Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 6

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EDITOR’S NOTE “No one goes to bat harder for your community and small business like the local free press.” One of my writers said that to me recently – Dave, actually, it was Dave. He said it with a conviction that hit home and verbalized what I haven’t been able to articulate for myself, only feel. These last few years have been a wild ride, one that changed how I viewed the Flyer and its role in the community. For a while there, it was merely about the art and entertainment culture of the Valley putting a spotlight on all the cool shit no one wanted to admit was here. And that’s still part of the big picture, don’t get me wrong, it plays a significant role in what motivates us to keep printing. But the deeper I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of the local culture here, the more I uncover that is the underbelly to that culture. The Central Valley has layers and layers of battles waging all at the same time – it’s food deserts, economic disparity, poverty, homelessness, air pollution, education disparity, urban sprawl, and preferential treatment to megacorps over small business. There’s a few in there I missed, but you get the point, the list goes on. Yet, who’s talking about it and talking about it in depth at the underdog’s defense? News stations (even the locals) and prominent newspapers spend a bulk of their time, energy, and space talking about national and regional issues. Not to mention that for


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many of them, “if it bleeds it leads” is king and brevity is the standard. Even with the few community newspapers who exist in this, often ignored, and underappreciated industry, with us – there aren’t enough pages and writers to keep up with it all. But we’re doing what we can, and I’m confident that they would agree with me when I say that we’ll keep doing it or die trying. The Flyer is for you, for the community. It isn’t for me or any selfish motives to strike it rich because, let’s face it, a local free press isn’t where people come to do that. In fact, our writers are primarily a volunteer force. They write because they want to, because they feel passionate about the issues in their neighborhoods and because they believe in the Flyer’s potential of what it could be for the community. And honestly, I couldn’t do any of this without them. You know, I never have to convince readers why this magazine is worth its salt – it’s only the advertisers I have to do that with. The ones who think no one reads this, or print, or anything anymore. All of this is to say that this local free press, the Flyer, can’t go to bat for its community without its writers. If you feel any appreciation for what they’re doing – reach out to them, their emails are listed alongside their names – and let them know you’re willing to bat for them.


Photo by Jhon David on Unsplash

Onward into the Fog By Will Freeney


CANNAFORNICATION 2020 By I. smiley G. Calderón |


appy New Year! They say hindsight is 2020, but so is our new year. As we usher in the “Roaring Twenties” of our 21st century, what can we say we have learned about the cannabis condition in our Central Valley communities? THE NATION Well, yes, we still know that cannabis (often called “marijuana”) remains federally illegal that hasn’t changed any, unfortunately. It was branded a “Schedule I” drug a few decades ago “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse” by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. And it has been held hostage there ever since. 50 dark years and counting. Many organizations are currently lobbying to change our federal prohibition of cannabis, but it’s an uphill battle. When I spoke with Matt Simon, Legislative Analyst at Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) about this struggle, he put it in a national context. He reminded me that in some parts of the country, possession of cannabis is still a felony. “The struggle is real,” Matt told me. According to MPP, someone is arrested for a “marijuana offense” in the U.S. every 48 seconds. To think in our modern era - within the same “united” nation - that one state offers a safe haven for something that another state finds so offensive that it criminalizes posses-

sion as a felony is staggering. And egregious. This whole mess is nationally confusing and unfair. But, Matt reminded me: the key is to keep fighting, to continue lobbying and pushing for progressive cannabis legislation. And he’s right. After all, MPP’s motto is, “We change laws.” Focusing on sensible cannabis laws is critical. And, thanks to our nation’s confusing hierarchy and structure of laws, individual progressive states have legally been able to circumvent them and slip through the cracks by enacting their own pro-cannabis laws and ordinances, in direct opposition to the Feds. This has been great news for procannabis Californians benefitting from some of the most progressive cannabis laws in the country and the world. THE STATE It all started with California’s 1996 “Compassionate Use Act,” Proposition 215. And, although this is old news in light of more recent legal developments, this “Medical Marijuana” law is still active. It provides some essential legal protections for medical cannabis users that nonmedical users can’t benefit from. But, let’s be clear here: cannabis is cannabis - whether we call it “medical” or “recreational” does not make it any less of a medicine. It’s the same stuff. (Okay, typical| FRESNOFLYER.COM |

ly those strains with increased CBD content or higher percentages of THC - are called “medical” - but that’s just marketing tactics). Really, the only difference between “medical” and “nonmedical” is found in the status of the user. So, if a user has a “Medical Marijuana License” - a physician’s recommendation for cannabis - this user is legally considered a patient. On the other hand, up until the recent passage of Proposition 64 in 2016, “The Adult Use of Marijuana Act,” (AUMA), if a user was caught with cannabis without a physician’s recommendation, he or she would just be another drug-using criminal in California. With the contentious U.S. history of cannabis legislation in mind, it’s nice for nonmedical cannabis users to finally be treated like adults in the golden state. But are they really? THE REGION AND COUNTY With the passage of Prop 64, it became legal for Californians over 21 anywhere in the state to possess, process, transport, and even give away for free (to other adults over 21) up to an ounce of cannabis. And now, adults can cultivate up to six cannabis plants at their residence for personal use, too.

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wo years ago, we were contemplating the implementation of Prop 64 – legalizing personal possession of marijuana in limited quantities and cultivation for personal use – also in limited quantities. As the specifics of Prop 64 were put to work (allowing individual municipalities to determine the degree to which commercial cultivation and sales would be permitted in their specific district), Fresno County dealt itself out of the commercial opportunities altogether, and Fresno city followed suit – leaving Coalinga as the only legal retail source for recreational cannabis products in Fresno County. Then, one year ago, the Fresno City Council voted to add Article 33 to Chapter 9 of the Fresno Municipal Code – the code relating to “Adult Use and Medicinal Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business.” That landmark amendment weighs in at 53 pages – many of which are dedicated to the over-reaching and redundant language of legal definitions. The most essential salient fact of the legislation is that it opens the door to potential retailers. Those potential retailers have to apply to the state and to the city and then be selected by the city, deemed worthy of an M-business license. The hoops are numerous, and the profit margin is impacted by the fees and taxes associated with those many hoops. And here’s the reality – while Fresno’s city councilmembers tiptoe, in their flame-retardant onesies, into the realm of Commercial Cannabis, commercial cannabis in California (a decades-old primary industry up north in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties) marches on. An August 19th article for the LA Times posited a growth rate for statewide legal cannabis business from $2.5 billion in 2018 to $3.1 billion in 2019. The article goes on to share the “bad news” from this good news/bad

Continues on pg 4... | FRESNO FLYER |

JANUARY 2020 |


...‘Into the Fog’ cont’d from pg 3

...‘2020’ cont’d from pg 3

news split on Cali Canna. Although legalized commerce experienced a 23% upturn in its second year, the numbers for the residual illegal sector of the industry are estimated to be $8.7 billion – more than double, almost triple, the legal market numbers. And that shouldn’t be a surprise, considering the leverage Prop 64 gave local municipalities to discourage “marijuana in their community.” The pushback to the status quo is not just from licensed cannabis businesses suffering under aggressive taxes for their enterprises – unlicensed (aka “illegal”) distributors take a larger share of the market. Their lower prices reflect the lack of taxation and with more ready access (consumer-to-product) in the absence of regulatory restrictions. No, the Legislative Analyst’s Office (a non-partisan resource) just released its report on the state of the industry. Their conclusion? “Even if the state eliminated its cannabis taxes entirely, other costs – such as regulatory compliance costs and local taxes – likely would keep legal cannabis prices higher than illicit market prices.” The LAO report goes on to recommend changing the cannabis tax structure from weight-based to potency-based (around a half-cent per milligram of THC). That may, indeed, be more equitable. Still, I’m not sure how or if that could increase the share of cannabis sales registered by “legal” operations. It seems like local governments should be working to make entry into legal cannabis commerce as easy as possible, as it cuts into the entirely untaxed and unregulated operations that continue (and will continue) unabated.

But, Central Valley county government officials have also taken clever advantage of the loopholes within this Act. It affords local governments the freedom to “enact and enforce reasonable regulations to reasonably regulate” how and even if residents can grow their voter-approved, Californiasanctioned six cannabis plants. And Fresno County is not innocent of these governmental games, either. It reminds residents on its website that AUMA affirms “that cities and counties may completely prohibit outdoor planting and cultivation of marijuana” and that “cities and counties may completely prohibit the establishment or operation of businesses engaged in commercial nonmedical marijuana activity.” And with this notice, Fresno County declares: “The establishment or operation of a business engaged in commercial marijuana activity is prohibited in all Zone Districts of the unincorporated territory of Fresno County.” They make it clear: “Possession, planting, cultivation, harvesting, drying, or processing outdoors on the grounds of a private residence is prohibited in all Zone Districts of the unincorporated territory of Fresno County.” According to Fresno County, medical marijuana dispensaries are also illegal, and medical marijuana users are not permitted to cultivate their own cannabis within the county, either. It’s confusing to be sure, as the distinction between commercial, personal, and medicinal is unclear. So, what does the state law really say? As mentioned above, Prop 64 made possession of up to an ounce of cannabis legal for adults over 21 anywhere in California. Specifically, section 11362.1(a) of the Health and Safety Code reads: “It shall be lawful under state and local law, and shall not be a violation of state or local law, for persons 21 years of age or older to possess, process, transport, purchase, obtain, or give away to persons 21 years of age or older without any compensation whatsoever not more than 28.5 grams [one ounce] of marijuana…and not more than 8 grams of marijuana in the form of concentrated cannabis…” It also states that it is lawful to “possess, plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, or process not more than six living marijuana plants and possess the marijuana produced by the plants.” So, how can Fresno County apparently prohibit the state-sanctioned cultivation of cannabis for its residents over 21? Well, the next section of the Health and Safety Code, section 11362.2(a), sheds

PERSONAL USE CHEAT SHEET • Carry up to 1 ounce • Carry up to 8 grams of concentrate • Grow up to six plants per household • Indoor growing or within a secured area permitted. (restrictions apply) • No public smoking • 21 & over only 4

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some light: “Personal cultivation of marijuana under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 11362.1 is subject to the following restrictions: (1) A person shall plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, or process plants in accordance with local ordinances…” “In accordance with local ordinances...” How convenient. But the next part of the section, paragraph (2), provides some guidelines: “The living plants and any marijuana produced by the plants in excess of 28.5 grams are kept within the person’s private residence, or upon the grounds of that private residence (e.g., in an outdoor garden area), are in a locked space, and are not visible by normal unaided vision from a public place. So, this is one of the sections of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act that Fresno County is using to justify its prohibition of cannabis cultivation. When certain counties declare that cannabis “possession, planting, cultivation, harvesting, drying, or processing outdoors on the grounds of a private residence is prohibited in all Zone Districts,” they cleverly forget to mention that the critical word justifying their prohibition is “outdoors.” That is, some counties want cannabis users to believe that any cannabis activity on the grounds of a private residence within their jurisdiction is illegal. But, this is simply not true. Lawful cannabis activity under Proposition 64 is entirely legal inside a private home. Outside is a different matter. Let’s go back to the text of AUMA for clarification. Section 11362.2(b), paragraph 2, states: “Notwithstanding paragraph (1) [A city, county, or city and county may enact and enforce reasonable regulations to reasonably regulate]…no city, county, or city and county may completely prohibit persons engaging in the actions and conduct of subdivision (a) of Section 11362.1 [possess, plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, or process not more than six living marijuana plants and possess the marijuana produced by the plants] inside a private residence or inside an accessory structure to a private residence located upon the grounds of a private residence that is fully enclosed and secure.” Clearly, Prop 64 gives Central Valley adults over 21 the right to possess and cultivate their personal cannabis inside their

“Prop 64 gives

Central Valley adults over 21 the right to ... cultivate their personal Cannabis inside their private residences, even within Fresno County.”

“[fresno county] prohibition is only for outdoor cannabis cultivation that is not “inside an accessory structure to a private residence.”


private residences even within Fresno County. Not only that, but this same section of the Act’s text also clarifies that local governments must equally allow cannabis cultivation inside “an accessory structure to a private residence…that is fully enclosed and secure.” Greenhouse, anyone? As long as it’s out of public view, it’s legal. Unfortunately, however, this antagonistic, backward-thinking Central Valley county still bullheadedly at war with cannabis on some fabricated justification of “health and safety concerns for their residents” do have the law behind them when it comes to prohibiting cannabis cultivation outdoors - even at a private residence on private grounds. Their justification is found in paragraph 3 of the same 11362.2(b) section: “Notwithstanding paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section11362.1 [the right to possess, plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, or process not more than six living marijuana plants and possess the marijuana produced by the plants], a city, county, or city and county may completely prohibit persons from engaging in actions and conduct under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 11362.1 [the right to possess, plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, or process not more than six living marijuana plants and possess the marijuana produced by the plants] outdoors upon the grounds of a private residence.” There it is, another loophole. But, keep in mind, this prohibition is only for outdoor cannabis cultivation that is not “inside an accessory structure to a private residence.” Once again, as long as it’s inside something, it’s legal. It’s sad to know that when our Central Valley county officials are given the right and duty to “enact and enforce reasonable regulations to reasonably regulate” lawful outdoor personal cannabis cultivation at a private residence, they choose the most extreme option of prohibition. And, they make it appear that their local prohibition ordinances trump state law. They cleverly cite state law to justify and defend their limited right to prohibition and to make their residents believe that California state law doesn’t matter in the Central Valley when it comes to cannabis. How shamefully shady. Which is why I love the next paragraph of section 11362.2(b). Article 4 states: “Paragraph (3) of this subdivision shall become inoperative upon a determination by the California Attorney General that nonmedical use of marijuana is lawful in the State of California under federal law, and an act taken by a city, county, or city and county


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Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

For the Love of Cannabis

1. If you have been a regular marijuana user for decades, you have probably wondered if it’s just you, or marijuana strains have become stronger. The truth is, they have. Back in the day marijuana would far less get you “high” as it contained less than 5% THC. Nowadays, however, you can find samples with over 25% THC. 2. Cannabis seeds are a source of all amino acids. They are one of only a handful of substances that man can sustain off indefinitely with no other food and provide all known amino acids. 3. You can’t die from a weed overdose back in 1988 a DEA Judge named Francis Young argued in favor of taking weed off Schedule I because of its ‘low harm profile’. According to Young, a user would need to “consume around 1,500 pounds of weed within about 15 minutes to induce a lethal response”. This equates to somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 joints — in 15 minutes! 4. Cannabis seeds are a source of all amino acids. They are one of only a handful of substances that man can sustain off indefinitely with no other food and provide all known amino acids.

5. Vanity Fair used to advertise hashish candies as harmless remedies. The 1862 commercial said it was a pleasurable remedy against anxiety and melancholy. For a long time, marijuana was considered legal medicine in the US and was even added to the US Pharmacopeia. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that states started to ban it.

9. The most expensive joint was shaped like an elephant tusk and cost $24,000. Perfectly appropriate for the occasion (collecting funds for the African Wildlife Foundation), the joint was shaped by Weavers, a rolling expert. Rolling 6. In The Evil Dead, the original a 1.5 pounds and 30 inches long script called for all the characters joint took two weeks and the paper to be smoking marijuana when used was made of 24-karat gold. they are first listening to the tape. The actors decided to try this for 10. Research has found that real, and the entire scene had to be Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, also later re-shot due to their uncon- known as THC (the main active trollable behavior. component of cannabis), has a growth-inhibiting effect on the 7. Pot is short for potagaya. It’s not cancer cells in liver. a dish, but a type of wine or brandy. Americans started using the 11. The marijuana industry has term in the late 1930s when they opened new, original jobs and learned about potagaya or poti- is increasing employment rate guaya, i.e., potación de guaya (“the rapidly. Marijuana facts and drink of grief ”). It is basically an statistics for 2020 predict the alcoholic drink in which marijuana marijuana industry will have created 250,000 new jobs. The buds were steeped. number of jobs increased by 445% 8. Historical facts about canna- in 2017, which is much larger bis tell us the story of a Chinese than the tech or health care sector. surgeon who used a marijuana Some of them may be vacancies mixture to relieve the pain during for budtenders, budtrimmers, surgery. As a matter of fact, the master extractors, etc. Budtenders Chinese word for anesthesia is are shop assistants selling you the mazui, which means “marijuana desired dose, while budtrimmers cut off the undesired leaves from intoxication.” a marijuana plant. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



JANUARY 2020 |


FREE AT LAST? By Dave Fountinelle |


n 2016, California voters passed proposition 64, the Control, Regulate, and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act. In the near four years since then, legal recreational cannabis has become one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative new businesses in the state, attracting big money, corporate interest, and investors from all over the globe. Even former Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has reversed the staunch anti-pot position he held during his 12 terms in congress to become a pitchman for corporate cannabis. He’s currently lobbying his former colleagues in Washington to legalize recreational cannabis at the federal level. Boehner’s sudden ideological 180 is motivated far less by an altruistic change of heart than it is by the fortune he stands to make if he can get the legislation passed. The impetus behind Boehner’s push for legalization is a proposed merger between Acreage Holdings – a marijuana investment firm – and Canopy Growth, a Canadian company that is the largest cannabis holding in the world. Boehner sits on the board of Acreage Holdings and owns 625,000 shares of the company. The deal would be worth an estimated $3 billion. It would net Boehner a cool $20 million payday if he can convince Washington to legalize it. Indeed, there is no more significant example than the Acreage Holdings/Canopy Growth merger of how much the climate surrounding cannabis has changed over the last decade. As more and more states approve cannabis legalization, investors are getting a big hit of the billions that previously were flowing to the black market and loving the high. For those who have been fighting the good fight for legalization, all of this is both vindication and validation for decades


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of work to change attitudes and sway public opinion. However, for the ones working on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of inmates still sitting behind bars for non-violent, marijuana-only offenses, the breakneck growth of the recreational cannabis industry throws a glaring spotlight on just how much slower and more complicated the changes have been coming for their clients. And, as black males make up a disproportionately

es. In fact, blacks are the only racial group in LA county with a higher percentage of the prison population than their overall population in the county. Whites make up 27% of the total population for LA county, and only 20% of those incarcerated for marijuana-only crimes. Latinos, who comprise 49% of the LA county population, account for about 42% of those convicted of marijuana-only offenses. Blacks also received disproportion-

higher percentage of inmates incarcerated for marijuana-only offenses, in addition to serving statistically harsher sentences than whites and Latinos convicted of the same crimes, there is growing criticism of a racial double standard that sees white men making millions off the same industry used to demonize black men. In Los Angeles County, 8% of the residents are black, yet they make up 30% of the people jailed for marijuana-only offens-

ately longer sentences than whites and Latinos. In many cases, from 25-40% more time for the same offenses. Since the passage of prop 64 in 2016, progress for inmates trying to get their marijuana convictions cleared has been both slow and complicated. Advocacy groups long complained of the unnecessary redundancies and bureaucratic red tape that slogged the process. Many inmates weren’t even aware their conviction was eligible for expunge-



ment. In April, prosecutors in LA and San Joaquin county took a significant step to expedite the process when they partnered with Code for America, a nonprofit tech company that developed an algorithm able to scan sentencing data and identify every eligible case in seconds. While this technology will potentially save these counties millions in time and resources used to identify eligible cases, it doesn’t mean an instant dismissal for those convicted. Inmates must still go through the court system to have their convictions cleared. CaNorml and the ACLU have been two of the loudest voices critical of the lack of progress on the side of the courts in getting these convictions cleared. They argue that it is unacceptable for inmates to still be behind bars for marijuana-only offenses almost four years after prop 64 passed. The role race plays in the process continues to be heavily scrutinized as well. With critics pointing out that blacks and Latinos are lagging significantly behind white inmates when it comes to the rate their convictions are cleared. Before leaving office, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a measure aimed at having all eligible marijuana convictions expunged by 2020. As we enter into the new year, that goal is still a work in progress. While the efforts of LA and San Joaquin county prosecutors to clear approximately 54,000 convictions is a positive step, there are still over 250,000 people behind bars for marijuana-only crimes in the rest of the state. As John Boehner lobbies Washington to help him make a fortune off the industry he once fought to keep illegal, cannabis reform advocates are questioning the lack of similar enthusiasm for expunging the records of those imprisoned by that illegality.

...‘2020’ cont’d from pg 4 under paragraph (3) shall be deemed repealed upon the date of such determination by the California Attorney General.” Which is to say, if the federal government were to make cannabis legal, Prop 64 ensures that Fresno County’s prohibition on lawful outdoor cannabis cultivation at private residences (as allowed for in paragraph 3) would become inoperative and repealed. How about that for progressive, forward-thinking! And forward-thinking is what is needed in these backward times. Prop 64 is a step forward for California, but more steps are needed. Change happens at the grueling grassroots level. For example, California’s branch of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), a non-profit membership organization dedicated to reforming cannabis laws, has been working to change cannabis laws since the 1970s when it successfully lobbied the state legislature to pass the Moscone Act, a landmark law that essentially decriminalized cannabis possession (of less than an ounce) from a felony to a misdemeanor, with a maximum fine of $100. Some 20 years later, NORML spearheaded California’s first real successful cannabis reform with the passage of Prop 215 for medical users. And, some 20 years after that, in 2016, NORML worked to help advance California cannabis freedom for all (adults over 21) with the passage of AUMA. The fine folks at NORML have been putting in the work - and reaping positive change. Despite the successes, however, NORML understands that more is needed: “Prop 64 will not be the last word on marijuana reform; further changes in state and federal law will be needed to guarantee affordable medical access, protect employment and housing rights, facilitate banking and allow interstate commerce.” One step at a time. THE CITY The big news at the end of 2019 was the surprise veto on Monday, December 23rd, by City of Fresno’s lame-duck, Mayor Lee Brand. He vetoed the Cannabis Retail Business and Commercial Cannabis Business City Ordinance that had passed over a year ago as Bill No. B-66, but which, among other changes, has undergone a few critical social equity reforms, some of which the mayor apparently did not agree with. I talked with a city council member about this stunt. What a weird time to veto such a controversial and much-anticipated city ordinance, I mentioned. Holiday season veto? Or maybe it was done just in

time to meet a city deadline. In any matter, Mayor Brand made a symbolic point against the City of Fresno’s new green era. Unfortunately, now, it’s back to the drawing board for the council on this ordinance. But, with a few adjustments and compromises with the mayor, hopefully, it will get back on track. Mayor Brand objected to four items in the ordinance, one simply being the number of days that cannabis shops should keep their security video footage on file. Hopefully, that’s an easy fix. But, another objection that the mayor had was with one of the new social equity components of the ordinance. The proposed law would’ve mandated social policy employee criteria for cannabis businesses that would require hiring former foster youths, veterans, or those convicted of a cannabis-related crime. The mayor felt that social equity cannabis business applicants would not be able to run their businesses as well as non-social equity applicants, citing the ordinance’s

businesses who are fighting for a big piece of the lucrative pie. This market share - the consumers of cannabis in Fresno - remain protected by Props 215 and 64, despite Mayor Brand’s veto.

employee mandates as too demanding. There is plenty of time for city officials to hammer out the details and fix whatever is necessary to get the mayor on board if, in fact, his objections are ones that he’s looking to compromise on. The city is still in the process of its mandatory environmental review before the ordinance would be put into effect, and the first legal cannabis dispensary storefront is opened. That’s likely many months away anyway. But the vital part in knowing about this veto is that it doesn’t veto the right of any adult over 21 to possess or consume up to one ounce of cannabis in the city of Fresno. Although that might have been the intended perception, or message - to scare or fool residents into believing their right to cannabis has somehow been revoked - the truth is that the veto is only a speed bump for cannabis

being legal sharpshooters, they’re intimately connected to the fight as well. According to their website, they “are on a journey to end Cannabis Prohibition and educate all U.S. Citizens about their constitutional rights when dealing with law enforcement.” So, I thought, what the hell, let me reach out to them and see if they even respond. And Marc did. I was shocked. With over a half a million social media followers (and counting), a thriving law firm to manage, podcasts, and an exciting upcoming cannabis radio talk show, among many other ventures, I was fortunate to secure a telephone interview with the very busy renaissance man himself, Mr. Marc Wasserman. Our interview went great. I explained to him the frustration and confusion with the Fresno County or-


THE FINAL WORD This whole marijuana marketplace and cannabis condition here in the Fresno area can get pretty damn complicated. I wanted to make sense of all of this so, I turned to the best: The Pot Brothers at Law - California’s award-winning marijuana business and criminal defense lawyers - brothers Craig and Marc Wasserman. I had seen their popular social media posts online ( They are something of celebrities in the cannabis community and known for their “no bullshit” approach to giving crucial legal advice. And, the brothers are the only marijuana attorneys that will publicly smoke cannabis and medicate. So, in addition to


dinances. How Fresno County appears to have successfully outlawed all nonmedical cannabis despite state law. So, Mr. Wasserman went over state law with me. He told me that it wasn’t uncommon for rural counties to continue to oppose cannabis legalization despite the passage of Props 215 and 64. He said certain counties and cities employ scare tactics to keep their residents in the dark about their cannabis rights and freedoms. His remedy: “Initiate a recall on those numskulls!” And Mr. Wasserman is right - “You have to push back!” - if local elected officials got enough heat from their constituents and received enough letters and phone calls in opposition to their frivolous cannabis prohibition ordinances, they would certainly get with the program and adhere to the spirit of Props 215 and 64 - or get replaced by someone who will. We also discussed the practical differences between both Propositions. For example, Prop 64 users - nonmedical consumers - can only consume their cannabis at a private residence, whereas Prop 215 users - medical consumers (with a valid physician’s recommendation) can consume their cannabis virtually anywhere tobacco smoke is permitted. Mr. Wasserman explained that, t Me d i cal cannabis users do not need to be trapped at home to medicate like nonmedical users. It is legally okay for medical users to light up practically anywhere. Medical users can even legally smoke in their car if it is not being operated, and when on a boat, they can also consume their medicine so long as they are not the ones running it. Cannabis is not something to be ashamed of, and Mr. Wasserman is convinced that there is no such thing as a “lazy stoner” - just lazy people who make cannabis look unproductive, harmful, or immoral. Over the years, it’s been his personal mission to destigmatize cannabis and prove wrong the stereotypes of its users. Another big difference between Props 215 and 64 is the amount of cannabis that medical and nonmedical users can possess or cultivate. As already mentioned above, Prop 64 allows for possession of up to one ounce of cannabis and cultivation of up to six plants. Prop 215, on the other hand, provides for whatever the prescribing physician recommends for treatment, typically no more than eight ounces of cannabis and cultivation of six mature or twelve immature plants at any given time. Clearly, as Mr. Wasserman hinted, becoming a medical cannabis user is still the best option for maximum protection and freedom in these crazy, contradictory Cannafornication times. Cannabis, both simultaneously forbidden and much desired, must stand the test of time into a new era. | FRESNO FLYER |

JANUARY 2020 |


CALENDAR January 8-15 Art Loud Mouth 2020 Grand Slam! feat. MC Wil Gibson! Saturday, January 11 at 7 PM – 10 PM Howie & Son’s Pizza Parlor 2430 S Mooney Blvd, Visalia, 93277 After a hard fought Slam season, our first show of 2020 leads up to our biggest lineup of finalists from 2019! 12 Poets come together bringing forth their best poems to battle it out one more time to become our 2020 Venue Rep!

Theater Fresno Premiere of California’s Forgotten Children documentary Thursday, January 9 at 6:30 PM Edwards Fresno Stadium 22 & IMAX California’s Forgotten Children will be having it’s Fresno premiere in January 2020 hosted by the Madera County Child Abuse Prevention

Council. The MCCAPC strives to build a statewide network of individuals, public policymakers and collaborative agencies dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect in all its forms. ​ ELF the Musical January 9-12. Thursday at 7pm, Fri & Sat at 7:30om, Sunday at 1pm. Good Company Players 1105 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, 93728 Based on the beloved holiday film, this hysterical family treat follows Buddy the Elf as he searches for his true identity. Rated PG Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow Saturday, January 11 at 8 PM Historic Crest Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Gunsmoke Episode 1 ‘Start of a Lengend’ Sunday, January 12 at 2 PM Hanford Multicultural Theater Company 14060 Hackett St., Hanford, 93230 re-enactment of radio show on a stage. Projected dates are Saturday, January 11 at 7pm, and Sunday, Jaunary 12, at 2pm. This radio similitude is directed by Don Brakeman. (559) 997-3838

Knockout’s MOVIE NIGHT-The Mandalorian Marathon Jan 14 at 2 PM Knockout Esports Arena 2150 Minnewawa Ave Suite B, Clovis, 93612 At Knockout, we are avid gamers but we also LOVE movies! And by popular demand, we are making this a Mandalorian Marathon! All episodes will be shown in order for fans of the series and those who might not have gotten to watch the series yet. Come by and enjoy a new chapter in the Star Wars Universe! First episode starts at 4pm. $5 venue for this event. Finding Neverlan Wednesday, January 15 at 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Finding Neverland tells the incredible story behind one of the world’s most beloved characters: Peter Pan. Playwright J.M. Barrie struggles to find inspiration until he meets four young brothers and their beautiful widowed mother. Spellbound by the boys’ enchanting make-believe adventures, he sets out to write a play that will astound London theatergoers.

if bought in advance! The price will jump to $7 at the door. Cameras are ok. Free parking! Bitwise Blood Drive Thursday, Jan- uary 9 at 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 We’re partnering with Central California Blood Center for the first Bitwise Train Brain at 10:30 am and then Blood Drive of 2020! The event will CANASTA at 1-3 pm Wednesday, Jantake place in the parking lot of Bit- uary 8. Palm Village Senior Network wise South Stadium. Donors, please 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, use street parking or park in the Spi- 93711. Contact Barbara at barbara@ ral Garage and remember … Bitwise or (559) 346-7662. validates! Walkups are welcome, or sign up early and beat the rush. To Exercise at 10:30 am followed by reserve a time slot, shoot Talisha 3/13 cards from 1-3 pm Thursday, Brantley an email at tbrantley@bit- January 9. Palm Village Senior work 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno. Contact Barbara at barbaLgbtq&a Support Group Friday, or (559) 346-7662. January 10 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM 4867 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno, 93727 Monthly luncheon, Hunan, from The second Friday of every month 12-2 pm Friday, January 10. Palm Vilfrom 5:30PM - 7PM at Holistic Well- lage Senior Network 7638 N Ingram ness Center, we hold a support group Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact for Queer, Questioning, Undecided, Barbara at or Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, (559) 346-7662. Asexual, Gay, Genderqueer, pansexu- al individuals, and everyone else ac- Bridge from 1-3 pm on Monday, Jancross the gender and sexuality spec- uary 13. Palm Village Senior Network trum! Meet us at the Holistic Cultural 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno.. and Education Wellness Center of Contact Barbara at barbara@pvsn. Fresno at 4867 E. Kings Canyon org or (559) 346-7662. (Northwest corner of Kings Canyon/ Winery, next to Big Lots). transemo- Exercise at 10:30 am followed by UNO at 1pm Tuesday, January 14.



Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno.. Contact Barbara at or (559) 346-7662. Train Brain at 10:30 am and then Rummikub at 1-3 pm Wednesday, January 15. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Strawberry Illa Can Release Party Fresno. Contact Barbara at barbaSaturday, January 11 at 4 PM – 11 or (559) 346-7662. PM Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno, 93706 The Strawberry Illa Milkshake is finally here! Join us as we celebrate our newest release with an old fashioned Burgers, Old- Harlem Globetrotters World Tour ies, and Milkshake themed party. Friday, January 10 at 7 PM Save We are excited to announce that we Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, teamed up with Burgers & More co. Fresno, 93710 Tickets are available for the food! Music, contests/games, at merch booths, and of course the all new can release. This event is FREE Milk and Cookies 5K Run Saturday, ENTRY and ALL AGES so bring the January 11 at 10 AM – 1 PM West family and enjoy a blast to the past! Hills College 555 College Avenue, Dressing up is encourage, but not re- Lemoore, 93245 Join the West Hills quired. Student Nurses’ Association for a fundraiser 5k. Register at https:// Fresno Toy-Anime-Comic Con Sunday, January 12 at 11 AM – 4 PM MilkandCookies5k. For more inforAmerican Legion Riders Chapter 509 mation contact hopewilliams2@ at 3509 N First St, Fresno, 93726 or 574-870-6177 The Kids 12 and under are free! Dress to event will be held in front of the Goldimpress! The Cosplay (Costume) Con- en Eagle Arena test is promptly at 2:30pm Please see our Featured Cosplayers at the Con for the sign up sheet. All ages are welcome! Tickets are only $5 Emergency Blood Drive at KGC Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 10 AM – 2 PM Kings Gun Center - Indoor Range 426 N Park Ave, Hanford.



Weekdays at maya

Free Popcorn!

Present this AD with your paid movie ticket at concessions and recieve a free 46oz bag of popcorn. 46 oz popcorn is a measure or volume, not weight. Valid through January 31, 2020 *Restrictions apply, for full details contact theatre directly.*

MONDAY-THURSDAY: $6.50 Admission*Shows before 11:00 AM TUESDAY FAMILY DAY: All Tickets $5.50 - Family Day Combo only $25 SENIOR WEDNESDAY: $5.50 all movies for seniors ages 60+ Maya Cares: Free Admissionto all of our guests with special needs; only $6 for family, friends, and guardians. Every Saturday of each month at 10:30AM For full details, call the theatre at 559-325-5510 or visit our website at

3090 E. Campus Pointe Drive Fresno, CA 93710 8

| JANUARY 2020


**Surcharges apply for MPX and 3D FORMATS; Restrictions apply. Offers subject to change without notice.




Fresno Monsters Saturday, January Geeks Who Drink Wednesday, Jan11 at 7:30 PM Selland Arena 700 M uary 15 at 7 PM – 9 PM Tioga SeSt, Fresno. quoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno, “Geeks Who Drink is a 2020 State Indoor Championship homegrown Pub Quiz modeled afSunday at 9 AM – 12 PM Impact ter those in Ireland and the UK. Our Archery Clovis 1631 Railroad Ave quizzes cover everything from celeb#101, Clovis. rities in trouble to wordplay to bad television. Winning teams gets street Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Bas- cred and Tioga-Sequoia gift cards. ketball vs. San Diego State Aztecs Bonus Questions for free swag are Mens Basketball Tuesday, January also sprinkled throughout the quiz. 14 at 8 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E You don’t have to be a trivia God to Shaw Ave, Fresno. enjoy the quiz. Since you’re playing on a team, the collective knowledge base makes for more fun, less pressure. Dog Party Friday, January 10 at 7 PM Tower Disctrict Records 1930 N Echo Ave, Fresno. Dog Party plays acoustic. FREE. DISOWNED (TX) W/ Celebrity Stalker And More! Sunday, January Sally the Beautiful Friday, January 12 at 6:30 PM – 11 PM Full Circle 17, 2020 at 6:15 PM Beautifully Olympic 1426 N Van Ness Ave, Fres- Damaged, LLC 219 N. Irwin St., Hanno, DISOWNED (Austin TX), w/ Ce- ford Come and enjoy our first Sally lebrity Stalker (LA) , Abbalemon (LA) paint night! She is the most beauplus special guest. All ages. tiful character in Nightmare Before Christmas and defiantly my favorite Portrayal of Guilt / Nuvolascura / character! We are painting her in Elder Devil / Chain / AIMR Tuesday, this beautiful style! Come and enjoy January 14 at 8 PM – 11 PM La our Sally class. $35 each adult. All Maison Kabob 1243 Fulton Street, supplies are provided, must prepay Fresno, Portrayal of Guilt (Texas to hold your seat. You can pay inScreamo/Hardcore), Nuvolascura side Beautifully Damaged, LLC 219 (LA Screamo), Elder Devil (Fresno N Irwin St Hanford or call (559)772Grind), Chain (Fresno Hardcore), 7293 for an online link (all sales fialoneinmyroom (Fresno Darkwave). nal) $10 Tickets available on Eventbrite. com Hand Lettering Workshop! clock Monday, January 20, 2020 at 6 PM Tool Wednesday, January 15 at 7:30 – 9 PM AR Workshop Fresno 1134 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw E. Champlain, Fresno. Tickets www. Ave, Fresno. Learn the art of modern calligraphy with an expe-


January 16-22 Art

21 & Over Open Mic Night Monday, January 13 at 6 PM – 9 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. It’s open Mic Night at the Beer Garden! Come join us for a night that showcases local talent from singers and guitar players to comics and poets. Signups for the event will take place day of at 6:00pm with your host Jeremiah. Gaymer Night - Featuring Pokemon Tuesday, January 14 at 9 PM, Alibi located at 4538 E. Belmont Ave, Fresno, The New Year comes to us soon bringing forth a new decade. Alibi is bringing a childhood favorite to Gaymer Night. Pokémon will be the highlight of the night. So come out Trainers and get your teams ready for battle.

rienced hand letterer! Workshop includes modern calligraphy workbook and practice pages, calligraphy pen and pencil, large, double-sided chalkboard (17”x20”), chalk marker and eraser, and small tool bag. You will leave with a beautiful chalkboard project that is ready for display!

Theater 9 to 5 (1980) Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia. $5 per person Office satire about three female secretaries who decide to get revenge on their tyrannical, sexist boss by abducting him and running the business themselves. The trio, one of whom has been passed over for promotion because she is a woman, spend a night together having drug-induced fantasies of killing the slave-driving chauvinist. One of | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

them panics the following day when she suspects she really has poisoned the tyrant. Beauty & the Beast Junior Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 1 PM – 2:30 PM California Arts Academy 4750 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed into his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity.

Community Fresno Census 2020 Town Hall Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 6 PM – 8 PM 1343 E Barstow Ave, Fresno. Claim YOUR power! Find out how YOUR count matters in the 2020 Census and about how $20,000 can help our neighborhood build schools, health centers, and housing! Childcare, Food & Translation will be provided. Everyone COUNTS! Everyone of us must ensure we get counted. The Census counts each living person. Your “count” helps schools, housing and healthcare over 10 years! Fair representation. By participating, our data will represent our political power in Congress and State Legislature. Confidentiality. You are protected. Your responses cannot be used against you or anyone in your household. It is against the law! How It BENEFITS our community. Build Schools, Health Centers & Hospitals. Funds Housing, Roads & Community Programs. Creates JOBS! For more information: Dayana Lopez: (559) 328-9635 Low-Cost Clinic Open Saturday, January 18 at 10 AM – 3 PM Valley Animal Center 3934 N Hayston Ave, Fresno, 93726 Walk-In Services: General Vaccines $15 each, Nail Trims $10-$15, Microchips $25, Topical Flea/Tick Treatments and more! For more on our clinic services, visit MLK 2020 Community March Monday, January 20 at 9 AM 2600 Fresno St, Fresno, 93721 Marchers assemble at 9:30 A.M. March begins at 10 A.M., stops at City Hall then proceeds to the Veterans Memorial Auditorium (2425 Fresno Street) where the program will conclude.

(559) 800-0811 5179 N. Blackstone Ave.

Must present coupon at time of purchase. Not valid with any other offers. Cannot be combined with any other coupons, deals, etc. Exp 1/31/2020


New Year Savings!


Discount is taken off the subtotal, before taxes. One time use only, must surrender at the time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photocopies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 1/31/2020. CASHIER USE: S20G10


OPEN 10 AM - 7 PM Monday - Satruday

We are looking for Volunteers! INTERESTED?

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Looking to give back to your community? Wanting to keep busy and make some new friends? Need job experience? If you said YES to any of these questions, then we are looking for you! Call us today! | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


JANUARY 2020 |


Family TB&J: Tacos, Brews & Jams Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 5 PM – 10 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. So far on the lineup: 559 Street Tacos, The Rolling Donut - Fresno, Rethreaded Vintage, Fresloca + more to be added! free to attend and open to all ages!

BBQ ShowDown in LumberTown 2020 Jan 17 at 11 AM – Jan 18 at 4 PM Madera District Fairgrounds This is a semi-private practice cook with OPEN judging. There will NOT be food available to the public for sale or otherwise. BBQ ShowDown in LumberTown is an informal spring training (backyard BBQ contest) to allow for new and old teams to get some

face time with actual real judges. All of which learn something over the course of the event. This can be distilled down to the basics – Fun, practice, comradery and learning about competition BBQ. Meet a Jedi Monday, January 20, 2020 at 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

ImagineU Interactive Children’s Museum 210 N Tipton St, Visalia. May the force be with you. Come learn from a Jedi how to battle the dark forces of evil. Free with Paid admission Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182 Golden Girls Night at Me-n-Ed’s Tower On Tap Monday, January 20 at 6 PM – 10 PM at 1247 N. Wishon, Fresno, 93728 Join us for an evening of Golden Girls: Season 3 and coloring GG coloring books. Dress as your favorite GG and you could win a prize. “The Fresno Fisherman’s Feast” Festival Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 4 PM – 9 PM River Park Farmer’s Market 220 E Paseo del Centro, Fresno. DELICIOUS celebration of the bountiful treasures of the sea! Enjoy seafood creations from some of Fresno’s Finest Artisan Food Creators - more than 150 different things to indulge in !!! There will be delicious Scampi’s, Fried Calamari, Fresh Shrimp and Clam Linguine, Beer Battered Fish and Chips, Fish Tacos, Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Skewers, Drunken Shrimp Tacos, Spicy Shrimp Quesadillas, Fried Catfish and Garlic Potatoes, Crab Cakes, Smoked Salmon, Shrimp Cocktails AND SO MUCH MORE!!! This is one event YOU DONT WANT TO MISS!!! (Beef and chicken items will also be available as well as some of greatest desserts and bakery items anywhere!!) ADMISSION AND PARKING ARE FREE. FREE CONCERT. FREE BOUNCE HOUSES AND CHARACTERS FOR THE KIDS!!

Kids Enchanted Princess Gala Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 4 PM – 5 PM Lemoore Armed Forces Veterans Memorial 373 W Bush St, Lemoore. omething Enchanted Princess Parties is proud to present to you and your family, the Central Valley’s 5th Annual Enchanted Princess Gala! She won’t just sit and watch this show... She’ll be a part of it! WHAT TO EXPECT? Our Enchanted Princess Gala is a unique interactive princess show with 3 princesses, and was created exclusively by Something Enchanted 5 years ago, for Central Valley Families. This princess show is one hour long (with a royal greeting afterwards) and contains: Our Enchanted Princess Boutique before 10 | JANUARY 2020




show (cash only please), solo performances by each princess, singing, dancing, storytelling, games and a fun sing a long at the end of the show https://www.somethingenchanted. com/sparkle-tickets

Senior Bunco from 1-3:30 pm Thursday, January 16. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno. Contact Barbara at or (559) 346-7662. Adult coloring and potluck from 12-2 pm Friday, January 17. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno. Contact Barbara at or (559) 3467662. Bridge from 1-3 pm on Monday, January 20. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno. Contact Barbara at barbara@pvsn. org or (559) 346-7662. Exercise at 10:30 am followed by Bingo at 2-3pm Tuesday, January 21. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno. Contact Barbara at or (559) 346-7662. Train Brain at 10:30 am and then CANASTA at 1-3 pm Wednesday, January 22. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at or (559) 3467662. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-4727182

Sports Fresno Monsters vs Valencia Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 7:15 PM – 10:15 PM Gateway Ice Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno. Everyone needs a ticket for entry, except children 3 & under do not require a ticket. Tickets are sold at the door only on day of game. General Admission ticket: $10 *seating is first come, first serve Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s Basketball vs. Wyoming Cowgirls Womens Basketball Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 2 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182

MORE Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-4727182 WHCC Basketball vs Merced Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 6 PM – 9 PM West Hills College Coalinga. Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s Basketball vs. Colorado State Rams Womens Basketball Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 6 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno.

Music TOMORROWS BAD SEEDS PUNK RASTA PARTY Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 8:30 PM – 12 AM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Amber Liu at Strummer’s Friday, January 17, 2020 at 8 PM – 11 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. The Reunion Beatles - Fantasy Tribute Friday, January 17, 2020 at 7 PM – 9 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia. The Beatles are back together. Never mind that two of their members are no longer alive. The Reunion Beatles - Fantasy Tribute is the rock and roll reunion of all time: the concert that never was. In this show, John, Paul, George & Ringo are back together and celebrating with a concert that features their most memorable songs and solo hits. Beethoven The Revolutionary Sunday, January 19 at 3 PM – 5 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno, 93721 We commence the worldwide celebration of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth with

a triple threat program. Beethoven was both a political and aesthetic revolutionary. These two aspects of the composer are captured in the overture to his only opera Fidelio and his monumental Eroica Symphony, which was originally dedicated to Napoleon. Music Director Rei Hotoda and Concertmaster Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio are joined by Julie Albers (Principal Cellist, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra) for Beethoven’s delightful Triple Concerto. TLC Tuesday, January 21 at 7 PM – 8:30 PM Table Mountain Casino 8184 Table Mountain Rd, Friant, 93626 Must be 18 years or older to attend. No refunds, cameras or videos.


Make your own Heart Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 4 PM – 6 PM Ballis Glass 2888 N Sunnyside #104, Fresno. Guest Artists Wanted. With Valentines Day ahead, it’s time to create a beautiful Glass Heart. Make it for yourself or give as that perfect one of a kind gift. This class includes everything you’ll need to design that one of a kind glass heart. You get to choose your own colors, add them to molten glass and then sculpt it into a heart. Made right before your eyes in a matter of minutes! Great for ages 6+. Each class is 2 hours long and has seats for 12 people so make it a family event. Closed toe shoes REQUIRED, light cotton clothing preferred. All glass items that we make have to cool over night so they will need to be picked up at a Fulton 55 9th Anniversary Party later time. with 40 Watt Hype Friday, January 17 at 9 PM 875 Divisadero, Fresno, 93721 40 Watt Hype and special guests King Sugar and Boom Boom Visalia Players presents “Beehive” Brady Friday, January 24, 2020 at 7:30 PM Grand Opening Impersonators – 9:45 PM Visalia Players at the Ice Show Sunday, January 19, 2020 at House Theatre 410 E Race Ave, Visa9 PM – 2 AM Mezcal Lounge 1310 lia. Beehive is the ultimate celebraVan Ness Ave, Fresno. www.mezcal- tion of the 1960’s. It nostalgically Noche De Reinas calls the days of miniskirts, transistor Trasvesti Show comes to Mezcal for radios, and flower power. Told from the FIRST TIME. Supporting our LGBT the perspective of six young women Community. Jackie Cruz presents Pa- who came of age in this enigmatic tricia de Leon, Ariel Cavalli Cavalli, Di- decade, the show reflects on a host valicious, Kimberly & Special Guest of issues ranging from the women’s “ LA REINA DE LA BAHIA” Violeta. first Beehive Dance to the challengAlso for the first time SEXXY MALE es we faced as a nation - all accomGOGO DANCERS + Dj Cesar Munoz plished by a vast array of the most with the best in Latin Music. Get Your celebrated and memorable songs of the era. January 24, 25, 31, February Tickets Now! 1, 7, 8, 14 & 15 at 7:30 pm January 26, February 2, 9 & 16 at 2:00 pm

21 & Over


January 23-31


FRESNO ARTS COUNCIL ANNOUNCES CALL FOR ENTRIES FOR 2020 The Fresno Arts Council is now accepting submissions to the OPEN CALL FOR ENTRIES for the 7th Annual Arts Alive In Agriculture Juried Art Show to be held on Thursday, April 2 at Fresno City Hall from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM to kick off ArtHop for April 2020. One (1) “Best In Show” winner will be selected by a panel of judges for the cash prize, in addition to one (1) First Place and one (1) Second Place Winner from each category. Cash prizes will be awarded to each winner during the event. One (1) non-cash award Honorable Mention Winner will also be announced in each category. Last year’s “Best In Show” winner was “Harvest, Summer 2018” by Dixie Salazar (attached image courtesy of the artist). The open call for entries period runs January 2, 2020 until March 1, 2020. All Central Valley-based visual artists are eligible to submit artwork for consideration in the following six (6) categories: Agricultural Landscapes People & Agriculture Machines & Technology in Agriculture Documentary Photography Manipulated Photography Sculpture, Assemblage & Found Objects Applicants working with drawing, illustration, and painting (watercolor, acrylic, oil, mixed media, etc.) will also be accepted. For more information about the 7th Annual Arts Alive in Agriculture Juried Art Show on April 2, 2020, and to submit your application to the open call for entries, please visit For sponsorship inquiries, please contact Lisa Herrick, Media Specialist, at or call (559) 237-9734.



JANUARY 2020 |


MORE Labyrinth (1986) Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 7 PM – 9 PM Fox Hanford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. This film is rated PG. The running time is 1 hour and 41 minutes. Sixteen-yearold Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) is given thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue her baby brother Toby (Toby Froud) when her wish for him to be taken away is granted by the Goblin King Jareth (David Bowie). Chad Prather’s Am I Crazy Comedy Tour Friday, January 31, 2020 at 7:30 PM – 10 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia Wild & Scenic Film Festival Friday, January 31, 2020 at 7 PM – 9 PM UC Merced Center for the Humanities 5200 N Lake Rd, Merced.

12:00am) SURVEY DAY 2 | Thursday: January 30th (7:00am-4:00pm) VFW Post 8900, 3585 N. Blythe Ave., Fresno, CA 93722 For questions regarding volunteering in Fresno, please contact: Gabriela McNiel WestCare California, Inc. 1900 N. Gateway Blvd., Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93727 Office: (559) 251-4800 Ext. 20917 | Cell: (559) 970-8477 Fresno4All Mayoral Candidate Forum Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 1101 E University Ave, Fresno.


Fresno Street Eats Vol. 13: Warm & Cozy Friday, January 24, 2020 at 5 PM – 10 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Fresno’s hottest food event Fresno 2020 Homeless Point- is back — and this time we’re keepIn-Time Count Jan 28 at 5 PM – ing you warm! Join Fresno Street Jan 30 at 4 PM VFW Post 8900 Eats for a night of all the things 3585 N Blythe Ave, Fresno. Fres- that keep you warm and cozy: soup, no Volunteer Opportunities: TALLY pho, pozole, tamales, coffee, baked COUNT | Tuesday: January 28th goods, among others. Among the (5:00pm-12:00am) SURVEY DAY 1 | food trucks you can expect to serve Wednesday: January 29th (5:00pm- up delicious and creative dishes:


Where’s The Food? CASA de TAMALES Taste Kitchen Meltdown Bistro Sweetandspicyfresno and more! It’s free to get in and open to all ages. We’ll see ya there! Golden Dragon Acrobats Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 7 PM – 9 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia. The Golden Dragon Acrobats represent the best of a time honored tradition that began more than twenty-five centuries ago. The Golden Dragons are recognized throughout the United States and abroad as the premiere Chinese acrobatic touring company of today. The reputation of the company is solidly rooted in a commitment to the highest of production values and an attention to artistic details that is unparalleled in the art form. World renowned impresario Danny Chang and choreographer Angela Chang combine award-winning acrobatics, traditional dance, spectacular costumes, ancient and contemporary music and theatrical techniques to present a show of breathtaking skill and spellbinding beauty.

Kids Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 7 PM, Friday, January 31, 2020 at 7 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, Fresno. Disney On Ice Brings the Magic Closer to You Than Ever Before! Join Mickey Mouse and his friends at Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party, a brand-new adventure filled with world-class skating, high-flying acrobatics and unexpected stunts! Help them follow Captain Hook’s treasure map and look for clues in the search for Tinker Bell in immersive, fantastic worlds. Explore the colorful spirit realm of Coco in Miguel’s Disney On Ice debut, sail away with Moana as she bravely saves her island, see Belle in the sky above you as the enchanted chandelier comes to life, and singalong with Elsa in the icy world of Frozen. Make memories with your whole family during Aladdin, Toy Story and The Little Mermaid as the search party becomes an all-out magical celebration on the ice, in the air, and all around! *Note: Costumes not permitted for guests 14 years & older. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559472-7182

Senior Exercise at 10:30 am followed by 3/13 cards from 1-3pm Thursday, January 23. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at or (559) 3467662. Meet ‘N’ Greet round table chat 1 pm Friday, January 24. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at or (559) 346-7662. Bridge from 1-3 pm on Monday, January 27. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at barbara@ or (559) 346-7662. Exercise at 10:30 am followed movie and pizza at 12:30 Tuesday, January 28. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at barbara@ or (559) 346-7662. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182


12 | JANUARY 2020




Book Club at 10:30 am with special guest author, Anne Biggs on Wednesday, January 29. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at or (559) 3467662. Exercise at 10:30 am Thursday, January 30. Palm Village Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Ave #111a, Fresno, 93711. Contact Barbara at barbara@ or (559) 346-7662.

Sports Fresno Monsters vs Las Vegas Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 7:15 PM – 10:15 PM Gateway Ice Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno. SEveryone needs a ticket for entry, except children 3 & under do not require a ticket. Tickets are sold at the door only on day of game. General Admission ticket: $10 *seating is first come, first serve Fresno Monsters Friday, January 24, 2020 at 7:30 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, Fresno. San Jose at Fresno Rugby Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 1 PM – 4 PM Fresno Rugby Football Club 1187 N Willow Ave Ste 103 #617, Clovis. Fresno Monsters Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 7:30 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, Fresno. Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Basketball vs. Boise State Broncos Mens Basketball Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 5 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s Basketball vs. Air Force Academy Falcons Women’s Basketball Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 6 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Fresno Monsters vs Valencia Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 7:15 PM – 10:15 PM Gateway Ice Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno.

Music La Marcha and Mezcal Friday, January 24, 2020 at 9 PM – 12 AM Cellar Door 101 W Main St, Visalia. Two of the hottest Latin bands in the Central Valley have teamed up to make you dance at the one of the best live music venues in the valley, The Cellar Door! Cumbia, Rock, Salsa, Funk and more! $15 pre-sale | $20 at the door | Starts at 9PM | 21 and older Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.

MORE com/e/mezcal-and-la-marcha-tickets-87273514431 Roy Orbison Returns featuring Wiley Ray & the Big O Band Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 8 PM – 11 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. “Roy Orbison Returns” is a fully-scripted musical theater re-creation of Roy Orbison’s 1980’s concert era with costumes, lighting, staging and Orbison’s set list. Included in the ninety-minute shows are songs representative of thirty-plus years of musical history from his earliest Teen Kings rockabilly days through Doo-Wop and on through the sixties into the MTV era. Foreigner Monday, January 27, 2020 at 7:30 PM – 10 PM Visalia Convention Center 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. With ten multi-platinum albums and 16 Top 30 hits, FOREIGNER is universally hailed as one of the most popular rock acts in the world with a formidable musical arsenal that continues to propel sold-out tours and album sales, now exceeding 80 million. Responsible for some of rock and roll’s most enduring anthems including “Juke Box Hero,” “Cold As Ice,” “Hot Blooded,” “Waiting For A Girl Like You,” “Feels Like The First Time,” “Urgent,” “Head Games,” “Say You Will,” “Dirty White Boy,” “Long, Long Way From Home” and the worldwide #1 hit, “I Want To Know What Love Is,” FOREIGNER still rocks the charts more than 40 years into the game with massive airplay and continued Billboard Top 200 album success. Streams of FOREIGNER’s hits are approaching 10 million per week. A portion of the proceeds benefit Kaweah Delta Hospital Foundation STREET MEDICINE PROGRAM. Become a sponsor by calling (559) 624-2359 or email

Dance Lesson: 8:30pm-9:30pm DJ and Dancing: 9:30pm-Close $10 (includes food or drink item) | 21-andover Tell your friends! Pasa la voz! Salsa, bachata, cumbia, chacha. Learn to dance the most popular music from around the world with professional instructors! Open dance floor with DJ after class! No partner necessary

Potter keep the glass! Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 3 PM – 11 PM House Of Pendragon Brewing Co. 1345 N Willow Ave, Clovis. Cooking Demonstration Friday, January 31, 2020 at 6 PM – 8 PM Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum 175 E. Tenth Street, Hanford. If you LOVE food and cooking or both this event is for you! There will be a LAGUNITAS Tap Takeover @ Gold- Cooking Demonstration Friday Janustein’s Thursday, January 30, 2020 ary 31, 2020 at 6:00pm in the museat 5 PM Goldstein’s Mortuary & Del- um kitchen. Joint Stephanie Eggert icatessen 1279 N Wishon Ave, Fres- in making a scrumptious Bolognese no. This is a STEAL THE GLASS event! Lasagne. Adult only event ages 21+ One glass per customer, while sup- (Tickets are limited) Members: $20 plies last, with purchase of any Lagu- Non-Members: $25 Purchasing ticknitas Brewing beer on tap! Hoppy ets are available here and on our website https://www.childrensstoryCalling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182

21 & Over La Ronda Bogotá at Mezcal Lounge Friday, January 24, 2020 at 9 PM – 2 AM Mezcal Lounge 1310 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Glow in the Dark Paint Party Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 9 PM – 4 AM Mezcal Loung 1310 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Free Glow Sticks, Paint, Powders and more. 7 Hours of International Music, 2 Djs, Cage Dancers and More. Buy Your Tickets Now. www.mezcalloungefresno. com Cellar Door Salsa Nights Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 8 PM – 11:30 PM Cellar Door 101 W Main St, Visalia. Come dance the night away each and every Tuesday night! One-Hour | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



JANUARY 2020 |


SO, YOU WANT TO GROW WEED A Handy Guide for Personal Use Cultivation By Lisa Talley


he first question you must ask yourself is, can you? Most, if not all, cities and counties have strict regulations on who can grow and how. For example, Lemoore prohibits any lighting configuration that uses more than 1,200 watts, and Madera County requires posting physician recommendations or landlord permission where easily visible in the cultivation area. Once Prop 64 (the Adult Use of Marijuana Act) went into effect, municipalities throughout the state quickly established a set of requirements its residents could follow for home-growing. Many of the regulations were similar to other cities, whereas some were unique to only that particular area. These parameters are typically available online, usually through a quick Google search of “[name of city or county] cannabis regulations.” Otherwise, you’ll need to contact your city for more information. It is essential to research the regulations specific to your area before you begin setting up your garden. But as a general rule, here are some basics nearly all cities have worked into their municipal codes. If you don’t own the residence, you must have the landlord’s written permission to grow cannabis on the property. You may not grow outside where the plants would be visible to any person passing by. The garden must be secured, i.e., locked, and fully enclosed. It must also not create a “nuisance” – this mainly refers to any noticeable odors from your garden that can be detected from outside. And, most importantly, each household may only grow up to six plants for non-medical users.

14 | JANUARY 2020


“These limits don’t apply to medical users, who may, in principle, grow whatever is necessary for their medical use under Prop. 215.” As stated by California NORML, a non-profit that advocates for sensible cannabis laws and regulations.

The Basics Alright, you’ve got all your ducks in a row and are ready to grow. Now what? If you already have some gardening experience with the occasional house plant, you’ve got a great head start. But if you’re concerned that you haven’t yet mastered keeping a succulent alive, don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it seems. Truth be told, cannabis earned the nickname ‘weed’ for a reason – it’s a plant with a powerful ability to survive and a single purpose to grow. We just have to let it. Its resiliency is such that you could very well dig up a spot in your backyard with uninterrupted sunlight, plant a seed, feed it tap water, and you’ll harvest with minimal complaint. Growing and maintaining a cannabis garden gets complicated when municipalities enact legislation that forces growers to go indoors. The average person is then faced with the monumental task of recreating what mother nature is can with millions of years of evolution, with only a couple decades worth of research and technology. Within a room, closet, or tent, the grower must mimic the wind for proper air circulation using fans, emulate the sun’s color spectrum and intensity with artificial light, and provide a soil base or liquid solution

that gives nutrients in the proper proportions. advocate and leading cannabis horticulture It could be argued that the mandat- authority – has authored several texts on the ed indoor growing by cities and counties is a topic. The most notable, Marijuana Growsubtle move to discourage individuals and cir- er’s Handbook, originally published in 1985, cumvent their rights by putting up a financial is considered a staple in any grower’s library. blockade. Quality lights are considered the Rosenthal spends some pages talking about most significant investment made by a grower, more than a few affordable, DIY methods followed by the energy bill to run said lights. for building the right environment for your There is also more time required in general plants. His books and many others, thanks to maintenance of an indoor garden, something the increasing legalization in the country, are not everyone can afford to give. However, all available online through stores like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. is not lost, there are many experienced cannabis home/hobbyist growers It’s no secret that cannabis out there that can help get you is expensive – wherever or howstarted with minimal hits to ever you buy (no judgment “It’s a plant your bank account. here). However, utilizing with a powerful The Internet the state’s law that grants could be considered, in each household up to six ability to survive and the right light, a cornuplants may be cheaper for a single purpose copia of information. the long haul, even with Websites like ilovegrowthe initial investment into to grow, we just have host your grow equipment. Not to let it” pages upon pages of into mention, you are what structions, frequently asked you eat – or smoke. Without a questions, troubleshooting, and universal standard for quality or general biology lessons of the plant its enforcement yet in place, there’s no that are free. What’s more, they’ve collected guarantee that you’ll always know how your that information into a manual-type docu- buds were fed, treated, harvested, and stored. ment, available as a downloadable PDF that But when you grow your own, you will. is also free. Other sites like And if growing indoors still proves allow you to follow other home-growers who too big a financial burden, call your city journal their experience and post pictures of council member or county representative. their plant’s progress. It lets folks compare Write letters to those officials whose job it is notes, learn from one another, and share any to represent the people – to represent you. notable results from products. Fight back and fight hard. Politicians are like For those interested in a physical a house of cards, they always fold under presbook, Ed Rosenthal – the famous cannabis sure.




(STILL) BARELY BREATHING By I. smiley G. Calderón |


o, as I said I would in last month’s final Fresno Flyer edition of the year, I attended the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting in San Francisco this past December. And boy, was it depressing. It wasn’t supposed to be. After all, it was the AGU’s 100th anniversary, an extraordinary centennial time for the most extensive international Earth science meeting in the world. Don’t get me wrong, it was exciting to be surrounded by tens of thousands of the world’s most elite Earth scientists. But it was also very depressing. The reason? Because it was ominous. Almost everyone at the meeting was already convinced of the somber data-driven reality of anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change and global warming. In a sea of some 30 thousand like-minded scientists, the consensus was sure: we humans have damaged our Earth and have exacerbated its rapid devolution. This is indisputable and incontrovertible. The data speaks for itself. In Fresno, we don’t necessarily feel there’s impending doom lurking around the corner when it comes to the environment. We don’t have iconic climate-induced yearlong wildfires raging all around us or their corresponding mudslides as warning signs that anthropogenic climate change is active. But, as many residents are learning more and more, what we do have here in the Central Valley is air problems. And, they’re dangerous. So severe that the Valley Air District has to issue residential No Burning notices when Particular Matter, PM2.5, air levels are deemed too unsafe to breathe. So severe that the American Lung Association has given Fresno failing grades for both 24-hour and annual average Particle Pollution levels, with levels over 12.1 mg/m3. Look up your own zip code for yourself on their website’s State of the Air report (, and you’ll see the following warning: “If you live in Fresno County, the air you breathe may put your health at risk.” And that’s no joke. As I mentioned last time, researchers at UC Davis have recently studied the Residential Wood Burning (RWB) effects on all PM levels here in the Central Valley. And they’ve concluded that RWB greatly contributes to aerosol pollution of our air, significantly affecting our health. So, since they were presenting their research live at the AGU meeting, I wanted to meet these researchers face-to-face, hoping I could gain some more in-depth insight or understand-

ing of this very critical Central Valley issue. I went to their early morning Wednesday lecture given by lead scientist Dr. Deepchandra Srivastava and, after the Air Pollution session was over, I introduced myself to her as we walked to the long coffee line. I told Dr. Srivastava that I was from Fresno. Her eyes lit up. Not too many Fresnans in attendance, I suppose. Or, maybe she was just excited to meet someone actually from Fresno finally. Believe it or not, she had never been. Now, you may wonder how someone could do research on the air quality of a place that they’ve never visited. But, with today’s remote sensing technology, it’s totally possible. And in fact, it’s ubiquitous. Harnessing the power of satellites and related products, atmospheric scientists can remotely collect pertinent data and, through sophisticated methods, conduct crucial scientific research with practical implications. And that’s precisely what Dr. Srivastava did. (Plus, did you really expect her to put her life at risk and breathe our dirty air! She’s too smart for that!) Dr. Srivastava, a bright young woman amongst a sea of dull old scientists, explained to me how she’s only been in the United States for about a year after having recently completed her Ph.D. at the University of Bordeaux in France. Originally from India, she graduated from the exclusive Institute of Technology (IIT) before moving to France. In India, the air is much worse than even Fresno! For example, Fresno’s air is moderately bad, with average 24-hour PM2.5 levels above 12.1 mg/m3 but below 35.4 mg/m3 (The American Lung Association’s “State of the Air 2019” report found 54 days of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” 24hour PM2.5 levels over 35.5 mg/m3, and 22 days of “Unhealthy” 24-hour PM2.5 levels over 55.5 mg/m3). Annual average PM2.5 levels in Fresno were found to be 14 mg/m3. But, when you compare this to Delhi’s yearly average of 143 mg/m3 or Kanpur’s 173 mg/ m3, where people literally feel like they’re choking to death in a gas chamber, I strangely felt proud of Fresno’s air. Honestly, I felt a little too privileged and embarrassed to complain to Dr. Srivastava about our “horrible” air in Fresno when the air back in her native country is ghastly - some 20 times more polluted than what the World Health Organization (WHO) considers safe. (Incidentally, whereas the WHO’s guideline for safe air is at 10 mg/m3, the US EPA’s lowest safe PM2.5 guideline is at 12.1 mg/m3 - which means that the U.S. is fine | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

with 2.1 mg/m3 of more polluted air for its residents than what the international community deems acceptable). But, I did anyway. And, I was surprised when Dr. Srivastava validated my concerns for Fresno. “You must continue to try to lower your PM2.5 levels,” she told me. “The lower, the better - for everyone.” Of course, she’s right higher PM2.5 levels are associated with higher morbidity and mortality rates. A recent study by Harvard scientists of the association between mortality in older adults and the short-term exposure to polluted air showed that every 1 mg/m3 increase of PM2.5 particles translated into hundreds of premature deaths. But our government says we’re safe with levels up to 12.1 mg/m3. Hmm. Well, lead researcher, Dr. Francesca Dominici, disagrees: “We found that the mortality rate increases almost linearly as air pollution increases…Any level of air pollution, no matter how low, is harmful to human health.” People with respiratory illnesses know this all too well. As Dr. Srivastava and I continued chatting while waiting in the coffee line, I became curious about her results that RWB emissions by everyday, typical Fresnans significantly contributed to peak PM2.5 levels. It just didn’t make sense to me. Why would Fresnans burn wood to keep warm when they could use their home gas heaters? It’s not like we’re living in the 19th Century before the advent of heating and ventilation systems. So, I objected to her conclusions and questioned her results. She looked at me, perplexed. You see, because of her satellite data, Dr. Srivastava absolutely knew that wood-burning has and is happening in Fresno - especially during the cold season and on hot summer days. But what she did not know is exactly who is doing the burning. Based on her data, it is a fact that these RWB emissions are anthropogenic in nature. So, logically, she presumed that the culprits were typical Fresnans just trying to stay warm during the winter season or barbequing a lot during the summer. This kind of data and conclusion are what Valley Air uses as a basis for its “Check Before You Burn” program. Where wood burning is permitted only when ambient air conditions are considered safe, and prohibited when they are deemed unsafe, typically when PM2.5 levels are elevated. But the focus is on Fresno residents (mis) using their fireplaces and firepits. I think this is misguided.


One thing that Dr. Srivastava didn’t know about Fresno (since she’s never been) - and something that every Fresnan, unfortunately, knows for a fact - is that we have a vast ever-increasing population of homeless and homeless encampments within the city. My hypothesis is that the increased RWB emissions that are blamed on typical Fresnan residents who abide by Valley Air’s no burning declarations are not being done by them - they are using their home heaters. Instead, I believe that the increased RWB emissions observed by Dr. Srivastava and her team are being done by our homeless populations who are trying to stay warm during our brutal Central Valley winters and who barbeque during summer months. I’m pretty sure the homeless don’t “Check Before They Burn” - and I’m pretty sure that if I were freezing on the cold streets of Fresno with no place to find shelter or warmth, I’d do the same damn thing. The importance of affordable housing and providing this housing to the homeless cannot be overstated - especially in response to anthropogenic climate change. Not only is affordable housing a public health emergency that would help clean up our streets, but it is also a public health emergency that would help clean up our air something that affects us all. This is all a lot to think about. To clear my mind, I went for a quick drive to buy some holiday snacks at my local grocery store in Southeast Fresno a couple of nights ago. Suddenly, I saw smoke billowing from a dumpster in the empty parking lot right next to a McDonald’s. I immediately parked and jumped out of my car and called 911. I thought I saw movement within the dumpster, but I wasn’t sure. The smoke was getting to me - it was hard to breathe, and I was some 25 feet away from dumpster. Within a few minutes, after the smoke all dissipated and everything looked clear, the fire truck came, and I pointed to the once burning dumpster. “I thought I saw some movement, but I guess not,” I said. “A few minutes ago there was a lot of smoke coming from there, something was on fire.” The firemen quickly opened the metal enclosure that had been charred and lifted the top of the dumpster. “Hey! You can’t be in here starting fires! What the hell are you doing!” exclaimed one of the firemen to a homeless man who apparently had tried to make that dumpster his personal bedtime heater. I couldn’t believe it - but then I could - I’ve seen the data: we are (still) barely breathing… | FRESNO FLYER |

JANUARY 2020 |




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3 SEAT theater chair. Seats are all connected, folds up pretty flat for storage. In very good condition for its age, very sturdy and solid. Cash only, you must pick up in person. (559) 341-1038 VINTAGE sewing machine $100 (Hanford) 261-5494

WINDOWS $15 Text (559) 940-8666 The more you get the MISCELLANEOUS cheeper they are We took the windows out 2004 Wildwood 5th of my home House is wheel 30ft, 3 slide in the Tower District outs, excellent condition.Asking $15,000 VERY NICE conOBO (559) 673-7185 dition portable case or (559) 975-9835 plug-in cromwell record player 1950s very FOOD Concession good condition for Trailer 16 Foot Equip- its age needs needle ment Included $18,00 which you can purOBO (559) 291-9864 chase online for under or (559) 298-4725 $15 I am selling it for $75 or best offer call or 2008 KAWASAKI text 559-709-3250 vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade 3 SEAT theater chair. for registered tagged Seats are all connectsmall truck or SUV ed, folds up pretty flat with trailor hitch. Ga- for storage. In very raged 95% of life. good condition for its (559) 903-8283 age, very sturdy and solid. Cash only, you PAINTING Services must pick up in person. with Asante Paint & (559) 341-1038 Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior OLD WOOD win& Exterior, Repaints / dows, all in good shape Paper Hanging, Com- wood and glass, asking mercial Power Wash- $20.00 each or take all ing, Hotel / Apt Turn for $50.00, call 559Arounds and More. 776-4385 Call for Free Quote (661) 492-2310 (Fres- no) Lic#1051349 FURNITURE CAL KING Cal Memory Foam Topper Brand new $50 Call 559-304-1831


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HP M3-U001DX i3 6GB RAM 500GB HD $269 It has been cleaned out of all old data. No passwords etc. 6GB of RAM, a 500GB HD, and an i3 processor. It is running Windows 10 as well. Touchsreen with folding screen. I will provide more information on this laptop below for those who are interested. The Fresno Hock Shoppe 559-2645856

NICE VINTAGE wood chair, swivel, needs cushions, $40.00, call 559-7764385 1950S CHROME well record player with LIVE EDGE table. plug in cord portable Made from locally very good condition sourced Sugar Pine for its age turns on and and has cast iron legs. spins only needs nee(559) 284-0985 dle which can be purchased online for unNICE PATIO table der $15 I am selling for that seats 6. It is cast $75 or best offer call or iron with 6 cast iron text 559-709-3250 metal chairs. In very good condition! Would XBOX ONE and one be close to $1,000 new. S $160 Up for sale is a 175 or best offer. 559- gamestop refurbished 250-7886 original xbox one with controller for $120 and TWO matching book- a xbox one s with concases $150 Pick up troller for $160. Both only please 559-907- these consoles have 4156 been cleaned out and work. They can be testQUEEN BED head- ed at the fresno hock board and footboard. shoppe during normal Dark wood. $125 Call busniess hours. Open 559-304-1831 Monday - Friday 10am to 530pm and SaturCAL KING Cal days 10am to 2pm, you Memory Foam Topper can also reach us by Brand new $50 Call phone at 559-264-5856 559-304-1831 APPLE WATCH seQUEEN 2” Memory ries 3 42mm in space Foam Mattress Topper grey for sale, only $45. Call 559-304- work twice, no scratch1831 es or damage and come with original everything. Call or text 559916-1602 ELECTRONICS

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TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all the TV’s we currently have in stock. We have 3 50” TV’s and a 24”. the 24”, and two of 50” TV’s are Vizio and the other 50” is an Insignia. They all have remotes with them and work properly. The Fresno Hock Shoppe questions at 559-2645856 DELL LATITUDE E7470 Laptop - $199 with charger. It is running Windows 10, has 8GB of RAM an Intel i5 and a 500GB HD. Clean unit has some very light wear and tear from use nothing major. It is missing the piece between the G H and B keys for scrolling. Come check this out and other electronics at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856

BEATS SOLO wireless Excellent conditions $180 cash you can test them out no problem practically new only used a few times cuz being in schoolI don’t have time so my loss is ur gain they still under 4 year warranty plz only serious comes with everything in picture Beats solo wireless color rose gold 40 hour battery You can contact me at 559-3207949


HARBINGER APS15 Powered Speaker (Single) $109 Pre-owned Harbinger in good shape. Works great no issues. Powered speaker. Shows some normal wear from use. Come check it out and other PA speakers at 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno CA 93702 at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from ARE YOU SELLING 10am to 2pm or call us something? List it here with any questions at for only $20/ issue. 559-264-5856. Call 559-472-7182 NICE CONDITION Squier strat. Priced to sell $75.00 w/padded gig bag Ibanez Electric $60.00 559-246-4922 USED YAMAHA S12E Unpowered Speaker. $30 If interest please text or call 559903-6477

IBANEZ GIO GSR105EX 5-String Bass In great shape, plays great as well. No issues with this bass. Comes as shown does include a soft case which is not pictured. 5 string. Come check it out and many other musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-2645856 YAMAHA MG06X Mixing Console $109 original box and power adapter. In great working and cosmetic shape. I will provide more information on this unit below for those who are interested. And if you are interested come on down to at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856


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HONDA/Craftsman mower CCV 160. - low hours runs great- $125. Edger. Yardman Briggs and Stratton 158 $100. Both excellent running condition. Reasonable offers considered. 8000 pound 12 volt winch attached to old train station baggage cart - $100. Runs off 12 volt car battery. Very large road closed ahead sign $75. Please text only for appt. to see. Ken 559-593-1059 CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop /cages is $30 ..great for small birds/Quils / chickens/chicks .l arge ones are $50 to $60 .size 5x4x5 will need a pick up truck or I can drop them off for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 643-7156 I SELL dog houses to be ready for winter time. X-small -12x12x16-$10/$30 with paint roof Small18x18x24-$20/$50 with paint roof Medium-24x24x32-$30/$70 have two different size door with paint roof carpet Large36x36x48-$100/$150 with paint and X-large42x42x60-$150/$200 with paint Huge48x48x72-$200/$250 with paint and roof I have 12 different colors. Questions please text 559-475-2803

2017 CRAFTSMAN riding mower $800 new starter, it runs good but sometimes it doesn’t start. Not sure feels like battery NEW BELLA 2 Slice doesn’t have enough Toaster Extra-Wide juice to turn over Slots $15 559-246- sometimes 708-2064 2220 SUPPORT LOCAL | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

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JANUARY 2020 |



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