Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 12

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EDITOR’S NOTE You may have noticed some new content in our pages, and if you follow us on Facebook, online as well, that is of a more serious nature. Recently, Fresno Flyer became media partners to a non-profit organization, CalMatters, based in Sacramento. Here’s a snippet about them, pulled directly from their website. “CalMatters is a nonpartisan, non-profit journalism venture committed to explaining how California’s state Capitol works and why it matters.” Over the years, the publisher and I have felt an increasing need to offer more in-depth journalism covering a broad range of topics that we can provide for free to our readers. As you know, issues are firing off left and right, seemingly all the time, and popping up overnight. Some of which are local to us in the Central Valley and some that aren’t. There are tons of conversations happening out there that could directly affect us. Yet, it isn’t reaching into every neighborhood, to as many people as it should.


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Fresno Flyer is still a small operation. We don’t have the resources, at least not yet, to offer all of that deep-dive style of coverage ourselves. That takes a much larger team and an even larger budget to achieve. So, connecting with a nonpartisan, independent, non-profit organization running full-speed ahead to inform and connect Californians to important statewide issues felt like a perfect fit to meet that need. We don’t get paid to run their articles, and they don’t charge anyone to read them either. Some other local publications and platforms run CalMatters stories in the Central Valley, but we’re the only printed medium that offers it for free. And if you want to know who else is a media partner, or learn more about the organization, you can check out their website at And if you’re not into the new addition, tell us why. Remember, we can’t exist without you, the reader. Your feedback is important to us, so don’t hesitate to let us know how we’re doing.

Mmm... Donuts! Meet the Hanford Couple Bringing Gourmet Treats to the South Valley By Dave Fountinelle |


ucked away in a strip mall near the corner of 10th and Fargo in Hanford is a humble little shop taking the beloved donut to the next level. Since opening in December 2019, Donut Cafe quickly became one of Hanford’s best-kept secrets. Their creations are the stuff of Instagram-dreams. Chocolate glazed donuts topped with chunks of brownies and chocolate chip cookies, drizzled over with chocolate sauce, s’ mores donuts topped with graham crackers and toasted marshmallows, purple-glazed cotton candy-flavored donuts with pink sprinkles, are but just a few of what the café offers. These aren’t your typical, pink-box-in-the-breakroom donuts. For owners, Cham and Michelle Mak, breaking the mold and thinking outside the (pink) box is their mission state-

ment. “We came up with the idea of opening a gourmet donut shop back in 2015,” Michelle says. “I would see these amazing, beautiful donuts on Instagram, and I told Cham, ‘We can do that!’ and he said ‘ok, but if we’re going to do it, then we’re going to do it right.” Cham had the experience of working at his brother’s donut shop for about ten years. It was the job he held since he immigrated to America from Cambodia at 14 years old. While other kids only worried about homework and making time to hang out with their friends, Cham was holding down two jobs. A typical day for him began at 3 am, making donuts with his brother. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Then class all day at Lemoore High School. Then a second job after school at the Mobil gas station. Finally, he would come home, finish his homework, go to bed, and do it again the next day. “I’ve known Cham for over ten years, and he’s never taken a day off,” Michelle says. When Michelle first suggested opening their donut shop with a gourmet twist, Cham wanted to improve on the knowledge and experience he had gained at his brother’s shop. His goal was to create a donut that was truly worthy of the “gourmet” label. “I had been working on my own recipe for a few years,” Cham explains. “Most donut shops use a pre-packaged dry mix that


already has everything in it, and you just add water and mix. But I make everything from scratch, with fresh milk and eggs and all-natural ingredients. That’s the only way I want to do it.” Besides using only fresh ingredients, Cham also developed secret methods for preparing a dough that produces a donut with fewer air holes than the typical pre-mix kind. The result is a donut that’s spongy, fluffy, and melts in your mouth. And the flavor is absolute decadence. The quality is most evident in their standard glazed donut - the simple flavor lays bare all the dedication and care in their craft. Cham takes pride in his work, and it shows.

Continues on pg 4... | FRESNO FLYER |

AUGUST 2020 |


GUIDE YOURSELF TO HEALTHY By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


o, we’re nearly five months into a wholly modified lifestyle. There’s so much out of our control, and we’re being bounced around by mandates, indecision, and uncertainties. How can anyone stay healthy, let alone try to improve their health? Sometimes just getting through a single day without eating too many chips is a win! The way to guide your healthy self is to understand just what it is that you can control. And, honestly, it begins in your head, with your thoughts. I don’t mean to say that you can control them all of the time, but if you can start to see what you’re telling yourself, it will go far in supporting your health. If you spend time getting after yourself for not doing the healthy actions you think you should be doing, you’re letting those thoughts control you, defeat you. The negative thoughts stop you before you even start. The more you express self-defeating messages, the more they will become a part of you, to the point where you think you can’t care for yourself healthfully. There’s a good chance you’ll give up even trying to make healthy choices. But, if you’re able to stop those messages (“I’m so lazy for not getting up to exercise”) in their tracks, then truthfully assess what’s really going on (“I honestly don’t like exercising in the morning”), you will take control and are more likely to make choices that work for you and your health. And

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...‘Donuts’ cont’d from pg 3 Donut Cafe is truly a labor of love for the couple. They spent years saving money and meticulously planning every aspect of their business. The start-up process even included patience in waiting for the owner of their location to agree to sell. All that work paid off when they opened for business in early December 2019. Word of mouth spread quickly, and their customer base grew steadily. Then the COVID-19 pandemic brought the economy to a grinding halt. “It has definitely been tough,” Michelle says. “As you can see, looking around here, we are still in the process of remodeling the store the way we want it. But that’s on hold because everything we make right now is just going towards keeping the doors open month-to-month until things hopefully return to normal soon.” Some spikes in business for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day have helped keep the bills paid. Still, the shutdowns have been devastating even for well-established businesses. Statistically, even under ideal circumstances, most small businesses fail in their first year. To start a new business while also being hammered by a catastrophic economic and public health crisis creates an almost insur-

mountable challenge. “Yes, it is definitely a scary time right now.” Michelle says, “But honestly if there’s anyone who can make it through all of this, it’s Cham. Nobody works harder than he does. I feel like there’s nothing we can’t handle.” Indeed, Michelle’s optimism is both infectious and inspiring, and her positive energy fills the room. Theirs is truly an inspirational story. Cham came to America in his teens. Michelle, who’s family immigrated from Brazil. Planning, working and saving to turn their dream of owning their own business into a reality before their 30th



birthdays. And, not for nothing, but they’ve created something truly noteworthy. “I know people always say ‘made with love’ but our donuts really are made with love,” Michelle beams. “We love what we do. We just want to share that love with everybody.” Despite the uncertainty that the pandemic has created, Cham and Michelle continue to look ahead and plan for the future. The remodeling project that has been on hold previously resumes in a week. And when the shutdowns finally disappear for good, their plan is for Donut Cafe to be a social place. A place where friends can meet for breakfast, regulars can hang out on their laptops, and people can come in, get a donut, a coffee or boba tea, and chill out. “And, of course, we’re going to keep coming up with unique and creative donut ideas,” Michelle adds. “Our goal is always to push ourselves to create something beautiful, delicious, and of course, Instagram worthy!” Donut Cafe is located at 2455 N 10th Ave, in Hanford. You can follow them on Facebook and Instagram @donutcafehanford to see samples of their mouth-watering creations. They are open for carryout orders, and you can also call ahead at (559) 670-0057 for curbside pickup.

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts The Food Edition

1. Bananas protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system and keep blood sugars stead but less people know what eating them can actually help fight depression. The fruit contains high levels of tryptophan, which converts into serotonin - a type of chemical in our brain that influences mood. 2. Ever wondered why peppers are hot? It’s because of capsaicin, a chemical compound, that tricks your sensory nerves causing you to feel like your mouth is being burned. 3. Nobody thought to eat chicken wings before the invention of buffalo wings in 1964. They were largely considered the worst parts a chicken could have, and were mostly used as stock for soup or outright discarded. 4. Chicken contains 266% more fat now than it did 40 years ago. That’s 33% less protein and that’s all down to our modern day farming methods. That’s why it’s always

best to opt for free-range or organic meat.

5. German chocolate cake is not German. Despite it’s name, it’s actually American. The cake got its name from its creator, Sam German. It was originally called “Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate,” but the name was shortened as the years passed. 6. The M’s in M&M’s stand for Mars & Murrie, the co-creators of the sweet. The chocolates debuted in 1941 and are one of the best selling sweets of all time. 7. It was not until the 1700’s until tomato sauce was included with spaghetti in Italian kitchens. 8. In Bologna, they consider using spaghetti a ridiculous bastardization of the original dish, which uses tagliatelle. Tagliatelle is a wider, flatter type of pasta. 9. Apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, raspberries, strawberries and peaches are all members of the rose family, officially known as the Rosacea group. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

10. Banana “trees” are actually giant herbs. Their trunks are made of tightened leaves, not wood. 11. Sausages are older than the Bible. The first written mention of sausages is in 4,000-year-old texts from the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. 12. Wasabi, that spicy green paste that acts as the perfect accompaniment to your Tuna Sashimi is not, in fact, always what you think. More often than not, it’s actually flavored horse radish. 13. Gatorade was originally made by University of Florida’s physicians to combat fatigue among players of one specific football team, The Florida Gators. 14. The term Neapolitan Ice Cream originated in the U.S. in the late 19th century, and is presumably a reference to the 3 layered ice cream cakes of Tortoni, a Neapolitan.



AUGUST 2020 |



PART III By I. smiley G. Calderón |


t’s like we’re winning the race for losers every single day our COVID-19 numbers rage. There are now over 16 million cases and 650,000 deaths worldwide, but the U.S. is leading the way with over a quarter of those cases and about 150,000 deaths. Lately, we have lost 1000 Americans a day because of the coronavirus. Here in Fresno County, we now have over 13,000 cases with hundreds of people in our hospitals fighting for their lives at this very moment. President Trump was right when he told us that his presidency would leave us tired of winning. I know I’m tired. Are you tired of winning yet? We all should be incredibly tired of this president’s lack of leadership during this historic deadly pandemic that has shaken our country to its core. Instead of playing politics and the blame game when this viral threat emerged within our borders, President Trump and his administration should have taken this viral threat seriously. They should have acted swiftly to curtail it’s spread and threat. And, one of the proven best ways to fight the coronavirus is (you guessed it): wear a mask. We’ve been talking about this for months now, and it’s a no-brainer. If everyone had correctly worn a mask in public at the onset of this pandemic, our COVID numbers would be drastically lower than they are now. And there would be countless thousands alive today because of it. But we didn’t. Months into this health crisis, and we still aren’t. Americans still aren’t wearing masks or taking this virus seriously. Our astronomical numbers show this very clearly


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- but you see this firsthand every day in town as you go about your business. Things have gotten so bad that there is serious talk about another shelter-in-place lockdown. Science supports wearing masks to reduce the spread of COVID, which is why the CDC and WHO and every other health agency and official around the world highly recommend wearing one in public - whether inside our outside. Why? Since asymptomatic and presymptomatic infected individuals can spread the virus without feeling or looking sick by merely opening their mouths, wearing masks in public can protect you from others and others from you. Now that it is common knowledge that the coronavirus can spread as an airborne aerosol and that its infectious particles can stay suspended in the air by a cough or a sneeze - or even simply just by talking - you can begin to understand that, although social distancing is essential - it’s just not enough. A cough or a sneeze can send infectious particles flying like a ballistic projectile, and loud talking or laughing can spew virus in an invisible cloud for several feet around you. This can happen even when you’re outside. Yes, good ventilation and fresh air are important - but fresh air doesn’t stop viruses. Which is why wearing a mask is so crucial. So, when the president publicly downplays the importance of wearing a mask and instead promotes an individual’s

freedom not to wear one, it undermines our progress and endangers our nation. It doesn’t matter if he puts one on for a quick photoshoot or hesitantly recommends that people wear them. People can read between the lines, and everyone knows that actions speak louder than words. This is why we must lead by exam-

ple. We believers in science who love our nation and who want to promote life and liberty need to take a stand and proudly wear our masks when out in public. But we need to wear them correctly. When I say “correctly,” I mean that we need to cover up both our nose and chin when wearing our masks so that they fit snugly against our faces. We can’t have any air gaps or open spaces between our faces and mask. Believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to wear one. So, if your mask is not completely covering up your nose and mouth so that all the air you breathe and exhale is filtered by it, you’re wearing it wrong. Simple as that. This is important because, for example, if you only cover your mouth, but you’re not covering up your nose, you could potentially inhale coronavirus particles through your nose when around an infected person - even with your mask on! Wearing a mask incorrectly is like wearing no mask at all. The City of Fresno understands this surprisingly well, as demonstrated by its recent citywide implementation of stricter face mask laws. Introduced by District 7 Coun-



cilmember Nelson Esparza and passed with a 5-1 city council vote on July 16th, Bill No. B-24 amended Section 2-514 of the Fresno Municipal Code, Response to COVID-19 Emergency, specifically addressing masks: “In addition to social distancing guidelines that may be required by law, all businesses, government facilities, and employers throughout the city, shall require employees and customers, vendors and others to wear cloth face coverings…when interacting with other people, whether indoors or outdoors. Facial coverings must cover both mouth and nose…” Cover your mouth and your nose. That’s the most critical part of Masks for Dummies. Last month, I shared a video on how to quickly and easily make an effective face mask in case you don’t already have one. What’s important here is multiple layers. The more layers, the better. If the cloth mask you’re wearing is only made of one single layer, it probably isn’t doing a great job. So, the next important tip of Masks for Dummies to remember is: make sure your cloth mask contains multiple layers of material. Or, if single-layer cloth masks are all you have, double them up. The mask(s) you wear must be effective, especially when the fabric isn’t medical-grade N-95 respirator material (which we’ll talk about next time). Isn’t it funny to say that masked men and women are going to save the world, but isn’t that what all superheroes do? When you put on your mask, you are the superhero. When you put on your mask, you are saving lives.

“Go on Medi-Cal to get that”: Why Californians with mental illness are dropping private insurance to get taxpayer-funded treatment Teresa Pasquini looks into the foyer of her home where her son, who has schizoaffective disorder, once attempted suicide before being discovered by his younger sister. Photo by Anne Wernikoff for CalMatters

By Jocelyn Wiener |


n dozens of interviews, families, attorneys, judges, therapists and public officials agree: People with serious mental illnesses often do better dropping private insurance and qualifying for taxpayer-funded treatment. There’s an open secret among those who care for people with serious mental illnesses. Judy Bracken first heard it a few years ago from a hospital social worker: If Bracken wanted her adult son, who has schizoaffective disorder, to receive long-term mental health treatment, she should get him off her private insurance, UnitedHealthcare, and onto the public system for low-income people in Contra Costa County. Lucinda Chiszar figured it out when she tried to take her then 10-year-old son, who was insured by Aetna, to the only nonprofit agency in Merced County that offered the intensive wrap-around services the county’s behavioral health services said he needed. “Oh, you’re not on Medi-Cal?” someone at the agency asked. “We can’t help you.” Other families say they hear it whispered by well-meaning caseworkers, or even directly from the health plans themselves. In dozens of interviews, families, attorneys, judges, therapists and public officials agree: People with serious mental illnesses often do better dropping private insurance and qualifying for taxpayer-funded treatment. It seems counterintuitive. “If someone was to develop lung cancer, it’s hard to imagine that one of the other insurers would say, ‘You’re going to

need to get on Medi-Cal to get that paid for,’” said Dr. Tom Insel, former director of the National Institute of Mental Health, who has advised Gov. Gavin Newsom. Such stories provide further fodder for the debate about how to best enforce the state and federal parity laws that guarantee patients equivalent coverage for physical and mental health treatment. They also reveal the limits of those laws. In many cases, commercial insurers aren’t legally required to offer the intensive mental health services available through Medi-Cal. This open secret exposes troubling questions: What should private insurance cover? What should the state — and thereby taxpayers — pay for? Who’s responsible for ensuring people with serious mental illnesses get the treatment they need? Counties that administer Medi-Cal are tired of it. “We’ve let the private commercial plans off the hook pretty significantly,” said Michelle Cabrera, executive director of the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California. “It’s time for a cometo-Jesus conversation.” As the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn puts increasing pressure on people’s mental health, she said counties have seen more privately insured individuals seeking crisis services. The insurance industry denies there’s a problem. Mary Ellen Grant, spokesperson for the California Association of Health Plans, said she surveyed the commercial plans represented by her organization and none were familiar with the phenomenon. “We’re not aware of any existing evidence that long-term mental health care needs are better served by county mental | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

health agencies, nor in which counties this alleged trend is happening,” she said. Commercial mental health plans have been providing comprehensive coverage for severe mental illness for decades, Grant said, and some plans have begun to provide wrap-around services, in-home crisis intervention and intensive therapeutic behavioral programs. “There’s a lot of great work that they’re doing,” she said. “And I don’t think it’s helpful to say county mental health plans are providing better services than commercial health plans, because commercial health plans are doing their best.” And, yet, many insist that’s exactly what’s happening. Los Angeles attorney and psychotherapist Meiram Bendat says he’s seen, through cases he’s taken on, that insurers not only know about the issue — which he likens to “patient dumping” — but sometimes actively encourage it. He calls the practice prevalent, “simply inexcusable” and, in his view, against the law. “It is not something that regulators in California are actively looking into,” he said. “As a result, they are not protecting the interests of the taxpayers and are allowing the insurance companies to enrich themselves by pawning off their most severely compromised and sickest members to the public welfare system.” Some mental health services that counties provide, including wrap-around programs and case management, aren’t legally required to be offered by commercial health plans. But Mary Watanabe, deputy director of health policy for the state Department of Managed Health Care, said state law usually requires commercial plans to cover med-


ically necessary early psychosis intervention and residential treatment. She emphasized that patients who think they are being denied necessary treatment should file a grievance with their health plans and contact the department’s help center to request an independent medical review. No one keeps data on how often people feel forced to abandon private plans because the public system for poorer patients provides better options. But Dr. Joe Parks, medical director of the National Council for Behavioral Health, calls it “a national issue.” Dr. Parks says private insurance historically hasn’t been set up to offer case management, help with transportation and other services to help people navigate to needed treatment. “If you get old and sick or disabled and sick, then you leave commercial insurance,” he said. “It’s really Medicaid and Medicare that back up the commercial sector and allow them to have the profit margin that they have.” Many people with serious mental illness don’t intentionally decide to drop off of commercial insurance. Rather, the illness itself — especially if it’s inadequately treated — can lead them to lose their jobs, which then lands them on Medi-Cal. But for some families and individuals, deciding to leave commercial insurance can be agonizing. To meet Medi-Cal’s strict income eligibility requirements, families with children younger than 18 sometimes consider leaving their jobs or even relinquishing custody, advocates say.

Continues on pg 8... | FRESNO FLYER |

AUGUST 2020 |


...‘Healthy’ cont’d from pg 4

when you begin to see those choices working for you, you’ll see yourself as capable of doing what you want to do. That capability is your builtin positive motivator. Think about it. When you realize you can put your mind to something, and then see happy results from your efforts, don’t you want to do it again? It’s like getting a bowling strike because you genuinely paid attention to how you threw the ball. To grab control, you have to pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Make it easy on yourself by choosing just one part of your life where you pay close attention. Maybe it’s around your eating choices or exercising choices. Perhaps it’s focused on how you use your free time or what you choose to buy at the grocery store. Whichever one it is, focus in on those moments and listen to yourself. When you hear yourself negatively commenting on your behavior, counter it with positive words that can motivate you toward control and capability to a healthier you. How you think about your choices and behaviors is one place you truly have control right now. You can absolutely steer yourself to healthy. --Nadine is a Wellness Coach for women who want to break long-standing eating and inactive habits. She guides clients toward confidently building an achievable healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. Nadine can be reached at npbwellnesscoach@, and is on Instagram @npbwellnesscoach.


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...‘Medi-Cal’ cont’d from pg 7 Parents with children 18 or older often can just drop them from their private plan to make them Medi-Cal eligible. But that may entail giving up relationships with providers they’ve known for years, and forgoing easier access to specialists who treat other complex medical conditions. And then there’s the question of shame. Teresa Pasquini, a Contra Costa County mother whose adult son has schizoaffective disorder, moved him off of Kaiser Permanente in 2010 after years of fighting to keep him on it. By then, Pasquini said, her son had attempted suicide multiple times. On many occasions, she’d hidden in the back bedroom, calling 911 in a whisper, waiting for authorities to handcuff her son to keep him, and his family, safe. Doctors said her son needed to be in a locked residential facility — but his private insurance didn’t cover a long-term stay, so the county had to pick up the cost, she said. “It’s traumatic to reread the desperate emails I was sending to Kaiser, the county, the conservator, literally begging, ‘What can we do? We don’t want to drop his private insurance, we don’t want to dump his care on the state and county,’” she said. “I gave up my career. We were paying outrageous amounts of money. We were trying everything. So we felt we had no choice.” Suzanne Tavano, Contra Costa’s behavioral health director, said families have been making such decisions for decades. “We’re used to it,” she said. “We expect it.” People regularly call her agency and ask if they should drop private insurance to get into county programs. “Even with very good insurance, that continuum of care isn’t there for the most part,” she said. Privately insured people have been treated in the county’s first-episode psychosis program, though Tavano is reluctant to broadcast that, given limited space. Others with private insurance come into the county’s costly crisis stabilization unit, she said, or get help via the county’s mobile crisis response team. “We’re not going to turn people away,” she said. But spending more on insured people leaves less to spend on people who are on Medi-Cal or uninsured and very low-income, she said. Other counties facing similar demand restrict their offerings. Solano County initially accepted people with private insurance into their early psychosis program — until the program was “inundated,” and didn’t have adequate room to serve people with Medi-Cal. The county

then restricted it, said Sandra Sinz, the county’s behavioral health director, even though “we know if you don’t offer it, people aren’t going to get help.” In 2014, plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente alleged they were told to take their sons off of Kaiser to get them into locked residential facilities. That suit settled in 2018. Kaiser continued to dispute some of the claims. Later that year, a Kaiser therapist in Solano County, who asked not to be named because she feared being targeted by management, received a message from the company that workers should not tell patients to drop Kaiser coverage and go onto Medi-Cal. “People with severe mental illness absolutely pay the price,” she said. “They suffer. They absolutely get better care through county mental health.” She hasn’t voiced that to patients, though. “It’s not something I’ve said,” she said. “It’s something I think.” Stuart Buttlaire, regional director of inpatient psychiatry and continuing care for Kaiser Permanente in Northern California, emailed that Kaiser “offers a full range of long-term, residential or inpatient treatment for members in need of more emotional or psychiatric help than is available in outpatient sessions.” These inpatient stays can range from days to a year or more, he said. He said Kaiser works closely with county mental health agencies through a “public-private partnership.” It “might have been the case some years ago” that some families dropped commercial insurance to go onto Medi-Cal, Buttlaire said, but “federal parity laws are helping eliminate the need for this.” Even those concerned about the private-public service gap acknowledge Medi-Cal is no panacea. County services vary, and they, too, face challenges. A spike in demand for mental health services in recent years has left Medi-Cal and private insurance struggling to get the workforce and infrastructure they need. Dr. Paula Wadell, medical director of the UC Davis Early Diagnosis and Preventive Treatment Clinic in Sacramento, said Medi-Cal offers many services to her patients that those with private insurance can’t access. “There’s kind of no way to win for families,” she said. Once children on private insurance turn 18, clinic staff explain to their families the broader services the clinic provides to individuals with Medi-Cal. Many then elect to move their children onto Medi-Cal. But once they drop private insurance, Wadell said, “it’s not all rainbows and



sunshine.” For example, a 2014 law requires doctors to submit a treatment authorization request to the state before giving anti-psychotics to kids on Medi-Cal. That can lead to delays in getting urgent medication that don’t happen for privately insured kids, she said. Young people with complex medical problems — seizure disorders, for example — can find it more difficult to secure a neurologist or geneticist through Medi-Cal, she added. Katrina Gant, a San Bernardino County mother whose son was diagnosed with schizophrenia after high school, said she heard about a great residential program in the mountains nearby. It wouldn’t accept her private insurance — but it took Medi-Cal. The catch: Medi-Cal patients had to wait nearly a year to get in. Instead, Gant’s parents sacrificed $8,000 a month for their grandson to attend. “It was difficult, but to help my son they would do anything,” Gant said. Although her son remains with Kaiser, she plans to switch him to Medi-Cal — despite the waitlists. So what can be done? San Francisco Democratic Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 855 would require insurers to cover all medically necessary treatments for mental health and substance use disorders. Dr. Henry Harbin, former CEO of Magellan Health, a managed behavioral health care company, said that some private plans lack the billing codes that allow payment for more complex mental health treatments. He’s working on developing a standardized billing code that first-episode psychosis treatment programs can use to bill commercial insurance, and says a similar initiative would do the same for crisis services. Several California agencies that serve children have begun piloting partnerships with commercial plans. Marika Collins of Casa Pacifica, which serves children and families on the Central Coast and in Southern California, said her organization is working with Anthem and Kaiser to provide the same intensive mental health services to children with private insurance they’ve long provided to children on Medi-Cal. “I’m just thrilled to say that we’ve done it,” Collins said. “I’m less quick to bash the health plans than I was three years ago. Some of them really get it.” --This story was made possible by a grant from the California Health Care Foundation. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media venture explaining California policies and politics.

The Brioche Lady

French Brioche, a bread-like pastry rich in eggs and butter. My brioche has a unique aroma with a stringy texture, it is golden in color, fluffy, and light.1085 E Herndon Ave Suite 101 Fresno (559) 847-3000 @TheBriocheLady

G’s Creamery

All Natural and Organic Handcrafted Ice Cream (559) 515-6782 2097 West Bullard Ave @gscreamery

Bread and Butter

specializing in custom cakes, Filipino and international desserts, pastries and breads. (559) 712-0221 @breadandbutterclovis

La Michoacana Premium

Paletas, ice cream, nachos, tostilocos, antojitos, esquite, and many more. Open every day from 9am to 9 pm 3235 N First St (559) 374-5090

Frosted Cakery

Cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, cookies and

dessert tables for your event style. Wedding cakes, birthday cakes, 3D cakes are all made to order with a focus on your very special day. Also, specialize in French macarons, strawberry pizzas, mini pies and pie pockets. 1292 N Wishon (559) 917-8880 @frostedcakery

Ammenah’s Peach Cobbler

Offering delivery and non contact pickup. Call now to place your order 2 days in advance for hot fresh cobbler 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno (559) 370-6610 @AmeenahsPEACHCobbler

Rollie Rollie

Thair Rolled Ice Cream 682 E Nees Ave, Suite 103 (559) 666-3099

Ampersand Ice Cream

Gourmet flavors & tasting flights. (559) 246-8000 1940 N. Echo Ave Fresno

Raphio Chocolate

Bean-to-Bar locally made chocolate (559) 424-3369 738 E Barstow Ave | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



AUGUST 2020 |


Colorado Grill All Fresno locations. To-go orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-325-3460 Armenian Restaurant 3051 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Place a takeout or delivery order by calling 559-681-0988

Corner Bakery Café 8464 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 Delivery with DoorDash, Postmates, Uber Eats

Angkor Asian Bistro & Bar 1568 E. Champlain Dr. STE 105 Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available. 559-492-2344

Cracked Pepper Bistro 6737 N Palm Ave Fresno, 93704. Visit for a s pecial menu. 559-222-9119

Annex Kitchen 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711. Take-out only, curbside available. Lunch 11-3 and dinner from 4-8. Call 559-248-8512 Benaddiction 3015 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Curbside pick-up available. 559-374-6082 BJ’s Kountry Kitchen 4065 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Take-out options available 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. seven days a week. Delivery available through DoorDash. 559-222-5206 Bollywood Indian Street Food 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available and delivery through Uber Eats. 559-493-5975 BooBoo Bean Bakery & Café 2063 W Bullard Fresno, 93711. Open Monday - Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pick-up. 559-570-8093

DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant All Fresno locations. Offering take-out or delivery. 1530 E Nees Ave, 559-321-0544. 2221 W Shaw Ave, 559-221-6337. 144 N Blackstone, 559-237-7054. 7038 N West Ave, 559-436-1650, offers online ordering via 5635 E Kings Canyon, 559-2527100. 1071 E Shaw, 559-229-7811. 1914 W Clinton, 559-266-9893 Elbow Room 731 W. San Jose Ave Fresno 93704. Offering take out, call 559-227-1234 or visit El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant 3046 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Take-out, delivery and curbside service available. 559-435-2371 El Premio Mayor 3247 E McKinley Ave, Fresno, 93703. Call in and takeout orders only at the moment, curbside and delivery coming soon. 559-498-9925

Bulldog Burger Bistro 1782 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710. Pick up is available, and delivery through Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub. 559-492-2420 Casa Corona 1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-2838605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 Call 559-323-7409. Pick-up orders available. Free Uber Eats delivery. CASA de TAMALES 609 E Olive Ave, Ste C Fresno, 93728 Take-out orders available. Call 559-541-4656 Chicken King 1234 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 Pick-up available; as well as delivery through Uber Eats and DoorDash, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 559-266-5464

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Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 639 E Shaw Ave #149, Fresno, 93710. Take-out daily from 12 pm - 8 pm with curbside delivery available. Filet & Lobster special along with new take-out menu. 559-222-5823 Fort Blossom Café 433 N Fort Washington Rd Fresno, 93730. Take-out only. 559-824-1224 GG’s Food Factory 2139 Kern St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available and delivery on Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-840-1185 Good Eats Chinese Food 7724 N First St (at Nees) Fresno, 93720. Take-out/ Pick-up service offered. 559-261-0238 Gus Kebab 855 Kern St #180 Fresno, 93721. Take-out and delivery (for 3 orders or more) options available. 559-353-2119 India’s Oven 3035 W. Ashlan Ave, Fresno, 93722. Open for takeout, curbside delivery as well as free delivery within 5 miles on orders $50+; delivery also available via DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-229-1313 India Sweets & Spices 3055 West Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93722. Open for takeout and all essential needs. 559-222-2700 Find us on Facebook @ISSashlan

Andiamo Ristorante Italiano 1275 Shaw Ave #120 Clovis, 93612. Offering curbside pick-up. 559-298-3196 Carrillo’s Mexican Food 151 W Bullard #101 Clovis, 93612 Take-out available. 559-325-5688 Dai-Ichi 1820 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93611 Take out available. Call in ahead of time for immediate pick up. Call 559-297-1177 DOY Grill 1845 Herndon Ave. Clovis, 93611. Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take-out only. (559)324-8048 Florentina’s Pizza and Pasta 2141 Shaw Ave Unit 113 Clovis, 93611. Pickup available. 559-297-8310 House of Juju 565 Pollasky Ave #101 Clovis, 93612. Call ahead and walk-in orders and DoorDash. 559-298-3090 Huckleberry’s 2100 Clovis Ave Clovis, 93612 (and Fresno locations). Open 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily for take-out, curbside pick-up, and delivery through DoorDash. Call 559-412-7889

Hungry Bear Cookies 1127 N. Willow Ave Clovis, 93611 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free delivery of Hungry Bear Cookies (1 dozen minimum per order) Place order from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and your cookies will be delivered between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Delivery address must be within five miles of Hungry Bear location. 559-299-6919 Jugo Salad & Juice Bar 1845 Herndon Ave Clovis, 93611. Take-out and delivery 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. 559-472-3351 (Champlain Dr location, 559-407-5846) Jus Jo’s 701 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Takeout and curbside available. 559-322-1788 Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant 2141 Shaw Ave Ste 101, Clovis, 93611. Take-out available; Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Call 559-326-0524 Luna Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, 93612. Alley pick-up, open for drive through, call and let them know you have arrived. Pick-up in front as well. 559-299-4141 Mah’s Teriyaki Express 605 Herndon Ave #400, Clovis, 93612. Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 8.30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Take-out only, calling ahead is highly recommended. 559-297-8831 Michelangelo’s Pizzeria 619 Woodworth Ave, Clovis, 93612. Pick-up only Monday through Saturday from 4 - 9 p.m. You must call in to order, first. 559-322-1666


Neighbors Tap and Cook House 1175 N Fowler Ave #800, Clovis, 93611. Pick-up available from 11 to 8 every day, with to-go cocktails beer and wine with food purchase. 559-298-4020 Pad Thai Restaurant 198 Shaw Ave (Shaw at Minnewawa) Clovis, 93612. Take-out available, as well as delivery through Postmates. 559-324-1235 Panda City Hot Pot & Grill 458 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Offering delivery and take-out for Fresno and Clovis orders from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (559) 324-8888 Pure Water & Ice Cream 1835 Ashlan Ave #103A, Clovis, 93611 We offer water fill up, boba drinks, ice cream, springrolls, bahn mi sandwich, and papaya salad. Open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. pickup only. 559-346-1399 RusHour 701 W Shaw Ave # 101, Clovis, 93612.Open daily 11 am - 6 pm; take-out, pick-up, and delivery with DoorDash available. Call 559-326-0574 Sakura Chaya 1200 Shaw Ave, 559-900-4326. Second location: 690 E Nees Ave, 559-438-9378. To-go and curbside pickup available. Hours of operation 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sandy’s Country Junction 532 Clovis Ave. Clovis, 93612 Subs-N-Grub 3157 Fowler Ave #102 Clovis, 93611. Take-out available. (559)-291-4782 Subbies Subs & More 2 150 Minnewawa Ave ste D, Clovis, 93612. Take-out and delivery by Grub Hub available, Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. 559-478-4627 Sunnyside Pizza 1175 N Fowler Ave #600 Clovis, 93611. Take-out orders available. 559-374-9361 Thai Gem 742 W Shaw Ave, Clovis, 93612. Open 11 am - 2 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm, take-out available. Call 559-298-4425 The Craft House 760 Pollasky Ave Clovis, 93612. Please call for take out and curbside pick up 559-472-3398.



AUGUST 2020 |


THE STAY AT HOME EDITION Museum (virtual) Tours Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. The Louvre, the world’s largest art and antiques museum, was forced to close its doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you can no longer waltz into its famous glass exterior, you can learn something of the phenomenal collection via a number of virtual tours, charting everything from Egyptian antiquities to the Galerie d’Apollon. The British Museum, London. The UK capital’s famed museum has hooked up with Google Arts & Culture, along with more than 2,000 other leading institutions, to offer an interactive tour. Wander through time and click on different artefacts to see them up close, read up on their history, and hear more information with an audio guide. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. artsandculture. Stuffed with masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, the Rijksmuseum is one of Amsterdam’s most popular attractions. It’s closed until 1 June, but has just launched a new interactive experience, Rijksmuseum From Home, that allows you to virtually visit the home of Rembrandt’s The Nightwatch and Vermeer’s The Milkmaid. In a collaboration with Google, there’s also the chance to explore 11 “exhibits”, where you’re able to interact with various works from the museum, read about their history and see close-ups of the pieces. Musee d’Orsay, Paris. Housed in the fabulous former Orsay railway station, the Musee d’Orsay displays art dating from 1848 to 1914. An online tour goes through the history of the building, first constructed for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Viewers can also explore some of the most famous pieces in the collection, including one of Van Gogh’s self-portraits, and take a virtual wander through the galleries. Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. New York City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View tour where you can “amble” along its winding corridor and view works up close, such as Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library by

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Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also simply gaze upon the building’s remarkable architecture. Uffizi Gallery, Florence. artsandculture. This gallery houses the art collection of the Medicis inside a 16th-century building. Online, there are four exhibitions that take viewers through various works, explaining their significance and showing close-ups of important details within the paintings. See such works as Piero di Cosimo’s Perseus Freeing Andromeda like never before. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC. Move at your own pace through the 360-degree room-by-room tour of every exhibit in the museum. The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// Los Angeles’s premiere gallery has two virtual tours, including “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closer look at food in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid. Madrid’s must-see art museum has the works of some of the continent’s most celebrated artists like Rembrandt and Dali available online. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Six virtual exhibits are available online from this museum named for the “Mother of American modernism.” National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. asset/the-national-museum-of-anthropology-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-commons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit rooms full of Mayan artifacts. NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center - - and Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www. - offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality experiences” via The Space Center Houston’s app.

National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. Have a late International Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum. Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// Though the Met Gala was cancelled this year, you can still have a peak at the The Costume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 online exhibits. High Museum of Art, Atlanta. This museum’s popular online exhibits include “Civil Rights Photography” — photos that capture moments of social protest like the Freedom Rides and Rosa Park’s arrest. Detroit Institute of Arts. Mexican art icon Frida Kahlo is the focal point of two of the four available online exhibits. National Museum of the United States Air Force. Visit/Virtual-Tour/ You can’t take a ride in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential airplane, but you can check it out, in addition to other military weapons and aircraft, online in the Air Force’s official museum. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection available online.

Learn at Home

CMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Online Workshops. CMAC is offering a series of online workshops that are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a CMAC member to register. The Kitchn’s Cooking School. The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day, 20-lesson program where students tackle an essential cooking topic each day. You’ll even have homework! Free to join at their website. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Free Online Ivy League College Courses. Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with reminders. Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime. Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline Creative. The free online drawing lessons at Kline Creative website are designed for beginners of any age, from young children to adults. The site offers instructional videos on a range of drawing subjects. The videos are designed to give the beginner core skills to enhance any art medium you choose to use. How to Draw Cartoons! If drawing cartoons is your thing, this site offers plenty of free instruction on the topic. The site covers categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock and Darth Vader.

Self-Improvement Yoga with Adriene. https://yogawithadriene. com/ Can you already twist your body into a pretzel? Great, Adriene is here for you. Can’t even touch your toes? Even better, Adriene is ready to help. She has so many videos and options that it’s almost overwhelming. Keyword: almost. Popsugar Fitness. com/user/popsugartvfit/videos If you’re looking for classes that will make you feel like you’re working out with friends, Popsugar fitness is exactly what you need.

Sweat with SELF. playlist?list=PL7Ax6CP9_hgPjjCrA9zNH9ebuvgJ1riXd If you’re looking for some serious (free) “fitspiration,” the “Sweat with SELF” channel is where you should go. From the backdrop of their classes (the NYC skyline is often featured), to the upbeat and spandex-clad instructors, these classes give the most realistic vibe of an in-person group fitness class. You know, but without the group. These classes range from 10 to 30 minutes. However, there is a timer in the corner counting down each move, so the time flies by, as each section is broken up into segments. Most workouts don’t require anything other than your body weight, though some utilize dumbbells and kettlebells. Word to the wise: If you have neighbors living beneath you, these aren’t the videos to bust out at 6 a.m.—be kind and wait at least until 9 a.m. Blogilates. blogilates/videos Most of these workouts are about 10 minutes or less, and based around Pilates workouts to help strengthen and tone muscle. The instructor, Cassey, guides you through the routines in the comfort of her home, sometimes with friends, but oftentimes alone. With these short, attainable workouts, and one-on-one instruction, it can feel like you have your own personal trainer right in your living room—minus the hefty price tag that usually comes along with it. Heart and Soul Fitness. There isn’t anything wild or flashy in the production of these videos—it’s just two people working hard, encouraging you to give your best effort, and demonstrating moves you can do that don’t require a lot of floor space. Coach Kozak does the full workout while Claudia models the modifications, so regardless of your fitness level, you will always have someone to follow. Get ready to sweat! Move with Colour. c o m / c h a n n e l / U C Z F d k G 0 3 m Z w KG t 1 _ RJ23vAA These are less of a “I need to get a serious workout in” type class and more of a “I need to burst with joy and smile for 10 minutes straight” sort of thing. While there are a few 45-minute sessions, the majority are just 10 minutes, and leave you mastering a small dance combination. With tons of different music choices you can feel like you’re in a boy band, at a disco, or even in a ‘90s club for a few minutes out of your day. It’s a great way to get your blood pumping and heart racing, but more importantly, these videos are just plain fun. Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed workouts are available on the Facebook page. Workouts are open to anyone.

Live Concert Streams And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead. August 14th, 9pm. The band will play a livestream show to benefit several local record stores across the US. Tickets are $9 and you can buy them at https://www.trailofdead. com/livestream Steel Panther presents Lockdown in the Rockdown benefiting Crew Nation and a local Los Angeles animal rescue. August 16th, 5pm. Tickets start at $15 and you can buy them at Tim McGraw presents McGraw Here On Earth, an interactive live music experience to celebrate the release of his new album Here On Earth. August 21st, 9pm. Tickets are $15 and you can buy them at Full Circle’s Virtual Comedy Night Live Stream. We’re back! Full Circle Brewing Co. Presents: Virtual Comedy Night LIVE Stream FREE on Facebook Live Stream or Zoom! Featuring: Valerie Tosi, Andre Morton, Tuesday Thomas, Jeanne Whitney, Lisa Curry. Hosted by: Dave Apkarian and Tanya SalzerSTREAMING Sunday, August 9th on Full Circle Brewing Co. from 8pm-9pm. Tune In! ( ) Or join us directly on Zoom Meeting ID: 891 1712 2079 Passcode: beerisgood Diplo offers themed #COVIDseries sets every Friday and Saturday. Watch the livestream Major Lazer offers themed #COVIDseries sets every Sunday. Watch the livestream Grouplove performs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Instagram Live. Watch the livestream Dillon Francis hosts weekly livestreams, including Taco Tuesdays and Humpday Heaters in addition to appearing Saturdays on Diplo’s Coronight Fever. Watch the livestream https:// Indigo Girls do an all request livestream every Thursday at 7 p.m. to benefit different charities. Request songs and watch the livestream


Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. https:// Travis is a local artist who performs weekly livestream concerts that are available on his facebook page. He continues to create fresh new content for his fans and supporters every week. Metallica. MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica have launched a new concert series, #MetallicaMondays, which will see the band stream a complete Metallica live show on the group’s YouTube channel and on Facebook every week. They start at 8pm (EDT) every Friday.

Royal Albert Home. The Royal Albert Hall – yes, THE Royal Albert Hall – is hosting a series of Royal Albert Home performances over the coming days and weeks, which will see “artists sharing their work from their homes to yours”. The free streaming programme already includes Rufus Wainwright, Peter Gregson, Brassed Off and many more. You can also donate to the Hall to show your support. We have Imogen Heap, Kaiser Chiefs and Tim Burgess to look forward to. Radiohead. Yes, Radiohead. The band will be posting weekly classic concert videos to their YouTube channel on Thursdays at 10pm BST (5pm ET). And you can watch them back at your leisure. MTV Unplugged at home. The first installment of this new MTV Youtube series starts that will take place every Friday started with Wiclef Jean. Link: MTV Youtube Songkick Live Stream Concerts. Songkick, the concert connection site, hosts live stream concerts and inhome performances from national and local artists all over the world. New events are added daily.

Zoo Tours The Cincinnati Zoo. cincinnatizoo/ The Cincinatti Zoo hosts a daily home safari at 3pm on its Facebook page. Atlanta Zoo. panda-cam/ The Georgia zoo keeps a “Panda Cam” livestream on its website. Neil Young. https://neilyGeorgia Aquarium. cam/ Sea-dwellers like African penguins and Neil Young is keeping it in the family with his Beluga Whales are the stars of this aquariFireside Sessions - his wife will be filming while um’s live cam. he gives a live concert from his living room, presumably by the fire. It looks like his dogs The Houston Zoo. https://www.houstoncould feature heavily, too. Young is promising There are plenty a “down-home production, a few songs, a little of different animals you can check in on with time together”, which sounds good to us. Find this zoo’s live cam, but we highly recommend out more via the Neil Young website, see link watching the playful elephants. below. The Shedd Aquarium. https://www.faceThe Record Club. Record Store Day UK, This Chicago ficial Charts and National Album Day have aquarium shares some pretty adorable become together to launch The Record Club, a hind-the-scenes footage of their residents on bi-monthly Facebook Live virtual club, taking Facebook. place on every other Wednesday at 6.30pm (BST). Hosted by Jess Iszatt (BBC Music IntroThe San Diego Zoo. https://kids.sandiegoducing/BBC Radio London) and live streamed With what may be the most live simultaneously across the Record Store Day cam options, this zoo lets you switch between UK. koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one sitting.



AUGUST 2020 |


EVENTS Monterey Bay Aquarium. It can be Shark Week every week thanks to live online footage of Monterey Bay’s Habitat exhibit. National Aquarium. Walk through tropical waters to the icy tundra in this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Baltimore-based aquarium. Seaworld Orlando. The virtual tour of Seaworld includes a tour of Discovery Cove and the option to”ride” the steel roller coaster Mako. Riverbanks Zoo and Garden. https://www. Riverbanks Zoo, in Columbia, SC, is streaming Z-Learning live on their Facebook page every weekday at 10 a.m. Meet and learn about animals! The videos will also be on Riverbanks’ website by 2 p.m. each day.

Wildlife Camera Streams Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma. tour/?site=42&scenename=815&mod=article_inline Escape the confines of your home and take a virtual field trip through Oklahoma’s vast wilderness by clicking through several 360-degree views of the Conservancy’s various preserves. You can also click on features of the landscapes to learn more about the unique prairie ecosystem. Virtual Dives. https://sanctuaries. You won’t need scuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with these stunning high-res 360-degree views of national marine sanctuaries like the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast. You can even pair your device with a virtual reality headset for the ultimate immersive experience. International Wolf Center. http://www. Highly recommended: the wolf den cam. This morning, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two others moving around the den. As the site explains, the den is the primary resting spot for wolves during the winter months, where they lie on beds of straw for added warmth. During the summer, they’re more likely to be inside, escaping the heat. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco. farallones/ This live streaming web cam lets you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species of

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seabirds, five species of seals and sea lions, and land birds. Great white sharks and gray, blue, and humpback whales inhabit the surrounding waters. wildlife/ offers several options to choose from (look to the column on the left of the homepage): Cams in South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, and North America. Under ‘Streaming Cams,’ clicking ‘Flamingos’ takes you to Kamfers Dam, where hundreds of the birds are milling about. Wildlife Focus: Brazil & Ecuador. http:// shtml (Southern Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil) (Buenaventura Reserve, Ecuador) Wildlife Focus has two high-quality, live-streaming webcams. One at the Southern Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil’s Parana State, and the site says you might espy the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Black Jacobin, Blue-winged Parrotlet and the Plain Parakeet. The second web cam is located in the remote tropical forest of Fundación Jocotoco’s Buenaventura Reserve, Ecuador. National Wildlife Federation’s Bald Eagle Cam. cfm This camera gets you right up near the nest, about 30 feet off the ground.

life in a “majestic, amber-colored kelp forest” where nearly 1,000 marine species live or regularly pass through. The park’s live wildlife cam is located in the ocean landing cove on Anacapa Island, off the coast of California between Ventura and Los Angeles. When tuning in, prepare to be mesmerized as colorful fish dart back and forth across the camera lens as the kelp sways peacefully with the push and pull of the ocean currents. Polar Bears in Wapusk National Park, Canada.

a free account to join a game. Voice Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Discord Channel. Included in this post is the link for payment for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Please choose the DM and date you want to play. After payment is received you will be put into the room for chat in discord. Within the room will be the link to the Roll20 game. Kids D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure continue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been working diligently to bring you online D&D adventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re Manatee Webcams, Blue Spring State Park, ready to start. Want to play? These tables for Florida. kids only. There will be a limit of 6 kids per blue-spring-state-park Florida manatees live table.We are having this be for kids ages 10in slow moving, shallow water such as bays 16. We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and and rivers. These large marine mammals are we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the ada treat to spot in their natural environment, ventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free but they can be elusive. If you don’t have the account to join a game. Voice Chat will take opportunity to search for the creatures in the place within the Crazy Squirrel Kids Discord wild, try the manatee webcams at Blue Spring Channel. IncludState Park instead. While the underwater and ed in this post is the link for payment for the above-water webcams are no longer live, tune game. The price is $10 for the session. in to see highlights from the most current manatee season, including special shots of a Dolly Parton continues her “Goodnight with manatee with her calf and one of an adorable Dolly” series, reading children’s books from manatee named Alice inspecting the camher Imagination Library every Thursday at 7 era. p.m. Watch the livestream https://www.face Audobon Osprey Nest Cam, Hog Island, ME. Go to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle. osprey-nest Getting up close and percom/?mod=article_inline Explore the surface sonal with a bird of prey’s nest has of Mars in the ultimate form of social disnever been easier. This live wildlife tancing. While the team at NASA is currently cam captures the nest area of updating the site, you can still take a peek at two western ospreys—Rachel 360-mode and get a feel for what the Curiosity and Steve—perched 30 feet rover sees every day. above the Audubon Society’s Hog Island sanctuary off the Tour the International Space Station (ISS). coast of Maine. While the separates for the tion/main/suni_iss_tour.html?mod=article_ winter, thousands tune in inline Expedition 33 Commander Suni Wilfor their reunification evliams floats through the International Space ery spring. This live wildlife Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth cam shows an intimate a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, look at these raptor-like the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascibirds as they fish, soar, and nating to see our planet down below from the hatch eggs annually. observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station. Virtual Farm Tour. Explore 11 different Canadian farms and food processing facilities. Learn how to milk a cow, go behind the scenes at a sheep farm and meet some of Crazy Squirrel D&D on Roll20, hosted by the livestock guardian dogs, or visit an apple Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of orchard. adventure continue! Behind the scenes, Squir rels have been working diligently to bring you Draw with Ed Vere. http://www.edvere. online D&D adventures, and we’re happy to ancom/ Every Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. nounce we’re ready to start. We’ll offer tables (he’s posting from the UK) illustrator Ed Vere for kids only as well as other tables for adults. will share a new “how to draw” lesson via vidWant to play? We’ll be using Roll20 as the plateo on his website. So far he’s taught how to form and we’ve stocked our GMs larder with draw a lion, a monster and more. The videos all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll just need

Fun for Kids and All Ages

Channel Islands National Park Live Ocean Webcam. Home to one of the richest marine environments in the world, Channel Islands National Park offers an underwater glimpse of marine life as it is rarely seen. The cam records



EVENTS remain available on his website after they’re shared, so don’t feel like you have to be up at 6 a.m. Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https:// Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live. Weekday Live Streams with Mr. Jon & Friends. events/1074677622899381/ Mr. Jon & Friends is a group that writes and performs music just for kids! With schools are closed, they will be hosting weekday live streams and fun videos at 10:30 a.m. each day. These virtual events are all about fun, music, and laughter. Watch live, and then come back to re-watch alter as often as you’d like. You can find all the info on the Facebook event page.

Virtual Destinations Icehotel, Swedish Lapland. https://www. Aurora photography company Lights over Lapland has created experiences for those suffering wanderlust to virtually travel to the Icehotel in Swedish Lapland. The 360-degree videos allow viewers to visit the local Arctic wilderness, meet local huskies and reindeer, go dogsledding and reindeer sledding and even join a Northern Lights hunt. Jerusalem, Israel. Wv_0tcndBOG Israel is promoting a whole series of virtual tours for armchair travellers, including one that takes you around Jerusalem’s most famous sights. Videos have a voiceover tour guide giving more information

on the city’s holiest places, while 360-degree functionailty makes it feel more like you’re exploring. Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Fancy watching the sun set over these picturesque peaks? You can take a virtual tour of the famous Irish geological landmark, which captures 360-degree views and even has virtual reality headset capability for a fully immersive experience. Central Park, New York. centralpark NYC’s green centrepiece is available to tour online. Not only does it show you the sites, it also comes with a guide who talks you through significant events in Central Park’s history as you “travel” from the West 72nd entrance. Ibiza, Spain. Ushuaïa Ibiza, an open-air club on the hard-partying Balearic Island, has launched #StayAtHomeSessions – a re-stream of some of 2019’s best DJ sets from Hï Ibiza and Ushuaïa Ibiza, to bring the party atmosphere to the homes of ravers around the world. The first session was launched on 21 March, featuring Solardo, Davide Squillace, Camelphat, Nic Fanciulli and Andrea Oliva. The streaming sessions allow users to invite friends to join them online. More virtual events are also in the works. Grand Canyon, Arizona. grca/001/archeology There are plenty of pictures of the famed canyon online, but get a little deeper with a VR archaeological tour. This allows armchair travellers to explore and learn more about the history behind the canyon’s formation by clicking on different geological features.


Yosemite National Park, California. yose Experience this natural wonder in real time by clicking through to its webcams. The views include Yosemite Falls, the view of the Half Dome from the floor of Yosemite Valley, and vistas from the High Sierra captured at 8,000 feet. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. One of the best things about being in the great outdoors is the way you experience it with all your senses. Rocky Mountain National Park has allowed virtual visitors to use their ears rather than their eyes, with an online “sound library” that features an array of birds and wildlife found in the park. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. nps. gov/grte Fancy climbing a mountain? You can try out an e-climb with Grand Teton National Park, navigating your way to the 13,770-ft summit (minus the effort). Viewers can also discover the geology and history of the Grand Teton massif along the way, and learn more about the native plants and wildlife. The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. http://www. collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/tour-virtuale.html The national lockdown in Italy has forced the country to a near-standstill, shuttering public events, soccer stadiums and even the Vatican. Now, visitors can tour the interior artworks of the chapel, including its renowned ceiling and The Last Judgment, by Renaissance painter Michelangelo. The Great Wall of China, China. https:// China’s most famous attraction offers virtual tours of some of the most visited sections of the wall, 3000 miles of which are walkable. With much of the country under quarantine measures, the virtual tour offers a


reprieve from the crowds who normally come from all over the world to see the 2000-yearold marvel. Walt Disney World. https://disneyparks. Set aside some time, because there’s plenty to see here. Virtual tours you can take include Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot, just to name a few. There are also unofficial YouTube videos that feel just like you’re on famous rides like the Frozen Ever After ride, It’s a Small World, Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Machu Pichu, Andes Mountains, Peru. A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that just has to be seen. You no longer need to fly all the way to Peru to see it in all its glory, however, as the virtual tour is comprehensive, immersive, and filled with fascinating insights. With 360-degree views of the ruins of Inca settlements and lush green landscapes, you can visit every popular vantage point and learn more about the history of the famous site thanks to a helpful voice narrator. Athens Acropolis, Greece. https://www. A must-visit destination for history buffs, the Athens Acropolis includes the world-famous Parthenon, and is a cultural hotspot for tourists. Choose between popular sites such as the Theatre of Dionysus and enjoy in-depth videos that provide a fascinating and educational insight into ancient Greece.


AUGUST 2020 |




COKE SIGN $500 Apx 4.5x3 text or leave message (559)7798999

BUD SIGN $300 obo works needs cleaning 5ft x 1 1/2 text or leave message (559)7798999

1949 TUBE radio $99 excellent condition awesome sound for his age could be a nice piece for your collection please call 559 284 0861

COKE CRATE $35 ea text for pictures 559304-1831 OLD STRONGMAN Mallet $60 Measures OLD VINTAGE trunk JUKEBOX Missabout 32” tall. Price with drawers apx 5ftx2ft $100 text for pic- ing side glass, needs is firm. Thanks! 470good cleaning, has 8091 text please tures 559-304-1831 key, working, great TYPE WRITER $150 speakers, Manual 1952 ANTIQUE Gold Lamp not sure if it works text $4000 obo 559-304- - very Elegant and its in great Condition $80 for more info 559-304- 1831 (559) 871-2263 1831 WEBBED green and white Aluminum Lawn SELLING SOMESUPPORT LOCAL Chair $19 Call or Text THING? List it here (559) 355-9780 for only $20/issue. Send it to


WASHER and dryer/ electric - $260 559394-3369 VASE CLEAR 3ft $40 text for pictures 559304-1831 LG PORTABLE Air Conditioner 10,000 BTU $180 Only used it for half a summer. Pick up around riverpark. Text me at 408-598 1946 ROOM divider $75 text for picture 559304-1831

KENMORE dryer WANTED. I’m lookworking $350 obo text ing for 2 super clean 559-304-1831 quads. The models I’m after are Suzuki Ltz UESD Frigidaire elec- 250, Honda Trx 250ex tric stove Call or text , Yamaha yfz 250 I’m for more information a cash buyer and will 5594088255 travel to pick them up. Must have clean clear SWISS IQ Air GC CA title in hand in your Series Air Purifier Pr- name with current regeowned $295 FIRM. istration. Call or text No cashiers checks. 5596984566 Works well. Could use new filters. No remote. Please text me if interBIKES ested at 559-246-2220. 21SP mountain bike WHITE Whirlpool for only $150.00 in Electric Dryer in Good great condition with condition. Comes with bell and tassels! Call 4 Prong 220 cord and Darryl anytime at 559Vent Hose. Sorry no 444-3283 delivery. If interested, $185 Please TEXT 2 FOLDING bicycles. 559.869.8881 Good condition. Great for RVing. $150 each. KENMORE BBQ OBO. Call no text Propane Grill for sale. Chuck 299-3730. 4 burners total, 3 in main grill, 1 side burn- WOMEN’S CLAIRer. Great condition MONT BIKE. 7 speed $75 (559) 519-5618 barely used. $65.00 Call or Text KENT CHAOS FS20 5599420358 BMX-style bicycle that has a 13” frame and 20 inch wheels. Asking ATVS $75. Delivery is avail1985 KAWASAKI able for an extra fee. KTX 250 Tecate - Please call or text 559 $10000 (Coarsegold) - 304 - 6457. 559-333-2629 UNIVEGA GRAN 2013 POLARIS Razor Premio vintage road 900 Xp EPS - $12850 bike $220 Vibrage Steel Road bike in 559-631-7019 great condtion. 700c 2003 Bombardier Ds wheels Inex Shifters 650 Atv $3800 Txt me Ready to ride. call or text 559-545-9050 at 559-513-1201 VW 1915CC sandrail - $3200 (Auberry) Text for details. Asking price firm. 559-4704703

VINTAGE Bianchi Bike 1986-1987 Womens Red Frame. Has not been in storage and not used for many years. Call 559-474-1895. No texts. $100 FUJI CITY bike $299 Excellent condition high end parts Size large Works like champ please call 559 284 0861

16 | AUGUST 2020




CARS 2007 FORD FUSION SE in excellent condition, runs pretty good, 4 cylinders, clean title, smog ready to go, good tires, alloy wheels, paint in good shape, clothes interiors like new, AC cold. Call or text (559)451-7959


XBOX ONE and one S $160 Up for sale is a gamestop refurbished original xbox one with controller for $120 and a xbox one s with controller for $160. Both these consoles have been cleaned out and work. The Fresno Hock Shop Open Monday 1976 MERCEDES Friday 10am to 530pm 240D Diesel $7500 and Saturdays 10am 559-289-4350 to 2pm, you can also reach us by phone at 2010 HONDA CIV- 559-264-5856 IC LX, runs and drive like new,clean title and NEW Brookstone smoged, good tires, Floating Message paint in good shape, 4 Alarm Clock $50 cylinders, clothes inte- FIRM. Never used. riors like new, power Box has some minor windows and doors wear. Create up to four lock, info call 559 451 messages. Please text 7959 me if interested at 559246-2220 2 0 11 C H RY S L E R 200 runs great nothing LARGE NEON open wrong with it 154198 sign like new very miles cold a/c heater bright asking $100. works perfect good Price is firm. Call or tires all around current Text 559-408-0974 registration and clean title in hand 559-722- TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all 9405 the TV’s we current2007 FORD Mustang - ly have in stock. We $5950 Clean title smog have 3 50” TV’s and a 130k miles one owner 24”. the 24”, and two always serviced runs of 50” TV’s are Vizio perfect. 4.0 liter, leath- and the other 50” is an er, ice cold a/c, auto- Insignia. They all have matic, cruise tilt, power remotes with them and windows and locks. We work properly. The are firm on price all Fresno Hock Shoppe low ball offers won’t questions at 559-264be responded to don’t 5856 want to waist your time or ours thanks. Please TASCAM 122MKiii 3 text only 559-296-9616 Head Professional Cassette Desk for sale 2007 TOYOTA prius Power is on Asking automatic all around $280, I am in Clovis. great car just hit 170k You can reach me at miles clean title. Ev- my cell (408) 571-9818 erything works cold (Call only please) Ac nice interior their are no mechanical is- NEAR Perfect Consues eith the car current dition , all parts Super tags will smog the car Clean! Have lenses before sale $5000 call and flash and original 5593944179 Nikon bag. Every part original Nikon. Nikon FM 3153636 Call SUPPORT LOCAL Shawn 760-458-3888

DREXEL Heritage Woodbriar Collection 5 Drawer Chest & King Headboard. Very well 2017 CRAFTSMAN made vintage furniriding mower $800 ture. Drexel Heritage new starter, it runs is in the top 6 of used good but sometimes furniture. $600 (559) it doesn’t start. Not 377-0725 sure feels like battery doesn’t have enough MOTORCYCLES juice to turn over some times 708-2064 2002 HARLEY Road LAWN EDGER, King Classic $8000 Briggs and Stratton en- Great bike it has gine $40 call 645-7642 21,084 miles please text 5594694060 ALOE VERA plants - $5 Aloe plants me- 2002 HARLEY Road dium, large and extra King Classic $8000 large plants in 1 gal. Great bike it has pots. They are $5, $10, 21,084 miles please $15. $20 Landscap- text 5594694060 ing Plants, tropical’s, shrubs, flowers, fruit, 2005 YAMAHA FZ-6 herbs and succulent $2800 2800 OBO, Text plants (559) 307-9366 Hunter at 559-6452809 for details. BRAND NEW Harbor HONDA Freight hydraulic push 2018 --pull ram set never CRF125F $2800 (559) used. $160 Call 559 994-1970 360 2977.


CRAFTSMAN 3000Watt Gasoline Portable inverter Generator - $650 Brand new with receipt, never used in the box Firm price Selma only 903-2222


HARBINGER APS15 Powered Speaker (Single) $109 Pre-owned Harbinger in good shape. Works great no issues. Powered speak er. Shows some normal wear from use. The FURNITURE Fresno Hock Shoppe RETRO BOOTH Mon-Fri from 10am to x2 one with back one 530pm and Sat from without $1000 each 10am to 2pm or call us matching stools x4 with any questions at $800 text or leave mes- 559-264-5856. sage (559)779-8999 IBANEZ GIO GSBEAUTIFUL large R105EX 5-String Bass entertainment center In great shape, plays with lighted storage great as well. No issues and lots of storage with this bass. Comes space in the bottom as shown does include cabinets. For 55” tv a soft case which is not pictured. 5 string. (559) 546-3280 Come check it out and GREAT, COMFY many other musical sectional for sale. No instruments and equipdamage, pillows in- ment The Fresno Hock cluded. Pick up only. Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat (559) 458-3146 from 10am to 2pm 559264-5856

PERSONALS GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559-779-1021 please leave a message if no answer.

RVS 97 AIRBUS Motorhome 32 foot $12,000 OBO 291-9864 or 298-4725

LARGE VARIETY of different name brand clubs, drivers, irons, putters, hybrid, troubles, bags, starter sets. The Fresno hock shoppe has a full line of different golf clubs starting at $1. Starter sets $10. Full sets around $40. Come see these clubs, wakeboards bicycles and more at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Monday Through Friday 10am to 530pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Located at 3235 E Belmont Fresno Ca 93702 (559) 264-5856

TENNIS RACKET 2004 WILDWOOD bag with 5 rackets $70 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide obo text for more info outs, excellent condi- 559-304-1831 tion. Asking $10,000 OBO 673-7185 or TRUCKS 975-9835 FOOD Concession Trailer 16 Foot Equipment Included $18,00 OB 291-9864 or 2984725 TRAVEL Trailer 2008 26ft long $11800 4120629

1996 SILVERADO z71 4wd $6300 (Kerman) (559) 728-6262 1989 JEEP Wrangler lifted, gears, lockers,winch,fuel injection! $7000 (Visalia) (559) 300-7700

2004 TOYOTA Tacoma double cab. Runs great, automatic transLIKE NEW Outdoor mission, air condiTuff Stinger 3 OTF- tioner is cold, has new 2751PK Inflatable tires. V6 motor, it’s not One-Person Sport Kay- a 4x4. In Spanish call ak with Rotatable Pad- 346-9194 for English dle, 275-Pound Capac- 346-9195 $10,500 ity Includes carry bag. 03 TAHOE z71 4x4 $175 559-214-9835 with smog n tags 190. GREAT LONG- miles clean title exelBOARD, never used. lent $3600 644-5434 Measures 9.5” wide by 43” long. $50 Price 2012 JEEP Liberty is firm. Thanks! 470- $7700 Second owner. Clean title. Remote 8091 text please start, leather seats, satellite radio. (559) 367SELLING SOME4904 THING? List it here for only $20/issue. Send it to info@fresSELLING THING? List it here for only $20/issue. Send it to SPORTING




AUGUST 2020 |


CLASSIFIEDS Business Directory Animal Care


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Hauling Bikes

ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month. Reach your local market. We can help. Call/text (559)472-7182 or Info@

18 | AUGUST 2020


ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


TREE SERVICE. Reasonable Prices , Senior Discounts & Free Estimates. We can do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps, MistleToe, Removal and More. Licensed and Insured (559)4218555

Real Estate

Apartments HELP WITH your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website www.ApartmentRentalsLLC. com $995 / 1BR - 800ft Expand your lifestyle at The Victor Apartments, located across the street from Bulldog Stadium and just steps from Fresno State University. The Victor is designed for the ultimate college experience. -Furnished Suites Available -Study Center -New Energy Efficient Vinyl Windows -In-Home Washer/Dryer -Central AC -Online Leases -Access to Fresno State Bulldog Express Bus Route -Pet Friendly -Free 150 Mbps Comcast Internet -Separate Dining Area -Energy Efficient Appliances -Controlled Access/Gated Community Pricing and availability are subject to change (833) 355-3980

GOLDEN GARDENS Apartments is well located near schools, shopping, Tower District and Fulton Mall. Three bedroom apartment has two bathrooms and plenty of space! Golden Gardens, managed by Winn Residential 2130 North Marks Ave Fresno, CA 93722 559-512-7020

3 + 2 and Garage in North Coarsegold , Highway 41 - corner of Holly Lane , water is included new A/C system , must apply and qualify , minimum 1 year Lease $1655 / 3br - 1705ft Call 559-760-4366 photos available text for an application and interior photos (North COARSEGOLD)

Houses For Rent

CLOVIS COTTAGE Home for Lease Like new 1 bed 1 bath 2 car garage call broker for more info $1250 559-940-1246

$1395 RENT / $1395 Deposit 3 Bd / 1 Bth Amenities: Home is Completely Remolded & Fenced In!! Kitchen has a granite counter tops, gas stove, white kitchen cabinets / Small kitchen nook area, Living Room w/ ceiling fan / Laminate Wooden Floors Throughout / Bathroom has shower & tub combo / Washer & Dryer Hook Ups / Large Backyard / Backyard Gate opens to drive way for parking / Central AC & Heating / 1292sqft Fresno Unified School District- Roosevelt High School, Sequoia Middle School, and Lane Elementary School District (Please verify RENTING your home? List it here for Call (559) with school district) http://www.tylarproperty472-7182 (559) 261-0208

Houses For Sale $179,0002 BD1 BA 936 sqft This charming 2 bed, 1 bath house has exactly what you’ve been looking for! The front is spacious enough to accommodate an RV if needed. Notice the new roof and stucco before entering the front door and seeing the new flooring throughout. The kitchen has been given new granite countertops, as well as new, tasteful, stainless steel appliances. (559) 999-8587

3 BEDROOM 2 BATH house available July 1st. ( Behymer and Maple) $2,000 a month (gardening service is included). $2,000 deposit Please call 213-7600

$299,9503 BD2 BA 1496 sqft Tarpy Village gem, room to grow your family, business or just live on your own terms. Pontiac offers new flooring, updated kitchen and bath. The 14,640 SqFt +/- lot means more room to breath. Business owners, 2-double wide gates and parking area to store your large and small trucks. Detached garage has a shop and an extra room, let your mind run wild, woman/man cave or secret room. 26,000-gallon pool with child protective fencing will make your new home the party place for family. (559) 917-3246

3BD/2BTH Country home in Reedley Double car garage, fenced front yard and a fenced back yard. $1500 $2000 deposit (559)318-4897 $1195 / 3BR - 1261ft2 - 3 Bedroom Home with Tile & Hardwood Floors Properties are only shown to an approved applicant. www.rentpms. com, or call 559-221-3151

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AUGUST 2020 |



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We are doing our part to ensure a safe and healthy shopping experience for everyone, including limiting in-store capacity, regularly cleaning and disinfecting, and requiring the use of masks.

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Help with your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website


CBD Tinctures, Lotion, Edibles, CBD for Pets. Yosemite Hemp Club Get 50% off product with a membership. Free membership when you mention the Flyer. (833) 872-2237


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