Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 4

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EDITOR’S NOTE Over the summer, I attended an event that celebrated fifty years of resistance surrounding the Vietnam War, along with the associated and controversial draft. It was enlightening to sit in the audience and listen to the stories of the older generation – how they collectively gave the government the proverbial finger at every turn. They were fearless, bold, and believed in the power of the people … and still do. But, by the end of the event, they wondered where the youth was. The last speaker looked over the crowd and asked why it was only the same faces she’d been seeing for the previous fifty years. Where was the next generation to continue the work? I wondered as well. At first. Articles pour out over the internet condemning the Millennial generation for just about anything. Pick a fault. But one type of repeating headline that caught my attention was the infamous “Millennials are killing the (insert any) business.” We may not take to the streets in protest as often as the famed generation of the 60s and 70s did, or form organizations of rebellion, but I can tell you what we are doing. We’re demolishing whole industries. *I say Millennials only because we get the most heat, but it’s a collective effort between some Gen X and Gen Z. Purely by a single cultural thread of understanding, this entire generation selectively chooses where it’ll spend its hard-earned





income by whittling out unethical or useless companies. Without a living wage, Millennials have very little to spend on anything considered a luxury. What we do spend, we want to go towards entities that treat the world and its employees well. Or at the very least, we want that money to stay home – to support small and local businesses. As a result, industries such as diamonds, shopping malls, napkins, and restaurant chains are either taking a significant hit or folding over entirely. And to that, we say, good! Conglomerates and chains shattered small businesses, broke apart communities, drove down wages, eliminated unions, and dried up pensions. They benefited the most from our capitalist society, and it’s about time we all understood our role in this two-waystreet system – because, without demand, the supplier will fail. Whenever you can, choose a small business and choose local. If there are no other options but corporations, then take a few minutes to research who they are and how they treat their employees. Big business isn’t always bad; take Costco, for example, or Microsoft. Look to see if they manufacture or source products in/ from the United States. Whatever your feelings on capitalism, it is a system that puts an enormous amount of power in the hands of the people. You may feel that the fight is out there somewhere, but in all actuality, it’s right there in your pocket.


LOVIN’ LEMOORE How big ideas are moving the small town’s businesses towards a bright future. By Dave Fountinelle |


estled in one of its many beautiful, historic buildings, the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce is the literal and figurative heart of downtown. Inside, the operation is bare-bones, and one immediately gets the impression that this is a space where people are too busy getting things done to worry about aesthetics. Desks and tabletops are decorated with memos, printouts, and agendas. The walls are festooned with calendars and Postit notes. Yet, the air crackles with contagious energy. Something is going on here, you can feel it as soon as you walk in the door. A few minutes after I arrive, CEO Amy Ward walks in wearing a witch costume while carrying a purple pumpkin bucket. She has just returned from walking to various downtown businesses as part of the Chamber’s “reverse trick-or-treat.” Ward and her staff visit each local shop, handing out candy, saying hello, and checking in with their members. “We just want to let our members know that we’re always thinking about them, we’re always here for them, and we value and appreciate them.” Amy tells me. Indeed, during today’s walk, many

business owners took advantage of the opportunity to chat face-to-face with Amy, asking her questions, and sharing opinions and ideas. It’s such a simple yet impactful gesture and it’s just one small example of Lemoore’s appreciation of its small business community. Originally from Temecula, Amy Ward moved to Lemoore – as many do – because of the military. However, when the opportunity came to leave, Amy knew she was here to stay. “I love this community. I love the people here. Lemoore reminds me of my hometown when I was growing up, it just feels like home to me, and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.” Back in 2012, Amy joined the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce board, and in 2016, the CEO position became available. “Pursuing the CEO position wasn’t part of my plan at all,” Amy says with a smile, “But I saw an opportunity to make a difference and have a positive impact on the town and community that I love. I just couldn’t turn that down.” Becoming CEO of the Chamber of | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Photos by Laci Miranda | @darkstar84_photos Commerce meant a significant pay decrease for Amy, but, “This isn’t about the money. I’m doing this because I care. It’s genuine. I’m willing to go above and beyond what’s expected of me to do what’s best for our members and the community.” Her energy is infectious. Her vision is big, but also very sensible. “I just want to do what works. It’s common sense, but community engagement benefits everyone. Ultimately, we are here to serve our members, and we do that by bringing them more business. It just makes sense that the more you engage the community, the more you invest them in buying local and supporting local businesses.” When Amy took over in 2016, she inherited a Chamber that she describes as “more of a social club.” An apathetic Chamber combined with a largely detached membership was creating a stale business community. “When we first started having our Chamber luncheons and mixers, we would be lucky if 15-20 people showed up. Now, we have 75-100 members coming to these events and growing.”


So, what’s the secret to Lemoore’s success? “We have a 3-pillar plan.” Amy explains, “First is a commitment to business revitalization, and that’s largely focused on the downtown area of course. We have a beautiful, historic downtown area with many businesses that have been here for generations. People need to know about them and come check them out and see what they have to offer.” The second pillar is education. “We want to put programs into place to provide education and support for existing business owners, as well as future business leaders and anyone interested in starting their own business here. We’ve partnered with the high school and West Hills college to provide classes and workshops for students who might be interested in pursuing a career in business. We also host workshops for local businesses on subjects from marketing and promotion, to using social media, to even the most basic fundamentals that every small business owner should know. There are a lot of people who are great at running a business


Continues on pg 6... NOVEMBER 2019 |


keep it local Shop Small this Holiday Season

Ave., between Roosevelt and Wilson. They’re open Wed to Sat 11-7 and Sun 12-4, or by appointment. For more information visit www. parabolicgallery.comFollow them on Instagram (parabolicgallery) and Facebook (@parabolic559)

Karkazian Jewelers

Owner - George Karkazian Family Owned since 1978, George Karkazian opened his first store on West & Shields, and soon after, Karkazian Jewelers moved to the corner of Shaw and Willow where they established themselves as one of the Valley’s leaders in jewelry/watch sales and repair for over 40 years. In July 2007, Karkazian Jewelers added a second location in north Fresno at the corner of Friant and Ft. Washington. In February 2009, Karkazian Jewelers moved their Clovis location two blocks to East, right on Shaw Avenue between Willow and Peach. Karkazian Jewelers focuses on quality jewelry with a pleasant buying experience. One of the few jewelers that can cut and polish your chipped diamonds. Located at 493 W. Shaw Ave Suite B Clovis (559) 297-0201 9447 Ft Washington Rd #110 Fresno (559) 434-9009 www.

Parabolic Art & Design Owner - Tony Fernandez

Founded in 2017, Tony Fernandez seeks to create an experience through furniture and home decor. Parabolic offers a thoughtfully curated, eclectic mix of vintage furniture, home decor and fine art from past decades through the present, including hundreds of unusual items that make great gifts. A modernist at heart, Fernandez is inspired by the way great modern architects, designers, and artists looked at the world in fresh new ways that were not a rehash of traditional, historical styles. But he’s not a strict purist, Parabolic features an eclectic collection from various periods and cultures to keep Fernandez and his customers on their toes. If you’re looking for more beyond what Parabolic hosts in its shop, Fernandez has the experience to help customers with everything from finding the perfect item to custom creating a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture. Parabolic is located at 431 E. Olive



Fresno Hock SHoppe

Owner - Robbie Van Gronigen Fresno Hock Shoppe has been a Belmont Ave figure, locally owned and operated, for 30 years. Robbie took over ownership five years ago, although he has worked for the Hock Shoppe the entire 30 years it has been open. The pawn shop sells a variety of items like guitars, basses, musical instruments, tools, electronics like tablets, laptops and game consoles, and firearms. The staff, always eager to help, are known for their youthful and energetic approach. Between now and Christmas, Hock Shoppe is offering 30% off jewelry and select electronics (except layaways). The Fresno Hock Shoppe also offers a variety of items on eBay, and you can also check out their inventory on their website at


Owners (and sisters), Melissa Megerdigian-Steward and Amanda Megerdigian, took their childhood passion and turned into Decades – a boutique in Clovis specializing in antiques. Starting small, the pair took to participating in local antique fairs, flea markets, and various popups for three years before eventually opening their storefront just this past March. Decades boasts a 2,500 square foot ‘shop’ that holds original vintage pieces and furniture that pairs with their new farmhouse style décor. The size of their boutique already separates the ‘boutique’ from the typical style of antique store most are used to seeing around town, but they also offer a new line of affordable fashion and accessories.


Owners - Melissa MegerdigianSteward, and Amanda Megerdigian “Our grandparents were avid antique collectors and dealers. Our parents also love antiques - our childhood home was full of cool, old stuff! Childhood days were spent at swap meets and antique fairs. As children we would play ‘store’ selling each other our toys back and forth with Monopoly money wearing our mother’s antique purses. We would, literally, set up an entire store in our bedroom while one would be the shop keeper and the other would be the shopper.”


Among the furniture, décor, accessories, and items from the Rae Dunn collection are also porcelain signs, scales, and salvage. Melissa and Amanda bring in new items every week, which could easily fall outside of the above categories – their favorite, though? Anything old with ‘Fresno, California’ written on it – that, and advertising pieces or mercantile displays. Somewhat unconventional, Decades is open only once a week – Saturdays from 9a to 2p. Each of the sisters still manages a career outside of the shop, and while that would be more than enough reason to limit their hours, it also helps build an ‘exclusive’ appeal. There’s usually a line outside the door before they open, folks hoping to get a sneak peek at any of the new items the sisters bring in. That being said, you won’t have to wait to a whole week to get your hands on the merch, the sisters are happy to ship items during the week, only tagging on a $5 delivery charge for anything going to Fresno or Clovis. Decades is located in the Industrial park on Clovis and Shaw Ave behind Lowe’s at 1018 San Jose suite 102. Or visit them online at to check out some of their items from home. *Upcoming event: Holiday Popup on December 7th.


Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

4. Half of the names of U.S. states are derived from Amerindian 1. Ishi (c. 1860–1916) is widely words, such as Arizona, Connecti- 9. The word “Sioux” was adopted by French explorers who picked known as the “last wild Indian” cut, Kentucky, and Missouri.. it up from the Chippewa tribe. in America. He lived most of his life outside modern culture after 5. Native Americans have been “Sioux” is the Chippewa word for his tribe, the Yahi (of the Yana living on the American continent “enemy,” who actually were the group) became extinct in the late since about 12,000 B.C. They were Lakota people. So the Sioux are 1800s because of the Califor- not a single nation but a rich va- actually the Lakota, a name that nia Gold Rush. He lived alone riety of cultures, peoples, and lan- means, “Where the people of peace in the wilderness after his family guages. Some historians believe dwell.” died. In 1911, starving and with people have been living in South (1788–1812) nowhere to go, he walked out of America for more than 30,000 10. Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone woman the wilderness into the town of years. who helped the Lewis and Clark Oroville, where he would be later studied by anthropologists. 6. The Indian Citizenship Act expedition as an interpreter (Snyder Act) of 1924 granted full and a guide. She traveled 2. Most indigenous people in the U.S. citizenship to America’s in- thousands of miles with them U.S. use “American Indian,” while digenous peoples. It was enacted from North Dakota to the most indigenous people in Can- in part due to the recognition of Pacific Ocean between 1804 and ada use “First Nations.” “Native thousands of Native Americans 1806. Americans” or “indigenous Amer- who served in WWI. 11. The elaborate eagle-feather icans” are often used for people in both countries. 7. In the early 1600s, five tribes headdress of the Lakota (Sioux), who were former enemies formed which reached from head to toe, 3. Native Americans and First Na- the Iroquois Confederacy. An could be worn only by a warrior tions people speaking a language all-male council who was elected who had proven his courage in of the Algonquian group were the for life made decisions; howev- battle. Eagle feathers were high first to meet English explorers and, er, women had the right to fire any prized because they were thought to be full of spiritual power. consequently, many words from councilor. these languages entered English— for example, caribou (“snow-shov- 8. Benjamin Franklin, coauthor 12. The Mohawk hairstyle is eler”), chipmunk (“red squir- of the Constitution, thought the named after the Mohawks, one rel”), moccasin, moose, muskrat, idea of a government like the Ir- of the tribes that made up the opossum (“white dog”), papoose oquois Confederacy could be used Iroquois nation. The Mohawk (“baby”), pecan (“nut”), powwow by the English colonies. The eagle people also liked to keep one side (“to dream, to have a vision”), rac- on the U.S. shield is the Iroquois of their scalp cleanly shaven while coon, skunk (“to urinate” + “fox”), bald eagle—also a symbol for the the other side was painted a bright color. squaw, toboggan, totem, wigwam, Iroquois. and woodchuck. Native American Heritage Month






A Farewell Performance by The Wild Blue Yonder


early a half-century ago - the year the President of the United States resigned, and the Vietnam War raged on - a group of musical bohemian dreamers, driven by abject poverty during the advent of Disco, rehearsed in a poorly soundproofed garage writing homegrown music without a venue to be found. So they banded together, emptied their torn Levi pockets of crumpled dollar bills and hammered together a performance space that would be a meeting ground for the culturally deprived tribe of grateful art and music lovers that would stand the test of good times for the next 20 years. The original visionaries and the Tower District nightclub stage they would inhabit was and is...The Wild Blue Yonder. The Wild Blue Yonder, affectionately known as “The Blue,” was the house band of “Fresno’s premiere nightclub” in its first decade of operation. The group opened for such acts as blues legend Muddy Waters, jazz great Jean Luc Ponty, and rockers, Rick Derringer and Huey Lewis. Two independently produced record albums and a few too many Thursday night 25 cent draft beers later, individual band members went on to play with national recording artists including Sheryl Crow, Herbie Hancock, and Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Nearly a decade ago, original members of the “The Wild Blue” reunited to perform occasionally in Fresno, traveling from all parts of the state. They racked up frequent flyer miles with their musical chops still intact and a third album produced in the historic Tower Theater, now proudly tucked under their tattered flight jackets. The Wild Blue Yonder will hang up its wings in a final gathering of the ‘Tribe’ Saturday, November 9th, at Fulton 55 in a fundraising benefit for, “The Valley Music Hall of Fame.” Debi Ruud and the Lost Souls will open the show, followed by Nate Butler performing a retrospective medley of local music from bands who played at the club, accompanied by a priceless slide show of memorabilia. Leslie Bixler will be performing with “The Blue.” Art by Jeff. Music lovers from all walks of life are invited



...‘Lemoore’ cont’d from pg 3 but are lost when it comes to promoting their business, for example. Anything we can do to help our members be more successful, we’re going to do it.” And the third pillar is a commitment to health and wellness. “Again, it’s common sense, but a healthy employee is a happy employee, and we have partnered with Adventist Health to provide our members with the resources and support to answer and address any questions or concerns they might have on this issue.” In the 2 ½ years she’s been CEO, Amy has reached out to the City Council, the LPD, and the LFD. She has worked tirelessly to mend fences that had fallen into disrepair during the years of apathy that dogged the Chamber before her arrival. “We’re all in this together.” She says, “When the community is invested in their business, the businesses do better. When the businesses are invested in their community, the community supports them. And Lemoore is such a great community. We’re doing things here that you just don’t see that much anymore, and it’s exciting to be a part of it.”

Part of the effort to engage with the community are events like the annual Pizza Festival, and the upcoming Holiday Stroll, which takes place on November 23rd from 3-7pm. “For the Holiday Stroll, we close off the downtown, so it’s foot traffic only, and we have vendors set up in the street, and local businesses are open, and we encourage people just to come down and walk around. Check out what downtown Lemoore has to offer.” Among the activities planned for the event is a Christmas tree scavenger hunt. Participants will receive a map of local businesses that each has a decorated tree inside them. Visiting each tree gets their list checked off by that business. Everyone who visits all of the trees is entered into a drawing to win one. It’s just one of the many inventive ways the Chamber is utilizing to connect


customers with businesses. I would be remiss in my duties as a journalist if I didn’t ask Amy about the recent approval for 2 recreational marijuana dispensaries in downtown Lemoore. The general response on social media has been overwhelmingly positive, which is somewhat surprising for such a traditionally conservative community. “As CEO, my number one concern is for my members. So, I feel that my own personal opinion regarding the issue is irrelevant. If my members are OK with it, then so am I. If my members have an issue with it, it’s my responsibility to communicate those concerns to the city. That being said, the response from our members has been almost 100% positive.” Amy adds, “I visited Valley Pure’s location in Woodlake and spoke with the owner there, as well as with some of the other businesses on the street. I was very impressed with how much Valley Pure gives back. They have personally, charitably donated an impressive amount of money to


help improve the neighborhood. They engage with the community, ask questions, and act on them. For example, the people said they wanted a coffee shop, so the owner’s girlfriend opened one right next door to the dispensary. That really impressed me. That’s the kind of energy and involvement you love to see, especially in a small town.” So, what does the future hold for Lemoore›s business community? I was given a first look at the Chamber’s rebranding campaign that’s set to roll out in January 2020, under the condition that I do not give away any details. My apologies, but suffice to say, I was quite impressed with what they have planned. “2020 is all about clear vision, and that’s what we want to convey with our rebranding. We have a clear vision for the future of business in Lemoore and the community. We have exciting things planned, and I can’t wait to show everyone what makes Lemoore such a unique and special place.” --- If you would like to volunteer for the Holiday Stroll or any upcoming Lemoore community events, you can email tiffany@ or call (559)216-0505 for more information.




s chilly weather sets in and days get shorter, comfort food favorites once again fill menus. While traditional flavor combinations typically hold a special place in many families’ hearts and on their plates, there is almost always room to add new and exciting flavors to tried-and-true favorites. If you’re craving cheesy scalloped potatoes, savory stuffing or juicy braised meat, an option like California Ripe Olives are an easy addition that can spruce up your go-to dishes. Their mild and unique taste lends itself well to many different flavor pairings such as Prosciutto-Wrapped Stuffed Turkey Breast, Potatoes Au Gratin with Olives and Fennel, and Green Beans with Olive Butter. California family farms produce 95% of the ripe olives grown in the United States. Multi-generational family farmers work with familyowned canneries to produce each can and ensure only the highest quality olives make it from the farm to your table. For more creative ways to use olives, including family recipes from growers across California, visit

Prosciutto-Wrapped Stuffed Turkey Breast Recipe courtesy of Karista’s Kitchen Brine: 1/4 cup salt 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns 2 bay leaves 2 quarts water 3 1/2-4 pounds turkey breast Turkey: 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided salt, to taste pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 1 tablespoon orange zest 4 cloves garlic, minced 1/4-1/3 cup dried cranberries 3/4 cup sliced California Green Ripe Olives, divided 4-5 slices prosciutto Gravy: 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1-1 1/2 cups chicken broth salt, to taste pepper, to taste orange slices, for garnish To brine turkey breast: In large, non-reactive bowl, mix salt, peppercorns and bay leaves in water. Place turkey breast in brine and cover with additional water, if needed. Place plastic

wrap over bowl and refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight. To cook turkey breast: Heat oven to 375 F. Remove turkey breast from brine, rinse and pat dry. On large cutting board with sharp, sturdy knife, slice into thickest portion of turkey and cut lengthwise, but not all the way through. Brush inside of turkey breast with 1 tablespoon olive oil then sprinkle with salt and pepper, to taste, rosemary, parsley and orange zest. Spread minced garlic, cranberries and 1/2 cup sliced green olives over bottom half of turkey breast then fold top over bottom. Brush outside of turkey breast with remaining olive oil and place prosciutto slices over top of turkey breast. Using three pieces kitchen twine, tie turkey breast on each end and in middle. On baking sheet, roast turkey 15 minutes then turn heat down to 350 F and roast 35-45 minutes. Once internal temperature reaches about 155 F, remove from oven and tent foil over top to allow it to continue cooking and stay warm. Let turkey rest about 15 minutes. Once turkey is cool enough to handle, remove kitchen twine and slice. Arrange slices on platter. To make gravy: Take remaining juice from baking sheet and add to saucepan over medium heat along with butter. Once butter is melted, sprinkle in flour and whisk. While whisking, add 1 cup chicken broth. If it becomes thick, add 1/2 cup chicken broth, or more, as needed. Let gravy cook several minutes, whisking constantly. When gravy is done, remove from heat and drizzle over sliced turkey breast. Garnish with remaining green olives and orange slices. Serve warm. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Green Beans with Olive Butter

Recipe courtesy of Culinary Hill 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, softened 20 California Black Ripe Olives, chopped 2 shallots, chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped 4 quarts, plus 1/4 cup, water, divided 1 tablespoon salt, plus additional, to taste 2 pounds green beans, trimmed freshly ground black pepper, to taste


In food processor, pulse butter, olives, shallots and garlic; set aside. In large saucepan or stockpot, bring 4 quarts water and 1 tablespoon salt to boil. Add green beans and boil until tender-crisp, but still bright green, about 3-5 minutes. Work in batches, if necessary. Drain well and immediately plunge into bowl of ice water to stop cooking. In large skillet, add remaining water over medium heat. Add blanched beans and toss until heated through. Toss beans with olive butter to coat. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper. Transfer to serving platter.





November 5-11 Art Community Art Night during ArtHop Thursday, November 7 at 4 PM – 8 PM Fresno EOC Sanctuary LGBTQ Resource Center 1250 Fulton Ave., Fresno. Stop by and help us paint a new art piece to hang in the Sanctuary Drop-In Center. This community art piece will brighten the space that homeless youth and young adults use when they come by to access resources. The Fresno High Flea Saturday, November 9 at 10 AM – 2 PM Fresno High School 1835 Echo Ave, Fresno. So many awesome vendors Lots of great food trucks, too. Always FREE to attend. A special monthly market that showcases the finest hand made goods, vintage items, tag sale stalls, and delicious treats.The Fresno High Flea will be held the first saturday of the mont on the corner of McKinley and Echo.

Moscow Ballet’s Nutcracker at the Visalia Fox Theatre Thursday, November 7 at 7 PM – 10 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia. $20.00 - $185.00 2019 Fresno Film Festival, presented by Fresno Filmworks FRI, NOV 8 7:00 PM SAT, NOV 9 1:00 PM SUN, NOV 10 1:00 PM Fresno Filmworks Tower Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The 15th Annual Fresno Film Festival, presented by Fresno Filmworks at the historic Tower Theatre, will feature seven exclusive programs of feature-length and local award-winning short films, including special filmmaker appearances and Q&A discussions. The festival is made possible by the generosity of many community sponsors and current Filmworks members. Tickets for individual programs cost $10 general and $8 for students and seniors; festival passes cost $45.

Daily Specials

Monday-Thursday: $6.50

Admission*Shows before 11am

Tuesday Family Day:

$5.50 for all standard movies* $2.00 Hot Dogs **Surcharges apply for MPX and 3D FORMATS; Restrictions apply Offers subject to change without notice

Senior Wednesday: $5.50

all movies for seniors ages 60 and over

Maya Cares: Free Admission to all of our guests with special needs, only $6 for family, friends, and guardians. 1st Saturday of each month at 10:30AM


Present this AD with your paid movie ticket at concessions and recieve a free 46oz bag of popcorn

46 oz popcorn is a measure or volume, not weight. Valid through December 31, 2019 *Restrictions apply, for full details contact theatre directly.*

Fresno 16

3090 E. Campus Pointe Drive NE Corner of Shaw & Chestnut

559-549-0005 8



Family Blue Man Group Speechless Wednesday, November 6 at 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. CMAC Fest 2019 Thursday, November 7 at 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201, Fresno. Help us celebrate another year of community media at CMAC Fest 2019. Free! All Ages! 5:30 to 9:30pm. Food, drinks, music, and fun activities for the whole family. After Dinner Mints - Live Music & SWING Dancing Friday, November 8 at 7 PM – 10 PM Toca Madera Winery 36140 Avenue 9, Madera. LIVE MUSIC & SWING DANCING by Jumpin’ Jazz & Blues with a heapin’ helpin’ of comedy! O-Vout-O-Reenee! INVITE your Friends! BRING a Lawn chair! Get ready to DANCE! No food truck will be on site so BRING YOUR DINNER PICNIC STYLE!! ( Please no outside drinks allowed)

Fresno Renaissance Faire Saturday, November 9 at 10 AM – 5:30 PM Kearney Park 7160 W Kearney Blvd, Fresno. Full Band at the Clovis Veterans Memorial District Monday, November 11 at 9 AM – 1 PM Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St, Clovis. The Full 5 piece band will be performing for the veterans day car show.

Senior Coloring & Potluck 11/8 12-2pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 Bridge 11/11 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078

Sports Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Volleyball vs. Colorado State University Rams Women’s Volleyball Thursday, November 7 at 6 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Volleyball vs. University of Wyoming Women’s Volleyball Saturday, November 9 at 11 AM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Best of the Best CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW 2019 Presenting A Hopeful Encounter, Inc “Drive to build a school” This year will be an exciting event because we’re including the first ever Best of the Best Food Truck Showdown. May the best food wins. This is charity event. All proceeds goes to A Hopeful Encounter, Inc, to build a school and provide better education for younger children in Southeast Asia. FREE to the public. FREE registration for all Cars & Motorcycle. Food truck battle must per-register 559-676-8460

21 & Over THE DARK & THE LIGHT TOUR 2019 Wednesday, November 6 at 9 PM – 2 AM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Tickets: $15 21+ Take one listen to Shawn James’ music and you can hear his roots in the Mississippi delta by way of growing up on the fabled South Side of Chicago, his authentic, gutbucket blend of blues, folk, and soul music running the gamut of ecstatic joy and painful anguish. Sinbad at Tower Theatre Thursday, November 7 at 8 PM – 11 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Sinbad was ranked by Comedy Central as one of the “100 greatest standups of all time,” and he’s been featured in shows/movies such as “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” “Good Burger” and even the late 80s sitcom “A Different World.” Comedian Sinbad is set to perform in Fresno, CA Nov. 7 at the historic Tower District venue.

LMC Presents Marbs (Desert Hearts) Friday, November 8 at 9 PM – 2 AM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. 21+ Marbs of Desert Hearts will making his valley debut at Fulton 55 this November 8th!! He has been doing amazing things leading the Desert Hearts crew for years and now selling out shows around the country with his Desert Hearts Black Techno label!! This is real treat for the valley so can’t wait to see you all on the dance floor!!! Comedy Open Mic Fridays! Nov 8 at 7:30 PM – Nov 9 at 11 AM Mystic Music and Repair Fresno. Sign up at 7:30, show starts at 8. This is the comedy incubator for new comics. Come down and participate. The Writhers, Hour 13, Calavera at The 5th Quarter Friday, November 8 at 8 PM – 11 PM The Fifth Quarter 3360 S Fairway St, Visalia. The Grizzly Groove Sunday, November 10 at 7 PM – 10 PM Fulton BROCKHAMPTON, Slowthai, 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Ben100 Gecs Tuesday, November 5 at efiting the Central High School Girls 7 PM Rainbow Ballroom- Empresa Basketball Program Live performancValdivia 1725 Broadway St, Fresno. es by Jay Rossette & Keysha Featuring DJs PDK, HunnitKay & yelo. $ 39.95 - $49.95 / Age All Ages The Drums, Cowgirl Clue Tuesday, Calling All Promotors We can November 5 at 7 PM – 11:30 PM help get you out there. Let us take Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. care of the print and distribution. Tickets Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182



Metal Mondays at Ideaworks Monday, November 18 at 6 PM – 9 PM Ideaworks 1730 H Street, Fresno. From welding to machining, if your focus is on metal, then Metal Mondays are for you. This weekly event is Art Exploration for Kids Ages 5-8 free and open to the public. All ages Friday, November 15 at 2 PM – 3:30 are welcome, but anyone under the PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone age of 18 needs to be accompanied Ave. You asked, we delivered! We by an adult. are proud to announce our new Art Exploration for Kids class for children ages 5-8, perfect for your creative little one! Your child will be introduced to different art methods Timeless - Warren Miller 70th film each week including painting, wa- Wednesday, November 13 at 7:30 tercolor, drawing, collage and more! PM – 9:30 PM Tower Theatre Many of the projects will incorporate 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The only popular characters from books and constant is change, but winter stoke shows that they know and love, oth- is eternal. After seven decades of ers will teach them about famous art celebrating skiing and snowboardand the artists who made it. Each ing, Warren Miller Entertainment can session will be a new and exciting confirm that nothing compares to creative adventure! Plus, they can the anticipation of another season. mess up our classroom instead of Come kickoff the season with WME’s your home. Sessions are 90 minutes 2019 film, Timeless, presented by long and parents are asked to stay Volkswagen, and travel with new and for the duration of class. Kids are en- veteran athletes as they explore recouraged to bring their own aprons nowned mountain locations across and to wear ‘painting clothes’. Ages the globe. It’s more than a ski and 5-8 $30 class fee per session. All snowboard film, it’s an experience. supplies included. Supplies to Bring: See for more. Collage Papers Tissue Paper Magazines Three Ways to Register: Online: Peppa Pig Thursday, November 14 at 6 PM Cornerstone’s Wilson Thera_ArtExplorationforKids.html Call us ater 1445 Fulton St, Fresno 9:29 PM at (559) 225-1500 Talk to a cashier Historic Crest Theatre in-store For more classes, visit: www. Disney’s Cinderella (1950) Film at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. Friday, Fabric Painting Saturday, Novem- November 15 at 8 PM – 9:29 PM ber 16 at 2 PM – 4:30 PM Allards Art Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 5350 N Blackstone Ave (S E Corner Broadway Plaza, Fresno. of Blackstone @ Barstow), Fresno. Personalize the fabric of your choice Back To The Future (1985) At The with a wide array of paints made just Hanford Fox Sat. Nov. 16th at 7 PM for textiles! Bring what you’d like to – 9 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, paint... a tee-shirt, reusable bag, Hanford. apron, canvas fabric for art flags (all available to purchase at Allards except the tee shirts) or whatever else you’d like to paint on. We’ll show you a variety of application techniques Holiday Bake & Craft Fair Saturday, and talk about how to heat set the November 16 at 10 AM – 2 PM Valcolors so they become washable. ley Animal Center 3934 N Hayston You’ll need to bring or purchase an Ave, Fresno. Come out and join the item to paint. We recommend some- fun for Valley Animal Center’s annual thing made out of raw canvas. We Holiday Bake & Craft Fair! With over will have canvas bags, aprons, and 20 vendors setup selling a variety of art flags available at Allard’s. $49 items to help you with your holiday class fee plus fabric item. All other shopping list, there will be something supplies included. Register: Call us for everyone! at (559) 225-1500 Talk to a cashier in-store For more classes, visit: www. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Calling All Promotors We can Need a design? We can do that, too. help get you out there. 559-472559-472-7182 7182

November 12-18 Art



Fresno Cares Day Saturday, November 16 at 12 PM – 6 PM Cultural Arts District Park 1615 Fulton St, Fresno. The Grizzly Fest team is organizing Fresno’s first “Fresno Cares Day” to highlight and promote Fresno’s non-profit community! Our goal is to raise awareness & engagement within the community through our outreach. This event will feature a live concert, local food trucks, raffle prizes, games & much more! Grizzly Fest will be pairing up artists & food trucks with different non-profits to help raise funds for their entity. Pumpkin Pie Contest Saturday, November 16 at 11 AM – 2 PM Harley-Davidson of Fresno. 4345 W Shaw Ave, Fresno. We will host our first Annual Pumpkin Pie Contest at Harley-Davidson of Fresno. We will hand out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes to the best Pumpkin Pie! Kicks off at 11 AM and winner will be announced by 2:00 PM. We will have a $5 tasting fee for all the pumpkin pie you can taste! If you think your pie is good enough that people can’t leave without it, you are more than welcome to bring pies to sell. We are asking people to R.S.V.P. by 11/14/19 by emailing us at or give us a call at (559)275-8586.

Arcade & Party Packages available


Must present coupon at time of purchase. Not valid with any other offers. Cannot be combined with any other coupons, deals, etc. Exp 12/31/19

(559) 800-0811

5179 N. Blackstone Ave.

Mon - Thurs 12pm - 9pm

Fri 12pm -11pm

Sat 11am -11pm Sun 11am - 9pm


Kids Sesame Street Live! Make Your Magic Sunday, November 17 at 2 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. When magician extraordinaire Justin visits Sesame Street to put on a magic show for the whole neighborhood, Elmo wants to be part of the big event. But there’s one problem... Elmo doesn’t know how to do magic! That’s when Elmo teams up with Abby and Justin, embarking on an amazing journey where Elmo will discover the “power of yet” -the lesson that with perseverance and practice, nothing can stand between you and your dream. Along the way, Elmo and Abby, joined by their friends Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Grover, Rosita, Count von Count, and Gonger, discover the many magical moments in everyday life. In the end, Elmo learns that you can do anything you set your mind to if you just keep trying! Join your favorite Sesame Street friends on this magical adventure when Sesame Street Live! Make Your Magic comes to your neighborhood *Note: Costumes not permitted for guests 14 years & older.



Buy One Month Get One Free





Chris Driver Bank at On The Edge Friday, November 15 at 7PM On The Edge 412 Pollasky Ave, Clovis. On Stretch & Strenghent 11/14 The Edge provides the location with 10:30am Palm Village Senior Net- a great stage and atmosphere, and work 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A service with a smile. No cover. (559) 916-3078 Overdrive Shreds Skyline Saturday, Bridge 11/18 1-3pm Palm Village November 16 at 9PM. Skyline Club Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite Bar & Grill 1419 Railroad Ave, Clovis. 111A (559) 916-3078 Calling All Promotors We can


help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s 559-472-7182 Basketball vs. UC Davis Aggies Women’s Basketball Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 6 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Just The Taps (Comedy Night!) Fresno State Bulldogs Wrestling vs. Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at Rutgers Scarlet Knights Wrestling Fri- 8 PM – 11 PM Full Circle Olympic day, November 15 at 7 PM Save Mart 1426 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Free Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Funky Town Fridays Disco Night Fri day, November 15, 2019 at 9 PM – 1 Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Vol- AM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & leyball vs. Air Force Academy Falcons CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold. Volleyball Saturday, November 16 at It’s party time… get ready to dance 1 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw to the sounds of the 70s, soul, and Ave, Fresno. funk! Free with your Chukchansi Re wards Card. Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Bas- ketball vs. Cal State San Bernardino Tachi’s Whirlwind of Millions! Every Mens Basketball Sunday, November Friday! Friday, November 15, 2019 17 at 2 PM Save Mart Center 2650 at 5 PM – 8 PM Tachi Palace Hotel E Shaw Ave, Fresno. and Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Lemoore. House of FAB presents Dj Sneak Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 9 The Midnight Hour (Ali Shaheed PM – 2 AM FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Muhammad & Adrian Younge) Tues- Ave, Fresno. day, November 12, 2019 at 7 PM – 11 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero Rescue Red Release Party Sunday, St, Fresno. November 17, 2019 at 1 PM – 5 PM Kings River Winery 4276 S GreenRumours of Fleetwood Mac - 50th wood Ave, Sanger. Come out to this Anniversary Tour Wednesday, No- dog friendly event and enjoy a Sunvember 13, 2019 at 8 PM Saroyan day afternoon at the winery with Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Rumours friends and family for: - Wine Tasting, of Fleetwood Mac, the world’s fin- including RESCUE RED’s debut - Live est tribute to Fleetwood Mac. music 2pm-5pm by Marie Grimshaw Wilson - Delicious food available by An Evening Of Regal Rock With Vega Bros Street Eats - Mobile adopPaul Aleman Plus The Band Nov 15 tion unit with animals looking for at 7 PM – Nov 16 at 11 AM Picadil- their forever home $10 from each ly Hotel - Airport 5115 E McKinley bottle of Rescue Red purchased, will Ave, Fresno. be donated back to Valley Animal Center to help save more homeless Dan Forrest’s ‘Jubilate Deo’ and animals in the valley, and continue Ola Gjeilo’s ‘Sunrise Mass’ Sunday, to provide low-cost spay/neuter and November 17, 2019 at 2 PM – 5 PM vaccinations to the communities Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall 2770 E pets through our clinic. Mark your International Ave, Fresno. calendars and be ready for an en joyable afternoon you won’t want to Funky Town Fridays Disco Night Fri- miss out on! day, November 15, 2019 at 9 PM – 1 AM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & Calling All Promotors We can CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold. help get you out there. Let us take It’s party time… get ready to dance care of the print and distribution. to the sounds of the 70s, soul, and Need a design? We can do that, too. funk! Free with your Chukchansi Re- 559-472-7182 wards Card.


21 & Over


10 | NOVEMBER 2019




November 19-25 Art Stencil Making Wednesday, November 20 at 10 AM – 12:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. If you’ve ever used stencils in your artwork, you know how much fun they are to play with. In this workshop, you will learn how to make your very own stencil designs to create one-of-akind pieces of art. We will discuss different ways to create your designs and how to cut them so they stay together in one piece when you’re done. We’ll test out your stencil on a sheet of watercolor paper with Marabu Creative USA Art Sprays and you’ll take home a completed art piece that you create from scratch. $39 class fee. All supplies included. Grafix Clearlay Plastic Sheet, Excel Cutting Knife, Watercolor Paper, Marabu Creative USA Art Sprays, Sponge, Sharpie. Register: Call us at (559) 225-1500 Talk to a cashier in-store For more classes, visit: Silk Scarf Painting Thursday, November 21 at 2 PM – 4:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. Accessorize your fall wardrobe with a bright and colorful silk scarf that you painted yourself! You will learn all about painting on silk using Jacquard Products Dye-Na-Flow paints and creating designs with water based resist. Come with your own ideas or use some of our inspiration. You’ll be the best dressed one in town! $49 class fee. All supplies included. Included Supply Kit: Silk Scarf, Jacquard Products Water-Based Resist, Squeeze Bottle, PVC Stretching Frame, Jacquard Products Dye-Na-Flow Paints. Register: Call us at (559) 225-1500 Talk to a cashier in-store For more classes, visit: classes Kids Paint & Snack Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 3 PM – 5 PM Corks and Palette Mixer 1526 n Palm ave, Fresno. Paint & Snack kids classes Come and let your child explore their creative side and enjoy instructional painting while snacking on treats! All art supplies and snacks are provided. This event is all ages. Please arrive 10 mins before class starts. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182

MORE Theater She Loves Me Thursday, November 21 at 7:30 PM – 9:45 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The cheerful and charming SHE LOVES ME is now open at Good Company Players’ 2nd Space Theatre! Holiday happiness takes the stage with a romance that inspired “You’ve Got Mail”. In this 1930s romantic comedy, two feuding perfume clerks have no idea that they have been falling in love with each other as pen pals. As far as they know, they can’t stand each other, but, in the evening, each rapturously writes to their anonymous “dear friend” when the workday is done. They soon arrange to meet in person – which doesn’t go well. Written by the composers of Fiddler On The Roof, She Loves Me is one of the most charming musicals ever written, featuring a talented ensemble playing a range of memorable characters. She Loves Me plays at Good Company Players’ 2nd Space Theatre through December 22nd. Rated PG. 2019 A Nutcracker Like No Other Saturday, SAT, NOV 23 2:00 PM SAT, NOV 23 5:30 PM Warnors Theatre 1400 Fulton St, Fresno. The Princess Bride (1987) At The Hanford FoxSaturday, November 23, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. Tickets www.foxhanford. com

Friday Night Hangouts Friday, November 22, 2019 at 6 PM – 9 PM Ramos Torres Winery1665 Simpson St, Kingsburg. Enjoy Autumn nights at Ramos Torres Winery with our Friday Night Hangouts! We hope you can join us as we sip wine and listen to great music. Food and desserts will be available for purchase from local vendors! Admission is FREE! Table reservations are available for $20, or $15 for members.

Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live at Selland Arena Sunday, November 24, 2019 at 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM SelLafayette Park’s Holiday Cooking land Arena 700 M St, Fresno. Camp (FREE) Monday, November 25, 2019 at 4 PM – 6 PM Lafayette Neighborhood Center 1516 E Princeton Ave, Fresno. Come and make delicious holiday goodies with us at Tora Tora Thursday, November 21, the FREE Holiday Cooking Camp for 2019 at 7 PM – 12 AM Fulton 55 875 Ages 8-14 at Lafayette Park! Learn Divisadero St, Fresno. blues-based fun new holiday recipes to share hard rock band formed in Memphis, this holiday season! Questions? TN in the late 1980s. Band memRusty Roots Show Holiday Market Call 621-PLAY (7529) during Office bers include Keith Douglas, Patrick Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 8 Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to Francis, John Patterson and AnthoAM – 3 PM International Agri-Center 3 p.m ny Corder. TORA has two major re4500 S Laspina St, Tulare. Shopping leases Surprise Attack/Wild America small and local is coming early this through A&M Records that promotyear. Come shop some of the most ed five singles and videos (Walkin’ talented vendors selling Seasonal Shoes, Guilty, Phantom Rider, AmneDecor, Crafts, Antiques, Vintage, Jew- Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s sia and Faith Healer) elry, Clothing, Personalized Gifts, so Basketball vs. Brigham Young Uni- versity Cougars Womens Basketball Sharry Mann at Strummer’s Satmuch more. Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6 urday, November 23, 2019 at 8 PM 2nd Annual Holiday Extravaganza PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw – 11:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Sunday, November 24, 2019 at 11 Ave, Fresno. Ave, Fresno. All ages! Tix onsale 9/27 AM – 3 PM Wyndham Visalia 9000 at 10am at https://www.ticketweb. W Airport Dr, Visalia. Join us and do Fresno Ice Dogs vs. Santa Rosa JC com/event/sharr y-mann-strumsome Holiday Shopping at this FREE, Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 5 mers-tickets/9926435 fun, and festive vendor event! Every- PM – 8 PM Gateway Ice Center 2473 one who attends has a chance at N Marks Ave, Fresno. 2019 Fresno State Band Day Saturwinning some raffle prizes!! We hope day, November 23, 2019 at 11 AM – Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s 7 PM Fresno State Bulldog Stadium. you can join us!! Basketball vs. Northern Arizona Band Day will be held on November Women’s Basketball Sunday, No- 23, 2019 and we invite 2,000 of Calling All Promotors We can vember 24, 2019 at 2 PM Save Mart our talented, local high school band help get you out there. 559-472Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. members to join the Bulldog March7182




ing Band in performance at halftime of the Fresno State vs. Nevada game. The game time has not been set and we will announce the rehearsal and schedule for the day once we know a kick off time. Monday Night: Champagne & Chicken November 25, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 9 PM The Depot Restaurant 207 E Oak Ave, Visalia. Weekly Wine-Pairing Specials: Monday Nights just got a lot more special! Join us for dinner in the 612 Room for Champagne & Fried Chicken/$18. For reservations visit: or call 559.732.8611

21 & Over Friday Night Open Mic November 22, 2019 at 7 PM – 10 PM Yosemite Wine Tails 40409 Highway 41, Oakhurst. Bring your instrument and join us for an evening of original music, poetry and prose...even some comedy. Admission FREE! Cellar Dance Nights Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 10 PM – 1 AM Cellar Door 101 W Main St, Visalia. Every Saturday night! We bring some of the best DJ’s in the Central Valley to spin the hottest club music! Ladies in FREE before 10:30pm Dress to impress!

Family One Enchanted Evening Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 5 PM – 8 PM Old Town Clovis 456 Clovis Ave, Ste 2, Clovis. One Enchanted Evening is one of Old Town’s most anticipated events! Thousands of people come down to enjoy the old-fashioned holiday open house. Groups of carolers will lift your spirits with their holiday songs. Hot chocolate will be made specially by groups of Santa’s elves, while strings of white lights will decorate the shops of Old Town. Merchants are dressing up their shops in their holiday best to greet visitors during the holiday season. Horse-drawn carriage rides add to the magic of the season and luminaries help light the way through the dark of the night. This is Old Town’s way of thanking our customers for a great year, and an enchanted night is in store for everyone, young and old! This event is fun for the entire family. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |





Nov 26-Dec 3 Art Masterpieces Your Way Saturday, November 30 at 10 AM – 12:30 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave. Join us for a fun afternoon of painting your very own masterpiece! We will help you design your own rendition of a famous work of art, and then give you all the colors and tools you’ll need to make it your own. In this workshop you will learn blending, color mixing, and composition tips to finish your painting. Whether you are just beginning your artistic journey or you’ve been painting for years, you’ll have a great time trying something new and different. $50 class fee. All supplies included. Included Supplies: 16”x20” Stretched Canvas, Princeton Artist Brush Velvetouch Brushes, Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Paints, Palette Paper. Register: Call us at (559) 225-1500 Talk to a cashier in-store For more classes, visit: classes Ornament Make & Take Saturday, November 30 at 10 AM – 3 PM Board & Brush 207 N Irwin Street, Hanford. Our Family Friendly Ornament Make & Take is Back - November 30, 2019! Come shop small and join us in the studio for this fun family friendly event where we’ll be making ornaments, 3 for $15! We have several fun new designs this year to choose from! This is a first come first serve event so be prepared to get cozy and have some fun! We’ll have hot coco and cookies to kick off the Christmas season. Central Valley Café Scientifique Monday, December 2, 2019 at 7 PM – 8 PM 3110 N Maroa Ave, Fresno. The Central Valley Café Scientifique’s goal l is to add a bit of science to the regular roster of cultural activities in the great Central Valley of California! We invite you to come explore the latest ideas in science and technology, hear from local scientists (from Fresno State and other local institutions), connect with other science enthusiasts, and participate in making the Central Valley a place where science thrives. Following the tradition of the growing Café Scientifique movement, we meet in an informal setting outside of academia, where non-scientists can engage in stimulating (and friendly) conversation about current scientific topics with researchers “in the know”. Please join us at 7PM on the first Monday of the month! 12 | NOVEMBER 2019




Theater The Nutcracker - Presented by Valley Performing Arts Council Nov 29 at 6 PM – Nov 30 at 1 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Lady and the Tramp (1955) At The Hanford Fox Friday, November 29, 2019 at 2 PM – 3:30 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. Final Cabaret Night Sunday, December 1, 2019 at 5 PM – 9 PM Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St, Fresno. Tickets NOW on SALE for StageWorks Fresno FINAL Cabaret NIght on Sunday, December 1st at the Fresno Art Museum’s Bonner Auditiorium. Join us for one final CELEBRATION as we take a bit of a stroll down StageWorks Fresno’s memory lane with many of the performers and performances you have come to know and love over the years including Taylor and Daniel Abels Rodriguez, Meg Clark, Amalie Larson and Terry Lewis along with MANY others as well as some surprises along the way! This final ONE NIGHT ONLY Cabaret Night will take place on Sunday, December 1st at the Fresno Art Museum’s Bonner Auditorium beginning at 5:00 with wine and hor d’ourves in the lobby, a mini-silent auction with the performance beginning at 6:00. Seting is LIMITED so don’t wait to get yours and be a part of this very special goodbye celebration!

Community Turkey Trot Fresno Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 8 AM – 11 AM Woodward Park, Fresno. Welcome to Fresno’s Annual Turkey Trot benefiting Fresno Community Food Bank! What a great way to start your Thanksgiving! Run or walk on Thanksgiving morning then eat your Thanksgiving feast guilt-free. For 2019 we are offering a long sleeve Thanksgiving shirt and a 4” personal pie for all of our participants. The 5K is chip-timed with cash awards to overall male and female winners and unique awards for those who place in age groups. The walk is not timed. Free Food Friday Friday, November 29, 2019 at 10 AM – 12 PM The Big Red Church of Fresno 2131 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. The last Friday of every Month is Free Food Friday. We will begin the distribution at 10:00 am and end at Noon, food is given on a first-come, first-served basis. Free Food Friday is a project of the Big Red Pantry and Ministry of Outreach.

MORE Family Skate Your Turkey Off Thursday, November 28 at 6:30 PM – 9 PM Roller Towne 520 S Linwood St, Visalia. We’re going to help you work off those Thanksgiving dinner plates. Bring your family and friends in for a FREE SKATE on Thursday, November 28th from 6:30-9:00pm. Admission is FREE, skate rental $3.00. Non-skating parents are the only free spectators. Kids & teens subject to skate rental. No passes or coupons accepted during this session. Thanksgiving Buffet at Ducey’s on the Lake Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 12 PM – 4 PM The Pines Resort, Bass Lake 54432 Road 432, Bass Lake. In celebration of the time honored tradition of giving thanks. Treat yourself to a memorable and lavish buffet to celebrate this special day. Savor traditional thanksgiving dishes including roasted turkey and cranberry sauce, prime rib, honey glazed ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, assortment of cold salads, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and much much more. Reservations required: (559) 692-8857 Cost and details: Festival of Trees Friday, November 29, 2019 at 10 AM – 8 PM The Shops At River Park November 29 – December 16, 2019 21 Trees lavishly decorated by our generous sponsors will be on display for you to enjoy for two weeks. Decorated trees and coordinating gifts will be raffled off for you to take home and enjoy this Christmas season. Just after the first year, we are humbled and excited to say that the Festival of Trees is being talked about as the community holiday event to attend. We hope that you will join us this year! Raffle tickets are just $2! Bring the whole family! Enjoy Christmas music and evening surprises of carolers and hot chocolate. This year we will share the space with Art Groove Gallery where you can check out the creative works from local artists around the Valley. Funds from this event will benefit C.O.R.E., a new work re-entry program for women and children of most need in the Central Valley. A safe and trauma informed space to heal, empower and employ. Black Friday Skates Friday, November 29 at 4 PM – 10 PM Miracle Skate 1850 West Cleveland, Madera. $5 Adm and $3 skates. Skate 7p - 10p for AYE Pizza for $11 or skate BOTH sessions for $12!

Black Friday Event Friday, November 29, 2019 at 10 AM – 9 PM Plato’s Closet 1053 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Why stand in line for hours to get a great deal, when you can have some extra family time or sleep in when you shop at Plato’s. Shop Plato’s this Black Friday to get a great deal on the hottest brands without having to get up early. Doors open at 10am. November Saturday Farmers Market Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 9 AM – 11:30 PM Old Town Clovis 456 Clovis Ave, Ste 2, Clovis. Start your Saturday right! Stroll through the year-round Saturday Famers Market in Old Town Clovis. Come out to the intersection of Fifth and Pollasky from 9 to 11:30 a.m. This small market has everything you need for your local, seasonal shopping. See you there! Candy Cane Lane Parade Monday, December 2, 2019 at 7 PM – 10 PM Downtown Visalians 120 S Church St, Visalia. The Candy Cane Lane Parade is back!! This years theme is Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree! We currently have parade packets in our office to be picked up if you are wanting to have a float in this years parade. 25% Off Pizza On Mondays! Monday, December 2, 2019 at 11 AM – 9:30 PM Chicago’s Pizza With A Twist 497 N Clovis Ave, Clovis. Family & Friends that eat together; stay together. Come enjoy a meal with family & friends and get 25% entire meal (Pizza & Pasta) EVERY Monday only at Chicago’s Pizza With A Twist; North Clovis Location. This deal cannot be combined with any other offer. 2019 Walk Nights Tuesday, December 3 at 6 PM – 10 PM Christmas Tree Lane Fresno 4550 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. The 2019 Christmas Tree Lane Walk Nights will be Tuesday, December 3rd and Wednesday, December 11th! Walk nights happen rain or shine so mark your calendars! Check out www.christmastreelane. com for more information.

Kids Holmes Fall Camp Ages 7-12 (FREE) MON, NOV 25 3:30 PM TUE, NOV 26 3:30 PM WED, NOV 27 3:30 PM Join us for some Fall fun as we warm up for the new year at the FREE Enjoy fall activities, arts & crafts, games, and much more! *All Activities Subject to Change* Space is limited, Sign up Now! When: Monday, November 25th to Wednesday, November 27th, 2019 Time: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Where: Holmes | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


Discount is taken off the subtotal, before taxes. One time use only, must surrender at the time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photocopies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 11/30/2019. CASHIER USE: S20G10


Our entire store will be on sale! Every item - Every department! Everything 50% OFF!

OPEN 10 AM - 7 PM Monday - Saturday

SATURDAY 11/30/19


Call Volunteer Services at (559) 317-6016

Looking to give back to your community? Wanting to keep busy and make some new friends? Need job experience? If you said YES to any of these questions, then we are looking for you! Call us today!





MORE Playground (212 S. First St, 93702) 3 Ways to Register: 1. Online at www. under the “”Classes”” tab 2. Over the phone at (559) 621-PLAY (7529) 3. Walk in at Ted C. Wills Community Center (770 N. San Pablo, 93728) Questions? Call 621-PLAY (7529) during Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Indoor Park - For Tots, Preschool & Kinder Aged Children Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 10 AM – 12 PM Lee’s United Gymnastics Academy LLC 505 W 6th St, Hanford. Join us at Lee’s United Gymnastics Academy for some Indoor Park fun! Indoor park is an open gymnastics play period for children walking to 5 years old. This is a great way to introduce

Turkey Trot Fresno Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 8 AM – 11 AM Woodward Park, Fresno. Welcome to Fresno’s Annual Turkey Trot benefiting Fresno Community Food Bank! What a great way to start your Thanksgiving! Run or walk on Thanksgiving morning then eat your Thanksgiving feast guilt-free. The 5K is chip-timed with cash awards to overall male and female winners and unique awards for those who place in age groups. The walk is not timed. 15th Annual Race Against Hunger Fresno State Bulldogs Wrestling vs. Thursday, November 28 at 7:30 AM Northern Colorado Bears Wrestling Garden Street Plaza Garden St, Visa- Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 7 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw lia. Ave, Fresno. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 7182 your child to the gym environment and a great place to let your little one burn off some energy! Pricing is as follows. Sibling discount applies for members!- Tuesday & Friday, 10AM12PM: $7 Members, $10 Non-Members - Saturday, 9AM-10AM: $4 Members, $6 Non-Member Stop by our facility or give us a call at 559582-4140 if you have any questions!


Andres, Patternist, Amarionette and Hyacinth at Strummer’s Sunday, December 1 at 7 PM – 11:30 PM Thanksgiving Eve with Dave’s Not Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, FresHere (Foo Fighters Tribute) Wednes- no. day, November 27 at 7 PM – 11 PM BarrelHouse Visalia - Taproom and Beer Gardens 521 E. Main Street, Visalia. Shiba San at Fulton 55 Friday, NoLenin Ramirez - Wednesday No- vember 29 at 9 PM – 2 AM Fulton vember 27 at 9 PM – 1:45 AM Aldos 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Shiba Night Club 617 W Belmont Ave, Fres- San at Fulton 55! ALL DAY ALL NIGHT no. EVENTS and LMC Presents welcome Shiba San to Fulton 55 on 11/29 for Los Inquietos Del Norte Saturday, his first ever show in Fresno. Fresh November 30 at 6:30 PM Fresno off a massive performance on the Convention Center 848 M St, Fres- main stage at Dirtybird Campout, no. the hype for Shiba San is at fever pitch. Special events like this don’t The Fab Four - The Ultimate Tribute come around often, get your tickets Saturday, November 30 at 8 PM – 11 and we’ll see you on the dancefloor. PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Support by Makle & Project Lo. 21+ Fresno. Tickets are available by call- Event ing 559-485-9050, in person at the Tower Theatre Box Office or online at: Steve Trevino at Tower Theatre All Ages | Re- Friday, November 29 at 8 PM Towserved Doors at 7:00 PM | Show at er Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. 8:00 PM For more information about Steve Treviño is fast becoming one the artist, please visit http://thefab- of the country’s hottest comics and the new voice for the 21st century Mexican American. Finding his way Live music by Jason Cade at Toca from a Hispanic upbringing in a small Madera Winery Sunday, December 1 South Texas town to living his dream at 1 PM – 4 PM Toca Madera Winery in Hollywood, has infused Treviño’s 36140 Avenue 9, Madera. FREE! Ja- comedy with a “TEX-MEX” sensibility, son Cade will be live at Toca Madera yet as a performer he has a uniqueSunday! His sound is a blend of old ly American voice that transcends and new other words, it anything about ethnicity, making him pairs beautifully with wine! The tast- universally relatable. ing room opens at 12 noon and live music starts at 1pm. Swing by to put SALSA NIGHT at Strummer’s that perfect finish to your weekend Saturday, November 30 at 8 PM – with amazing wine and music at Toca 11:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Madera. Ave, Fresno.


21 & Over

14 | NOVEMBER 2019





Can’t We Just Cannabis? By I. smiley G. Calderón |


f you’re living within the City of Fresno, you should know that your city is actively and officially trying to regulate the already booming marijuana market currently operating within its borders. That’s a good thing - if done fairly and socially equitably, of course. And, it’s really about time, too - anyone in the know is already aware that finding cannabis to buy in Fresno is not a difficult task. In fact, Weedmaps, the popular app that locates active cannabis storefronts and delivery services, clearly shows a thriving local industry hidden all around us. But the problem with this industry is that it is still “illegal” - right? Yes, at the federal level, cannabis continues to be demonized by its unfair categorization as a Schedule I drug - the worst illegal category possible. Schedule I is reserved for substances “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” (I know - it’s utterly mind-blowing and incredibly frustrating that our federal government still refuses to acknowledge the countless documented medicinal benefits of cannabis - Aargh!) But, thankfully, at the state level, California has been a progressive leader in its decriminalization and legalization. California has long recognized cannabis as a legitimate medicine with the passing of Proposition 215 in 1996, called the “Compassionate Use Act,” and even recently legalized its adult recreational use a few years back in 2016 with the passing of Proposition 64, “The Adult Use of Marijuana Act.” The resultant “Green Rush” is an exciting time here in the Golden State. But, for the County of Fresno, it hasn’t been too exhilarating: all dispensaries, storefronts, sales, and cannabis delivery ser-

vices are illegal. In fact, any kind of cannabis cultivation is prohibited. (the county is desperately trying to maintain federal law) What is more concerning is the verbiage stated in the County’s Fact Sheet regarding local “Non-Medical Marijuana” laws that appears to restrict possessing any amount of recreational cannabis: “Possession, planting, cultivation, harvesting, drying, or processing outdoors on the grounds of a private residence is prohibited in all Zone Districts of the unincorporated territory of Fresno County, to the fullest extent permitted by State law.” Businesses aside, the wording in this text appears to intercept the rights granted to individuals by Prop 64 – a topic I plan to cover in more depth for a future issue of the Flyer. What a shame Fresno County stubbornly continues to keep itself in the dark ages of cannabis prohibition staunchly! This is why the recent discussion of cannabis businesses at the October 24th City Council meeting was a welcomed progressive step forward for our community. The meeting focused on amending the already existing Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business City Ordinance that passed late last year in December as Bill No. B-66, which added Article 33 to Chapter 9 (Regulations Regarding Businesses and Personal Conduct) of the Municipal Code and Charter of Fresno. A month before it passed, Fresnan voters had already approved Measure A, The Cannabis Business License Tax, which set the stage for the city to implement an excise tax on cannabis sales. One of the original sponsors of Bill No. B-66, Councilmember Clint Olivier of District 7, said this at the time: “Whether


you agree with cannabis or you think it’s moral to use or not, it’s here. It is now going to be part of our lives forever…Right now, we have illicit cannabis businesses in city limits that are not paying taxes. This is a way to license these businesses and tax them…” Indeed! Legitimizing and regulating the local cannabis industry is a very smart and practical approach for both voters and elected officials in the city of Fresno. The proposed changes at last month’s meeting would give more control of the cannabis business selection process to the City Council by removing a lot of oversight from the City Manager. It would also implement a social equity component to this nascent cannabis industry by waiving fees for qualified business applicants, especially for those from communities of color who have historically been affected and targeted in the infamous “War on Drugs.” The proposed changes would require businesses to hire a certain minimum number (1/3 the total annual work hours) of workers who represent underserved and underrepresented social equity policy criteria, like having an annual family income below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or living in a low to moderate-income census tract in Fresno for the past 3 years. Other social policy employee criteria include hiring former foster youths, veterans, or those convicted for a cannabis-related crime that, under current state law, would have been prosecuted as a misdemeanor or infraction. The proposed ordinance would also require businesses with more than 20 employees to enter into a legally binding labor peace agreement with its employees -


something great for workers’ rights. And, in a serious attempt to curtail corruption in this process, the proposed changes would also restrict any contact with councilmembers, any elected officials, or Planning Commissioner city staff once a cannabis business application has been filed. A lot of critical changes to consider here. The Council is set to vote on the matter within the month. If this process seems convoluted and complicated, that’s because it is. How does the old saying go, ‘Leave it to the government to take a simple thing and overcomplicate it’? Yes, absolutely. So, what could be just as easy as ‘legitimize, legalize, and tax’ has morphed into ‘complicate, overcomplicate, tax, and then overcomplicate some more.’ When bureaucracy’s tentacles grab hold of profitable industry, there undoubtedly emerges new winners and losers in the marketplace. For example, once the city implements its cannabis business license program and awards its coveted licenses to the Council’s chosen few, any other currently operating dispensary or cannabis business not granted a permit will be immediately and explicitly outlawed. It’s nothing new, really, since all active cannabis businesses within the city are already currently illicit and illegal. But for those trying to legally ride the “Green Wave” as legitimate cannabis business owners here in the City of Fresno, not winning a cannabis business license would destroy those dreams - and force a continued black-market cannabis industry here in the community. Wouldn’t it be great if the government allowed our industry to thrive - why can’t we just cannabis?




CLASSIFIEDS PERSONALS GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no answer. SUPPORT LOCAL

2004 Wildwood 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide ANTIQUES & outs, excellent condiCOLLECTIBLES FOOD Concession tion.Asking $15,000 Trailer 16 Foot Equip- OBO (559) 673-7185 VINTAGE sewing ment Included $18,00 or (559) 975-9835 machine $100 (HanOBO (559) 291-9864 ford) 261-5494 PAINTING Services or (559) 298-4725 with Asante Paint & WINDOWS $15 2008 KAWASAKI Décor. Residential / Text (559) 940-8666 vulcan classic 8,900 Commercial Interior The more you get the miles $5,000 or trade & Exterior, Repaints / cheeper they are We for registered tagged Paper Hanging, Com- took the windows out small truck or SUV mercial Power Wash- of my home House is with trailor hitch. Ga- ing, Hotel / Apt Turn in the Tower District raged 95% of life. Arounds and More. Call for Free Quote VERY NICE con(559) 903-8283 (661) 492-2310 (Fres- dition portable case no) Lic#1051349 plug-in cromwell reSUPPORT LOCAL cord player 1950s very good condition for its age needs needle which you can purchase online for under $15 I am selling it for $75 or best offer call or text 559-709-3250


OLD WOOD windows, all in good shape wood and glass, asking $20.00 each or take all for $50.00, call 559776-4385


BENCH SET 3 piece Set ( 1 Bench and 2 chairs). Real wood and painted. Pick up in Selma. Asking $125(559) 400-5946 LIVE EDGE table. Made from locally sourced Sugar Pine and has cast iron legs. (559) 284-0985

NICE PATIO table that seats 6. It is cast iron with 6 cast iron metal chairs. In very good condition! Would 3 SEAT theater chair. be close to $1,000 new. Seats are all connect- 175 or best offer. 559ed, folds up pretty flat 250-7886 for storage. In very good condition for its TWO matching bookage, very sturdy and cases $150 Pick up solid. Cash only, you only please 559-907must pick up in person. 4156 (559) 341-1038 ARE YOU SELLING ANTIQUE tea cart something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 $100 (559) 260-8157 SUPPORT LOCAL


BLACK CALIFORNIA King bed in good condition. Dimension it’s California King you need box spring size. 72 x 84 inches. Text me or call at 559.424.35.85


1950S CHROME well record player with plug in cord portable very good condition for its age turns on and spins only needs needle which can be purchased online for under $15 I am selling for $75 or best offer call or text 559-709-3250

IPHONE & PC Repairs. We repair broken glass and LCD, battery replacement, tablets, computers and water damage. VisELEGANT Buffet/ it 49 W. Alluvial Ave Sideboard. 6 dove- (559) 417-5319 or 230 tail drawers. All slide W.Fallbrook Ave #101 XBOX ONE and one smoothly. 2 doors with (559) 474-1825 S $160 Up for sale is a inner shelves. Original handles. Beautiful HP M3-U001DX i3 gamestop refurbished detailed legs. In great 6GB RAM 500GB original xbox one with condition. Perfect for HD $269 It has been controller for $120 and any room. 60 in long x cleaned out of all old a xbox one s with con37 in tall x 21 in depth data. No passwords troller for $160. Both Asking 245 If your etc. 6GB of RAM, a these consoles have interested call or text 500GB HD, and an i3 been cleaned out and 559-284-0750 processor. It is running work. They can be testWindows 10 as well. ed at the fresno hock OLD DROP leaf ta- Touchsreen with fold- shoppe during normal ble, has the original ing screen. I will pro- busniess hours. Open rollers, $65.00 call vide more information Monday - Friday 10am 559-776-4385 on this laptop below to 530pm and Saturfor those who are in- days 10am to 2pm, you NICE VINTAGE terested. The Fresno can also reach us by wood chair, swiv- Hock Shoppe 559-264- phone at 559-264-5856 el, needs cushions, 5856 APPLE WATCH se$40.00, call 559-7764385 12 INCH massive ries 3 42mm in space speakers $120 (559) grey for sale, only work twice, no scratch573-2883 es or damage and come with original everyARE YOU SELLING thing. Call or text 559something? List it here 916-1602 for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL

Buy . Sell . Pawn


Holiday Layaway Available

LIC # 1005-0990


the Fresno

Hock shoppe


(559) 264-5856 3235 E. BELMONT AVE 16 | NOVEMBER 2019




CLASSIFIEDS BEATS SOLO wireless Excellent conditions $180 cash you can test them out no problem practically new only used a few times cuz being in schoolI don’t have time so my loss is ur gain they still under 4 year warranty plz only serious comes with everything in picture Beats solo wireless color rose gold 40 DELL LATITUDE hour battery You can E7470 Laptop - $199 contact me at 559-320with charger. It is run- 7949 ning Windows 10, has 8GB of RAM an Intel i5 and a 500GB HD. MUSIC Clean unit has some very light wear and HARBINGER APS15 tear from use nothing Powered Speaker (Sinmajor. It is missing the gle) $109 Pre-owned piece between the G H Harbinger in good and B keys for scroll- shape. Works great no ing. Come check this issues. Powered speakout and other electron- er. Shows some normal ics at The Fresno Hock wear from use. Come Shoppe Mon-Fri from check it out and other 10am to 530pm and PA speakers at 3235 Saturdays from 10am E Belmont Ave Fresto 2pm or call us with no CA 93702 at The any questions at 559- Fresno Hock Shoppe 264-5856 Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from ARE YOU SELLING 10am to 2pm or call us something? List it here with any questions at for only $20/ issue. 559-264-5856. Call 559-472-7182 TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all the TV’s we currently have in stock. We have 3 50” TV’s and a 24”. the 24”, and two of 50” TV’s are Vizio and the other 50” is an Insignia. They all have remotes with them and work properly. The Fresno Hock Shoppe questions at 559-2645856

IBANEZ GIO GSR105EX 5-String Bass In great shape, plays great as well. No issues with this bass. Comes as shown does include a soft case which is not pictured. 5 string. Come check it out and many other musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-2645856 YAMAHA MG06X Mixing Console $109 original box and power adapter. In great working and cosmetic shape. I will provide more information on this unit below for those who are interested. And if you are interested come on down to at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856


MINI FRIDGE sale $70 The TV Shop Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559299-6100 TV’S!! 24” LED TV’s starting at $69!! 32” LED TV’s starting at $85!! 40” LED TV’s starting at $139!! 50” LED TV’s starting at $175!! The TV Shop Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559299-6100 KENMORE washer dryer $225 Works great. Delivery available. 559-394-3369 WINDOW AIR Conditioner by Frigidaire $325 (559) 250-3033 NEW BELLA 2 Slice Toaster Extra-Wide Slots $15 559-2462220 R E F R I G E R ATO R by Whirlpool. Apt.size (559) 250-3033

ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. SUPPORT LOCAL Call 559-472-7182



CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop /cages is $30 ..great

for small birds/Quils / chickens/chicks .l arge ones are $50 to $60 .size 5x4x5 will need a pick up truck or I can drop them off for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 643-7156

I SELL dog houses to be ready for winter time. X-small -12x12x16-$10/$30 with paint roof Small18x18x24-$20/$50 with paint roof Medium-24x24x32-$30/$70 have two different size door with paint

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JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 ask for James LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. 559-696-5149 or 559-275-7630


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304

18 | NOVEMBER 2019


2006 YAMAHA raptor 700r. Great condition 2005 Yamaha raptor 2002 Banshee $3300 80cc great condition All stock. fresh top end And a Honda 250 ex less than 1 hour on it. 2004 Includes trailer New tires. Paddles on as well 5x14 very nice rims along with dirt trailer. Very easy to tires. Not abused super load quad. $8000 (559) clean. (559) 375-2838 708-1721


PAINTING Services with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing and More. Call (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) 2008 Polaris Ranger Lic#1051349 700 XP 4X4 Seats 6 Low miles Second owner, always adult CLEANING owned Well maintained Great for trail MODERN MAIDS rides and around the Residential and Com- yard Includes rear stormercial Cleaning. age rack $6000 (559) Serving Clovis and 287-0719 Surrounding Areas. $50 off first service. HONDA 200-x three Call today (559) 495- wheeler. Don’t ride 8299 anymore. Frame is slightly bent but very ARE YOU SELLING rideable and fixable something? List it here comes with extras. for only $20/ issue. Asking $1100.00 Very Call 559-472-7182 firm in price .No trades or low ballers if intrestARE YOU SELLING ed call 559 696-7746 something? List it here SUPPORT LOCAL Call 559-472-7182



2005 YAMAHA Midnight Star 1700 cc excellent Bike no problems runs perfect 14000 miles clean title Text 559.260.5449 2007 ZX-10R $5300 (559) 473-9302


2008 KAWASAKI vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade for registered tagged small truck or SUV with trailor hitch. Garaged 95% of life. (559) 903-8283

HUNTER 170 Sailboat $4995 (559) 2993422 MARLIN Bayliner Ski Boat $8500 (Selma) 708-6996

2010 KTM 530 EXC Dual sport, limited edition Kini-Red Bull. I am the original owner of the bike. I purchased it new from Wilsons motorcycle. The bike is in excellent shape (559) 474-1318

97 AIRBUS Motorhome 32 foot $12,000 OBO (559) 291-9864 or (559) 298-4725


TRAVEL Trailer 2008 26ft long $11800 (559) 412-0629 2004 WILDWOOD 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs, excellent condition. Asking $10,000 OBO (559) 673-7185 or (559) 975-9835


1969 PONTIAC Grand Prix $8000 (559) 978-2710 2014 KIA Optima $8800 (559) 999-2480 1997 CADILLAC Deville excellent condition low miles clean leather interior no tears good paint no scratches $4000 obo cash call or text 559-519-0365

FOOD Concession Trailer 16 Foot Equip- SUPPORT LOCAL ment Included $18,00 OBO (559) 291-9864 or (559) 298-4725


2004 WILDWOOD 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs, excellent condition. Was asking $15,000 Now $10,000 OBO (559) 673-7185 or (559) 9759835 2004 TOYOTA Tacoma double cab. Runs great, automatic 1996 SILVERADO transmission, air conz71 4wd $6300 (Ker- ditioner is cold, has new tires. V6 motor, man) (559) 728-6262 it’s not a 4x4. In Span1989 JEEP Wrangler ish call 559-346-9194 lifted, gears, lock- for English 346-9195 ers,winch,fuel injec- $10,500 tion! $7000 (Visalia) 2012 JEEP Liberty (559) 300-7700 $7700 Second owner. 03 TAHOE z71 4x4 Clean title. Remote with smog n tags 190. start, leather seats, satmiles clean title exel- ellite radio. (559) 3674904 lent $3600 644-5434


ARE YOU SELLING ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 Call 559-472-7182


$895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa A P A R T M E N T S Apartments is a quiet Los Arbolitos Apart- and clean Clovis comments offers 1, 2, and munity in a park like 3 bedroom apartment setting.(559) 291-4305 homes. $200 off first month. Call for more CHATEAU MONTEinfo (559)255-8370 or REY I 2881 Willow (559) stop by 555 S. Argyle Ave. Clovis Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 294-7144 MONTHLY RENT $650.00 Studio APARTMENT Rent- 1 bathroom $350.00 als helps with all your security deposit applihousing needs. Please cation fee $25.00 per contact Destinee or adult visit or website to help find the right apart- = ment home for you. ROOM FOR RENT Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website ROOM FOR Rent www.ApartmentRen- With Full Access to House, Includes place, Washer/Dryer, $925 / 2BR - 796ft2 Kitchen Ect. $385 all Hunter Place Apart- utilities split equally. ment Homes. Now Quiet Clean Available accepting section 8! Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near (888) 673-8962 Clovis Small Deposit SUPPORT LOCAL (559)797-5209


ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

2BD/1BTH $1250 stove included int he house ready to use, A/ central, Garage, Big yard, Near to Food Stores and More. Call for information 559HOUSES FOR 221-3170 or Rosie RENT 559-972-5815 We can 3BD/ 2BTH 2 Car Schedule for a tour. Attached Garage New NO SECTION 8. Flooring Throughout Fresh Paint Inside and Out Huge Kitchen with HOUSE FOR SALE open floor plan to din$265000 / 3br ing and living room Large backyard with 1314ft2 Clovis Area extensive concrete pa- (559) 207-9997 tio Energy Efficient A/C and Dual Pane $240000 / 3br - 1320ft2 - House for Sale by windows throughout Clean and quiet neigh- Owner/ off Polk beborhood Close to free- tween Sierra n Bullard way and shopping cen- (559) 916-7035 ters (559) 312-6679 $236850 / 3br - 1364ft2 - Great 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home (559) 2174462 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here Call 559-472-7182

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