7 minute read

For the 25th anniversary of the


In the roughly four and half years since forming, The Source has provided spaces and resources for the LGBT+ community in Kings and Tulare counties from their Visalia location. Their mission has been to encourage learning and growth, provide a place of belonging, and support the community through education, information, referrals, counseling, and any assistance they can offer. Through advocacy, partnerships, and fundraising, they seek to unite and advance the LGBT+ community. Nick Vargas is the Director of Development and Strategy for The Source. He took some time to talk with Fresno Flyer about himself, his organization, and how the current events have impacted Pride.


DF: What inspires you and gives you hope for the equality movement here in the valley?

NV: What motivates/inspires me: The fact that we have an LGBT+ Center on Main Street in Visalia is a big deal to me. When I was in high school, that would have been impossible. Not only do we have a center, but it’s also been relatively well-received by the community. When we opened, we weren’t sure what the reception would be. Many of the folks involved with LGBTQ issues and organizations before The Source had lived through Prop 8 and warned us it might not be easy. And it hasn’t been easy, but we’ve become a respected part of the local nonprofit community and been able to affect systems change in Tulare/Kings Counties. Our Pride Visalia event has drawn about 3,000 attendees for the last two years, including many straight allies. I’m thrilled that our events do very well. Drag Queen Bingo, Visalia Over the Edge, and others have been sold out and become popular. This is in part to the uniqueness of the events, and that our community really sees the need for what we do. And our events are FUN. There’s still a lot of room to grow. HIV primary care is nonexistent in our area, PrEP access is scarce, and the same can be said for Trans healthcare and HRT. Also, we still have a lot of room for progress on inclusivity and equality in general. We hear from people who still struggle to come out and are sometimes rejected by family or friends when they do. Social media comments and letters to the editor in opposition to the LGBTQ community are still common.

DF: The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear months ago that Pride as many of us know it wasn’t going to be happening this month. Can you talk a little bit about what Pride Inside is and how the community is adjusting to still

By Dave Fountinelle | dave@fresnoflyer.com

honor Pride and celebrate in the time of social distancing?

Pride Inside was our idea to have a community event on the day we had initially scheduled Pride Visalia, May 23, 2020. It included many of the aspects of an in-person Pride such as entertainment, education, and drag shows. We even had three celebrity appearances by Gus Kenworthy, Latrice Royal, and Lance Bass, who wished The Source and our community “Happy Pride.” People loved it. It’s still on social media for people to view. test organizers. Individually, I know we are all donating to organizations on the frontlines of this movement and supporting in more direct ways. Pride month should be a potent reminder to the LGBTQ community that resistance is powerful. We need to stand with our Black siblings and do our part to dismantle systems of oppression.

DF: The killing of George Floyd has sparked NV: It depends on the person. There are national outrage. And with protests igniting as a lot of ways to be an ally. Here are some we enter June and Pride month, it’s impossible of my ideas on how allies can support: 1. not to remember the Stonewall riots and their Donate to LGBT+ causes and centers. impact on the gay rights movement. Do that Pick a cause on Facebook and donate your history and your own personal experiences birthday to it. It’s a great way to raise funds affect your perspective on the protests? and visibility. 2. When you see, read, or hear incentive or derogatory comments, speak NV: I’m outraged at his killing and the up. 3. Bring LGBTQ people to the table murders of other Black people. We can’t in your organizations, your businesses, and compare the systemic oppression and racist your network. 4. Attend LGBTQ events. history that Black people have had to endure with Stonewall. They aren’t the same. DF: Where and how would you like to see The However, we do understand what it means Source continue to grow in the future? to push back and stand up to a culture and system that tells us that we are less than and NV: I’d like to see us expand from our that our lives don’t matter. We recognize the current location in the basement of intersectionality of our mission with Black Montgomery Square; for us to have a Lives Matter. Our trans people of color are building and a bigger space for groups. I’d murdered on a regular basis. Words can’t like us to continue to build out our HIV, describe how I feel. As an organization, we Trans, Youth, and mental health programs. are meeting the moment by using our social We have only part-time people but need media to bring awareness, our networks to full-time work on those programs. When spread information, and our youth to delivthere are health care crises and economic er water, snacks, and other supplies to prodownturns like we see with COVID-19, | FRESNOFLYER.COM | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |

DF: For those in the hetero community who want to be allies and support the LGBTQ movement in the fight for equality and acceptance?

our LGBTQ community is disproportionally affected by a lack of access to health care and other resources. The Source has been able to distribute $40,000 in direct aid to our folks who needed help with food, utilities, rent, hygiene items, mental health, and other basics because of COVID-19. I’d like to see The Source continue to be supported by foundations and the community so that we can continue to provide meaningful aid at the moment. I want the community to know that we still need strong LGBTQ centers. When our folks feel safe and included in their communities, they build lives that benefit those communities.

DF: Can you give a personal message for anyone who may need the services provided by The Source who might not even be aware of your organization?

NV: I’d invite them to reach out to us directly on social media, email, phone, text, or any way they are comfortable. You don’t have to be out to come in. People can help the most right now by texting “Pride Inside” to 44-321, watching “Our Story” and donating. If they can’t right now, I totally understand. Please share the information and the video “Our Story” with others. Lastly, I’m happy to say that we have rescheduled Pride Visalia for October 10, 2020, from 11 am to 4 pm at the Old Lumberyard in Downtown Visalia. It might look a little different this year, depending on what the guidelines for safety include. Still, we feel it’s important to have it if we are at all able to. Please plan to attend, be a vendor, sponsor, or maybe even a volunteer. This month is Give Out Day. All month LGBTQ organizations are competing for donations and leaderboard prizes. The organization with the most $10 contributions will win $10,000. We’ve won the last two years in a row. Because of COVID-19 canceling our fundraisers and the sharp decrease in donations, we need your support to keep going. If we win the leaderboard prize, we will use half of it for our COVID-19 Relief Fund, and the other half to sustain our primary operations. Plus, we have a donor who is matching the first 1,000 $10 donations, so your donation will have a double impact, and a triple impact if we win the leaderboard prize. For more information, you can visit www.giveoutday. org/thesourcelgbt. If you would like to donate time, money, supplies, or other resources to The Source, and to get more information on how you can help make a difference for the LGBTQ community in your area, please visit www.thesourcelgbt.org. | FRESNO FLYER | JUNE 2020 | 7

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