Fresno Flyer Vol 3 No 3

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VOL 3 NO 3 | OCTOBER 2018


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Arte Americas page 10

Halloween fun

EDITOR’S NOTE It’s difficult to focus on anything besides the Kavanaugh hearing and Dr. Ford’s testimony. A huge debate has ripped the country apart, and we’re all screaming over one another to be heard. But not enough of us are taking a step back and looking at the impact this is having on not just the girls and women around us, but boys as well. Wherever you stand on this issue, you cannot ignore the level of severity in the allegations presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee. If nothing else, those accusations should be investigated so that the truth may be uncovered. The Senate’s decision to attempt to push Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court was an utter disregard for any individual who has suffered similar trauma and decided to come forward. It wasn’t just about Dr. Ford or Brett Kavanaugh, it was about everyone who was ever sexually assaulted and felt terrified to breathe a word to authorities. It is about allowing victims to be heard, ultimately, without ridicule. And part of listening is investigating their accusations. I’ve been seeing a lot of comments like “Innocent until proven guilty” as an antithesis to the popular hashtag #WeBelieveYou. However, those commenters aren’t noticing that they’re arguing the same point… that an investigation is, without a doubt, the next necessary step. Agreeing to do so enforces not


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only our judicial system but that victims also have a voice, and that voice is respected. There is immense responsibility in the position of a Supreme Court Justice, but there is likewise, if not more so, incredible responsibility in choosing who takes that position both of which should not be taken lightly. The measure of one’s accomplishments, sure, must be evaluated, but it is also their character that should be weighed equally. And ANY questions to Kavanaugh’s nature should be seriously considered. A possible sexual assault is not only indicative of this man’s morality but also uncovers a harrowing crime that he must answer for if found guilty. We should, at the very least, not ignore these allegations. This is beyond politics, this is much more than either Republicans or Democrats, consider how you express your opinions because the future of America is watching. Tearing down Dr. Ford and her testimony sends a message to survivors that they don’t matter, that they should remain in the dark with their trauma kept between themselves and a therapist. And in return, it inadvertently tells boys that not only is their perceived integrity worth more than real justice, it tells them that they won’t be held accountable for such abhorrent behavior so long as they’re able to hide it long enough.


arte américas Bienvenidos. By Will Freeney |


elcome to Arte Americas, whose mission is to “make Central California a flourishing place for Latino arts.” The building at 1630 Van Ness was a calm, stately, but welcoming edifice on a quiet Sunday afternoon, as I met with General Director, Frank Delgado, while a couple of the board members bustled about in preparation for a scholarship awards event that evening – honoring female artists receiving a scholarship from Arte Americas. That calm belies the power present inside and out. Flourishing is a fulltime job. Outside there are numerous murals – continuing the muralist legacy of Diego Rivera and the subsequent work of multiple Central California muralists, like Francisco Vargas and his daughter, who painted one of his last designs on the north wall of the Arte Americas building. Maybe you haven’t noticed Arte Americas as you’ve driven past repeatedly on Van Ness at the north end of the Mural District. Its tasteful, low, rectangular sign out front is framed by a profusion of yucca plants. Its west-facing murals at the front of the building are modest mosaics, their visibility from the street blocked by the front walkway’s columns. What you could hardly have escaped noticing is a sizeable two-story mural on the side of the CMAC building across the street – a young man intently reading a book as birds/books/pages trail behind him. That too is a product of an Arte Americas commission. Its dedication ceremony was honored by a poem from Juan Felipe Herrera, former national Poet Laureate, as well as poems from two local high school poets. Arte Americas is about so much more than just murals, though. A flourishing place for Latino arts is a full spectrum

commission for artistic excellence and inclusion. Currently, the month of October brings the Dia de Los Muertos altar exhibits, and each year seems better than the last. This year’s ofrendas honor a wide range of deceased – each of their artist’s choosing – from Corky Gonzales, author of I Am Joaquin to the afore-mentioned Francisco Vargas but also to Maya Angelou, Anthony Bourdain, and Stephen Hawking – and including Judge Armando Rodriguez, who with his wife Betty, was one of the founding forces for Arte Americas. Many of the altars depend on a wall-painted background, but each style is unique, and each respective collection of personal me-

mentos is significant. Come with reverence for art and those honored, and you will walk away rewarded. In the spirit of Dia de Muertos, there will also be an opportunity for members of the community to participate in a Sugar Skull making workshop with Sugar Skull master, the Patinos of Bakersfield, on Saturday, October 27. There will also be a fashion show | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

gala in Plaza Paz on Saturday, October 13 - Catrinas y Couture, showcasing the fashions of Eruvey Tapia and featuring songs by Rubi. The reception will begin at 5:30, with the fashion show and program commencing at 7pm. Also in the Plaza Paz, is Arte Mariachi y Vino on Friday, October 5th. Beginning at 7pm (doors open at 6pm), featuring Mariachi Voces de mi Tierra and Tierra – two distinctive mariachis,

direct from Mexico – with included wine tasting. In the other main room of the Arte Americas building, which often serves as a meeting room, there is another art exhibit, of large-scale representations of Aztec and Mayan art – all done with a wood burner on raw wood. The detail and symmetry are fantastic – right down to the intricate bas-relief geometric patterns of some of the frames. No trip to Arte Americas would be complete without a visit to the gift shops –


offering a constantly changing array of Latino art, artifacts, and abundant information. Arte Americas has been making its unheralded contribution to the Fresno and Central Valley arts community for 31 years now – led by women as general directors until Frank Delgado’s advent. They grow and thrive because of the harmonious commitment of their board of directors and because of the magnanimous participation they elicit from members of the arts community. That said, it takes money. Various members of the board of directors are good at writing grants, but every member of the community has the opportunity to contribute by attending any of the many events. Net proceeds go back into making Arte Americas that “flourishing place for Latino arts.” In addition to ticket purchases, memberships are available for as little as $30/year. Then you can become a true compadre, a part of this phenomenon that is a most essential part of the Fresno arts community and Fresno as a whole. Contact Arte America at (559) 266-2623 or for more information. Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday from 11am to 5pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. Keep up with the latest happenings at Arte at Disfrutalo! Enjoy! | FRESNO FLYER |

OCTOBER 2018 |


Brew Con aims to deliver a unique, family-friendly, live music listening, craft beer enjoying, comic book culture celebrating, experience. By Lisa Talley |


t’s no secret, Marvel and DC have dominated pop culture for over a decade, and they show no signs of slowing down. Nor should they. The world of heroes and adventure are no longer just for introverted teens seeking to escape the drudgery of a normal existence, it’s for everyone, because an entire generation of those teens have grown up without losing a single ounce of love for their favorite characters. Even more, many have become parents, and they’re sharing that fandom with their kids, sparking a new generation of fantastical adoration in the making. Brew Con, the brain-child of Pete Salazar, owner of Diehardz & Son, reflects the merging of these two worlds – parents and their kids enjoying the Marvel and DC universe. The all-day event is engineered with families in mind, even though the setting is at a brewery in downtown Fresno. Full Circle Brewing Co. will be all ages inside, and the grounds outside will also include a kid-zone, cosplayers portraying famous superheroes for kids to meet and greet, an array of vendors suitable for all ages, live music, and Harry Potter inspired butterbeer. Kids also get their own category for the cosplay contest. Hosting a comic con style event at a brewery isn’t something that happens very often, as most ‘cons’ take place inside auditoriums, arenas, or convention halls. However, Salazar was looking for something different, something unique that he could bring to the table for Central Valley residents. “We’ve done a few events [at Full Circle] just as a vendor - it maintained a family-friendly vibe with vendors and food to

“This can bring play for groups of 2-6, and of course, new business and Children’s (ages awareness; downtown 12 and below). vary beFresno needs these types of Prizes tween cash events to keep fresh blood and collectible Visiting pumping into its veins. theitems. event’s Facebook page will give It keeps it alive”

create a ‘support local’ shopping experience. With craft beer and breweries on the rise and the comic con circuits growing in cities nationwide I thought ‘I can do something different here.’ We usually do an event in Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis, but this really gave me a chance to stretch our wings with fewer restrictions – a comic con, but not.” Salazar shared about his inspiration for this new-style event. Brew Con isn’t just cosplay, music, and [butter] beer, the special guest list is promising some heavy hitters to attend. Actress Danielle Kennedy (Narcos, Girl Meets World, American Horror Story), stunt actor Nick Palma (Michelangelo TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze), actor Jaiden Kaine (Vampire Diaries, Luke Cage, Hidden Figures), and actor Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2, Weird Science, Commando) just to name a few. You’ll have to keep your eye on the event’s page on Facebook to stay up-to-date with all the scheduled appearances. The live music performances will be a mixture of local artists that range from acoustic acts to Indie, Pop, Reggae, Alternative, and some R&B including Sacramento band, Stellar: A Tribute to Incubus. As it stands, the list includes Venture Gain, Migue Tropolis, More Thanwithout, Stephen Constantino, RoyAl P. RoyAlty. For all the cosplayers, contests will run throughout the day with categories in Craftmanship, Showmanship, Group Cos-

more information about registering, along with rules and guidelines for competition. Brew Con is a celebration of beloved universes created with adventure, supernatural leaps of faith, and (for most Marvel and DC characters) a need for prevailing justice. However, it isn’t the only thread that ties all attendees together. The sense of community and support for not only Fresno’s downtown revitalization but for local crafters across the Valley is also a driving motivator for Salazar to bring it all together. “This can bring new business and awareness; downtown Fresno needs these types of events to keep fresh blood pumping into its veins. It keeps it alive,” Salazar expressed. Saturday, November 17, Brew Con takes over Full Circle Brewing Co. in downtown Fresno from 11 am to 10 pm. Tickets are $6 in advance and available at PurplePass. com/BrewConFresno or $8 at the door. Kids 12 and under are free. VIP tickets are available for $20 and include earlier entrance (half hour), a limited-edition Brew Con t-shirt.

Cosplay: an art form Jeanna Burdine talks community, tips, Tricks, and the Magic of cosplay FF: Introduce us to Cosplay - what is it and what makes it so exciting? JB: Cosplay is an all-encompassing artistic expression, it combines traditional art and crafting aspects with acting and representation - but that sounds too serious for what it actually is, which is a way to show off your love of a character or genre while having as much fun as possible! Cosplay is a chance to literally “play” as a character you esteem. Cosplay is a great way to show appreciation for other art, by recreation with your own twist! I have seen cosplay costumes vary from Van Gogh paintings come to life, to Bugs Bunny! What I love about cosplay, is that it has the ability to allow a person to be unique, while at the same time connecting everyone together. FF: You gender-bend cosplay a couple of characters, any unique challenges to transforming them? What advice could you give to anyone looking to do the same? JB: Firstly, I would advise anyone who wants to cosplay a character to just go ahead and do so. Do not allow physical differences to stop you from recreating that character in your own way. Many of my favorite heroes (and villains) growing up were male characters. I wanted to embody them, but still represent myself in the process. Keeping true to the key points of a character’s attitude and personality is my main focus. I ask myself; What makes me love this character? What makes this character unique and interesting? And how can I adapt these aspects to fit myself. Do not be discouraged if it becomes difficult, and do not let anyone get you down! This is YOUR cosplay after all, YOUR take on a character YOU love! Everyone loves a character for different reasons, and everyone should have the opportunity to share those reasons through their cosplay.

Continues on pg 6... 4

| OCTOBER 2018




Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

The Halloween Edition

sacred pagan holidays that fell on or around October 31.

1. Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after 6. Black and orange are typically associated with Halloween. OrChristmas. ange is a symbol of strength and 2. The word “witch” comes from endurance and, along with brown the Old English wicce, meaning and gold, stands for the harvest “wise woman.” In fact, wiccan were and autumn. Black is typically a highly respected people at one symbol of death and darkness and time. According to popular belief, acts as a reminder that Halloween witches held one of their two main once was a festival that marked the meetings, or sabbats, on Hallow- boundaries between life and death. een night. 7.Ireland is typically believed to be 3. Trick-or-treating evolved from the birthplace of Halloween. the ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats and food to placate 8. During the pre-Halloween celspirits who roamed the streets at ebration of Samhain, bonfires were Samhain, a sacred festival that lit to ensure the sun would return marked the end of the Celtic cal- after the long, hard winter. Often Druid priests would throw the endar year. bones of cattle into the flames and, 4. “Souling” is a medieval Christian hence, “bone fire” became “bonprecursor to modern-day trick-or- fire.” treating. On Hallowmas (November 1), the poor would go door-to- 9. Mexico celebrates the Days of door offering prayers for the dead the Dead (Días de los Muertos) on in exchange for soul cakes. the Christian holidays All Saints’ Day (November 1) and All Souls’ 5.“Halloween” is short for “Hal- Day (November 2) instead of Hallows’ Eve” or “Hallows’ Evening,” loween. The townspeople dress up which was the evening before like ghouls and parade down the All Hallows’ (sanctified or holy) street. Day or Hallowmas on November 1. In an effort to convert pagans, 10. Halloween is thought to have the Christian church decided that originated around 4000 B.C., Hallowmas or All Saints’ Day which means Halloween has been (November 1) and All Souls’ Day around for over 6,000 years. (November 2) should assimilate | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

11. Teng Chieh or the Lantern Festival is one Halloween festival in China. Lanterns shaped like dragons and other animals are hung around houses and streets to help guide the spirits back to their earthly homes. To honor their deceased loved ones, family members leave food and water by the portraits of their ancestors. 12. Halloween celebrations in Hong Kong are known as Yue Lan or the “Festival of the Hungry Ghosts” during which fires are lit and food and gifts are offered to placate potentially angry ghosts who might be looking for revenge. 13. In many countries, such as France and Australia, Halloween is seen as an unwanted and overly commercial American influence. 14.Comedian John Evans once quipped: “What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o’-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin π.”



OCTOBER 2018 |


...Cont’d from pg 4 FF: Hellboy’s arm has some amazing detail, can you talk about the building process of that? JB: In most of my builds you will find extremely cheap materials, and in fact often I use items I find just lying around my house. The majority of materials for Hellboy’s arm are as follows: an empty 2 liter bottle of soda, plastic straws, 550 cord (I think I stole from my husband’s side of the garage), a gardening glove, EVA foam (otherwise known as a floor mat for the garage), some expanding foam (used to fill gaps in windowsills or walls) and the one thing I ordered online, a strip of LED

lights. I used the 2 liter bottle as my base, and then cut and wrapped the EVA foam around it. Between the EVA foam and the 2 liter bottle I wound the LED lights so they would show between the cracks and glow similar to the scene in the Hellboy movie. I created the rock-like texture with the expanding foam, spackled it everywhere then sanded it down when it was dry. I also created the palm and fingers out of expanding foam, by spraying large globs of it, letting it dry and then cutting it down (using a kitchen knife, which is a bad habit of mine as cutting expanding foam will RUIN kitchen knives, and has started a war-of-tools between my husband and I). To make the hand articulate I used straws in the fingers and ran the cord from the fingertips down through the palm and

American Heretic Photography

connected to a gardening glove inside the 2 liter bottle. With several re-adjustments, and a good paint job, the Hand of Doom was ready to tackle the cosplay world, and was sturdy enough to pick up a full soda can! FF: Hawkgirl’s wings are pretty substantial - what type of materials are in the build of the wings and the costume? JB: For being so substantial, the materials for my wings were actually quite minimalistic. For the “bones” of my wings I used an aluminum conduit – a very cheap pipe that can be bent, with a little force, into the correct shape. For the feathers I used DollarTree Poster Board, cut into shape, coated with plasti-dip, and painted with a mix of high-shine silver spray paint and matte finish acrylic paint. I connected the feathers to the bones with the use of a duct tape lining, punched grommets in the lining and the back of the feathers, and then wired them together. Once each feather was in place I “borrowed” some fishing line, and strung them together. The primary feather was connected to the bones by a wheel and wooden dowels, and when it was lifted up all the linked feathers would spread out in their proper place. The majority of the rest of the build was made of different types of foam: EVA foam for the chest piece and wrist guards, expanding foam for the helmet, and foam sheets for the details on the helmet, legs, and boots. The Nth metal mace was made of PVC pipe (that was supposed to be used for our homes’ sprinkler system) a clear large Christmas ornament for

the center, and Dollar-Tree plastic picture frames cut and pieced together for the spikes. FF: For costuming, there is a huge debate over who can cosplay what. Your thoughts on that? JB: Art is non-bias, and cosplay is one of the most all-inclusive forms of art. It can be created by any person, no matter who they are, their skill set, their background, physical limitations, their age, their size, or their skin color. It my opinion, you can not, and should not put restrictions on creativity, or imagination. Though cosplay is universal, with many people portraying the same characters, it is also extremely personal. To take away the drive to represent that emotional connection with a character, based off of superficial reasons, is a tragedy, and even more so when it being done by one cosplayer against another. Cosplay is for EVERYONE. FF: Any upcoming events that you’re excited about? JB: Of course I’m looking forward to BrewCon! (And not just because I’m heading up the cosplay contest) I can’t wait to see local artists, visit with my cosplaying friends, and see all the local talent show up to show off their cosplay! I hope to see everyone there. Now, I just have to get my own costume ready! - Read the full, uncut Q&A on

All Hallow’s Eve H

A time for tricks, treats, and for many, to honor the dearly departed

alloween has a way of drawing a line in the sand for some people - there are those who love it as a whimsical celebration of ghosts and goblins and there are those who feel it dances too close to a spiritual underbelly of a diabolical nature. However, it takes only a quick study of history to find that Halloween is much more than meets the eye and is, in fact, an evolution of All Saints Day. Traditionally held on November 1, All Saints Day is a Christian festival that honors all of the saints both known and unknown, took a page from Celtic Pagan traditions with its timing. The November 1 date wasn’t an accident, as it was part of a decision by the church to help convert the local Pagans to Christianity due to their holiday, Samhain (SAH-win) falling on October 31. Samhain roughly translates to ‘Summer’s End,’ a time to commemorate the end of the harvest season and the coming of winter. Traditionally, the festival would take place during a full Celtic day which was marked from sunset to sunset, meaning that


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Samhain would start on October 31st, and end on November 1st. During this time, the earth was perceived as ‘dying’ as nature withered into a dormant sleep, and as the days grew shorter and the nights grew longer. The connection of death to nature also likened death to waking life and so, Samhain was also known as the Festival of the Dead. It was believed then, and is still believed by some now, that during this time the veil between the living and dead became very thin. Families would spend the time honoring their dead with candles, offerings of incense or food. It is, for most, a very personal holiday and a memorial of sorts. It’s a way to reconnect with those beloved who have passed, not unlike Mexico’s Dia de los Muertos - The Day of the Dead where family members gather to pray for and remember friends and family who have died. Over time, the traditions have changed to incorporate different beliefs. Some believe that the dead will wander during this time, and even though we have a chance to commune with our ancestors and lost loved ones, there are those who

have no family and no where to go. Food would be set out, candles or lanterns lit to help those lonely souls find solace along their way. Others believe that not all the dead had good intentions, that those lost spirits are unfriendly and potentially harmful. People would disguise themselves with costumes to confuse the dead and drive them away. If you feel deeply connected to this time of year, you may just be hearing the echo of an ancient time when the idea of death wasn’t so terrifying, but in fact, was seen as a necessary part of the circle of life.



Halloween can trace its roots all the way back to Samhain with a common ground that leaps over boundaries reaching other cultures. And although the traditions have changed on how we treat this time of year, the old ways are very much evident in the celebrations of today. If you’re still on the fence about this seemingly dark holiday, perhaps you can tap into its true nature and treat it as a time to gather your loved ones and remember those that have been lost. To share stories of them and honor them, together.


Down Home Apple Pie Popcorn


hen it’s time for a sweet treat, look for seasonal goodies that complement fun fall activities. For example, reach for an option like whole-grain, fluffy and crisp popcorn which can be an easy, DIY snack. Combine sweet and salty flavors to create something delicious to devour like Coconut Popcorn Crunch Pie or delightful Down Home Apple Pie Popcorn. To better serve a crowd, try these Perfect Picnic Popcorn Squares at your next family gathering or fall cookout with friends. For more creative, DIY popcorn recipe ideas, visit

Yield: 10 cups 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 8 cups popped popcorn 1 cup dried apple chips, broken into large pieces 1/4 cup toffee bits Heat oven to 300 F. Whisk melted butter with vanilla. Toss brown sugar with cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Toss popcorn with butter mixture. Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar mixture. Stir. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle apple chips and toffee bits over top. Bake 15 minutes, or until toffee bits start to melt. Cool before serving. Tip: Add chopped pecans for extra crunch.

Perfect Picnic Popcorn Squares Yield: 12 squares 1 cup light corn syrup 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 cup reduced-fat peanut butter 3/4 cup raisins 8 cups air-popped popcorn nonstick cooking spray In large saucepan, combine corn syrup, sugar, brown sugar and peanut butter. Bring to boil over low heat, stirring constantly; boil 2-3 minutes. Remove saucepan from heat. In large bowl, combine raisins and popcorn; pour hot mixture over popcorn and toss carefully with wooden spoons until well-coated. Spray 9-by-13-inch baking dish with cooking spray; press popcorn mixture into pan and cool completely. Cut into squares and serve.

Coconut-Popcorn Crunch Pie Yield: 12 servings 2 quarts popped popcorn, unsalted 1 can (4 ounces) flaked coconut, toasted 1 cup sugar 1 cup light corn syrup 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1/4 cup water 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 quart vanilla, spumoni or butter pecan ice cream fresh fruit, for topping (optional) chocolate sauce, for topping (optional) In large, buttered bowl, mix popcorn and coconut. In


saucepan, combine sugar, syrup, butter, water and salt. Bring to boil over low heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Continue cooking until syrup reaches hard crack stage (290-295 F). Stir in vanilla. Pour syrup in fine stream over popcorn mixture; stir until particles are evenly coated with syrup. On buttered, 12-inch pizza pan, spread half of popcorn mixture in thin layer, covering bottom of pan. Mark off into wedge-shaped servings; set aside. Repeat using remaining popcorn mixture; cool. Cover one layer with ice cream; top with second popcorn layer. Store in freezer. To serve, cut in wedges. Serve with fruit or chocolate sauce, if desired.



OCTOBER 2018 |


CALENDAR October 1 - 10

Sawdust Sunday at Ideaworks Sunday, October 7, 2018 at 1:30 PM – 4 PM Ideaworks 1742 H St (temporary), Fresno It’s wood-shop day at Ideaworks. If you have an interest in woodworking, wood-turning on a Wooly Wednesdays by Ideaworks lathe, carving, or any other means of Wednesday, October 3 at 5:30 PM – sawdust production, join us. This is a 8:30 PM Clovis Veterans Memorial good way to get some pointers on an District 808 4th St, Clovis. Attention existing project or gather information fiber arts people! Whether you spin, on how to get started in the exploknit, crochet, weave, or just like the ration of the infinite possibilities of way yarn feels in your fingers, come carpentry. This event is open to the on out and join us! We’re your peopublic and requires no fees. Some ple. This is a free event that is open experience is necessary for equipto the public. ment use. No experience is neces sary to explore the possibilities. The Business of Regret: Armenian Perspectives on War Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 5 PM – 8 PM M Street Arts Complex 1419 M St, Fresno Artists Henrik Abedian and Varaz The Book of Mormon (Touring) Samuelian’s art will be displayed in Wednesday, October 3 at 7:30 PM an exhibit, “The Business of Regret: Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. War, Chaos, and the Rejection of Vio- lence,” as part of Art Hop. Measure for Measure Friday, Oc tober 5 at 8 PM – 10 PM California Fresno Artworks Fine Art-Fine Arts Academy - Severance Theater Craft Show Saturday, October 6 at 10 1401 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. ShakeAM – 3 PM Peoples Church 7172 N speare’s problem play tells the stoCedar Ave, Fresno. Artworks Fine Art ry of men in power who abuse that and Fine Craft is free and open to the power and admonish women who public. speak out. This is about the morality of society and who is able to judge what is and is not allowed in society. Trigger warning: sexual harassment She Kills Monster A comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games, She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans as she leaves her childhood home in Ohio following the death of her teenage sister, Tilly. When Agnes finds Tilly’s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, however, she stumbles into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was Tilly’s refuge. OCT 5 7:30 PM, OCT 6 7:30 PM, OCT 7 2:00 PM OCT 11 7:30 PM, OCT 12 2:00 PM & 7:30 PM, OCT 13 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM & 7:30 PM. Fresno City College Theatre 1101 E University Ave, Fresno. tickets.vendini. com Boy George Friday, October 5 at 7 PM – 10:59 PM Tickets



Kids Sun-Maid Kids’ Day Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 11 AM – 11 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. On Sun-Maid Kids’ Day admission to the Fair is FREE for kids 12 and under with a paid adult admission all day long! Remember, kids 5 and under are always free.


| OCTOBER 2018




Fans & Followers Day & $2 Carnival Rides Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 11 AM – 6 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. The Big Fresno Fair $5 Entry Day Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 11 AM – 11 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. www. Aloha In The Park 2018 Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 10 AM Dry Creek Park 945 N Clovis Ave, Clovis. We are so excited to be hosting our 5th annual Aloha In The Park!!! Don’t miss this FREE community event that brings Polynesians & Polys-at-heart! There will be lots of Local Retail & food vendors, PLUS entertainment! Hanford Renaissance of Kings Faire Saturday, October 6 at 10 AM – 5 PM Hanford Parks & Recreation 321 N Douty St, Suite B, Hanford. See historical displays, participate in period activities, shop for hand crafted goods, and see fun and spectacular stage shows. Wear your Renaissance themed costuming and travel back in time at the Hanford Renaissance of Kings Faire! Free Admission! Hocus Pocus - (Free Showing) at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. Saturday, October 6 at 8 PM – 9:55 PM 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Special Interest Day Monday, October 8, 2018 at 9 AM – 1 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Admission is FREE to persons with disabilities from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; one chaperone is admitted for free with each person that requires assistance. After 1 p.m., price for persons with disabilities and their chaperones goes up to just $4 each. Remember, gates open at 9 a.m. on this day only.

West Hills College Lemoore Men’s Soccer vs. Clovis. Friday, October 5, 2018 at 4 PM – 7 PM West Hills College Lemoore 555 College Avenue, Lemoore. Fresno FC vs. CS Switchbacks FC Friday, October 5 at 7 PM – 9 PM Fresno FC 1800 Tulare Street, Fresno.

21 & Over

Wine & Piano Night Oct 4th @ 7PM – 10PM Club One Casino 1033 Van Ness Ave. Valley Oak SPCA’s 9th Annual Wine & Wags Gala and Auction! Friday, October 5, 2018 6:00PM - 10:00PM https://www. Visalia Wyndham Hotel Enjoy a delightful evening of wine tasting, delectable hors d’oeuvres Lee Brice Wednesday, October from local restaurants and partici3 at 7 PM – 8 PM The Big Fresno pate in live and silent auctions including trips, spa packages, wine tasting Fair Tickets parties, wine gift baskets, original Rodney Carrington Live at Tachi artwork, jewelry and more. A cash Palace Thursday, October 4 at 7:30 bar will also be available. PM – 9:30 PM Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Fall Twilight Tour Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 5 PM – 8 PM Project Lemoore. Survival’s Cat Haven 38257 E Kings Seven Lions Journey II Tour Thurs- Canyon Rd, Dunlap. Tickets cathavday, October 4 at 9:30 PM – 1:30 AM Twilight Tours Rainbow BallRoom 1725 Broadway are an adults-only event (16yrs and older) held just two evenings per St, Fresno. 18+ year. You are treated to a fantastic Mindi Abair and The Boneshak- dinner and dessert. Everyone has ers Friday, October 5 at 8 PM – 11 the opportunity to free-walk the trail PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, at your leisure as there is a docent Fresno towertheatrefresno.tix. at every enclosure to answer any com questions. During our special enrichment tour, you can see the cats inter Ludacris Saturday, October 6 at act with their favorite keepers while 7 PM – 8 PM The Big Fresno Fair they receive new toys and treats. 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Calling All Promotors We can Chicago Live Monday, October 8, help get you out there. We’ll design, 2018 at 7 PM – 8 PM The Big Fres- print and distribute. 559-472no Fair 1121 S Chance Ave etix. 7182 com


Senior Events Seniors’ Day Presented by Humana Monday, October 8, 2018 at 9 AM – 1 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Seniors 62 and BETTER are able to enjoy the Fair for free 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., along with a special Seniors’ Lifestyle Expo throughout the grounds! After 1 p.m., cost of Senior Admission goes up to just $4. Remember, gates open at 9 a.m. on this day only.




MORE Big Fresno Fair Craft Brew FestSaturday, October 6 at 2 PM – 5 PM The Big Fresno Fair Tickets www. Come out and enjoy 30+ craft breweries, music, lawn games, food trucks, horse betting stations and MORE! Tickets start at just $35 and go up to $60 at the gate. You don’t want to miss this beer event unlike anything you’ve seen before! 2018 Fall Wine Walk Saturday, October 6 at 5 PM – 8:30 PM Old Town Clovis 456 Clovis Ave, Ste 2, Clovis. Tickets

October 11-17 Art Friday’s Art Show Friday, October 12, 2018 at 5:30 PM – 8 PM 126 N B St, Madera. Our First Friday Art Show is back! October’s theme: Hispanic Heritage Month. There will be food for sale, music, and interactive art displays. Entry is free. Catrinas & Couture Oct 13 at 5:30 PM – Oct 14 at 10 PM Arte Américas 1630 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. $40 FEATURING THE FASHION DESIGN OF: ERUVEY TAPIA Whose designs can be seen from the runways of NYC’s Fashion Week to red carpet events in Mexico, L.A., and New York City! Metal Mondays at Ideaworks Monday, October 15, 2018 at 6 PM – 9 PM Ideaworks 1742 H St, Fresno. From welding to machining, if your


El Patio "Muy Bueno Mexican Food" BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER: Served All Day, Every Day!

Serving Beer, Wine, Margaritas & Micheladas




552 E. Olive Ave • Fresno, Ca. 93728 • 559-721-7757 focus is on metal, then Metal Mondays are for you. It’s open to the public and there are no fees for this event. All ages are welcome, but anyone under the age of 18, needs to be accompanied by an adult.

you won’t want to miss this film. Phoua Chang: Seev Lis Yeeg Mai Kou Vue: Hlub Ib Nxeej Ntu Ntxawg Moua: The Soul Hunter Dan Yaj: Ntsuj After the astounding support from the community last fall, Spirits Dawn was able to hit its Kickstarter goal making this project possible. This purchase includes a general Enparejados Saturday, October 13, admission ticket to the showing. 2018 at 9 PM – 11 PM Warnors The- There is no reserved seating, all atre 1400 Fulton Street, Fresno. seats are first come first serve. Spirits Dawn Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 6 PM – 9 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Join us for the highly anticipated first Hmong 23rd Annual Kids Fest - A Day at Anthology Film, Spirits Dawn. Fea- the Farm Saturday, October 13, turing 4 films directed by 4 directors 2018 at 12 PM – 4 PM Holmes Playground 212 S. First Street, Fresno. Activities will include pony rides, carnival games, laser tag, e-sports, bike rodeo, bounce houses, music, train rides, live entertainment, science mobile, mascots, information booths, flu shots, blood drive, face painting, and much more! Don’t forget to wear your Halloween costume! Concession Stands on Site Questions? Call 621-PLAY (7529) Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.



Family Save Mart & FoodMaxx “Feed the Need” Food Drive Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 11 AM – 8 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. All you need to do is bring 5 or more canned food or other non-perishable food items per person to the Fair on this day and you will receive FREE admission. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

2x1 LUNCH Purchase One Lunch Plate and receive one plate of equal or lesser value for free. Valid Mon.- Fri. 11 AM - 2 PM. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Bring this coupon.

2018 Draggin’ the Main: Fulton Street Cruise Nights Saturday, October 13 at 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM Fulton District 845 Fulton Mall. 26th Annual Oakhurst Fall Festival Friday, October 12th & Saturday, October 13th 2018! The Oakhurst Fall Festival provides something for everyone with thrilling midway rides for all ages, character meet n’ greets, Jedi Academy, face painting & Oakhurst Rocks, a Where’s Woody Scavenger Hunt, local music scheduled throughout the event, local vendors, food trucks, wine & beer tasting and much more!!! Oakhurst Area Chamber of Commerce 40061 Highway 49 suite 102, Oakhurst Fall Fest Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 10 AM – 1 PM Fig Garden Village 790 W Shaw Ave, Fresno. Celebrate the season of Autumn at Fall Fest! Join us for a fun filled day of activities for the family. Activities Include: Live Music, Halloween Crafts, Fall Photo booth and much more. Intermountain Harvest Arts Festival OCT 13 10:00 AM & OCT 14 10:00 AM Sierra High School Tollhouse. Festival featuring local arts & fine crafts, artisan foods, live music, area non-profit organizations, kid’s booth, history museum, demonstrations, farm and plant booths. Bucket raffle supporting the festival. Underwritten by Friends of the Auberry Library. IAC Harvest Festival Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 3 PM – 9 PM International Agri-Center 4500 S Laspina St, Tulare. Bring the whole


family and enjoy a day full of fun, food, music, games and shopping at the International Agri-Center! Live Music, Carnival Games, Hay Rides Food Trucks, Beer & Sweet Treats Boutique & Vendor Shopping, Pumpkin Patch, Haunted House, provided by Mission Oak High School and SO MUCH MORE! Admission is $5, or bring 3 cans of food to benefit Tulare Emergency Aid. Also, kids 6 & under, kids in costume, and kids in their youth sports league jersey all get in for FREE! Quinceanera Expo 2018 Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 1 PM – 4 PM Visalia Convention Center 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. visaliatix.showare. com Featuring: Quinceañera Fashion Show, Hair & Make-up Demos, Live Performances, Giveaways, and the top Quinceañera vendors in the Central Valley.

Senior Events Mellowtones: Live Music OCT 12 6:30 PM Frank Bergon Senior Center 238 S D St, Madera. Come out and enjoy the live sounds of the Mellowtones! This is a group of guys and gals from our own San Joaquin Valley. They play the classics in Jazz, Swing, Latin, Blues, Western and Rock!

Sports Fresno Monsters vs. Avalanche Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 7:30 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, Fresno.


OCTOBER 2018 |


Pumpkin Patches

Family fun

Pumkpin King Pumpkin Patch Monday- Friday 10 AM to 9 PM & Weekends 9 AM to 9 PM 100 W Shaw Ave – Fresno

Fright Night at Bebe O’s Boutique Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 5 PM – 9 PM Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique 1130 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Come stroll through the door of Bebe O’s Boutique where you can see the art pieces from local artists. If you like creepy, scary, horrors as we prepare for the Halloween month, then this is the place you don’t want to miss. Come meet the artists and make a purchase or commission a piece. Taco Nation will also be on board as they will be selling their delicious tacos.

Family Hillcrest Pumpkin Patch Every weekend in October 6943 S. Reed – Reedley Steam Trains, Hay Ride, Nature Trail with suspension bridge, Play Houses, Snow Cones Pumpkin Patch, Hayride and Corn Maze 26773 S Mooney Blvd – Visalia Vista Ranch Pumpkin Patch 1st-31st open daily 9am-6pm Carving pumpkins, Heirloom pumkins, Winter squash, Corn trail & outdoor games $5 2yr+ 7326 E Highway 140 – Merced. Simonian Farms Pumpkin Patch Hay Maze, Spooky Caboose, Hay Ride, Shooting Gallery 2629 S. Clovis Ave – Fresno. Hunter Farms Pumpkin Patch October (half day on 31st) Mon–Fri Open at 11am to Dusk* Sat–Sun Open at 10am to Dusk Barnyard Bounce, Corn Maze, Hay Ride, Time Travel Tractor, Billykens Blasters, Mining, Hay Pyramid, Critter Corral, Barnyard Squares, Hay Maze, Sandbox. 2985 N. Southern Pacific Avenue – Atwater The Grove of Old Town Clovis Live Music, Rides, Carnival Games, Food 841 Clovis Ave – Clovis. Planet Pumpkin Rides, pumpkins, food trucks follow @Planetpumpkin on facebook for more information 740 E. Nees – Fresno

Furry Fall Festival Sunday, October 7, 2018 at 1 PM – 5 PM Valley Animal Center 3934 N Hayston Ave. The Central Valley’s largest no-kill shelter for dogs and cats is excited to bring you the 3rd Annual Furry Fall Festival! Join the Valley Animal Center at our shelter for a fun day of festivities for the whole family, including Fido! The event will include a variety of interactive booths with games and activities for families and their pets to enjoy including a petting zoo, and face painting for kids. Other features include a Pet Costume Contest, Human Pie-Eating Contest, Fall Photo Session Corner, Vendor Fair, Raffle, and a Food Court for both humans! Exeter Fall Festival October 13th Exeter City Park 7 am – 4 pm Family Fun, Games, Food, Arts/Crafts, Face Painting, Pet Adoptions, Scarecrow Contest, Live Local Entertainment 7am 10K Run & 2 Mile Walk 7am Pancake Breakfast 8 am – Horseshoe Tournament 10 am Fall Festival Parade 11 am Car & Bike Show – Downtown Exeter

10 | OCTOBER 2018


Hobb’s Grove September 28-30; October 4-7, 11-14, 18-21, 24-28, 31 ultimate haunted Halloween experience. Attractions include the haunted forest, haunted house, and haunted hayride all with different elements of horror. Ticket prices vary by date. 14265 E Goodfellow Ave, Sanger. http://www.hobbsgrove. com/buy-tickets/#/select Halloween Movie Night & Spooky Pooch Parade October 13th 5 pm – 8 pm Miss Winkles Pet Adoption Center – Clovis. Kids costume contest, the 3rd Annual Spooky Pooch Parade, Hotel Transylvania 2 and free hot dogs! ZOOBOO Fresno Chaffee Zoo October 19, 20, 26, & 27 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm The entire Zoo will be decorated in fall decor for this event of trick-or-treating, carnival games, live entertainment, and animal attractions. Kids are encouraged to dress up in non-scary costumes. Tickets: (For Members) Adults – $16; Children – $14 (ages 2-11); (Non-Members) Adults – $18; Children – $16 (ages 2-11); (Non-Member Day of Event) (if available) Adults – $20 adults; Children – $18 Children 1 and under get in for free 894 West Belmont Avenue, Fresno. Tickets at event/zooboo/2018-10-19/ Inaugural Fall Carnival Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 4 PM – 7 PM Hanford Post Acute 1007 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford. Please join us for our first fall carnival! Including a live band, petting zoo, carnival games, crafts, prizes, pumpkin carving contest, and food booths! Bring in the fall with Hanford Post Acute! Free to the public!



Billy Bob’s Pumpkin Grove October 20, 21, 27, & 28 from 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Billy Bob’s Pumpkin Grove has all kinds of entertainment for kids including the fun-filled forest, a grand-tractor pulled hayride, the corn maze, pumpkin patch, a straw bale maze, a corn kernel pit, and story time with farmer Billy Bob. Weekday Group Tours are available upon request. Register here to schedule your weekday school or group tour. Tickets: Forest or Hayride tickets – $7 each or $12 combo for both; Ages 2 and younger are free 14265 E Goodfellow Ave. Sanger. Bully BOO! Walk 2018 Sunday, October 21, 8 am – 12 pm Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 Get ready for a spooky, funfilled day with your doggy to benefit a good cause! Help raise awareness for bully-breeds and responsible dog owners everywhere! Wear your dogs out with a 2 mile walk around Woodward Park. Dress your doggie up in their best Halloween costume! After the walk, take your dog around trick-or-treating at the great vendor booths. ALL DOGS ARE WELCOME! The Bully Walk is NOT limited to only “bully-breed” dogs. All proceeds benefit the Fresno Bully Rescue. Halloween Party at the Market Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 5:30 PM – 9 PM Irwin and Seventh Streets, Hanford. This is a costume party for all ages and there will be PRIZES! Best group costume, best adult costume, best kid’s costume and more! The kiddos can enjoy trick or treating throughout downtown Hanford as well as shop for their pumpkin in our Certified Farmers’ Market. Calling Promotors We’ll design, and distribute.

4th Annual Boofest! Friday, October 26 at 6 pm – 9 pm Sierra Vista Mall 1050 Shaw Ave, Clovis, 93612 Join us for our 4th annual Boofest and Mall-Wide Trick or Treating event! Costume Contest at 7 pm at Center Court Inside the Mall. Carnival games, trunk or treat, reptiles, face painting, bounce houses, emergency vehicles, arts and crafts and more! Halloween Brewfest at the Ballpark Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 6 PM – 9 PM Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. Tickets vr1. Fall is in the air, and it’s time to start planning your Halloween costume! Featuring seasonal craft beers & ciders, music, food vendors, and $500 up for grabs during our costume contest! Tickets are $40 each. You can purchase online at: Haunted Maze $1 OCT 27 & 28 7:00PM The 4th Annual Haunted Maze at the Hanford Civic Auditorium is scheduled for two frightfully fun nights. Saturday 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. and Sunday 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. October 27 & 28 - $1 admission wristbands available at the Hanford Parks & Rec. office 559-585-2525 - get your wristbands in advance and avoid the long lines. Wristbands will also be available at the door. Fuller Way, Hanford. Fall Festival Sunday, October 28th 1 pm – 4 pm Civic Auditorium Grounds – Hanford Live band (Macey Blue), train and carousel rides, bounce houses, a mini haunted house, craft and food booths and a childrens’ Costume Contest. Pilots & Treats Castle Air Museum SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29TH – Atwater 5 pm – 7 pm Come enjoy a fun evening

with pilots handing out candy near the aircraft, a costume contest, and slime table. Join us for a spooktacular Halloween event geared toward families and kids. Admission: $10 Adults, $5 Seniors 5050 Santa Fe Drive Atwater. ‘ Monster Mash Dash Saturday, October 27, 2018 The 4th annual Monster Mash Dash is taking place this year at Woodward Park in Fresno. Wear a costume and join in the costume contest. Run a 5k and have the kids participate in the Little Monster Dash (1/4 of a mile). All donations support the Central Valley Make-A-Wish foundation. Woodward Park Shinzen Activity Area, Fresno. Trunk Or Treat & Haunted House Wednesday, October 31st 6 pm – 9 pm Free Entry, Free Pumpkins for kids, Costume contest and best decorated trunk contest, Walk through Haunted House and collect candy. Parlier Senior Center 610 S Newmark Ave, Parlier. Harvest Fest at Adventure Community Church Wednesday, October 31 at 6:00 pm Over 1,000 pounds of candy will be given away. Trunk or treating, face painting, games for children of all ages. 1012 N Palm Ave. Fresno. 1st Annual Car Show & Trunk or Treat Wed, October 31st 4 pm – 8 pm Take your kids from car to car to get their trick or treat on while admiring some of Fresno’s most EPIC cars. Then the kids get to vote on their favorite cars to win a trophy! Inside the park there will be a DJ with a kids costume contest with cool prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Also a full bar for 21+ and our food shack will be pumping out tacos, burgers, and


much more! Best part is you get inside Granite Park free if you are in a costume!! Granite Park Fresno 3950 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno. Trunk or Treat at Faith Community Church of the Nazarene Wed, Oct 31 from 6 – 8 pm Free candy, carnival games, and a photo booth for everyone! Everyone is encouraged to dress up in non-scary costumes. 430 Peach Ave. Clovis. Trunk or Treat at Northpointe Community Church Oct 31 from 6 – 8:30 pm SAFE, FUN Trunk or Treat event. Families can dress up, eat candy and enjoy the season. There will also be dinner with hot dogs, pizza, nachos, and more. Admission is FREE! 4625 W. Palo Alto Ave. Fresno. 3rd Annual Valley Dream Center Trunk-or-Treat October 31, at 6 PM – 8 PM Valley Dream Center 1835 North Winery Ave., Fresno, 93703 ur parking lot will be filled with dozens of cars, vans, trucks, SUV’s, and motorcycles that are festively decorated just for the season. Volunteers will pass out candy and goodies from the trunks of vehicles while families enjoy music, games, activities and crafts.

Over 21 Purple Halloween Prince Tribute Concert with When Doves Cry Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 9:30 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno, 93721 Let’s see your best Apollonia, Vanity, Prince etc. There will be a Costume Contest with Cash Prize also. Tickets available on Boos & Booze: An Adult Halloween Experience Saturday, October 27 at 9 pm George L. Greene # 118 Masonic Lodge 3444 E Shields Ave, Fresno, 93726 Haunted for one night only, experience themed drinks, a live DJ, a costume contest, and of course, tricks and treats. Presale: $15 Door Admission: $20 (CASH ONLY) 2018 LA Visionaria Halloween Bash Saturday, October 27, 2018 from 6:00pm-11:00pm Join the La Visionaria Guild for the annual Halloween Bash, benefiting Valley Children’s Hospital. Plan on being mesmerized by this event as you will be surrounded by one-of-a-kind décor, amazing auction items, a sit-down dinner provided by Love and Garlic and incredible liquid libations! Be sure to wear your best costume because no Halloween party is any fun without a costume contest! Saturday, October 27, 2018 from 6:00pm-11:00pm The Bankers Ballroom – 1060 Fulton Street, Fresno. $75 5th Annual House of Horrors Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 9 PM – 2 AM Club Imperio 3950 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno. The central valley largest and most popular Halloween party for 5 years now. Over $4000 in cash prize costume contest. Visit

Trunk or Treat October 31st at Refinery West McKinley 6:30 pm to 9 pm 3014 W McKinley Ave, Fresno, 93722 Join us for Trunk or Treat! Special Visit from Parker of the Fresno Grizzlies. Safe and Fun for the whole family. Tons of candy and it’s FREE! Village Halloween Oct 31 at 3 PM – 7 PM ImagineU Interactive Children’s Museum 210 N Tipton St, Visalia,a family fun free event, offering a safe a fun place for our imagineers to trick or treat.



OCTOBER 2018 |



earney Park Renaissance Fair breathes the middle ages to life with its historically accurate portrayal of medieval battles, nobles, a sitting monarch, and a variety of entertainment true to the time period. Entering its 21st year, the event boasts an immersive experience that spans two days. On November 10th and 11th, guests will be able to walk the grounds as the park is alight with reenactments of a time long since passed. The event will host two stages of entertainment with music, juggling, comedy, Shakespeare and more. Two ale stands complete with brews,

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mead, and a whiskey tasting will be available for those 21 and over. A food court will be bustling with smells from all over the world: Italy, France, Scottish fare, and of course, England. A marketplace that is full of unique gifts for you or someone special will also be part of the experience. King Henry VIII with his wife Katherine Parr and their Court will be coming through the village. There is a rumor that King Henry VIII and Francois of France may The Armored Combat League sign a treaty, but if they don’t come to an (ACL) will host a fighting tournament with agreement, England and France will go to war bouts occurring throughout the two-day fesonce again. tival – both men and women come from all over the world to fight hand-to-hand combat just as they did during the 1500s. Spain won the title last year, let’s see if they can do it once again. Pumpkin Chunkin, an exhibition featuring a 20ft trebuchet will be launching pumpkins several times throughout the Faire to showcase how this single weapon changed the course of battles in the 12th century. A battle pageant, archery tournament, cannon show from the Royal Navy, will also be on display. You’ll also be able to take home a real brass rubbing.


The Renaissance Faire is fully outfitted with over 800 actors portraying characters who are not only knowledgeable of the time period but are willing to engage with you, fielding questions and educating, while remaining in character. It’s entertainment while giving a full spectrum look into the window of the past. More information about tickets to the event and the event itself is available at See our Facebook page too, Kearney Renaissance Faire. Those interested in attending should note that the County does charge $5 per carload for entrance to the park. See thee anon.



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182

Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Volleyball vs. New Mexico Lobos Volleyball Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 1 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Fresno FC vs. Real Monarchs Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7 PM – 9 PM Fresno FC 1800 Tulare Street, Fresno. tickets.fresnofc. com Tickets: Match day info:

Big Fresno Fair Fall Wine Fest Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 2 PM – 5 PM The Big Fresno Fair www. Tickets are $50 for the All-Inclusive Package or $35 for event only. Designate Driver tickets are available for $25. For more information please visit: https://



Us Against the World Tour with The Mann Family Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 7 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets · $27.50 $42.50 CNCO Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 7 PM – 8 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Tickets James Garner’s Tribute To Johnny Cash At The Hanford Fox Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7 PM – 10 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. Tickets Danny Gokey Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 7 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Myles Parrish Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 7 PM – 11:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All ages! Tix at https://www.ticketweb. com/event/myles-parrish-strummers-tickets/8702095 Rend Collective Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 7 PM – 10 PM Warnors Theatre 1400 Fulton Street, Fresno.

Toasting the Arts 2018 Saturday, October 20 at 5:30 PM – 10 PM Fresno City College - Old Administration Building 1101 E. University Ave., Fresno - Our annual fundraiser auction and dinner ‘Toasting the Arts’ is going to be another wonderful opportunity to share an evening in support of FCC Arts. Tickets are $45 per person, $85 per couple, Table of 8: $325 Purchase your tickets now by calling the Fresno City College Box Office at 559-442-8221 Metal Mondays at Ideaworks Monday, October 22 at 6 PM – 9 PM Ideaworks 1742 H St (temporary), Fresno, 93721 From welding to machining, if your focus is on metal, then Metal Mondays are for you. It’s open to the public and there are no fees for this event. All ages are welcome, but anyone under the age of 18, needs to be accompanied by an adult.

21 & Over Totally 80s Rewind An Evening of 80s Music & Visuals Friday, October 12, 2018 at 9 PM – 1:30 AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. 21+ only FREE! Our salute to all things 80s returns. Featuring DJ Numbskull & Duckie D’albino providing aural & visual delights. Plus an 80s costume & trivia contests, Dance-off, & plenty of giveaways. Break the TABOO Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, FresnoCome see amazing local talent and be entertained! We have 3 local companies, Aerial Angels Pole Fitness, Aerial Arts Fresno, and D&J Dance Company joining forces to bring you TABOO at Tower Theatre Fresno. Tickets are available through the studios or through Tower theater box office.

October 18 - 24

Warnors Theatre, also known as the Pantages. The theatre has been a well-recognized landmark in Fresno since it first opened its doors nine decades ago on October 20, 1928. Be part of Fresno History...come and enjoy the premiere of the documentary film, “WARNORS: A LEGACY,” that showcases the theatre’s rich history. Tickets at Psycho (1960) at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno Saturday, October 20 at 8 pm Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, 93721 Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) film returns to the big screen at the Historic Crest Theatre for a one night only special! What better way to enjoy a classic horror movie than in a classic theatre. It’s not just a movie, it’s an experience! Doors open 7 pm Film starts at 8 pm. Tickets $6

tral Valley’s Top Mobile Chef. Our very own Fresno Foxes will be hosting a 3:3 soccer tournament. This is a free for all ages event. Harvest Fest & Chili Cook Off Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 11 AM – 5 PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant RD Fresno. $10.00 - Includes (5) Taste tickets & peoples choice ballot- Kids 2 under free! Our kids Zone Games are Free with paid entrance fee. Live music by Cruzin Kingz & Beer Garden 21 over ID check to enter ▪Food Vendors ▪Chili Sampling ▪Cash Prizes ▪ Raffle ▪Pop up vendors. Chili sampling starts 1 pm Winners Announced 4 pm Beer Garden opens at noon Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. 559-4727182

Fresno/Clovis Crop Hunger Walk Sunday, October 21 at 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique 1130 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, 93728 First Congregational Church (Big Red Church) and Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique are collaborating to raise monies for Central California Food Bank and Church World Service. We invite our communities to join us in the walk to help end hunger by organizing a group to raise funds. The walk will start at Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique and continue to Palm and back. Donate - Fresno/Clovis CROP Hunger Walk Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. 559-4727182


Valley DevFest 2018: Dia de los DevFes Saturday, October 20 at 9 AM – 4 PM Bitwise Industries 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 We have amazing speakers from all over the tech industry covering topics from Web Development to Machine Learning! We are also excited to announce that one of our tracks will be fully Spanish! Fulton Street Party 2018 Oct 20 at 12 PM Tioga-Sequoia Brewing Company Beer Garden 733 L St, Fresno, 93721 held at TS Beer Garden parts of Inyo Street, Fulton Street and the corner lot on Inyo and Fulton. The main stage will be located on the The Lost Boys (1987) at Historic corner lot featuring a battle of bands Crest Theatre Fresno Friday, October showcase. Additional programming 19 at 8 PM – 9:55 PM 1170 Broad- include a food competition for Cenway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 Returning to the silver screen for a one night only special event. Doors open at 7 and film starts at 8. Tickets are $6, presale tickets are available at The Big Tell Showcase 2018 riday, October 19 at 7 PM – 9:30 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 The Big Tell Showcase celebrates the Central Valley with five-minute mini-documentaries by 10 local filmmakers about the incredible people and places that make this region so amazing. Special appearance by Emmy-nominated documentarian Sascha Rice. This is a FREE, all-ages event. visit www. 90th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 2 PM – 4 PM Warnors Center 1400 Fulton Street, Fresno, 93721 This year marks the 90th Anniversary of the





OCTOBER 2018 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182

Senior Events Stretch & Strengthen at 10:30 am then join us for BUNCO from 1-4 PM on Thursday, October 18. 7638 N. Ingram, Suite, Fresno, 93711 Monthly Luncheon at PF CHANGS 12-2 PM for Palm Village Senior Network on Friday, October 19. 559346-7662 Bridge from 1-3 pm, Monday, October 24 7638 N. Ingram, Suite, Fresno, 93711 | 559-346-7662 Stretch & Strengthen at 10:30 am then Meet me at the Movies, Tues, Oct 23 - time and movie to be determined later 559-346-7662 Train Brain at 10:30 am then CANASTA from 2-4 PM Wednesday, Oct 24 7638 N. Ingram, Suite, Fresno, 93711 |559-346-7662

Sports 2018 Fresno AIDS Walk & 5K Run Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 8 AM – 12 PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WALK AS A TEAM OR INDIVIDUAL? Visit register.asp for our free walker registration. We will be asking a registration fee of $25 per runner, which will include an event t-shirt and race bib for participation. Medals for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place runners.

Music HIRIE Woman Come First Tour plus Tenelle, Lowtops Thursday, October 18 at 7 PM – 11:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 Tickets available at and at Strummer’s during normal business hours.

14 | OCTOBER 2018

Tigran Hamasyan Friday, October 19, 2018 at 8 PM – 10 PM The Concert Hall, East Music Building, 2380 E. Keats Ave., Fresno State Internationally acclaimed jazz pianist and composer Tigran Hamasyan will be in Concert at Fresno State. In conjunction with the Keyboard Concert Series. Tickets required The Fresno Grand Opry Saturday, October 20 at 8 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno, 93721 90.7 KFSR and The Big Fresno Barn Dance Presents: The Fresno Grand Opry at Fulton 55, a benefit show for Fresno State Radio. The Morning Drive at Bitwise South Stadium Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 7 PM Bitwise Industries 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 Local favs The Morning Drive are joining us for a mid-October groovefest. They’re bringing along Conversation to round out an evening of local tunes and good times. Doors open at 7pm and seating starts at 7:30. Conversation leads off the night at 8 and The Morning Drive cruises in at 9:15. Tickets are $10 presale / $12 door. Food and drink will be available starting at 7pm.

21 & Over 9th Annual Zombie Crawl! Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 PM Tower District, Fresno, 93728 Get dressed as a zombie and crawl from bar to bar through Fresno’s Tower District! We will be meeting in the BofA Parking lot at 730pm and the Crawl starts at 8pm. Do come to the parking lot as we have some things to give you for the crawl. Wristbands for the event are $10 and will get you into all bars with no cover as well as drink specials! Wristbands are available at BeBe O’s in Tower and Blue Shell Gaming in Clovis. Cash only.


October 25 - 31

Halloween (1978) 40th Anniversary at Crest Theatre Fresno Saturday, October 27 at 8 pm Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Doors open: 7 pm Film: 8 pm Tickets $6 Venita Blackburn & Joseph Cassara reading Friday, October 26 at 7 pm – 9 pm The Revue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing at ClovisFest & Hot Air Balloon Fun Fresno State presents an evening Fly Event Sat and Sun, October 27 & with authors Venita Blackburn and 28, 2018 at 8 AM – 5 PM This event Joseph Cassara as part of the Fres- offers Central Valley locals an opno Poets’ Association reading series. portunity to experience a free, famiAdmission and parking are free. ly-friendly outdoor festival that spans up and down Pollasky Avenue in Old Sawdust Sunday at Ideaworks Sun- Town Clovis. Each morning begins day, October 28 at 1:30 pm – 4 pm with the Community Medical CenIdeaworks 1742 H St (temporary), ters Hot Air Balloon Fun Fly. Balloons Fresno, 93721 It’s wood-shop day are at the Clovis Rodeo grounds at Ideaworks. If you have an interest and take off is between 6:45am to in woodworking, wood-turning on a 7:15am, depending on weather, both lathe, carving, or any other means the 27th and 28th. of sawdust production, join us. This is a good way to get some pointers on an existing project or gather information on how to get started in the exploration of the infinite pos- Stretch & Strengthen at 10:30 am sibilities of carpentry. This event is then lunch from 12-1 PM and 3/13 open to the public and requires no cards from 1-3 PM Thursday, Oct 25 fees. Some experience is necessary 7638 N. Ingram, Suite, FRESNO. for equipment use. No experience is necessary to explore the possibil- Bridge from 1-3 pm Monday October ities. 29 7638 N. Ingram, Suite, FRESNO. Book Club at 10:30 am then Halloween Party & Crafts from 1-3 pm Wednesday, October 31 - Happy The Exorcist (1973) Extended Cut Halloween! 7638 N. Ingram, Suite, at Crest Theatre Fresno Friday, Octo- FRESNO. ber 26, 2018 at 8 PM – 10:30 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 The Exorcist (1973) Extended Cut returns to the big screen at the Historic Crest Rams vs Modesto Jr. College SaturTheatre for a one night only special day Oct. 27th 1PM Ratcliff Stadium event! What a better way to enjoy a Call for ticket information (559) 443horror film than in a historic theatre! 8688 Doors open: 7 pm Film: 8 pm Tickets $6 Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. 7182



Senior Events





Annual Oktoberfest & Open House Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 9 AM – 4 PM Herwaldt Motorsports - BMW / Ducati / Indian 5615 E Westover Ave, Fresno. Join us for our Annual Fall Open House! Mingle with our vendors, our local rider’s groups, and stay for the food, music and giveaways! ! Exposed Carry Firearm Class Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 9 AM – 5 PM 3291 N Hilliard Ln, Fresno. (McHenry Protective Services) $125 (includes range fee)

Music A Night With Janis Joplin (Touring) Thursday, October 25, 7:30 pm Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. The Tony Award-nominated Broadway musical, A musical journey celebrating Janis Joplin and the genesis of her musical genius through encounters with her seminal musical influences - Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Odetta, Nina Simone and Bessie Smith. Tickets available on Tech N9ne’s Independent Grind Tour 2018 Friday, October 26, 2018 at 8 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Co 745 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 Strange Music is pleased to announce Tech N9ne’s Independent Grind Tour 2018 with Tech N9ne, Krizz Kaliko, Futuristic and Dizzy Wright. All ages. Tickets available on . Henry Rollins Travel Slideshow Tour at Visalia Fox Theatre Sunday, October 28 at 8 pm - 308 W Main St, Visalia. For many years Henry Rollins has taken photographs on his travels. Join Henry as he shows many of his favorites from Baghdad to Pyongyang. Rollins will present a special performance drawing on experiences and his vast archive of photographs.



TREVOR A055965 has been at the CCSPCA since 07/16. This adorable pup is always ready for playtime and treats! 559-233-7722

BUDDY A059393 is a bit shy at first but is always ready to give doggy kisses! Call the CCSPCA at 559-2337722 ext. 116

DAKOTA A059436 loves exploring his environment, and would be perfectly content just resting by your side, watching the sunset. 559-233-7722

DANNY A057734 has a playful personality that makes him the best adventure buddy but he also loves to cuddle! Call CCSPCA at 559-233-7722 ext.116

MAX A061039 is always ready for playtime. There’s no stopping him from chasing toys. 559-233-7722

PETUNIA A060152 loves playtime. With a lovable personality she’ll purr her heart out for you. 559-233-7722

PIXEY A057696 is ready to give you all the cuddles in the world. She’s sweet and very energetic! Call the CCSPCA 559-2337722 ext.116

ROCKO A054499 has been at the CCSPCA since 08/11/2018. Rocko is guaranteed to steal your heart. Call for a meet and greet 559-233-7722 ext.116

MEET TATER TOT A055499 a clever and playful puppy, but he’s also gentle and sweet. Call CCSPCA 559233-7722 ext.116

COMET A060490 is as sweet as can be. He’s always ready for a hike or a dip in the pool. Call CCSPCA 559-233-7722 ext.116

GO-KART Mini-Bike Repair & Service. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465

MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago todayr (888) 563-3003

NEED A LOAN? Let us help you get the money you need! No application. No cred- USED TIRES, it check. Call Dean’s 21”front and 18” rear, Coins for more in- good condition. Mulformation (559) 264- tiple tires for sale. $10 4653 each. Call (559)999 6480 no voicemail, but LEARN TO DRIVE will return your call. A FORKLIFT. Train- The-Trainer & Re-Cer- WE LOAN & Buy tification Classes Guitars & Amps. Call Available. Day & Dean’s Coins (559) FURNITURE Night Classes Avail- 264-4653 able. $50 Discount to PUB DINING table Veterans. Visit CFTC. CHAINSAW chain & come with four chairs net For More Info. Garden Tool Sharp- $225 (559) 424-3585 559-325-8097 ening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, BEAUTIFUL ROOM BE JOB Ready Fresno. (559) 255- divider with decorative In as few as 7 months! 0465 iron in the center nice SJVC offers medical, solid and sturdy piece.. business, and technical LARGE Variety of Call or Text (559)770programs at campuses Bearings - Sprockets 7039 throughout the valley. - Drive Components. Programs vary by cam- Visit Jensen & Watts 5 DRAWER dresser pus. Financial aid is 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- Maple and color all available to those who no. (559) 255-0465 wood, 44 in wide, 21 qualify. Call 866-388- in deep, 27 in tall. All 7490 or visit GO-KART Mini wood with dovetail Bike Tires - Clutches drawers. If interested PERSONALS Meet - Chains - Sprockets. please text Sarah at Singles in your area. Visit Jensen & Watts 559 360-8657 Real Hookups Real 516 N. Chestnut, FresFast. Try it FREE! no. (559) 255-0465 SOLID WOOD, Ahora en Espanol 18+ dovetail joints, vintage (559)761-0162 BIG SAVINGS on 70’s two drawer night TVs, Computers, stand. Sleek lines, Phones and Tablets great condition, very EDUCATION at TVGuyz. 50-70% clean (559) 349-6478 OFF Retail prices! LEARN TO DRIVE Shop TVGuyz 4842 N A FORKLIFT. Train- Blackstone Ave. (559) The-Trainer & Re-Cer- 493-8403 tification Classes Available. Day & RIDING MOWER Night Classes Avail- Tires & Tubes. Visit able. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 For More Info. 559- N. Chestnut, Fresno. 325-8097 (559) 255-0465 VINTAGE clothMISCELLANEOUS ing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. BE JOB Ready In We also carry vintage as few as 7 months! items & furnishings. SJVC offers medical, Come check out the business, and technical inventory! 1130 N. programs at campuses Wishon Ave. Fresno. Rethroughout the valley. (559)445-1928 Programs vary by cam- ceive $5 off your $25 pus. Financial aid is purchase. available to those who SELLING something qualify. Call 866-388List it here for only 7490 or visit $20/ issue. 472-7182 SELLING something List it here for only $20/ issue. 472-7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

TWO CABINETS with sliding glass doors, both were old t.v. cabinets, $35.00 each, see at lucy’s 526 north first st. open tues--sat--10am-5pm-Or call 559-776-4385 they both are 16 x 3ft wide and 31st in height

VINTAGE brass parlor lamps - 10 wall mounting ones and 10 ceiling hanging they’re all brass in good condition they were from a parlor that got renovated (559) 288-8948


ANTIQUE Smoking & ACCESSORIES Table / Humidor $100 (559) 392-0355 VINTAGE cloth ing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. ANTIQUES We also carry vintage & COLLECTIBLES items & furnishings. Come check out the NICE ANTIQUE ar- inventory! 1130 N. moire, I believe from Wishon Ave. Fresno. the early 1930s to (559)445-1928 Re1940s. Dimensions ceive $5 off your $25 Are 71” h x 46” w x purchase. 17” deep. (559) 905- 3125 APPLIANCES VINTAGE Schriff Knife 13169 Made MAYTAG BRAVOS in Germany 60’s Era electric dryer in exGood Condition $45 cellent condition, 7.4 call or text 559-960- cu ft capacity. Call 5266 (559)259-9740. GREAT ANTIQUEs WHITE GAS stovefor sale 2700 S Mooney top with matching Blvd Visalia Vintage hood 250 obo great and Antiques Mention condition and works this ad get 10% off any great call or text 559 item space #87 306 2415

LG 4.5 Cu. Ft. Washer / 7.3 Cu. Ft. Gas Dryer!! w/ Warranty!! $850 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis 559-2996100


POMEGRANATES: bright & ready Call today for some of the best Tree Fruit in the county (559) 470-3306 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. com

SELLING something SELLING something List it here for only List it here for only $20/ issue. 472-7182 $20/ issue. 472-7182



OCTOBER 2018 |


CLASSIFIEDS LARGE VARIETY of Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. CHAINSAW chain & Visit Jensen & Watts Garden Tool Sharp- 516 N. Chestnut, Fresening. Visit Jensen & no. (559) 255-0465 Watts (559) 255-0465 CHICAGO ElecYARD WORK tric reciprocating saw 7.5amps works great JW CLEAN-UP SER very good condition VICES. Estate Sale text me at 559-728Cleanups. Yard, Trash, 5896 Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, SKILLSAW Super rentals, lots, apartDuty Circular Saw ments & forclosures. 8-1/4”, w/guide We do it all Just Call! and 2 extra blades (550)307-4304 ask for works great James $45.00 559-289-9321 LAWN SERVICE. APPLIANCE dollies Cleanups, Fertilizwith straps and solid er, New Saw, Lawn tires in good condition, Spraying, Sprinkler $85 each. Call 559 360 Repair & Lawn Re2977 seeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559RIDING MOWER 696-5149 or 559-275Tires & Tubes. Visit 7630 Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. SELLING something (559) 255-0465 List it here for only $20/ issue. 472-7182


16 | OCTOBER 2018


RIDING MOWER USED TIRES, ALJO 22’ TRAILER Tires & Tubes. Visit 21”front and 18” rear, super clean camper ATVs CARS Jensen & Watts 516 good condition. Mul- $6800 (559) 417-1173 JW CLEAN-UP SER- N. Chestnut, Fresno. CLEAN 2004 Suzuki tiple tires for sale. $10 2009 NISSAN versa Sl LTZ $2500 (Selma) each. Call (559)999- 2003 STREAM lite by $4500 (559) 836-8235 VICES. Estate Sale (559) 255-0465 6480 no voicemail, but gulfstream 22ft trav- (559) 356-6749 Cleanups. Yard, Trash, will return your call. el trailer everything 2004 HONDA Civic Construction cleanup, 2013 POLARIS RZR works great ready for clean title, 140,000 rubbish, trees & demo, BIKES xp4 900 $11900 559- 2005 YAMAHA V camping fully self miles, runs like new, rentals, lots, apartStar Classic. Bike is contained ac/heat,re- brand new tires, Freezments & forclosures. SCHWINN “Del 297-5150 well taken care of and frigerator, radio, mi- ing cold AC $3300 We do it all Just Call! Mar” Series Women’s (550)307-4304 ask for Bicycle $150 (559) 2016 YAMAHA Rap- extremely low miles. crowave, four burner 559-578-6587 tor 700 $6800 (559) 5500 miles on the bike stove . Weight around James 803-1114 709-4942 and will be a great bike 3,150 pounds Clean for anyone. Any ques- pink asking $5,500 Auto Services 7 SPEED KENT Northwoods “Belle 1997 POLARIS 250 tions contact Kevin obo call for more info LAWN 559-280-7729 BRAKES, TIRES, Aire” Bicycle BRAND ATV ATC Quad Trail 760-521-4554 $3200 & GARDEN Wheels, Complete NEW $100 (559) 803- Blazer $900 (559) 287- 2003 HONDA Shad- 2004 23’ Tahoe Trav- Auto Repair. Call PayLAWN SERVICE. 1114 5001 ow/Sabre 1100 $2500 el Trailer w/slide out less Brakes & Tires Cleanups, Fertiliz- text (559) 519-4234 $6000 (Auberry) (559) (559) 237-5377 NICE THREE wheel er, New Saw, Lawn 392-1182 MOTORCYCLES bike asking $200.00 Spraying, Sprinkler GO-KART Mini GO-KART Mini-Bike Repair & Lawn Re- obo Call or text 559- 2006 YAMAHA R1 Bike Tires - Clutches 2004 wonderlight 24 Repair & Service. Visseeding. Call for a Free 519-1133 Low Miles Clean - Chains - Sprockets. foot awning stove re- it Jensen & Watts 516 Estimate! 559-696- 5149 or 559-275-7630 21 SPEED 24” GT $5300 (559) 289- Visit Jensen & Watts frigerator AC full bed N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 twin beds shower bath- (559) 255-0465 Flame Unisex youth 4350 tub in shower for more Mountain Bike in CHAINSAW chain & info call owner 559 SELLING SOME2004 HONDA shadow Good Condition $85 Garden Tool Sharp614-1270 or 559-389- THING? Under $300 750 $4200 (Oakhurst) RVS ening. Visit Jensen & 779-5181 8112 list it for FREE. Send (559) 639-9123 Watts 516 N. Chestnut, it to info@fresnoflyer. SELLING something 2007 26FOOT travel Fresno. (559) 255com List it here for only trailer with large slide SUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL 0465 $20/ issue. 472-7182 $8900 (559) 994-6486




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OCTOBER 2018 |


REAL ESTATE CHATEAU MONTEREY I 2881 Willow Ave. Clovis (559) 294-7144 MONTHLY A P A R T M E N T S RENT $650.00 Studio Kings Canyon & Clo- 1 bathroom $350.00 vis. Call for avail- security deposit ability Los Arbolitos application fee $25.00 apartments 555 S. Ar- per adult gyle Ave Fresno 93727 (559)255-8370 SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182


$895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting. Please contact us at (559) 291-4305 $925 / 2BR - 796ft2 Hunter Place Apartment Homes. Now accepting section 8! (888) 673-8962

2 BEDROOMS / 1.0 Bath 925 sq. ft. $1195 Crystal Tree Apartments located in Fresno, California. We offer seven distinct floor plans, featuring one and two bedrooms. Relax around our Olympic size pool or take advantage of one of our many sports facilities; tennis, racquetball, basketball and volleyball courts, pool, spa, and saunas are all available for your enjoyment. As if that wasn’t enough, we also offer picnic areas and a game room for your entertainment. We are a pet-friendly community and welcome your furry friends. 559-4312110 $799 / 2br - 1161ft2 Air Conditioning and Central Heating, WalkIn Closet(s), Playground (559) 512-7670 SELLING your home? List it here. Call (559) 472-7182

18 | OCTOBER 2018


$1099 / 2br - 925ft2 $500 Off 2nd Months Rent 2 Bedroom Floorplans (559) 297-2297 The Best of the Best in Clovis! We offer timeless living and relaxing surroundings. An apartment community graced with year - round blooming flowers, gorgeous mature cedar trees and beautiful brick exterior. Scottsmen Too Apartment homes are within walking distance to the post office, shopping center, restaurants and bus line.

ROOM FOR rent in quiet Clovis neighborhood. Month to month rent with 30-day notification. The rent includes the following: Full house and kitchen privileges (spelling correct please), use of washer and dryer cable TV, WIFI, and all utilities are included in the rental price. $475.00 per month Provide proof of income text or call (714)335-5341

FRESNO/ASHLAN 2 Rooms Available - Large room like a studio. Single or Couple, no kids. $600/mo ROOM FOR RENT $500/deposit Second Room - $400/mo $500 FRESNO/ASHLAN Deposit Habla Espanol 2 Rooms Available Call (559) 400-1500 - Large room like a your studio. Single or Cou- RENTING ple, no kids. $600/mo room? List it here for $500/deposit Second only $20 per issue. Room - $400/mo $500 Call (559) 472-7182 Deposit 400-1500 SELLING your home? List it here. Call (559) 472-7182


ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209

$1325 / 2br - 1026ft2 Charming Tower Bungalow for Rent (559) 492-4000



$1645 / 4br - 1445ft2 - Great family home, clovis schools, shopping nearby by, 4 bed 2 bath (559) 824-5044

YOUR ENTERTAINMENT OASIS! $559,000 Stillmeadow 1 subdivision in Oakhurst Minutes from town. Pool, hot tub, waterfall and beautiful views. Landscaped yard. 2790 sf two-story home with 5 Bd, 3Ba, open living area, and wraparound deck. Main floor master suite. Room to park your RV/toys.! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 6837183 office (559) 4620321 mobile

$1495 / 3br - 1328ft2 - Fresno SE Home, 3BR/2BA, Blt 1960, Fresh Paint, RV Parking (559) 287-9643 $1150 / 3br - 1440ft2 3 or 4 Bedroom Home For more information or other available properties please visit, or call 559-221-3151


$995 / 3br - 1006ft2 Affordable 3 Bedroom Clovis House For more information please visit, or call 559-221-3151

TOP OF THE WORLD VIEWS! $215,000 Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom mountain home with incredible views. Open concept with plenty of natural light from the large windows. Relax on the huge partially covered deck. On Deadwood Mountain, minutes from Oakhurst. TOP OF THE WORLD VIEWS! $215,000 Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 6837183 office (559) 4620321 mobile B&B ON THE CREEK IN FISH CAMP! $998,000 Well-established bed & breakfast inn situated on year-round creek, located 2 miles from the south entrance to Yosemite Nat’l Park. Operated by sole proprietor since 2002. 3 beautifully furnished guest suites, each with

PIERCE LAKE ESTATE! $55,000 Ready to build near Oakhurst Schools. 1.07 Acres in the desirable Pierce Lake Estates. Enjoy the meandering seasonal creek and take advantage of a flat building site. Mature trees provide a bountiful canopy of shade. Come see this parcel today! Scott McGhee, YOUR OWN PRI- Lic #01987178 (559) VATE HOMESTEAD! 683-7183 office (559) $299,000 Only min- 462-0321 mobile utes from town, this custom home was de- YOSEMITE LAKES signed and built by the PARK! $14,500 1 acre owner! 3 bedrooms, 2 of land in the commubaths, living /dining nity of Yosemite Lakes room combined, kitch- Park (YLP). Great loen and an office make cation. Close to recreup the 1,589 square ation center. Property feet of space. All on is covered with rock 5.95 acres that has a outcroppings, has a small barn for horses, seasonal creek, and two creeks, and room ready for your imagito roam. Scott Mc- nation. Ask your realGhee, Lic #01987178 tor for the “One Time 683-7183 office Close Construction” worksheet that has estimated costs for you to SUPPORT LOCAL their own balcony, heating and bathroom with soaking tub. Upgrades throughout including a new kitchen with quartz counters and high-end appliances. Own this retreat for your own private getaway. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

build your dream home on this wonderful slice of land. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile BUILD ON 10.98 ACRES! $95,000 10.98 acre lot on a quiet road in Coarsegold. Paved road to the property. Room for all your animals. The private well and pump have been installed, just need to hook up to the power. Electric power poles are across the street. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile SELLING your home? List it here. Call (559) 472-7182



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OCTOBER 2018 |


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