pm Palm Village email reservations@meuxhomemu- Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, and reference Miss MOlly’s Suite 111 (559) 346-7662 Tea in the subject line Rummikub 5/15 1-3pm Palm VilHogs & Dogs Saturday, May 11 lage Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, at 11 AM – 2 PM Clawson Motor- Suite 111 (559) 346-7662 sports 6334 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Clawson Motorsports and Monthly Lunch Black Bea Diner Fresno Bully Rescue are getting to- 5/17 12-2pm Palm Village Senior gether to help the dogs find a home! Network 7638 N Ingram, Suite 111 Bring the whole family to hang (559) 346-7662 out with us and see the awesome units we have for you this summer. Calling All Promotors We can We will be waiting for you with lots help get you out there. Let us take of fun and yummy food from Fat care of the print and distribution. Gabe’s BBQ! Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 Chill: A night of desserts, shopping and food trucks Saturday, May 11 at 3 PM – 9 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Get ready to treat yourself — and maybe your mom too! CHILL returns for Mother’s Day weekend, giving you a day of desserts, shopping, food trucks and more at the Tioga-Sequoia beer garden. It’s happening Saturday, May 11 from 3-9 p.m. with great local vendors, fabulous food and delicious desserts. Bring your friends, bring a date, bring your squad, heck, even bring your mom. The event is free to attend and open to all ages. FOOD TRUCKS The Gastro Grill Food Truck by Chacon’s Catering Pita Kabob & Grill + more TBA Interested in being a vendor, we’re accepting applications at Buffalo Car, Truck, and Bike Show Saturday, May 11 at 10 AM – 3:30 PM Campus Point Fresno, Ca Fresno. We would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Car Show. This year we will be donating all proceeds to Central Valley Veterans. Come out to check out some nice rides, enjoy great food, possibly win a prize from our raffle, meet some local veterans, and witness a special singing of our national anthem. Lei’d Back Luau Friday, May 17, at 4 PM – 7 PM Quigley Playground 808 W Dakota Ave, Fresno. Activities will include laser tag, carnival games, arts & crafts, bike rodeo, e-sports, luau dance performance,


Senior Events



MAY 2019 |


10 | MAY 2019




MORE Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Call 559472-7182 or email info@fresnoflyer. com

Sports Hot Rods, Classics, Motorcycles Car Show Saturday, May 11 at 9 AM – 3 PM Clovis. visit and scroll to the Event Date and City for the organizers phone and email contact to get the exact location and/or other event info. Grizzlies Bark in the Park Saturday, May 11 at 7:05 PM – 11:05 PM Fresno Grizzlies 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. What’s better than watching a Fresno Grizzlies game with your dog? NOTHING! Join Valley Animal Center for the first Bark in the Park game of the 2019 Fresno Grizzlies season. For just $15, you and your furry companion can enjoy a night out at the ballpark with other dog lovers alike to watch our Fresno Grizzlies take on the Albuquerque Isotopes! Purchase your special Bark in the Park tickets using the link in this event. Girl’s Night Out Thursday, May 16 at 6 PM – 9 PM Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. SAVE THE DATE for our annual Girl’s Night Out promotion at the ballpark on May 16th. First pitch is at 7PM. Once again, the ballpark will be jampacked with booths that will cater to the ladies! Visit all of the booths to get your passport stamped and you’ll be entered to win over 50 prizes! If you are interested in having a vendor booth for this event, please e-mail

Music Chuuwee & Imaginary Other, MC Wicks Saturday, May 11 at 8 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, . Full Circle Brewing Co. Presents: CHUEEWEE (Hip Hop / Trap / Rap / Future Soul) / 8pm, $7 advance, $10 door, all ages Raider Nation Celebration Saturday, May 11 at 12 PM – 6 PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. Raiders of the Central Valley proudly present their 2nd annual “Raider Nation Celebration” For all ages. This year’s entertainment we have Dj Robert Woody Peña the “Funkmeista” playing all your favorite old school jams along with one of the central valley’s hottest bands “Monsanto” Tickets in advance are only $10 and $20 at the gate children 12 and under are free... Tickets are limited!

Willie Nelson & Family Sunday, May 12 at 8 PM Vina Robles Amphitheatre 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. For more information on Vina Robles Amphitheatre, please visit Pentatonix: The World Tour with special guest Rachel Platten Tuesday, May 14 at 7:30 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Big Elk, Boom Boom Brady, Way Off Starboard Friday, May 17 at 9 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Our local music series continues with Chris Elkins - Big Elk, Boom Boom Brady and Way Off Starboard. Doors at 8:30 music at 9. $10 advance and day of show price. All tickets may be purchased at www.fulton55. com or at Tower District Records

Party #14 Oakhurst Spirits Tasting & Art Gallery Tour Saturday, May 18 at 11 AM – 2 PM San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust 11605 Old Friant Rd, Learn how Mike makes whiskies, brandies and more. Tour the on-site art gallery, owned and managed by Mike and Ally, with an opportunity to purchase delightful art by Ally. Mike’s tasty spirits will also be available for purchase. Lunch will be served outside on the patio under one of the grandest oak trees in Oakhurst. MEMBERS: $50 NON-MEMBERS: $55 GUESTS: 30

21 & Over


Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, May 15 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 2240522 with questions. Central Valley Brewfest Saturday, May 11 at 12 PM – 5 PM Stanislaus County Fair Grounds 900 N Broadway, Turlock. Celebrating our seventh anniversary, Tte event promises to be an amazing experience in taste, art, and music with over 125 brews to sample. Back by popular demand is the VIP wine sampling tent. Our premier ticket holders will get the opportunity to sample local wineries, local brews, and a fresh baked baguette for $55. General Admission tickets available for $40 and Designated Driver tickets available for $20. Selena Tribute - The Como La Flor Band at Engelmann Cellars Friday, May 17 at 6 PM – 10 PM Engelmann Cellars 3275 North Rolinda Avenue, Fresno.

Jukebox Cabaret SAT, MAY 18 7:30 PM & SUN, MAY 19 4:00 PM Visalia Players at the Ice House Theatre 410 E Race Ave, Visalia. What happens when you mix music from the 60’s & 70’s with a little bit of Country Music? You get a Jukebox Cabaret!! Wait Until Dark Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. A sinister con man, Roat, and two ex-convicts, Mike and Carlino, are about to meet their match. They have traced the location of a mysterious doll, not knowing that sewn inside were several grams of heroin. Saturday, May 18th - 2pm BOGO* and 7pm Sunday, May 19th - 2pm Thursday, May 23rd - 7pm (Discount Night/Talkback) Friday, May 24th - 7pm Saturday, May 25th - 2pm BOGO* and 7pm

Sunday Dances at the American Legion Post 509 on May 12 at 2pm - 5pm 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Country and mixed music. $8 at the door. Every 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sunday of the month. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

May 18-24 Art

Smiley G.’s Stand-Up Evening of Comedy on Saturday, May 25th at 8 PM La Maison Kabob 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno, 93721 Featuring Rick Izquieta as the headliner! Comedians: Kris Rubio, Amir Kalil, and local comedian Taylor Lopez www. for more information. Email smileygcalderon@ with any questions or text: 714-290-6651 | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


MAY 2019 |


On the Air with Woody Miller Off the 99 - The search for musical talent in the Central Valley

*This is the first in a planned series of profiles meant to call attention to potential inductees for the Valley Music Hall of Fame By Don Priest |

A class act.” “A real gentleman.” “A leader.” All terms used to describe Woody Miller, the radio pioneer whose career spanned over 6 decades, influenced the musical tastes of a wide swath of Valley listeners and included a number of significant firsts. He was the first local radio programmer to successfully offer Blues, R&B and Country to the same audience on the same station. He was the first to program music, especially for the Valley’s Hispanic audience. He was the first to offer an all-black radio talk show. And he was the first African Americans to own and operate a radio station in California. Beginning in 1949, Woody enchanted audiences with his charm, musical knowledge and witty story-telling at stations in Fowler, Bakersfield, San Francisco and back to Fresno, where he finally gave up the mic at KFSR in 2015. According to Joe Moore, the current President and General Manager at KVPR and the former Station Manager at KFSR, Woody represented the last of that generation of broadcasters who came up in the immediate post-war era. “Woody was a direct link to those classic broadcasters like Daddy-O Dave in Chicago and Al ‘Jazz Bo’ Collins in San Francisco,” he said. “He was a direct link to that radio tradition, and through his interviews, a direct link to the icons of the music world.” During his long career, Woody interviewed and befriended the musical giants of his day, including Ray Charles, Billy Holiday, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, James Brown and a host of others. He then wrapped those experiences into captivating stories to share with his audiences. So how did Joe Moore convince someone of Woody’s stature to bring his talents to the little station on the Fresno State campus? Story goes, it started with the listeners. “People would call up and tell me about this radio station out of Fowler that they grew up listening to,” he said. “It had jazz and R&B, and they had this guy, Woody Miller, who was the DJ and ran the show. It was the best thing ever, they told me.” As so often happens in these seemingly fate-driven occurrences, a serendipitous phone call from Woody’s son, Mike, started the quest to bring Woody to KFSR. “Mike

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called to talk about something else, and about halfway through the conversation I realized he was Woody’s son,” he said. “That got me excited! And I told him I’d love to meet his Dad.” So Mike arranged for the three of them to meet for lunch. It was a long and fruitful meeting. “At first, I just wanted to meet him and hear some stories, Joe recalled. “But I quickly realized why Woody was so beloved and popular, even by someone who had never heard him on the radio, because he was such a great personality. He was such a great storyteller, and he knew the music.” By the end of the conversation, Joe was convinced he needed to get Woody on KFSR, but Woody was hesitant. It was 2005. He had just retired from radio and told Joe he was “all through with that.” Joe also speculates that Woody was probably a little suspicious of “this young white kid’s motives.” But Joe was persistent (as only Joe can be) and finally convinced Woody to do a show on KFSR, where he quickly became the station’s most popular on-air personality. “Anybody could play the music Woody was playing,” Joe said. “But what made it special was him. He truly was a radio personality, and you could see why he was a radio legend. He put everything into the

performance. He truly was a radio performer.” Others who knew him to agree. “Woody was a unique guy because he was the true gentleman of the business,” is how his long-time friend and colleague, Joe Collins described him. “He was a great story-teller and would charm your socks off. People were drawn to him.” Don Fisher, another long-time radio veteran and KFSR host, remembers the spell Woody would cast on the air. “He played jazz and was Woody,’ he said. “His on-air persona was playing some music – but mostly telling stories. He had such great stories because throughout his career he had interviewed all these great jazz and blues artists.” He recalled how Woody once described Duke Ellington as being “very smooth, a sharp dresser, all the ladies loved him. But Ray Charles – he was real.” In addition to being KFSR’s most popular on-air personality, Woody was also a generous teacher. “He relished being a mentor for people,” Moore recalls. “He befriended a student trumpet player at Fresno State. Took a liking to him. Took him under his wing and gave him lots of encouragement and advice. That student is now a successful jazz player in Chicago. That was Woody.” Fischer also pointed out that



Woody was more than a radio personality. He was also very committed to his community. “He was very active politically. He ran for city council. He taught a class at city college. He hosted the first all-black radio talk show at KFCF to discuss the issues of the day,” he said. Woody was also active in presidential campaigns for Robert Kennedy and Jesse Jackson. He was devastated when Robert Kennedy was shot – then proud and happy when Barack Obama was elected. The end of Woody’s radio career finally came in 2015 with the onslaught of Alzheimer’s. It was a sad time for the KFSR staff and the listeners, recalls Fischer. “We got lots of calls when Woody quit doing his show. People from across the country would call and ask, what happened to Woody Miller? He was that popular.” But radio was in Woody’s blood, so even after he was off the air, he would occasionally show up at the radio station. “The door would open, and there’d be Woody,” Fischer recalls. “Then he’d just come sit down in the office and start talking. And we’d stop everything and listen.” Woody Miller passed in May of 2017. He left lasting memories with those who knew him. Said Joe Collins, “We lost a giant when Woody passed. He was always, always a class act and a gentleman. He touched a lot of souls. He touched a lot of people.” Added Joe Moore, “Woody was a leader. A leader in the industry. A leader in his community. A leader with the students he worked with. I consider myself so fortunate to have had the opportunity to know him. I think everyone who had the opportunity to listen to his show probably felt the same way.” To honor Woody in connection with Jazz History month, KFSR paid tribute to this radio icon at Fulton 55 on Sunday, April 28 with a show that featured an opening set of music from some of Woody’s friends and family, including Ed Burke, Bobby Logan and Woody’s son, Mike Miller. And a closing set of the big band jazz Woody was so fond of, performed by the Joe Lenigan Band along with a few “special guests” like Vern Selland and Deidra Contino. In between, son Mike hosted a “roast” of his Dad offered by a few of Woody’s closest friends and colleagues.

MORE The Wizard of Oz (1939): Way Back Wednesdays Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia. Tickets only $5.00 The Breakfast Club (1985) Film at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. Friday, May 24, 2019 at 8 PM – 10 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno.

Family Taco Truck Throwdown Saturday, May 18, at 5 PM – 10 PM Hanford, The 5th Annual Professional Latin American Association Taco Truck Throwdown will be held on Saturday, May 18th on 7th Street in the heart of downtown Hanford! Award winning taco trucks from all over the valley, 2 beer gardens, DJ, live band, dancing in the street and family fun all night long! Over 15,000 people attended last year’s event and this year’s will be even bigger and better! May Saturday Farmers Market SAT, MAY 18 9:00 AM Get a fresh start to your weekend at the year-round Saturday Famers Market in Old Town Clovis. Come out to the intersection of Fifth and Pollasky from 9 to 11:30 a.m. This small market has everything you need for your local, seasonal shopping. See you there! Fresno Pirate Festival SAT, MAY 18 10:00 AM SUN, MAY 19 10:00 AM Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 10 AM – 6 PM Kearney Park 7160 W Kearney Blvd, Fresno. Ahoy me hearties, Come join in the 16th Annual Fresno Pirate Festival. Enjoy a full day of Piratey fun, World Class entertainment, Fabulous Food, Ale, Mead, and Rum Tasting. A full market place to find some treasure. Bring the Wee ones to Pirate Skool, fire the monkey cannon, take pictures with mermaids and play games. Come dressed in your favorite Pirate clothes or come as you are. Join in the scavenger hunt and or the Beard and mustache Contest, Can’t grow your own? That’s Arrrrg-right contend in our whiskerina contest for the most creative facial hair to accessorize with, lassies.

Sports 559 Fights 72 “McCottrell vs. Gomez” Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 6 PM – 9 PM Rainbow Ballroom 1725 Broadway St, Fresno. Doors open at 6pm, first fight is at 7. Tickets starting at just $25. VIP Tables, Hotel Packages and more text 559813-0307. MMA Fight info - Antoine Hood 760-977-6011 Grappling Fight

info - Mike Moreno 559-541-2767 Sponsorship/Advertising - Joey Perez 559-362-4046 Outdoors Night at the Fresno Grizzlies Saturday, May 18 at 7:05 PM – 10 PM Fresno Grizzlies 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Outdoors Night & Interchangeable hat giveaway presented by Helena Agri-Enterprises (first 1,500 fans) Grizzlies vs. River Cats Game - Burn Survivor Event Sunday, May 19 at 1 PM – 6 PM Fresno Grizzlies 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Join AARBF for an afternoon of baseball and fun! Burn Survivors, their family members, and volunteers are welcome to free tickets for this event. Tickets are limited and will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis. Contact our Central Valley Regional Manager, Erika “Kika” Corona at 559-621-4016 or to reserve your spot today! Spirit 88.9 presents Firefighter Appreciation Night Friday, May 24 at 7 PM – 10 PM Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. The first 500 guests into the stadium will get a limited edition Firefighter Rawhide Hat brought to you by Spirit! Did we mention there are post-game fireworks too?! We’ll have a few other surprises as well!

Music Carnifex / Oceano + More at Full Circle Brewing Co.Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 5 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Brewing Co.620 F St, Fresno. All Ages 2 Stages, $20 Adv / $25 Dos Cumbia | Sound: Qiensave Saturday, May 18 at 7 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Olympic 1426 N. Van Ness, Fresno. All Ages | 7pm | $10 Tickets: Jazz on Van Ness Sunday, May 19 at 4 PM – 7 PM The Big Red Church of Fresno 2131 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. This premier event promises to become one of the best attended jazz events in the Valley! Names like Rich Severson, Joe Lenigan, Rick Helzer, Roy Carlson, Gary Newmark, John Lauffenburger, John Ayala and Derrall Devaures plus the voices of Bob Bergthold and Joyce Brewer. You will want to arrive early to enjoy the Hors d’oeuvres and wine, bid on the Silent Auction items and perhaps take a trip or two around the Courtyard Dance Floor. Individual tickets are only $35 and that includes one glass of wine to get you started. Proceeds for this event go to a great cause as well - keeping the work and | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

good deeds of the Big Red Church going strong! Reserved tables of eight are available by calling the church at 227-8489. Salute To The Armed Forces Sunday, May 19 at 1 PM – 3 PM Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St, Clovis. Free concert by AUSA Band Taj Mahal at Tower Theatre Sunday, May 19 at 8 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Alejandra Guzman Tuesday, May 21 at 7 PM – 8:30 PM Table Mountain Casino 8184 Table Mountain Rd, Friant. VIP $70, Platinum $65, Reserved $60, GA $55 Player & Preferred Members save $5. Platinum Members save $10. Must be 18 years or older to attend. No refunds, cameras or videos. The above ticket prices do not include processing fee. Night Heat ROCKS Hog Heaven Wednesday, May 22 at 7 PM – 10 PM Yosemite Falls Café 4020 N Cedar Ave, Fresno. Motorcycle contest! Prices and ROCK N ROLL! Night Heat plays all of your favorite classic & modern rock with passion & excitement! Lion’s Law, Soldier 76, Volt 45 at Fulton 55 Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 8 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno.

21 & Over Comic Crawl 2019 Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 7:30 PM in celebration of National Geek Pride Day! We will be meeting up in the old BofA parking lot near Livingstones at 730pm, with the crawl beginning at 8pm. Don’t be late so you can join one of the crawl groups!!! Dress as ANY superhero/villain, scifi, horror movie, action character that you want to be! Although costumes are encouraged they are not required. You can participate by wearing a geeky shirt as well. Wristbands are only $5 in advance and get you no cover at all bars and drink specials! This event is 21+. Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, May 22 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 224-0522 with questions. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


MAY 2019 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182 Black Dollar Days Fair SAT, MAY 18 8:00 AM African American Historical and Cultural Museum of the San Joaquin Valley 1857 Fulton St, Fresno. Join us! And if you would like to take part as a vendor, please see Bianca Hayes; the vendor fee is $20.00. Vendors sign up online:

May 25-31 Art

ta Wallace Simpson Rated PG-13 for some sexual situations. Drug and alcohol simulation. Cartoon violence. Crude humor and quick wit. O.G. Comedy Headlining Rivest Dunlap Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 8 PM – 10 PM Oakhurst Grill & Whiskey 41 Lounge 40530 HWY 41, Oakhurst. Come on over to Oakhurst Grill, Saturday, May 25th for our signature comedy showcase! Our headliner Rivest Dunlap is gonna bring the house down! Hosted by none other than our own, Christian Guizar. Feature’s include Joshua Higuera, Robert Reid & Oakhurst Grills’ own, Matt Jasper in his comedic debut! You never know when Matt is kidding. That’s the beauty of his natural comedic ability that we are beyond excited to see spring into action for his FIRST TIME PERFORMING COMEDY ON STAGE! Believe us, he was born to do this stuff! We’re so excited for him!

Workshop: Studio Production May 28 at 6 PM – May 30 at 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201 Hands-on experience needed to safely operate a video camera in our studio. Also practical skills on the video switcher, audio board, teleprompter, and simple graphics. This workshop is in three parts: Part 1: Tue, May 28, 6–9pm Part 2: Wed, May 29, 6–9pm Part 3: Thu, May 30, 6–9pm Membership must be paid prior to training Contact For Scheduling: (559) 266- Community Festival Saturday, May 25 at 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM LC 2622 or Food Pantry & Clothes Closet 6865 N Maple Ave, Fresno. This a free family event. We will have free lunch, shaved ice a bounce house, face George Lopez Saturday, May 25, painting, lego building contest, ring 2019 at 8 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 toss, water balloon toss, stump the pastor and more. M St, Fresno. The Government Inspector SAT, Pride Visalia Saturday, May 25, MAY 25 8:00 PM California Arts 2019 at 11 AM – 4 PM The Old Academy - Severance Theater 1401 Lumberyard, 300 E. Oak St, Visalia. N Wishon Ave, Fresno. The corrupt Pride Visalia returns with more of officials of a small Russian town, everything you love: things to see, headed by the Mayor, react with ter- things to buy, rainbow/pride gear, ror to the news that an incognito in- music, drag shows, talent, arts, selfie spector (the incognito one) will soon spots, portrait studios, food, snacks, be arriving in their town to investi- drinks, and good vibes. Whew! We gate them. A fun piece of political pack a year’s planning to make these satire woven with beautifully crisp 5 hours the best ever. $5 general



and witty dialogue (Jeffery Hatcher), tasteful score (designer/composer Dakota Simpson) Directed by Dako-

14 | MAY 2019


admission **Cash only entrance day of. See below for details** $125 VIP All Access Passes Echo & Weldon Block Party! Monday, May 27 at 11 AM – 3 PM 1940 N Echo Ave, Fresno. Come celebrate the Fresno High Neighborhood and our awesome little corner of businesses! We will have live music, food, coffee and lots of arts & craft vendors! Thursday Night Market Place THU 30th 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Thursday Night Market Place in Downtown Hanford Irwin and Seventh Streets, Hanford. Our market has the freshest fruits and vegetables available in our Certified Farmers’ Market, delicious food vendors, pony rides, train rides and more! You can enjoy the best live music in the valley on the Courthouse Stage, in beautiful Civic Park! 73rd Kings Fair May 30 at 5 PM – Jun 2 at 12 AM The Kings Fair 10th Ave, Hanford. The Kings Fair serves the surrounding community as a safe, fun and family-oriented venue, showcasing agricultural heritage, educational development, and entertainment. The Vision of Kings Fair is to encourage the growth of agricultural awareness, through the community involvement. Come out and see the Livestock, Carnival Rides, and Home & Fine Arts! Visit our website for more information on what is happening at the 2019 Kings Fair!

Sports Grizzlies vs. El Paso May 25th 7:05 pm Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Grizzlies vs. El PasoMay 26th 1:05 pm Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno.


Grizzles vs El Paso May 27th 6:35 pm Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Grizzles vs El Paso May 28th 6:35 pm Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Grizzles vs Salt Lake MY 29th 6:35 pm Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Grizzles vs Salt Lake May 30th 7:05 pm Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. https://www.milb. com/fresno Lucha Libre at Rawhide Ballpark Friday, May 31 at 6 PM – 9 PM Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. Tickets are available online Or visit Rawhide Ballpark to purchase your tickets in person: 300 N. Giddings St., Visalia 93291. You can also call 559-732-4433 x1.


Latin Spring Fest Sunday, May 26, at 5 PM – 11 PM Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Lemoore. Comedy Show And Concert Hosted By Comedian “Willie Barcena” Co-Hosted By Noddy Roddy James Harman Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 8 PM – 11 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. INSIDE THE TOWER THEATRE LOUNGE Through his long career starting in the early 60’s James Harman has built up an enormous song catalog and had 20 of his original songs used in movies and television. He has been nominated for 20 pestiferous W. C. Handy (Blues Foundation) awards. He was inducted into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame, and he is the harmonica player of choice on many ZZ Top releases, as well as live with them on many international TV shows. Great White Live in Concert Friday, May 31, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Lemoore.

21 & Over

Al Ritmo del Sol en Fresno Sunday, May 26 at 5 PM – 11:59 PM Wood- Mana tribute - Corazón De Maná ward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. Saturday, May 25, at 5 PM – 11 PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Madera. You Youth Orchestras of Fresno Youth spoke - We listened! The #1 MANA Music Extravaganza with Khacha- Tribute in California, Arizona & Nevaturian and Contreras! at Saroyan da is coming back to ApCal. Opening Theatre at Fresno Convention Cen- the show will be local Latin rockers --ter. Sunday, May 26 at 4 PM – 6 PM LATIN CONNECTION --- a Valley favorSaroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. ite! $17 in advance - $20 at the gate Hear a brand-new work by young Pre-sale gate opens at 5pm - GenMexican composer Juan-Pablo Con- eral admission at 6pm Music from treras. And hear Indianapolis Vio- 7-11pm -7-8:45pm --- LATIN CONlin Competition gold-medal-winner NECTION (Latin cover band) - 9-11pm Richard Lin performing the Khacha- --- CORAZON de MANA (Mana tribute) turian Violin Concerto! Add to that a Music - Dancing - Wine - Beer - Food few other amazing works, including - Cigars 21 yrs & Older Only Bring a George Gershwin’s Cuban Overture, Lawn Chair NO Outside Alcohol, Soda and you have a rollicking afternoon or Water of outstanding and upbeat musical joy.


THE PANHANDLER PROBLEM The Smiley Synopsis Spotlight on City of Fresno’s “Help Us, Help Fresno” Initiative By I. smiley G. Calderón |


he problem in Fresno is so out of control, so crucial that urgent action must be taken now! At least, that’s what Fresno City Councilmember Garry Bredefeld would want you to believe about the panhandler presence in his district. Driven by endless complaints from his constituents “demanding” that something finally be done about it now, Bredefeld proudly sponsored Resolution “Help Us, Help Fresno” at April 11th’s City Council meeting alongside cosponsoring Councilmembers Miguel Arias and Luis Chavez, of poorer Districts 3 and 5, respectively. Panhandlers apparently stick out like a sore thumb in Councilmember Bredefeld’s District 6, and he is adamant about doing something about it. “Giving them money keeps them where they’re at,” he said at the afternoon meeting. And, clearly, that’s not where this councilmember wants them. Bredefeld is convinced “that when you donate and give in a charitable way to people who are panhandling - the bottom line is it doesn’t help them.” So, then, what’s Councilmember Bredefeld’s bottom line solution? A sign. No, not a “sign” from God (which, actually, coming from the same guy who proposed the “In God We Trust” declaration that is now prominently displayed in the Council Chambers, such a religious reference wouldn’t be too surprising) – but, an actual sign. And not a cheap one either. The total cost of the signage to be placed all over the city is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $20,000. The proposed metallic, official-looking signs would say something to the effect of: “Help Us, Help Fresno. Contribute To The Solution. Say No To Panhandling. Give To Local Charities.” And, right in the middle of it would be the beautiful encircled image of two human hands meeting at the nexus of a compassionate coin exchange - but with an ugly red line drawn diagonally straight through it. Needless to say, not everyone felt good about Councilmember Bredefeld’s proposal. As I was sitting in the audience, feeling the anger from the community and the

desperation from the homeless who expressed their opposition to the signs, I wondered why Councilmember Bredefeld remained numb to their pleas. Despite how the community or even how his own colleagues disagreed with him about the signs, he still maintained that his signs were “positive signs, with a positive message, and a positive solution” - in the face of all of the negativity at the meeting, I couldn’t believe that he actually said that “this can’t get any more positive.” Councilmember Bredefeld kept referring to a short video of “professionals” that was played at the beginning of the discussion that fully supported his idea that “giving to panhandlers just keeps those panhandlers in the same place…it keeps them on the street…it doesn’t help them at all.” The video highlighted “professional” Pastor Rob Cravy, COO of Fresno Rescue Mission, who shares Councilmember Bredefeld’s conviction. He explained in the video that “every time we hand out money…the reality is that we are keeping them homeless.” With its phone number conspicuously printed on every single sign, Pastor Cravy’s Rescue Mission would be the primary organization recommended to donators. Of course, the community overwhelming disagreed. Jordan Fitzpatrick, a young blind District 3 community member with a black service dog, approached the podium to fervently address the council - especially Councilmember Arias. “I’m extremely disappointed with your proposal…Use the money to help the homeless instead of making signs. They need shelter…” And, as Jordan struggled to continue to find the right words, a flurry of emotions emerged. “Sorry, I’m very pissed off right now - this money can be used in much more effective ways than putting useless signs around our city that do nothing to help the homeless - If you don’t want homeless people, then actually do something to help them not be homeless!” he scolded the cosponsors. Jordan explained how there are currently no single residential homeless shelters that accept transgender people here in Fres-

The total cost of the signage is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $20,000.


no and relayed how lesbian, gay, and bisexual people also do not feel welcome at most shelters in town - especially at the Fresno Rescue Mission - a place some have called a discriminatory religious organization. And the Rescue Mission is not shy about its religious mission, either. On its website, it says: “The Fresno Rescue Mission endeavors to glorify God by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the least…” and that it is “Christ-focused.” It’s website boldly affirms: “That’s what we’re all about here at the Fresno Rescue Mission.” So, as Jordan put it, this initiative and these expensive signs are nothing more than “free publicity for the Fresno Rescue Mission - with their number on it.” Mike Rhodes, another community member who addressed the council was also adamantly opposed to the initiative: “I oppose the proposed purchase of signs to discourage helping the homeless in their struggle to survive…to try and starve homeless people in submission…what a heartless proposal.” Councilmember Bredefeld indeed seemed heartless when he said in response to the criticism that “once we have people not giving money to panhandlers on street corners, and that money dries up – they will be forced to seek help. They’ll be forced to seek services…” To Bredefeld, of course, the panhandler problem has a simple solution - just ignore panhandlers when you see them and let his sign do the rest. I stepped up to the podium and shared a Bible verse found in Proverbs 14: “Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker.” I had hoped it would resonate with Councilmember Bredefeld. But, the most provocative message of the meeting came from community member Dez Martinez. For over 3 minutes, she simply read the names of homeless panhandlers who have recently died on the streets: “Lisa Oliveras, aged 50; Frank De Rosa, aged 65; Carlos Rodriguez, aged 64…” With emotion in her voice, she pleaded with the council to help homeless panhandlers instead of criminalizing or ostracizing them. In Fresno, the problem is not the panhandler. Instead, the real problem is contempt for what he or she represents... *See the excitement yourself live online for free next City Council Meeting at https:// and let’s get involved!



TULIP A40998972 decided to step up and take in those puppies and nurse them as if they were her own. 559-233-7722

TAZ A40985391 has playful energy to spare, and he can’t wait it spend it playing with his new family. 559-233-7722

WINNIE A40980507 is a big boy with a big heart! He dreams of cuddling and getting chin scratches all day. Call CCSPCA 559233-7722 ext.116

SHAMROCK (41094188) and Clover (41094185) are full of love and affection. They are both sweet, calm, very lovable. 559-233-7722 ext.116

BALTO A40936637 needs an adventure buddy and he’s ready to follow you anywhere! 233-7722

ODIN A40932565. This sweet little love is just a waiting for you to make him a part of your family! 233-7722

Z A C H A R Y A40920541 is an extremely kind hearted boy who only has love to give. He loves to be outside running and playing. 559-233-7722

HAZEL A40973322 I’m a medium-sized black potbelly pig. I’m not a big people person…but I’ve been neighbors with my pal Pascal. 559-233-7722

GYPSY A40935044 came to us as a stray. She is a sweet girl that likes attention also loves to play in the water. 559-233-7722

CUTIE A40952090 loves to curl up with his favorite people and purr all day long. Call CCSPCA 559-2337722 ext.116


MAY 2019 |




clothMEET SINGLES in VINTAGE your area. Real Hook- ing & accessories at ups Real Fast. Try it BeBe O’s in Tower. FREE! Ahora en Es- We also carry vintage panol 18+ (559)761- items & furnishings. Come check out the 0162 inventory! 1130 N. GOOD LOOKIN, Wishon Ave. Fresno. Retall, slim, white male, (559)445-1928 70. Looking to meet ceive $5 off your $25 slim, white female, purchase. 60-70 who likes to go western swing danc- ARE YOU SELLING ing, flea markets, es- something? List it here tate sales, fishing, and for only $20/ issue. camping. Call 559- Call 559-472-7182 779-1021 please leave a message if no answer.

PRINTS in old frames. 1890-1910 Rocking I believe the prints Horse (glider) in very are from the 1960’s. good condition. No Both were found in repairs or restoration the estate of a local performed. Original bar/restaurant owner. paint, mane, tail and These hung in his bar glass eyes. The base in the 60s and 70s. The is sturdy with minor prints are titled Happy cracks as pictured. The Haunting and Claim leather is 90% in tact Jumper - as hand and in good condition. written on the back of This is not a reproducthe frames. The artist tion. This is a vintage signature is “Dusso”. two-piece horse and These show really base. The construction well and the artwork and parts are correct still has great color. for the era. This horse Frames are study but shows very well and is paper on the back re- a beautiful decorator quires repair. These are piece. As found in the as found. $45 for the estate of a local Cowset. Offers accepted. boy Collector. Offers (559) 288-7180 accepted. (559) 288 7180 1940-1950 chalkware cigar store, counter-top Indian head. Very good FURNITURE condition with scattered, minor chipping. KITCHEN DINING No maker’s mark, but TABLE $250 (559) ANTIQUES & marked “151” on bot- 801-8212 COLLECTIBLES tom (handwritten). Felt GALLO FLAVOR feet on the bottom are FOLDING table set bottles (2) $59 (559) in good condition. This $10 681-3986 piece shows extremely 970-0098 well and is a great dec- ANTIQUE outdoor ADLER SEWING orator piece. 16” tall. bench. In great condition with no chips or machine $100 (Kings- (559) 288-7180 dents. Any questions burg) (559) 859-0810 call or text me at 559779-0530 SUPPORT LOCAL MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago todayr (888) 563-3003 GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no answer.

COUNTER Height ROPER ELECTRIC Table and 4 Chairs DRYER can deliver $125 (559) 824-1434 call or text 451-5730 SECTIONAL couch TV’S!! 24” LED TV’s $250 (559) 856-3593 starting at $69!! 32” LED TV’s starting at $85!! 40” LED TV’s starting at $139!! 50” CLOTHING & LED TV’s starting at ACCESSORIES $175!! The TV Shop VINTAGE cloth- Clovis 50 W. Bullard ing & accessories at #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat BeBe O’s in Tower. 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559We also carry vintage 299-6100 items & furnishings. Come check out the GAS RANGE by inventory! 1130 N. Frigidaire $225 (559) Wishon Ave. Fresno. 250-3033 (559)445-1928 WINDOW AIR Con ditioner by Frigidaire $325 (559) 250-3033 APPLIANCES MINI FRIDGE sale FARM & $70 The TV Shop GARDEN Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559- POT BELLY pigs $50 (559) 567-7827 299-6100 WHIRLPOOL Washer .In excellent condition. Works really great.$225 With Warranty. Delivery if needed. canyon capacity, heavy duty,energy star. nice and clean. 5596668065 SUPPORT LOCAL

Real Singles, Real Fun... 30 MINUTES FREE TRIAL

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USED WOODEN rabbit cage. My kids have no interest in using it. Comes with water bottle. $50 cash. Text me at 5593453210 anytime. (559) 345-3210 HUSQVARNA 21” Rear Bag Mower $12 (559) 994-0153

TRIMMER mower $180 (559) 259-8664 MITSUBISHI Forklift Pneumatic Tires $12900 (Sanger) 559274-6241 CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop /cages is $30 ..great for small birds/ Quils /chickens/chicks .l arge ones are $50 to $60 .size 5x4x5 will need a pick up truck or I can drop them off for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 559-6437156


CRAFTSMAN rolling tool box $100 (559) 930-8992 LIETZ BT20 Transit and Level w/Heavy duty wood tripod $375 (Coarsegold) Comes with 200’ tape chain. All items in great condition. Located in YLP between Oakhurst and Fresno. 559 676 5677.

CAR JACK $40 (559) 930-8992 ONE BATTERY operating framing nailer, one battery operating Brad nailer, $60.00 each or both for $100.00 If interesting please call Tim at 208929-0274 PAIR of 18V Cordless Black & Decker 5-Speed Drills and a GrassHog 22” Bush Trimmer / Sculpter. All 3 Cordless Power Tools run off the 2 18 Volt batteries and are interchangeable. 2 original slide on chargers included. You are more than welcome to try before you buy. I’m asking $60 for everything picked up $65 delivered in the Fresno Clovis area. If I was to separate I would sell the Grass Hog Bush trimmer with one battery and one charger for $40 and both drills with one battery and charger for $30. If you are interested please message me at 559461-3508

CENTRAL Pneumatic Air Compressor 21 gal. 2-1/2 HP 125 PSI Cast Iron Vertical Air Compressor. Accessories: 25 foot hose, tire valve with pressure stick for reading tire pressure. New Compressor oil Condition: Good working order - all parts are working and pressure is built up quickly. Quiet for garage use. A bit faded from being in the sun. Text: 559-285-5502

LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559-6965149 or 559-275-7630


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apart ments & foreclosures. YARD WORK We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 ask for JW CLEAN-UP SER- James VICES. Estate Sale Bikes Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, D I A M O N D B A C K rubbish, trees & demo, bike $155 (559) 577rentals, lots, apart- 6905 ments & foreclosures. CRUISER We do it all Just Call! 26” (559)307-4304 ask for bike $70 (530) 616James 8887


SAND RAIL VW 1600CC $3000 (559) 977-2603 YAMAHA GRIZZLY 700 $6000 Electric power steering (EPS) 186 hours Electric locking differentials Kolpin double gun rack and rear seat/ storage. Heated Grips Fender Flares (559) 940-2344 TRX 250R - $2500 (Madera) Needs new clutch arm spring Clutch won’t grab (559) 645-8189

CLUB CAR 36v golf cart for sale. Brand new batteries. 3 -12v (deep cycle) batteries instead of the usual 6-6v batteries. New Battery meter. Drives and works perfectTREK $100 (559) ly fine. Radio works. 835-2358 Front windshield included. Just not mountM O T O R I Z E D ed in pictures. Comes MOUNTAIN BIKE with charger. $1300 . $350 (559) 214-6814 text 559-708-1616

WALKER’S TREE Service for all your tree care needs. Palm trees, tree stumps, removal, trimming and more. Serving Fresno and Madera , County. Call for free estimate ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here (559) 421-8555 Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL


06 RHINO special 2007 ZX10R limitedition, 4X4, 660, runs ed edition ninja low good, No sand use just mileage tasteful upused on farm, digital grades. Well taken dash display $5495.00 care of 2nd owner only NO TEXT, CALLS used for commuting ONLY 559-974-6610 and pleasure never raced. Upgrades in 1985 HONDA odys- clude Levers & grips sey’s $6500 (Fowler) Oil plug K&n Spools Double bubble screen (559) 721-9472 Steering damper New er chain/sprockets $5,300 OBO SERIMOTORCYCLES OUS OFFERS ONLY YAMAHA Vino 2008 NO TRADES. Text $1300 (559) 281-6036 559-473-9302 DRZ400 $3400 (559) 1 BOATS 203-5601 2007 ZX-10R $5300 HUNTER 170 Sailboat $4995 (559) 299(559) 473-9302 3422 05 HARLEY David- son Ultra $9200 (559) SEADOO /waverunners $11000 (Dinuba) 970-0098 (559) 908-1154 2005 HARLEY electra glide $7500 ARE YOU SELLING (oakhurst) (559) 801- something? List it here for only $20/ issue. 882 Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL

1976 HUSTLER Jet 2006 WEEKEND Boat $9500 (831) 578- Warrior FK 1900 (559) 7945 269-9447 MARLIN Baylin- 1975 TRAILER in er Ski Boat $8500 good shape. It has a (Selma) (559) 708- clean title and is reg6996 istered till October. I have not tested the oven. the refrigerator RVS works good as does the TRAVEL Trailer 2008 plumbing and the elec26ft long $11800 (559) tricity. All the cushions are in good condition. 412-0629 the curtains are new. 2000 CABANA in the water heater heats good condition stove good. Please call ray at refrigerator air con- 559 513 0723 ditioner heater everything works sleeps up to six table folds CARS down into a bed fully self-contained plen- 1992 CORVETTE ty of storage space $10,000 (559) 34114ft closed 21ft open 3015 four-cylinder towable it’s about 75 pounds 2010 TOYOTA Coroltongue weight 1500 la LE $6995 (559) 321pounds total Current 7820 registration asking $5200 for more info 71 MUSTANG Mach call 5595583267 1 $10995 (559) 9172626

ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182




MAY 2019 |


CLASSIFIEDS 2015 TOYOTA Corol- 1987 GMC SUNla S, One Owner, Call DANCER SIERRA TRUCKS Aaron @ 559-704CLASSIC $5900 (559) 7876 1989 JEEP Wrangler 681-5134 lifted, gears, lock- CLEAN 2008 Sat- ers,winch,fuel injec- 1988 JEEP Wrangler urn Gas Saver (smog) tion! $7000 (Visalia) For Sale $7500 (559) $4600 (559) 917-5209 (559) 300-7700 496-9364 1998 Mustang Ford 1996 SILVERADO GT $3500 (madera) z71 4wd $6300 (Ker(559) 706-7621 man) (559) 728-6262 1988 JEEP Wrangler For Sale $7500 (559) 496-9364

18 | MAY 2019


$895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa CHATEAU MONTE- Apartments is a quiet REY I 2881 Willow and clean Clovis comAve. Clovis (559) munity in a park like 294-7144 MONTHLY setting. Please contact RENT $650.00 Studio us at (559) 291-4305 1 bathroom $350.00 $925 / 2BR - 796ft2 security deposit application fee $25.00 Hunter Place Apartment Homes. Now per adult accepting section 8! A P A R T M E N T S (888) 673-8962 Los Arbolitos Apartments offers 1, 2, and $1099 / 2br - 925ft2 3 bedroom apartment $500 Off 2nd Months homes. $200 off first Rent 2 Bedroom Floormonth. Call for more plans (559) 297-2297 info (559)255-8370 or The Best of the Best stop by 555 S. Argyle in Clovis! We offer Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 timeless living and relaxing surroundings. APARTMENT Rent- An apartment commuals helps with all your nity graced with year housing needs. Please - round blooming flowcontact Destinee or ers, gorgeous mature visit or website to help cedar trees and beaufind the right apart- tiful brick exterior. ment home for you. Scottsmen Too ApartCall 559-255-8370 ment homes are within or visit our website walking distance to the www.ApartmentRen- post office, shopping center, restaurants and bus line.



ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here ROOM FOR RENT for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 ROOM FOR rent in quiet Clovis neighbor2 BEDROOMS / 1.0 hood. Month to month Bath 925 sq. ft. $1195 rent with 30-day notiCrystal Tree Apart- fication. The rent inments located in Fres- cludes the following: no, California. We of- Full house and kitchfer seven distinct floor en privileges (spelling plans, featuring one correct please), use of and two bedrooms. Re- washer and dryer cable lax around our Olym- TV, WIFI, and all utilipic size pool or take ties are included in the advantage of one of rental price. $475.00 our many sports facil- per month Provide ities; tennis, racquet- proof of income text or ball, basketball and call (714)335-5341 volleyball courts, pool, spa, and saunas are FRESNO/ASHLAN all available for your 2 Rooms Available enjoyment. As if that - Large room like a wasn’t enough, we also studio. Single or Couoffer picnic areas and a ple, no kids. $600/mo game room for your $500/deposit Second entertainment. We are Room - $400/mo $500 a pet-friendly commu- Deposit Habla Espanol nity and welcome your Call (559) 400-1500 furry friends. 431-2110 RENTING your ARE YOU SELLING room? List it here for something? List it here only $20 per issue. for only $20/ issue. Call (559) 472-7182 Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL



ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209

HOUSES FOR RENT 1575 / 3BR - 1961ft2 - Charming two story near Van Ness / Olive contact our office at (559)492-4000 NEW TINY cottage home in down town clovis 850 per month Seniors only very efficient close to Sr center in Clovis 559 6471707 HOUSE 3-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom house for rent. Good credit a must and no eviction history. Call Freddie for more information at 559-593-2057

$1625 / 3BR - Amazing 3 bedroom 2.5 bath with Office attached garage Close to 168 Freeway and island Dewolf in Harlan Ranch gated community Tenant pays trash swear water and Gardner. Tenant pays electrical and gas 1580 Dara Ave Clovis. Please apply at Regency Property Management 331 W. Shields ave Fresno. For more information and set up your showing please contact us at 559-2213170 HOUSE 3-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom house for rent. Good credit a must and no eviction history. Call Freddie for more information at 559-593-2057

$1850 / 3BR - 1800ft2 - 3 bedroom house near Buchanan High School for Rent with pool located in nice neighborhood. House has all aggregate floors, whole house fan, central air/heat, fireplace and three car garage. (559) 479-2638 3 BEDROOM / 2 bath home with tropical pool in the backyard. Very nice house and with great Clovis unified school districts schools. Right off of Granville and Perrin. Will be available May 10th! $1550 Call Marie at 559-269-0250

HOUSES FOR SALE 157900 / 3BR - 1202ft 3633 E. Verrue Ave Fresno (559) 455-3701 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

$245000 / 3BR 1637ft Dewayne Clark, REALTOR 1816 Howard Rd Ste 4 Independent Realty Group CA B.R.E Lic. # 01820458 Cell:(559) 517-5615 $264500 / 3br 1455ft2 - 3/3 Home For Sale with RV Parking & Pool This Beautiful home boasts with upgrades, leaving no part of the home untouched. From the long driveway, to the handcrafted beautiful front door, to your spacious backyard with potential RV or boat parking. There’s so many unique touches, you really Must See to appreciate! Fully updated kitchen with ALL appliances. Beautiful hardwood flooring & plush carpet in your living room. Cheryl Gonzalez 559-400-3462 CalBRE: 02014052 Elizabeth Navarette 559-647-4456 CalBRE: 01921185

4BR - 2835FT 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Beauty in the heart of the Friant foothills, five minutes from Millerton Lake. As you enter the home, you’ll notice the beautiful laminate flooring throughout as well as brand new carpet. Gourmet kitchen with energy efficient stainless-steel appliances, huge island, sweeping granite counter tops, pendent lights, custom pantry, and upgraded lighting in the dining nook. On the main floor you’ll find a private bedroom and bath, along with a 3-car garage. Upstairs is a sizable loft overlooking the downstairs living room for family entertainment along with four additional nicesized bedrooms. Outside is completely private with no backyard neighbors and fully fenced right against the bluf (559) 517-5615 SUPPORT LOCAL




MAY 2019 |


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