Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 8

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EDITOR’S NOTE I like to talk a big game - or at least it seems that way. For more than a few of these notes, I’ve made grand claims about what this magazine is supposed to (and hopefully will) achieve. If you’ve been reading us a while, then you know what I’m talking about. But for those just tuning in: our goal for the Flyer is to be the connective thread that helps weave a more cohesive, unified, eclectic quilt that is the Central Valley’s culture. It would achieve that by telling the stories and covering the issues important to each community. However, it’s only half the work to talk about it. The other half is follow-through. This is where you come in. Yes, you. The (aspiring) writer, reporter, critic, the person with a love for words, and a passion for seeing the community rise up to its potential. And you live in Reedley, Fowler, Madera, Oakhurst, Sanger, or any of the surrounding cities that rub shoulders with Fresno or Clovis. You see, we can’t be a connective thread without representing each corner of the Valley on our pages. But to do that, we need writers. I wish I could be in every municipality at once, dissecting city council meetings and crawling through the underground scene to discover all the savage talent there. Howev-


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er, you know as well as I know, that’s impossible. I need eyes and ears on the ground, willing to put it all down in words. “But Lisa, I don’t have any experience.” Pish, posh. Everyone has to start somewhere. I’m more than happy to coach you through the process, show you how and where to begin. All I need from you is motivation and determination. If you have the will and the grace to receive a little constructive criticism along the way, you’re already set up for success. It’s important to me that the Flyer maintains an authentic and diverse voice, one that is more interested in the story of communities than glorifying a self-driven opinion. There is an array of topics that could be considered part of the Valley’s culture that is both perceived as good i.e., sports, agriculture, music, arts. As well as those that are deemed bad like unemployment, food deserts, economic disparities, and homelessness. It’s a lot of work to stay on top of it all and I can’t do it on my own – I need a team, I need you. My email is listed above this note and the office number can also receive texts. If you have questions, concerns, or want to learn more about becoming a contributor, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

MY JOB DEPENDS ON TÚ By I. smiley G. Calderón |


he mere mention of Ag Day here in the Central Valley often invites warm thoughts of friends and family - because agriculture is such a big part of where we live. This year’s National Ag day falls on Tuesday, March 24th, during the March 22nd-28th National Ag Week organized by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA). The state of California is celebrating a week earlier with its own “California Agriculture Day” on Wednesday, March 18th, just before the first day of spring on March 19th. It’s a perfect time to not only appreciate and celebrate our partnership with Mother Nature but to also recognize our reliance and interconnectivity with one another. Let’s face it, whether we want to accept it or not, big business Ag wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the small-town folk fueling its industry. All of the advanced farming technology and machinery in the world wouldn’t amount to a thing if it weren’t for the good, hardworking people behind it the human capital. When we think of farmers and what it means to be a farmer, images of humble, hardworking guys in denim overalls or jeans with dirty, worn hands come to mind. To the everyday American, a farmer is an individual who personally works and cultivates the land. Someone who gets his hands dirty for a living and who earns his modest salary outside with sweat and grit. It’s not an easy living - but it’s an honest one, they say. But is that really what a farmer is here in today’s Central Valley? In the valley, a “farmer” usually means a groomed, well-dressed business owner with local power, influence, money, and someone who is predominantly white. They’re also not typically the guys planting and picking outside under the burning sun for countless hours a day. But, if not them - then who? Who are our real food heroes getting their hands dirty for us in the fields and bringing food to our tables? Well, if I called them farmers, you wouldn’t believe me. Instead, they’re called “farmworkers.” A lesser status. A farmworker, also called a fieldworker, is just a guy who picks a plant or plants a seed. (In Spanish, they’re called Campesinos) But, the significance here is they›re the ones actually doing the work - at the very nexus of production - where hands meet soil. These are the ones who are literally “farming” – here in the Central Valley (and probably everywhere else in

the U.S.), “farmer” is synonymous with “business owner.” But, for this year’s Ag week, I want to focus on the ones who are farming - the ones toiling the long grueling hours in inclement weather to plant and harvest the food that we buy. They are poor. They are Brown. They are Latino. Many are undocumented, uneducated, uninsured - but grateful, hopeful, hardworking, and thankful. To get a taste of things firsthand, I went out to the fields to work for a day. My neighbors are farmworkers, and I figured that, if they could do it, it must not be too hard. Plus, I like oranges. But I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I t was one of the roughest days of my life. There was a gentleman named Leopoldo Santos. But no one ever called him that. You would think that his nickname would be “Leo.” But, you’d be wrong. Everyone calls this guy “Polo.” He’s a veteran Campesino. And he’s fast at picking oranges. There’s a correct way to do it, by the way. You can’t just pull the oranges from the tree. You have to cut it with a special snipping tool, careful not to accidentally open up the peel - or else they quickly go bad and are not sold. And while you’re grabbing the branches with one hand and trying to hold and cut the orange with the snips in the other hand, you need to make sure you’re balancing yourself on the ladder, so you don’t fall. And once you free an orange from its woody umbilical cord, you immediately throw it in the thick body satchel that you’re wearing. After carrying what feels like a ton of oranges on your person while vigorously picking for more, you’re exhausted. But you can’t stop | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

now. You need to dump your bag of oranges into the huge cardboard bin so that the forklifts can run through and move them out of the orchard - you know so that you can start all over. Some workers get paid “por contracto” - or by contract, that is, who get paid for how much they pick. And other workers get paid by the hour, take protected breaks and a short lunch during the workday. Typically, you make more money when you work by contract. This is why Polo and others have adapted themselves to become superhuman orange-picking machines - a sight to behold, for sure. They put me to shame. I spent the whole day picking oranges in the heat without any breaks and barely filled up only one container. And, when I finally did, I felt so embarrassedly proud of myself. It was pathetic. I think Polo filled like 5 containers himself - I was too exhausted to keep count. All I know is that I came home with only $20, and he had over $100. I was so tired. While in the orchard, I was amazed at just how fast and strong the women were. They’d pick like 10 oranges for my every one - all the while smirking at me. What really impressed me, though, was how they wore and carried their full satchels - some of these women did not seem much heavier than a bag full of oranges themselves. Their strength amazed me. Yet, they often get the short end of the stick. I’ll tell you why. Out in the fields, there are no “normal” restrooms - only porta-potties, the mobile bathrooms that construction workers and festival-goers typically use. In the field, these “restrooms” are, more often than not, disgusting and dirty, in need of empty-


ing and cleaning. They are so bad sometimes that guys won’t even go inside to use them. Instead, they’d rather just find a hidden spot between trees and pee outside than suffocating in the toxic fumes of a filthy and hot plastic box. But the ladies can’t do that. They are discreet and modest - if they need to use the restroom, they have to use the porta-potties, no matter the condition. Can you imagine having to sit inside a smelly, dirty porta-potty at your job in order to use the restroom in privacy - every day? I didn’t think so. So, in appreciation of Ag Week, wouldn’t it be great if our farmers could make sure that their porta-potties were cleaned and emptied regularly? Wouldn’t it be great if the harvesters, the handlers of our food and agriculture had a clean place to use the restroom? Polo was an interesting guy, and we got to talking while on a break. I guess he’s been working in agriculture his whole life - his entire life - even back in Mexico. He told me he came up here for the opportunity to get paid. Where he’s from, Hermosillo, Sonora, the agriculture sector is so poor that Campesinos work the whole day and make barely enough to buy dinner. Sometimes, when things are bad, workers don’t even get paid at all. It’s no way to live, Polo tells me. One of our other friends, Roberto, chimes in (in Spanish, of course): “There’s no balance - no balance.” So, the idea of getting paid for a long, honest day of hard labor - even if in the scorching heat or freezing morning - always on your feet constantly picking and pulling, bending over and lifting up - engulfed in pesticides - this idea was great. And, it’s turned out well for him and many other honest, hardworking immigrants. But, he said, the life is hard. I asked him, “Don’t you love it, though - isn’t agriculture your passion?” (I asked him this because he was telling me how he knew every phase and detail of planting and harvesting - and everything in between - from his Ag days in Mexico and his many years up here in Fresno). He looked at me firmly and said, “Of course I love it - it’s my work - but…do you think I’m doing this because I love it? If I were educated and could do anything else to pay the bills, I would!” “It’s a hard life, man!” he told me. Polo starts to tell me how his

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...‘Job Depends’ cont’d from pg 3 typical day goes. The first thing he tells me is that you need to know where you’re going. Apparently, every day/week, or whenever a new farm has a field that needs work, it gets contracted to a guy called the Contratista. In essence, this contract guy is the one who gets the deal from the farmer (businessman), and who has Supervisors below him. Further down the ladder are the Mayordomos (managers), and below them, a whole lot of eager Campesinos ready to work. Eager Campesinos like Polo, who finally gets word by text from someone higher in his farmworker hierarchy about where the next job is. They talk briefly by phone to confirm the pick-up time - 4:30 am. That means he has to be up by 3:30 am to get ready, eat breakfast, and make lunch, Polo tells me. There’s a bunch of people to pick up - he’s not the only one. And then the long ride to the farm site. They finally all arrive at “the office” at around 7 am, when they start their grueling day. But, Polo tells me that the air quality can be terrible and that, in the past, he has even walked off of job sites when he sensed that pesticide levels were too high to be working. The tough manual work of lifting and bending and stretching - it takes a significant toll on your body over the years - especially when you have to compete with the younger kids. His biggest complaint though: the restrooms. He and his friends simply wish the porta-potties were kept up and cleaned - wouldn’t you too? It goes without saying. (Out in the fields, there are no close restaurants or stores to use a proper restroom) Once farmworkers leave their homes in the early morning to go work in the fields for the day, they won’t be able to use a clean restroom until they return home - many hours later. Our farmworkers deserve better. And I told Polo that. “You guys deserve better,” I said to him. “YOU deserve better.” “Tú deserb bettr,” he attempted in a thick Spanish accent. “Yes. TÚ mereces mejor,” I affirmed. As our Ag industry gets ready to recognize and celebrate its special day and week this month, I’d like us to recognize how vital farmworkers - my forever farmers - truly are. They are so very crucial to this vibrant and important Central Valley business sector. As many of us will recognize and appreciate our dependence on this industry for our sustenance and livelihoods, let us also appreciate our mutual reliance upon one another and our special partnership with the workers - with you tú - the farmworker. If “My Job Depends on AG,” then “My Job Depends on TÚ.”


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Discusses Indigenous Representation with Dr. Adrienne Keene at Fresno State By Heather Parish |


very spring and summer music festivals spring up throughout the western United States, with young people and the young-at-heart sharing music, art, fashion, and community. There are also discussions of cultural appropriation in those communities’ expression of art and fashion as many people arrive wearing South Asian bindis, Japanese kimonos, African head wraps, Native American headdresses, and other culturally significant garments and adornments. Cultural appropriation, or the inappropriate use of meaningful items and symbols from historically disenfranchised groups where there is an imbalance of power, continues to be a polarizing issue within popular art, fashion, and design. For Dr. Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), presenter of this year’s Henry Madden Library Womack Lecture, the “Hipster Headdress” often worn by participants at festivals and events is a personal and political problem. “When I, as a native person, walk into a store and see racks and racks of products featuring decontextualized ‘native’ designs,” writes Keene in the New York Times, “with no connection to their

communities that have protected and held these cultural markers for centuries, I can’t help but think of [Native] history, and wonder when we will have the power to control our own culture.” Through her writing, scholarship, and activism, Keene questions the ways Indigenous peoples are represented, asking for celebrities, large corporations, designers and everyday people to consider the ways they incorporate Native elements into their world. Keene will present “The Strange Case of the Hipster Headdress: Reclaiming Indigenous Representations” as the Henry Madden Library’s Womack Lecture on Thursday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in the Library’s Table Mountain Rancheria Room. Starting as a graduate student blogger over ten years ago (, Keene’s lecture will also address how Native peoples have harnessed the power of storytelling through social media to challenge cultural appropriation and stereotypical representation. “Dr. Keene’s work as a scholar and activist inspires critical thought in areas where our society needs it most,” says



Del Hornbuckle, dean of library services. “. . . where the voices of the marginalized have often been silenced. Henry Madden Library is honored to bring her voice to Fresno State — to further teach our students and our community about the importance of representation and how we can support Indigenous people in telling their own stories.” Keene holds a Ph.D. in culture, communities and education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is an assistant professor in the American studies department at Brown University. Her studies include college access for Native American students and representations of native peoples in popular culture. The Womack Lecture is sponsored by the J. Prentice Womack fund, established by the late Rhoda Womack, in honor of her husband, who was a librarian at the Henry Madden Library from 1958 to 1970. The annual Womack lectures are focused on issues of a bibliographic nature or on social concerns, as stipulated by the family’s bequest to the Library. For information or special accommodation for the Library’s Womack Lecture, please call Library administration at 559-278-2403.

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In Honor of Women’s History Month

1. Marie Curie, a Polish scientist, made an indelible mark on the world we live in today. Her research on radioactive substances lead to great discoveries—but tragically, they came at a dire cost. She was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel prize, discovered Radium, helped create the first-ever ambulances, and saved the lives of countless soldiers during WWII. Curie never once patented her discoveries, deciding that her findings were for the betterment of humanity, and not personal profit. 2. Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to ever run the Boston Marathon in 1967. Though other women had completed the marathon, Kathrine was the first to be a registered runner. When the organizer found out she was running the marathon, he went to terrifying lengths to stop her, attacking her and trying to rip off her bib. Her boyfriend, who was also running, managed to shove the organizer off of Switzer. It took another five years for women to be officially allowed to run in the marathon. 3. Stephanie Kwolek was an American chemist who invented Kevlar, the material used in most bulletproof vests and body armor. In 1995, she became the fourth ever woman to be inducted into

the National Inventors Hall Of Fame.

4. Amelia Earhart was the first female aviator to fly across the Atlantic ocean in 1928. She was given US Distinguished Flying Cross for this accomplishment. Earhart was quoted as saying “Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail their failure must be but a challenge to others.” Tragically, she mysteriously disappeared during a flight in 1937. 5. Rani Lakshmi Bai was the Queen of Jhansi and one of the most important heroines of the first war for Indian freedom from British rule. She rebelled when the British tried to annex her territory, and met her oppressors on the battlefield on horseback, with her child strapped to her back. 6. Elisa Zamfirescu was the world’s first-ever female engineer. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Technology Berlin in 1912, after being rejected in her home country of Romania due to prevailing misogyny at the time. She worked at the Geological Institute of Romania for many years, stopping to manage a hospital for soldiers in WWI. When she retired, she became an activist for disarmament. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

7. Sofia Ionescu was a Romanian neurosurgeon who worked in the field of neurosurgery for over 47 years, performing every single procedure known to medical science in that time. She is considered one of the first-ever female neurosurgeons in the world. 8. DMargaret Heafield was the director of software engineering for NASA’s Apollo space program. She wrote the mathematical sequence that enabled the Apollo mission to be successful. She was so good at what she did, NASA would have her double-check equations done by the computers. 9. Jeanne de Clisson was married to an English nobleman who was imprisoned and beheaded as a result of the proxy wars between England and France. Enraged by this, Jeanne sold off the Clisson estate, bought herself a ship, and began her career as a pirate in the English channel, attacking and robbing every French ship she got her hands on. As revenge, she personally beheaded every French nobleman she captured. She did this for 13 years, before retiring to remarry. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


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SORIA STYLE By I. smiley G. Calderón |


resno City Councilmember Esmeralda Soria kicked off the “Roaring Twenties” with a congressional bid for the 16th congressional district seat here in the Central Valley, bringing many together in her support. Soria, a local college professor, dynamic city leader and representative for Tower District’s District One since 2014, was overwhelmingly re-elected to a second term just last year. From 2018 to 2019, she proudly served the Council as President - the first Latina to ever do so. Councilmember Soria, a Gen Xer born and raised in Tulare County, has been a beacon of hope for the Central Valley, a shining example of hard work and resilience here in Fresno. A proud daughter of farmworker immigrant parents, she attended and graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, and later continued at the University of California, Davis, to earn her Juris Doctor. Soria is also a proud alumna of the HOPE Leadership Institute as well as the John F. Kennedy School of Government Executive Leadership Program at Harvard. As a city representative, she has proven herself to be a champion of the people. She has aligned herself with Fresno’s hardworking men and women for a better city. Councilmember Soria is approachable and personable with many town hall meetings throughout the year to make sure she connects well with her constituents. One of Soria’s passions is her work to mitigate the area’s homelessness crisis. Representing Fresno as a member of the Governor’s California Homeless Taskforce, Soria has worked directly with community leaders and government officials to find sustainable solutions. And she knows that housing is a big issue for residents. Over and over again, she has made this clear. “Building affordable housing is related to the homelessness issue. We need to expand the resources that we have so we can build permanent affordable housing…We know we live in a city with a lot of poverty. Wages haven’t gone up at the same rate as the cost of housing. Believe it or not, there a lot of people paying up to 70% of their income towards housing...” Councilmember Soria understands the multifaceted nature of such a systemic problem and the challenges that it presents because she listens to her constituents and understands their concerns. One of these constituents is Ms.


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Edna Collins, a local community leader and founder of Yo Soy! Media, Inc., a community nonprofit organization aimed at memorializing and sharing local stories of local people in video format. Ms. Collins has a unique passion for her city that is spiritedly displayed live on cable TV every Friday afternoon. She partners with local TV show producer Anita Galiza Fernandez to produce the Yo Soy! Neighborhoods, Fresno talk show. When Ms. Collins learned about Councilmember Soria’s bid for Congress, she was eager to interview her. They met in Downtown Fresno on February 7th at the studios of the Community Media Access

build a better future,…but I think that we need people with vision who are willing to work hard and stand up.” Ms. Collins asked about her run for Congress. And the councilwoman didn’t hesitate. “We’ve never had a woman in Congress in the entire Central Valley…from Kern County, all the way to Stanislaus to Merced Counties…we haven’t had a woman.” But she didn’t stop there. “We’ve never had a Latino in congress…It’s time…we live in the Valley…60% Latino and we’ve never had a

From left: Anita Fernandez, Esmeralda Soria, Edna Collins

Collaborative (CMAC) and discussed the current Central Valley condition. “We have to have a greater vision - not only for the city of Fresno - but for the entire Central Valley,” Councilmember Soria kicked off the conversation, “I think that we have shortchanged the community residents. We haven’t done enough, we haven’t focused on the real issues in our Valley, in our City - we need change.” As a trusted city official and tested community leader, Councilmember Soria has a strong plan and vision for a better Fresno that she tirelessly works towards day in and day out. But she understands that to effect change, we all need to work together. “This is bigger and greater than just one individual,” she emphasized. “We all have a stake, and we can all be a part of something to bring change into the Valley to

Latino in congress north of the Tehachapi mountains - think about it,” she pressed, “…we’ve never had a Latino north of the LA area.” But, while honoring Women’s History is a month-long occurrence for many, it isn’t for Councilmember Soria. It’s her new approach to typical politics. “I believe that being a woman brings a different perspective,” she explained, “I believe these kinds of perspectives are valuable to the policy conversations that take place on a daily basis at every level of government.” “When I was first sworn in at City Hall, I had a young mom, a friend, who was there with her child and who needed a diaper change,” she continued, “She went to the restroom, and there were no changing tables at that time, so she had to change his



diaper on the floor…who wants to change a diaper on the floor,” she exclaimed. And, as a testament to her fast-action solution-oriented approach to solving problems, Councilmember Soria described what happened next: “So what I did after she told me her experience, I partnered up with First 5 Fresno County, which had some available grant dollars, to bring changing tables to our governmental buildings. But not just for the women’s restroom, but also in the men’s restroom - because men also have kids!” Councilmember Soria is dedicated and committed to making government accessible to all people. “There are a lot of young moms in our governmental buildings that we want to encourage to breastfeed their kids. So we created a breastfeeding room so that they don’t have to go pump in the restroom.” Leading by example and trailblazing a movement of strong, progressive Central Valley women is classic Soria style. “I think it’s also important for our young women in our community to see someone like me, an example…because, you know, sometimes we feel we can’t be what we can’t see…” Councilmember Soria is a people person who values and esteems all members of our community. “My campaign is focused on uplifting working families. We have a lot of poverty in this Valley…and we can’t continue to do the same and expect different results.” As city Councilwoman, Soria has been faithfully dedicated to her constituents for years. “In the five years that I have been in office for District One, representing about 80,000 people, I’ve had 45 community meetings - both in the evenings and morning - because I want to make sure that if people can’t go to City Hall, that City Hall is coming to them,” she said with a confident smile, “That, to me, is extremely important.” “That’s how I’ve been able to solve the problems at City Hall,” Soria continues, “I take from what is expressed at these meetings and try to problem solve and bring resources to address the issues.” The city of Fresno is lucky to have Councilmember Soria advocating and fighting on its behalf. If only the entire Central Valley could be so fortunate.

CALENDAR Hanford ArtHop. Tuesday, March 10th, 6pm. Downtown Hanford. Join us for another #HopHanford Hanford’s Monthly Art Hop, where our downtown shops are filled with Live Music and Local Art! ArtHop Party at Black Inc Tattoo. Thursday, March 5th, 5pm. Black Inc Tattoo, 1760 Broadway St, Fresno. Free & All Ages. Music by Dj Murdock. Artists|Vendors|Food. (559) The Fab Four at Historical Crest 385-5318. Theatre. Friday, March 6th, 8pm. The Historic Crest Theatre, 1170 Dead Girl & Friends ArtHop at Full Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Tickets Circle Brewing Co. and Full Circle and info: Olympic. Thursday, March 5th, 5pm- concerts/38693324-fab-four-at11pm. Full Circle Brewing Co. 602 F crest-theatre St. Fresno. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. The event is The Hanford Film Festival. SaturFREE ENTRY, all ages. and starts at day, March 7th, 5pm. Hanford Fox 5pm! (559) 264-6323 Theatre, 326 N. Irwin St, Hanford. It’s the second annual Hanford Film Author Signing with Mallory Festival at the Hanford Fox theatre O’Meara. Friday, March 6th, 6pm. The Hanford Film Festival aims to Barnes and Noble Bookstore, 7849 celebrate the Central Valley’s most N. Blackstone Ave, Fresno. She will talented filmmakers by showcasing be signing copies of her book The their work on the silver screen for Lady From the Black Lagoon: Holly- a captive live audience. For comwood Monsters and the Lost Legacy plete rules and other informaion, call of Milicent Patrick. (559) 584-7823. Jotzr’$ Body Art Show. Saturday, March 7th, 3pm. The Van Ness Courtyard, 1459 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Body art show starts 3:00 Cal Fire Statewide Career Fair. pm • It’s gonna be litty! 11 models • Friday, March 6th, 10am. 1234 E. Photographer • Lots of talented art- Shaw, Fresno. Learn about a career ist! Music: Dr. Klaw will be dropping with CAL FIRE at our Recruitment sum DankPhunk to get your groove Roadshow! Speak with staff regardon... b.y.o.b • 420 friendly • Securi- ing careers in fire protection, rety • Chill Vibes. source management, dispatch, and other first responder fields at our first Pot Painting Class. Sunday, March of many career fairs across the State 8th, 4:15pm. Beautifully Damaged, of California! Our first stop will be at 219 N. Irwin St, Hanford. $25 per pot, our CAL FIRE Southern Region Headplease Register in person at Beauti- quarters located at 1234 E. Shaw Avfully Damaged, LLC 219 N Irwin St enue, Fresno, CA 93710, from 10:00 Hanford or call (559)772-7293 for a A.M. to 2:00 P.M. way to pay online. The 34th Annual Fresno Home and Monday Mixer: Connect and Unite Garden Show. Friday, March 6th, Through Music and Art. Hosted by 11am - Sunday, March 8th, 6pm. Strummer’s. Monday, March 9th, Fresno Fairgrounds, Fresno. Explore 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fres- all the possibilities at California’s no. All Ages. Free. Every Monday. For most anticipated Home Show - The more information, call 485-5356. Fresno Home and Garden Show,

March 5-11 Art




March 6, 7, 8, 2020 Now in it’s 34th year, this premier event showcases products and services in the home and garden industries...over 500 companies will be participating! Talk to licensed contractors, shop gourmet foods, and artisans/crafters, dine at the Gourmet Food Trucks and shop over 700 booths! . Chinatown Chinese New Year Parade. Saturday, March 7th, 10am. Fresno Chinatown Preservation Inc. On March 7th, 2020, marks our 20th-year anniversary of doing the Chinatown Chinese New Year Parade! Food Vendors $60. - Non-Food Vendors $40. - Non-Profit Vendors $20. Early Bird Special ends on January 31, 2020! Please email us at to sign up and/or more information!!! 14th Annual Blossom Trail Festival Car Show. Saturday, March 7th, 11am. Brehler Square, Downtown Sanger. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each class will receive a plaque. We will also have People’s Choice and Best of Show Awards. $25 Registration - Contact Karen at 559-875-4575 or Open Mic Night at Full Circle Olympic. Tuesday, March 10th, 7pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Open Mic Night EVERY Tuesday at the Olympic in Historic Tower District Fresno. All Ages | Free | Sign Ups 6:30 | Event 7pm. For more information, call (559) 2646323.

Family $1 First Friday at Fresno Discovery Center. Friday, March 6th, 9am. The Discovery Center, 1944 N. Winery Ave, Fresno. Come out and join us every first Friday of each month for $1 admission per person! We always have something cool in store for you!

Frogs and Fairytales at the Chaffee Zoo. Saturday, March 7th, 9am. Fresno Chaffee Zoo, Fresno. Hear ye, hear ye! All the princesses, knights and amphibians of the land are invited to Fresno Chaffee Zoo’s most enchanting event, Frogs & Fairytales. Come dressed as your favorite fairytale character (costumes encouraged, but not required) and learn about your amphibian friends. Get your tickets at, the Zoo’s admission booth, or by calling 559-498-5921. 3rd Annual LEGO Car Show. Saturday, March 7th, 10am. Downtown Sanger. Join us for our 3rd Annual Lego Car Show! Click on the link below to register your child today! h t t p s : / / fo r m s . g l e / 5 g Q c 7 n U N 1H2iiZsS9 B- The Underwater Bubble Show. Wednesday, March 11th, 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 809 E. Olive Ave, Fresno. Fundraiser for Valley Children’s Hospital. This is a story about our lives. We all know life can be gray or colorful…Don’t worry…this time it is going to be very colorful! Mr. B finds himself transported as if by magic to a special, colorful, happy place called Bubblelandia, a place to linger, to dream, to listen, to watch, to savor, and to marvel but, above all, a place to dream.

Uno. Tuesday, March 10th, 1pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Bingo. Tueday, March 10th, 2-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Canasta. Wednesday, March 11th, 1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 3467662.

Food & Drink

Wine Maker’s Dinner feat. Wise Villa Winery. Friday, March 6th, 6pm. Joe’s Steakhouse & Grill, 831 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Cost $70/person. For more information, call (559) 486-3536. Food Truck Lunch. Saturday, March 7th, 11am. Harley Davidson of Fresno, 4345 W. Shaw Ave, Fresno.Parking lot take over from 11am-2pm our parking lot will be filled with some of Fresno’s best food trucks. Gazebo Gardens. Saturday, March 7th, 6pm. 3204 N. Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. Come enjoy the food, friends, and music at Gazebo Gardens. 5th Annual Big Poppa’s Pop-Up Cafe at Take 3 Burgers. Monday, March 9th, 5:46am. Take 3 Burgers, 1230 Mexican Train. Wednesday, March Fulton Mall, Fresno. March 9th, Take 4th, 1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Net- 3 will be transformed into “Big Popwork. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fres- pa’s Café”. no. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. New Rock Takeover and Meet the Brewers. Tuesday, March 10th, 3pm. Bridge. Monday, March 9th,1-3pm. Riley’s Brew Pub, 2674 Owens MounPalm Village Senior Network. 7638 tain Parkway #104, Clovis. N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Exercise Class. Tues. March 10th and Thurs. March 12th, 10:30am. Fresno State College Rodeo. Friday, Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 March 6th, 6pm; Saturday, March N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us 7th, 8pm. Clovis Rodeo, 748 Rodeo every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 Dr, Clovis. Friday night performance to 40 minute stretch and strengthen at 6pm. Slack is at 8am Saturday exercise class using bands, balls, morning. Saturday championship and chairs. round at 5pm. March Senior’s Lunch. Tuesday, Monster Jam Triple Threat Series. March 10th, 12pm. New Hope Com- Sunday, March 8th, 1pm. Save Mart munity Church, 4620 E. Nees Ave, Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. UltiClovis. Seniors Lunch- it’s Mexican mate mix of action and excitement Fiesta Day! $5.00 per person. Fruit in six different competitions. Worldof the spirit: Kindness. Bring a des- class athletes tear up the dirt in sert and your “Kindness” and join Monster Jam trucks, speedsters and the fun. ATVs. . Tickets $20-$65 available at





MARCH 2020 |



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| MARCH 2020


Blacklist Pro Wrestling Presents: This Means War at Strummer’s. Sunday, March 8th, 5pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern. Fresno. All ages! Tix at blacklist-pro-wrestling-presents-thisstrummers-tickets/10420695 $15 GA, kids 12 & under $5, Veterans/ active military free admission, call (559) 485-5356.

Unleash the Archers, War of Ages, Convictions at Full Circle Olympic. Saturday, March 7th, 5pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Unleash The Archers, War Of Ages, Convictions, Scars of Misery, and Athens to Ashes. All Ages / $18 Adv / $20 Dos. For more information, call (559) 264-6323. Bronco at the Rainbow Ballroom. Saturday March 7th, 8pm. Rainbow Ballroom-Empresa Valdivia, 1725 Broadway St, Fresno. For more information, call (559) 264-6404 Hope Garcia Unplugged. Saturday, March 7th, 8pm. Bitwise South Stadium, 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Hope Garcia is coming back to Bitwise South Stadium!. Currently, you can find her headlining shows around the region with Central Valley-born band, Mezcal, 90s hip-hop and R&B group, The Box, and the Tulare County Symphony. Tickets are $15 grab yours while they last!” Sunday Night Karaoke at Goldsteins. Sunday March 8th, 7pm. Goldsteins Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno. This and EVERY Sunday Night, Join us at Goldstein’s for KARAOKE NIGHT from 7-11pm! Singing and mingling! Find more info on services here: http:// Mananitas y Diversion. Tuesday, March 10th, 10am. Cherry Avenue Auction, Cherry and American Aves, Fresno. Mananitas y muchas sorpresas al puro estilo de los Mar diles, aproveche y lleve a su ser querido para cantarles las mananitas, a la esposa a la novia, al novio, al sancho, y demas, venga y pase un par de horas agradable y olvidese de eso que lo estresa con los Mar Diles...Si Senorrrrr... Motel Drive at Grogg’s, Clovis. Tuesday, March 10th, 8pm. Grogg’s Irish Pub, 1225 N. Willow Ave #180, Clovis. Motel Drive will be performing acoustically at Grogg’s Irish Pub. For more information, call (559) 3230433.


Blight, Dissident, Elder Devil at La Maison Kabob. Wednesday, March 11th, 7pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton St, Fresno. RAD Music presents: Blight_CA (Fresno Metal) Dissident (Fresno Metalcore) Elder Devil (fresno grind) https://elderdevil. +more TBA. All Ages $6 presale / $8 Day of Show. For more information, call (559) 7217232. JD Goodwin of Motel Drive Live at Goldsteins. Wednesday, March 11th, 8pm. Goldsteins Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon, Fresno. Wednesday March 11th at 8pm! Come out to Goldstein’s for JD Goodwin LIVE! JD is the Singer and frontman of Motel Drive! Motel Drive is a band out of Fresno, CA under the influence of punk and country roots with a shot of rock n’ roll thrown in for a sweet and potent distillation of 200- proof America music. Check out Motel Drive’s Website here: https:// Hot Snakes, Kills Birds at Strummer’s. Wednesday, March 11th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. All Ages! Tix onsale 12/20 at event/hot-snakes-strummers-tickets/10237295 and at Strummer’s during regular business hours! For more information, call (559) 485-5356.

21 & Over

Fire to the Throne EP Release at Fulton 55. Saturday, March 7th, 6pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Fire To The Throne’s ‘Beneath The Surface’ EP Release Show at Fulton 55. $7 Tickets - $10 At the door Ages 21+ Featuring: AMENTHES, Crushing The Deceiver, HellHeart, Farooq, Fire To The Throne, Ohmritual. For more information, call (559) 412-7400. Old Town Clovis Craft Beer Crawl. Sunday, March 8th, 2pm. Old Town Clovis. Join us on the streets and in the stores of Old Town Clovis for the Craft Beer Crawl! Follow the map from store to store, talking personally with the Brewery Representatives about their craft, sip your way through the best of California brews, and partake from local Food Trucks! Strummer’s Tuesday Night Karaoke. Tuesday, March 10th, 9:30pm. Strummer’s. 833 E. Fern. Fresno. Every Tuesday night is karaoke night at Strummer’s. Drink & Food Specials. Weirdness. 9:30pm to 1:30am 21+ FREE. For more information, call (559) 485-5356. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Cocktails & Caligraphy @ The Wakehouse. Wednesday, March 11th, 6pm. The Wakehouse, 850 N. Kings River Rd, Reedley. Do you like enjoying cocktails? Do you like getting out of the house to try something new? How about calligraphy?! That last one you not so sure about? Then BOOM, this workshop is for you.

March 12-18 Art The Child/Bounty Paint Night. Friday, March 13th, 6:15pm. Beautifully Damaged, 219 N. Irwin St, Hanford. You asked and we are delivering, the child painting we will do. This cute lil guy will be our focus and we will use the force! Join us in painting The child/ bounty with me! Adults $35 (16x20 canvas) children $25 (8x10 canvas). Must prepay to reserve your spot, pay inside Beautifully Damaged, LLC 219 N Irwin St. Hanford (559)772-7293 Opening Reception for “The Paintings of Margaret Hudson” Exhibit. Saturday, March 14th, 11am. San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust, 11605 Old Friant Rd, Fresno. Margaret Hudson’s iconic flower paintings will be on display at the River Center Art Gallery and available to view on weekends from 10-3:00 throughout March and April. Monday Mixer: Connect and Unite Through Music and Art. Hosted by Strummer’s. Monday, March 16th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. All Ages. Free. Every Monday. For more information, call (559) 4855356.

Comedy The Fabulously Funny Comedy Festival. Saturday, March 14th, 7pm. Saroyan Theater, 700 M St, Fresno. The Fabulously Funny Comedy Festival comes to Fresno! Featuring Mike Epps, Lavell Crawford, DC Young Fly, and Haha Davis. Tickets available at Frankie Quinones Live! Saturday, March 14th, 7pm. Visalia Fox Theatre, 308 W. Main St, Visalia. Perico Productions presents Frankie Quinones Live! Saturday, 7PM Tickets can only be found at, call the box office at 559-625-1FOX or come by in person to 300 W. Main Street (Tuesdays - Fridays, from Noon to 6PM).

MORE Toy Story 25th Anniversary at the Hanford Fox Theatre. Saturday, March 14th, 2pm. Hanford The President’s Lecture Series Fea- Fox Theatre, 326 N. Irwin St, Hanturing Margaret Brennan. Tuesday, ford. March 17th, 6pm. Save Mart Cen- ter, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. Margaret Brennan draws on her extensive experience as a moderator and journalist to provide audiences with a fast- For Summer Jobs. Thursday, March paced, captivating overview of the 12th, 10am, Clovis Community Colbiggest stories driving our 24-hour lege, 10309 N. Willow Ave, Clovis. news cycle and how they’ll play out in Summer is coming and local employthe coming months and years. Intent ers are now hiring. Bring a resume. at bridging the gap between the local Dress to impress. Come chat with and the global, Brennan draws par- various businesses now hiring like allels between domestic and foreign waterparks, summer clubs, camps, stories. Focused on providing only + more. Questions: Career Resource fact and no opinion. The President’s Center AC2-174 or 325-5398 or caLecture Series is free and open to the EMpublic. No tickets required. PLOYERS: If you want to have a table to promote your jobs. Scarface (1983). Wednesday, March 18th, 7pm. Bitwise South Frestival. Friday, March 13th, 4pm. Stadium, 700 Van Ness Ave, Fres- Granite Park Sports Complex, 4000 no. Free screening of Brian DePal- N. Cedar Ave, Fresno. Come and ma’s 1983 gangster classic SCAR- bring the family to Frestival, the preFACE starring Al Pacino. miere Fresno Festival! Satisfy your appetite with the valley’s best food



Family Pajam Llama - Kids Night Out. Friday, March 13th, 6pm. Color Me Mine, 230 Paseo del Centro, Fresno. We are bringing our pajamas and painting llamas at our Kids Night Our project will be painting a llama planter step by step while eating pizza, snacks, and making friends! This Kids Night Out will be $30 which will include your project, paint, supplies, and firing fee! Ages 5 – 13 Parents must drop kids off! https://fresno. Friday the 13th Skate Party. Friday, March 13th, 7pm. Miracle Skate, 1850 W. Cleveland, Madera. Jason is coming. Have fun with a Scream Contest, Mummy Wrap on Friday, March 13th. All ages are welcome and all you can eat pizza from 7-9pm. Keep your wristband from this session and skate free on Saturday night. Open House Hosted by Woodward Park BMX. Saturday, March 14th, 11am. Woodward Park BMX, 7775 N. Friant, Fresno. Learn about the track, the program and so much more. Stay and enjoy a hot dog fresh from the grill. Story Time and Art Activity with Ms. Porter. Saturday, March 14th, 11am. Petunia’s Place, 6027 N. Palm Ave, Fresno. 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month starting at 11:00 AM Story Time and Art Activity with Ms. Porter Children ages 3 - 8 are invited to join Ms. Porter for stories, songs, and crafts! Call 438-1561

trucks. FREE Parking.

Open Mic Night at Full Circle Olympic. Tuesday, March 17th, 7pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Open Mic Night EVERY Tuesday at the Olympic in Historic Tower District Fresno. All genres and types of entertainment. All Ages | Free | Sign Ups 6:30 | Event 7pm. For more information, call (559) 264-6323.

Senior 3/13 Cards. Thursday, March 12th, 1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 3467662. Adult Coloring and Potluck. Friday, March 13th, 12-2pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Bridge. Monday, March 16th,1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Exercise Class. Tues. March 17th and Thurs. March 19th, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and chairs.

Rummikub. Thursday, March 18th, 1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662.

Food & Drink 2020 Cherry Blossom Festival, Food and Craft Fair. Saturday, March 14th, 10am. Fresno Buddhist Temple, 2690 E. Alluvial Ave, Fresno. Baking Competition and Exchange. Saturday, March 14th, 2pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno. Join us Bring your best baked goods for your chance to win! Be it Cookies, Cake, Bread, Cupcakes, Muffins, Scones, etc! All baked goods are welcomed! The competition will be open to everyone! It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned baker or a N00b....we want to see what you’ve got! All entries will be placed out on a table for all to try, as the winner will be chosen BY THE PEOPLE! Votes will be put into a box and counted at the end! *Winner gets a Goldsteins T-Shirt! Everybody’s Irish in Downtown Hanford. Saturday, March 14th, 6pm. Main Street Hanford, 219 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford. Main Street Hanford presents our St. Patrick’s Day Celebration! Enjoy micro-brew tasting, food, live music, and a lot of laughs. We will have approximately 25 different microbrews to taste at different downtown businesses. Each business has something fun to experience, photo booths, live music, DJ, food, prizes and discounts! Stroll through downtown Hanford and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us!!! Tickets will be $30 for unlimited microbrew tastings! Tickets www.

3rd Annual “Fresno Spicy Foods & Guacamole Festival”. Tueday, March 17th, 4pm. River Park Farmer’s Market, 220 E. Paseo del Centro. Enjoy more than 150 different spicy foods from spicy beef jerky and a spicy jalapeño and cream cheese egg rolls, bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers, spicy drunken shrimp tacos to a mouth-watering spicy array of authentic Thai, Korean, Italian, Mexican and Filipino foods. Fresh berry covered funnel cakes, freshly baked sweet bread loafs, mini donuts, gourmet (loaded) churros, fresh baked cookies, tarts, gourmet (filled) cupcakes, pastries, fudge brownies, hand made Brazilian candy, shaved ice, AND MORE. FREE ADMISSION! FREE PARKING! FREE CONCERT! And FREE BOUNCE HOUSES AND GAMES FOR THE KIDS!!

Music Nghtmre - The Portal Tour. Thursday, March 12th, 9pm. The Rainbow Ballroom, 1725 Broadway St, Fresno. Available for 21+ Presented The Hasten Revelation Tour at Full Circle Brewing Co. Friday, March 13th, 5pm. Full Circle Brewing Co. 602 F St. Fresno. The Hasten Revelation Tour with: Crushing The Deceiver, Crimson Thorn, Abated Mass Of Flesh, Taking The Head Of Goliath, My Place Was Taken, and Cardiac Rupture. All Ages. $10 Admission. Doors at 5:00pm, show at 6:00pm. (559) 264-6323. Boha Reggae @ The Gardens. Friday, March 13th, 6pm. Gazebo Gardens Nursery, 3204 N. Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. Enjoy Boha’s funky reggae grooves while sipping a beer and dining at any of the featured food trucks. Gazebo is Fresno’s best all ages and family friendly venue!

Lynyrd Skynyrd: Last of the Street Survivors Farewell Tour. Friday, March 13th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw Ave, Fresno. Tickets available at Charger at Strummer’s. Friday, March 13th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. Charger is an exceptionally powerful (and popular) trio from the East Bay. Andrew McGee plays guitar. Matt Freeman sings and plays bass. Jason Willer drums and sings too. All Ages. Tix onsale 2/14 at 10am at https://www.ticketweb. com/event/charger-strummers-tickets/10427875 and at Strummer’s during regular business hours! (559) 485-5356. Dom Dolla at Fulton 55. Friday, March 13th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. LMC Presents Dom Dolla live at Fulton 55. For more information, call (559) 412-7400. Los De La O. Friday, March 13th, 10pm. Aldo’s Night Club, 617 W. Belmont Ave, Fresno. Tickets & VIP @ Sierra Cup Classic Indoor. Saturday, March 14th, 9am. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. The Bulldog Marching Band is hosting our inaugural Sierra Cup Classic Indoor Show, which be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020, and will be the premiere indoor experience in California. The day will include critique, video feedback from each judge, high-camera performance video in 4K resolution, and a venue that is unparalleled on the West Coast. Fresnostatebands. com Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. 559-472-7182

Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



MARCH 2020 |



Hard Work Plays Off By Dave Fountinelle |


ravis Brooks is busy. The Central Valley native is currently part of three different music projects, teaches guitar lessons, and, most importantly, is a new dad. Any one of those things would be enough to eat up all of a person’s free time, so how does Brooks manage to pull it all off? “I honestly have no idea how I do it,” He laughs. Juggling all of these projects is no easy task, but Brooks has been doing this ever since he first picked up a guitar. For over 20 years now, he has been working to make a career out of playing music. Ask anyone who’s done it, and they’ll tell you, it’s an almost impossible task in even the most musician-friendly cities. But, for a struggling artist in the Central Valley, it’s miraculous. “It’s definitely still very much a ‘pay to play’ business here.” Brooks says. “It has certainly improved in a lot of ways, and there are a few places in Fresno and Visalia in particular that really treat local artists well and make sure we get paid fairly, but you still really have to hustle and stay busy all the time if you want to make a living playing

10 | MARCH 2020


music around here.” So that’s precisely what Brooks has been doing. Since 2014, he’s been playing with a bluegrass band, New Dustbowl, along with Nathan Swift on banjo and vocals, Chris Casarez on guitar, Suzaan Botha on violin and vocals, and Jeremy Fatica playing bass. He also plays with country artist JJ Brown. He’s got his own group, The Travis Brooks Trio. And, he even does a one-man solo set utilizing loops improvised on the spot that is truly impressive to see live. And, if you’re interested in learning how to play the guitar, or know someone who is, Brooks also fits in time to give lessons somewhere in all of that, too. He somehow manages to do all of this while handling arguably one of the toughest and most demanding jobs there is – being a stay at home daddy to an adorable little girl. “She lets me know when I’m working too much,” Brooks shares, “Sometimes I’ll be in my music room, and she’ll come in with a pillow and sit down on the floor and watch me play. But then sometimes she’s just like ‘ok Dad, that’s enough, it’s me time now,’ and she’s the boss!”

All of that hard work and dedication have paid off for Brooks. He’s built good relationships with some great local spots in Fresno, Visalia, and all over the valley. You can come see him every Wednesday at Goldstein’s Mortuary and Delicatessen – easily the best-named business in Fresno. New Dustbowl will be playing there as well on Saturday, March 7th. “Everyone at Goldstein’s is awesome, they take good care of us there. It’s one of my favorite places to play.” Brooks is also preparing for an incredible show with JJ Brown in Washington DC on May 23rd. They will be performing for over 100,000 people there at the Million Man Ride. “I’m so excited for that show, it’s really going to be such an amazing opportunity. It’s all coming out of our pockets, so I’ve been working twice as hard to cover that, but you can’t say no to playing for that many people in a place like Washington DC, right there in the middle of it all.” In addition to keeping his performance schedule full, Travis has also recorded music with New Dustbowl, which you can check out on all the streaming services. JJ Brown also has his music available to stream. And Travis is in the process of recording his solo material to make available as well. “I’m hoping to have something ready to put out by this summer,” Brooks continues, “But I don’t want to rush it. I want to



make sure whatever I put out there is the best I can do.” In the meantime, Brooks plans to continue being one of the hardest-working performers in the Central Valley music scene. He’s always looking for new places to play and new fans to win over. “It’s crazy, for sure. But honestly, I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I didn’t stay busy all the time. I don’t think anyone wants to see that!” You can listen to Travis Brooks playing with New Dustbowl on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, GooglePlay, and all other streaming services. You can see him live at Goldstein’s Mortuary and Delicatessen every Wednesday night, hire him to teach you guitar or follow him for the latest information about his upcoming performance schedule and everything else he’s got going on at his Facebook page or on Instagram @ Travisbrooksmusic. --New Dustbowl - Follow on Facebook @NewDustbowl JJ Brown - March 13, 5th Quarter in Visalia, 9:30 pm Follow on Facebook @JJBrownMusic Travis Brooks Solo (acoustic, bluegrass/ folk/americana) - Follow on Facebook @ TravisBrooksMusic Performs every Wednesday at Goldstein’s Mortuary and Delicatessen

MORE Thomas Leeb and Charles Yang Acoustic Concert. Saturday, March 14th, 6pm. Smittcamp Alumni House, 2625 E. Matoian Way, Fresno. Modern fingerstyle acoustic guitar performance by world renowned guitarist Thomas Leeb and local rising guitarist Charles Yang. TIckets $25 @ Special EFX All-Stars: Minucci, Yamin, Briggs, Rangell & Tizer. Saturday, March 14th, 8pm. Tower Theatre, 809 E. Olive Ave, Fresno. Special EFX All-Stars featuring Chieli Minucci, Elliott Yamin, Karen Briggs, Nelson Rangell & Lao Tizer w/Ric Fierabracci & Gene Coye Doors and Drinks: 7pm Jaded at Sequoia Brewing Company North. Saturday, March 14th, 9pm. Sequoia Brewing Company North, 1188 E. Champlain Dr, Fresno. Room Service at Wrecking Bar. Saturday, March 14th, 9pm. The Wrecking Bar, 700 N. Lemoore Ave, Lemoore. Country Music & Beer Day at Full Circle Olympic. Sunday, March 15th, 2pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Country Music + Beer Day w/ Zack Macias. Join us for some Country Music and Beer! $2 of selected beers! Free | All Ages. For more information, call (559) 264-6323. Ana Gabriel. Sunday, March 15th, 8pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. Ana Gabriel in concert at the Save Mart Center. Tickets available at Pretty Awkward Live in Concert Free Show at Strummer’s. Monday, March 16th, 6pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. With guests: The Dying Suns, Takers Leavers, Designer Disguise and J.D.G more information at www.PRETTYAWKWARDband. com, or call (559) 485-5356. Free Mini Cover Show at Strummer’s. Wednesday, March 18th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. Our usual spring 90’s Cover Show has been delayed until this summer, so to hold you over we have a great FREE mini cover show! A Dollar Underwater will kick out a surprise set of covers. We Are 182 will be covering their usual Blink-182 & Misfits with some extra punk thrown in there. Light of Mine will be playing their amazing My Chemical Romance set. Doors at 7, all ages, free, restaurant side. For more information, call (559) 485-5356.

Paul Collins live at Fulton 55. Wednesday, March 18th, 7:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. PAUL COLLINS from The Beat and The Nerves “Out Of My Head West Coast Tour!” Plus special guests, Sparklejet and Tony Leventhal from The Mockers. Power Pop Legend Paul Collins is Going Acoustic with his ‘Out of My Head West Coast Solo Tour’. Tickets available at: or Tower District Records. For more information, call (559) 412-7400.

Y2K Night at Strummer’s. Saturday, March 14th, 9pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. From the team that bring you our infamous 90s Night comes Y2K Night! 2 rooms of music & visuals from the early 2000s. Free photo booth with prints, giveaways, 2000s inspired dress encouraged. Just $5. For more information, call (559) 485-5356. Strummer’s Tuesday Night Karaoke. Tuesday, March 17th, 9:30pm. Strummer’s. 833 E. Fern. Fresno. Every Tuesday night is karaoke night at Strummer’s. Drink & Food Specials. Weirdness. 21+ FREE. For more inThursday Night Open Mic at formation, call (559) 485-5356. Goldstein’s. Thursday, March 12th, 8:30pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno. *THE ECLECTIC OPEN MIC* It’s going down at the Eclectic Open Mic at Goldstein’s this and EVERY Thursday night in the Tower District with your hosts, the DB Trio! Musicians, Vocalists, Poets, Comedians and then some, are welcomed to Fresno Zine Fest 2020 pt. 1. Saturshow us your skills! Sign ups are at day, March 21st, 10am. The Revue, 8:30pm Music starts at 9pm-11pm 620 E. Olive Ave, Fresno. Fresno Zine Fest 2020 pt.1 Saturday March 21st NO COVER! 21+ SEE YOU THERE! 10am-4pm. Free. Over 15 zine and LepreCon St Patrick’s Crawl Fres- art vendors in the back room of the no. Saturday, March 14th, 2pm - Revue! Zines (pronounced Z-EE-N) Sunday, March 15th, 2am. We’re bar are often times self published bookhopping St. Patrick’s Day weekend lets dealing with an array of different for up to 12 hours! Join us anytime topics like art, self improvement, for your wristband! There’s live en- d.i.y. Guides, politics, poetry, photertainment throughout, no cover tography and more. For more inforcharges, drink specials, profession- mation or to be a part of this year’s al photographers, and a costume Spring FZF email us at pbrainpress@ contest with cash prizes! You should Space is limited! Deadline wear green! Costumes and other for submissions is March 10th! fun attire are encouraged! Anyone is welcome! REGISTRATION: Feb Pre- Lemoore Gem, Mineral and JewSale: $5 March Pre-Sale: $10 Day elry Show. Saturday, March 21st, before event: $15 Day of event $20 10am. Lemoore Trinity Hall, 470 (don’t wait!) https://lepreconfresno. Champion St, Lemoore. Featuring gems and minerals from around the world! Also fossils, jewelry, beads, Kush & Kompany. Saturday, March stone carvings, lapidary rough, ge14th, 6pm. Royal Hall, 3315 W. Ash- ode cutting and artisan jewelry. We lan Ave, Fresno. Join CBD & WBD in also have a kids’ corner with fun acJAMAICA, no passport required! 21+ tivities for kids of all ages. Entry. *Backwood Friendly Event* Li- censed Distributors At Venue‼️ Come Boom Party: Welcome to Fresno. ready to shop. $10 Entry at the door| Saturday, March 21st, 7pm. Dulce $5 Pre-sale Tickets. Vendor spaces Upfront, 617 E. Olive, Fresno. In the summer of 2019, Boom California available. arrived to Fresno State. An open-ac Noddy Roddy Presents: The Kool cess journal of the University of CalKatz at Yosemite Falls Cafe. Satur- ifornia Press, it aspires to combine day, March 14th, 8:30pm. Yosemite the insight of academic research Falls Cafe, 5123 N. Blackstone Ave, with the story-driven beauty of longFresno. The Kool Katz outta San Jose form journalism. To celebrate its new coming to Fresno. Playing your Old home join the Boom editorial team School, R&B, Cumbia’s and more. for a reading and exhibit at Dulce Always a Sell-Out! Only $5 Cover!! Upfront. 7:30 to 7:45: Introduction to Boom, Romeo Guzman and Car21 & over ribean Fragoza (co-editors) 7:45 to 8:00 Reading by Lisa Lee-Herrick Calling All Promotors We can (Boom contributor) 8:00 to 8:15 help get you out there. 559-472Reading by Anthony Cody (Boom Po7182 etry editor).

21 & Over

March 19-25 Art


Monday Mixer: Connect and Unite Through Music and Art. Hosted by Strummer’s. Monday, March 23rd, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. All Ages. Free. Every Monday. For more information, call (559) 485-5356.

Comedy Roast of the 1990’s Hosted by Savage Cinema Club and Full Circle Brewing Co. Friday, March 20th, 8pm. Full Circle Brewing Co. 602 F St. Fresno. 1990s Movie clips, music videos and ads with comedian commentary by Evan Monroe For more infomation, call (559) 264-6323.

Rocketman at the Hanford Fox Theatre. Saturday, March 21st, 2pm. Hanford Fox Theatre, 326 N. Irwin, Hanford. Young Reginald Dwight changes his name to Elton John and collaborates with singer-songwriter Bernie Taupin to become one of the most iconic figures in pop history. For any questions please call the Hanford Fox Theatre at 559-5847423

Wicked: The Untold True Story of the Witches of Oz. Tuesday, March 24th, 7:30pm. Saroyan Theatre, 700 M St, Fresno. Wicked, the Broadway sensation, looks at what happened in the Land of Oz...but from a different angle. Long before Dorothy arrives, there is another girl, born with emerald-green skin—smart, fiery, misunderstood and possessing an extraordinary talent. When she meets The Boondock Saints (1999) at a bubbly blonde who is exceptionally Historic Crest Theatre. Friday, March popular, their initial rivalry turns into 20th, 8pm. The Historic Crest The- the unlikeliest of friendships…until the world decides to call one “good,” atre, 1170 Broadway Plaza, and the other one “wicked.” Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-472Calling All Promotors We can 7182 help get you out there. 559-4727182




MARCH 2020 |


MORE Community Fresno Job Fair. Thursday, March 19th, 11am. DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Fresno Convention Center, 2233 Ventura St, Fresno. FREE. Meet and interview with hiring managers at companies ranging from small local businesses to Fortune 500 corporations. This career fair will allow you to learn about the businesses that are hiring and what their hiring needs are. By attending this event, you will be able to meet directly with hiring managers and get instant feedback on your resume and possibly even BE HIRED ON THE SPOT! Granite Park Spring Festival Weekend 1. Friday, March 20th, 6pm Sunday, March 22nd, 6pm. Granite Park Fresno, 3950 N. Cedar Ave, Fresno. Join us for weekend 1 of the #GranitePark Spring Festival, March 20-22 & 27-29, 2020, featuring the return of The Big Bounce America!

Ani-Me Con 9.0. Saturday, March 21st, 10am - Sunday, March 22nd, 6pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S. Chance Ave, Fresno. 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno (559) 650-3247 Parking: Free all weekend Ani-Me Con 9.0 This year, we will include more guest speakers, panels, voice actors/actresses, live entertainment, cosplay contests, anime events, maid cafe, trading card tournaments, video gaming tournaments, live bands, djs, singers, dancers, directors, comedian, import car club, LARPing, rave party, and more. Gaia Fest Spring Equinox 2020. Saturday, March 21st, 10am. Gaia House of Healing, 2743 E. Shaw #111, Fresno. MARK your calendars! Gaia Fest Spring Equinox 2020 Vendors include: AURA PHOTO BOOTH with Tom McGuire as a special guest! Tarot/Oracle Readings, Psychic/ Intuitive Readings, Healers of all sorts! Drumming, Energy workings, Reiki Paranormal Education, Crafters Crystals, and more! 394-6654.

FresYes Fest. Saturday, March 21st, 1pm. Tioga Sequoia Brewing Company, 745 Fulton St, Fresno. It’s time for the annual block party in Downtown Fresno that you can’t miss! The event runs from 1-11 p.m. It’s open to all ages and admission is free! This year, the festival is going to stretch further down Fulton Street with even more food trucks and vendors, pop up venues, plus a full day of live music and exclusive beer releases. Vendor Application: For all inquiries: Visalia Water Lantern Festival. Saturday, March 21st, 4:30pm. Mooney Grove Park, 27000 S. Mooney Blvd, Visalia. Tickets are on sale for the Water Lantern Festival in Visalia at Mooney Grove Park. Get your tickets at before they sell out. Water Lantern Festival is an amazing experience where you’ll witness the magic of lanterns as they light up the water. Coexist Festival. Sunday, March 22nd, 6pm. Meux Home Museum, 1007 R St, Fresno. Metaphysical market with vendors tarot readers, henna artist, crystals, handmade jewelry, drum circle. Open Mic Night at Full Circle Olympic. Tuesday, March 24th, 7pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Open Mic Night EVERY Tuesday at the Olympic in Historic Tower District Fresno. All genres and types of entertainment are accepted! Sign Ups start at 6:30pm - first come first serve. Spots are limited to ensure everyone who signs up gets an opportunity to perform. All Ages | Free | Sign Ups 6:30 | Event 7pm. For more information (559) 264-6323

12 | MARCH 2020



Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a deDeadly Wonders: Venemous Snake sign? We can do that, too. 559-472Show. Saturday, March 21st, 10am 7182 - Sunday, March 22nd, 4pm. Tulare Reptile Show, 620 S. K St, Tulare. Buy tickets to the Tulare Reptile Show, and come see herpetologist Carl Grand Opening - Open House at Person and his collection of Venom- Sensory Rock. Saturday, March 21st, ous Snakes at no additional charge. 10am. Sensory Rock, 240 Irwin St, Learn about venomous snakes from Hanford. 30 Minutes of Play for $5 around the globe, as he handles Complimentary food served by Musthem while discussing their venom cle Apron, Jr. Taco Bar, Snow cones, characteristics. Show occurs 2x per Face painting! We can’t wait to see day during the Tulare Reptile Show. you there! Discounted tickets can be found on- line: Spring Kids Fest. Saturday, March Full price tickets will be sold at the 21st, Noon. Hidden Valley Park, door. Cash and credit card accepted. 2150 N. 11th Ave, Hanford. HanTeens/Adults $12, Youth (age 6-12) ford’s Annual Spring Kids Fest $5 in $5, Kids 5 & under FREE! Advance / $8 Day of Event Saturday, March 21, 2020 12pm - 3pm Hidden Dino-Nite Family Overnight at Fres- Valley Park Purchase Wristbands at no Chaffee Zoo. Saturday, March 321 N. Douty Street, Suite B. For 21st, 4pm - Sunday, March 22nd, more Information: 559-585-2525 9am. Fresno Chaffee Zoo, 849 W. Belmont Ave, Fresno. Pack your PJs and join us for the overnight di- Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. nosaur adventure of your wildest The Tour. Tuesday, March 24th, 7pm. dreams! Visit Zoorassic Park, our Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, limited-time exhibit, after hours Fresno. Tickets available at ticketand learn all about your favorite di- nosaurs by traveling back to a time when they roamed and ruled the Earth. Watch them move, hear them roar, and see how they lived from their nests and eggs to their soaring BUNCO. Thursday, March 19th, heights and epic battles. 1-3:30pm. Palm Village Senior Net work. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. FresNickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. no. For more information, call (559) The Tour. Tuesday, March 24th, 7pm. 346-7662. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. Tickets available at ticket- Palm Village Senior Network ly Lunch. Friday, March 20, 12pm-




Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182


2pm. DiCicco’s, Cedar and Nees. Fresno. Join us for our monthly lunch at DiCicco’s. Please RSVP by 3/18. Bridge. Monday, March 23rd,1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Exercise Class. Tues. March 24th and Thurs. March 26th, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and chairs. Bingo. Tuesday, March 24th. 2-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Book Club. Wednesday, March 25th, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662.

MORE Food & Drink Pasta Basics with Vicki DeFrancesco. Friday, March 19th, 6pm. Sam’s Italian Deli & Market, 2415 N. 1st St, Fresno. Join Vicki DeFrancesco as she teaches us how to make fresh homemade pasta and & sauces. Force ‘Em @ Yosemite Falls Cafe: Ashlan & 99. Friday, March 20th, 7pm. Yosemite Falls Cafe, 4278 W. Ashlan Ave, Fresno. It’s another dinner and dance special evening! $15 gets you a buffet style dinner and an evening of dancing. call for reservations: (559) 275-6060. St. Patrick’s Day 2. Saturday, March 21st, 3pm. Bog House Pub, 7089 N. Marks #109, Fresno. Missed St. Patrick’s Day? It’s your lucky day! We are celebrating again! Food will be provided, along with drink specials, and more! Roast the Pig & The Killer Dueling Pianos Dinner Show at Engelmann Cellars. Saturday, March 21st, 6pm. Englemann Cellars, 3275 N. Rolinda Ave, Fresno. We are roasting a whole hog to celebrate Engelmann Cellars 20th Anniversary and the release of The Flying Pig Pinot Noir by Engelmann Cellars. Cuban inspired menu is going to be perfect pairing with the spicy hummor of The Killer Dueling Pianos. Grab your best seats before they are gone. Tickets $85, available at

Sports 2020 Fresno Donut Run. Sunday, March 22nd, 8am. Woodward Park, 7775 N. Friant Rd, Fresno Not only will runners be treated to the best Donuts after the race you will also earn your very own custom Donut Medal! The Fresno Donut Run will benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Central Valley by donating a portion of the event proceeds. Packet Pickup: At Woodward Park in the *Mountain View Shelter* from 0645-0745am. All 5k Participants will get: Custom Fresno Donut Run T-Shirt Custom Fresno Donut Run Finishers Medal. PBR - Professional Bull Riders. Saturday, March 21st, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. Featuring some of the best athletes of the sport going head to head with the fiercest bulls in the country. The PBR Pendleton Whisky Velocity Tour will bring all the high-energy sound, lighting, special effects and edge of your seat action that fans have come to expect from the World leader in the sport of bull riding.


Heartbeat City with special guests The Executive Rockers at Fulton 55. Friday, March 20th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Heartbeat City Named for one of the Cars biggest selling albums, Heartbeat City faithfully re-creates the look and sound of the Cars. For more information, call (559) 412-7400. Withholder, Lilac Kings, Elk Grove, Machinekit + more. Saturday, March 21st, 6pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton St, Fresno. All Ages | $6 ADV / $8 DOS. Mariachi Festival de Fresno. Saturday, March 21st, 6pm. Warnors Center, 1400 Fulton St, Fresno. SHAILA DURCAL, MARIACHI DIVAS, MARIACHI LOS REYES, MARIACHI NUEVO MEXICO, DINORAH & Ballet Folklorico Nube De Oro. Rockin’ A Hard Place rocks the S. P. Smokehouse. Saturday, March 21st, 7pm. Sugar Pine Smokehouse, 1830 W. Cleveland Ave, Madera. Once again we’re bringin’ it to the city of Madera! For more information, call (559) 674-1212. The White Buffalo at Strummer’s. Saturday, March 21st, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. Fresh off the heels of announcing his new Shooter Jennings-produced album, ‘On The Widow’s Walk’ (avail 4/17), THE WHITE BUFFALO returns to the familiar stomping grounds of Strummer’s in Fresno, CA on Sat, Mar 21st! $18 GA tix / ALL AGES. For more information, call (559) 485-5356. Harmless at Full Circle Olympic. Saturday, March 21st, 8pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Harmless: Condiciones Tour. All Ages | 8pm | $7 Early Bird | $10 at the Door. For more information, call (559) 264-6323. Pink Martini in Concert. Saturday, March 21st, 8pm. Saroyan Theatre, 700 M St, Fresno. Featuring a dozen musicians with songs in 25 languages, Pink Martini performs its multilingual repertoire on concert stages and with symphony orchestras throughout Europe, Asia, Greece, Turkey, the Middle East, Northern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America and North America. Tower Theatre Concert. Saturday, March 21st, 8pm. Tower Theatre, 809 E. Olive, Fresno. LIVE performance with AjaVu. Music of Steely Dan & Chicago.

Local Launch at Full Circle Brewing Co. Thursday, March 19th, 5pm. Full Circle Brewing Co. 602 F St. Fresno. Featuring: Iamlazarus, End of Season, Zoo Pigeons, SPLIT LIP, Sad Kwon Do, Jesus H. Macey, and Hazey Autumn. Show starts at 5pm | All Ages | $10 DoS. 30th Annual City Jazz Festival: Featuring Alan Ferber Nonet. Thursday, March 19th, 7:30pm. Fresno City College Theatre, Fresno. 30th Annual City Jazz Festival: Headliner Concert featuring Alan Ferber. Theatre Tickets: $15 General, $12 Staff, Seniors, & JazzFresno, $10 Student” Scoundrel, Reminitions, TAMERLANE, Debt to the Deathless, CHAIN at Strummer’s. Thursday, March 19th, 7:30pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. All ages. $10 at the door. For more information, call (559) 485-5356. Summer Salt with Okey Dokey and Breakup Shoes at Strummer’s. Friday, March 20th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. All ages! Tix onsale 11/8 at 10am at https:// For more information, call (559) 485-5356. Molten + more TBA at Tower District Records. Friday, March 20th, 7pm. Tower District Records, 1930 N. Echo, Fresno. Tower District Records & RAD Music present: Molten(Thrashy Death Metal from SF) feat Herman from Hell Fire https:// +more TBA. John Corabi - Lounge. Friday, March 20th, 8pm. Tower Theatre, 809 E. Olive Ave, Fresno. INSIDE THE TOWER THEATRE LOUNGE. John Corabi is one of the most talented singers and songwriters to ever come out of the hard rock world. Whether it was with the Scream, Motley Crue, Union, or any of the other amazing recordings that he has been a part of, John’s distinctive voice and emotive song writing can not be matched. Jaded rocks Pressbox! Friday, March 20th, 9pm. PressBox Sports Grill NE Fresno. 1552 E. Champlain Ave, Fresno. Jaded is back and rockin at Pressbox 3 location! (Champlain / Shepherd) Come out & party with us! BAND MEMBERS: Cheri Perry - Lead Vocals Kevin James - Guitar & Vocals John Scheidt - Bass & Vocals Mike Di- Calling All Promotors We can vine - Drums & Vocals CONTACT INFO help get you out there. 559-472& BOOKING: (559) 355-0865 Jaded- 7182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Cloudship Live at Goldstein’s. Saturday, March 21st, 9pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen. Cloudship is a two-man rock band from Fresno, Ca, signed by Spectra Music Group! Brandon Freeman- Vocals, Drums, percussion, and Keys. Jonathon Napoles- Guitar, Bass, Vocals. Sounds of Rock, Roots rock and alt rock! cloudship Force ‘Em @ The Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino: Koy’ Wae’ Lounge. Saturday, March 21st, 9:30pm. Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino, 17225 Jersey Ave, Lemoore. For more information, call (866) 472-5223. MANA Tribute. Saturday, March 21st, Midnight. Cancun Bar and Lounge, 4113 W. Swift Ave #103, Fresno. OMG Ahora si el cancun se va aventar con este super concierto con la mejor Banda que le hace tributo a Mana!!!! este 21 De Marzo 2020. Los boletos salen en venta en Febrero 1,2020. Sera cupo limitado mi gente!!! si necesitan informacion sobre los boletos llamen (559)9773144, LISTOS PA LA FIESTA!!!!!! Otherwise: Defy Division Tour with The Black Moods and Saul at Strummer’s. Tueday, March 24th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. Tickets available at and Strummer’s. For more information, call 485-5356.


Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour. Tuesday, March 24th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. Tickets available at

21 & Over Thursday Night Open Mic at Goldstein’s. Thursday, March 19th, 8:30pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno. *THE ECLECTIC OPEN MIC* It’s going down at the Eclectic Open Mic at Goldstein’s this and EVERY Thursday night in the Tower District with your hosts, the DB Trio! Musicians, Vocalists, Poets, Comedians and then some, are welcomed to show us your skills! Sign ups are at 8:30pm Music starts at 9pm-11pm NO COVER! 21+ SEE YOU THERE! Big Elk rocks The Next Bar! Friday, March 20th, 9pm. The Next Bar, 4231 E. Shields Ave, Fresno. Fresno favorites Big Elk band will be rocking Friday March 20th at The Next Bar, playing rock covers and originals to party your butt off to! 9:30pm 21and up, $5 cover, drink specials all night! Rockin’ A Hard Place. Friday, March 20th, 9pm. Browns Bar and Grill at The Hub, 5020 19 1/2 Ave, Riverdale. Takin’ it to Riverdale once again! For more information, call (559) 923-1222.


MARCH 2020 |


MORE COOL BLUES @ 356 Tavern / 559 Beer. Saturday, March 21st, 7pm. 356 Tavern, 356 Pollasky Ave, Clovis. COOL BLUES is back at the Tavern in Clovis! Come on out and enjoy some awesome 559 Beer and bring your dancin shoes! COOL BLUES will be layin it down. Latin Legends Live with Ray Carrion & Thee Latin AllStars at Fulton 55. Saturday, March 21st, 7:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St. Fresno. featuring: Steve Salas - Pat Vegas - Pepe Marquez - Lily Lulua Cardona - Sal Rodriguez - Hank Castro - Techeetah Lopez - Gilbert Stokes Tex Nakamura. Also 4 Play Band with MC & host Henry Lozano from Ga-

rage Oldies. Tickets & info call 323895-2863 or 415-285-7719 or www. Halloween in March @ Club Creepatorium. Saturday, March 21st, 9pm. El Patron Nightclub, 2438 N Webber, Fresno. Dust off your dancing shoes, folks! Fresno Goth presents Club Creepatorium every 3rd Saturday!A monthly Goth/Industrial/Dark80z/ Dark Electro Dance Music & Spectral Social Extravaganza! Brought to you by the Fresno Goth Party Crew, Creepin’ Fresno since 2002! Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182

Disco Ladies Night at Miracle Skate. Saturday, March 21st, 9:30pm. Miracle Skate, 1850 W. Cleveland, Madera. Dress to impress, there’s a contest for couples and individuals best dressed for disco night! Enjoy the best in disco music and Ladies are admitted free! Admission is $6 and skate rental is $3. Geeks Who Drink: Rick & Morty Themed Trivia Night @ Goldstein’s. Monday, March 23rd, 7pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno.

March 26-31

Ivette Lee Author Book Signing. Saturday, March 28th, 1pm. Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 7849 N. Blackstone, Fresno. Join Me. Ivette Lee Book Signing. Saturday, March 28, 2020. Barnes & Noble Bookstore @ RiverPark. 1:00PM. Raffle Prizes. Meet and Greet. Monday Mixer: Connect and Unite Through Music and Art. Hosted by Strummer’s. Monday, March 30th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. All Ages. Free. Every Monday. For more information, call (559) 4855356.



John Crist at Saroyan Theatre. Sunday, March 29th, 7:30pm. Saroyan Highway 99 Arts Summit 2020. Theatre, 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets Thursday, March 26th, 8am-6pm. available at Radisson Hotel Fresno Convention Center, 1055 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Dear Educators: don’t miss this exciting, interactive, and inspiring conference! Come explore the con- Spaceballs (1987). Thursday, March nections between the arts and so- 26th, 6:30pm. Visalia Fox Theatre, cial emotional learning, and better 308 W. Main St, Visalia. understand how the arts support the Three Amigos (1986) at The Hanwhole child. ford Fox Theatre. Saturday, March “The Strange Case of the Hipster 28th, 7pm. Hanford Fox Theatre, Headdress: Reclaiming Indigenous 326 N. Irwin St, Hanford. T tickets Representations” Thursday, March online at: 26 at 7 p.m. Table Mountain Ranche-


ria Room (3rd Floor North Wing) Henry Madden Library at Fresno State From Hollywood portrayals to invisibility in national conversations on race and inequality, throughout the history of what is currently known as the United States Native peoples have been misrepresented, stereotyped, and erased. But now, through the internet and platforms like blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, Indigenous activism around issues of representation and identity have gained traction and visibility. This presentation explores the ways Native peoples have harnessed the power of storytelling through social media to change perceptions, make our communities visible, and tell our own modern, diverse stories in our own voices. Information:

Camera Essentials: Creative Controls and Exposure. Thursday, March 26th, 7pm. Horn Photo, 7899 N. Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Enter the world of the Digital SLR and learn about your camera, and how to make great pictures with it. We’ll take you out of “automatic”, but we won’t overload you with too much detail. 14 | MARCH 2020



Community Granite Park Spring Festival Weekend 2. Friday, March 27th, 6pm Sunday, March 29th, 6pm. Granite Park Fresno, 3950 N. Cedar Ave, Fresno. Join us for weekend 3 of the #GranitePark Spring Festival, March 27-29, 2020, featuring the return of The Big Bounce America! Spring Market hosted by The Rusted Ranch. Saturday, March 28th, 10am. The Rusted Ranch, 13230 Iona Ave, Hanford. This is a 2 day Spring Market. Come out to the Ranch and shop the 12+ vendors that will be here. We will have a little bit of everything. Drinks, diy projects, food, and photos. The event is both Saturday & Sunday 10-3pm Old Town Clovis Antique Fair. Sunday, March 29th, 8am. Old Town Clovis, 456 Clovis Ave Ste 2, Clovis. The Antiques Fair is an open air antique and vintage market held in the spring in Old Town Clovis. Begun in 1989, this is one of our longest running events! Over 90 dealers come from all over California to display and sell their treasures. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

2nd Annual Bridal Expo. Sunday, March 29th, 11am. Kingsburg Historical Society, 2321 Sierra St, Kingsburg. 2nd Annual Bridal Expo! *Free Admission* Raffle prizes available! Open Mic Night at Full Circle Olympic. Tuesday, March 31st, 7pm. Full Circle Olympic, 1426 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. All Ages | Free | Sign Ups 6:30 | Event 7pm. For more information, call (559) 264-6323.

Family Run with the Heroes 5k & Family Walk. Saturday, March 28th, 7:30am. Valley Children’s Hospital, 9300 Valley Childrens Pl, Madera. Proceeds benefit the “George’s Pass” program. The Perioperative (Surgery) Department at Valley Children’s launched “George’s Pass” in 2014. Ag Day at Fresno Chaffee Zoo. Saturday, March 28th, 9am. Fresno Chaffee Zoo, 894 W. Belmont Ave, Fresno. This event is a unique opportunity for Zoo guests to learn all about agriculture in a fun-filled, family-friendly environment. Come learn about how the Central Valley feeds the world! This event is FREE with general zoo admission. Story Time and Art Activity with Ms. Porter. Saturday, March 28th, 11am. Petunia’s Place, 6027 N. Palm Ave, Fresno. 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month starting at 11:00 AM Story Time and Art Activity with Ms. Porter Children ages 3 - 8 are invited to join Ms. Porter for stories, songs, and crafts! Call (559) 438-1561 for more information.

Senior 3/13 Cards Thursday, March 26th, 1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 3467662. Senior Prom: Walking with the Stars. Saturday, March 28th, 5:30pm. Clovis Senior Activity Center, 850 4th St, Clovis. Senior Prom: Walking with the Stars! The Clovis Senior Activity Center and the Aging Network cordially invite you to a Hollywood style Red Carpet event as we host our first Senior Prom. This event will take place on March 28, 2020, from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm at the senior center. Tickets are limited and will be available for purchase beginning on February 14, 2020. The cost is $10.00 per person or $15.00 for a couple. Formal dress is encouraged! Join us for an evening of live music from the Deleon Brothers, dancing,

MORE delicious appetizers, photo booth, chance to view some classic cars as well as casting your vote for your Prom King and Queen. If you have any questions regarding this event, or to see how you can help our event, please call (559) 324-2750. Bridge. Monday, March 30th,1-3pm. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N Ingram, Ste 111. Fresno. For more information, call (559) 346-7662. Exercise Class. Tues, March 31st, 10:30am. Palm Village Senior Network. 7638 N. Ingram, Ste. 111A. Fresno. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for a 35 to 40 minute stretch and strengthen exercise class using bands, balls, and chairs.

Food & Drink Beginning Cookie Decorating Event. Thursday, March 26th, 6pm. Valentino’s Italian Restaurant, 1043 G St, Reedley. We are excited to be back at Valentino’s in Reedley! You will receive 6 various sized cookies, step by step instructions, all supplies needed to decorate. A FREE raffle ticket (additional tickets are available for purchase on site, prior to the event).

Sports The Open at Copper River 2020. Friday, March 27th, 6pm - Sunday, March 29th, 7pm. Copper River Country Club, 2140 E. Clubhouse Dr, Fresno. The Open at Copper River 2020. Entry Deadline: Monday, March 23 at 10:00PM. All matches to be two out of three sets with a ten point tiebreaker to determine the third set. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182

2020 SVWAA Grand Championships. Saturday, March 28th, 10am. West Hills College Golden Arena Gym, Lemoore. Join us for the 2020 SVWAA Grand Championships at the Beautiful Golden Eagle Arena on the campus of West Hills College in Lemoore. Visit our website at for further details. BMX State Qualifier Race. Saturday, March 28th, 10am. Lemoore BMX Raceway, Idaho Ave @ Highway 41, Lemoore. Lemoore BMX Raceway State Qualifier. Sign ups 10-12 $30 Racing ASAP. Come out and join us @ Lemoore BMX for some great racing action. We will have great food, snowcones, raffles and a good time. Lemoore BMX will allowing overnight camping on a first come basis. Head next door after racing to enjoy some micro sprint racing @ Lemoore Raceway.


2nd Annual Wind Fest Evening Concert. Friday, March 27th, 7:30pm. Fresno City College OAB Auditorium, 1101 E. University Ave, Fresno. 2nd Annual Wind Fest Evening Concert. OAB Auditorium. FREE Odd Future Night with DJ Blade at Strummer’s. Friday, March 27th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. ODD FUTURE NIGHT! All Ages. Tix at event/odd-future-night-strummerstickets/10455835 For more information, call (559) 485-5356. Tangent, Sonic Revolution and guests at Fulton 55. Friday, March 27th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. $10 all ages. For more information, call (559) 4127400. Travis Brooks Trio Band LIVE @ Goldstein’s. Friday, March 27th, 9pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno. Visit Travis Brooks FB page here: Rockin’ A Hard Place rocks the Longhorn Saloon. Friday, March 27th, 9pm. Longhorn Saloon, 6943 W. Shields Ave, Fresno. Rockin’ the classics west of the 99! Night Heat @ Browns Bar & Grill at The Hub. Friday, March 27th, 9pm. Browns Bar & Grill at the Hub, 5020 19 1/2 Ave, Riverdale. Force ‘Em @ Ovidio Ristorante Italiano & Lounge. Friday, March 27th, 9:30pm. Ovidio Ristorante Italiano, 3097 W. Bullard, Fresno. Call for reservations: (559) 435-1396.

Bill Clifton and the Chicken & Whiskey Band. Friday, March 27th, 6pm. Gaebo Gardens Nursery, 3204 N. Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. Blues and Brews and Lunch Wagon Food - the perfect combination! Brantley Gilbert’s Fire’t Up Tour 2020. Friday, March 27th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw, Fresno. Brantley Gilbert’s “Fire’t Up 2020 Tour” launches January 23rd at Budweiser Gardens in London, Ontario, and runs through 2020 with Dylan Scott, Chase Rice, and Brandon Lay as special guests. Straight No Chaser - The Open Bar Tour. Friday, March 27th, 7:30pm. Saroyan Theatre, 700 M St, FresCalling All Promotors We can no. Tickets are $32.50, $46.50 & help get you out there. Let us take $59.50 | $3 increase day of show. care of the print and distribution. All ages. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182


Motley Crue - Def Leppard - Poison tributes. Saturday, March 28th, 12pm-8pm. ApCal, 32749 Ave 7, Madera. You’ve heard all the hype about “The Stadium Tour” $25 in advance --- $30 at the gate. Pre-sale ticket gate opens at 12pm --- Gate sales opens at 1pm Danielle Rondero Band, The Sinners, and Lady T and the Rockits at Fulton 55. Saturday, March 28th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. For more information, call (559) 412-7400. Motel Drive at Toca Winery, Madera. Sunday, March 29th, 1pm. Toca Madera Winery, 36140 Ave 9, Madera. Rocking your day away! Groovin’ on a Sunday with the 4play Band. Sunday, March 29th, 3:30pm. Yosemite Falls Cafe, 4020 N. Cedar Ave, Fresno. Groovin’ on a Sunday is back at Granite Park. Come enjoy your Sunday with the 4Play Band. It’s the perfect way to end your weekend. The 4play band is ready to end the weekend with music, drinks, and dancing. We look forward to seeing you there. There is nothing better than music on a Sunday afternoon.

21 & Over Thursday Night Open Mic at Goldstein’s. Thursday, March 26th, 8:30pm. Goldstein’s Mortuary & Delicatessen, 1279 N. Wishon Ave, Fresno. Musicians, Vocalists, Poets, Comedians and then some, are welcomed to show us your skills! Sign ups are at 8:30pm Music starts at 9pm-11pm NO COVER! 21+ SEE YOU THERE! Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. 559-4727182


Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-4727182 Chromeo at Fulton 55 (Dj Set). Thursday, March 26th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. All Day All Nights and LMC Presents the legendary duo, Chromeo, at Fulton 55 on 3/26 for a DJ set. Don’t miss this iconic group up close and personal in Fresno. 21+ Event. Tickets available here: For more information, call (559) 412-7400. Lady Gaga Birthday Celebration DJ Night at Strummer’s. Saturday, March 28th, 9pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern, Fresno. A fabulous night of music & visuals dedicated to Gaga on her 34th Birthday. Just $5. 21+ Tix at https://www. t i c ke t we b . c o m / eve n t / l a d y - g a ga-birthday-celebration-dj-strummers-tickets/10482845 For more information, call (559) 485-5356. Mr. Rude live at Cellar Door. Saturday, March 28th, 9pm. Cellar Door, 101 Main St, Visalia. $8 at the door. 21+ The Midget Wrestling Show with Attitude. Tuesday, March 31st, 8pm. Switch Lounge and Nightclub, 5665 N. Blackstone Ave, Fresno. The Midget Wrestling Show, Midgets With Attitude! First time in Fresno! At Switch Lounge. Wrestling Ring, Referee and all the fun! 21 and over only, tickets sold by eventbrite $25 regular $50 VIP. VIP includes premium seatings, Meet & Greed and More. Full Bar, kitchen open late. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. Let us take care of the print and distribution. Need a design? We can do that, too. 559-472-7182


MARCH 2020 |



Sweeter than candy it’s LOLLI (A43754928)! 3mo old, female, Shepherd blend! Give her a snuggle! 559233-7722

Pick up some JAX (A43776877) on your way home! Jax is a 3 month old, male, black and white, Pitbull blend! 559-233-7722

PUPPIES Looking for Forever Home - male and female Shepherd mix, re-homing fee $50 Text only 714290-6651


Meet the BELLE (A40938908) of the Ball! Belle is a 2 year old, female, golden, Shih Tzu blend! She’s a calm and quiet girl! 559-233-7722 ext.116

B E T H A N Y (A43774004), is a 2 month old, female, red, Terrier blend. 559-2337722

JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartTime to meet the litments & foreclosures. tle lady, our BABY We do it all Just Call! (A43655607)! Baby is (559)307-4304 ask for a 4 year old, female, James black and white, Terrier blend! 559-233LAWN SERVICE. 7722 ext.116 Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. 559-696-5149 or 559-275-7630 K A T A N A (A43822439)! is a 4 year old, male, orange and white, Longhair. 559-233-7722


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304

PAINTING Let us introduce you to the royal SOPHIA (A43677674) the first! a 1 year old, female, dilute calico, Domestic Medium Hair. 559233-7722 ext.116

Travel the world and you’ll never find a sight like ATLAS (A43569805)! a 2 year old, male, brown tabby, Shorthair. 559-2337722 ext.116

PAINTING Services with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing and More. Call (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) Lic#1051349

16 | MARCH 2020

OPAL (A43831805) is a 2 month old, female, brown, Terrier blend who pupy-grunts with her cuddles. 559-2337722 ext.116 | FRESNO FLYER |

2015 CAN-Am Maverick 1000R XDS Excellent condition with low mileage and hours! Hours 35.6 $12800 Please call or text (559) 353-0882 2006 GEM Electric Car Low miles $4250 Very low miles Pink in Hand Nothing wrong with itPlease text or call 5596317019

2010 KTM 530 EXC Dual sport, limited edition Kini-Red Bull. I am the original owner of the bike. I purchased it new from Wilsons motorcycle. The bike is in excellent shape (559) 474-1318 2005 YAMAHA Midnight Star 1700 cc excellent Bike no problems runs perfect 14000 miles clean title Text 559.260.5449


HUNTER 170 Sailboat $4995 (559) 2993422 MARLIN Bayliner Ski Boat $8500 (Sel2005 YAMAHA Rhi- ma) 708-6996 no 292 Miles 130 Hours on Motor New top end on motor New RVS Elka Suspension New Dual Exhaust New 97 AIRBUS MotorLED Light Bar Re- home 32 foot $12,000 movable Top Custom OBO (559) 291-9864 Roll Cage Custom or (559) 298-4725 Paint Job Aftermarket Doors Full Harness 2006 Toyhauler Sierra Belts Long Travel Sport . New batteries, Suspension Registered generator serviced , Until June 2020 text 90%tread on tires , (559) 760-1174 $6500 new spare , fully self contained, shower , 2007 HONDA Trx stove , microwave, tv 450R Quad runs great , sleeps 8 comfortably, paddles with rims in- lots to list but everycluded! Call or text Ja- thing works great . If son at (559) 972-0040 interested please look at photos and call me 2016 QIYE four at 598-3192 $8000 obo wheeler, like new. Bought from Clovis 2000 NOMAD 25Ft Mototsports. New 5th Wheel With Slide clutch, used only on Out Great Shape Evranch. $ 1000.00 call: erything Works No 559-269-9518 Leaks Sleeps Six Large Shower Elec tric Jacks Currently MOTORCYCLES Registered Till 2021 Clean Title In Hand 2008 KAWASAKI Also Have Hitch vulcan classic 8,900 If Needed $5800 miles $5,000 or trade (modesto) (209) 497for registered tagged 9089 small truck or SUV with trailor hitch. Ga- 1997 MALLARD Pull raged 95% of life. Trailer $6000 (Sanger) (559) 903-8283 559-787- 3701

CADILLAC TRAVEL Trailer 2008 1997 26ft long $11800 (559) Deville excellent condition low miles clean 412-0629 leather interior no tears 2004 WILDWOOD good paint no scratch5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide es $4000 obo cash call outs, excellent condi- or text 559-519-0365 tion. Asking $10,000 OBO (559) 673-7185 2007 CHEVY Impala 79k Excellent condior (559) 975-9835 tion runs great clean 2016 RMZ 450 title current tags nice Fresh Motor interior LOW MILES Yoshimura Exhaust Kelley blue book value Tuned Sus- ($4600) new tires ice pension $4800 cold a/c text for info 805-904-8071 car is in 559.859.39Z05 Clovis $3200 HARLEY David2006 son 1996 Coustom LINCOLN Excellent Condition Towncar Anniversary SS Motor Belt Drive Edtion Senior Owner Stretch Tanks New Only 59,784 Orginal Paint Excellent Con- Miles Fully Loaded dition $5800 OBO Very Well Kept A If Voice Message Only If Your Looking For A I Don’t Answer Please Very Comfortable And Call Phone 559-776- Luxurious Ride Here It Is Great Gas Mileage 4241 22 to 27 Mpg. Interior 17 CRF110 $2499 Is In Like New Con(Coarsegold) (559) dition. Retireing From Driving. $6950 Ph 676-7669 559-259-9381 ONLY MESSAGE 2008 CBR 1000rr VOICE 17424 miles Asking WILL BE ANSWERD price 6200 obo Registered and up to date 2006 ACURA TL Clean title Call/ Clean title Title in hand text 559-515-3271 ust passed smog CurSerious inquiries only” rent registration 132k miles Automatic trans1979 HD FLH in good mission Original V6 conduction. Need to engine Runs excellent shifts sell , can not ride any Transmission more. been sitting smoothly All black so need to get it out leather interior In good of here. Everything shape Everything is works good. It has a functioning Good tires stock 74 inch motor . Good brakes Always here is pictures of it . maintained on time It has been on a non op pass years or owning and I have a clean title. iWe just purchased a need more information suv so no need for a call me 559-765-5461 extra car at the moment Call or text me at 209$3500 585-0613 2016 Suzuki GSX1000S $6200 1993 SUBARU Leg(Madera Ranchos) acy, good condition, great running con(559) 285-3222 dition! New Tires, New Battery, Recent oil change with RoyCARS al Purple Synthetic. 1969 PONTIAC 120,000 miles. $2500 559-645Grand Prix $8000 (Madera) 9500 or 559-779-7858 (559) 978-2710

2003 Hyundai Accent 65k miles only - $1900 Runs great. Ac works good. Only 65,213 original miles. My moms car, she’s getting too old to drive so I’m helping her sell her car. Does need front drive axels though. Other than that there’s plenty of life left in car. 559-765-9556

TRUCKS 1996 SILVERADO z71 4wd $6300 (Kerman) (559) 728-6262 1989 JEEP Wrangler lifted, gears, lockers,winch,fuel injection! $7000 (Visalia) (559) 300-7700 03 TAHOE z71 4x4 with smog n tags 190. miles clean title exellent $3600 644-5434 2003 DAKOTA sxt crew cab, clean title, just passed smog with flying colors, registration current until may 2020, truck has only 140k miles runs and drives excellent no issues been very reliable and dependable for us throughout the years, 6 passenger seating, v6 great on gas, call if interested 209-303-8856. (Modesto) 2005 CHEVY Silverado 4x4 180,000 miles 5.3 Vortec 9/10 interior 7/10 paint Newer tires Everything works on the truck New front end done with Moog parts Text for questions 559-361-2077 8500 OBO 2004 GMC Sierra 1500 Z71 $9200 call or text 209-809-4167

2008 CHEVY Uplander LS Runs excellent no mechanical ATVS issues. Ac blows ice cold heater works great 2002 Banshee $3300 very dependable vehiConcession All stock. fresh top end 2007 ZX-10R $5300 FOOD ARE YOU SELLING cle tags are good till (559) 473-9302 2014 KIA Optima Trailer 16 Foot Equipless than 1 hour on it. something? List it here the end of the month ment Included $18,00 $8800 (559) 999-2480 New tires. Paddles on Call 559-472-7182 160k clean title in hand rims along with dirt ARE YOU SELLING OBO (559) 291-9864 asking 2700 call or text or (559) 298-4725 ARE YOU SELLING tires. Not abused super something? List it here 559-681-9425 something? List it here clean. (559) 375-2838 Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL Call 559-472-7182

Nothing glitters and shines like our lovely AMETHYST (A43832007)! a 2 month old, female, Terrier 559-233-7722

2008 Polaris Ranger 700 XP 4X4 Seats 6 Low miles Second owner, always adult owned Well maintained Great for trail rides and around the yard Includes rear storage rack $6000 (559) 287-0719



CLASSIFIEDS PERSONALS GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no answer. ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182

2008 KAWASAKI vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade 2004 Wildwood 5th for registered tagged wheel 30ft, 3 slide small truck or SUV outs, excellent condi- with trailor hitch. Gation.Asking $15,000 raged 95% of life. OBO (559) 673-7185 (559) 903-8283 or (559) 975-9835 PAINTING Services FOOD Concession with Asante Paint & Trailer 16 Foot Equip- Décor. Residential / ment Included $18,00 Commercial Interior OBO (559) 291-9864 & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Comor (559) 298-4725 mercial Power Washing, Hotel / Apt Turn Arounds and More. ARE YOU SELLING Call for Free Quote something? List it here (661) 492-2310 (Fresfor only $20/ issue. no) Lic#1051349 Call 559-472-7182


CAL KING Cal Memory Foam Topper Brand new $50 Call 559-304-1831


150+ original vinyl records for sale, most covers are in decent condition. To many different artists to list. Call/text $100 for all (559) 676-6705

VINTAGE PINK kenmore freestanding ladies hair dryer Asking $50 obo Have not plugged in, not sure if it works.Text only please 559-304-1341

2 SADDLE Bar Stools Excellent Cond. 24”H Seat $50.00 For Both 289-9321

TALL METAL and Strong Folding Wicker ANTIQUE Console Bakers Rack/Storage Phonograph Plays Display Rack that folds 78rpm records Nice up for each storage and piece of furniture $100 transporting. Make (559) 323-9574 sure you’re ok with the size measurements beBEAUTIFUL Tiger- fore coming to see it. wood Antique Closet. 6 feet 10 inches tall $200 Call, text (805) 1 foot 4 inch depth 503-9694 2 feet 4 inches wide 559 681-2958 TWO drawFURNITURE er file cabinet condition OLD DROP leaf ta- Good ble, has the original Price $25.00 each 559-313-7519 rollers, $65.00 call Call Or 559-708-3971 559-776-4385 No texts please RECLINER couches TABLE $800 Still new only COFFEE 4 months old . Payd with glass. Great DIY 1400$ for them still project $20. Call 559have receipt. Very 304-1831 clean smoke free n pet NICE VINTAGE free. 5596812998 wood chair, swivALMOST NEW ac- el, needs cushions, cent chair asking $100, $40.00, call 559-776text or call 559 519 4385 5402. SUPPORT LOCAL

LIVE EDGE table. Made from locally ELECTRONICS sourced Sugar Pine and has cast iron legs. 12 INCH massive (559) 284-0985 speakers $120 (559) 573-2883 NICE PATIO table that seats 6. It is cast IPHONE & PC Reiron with 6 cast iron pairs. We repair brometal chairs. In very ken glass and LCD, good condition! Would battery replacement, be close to $1,000 new. tablets, computers and 175 or best offer. 559- water damage. Vis250-7886 it 49 W. Alluvial Ave (559) 417-5319 or 230 TWO matching book- W.Fallbrook Ave #101 cases $150 Pick up (559) 474-1825 only please 559-9074156 HP M3-U001DX i3 6GB RAM 500GB QUEEN BED head- HD $269 It has been board and footboard. cleaned out of all old Dark wood. $125 Call data. No passwords 559-304-1831 etc. 6GB of RAM, a 500GB HD, and an i3 CAL KING Cal processor. It is running Memory Foam Topper Windows 10 as well. Brand new $50 Call Touchsreen with fold559-304-1831 ing screen. I will provide more information QUEEN 2” Memory on this laptop below Foam Mattress Topper for those who are in$45. Call 559-304- terested. The Fresno 1831 Hock Shoppe 559-2645856

ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 Call 559-472-7182

1950S CHROME well record player with plug in cord portable very good condition for its age turns on and spins only needs needle which can be purchased online for under $15 I am selling for $75 or best offer call or text 559-709-3250 XBOX ONE and one S $160 Up for sale is a gamestop refurbished original xbox one with controller for $120 and a xbox one s with controller for $160. Both these consoles have been cleaned out and work. They can be tested at the fresno hock shoppe during normal busniess hours. Open Monday - Friday 10am to 530pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm, you can also reach us by phone at 559-264-5856

APPLE WATCH series 3 42mm in space grey for sale, only work twice, no scratches or damage and come with original everyARE YOU SELLING thing. Call or text 559something? List it here 916-1602 for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL

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MARCH 2020 |


CLASSIFIEDS TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all the TV’s we currently have in stock. We have 3 50” TV’s and a 24”. the 24”, and two of 50” TV’s are Vizio and the other 50” is an Insignia. They all have remotes with them and work properly. The Fresno Hock Shoppe questions at 559-2645856


GIRLS 18” Bike $30 (Like new Nexr Misty girls bike for less than 1/2 the price of a new one (559) 444-3283 SCHWINN Voyager 21. 21 Speed. Great condition. $160 Contact me at 1-510-4187303 I’m in Coarsegold HUFFY 12” for boys. 25 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216

IBANEZ GIO GSR105EX 5-String Bass In great shape, plays great as well. No issues with this bass. Comes as shown does include a soft case which is not pictured. 5 string. Come check it out and many other musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-2645856

MOUNTAIN bike MOUNTAIN bike 21 speed nishiki $145 YAMAHA MG06X 21 speed nishiki $145 (559) 579-8909 Mixing Console $109 (559) 579-8909 original box and power adapter. In great MUSIC GIRLS 18” Bike $30 working and cosmetic (Like new Nexr Misty girls bike for less than HARBINGER APS15 shape. I will provide 1/2 the price of a new Powered Speaker (Sin- more information on gle) $109 Pre-owned this unit below for one (559) 444-3283 Harbinger in good those who are interestSCHWINN Voyager shape. Works great no ed. And if you are in21. 21 Speed. Great issues. Powered speak- terested come on down condition. $160 Con- er. Shows some normal to at The Fresno Hock tact me at 1-510-418- wear from use. Come Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am 7303 I’m in Coarse- check it out and other to 5:30pm and SatPA speakers at 3235 urdays from 10am to gold E Belmont Ave Fres- 2pm or call 559-264HUFFY 12” for boys. no CA 93702 at The 5856 25 cash. Txt at 661 772 Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to NICE CONDITION 3216 530pm and Sat from Squier strat. Priced to 10am to 2pm or call us sell $75.00 w/padded ARE YOU SELLING with any questions at gig bag Ibanez Electric something? List it here 559-264-5856. $60.00 559-246-4922 Call 559-472-7182

APPLIANCES MINI FRIDGE sale $70 The TV Shop Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559299-6100 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 TV’S!! 24” LED TV’s starting at $69!! 32” LED TV’s starting at $85!! 40” LED TV’s starting at $139!! 50” LED TV’s starting at $175!! The TV Shop Clovis 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559299-6100 WINDOW AIR Conditioner by Frigidaire $325 (559) 250-3033

FARM & GARDEN CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop /cages is $30 ..great for small birds/Quils / chickens/chicks .l arge ones are $50 to $60 .size 5x4x5 will need a pick up truck or I can drop them off for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 643-7156 TACK BOX (559) 975-5464


TRACTOR Late 80s with loader runs good start every time Needs some help/welding repairs on loader $7500 (Oakhurst) (559) 7602166

NEW BELLA 2 Slice Toaster Extra-Wide CRAFTSMAN weed Slots $15 559-246- eater It works great 2220 and had a brand new carburetor. It it’s 17” and 25cc. We are askARE YOU SELLING ing $100. If interested something? List it here call (559)800-5118. for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL

TROY-BILT sickle mower for sale. Self propelled. Heavy duty. Cuts up to 1” thick. Perfect for fence clearing. One owner. Engine and belts have been serviced. 5hp Briggs. 42” cut. Runs great. The handle lock is broke. Asking $750 obo (559) 960-6571 I SELL dog houses to be ready for winter time. X-small -12x12x16-$10/$30 with paint roof Small18x18x24-$20/$50 with paint roof Medium-24x24x32-$30/$70 have two different size door with paint roof carpet Large36x36x48-$100/$150 with paint and X-large42x42x60-$150/$200 with paint Huge48x48x72-$200/$250 with paint and roof I have 12 different colors. Questions please text 559-475-2803 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 LAWN EDGER, Briggs and Stratton engine $40 call 645-7642


TREE SERVICE Serving all your tree care needs WE CAN DO IT ALL! ●

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18 | MARCH 2020




2017 CRAFTSMAN riding mower $800 new starter, it runs good but sometimes it doesn’t start. Not sure feels like battery doesn’t have enough juice to turn over sometimes 708-2064 LAWN EDGER, Briggs and Stratton engine $40 call 645-7642

ALOE VERA plants - $5 Aloe plants medium, large and extra large plants in 1 gal. pots. They are $5, $10, $15. $20 Landscaping Plants, tropical’s, shrubs, flowers, fruit, herbs and succulent plants (559) 307-9366

ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182


Lawn Service Cleanups - Fertilizer New Saw - Lawn Spraying Sprinkler Repair Lawn ReseedingCleanup

Affordable Prices

Free Estimates

559-696-5149 559-275-7630






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MARCH 2020 |



Serving all your tree care needs. We can do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps, MistleToe, Trimming, Removal Walker’s Tree Service Call (559) 421-8555



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LAWN SERVICE Affordable Prices Call Julio (559) 696-5149


Call The Fresno Hock Shoppe (559) 264-5856 or come in. 3235 E. Belmont Ave. Fresno. We have electronics, jewelry, and more! You can also check us out online


Services. Estate sale cleanups. Yard, trash, construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments and foreclosures. We it all, just call! (559) 307-4304 ask for James


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