Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 2

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EDITOR’S NOTE Recently, the Publisher and I came to the table to define not just what we want the Flyer to be, but who we wanted it to be. Since the beginning, we’ve been asking ourselves this question over and over, and the answer keeps changing. Sometimes, I feel that’s because we haven’t figured out the magazine’s identity yet and redefining the answer means we’re only getting closer to the truth. This year was the year I realized that the definition of who we are, as the Flyer, keeps changing because our values have evolved. Two years ago, if you had asked me, I would have told you that the Flyer’s purpose was to celebrate all the great and surprising things of the Central Valley. That it was to highlight the positive, to elevate our collective self-esteem so that we began to feel proud rather than embarrassed to be Central Valley residents. And while that may still be true, I’ve realized that it’s only a small piece of the overall picture. There is a massive disconnect here in the Central Valley, each city keeping its cards close to its chest and preferring to remain an island rather than as an extension of a broader community. What’s more, is there’s a longstanding divide in Fresno - the largest of all cities in central California - so vast that Fresnans call it the Tale of Two Cities. As each month passes, the Publisher and I have to decide what topics of articles to print - we do





this by keeping our ear to the ground and plugged into the general climate of local happenings - and what we’ve ultimately found is that to truly love the Central Valley meant taking the good with the bad. And by ‘bad’ I mean unresolved issues, the economic disparity between sections of the same city, and the abundant disconnect among Central Valley tenants surrounding the definition of our own culture. The Flyer isn’t about reporting news (that’s what the local newspapers are for) we’re here to reflect back the culture of the Central Valley as it’s happening in real-time with as much accuracy as our resources allow. It may seem like a pipe-dream, but who and what we want the Flyer to be is the thread that connects the fractured pieces of our community together. We’re not out to create some singular identity, rest assured that we don’t believe in ‘one’ Fresno or valley. What we mean is to amplify as many of the different voices here so that they share the space more equally. So that each community feels like they have a stake in the Central Valley’s future - because they do. Sometimes that means celebrating the good, and other times, it means talking about the issues that remind us of the work that still needs to be done. The Central Valley has great potential, but we can’t realize it unless we’re all in it together. As the Flyer, we just want to do our part.



If it’s red it must be Metallica

of the

Cave Goddess


By Don Priest |


urning dreams into reality is never a straight forward endeavor. There’s always twists, turns, unforeseen obstacles and surprise encounters along the way. And for self-taught winemaker Christine Flannigan, the idea of creating her own winery meant she literary had to carve it out of stone. The journey began in 2004 when Christine and husband Chuck moved from Sacramento to a hillside home in Squaw Valley. With a little time on her hands, a bit of land to work with, and an interest in winemaking, the vision of creating her own wines slowly began to evolve. “I love wine,” she says. “I’ve always wanted to have wine grapes – and from that, it follows to make my own wine.” That process started in 2006 when she and Chuck decided to make some wine for home use and took on the challenge of creating a small vineyard on the rocky slope beneath their home. Which meant working around boulders and augering through decomposed granite to make the holes deep enough for the vines. Simultaneous, to further enhance her knowledge of the craft, Christine attended winemaking workshops, read books, studied journals, and in 2009 connected with the newly formed Viticulture and Enology Association of Squaw Valley/ Miramonte. Whom she blames for planting the idea of starting her own winery in the first place. “We would talk about it in our meetings, share information and tips. And I thought, I could make better wine than you could buy at the store,” she laughs. That led them to check with Fresno County and Cal Fire to see what it would take build a winery on their property. And promptly encountered a series of obstacles. They knew they wanted to put the winery

in the ground, but how do you construct a building in the ground when that ground is solid granite? This is where Chuck’s long career in construction came into play. Being a superintendent on large scale projects throughout the state gave him access to tools & materials needed for the job. “We dug some test holes around what we thought was roughly the footprint of where the building would go,” he says. “And we see it’s a single rock. So now we know it’s possible.” Then came the Cal Fire regulations.

The south facing vineyard also had to be dug from the granite. The entire operation is solar powered.


Because of the elevation and terrain of the projected site, they were told they would first have to construct a 96,000-gallon water storage tank for fire suppression. That was almost a deal-breaker – almost. “I was on the phone with Cal Fire when they told me about the water tank. I was about to give up when the guy tells me to hold on because he remembers something about a Wine Cave,” Christine recalls. Long story short – putting the structure in the ground, surrounded by 3 sides of dirt and calling it a Wine Cave, essentially a subterranean formation for the storage and aging of wine. Doing so meant there was no need for the water storage tank or a sprinkler system. Plus, due to the insulating factor of the ground, it would be cheaper than installing expensive commercial refrigeration units. With the way now clear, Chuck put a crew together and completed construction in about 3 months. Followed by the time it took to install the electrical and plumbing, purchase the winemaking equipment, and begin the process. Of course, to have wine, you have to have grapes. But not just any grapes. Christine knew she wanted something special for her estate wines. “I chose unique varietals because I didn’t want to make wines you could find easily someplace else, like Zinfandel or Cabs.” With that thought in mind, she launched an international search for those “unique varietals” to plant in her hillside vineyard. “It began with the Carmenere,” recalls Chuck. “Christine read an article about how disease had wiped out the Carmenere in the 1800s in France. Then in

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ver wonder why you seldom hear music playing at wine tastings? Generally sedate events, you’d think some soft, melodic tunes in the background would enhance the experience of sipping wine. Not so, claims Clark Smith, co-owner of the Santa Rosa-based wine consultancy company, Vinovation. Considered a wine industry provocateur, Smith has spent years investigating how music can influence the way we perceive the flavor of a wine. He now demonstrates these concepts at winemaking workshops around the country. Chuck and Christine were introduced to Smith a few years ago when they attended one of his pairing wines with music sessions at a conference. And they were so impressed with the science they decided to emulate it when they got home. The process goes like this. “We do a flight of whites and later a flight of reds,” explains Chuck. – “And with no music playing you taste the 3 wines and rate them, best, middle, least. And then we put on some music that more or less matches the wine – and basically, the one you thought was the best doesn’t taste good anymore and the one you didn’t’ like tastes great.” How does that happen? According to Smith’s research, it has to do with how the pleasure centers in your brain process and connect stimuli. He postulates that hearty red wines need music in minor keys with strong emotions to bring out their full flavors, while lighter reds and whites taste best with tunes on the softer side. “So, a hearty, masculine red will change taste if Diana Krall or Sade is being played as compared to some Bruce Springsteen or Bob Segar,” says Christine. “Whereas a Petit Sarah would taste great with Diana Krall or Sade because it’s more of a sexy, sultry wine.” Christine suggests wine drinkers can try this experiment on their own. “Put on a 30-second clip of music and see what music the wine tastes best to.” Chances are that big Cab will totally rock to some “Seek and Destroy.”




... ‘Cave Goddess’ cont’d from pg 3 the 1990s, it was rediscovered in Chile growing well at elevation in rocky, sunny slopes. So that was the first 60 vines she planted in 2006. It was excellent, so she continued with that. That international search for grapes that would grow well in rocky, sunny slopes of Squaw Valley led to Christine’s choices. For the reds, she planted the Carmenere, along with Mourvèdre, grown in Spain and the Rhone region of France, and Aglianico, mostly grown in southern Italy, For the whites she chose Vermentino, also from Italy. So now they have the grapes and a winery, but what to call it? “Sierra Peaks” was the logical name for the winery, but a wine wholesaler in Texas already had a claim to that name. So, Christine set off on another search. “I have an affinity for Native American deities. I was looking for something like Kokopelli or one of the Kachinas, “she recalled. “Then I met Huitaca, the Columbian goddess of drunkenness and indulgence. And she has become my best friend.” The story goes that the moral God, Bochica, grew tired of Huitaca’s antics and turned her into the moon. “He was basically an old grump who wanted the party girl to go away,” says Chuck. With all the pieces finally together, the 1st wines were made in 2014 and Huitaca has been busy ever since. It took time to develop the techniques and employ the right tools for creating the wines, and 5 years of work with the Viticulture and Enology Association of Squaw Valley/Miramonte to get the region certified as an American Viticulture Area (AVA). Being certified as an AVA means the area is designated as a unique grape-growing region, producing unique wines that are distinguishable from the surrounding areas. “There’s a lot of data goes into that - weather, type of soil, how many acers of grapes, what makes this area different from others (rain & snow fall), elevation,” Chuck explained. Then there’s the task of getting people to try the wines. To accomplish this Chuck built a deck above the winery, with a gorgeous view of the valley below, where they



conduct wine tastings every Saturday during the spring and summer. Christine says that she has proven to be a great way to meet the neighbors and teach folks about wine. “We’re so spread out here it’s been great to get an idea of our community. I also like providing an entertainment venue for people because there’s not a lot of that here. And we’ve had people come winetasting that had never been wine tasting before. They love it – they get educated on wine, and they end up buying a bottle or two. And that’s very reaffirming.” They also attract people heading up to the national parks, adds Chuck. “That’s kind of a kick in the pants to have somebody roll in from Australia or the UK or wherever. They see the signs and are curious to sample local wines.” Additionally, they host periodic special events to help enhance the winetasting experience, like matching aromas to the flavor of wine, showing wine-themed movies on an outdoor screen, and demonstrating how music influences the one’s perception of wine. (see attached sidebar) Because Christine only makes wine in limited quantities, about 1500 bottles a year, large retail distribution is not possible. Meaning her wine can only be purchased at the winery itself or at Gino’s Sierra Inn in Squaw Valley, which sells it by the bottle. Huitaca wines will also be featured in a special Wine Tasting event at the Grant Grove Restaurant in Grant Grove on September 14. So, after 15 years of love and labor in search of the cave goddess, are they still having fun? “Most days, yes,’ says Christine. “We have some great supporters here. Owning a business is tough, so it makes a big difference to have people who support you and are proud of you.” “It’s been an adventure,” adds Chuck. “If you told me 20 years ago that I would own a vineyard I would have laughed at you. I’ve also discovered it takes a tremendous amount of beer to build a winery.” --Sierra Peaks Winery is located at 50806 Bramble Lane in Squaw Valley, CA. Approx a 40-min drive from Fresno up Hwy 180 | (559) 731-1960


Almost ready for the 1st pour – of concrete. Construction of the Wine Cave took about 3 months.

In the cave. Christine makes her wine in these variable volume containers, which allow her to work in a wide range of quantities and can be used for both fermentation and aging.


Excavating a Wine Cave from what was mostly solid granite.


Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In honor of Wine month

1. In 1976, there was a wine tasting in Paris that blindly compared Californian wines to French wines. California won and the lone reporter covering the event was blacklisted for reporting it. 2. A 2005 study found that the scores of “wine experts” are essentially meaningless, revealing that a typical judge’s scoring of a wine varied by plus/minus four points over three blind tastings poured from the same bottle.

8. Sparkling white wine can be made anywhere, but only those grown and bottled in France’s Champagne region can call themselves champagnes. Alternatives include cava, proyecto and even sparkling Riesling. 9. In 2001, a panel of wine experts gave one of the lowest possible scores to an average-priced Bordeaux that was served in a cheap bottle. When it was served in an expensive bottle, it received one of the highest possible scores.

13. Syrah/Shiraz, famous for its rich, sometimes chocolatey flavor, is Australia’s most important wine grape. 14. Thomas Jefferson may be responsible for the Californian wine boom. After being sent to France, Jefferson brought vine cuttings back to the United States 15. The spicy, musky Cabernet Sauvignon is responsible for some of the most famous red wine in the world, while Merlot (its neighbor in Bordeaux) is described as ‘softer and fruitier.’

10. Ancient Egyptian kings avoided wine because of its resemblance to blood. They believed that it was the blood of those who battled the gods and lost and that it was the reason why 5. During the prohibition, grape drinking wine temporarily drove juice mix was sold with the warn- people out of their sense and made ing “After dissolving the brick in them a little crazy. a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cup- 11. Chardonnay flavors vary board for twenty days, because significantly from strong, chalky mineralogy in chablis to buttery then it would turn into wine.” caramel in warmer climates. It 6. Red wine can only be made from is often ‘faked’ in barrels or with blue or purple-skinned grapes. wood chips, which has become White wine can also come from something of a controversy in the these darker grapes, but only if the wine world. .

17. New Zealand’s wine industry depends on Sauvignon Blanc, but it is also a favorite of viticulturists in the Loire Valley and Bordeaux. Its zesty, grassy flavor makes it one of the most popular white wine varieties in the world.

12. Pinot Noir, known as ‘the 7. Soy sauce contains 10 times the classic grape of red burgundy’ makes for wines with strong berry antioxidants of red wine. flavors.

18. If a label says ‘Mis en Boutielle au Domaine,’ the wine was bottled at the estate where the grapes were grown.

3. The world’s oldest person attributed her ripe old age (122) to a diet of olive oil, port wine and 1k of chocolate per week.

juice is separated from the skins.


16. Riesling, a white grape grown in Germany and the French region of Alsace, is becoming more and more popular for its ability to age and its versatility.





Local Brews Explore the neighborhood breweries and distillery crafting right in your own backyard.


Mad Duck Tavern featuring its own small-batch brews, burgers & more. 3085 E Campus Pointe Dr, Fresno (559) 325-3825 Tactical Ops 2985 N Burl Ave, Fresno (559) 313-8759 Full Circle Brewing Microbrewery making beer & special drinks. Includes a bar & regular entertainment. 620 F St, Fresno (559) 264-6323 www.facebook. com/FullCircleBrewingCo Sequoia Brewing Company Award winning ales and lagers, great food and a full bar with patio. 777 East Olive Avenue, Fresno (559) 264-5521 HoP/PK Gastro Pub House of Pendragon teams up with Pita Kabob 820 Van Ness Ave Fresno Zack’s Brewing Craft brewer and cheese connoisseur making local beer in the heart of Downtown Fresno. 712 Fulton St. Fresno. (559) 347-4587



House of Pendragon Dragon’s Lair - Casual setting among the brewing equipment and grain sacks for seating. 1849 Industrial Way #103 Sanger (Fri & Sat check social media for up to date info)

Madera Three Monkeys Quality brews since October 2013. Brown Barrel Ale, Tres Vaqueros Amber Ale, American Pale Ale, Gold Monkey IPA, Red Monkey Irish-Style Ale & merchandise. 455 S Pine St #104, Madera, 93637 (559) 363-2709 Riley’s Brewing Co. Specialty craft beer, hard root beer, orange cream and spiced ale and more. 28777 Avenue 15-1/2 Madera (559) 673-8021 Madera Second Son Brews small Craft Brewery making English style brews. We also make a few specialty brews 12810 Road 38 Madera Ranchos (559) 283-1990 Facebook @secondsonbrews



Zone 9 Taproom that serves a variety of American craft beer made with the freshest ingredients. 1450 Tollhouse Rd #105, Clovis (559) 260-0539


Tioga Sequoia Local craft beer with monthly events like live music, art shows, and food trucks. 745 Fulton St, Fresno (559) 486-2337



411 Broadway Ales and Spirits 411 Broadway St, Fresno www.facebook. com/411BroadwayBrew

Riley’s Brew Pub Handcrafted ales, lagers and delicious food. 2674 Owens Mountain Pkwy, Clovis (559) 862-2925


Pine & Palm Brewing Microbrewery brewing IPAs, Sessions, and a rich Porter. 352 W Bedford Ave, # 111

House of Pendragon Clovis Tasting Room - Wide spectrum of beers in a cozy location with patio, welcomes dogs. 1345 N Willow Ave, Clovis (559) 346-7786






BarrelHouse Brewing Large taproom weighing in at over 12,000 sqft, featuring two stages, a massive outdoor space, twenty-six taps of BarrelHouse beers and more. 521 E Main St, Visalia, 93292 (559) 713-6690

Hop Forged Brewing Family and dog friendly establishment. All beer is hand crafted on location in Hanford 106 W. 7th St. (559) 670-3097


Sequoia Brewing Company 124 W Main St, Visalia 93291 (559) 627-2537

Bird Street Brewing 42 Heinlen St, in Lemoore 559-423-7748 Visit



South Gate Brewing This brew house beer is handcrafted in small-batches; it includes pub style seating and dining area, perfect place to enjoy a pint. 40233 Enterprise Dr, Oakhurst (559) 692-2739

Rocky Hill Brewing 20147 Ave. 306 Exeter (559) 592-4594

Oakhurst Spirits Distillery, Tasting Room, Gifts & More. 40300 Greenwood Way, Oakhurst (559) 641-5400

Kaweah Brewing Co. Brewing brown ale, IPAs, stouts, barrel-aged beers, and specialty beers 1054 E Walnut Ave Tulare


559 Beer 356 Pollasky Ave #100, Clovis (559) 473-1875







Grill Like a Boss with Big BBQ Flavor and Bold Wines (BPT) - Grilling is one of America’s greatest pastimes, and if you love grilled meat, chances are you also like hosting cookouts to show off your pit master prowess. Once you’ve mastered the art of the char, why not take it a step further? Serve wine that blows the lid off the meal, in the best possible way.

The right wine pairing makes all the difference. The aroma and flavor of wines can highlight and enhance the taste of grilled food like no other beverage. And the good news is, it’s not rocket science. Choosing wine depends mostly on what you’re grilling, and how you’re dressing it up - what kind of sauce or rubs you’re using. Here’s a handy guide to wine pairings to take your cookout to the next level.

Bold barbecue needs bold wine

When you’re grilling cuts of beef like brisket, tenderloin, a juicy steak or ribs and using potent spices and flavors like classic Kansas City or Memphis-style barbecue sauce, cabernet sauvignon is a great choice to balance those intense flavors. For example, within The Federalist’s portfolio of wines celebrating America’s heritage, The Federalist Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon is a medium weight red wine with a good grip from tannins, in wine speak - and what does that mean? It means the flavor | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

and body of the wine is strong enough to hold up to the bold, smoky and spicy flavors of your meat. You can also serve it with game like venison, or roasted and smoked vegetables. This wine has an aroma of berries, tart cherries, sweet oak and cinnamon, along with a delicious flavor that will wow your meat-loving guests. Another popular choice to serve with grilled meats like a flank steak is The Federalist Honest Red Blend, combining 53% merlot grapes with 30% zinfandel and 15% cabernet sauvignon. It marries the flavor of dark fruits with some spiciness and a rich, round mouthfeel. You can’t go wrong serving a bold red wine with grilled red meat, as the high-fat content in the meat is balanced by the strong tannins present in red wine.

Mix it up If you’re serving a mix of grilled foods, including pork or barbecued chicken along with burgers and steaks, you’ll want to choose a versatile wine that pairs well with a variety of different types of meat and poultry. Since many pork recipes use sweet and tangy sauces, wine with a fruitier flavor may be just the ticket, like red zinfandel or a bourbon barrel aged wine. You may even want to add a little of the wine to the sauce. The Federalist Bourbon Barrel-aged Zinfandel embraces the uniquely American tradition of aging wine in


charred bourbon barrels. The result is a fruity, spicy wine with dark cherry and cola notes, making the wine a great choice to pair with chicken marinated in barbecue sauce or grilled smoked sausages. For a stronger tannin structure and cleansing acidity that pairs exceptionally well with steak, a Lodi sourced zinfandel adds some zing to balance spicy, smoky flavors from your grill or smoker.

Lighten it up When you’re grilling lighter fare like fish or chicken, or if you’re entertaining vegetarian or vegan friends, choose a white wine to enhance and match those delicate flavors and textures. Heavier barbecued meats and stronger flavors can easily overwhelm a lighter white wine, but a crisp chardonnay pairs very well with these foods. Chardonnay pairs perfectly with veggie burgers and grilled vegetables, chicken, and several types of fattier fish such as salmon, trout, tuna or rockfish. You can even serve it with Cornish game hen if you’re feeling fancy. Grilling season is just getting started, so take advantage of it by making your next cookout a standout event. Tap into these tips to help you select the right flavor balance to show off your grilling skills. Check out @FederalistWines on Instagram to learn more about The Federalist wine portfolio and additional tips on how to survive grilling season.





WORD How a little brewery in Lemoore is making a big splash with the locals. By: Dave Fountinelle |


y first impression when I pulled up in front of Bird Street Brewing, Inc. was, “This looks like a pretty chill little spot.” There aren’t any neon window signs or other outside trappings one would associate with a drinking establishment. It’s just a modest storefront in the middle of the block, next door to a Mexican restaurant, which I almost mistook for Bird Street at first because they did have the neon beer signs in their windows. That initial opinion was further confirmed when I opened the door and was greeted with the sounds of a bluesy rock record being played at a volume that actually allowed people to hold a conversation at a reasonable level. Standing behind the bar, Owner, Phillip Wren, welcomed me with a smile and invited me to pull up a seat at the bar. “What can I get you started with?” He asked. “Would you like a glass or a sample of something?” On a screen above the 10 rotating taps is the ever-changing menu of beers available. With names like “Chubockcabra,” “The Unburnt,” “Sucker Punch,” and “Churroveza,” it’s immediately apparent that this is going to be an interesting experience, to say the least. So, being completely unfamiliar with what Bird Street had to offer at this point, I told Phillip, “show me something that will knock my socks off.” “Ok,” he replied with a grin. A minute later, Phillip presented me with a 2oz tasting glass of what appeared to my untrained eye to be a typical blonde ale. “I call this The Unburnt,” he said. I take a sip, expecting the standard bitter, yeasty, hoppy flavors of microbrew beer, but what I got instead was the taste of a freshly brewed cup of coffee! I was stunned! It was at that moment I realized there is something extraordinary going on in this place.



Bird Street Brewing, Inc. has only been open for a year. But, Phillip Wren had been brewing high-quality ales, lagers, and IPAs for 4 years before that. Local residents may have seen the Bird Street products in Lemoore at the Best Buy and Save Mart grocery stores, among other locations. After 4 years of fighting for shelf space with large distributors, Phillip made the decision to open his own pub and sell his creations directly to the public. He no longer sells his products in stores, but it’s because he needs every drop to keep up with the demands of his patrons. “Sometimes we completely tap out,” he tells me. “That›s not a bad problem to have, though, really.” The next beer I try a sample of is “Sucker Punch,” a blueberry sour ale that is so mild and refreshing, with a much lighter tartness than I’ve experienced with other sour ales. It’s a perfect palate cleanser after The Unburnt. The next thing I notice about Bird Street is the note on the chalkboard that they give a 15% discount to all firstresponders. Bird Street Brewing, like most small businesses in Lemoore, is very active in the community. They frequently host fundraisers and events at their location and are regular fixtures at food fairs, beer fests, and the like all over Kings County. All this from a guy who started brewing beer pretty much out of boredom while working from home at his old job, doing IT work. “Before I met my fiance, I was sharing a place with some friends, and we had the idea of brewing our own beer one day, just for something to do. I read some books, and we bought the brewing kits and just took it from there.” After moving in with his fiance, Phillip got the itch to start brewing again


for himself and his friends, who were all impressed with the quality of his brews and encouraged him to start selling it. Since then, the hobby has become a passion, and that passion is reflected in both the quality and originality of every beer on the menu. Which brings me to the third and final beer I sampled, “Churroveza.” I had read a little about this beer while doing my research before visiting Bird Street, and I was immediately curious to try “a churro-flavored Mexican lager.” And that’s precisely what I got. I’m not sure words alone are enough to describe this beer. It really does taste just like a churro! The flavors of cinnamon and vanilla were so intense that I thought I was drinking the milk at the bottom of a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, rather than having a glass of Mexican lager. “The most important thing is to always have fun doing this,” Phillip says with a chuckle as he sees my reaction. “I didn’t want to have a place where I just do half a dozen different IPAs, and they all taste pretty much the same. I want to always be creative and experiment with new flavors and techniques. Sometimes they work great, like with the Churroveza here, and sometimes they don’t. But that’s what makes it exciting.” Having fun is the impression of Bird Street Brewing that stuck with me the most, long after I had thanked Phillip for


being such a gracious and generous host and opening my eyes to the incredible things that microbrewers like him are doing. Bird Street isn›t a typical bar, it›s not a place for people to come in, tie one on, and get rowdy. It’s not a place to go for a burger and a brew, either. Other than some snacks behind the bar, Bird Street doesn’t sell food. “I just want this place to be all about the beer,” he says. “I tell people, there’s the Mexican place next door, Ocean City is around the corner for Chinese food, and there›s a great Thai place on the next corner. You›re welcome to go grab some food and bring it back here, I’m happy to promote these other local businesses ... I want this to be a place for people to come and just enjoy some good beer. Come in, hang out, have a glass. If you like it, buy a can, buy a growler, bring in your own growler and we’ll fill it for you. Just please make sure it’s clean first!” --Bird Street Breweing is located at 242 Heinlen St, in Lemoore, CA 93245 Open Thursday 5 PM - 9 PM through Saturday 3 PM - 10 PM 559-423-7748 Visit to check out the Beer List


CALENDAR September 4-10 Art Fall 2019 Allard’s Art Classes Open House September 6 1 PM – 5 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. Come learn all about our Fall 2019 Art Classes during our Art Classes Open House! See finished samples for all classes! Meet our wonderful instructors! Visit our website! www. For more information: classes/OpenHouse.html Weekend Blender Cosplay Competition Saturday, September 7 at 4 PM – 6 PM Sierra Vista Mall 1050 Shaw Ave, Clovis. Cosplay Competition! Come show off your builds, your costumes, your creativity! Join us onstage at The Weekend Blender 2019 event! Competitions are on Saturday Sep. 7th at 4pm, and Sunday Sep. 8th at 3pm. First, Second, and Third place prizes will be given out along with winner’s certificates. Remember this is a Family Event, with contestants of ALL AGES, so we would appreciate no lewd or exposing cosplay. Sidewalk Astronomy at River Park Saturday, September 7 at 7 PM – 10 PM The Central Valley Astronomers will be presenting Sidewalk Astronomy to the public. Come to the Plaza at RiverPark to view and take a picture of the Moon, observe the planets, and learn more about the night sky from our astronomy members.

Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Will Shakespeare is dead, and his legacy depends on a circle of devoted writers, actors, and friends. When a fishy Hamlet plays fast and loose nearby, the cohorts scramble to keep the Bard’s true words from fading into obscurity. The solution? A definitive collection of his plays. But to print it, they must overcome a ruthless publisher, an inebriated poet, and their own ticking mortality. Rated PG for Language My Cousin Rachel - Good Company Players FRI, SEP 6 8:00 PM SAT, SEP 7 8:00 PM SUN 8 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The classic murder-mystery comes to life onstage when the widow of a man who died inexplicably bewitches his heir. A mesmerizing plot full of twists, turns, and stunning revelations! Rated PG


The Weekend Blender - Not Your Typical Comic Con Sept 7th & 8th Sep 7 at 10 AM – Sep 8 at 5 PM Sierra Vista Mall 1050 Shaw Ave, Clovis. Indoor Mall Show Free Family Friendly Event Various Vendors - Variety of Products, Services, Non Profits, Toys/Collectibles/Comic Books and more!! Special Guests Kids Zone Cosplay Contest and more! No Cost Parking Fresno Gun Show Saturday, September 7 at 9 AM – 5 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Located at the Big Fresno Fair Grounds 12$ entry, good for all weekend, tickets sold at door. Kids 13 and under free, under 18 must be accompanied by adult. Call 805-481StageWorks Fresno presents: The 6726 for more info, or to reserve taBook of Will Friday, September 6 bles. at 7:30 PM – 9:45 PM SAT, SEP 7 7:30 PM SUN, SEP 8 2:00 PM Vintage Pyrex and Kitchen Sale Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St, Saturday, September 7 at 9 AM – 1 Fresno. 1619-1623. London and PM The Vintage Kitchen 1050 San



Jose Ave #101, Clovis. The Central California Antique Flea Market Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 7 AM – 2 PM The Central California Antique Flea Market 4500 S Laspina St, Tulare. This Flea Market is unique you will find vendors selling items that are 20 years and older. Furniture, vintage clothes, pottery, garden art, architectural salvage, art, industrial, kitchenware, miscellaneous collectibles, advertising, toys, musical instruments, rugs, kitchenware, farmtiques, antiques and so much more. Vendors can apply on the website.

Senior Bridge 9/9 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 Uno 9/10 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078

Sports Bulldog Football vs. Minnesota Saturday, September 7 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM Bulldog Stadium 1600 E. Bulldog Lane, Fresno. 2019 Central Cal Championships Saturday, September 7 at 9 AM – 10 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Men’s Bodybuilding: Open, Novice and Masters Men’s Classic Physique: Open and Masters Men’s Physique: Open, Novice, True Novice, Teen and Masters Women’s Bikini: Open, Novice, True Novice and Masters Women’s Figure: Open, Novice, Masters and Women’s Physique. Fresno City College vs. Rio Hondo College Saturday, September 7 at 1 PM – 3 PM Fresno City College 1101 E University Ave, Fresno,


September 11-18

AC Myles at Cedar View Winery Friday, September 6 at 5 PM – 8 PM Cedar View Winery 1384 S Frankwood Ave, Sanger. www.cedarviewwinery. com Food and music will start at 6 pm. Live Music by AC Myles Southern Rock & Blues, Blues Rock Free Admission Food Menu: Sliced Brisket or Vegetarian Option: Portabello Mushrooms, Baked BBQ Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls/Butter, and Butterfinger Cupcakes and Coconut Cream Pie Cupcake. Metalachi at Madera Fair Saturday, September 7 at 9 PM – 12 AM Madera District Fair 1850 W Cleveland Ave, Madera. AFTER PARTY at 9:30ish. This crazy awesome metal-mariachi mash-up is a MUST SEE and EXPERIENCE. Concert is free with your gate admission. The Chill Suite presents: An Evening Featuring Jeanette Harris & Friends Saturday, September 7 at 8 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Internationally renowned smooth jazz saxophonist,


Art of Life’s Paint it Forward Art Exhibit Thursday, September 12 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM Art of Life Healing Garden woodward park, Fresno. FREE EVENT | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | FAMILY FRIENDLY Come support local cancer survivors at Art of Life Healing Garden as we unveil their works of art from the July Paint it Forward Project to celebrate life and inspire hope. Enjoy - New art by local cancer survivors (special recognition at 6pm) - New tabletop murals by youth impacted by cancer - Live music by the Roundabouts - Flora Flower Cart - Refreshments - A stroll through the Art of Life Healing Garden Enter Woodward Park at Friant/Fort Washington Parking will be available in the first lot on the RIGHT. Parking FREE after 5:30pm. Before 5:30pm parking is $5/vehicle. Mosaic Workshop Saturday, September 14 at 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Clovis Botanical Garden 945 N Clovis Ave, Clovis. Pre-Registration and payment is required. See more information and register on Bobby Salazar Blackstone Stand- up Comedy Night Starring Bay Area Comedian Saturday, September 7 at 8:30 PM – 10 PM Bobby Salazar’s 2839 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Ant- My Cousin Rachel - Good Company wan Johnson is a 14 year comic vet Players THU 12 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM out of Oakland. FRI 13 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM SAT 14 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM SUN 15 2:00 FAB presents REHAB Sundaze Sun- PM - 4:30 PM Interested 2nd Space day, September 8 at 12 PM – 8 PM Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Ave, Fresno. classic murder-mystery comes to life Playing lovely house music all day onstage when the widow of a man long are our resident djs; Project Lo who died inexplicably bewitches his Jacob Terry Richard Deval Jonny V. & heir. A mesmerizing plot full of twists, Guest turns, and stunning revelations! Rated PG. Calling All Promotors We can

21 & Over


help get you out there. 559-4727182





StageWorks Fresno presents: The Book of Will FRI 13 7:30 PM - 9:45 PM SAT 14 2:00 PM - 4:15 PM 7:30 PM - 9:45 PM SUN 15 2:00 PM - 4:15 PM Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St, Fresno. 1619-1623. London and Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Will Shakespeare is dead, and his legacy depends on a circle of devoted writers, actors, and friends. When a fishy Hamlet plays fast and loose nearby, the cohorts scramble to keep the Bard’s true words from fading into obscurity. The solution? A definitive collection of his plays. But to print it, they must overcome a ruthless publisher, an inebriated poet, and their own ticking mortality. Rated PG for Language. What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire? at Fresno Filmworks Friday, September 13 at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Tower Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. independent documentary “What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?” The film tells the story of a community of Black people in the American South during the summer of 2017, when a string of brutal killings of young African-American men sends shockwaves throughout the country. A quiet but vivid meditation on the state of race in the United States, Minervini captures an intimate portrait of the lives of those who struggle for justice, dignity, and survival in a country that’s not on their side. Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Event Friday, September 13 at 9 PM – 11:15 PM Historic Crest Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Have you ever experienced the Cult Classic Film THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW in a Historic Theatre while a Live Shadow Cast Performs on Stage with the Film & Interacts with the Audience? This is Your Chance! THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE MOVIE EXPERIENCE WITH LIVE SHADOW CAST AND AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION! COSTUMES ARE WELCOMED & ENCOURAGED! (Must Be 18 + to Attend -This is an ADULTS ONLY film event, due to movies adult language, mild violence, and Sexual Content) TICKETS ONLY $13 Advance Tickets are available @ TOWER DISTRICT RECORDS 1930 N. ECHO AVE. FRESNO (559) 478-4034 & Online @ BrownPaperTickets .com

Family 75th Kerman Harvest Festival Sep 12 at 5 PM – Sep 15 at 10 PM Kerchoff Park “Coleman field” Kerman Four-day event opens on Thursday, September 12th at 5:00 p.m. Food, vendors, Paul Maurer Shows Carnival, entertainment, and music nightly – dance outdoors under the stars!

10 | SEPTEMBER 2019




Harvest Home: A Festival of Traditional American Music aturday, September 14 at 12 PM – 6:30 PM San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust 11605 Old Friant Rd, Fresno. Historic music in a historic venue (1890s farmhouse) with Bad Boys Zydeco, Pipe on the Hob (Celtic), Family contra dance and other activities for kids (and kids at heart). Food trucks and beer! A fundraiser for the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust. $20 general, $15 Trust and Folklore Society Members. Kids 15 and under free. A Taste of RIVER PARK - 10th Annual Saturday, September 14 at 5 PM – 10 PM River Park 71 E. Via La Plata, Fresno. All ages event in River Park Shopping Center! The 10th annual event consists of Food, Fashion, and Fun, and benefits the American Red Cross Central Valley!

Kids Lafayette Park Kid’s Kitchen Ages 8 to 14 (FREE) Friday, September 13 at 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM Lafayette Neighborhood Center 1516 E Princeton Ave, Fresno. Come stir up some fun with us while learning a new recipe you can make for your family! Space is limited, register now! Lafayette Park *Days and times subject to change without notice* 3 Ways to Register: 1) www.parcsonline. under the “Classes” tab 2) 559-621-PLAY (7529) 3) Ted C. Wills Community Center (Located at 770 N. San Pablo Ave Fresno) Office Hours - Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Call with questions at 559-621-PLAY Fall Kids Fest! Saturday, September 14 at 10 AM – 2 PM Bowlero 140 Shaw Ave, Clovis. It’s your family’s favorite day to bowl, eat, and have fun! Join us on the lanes with great deals everyone will enjoy! FREE Bowling* FREE Shoe Rental* FREE $5 Arcade Card $1 12 oz. Soft Drinks $1 Cookies $2 Hot Dogs $14 Pizzas *1 Free hour of bowling and shoes for kids 15 and younger. Adults will receive a discounted rate. Subject to lane availability.

Senior 3/13 Cards 9/12 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 Adult Coloring 9/13 12-2pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078

MORE Bridge 9/16 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 BINGO 9/17 2-3pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 BUNCO 9/18 1-4pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078

Sports Toughest Monster Truck Tour Friday, September 13 at 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM Tulare County Fair 620 South K Street, Tulare. Some of the nation’s top monster trucks will compete in tailgate smashing wheelies, side by side elimination racing and of course the all out freestyle finale! You can meet the drivers, touch the trucks and take selfies during the FREE pit party one hour prior to the show. Check out pit party details on the event website at www.tcfair. org FREE Pit Party for all event ticket holders Pre-sale tickets $18 adults, Kids $8 Requires Fair admission Fast Times Moto Festival Sep 14 at 12 PM – Sep 15 at 6 PM 2198 Riverside Ave. Paso Robles Fair Grounds Festivities start at noon, racing at 6pm. Classes for all ages and level of racers. Event Hotline (805)423-8874 Tickets and Pit passes available at event/4305364 Demolition Derby Saturday, September 14 at 5 PM – 10 PM Tulare County Fair 620 South K Street, Tulare. Pre-sale tickets $20- Reg. $25 Requires Fair admission Tulare County Fair & T.C.A.D.D.D.Present the 21st Annual CAR DEMOLITION DERBY Fresno FC vs. RGV Toros FC Wednesday, September 18 at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Chukchansi Park Gates open at 6:30 pm, match kicks off at 7:30 pm! Tickets:

Churros and Grayview Beer. Come join the celebration on Friday, September 13 at 6pm! $5 per adult; Anyone under 21 and CREW members are free Ensure your party or family has a table to sit together as you enjoy the Friday fun at Moravia. Reserve a table for 10 people for $75 (price includes table, admission fees and 2 bottles of wine): www.eventbrite. com/o/moravia-wines-8211474758 Cheech & Chong Saturday, September 14 at 7 PM – 9 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia Perico Productions presents “Cheech & Chong - O’ Cannabis Tour! Tickets - $55 to $70 The legendary cannabis-fueled comedy duo Cheech & Chong which minted six gold records and released eight films during their reign, for which Chong also cowrote and directed. Cheech & Chong defined an era, pioneering a unique brand of “stoner-comedy” which has remained at the forefront for decades since with their hilariously irreverent, satirical, no-holds-barred comedy routines. Bronx Wanderers Saturday, September 14 at 7 PM – 10 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets Earth, Wind & Fire Tuesday, September 17 at 8 PM Vina Robles Amphitheatre 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles www.vinaroblesamphitheatre. com Tickets $69.25 - $114.25

21 & Over

Sudz In the City 25 Year Anniversary Saturday, September 14 at 2 PM – 7 PM Old Town Clovis Ticket includes unlimited sampling from dozens of craft breweries and the official Sudz in the City 2019 souvenir sample mini mug plus unlimited sampling from your favorite non-beers & commercial beers. Food trucks featuring local favorites (additional charges) Music All Day Featuring. Whale Rock Music & Arts Festival Sep 14 at 12 PM – Sep 15 at 10 PM Whale Rock Music Festival - Castoro Cellars 1315 N Bethel Rd, Templeton Los Lonely Boys at Merced Theatre Join us for two days of wine-loving, Friday, September 13 at 8 PM – 10 peace & jammin’ in the vines at CasPM Merced Theatre 301 W Main St, toro Cellars, benefiting Templeton Merced. Music Education. Festival lineup includes Toots & the Maytals, Beats Mariachi Alas De Plata: Family Hap- Antique, Xavier Rudd, California Honpy Hour Friday, September 13 at 6 eydrops, Lil Smokies and so many PM – 9 PM Moravia Wines 3620 N more!! Art, Yoga, Crafts, Kids ActiviBishop Ave, Fresno. We’re celebrat- ties, Silent Disco, Craft Beer, Cider, ing Mexican Independence Day with Wine, Loca Grub! laughter and music, tacos, churros and beer! We’re excited to have Mari- Calling All Promotors We can achi Alas De Plata help us celebrate help get you out there. 559-472along with Pepa’s Mexican, Rubia’s 7182



2019 Fresno Whiskey Festival Saturday, September 14 at 4 PM – 8 PM The Standard 9455 N Fort Washington Rd, Fresno. Estrella Jalisco Presents - Michelada Rumble Fresno Saturday, September 14 at 12 PM – 5 PM Fresno Regional Sports Complex 1707 W Jensen Ave, Fresno. SoCal’s Best Micheladas | Custom Car Exhibition | Lucha Libre PLUS Live Performances by Baby Bash Trish Toledo - TrishKilla & Karol Posadas with Selena Tribute Band, Anything for Salinas Advanced General Admission - $20 VIP - $40 Ladies Night Out Wednesday, September 18 at 6 PM – 9 PM Kings River Winery 4276 S Greenwood Ave, Sanger. Grab your girls because Ladies Night Out is back on Wednesday, September 18 from 6-9 PM. We will have local vendors for you to shop with, food for purchase from food vendors...and of course plenty of wine for you to sip on! DJ, Everlasting Events will be on site playing all your favorite jams! This is a FREE event. Please claim your free RSVP ticket(s) by registering through ticket link above! Must have ID to purchase wine from bars at event. 21+ Event - No outside food or beverages permitted

September 19-25 Art Coexist Festival Sunday, September 22 at 12 PM – 5 PM Meux Home Museum 1007 R Street, Fresno. Metaphysical vendors,Healing Arts practitioners, Tarot readers, Henna artist, Handmade Jewelry, Soaps, Candles, Incense,Color Street Nails, Art, Performing arts. Kid friendly, service pet friendly, free admission. Basic and Intermediate Drawing Monday, September 23 at 6 PM – 7:30 PM Fresno State Downtown Center 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Everyone can draw! In this class, you’ll gain a solid foundation and the tools to create a finished composition incorporating the perspective learned in class. You’ll be introduced to the seven elements of art (line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture) with an emphasis on one, two and three-point perspective to create visual space on a two-dimensional surface. Please bring a 9 x 12 drawing pad (not newsprint) and a yellow #2 pencil to class. Those with previous drawing experience will be guided through more advanced techniques. Fresno State Downtown Center, Bitwise South Stadium, Room 1, 700 Van Ness at Mono. $100. Class No. 77225.

Resin XL Workshop Tuesday, September 24 at 2 PM – 4:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. Learn how to add some shine to your art with ArtResin! In this class, we are going to design a large 8”x10” wood panel, then add a layer of ArtResin to each one. This will not only add shine and vibrancy to your pieces but will also protect them from damage. Come learn all about the versatility of ArtResin and try it for yourself! Due to the 24 hour dry time you will need to pick up your projects the next day. $55 class fee. All supplies included. Three Ways to Register: Online: www. Call us at (559) 2251500 Talk to a cashier in-store

Theater StageWorks Fresno presents: The Book of Will THU 19 7:30 PM - 9:45 PM FRI 20 7:30 PM - 9:45 PM SAT 21 7:30 PM - 9:45 PM SUN 22 2:00 PM - 4:15 PM Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St, Fresno. 1619-1623. London and Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Will Shakespeare is dead, and his legacy depends on a circle of devoted writers, actors, and friends. When a fishy Hamlet plays fast and loose nearby, the cohorts scramble to keep the Bard’s true words from fading into obscurity. The solution? A definitive collection of his plays. But to print it, they must overcome a ruthless publisher, an inebriated poet, and their own ticking mortality. Rated PG for Language My Cousin Rachel - Good Company Players THU 19 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM FRI 20 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM SAT 21 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM SUN 22 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The classic murder-mystery comes to life onstage when the widow of a man who died inexplicably bewitches his heir. A mesmerizing plot full of twists, turns, and stunning revelations! Rated PG Man of La Mancha - Good Company Players Thursday, September 19 at 7 PM – 10 PM Good Company Players 1105 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. The inspiring masterpiece Don Quixote is brought to the stage in this powerful, playful, and heartrending musical about an old man who refuses to relinquish “The Impossible Dream.” Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Friday, September 20 at 7 PM – 9:30 PM Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. More performances Sat, September 21 - 2 PM Sat, September 21 - 7 PM Sun, September 22 - 2 PM (Tea with Belle - 12:30 PM) Thurs, September 26 - 7 PM (Student/Senior Discount)† Fri, September 27 -









MORE 7PM (Culinary Cabaret! - 10 PM) Sat, September 28 - 2 PM Sat, September 28 - 7 PM Sun, September 29 - 2 PM (Tea with Belle - 12:30 PM)† Thurs, October 3 - 7 PM (Student/Senior Discount)† Fri, October 4 - 7 PM† Sat, October 5 - 2 PM† (BOGO)* Sat, October 5 - 7 PM† *must purchase a minimum of two tickets † Vizual Voices ASL interpretation offered during this performance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing guests $21 Adult $19 Student/Senior/Military $17 Children under 13 Tea with Belle - 12:30 PM before Sunday matinee performances Admission includes tea, meet & greet, a photo, and the performance. $40 Children under 13 $35 Adult Culinary Cabaret!

Family Visalia Home EXPO Friday, September 20 at 11 AM – 6 PM With over 250 exhibits the Home EXPO This year, Inspirational Room Displays will be showcased on our new STREET of DREAMS and we plan to add many new products and our exhibitors will continue to offer lots of excitement and inducements -- including discounts, show specials, and great prizes! Taking it to the Streets: Food, Art & Music Festival Saturday, September 21 at 10 AM – 6 PM City of Clovis - Activities & Special Events 1033 Fifth Street, Clovis. Come enjoy food, drinks, art and live entertainment in Old Town! This will be your only chance to hangout at one of the newly installed parklets (on-street lounging areas) before they are taken down. Food tasting will only be available from 2-4 p.m. Purchase your early bird tickets before prices go up at atasteofclovis.eventbrite. com Fresno Water Lantern Festival Saturday, September 21 at 4:30 PM – 9:30 PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno Don’t miss this amazing experience where you’ll witness the magic of the lanterns as they light up the water. 42nd Annual Fresno Scottish Gathering and Games Saturday, September 21 at 9 AM – 4:30 PM Kearney Park 7160 W Kearney Blvd, Fresno. Bring the family, and enjoy all things Celtic: Explore your ancestry and gallivant down Clan Row. Take a gander at what our Scottish merchants have to offer. Feast on incredible food and enjoy our ale! Enjoy live music. admission: $15 Military/Seniors/ Students: $10 Children 12 and under: FREE! Parking is $5 Parking and Tickets at the gate are CASH ONLY

Central Valley Air Show Sep 21 at 8 AM – Sep 22 at 2 PM NAS Lemoore. Air show featuring the Blue Angels. Free family event featuring food, mu- Mega 97.9 80s Mega Jam Friday, sic, demonstrations and kids activi- September 20 at 7 PM – 10:30 PM Woodward Park Rotary Amphitheater ties. 7775 North Friant Road, Fresno. Tickets at Radio City at Palm and Shaw, online at, EventBrite. com or participating Jalisco Jewelers. Fall 2019 Toddler T-Ball Saturday, September 21 at 9:30 AM – 12 PM Paws 4 Metal Saturday, September Hanford Parks & Recreation 321 N 21 at 8:30 PM – 1 AM Fulton 55 Douty St, Suite B, Hanford. Boys & 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Animal Girls Ages 2 to 6 years will enjoy their Rescue Of Fresno’s fifth outing with first taste of America’s past time. this awesome, headbanging event They will learn how to throw, run bas- featuring some of the valleys best es, hit off of a tee and learn the ba- heavy metal acts! Tickets are $10 sics. Must be pre-registered prior to advance, $15 day of show. Featuring September 21 opening date. Cost is Friend or Faux, Pyscho Dog House, $45 per player. Players meet at the Rise and Premonition, the Fifth AnHarris Street Ball field lccated at 501 nual Paws for Metal will rock you for S. Harris Street. Call Susie Chavez at a good cause. 559-362-3212. Curtain Up: Bernstein and Strauss Sunday, September 22 at 3 PM – 5 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Our season begins with music by Book Club 9/25 10:30am Palm two consummate men of the theater. Village Senior Network 7638 N In- Leonard Bernstein’s witty and vivacious Candide straddles the worlds gram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 of musical theater and operetta as CANASTA 9/25 1-3pm Palm it skewers intellectual pretentions. Village Senior Network 7638 N In- Richard Strauss’ breathtakingly beautiful opera Der Rosenkavalier gram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 conjures the waning days of the Hapsburg Empire through magical waltzes and the story of a bittersweet love triangle. Freshwater Pro Presented by Out- erknown Sep 20 at 7 AM – Sep 21 at Brett Young Monday, September 23 10 PM The Surf Ranch 18556 Jack- at 7 PM – 10 PM Table Mountain Cason Ave, Lemoore. Surfing’s biggest sino 8184 Table Mountain Rd, Friant. rodeo is riding back into WSL Surf Ranch on the World Surf League Roy Orbison & Buddy Holly: Rock Championship Tour. Join us for an N Roll Dream Tour At Hanford Fox epic weekend of the world’s best Share Wednesday, September 25 surfing capped off by a live perfor- at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Fox Hanford mance by The Raconteurs! We part- 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. To purchase nered with our friends at Outerknown tickets online or for more information to bring you this not-to-be-missed please visit: or call Freshwater Pro. Adult GA ($55) Your 559-584-7823.



OPEN 10 AM - 7 PM Monday - Satruday


Discount is taken off the subtotal, before taxes. One time use only, must surrender at the time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photocopies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 9/30/2019. CASHIER USE: S20G10



(559) 892-2120 for pick-ups and store info!

We accept gently used clothing, household items, furniture, and more! Sales from your donations help fund numerous programs with Hinds Hospice - Thank you for your support!



passport inside surfing’s biggest rodeo. Grom (10yrs and under- free!) Don’t leave the groms at home! Onsite Day Parking Pass ($30) Ice Dogs vs. Cal State Northridge Sunday, September 22 at 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM Gateway Ice Center 2473 North Marks Avenue, Fresno. Come join the Ice Dogs for some Sunday afternoon fun as they take on the Matadors of Cal State Northridge! 2019 Ladies Night Out Tuesday, September 24 at 7 PM – 9 PM Come on out ladies for a fun night of archery. Brush up on some skills, meet new friends or connect with some old ones, create some great memories, or try a new sport. Guaranteed fun!


21 & Over Fig Garden Village Wine Walk & Craft Beer Tasting Thursday, September 19 at 5 PM – 8 PM Fig Garden Village 790 W Shaw Ave., Fresno. a chance to sample wines from more than 20 California wineries, 8 craft beers and be treated to food pairings from restaurants in the Village, check out the newest models from luxury car dealerships, and take advantage of great sales throughout the shopping center. Advance tickets for the event are $30 per person and will INCREASE to $35 per person at the door. All proceeds will benefit Habitat for Humanity Greater Fresno Area in their mission to build affordable housing for Fresno County resi-





Dan & Drum Live in Fresno Sept. 30 L

A band Dan & Drum, and I will be stopping in Fresno on 9/30 at the at 4:30 pm as part of their Northwestern tour. Their songs have been featured in vlogs by Jenna Marbles and Logan Paul, earning them millions of plays and 100k monthly listeners on Spotify. Dan & Drum will be in Fresno on 9/30 at the at 4:30 pm at The Backroom at The Revue. Dan & Drum are taking the Cheep Cheep Cheep tour through the Northwest, stopping in cities like Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver. Proudly independent, they routed this tour themselves according to popular demand. With no label or booking management, but with plenty of fans, Dan & Drum will embark on The Cheep Cheep Cheep Tour in late September. Bringing only an acoustic guitar and a 2005 Camry, Dan plans to hit the old dusty trail in all 50 states. He will play for all his new friends, and sleep wherever they will have him, in the spirit of true independence. “If Alt-J and Rainbow Kitten Surprise had babies, and Modest Mouse was their godfather”- Ones to Watch. From the moment they uploaded to Spotify a year and a half ago, they have grown their fan base significantly- from 0 to now around 100k monthly listeners. We have been featured in vlogs by Julien Solomita, Cartia Mallan, Bestdressed, and Avrey Ovard, and those have led to features in Ones to Watch and airplay on KCRW. Join us at the Backroom at the Revue to turn this internet phenomenon into a reality!

dents. Tickets are available at the Elbow Room and Orloff Jewelers in Fig Garden Village, or at Vino Grille and Spirits in Northeast Fresno. TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR FOR $35 PER PERSON Please Note: ID required for wine & craft beer tasting Check-in to be located just west of CVS/Pharmacy HoPtoberfest Saturday, September 21 at 12 PM – 11:55 PM House of Pendragon Brewing Co., Sanger 1864 Industrial Way, Sanger. Join us for our 2019 HoPtoberfest. Beer, food trucks, live bands and our 1 liter Steins! TS Oktoberfest in Downtown Fresno Saturday, September 21 at 12 PM – 11 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Once a year we transform our urban beer garden into a festival in celebration of Oktoberfest in Germany. We provide a list of German inspired beers, food, music (Polka), and fun festival games throughout the day. Dressing up in your best Lederhosen or Oktoberfest themed garb is encouraged. Free Admission and all ages for this Festival.

September 26-30 Art Jack’s Spiral Hill Paint Night Saturday, September 28 at 6:15 PM Beautifully Damaged, LLC 219 N. Irwin St., Hanford, 93230 “What’s This?” It’s our Nightmare Before Christmas themed class! Let’s kick off the Halloween season right. Join us in our most favorite stop action animated movie tribute. $35 per adult painter $20 (child canvas 8x10 for kids 12 and younger). All art supplies are provided! (559)772-7293 Craft and Sip- Sanger Sunday, September 29 at 1 PM Kings River Winery 4276 S Greenwood Ave, Sanger, 93657 We sell tickets, until we sell out or 24 hours before the start of class. For more information call (559) 259-9742 Celebrate Hmong Art & Media Festival - Call for Submissions! We’re looking for talented individuals in the Hmong Community to contribute to our art & media festival. Learn more at All artists of selected works will receive an honorarium and select few will receive a stipend for their contributions. Submissions close September 30. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182

14 | SEPTEMBER 2019




My Cousin Rachel - Good Company Players Thursday, September 26 at 7:30 PM, Sept 27 & 28 at 8 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 The classic murder-mystery comes to life onstage when the widow of a man who died inexplicably bewitches his heir. A mesmerizing plot full of twists, turns, and stunning revelations! Rated PG. Tickets available at Ghostbusters (35th Anniversary) at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno Friday, September 27 at 8 PM located at 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! (1984) Starring Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Sigourney Weaver, the iconic film returns to the big screen for its 35th anniversary. Doors open 7 PM and the film starts at 8 PM. Tickets Only $6 and available in advance at The Crow 25th Anniversary Saturday, September 28 at 7 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. The film is based on James O’Barr’s 1989 comic book The Crow, and tells the story of Eric Draven (Lee), a rock musician who is revived from the dead to avenge his own death as well as the rape and murder of his fiancée. Disney’s Beauty and the Beast September 26 & 27 at 7 PM and Sept 28 at 2 PM Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. (559) 891-2238

Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Volleyball vs. University of Nevada Womens Volleyball Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 6 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno.

Family SoberStock XIV September 27 from 5 PM - 8 PM and September 28 from 8 AM - 4 PM Manchester Center 1901 East Shields Avenue #200, Fresno. Community Partners 4 Recovery will be holding their 14th annual SoberStock as part of National Recovery Month. This is a FREE event, so invite your friends and family. While live music and embracing recovery are a big part of the event, there will also be guest speakers, a car show, food, information booths from community partners, merchandise vendors, testimonials and much more! Summerfest Trokiando Truck Show Saturday, September 28 at 11 AM – 6 PM Kings County Fairgrounds 801 S 10th Street, Hanford. Hundreds of cars, trucks, and bikes. General Admission $15, Bicycle Registration $30, Vehicle Pre-Registration $35, Vehicle Registration $45, Indoor Vehicle Registration $60,



Music Australian Pink Floyd Show Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino Tickets Fan Halen Friday, September 27 at 8 PM Fulton 55 located at 875 Divisadero, Fresno. American Made Concerts brings the mighty Van Halen to Fulton 55 Doors at 7:30 openers begin at 8pm! Tickets available at Social Distortion & Flogging Molly: Summer Tour 2019 Friday, September 27 at 6 PM Vina Robles Amphitheatre 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. Tickets available at TicketMaster. com A Lighter Shade Of Brown Saturday, September 28 at 8 PM Full Circle Olympic - Tower District 1426 N Van Ness Ave., Fresno. Performances and support by Money Moons, J-dubb, The Points, Rawb D. Doors 8PM. All Ages. $15 Pre-sale, tickets available at Dan & Drum Live Monday, September 30 at 4 PM The Revue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The Cheep Cheep Cheep Cheep Tour! Shordie Shordie Monday, September 30 at 8 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All Ages! Advance tickets $20, day of sale $23. Doors open at 7 PM. Show starts at 8 PM. Tickets available on

21 & Over Cumbia & Tequila Saturday, September 28 at 4 PM – 10 PM Park Place Fresno 7775-7785 N. Palm Ave, Fresno. Tickets at LiveMusicCity. com A day of Cumbia, Tequila, Dancing, Food & Art in #NorthernFresno. $10 Early Bird, $15 Advance, $20 at the Gate Full Circle’s Oktoberfest 2019 Saturday, September 28 at 3 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno, 93706 Come join us for a day full of beer, music and contests. This is a FREE ALL AGES event so bring the family!




he year was 1992, and voters in Fresno had just successfully voted to change how city government was conducted. In addition to switching to a mayor-council form of government, provisions were put into place to ensure proper and equitable city council representation for the future. Back in the 90s, when Fresno was a smaller yet rapidly growing place, the city’s population was just at about 385,000 residents. Yet the smart voters of the day knew that, as the population increased, so should representation. They understood that Fresno’s government would need to evolve and grow alongside its population increase. In fact, this Expansion of Council Membership guaranty is what was included in the original text of City Charter Section 1504: “(a) At such time as the population of the City of Fresno reaches 540,000, the Council shall add two Council offices to the Council…” How straightforward and clear! Yet, sadly, in 2010, an initiative called Measure A, was passed with about 34,200 votes, that changed Section 1504 in some critical ways. First, it increased the population threshold from 540,000 to 650,000. So now, before additional councilmembers can even be considered, Fresno has to be spilling over with new residents. Secondly, Measure A changed the text of Section 1504 to include a “public review process to consider adding two Council offices to the Council…” which, after completed, would result in a Council “vote on whether to submit to the voters a ballot measure adding

two Council offices…” This critical change effectively emasculated the impact that this important section had in automatically maintaining proper, if not merely adequate, city council representation for Fresnans. Now, because of Measure A, some type of “public review process” would have to be implemented before a Council vote could be cast. All of this just to see if a ballot measure for adding new councilmembers could be presented to voters. Aargh. Why is this so convoluted and complicated? Frankly speaking, because power doesn’t like to be shared. If two new council districts were created here in Fresno, that would mean that existing council district boundaries would have to be redrawn. True, more people would gain more representation - a necessity. But, with new and different district boundaries come less consolidation of city control - a threat. That is, the necessity of better city representation for Fresnans is perceived as a threat by certain individuals who don’t want to relinquish their control, or who don’t want to share citywide influence and power more equitably. Clearly, this kind of politics is in stark contrast to voters’ original 1992 intention of permanently ensuring equitable representation by including Section 1504 in the City Charter. In 1992, Fresno’s population was less than 400,000. Now, compare that with today’s 536,600 - we are the 5th largest city in California - with about a 40% population increase over the past 30 years. Yet,


over these past 30 years, we’ve had no more than 7 councilmembers. And, perhaps that was fine then when each councilmember represented an average of 55,000 Fresnans. But today, with still only 7 councilmembers to represent us, each councilmember now has about 76,600 constituents to serve. What a substantial increase! How does this stack up against our nearby sister cities? Well, take Oakland and Bakersfield, for example. With considerably fewer people, 432,900 and 389,200, respectively, both cities have 7 councilmembers. Now, contrast this with Sacramento and Long Beach, still with less people than Fresno, 508,200 and 475,000, respectively: they each have 9 councilmembers. Clearly, Fresno is behind the times and needs to catch up with its representation. Today, we are a thriving city that is making moves to become another one of California’s favorite destination cities, a vibrant community in the Central Valley with attainable aspirations. But, our voices can’t be adequately heard if we are not correctly represented at City Hall. And, as our collective population increases, if our voices aren’t heard there, then our city vision will become clouded and skewed, and our Fresno future unclear. It’s been nearly 30 years since Fresnans spoke up to make sure they were properly represented in their town - and despite the Measure A setback, Fresno voters are still poised for citywide growth and modernization. So, isn’t it about time for Fresno to get


its representation back on track and get with the program so that we can all collectively move forward in the growth of our city? Isn’t it about time that we were rightfully represented in our city? --This article is open for discussion - Please chime in - Let us know what you think!

SEC. 1504. Expansion of Council Membership (a) Full Text At such time as the population of the City of Fresno reaches 650,000, the Council shall establish a public review process to consider adding two Council offices to the Council designated as Councilmember Number 8 and Councilmember Number 9. For making a determination as to whether the 650,000 population figure has been reached, the City shall utilize census data from the Demographic Research Unit of the State Department of Finance issued annually on May 1st or a similarly reliable source of population figures in the event the Demographic Research Unit no longer provides such information. Within 180 days of receipt of validated population figures evidencing this population total, the Council shall commence the public review process. Once that is completed, Council shall vote on whether to submit to the voters, a ballot measure adding two Council offices. If the measure receives a majority of votes cast, Council shall redraw the Council district boundaries, to reflect the two additional Council seats in accordance with the applicable laws.




CLASSIFIEDS PERSONALS GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no answer. ATTENTION...Local Ladies (35-65) 2 incarcerated white males 50+ seeking friendship, telephone calls, visits 7 days a week to play games, converse and eat good food that you may bring to hospital. Call (415) 4469411 leave number for call back. God Bless

MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (888) 563-3003

AVIGO ATRA BMX Bike - 20 inch Full rotation handlebars Rear pegs 48 spokes per rim BMX trick style seat The frame is constructed in High Tensile Steel! Front caliper and rear v-brakes for stopping power. Clean and in like new condition Please call 559261-4680 $40

GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no answer.

MISCELLANEOUS 2008 KAWASAKI vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade for registered tagged small truck or SUV with trailor hitch. Garaged 95% of life. (559) 903-8283

2004 Wildwood 5th ARE YOU SELLING wheel 30ft, 3 slide ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here outs, excellent condisomething? List it here Call 559-472-7182 tion.Asking $15,000 for only $20/ issue. OBO (559) 673-7185 Call 559-472-7182 or (559) 975-9835 SUPPORT LOCAL

PAINTING Services with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing, Hotel / Apt Turn Arounds and More. Call for Free Quote (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) Lic#1051349

3 SEAT theater chair. Seats are all connected, folds up pretty flat for storage. In very good condition for its age, very sturdy and solid. Cash only, you must pick up in person. (559) 341-1038

DIABLO Western Style Sterling Silver Belt Buckle, has one small dent / ding (see pics ). Sterling silver, made by Diablo. 3” inches long by 2” wide with a belt thru of just FOUR METAL bararound 1.75”. Come stool in very good check it out and other conditions. Text me or jewelry at 3235 E Bel- call at 559.424.35.85 mont Ave Fresno Ca Dimensions. High 30 93702 at The Fresno inches wide 19 x 19 Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri inches. from 10am to 530pm and Saturdays from ELEGANT Buffet/ 10am to 2pm or call us Sideboard. 6 dovewith any questions at tail drawers. All slide 559-264-5856. smoothly. 2 doors with inner shelves. Origi nal handles. Beautiful detailed legs. In great FURNITURE condition. Perfect for KITCHEN DINING any room. 60 in long x TABLE $250 (559) 37 in tall x 21 in depth Asking 245 If your 801-8212 interested call or text 559-284-0750 SUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL


VINTAGE sewing machine $100 (Hanford) 261-5494 WINDOWS $15 Text (559) 940-8666 The more you get the cheeper they are We took the windows out of my home House is in the Tower District TIFFANY style hanging light fixture, has a tulip design, works good, asking $45.00, call 559-776-4385

ANTIQUE tea cart $100 (559) 260-8157

OAK CAL king bed same price with or without the mattress it’s in fair conditions the bed itself is well worth more but I upgraded cash only u pick up $300 obo You can contact me at 559320-7949 NICE PATIO table that seats 6. It is cast iron with 6 cast iron metal chairs. In very good condition! Would be close to $1,000 new. 175 or best offer. 559250-7886

TWO matching bookcases $150 Pick up only please 559-9074156


HP M3-U001DX i3 6GB RAM 500GB HD $269 It has been cleaned out of all old data. No passwords etc. 6GB of RAM, a 500GB HD, and an i3 processor. It is running Windows 10 as well. Touchsreen with folding screen. I will provide more information on this laptop below for those who are interested. The Fresno BEATS SOLO wireHock Shoppe 559-264- less Excellent conditions $180 cash you 5856 can test them out no practicalTV SALE! Sale go- problem ing on right now on all ly new only used a the TV’s we current- few times cuz being ly have in stock. We in schoolI don’t have have 3 50” TV’s and a time so my loss is ur 24”. the 24”, and two gain they still under 4 of 50” TV’s are Vizio year warranty plz only and the other 50” is an serious comes with Insignia. They all have everything in picture remotes with them and Beats solo wireless work properly. The color rose gold 40 Fresno Hock Shoppe hour battery You can questions at 559-264- contact me at 559-3207949 5856

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DELL LATITUDE E7470 Laptop - $199 with charger. It is running Windows 10, has 8GB of RAM an Intel i5 and a 500GB HD. Clean unit has some very light wear and tear from use nothing major. It is missing the piece between the G H and B keys for scrolling. Come check this out and other electronics at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856



CLASSIFIEDS LED light up bluetooth speaker with EQ and mic input. Sounds great, this thing thumps. Come check it out and other electronics at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856

HARBINGER APS15 Powered Speaker (Single) $109 Pre-owned Harbinger in good shape. Works great no issues. Powered speaker. Shows some normal wear from use. Come check it out and other PA speakers at 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno CA 93702 at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to BEATS BY Dre 530pm and Sat from B0501 Studio 2 Wire- 10am to 2pm or call us less Headphones - with any questions at clean in great working 559-264-5856. condition. Comes with case and original char- IBANEZ GIO GSger. Come check out R105EX 5-String Bass these headphones and In great shape, plays other electronics at The great as well. No issues Fresno Hock Shoppe with this bass. Comes Mon-Fri from 10am to as shown does include 530pm and Saturdays a soft case which is from 10am to 2pm or not pictured. 5 string. call us with any ques- Come check it out tions at 559-264-585 and many other musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri MUSIC from 10am to 530pm DEAN VCO CBK and Sat from 10am to Acoustic / Electric V 2pm or call us with any $259 Includes after- questions at 559-264market soft case not 5856 pictured. Acoustic / Electric. Works great ARE YOU SELLING no issues with the elec- something? List it here tronics. 559-264-5856 for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

YAMAHA MG06X Mixing Console $109 original box and power adapter. In great working and cosmetic shape. I will provide more information on this unit below for those who are interested. And if you are interested come on down to at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856


MINI FRIDGE sale $70 The TV Shop Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559299-6100 TV’S!! 24” LED TV’s starting at $69!! 32” LED TV’s starting at $85!! 40” LED TV’s starting at $139!! 50” LED TV’s starting at $175!! The TV Shop Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559299-6100

KENMORE washer dryer $225 Works great. Delivery available. 559-394-3369 WINDOW AIR Conditioner by Frigidaire $325 (559) 250-3033 NEW BELLA 2 Slice Toaster Extra-Wide Slots $15 559-2462220 R E F R I G E R ATO R by Whirlpool. Apt.size (559) 250-3033


CRAFTSMAN weed eater it’s 17” and 25cc. We are asking $100. If interested call (559)800-5118 (Kerman)

RYOBI ROUTER 1 1/2 hp. very clean, good working condiNEVER used Wagner tion. $35 (559) 269paint ready station for 6041 sale. I think they cost CLASSIC a little more than 100 SKIL I SELL dog houses brand new. Asking 50. heavy duty circular to be ready for win- Please text 805 861 $40 (559) 374-5095 ter time. X-small 0111. -12x12x16-$10/$30 with paint roof Small- WAGNER Flexio 1 8 x 1 8 x 2 4 - $ 2 0 / $ 5 0 3000 Paint Sprayer with paint roof Medi- Pre-owned very lightum-24x24x32-$30/$70 ly used. Comes as have two different shown with original size door with paint packaging. Maintained roof carpet Large- well. I will provide 36x36x48-$100/$150 some more specs on with paint and X-large- this sprayer below for 42x42x60-$150/$200 those who are interestwith paint Huge- ed. And if you are in48x48x72-$200/$250 terested in this sprayer with paint and roof I or other commercial have 12 different col- tools and equipment ors. Questions please come on down to The text 559-475-2803 Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to ARE YOU SELLING 530pm and Saturdays something? List it here from 10am to 2pm or for only $20/ issue. call us with any questions at 559-264-5856 Call 559-472-7182

CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop /cages is $30 ..great for small birds/Quils / chickens/chicks .l arge ones are $50 to $60 .size 5x4x5 will need a pick up truck or I can drop them off SUPPORT LOCAL for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 643-7156


SHEET METAL Shears Snips WISS M2 M3 Klein & Sons These are all Sheet Metal Snips perfect for HVAC / Duct Cutting, etc. you get all 3 for $15 picked up $20 delivery (559) 461-3508 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here Call 559-472-7182










LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. 559-696-5149 or 559-275-7630

JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. HAULING We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 ask for JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale James Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304


2006 YAMAHA raptor 700r. Great condition 2005 Yamaha raptor 2002 Banshee $3300 80cc great condition All stock. fresh top end And a Honda 250 ex less than 1 hour on it. 2004 Includes trailer New tires. Paddles on as well 5x14 very nice rims along with dirt trailer. Very easy to tires. Not abused super load quad. $8000 (559) clean. (559) 375-2838 708-1721


2008 Polaris Ranger 700 XP 4X4 Seats 6 Low miles Second owner, always adult owned Well maintained Great for trail rides and around the yard Includes rear storage rack $6000 (559) 287-0719 HONDA 200-x three wheeler. Don’t ride anymore. Frame is slightly bent but very rideable and fixable comes with extras. Asking $1100.00 Very firm in price .No trades or low ballers if intrested call 559 696-7746

PAINTING Services with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing and More. Call (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) SUPPORT LOCAL Lic#1051349

18 | SEPTEMBER 2019



2008 KAWASAKI vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade for registered tagged small truck or SUV with trailor hitch. Garaged 95% of life. (559) 903-8283 2010 KTM 530 EXC Dual sport, limited edition Kini-Red Bull. I am the original owner of the bike. I purchased it new from Wilsons motorcycle. The bike is in excellent shape (559) 474-1318 SUPPORT LOCAL

2005 YAMAHA Midnight Star 1700 cc excellent Bike no problems runs perfect 14000 miles clean title Text 559.260.5449 2007 ZX-10R $5300 (559) 473-9302


HUNTER 170 Sailboat $4995 (559) 2993422 MARLIN Bayliner Ski Boat $8500 (Selma) 708-6996


AFFORDABLE Auto Service in Fowler! Engine repairs, timing belts, headgaskets and more. Big and small 2004 WILDWOOD 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs, jobs. Call A1 Autoexcellent condition. Was asking $15,000 Now motive at (559) 318$10,000 OBO (559) 673-7185 or (559) 97504360 9835 1969 PONTIAC Grand Prix $8000 (559) 978-2710 2014 KIA Optima $8800 (559) 999-2480

1997 CADILLAC Deville excellent con dition low miles clean leather interior no tears RVS good paint no scratchTRAVEL Trailer 2008 es $4000 obo cash call 26ft long $11800 (559) or text 559-519-0365 412-0629 2004 WILDWOOD TRUCKS 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs, excellent condi- 1996 SILVERADO tion. Asking $10,000 z71 4wd $6300 (KerOBO (559) 673-7185 man) (559) 728-6262 or (559) 975-9835


1989 JEEP Wrangler lifted, gears, lockers,winch,fuel injection! $7000 (Visalia) (559) 300-7700 2004 TOYOTA Tacoma double cab. Runs great, automatic transmission, air conditioner is cold, has new tires. V6 motor, it’s not a 4x4. In Spanish call 559-346-9194 for English 346-9195 $10,500

03 TAHOE z71 4x4 with smog n tags 190. miles clean title exellent $3600 644-5434 2012 JEEP Liberty $7700 Second owner. Clean title. Remote start, leather seats, satellite radio. (559) 3674904


AFFORDABLE Auto Service in Fowler! ARE YOU SELLING Engine repairs, timing something? List it here belts, headgaskets and for only $20/ issue. more. Big and small Call 559-472-7182 jobs. Call A1 Automotive at (559) 318-4360 SUPPORT LOCAL



A PA RT M E N T S Los Arbolitos Apartments offers 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment homes. $200 off first month. Call for more info (559)255-8370 or stop by 555 S. Argyle Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 APARTMENT Rentals helps with all your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit or website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website $895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting.(559) 291-4305

$925 / 2BR - 796ft2 Hunter Place ApartHOUSES FOR ment Homes. Now RENT accepting section 8! (888) 673-8962 VERY NICE & Clean NE Fresno 3BR/2Bath CHATEAU MONTE- $1395 with Large REY I 2881 Willow Covered Patio. Single Ave. Clovis (559) story. Tile flooring in 294-7144 MONTHLY all bathrooms, kitchRENT $650.00 Studio en, living room and 1 bathroom $350.00 hallway. Covered 2 car security deposit appli- garage (attached). Rent cation fee $25.00 per includes yard care. adult Available September 9, 2019. PLEASE TEXT = your email address to ROOM FOR RENT 559 623-4818

2BD/1BTH $1250 stove included int he house ready to use, A/ central, Garage, Big yard, Near to Food Stores and More. Call for information 559221-3170 or Rosie 559-972-5815 We can Schedule for a tour. NO SECTION 8.

ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209

$240000 / 3br - 1320ft2 - House for Sale by Owner/ off Polk between Sierra n Bullard (559) 916-7035

3BD/ 2BTH 2 Car Attached Garage New Flooring Throughout Fresh Paint Inside and Out Huge Kitchen with open floor plan to dining and living room Large backyard with extensive concrete patio Energy Efficient A/C and Dual Pane windows throughout ARE YOU SELLING Clean and quiet neighsomething? List it here borhood Close to freefor only $20/ issue. way and shopping cenCall 559-472-7182 ters (559) 312-6679


HOUSE FOR SALE $265000 / 3br 1314ft2 Clovis Area (559) 207-9997

$236850 / 3br - 1364ft2 - Great 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home (559) 2174462 SUPPORT LOCAL






+G + FREE $ ++BF+ + + + T + N 799 + E V E E E G RI +++ + + 5 6 PC BEDROOM SET + + + IFT!+ G + + ++ NT E V E G I FREE B $ + + + TEN N T E T N V T N 799 E E E V + V E G I E V G B E I G I B + G B I B PC BEDROOM SET + + + + + + $ FREE 5 6 PC BEDROOM SET 1299

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Includes Queen Poster Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand Nightstand

5 6 FREE PC BEDROOM SET 5 6 PC BEDROOM SET $FREE FREE $ Poster QUEEN $ FREE Includes Queen Nightstand Nightstand FREE $ FREE FREE Nightstand Includes Queen Poster Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand Nightstand FREE FREE MATTRESS FREE $$ Mirror$ NightstandFREEBed, Dresser, Nightstand Nightstand Nightstand Nightstand






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Includes Queen Poster Bed, Dresser, Mirror NightstandPLUS FREE Nightstand



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Includes Queen Poster Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand

FREE Nightstand


COMSEPT. 21st @ 12pm


QueenPoster Poster 6Includes 55 6Includes 5 Queen 6

Includes King Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand

Bed, Dresser, Dresser, Mirror Includes QueenPoster Poster Bed, Mirror Includes Queen Includes Queen Poster PLUS FREE Nightstand Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand Bed, Dresser, Mirror Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUSFREE FREENightstand Nightstand PLUS PLUS FREE Nightstand

FREE Nightstand






1299 $$

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Includes Queen Poster Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand


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5 6Includes King Bed, ror PLUS 55 66Includes stand Bed,PLUS 5 6King Dresser, Mirror


Includes King Bed,PLUS Dresser, Mirror FREE Nightstand Includes King Bed, Includes King Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand Dresser, PLUS Dresser, Mirror PLUS 4 Chairs &Mirror Bench Includes Table & 6 Chairs FREENightstand Nightstand FREE FREE Nightstand

Includes Table, 4 Chairs & Bench

Includes Counter Height Table & 4 Stools

Includes Counter Height Table & 4 Stools

Includes Table & 6 Chairs

FREE Nightstand



Includes Counter Height Table & 4 Stools

Includes Counter Height Table & 4 Stools





399 799 499


599 1299 $ 1299

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$BEDROOM $ SET$ Includes $ SET$ 6 DINING PC DINING 5 PC DINING SET $ SETIncludes 5 PC DINING SET 7&$ PC DINING SET $ $ ble, 45$ Chairs & Bench $ Height 65PC PC DINING SETSET $ Counter Height 5Counter PC DINING SET 5PC PC DINING SET Includes Table 6DINING Chairs 7PC PC SET $ $ 5 6 SET 5 PC DINING SET 5 DINING SET 7 DINING SET SET ET 5 6 PC DINING SET 5 PC DINING 5 PC DINING 7 PC DINING 399 599 799 499 5 6Includes PCIncludes TWIN 5 6Includes PCIncludes TWIN Table, 4 Chairs & Bench 399 399 Includes Counter Height 599 Includes Counter Height 799 Table &Chairs 6 Chairs 499 599 799 499 $ Table, 4$ Chairs &Includes Bench Includes Counter Height Includes Counter Height Table &66Chairs 2 PC SOFA & 3 PC RECLINING FREE Table & 4 Stools Table & 4 Stools Includes Table, 4 Chairs & Bench Twin Bed, Dresser, Includes Counter Height Bed, Dresser, Includes Counter Height Includes Table & Includes Table, 4 Chairs & Bench Includes Counter Height Includes Counter Height Includes Table & 6 Chairs FREE BEDROOM SET BEDROOM SET $ $ 799 599 Table & 4 Stools Table & 4 Stools Table Stools Table Stools SECTIONAL SET FREE Twin Nightstand REE Nightstand 2 PCTable SOFA&&& 3 PCTable RECLINING 44Stools &&44Stools Includes Bed, Dresser, LOVESEAT Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS Table & 4 Stools Table & 4 Stools Includes Table, 4 Chairs & Bench


FREE Mirror PLUS FREE FREE Nightstand Nightstand

FREE FREE FREE Nightstand Nightstand Nightstand




Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand




Includes Counter Height Table & 4 Stools

Includes Table & 6 Chairs



FREE FREE FREE FREE Nightstand Nightstand Nightstand Nightstand

Includes Counter Height Table & 4 Stools


Next to 10291029 East Shaw Ave Next to East Shaw AveFashion 5 6Fresno, PC TWIN $ CACA 93710 Fair Fresno, 93710 FashionFair BEDROOM SET 2 PC SOFA & 3 PC RECLINING Mall! Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, Mall! $ (559) 226-1200 $


Orleans Furniture Orleans Furniture

*Prices are good through *Prices are through October 13,good 2019. October 13, 2019. Not responsible for Not responsible for printing errors.

SECTIONAL LOVESEAT SET (559) 226-1200 1299 1299 5 6 PC TWIN PC TWIN 5 6 PC TWIN WIN 55 665$ ASH19-38-001 5 6 PC TWIN 6TWIN PC TWIN 5 6 PC TWIN PC $ 5 Hours: 6 Store PC $ TWIN 5 6 PC $ TWIN $ Store Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun• 11am-7pm $ $ $ Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm Sun 11am-7pm $ $ BEDROOM SETSET SET BEDROOM SETSET SET BEDROOMBEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM SET M SET SET BEDROOM SET BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 PC & SOFA PC RECLINING 2 PC SOFA &$ & Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, 2 PC SOFA 3 RECLINING PC RECLINING Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, &SOFA 3 PC RECLINING 33PC Includes Twin Bed, Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, 2& PC Bed,Twin Dresser, 3 PC RECLINING win Bed, Dresser, Includes Bed, Dresser, Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, Includes TwinDresser, Bed, Dresser,2 PC SOFA Includes Twin Bed,Includes Dresser, Twin $ $ Next to $$$$ $ $ SECTIONAL LOVESEAT SET Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand $ SECTIONAL LOVESEAT SET 1029 East Shaw Ave Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand SECTIONAL LOVESEAT SET Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand MirrorNightstand PLUS FREE Nightstand SECTIONAL SECTIONAL SETLOVESEAT SET PLUS FREE Nightstand S FREE Mirror PLUS FREE LOVESEAT Nightstand Mirror PLUS FREEMirror Nightstand

799 599 799 599 799 599599 799 599 799 Includes Twin Bed, Dresser, Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand

printing errors.

Mirror PLUS FREE Nightstand

1299 1299 1299 1299 Fresno, CA 93710 1299

Fashion Fair Mall! to Next


1299 1299 1299 1299 1299 Orleans Furniture

*Prices are good through October 13, 2019. Not responsible for Orleans printing errors. Orleans Orleans Orleans Furniture Orleans Furniture Furniture Furniture

(559) 226-1200 Next toNext 1029 East Shaw Ave Next to toASH19-38-001 1029 East Shaw Ave 1029 East Shaw AveAve 1029 East Shaw Next to Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11am-7pm 1029 East Shaw Ave Fresno, CA 93710 Fashion Fair Fashion Fair Fashion Fair Fair Fashion Fresno, CA 93710 Fresno, CA 93710 Fresno, CA 93710 Fashion Fair Fresno, CA 93710


*Prices are good through *Prices are good *Prices are good through *through Prices are good through October 13, 2019. *Prices are13, good October 2019. October 13,through 2019. 13, 2019. Not responsibleOctober for Not responsible for for October 2019. Not13, responsible printing errors. Not responsible for printing errors.errors. Not responsible for printing printing errors.

Mall! Mall! Mall!Mall! (559) 226-1200 (559) 226-1200 (559) 226-1200 (559) 226-1200 Mall! Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11am-7pm (559) 226-1200

Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11am-7pm Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11am-7pm Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11am-7pm Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Sun 11am-7pm

printing errors. ASH19-38-001

ASH19-38-001 ASH19-38-001 ASH19-38-001


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