Fresno Flyer Vol 3 No 8

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VOL. 3

NO. 8 March 2019

HOURS: 10a - 5p Monday - Friday



ADDRESS: 1060 Fulton Mall - 3rd Floor Fresno, 93721 (visits by appointment only) MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 4582 - Fresno, 93744 PHONE:

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Don Priest Steven Sanchez Juan Luis Guzmán


COVER PHOTO Courtesy of Bobby Logan


DELIVERY Randy Shirinian Ann Sanders

TO SUBMIT A STORY IDEA: DISTRIBUTION Fresno Flyer is available free of charge in the Fresno and Madera County areas, limited to one copy per reader. Fresno Flyer may be distributed only by authorized independent contractors or distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of Fresno Flyer, take more than one copy of each issue.


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EDITOR’S NOTE Recently, I was asked to evaluate my ‘Why,’ in life. It was actually for something much more specific and not quite so vast in interpretation. However, the philosophical depth it took to answer such a question made as much impact on me as if I had been trying to find the specific ‘Why’ in own my life. The mental exercise in trying to answer a question like this was to go beyond ‘why I get out of bed in the morning’ – the response to that is typically because we have to. Bills have to be paid, the kids have to get to school, we have to put food on the table, etc. The purpose was to define why we believe we have to get up out of bed every morning and why we choose to do it every single day. But instead of getting into the nitty-gritty of my own life, I want to talk about this magazine. Why do we print it? It certainly isn’t for the money, or we’d be selling off the front cover to advertisers by the inch and letting them decide what we will or won’t write. It definitely isn’t for personal glory – it took me almost 4 years before I felt comfortable enough to put my picture in the Editor’s Note, not to mention that the Publisher still refuses to include hers whenever I ask. We print the Fresno Flyer because we believe Fresno and the Central Valley needs a unified platform to bring its stories, voice, and perspectives together. We also believe


| MARCH 2019




in the brilliance behind the technical and artistic minds that choose to craft here. And it isn’t some marketing ploy to sell you something else like real estate or cars – this is it. This magazine is for you, the Central Valley resident, whether you’re south of Shaw, north of Herndon, or in one of the often-overlooked cities like Fowler, Selma, or Hanford. It’s you who we believe in and who we fight for, to make sure you have a platform when you need it – it’s also why the Flyer is always free. Sometimes, I get calls or emails from folks who want to contribute or help in some way, and the most significant bit of advice I can give is to keep reading the Flyer. Every time you snag a copy to read, you reinforce our reason for being. If you feel like that’s not enough and you want to take your contribution a step further, then spread the word, share this copy you’re reading with someone else. There’s also an option to subscribe – something that came at the request of a few passionate readers. For a small fee, you can get each new issue of the Flyer mailed to your house for a whole year if that’s more your speed. We may not be power hitters like SF Weekly, SN&R, or NewTimes out of San Luis Obispo – yet, and have so much more work to do to get where they are; but we’re dedicated to what we believe and the purpose we believe this magazine serves.

By Don Priest |


t’s pretty universally accepted that the Central Valley is known for its agriculture; crops from here feed millions around the globe. But there’s another harvest from “The Valley” that nourishes the soul as much as the food nourishes the body yet doesn’t get quite as much recognition, our music. Pick a genre: Country, Blues, Jazz, Rock, Classical, or any of the music representing the Valley’s cross-cultural tapestry, and you’ll find someone here who plays it, writes it, produces, or teaches it at an exceptionally high level! Think of folks like Country stars Bob Wills and Jack Hannah. Westside Blues greats Harmonica Slim and Hosea Leavy. Legendary Jazz players Don Weed and George Roessler. Opera giant Audra MacDonald, Rock impresarios Jim & Bill Bixler. Or venues like The Wild Blue & The Hacienda Hotel, Zapp’s Park, and so many more iconic names and places that have made such an impact on the Valley’s musical culture from Merced to Bakersfield. In an effort to focus greater attention on this “other” valley crop, a team of local music aficionados has spent the last year laying the groundwork for an organization meant to honor the area’s musical culture. They’re calling it “The Valley Music Hall of Fame” and their kickoff event will be on Saturday, March 30th and Fulton 55. While details are still being finalized, the event will feature live entertain-

ment, special guest speakers, elected officials, art displays, and the opportunity to mingle with the movers and shakers of the local music community. All with the goal of generating excitement towards paying overdue respect to our remarkably skilled musical artists, both past and present. The ‘movers and shakers’ behind the Hall of Fame movement are Board Officers: Don Priest of KFSR; Don Fischer of KFSR/KVPR; Ray Settle of Maximus Music

Media; and Debi Ruud, vocalist, teacher and owner of the Fresno Music Academy and Arts. They are joined by Board Members: musician/photographer John Alden; Digital Marketing Manager at Websovid Media and long-time music supporter, Roland G. Flores; Janice Fleming, teacher and violinist from the Fresno Symphony Orchestra, Larry Gittens, jazz trumpeter/composer and for-

Opera Star Audra McDonald

mer music director for Stevie Wonder; and musician, promoter and previous owner of the legendary music venue “Club Fred”, the legendary Fred Martinez. Each has their own reasons for taking on this challenge. For Debi Ruud, it’s about paying back. “I moved back to Fresno and have been deeply involved in the musical community since 1982. It has always amazed me how much talent there is around here. The idea of being involved in an organization that wants to recognize those individuals and then give back to our community just spoke right to my heart.” For Ray Settle, it’s about the past. “I have always been interested in history…. where do we come from? What was it like here 20… 50… 100 yrs ago,” he explains. “I always enjoyed looking at the pictures of old Fresno and hearing the stories from people. That interest followed me as I got older and started talking to some of the older musicians and hearing their stories of the players before them. I guess what motivated me was that eagerness to keep that thread going.” To keep the thread going and turn their vision of a Music Hall of Fame into reality has led the team on an eventful journey. They held their first meeting in January

Westside Blues legend, Hosea Leavy | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

2018, and since then have been busy writing a mission statement, electing officers, creating by-laws, developing a social media presence and achieving 501c3 non-profit status through a financial arrangement with CMAC (Community Media Access Collaborative, the non-profit organization that supports public access television in Fresno). They even created an advisory board made up of some prominent community members to help refine the vision for The Valley Music Hall of Fame. They also did their homework on how a Hall of Fame should be structured and how the nomination/induction process should be organized. For that, they turned to the administrators of the prestigious Buffalo (NY) Music Hall of Fame, who gave them access to 20 years of accumulated data and offered significant advice. Now that the foundation has been

Continues on pg 4...

Former owners of The Wild Blue Nightclub, Bill & Jim Bixler



MARCH 2019 |


Rappit Up

Provides Vegan Food Options for the Central Valley Article & Photo by Steven Sanchez |


he health craze has been escalating in popularity as of late. It seems now that anybody with access to social media has a resource to see first-hand what is being put into their food. Furthermore, anybody who’s in decent shape with a communication app feels they’re qualified to give health and workout tips. With this rise in healthconscious living and fitness, it’s no surprise that vegetarianism and veganism have become a go-to lifestyle choice. Now, a local young woman is turning her passion for veganism into a business. Photographer Janna Melkonian, who’s been a vegetarian all her life, has created an independent business, Rappit Up, that specializes in providing the Central Valley with plant-based food. Her little empire was born from a happenstance occurrence while working as a receptionist at a hair salon where her signature wraps became high in demand amongst her co-workers. It was a way to make enough money to pay for a pricey professional camera to pursue her early photography endeavors. “It all came together in a surprising way for me. Life put me in that exact spot and brought everything around me in that situation in order to start a business. I wasn’t like I wanted to do this or that with cooking at was just something I wanted to share with everyone. I created my Instagram

...continued from pg 3 laid, the group is ready to go public and enlist the aid of the community to launch the Valley Music Hall of Fame formally. The goal of the kickoff event on March 30 is to inform the public of the existence of the organization and enlist their support in getting it off the ground. “I’m hoping to see a lot of interest in this project, by nominations for our first class of inductees, to volunteers to help us with our events, to monetary donations to help us move forward” explains Janice Fleming. “all in the interest of honoring and respecting our rich musical heritage and promoting support for our young people through music education and live music performances.” The immediate goals for the organization are to hold yearly induction celebrations honoring both past & present contributors to our musical landscape and to work


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to do that then all of a sudden people were asking me to meal prep or asking for recipes and it eventually all came together for me. I felt it was my true calling,” elaborates Janna. She does the cooking, the prepping, and distributes the products to five different establishments in the community such as Kuppa Joy in Old Town Clovis, Collect Coffee Bar, Rio Acai Bowls, Fitness Social, and ABC Christian Books & Health Foods. And while she may be the face of her brand, it’s actually a family affair. Janna and her

brother, Solomon Melkonian work together every day, and he handles the distribution, packaging, labeling, and design of her upcoming website. The logo was drawn by her uncle, Aram Melkonian, and her father, Ara Melkonian, helped to come up with the name. And last but certainly not least, it was her grandmother, Janetta Sogomonian, that introduced the plant-based lifestyle to her family generations ago and imparted her wisdom onto a young Janna. Years of healthy living and eating

to create a scholarship program that aids students in both the performance and appreciation of music. A longer-term goal would be to eventually find a brick and mortar home for the Valley Music Hall of Fame. For now, though, it will remain in the virtual world with all access through its Facebook and Website portals. “We can do all this I think by, first of all, giving back to the community in creative ways and then or course recognizing those that have made a “musical imprint” around Fresno and the Valley,” says Ruud. While historical documents about the Central Valley’s settlers, politicians, artists, even outlaws, abound, there is no such trove of information about the area’s musical legacy, something The Valley Music Hall of Fame hopes to correct. “It’s important to have historical records of the extremely talented musicians

we’ve had in our Valley,” says Fleming. “It’s easy for stories to be forgotten, so it’s important to keep a record of our musical history and recognize these people. In doing this, we hope to use these histories and our current talent to encourage our young people in this industry.” Adds Settle, “If learning about a musician, or an artist, or educator helps inspire someone to pursue their dream … then our purpose is validated.” There’s a line in a William Shakespeare play that goes, “If Music be the food of love, then play on.” With that thought in mind, The Valley Music Hall of Fame hopes to nourish the collective soul of our community with love for the music to be found – Off The 99.



has paid off, literally. In just two years she’s come a long way, a product of her intense dedication. Along with her other responsibilities, she sets her prices, emails a menu to her meal prep clients every week, prepares the meals and delivers each individual order personally. This vegan Rachel Ray, who is referred to as “The Veggie Rabbit” professionally and “The Energizer Bunny” amongst her friends, offers a variety of options ranging from salads, burritos, tacos, wraps, sandwiches, and baked goods like brownies, bars, and cakes. She handcrafts her own hot sauces, spreads, and dressings. She may be reaping the rewards now, but it wasn’t an easy process. Growing up, she was the one on the outside, while her young peers were eating sweets and drinking soda, she was consuming carrots, celery, and drinking water. It’s the stigma that she and a lot of vegans throughout the decades have faced. People who don’t consume meat, dairy, sugar, processed products, prefer soy and gluten-free food and drinks, are often labeled as dirty hippies, overly sensitive, pale, frail, and eat nothing but salads. “It’s not a bad thing to be vegan. It’s not bad to eat salad every day, because if you do, you’ll be healthier mentally and physically than someone who eats a burger

Continues on pg 6...

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

The St. Patrick’s Day Edition

many centuries and the Irish Presidential Standard is still blue.

1. St. Patrick was not Irish. He was 7. For many years, Dripsey in from Wales. County Cork had the world’s 2. St. Patrick’s Day beers were ver- shortest parade, just 77 feet, the boten for decades in Ireland de- distance between two pubs – The spite the majority of modern-day Weigh Inn and The Lee ValSt. Patrick’s Day celebrations cen- ley. Currently, the town of Hot tering around bar crawls and drink Springs, AR claims to have the specials, from 1903 until 1970 all shortest parade – a 98 foot route pubs were closed on the holiday on Bridge Street. Recent participants included the Irish Elvises due to religious observances. and the San Diego Chicken. 3. The humble shamrock was originally a teaching tool. St. Patrick is 8. In 2010, the Sydney Opera said to have used the three-leaved House went green to mark the plant to explain the Holy Trinity 200th anniversary of St. Patrick’s (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) to Day there. In Sydney, St Patrick’s Day was first marked in 1810, the pagan Irish. when Lachlan Macquarie, the 4. The phrase “drowning the sham- Governor of New South Wales, rock” is rooted in a tradition in provided entertainment for Irish which a shamrock worn on the la- convict workers. pel for St. Patrick’s Day was tossed in the last drink of the evening. 9. Irish flee the country. In Ireland Furthermore, the shamrock is not on March 17 you’ll find many pubthe symbol of Ireland. That honor lic figures, musicians, and dancers have traveled abroad to work on goes to the harp. lucrative gigs elsewhere. Politi5. The first St. Patrick’s Day pa- cians also travel to drum up trade. rade took place in New York in the 10. In Chicago every year, the 1760s. Plumbers Local 110 union dyes 6. For many years, blue was the the river “Kelly” green. The dye color most often associated with lasts for about five hours. St. Patrick. Green was considered unlucky. St. Patrick’s blue was con- 11. Traditionally, every year, the sidered symbolic of Ireland for Irish leader hands a crystal bowl full of shamrock to the US Presi| FRESNOFLYER.COM |

dent. The shamrock, grown in Kerry, is immediately destroyed by the Secret Service after the exchange.

12. Guinness sales soar on St. Patrick’s Day. Recent figures show that 5.5 million pints of the black stuff are downed around the world every day. On St. Patrick’s Day that figure is doubled. 13. At the age of 16, St Patrick was kidnapped and was taken to Ireland. He was kidnapped by a group of Irish raiders who were attacking his family’s estate. He worked there for 6 years tending sheep and then escaped and became a priest. 14. On this day, people usually eat corned beef and cabbage, and they wear green. However, corned beef is an English dish and not Irish. 15. John F Kennedy the 35th president of the United States of America worn a green tie for photographs when Ireland’s ambassador to the US, Thomas Kiernan, turned up at the White House with a bowl of shamrock on 17 March.



MARCH 2019 |


...continued from pg 4

every day. The statistics show that,” Janna specifies. “That’s not all we eat though. They can make fun of it as much as they want, but the truth and the facts are there. Plantbased lifestyles, in the long run, cause far less damage not only to our bodies but to the environment and agriculture.” The most significant stigma that Americans are facing is the obesity epidemic and the country’s unhealthy eating habits along with its side effects. According to the CDC’s Behavioral Risk, Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), nationally, 39.6 percent of adults and 18.5 percent of children were considered obese in 2015-2016. The American Cancer Society found that cancers fueled by obesity are on the rise among young adults in the United States and appearing at increasingly younger ages. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) serves as the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, and they’ve classified meat and red meat as a carcinogen, a substance that can cause cancer.


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“Meat is addictive, it’s been proven that anything that’s addictive usually isn’t good for you. Meat and dairy, people want it more, and companies produce it more, and it’s becoming a trend, and it’s still going. People can’t let go of that addiction,” Janna says with sadness in her voice. And just recently there’s been the zombie deer disease outbreak, or millions of pounds of meat products being recalled for E. Coli, salmonella, listeria, and allergens, etc. We have a solution to the problem. The 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee concluded from research from scientists at the EAT-Lancet Commission that people who follow vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or semivegetarian diets actually had a 12% lower mortality risk than people who are omnivores. Maybe that explains why fast food chains like Taco Bell, Carls Jr., and White Castle are hopping on the vegetarian/vegan train and cooking up healthy food to appeal to this market. And it’s just been revealed that even Panda Express will begin adding vegan and vegetarian dishes to its menu in 2,000 locations in the US. It can be an excellent way to shake off the dilemma that healthy living is only for the upper-class. If the restaurant industry has taken notice, then it’s time for customers to recognize it as well. Janna Melkonian is an outspoken personality on the topic of her beliefs, and she feels the best way for her to express herself and contribute to a great cause for society is through her cooking. For her, it’s not just a job, it’s a movement. And yes, she’s a fan of her food, and she recommends the tofu scramble wrap because she feels that it best represents her business. Coincidentally, that’s exactly what I ate first, and it was so delicious that I became an instant fan. For more information about Rappit Up follow them on Facebook @ RappitUpCA and Instagram @RappitUp

Hearty, Comforting Dishes for Cold, Dreary Days (Family Features) On crisp winter days when the wind blows cold, warming up from the inside-out with hearty comfort foods can feel like a worthy solution. From chili to cornbread, flavorful and filling foods prepared without an overload of ingredients certainly can provide a feel-good boost on chilly evenings. Chili, a classic wintertime favorite, can be taken to the next level with a few tasty additions. Make a spicy version by mixing in bacon, sweet potatoes and a chopped jalapeño pepper for a quick warm-up. To make this heart-warming recipe stand out from a crowd, Circulon Symmetry Chocolate Cookware provides dishwasher-safe, premium nonstick cookware for easy cleanup and food release that slides right off. Find more information and comforting family-favorite recipes at circulon. com.

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili Prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 60 minutes Servings: 6 6 slices thick-cut smoked bacon, chopped 1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled and diced into 3/4-inch pieces 2 medium onions, chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely



chopped 5 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper 2 cups chicken broth 1 can (14 1/2 ounces) no-salt-added fire-roasted diced tomatoes 1 can (15 ounces) no-salt-added black beans 1/2 cup quick-cooking barley 1/2 teaspoon salt Heat casserole over medium heat. Add bacon and cook until browned and crisp, about 7-8 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towel-covered plate. Reduce bacon fat in casserole to 2 tablespoons and return to stove over medium-high heat. Add sweet potatoes, onions and jalapeno pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until onion is slightly softened, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook 1 minute. Stir in chili powder, cumin, oregano and ground chipotle; cook until fragrant, 15 seconds. Pour in broth, tomatoes, beans and barley; reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer until sweet potatoes are tender and barley is cooked through, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in bacon and salt; let stand 15 minutes before serving.

CALENDAR Family Guy Arthop Thursday, March 7 at 5 PM – 9 PM Los Panchos Mexican Restaurant All Ages Family Event. Free Admission. InPoetry Jam as part of Herstory door venue with lots of great artists, Month Wednesday, March 6, 2019 vendors, performers and the valleys at 7 PM – 9 PM Fresno State’s Cross best food trucks Cultural and Gender Center California State University Fresno. Poetry Jam is held every month and it is an open mic night where people from all different cultures and backgrounds The Little Prince Wednesday are welcome to present their work March 6 at 1:00 PM, Thursday such as stories, poetry, spoken word, 7:00 PM, Friday at 2:00 PM and songs, raps, and the like! ALL cul- 7:00 PM, Saturday at 2:00 PM and tures are welcome to come watch or 7:00 PM FCC Theatre, Dance and perform one of their own pieces. To Music 1101 E University Ave, Fresno register to perform please use this link Mamma Mia - Good Company Play1jm3nN4x1 Registration is not re- ers Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7 quired, but priority will be given to PM – 10 PM Roger Rocka’s Dinner those already registered. FREE RE- Theater 1226 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Rated PG-13 FRESHMENTS AND PRIZES

gue, reggaetón, banda, corridos, all Thursdays. In the mix DJ Cesar Munos Bar and restaurant specials Fresno City College Community $2 beers, $5 well drinks, $99 botSymphony Orchestra Concert Tues- tle service, Ladies free entry until day, March 5, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 9 PM 10:30pm. $5 cover fee Fresno City College OAB Auditorium 12887 E Ashcroft Ave, Fresno. clock Comedy NIGHT with Bruce Gray, Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 7:30 PM Bryan Vokey, Karmen Geffken Thurs– 9 PM day, March 7, 2019 at 7 PM – 11:30

color journal of your own using your choice of decorative paper for the cover. You’ll also use collage papers and cord to embellish your book with. If you have beads, charms, or other adornments at home, bring them and we will add those as well. Once your book is finished, we will work on the first few pages of your new art journal using watercolor paints Great PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, for all ages! No experience required! Kenny Freeman ShareHootlet Fresno. 21+ only Just $5! Tickets $55 class fee. All supplies included. Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7:30 PM available at For more classes, visit: www.allard– 9:30 PM BarrelHouse Visalia - room and Beer Gardens 521 E. Main Street, Visalia.


March 1-7




George Book Series - Art Hop at the Peerless Building Thursday, March 7, at 5 PM – 9 PM Peerless Building 1755 Broadway Street, Fresno. Please join Valley Children’s for an art exhibit inspired by our beloved mascot George the giraffe at Art Hop! We will feature original watercolor paintings by local illustrator Mykel Suntrapak. Refreshments and beverages will be served. All books and illustration prints from the George Book series will be available for sale. All proceeds benefit Valley Children’s. Illustrator Mykel Newton Suntrapak and authors Joan Schoettler and Claire Noland will be in attendance to sign your books!

Teezzy Radio presents: Heart x Soul Art Hop Pop Up Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 6 PM – 12 AM Full Circle Olympic - Tower District 1426 N Van Ness Ave., Fresno. DJs, Art, Bands, and Drinks! All Ages. Free.

March 8-14

21 & Over Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, March 6 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 2240522 with questions. Thirsty Thursday Dog Crew at Grogg’s Irish Pub Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 6 PM – 8 PM Groggs Irish Pub 1225 N Willow Ave, Clovis. Join Fresno Humane’s staff, volunteers and friends at Grogg’s Irish Pub Thursday, March 7th from 6 to 8 pm. Grogg’s will be donating 15% of sales from your order back to Fresno Humane’s Medical Fund helping lost, injured dogs, cats and livestock get access to life-saving surgeries & medicines. Hope to see you there!


Oakhurst Yoga Join us every Thursday at Oakhurst Grill for productive Yoga sessions, hosted by local instructor Lisa Hering Wobler. Hourlong classes run from 4-5pm, and 5:30-6:30pm. The later class is considered Lisa‘s current program ”Happy Hour Yoga”, where students can take advantage of drink specials Cody Clark’s A Different Way of before and after the class. The 4pm Thinking at Rogue Fest Thursday, class is geared towards a more neuMarch 7, at 7 PM – 8 PM The Re- tral audience that can’t be out as vue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno. fres- late. Class runs in rear banquet hall. Bring your own Yoga mat. Oakhurst Grill 40530 HWY 41, Oakhurst

Jueves de Reventon Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 9 PM – 12:30 AM Marlo’s Club & Mexican Restaurant 468 N Palm Ave, Fresno. Latin Music, cumbia, bachata, salsa, meren-


Art Kiki’s Expo19: Tote-ally Terrific Serger Tote Bag Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM Kiki’s Quilt Shack 1732 W. Bullard Ave Learn and create on the Baby Lock Triumph serger. No previous serger experience required. Pam and Kiki’s staff guide your every step to ensure confident serging. Kiki’s Expo19 brings eight top notch national instructors from the sewing industry to the California’s San Joaquin Valley! Kiki’s is a stitch above all the rest. Come and enjoy this unique sewing experience. All class materials and machines are provided for each student and included in the price of the event. This unique event is brought to you by Kiki’s Quilt Shack. Class fee $55 Educator: Pam Mahshie Book Making Workshop Thursday, March 14 at 2 PM – 4:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave (S E Corner of Blackstone at Barstow), Fresno. Is there anything more beautiful than a handmade book? It’s full of textures and patterns and is a work of art in itself. In this class, you will learn how to put together a water-

Career Training Open House

Ignite! The Indelible Female Spirit at the 2019 Rogue Festival Friday, March 8, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 6:20 PM California Arts Academy 1401 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Bright, Fierce, Passionate, Undeniable. Join the Fresno Belly Dance Collective for one of our 4 Rogue Festival performances where the female spirit will be shining! Danzantes del Valley Coalition presents: High School SHOW OFFS Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM Arte Américas 1630 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. These dances tell a story and are deeply rooted in Mexican culture and History. The High School Show Offs has been an annual tradition for the Central Valley for decades. It is organized by the Danzantes Del Valle Coalition, in partnership with Arte Américas and Warnors Center for the Performing Arts. This is a great family event all ages can enjoy. This year’s High School Show Offs will take place on Saturday, March 9th 2019 at the historic Warnors Center for the Performing Arts, 1400 Fulton St, Fresno, CA 93721. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show begins at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Admission for kids under 3 years is free.


Thursday, April 4th 6:00pm

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MARCH 2019 |


MORE There are also VIP, front row tickets for $20 each. They can be purchased through any of the dance groups, at the Warnor’s Theatre box office or at Arte Américas. This event does sell out, so advance ticket purchases are recommended. The Karate Kid (1984) At The Hanford FOX Sat. March 9th Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 7 PM – 9:15 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. Day of show $6 cash or $7 credit card. Avoid online and credit card fees by purchasing your tickets with cash at the Hanford Fox box office. The box office is open Monday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm. Or you can purchase tickets online at: The balcony bar(beer and wine) will be open and located at the top of the stairs on the 2nd floor. Cash ONLY for both the concession and bar purchases. 559584-7423

trict 808 4th St, Clovis. This edition of our cabaret series will feature duets from musicals old and new. Your ticket purchase will support the arts here in Clovis and will get you entrance to this wonderful event! There will be food, wine, and entertainment all in the heart of Old Town Clovis.

Figmentally: MISS FITTS Award Winning Circus Comedy Saturday, March 9 at 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM California Arts Academy - Severance Theater 1401 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. 2x BEST OF FRINGE and International AWARD-WINNING theatrical CIRCUS duo, Figmentally returns to Fresno with a brand new genre-defying CIRCUS COMEDY! “Prepare to be dazzled and delighted by wild, circus-inspired imagination.” (Georgia Straight) Meet MISS FITTS, a befuddled and daydreaming seamstress who is about to have her world turned upside down by a quirky new client, SIR Encore! Duets Saturday, March 9 at TINNLY! Will the jacket fit? Does it 3 PM Clovis Veterans Memorial Dis- tango? Brought to life through HILAR-

IOUS theatrical CIRCUS: part MAGIC, unexpected PUPPETRY, artistic JUGGLING, and acrobatic DANCE.

Community Dog’s, Brews & Pawfectly Green Pictures Thursday, March 14 at 6 PM – 9 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Bring Fresno Humane a $10 donation or a new, large-breed dog collar and receive a free, very green, very lucky family pet portrait to treasure. Photographer, Amanda Angle, returns to offer a fun, quirky memory of you & your pet. Tioga-Sequoia Brewery & Beer Garden hosts Fresno Humane for a fun, quirky fundraiser located at 745 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721. This event offers yummy food trucks & desserts for purchase. We’re excited to be a part of our 1st ever St. Patrick’s day themed fundraiser and hope you can join in on the fun!

Sports Calling all motorcyclist! Come to the Annual Swap Meet on Saturday, March 9th from 9:00 AM-12:00 at Harley-Davidson of Fresno to buy and sell all of your used motorcycle parts. This event is a great way to meet new riders and to get rid of your used parts for money or buy some new parts to add to your collection! If you wish to participate in selling at this event the fee is $10. There is no charge to attend. Beverages, donuts, and pancakes will be provided. Ever thought about joining our North Fresno HOG Group? They will be here cooking and signing up new members that enjoy riding and having fun! First come First Serv Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Basketball vs. San Jose State Spartans Men’s Basketball Saturday, March 9 at 4 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno.


Lucky 5K Run Saturday, March 9, at 8:30 AM – 10 AM Friends of the Spring Veggie Sale Saturday, March Hanford Police K-9 Unit 425 N Irwin 9 at 8 AM – 12 PM Fresno State Gib- St, Hanford. Music, awards, opporson Farm Market 5368 N Chestnut tunity drawings, and community fun Ave, Fresno. Our biggest veggie plant Awards will be given to best themed sale of the year! Summer veggie and costume and best group! Water and herb plants - lots of varieties of toma- snacks will be provided! K-9 demo before 1st Race! Sign up at: toes, peppers, eggplant, etc! Fresno Ideaworks Raspberry Jam Lucky5k #2 - Pi Day Party! Thursday, March 14 at 5 PM – 9 PM Fresno Ideaworks Cornhole Tournament Saturday, 1730 H Street, Fresno. Community March 9, at 11 AM – 5 PM Moravia Show-and-Tell, speaker presenta- Wines 3620 N Bishop Ave, Frestions, physics toys, and beginner noJoin our Fresno A’s on Saturday, workshops on topics such as setting March 9 for a Fun Fundraising Event up a Raspberry Pi. We will have mu- at Monravia Winery playing or watchsic to dance to and project kits for ing Cornhole, winning auction items, sale. And there will be pie to eat, too! grubbing on great bbq, tasting specThis is a free, family-friendly event for tacular wines, beer and other drinks and enjoying the beautiful venue. all ages. Salsa Night In Tower Thursday, March 14 at 8 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Olympic - Tower District 1426 N Van Ness Ave. Featuring live salsa + RUBEN HURTADO Y Su DESCARGA 5 piece Conjunto - Sonidos De Cuba Dj Cee Dōs, spinnin’ Salsa, Bachata Cumbia. All ages, $7 entry

Senior Events 8

| MARCH 2019



Arte Américas Jazz Fellows Present: JAMES Mahone Et al. Saturday, March 9 at 7PM – 9 PM Arte Américas 1630 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Join us for an evening of Jazz with saxophonist James Mahone featuring: Richard Giddens, Tim Shaghoian, Craig Vonberg, Jaz Sawyer. Mahone has performed throughout the U.S., Japan and Europe over 30 years. In early 90s, he was the composer for popular jazz band, Black Note. Mahone has performed alongside Wynton Marsalis, Eric Reed, Billy Higgins, Gil-Scott Heron, El De Barge, Josh Redman, and Roy Hargrove, Reggie Workman, Billy Harper, Arnie Lawrence, and R&B band The Chesterfields.

La Traviata Saturday, March 9 at 7 PM – 10 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. La traviata, opera in three acts by Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi (libretto in Italian by Francesco Maria Piave), premiered in Venice at La Fenice opera house on March 6, 1853. Based upon the 1852 play by Alexandre Dumas fils (La Dame aux camélias), the opera marked a large step forward for Verdi in his quest to express dramatic ideas in music. La traviata means “the fallen woman” or “the one who goes astray” and refers to the main character, Violetta Valéry, a courtesan. Ranking high on the list of opera fa1st Annual Women’s Open 10 ball vorites, Verdi’s work features some tournament Mar 9 at 11 AM – Mar of the most challenging and revered 10 at 5 PM Doors open 10, start music in the entire soprano repertime 11. $35 early registration, $50 toire day of event. NO GREEN FEES. $300 added. Double elimination, race to Wheels Up Rockin The Roadhouse 5/3. For questions or to pregister Saturday, March 9 at 2 PM – 5 PM and pay with card, call 559-276- The Roadhouse Clovis 20023 Au9000 after 11am. Blue Fin Billiards berry Rd., Clovis. Wheels up is a col4113 W Swift Ave. #103, Fresno. laboration Super Group Cover band from Fresno CA consisting of expe-

rienced musicians from known and established groups right here from the Central Valley. Candace Ramirez on Vocals, Paul Colletta on lead Guitar , Chuck Lor on Bass , and Mike Divine on Drums . With this much talent and experience under one name we certainly know how to entertain and draw a great crowd. We JJ Brown Live in Concert Friday, specialize in high energy rock and March 8, 2019 at 8 PM The Wake- roll and play with high energy Excitehouse 850 N Kings River Rd, Reed- ment, and authenticity, our set list is


Stretch & Strengthen 3/12 10:30am Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, Suite 111 Tyler Carter of (Issues) at Full Circle Brewing Co. Friday, March 8 at 5 (559) 346-7662 Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, FresTrain Brain 3/13 10:30am Palm Vil- no. All Ages. lage Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, $15 Adv. $17 Dos Suite 111 (559) 346-7662

ley JJ Brown is a USN Veteran and Country Singer Songwriter. He is known for his lyrical stories and high energy shows. He has shared the stage with other artist including Clint Black, Kevin Costner, Peter Frampton, the Doobie Brothers, and many more. Brown’s blended sound has been compared to Keith Urban, Eric Church, and Bruce Springsteen. His music has been described as Country, Rock, and Americana.


MORE unmatched! Collectively we are experienced in ,but not limited to Biker Runs, Bike Nights, bars , clubs, and much more! Get your motor running, put those wheels up and let’s rock! Dakota Eco Garden Fundraiser at Fulton 55 Sunday, March 10 at 6 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno Marc Cohn with Chelsea Williams at Crest Theatre Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 7:30 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Justin Timberlake at Save Mart Center Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Xtreme Bachata Tuesday, March 12, at 9 PM – 12:30 AM Marlo’s Club & Mexican Restaurant 468 N Palm Los Morros DEL NORTE Friday, Ave, Fresno. YES! NO COVER FEE. March 8, at 9 PM – 2 AM Aldos Night Join us and practice all your learn Club 617 W Belmont Ave, Fresno in your Bachata/Salsa lesson. Bar & Restaurant special Pa lante Latin party | Dj Jojo (LA) in da Mix Friday, March 8, Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, 2019 at 8:30 PM – 1 AM Elephant March 13 at the American Legion Lounge 80 W Shaw Ave, Clovis. AL- Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, WAYS GOOD ENERGY & FUN VIBE! north of Shields Ave. Open to the Pa’ LANTE Fridays at ELEPHANT public - every Wednesday. Payouts Lounge! 2 Rooms 2 DANCE $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 | Hip Venue | Fabulous Vibe buy-in includes 19 regular games * ROOM 1: SALSA | BACHATA | plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open MERENGUE Special Guest Mixer 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. DJ JOJO from L.A. ROOM 2: DJ Glez Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchCUMBIA REGGEITON LAT- en dinner specials. Call (559) 224IN PARTY Mix MAS BACHATA 0522 with questions.

21 & Over

Craft Beer Crawl Sunday, March 10,at 2 PM – 5:30 PM Old Town Clovis 456 Clovis Ave, Ste 2, Clovis It’s one of our favorite events of the year, Craft Beer Crawl! Participants will receive a commemorative beer tasting Weathers with Overland and Ar- glass and travel from one Old Town iana and the Rose Thursday, March business to the next, sampling a va14, 2019 at 7 PM – 11 PM Strum- riety of brews at each location. Mumer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. $10 sic will be provided and food trucks advance $12 day of show. Not 18? will be on the street providing fresh and tasty bites. Tickets are $40 in No Problems--All age event advance and $50 at the door. Get Chris Tomlin: Holy Roar Tour Thurs- your tickets online at, March 14, 2019 at 7 PM Save Crawl2019. Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. SDSU Wind Symphony & Orchestra Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM Fresno City College 1101 E University Ave, Fresno

March 15-20 Art Ceramic Creation Saturday, March 16 at 10 AM – 1 PM John Wells Youth Center 701 East 5th Street, Madera. Everyone is an Artist! Pick a ceramic project, paint it, we fire it in our kiln and you take it home. Come alone or schedule a group event. This is a Dropin creation opportunity. No pre-registration required. Cost: $3 and Up (Price varies depending on project) All Ages Wednesdays from 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm 03/16/19 | 04/13/19 For more information please contact Fee-Based Program Coordinator, Olga Saucedo-Garcia at (559) 6615426 Sawdust Sunday at Ideaworks Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM Ideaworks 1730 H Street, Fresno. It’s wood-shop day at Ideaworks. If you have an interest in woodworking, wood-turning on a lathe, carving, or any other means of sawdust production, join us. This is a good way to get some pointers on an existing project or gather information on how to get started in the exploration of the infinite possibilities of carpentry. This event is open to the public and requires no fees. Some experience is necessary for equipment use. No experience is necessary to explore the possibilities. Ani-Me Con 2019 Mar 16 at 10 AM – Mar 17 at 3 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Parking is FREE! Get your tickets at Don’t miss out on this exciting event!! Workshop: Post-Production – Adobe Premiere Mar 19 at 6 PM – Mar 20 at 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201, Fresno. Learn


the basics of Adobe Premiere. Covers concepts of editing: making cuts, adding music and simple effects. Certification is required for reserving CMAC edit stations. Workshop requires basic computer skills. This workshop is in two parts: Part 1: Tue, March 19, 6–9pm Part 2: Wed, March 20, 6–9pm Membership must be paid prior to training. Contact For Scheduling: (559) 266-2622 or

Waiting Women stage play SAT 16 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM SUN 17 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM SAT 23 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM SUN 24 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM SAT 30 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM SUN 31 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Hanford Multicultural Theater Company presents WAITING WOMEN, a female-western stageplay about the notorious stage coach robber Pearl Hart. In vaudeville storytelling, Pearl recounts her life in a prison with colorful women at the Yuma Territorial Prison in the 1860’s. Sundays at 2pm and Saturdays at 7pm, March Disney’s Darby O’Gill &The Little 10,16,17,23,24,30 &31. Tickets are People (1959) Crest Theatre Friday, $12 and can be purchased from acMarch 15 at 8 PM Historic Crest The- tors and crew and hmtc.ticketleap. atre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, com Fresno. A touch O’Blarney... a heap O’Magic and A LOAD O’LAUGHTER! Wicked (Touring) Wednesday, Celebrating it’s 60th Anniversary! March 20 at 7:30 PM Saroyan TheDoors open 7:00PM at the film starts atre 700 M St, Fresno. the Broadway at 8:00PM. Tickets Only $6 sensation, looks at what happened in the Land of Oz...but from a different A Shot in the Dark Friday, March angle. Long before Dorothy arrives, 15, at 8 PM – 10:15 PM 2nd Space there is another girl, born with emTheatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. This erald-green skin - smart, fiery, mislight, saucy, farce of a mystery takes understood and possessing an exus to Paris, France, 1962, in the traordinary talent. When she meets Chamber of the examining Magis- a bubbly blonde who is exceptionally trate. A new, young Magistrate, Paul popular, their initial rivalry turns into Sevigne, is trying to solve the murder the unlikeliest of friendships...until of a chauffeur that took place at the the world decides to call one “good,” Beaurevers estate. It appears to be and the other one “wicked.” With a an open and shut case. The maid, thrilling score that includes the hits Josefa, a kind-hearted, free-spirit, “Defying Gravity,” “Popular” and “For has been charged with the murder Good,” Wicked has been hailed by having been found nude, uncon- The New York Times as “the defining scious, and clutching a gun, with her musical of the decade.” Time Magdead lover beside her. As the antics azine cheers, “if every musical had of the interrogations progress, Sevi- the brain, the heart, and the courage gne chooses a different path despite of Wicked, Broadway really would be the pressure from his boss, Lab- a magical place.” lache, and his clerk, Morestan. Will the eccentricities of Madame and Calling All Promotors We can Monsieur Beaurevers, along with the help get you out there. We’ll design, slight jealousy of his own loving wife print and distribute. 559-4727182 change his mind? Rated PG-13




MARCH 2019 |


EIGHTEEN HUNDREDS Release their sophomore EP, Moon Cults By Lisa Talley |


entle guitars serenade over a driving rhythm section, but where dominating vocals would predictably take over the lead, it is, instead, an airy presence that wafts in like a finely crafted piece of a well-balanced ensemble. The Fresno-based band, Eighteen Hundreds, recently released their sophomore EP, Moon Cults, in December 2018 – the follow up to their debut, Sun Cults. Self-proclaimed as ‘Ghost Surf,’ the band chose a relatively new genre/phrasing in an attempt to more aptly define their sound to a fresh audience. However, without any point of reference to fully understand what that might actually mean (as opposed to umbrella terms such as rock, metal, or the deeply vanilla ‘alternative’) – try, rather, another band like say, Modest Mouse, sporting 3 guitars but with softer voices. And while this might be a good yet somewhat generic place to start, I also have to admit that it isn’t the whole kit n caboodle in discussing the vibe of Eighteen Hundreds’ music.

Moon Cults delivers the band’s range in a 5-song spread. Track 1, “Colleen,” brings out a dreamy mood that sounds like the signature anthem of a midnight drive through the desert – where it’s all empty roads, sky, and stars shining like beacons through the inky sea of black. The song’s bridge draws back the noise and lets the bass carry the melody. And it’s here in the middle of a figurative midnight-drive-mood that it hits me… the other layer in their sound that I couldn’t put my finger on but felt warmly familiar. Faint yet unmistakable in the belly of the Eighteen Hundreds’ sound is an essence of 80s nostalgia with a touch of New Wave influence living in their rhythm section. My suspicions are confirmed, without a doubt, on the second track, “Sister Cistern”, as the pulsating toms of the drums push through the instrumentation in a signature staccato found all throughout the 80s alternative genre – as a quick and dirty example, think of a dialed back “Hanging on the Telephone” by Blondie. And if there was any

question to this theory, it’s silenced in the final track, “Fox Sister,” as the song holds the memory of New Wave synth replaced with well-timed guitar accents. Eighteen Hundreds live, prove they’re consummate professionals – they know who they are and why they’re here. The drummer plays with a punk kid’s heartbeat, and the syncopation with the bass isn’t just on point, it’s damn near surgical precision. And from one bassist to another, I definitely lived for those melodies and counter melodies albeit how brief they may have been.

Selma Arts Center presents

The laid back ‘surf ’ sound deceives the technical prowess lurking throughout the EP with tempo changes, articulated layers, and the meticulous balance of harmony. But, of course, you’ll have to decide for yourself. Moon Cults is available online for streaming and purchase of either single tracks or the full package along with Sun Cults at To keep up with Eighteen Hundreds news and upcoming shows, follow them on Facebook @1800smusic.

cal. For local directors Michael C. Flores and the sparks fly. With only a few weeks before Dakota Simpson, it’s an opportunity to bring the curtain goes up on this group, they move the show to new audiences and put their indi- about on stage, share scenes, and discover new vidual spin on the production. moments together as if they’ve been on stage “I think we’ve kept true to the humor together for years. This is a chemistry that rethe show already possesses,” says Flores. “We veals itself on stage. have also enhanced it by incorporating stylized “We were really fortunate to bring movement throughout the show. Everyone in together this group of actors,” says Simpson. the cast has a specific physicality they bring to “They allow us to tell the story, but they also the characters they play. They move and inter- bring a sense of togetherness that’s difficult to twine with each other throughout the show in teach. For this cast, it comes naturally.” By Juan Luis Guzmán ways that will be visually appealing to the auA Gentlemen’s Guide to Love and Murder will show March 22 – March 30 at the Seln most weekdays, the Selma Arts Center deaths is Monty Navarro, a charming and am- dience.” When the actors finally come togeth- ma Arts Center. Tickets are available online at buzzes with the excitement of rehears- bitious gentleman, ninth in line to inherit their er and the rehearsal begins, one can start to see or call 559-891-2238 als - there isn’t an inch of wasted space in the earldom, Highhurst. Played by Aaron Pierce, beautiful Arthur Dyson designed theatre. From Monty Navarro is charming and clever, if not the stage to the lobby to the rehearsal rooms a little flighty, something Pierce enjoys playing upstairs to the area in the basement, you’ll find on stage opposite of Kohlruss. Already inside members of the various Selma Arts Center the theatre when Kohlruss arrives, Pierce is ea(SAC) companies hard at work. To date, SAC ger to talk to his cast mate when he sees him is home to three acting companies including enter. SAC Teen and the Cool Kid Players. Today, the “We share a lot of stage time togethcast of A Gentlemen’s Guide to Love and Murder er,” Pierce says, remarking on the multiple takes their work to the main stage while the characters Kohlruss plays. “We are constantly cast members of Curious Incident of the Dog in engaging in a battle of wits, and the intricacies the Night-time wait for the second weekend of that come with Randy’s eight characters force me to prioritize connections with each of them their run. Randall Kohlruss dodges through a in fresh new ways. As a result, every day we are crowd of children in the lobby rehearsing for adding and making discoveries together.” This Selma Art Center production the junior company production of Cinderella Kids. For his role in A Gentlemen’s Guide marks a Central Valley premiere of the show, to Love and Murder, Kohlruss plays a total save a national tour that played a two-night run of eight characters that make up the entire in Fresno during the 2017 Broadway in Fresno D’Ysquith family, an aristocratic group whose series. The show opened on Broadway in 2013 members keep dying off in strange and myste- and received nine Tony Award nominations, Chris Ortiz Belcher, Laura Hay, Maria Monreal, Karina Balfour, Michael Brandon Fidalgo, Daniel LaJune rious ways. At the center of their mysterious ultimately winning four, including Best Musi-



10 | MARCH 2019




MORE action! Each event tests the versatility of the athletes as they go head-tohead in seven different competitions West Fresno Community Land- driving three different vehicles 559 Fights 70 “Sanchez vs. Montescapes Plan Wednesday, March 20, negro” Saturday, March 16 at 7 PM at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Satur- – 11 PM Rainbow Ballroom 1725 unique opportunity to learn how a day, March 16 at 6 PM – 9 PM Main Broadway St, Fresno. Tickets availCommunity Landscapes Plan can Street Hanford 219 W Lacey Blvd, able at transform your community! Free Hanford. Save the Date! Our St. Pattrees, food, music, family friendly! rick’s Day Celebration is around the Roller Derby Season Opener! SatCentral High School East 3535 N corner! Everybody’s Irish in down- urday, March 16, 2019 at 2:30 PM Cornelia Ave, Fresno. Learn about the town Hanford. Enjoy micro-brew Cary Park 4750 N. Fresno Street. Action Plan for the West Fresno area tasting, food, live music, and a lot of Central Valley Area Derby vs West- the water-wise trees and plants rec- laughs. We will have approximate- side Wreckhers Doors open at 2pm. ommended for your neighborhood. ly 20 different microbrews to taste $5 for adults and 10 & under FREE Tree planting demonstration. A free at different downtown businesses. Raffle baskets, snacks and drinks. tree seedling for every participant. A Each business has something fun to Come support your local Derby raffle to win larger trees in 15-gallon experience, photo booths, live music, Team! containers and activities for children. DJ, food, prizes and discounts! Stroll through downtown Hanford and cele- Men’s Volleyball vs UC Santa Cruz brate St. Patrick’s Day with us!!! Tick- Saturday, March 16 at 7 PM – 8:45 ets are $20 and on sale now at Han- PM Fresno State Men’s Volleyford Antique Emporium, fatte alberts ball Club 5241 N Maple Ave, FresJuzt Uz Band No cover charge. All pizza company, Lush Fine Wines, no. ages welcome. 8pm-11pm Doors CASTAWAYS, Hanford’s Consignment open at 7pm in the Banquet Room Store, website, www.mainstreethan- Jib-Jam for POW Saturday, March 16 at 9:30 – 2 China Peak Mountain Friday, March 15 at 7 PM Freeway Resort 59265 Highway 168, LakeLanes Selma 8265 E Dinuba Ave, Selma. Neighborhood Block Party! Sat- shore. Attention all shredders! Maurday, March 16 at 10 AM – 2 PM rissa Hushaw’s Jib-Jam is back for Family Fun Night at Holmes Play- Neighborhood Thrift 353 E Olive Ave, it’s 6th annual event hosted at China ground Friday, March 15 at 6 PM – Fresno. This March we are celebrat- Peak! This event is perfect for all lev7:30 PM Spaces are limited so reg- ing 11 years of business in the Tower els offering something for everyone ister now. Holmes Playground 212 District! We wouldn’t be here without as long as you bring a good attitude. S. First Street 93702 Third Friday all of our wonderful neighbors. Come The best part: all proceeds will be doof each month. All Ages Welcome! out and celebrate with us Saturday nated to Protect Our Winters (POW) (Child must be accompanied by par- March 16th 10am-2pm! We will have ent / guardian and Adults must be FREE Popcorn, Snow Cones, Hot- Fresno SCCA Autocross Event 2 accompanied by child) 3 Ways to dogs, Games for the Kids, Communi- Sunday, March 17 at 7:30 AM – 3 PM Register: Online at www.parcsonline. ty Resources, and Music! The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance under the “Classes” tab. Ave, Fresno. Race your car with the Over the phone at 559-621-PLAY St. Patricks Day at Irish O’Sulli- SCCA! Autocross action is back in (7529) or Walk in at Ted C. Wills Com- vans Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 10 the Central Valley this March! Come munity Center. Office Hours - Monday AM – 11 PM Irish O’Sullivan’s Sun- join us for our first autocross event thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. nyside Lounge Restaurant and Pub of the season in Fresno. Compete 5689 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno. in your car in a controlled environVisalia Irish Fest 2019 Saturday, Outside Beer Garden Green Beer ment. Newcomers and spectators March 16 at 1 PM – 5 PM Visalia Corned Beef and Cabbage ALL DAY always welcome! Register now! Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visa- Music lia. Mark your calendars! On March 16, 2019 the Visalia Breakfast Lions will once again present the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and IrishFest! The parade will start at 10am along Bridge 3/18 1-3pm Palm Vil- Boots in the Park: Tyler Rich Fribeautiful Main St. in Downtown lage Senior Network 7638 N In- day, March 15 at 5 PM – 10 PM Visalia. There is no cost to view the gram, Suite 111 (559) 346-7662 Woodward Park Rotary Amphitheater 7775 North Friant Road, Fresno. 21+ parade. For those 21 and older, come join us for IrishFest at Raw- Stretch & Strengthen 3/19 hide Ballpark from 1-5pm. This 10:30am Palm Village Senior Netevent will feature well over 30 beer work 7638 N Ingram, Suite 111 Metalachi,Tribute of a Down and Big Balls at Fulton 55 Friday, March 15, vendors for you to sample from, live (559) 346-7662 2019 at 8:30 PM Fulton 55 875 Dientertainment, wine, food trucks, and more!!! Tickets for this event Bingo 3/19 2-3pm Palm Village Se- visadero St, Fresno. are $40 in advance, $50 day-of. nior Network 7638 N Ingram, Suite Boots In The Park: Dustin Lynch Designated Driver tickets are $10. 111 (559) 346-7662 Friday, March 15 at 5 PM – PM Rotary Amphitheater Monster Jam Triple Threat Se- Train Brain 3/20 10:30am Palm Vil- 8 ries Saturday, March 16 at 7 PM lage Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, 2135 Fresno St, Ste 203, Fresno. Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Suite 111 (559) 346-7662 Blue October Live & Unplugged Fresno. These world-class Monster Jam vehicles and athletes deliver Rummikub 3/20 1-3pm Palm Vil- at Crest Theatre Friday, March 15, what fans want to see most…more lage Senior Network 7638 N Ingram, 2019 at 7 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Frestrucks, more racing, more freestyle, Suite 111 (559) 346-7662 no more donuts, more wheelies, more




Senior Events



Levi Josiah & The Orange Offence, Sun Tides, Ohneka Saturday, March 16 at 7 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Olympic 1426 N. Van Ness, Fresno. $7 Advance, $10 Door Levi Josiah and his band will make you an instant fan when you hear their soulful crooning and lush harmonies. Eponymous singer-songwriter, Levi Josiah, creates a convergence of moody summer vibes and familiar nostalgia. Strong melodic themes balanced with lush harmonies create a space for a feel-good experience and reflection.

see Grammy, CMA and ACM award winners… The Eli Young Band . Also, special guest Country Music sensation, Drew Baldridge and our Central California star JJ Brown

21 & Over

Karaoke at the American Legion Post 509 Friday, March 15 at 7 pm 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Lightning Entertainment Featuring: D.J. Dave AKA Puppet Man, Miss Lori & Rico. D.J. John Metzler. 2 tacos for Pulse Music: Hope Garcia - Mo- $4, drink specials and dancing. Evtown: the 60s, 70s & 80s Saturday, ery first and third Friday of the month. March 16 at 6 PM – 9 PM Bitwise Salazar’s Blackstone Industriesn700 Van Ness Ave, Fres- Bobby Stand up Comedy Night Saturno. day, March 16 at 9 PM – 10:30 Los Angeles Arabs Orchestra Sun- PM Bobby Salazar’s Blackstone day, March 17, 2019 at 6 PM – 9 PM 2839 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fres- Featuring comedians from Los Anno. A musical journey to authentic geles all the way to San Francisco sounds of our rich Arabic tradition. we bring some of the hottest new upThe Los Angeles Arabs Orchestra is a and-coming comedians to entertain community based ensemble bringing you. this week drop in comedian : together talented musicians in order Aidan Park to increase awareness of Arabic muSt. Paddy’s Day Beer & Wine Fessic. tival Saturday, March 16 at 2 PM – 102.7 The Wolf Presents Country 6 PM 1105 S Madera Ave, Madera. In The Tower! Wednesday, March Join the Madera Noon Rotary this 20 at 7 PM – 10 PM Tower Theatre Saturday, March 16th for a sham809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Get set to rock shaking good time! There will



MARCH 2019 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182

be tastings from local breweries and wineries from the area, live Irish music, food from local restaurants, as well as games and more. Pre-sale tickets start at $35, and will be $45 at the door. All proceeds go towards scholarships for high school seniors in Madera. Don’t miss out on the great night of good food and even better drinks!

CMAC membership must be paid prior to training. Contact for membership and enrollment: (559) 2662622 or

Arthop at the Library with Julie Raymer Thursday, March 21 at 5 PM – 8 PM Clovis Regional Library 1155 5th St, Clovis, 93612 We are pleased to feature Julie and her beautiful paintings and hope you join us to visit with Sunday Dances at the American Le- her on March 21, and stop by to see gion Post 509 on March 17 at 2pm - her work during library hours from 5pm 3509 N First St Fresno, north March 2-29. of Shields Ave. Country and mixed music. $5 at the door. Every 3rd, 4th, Malaquias Montoya: A Voice for the & 5th Sunday of the month. Voicless Friday, March 22 - March 29 at 12 PM – 4 PM M Street Arts Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, Complex 1419 M St, Fresno, 93721 March 20 at the American Legion The community is invited to this free Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, event to enjoy the works of Malaquías north of Shields Ave. Open to the Montoya, one of the founders of the public - every Wednesday. Payouts social serigraphy movement in the $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 San Francisco Bay Area in the midbuy-in includes 19 regular games 1960s. The paintings, silkscreens, plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open charcoals and oil pastels address 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. three prominent themes: injustice, Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitch- empowerment and international en dinner specials. Call (559) 224- struggle. The exhibition is sponsored 0522 with questions. by the Center for Creativity and the Arts and the Department of Art and Design.

March 21 - 27 Art

Learn Video Editing! Workshop: Post-Production – Final Cut Pro Thursday, March 21 at 6 PM – 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201, Fresno, 93721 Learn the basics of Final Cut Pro. A powerful video editor for quick editing and great results. Covers the basics of importing, editing, effecting, and exporting.

MADD Hatter Jack Paint Night Friday, March 22 at 6:15 PM Beautifully Damaged 219 N. Irwin St., Hanford, 93230 Come enjoy a night full of fun, good music, and Jack of course! Snacks and drinks provided as well as paint supplies. $35 per painter. (559)772-7293 Open Mic Night Monday, March 25 at 7 PM – 10 PM The Revue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 Every Monday, local performers come out to share their love and passion to our community. There is spoken word,

comedy, dance, a variety of musical genres and even fire dancing. Sign ups start at 7pm, performances start at 7:30. Free to attend. Metal Mondays at Ideaworks Monday, March 25 at 6 PM Ideaworks 1730 H Street, Fresno, 93721 From welding to machining, if your focus is on metal, then Metal Mondays are for you. This weekly event is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome, but anyone under the age of 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult.

Theater The NeverEnding Story (35th Anniversary) Friday, March 22 at 8 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 What better way to enjoy a modern classic film than in a classic theatre. About the Film: A troubled boy dives into a wondrous fantasy world through the pages of a mysterious book. Doors open at 7p and the film starts at 8p. Tickets are $6 and available online at BrownPaperTickets. com It’s not just a movie, it’s an experience. Slice of Comedy headlining Quincy Johnson II Friday, March 22 at 8 PM Di Cicco’s Italian Restaurant 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Quincy Johnson II is an Actor, Comedian and all around great guy. Quincy has been featured in the film C’mon Man starting Tony Rock, has been seen on television shows including Community on NBC, Black-ish on ABC, VH1’s Walk Of Shame and BET’s Real Husbands Of Hollywood. Tickets available at

here for you. For more information sponsors, we offer an enjoyable evecontact or ning of music by DJ Rey with a great call 559-372-9665 social atmosphere with dogs, dogs and more dogs! 9th Annual Great Steak Out Boots, Brews, and B.B.Q. Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM Hanford Civic Park 400 N Douty St, Hanford, 93230 Hanford Sunset Rotary has awarded Stretch and Strengthen at 10:30a over $160,000 in scholarships to and then Bunco from 1-4p Thurslocal students and the Steak Out is day, March 21 at the Palm Village our primary means of raising funds. Senior Network located at 7638 N The Steak Out is a fun, easy and de- Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For licious way for you to participate in more information call Barbara 559this very successful program. Tickets 346-7662 or email barbara@pvsn. available at org

Senior Events

Spring Fling - Vintage Garden Party Saturday, March 23 at 10 AM – 2:30 PM Soroptimist International of Visalia Wyndham 9000 W Airport Dr, Visalia The Soroptimist International of Visalia Club Cordially Invites You to Our Annual Spring Fling Fundraiser! This year’s Spring Fling will be a vintage garden party theme This is our primary fundraiser which allows us to provide scholarships and mentoring programs to local women & girls. The event will include a delicious luncheon, entertainment, and the opportunity to win fabulous prizes by purchasing opportunity tickets for various donated baskets. Tickets to the event available at


Family Movie Night - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Thursday, March 21 at 6 PM – 8 PM Me-n-Ed’s Brick Oven Baked Pizzeria 1247 N. Wishon, Fresno, 93728 Join us for March Family Movie Night. We will be screening Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Mark your calendars because this will be a fun night Fresno State University Theatre that will include Butterbeer Floats Presents: Book of Days Friday, March and adult beer floats for the big kids. 22-30 at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fres- AlleyWave Saturday, March 23 at no, 93740 Reminiscent of Thorton 5 PM Broadway Event Center 721 Wilder’s Our Town, Book of Days is Broadway St, Fresno, 93721 Bands. about a small southwestern Missouri DJs. Food Trucks. Artists. Bar. Always town confronted by a violent death FREE. ALL AGES. and is forced to reconsider the world and values they thought they knew Ag Day Saturday, March 23 at 9 AM inside and out. Tickets available at – 2 PM Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave, Fresno, 93728 This day gives the unique opportunity to teach thousands of Zoo visitors about agriculture in a fun-filled, family-friendly environment. Transgender Resource Group Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 PM The Pups & Suds: A Night in the Garden Source LGBT+ Center 208 West Sunday, March 24 at 5 PM – 8 PM Main Street Suite B, Visalia, 93291 Gazebo Gardens Nursery 3204 N We love the “T” in LGBT! Transcend- Van Ness Blvd, Fresno, 93704 Pups ing Gender and Trans Parent Groups & Suds is our bi-annual fundraiser contain vital peer support, commu- at Gazebo Gardens just north of The nity, and resources for transgender Tower District in a beautiful garden and gender non conforming individ- offering food trucks, beer & a dog uals as well as their families. We are adoption showcase. Thanks to our


12 | MARCH 2019




Coffee and Donuts Chat at 10:30am, Friday March 22 at the Palm Village Senior Network, call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email Bridge 1-3p Monday, March 25 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email Strength and Strengthen 10:30a followed by Meet Me at the Movies, Tuesday, March 26 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email barbara@ Book Club at 10:30a followed by Canasta from 2-4p, Wednesday, March 27 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559346-7662 or email barbara@pvsn. org

Sports Micro Wrestling Friday, March 22, at 8 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno, 93702 The Micro Wrestling Federation is a fullscale, WWE type event supported by an entire cast under five feet tall. It’s going to be pandemonium as the Micro Wrestlers body slam, bear hug, and headlock throughout an evening of nonstop action. This event is all ages. Tickets available at Eventbrite. com Home opener: Fresno FC vs. Reno 1868 FC Saturday, March 23 at 7:30 PM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 Be a part of the atmosphere. Tickets available at Tickets. PBR: Professional Bull Riders Saturday, March 23 at 7 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno,

MORE 93710 The Professional Bull Riders Velocity Tour is where dreams of riding on national television on the PBR Built Ford Tough Series begin. Along with showcasing the top elite and upand-coming riders, the PBR Velocity Tour provides a great opportunity for more fans, in additional cities, to experience all the action the PBR has to offer. Tickets available on

the streets with the best live music, food trucks and vendors that Fresno has to offer. Music lineup: Fashawn, Eighteen Hundreds, Rockville, Deja Blues, Boom Boom Brady, and The BOX closing out the night. FresYes Fest is free to attend and open to all ages.

6th Annual Second Wind 5k and Kids Mini Sprint Saturday, March 23 at 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM Madera District Fair 1850 W Cleveland Ave, Madera, 93637 We invite you to run or walk with a “Second Wind” as we raise money for our non-profit agencies Madera Rescue Mission and Madera County Food Bank, who provide a “Second Wind” for those in need. The annual ALL AGES, 5K starts and finishes on the track at LoanMart Madera Speedway while meandering its way through the nostalgic Madera District Fair! Sign up at

Gold’s Brew Guest Tap & Talk featuring BARREL HOUSE Thursday, March 21 at 5 PM Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen 1279 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Learn while you drink! Beer rep on site to answer your questions. Barrel House brews to be tapped: Mango, Strawberry Juicy, Peaches and Cream Sour, BH IPA, Sunny Daze, Big Sur, and Stout.


Zero Theorem, Cold 43, Legion of Fallen Empires, For The Dead Friday, March 22 at 8 PM Barmageddon 126 E Kern Ave, Tulare, 93274 Zero Theorem - alternative hard rock, sounds like Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, Tool. Cold 43 - pop punk. Doors at 8 PM Show at 9 PM Cover ADV $8 or Door $10. Tickets available at

21 & Over

HoPPK Pub Quiz Thursday, March 21 at 6:30 PM HoP PK 820 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 Join us every THIRD THURSDAY of each month. We look forward to racking your brain over great beer, great food, and great 2019 Fresno Donut Run Sunday, friends! Sign-ups at 6:30PM with the March 24 at 8 AM – 11 AM Two Cities Quiz starting at 7PM sharp. Marathon & Half 9447 N Fort Washington Rd, Fresno, 93730 Donut Roar and Pour - Spring Beer FesThemed 5k run/walk at Woodward tival Thursday, March 21 at 5:30 Park! Not only will runners be treated PM – 8:30 PM Fresno Chaffee to the best Donuts after the race you Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave, Fresno, will also earn your very own custom 93728 Stroll through the Zoo after Donut Medal! The Fresno Donut Run hours and enjoy unlimited samwill benefit the Ronald McDonald ples from your favorite local craft House Charities of the Central Valley breweries. Enjoy live music, tasty by donating a portion of the event food available for purchase, and a proceeds. Sign up on RunSignUp. commemorative glass. com

In Her Own Words, Oh Weatherly, Never Loved Thursday, March 21 at 7 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 With Yearbooks, Light of Mine. Tickets available at or at Strummer’s during normal business hours. Watermelon Slim Thursday, March 21 at 8 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 “Watermelon Slim” Homans has built a remarkable reputation with his raw, impassioned intensity. Paste Magazine writes “He’s one hell of a bottleneck guitarist, and he’s got that cry in his voice that only the greatest singers in the genre have had before him.” Tickets available at

Sunday Dances at the American Legion Post 509 on March 24 at 2pm - 5pm 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Country and mixed music. $5 at the door. Every 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sunday of the month. Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, March 27 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 2240522 with questions.

March 28 - April 3 Art South Valley Art Tour Mar 30 March 31 from 10 AM to 5 PM 300 E. Oak Avenue, Visalia, 93291 Formally known as The South Valley Artists’ Studio Tour, SVAT remains Tulare County’s widest-reaching art event of the year. Because of the tremendous growth of the South Valley Art Tour, we are now featuring the Southern and Northern regions of Tulare County on alternating years (we will be featuring the Northern region on March 28 and 29 of the year 2020). Tickets available at


Leitis in Waiting Film Screening Thursday, March 28 at 5:30 PM Fresno State - Music Room 160, 5241 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 Leitis in Waiting follows the story of Joey Mataele and the Tonga Leitis, a group of native transgender women fighting a rising tide of religious fundamentalism and intolerance in their South Pacific Kingdom. Open to the public. House of FAB presents Bad Boy Sponsored by the Cross Culture and Bill Saturday, March 23 at 8 PM FAB Gender Center, the Asian Pacific IsFresno 716 E Olive Ave, Fresno, Fea- lander Program, Gender and LGBTQ+ turing SwitchBlade and Jacob Terry Programs, and LGBT+Allies.

An Evening on the Mexican Rivera Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Fresno, 2101 N Fruit Ave, Fresno. Benefitting Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival, come and enjoy an evening of great food, tasty cocktails and themed entertainment! Featured FresYes Fest 2019 Saturday, Mistress of Ceremony, Misty Blue, March 23 from 1 PM – 11 PM Tio- Empress 49 of All of San Francisco. ga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Live Mariachi Band! Doors at 6pm / Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 It’s time Dinner at 7pm / Show at 8pm. $15 for Downtown Fresno’s biggest and In Advance or $20 at the Door. (559) best annual block party! We’re filling 224-2368 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Preacher Lawson Live! Saturday, March 30 at 8 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 n 2015 Preacher won the title of Funniest Comedian In Florida, in 2016 he was crowned the winner of the Seattle International Comedy Competition. He’s continued the wave of momentum on into 2017 and he’s on quite a roll this year so far - having made his television debut on NBC’s “Last Call with Carson Daly” followed by an appearance on Comedy Dynamic’s “Coming To The Stage” soon after. In 2017, Lawson made a Slice of Comedy headlining VInce big splash on NBC’s “America’s Got Royale Friday, March 29 at 8 PM Di Talent” where he made it to the final Cicco’s Italian Restaurant 408 Clovis ten contestants. Tickets available at Ave, Clovis, 93612 Currently living in Los Angeles, the former homeless salesman turned stand up comedian is currently on the Netflix original series “Cooking On High” and has appeared in the entire season of MTV’s Fresno Street Eats Vol. 3: Break“Bad Sex”, “Laughs” on Fox, “Stand fast for Dinner Thursday, March 28 at Up and Deliver” on Hulu, “Not for 5 PM – 10 PM Tioga Sequoia BrewNothin” on Amazon Prime and cur- ing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno, rently on the horror comedy film “At- 93721 This ain’t any ol’ food truck tack of the Killer Donuts” on Show- night. Every event will come with time. Tickets available at Eventbrite. limited-edition, one-night-only items dreamed up by local chefs. We’ll feacom ture new vendors each time with roDirect from Vegas, Edwin San Juan tating themes. Open to all ages and & Friends at the Visalia Fox Saturday, no cover. March 30 at 8 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia, 93291 Ed- Springtime Food Truck & Busiwin San Juan is a Filipino American ness Expo Friday, March 29 at actor and comedian who is known 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM The Falls Event for sharing his multicultural life ex- Center, Fresno 4105 West Figarden periences, his observational humor, Drive, Fresno, 93722 We are bringwordplay, and for poking fun at eth- ing together the Central Valley’s best nic stereotypes. He is the creator and food trucks for you to enjoy! Visit loexecutive producer of ‘SlantED Com- cal vendor booths, listen to live enedy’, a showcase of Asian American tertainment and choose from a huge stand-up comedians televised on variety of food trucks. All attendees FREE! Showtime. The Sound of Music (1965) Friday, March 29 at 8 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 The hills are alive with the sound of music! Julie Andrews stars in the timeless classic everyone should experience on the big screen. A woman leaves an Austrian convent to become a governess to the children of a Naval officer widower. The film returns to the Historic Crest Theatre for one night only! Doors open: 7:00PM, Film: 8:00PM Tickets Only $6


Batteries Not Included (1987): Throwback Thursdays Thursday, March 28 at 6:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia, 93291 *batteries not included is a 1987 American comic science fiction film directed by Matthew Robbins about small extraterrestrial living spaceships that save an apartment block under threat from property development. Doors: 5:30 pm, Show: 6:30 pm Tickets $5 online at | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


MARCH 2019 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182

RALLY Transgender Day of Visibility Sunday, March 31 at 2 PM – 4 PM 8010 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, 93720 Join us on the corner of Blackstone & Nees on March 31st for the annual Transgender Day of Visibility RALLY from 2pm-4pm. We RALLY for two hours with our signs, our voices, and our hope. Tras-E-Motion -

Run for the Children - 5K Run/ Walk Sunday, March 31 at 9 AM – 11 AM Kearney park 6725 W Kearney Blvd, Fresno, 93706 Breaking the Silence™ is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising public awareness of child abuse realities and prevention techniques through survivor empowerment and community education. Please join us for Run for the Children because we need YOUR HELP to bring about greater community awareness about child abuse and related issues. This is a family The Parlier Car Show Saturday, friendly event also open to furbabies March 30 at 12 PM Earl Ruth Park on leashes. St, Parlier, 93648 Come see fortheChildren amazing cars, hear great entertainment, taste a variety of mouth wa- Calling All Promotors We can tering foods, smell the deliciousness help get you out there. Let us take of BBQ, but most importantly, come care of the print and distribution. connect with others to enhance our Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 community connectedness.


Senior Events Stretch and Strengthen at 10:30a and then 3/13 Cards from 1-3p Thursday, March 28 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email barbara@

Sports Lynes Ranch Spring Bogg 2019 Mar 30 - Mar 31 at 9:30 AM to 6 PM Lynes Ranch Mudd Boggs 36381 w hwy one ninety eight, Coalinga, 93210 Come out and join us for a couple of fun days of four wheel fun! Along with the mudd boggs this year High Sierra 4x4 will be out here hosting a rock garden and a flex ramp! We will be doing foot races through the pit so if you want to run bring a change of clothes(or don’t lol)! Food and vendors will also available both days. There will be live entertainment Saturday night as well as camping.

14 | MARCH 2019

Aborted, Cryptopsy, Benighted, Hideous Divinity at Strummer’s Friday, March 29 at 7 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 All ages! Tickets available at TicketWeb. com or at Strummer’s during normal business hours Kip Moore “Room to Spare Acoustic Tour” at the Hanford FOX Saturday, March 30 at 8 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford, 93230 Country superstar Kip Moore​ will be performing LIVE. Plus, Muscadine Bloodline to kick to the night off! Tickets available at FoxHanford. com

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 dance tunes! Next up is BIG BALLS - a local Tribute to AC/DC to get your blood pumpin’! Then our headliner will be Generation Idol - a Tribute to the music of Billy Idol. Tickets available at

Central Coast Craft Beer Fest 2019 Saturday, March 30, at 12 PM – 4 PM Sunken Gardens 5942 West Mall, Atascadero, 93422 Enjoy samples from over 45+ local craft breweries from Monterey through Ventura CosRave 3.0 All Imagination Cos- counties along with wineries, and ciplay Party Friday, March 29 at 8 PM deries! We will also have guest brewMarlo’s Club & Mexican Restaurant eries and cideries joining us. Get 468 N Palm Ave, Fresno, 93701 DJS your tickets before we sellout! http:// , Vendors, Cosplay Contest, Game station, Theme GoGo Dancers, colCarter Winter Wednesday, March lectables giveaways, hundreds of Just The Tips Sunday Headlining 27 at 8 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern friendly faces, massive sound, mind Jen Felix Comedy Show+Open Mic Ave, Fresno, 93728 All ages! Tick- blowing visuals, lots of fun. 18 to en- Sunday, March 31 at 7:30 PM Groggs ets available at or at ter, 21 to drink. Traditional Irish Pub 1225 North WilStrummer’s during normal business low Avenue #180, Clovis, 93611 hours. Barmageddon Drag show & Stuck between the worlds of comdey Dance night Saturday, March 30 at and engineering, Jenn Felix brings Adrian Legg LIVE! at the Tower 9 PM Barmageddon 126 East Kern her analytical eye to the stage. She Lounge Thursday, March 28 at 8 PM Avenue, Tulare, 93274 An ALL NEW finds the absurd in the mundane, the Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fres- Night of Comedy, Cocktails and best of the bad, and the whimsy in no, 93728 Adrian Legg is an English Queens! Host’s Armani Colby & Tranz the sad. She is best enjoyed with a guitar player who has been called jenner. AlongSide A SUPERSTAR cast side of ranch. Free. Bring tip money “impossible to categorize”. He plays of Queens are among the Bay Area’s for the headliner. custom guitars that are a hybrid of & La most sought after performers electric and acoustic, and his fin- and this march they are all under Sunday Dances at the Amerigerstyle picking technique has been one roof at Barmageddon in Tulare. can Legion Post 509 on March 31 acknowledged by the readers of Gui- Tickets available at at 2pm - 5pm 3509 N First St Fresno, tar Player who voted Legg the “best or at the door. north of Shields Ave. Country and acoustic fingerstyle” player four mixed music. $5 at the door. Every years in a row (1993–1996). Tickets Rock-a-Palooza Classic Rock 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sunday of the month. Festival Saturday, March 30 at 12 PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Made- Anvil at Fulton 55 Tuesday, April 2 ra, 93637 This is our Spring kick-off at 7:30 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero Calling All Promotors We can event and will feature three great St, Fresno, 93721 American Made help get you out there. Let us take bands playing nothing but Classic Concerts and Fulton 55 present: care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. Rock hits! Local rockers SHATTERED Anvil. Tickets available at Ticketfly. will kick off the day with great 80s com 559-472-7182


21 & Over




Downtown Visalia Wine Walk Tuesday, April 2 at 5:30 PM Downtown Visalia 120 S Church St, Visalia, 93291 Your passport will get you into each location where they will have a variety of wines for you to try in your signature, souvenir wine glass, as well as food pairings that go great with each selection! Tickets available at Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182


THREE HYDRO flood & drain tables, one for $65 or two for LEARN TO DRIVE $45 each. Call for more A FORKLIFT. info 559-341-2575 Train-The-Trainer & Re-Certification GOOD LOOKIN, Classes Available. Day tall, slim, white male, & Night Classes Avail- 70. Looking to meet able. $50 Discount to slim, white female, Veterans. Visit CFTC. 60-70 who likes to go net For More Info. western swing danc559-325-8097 ing, flea markets, es tate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559PERSONALS 779-1021 please leave a message if no anMEET SINGLES in swer. your area. Real Hook- ups Real Fast. Try it FURNITURE Oak FREE! Ahora en Es- Bookshelf $50 (559) panol 18+ (559)761- 770-8918 0162 $125.00 Beautiful well GOOD LOOKIN, made cedar chest /Stortall, slim, white male, age Chest with lock, 70. Looking to meet key, and bottom drawslim, white female, er in good condition. 60-70 who likes to go Great multi use. Store western swing danc- valuables, clothes, ing, flea markets, es- toys, shoes, personal tate sales, fishing, and items, etc. See all of camping. Call 559- the pictures and make 779-1021 please leave sure you are OK with a message if no an- the size measurements swer. below before coming to see it 3 feet 7 and 1/2 inch wide 2 feet 1/2 MISCELLANEOUS inch tall 1 foot 5 inch depth 559 681-2958 VINTAGE cloth- ing & accessories at ROUND PINE Wood BeBe O’s in Tower. Table and 4 wood We also carry vintage chairs in good condiitems & furnishings. tion. Nice, study and Come check out the stable set. See all of inventory! 1130 N. the pictures and make Wishon Ave. Fresno. sure you are ok with (559)445-1928 Re- the size measurements ceive $5 off your $25 below before coming purchase. to see it. $115 Table 3 feet 7 inches Round MANUFACTURED top Chair 3 feet 3 inch Homes in a Gated tall 1 foot 6 inch wide Community. Homes 1 foot 6 inch depth starting at $59,000. From floor to seat top Owner financing, low 1 foot 6 inches 559 down payments, com- 681-2958 petitive interest rates. Veterans let us help NEW BUNK bed, you with a $2,500 grant metal black, twin size towards the down pay- with mattress, for ment on a home! Call $100 If interested, call Willows of Santiago (559)706-2349 todayr (888) 563-3003 ARE YOU SELLING TWO indoor grow something? List it here lights 600 watt high for only $20/ issue. pressure sodium $45 Call 559-472-7182 each. Call for more info 559-341-2575 ANNOUNCEMENTS

HOW CAN you resist Delaney A069059? This gentle girl will cover you in love, affection, and puppy kisses. 559-233-7722

VALENCIA A069058 needs a kind and loving heart to love and care for her. She’ll fit right in! 559-2337722

LOOK, IT’S your best friend Ken A070203! Ken is so loyal and fun, he is the partner in crime everyone wants. Call CCSPCA 559233-7722 ext.116

FELIX A070067 might seem shy at first, but with enough time, love, and patience, he’ll bring love into your home. 559-2337722 ext.116

SKIPPER A068352 is ready to play! He’s energetic and athletic, and would love to run all day. 559-233-7722

LEIA A067944 is ready for affection at all times, she thinks your hands exist to pet her. 559-233-7722

BRODIE A070218 enjoys lounging around the house and soaking in all the love you have to give. Call CCSPCA for a meet and greet 559-233-7722 ext.116

BEN A070002 is very attentive with everything. He loves to observe and learn his surroundings, the perfect house cat. 559-2337722 ext.116

JACKSON A072621 is a sweet and mellow little guy who just goes with the flow of life. Call CCSPCA 559233-7722 ext. 116

COOKIE A072589 has a friendly and playful personality that will warm you right up in this chilly winter weather. 559-233-7722


NICE MID Century EXTREMELY RARE TV Stand, TV Con- This 1940s-1949-root sole, could also be beer amber glass owl used as a Sewing Cabi- bank just glows from net or Craft Table. Has the light. or put in two drawers and two some xmas lights in storage cabinet areas. it,wow.seldom seen,raIt’s 40” wide, 19 1/2” re./BOTTOM SAYS deep, 29 3/4” tall. WISE OLD OWL. The legs are remov- ITS BEEN FAMILY able for transport SENSE NEW $35 559or if you would like 264-0085 a shorter profile. If needed, I may be able BEAUTIFUL woodto deliver for extra. en bird cage From 559.387.7228 1800’s Victorian era With stand $650 For information NICE STURDY tv more entertainment center. please call or text Very good condition. Bobby at 559-765Includes 37 inch lg tv. 9167 Works. But may be (vintage needing some work PRAM soon. Text for details baby buggy) Silver or if you have any cross pram. Beautiful questions. Location Founded in Britain in Madera.Asking $175 1877, Silver Cross is a If interested please text premium global nurs559-288-0724 ery brand. Loved and trusted by millions of parents worldwide, it is dedicated to giving ANTIQUES & babies the best start in COLLECTIBLES life. $425 (559) 765NATIONAL CASH 9167 Register This has been restored years ago. It’s in great shape and everything works except it has no key. The lock comes off with two screws so you can take just the lock to a key smith $750 (Madera) (559) 232-6802



VINTAGE clothing & accessories at BeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage items & furnishings. Come check out the inventory! 1130 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno. (559)445-1928 Receive $5 off your $25 purchase.


PROFESSIONAL TOBI steamer. Brand new in the box. 90 cash. Txt at 661-7723216 SUPPORT LOCAL


GARBAGE compactor Kenmore for sale - $150 (Madera Ranchos) 352 -632l

MARCH 2019 |


CLASSIFIEDS DYSON BALL multi WHEEL BARROW S.D. MYRES Saddle ARE YOU SELLING surface 2 vacuum for $25 (559) 259-9687 - $300 (North Fork) something? List it here YARD WORK BIKES sale in great condition. Beautiful western sadfor only $20/ issue. Asking $150 Reatailed S.D. MYRES Saddle dle, intricate tooling JW CLEAN-UP SER\ GIRLS Mongoose, Call 559-472-7182 at $399 No trades If - $300 (North Fork) pattern. Great condi- VICES. Estate Sale “3 Style Girl”, very interested call me at Beautiful western sad- tion. 14.5 inch seat. Cleanups. Yard, Trash, decorative and pretty. 5594309228 dle, intricate tooling Call or text (559) 760- Construction cleanup, Needs TLC with ATVS pattern. Great condi- 7730 rubbish, trees & demo, rust remover and THE AMERICAN tion. 14.5 inch seat. rentals, lots, apart- new tubes and seat, 2013 yfz450r 559Standard Cadet 5 ft. Call or text (559) 760- ments & forclosures. but would look new 451-7269 firm 7,000 Whirlpool in White 7730 TOOLS We do it all Just Call! with very little effort. pink in hand employs 8 jets for a (559)307-4304 ask for call Cindy 559-765- wonderful and relax- MASSEY Ferguson 35 BRAND NEW dewalt James 1205 $13 2005 Yamaha Banshee ing body massage and Tractor Strong running 20v Impact $70 (559) 350 twin runs features a convenient tractor runs and starts 892-6921 LAWN SERVICE. DIAMOND back we’ll starts right up deck-mounted on/off like new. Replaced all Cleanups, Fertiliz- mountain bike excel- Original stock K&N control. Molded-in fluids, including new GENERATOR 5000 er, New Saw, Lawn lent condition $40 call filter FMF fatty pipes armrests in the lumbar main seal, new battery, WATT $200 (559) 706- Spraying, Sprinkler 510-712-1548 pro tapers garage kept area provide comfort and complete rebuilt 3050 Repair & Lawn Re- BMX fit bike $35 FMF power core 2 4 while you bathe and the carburetor. New paint seeding. Call for a Free Good bike call 510- new tires Tags good tub is built from acryl- with Massey Ferguson C R A F T S M A N Estimate! 559-696- 712-1548 until June 2021 red ic with fiberglass rein- colors. Tires are excel- ELECTRIC HEDGE 5149 or 559-275-7630 sticker Pink slip Seforcement for impres- lent with weights on TRIMMERS $25 16” GIRL’S bike, rous buyers only 559sive durability. Drain all four wheels. Sway (559) 246-5661 comes with training 210-2635 and overflow must be bars included. Brakes wheels, bike is ready purchased separately. are excellent. Turns on LADDER, Werner 6 to be used. $25 Call or 1987 Honda Fourtrax HAULING Asking $750 on the first pop every ft aluminum, NEW text(559) 21’7 9024 350 . It runs but has Retail Value: $1,700 time. New seat cush- CONDITION $50 559 JW CLEAN-UP SER- a bad carburetor and For more info call Alex ions. No visible leaks. 360 2977 VICES. Estate Sale WOMENS Schwinn dead battery. Will need (559) 213-8646 New spark plugs. Sheet Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Riverside cruiser bike some TLC to get workMetal is straight with 6X10X2 Dump Trailer Construction cleanup, 7 speed black, white ing again. Sold with running boards and 7k GVW Black $3500 rubbish, trees & demo, and pink 26 inch bill of sale $750 (805) FARM & GARDEN tool box. Nice tractor (951) 286-7619 rentals, lots, apart- Basket in the front 478-8067 ready to work. Can dements & forclosures. Rack in the back 28 FOOT stock trailer liver locally for asking SUPPORT LOCAL We do it all Just Call! *New tires* Good 2002 Yamaha raptor can be two levels For price. (559) 970-2120 (559)307-4304 ask for condition $100 OR 80cc $1400 (559) 906sheep and goats or just $3500 Best Offer Call:Lar- 7067 James a stock trailer for cows ry 559-704-8369 or ARE YOU SELLING and horses $2500 Call HEDGE trimmer New Tina 559-495-5920 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here (650) 799-4746 $70 ben 559-355-3855 something? List it here ARE YOU SELLING for only $20/ issue. for only $20/ issue. 2 CLOTHESLINE SELLING stuff? List something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 Call 559-472-7182 Poles $35 (559) 393- it here. 559-472-7182 for only $20/ issue. SUPPORT LOCAL 1804 Call 559-472-7182

Real Singles, Real Fun... 30 MINUTES FREE TRIAL

1-559-761-0162 More Numbers: 1-800-926-6000 18+ 16 | MARCH 2019




2018 Honda TRX250X Somewhere around 2-4 hours of ride time Comes with a set of sand star paddles and wheels Otherwise untouched $4200 Text is best 559359-5857

82 SUZUKI GS1100 gk $1700 (559) 4002257 2006 HARLEY Dyna Thunderheaders Fairing Biltwell seat BungKing crash bar Lots of parts, only 16k miles. Very well maintained. Runs great and has no issues. Title MOTORCYCLES in hand. Firm on the DRZ400 $4000 559- price. No low balling. Text only please. Seri765-9949 ous buyers only. (559) 1993 HARLEY Da- 285-9550 vidson Electra-Glide Ultra Classic. motor- 82 SUZUKI GS1100 cycle is in great shape gk $1700 (559) 400has a few chips here 2257 and there but in all fires up every time. has 2011 yz450 $4000 26,000 miles on it with 209-216-7768 a few upgrades. bike is loud so feel free to text me and check it out. BOATS must have a valid driver license and a motor- 1989 SEARAY cyclist endorsment if 180 Bow Ridyou want to test drive er Ski - Fish Boat it. my number is 559- Engine 4.3 mercuriser 970-7959 Minn Kota Edge 45 Electric trolling motor 2007 BMW f800st New Hummingbird $4400 (Kingsburg) Fishfinder Has Bi(559) 859-2635 mini Top Boat cover Boat runs good, last SELLING stuff? List service June 2018. Selling because I it here. 559-472-7182 bought a newer SeaRay. Call Hank 679-2048 no texting please.

1964 HOUSEBOAT 2004 Fleetwood Gear tags, seats 7 people. - I just put some work Box Toy Hauler $8950 great on gas. this SUV in it which include 559-577-0678 is in good condition new paint,batteries,- and been well mainfloor,curtains,and ser- TOY HAULER 2003 tained. power winvice the motor.has tags Rage’n 24ft $9250 dows, alarm, key less till 19 and the dock fee (559) 593-2070 entry. title in hand. is paid till March 2019. clean title. interested $10000 (Pineflat) Call ITASCA RV Onan call 559-900-6568 559-856-0521 24 $2950 (559) 333 3230 FORD MUSTANG 1978 BAYLINER 21 for sale - $5000 (559) Ft boat and tandem 538-4443 axle trailer combiCARS nation. If interested 2011 KIA Forte $3500 please text Dan @ 559- 2004 MAZDA 3 (559) 250-2258 852-1841 (between 9 hatchback - MANUAL am and 9 pm ONLY $4300 (559) 718-8857 88 SUZUKI Samu“PLEASE”) rai 4x4 “Must See” 2014 Hyundai Accent $3500 (209) 947-6644 CABIN CRUSIER GLS $6600 559-7181996 1Owner 28ft 8857 Nice Boat.Make Me A TRUCKS Offer I Cant Refuse ph 2012 KIA Forte LX 559-244-9971 Voice $5600 (559) 718-8857 CHEVY PICK up Message Only 2005 $6300 (559) 320 1999 LEXUS ES 300 7949 runs great clean in RVS and out power win- FORD RANGER dows power door locks 2002 TRUCK $4900 2005 Trail-lite Travel cruise control power (Selma) (559) 859Trailer 21’ $6200 (559) seats cold AC automat- 2774 298-6584 ic no mechanical prob- lems no oil leaks No 2009 CHEVY 2500 hd SOUTHWIND 96 trades (559)801-1096 $8500 (Visalia) (559) Motorhome 1Owner $2300 o.b.o 397-2035 $9800 661-543-7536 Voice Message Only 2007 TOYOTA High- 1996 JEEP Cherokee lander, Hybrid, AWD, 4x4 $3800 (559) 706V6, gas saver. with 1221 ARE YOU SELLING 189k freeway miles. something? List it here runs and drives per- 88 SUZUKI Samufor only $20/ issue. fect, good tiers, passed rai 4x4 “Must See” Call 559-472-7182 smog check, current $3500 (209) 947-6644


CLEAN 2wd Regular Cab 1998 Chevrolet Silverado $15900 (209) 900-3226 2006 TOYOTA Tundra-59k miles- SR-5 Extra Cab - $12500 59,000 original miles. Salvage title from having the right rear door replaced. Cloth interior. V8 motor. Auto Transmission. We are only selling it because we just bought a newer model Tundra . Bed cover that swings up and is lighted. Truck bed is actually carpeted. New Tires. Stock original fender flares. Towing receiver. Yes that is the original Mileage. Dark Grey exterior with light grey interior. Private pLocated in Fresno. 905-5596 SUPPORT LOCAL



MARCH 2019 |



A PA RT M E N T S Los Arbolitos Apartments offers 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment homes. $200 off first month. Call for more info (559)255-8370 or stop by 555 S. Argyle Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 APARTMENT Rentals helps with all your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit or website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website

SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 $895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting. Please contact us at (559) 291-4305

CHATEAU MONTEREY I 2881 Willow Ave. Clovis (559) 294-7144 MONTHLY RENT $650.00 Studio 1 bathroom $350.00 security deposit application fee $25.00 per adult SUPPORT LOCAL

18 | MARCH 2019


$925 / 2BR - 796ft2 Hunter Place Apartment Homes. Now accepting section 8! (888) 673-8962 $799 / 2br - 1161ft2 Air Conditioning and Central Heating, WalkIn Closet(s), Playground (559) 512-7670

2 BEDROOMS / 1.0 Bath 925 sq. ft. $1195 Crystal Tree Apartments located in Fresno, California. We offer seven distinct floor plans, featuring one and two bedrooms. Relax around our Olympic size pool or take advantage of one of our many sports facilities; tennis, racquetball, basketball and volleyball courts, pool, spa, and saunas are all available for your enjoyment. As if that wasn’t enough, we also offer picnic areas and a game room for your entertainment. We are a pet-friendly community and welcome your furry friends. 431-2110

$1099 / 2br - 925ft2 $500 Off 2nd Months Rent 2 Bedroom Floorplans (559) 297-2297 The Best of the Best in Clovis! We offer timeless living and relaxing surroundings. An apartment community graced with year - round blooming flowers, gorgeous mature cedar trees and beautiful brick exterior. Scottsmen Too Apartment homes are within ROOM FOR RENT walking distance to the post office, shopping ROOM FOR rent in center, restaurants and quiet Clovis neighborbus line. hood. Month to month rent with 30-day notiARE YOU SELLING fication. The rent insomething? List it here cludes the following: for only $20/ issue. Full house and kitchCall 559-472-7182

en privileges (spelling correct please), use of washer and dryer cable TV, WIFI, and all utilities are included in the rental price. $475.00 per month Provide proof of income text or call (714)335-5341 FRESNO/ASHLAN 2 Rooms Available - Large room like a studio. Single or Couple, no kids. $600/mo $500/deposit Second Room - $400/mo $500 Deposit Habla Espanol Call (559) 400-1500 RENTING your room? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209


huge partially covered deck. On Deadwood Mountain, minutes from Oakhurst. TOP $1645 / 4br - 1445ft2 YOUR ENTER- OF THE WORLD $215,000 - Great family home, TAINMENT OASIS! VIEWS! clovis schools, shop- $559,000 Stillmead- Scott McGhee, Lic ping nearby by, 4 bed ow 1 subdivision in #01987178 (559) 6832 bath (559) 824-5044 Oakhurst Minutes 7183 office (559) 462from town. Pool, hot 0321 mobile $1495 / 3br - 1328ft2 tub, waterfall and ON THE - Fresno SE Home, beautiful views. Land- B&B CREEK IN FISH 3BR/2BA, Blt 1960, scaped yard. 2790 sf $998,000 Fresh Paint, RV Park- two-story home with CAMP! ing (559) 287-9643 5 Bd, 3Ba, open living Well-established bed & area, and wraparound breakfast inn situated $1150 / 3br - 1440ft2 - deck. Main floor mas- on year-round creek, 3 or 4 Bedroom Home ter suite. Room to located 2 miles from For more informa- park your RV/toys.! the south entrance to tion or other available Scott McGhee, Lic Yosemite Nat’l Park. properties please visit #01987178 (559) 683- Operated by sole, or 7183 office (559) 462- prietor since 2002. 3 beautifully furnished call 559-221-3151 0321 mobile guest suites, each with $1325 / 2br - 1026ft2 - TOP OF THE their own balcony, Charming Tower Bun- WORLD VIEWS! heating and bathroom galow for Rent (559) $215,000 Beautiful with soaking tub. 492-4000 2 bedroom 2 bath- Scott McGhee, Lic room mountain home #01987178 (559) 683$995 / 3br - 1006ft2 - with incredible views. 7183 office (559) 462Affordable 3 Bedroom Open concept with 0321 mobile Clovis House For more plenty of natural light information please vis- from the large win- ARE YOU SELLING it, dows. Relax on the something? List it here for only $20/ issue. or call 559-221-3151 Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL




YOUR OWN PRIVATE HOMESTEAD! $299,000 Only minutes from town, this custom home was designed and built by the owner! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living /dining room combined, kitchen and an office make up the 1,589 square feet of space. All on 5.95 acres that has a small barn for horses, two creeks, and room to roam. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 683-7183 office PIERCE LAKE ESTATE! $55,000 Ready to build near Oakhurst Schools. 1.07 Acres in the desirable Pierce Lake Estates. Enjoy the meandering seasonal creek and take advantage of a flat building site. Mature trees provide a bountiful canopy of shade. Come see this parcel today! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559)

683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile 462-0321 mobile SELLING your $300000 / 4br - home? List it here for 2093ft2 - House For only $20 per issue. Sale | 3487 Jordan St. Call (559) 472-7182 (Selma) Beautiful and spacious 4 bedroom 2 BUILD ON 10.98 bath home in Selma. ACRES! $95,000 It features an open 10.98 acre lot on a quikitchen looking into et road in Coarsegold. the living room, nice Paved road to the propsize bedrooms, ceiling erty. Room for all your fans throughout, cov- animals. The private ered patio & red wood well and pump have deck. Did I mention been installed, just this home has solar? need to hook up to the Call today for a show- power. Electric power ing (559) 256-7878 poles are across the street. Scott McGhee, YOSEMITE LAKES Lic #01987178 (559) PARK! $14,500 1 acre 683-7183 office (559) of land in the commu- 462-0321 mobile nity of Yosemite Lakes Park (YLP). Great lo- $197000 / 2BR cation. Close to recre- 500ft2 - Your Own ation center. Property Beach Cottage (Pismo is covered with rock Beach) (805) 287-8225 outcroppings, has a seasonal creek, and $150000 / 2BR ready for your imagi- 1054ft2 Little TLC. nation. Scott McGhee, Handyman’s Special Lic #01987178 (559) 559-517-5615 683-7183 office (559) SUPPORT LOCAL

$168888 FIXER upper. Must see 156S. WOODROW AVE (559) 721-4313 $350000 / 5br 2814ft2 - Great family home priced to sell quick! (VISALIA) (559) 901-7215 $347000 4 BEDROOM 3 Bath Home Features a Pool With Resort like Backyard (559) 721-4313 $235000 / 3BR 1701ft2 (Madera) (559) 517-5615 $232500 / 5BR 1485ft2 Clovis schools New comp roof, appliances, turn key move in ready (559) 4511520



Make sur accept yo motor oil

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• • • • • • • • •


Recycling Your Used Motor Oil and Filters is Easier Than Ever!

Recycling Your Used Motor Oil

1. Call the City of Fresno at 621-1452 and RECYCLINGand AT HOME Filters is Easier Than Ever!

request free program containers

• • • • • • •

RECYCLING AT HOME HOME Call the uncontaminated) City of Fresno at 621-1452 to RECYCLE AT used (and oil intoand the 2. Pour 1.

freeand program containers program request container place drained oil filters into the program bag Pour usedplastic (and uncontaminated) oil into the 2.


program container oil filters Place used motor oil and and oil place filtersdrained NEXT TO the program plastic bag your blueinto cart on your collection day 3.

Place used motor oil and oil filters NEXT TO your blue cart on your collection day

DID YOU KNOW that a single gallon of DID YOU KNOW

thatgallons a single gallon of drinking water and that used used motor oil can pollute one million of fresh used motor oil can pollute one million gallons of fresh drinking water and that used motor oil accounts for 40% of oil pollution in American waterways? If you change your motor accounts 40% of oil in American waterways? you change your own oil, you can dooilyour part for to reduce oilpollution pollution by recycling it. NoIfmatter which own oil, ityou do yourthat part you to reduce oil your pollution by motor recycling No your matter which method you choose, is can important recycle used oil it. AND used method you choose, it is you recycle your Contaminated used motor oil AND your used motor filter quickly… stockpiling oilimportant can leadthat to contamination. oil should motor filter quickly… stockpiling oil can lead to contamination. Contaminated oil should must be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste event for disposal.

be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste facility for disposal.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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•• Location Locatio used usedmm taking takingt Call Call1-80 1-80

Funded Funded bybya ag


RECYCLING IS FREE | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | AT A CERTIFIED COLLECTION CENTER Make sure the center is open and someone is there to accept your used motor oil and


MARCH 2019 |


• Lithia Mazda-Suzuki .............. 195 E. Auto Center Drive .......436-3900 • Lithia Nissan of Fresno ............5590 N. Blackstone Ave .........435-3500 Matthews Harley-Davidson................ 548 Blackstone Ave ........233-5279 Michael Cadillac ............................... 5737 N. Blackstone .........431-6000 Michael Toyota...................................... 50 W. Bullard Ave ..... ..431-6000 • O’Reilly Auto Parts ....................1401 N. Blackstone Ave.........862-2674 • O’Reilly Auto Parts ...................6405 N. Blackstone Ave .........432-2703 • O’Reilly Auto Parts ..............................510 W. Olive Ave .........486-4763 • O’Reilly Auto Parts ................ 4969 E. Kings Canyon Rd .......456-0996

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