Fresno Flyer Vol 3 No 9

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EDITOR’S NOTE Earlier this month, I was interviewed by a couple of intelligent young women who were embarking on their own entrepreneurial journey. They came with questions about the Flyer its growth, challenges, and future visions. I’m not just the Editor, I’m one of two co-founders for this little enterprise and I’ve been in the trenches since the beginning. I had a lot to say on this topic. In the middle of one of my longwinded answers, it hit me just how much people don’t get to see all the work that happens behind the scenes. You, the reader, see the new issue in its 20-page entirety, but none of the planning, the writers traveling out to interview on site with their subjects, the late nights, and the back n forth conversation to get articles just right. Or myself and the Publisher staying up until the wee hours to make sure the overall design reflects what’s our absolute best. My favorite thing to tell people who ask if the Flyer is successful is that our pickup rate is roughly 90% - meaning, our stops are almost always empty when we come back around to fill them up. And that’s a great feeling. However, no one sees the long hours our drivers go through to make sure the Flyers are delivered across three counties. One of our clients volunteered some time to help distribute papers and when he came back, his first words were “Man, that was tough work.” Drivers zigzag through multiple cities, sling numerous 20lb bundles hand over fist and


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continuously dodge traffic getting in and out of their vehicles for hours on end through blistering heat, rain, and the frigid cold. Sometimes, I get an email or call from a frustrated reader who’s wondering why they can’t find a copy of the Flyer at their favorite stop. And maybe this has happened to you - but there are a few things to consider when coming across an empty stand; time of the month, area, and type of stop i.e. box, counter, or wire rack. The beginning of the month is when everything fills up, after about 2 weeks they’ll empty and we’ll come back out for a refill, the end of the month is when everything dries up. Our refills concentrate on the most active stops which, for us, are central Fresno and Clovis, and then we’ll spiderweb our way from there. Of the aforementioned stops, counter stops are the first to empty. Some of this is a science where we can track data and decide when and where to move a stop, some of it is an art form in understanding the mood and culture of Central Valley residents in certain areas, and the rest is pure experimentation. We’re a young entity, just earning our 5-year milestone this summer. We’re not a 2nd or 3rd generation owner, we built this from nothing and we’re always learning how to do it better. Our ‘success’ comes from raw passion, some good ole fashioned Central Valley grit, and you, dear reader, always pushing us to redefine what our ‘best’ truly looks like.

BULLDOGGERS By Will Freeney |


hile much of the Valley still sleeps, five collegiate athletes take to the arena. Concentration lines their faces, intensely focused on the coach explaining the ‘trick’ to success in the skill at hand. They all watch as one of them attempts to execute the technique - ignoring the rays of light cracking through the early-morning dark as the sun finally rises over the horizon. Success. It worked. Long shadows cascade along the dirt where a penknife juts out from the ground - a target placed there by the coach - and a lasso around it. With ropes in one hand and the other resting on their saddles, the riders take their turns. This is the women’s Breakaway Roping team for the Fresno State Bulldoggers. It’s that time of year again - rodeo season for Fresno as the Clovis Rodeo gears up for its annual event in April. But April is just the regular finale month of rodeo season for the Bulldoggers. The team will have been roping and riding competitively for several months by then. If their current momentum continues, their team will still be in first place in their West Coast Division of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (the rodeo equivalent of the NCAA). On the weekend of March 8th and 9th, Fresno hosted their event in the Division’s schedule and drove their lead wide open - moving from a frac-

tion of a point lead to 750 points. The Bulldoggers made that breakaway by taking first place in several events. Colton Campbell (Senior, Klamath Falls, OR) won best all-around cowboy, Mitch Parham (Junior, Fresno) won the Bareback Riding event, and Chris Rosedale, (Freshman, Kingsburg) won Bull Riding. The women were represented as well, with Romey Stuhan (Sophomore, Fresno) winning the Breakaway Roping event. The field that they have left in their dust comprises colleges and universities from the entire length of the Central Valley and over the hill into Nevada: Lassen College; Feather River College; Butte College; Clovis Community College; Western Nevada College; West Hills College; West Hills College; College of the Sequoias; Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; and University of California, Davis. If you took a look at the competition results, you might have noticed a pre-

ponderance of upperclassmen in the list of event winners. They are only a small portion of all the juniors and seniors on the team. There’s also Caden Lehman (Senior), who competes in Calf Roping and Team Roping Events; Justin Wilson (Senior), who competes in Saddle Bronc Riding and Team Roping; and Cersten Branquinho (Senior), who is a Breakaway and Team Roper. The team already has Lower Division representatives in the standings, though - Romey Stuhan (Sophomore), who, in addition to the Breakaway Roping event she won, competes in Team Roping and Barrel Racing; and Chris Rosedale (Freshman), who won the Fresno Bull Riding event - no one need fear for the future of the Bulldoggers. In addition to Romey and Chris, there are a number of freshmen already on the team: Philip Kniermie (Calf Roping and Team Roping), Cole Dodds (who took second place in the Fresno Calf Roping event), and a cohort of female freshmen competitors (Andi Poole, Jillian Murray, Haley Wilbur, and the Mor-

“The oldest student club on campus, founded in 1946 Now, 70 years later, they are leading the West Coast Division’s team standings”



gan twins - Hunter and Savanna). How do these young athletes attain their level of proficiency? Like any other young athlete - practice. Coach Uhuru Adem oversees their daily practice sessions, Monday through Thursday, providing invaluable advice and suggestions for improved performance. For many of his team members, however, practice in rodeo skills goes back much farther than college matriculation or even high school. Romey Stuhan began Junior Rodeo competition at age five but noted that she was in the saddle with her father while he practiced roping long before that. She has literally grown up rodeo, and it shows in her first place West Coast Division standing in Breakaway Roping - as a sophomore. Excellence in any activity is not solely dependent on the longevity of participation, though. Mitch Parham, the winner of the Fresno Bare Back Riding event, is something of an anomaly. He began his rodeo career as a college Freshman. He had participated in 4H in high school, so he had been around horses but never on top of one. Focused intention and good coaching have made him a rodeo force to be reckoned with,

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...continued from pg 3 now in his junior year. As to that coach, Uhuru is new to the team as coach this year, but obviously not new to rodeo. He is a native of Glennville, who competed in college rodeo at Feather River College before transferring to Fresno State, where he continued his college rodeo career and completed his education. He, too, has been active in rodeo since kindergarten age, and after his college graduation became active out of the saddle as a coach, first for West Hills College in 2016 and now for Fresno State. Asked what ‘secret’ he brings to his coaching, he responded, “I think that having a good work ethic helps create success in and out of the arena.” That work ethic is evident in Uhuru. In addition to providing competitive advice to his team members, he is the one who drags the arena, smoothing the dirt to make it safe for the horses and their riders. It’s like mopping the basketball floor or running the Zamboni - only dirtier. And ‘four days a week’ doesn’t adequately convey the time involved in practices, either. It’s a long day - with some event teams meeting at 6 am, some at 2 pm, and some at 6 pm. The season is a long one, too, beginning with its first event in October and continuing until the Division Finals in May (and hopefully, the CNFR in June). But Uhuru made it clear that his team members practice year-round, utilizing the Fresno State rodeo arena whenever it isn’t too muddy and the Animal Science Pavilion when it is. If you aren’t part of the rodeo community, either as a participant, parent, or observer, you may not be aware of all this

Romey Stuhan, winner of March’s Breakaway Roping event

activity, just like any other sport you don’t follow. But how could you live in Fresno and not know about a Fresno State athletic team that’s leading its regional standings? You do know that the Bulldogs men’s football team won their division title, don’t you? Well, the low profile is not the result of neophyte status for the Bulldoggers. They are the oldest student club on campus, founded in 1946 which makes them older than the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) itself. When the NIRA was formed in 1949, they held their first competitive intercollegiate rodeo.

Jessica Cardoza, at home in the Bulldoggers arena

Now, 70 years later, they are leading the West Coast Division’s team standings and Men’s All-around (Colton Campbell), Bareback Riding (Mitch Parham), Tie-down Roping (Rial Engelhart), Team Roping (Cole Peterson and Wacey Barrington, heeler) and Breakaway Roping (Romey Stuhan) standings. They also hold #2 (Rial Engelhart) and #3 (Cole Dodds) for All-around, #2 (Cole Dodds) and #3 (Colton Campbell) for Tiedown Roping, and number two through five (Colton Campbell, Wacey Barrington, Jacob Bairos, Rial Engelhart) for Steer Roping. At this level of competitive performance, the

Bulldoggers should be going to Las Vegas for Division Finals in May and from there to the College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) in Casper, Wyoming, in June. Cheer them on. Follow their saga on the NIRA website ( You could even see them perform in-state, combining a trip to the coast with some rodeo when they compete in San Luis Obispo on the weekend of April 11-13. And what better warm-up for the 105th Clovis Rodeo on April 25-28 than cheering on your Fresno State Bulldoggers with an ocean breeze?

initially agreed upon. Fed up with the subpar treatment a group of competitors banded together in 1936 to form what is known today as the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) in answer to the lack of accountability and professionalism regularly showed by promoters of the day. PRCA remains the largest sanctioning body of rodeo in the U.S. and Canada. Touring internationally every year, the PRCA Pro Rodeo makes numerous

appearances throughout the U.S. beginning in April and running all the way to end of September. In California alone, the tour made its way through 25 different cities, most notably for the rodeo events in Clovis. However, in 2019, the PRCA will only stop in 5 California cities, Clovis remaining as one of their stops along the tour. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association appears in Clovis on April 26th through April 28th at the Rodeo Grounds.

Rodeo Times T

he American cowboy is a beloved image of strength, daring, and unrivaled resolve. He battled the elements, slept under the stars, and fought off the outlaws always out to steal cattle. Some would say he’s the iconic folk-hero of the American West, and for a great many, his spirit lives on in the sport of rodeo. Dating back to the 1800s, the demand for skilled horsemen arose when Spain held many of the land titles across the west. As they established more communities and missionaries they needed to raise cattle, and here is where our cowboy’s story begins. The long cattle drives could be as long as 15 miles per day and required a unique combination of skills to achieve, skills they were always improving… and always comparing. Naturally, informal competitions, the first known rodeos, erupted amongst cowboys as they sought to prove the best in riders and ropers.


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Typically existing between ranchers and cowboys, the competitions weren’t yet a public phenomenon. However, with the encroachment of railroads, enforcement of federal land laws, and new settlers staking their claim to build homes, the wide open West became smaller and smaller. Without the long cattle drives, cowboy labor was no longer needed in the large numbers seen in previous years, and as the work disappeared, cowboys took their skills into a new arena that would best be described as the Wild West Show. Popularity grew, and now cowboys could supplement their income by performing before a paying audience captivated by their persona. As recognition spread across the country, rodeos established a new form of cowboy; the professional rodeo competitor. Unfortunately, there were those who would take advantage of the hardworking cowboy by refusing to pay or paying less than



Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

For the Love of the Wild West

1. Many cowboys had been Civil War soldiers, from both the North and the South, and many others— perhaps up to a quarter of all cowboys—were freed ex-slaves. Some cowboys were immigrants from Europe, and others were Mexicans and American Indians. 2. 8 to 12 cowboys could move 3,000 head of cattle along the cattle drives. They might travel 15 miles in a day. Any more than that and the cattle would lose too much weight and arrive too thin. There was also a trail boss and a camp cook along on each drive. 3. Cowboys often wore their clothes for weeks without changing. They wore denim jeans with chaps to protect their legs from the thorny branches their horses rode through. Their wide-rimmed Stetson hats protected them from the sun’s glare and also served as a cup—they’d use it to scoop up water for both themselves and their horses to drink. They wore a bandana around their neck, which they could pull up to protect their nose and mouth from trail dust. 4. The cowboy of myth and reality had his beginnings in Texas. There cattle grew wild with few natural enemies; by the end of the

Civil War there were an estimated 5 million of them. It was then that the cowboy entered his twenty-year golden age, 1866-1886, the era of the open range and the great cattle drives. The incentive was the high price of beef up North, where Union armies had exhausted the supply and the urbanizing East provided a ready market. A steer worth four dollars in Texas was worth forty dollars in the North.

what. One of the cook’s jobs was to note the North Star each night and turn the tongue of the chuckwagon toward it. This way, the drive would know which way to head out the 5. At night, once the cattle were next morning. bedded down and quiet, two men on guard might slowly circle 7. A newcomer in the Old West around and sing to calm them. was called a tenderfoot or greenThey worried about the danger horn. Other names for cowboys of stampede from thunder and included cowpunchers, cowpokes, lightning or other unexpected buckaroos, and cowhands. noises, and singing calmed jittery cows. Sometimes one man would 8.Texas was the most active gun sing the first verse of a song, and fighting state in the Wild West, the second cowboy would sing with some 160 shoot-outs from the next verse, trading back and the 1860’s to the 1890’s. The Colt forth. Some of the songs American Peacemaker, was the name of the cowboys commonly sang to their weapon that became known as “the cows included “Old Dan Tucker, gun that won the West”. The Colt “Nearer My God To Thee,” “In the Peacemaker was a .45-caliber gun Sweet By and By,” and “The Texas manufactured by Colt’s Fire Arms Manufacturing Company in 1873. Lullaby.” At the time it sold for $17.00. 6. Cowboys considered “Cookie,” or the camp cook, the most im- 9. Tombstone was a famous town portant person in camp. Some- in Arizona in the Wild West times called “biscuit shooters,” known for the Gunfight at the “belly cheaters,” and “bean mas- O.K. Coral, its outlaws, silver ters,” camp cooks fed the cowboys prospectors, gun battles and its three hot meals a day, no matter Boot Hill Graveyard | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



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THE HOMELESS PROBLEM The Smiley Synopsis Spotlight on City of Fresno’s proposed ordinance 14-813 By I. smiley G. Calderón |


here’s been an awful lot of buzz about last month’s surprise proposed Fresno city ordinance section 14-813 of the municipal code, called the Vehicular Transfer Ordinance for short. Although some may say that this ordinance is only a traffic safety issue, the apparent truth is that it is about the homeless in our community. But, what emerged unexpectedly from this proposition, however, is even more surprising. The public saw this proposed ordinance as an infringement upon their very own personal freedom to be generous, something that would be outlawed in the city of Fresno if passed. The public didn’t just see this debacle as an attack on the street poor but as a personal attack on themselves. How dare the city tell us it is wrong to help those in need! How dare it criminalize our goodwill and charity! The good news: strong public opposition derailed section 14-813 and kicked its ass - for now. And you can thank your fellow Fresnans for coming out in force at City Hall in the middle of a Thursday afternoon to patiently say hell no to such a misguided, misinformed, and caustic law in our community. Seriously. But, why do I mention “the homeless problem” for a proposed bill that has no explicit mention of this wording in its draft? I’ll tell you why.


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I‘m new to Fresno, originally from southern California, and so as a new Fresnan with a fresh set of eyes, I’ve seen firsthand the severe problem of homelessness on the streets - okay - but I’ve also seen generosity and goodwill for the homeless on these very same streets. In fact, what I’ve learned up til now about living in Fresno is that the typical Fresnan is a generous soul who empathizes with homeless street panhandlers enough to donate a few bucks, or to give out food items or water bottles to people in need - something that this new proposed bill calls an “unlawful transfer.” Unlawful transfer! Suddenly now, out of nowhere, personal charity is under attack and the freedom of generosity is under fire in Fresno - in the very city which needs it the most. It makes us feel good when we help each other because we know that we ourselves could one day need an extra hand. Plus, as a person of faith, helping one another is a tangible expression of that faith. It is the embodiment of love. And Fresnans showed their extra hands of love in full force at that March 21st City Council meeting as we vehemently opposed this proposed criminalization of kindness. The societal emotions that this proposed new law evoked in the city of Fresno at this public meeting was outstanding and at the same time reverberated

like a clanging bong. This is what happens when love is attacked. Dozens upon dozens of community residents angrily came to City Hall to express their disdain for this apparent sneaky attack on the homeless as well as to show their support for their fundamental American freedom of personal generosity. If passed, this horrible ordinance would have imposed fines for any driver who “gives or relinquishes” “any item of property to a pedestrian” “within 200 yards of a signalized intersection.” What a cruel edict from a city which has “In God We Trust” permanently spectacled in its City Hall meeting chambers! How can I trust in God but not help those in need? I’m confused. And I’m not the only one. This outrage was felt way beyond the Fresno borders and caught the attention of greater California. “Shameful.” “Disgusting.” These are only a few of the sentiments I heard while sitting in the lobby waiting to be allowed in the chambers for the meeting to begin. I met an older woman, Irene, from San Luis Obispo, who was so completely flabbergasted and disturbed with the audacity of such a heartless City Council to propose such a heartless law, that she made sure to make the long trek across the valley just to be certain to have her voice heard at the meeting. “Shame on Fresno,” she kept telling me. And that’s exactly what she told the council as she addressed them during her public comment, too. Irene resonates with the hardship and plight of the homeless and explained how her city was taking proactive steps to help their homeless while Fresno was taking reactive measures to criminalize them and the people who want to help them. “There’s something about helping ‘the least of these,’”she shared with contagious emotion in her voice. And, she’s not alone - there are countless more across the city and state who see a reflection of their own humanity in the homeless and who feel the special radiance of brotherly love and goodwill in every “unlawful transfer” that happens. Hey, what can we say - if “unlawful transfers” are wrong here in Fresno, then we



don’t ever want to be right. Councilmembers Brandau (District 2), Chavez (District 5), and Caprioglio (District 4) were the sponsors of this stupid law, and they stressed how they personally have seen or heard about “close calls” of vehicular accidents almost caused by street-side donations. Towards the end of the public comment time, I stepped forward and addressed the councilmembers at the podium about the crucial lack of traffic data to support their theory of street-side donation traffic accidents - I told them that their reasoning for passing a law to make “unlawful transfers” even a thing is probably based on some faulty availability heuristic at best. In fact, just a few moments before, Fresno PD’s Chief Dyer addressed the council and told them that, not only was there no data to support the assertion that “unlawful transfers” are a citywide traffic safety concern, but that even if the proposed ordinance were passed, the reality is that it wouldn’t really be enforced at all - but not only that, Chief also warned that the negative externalities associated with such an ordinance could potentially damage the relationship between the community and the police. And he’s right. I don’t know about you, but if I suddenly became an outlaw for giving a hungry, homeless guy a burger or a bottle of water, or for providing a few bucks to a guy on the street corner just trying to raise money for his young daughter’s funeral, I’m not going to trust a cop. I’m going to be too worried about a crazy undercover homeless sting. Turns out that “unlawful transfers” aren’t even unlawful at all and the homeless are not the problem. Instead, what is unlawful is a system designed to criminalize the poor and needy at their lowest. What is the problem here in Fresno is a system that seeks to punish goodhearted, generous residents who only want to help out ‚“the least of these.” It’s a good thing that this shamefully embarrassing law was killed. This is not who we are.

CALENDAR April 4-10 Art FresCon Year 5 (Fresno State’s Comic Convention) Saturday, April 6 at 10 AM – 6 PM University Student Union at Fresno State 5280 N Jackson Ave, Fresno. We’ll have vendors, artists, a Kid’s Zone, panels, workshops, cosplay contests, games AND food! New this year: Community Fair, Cosplay Scavenger Hunt, Geek Fashion Show. Friendly reminder that FresCon is: FREE admission and parking, open to the public AND family-friendly. Spring Cultural Faire and Koen-Nai No Bonsai Sunday, April 7 at 10 AM – 4 PM Shinzen Friendship Garden, in Woodward Park 114 W Audubon Dr, Fresno. Our annual event brings to you cultural performances, artisans, bonsai and pre-bonsai vendors, children’s activities, tea house activities, food and drink. The Clark Bonsai Collection will have demonstrations and docents to guide you through the current exhibit as well as a Toko Kazari display.

Theater James and the Giant Peach Friday, April 5 at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Children’s Musical Theaterworks 2425 Fresno St, # 101, Fresno. www. Irish Hooley Friday, April 5 at 7 PM California Arts Academy - Severance Theater 1401 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Celtic Motion presents an Irish Hooley an evening with song and dance featuring the Celtic Motion Ceili band, modern and traditional dances from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children Aladdin Sunday Matinee Performance Sunday, April 7 at 2 PM – 3 PM City of Kerman Parks and Rec 15101 W Kearney Blvd, Kerman. $5 Adults $2.50 17 & Under

Rods on the Bluff Saturday, April 6, at 5 PM – 8:30 PM Park Place Shopping Center 7855 N Palm Ave The Valley’s largest Pre-1972 classic car gathering. Join us at this community event that features 500+ Cars, Live Music, Vendors, Gorgeous River Views, Awards, & Good Times. Spectators are Free at the gate and participant are $5 w/ and HRC sticker adhered to their windshield or $10 if they don’t. For additional information visit

Sports Fresno Grizzlies Thu, 4/4, 7:05 pm: Opening Night and post-game fireworks. The first 2,000 fans will get a magnet schedule. All-you-caneat BBQ! (tickets at GrizzOpeningBBQ) Fri, 4/5, 7:05 pm: Fireworks Night. Sat, 4/6, 7:05 pm: Replica jersey giveaway (first 1,500 fans.) Sun, 4/7, 1:05 pm: Maker’s Day Mon, 4/8, 11:05 am: The Opening weekend series concludes with our first weekday afternoon game of the year. It’s also Monday Madness. You can get two Reserved tickets, two hot dogs, two sodas and two Fresno Chaffee Zoo vouchers - all for just $25! 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. California Classic Weekend Apr 6 at 7 AM – Apr 7 at 11 AM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Bike the only freeway in California that is closed for a cycling event or Run through the amazing Fresno Chaffee Zoo. Everyone receives a baseball ticket and a ticket into the Zoo. www.CaliforniaClassicWeekend. com

Music Requiem - Gothic/Dark Fusion Festival Saturday, April 6 at 12 PM – 6 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno Pulse Music: Rei Hotoda and the Fresno Philharmonic Saturday, April 6, at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Bitwise Industries 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Hotoda is one of America’s most sought-after talents with an eclectic repertoire including classical staples and works by today’s leading composers. She’s appeared as a guest conductor with leading ensembles in Chicago, Dallas, Jacksonville, Toronto, Nova Scotia, and Winnipeg. Doors open at 6:30pm and the performance kicks off at 7:30pm. $12 ADV / $15 DOOR Shoreline Mafia at Rainbow Ballroom Saturday, April 6 at 7 PM Rainbow Ballroom 1725 Broadway Street, Fresno. All ages. ADV $25 / DOS $30 Valley Musicians Blues Award Show at Fulton 55 Sunday, April 7 at 6 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Honorees for the Blues awards for 2019. Cole Fonseca, John King, Patrick Contreas, Don Heflin, AC Myles, Lucky Lopes, John & Bill Clifton, Don Priest (The Hound Dog), Richie & Marilyn Blue, Eva Scow, Roger Perry, Chris Millar, Beverly Green (Baby Bee-The Queen of Soul) Jack-The Ripper-Haroutian, Pamela Henri & Big Boss Band, Gary Abid, Paul Chaney, and Michael Miller (RIP-Papa Bluz Miller, Cordell Covert) $10 Tickets available at Tower District Records and

Sidewalk Astronomy at RiverPark Saturday, April 13 at 7 PM – 10 PM Central Valley Astronomers Come to Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, the Plaza at RiverPark to view and March 6 at the American Legion take a picture of the Moon, observe Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, the planets, and learn more about north of Shields Ave. Open to the the night sky from our astronomy public - every Wednesday. Payouts members. $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitch- Hairspray - Good Company Players en dinner specials. Call (559) 224- Thursday, April 11 at 7 PM – 10 PM 0522 with questions. Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater 1226 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Comedy NIGHT with Katy French and Rachelle Friedland Thursday, A Shot in the Dark - Good Company April 4, 2019 at 7 PM – 11:30 PM Players Thursday, April 11 at 7:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. – 9:45 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E 21+ only Just $5! Tickets available at Olive Ave, Fresno. This light, saucy, farce of a mystery takes us to Paris,

21 & Over


April 11-17 Art Workshop: iOS Video Production Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 2 PM – 5 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201. The best camera is the one that you have with you. Learn how to shoot and edit video with iOS mobile devices. Check out a CMAC Mobile Production Kit or bring your own iPhone or iPad with the iMovie app installed. Exercises in shooting and editing on the iOS platform. Thu, Apr 11, 2–5pm CMAC membership must be paid prior to training. Contact for membership and enrollment: (559) 266-2622 or info@

France, 1962, in the Chamber of the examining Magistrate. A new, young Magistrate, Paul Sevigne, is trying to solve the murder of a chauffeur that took place at the Beaurevers estate. Rated PG-13 Tickets available at Alice In Wonderland (1951) Film at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno Friday, April 12, 2019 at 8 PM – 9:30 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza. Advance tickets available at Woman at War, presented by Fresno Filmworks Friday, April 12 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM Fresno Filmworks Tower Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Two showtimes: 5:30 PM and 8:30 PM In Icelandic, Spanish, English, and Ukrainian, with English subtitles. Assistive listening services are not available for this film.

Family BIG Hat Days April 6th & 7th in Old Town Clovis Saturday, April 6th 9am6pm & Sunday, April 7th 9am-5pm largest two day festival in Central California. Over 140,000 visitors fill the streets of Old Town to enjoy hundreds of craft and food booths. For more info https://clovischamber. com/events/big_hat_days/ | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



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MORE Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 13, at 1 PM – 2:30 PM Webster Elementary 2600 E Tyler Ave, Fresno Hey Word Family! Gates will open at 1:00PM and the event will end 2:30PM. The Egg Hunt start times: 3-4 years old at 1:30PM 5-6 years old at 1:45PM 7-8 years old at 2:00PM 9-10 years old at 2:15PM 11-12 years old at 2:30PM Make sure to come early and play some games, jump in the bounce house, stop by the crafts center, eat some cotton candy and popcorn, get your face painted and try to win some prizes! EggStravaganza Sunday, April 14 at 11 AM – 2 PM 1820 S Armstrong Ave. 1820 South Armstrong Avenue, Fresno. Bring your family and join us for our EggStravaganza. Have your kids participate in a FREE Easter Egg hunt with over 20,000 candy filled eggs. Free Bounce Houses and Obstacle Course and Free Face Painting too! When you come don’t forget to sign up for the Free Raffle with multiple chances to win! Vendors Available to Purchase Food

Family James and the Giant Peach Friday, April 12, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Children’s Musical Theaterworks 2425 Fresno St, # 101, Fresno. www. A Standup Evening of Comedy Saturday April 13 at 8 PM at La Maison Kabob Mediterranean Cuisine 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno, 93721 You won’t want to miss out on this Smiley G Productions premiere host featuring Donna Maine, Richard Weiss, and Bob Perkell. Come laugh you ass off with us! Tickets available at

Community Thirsty Thursday Dog Crew Apr 11 at 11 AM – Apr 12 at 1 AM TGI Fridays 1077 E. Herndon Ave. Support Fresno Humane Animal Services for a tail-wagging afternoon at TGI FRIDAYS on April 11th! Our tails will be wagging thanks to a portion of your lunch/dinner will be donated to our medical fund helping lost, injured pets have access to lifesaving medical care. After a few drinks, you won’t care whether it’s Thursday or Friday but we bet your tail will be wagging too! TGI FRIDAYS is a casual American restaurant chain offering classic bar and grill fare and dog-friendly outdoor seating! Bring your dog and make it a Pawty!


| APRIL 2019

Special Needs Respite Night Friday, April 12 at 6 PM – 9 PM LifeBridge Community Church 5125 N. Gates Ave., Fresno. Do you want to help support families with special needs children with a night out, especially right before Easter? This night we will care for our special needs community by providing 3 hours of care and showing God’s love to our special friends. If you are interested in serving or attending, please contact Kathryn at or sign up at the Connection Center. Clovis Easter Eggstravaganza ‘19 Saturday, April 13 at 11 AM – 1 PM Sierra Bicentennial Park 84 N. Sunnyside Ave., Clovis. Grab your entire family and join us at this year’s Clovis Easter Eggstravaganza!!! This is a FREE collaborative community event. There will be a HUGE obstacle course where children 5 and up will hunt for Easter eggs on the course; AND, there will be a separate Easter egg hunt for the little ones under 5. In addition, there will be carnival games, cotton candy and a BBQ hotdog lunch for the whole family! Pre-register online for quick check-in on the day of the event. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. 559-4727182


Tulare County Renaissance Faire Apr 13 at 10 AM – Apr 14 at 1 PM Plaza Park, 125 W Main St, Visalia. Help us make our 30th Annual our BIGGEST event yet! Marvel at our amazing jousters, The Knights of Mayhem, as they put on a show the whole family will love! Jugglers, magicians, and storytellers perform entertain and delight all day long on two stages. Like swords and fire? There’s fire, swords and more fire! Enjoy one of our delicious turkey legs or wood fired pizzas, along with many other delicious options in our food court. Enjoy cold beer and homemade mead in the beer garden! Admire leather goods, time period clothing, handcrafted jewelry, beautiful swords, soaps and more. Miss Winkles Pet Adoption Center April 13 at 7 AM – 2 PM 85 TEMPERANCE AVE, Clovis The Miss Winkles Pet Adoption Center Annual Rummage Sale is almost here! This event is a great way to combine your spring cleaning with a good cause - donate your old stuff to help raise money for the animals, come shop for new treasures, or better yet, do both! We’ll have lots of great items to choose from and the proceeds go back to help animals in need in our community! COFFEE! Jitters Mobile Coffee will be out with us from 7 AM to 10 AM with a full menu of delicious drinks,


and will also be sharing some of their proceeds to help the animals. Thank you so much, Jitters! DONATE We will accept gently used clothing and shoes, toys, seasonal decorations, furniture, books, bicycles, housewares, baby items, appliances, sporting equipment, knick-knacks, jewelry, pet supplies, etc. and all donations are tax deductible! *We are unable to accept mattresses and non-operational or broken items.* *We will be accepting donations this year from April 2nd - 12th! Please bring your donations to Miss Winkles Pet Adoption Center during regular business hours, 10 AM - 6 PM Tuesday - Sunday! Old Town Car Show Sunday, April 14 at 9 AM – 3 PM Old Town Clovis 456 Clovis Ave, Ste 2, Clovis. Join us for the Old Town Car Show. Muscle cars, hot rods, Model As and more will be lining the streets of Old Town Clovis from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 14. Come out for a day of loud engines, cool cars, and family fun! For entry information, please call (559) 298-5774. We Heart Earth Fest Saturday, April 13 at 1 PM – 5 PM Lafayette PARK Community Center 1516 E Princeton Ave, Fresno. Love the Earth and it will love you back on Saturday, April 13th at Lafayette Park for the We Heart Earth Fest! This event is FREE for all ages! Bring the whole family for a fun filled day celebrating our beautiful Earth with: Live Entertainment, Music, Bounce Houses, Carnival Games, Face Painting, Watermelon Eating Contest, Potato Sack Race, Hula-Hoop Contest, Frisbee, Beachball Volleyball, Kickball, Free Hot Dog Lunch with chips and drink (One lunch per person, while supplies last), Bike Rodeo, Information Booths, Pie Walk, and MORE! For more information, please call 621-PLAY (7529) Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee of Fresno has announced a slate of Central California events to honor the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians who perished at the hands of the Imperial Ottoman government beginning on April 24, 1915. The April 24, 2019 commemorative gatherings include: 7:30 p.m. civic service featuring remarks by Fresno State President Dr. Joseph I. Castro. For more info visit or e-mailing Handmade Sunday: Spring Pop Sunday, April 14 at 11 AM – 3 PM Gazebo Gardens Nursery 3204 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. Handmade Fresno Presents Handmade Sunday Spring POP Spring Gifts for Baskets and Mom Vendors Food Trucks Plants Sips Information: (559) 940-1516 Free to attend. Family and Dog Friendly

Sports Aleman Boxing Fresno Spring Show Saturday, April 13 at 8 AM – 11 PM Aleman Boxing Fresno: Boxing Club & Fitness Center 1229 N Sierra Vista Ave, Fresno. Aleman Boxing Fresno Spring Show will be held April 13th. Its the continuation of the CCA Junior Olympics if any brackets go past 2 days of boxing. So we will be holding pre-matched bouts for the show. Coaches text me your lists: Boxers name, age, weight, experience and I will find good matches for them. 559-905-7125 Ag Night: Fresno FC vs. Tulsa Roughnecks Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. The second home match of the season features Fresno FC taking on Tulsa Roughnecks FC as we celebrate Ag Night. Join us on Saturday, April 13 as we kickoff at 7:30 pm! Gates: 6:30 pm Tickets: Match day info: fresnofc. com/match-day Summer League Open House! Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM Bowlero (Fresno) 6450 N. Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Join us, talk to league reps, sign up for summer, and have a blast with: Free Bowling $2 Bud/BudLight Bottles $2 Long Island $14 Pizza

Car Show festival & Lemoore days Saturday, April 13 at 10 AM – 2 PM Lemoore City Park 350 W Bush St, Lemoore. White Top Restaurant is proudly sponsoring in partnership with the Lemoore chamber of commerce on their 19th annual pizza festival and Lemoore days. Car Show at the park on Saturday April 13, 2019. Roll in time will take place at 9am-10am Show time 10am-2pm Trophies and awards will take place at 1:30pm. Muscle cars-imports-liftQuigley Park Spring Break Camp ed-bagged-lowriders-hotrods-BikesAges 6-16 (FREE) Wednesday, April best project. 17, at 4 PM – 5:30 PM Quigley Playground 808 W Dakota Ave, Fresno. Calling All Promotors We can Spaces limited, register now! FREE help get you out there. 559-472Sicilly Howell 621-6737 7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |




APRIL 2019 |


10 | APRIL 2019







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APRIL 2019 |



The Rogue Jaguar

List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182

Music B2K Thursday, April 11 at 7:30 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, FresnoMulti-platinum R&B group B2K (Omarion, Boog, Fizz and Raz-B), will kick off a limited engagement tour entitled “The Millennium Tour” along with R&B crooner, Mario. Also scheduled to perform; Pretty Ricky, Lloyd, Ying Yang Twins, Chingy, and Bobby V. Don’t miss the Millennial concert party of the year. Don’t miss the concert party that will have you dancing all night long! Doors at 6:30pm. Artists scheduled to appear and subject to change. No Refunds. Moonshine Bandits Gold Rush Tour ft. Matt Borden,Crucifix, J-DOM Thursday, April 11 at 8 PM – 11 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. $18 advance / $20 day of show. 4 LatiDos Tour en Fresno Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 8 PM – 11 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Sunday, April 14 at 8 PM – 11 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets are $25, $35, $49.50 & $75 | $3.50 increase day of show. Tickets are available by calling 559-485-9050, in person at The Tower Theatre Box Office or online at: All Ages | Reserved. Doors at 7:00 PM | Show at 8:00 PM For more information about the artist, please visit Fatty Cakes & the Puff Pastries, Groans, Birote the Musical Monday, April 15 at 7:30 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Olympic 1426 N. Van Ness, Fresno. No Cover, All Ages.

21 & Over Fifty Shades Male Revue Thursday, April 11 at 8 PM – 10 PM Los Arcos 1435 Fresno st, Fresno. The Fifty Shades Male Revue is a top-tier stage production featuring some of the sexiest men in the world. This global phenomenon has toured major cities across the country, entertaining & empowering thousands of women along the way. Designed exclusively for women, our two hour long show combines a perfect blend of music, hot dance moves and sensual theatrics, providing a sensuous and fast-paced performance that meets every female fantasy. It’s the perfect event for bachelorette parties, birthday parties, or a ladies night out with friends! $9 Early Bird Tickets at

12 | APRIL 2019

Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, March 13 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 224-0522 with questions. Sunday Dances at the American Legion Post 509 on March 17 at 2pm 5pm 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Country and mixed music. $5 at the door. Every 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sunday of the month.

April 18-24 Art Succulent WorkshopApril April 18 at 6 PM – 7 PM Sugar’s Succulents 717 W. School Ave., Visalia, 93291 In this hour-long workshop, you will get an introduction to succulents, including how to care for them, how to propagate, how they grow and how to properly plant them. Our succulent workshops include everything you need to make your own unique succulents arrangement. Tickets available at Learn Television Production - Workshop: Studio Production Apr 23 - Apr 25 from 2- 5 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201, Fresno, 93721 Hands-on experience needed to safely operate a video camera in our studio. Also practical skills on the video switcher, audio board, teleprompter, and simple graphics. For more information visit or contact for scheduling: (559) 2662622 or

Theater A Shot in the Dark - Good Company Players April 18 at 7:30 PM and April 19-20 at 8 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 This light, saucy, farce of a mystery takes us to Paris, France, 1962, in the Chamber of the examining Magistrate. A new, young Magistrate, Paul Sevigne, is trying to solve the murder of a chauffeur that took place at the Beaurevers estate. Rated PG-13 Tickets available at Friday (1995) Film Friday, April 19 at 8 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 Two homies, Smokey and Craig, smoke a dope dealer’s weed and try to figure a way to get


the $200 they owe to the dealer by 10 p.m. that same night. Stars: Ice Cube, Chris Tucker, Nia Long. Rated R. Doors open 7 PM and the movie starts at 8 PM. Tickets Only $6. Advance tickets available at Dazed and Confused (1993) Film Saturday, April 20 at 8 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 It was the last day of school in 1976, a time they’d never forget... if only they could remember. What better way to enjoy a modern classic film than in a classic theatre! It’s not jut a movie, it’s an experience. Stars: Jason London, Wiley Wiggins, Matthew McConaughey. Rated R. Doors open 7 PM and the movie starts at 8 PM. Tickets Only $6. Advance tickets available at

Family SVA Rocks The Arts Thursday, April 18 at 7 PM Cellar Door 101 W Main St, Visalia, 93291 Sycamore Valley Academy welcomes Mr. Benton and Terra Bella to play host to a SVA benefit at the Cellar Door. Tickets are only $5 and this event is kid friendly. Opening for Terra Bella is none other than SVA’s student Band performing their latest covers on a big stage and with really cool equipment. Friday Night Hangouts Friday, April 19 at 6 PM Ramos Torres Winery 1665 Simpson St, Kingsburg, 93631 The beautiful weather of Spring is bringing us back outdoors! Our Friday Night Hangouts will feature Los Toritos Taco Truck, a bounce house for the kids, dessert vendors, and more. We hope you can join us as we sip wine and listen to great music. Admission is FREE! Fresno’s Pride Colorguard Spin Off! Saturday, April 20 at 2 PM – 6 PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 Come spin with the Fresno Pride Colorguard! A day where you can learn all about what it takes to learn how to spin in a guard. It will be an all age event. You can learn some dance, flag, rifle, saber combos from Fresno’s Pride members. All funds go towards the support of the Colorguard. Donations will also be accepted the day of the event. The cost is $10 per person and $5 to enter raffle. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182


By I. smiley G. Calderón |


had the pleasure of sitting down with Jaguar Bennet, “Fresno’s most offensive comedian,” at Revue Coffee Bar in the Tower District this past week for a post-production chat about his well-received “Jaguar Saves America” Rogue Festival performances this past March 1-9. I had seen his Thursday night show – my first Rogue experience. The show was a real treat. Jaguar, a polished performer who touches on difficult subjects like politics, is a shock comedian who loves to be hated. And he understands the real problem in America: the “Average American” – someone who he has carefully and jokingly identified as a White woman, age 52, with a Bachelor’s degree, making some $45K a year (and, incidentally, who is also on her “45th husband”) – you know, your everyday neighborhood friend “from Visalia”: Karen. And although this “Karen” seems benign enough on the outside, Jaguar carefully describes how scary and influential she really is in American politics. “A joke is only funny if you can tell the truth,” Jaguar tells me as we sip our coffee outside, wind gently blowing against our faces. And it’s no secret that current American politics is a polemic mess. Of course, he acknowledges that the Right Wing has a serious problem right now across America in the era of Trump, and his message to Conservatives is simple: “Clean up your act.” But Jaguar also sees the danger brewing in the Left in their apparent quest to censor and silence all opposing voices and viewpoints. “Bad ideas only fester in dark corners – when you try to push them underground.” Jaguar reminds me: “Tell the truth about both sides.” He tells me that the real work in politics needs to be done at the community level in the neighborhood in which we live. He explains how America has a lot of self-inflicted wounds with tension between the intentions of the rich and the poor, but its only hope is in its people – in democracy. “I don’t think this country is democratic enough,” he challenges. “People don’t vote.” And he’s right: only about half of the people who are eligible to vote actually exercise this crucial American privilege and right. Even All-American, Central Valley “Karen” has issues when it comes to voting. According to Jaguar, she’s the kind who will vote Democrat when she feels financially threatened, Republican when she feels culturally threatened, but won’t even take a step inside a voting booth when she doesn’t feel personally threatened at all. So much for democracy, right! But this is why Jaguar is so passionate about education and civic engagement here in the Central Valley. (And, with a name like Jaguar, it’s hard not to get passionate!) Born and raised here in Fresno County, there is no other place he’d rather be – a special place where, if you want it, you got to go out and build it yourself. A place where you lift yourself up by your own bootstraps – a real “Do it Yourself ” special kind of place. The Central Valley is a site of active creation and renovation – something that Jaguar admires. He sees Fresno as a kind of “fixer-upper” kind of place with an ever-growing and vital entrepreneurial spirit. Now, if only we can get Fresnans out to vote… | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

MORE Earth Day Fresno 2019 Saturday, April 20 at 10 AM – 4 PM Radio Park 2233 N First Street, Fresno, 93703 The Central Valley’s largest Earth Day celebration. This years theme: “Protect Our Species” Join us as we celebrate Our Planet! Fun Demonstrations, Kids Activities, Local Artisans, Educational Exhibits, Delicious Food, Great Live Music, Bike Show, All-Electric Cars, Free Bike Valet, FAMily Day at The Fresno Art Museum.

Senior Events Stretch and Strengthen at 10:30a and then Bunco from 1-4p Thursday, April 18 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-3467662 or email Monthly luncheon 12-2p at Famous Dave’s BBQ, Friday April 19. Please RSVP with the Palm Village Senior Network, call Barbara 559346-7662 or email barbara@pvsn. org Strength and Strengthen 10:30a followed by Uno at 1pm Tuesday, April 23 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-3467662 or email Book Club at 10:30a followed by Canasta 2-4pm Wednesday, April 24 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email

Sports YPN Spring Mixer at Visalia Rawhide Thursday, April 18 at 7 PM Visalia Rawhide Baseball Club 300 North Giddings Street, Visalia, 93291 Join the Visalia Young Professionals Network for a night of networking and baseball. The YPN Spring mixer will be held at the Visalia Rawhide in the BarrelHouse Bar area. Tickets are $10.00 and include a food and drink voucher. Tickets available at AG Fresno Grizzlies Post Game Show Friday, April 19 at 6 PM Fresno Grizzly Stadium 1800 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 Get set for a family night of great baseball and LIVE Country Music. AG Night with the help of “My Job Depends On AG” will feature the Grizzlies taking on the Las Vegas Aviators Friday April 19th. After the

game, Friday Night fireworks and then a concert with Country Music duo of Love & Theft! Tickets sales benefit over 25 local FFA and 4-H chapters. Tickets available at Bubble RUN - Fresno 2019! Saturday, April 20 at 8 AM – 12 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno, 93702 If you’ve done a traditional 5K, you know they can be a bit lackluster. But the BUBBLE RUN™ is like running through Willy Wonka’s factory. Clad in white t-shirts, adults, kids and strollers run, walk, dance and play across 3 miles of absolute fun! At each kilometer, participants will run through the Foam Bogs where there is enough colored foam to cover you from head to toe! Sign up at

Music FEVER 333 Demonstrations Friday, April 19 at 7:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 All ages! Tickets available at and at Strummer’s during normal business hours Sammy Hagar’s Full Circle Jam Tour Monday, April 22 at 7 PM Warnors Theatre 1400 Fulton Street, Fresno, 93721 Formed in 2014, the acclaimed supergroup featuring Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees Sammy Hagar and bassist Michael Anthony, drummer Jason Bonham and guitarist Vic Johnson, quickly established themselves as one of the most emphatic and exciting live acts on tour today. Tickets available at

21 & Over Bingo at the 509 Wednesday, April 17 & 24 at the American Legion Post 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Open to the public - every Wednesday. Payouts $175 - $250. Bingo prices: $20 buy-in includes 19 regular games plus 1 bonanza card. Doors open 4:30 pm, Horserace game: 6:15p. Regular games: 6:30. Weekly kitchen dinner specials. Call (559) 2240522 with questions. Ukulele artist Edward Hernandez Apr 18 at 7:30 PM BarrelHouse Visalia - Taproom and Beer Gardens 521 E. Main Street, Visalia, 93292 Free admission. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Karaoke at the American Legion Post 509 Friday, April 19 at 7 pm 509 at 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Lightning Entertainment Featuring: D.J. Dave AKA Puppet Man, Miss Lori & Rico. D.J. John Metzler. 2 tacos for $4, drink specials and dancing. Every first and third Friday of the month. Mdou Moctar w/ Marisa Anderson Friday, April 19 at 8 PM Cellar Door 101 W Main St, Visalia, 93291 Based in Agadez, Niger, Mdou Moctar immediately stands out as one of the most innovative artists in contemporary Saharan music. His unconventional interpretations of Tuareg guitar have pushed him to the forefront of a crowded scene. Tickets avilable at Prince Tribute with DJ Mr Leonard Saturday, April 20 at 9 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 21+ only. FREE! 420 Groove Fest at Fulton 55 Saturday, April 20 at 8 PM Fulton 55 at 875 Divisadero St, Fresno, 93721 Central California’s “Touch of Gravy” will perform 3 sets of acoustic and electric Grateful Dead songs for your grooving pleasure! This is a free show brought to you by Current Culture H20. We do ask that you bring a donation of canned foods that will be distributed to the local homeless via foodbanks (think “meal in a can” like stew, soup, meat, etc.) Live music by J.D. Goodwin (of Motel Drive & The Flying J’s) Sunday, April 21 at 1 PM – 4 PM Toca Madera Winery 36140 Avenue 9, Madera, 93636 FREE! A local Fresno favorite, Goodwin’s songs are a mix of rock-nroll, roots rock, and Americana with influences ranging from old-school country, to alternative singer-songwriter stylings. He will be playing some originals along with a few classic favorites. Sunday Dances at the American Legion Post 509 on April 21 at 2pm - 5pm 3509 N First St Fresno, north of Shields Ave. Country and mixed music. $8 at the door. Every 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sunday of the month.

2017), winner of the 2016 Walt Whitman Award of the Academy of American Poets, longlisted for the 2017 National Book Award in Poetry, and a finalist for the 2018 Kate Tufts Discovery Award. Brynn, MA, MFA, is the 3D Thursday at Ideaworks Thurs- author of two books of poetry, Powday, April 25 at 6 PM Ideaworks er Made Us Swoon (2016) and The 1730 H Street, Fresno, 93721 week- Palace of Contemplating Departure ly gathering for anyone interested in (2013), winner of the Benjamin Salt3D Printing, laser cutting, all forms man Award from Red Hen Press and of CNC prototyping and CAD design a finalist for the Northern California software. This is a free weekly event Book Award. All are welcome. and is open to all skill levels. Calling All Promotors We can Brynn Saito & Mai Der Vang read- help get you out there. Let us take ing Saturday, April 27 at 2:30 PM – care of the print and distribution. 4:30 PM Fresno County Woodward Need a design? We can do that, too. Park Regional Library 944 E Perrin 559-472-7182 Ave, Fresno, 93720 Mai Der is the author of Afterland (Graywolf Press,

April 25-30 Art

A Standup Evening of Comedy Saturday April 13 at 8 PM at La Maison Kabob Mediterranean Cuisine 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno, 93721 You won’t want to miss out on this Smiley G Productions premiere host featuring Donna Maine, Richard Weiss, and Bob Perkell. Come laugh you ass off with us! Tickets available at | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


APRIL 2019 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182

Theater Hairspray - Good Company Players April 25 at 7 PM and April 26-27 at 7:30 PM Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater 1226 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, 93728 You can’t stop the beat in this big, bold musical about an irrepressible teenager’s big, bold heart! Great music and fatastic dancing abound in thid larger-than-life musical! Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182

Eric Schwartz: Comedy Tour-The Musical April 26 & 27 at 8 PM Di Cicco’s Italian Restaurant 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis, 93612 Eric Schwartz returns to Dicicco’s in Old Town Clovis for one night only. As seen on Tonight Show, Showtime, Comics Unleashed, BET and his one-hour comedy special, Surrender to the Blender, this multi-dimensional showman mixes stand-up with music and multimedia for a show that has been called “everything there is to love about entertainment” Tickets available at Jeff Dunham: Passively Aggressive Sunday, April 28 at 3 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93710 Tickets available at


work located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email Bridge 1-3p Monday, April 29 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email Stretch and Strengthen at 10:30a followed by Movies and Pizza “The Bookclub” at noon Tuesday, April 30 at the Palm Village Senior Network located at 7638 N Ingram, ste 111, Fresno, 93711. For more information call Barbara 559-346-7662 or email


Color Me Rad Fresno Sunday, April 28 at 9 AM – 1 PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 Throughout the course you’ll run through five Color Stations staffed by eager volunteers from the Ronald McDonald House of Central Valley ready to express their inner artist by covering you with yellow, purple, pink, orange and green. Tickets include Color Me Rad tee, RAD temp tat, Color Bomb and a pair of RAD sunnies. Tickets available at 308 W Main St, Visalia. A benefit concert to sustain our historic Visalia Fox Theatre and advance education in the performing arts. Stan delivers seemingly effortless, soulful, and smooth acoustic renditions of covAllblack, Offset Jim, Geechi and ers he has selected to pay homage Prada Mack Friday, April 26 at 7 PM to industry icons like Al Green, Billy Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, Paul, Frankie Valli, Bill Withers, and 93728 Play Runners Association Stevie Wonder. Tickets available at Presents The 2019 TY4FWM Tour. All ages! Tickets available at TicketWeb. com or at Strummer’s during normal business hours. Spotlight Visalia Benefit for the Fox Girls Night Out the Show Friday, Meet N Greet at 1pm Friday, April Theatre with Stan Taylor Friday, April April 26 at 9 PM Barmageddon 126 26 at the Palm Village Senior Net- 26 at 7:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre E Kern Ave, Tulare, 93274 Girls Night Night in the Country - Country Music Festival Friday, April 26 at 5:30 PM Civic Center Park 113 Court St, Hanford, 93230 Local artists JJ Brown and 82 DeLuxe will open the show. Headlining the show is Arnie Newman and the Country Club Band, featuring Blown Away a tribute to Carrie Underwood! This show is going to be amazing and it’s FREE! There will be food vendors as well as our beer and wine garden. AsianFest Saturday, April 27 at 9 AM Fresno City College 1101 E University Ave, Fresno, 93741 AsianFest celebrates Asian American culture and showcases the talents of community performers, martial artists, and cultural organizations. Visitors will experience culture through colorful performances, exhibits, crafts, and of course amazing food!


Senior Events

14 | APRIL 2019



21 & Over


Out, the #1 Ladies Night Event Is Coming. Ages 21 and over. Limited Tickets On Sale NOW! Grand Gatsby Speakeasy Night Saturday, April 27 at 7 PM Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St, Fresno, 93703 The Fresno Art Museum will be transformed into 1920s period rooms. The event will take place throughout the Museum and Sculpture Garden, incorporating gaming tables, specialty craft cocktails, a cigar bar, passed light hors d’oeuvres, silent films, and musical entertainment with a 1920s flair. Tickets are $40 and available at


WEDDING from FebruANTIQUES CLOTHING ary 26 in the Ashlan/ & COLLECTIBLES & ACCESSORIES LEARN TO DRIVE Fowler area in Clovis. A FORKLIFT. Train- REWARD please call TWIN BED -turn of VINTAGE clothThe-Trainer & Re-Cer- 559-875-0912. the century Twin bed ing & accessories at tification Classes -turn of the centu- BeBe O’s in Tower. Available. Day & GOOD LOOKIN, ry $225 559-706-1900 We also carry vintage Night Classes Avail- tall, slim, white male, items & furnishings. able. $50 Discount to 70. Looking to meet ANTIQUE rocking Come check out the Veterans. Visit CFTC. slim, white female, chair $75 please call inventory! 1130 N. net For More Info. 60-70 who likes to go 559-447-1078 Wishon Ave. Fresno. 559-325-8097 western swing danc (559)445-1928 Re ing, flea markets, es- ANTIQUE Mahoga- ceive $5 off your $25 tate sales, fishing, and ny Barley Twist End purchase. PERSONALS camping. Call 559- Table $125 (559) 269- 779-1021 please leave 9079 MEET SINGLES in a message if no answer. APPLIANCES your area. Real Hook- 1936 PhillipsOfficers ups Real Fast. Try it Military Saddle $350 GAS RANGE by FREE! Ahora en EsFURNITURE (Madera) 559-232- Frigidaire $225 (559) panol 18+ (559)7616802 250-3033 0162 WOOD BOOK or Display Selves with BUFFET 65” x 19.5” 20” HOTPOINt gas GOOD LOOKIN, Heart Cutouts $75 x 30” 559-240-0767 stove $200 559-408tall, slim, white male, (Hanford) (559) 308- 8640 70. Looking to meet 3851 MID CENTURY sol- slim, white female, id elm wood dresser KENMORE Elite Re60-70 who likes to go BEAUTIFUL an- and full size bed frame, frigerator $400 (559) western swing danc- tiqued buffet, but can all has rollers, hard470-7377 ing, flea markets, es- be used as a dresser. ware, head and foot tate sales, fishing, and Solid wood. Like new boards, two metal side PORTABLE Utilicamping. Call 559- condition. Dimensions rails and wood slates, ty Pump $80 Good 779-1021 please leave are in photos. Hutch asking $175.00 or best condition. 1/2 HPa message if no an- has a working light. offer for the set, call 11SV-50160 HZAC- 8 swer. Chalk painted, sealed 559-776-4385 AMPS (805) 458-7283 with wax and antique glaze (559) 779-2090 SUPPORT LOCAL DYNA-GLO Gas MISCELLANEOUS BBQ Grill $150 (805) BED RAILS deluxe 268-6025 VINTAGE cloth- Adjustable Starting ing & accessories at at depending on size TROY Bilt lawn BeBe O’s in Tower. Twin / Full $50 mower $130 (Kerman) We also carry vintage Twin / Full / Queen (559) 800-5118 items & furnishings. $60 Kings $75 Come check out the (559) 314-4638 SUPPORT LOCAL inventory! 1130 N. Wishon Ave. Fresno. VINTAGE school (559)445-1928 Re- desk $75 (559) 917ceive $5 off your $25 4476 purchase. NINE PIECE patio JOHN Deere 870 4 set Rectangle with wheel Drive Tractor 4 Ottomans 4 chairs. $8000 (Sanger) (559) Oranges and browns 970-2120 $150 559-906-0668 MANUFACTURED BARBER’S Cabinet Homes in a Gated At An Elegant Yard Community. Homes Sale Thrift Store we starting at $59,000. are selling a Barber’s Owner financing, low Cabinet for $50.00 + down payments, comsales tax (559) 722petitive interest rates. 7852 Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down pay- ARE YOU SELLING ment on a home! Call something? List it here Willows of Santiago for only $20/ issue. todayr (888) 563-3003 Call 559-472-7182


SIMBA A40940480 loves meeting new people! His enthusiasm will always keep a smile on your face. 559-233-7722

TAZ A40985391 has playful energy to spare, and he can’t wait it spend it playing with his new family. 559-233-7722


WINNIE A40980507 is a big boy with a big heart! He dreams of cuddling and getting chin scratches all day. Call CCSPCA 559233-7722 ext.116

ROSE A40932567 is a gentle giant looking to give affection. She loves taking walks through the park. Call CCSPCA 559-2337722 ext.116

LILY A41081666 seems shy at first, but given patience, she’ll show you her sweet personality. 233-7722

TWIX A40920563 You can’t help but fall in love with her outgoing personality. 559233-7722

MADDIE A41013166 is playful and highly energetic, so she needs a family who will give her regular exercise and stimulation. 559233-7722 ext.116

BRODIE A40961090 enjoys lounging around the house and soaking in all the love you have to give. Call CCSPCA 559-2337722 ext.116

LOKI A40957984 doesn’t let his age stop him from chasing toys, enjoying playtime, and snuggling all day. 559233-7722 ext. 116

CUTIE A40952090 loves to curl up with his favorite people and purr all day long. Call CCSPCA 559-233- SUPPORT LOCAL 7722 ext.116




LED GROW light fixtures $50 (559) 7041585 BUMPER Pull Sundowner Valuelite 2 Horse Trailer $1400 escape doors, hay doors, mats in good condition, and a full tack area below manger. Split rear doors swing open. Can haul two large horses with ease. (559) 537-6610 HONDA EU2000I INVERTER/GENERATOR $750 (559) 2465661 SUPPORT LOCAL


ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

APRIL 2019 |


CLASSIFIEDS CRAFTSMAN riding VINTAGE 220V mower KOHLER 15 Craftsman 12” Radial hp KOHLER Com- Arm Saw with Bench mand 15hp engine Stand. Saw works great with 42” mowing deck and is in good working & bagger. $500 (559) condition! Call or text 269-5526 559-708-7672 JOHN Deere 870 4 wheel Drive Tractor SPORTING $8000 (Sanger) (559) 970-2120 KING COBRA golf clubs oversized comLAWN Sweeper in fair plete set with bag evcondition can be pulled erything you need at with the lawn mower the course excellent quad $175 559-917- condition. 559-2138038 6452 $150 CHIN DIP, AB, PushTOOLS up, Pullup stand. Dip station $200 (559) SPRAY Painter $350 906-6702 (559) 269-3107 COLEMAN Excur62”X 30” Utility Cart sion Cooler 30 qt. $100 text (559) 905- Quart Holds 51 cans 7417 Keeps ice for 2 days Has a heavy lid for VARIOUS cement sitting (have-a-seat) working tools All for Heavy dust handle $35.00 For more info: Molded cup holders William @ 559-591- EZ clean lid Made in 5620 USA (209) 968-8951 REDMAX Hedge $40 VINTAGE Case XX (559) 385-5540 323-6 Knife USA MADE 1965-69 with ARE YOU SELLING sheath Vietnam era something? List it here Knife a Little warn but for only $20/ issue. still in good condition $125 call or text 559Call 559-472-7182 960-5266

BRAND NEW never used. Grants pass 6. 6 person tent. 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-2645856. You can also see us online at

MUSIC 1991 FENDER Stratocaster M.I.M w/ HSC $299 Pre-owned, shows some wear. Comes with hard case. Works great, no issues. Straight neck. Come check this guitar out and others at 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-2645856

LP BONGO Drums w/ Stand $129 Latin Percussion black bongos with a stand. This set is beautiful, it does show typical wear. The heads are in good condition, they play and sound well. This is great set for players of all skill levels. If you are interested in these bongos or other instruments and equipment come on down to 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno at The Fresno Hock Shoppe

MOBO TRITON 3 Wheel Cruiser Youth $159 Clean, preowned. Comes as shown. In good working condition. Come LAWN SERVICE. check this out and Cleanups, Fertiliz- other bicycles at 3235 er, New Saw, Lawn E Belmont Ave FresSpraying, Sprinkler no Ca 93702 at The Repair & Lawn Re- Fresno Hock Shoppe seeding. Call for a Free Mon-Fri from 10am to Estimate! 559-696- 530pm and Sat from 5149 or 559-275-7630 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-264-5856. You can also see the othHAULING er items we have for JW CLEAN-UP SER- sale in our store now at YAMAHA FGX800C VICES. Estate Sale www.fresnohockshop. Acoustic / Electric Cleanups. Yard, Trash, com $219 Very clean. Construction cleanup, Comes as shown. rubbish, trees & demo, HUMMER 16” boy’s Works great no is- rentals, lots, apart- bike , in good condisues. Comes with ments & forclosures. tion, brakes work and nice Fender soft case. We do it all Just Call! everything. $25 Call or 3235 E Belmont Ave (559)307-4304 ask for text 559-217-9024 Fresno at The Fresno James Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri WOMEN’S bicycle from 10am to 530pm Giant “Sedona” womand Sat from 10am to en’s 21 speed bicycle. BIKES 2pm or call us with any Good condition, needs questions at 559-264- SCHWINN Admiral new seat & chain/gear 5856 Women’s Hybrid Bi- lube $80 (559) 288cycle $129 The Fresno 5375 Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri YARD WORK 10am to 5:30pm and GIRLS 20” Bike, Saturdays from 10am Kent, 1 yr old $65 JW CLEAN-UP SER- to 2pm or call us with (559) 286-8427 VICES. Estate Sale any questions at 55918” GIRLS bike. Cleanups. Yard, Trash, 264-5856. (NEXT) 25 (661) 772Construction cleanup, 3216 rubbish, trees & demo, SUPPORT LOCAL rentals, lots, apartments & forclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 ask for James

Real Singles, Real Fun... 30 MINUTES FREE TRIAL

1-559-761-0162 More Numbers: 1-800-926-6000 18+ 16 | APRIL 2019




SCHWINN stingray MANCO Go Kart OCC $100 (Shav- $300 (Madera) Manco er lake) It’s paint XTK-710E Go Kart and seat are in good 1998 model, 2nd ownshape . Chrome is not er. Updated lap belts. perfect but not bad . Tires great condition Text Chris 559-288- No tears in seats, pad7217 ding still full. (559) 930-6171 VW DUNE BuggyATVS Street Legal! New 2016 Polaris RZR 1000 Build! $6495 (Visalia) Turbo $16000 (Made- (559) 328-7588 ra) (559) 970-4126 2006 YAMAHA $900 (559) 2006 Yamaha Raptor PW80 350 $2000 (559) 400- 906-7067 2352 BIG WHEEL drift 2005 TRX 450R trike go kart $2000 (559) $3800 (Lemoore) (Kingsburg) 776-3812 (559) 707-1415 SUZUKI LTR 450 excellent condition MOTORCYCLES many extras, the bike has a high compression MEAN STREAK piston 13:1, runs race 1600 custom $4200 gas 110 octane, ported (Madera) (559) 975and polished, cammed, 6098 brand new full Dasa proformance exhaust HERITAGE softail and programmer. Great Classic. 09. One owner. bike just don’t ride All records $9800 obo enough give me a call Stage 1 kit. Dyno for more info. 559- tuned. Vance & Hines 577-8436 $4000 pipes Call for more info. Have back seat rest and T Bag Andi. 559-289-2008. Steve 559-668-2733 SUPPORT LOCAL

ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

2004 Wildwood 25Foot With Slide Out $7900 (modesto) (209) 672-2977


4X4 CHEVROLET Silverado $8000 Clean Title Clean Carfax 3rd Owner Tagged Smogged new motor 2007 HARLEY Da- 24 FOOT Pioneer 95k miles All Alumividson Night Train Fleetwood like new in- 2007 RED Toyota num 3in 3 core RacFXSTB $9500 (559) side and out have pink Camry LE For Sale ing Radiator Headers 240-6619 slip and tags up to date $5000 (559) 365- Much More (559) 313 ready to go New can- 8246 5339 2009 HARLEY Da- opy fridge raider and vidson Nightster 1200 stove like new never 2006 Lexus IS250 2011 Jeep Wrangler $5600 (559) 351-4329 been used call Lee Clean Title V6 2.5L Sport $18000 (559) Roy at 559-824-2249 130k Miles JAN 2020 470-7558 2018 ZHANG motor- $6500.OBO Tags Will Smog For cycle $1000 Tagged Buyer Clean Leather ARE YOU SELLING n clean title plz in- ARE YOU SELLING Interior (no rips nor something? List it here terested buyers only something? List it here stains) 2 Original Key for only $20/ issue. with cash in hand for only $20/ issue. Fobs A/C & Heater Call 559-472-7182 (559)7246775 Call 559-472-7182 Works Great No Lights on Dash All Mainte- 2004 NISSAN TITAN 1996 GSXR750 srad 19FT Springdale lite nance Done At Fresno TRUCK - SMOG $1750 285-5840 Everything works, a/c Lexus I am Second TAGS CLEAN works, no leaks and Owner of Vehicle Ask- $4800 pink in hand is fully self contained ing $7,000 OBO Call/ and Smog, clean tiand ready to go call Text 559-819-1096 tle. Cosmetic flaw, lil. BOATS for more info 559-975Stuff but no big deal, CHEVY CRUZE car Am Fm, Cd, stereo. 1978 -22’ Inboard/ 6114 $5500 2014 $9000 (559) 320- Tags are current MAY Outboard Motor, 440 2019 and just got it Engine.Chrysler with RAGEN 29 ft Toy 7949 smogged. This Truck sleeper, sleeps six will Hauler. Good conportable potty and dition, has queen in 2010 CHEVY HHr runs good and drives life jackets. It comes front bedroom and clean title runs and good Towing capacity: with tandem trailer drop down queen in drives great has tags 6,500 to 9,400 lbs and electric brakes. back. 2 couches also and smog check ready (559) 370-1670 $3,000.00 with up- fold down into a bed. to go 4cylinder great date registration Has built in generator, on gas feel free to mes- 2001 FORD f250 4x4 tags. (559) 449-1377 outside shower, fuel sage me with any ques- utility truck 7.3 diesel station to fuel up toys. tions 559-/428-94-/58 automatic clean title 1975 HALLET 19’ flat We just bought spur of Asking $4,000 OBO all service on time 188k runs like new bottom. Berkeley jet. the moment and need a Hablo Español 559-400-4872 BBC Chevy 496 blown little bit bigger trailer. dual carb. 800hp runs Everything works, in- 2013 Dodge Avenger Silverado on race gas. Badass cluding canopy. Text $5100 (559) 706-9596 CHEVY service utility work boat. 20k in receipts. 681-2087 2004 LEXUS RX330 truck $5000 559-498Interior beautiful. It’s Clean Title Runs Great 0706 winterized right now. $3900 (559) 389-4984 She’s ready for sumCARS 93 BLAZER 4x4 liftmer. (559) 375-2838 ed $5700 559-448 2004 HONDA Accord 7171 WAV E R U N N E R , lx ( Clean Title) $4300 TRUCKS Jetski, and Trailer (209) 247-6377 $2950 (559) 816-3644 1993 LIFTED Chevy 2000 SILVERADO 2009 HYUNDAI Gen- K1500 $5800 (559) stepside $6700 (madera) 559-598-2641 PONTOON Avalon esis. Luxury sedan, 722-4851 2014 $21500 (559) v8 4.6 auto Leather 970-1336 interior. Navigation , 2002 TOYOTA Taco- FORD F150 in good Rearview camara 101k ma $8900 (559) 280- condition tags expired june 2018 asking miles. Current tags & 2608 $6,800 obo for more smog on hand $7,999 RVS Clean title on h 06 TOYOTA tacoma information call 5592wd clean title. 172k 696-5306 2012 GULF Stream and 559 312 5834 Great running con- / Canyon Trail Fifth Ac/heater ARE YOU SELLING Wheel Trailer $24,950 2004 GRAND Prix dition $3500 (559) 708-8132 Serious buyer please something? List it here (209) 559-9796 call or text 559-394- for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 2008 MAZDA 5 Tour4530 $11,000 2012 FORD E350 Four Winds $36000 ing $5500 (559) 718- 8857 2004 FORD F250 Su(559) 349-0500 per Duty 6.0 long bed 32’ 2004 Prowler Re- ARE YOU SELLING $9600 (559) 273gal Extreme 5th Wheel something? List it here 1423 Bunkhouse, solar, for only $20/ issue. SUPPORT LOCAL 14’slideout $12500 Call 559-472-7182 (559) 960-6571 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



APRIL 2019 |



A PA RT M E N T S Los Arbolitos Apartments offers 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment homes. $200 off first month. Call for more info (559)255-8370 or stop by 555 S. Argyle Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 APARTMENT Rentals helps with all your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit or website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website

SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 $895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting. Please contact us at (559) 291-4305

CHATEAU MONTEREY I 2881 Willow Ave. Clovis (559) 294-7144 MONTHLY RENT $650.00 Studio 1 bathroom $350.00 security deposit application fee $25.00 per adult SUPPORT LOCAL

18 | APRIL 2019


$925 / 2BR - 796ft2 Hunter Place Apartment Homes. Now accepting section 8! (888) 673-8962 $799 / 2br - 1161ft2 Air Conditioning and Central Heating, WalkIn Closet(s), Playground (559) 512-7670

2 BEDROOMS / 1.0 Bath 925 sq. ft. $1195 Crystal Tree Apartments located in Fresno, California. We offer seven distinct floor plans, featuring one and two bedrooms. Relax around our Olympic size pool or take advantage of one of our many sports facilities; tennis, racquetball, basketball and volleyball courts, pool, spa, and saunas are all available for your enjoyment. As if that wasn’t enough, we also offer picnic areas and a game room for your entertainment. We are a pet-friendly community and welcome your furry friends. 431-2110

$1099 / 2br - 925ft2 $500 Off 2nd Months Rent 2 Bedroom Floorplans (559) 297-2297 The Best of the Best in Clovis! We offer timeless living and relaxing surroundings. An apartment community graced with year - round blooming flowers, gorgeous mature cedar trees and beautiful brick exterior. Scottsmen Too Apartment homes are within ROOM FOR RENT walking distance to the post office, shopping ROOM FOR rent in center, restaurants and quiet Clovis neighborbus line. hood. Month to month rent with 30-day notiARE YOU SELLING fication. The rent insomething? List it here cludes the following: for only $20/ issue. Full house and kitchCall 559-472-7182

en privileges (spelling correct please), use of washer and dryer cable TV, WIFI, and all utilities are included in the rental price. $475.00 per month Provide proof of income text or call (714)335-5341 FRESNO/ASHLAN 2 Rooms Available - Large room like a studio. Single or Couple, no kids. $600/mo $500/deposit Second Room - $400/mo $500 Deposit Habla Espanol Call (559) 400-1500 RENTING your room? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209


HOUSES FOR RENT $1645 / 4br - 1445ft2 - Great family home, clovis schools, shopping nearby by, 4 bed 2 bath (559) 824-5044 $1495 / 3br - 1328ft2 - Fresno SE Home, 3BR/2BA, Blt 1960, Fresh Paint, RV Parking (559) 287-9643 $1150 / 3br - 1440ft2 3 or 4 Bedroom Home For more information or other available properties please visit, or call 559-221-3151 $1325 / 2br - 1026ft2 Charming Tower Bungalow for Rent (559) 492-4000 $995 / 3br - 1006ft2 Affordable 3 Bedroom Clovis House For more information please visit, or call 559-221-3151


huge partially covered deck. On Deadwood Mountain, minutes from Oakhurst. TOP YOUR ENTER- OF THE WORLD $215,000 TAINMENT OASIS! VIEWS! $559,000 Stillmead- Scott McGhee, Lic ow 1 subdivision in #01987178 (559) 683Oakhurst Minutes 7183 office (559) 462from town. Pool, hot 0321 mobile tub, waterfall and ON THE beautiful views. Land- B&B CREEK IN FISH scaped yard. 2790 sf $998,000 two-story home with CAMP! 5 Bd, 3Ba, open living Well-established bed & area, and wraparound breakfast inn situated deck. Main floor mas- on year-round creek, ter suite. Room to located 2 miles from park your RV/toys.! the south entrance to Scott McGhee, Lic Yosemite Nat’l Park. #01987178 (559) 683- Operated by sole pro7183 office (559) 462- prietor since 2002. 3 beautifully furnished 0321 mobile guest suites, each with TOP OF THE their own balcony, WORLD VIEWS! heating and bathroom $215,000 Beautiful with soaking tub. 2 bedroom 2 bath- Scott McGhee, Lic room mountain home #01987178 (559) 683with incredible views. 7183 office (559) 462Open concept with 0321 mobile plenty of natural light from the large win- ARE YOU SELLING dows. Relax on the something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL


YOUR OWN PRIVATE HOMESTEAD! $299,000 Only minutes from town, this custom home was designed and built by the owner! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living /dining room combined, kitchen and an office make up the 1,589 square feet of space. All on 5.95 acres that has a small barn for horses, two creeks, and room to roam. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 683-7183 office PIERCE LAKE ESTATE! $55,000 Ready to build near Oakhurst Schools. 1.07 Acres in the desirable Pierce Lake Estates. Enjoy

the meandering seasonal creek and take advantage of a flat building site. Mature trees provide a bountiful canopy of shade. Come see this parcel today! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile $300000 / 4br 2093ft2 - House For Sale | 3487 Jordan St. (Selma) Beautiful and spacious 4 bedroom 2 bath home in Selma. It features an open kitchen looking into the living room, nice size bedrooms, ceiling fans throughout, covered patio & red wood deck. Did I mention

this home has solar? Call today for a showing (559) 256-7878 YOSEMITE LAKES PARK! $14,500 1 acre of land in the community of Yosemite Lakes Park (YLP). Great location. Close to recreation center. Property is covered with rock outcroppings, has a seasonal creek, and ready for your imagination. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182

BUILD ON 10.98 ACRES! $95,000 10.98 acre lot on a quiet road in Coarsegold. Paved road to the property. Room for all your animals. The private well and pump have been installed, just need to hook up to the power. Electric power poles are across the street. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile




APRIL 2019 |


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