Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 7

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EDITOR’S NOTE The Central Valley is like the last frontier of California. By comparison, it seems left behind, and underdeveloped – all the swanky development went running to the coast, the beautiful wooded areas, and fairer weather. And the Valley was, for the most part, left to fend for itself. Because of this, people, both outside and in, turn their noses up at the mention of Fresno or any of her sister cities. As if by intentional design, the Valley chose to fall to the wayside and, in turn, expend enormous amounts of energy trying to catch up. I guess I feel a kinship of sorts between the Valley and the Flyer. We didn’t begin with a team of entrepreneurs or designers, no one bankrolled our idea into existence, and we certainly didn’t have a road map for how this was going to go. We pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps and faced every day with the decision that this was what we were going to do. And we also didn’t wait for anyone’s permission… that sounds much cooler than what actually happened, we didn’t wait because no one was really paying attention. Much like those who love to overlook the Central Valley. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, great cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles weren’t born that way, they were built over time.





There’s insane potential here. Just look at all the bay area and southern Californians flooding in to open businesses or buy up property. It isn’t because it’s cheap, or at least not the only reason, it’s because this place hasn’t truly blossomed yet, and they’re all chomping at the bit to be part of it when it happens. A friend recently told me that the bay area isn’t the bay area anymore, it’s not as beautifully weird as it used to be, but you know what is? Fresno. This from a guy who lived in the bay multiple times and chose to come back here. One day, people are going to say how wild it must have been to be here when Fresno and the Valley built its reputation. It is what people say now about Seattle in the 90s, San Francisco in the 60s, and of Hollywood during its Golden Age. We should all be proud to say we’re from the Valley. Naysayers will tout the statistics to get us to feel bad about ourselves – the terrible drivers, the crime, the air quality, etc. But don’t let it fool you, we’re not the only ones with these issues, and we’re also not defined by them. Like you, the Central Valley is not defined by its flaws. Celebrating the individuality, the hardworking steely attitude, and creative vision is where we ought to put our focus. It’s what our writers do for the Flyer, and it’s what we hope the Flyer does for everyone wondering why they’re still here.


Grapevine Magazine exhibit Fresno State’s Henry Madden Library honors the historic voices of African Americans in the Central Valley


he 1960’s were a decade of upheaval for African Americans everywhere. Starting with assassination of Medgar Evers, then the Watts Riot, Muhammad Ali’s resistance to the Vietnam War, Tommie Smith and John Carlos protests at the Olympic Games and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, African Americans had a lot to say. After the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, they had something to celebrate. What they often didn’t have was a space to say it or celebrate it. Most media— both local and national—were not spotlighting the positive contributions and work of African Americans. So in June 1969, six young friends in Fresno came together and founded the Grapevine Magazine as a place for local Af-

rican Americans to highlight their achievements and share their views in Central California. None of the founders had any experience in journalism or the publishing business, but they saw a need and had a mission to fulfill it. It was the first state-wide African American magazine founded and published in California. From 1969 to 1982, Grapevine Magazine highlighted hundreds of stories about African Americans in the fields of medicine, history, civil rights, education, religion, government, law, politics, business, sports, and entertainment. Full of photographs, editorials and original art, the magazine’s run is a snapshot of African American life and style in the Valley’s pivotal post-civil rights era.


In honor of Black History Month, Fresno State’s Henry Madden Library presents Grapevine Magazine: African Americans in Central California, 1969 – 1982, an exhibit featuring the media of Grapevine Magazine. The exhibit will run from Feb. 3 – March 30, 2020 in the Library’s Pete P. Peter’s Ellipse Balcony on the Library’s third floor. “Grapevine magazine was a landmark voice for Central California’s African American community,” says Del Hornbuckle, dean of library services at Henry Madden Library. “The magazine covered politics, education, entertainment, recipes, and social events but, most importantly, the Grapevine drove the narrative of the African American experience in the Central Valley and had the final say in what was important to that community.” Featuring the full color covers of each issue, interior spreads of stories, photographs of local luminaries and the original art of Dr. Fitzalbert Marius, the exhibit is a chance for the Fresno State community to immerse themselves in the design and style of pre-computer era media while connecting to important stories about the groundbreaking African American leaders of our region. A public reception to celebrate Grapevine Magazine and its contributions to the Central Valley will be held at the Pete P. Peters Balcony in Henry Madden Library on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Publisher Frank J. Johnson, Sr. is the best-selling author of “Who’s Who of Black Millionaires”, former executive director of the non-profit Neighborhood Opportunities for Affordable Housing, Inc.


(NOAH), and Central California’s first African American school district superintendent, to name just a few of his achievements. In addition to Johnson, the founders of Grapevine Magazine were Johnson’s brothers Cleo Johnson and Jerry Johnson, both of whom rose to leadership positions in business in Fresno and Bakersfield, James “Jim” Aldredge, who became Fresno’s first African-American city manager and is a retired Fresno State professor, Dr. Freddie Haynes, later a prominent physician, and Donald Thuessen, who was a civil rights advocate. Eventually, the staff expanded to include more family and friends committed to telling the stories of African Americans in California. A true family business, other members of the family continue to run the California Advocate, Fresno’s African American community newspaper. “That’s the powerful history of black media,” says Hornbuckle, “—amplifying voices, stories, achievements and a culture that would have otherwise been ignored and deliberately slanted. “This exhibit is a historic moment for the Library and combines the rich cultural heritage of African-Americans here with the sharp design and media sensibilities of a bygone era. Students, educators, and the community will all find something to enjoy and learn from the work of the Grapevine Magazine.” The public reception for the Grapevine Magazine will include President Joseph I. Castro and the publishers of the magazine. Reservations for groups are recommended. For reservations, special accommodations, or further information please call the Henry Madden Library at 559-278-2403. | FRESNO FLYER |



Steven Sanchez:

FLICKS, BOOKS, AND ROCK & ROLL (FOR EVERYBODY) By Dave Fountinelle | Photos by Steven Sanchez


’m sitting at a table in Kuppa Joy’s Clovis worth sharing. Sanchez’s photo styles are as location, enjoying the best iced coffee I’ve diverse and impressive as the artists he capever had when Steven Sanchez comes in. He tures. A crisp, simple, neck-down black & walks up, greets me, and takes a seat across white shot of The Guess Who bassist, Rudy from me. After brief introductions, I’m ready Sarzo, in his element. A muted stage-right to jump right in and ask him all about his shot of Collective Soul singer, Ed Roland, book, “Rock & Roll for Everybody: A Photo- holding his mic stand and raising a peace graphic Tour of Today’s Bands.” It’s a collec- sign above his head. And a brooding, backtion of photos he gathered over several years lit, black & white snap of Ghost guitarist, of doing concert photography. It’s a passion Nameless Ghoul, bending out a solo. There’s he developed rather coincidentally while tangible emotion in every one of these picworking in radio promotions, as a writer, and a budding filmmaker. Sammy Hagar As his skills developed, he amassed an impressive portfolio of photographs cataloging several years of national acts gracing various stages in the Fresno area. Artists ranging from Deftones and Ghost, to Magic Giant and Collective Soul. Eventually, Sanchez reached out to publisher, Amherst Media, sending them a sample of his work. Impressed with what they saw, Amherst approached Sanchez with a book deal. And the rest, as the Dustin Bates of Starset cliché goes... ah, you know how it goes. A UNLV Film School graduate, Sanchez got into concert photography pretty much by accident. While working in promotion for a local rock station, he was tasked with taking concert photos of various bands for the station’s web page and social media. He quickly discovered he had a knack for it and continued taking photos even after he left that job and began working for Kings River Life. “My first love is filmmaking,” he tells me. “But I’m passionate about tures. You feel the energy jumping out of his art in all forms. I didn’t get into photography group shot of Kiss, jamming side by side in intending to make a career out of it, I did it full make-up. The tequila-smooth vibe that because it’s fun and I enjoy it. Having an op- drips from his red-lit color shot of Sammy portunity like this to share my art with peo- Hagar and his guitar. Steven’s approach to his ple, it’s amazing, and I’m so thankful for it.” photography is to capture the raw energy and And the art in this book is definitely atmosphere of each moment and deliver it as




purely as possible. To do that, he uses almost no post-processing or filtering at all. “I want the content of each picture to do the talking. I want the people who see these pictures to feel the same energy I felt while I was taking them. To me, filters just get in the way of that energy,” Sanchez explains. So, with all the big-name bands and artists Sanchez has met and photographed Rudy Sarzo of The Guess Who

over the two-plus years he was putting this book together, were there any big egos or jerks he’d like to put on blast? “Honestly, everyone I’ve met has been really cool. No bad experiences at all,” he replies. OK, then who are some of the nic-


est performers you’ve met that you’d like to give a shout-out for being awesome people? “Magic Giant were really nice guys, very cool, they would be at the top of the list. Collective Soul was another favorite. You almost forget just how big they were in the ’90s, they had some serious hits, but they were super humble and friendly,” says Sanchez. So, what else can we look forward to from Sanchez, more books or other projects in the works? “I am definitely going to put out more books of photography. I have a few other ideas that I’m working on now. Amherst Media has been super supportive, so I look forward to getting more of my art out there very soon. I’m also continuing to pursue writing and filmmaking, staying active with the local film community, and working on various projects. Just trying to create and share as much of my art as I can.” Steven Sanchez is a guy who is passionate about art in all its forms. He’s a film nerd, a comic book geek, a music lover, and a photography enthusiast. He talks with an infectious energy about all of these subjects. It’s an enthusiasm that comes from a genuine appreciation for the creative process. It’s an appreciation that comes across in every moment he captures in the pages of his book. It’s a book no fan of music, live performance, or photography should be without. “Rock & Roll for Everybody: A Photographic Tour of Today’s Bands” is available online through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can also follow Sanchez’s photography page on Instagram @Stevensanchez5807.


Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In Honor of Black History Month

1. Originally called Negro History Week, it took place in April. Later on, when Carter G. Woodson was put in charge of leading the celebrations at his university, he decided to move the event to February. He did this in order to honor the birthdays of two men who are very important in black American history: Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln. The month of February also holds another significant date in African-American history; on February 3, 1870, the 15th Amendment was passed to grant voting rights to black men. 2. Jack Johnson was the first African-American man to hold the World Heavyweight Champion boxing title in 1908. 3. Jazz, an African–American musical form born out of the blues, ragtime and marching bands, originated in Louisiana during the turn of the 19th century.

olition of slavery in Texas in June 1865 and commemorates the freedom of the African-American community. Nowadays, the holiday also promotes self-development and recognition for all In time, Reeves became a Deputy cultures. Some organizations are U.S. Marshal. campaigning for Juneteenth to become a national holiday. 8. Did you know that the first female self-made millionaire was a 5. Black History Month facts show black woman? Madam C. J. Walkthat the celebration has not won er, born with the name of Sarah over everyone’s approval. Among Breedlove, was the wealthiest Afrithe critics is Morgan Freeman, can-American woman at the time a movie icon and an influential of her death. Madam Walker built spokesperson in the United States. her wealth by developing a line of Commenting on Black History beauty and hair care products for Month, Freeman echoed the sen- black women. Aside from being an timents of Carter G. Woodson entrepreneur, she was also known and said that black history should as a philanthropist and made great be studied and celebrated beyond contributions to the cause of edthe month-long limitation. He ucation of black women to help said: “You’re going to relegate my them become financially indepenhistory to a month? I don’t want a dent and successful. Black history month. Black history is American history.” Freeman also 9. Carter G. Woodson was the son pointed out that there is no white of former slaves, James and Eliza history month, because white his- Riddle Woodson. He attended tory is studied all year round. high school in West Virginia and

then earned his bachelor’s and 6. Alexa Canady became the first master’s degrees from the Uni4. Before it became a month-long female African-American neuro- versity of Chicago in 1908. Carter Woodson became only the second celebration, Negro History Week surgeon in the United States. African-American ever to earn a had already inspired other celebrations of black history, including the 7. One in four cowboys was black. doctorate degree from the prestiJuneteenth holiday. This holiday, It’s believed that the fictional gious Harvard University in 1912. celebrated on June 19 every year, character of The Lone Ranger was The first African-American to was made official in the state of based on was Bass Reeves. Reeves earn a doctorate degree from HarTexas in 1980. It celebrates the ab- was born into slavery but he fled vard was W.E.B Dubois, another westward during the Civil War. famous scholar. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |





The 19th Annual Rogue Festival Fresno’s completely uncensored performing arts event, returns March 6-14 250 performances by 53 performing groups in 11 Tower District venues in Fresno’s largest, craziest and most courageous performing arts festival


he Rogue Festival, Fresno’s completely uncensored theater and performing arts festival, will return to the Tower District March 6-14. This year’s 18th annual Rogue Festival will present over 250 separate performances of theater, music, dance, comedy, spoken word and magic from 53 performing groups in 11 different venues. But the most important thing about the Rogue isn’t its size or variety, but it’s freedom for both performers and audience, says Rogue Festival’s executive director Amber Strid. The Rogue Festival is built on a principle that there should be no censor, no curator, no selection committee standing between the artist and the audience. The Festival does not choose who can or cannot participate. There are no restrictions on what performers can say or do, outside of safety codes and legal matters. For the audience, this is the one event in the San Joaquin Valley where they can see raw, uncensored, unmediated performance — and only the audience gets to say what’s good or what’s bad by leaving reviews and spreading word-of-mouth. While previous Rogue Festivals accepted all applications on a first-come, firstserve basis, the Rogue Festival now holds a lottery to allocate performing slots randomly and fairly. Returning to the Rogue for its third year is the “Artists’ Underground” program, which allows performers who didn’t make it through the lottery to create their own venues in commercial spaces, local businesses and backyards. The number of Artist Underground venues continues to expand as performers find new ways to partner with residents and local businesses. “We’re very excited that the Artist Underground program is being taken advantage of by artists who are willing to take risks and put up their own shows. That was Marcel Nunis’ original vision for the festival when he founded it in 2002. We’re glad to see more artists embodying that DIY, punk aesthetic and doing it for themselves,” says Strid. In its 19th year, the Rogue Festival is now one of the oldest festivals of its kind in




the United States and has built a nationwide reputation for Fresno as a city that celebrates the arts.

Dates to Remember—Rogue Festival 2020 Rogue Festival Teaser Show at the Tower Theater Thursday, March 5th.. Lobby and Lounge open at 6 p.m. Show begins at 7 p.m. Tickets: $10 at Tower Theater, Fresno. The Rogue Festival Teaser Show presents a sneak peek at upcoming shows in the 2020 Festival, plus a chance to meet and mingle with Rogue performers. Also features a silent auction to benefit the Festival. Rogue Festival Performances in Fresno’s Tower District March 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14.. Full program and information will be available online approximately three weeks prior to the Festival. Beatdown Poetry Slam: Rogue Festival v. InnerEar Poets. Monday, March 9, 7 p.m. The Revue Backroom. 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets $12 at the door. This is 10th annual Battle Royale, featuring Fresno’s finest wordsmiths facing the talented performers from Rogue, in a war of words. Hosted by Fresno’s Poet Laureate, Bryan Medina.

About the Rogue Festival The Rogue Festival is one of the oldest and best respected Fringe Festivals in the western United States and part of a worldwide movement of Fringe theater festivals around the world, celebrating the independent artist rather than established arts institutions. The Rogue is Fresno’s home for edgy, uncensored, avant-garde performances you won’t see anywhere else. Many of the acts in the Rogue are original works that are written and performed for the first time by the artists performing them, so Rogue audiences enjoy art they’ll never experience anywhere else. Audiences at the Rogue Festival will have their pick of an incredible variety of entertainment, with shows happening simul-

taneously at eleven different Tower District venues. Rogue Festival performances are presented in rapid rotation — no show is longer than one hour, and intermissions between shows are only a half-hour. Most Rogue shows cost $12 or less, so the ideal way to experience the Rogue is to see multiple shows during every day of the festival. The mission of the Rogue Festival is to eliminate all barriers between the independent artist and the audience. The Rogue is a non-curated festival, meaning that Rogue Festival staff do not select the acts that perform at the Rogue. All applications to perform in the Rogue Festival are accepted on a first-come, first- served basis. No one controls what’s in the Rogue, so it is a true First Amendment zone — you can see the greatest show ever, you can see the worst show ever, and you will definitely see shows that will challenge your comfort zone. The Rogue Festival is also a non-juried festival, meaning that no prizes are given and there is no judging of content. The audience decides for itself what it likes and doesn’t like, so the Rogue Festival encourages word-of-mouth and online reviews from audience members. The other mission of the Rogue Festival is to eliminate barriers between independent artists and their earnings. One hundred percent of all ticket sales goes directly to performers. The Rogue Festival, a registered 501(c)(3) organization, supports itself through sales of Festival wristbands, individual contributions, and sponsorships. Tickets to Rogue Festival performances can be purchased online in advance or at the door starting 30 minutes before each performance. The Rogue Festival draws 3,000 audience members into the Tower District, most of whom combine their Rogueing with dining, drinking and shopping at Tower District businesses, creating a sizable contribution to the local economy.

9 Tips for Happy Rogueing 1. Get a Rogue Wristband A Rogue wristband is required for entry to EVERY Rogue performance. Rogue wrist-


bands cost just $5. You can buy your Rogue wristband on the Rogue website, at any Rogue venue during the Festival, or at The Rogue Store, located in the Revue parking lot. 2. Buy Tickets at the Door or Online You can purchase tickets to any performance with cash or credit at the door, starting 30 minutes before the performance. Or you can buy tickets in advance at 3. Or Buy a 10-Show Ticket If you’re going to do a lot of Rogueing, buy a 10-Show Ticket and save up to $20! A 10Show Ticket costs $100, and is available at The Rogue Store. 4. Arrive Early All Rogue performances start ON TIME. Some Rogue shows allow latecomers to enter up to 15 minutes after the start time. Other Rogue shows do not allow latecomers at all. (Show listings will tell you if latecomers are allowed.) 5. No, Seriously, ARRIVE EARLY! All seating is general seating. Your ticket guarantees you a seat, but not a specific seat. 6. TURN OFF YOUR @#$%! CELL PHONE Be courteous to performers and audience— please silence your ringer and don’t talk, text, or take photos during the show. But we’d love it if you mention great shows on social media! Use our hashtag, #roguefestival. 7. Post a Review Did you love it? Did you hate it? Either way, our performers want to hear from you. Post your review at 8. Buy Rogue Tchotchkes! Buy attractive and collectible Rogue T-shirts, buttons, and wristbands at The Rogue Store. 9. Be Safe Take sensible precautions while enjoying the Rogue Festival. Lock your vehicle. Store valuables in your trunk. Don’t walk alone at night.


Fringe Factor: Season 5

Let’s Prank Call Each Other

Each performance pits two teams of artists against each other, competing in trivia, drawing, physical challenges, creative challenges and more! But this year the show adds new games, new teams, and a new house-band.

A fast-paced, neurotic, non-stop live-action comic book filled with paper puppets, dead dogs, and interactive video games. Created and performed by Los Angeles based animator and puppeteer Zach Dorn.

Jaguar and Heather Save Your Marriage

Marriage as an institution is in trouble, but the husband-and-wife comedy team have the solution: Your relationships suck because you suck. You’re doing marriage wrong, and they’ll teach you how to do it right.

The Skinny Show If you like your rednecks woke and your power cables coiled, Skinny is the dude you need in your life. Full of wit and beer bottle tricks, Skinny the roadie is here to teach you about life on the road, living your dreams and rocking it out.

The Jewish Wife

Fresno Writers Live

The Jewish Wife, taken from Brecht’s seminal work “Fear and Misery of the Third Reich”, which charts the submission of the German people to the Nazi Party line, shows the agonizing challenges faced by an ordinary couple to a fast-changing, nightmarish social and political landscape.

Fresno Writers Live will feature the latest poetry and prose from 15 Fresno writers in four storytelling and spoken-word shows. The shows will include 12 graduate students and three undergraduate students from the Department of English. Graduate creative writing students from the Fresno State Master of Fine Arts program will headline.

Songs You Think Are About Heartbreak but Really About Food Inspired by the New York underground music scene of the 60’s and 70’s The Fraud spits out jangly original pop tunes as well as a couple of covers.

Freeloader in the House of Love A desperate housecleaner, down-andout, but rich in swagger and recklessness takes over the mansion of a porn magnate. Her goal: to make a buck by exploiting the way women get excited when men share their feelings.


Songs & Stories


Amelia Ryan tells stories and sings an eclectic mix of songs. Three distinct shows: Part 1 and Part 2 of a musical autobiography, with folk, opera, and musical theater selections, and an all-Irish program of folk and art songs with Celtic harp. With special guests!

This memoir with legs charts Lafferty’s ongoing war with gravity—stories inspired by her lifelong impatience, klutsiness, and second-guessing. The series of vignettes center around a box and will vary. Part TED talk, part clown show, part sweat lodge.





CALENDAR February 4-10 Art I Love Fresno ArtHop. Thurs. Feb. 6th, 5pm. Full Circle Brewing Co. Fresno. All lovers of art and Fresno are invited to this free, all ages event. Featuring artists Art by Andre, Creole Gal, Brandy Medina, and Kill Catts. Performances by Jay Soul, Enlightenthapoet, and B. RawCity. Plus vendors and food trucks. La Modern Day Frida Paint Class. Sat. Feb. 8th, 6pm. High Sierra Grill House. Fresno. Join us as we paint a modern interpretation of the famous Mexican icon, Frida Kahlo. You can expect an up-beat evening of delicious food, strong drinks, instructional painting, DJ playing the best music and tons of fun!! Bring all your Frida fanatics out for an evening they won’t forget!

Theater Ghost 30th Anniversary at Historic Crest Theater. Friday, Feb. 7th, 8pm. Historic Crest Theater. Fresno. Ghost (1990) Film starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore & Whoopi Goldberg returns to the big screen for it’s 30th anniversary on Friday, Feb. 7th at the Historic Crest Theater. $6 all ages. Steve Hofstetter Stand-Up Comedy. Sun. Feb. 9th, 7:30pm. Full Circle Brewing Co. Fresno. One of YouTube’s most popular comics with over 100 million views, Steve Hofstetter is also the host of Finding Babe Ruth on FS1. Hofstetter was the host and executive producer of season one of Laughs (FOX) and he has been on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and E! True Hollywood Story, Comics Unleashed, Comedy All-Stars, Quite Frankly, White Boyz in the Hood, Countdown, and more. Now is your chance to find out what the fuss is about during

this no-holds-barred stand-up performance, featuring some of his unfiltered observations about life. 18+ WWE Road to Wrestlemania Su pershow. Sun. Feb. 9th, 7pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno. Fresno Street Eats: ArtHop on a MLB Jr. Homerun Derby. Sat. Feb. Stick. Thurs. Feb. 6th, 6pm. Chuk- 8th, 12pm. Chukchansi Park. Freschansi Park. Fresno. Join us Thurs- no. Chukchansi Park will be one of day, Feb. 6 as we return to Fresno several nationwide sites hosting Social inside Chukchansi Park for a the “Jr. Home Run Derby,” a Major night of food trucks, DJs, drinks and League Baseball event open at no more — all with a creative Fresno charge to all kids 14 and under. The Street Eats twist. Expect exclusive Fresno Grizzlies are presenting the menu items on a stick and fun cock- event in partnership with DICK’s tails from the Fresno Social bar. Free Sporting Goods. Young players will have the opportunity to hit on the admission. All ages. same field as future MLB stars on The Fresno High Flea Valentine Saturday, February beginning at Flamingle. Sat. Feb. 8th, 10am. Fres- 12:00 p.m. The event is open to the no High School. Fresno. A special general public. monthly market that showcases the

as we celebrate the rasta legend’s birthday. This is a 1st time event at Full Circle Brewing in Fresno. Headlining the event with an all Bob Marley set is Dub Seeds from Bakersfield. Opening the show will be local reggae rockers Simple Sinsation. There will be a DJ spinning reggae all night. Save the date and get ready for a awesome night celebrating Bob Marley & live reggae. All Ages. $8/ adv. $12/door. Travis Brooks Trio at Goldsteins. Sat. Feb. 8th, 9pm. Goldsteins Mortuary & Delicatessen. Fresno. Travis Brooks will bringing his band this time around! Nappy Roots live. Sun. Feb. 9th, 7:30pm. Full Circle Olympic. Fresno. Full Circle Brewing Co. presents Nappy Roots live in concert. With special guests Ambeeka, King Daweed/ Scars & Stripes, Augie, and more. All Ages. $15 in advance, $20 at the Jauz: The Dangerous Waters Tour. door. Thurs. Feb. 6th, 9pm. The Rainbow Ballroom. Fresno. Special guests Drezo & TYNAN. Pitbull. Friday, Feb. 7th, 8pm. Save Deadly Night Shade: A BurtonMart Center. Fresno. esque Art Bar. Feb. 6th-8th. La Mai son Kabob. Fresno. Enter the world Dilla Day: A Day Dedicated to J. Fri- of Tim Burton in this annual 3 night day, Feb. 7th, 7pm. Full Circle Olym- pop-up bar. Open exclusively for 3 pic. Fresno. Performances by The nights! February 6-8, with February Tree, Thee Points, Kubiq, MC Wicks, 6 being our arthop preview night, Ambeeka, Agent, Dr. Ink, Dulce opening at 7pm each night. $5 covHeart, Dezine the Figga, Unaiso, er. Costumes and themed attire Kingtutmoses & Starbrown. All ages. encouraged but not required. $10 at the door. The Emo Night Tour. Friday, Feb. The Boys of Summer: A Tribute to 7th, 8pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. The The Eagles. Friday, Feb. 7th, 8pm. Emo Night DJ’s will be spinning all Full Circle Brewing Co. Fresno. The the angst your teenage dirtbag heart Boys Of Summer are the most Au- desires all night long and a special thentic Sounding Eagles Band in guest band will make you feel like America and they’re coming to Full you’re at Warped Tour ‘08 minus all Circle Brewing Company on Friday the dust and melting in the sun! $10 Night February 7th 2020. in advance, $15 day of the show. Bob Marley Birthday Bash. Sat. Stoplight & Pizza Party. Sat. Feb. Feb. 8th, 8pm. Full Circle Brewing 8th, 7pm. Full Circle Olympic. Fresno. Co. Fresno. It is time to celebrate the Stoplight Pizza Party with Me n Ed’s man, the myth, the legend Bob Mar- brick oven pizza. Meet your match ley. Come join us for a special show before Valentines Day... or not. Join



finest hand made goods, vintage items, tag sale stalls, and delicious treats. Lots of vendors and food trucks too. Email fresnohighflea@ / phone 559 940 1516 to join the Flea or for info.

Family $1 First Friday at Fresno Discovery Center. Friday, Feb. 7th, 9am. Fresno Discovery Center. Fresno. Come out and join us every first Friday of each month for $1 admission per person! We always have something cool in store for you!

Senior Exercise Class. Tues. Feb 4th and Thurs. Feb. 6th, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and chairs. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182


Weekdays at maya

Free Popcorn!

FREE 46oz bag of popcorn with the purchase of any concession item.

46oz bag of popcorn is a measure of volume, not weight. Valid through March 30, 2020 *Restrictions apply, for full details contact theatre directly*

MONDAY-THURSDAY: $6.50 Admission*Shows before 11:00 AM TUESDAY FAMILY DAY: All Tickets $5.50 - Family Day Combo only $25 SENIOR WEDNESDAY: $5.50 all movies for seniors ages 60+ Maya Cares: Free Admissionto all of our guests with special needs; only $6 for family, friends, and guardians. Every Saturday of each month at 10:30AM For full details, call the theatre at 559-325-5510 or visit our website at

3090 E. Campus Pointe Drive Fresno, CA 93710 8



**Surcharges apply for MPX and 3D FORMATS; Restrictions apply. Offers subject to change without notice.

21 & Over

February 11-17 Art Ada Limon Reading. Friday, Feb. 14th, 7pm. Alice Peters Auditorium, Fresno State. Fresno. The Chicanx Writers and Artists Association is honored to welcome poet Ada Limón to campus! The reading is free and open to all and books will be available for purchase after the reading. Ada Limón is the author of five books of poetry, including The Carrying, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry and was named one of the top 5 poetry books of the year by the Washington Post. Her fourth book Bright Dead Things was named a finalist for the National Book Award, a finalist for the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award, and a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. She serves on the faculty of Queens University of Charlotte Low Residency M.F.A program, and the online and summer programs for the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. She also works as a freelance writer in Lexington, Kentucky. Free admission, all ages Dining in the Dark. Friday, Feb. 14th, 7pm. Fresno Art Museum. Fresno. Join the Fresno Art Museum & The Painted Table for Dining in the Dark, a culinary event. This is more than just a meal. We are doing it in the dark! The Painted Table’s Chefs Matt Moore & Barbara McCormick will present a three-course meal in a pitch-dark environment. Your senses of taste, sound, smell, and touch will be heightened, creating a memorable sensory experience. Tickets: $125.00 (limited seating) Call 559.441.4221 or come to FAM to purchase


Felipe Esparza Stand-Up Comedy. Sat. Feb. 15th, 8pm. Tower Theater. Fresno. Tickets are onsale NOW towin on the fun whether you’re single,’s complicated or simply not inter- ?EventCode=1167898 ested. We’re all here to have a great time! Free entry.


Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182



Minecraft University. Saturday, Feb. 15th, 10am. Fresno. Learn, explore & build in a custom Minecraft world with our skilled STEM instructor. Every Saturday from 10 AM - 2 PM $15 per class session.

What we offer: Construction 101: Join a group of fellow architects & engineers in creative mode to collaborate & build. Survival 101: Join a group of fellow adventurers to overcome challenges and explore a custom Minecraft world. Limited space – First come first serve. Sign up today! registration

Community CMAC Workshop: Field Production. Tuesday, Feb. 11th, 6pm. CMAC. Fresno. Hands-on introduction to filming on-location, including proper setup and breakdown of the camera, audio, and lighting equipment, camerawork, basic interviewing tips, and planning for post-production. CMAC membership must be paid prior to training. Contact for membership and enrollment: (559) 266-2622 or LGBTQ&A Support Group. Friday, Feb. 14th, 5:30pm. Holistic Cultural and Education Wellness Center of Fresno at 4867 E. Kings Canyon (Northwest corner of Kings Canyon/ Winery, next to Big Lots). The second Friday of every month from 5:30PM 7PM at Holistic Wellness Center, we hold a support group for Queer, Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay, Genderqueer, pansexual individuals, and everyone else accross the gender and sexuality spectrum!

Senior Exercise Class. Tues. Feb 11th and Thurs. Feb. 13th, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and chairs. Fresno Federal Retirement Workshop. Sunday, Feb. 16th, 5:30pm. Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Fresno Yosemite International Airport. Fresno. Attend this retirement workshop and bring your spouse to understand the federal retirement plan in a way you can remember. FEGLI & FEHB during employment and after retirement, TSP options, answers to Social Security, survivors benefits, and information on the supplement.


Mega 97.9 Valentine’s Freestyle Love Jam. Sat. Feb. 15th, 7:30pm. Selland Arena. Fresno. Artist scheduled to appear; Stevie B Lisa Lisa The Original Cover Girls Trinere Linear Feat Joey Resitvo Johnny O Cynthia Stacey Q Valentine’s Jazz Spectacular Concert. Sunday, Feb. 16th, 8pm. Tower Theater. Fresno. Jazz Super Star Line Up: Take 6 - 10 time Grammy & Award Winner & Gospel Music Hall of Fame, Kirk Whalum - Grammy Award-winning Saxophonist, Nnenna Freelon Award Winning Vocalist, Clint Holmes - Emmy Award Winner. Celebrate the music of the legendary Ray Charles with an all-star cast of award winning performers.

Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s Basketball vs. San Jose State Spartans Women’s Basketball. Weds. Feb. 12th, 6pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno. Chocolicious 5/15k Saturday, Feb. 15th, 9am. Woodward Park. Fresno. Run where everything is Chocolicious! Fresno’s only 15k along with a 5k and 2 mile walk on Feb 15th. Chocolate Brown Hoodie and tons of chocolate with your souvenir dipping bowl. www.RunChocolicious. com Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Basketball vs. Utah State University Aggies Men’s Basketball. Saturday, Feb. 15th, 7pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno. Revenge on Cupid. Friday, Feb. 14th, 8pm. Cancun Bar and Lounge. Fresno. Are you tired of being alone on Valentines Day? Are you ready to Spite at Full Circle Brewing Co. Fri- get revenge on Cupid? Well Cancun day, Feb. 14th, 5pm. Full Circle Brew- is the place to be on Valentines Day. ing Co. Fresno. With special guests We will have a game of match making Varials, Orthodox, Unity-TX, Dealer, for all the singles, a kissing booth, a Reminitions. All ages. $17/adv, $22/ Newlywed game (but don’t worry, it’s DoS. not for newlyweds only) and best of all COME IN YOUR SEXIEST PJ’S FOR TOBYMAC Hits Deep Tour. Friday, A CHANCE TO WIN $250 CASH PRIZE! Feb. 14th, 7pm. Save Mart Center. When we have had enough of Cupids Fresno. Love Games, we will dance the into the early hours. Purchase tickets earBack to the 80’s Prom. Friday, Feb. ly for $10 or pay $15 at the door 14th, 6pm. Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company. Fresno. Join us this Valentine’s Day for a totally tubular Back to the 80s Prom at Tioga! This event will be open to all ages and will have no cover charge. We will have food trucks, live music, and beer releases. We also have a pretty rad prom Art Hop: Paintings by Jessica package that you will be able to purKeller. Thursday, Feb. 20th, 5pm. chase for you and your date. This ValFresno County Public Library. Fresno. entines Day, bust out your best 80s Exhibit will be on display - February outfit and head down to the Beer 10, 2020 - March 9, 2020. RecepGarden for an epic evening! tion: February 20, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm. From my dabbling in 90’s Alternative Dance Night. Friphotography comes a renewed life to day, Feb. 14th, 7pm. Full Circle Olymmy paintings. I choose a subject to pic. Fresno. Celebrate this Valenpaint from the vast collection of my tine’s Day in Nirvana rocking out with photographs. Some of my inspiration the one(s) you love at our all ages comes from reoccurring dreams of 90’s Alternative Dance Night at Full places I’ve never visited and works in Circle Olympic. Dance the night away progress I’ve yet to start. This seems to your favorite alternative tunes to be occurring more frequent. Befrom the 1990’s! Featuring DJ Wreck fore I begin to paint a specific locaWeim spinning all your favorites from tion, structure, animal or insect, I 7pm to midnight. There will be slow read to learn all I can about the subjams thrown in for you love birds. For ject of my painting which will then only $10 a head, come out and enjoy help me with the creative process. our Soundgarden of delight. I’m in constant observation of color and light. Through my paintings…I want to bring beauty. Jessica Keller is


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The Fresno Rogue Festival Presents HOWARD PETRICK’S SOLO PERFORMANCE

Fight for 52¢ Written and performed by Howard Petrick Directed by Mark Kenward


eteran solo performer, Howard Petrick, will appear at the Fresno Rogue Festival with his most ambitious work to date, “Fight for 52¢.” An engrossing portrayal of revolutionary labor leader Vincent Raymond Dunne. Dunne lead the most influential strikes in American history, the 1934 Minneapolis truck driver’s strikes. Petrick presents eighty-year-old Dunne as he is speaking to an audience in 1969, on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the strikes. As a young man Petrick knew Dunne and spent hours talking to him about his life. “Fight for 52¢” will play March 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, at Diann’s Studio of Dance, 826 North Fulton Street. Tickets prices are $12. They may be purchased online at: “Fight for 52¢” is Petrick’s presentation of V.R. Dunne as he knew him in 1969, only a few months before his death. Dunne, still modest about his life, was as electrifying as ever when talking about the need for workers solidarity. Lauded in the Winnipeg Free Press as “an expert storyteller” and in, for his “impeccable” investigation of


ward-winning screenwriter and theatre performer, Candice Holdorf, presents her solo performance debut of Portrait of the Heretic as a Young Woman at the Rogue Festival in Fresno – which runs from March 6-15, 2020. The play begins exactly six months before Candice’s 40th birthday. A looming midlife crisis highlights her past failures: two divorces, seven years of anorexia, and losing family members before saying goodbye. Questioning of her life’s path, she begins a journey that takes her through memories of unexpected encounters with Jesus – including the funeral of her devoutly religious grandfather, a fateful night in Jerusalem when she knew her marriage was over, and a youth retreat produced by the evangelical church. Like the James Joyce book from which the play’s title is inspired, Portrait explores themes of identity, religion, freedom, eroticism, mythology, the Hero’s Journey (or

10 | FEBRUARY 2020


Dunne. Petrick peppers his tale with dashes of humor and history, using simple language to paint a vivid picture of that semi-mythic America, with its chain gangs and mosquito swamps and brave union folk. Howard Petrick is a San Francisco based solo performer whose autobiographical shows focus on civil liberties and working class struggles. Ottawa APT 613 calls Petrick, “an enthralling storyteller, one that uses humour to talk about how human decency can help make sense of the working man’s life.” Canada’s CBC says, “Petrick has an ear for authentic dialogue. As a performer, he’s able to inhabit multiple characters with the subtlest of gestures.” He has performed his work in over twenty cities throughout the US and Canada, including runs at The Marsh in Berkeley, The Found Theatre in Long Beach, and The Dragon Theatre in Redwood City. Past award winning shows “Breaking Rank!” and “Never Own Anything You Have to Paint or Feed,” have played at the Rogue Festivals. For more information visit www.

Heroine’s in this case), and acceptance of self – even if that means leaving everything else behind. Portrait moves between immediate self-inquiry and childhood memory – guiding the audience to follow Ariadne’s thread through the labyrinth of spiritual reclamation. Initial readings of Portrait had audiences saying, “We were very moved by your vulnerable and courageous performance,” and, “Deep bow to you for your emotionally moving, engaging show. It was inspiring and a gift to witness.” Portrait will have four performances at the Spectrum Art Gallery (608 E Olive Ave) over two weekends during the festival. Admission is $7 and tickets are available 30 minutes before the show at the venue or can be prepurchased online at Due to strong language and content, Portrait is rated PG-13 and is appropriate for adults and mature teens. Latecomers are welcome. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


MORE an award winning, self-taught artist. She was born in Fresno, California, and has made Northern California, Southern California and Alaska her home until moving back to Fresno in 1998. Her interest in painting began as a child. She works in oil and acrylic paint and her subjects range from portraits to floral and nature to colorful landscapes. Fiction Series: Emily Nemens. Friday, Feb. 21st, 7pm. Tower Theater. Fresno. The Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing at Fresno State and California Humanities present an evening with author Emily Nemens as part of the Diverse Voices in Contemporary Fiction reading series, hosted by Joseph Cassara. Emily Nemens is a writer, illustrator, and editor. Her debut novel, The Cactus League, is published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. In 2018, Nemens became the seventh editor of The Paris Review, the nation’s preeminent literary quarterly. Since her arrival, the magazine has seen record-high circulation, published two anthologies, and produced a second season of its acclaimed podcast. Nemens grew up in Seattle and received her bachelor’s degree from Brown University, where she studied art history and studio art. She completed an MFA degree in fiction at Louisiana State University. As an illustrator, she’s collaborated with Harvey Pekar, published her work in The New Yorker, and her watercolor portraits of every woman in congress were featured across the web and on national TV. Her short stories have appeared in Blackbird, Esquire, n+1, The Iowa Review, Hobart, and The Gettysburg Review. She lives in New York and remains a Mariners fan. Location: Inside the Tower Theatre Lounge, 809 E. Olive Ave., Fresno, CA 93728. Admission is free. Free on-site parking available. Info: 559.278.1569. 16th Annual Fresno Tattoo Expo. Feb. 22-23 Big Fresno Fairgrounds. Fresno. The infamous Fresno Tattoo Expo is going down at the Big Fresno Fairgrounds Feb. 22-23rd and is hosted once again by yours truly, “Redwave Tattoo” Mark them calendars and be sure to get the weekend off from work so you can come out for a great time at this family friendly show & event! This is the biggest tattoo & art show in the Central Valley with over 200 tattooers, multiple vendors, tattoo contests, Tattooed Hands Art Show, live music, sideshow freaks entertainment show, art raffles & prizes, food vendors, 21 & over Beer Garden and we’re also bringing back the highly requested Tattooed Beauty Contest! So, if you think you’ve got what it takes to be the Tattooed Queen of the San Joa-

quin, be sure to attend and sign up on Saturday Feb 22nd! Winner gets $500 cash and a few more prizes! This event is brought to you by where you’ll find info about attending artist & more!

Theater Roman Holiday (1953) at Historic Crest Theatre. Friday, Feb. 21st, 8pm. Historic Crest Theatre. Fresno. Enjoy this Classic Black & White Romantic Comedy on the Big Screen at the Historic Crest Theatre. Audrey Hepburn at her Oscar-winning best in an immortal comedy-romance.

Community Fresno’s Got Talent - Community Talent Show. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 5pm. Ted C. Wills Community Center. Fresno. The City of Fresno PARCS Department presents: Fresno’s Got Talent - FREE Community Talent Show on Saturday, February 22, 2020. All Talents Welcome. For Ages 8 to 18. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Winners! Contact Wendi D. for more information at or at 559-621-PLAY (7529). An Evening with Paula Poundstone. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 7:30pm. Tower Theatre. Fresno. Paula Poundstone is a humorist, author and comedian known for her clever, observational humor and spontaneous wit. When she isn’t collecting hotel soaps while on tour or panel-ing on NPR’s #1 show, Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me!, Paula hosts the popular Maximum Fun podcast, Nobody Listens to Paula Poundstone. Nobody is a comedy field guide to life complete with taste tests, cats of the weeks and leading experts in everything from beekeeping to ping pong to prosopagnosia. In February 2019, Paula’s stand-up special, Cats, Cops and Stuff was named by TIME Magazine and Tig Notaro as one of The 5 Funniest Stand-Up Specials Ever.

Family Board Game Meetup. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 1pm. Crazy Squirrel Games and Toys. Fresno. Do you love to play board games or are just looking for something new to do that won’t break the bank? If so, come enjoy a day of games with friends or find some new people to play with. Our family friendly store is a great place to bring the family and spend the day. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |





MORE Minecraft University. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 10am. Fresno. Learn, explore & build in a custom Minecraft world with our skilled STEM instructor. Every Saturday from 10 AM - 2 PM $15 per class session. What we offer: Construction 101: Join a group of fellow architects & engineers in creative mode to collaborate & build. Survival 101: Join a group of fellow adventurers to overcome challenges and explore a custom Minecraft world. Limited space – First come first serve. Sign up today! registration

Kids Story Time and Art Activity with Ms. Porter. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 11am. Petunia’s Place. Fresno. 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month starting at 11:00 AM Story Time and Art Activity with Ms. Porter Children ages 3 - 8 are invited to join Ms. Porter for stories, songs, and crafts! Call (559) 438-1561 for more information. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182

12 | FEBRUARY 2020

Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s Basketball vs. University of Nevada Wolfpack Women’s Basketball. SatExercise Class. Tues. Feb 18th and urday, Feb. 22nd, 2pm. Save Mart Thurs. Feb. 20th, 10:30am. Palm Center. Fresno. Village Senior Network. 7638 N. In- gram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and Collie Buddz at Strummer’s. Thurs. chairs. Feb. 20th, 8pm. Strummer’s. Fres no. Palm Village Senior Network Month- ly Lunch. Friday, Feb. 21st, 12pm- TB&J: Tacos, Brews, and Jams. 2pm. Casa Corona, Bullard and Thursday, Feb. 20th, 5pm. Tioga West. Fresno. Join us for our monthly Sequoia Brewing Company. Fresno. lunch at Casa Corona. Please RSVP Join us Thursday, Feb. 20 for Tacos, by 2/19. Brews & Jams at the Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company beer garden in



Sports Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Basketball vs. Air Force Academy Falcons Mens Basketball. Wednesday, Feb. 19th, 7pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno. Fresno Monsters Hockey. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 7:30pm. Selland Arena. Fresno. For more information, please visit


Downtown Fresno. You know what to expect: Great local taco trucks, cold beer, cool music and fantastic vendors. This month, we have the band Grand Am coming from Chicago to play on the TB&J stage for you! Dessert from The Rolling Donut - Fresno, shopping with Rethreaded Vintage, Fresloca, Sticker Supernova and more. As always, TB&J is open to all ages and admission is free. Totally 80’s Live w/Bow Wow Wow & When In Rome. Thursday, Feb. 20th, 8pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. Totally 80’s

Live with artists Bow Wow Wow and When In Rome. Blake Shelton: Friends and Heroes 2020. Friday, Feb. 21st, 7pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno. Blake Shelton live in concert. With very special guest Lauren Alaina and special appearances by The Bellamy Brothers, John Anderson, Trace Adkins. Savage Incorporated with Cloudship and Spacehooker. Friday, Feb. 21st, 8:30pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. Savage Incorporated with special guests Cloudship and Spacehooker open the show! Tickets are $10 and available at or at Tower District Records Chingo Bling Going Viral Tour 2020. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 7:30pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. Going Viral Tour starring Chingo Bling The Beetles. Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 6:30pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. Beatles tribute band, The Beetles, performing live. Help us welcome back The Beetles for their first 2020 appearance at the 55! Glen Delpit and the Subterraneans. Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 2:30pm. Full Cir-



cle Olympic. Fresno. After the Tower Mardi Gras Parade! Bringing it all back home. Yes, the Subterraneans purveyors of the most wildly hypnotic dance music this side of Yazoo City Mississippi are back at their home. Their original stomping grounds if you will. From Club Fred to Audie’s Olympic The Subterraneans played after every Mardi Gras Parade and now with the rebirth of the Full Circle Olympic, they’re back. If you’ve ever been to the parade and the Subterranean after party, well, you know it’s the party of the year. The most fun that you can have with your clothes on. Bring your dancin’ shoes ‘cause you’ll surely need ‘em.As the loquacious and mellifluously named Van Lingle Mungo and his paramour Miss Winsetta Patio like to say, “You can shake it, you can break it, you can hang it on the wall, but it ain’t nothin’ but a butt shakin’ good time.” Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler

21 & Over Friends Trivia Bar Crawl. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 4pm. Goldstein’s Tower District (registration). Fresno. Crawl multiple bars with exclusive drinks specials, while competing against

Shane “Scurvy” Spears brings his award-winning show,

NAME-TAG BLUES Houston Robertson

The Story of a Nice White Lady ‘Nice’ is a Four-Letter Word, Comes to Rogue


lueless racism gets shredded by 83-yearold force of nature Houston Robertson in this hilarious and confessional scolding of nice white ladies everywhere. From churches to jazz clubs, from women’s marches to the White House, Houston bursts the bubble of good intentions, and reminds us that nice is a four-letter word. The show radiates with honesty and wit as she parallels her personal story and a storybook one to highlight the clueless racism and homophobia of nice white ladies. She also pays tribute to her mother who seemed to have no racial walls. “Charming, irreverent, and an overall fun show.” Spellbinder Entertainment. Houston Robertson, 83, a retired human resource professional, brings to her solo work her experience as a writer, motivational speaker, and award-winning clown. When she was 47, she quit her job and became Ribbons the Clown on the streets of San Francisco--her first solo performance. “I’ve wanted to be on stage since 1954, my senior year in high school, when I appeared as Olivia in “Night Must Fall.” It just felt like I belonged on stage, but good girls didn’t go into theater in 1954. One of the freedoms of my aging has been to discover that dreams may wrinkle but to unfold once again.” She has been called a “gutsy storyteller” and “an insanely expressive and inspiring spirit”—qualities that inhabit her memoir “Paper Chain Confessions” which is available through Houston delighted audiences in the USA and Canada, including Fresno in 2015, with her first solo show, “Victory for the Recycled Virgin” — “sassy, sexy, and wickedly funny.”

home for the 2020 Rogue festival.


achine gun stand-up “traumedy” performer Shane Scurvy Spears brings his hit one-man show “Name-Tag Blues” back for the 2020 Rogue festival for four dates at the fringiest venue in the two weekend fringe festival, The Tent of Tales. “Name-Tag Blues” is described as true tales from the joe-jobs of an angry working stiff; from the cash register trenches of the American retail wasteland to the oubliettes of telemarketing grind pits. This is a dark, funny, adults-only journey through one man’s dissonance with the punch clock. Spears’ riotous rage goes behind the name-tag with interviews gone wrong, bosses given the finger, drug tests thwarted, resumes

embellished, customers offended and the ups and downs of getting hired, fired, used, abused, subdued and unglued in a 45 minute solo tribute to the plight of the working class. “Name-Tag Blues” was praised by critics and audience at The Tucson fringe fest (2019) and Nugget Fringe fest (2018) and took home a “best of ” award at each. This year it returns to the festival where it opened in 2012. When asked about his decision to bring the show back Spears said “I asked myself, do I need money, and the answer was yes I do.” Spears has been a fixture at Rogue for many years, often playing to sold-out

rooms and producing some of the more controversial shows in the line-up including Cap’n Scurvy’s Apocalypse Hoedown Revival (2010) and Wet-Wired for Weird (2015) both of which were lauded and walked out on by some members of the audience. Despite his penchant for confrontational humor, Spears says “Name-Tag Blues” is “accessible to even the most uptight buzzkill, because nearly everybody has had a go nowhere dead-end job in their life. This show is for those unsung heroes who smile and push it down and DON’T stab you multiple times when you ask to “see the manager.”

Donna Kay Yarborough, Takes a foray into horror with

ROSEGOLD at the 2020 Rogue festival.


ogue veteran Donna Kay Yarborough is known to Fresno as a woman that sings and makes comedy. But this year, she’s looking to make you frightened. “Horror is a genre that is less-commonly seen in Fringe Festival offerings,” says Yarborough. “I always admire the shows that create a true combination of dread and fear. It’s challenging to achieve, but I’m always up for a challenge.” Yarborough, who is currently based out of Portland, OR, is typically labeled a “comedian”, whether that is her intent or not. She is hoping to expand her label with the premier of “Rosegold”, a suspenseful solo show about the specter of addiction. “I have always loved macabre things, from as far back as I can remember. 4-year-old me made a picture book called “The Two Lovers: A Story of Love and


Death”. My parents helped me how to spell the title. By 4th grade, my favorite authors were Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and Edgar Allan Poe. I would sneak out of bed at night to watch scary movies on TV. To this day, if I’m looking to unwind, I land in Netflix’s Suspense and Horror category.” So, she thought she’d try to make her own horror-ble offering. She had started by doing research about one victim of serial killer H.H. Holmes, but the new show “pushed to the front of my head. I wrote for 8 hours straight-- something I haven’t done in years-- and ended up with a first draft.” Set in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, a woman speaks up for the first time and shares her reasons for drinking. It turns out she had been what horror film fans refer to as “The Final Girl”, the sole survivor of a violent event, and, much like alcohol-


ism, that tragedy is forever a part of her, woven into her daily existence. “In the past few years, I’ve had a family member struggle to get sober, and I thought a lot about the ever-present, unshakable nature of addiction. ‘Rosegold’ is a metaphor to explore that… and what happens to ‘The Final Girl’ after the movie is over. Seriously, how does that woman ever, like, go back to the grocery store again?” For more information, go to To follow the misadventures of Donna Kay Yarborough on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, go to | FRESNO FLYER |



MORE hundreds of other crawlers to determine who is the trivia champ of the day’s theme. Tickets: FresnoGoth Presents: Club Creepatorium. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 9pm. El Patron Nightclub. Fresno. Dust off your dancing shoes, folks! Fresno Goth presents Club Creepatorium! A monthly Goth/Industrial/ Dark80z/Dark Electro Dance Music & Spectral Social Extravaganza! Brought to you by the Fresno Goth Party Crew, Creepin’ Fresno since 2002! Featuring Fresno Goth DJz Antimusick, WreckWeim & Morgue Rat! Hosted by Marjhani Bellamorte & ghost host Maverick Cadaverick! Drink Specials & Door Prizes! Cheap Thrills, Graven Chills, Sultry Shadows, Children of the Night & Mysterious Encounters abound! 21+ w/ID! Free before 10:PM, $5 after 10:PM! @ El Patron Nightclub @ 2438 N. Webber, Fresno Mardi Gras @ Tower Theater Lounge. Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 11am10pm. Tower Theater Lounge. Fresno. Live Bands, Dj’s, Indoor & Outdoor Event, 2 Bars, Inside The Tower Theatre Lounge, Tacos. Don’t miss the #MardiGrasParade in Tower District then make sure to hit our event!

February 25-29

nal release. Hosted by the Chicanx Writers and Artists Association and the Department of English. Funding support by Associated Students, Inc. through the Instructionally Related Activities fund. FREE admission and FREE parking RiRi Paint Class. Saturday, Feb. 29th. 6pm. High Sierra Grill House. Fresno. Join us for our first paint class dedicated to RIHANNA!!! You can expect an up-beat evening with instruction al painting, delicious food, strong drinks, Dj playing RiRi music all night long and tons of fun!!! Bring all your hardcore Rihanna fans out for a night they won’t want to miss. Food/drinks sold separate. All ages welcome.

Theater Sleeping Beauty, Presented by the Valley Performing Arts Council. Friday, Feb. 28th, 6:30pm. William Saroyan Theater. Fresno. The Valley Performing Arts Council presents the Sleeping Beauty ballet. A modern take on a favorite fairytale, Sleeping Beauty is the newest story ballet in State Street’s Family Series. Performed to Tchaikovsky’s celebrated score, this joyful world premiere features intricately designed sets, visionary costumes and virtuosic dancing.



give so much of themselves, every day, to make our city a safe place to live, work, and thrive. The 10K and 5K Run is a chipped run and 1st through 3rd place runners will receive PRIZE in their age category. Fresno/SupportBlue

Family Sleeping Beauty (1959) at Historic Crest Theatre. Friday, Feb. 28th, 8pm. Historic Crest Theatre. Fresno. Walt Disney’s classic Sleeping Beauty (1959) returns to the big screen for one night only at Historic Crest Theatre. Costumes are encouraged. Specialty drinks will be served. What better way to enjoy a classic film than in a historic theatre? It’s not just a movie, it’s an experience! Tickets only $6. Minecraft University. Friday, Feb. 29th, 10am. Fresno. Learn, explore & build in a custom Minecraft world with our skilled STEM instructor. Every Saturday from 10 AM - 2 PM $15 per class session. What we offer: Construction 101: Join a group of fellow architects & engineers in creative mode to collaborate & build. Survival 101: Join a group of fellow adventurers to overcome challenges and explore a custom Minecraft world. Limited space – First come first serve. Sign up today! mc/registration

Flies, Cockroaches and Poets Read- 5th Annual Support Blue Fresno ing. Friday, Feb. 28th, 8pm. Fresno Run. Saturday, Feb. 29th, 9am. State Conley Art. Fresno. Reading Woodward Park. Fresno. Join us to and reception to celebrate the 2020 show your support for the many men Book Signing and Storytime with Flies, Cockroaches & Poets jour- and women in law enforcement who Claire Noland and Mykel Suntrapak. Saturday, Feb. 29th, 11am. Petunia’s Place. Fresno. Join us as we meet authors and artist of Children’s Hospital George books: Claire Noland and Artist Mykel Suntrapak as they share their books, Out and About with George. George the Children’s Hospital Giraffe will join us at 12:00pm. Don’t miss this fun event. Children ages 3-8 will be delighted! Bring your cameras for a photo opportunity with George!


Senior Exercise Class. Tues. Feb 25th and Thurs. Feb. 27th, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and chairs. Support Group @ Kingston Bay Senior Living. Saturday, Feb. 29th,

14 | FEBRUARY 2020


2pm. Kingston Bay Senior Living. Fresno. Come and join others to discuss the signs and symptoms of memory loss, resources available, caregiving tips and other important topics relevant to you. Friends and family are welcome. We will have this event in the 2nd floor Theatre Room. RSVP at (559) 479-4700 to attend.

Sports The 2020 Fig Open. Feb. 28th to March 1st. Fig Garden Swim & Racquet Club. Fresno. The 2020 CCTA Fig Open at Fig Garden Swim and Racquet Club. Entry Deadline: Monday, February 24 at 10:00 PM. The Fig Open kicks off the 2020 CCTA Season. Friday night matches will only be utilized if draw size dictates. All matches to be two out of three sets with a ten point tiebreaker to determine the third set. Consolation is offered in all events. 3 Way: Cal vs. Cal Poly. Fresno State Men’s Volleyball. Saturday, Feb. 29th, 4pm. Fresno State Mens Volleyball Club. Fresno. 3 way shootout between Fresno State, Cal, and Cal Poly. Matches will be held in the south gym. Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Basketball vs. Wyoming Cowboys Mens Basketball. Satuday, Feb. 29th, 4pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno.

Music Crucial Blend Stackin’ Homies Tour. Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 7:30pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. Crucial Blend with special guests Green Machine and Strange Matter. Doors open at 7pm. Music starts at 7:30pm. Tickets available at Tower District Records. Miranda Lambert: Wildcard Tour. Thursday, Feb. 27th, 7pm. Save Mart Center. Fresno. Miranda Lambert brings her Wildcard tour to the Save Mart Center in Fresno. With special guests Cody Johnson and Lanco. Nara Avetisyan - Young Armenian Talent. Friday, Feb. 28th, 7:30pm. Fresno State Concert Hall. Fresno. Pianist Nara Avetisyan will perform as part of the “Young Armenian Talent Series,” co-sponsored with the Keyboard Concert Series at Fresno State. Tickets required. Free parking in Lot P1 (corner of Maple and Shaw Aves.) Faithfully live - Journey tribute. Saturday, Feb. 29th, 8:45pm. Fulton 55. Fresno. FAITHFULLY LIVE is a West Coast-based concert re-cre-



ation of the band Journey covering their greatest smash hits from 1978-1996. Jeff Salado founded the group in 2005. Journey still tours, but for those that still long for the “voice” of Journey Steve Perry that fronted that amazing band back in the day should now treat yourself to FAITHFULLY LIVE - “Reliving The Glory Days Of Journey” .Armed with the trademark soulfulness & range of Perry’s vocals, this Tribute to Journey combines the amazing vocal talents and dynamic instrumentals that separates this band from all other cover/Tribute bands. Jeff along with his band mates take their audiences on a rhythmic ride to an era when rock dominated the radio airwaves. They are hailed by critics and fans alike as the most authentic and endearing Journey tribute band in the world. Roy Orbison Returns, featuring Wiley Ray and the Big O Band. Saturday, Feb. 29th, 8pm. Tower Theatre. Fresno. Nationally touring band, Wiley Ray and the Big O Band, are bringing you, Roy Orbison Returns! Celebrating Roy Orbison! Bringing you all of Roy’s hits, Pretty Woman, Crying, and more! Come out for a night to celebrate Roy and be taken back to experience what he was best known for, his humor and amazing music. “Roy Orbison Returns” is a fully-scripted musical theater re-creation of Roy Orbison’s 1980’s concert era with costumes, lighting, staging and Orbison’s set list. Included in the ninety-minute shows are songs representative of thirty-plus years of musical history from his earliest Teen Kings rockabilly days through Doo-Wop and on through the sixties into the MTV era.

21 & Over Fat Tuesday in Rockville. Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 8pm. Sequoia Brewing Company Tower. Fresno. Carnival in the Tower! Beer, beads, bacchanalia! Sequoia Brewing Co. North Presents: Radioactive. Friday, Feb. 28th, 9pm. Sequoia Brewing Co. Fresno. Sequoia Brewing Co. North Presents Radioactive. 5th Annual Homegrown Homebrew Competition. Saturday, Feb. 29th, 2pm. Tioga Sequoia Brewing Co. Fresno. This competition is open to all homebrewers located in the Central Valley from Bakersfield to Lodi. Participants must complete the online registration form prior to dropping off their beer. https://forms. gle/65xsjuNQPbFU3T519


WALKING DEAD By I. smiley G. Calderón |

I’m not gonna lie - it’s pretty dismal where I live. Lots of poverty, trash in the streets, lots of roaming homeless, and make-shift encampments scattered from corner to corner. I guess it’s what’s to be expected to live in District 7, the poorest district in Fresno. During my first month here, my place was broken into by some local neighborhood homeless addicts. I had my new MacBook and passport stolen. Aargh…a warm welcome to F-NO, alright. For those of you following my writing here in the Flyer for the past year or so, you know that I’m new - or relatively new - to Fresno. When I first moved here toward the end of 2018 from Southern California, I honestly didn’t know anyone. Still, everyone I met told me that I should find an apartment “north of Shaw.” Now, at the time, I really didn’t know what that meant. For starters, I didn’t even know where Shaw was located. And, what was so bad about finding a place south of Shaw, anyway? The usual responses: crime, dirtiness, the “ghetto” - the homeless. But I wanted to be in the heart of the city, so I found an affordable place to rent in Downtown Fresno, near Tulare and the 41. Of course, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. All I knew was I wanted to get to know Fresno at both its lows and its highs. And anyway, I’m accustomed to poverty, and homeless people don’t scare me. The way I see it, we’re all just one step away from joining our homeless brothers and sisters on the streets, anyway. Really, no one homeless ever imagines that they’d find themselves in such despair. It just happens - slowly and suddenly. And, on the streets, it’s cold - not just temperature-wise, either - but it’s

really a cold place of survival. With nowhere to go and no car to hide in, homeless men and women walk around town with their meager belongings looking for their daily bread. But I bet they don’t realize just how dangerous this street walking of theirs can really be. Or, maybe they do. In 2018 here in Fresno, some 30 pedestrians died as a result of a car accident. And, every year, the number of pedestrians killed by cars increases. In fact, pedestrian fatalities have increased 69% over the past decade nationwide, and this horrible trend is on the rise. Thousands upon thousands of pedestrians perish every year doing the one fundamental thing that we’ve been doing safely for thousands upon thousands of years since the beginning of civilization. At the pinnacle of our technological advancements, who would have imagined that mere walking would become so perilous for us! Yet, if you’ve spent any time walking our Fresno streets like I regularly do, you’d immediately realize that our dangerous streets seem apparently designed and constructed solely for cars, with every kind of vehicle in mind. And you can guess what feels forgotten. That’s right: pedestrians - you and me. Pedestrians seem like an afterthought or an unfortunate nuisance in the design of our streets. They are not pedestrian-friendly. In fact, it almost feels that if the city architects who design our streets, if they could, would design pedestrians entirely out of the mix. Let’s face it: our streets are intended for our technology, not our humanity. And this really hit home last week when I went to grab a taco at the local taco shop down the street. As I was ordering and


paying for my food, I noticed a can with a photo taped on it. It was a jar collecting money for the funeral costs for my street friend, Ruben. I was shocked and heartbroken to learn that he was suddenly dead. What the hell! I just saw him the other day, I cried inside. I felt numb. I needed to find out what happened to Ruben. So, I tried looking him up in the Fresno Bee Obituaries. Ruben Arechiga. No listing, no mention. So, I walked behind the taco shop and talked with some of Ruben’s old street acquaintances. I asked if they knew what happened to the “homey, Ruben,” and after they realized I wasn’t a cop, they opened up to me. With glass pipe in hand puffing on meth, an older guy who looked just like Ruben told me that he had been hit by a car right in front of the Jack In The Box on the corner.


Wow. I couldn’t believe it. Not Ruben. Against all the odds for years, this guy had survived prison, gunshots, gang fights, knife fights, severe illnesses, and the Fresno homeless street life only to be plowed down by a stupid car. I’m really angered by this, but I’m not too sure what can be done to practically and expeditiously remedy this pernicious danger in our car-centric society. What can I do to stay alive the next time I go for a walk? All I can say is if you’re gonna walk in Fresno (or in any urban area, for that matter), look both ways twice, keep your ears permanently perked at all times, and look out for any stray vehicles coming your way. Sadly, if not, the next time it could be you walking dead… RIP, Ruben - you are missed, my homey.




CLASSIFIEDS PERSONALS GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no answer. ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

2008 KAWASAKI vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade 2004 Wildwood 5th for registered tagged wheel 30ft, 3 slide small truck or SUV outs, excellent condi- with trailor hitch. Gation.Asking $15,000 raged 95% of life. OBO (559) 673-7185 (559) 903-8283 or (559) 975-9835 PAINTING Services FOOD Concession with Asante Paint & Trailer 16 Foot Equip- Décor. Residential / ment Included $18,00 Commercial Interior OBO (559) 291-9864 & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Comor (559) 298-4725 mercial Power Washing, Hotel / Apt Turn ARE YOU SELLING Arounds and More. something? List it here Call for Free Quote for only $20/ issue. (661) 492-2310 (FresCall 559-472-7182 no) Lic#1051349


3 SEAT theater chair. Seats are all connected, folds up pretty flat for storage. In very good condition for its age, very sturdy and solid. Cash only, you must pick up in person. (559) 341-1038 VINTAGE sewing machine $100 (Hanford) 261-5494 WINDOWS $15 Text (559) 940-8666 The more you get the cheeper they are We took the windows out of my home House is in the Tower District

VERY NICE condition portable case plug-in cromwell record player 1950s very good condition for ARE YOU SELLING its age needs needle something? List it here which you can purfor only $20/ issue. chase online for under $15 I am selling it for Call 559-472-7182 $75 or best offer call or text 559-709-3250 CAL KING Cal Memory Foam Topper Brand new $50 Call 559-304-1831


OLD WOOD windows, all in good shape ANTIQUE tea cart wood and glass, asking $100 (559) 260-8157 $20.00 each or take all for $50.00, call 559776-4385 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here SUPPORT LOCAL Call 559-472-7182

3 SEAT theater chair. Seats are all connected, folds up pretty flat for storage. In very good condition for its age, very sturdy and solid. Cash only, you must pick up in person. (559) 341-1038


BLACK CALIFORNIA King bed in good condition. Dimension it’s California King you need box spring size. 72 x 84 inches. Text me or call at 559.424.35.85 ELEGANT Buffet/ Sideboard. 6 dovetail drawers. All slide smoothly. 2 doors with inner shelves. Original handles. Beautiful detailed legs. In great condition. Perfect for any room. 60 in long x 37 in tall x 21 in depth Asking 245 If your interested call or text 559-284-0750 OLD DROP leaf table, has the original rollers, $65.00 call 559-776-4385

COFFEE TABLE with glass. Great DIY project $20. Call 559304-1831

QUEEN 2” Memory Foam Mattress Topper $45. Call 559-3041831



1950S CHROME well record player with plug in cord portable very good condition for its age turns on and spins only needs neeNICE VINTAGE dle which can be purwood chair, swivELECTRONICS chased online for unel, needs cushions, $40.00, call 559-776- 12 INCH massive der $15 I am selling for 4385 speakers $120 (559) $75 or best offer call or text 559-709-3250 573-2883 LIVE EDGE table. Made from locally IPHONE & PC Re- XBOX ONE and one sourced Sugar Pine pairs. We repair bro- S $160 Up for sale is a and has cast iron legs. ken glass and LCD, gamestop refurbished (559) 284-0985 battery replacement, original xbox one with tablets, computers and controller for $120 and NICE PATIO table water damage. Vis- a xbox one s with conthat seats 6. It is cast it 49 W. Alluvial Ave troller for $160. Both iron with 6 cast iron (559) 417-5319 or 230 these consoles have metal chairs. In very W.Fallbrook Ave #101 been cleaned out and work. They can be testgood condition! Would (559) 474-1825 ed at the fresno hock be close to $1,000 new. 175 or best offer. 559- HP M3-U001DX i3 shoppe during normal 250-7886 6GB RAM 500GB busniess hours. Open HD $269 It has been Monday - Friday 10am TWO matching book- cleaned out of all old to 530pm and Saturcases $150 Pick up data. No passwords days 10am to 2pm, you only please 559-907- etc. 6GB of RAM, a can also reach us by 4156 500GB HD, and an i3 phone at 559-264-5856 processor. It is running QUEEN BED head- Windows 10 as well. APPLE WATCH seboard and footboard. Touchsreen with fold- ries 3 42mm in space Dark wood. $125 Call ing screen. I will pro- grey for sale, only 559-304-1831 vide more information work twice, no scratchon this laptop below es or damage and come CAL KING Cal for those who are in- with original everyMemory Foam Topper terested. The Fresno thing. Call or text 559Brand new $50 Call Hock Shoppe 559-264- 916-1602 559-304-1831 5856

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CLASSIFIEDS TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all the TV’s we currently have in stock. We have 3 50” TV’s and a 24”. the 24”, and two of 50” TV’s are Vizio and the other 50” is an Insignia. They all have remotes with them and work properly. The Fresno Hock Shoppe questions at 559-2645856 DELL LATITUDE E7470 Laptop - $199 with charger. It is running Windows 10, has 8GB of RAM an Intel i5 and a 500GB HD. Clean unit has some very light wear and tear from use nothing major. It is missing the piece between the G H and B keys for scrolling. Come check this out and other electronics at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559264-5856

BEATS SOLO wireless Excellent conditions $180 cash you can test them out no problem practically new only used a few times cuz being in schoolI don’t have time so my loss is ur gain they still under 4 year warranty plz only serious comes with everything in picture Beats solo wireless color rose gold 40 hour battery You can contact me at 559-3207949


ARE YOU SELLING NICE CONDITION something? List it here Squier strat. Priced to sell $75.00 w/padded Call 559-472-7182 gig bag Ibanez Electric IBANEZ GIO GS- $60.00 559-246-4922 R105EX 5-String Bass In great shape, plays great as well. No issues APPLIANCES with this bass. Comes as shown does include MINI FRIDGE sale a soft case which is $70 The TV Shop not pictured. 5 string. Clovis 50 W. Bullard Come check it out #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat and many other mu- 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559sical instruments and 299-6100 equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri ARE YOU SELLING from 10am to 530pm something? List it here and Sat from 10am to Call 559-472-7182 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-264- TV’S!! 24” LED TV’s 5856 starting at $69!! 32” LED TV’s starting at YAMAHA MG06X $85!! 40” LED TV’s Mixing Console $109 starting at $139!! 50” original box and pow- LED TV’s starting at er adapter. In great $175!! The TV Shop working and cosmetic Clovis 50 W. Bullard shape. I will provide #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat more information on 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559this unit below for 299-6100 those who are interested. And if you are in- KENMORE washterested come on down er dryer $225 Works to at The Fresno Hock great. Delivery availShoppe Mon-Fri 10am able. 559-394-3369 to 5:30pm and Sat- urdays from 10am to WINDOW AIR Con2pm or call 559-264- ditioner by Frigidaire 5856 $325 (559) 250-3033

HARBINGER APS15 Powered Speaker (Single) $109 Pre-owned Harbinger in good shape. Works great no issues. Powered speaker. Shows some normal wear from use. Come check it out and other PA speakers at 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno CA 93702 at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from ARE YOU SELLING 10am to 2pm or call us something? List it here with any questions at for only $20/ issue. 559-264-5856. Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL



TREE SERVICE Serving all your tree care needs WE CAN DO IT ALL! ●

Palm Trees Tree Stumps MistleToe Removal Trimming Topping

CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop ARE YOU SELLING /cages is $30 ..great something? List it here for small birds/Quils / chickens/chicks .l arge Call 559-472-7182 ones are $50 to $60 R E F R I G E R ATO R .size 5x4x5 will by Whirlpool. Apt.size need a pick up truck or I can drop them off (559) 250-3033 for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 643-7156 FARM & NEW BELLA 2 Slice Toaster Extra-Wide Slots $15 559-2462220


HONDA/Craftsman mower CCV 160. - low hours runs great- $125. Edger. Yardman Briggs and Stratton 158 $100. Both excellent running condition. Reasonable offers considered. 8000 pound 12 volt winch attached to old train station baggage cart - $100. Runs off 12 volt car battery. Very large road closed ahead sign $75. Please text only for appt. to see. Ken 559-593-1059 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

I SELL dog houses to be ready for winter time. X-small -12x12x16-$10/$30 with paint roof Small18x18x24-$20/$50 with paint roof Medium-24x24x32-$30/$70 have two different size door with paint roof carpet Large36x36x48-$100/$150 with paint and X-large42x42x60-$150/$200 with paint Huge48x48x72-$200/$250 with paint and roof I have 12 different colors. Questions please text 559-475-2803

ARE YOU SELLING ALOE VERA plants something? List it here - $5 Aloe plants medium, large and extra Call 559-472-7182 large plants in 1 gal. 2017 CRAFTSMAN pots. They are $5, $10, riding mower $800 $15. $20 Landscapnew starter, it runs ing Plants, tropical’s, good but sometimes shrubs, flowers, fruit, it doesn’t start. Not herbs and succulent sure feels like battery plants (559) 307-9366 doesn’t have enough juice to turn over sometimes 708-2064 LAWN EDGER, Briggs and Stratton engine $40 call 645-7642

ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL

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2008 Polaris Ranger 700 XP 4X4 Seats 6 Low miles Second owner, always adult owned Well maintained Great for trail rides and around the yard Includes rear storage rack $6000 (559) 287-0719

JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 ask for 2015 CAN-Am Maverick 1000R XDS ExJames cellent condition with LAWN SERVICE. low mileage and hours! Cleanups, Fertiliz- Hours 35.6 $12800 er, New Saw, Lawn Please call or text Spraying, Sprinkler (559) 353-0882 Repair & Lawn Reseeding. 559-696-5149 HONDA 200-x three wheeler. Don’t ride or 559-275-7630 anymore. Frame is slightly bent but very rideable and fixable HAULING comes with extras. JW CLEAN-UP SER- Asking $1100.00 Very VICES. Estate Sale firm in price .No trades Cleanups. Yard, Trash, or low ballers if intrestConstruction cleanup, ed call 559 696-7746 rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apart- 2004 YAMAHA blastments & foreclosures. er, newer rear tires, We do it all Just Call! fresh big bore kit low hours, new bosysen (559)307-4304 reeds, pro circuit exhaust and pipe, new chain, good brakes, PAINTING fresh carb build. Extras $2350obo PAINTING Services included. Clean title and current with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / registration in hand. Commercial Interior & 559-698-4566 Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing and More. Call (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) Lic#1051349 CLEANING MODERN MAIDS Residential and Commercial Cleaning. Serving Clovis and Surrounding Areas. $50 off first service. Call today (559) 4958299




2002 Banshee $3300 All stock. fresh top end less than 1 hour on it. New tires. Paddles on rims along with dirt tires. Not abused super clean. (559) 375-2838

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2005 YAMAHA Midnight Star 1700 cc excellent Bike no problems runs perfect 14000 miles clean title Text 559.260.5449 2007 ZX-10R $5300 (559) 473-9302

2014 KIA Optima $8800 (559) 999-2480 1997 CADILLAC Deville excellent condition low miles clean leather interior no tears good paint no scratches $4000 obo cash call or text 559-519-0365

VOLKSWAGEN Jetta 2009 2.5L in perHUNTER 170 Sail- fect conditions. It only boat $4995 (559) 299- has 67k miles, tires in good condition and 3422 new brake pads! All MARLIN Bayliner the windows works Ski Boat $8500 (Sel- perfectly fine. Excelent and reliable car. I am ma) 708-6996 the second owner of the car! Selling it because I’m moving out RVS of California. $4690 97 AIRBUS Motor- 559-612-5828 home 32 foot $12,000 CORVETTE OBO (559) 291-9864 1981 I’m asking 13,000 or or (559) 298-4725 best offer. Please only FOOD Concession serious Offers only. No Trailer 16 Foot Equip- low balling, no trade, ment Included $18,00 no checks, not shipOBO (559) 291-9864 ping out of state. Cash only. If you’re serious or (559) 298-4725 and want more inforTRAVEL Trailer 2008 mation you can contact 26ft long $11800 (559) me at(559) 906-4195 412-0629


TRUCKS 2004 WILDWOOD 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs, excellent condi- 1996 SILVERADO tion. Asking $10,000 z71 4wd $6300 (Ker2006 YAMAHA raptor OBO (559) 673-7185 man) (559) 728-6262 700r. Great condition or (559) 975-9835 2005 Yamaha raptor 1989 JEEP Wrangler 80cc great condition HUNTERS Spe- lifted, gears, lockAnd a Honda 250 ex cial-1995 Salem Trav- ers,winch,fuel injec2004 Includes trailer el Trailer, 17 ft Long, tion! $7000 (Visalia) as well 5x14 very nice extra clean, everything (559) 300-7700 trailer. Very easy to works, $4,800. 559load quad. $8000 (559) 412-0629 03 TAHOE z71 4x4 708-1721 with smog n tags 190. 2007 PIONEER Spir- miles clean title exel it - $6900 19 ft box, 18 lent $3600 644-5434 MOTORCYCLES CK- Center Kitchen. Great floor plan, lots of 2004 TOYOTA Ta2008 KAWASAKI storage, fully self-con- coma double cab. vulcan classic 8,900 tained. Comfortably Runs great, automatic miles $5,000 or trade sleeps 7. Everything transmission, air confor registered tagged works well- AC, elec- ditioner is cold, has small truck or SUV tric hitch, new brakes, new tires. V6 motor, with trailor hitch. Ga- new 12 ft awning, all it’s not a 4x4. In Spanraged 95% of life. new LED lighting. ish call 559-346-9194 (559) 903-8283 Very well maintained- for English 346-9195 clean, non-smoker. $10,500 2010 KTM 530 EXC Call/text Will @ (559) 2012 JEEP Liberty Dual sport, limited edi- 360-0953 $7700 Second owner. tion Kini-Red Bull. I Clean title. Remote am the original owner start, leather seats, satof the bike. I purchased CARS it new from Wilsons ellite radio. (559) 367motorcycle. The bike 1969 PONTIAC 4904 is in excellent shape Grand Prix $8000 SUPPORT LOCAL (559) 474-1318 (559) 978-2710 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

500 CASH









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Services. Estate sale cleanups. Yard, trash, construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments and foreclosures. We it all, just call! (559) 307-4304 ask for James


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