Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 9

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EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the thunderdome! I’m just kidding. If you can’t tell, humor is a big coping mechanism for me. And it’s been a big help in keeping me sane in the upside-down. Truth be told, it isn’t the media or the severity of the outbreak that spins my reality – it’s almost every trip I have to take to the store for essentials. I’m floored by the ‘zero to sixty’ level of panic, or perhaps more appropriately, the rush to corner the market on things like hand sanitizer and toilet paper. It’s the overwhelming, painfully obvious selfish nature of people, and the lack of trust in one another that punctures my pride in this community. I’ve seen, on numerous occasions, people ignoring the social distancing rule as if it’s a formality and not a necessity. Seriously you guys, six feet means six feet – stores are literally saying it for yours and their employees’ health. For a country that loves sports, loves its military, and loves to say things like “I’m proud to be an American,” we’re surprisingly lacking in team spirit. We’re all too quick to point the political finger, separate into economic classes, and dish out all sorts of labels to further divide ourselves. We’re so consumed by our expressed individuality that we’ve overlooked one crucial fact: we’re in it together, and we can only succeed together by doing our part in the big fight against the pandemic. It sounds simple, even lackluster, that everyone’s part in this is to stay home, but it


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only works if all of us who can, do. And if you’re part of the groups convinced that this is all some colossal ploy or hoax, I have two things to say to you. First, consider yourself lucky that this virus hasn’t personally impacted you or your loved ones to such extent that it changes your tune – some people aren’t so fortunate. Second, if you only have two theories with which to engage the world, wouldn’t you prefer the one that saves lives instead of the one that risks them? And if staying home doesn’t feel like it’s enough, then to that, I say, create. Make videos, write stories, create art – people are hungry for engagement and distraction. Some of my favorite creations are what I find on my (frequent) walks now, chalk drawings that say “Keep Smiling!” or “Distanced, but not alone.” I even walked by houses with child drawings of rainbows hung on telephone poles and stop signs – I’m telling you, the little things matter. Get to Skyping/Zooming/Duoing your friends and family, and do it regularly. I’ve talked on the phone more these days than the last five years combined, sometimes with people I see all the time and other times catching up with friends I haven’t seen in years. And you know what else is cool? Snail mail. Yea, I said it. It’s fun getting things in the mail, so trying writing a note to someone. We will get through this. But what matters most is how we get there.



t would be an understatement to say that Adam Alkurdi has had a rough first month of business. After spending most of the last year remodeling, installing equipment, and stocking up on supplies, Alkurdi finally opened Maverick’s Coffee Shop and Juice Bar in Lemoore. Back when news about the coronavirus was little more than a blip on the radar. Between savvy social media promotion and a lot of positive word-ofmouth from satisfied customers, Maverick’s was off to a great start. About a week later, the shop held its official grand opening, and business continued to gain momentum. A week after that, however, Alkurdi faced closing his doors as statewide Shelter in Place orders closed bars, clubs, restaurants, and coffee shops all over California. “It’s a terrible situation for anyone,” Alkurdi says, “I would have liked to have opened after everything resolves. However, we are taking this very seriously, like most people.” Even a well-established and successful small business can be devastated by an unforeseen catastrophic event, i.e., fire, flood, or earthquake. But COVID-19 is something the whole world seemed utterly unprepared for, not just small businesses. It has presented a unique and extreme set of circumstances that threatens to take down the entire global economy. Maverick’s Coffee Shop and Juice Bar had set sail in February to clear skies that almost immediately turned into a category five hurricane. Alkurdi had to figure out a way to adapt his walk-in only coffee shop and juice bar to a “no walk-ins allowed” coffee shop and juice bar to comply with the statewide order. And to do it fast, or this would be a very short-lived grand opening. “We adapted by quickly, switching to a pick-up only system. With help from Poppinpay, I developed a custom app that our customers can use to order ahead and we bring their orders out to their cars. We also converted our parking area into a ‘park and order’ space, similar to an old drive-in restaurant,” Alkurdi explains. The app is similar to those used by most chain restaurants. However, they haven’t been nearly as popular with independent eateries, especially in smaller communities. That is changing rapidly with

statewide dining room closures. Developers like Poppinpay are helping small businesses create customer-friendly ordering apps that allow the convenience of virtual ordering. This way, businesses stay competitive and able to meet customer demand. By swiftly adapting to the unique circumstances created by the COVID-19 epidemic, Maverick’s Coffee Shop and Juice Bar is joining the thousands of other small businesses all over the valley that are utilizing tech solutions to weather the storm and stay afloat. “It’s not enough just to come up with ways to continue serving our customers. We also have to ensure we are taking all the necessary precautions, to go above and beyond the current safety and sanita-

tion measures. We have always maintained the highest standards in keeping our store, equipment, and serving areas clean and sanitary. Still, we have elevated those standards tenfold since reopening.” After each order, everything is wiped down and disinfected. When available, the staff even provides hand sanitizer for customers. And the 6-foot rule is strictly enforced for the customers waiting outside. Still, the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic are unlike anything most small business owners have or will ever experience. Short-term fixes can keep the doors open for a few weeks, even months. But, how viable are these solutions in the long-term? “It’s hard to say how all of this will change the way we do business once things start to return to normal,” Alkurdi shares. “But I will say that Maverick’s Coffee Shop and Juice Bar will always be fully compliant with all safety and sanitation measures. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Our customers are our number one priority. Our message to the public is that we will always put the safety of our customers first. It means a lot when our customers post on social media about how clean everything is and how it makes them feel good about ordering from us. And, of course, how delicious our drinks are.” Adam Alkurdi has also been fortunate to have a landlord who’s working with him on his lease during this time. “They’ve been great to me and so helpful. I don’t know if I would have been able to keep the doors open without their willingness to work with me. I’m very thankful for that.” Support from the Chamber of Commerce has been great as well. “They have been very supportive with respect to operations, and several members have been using our drive-up ordering, which is awesome.” So far, the response from the public to Maverick’s “lockdown adjustment” has been overwhelmingly positive. In the short time they’ve been open, Maverick’s has gained a modest and devoted following of loyal customers, for which Alkurdi is extremely grateful. “I would very much like to say thank you to the community for all of their support, before and during these times. The public understands that we are doing everything we can to provide a safe ordering experience as conveniently as possible, while also maintaining the high quality they’ve come to expect from Maverick’s. When we first opened, our goal was to provide customers with the best coffee, juices, and energy drinks they could find, all in one shop. We want our customers to be just as satisfied with our customer service as they are with our drinks.” Once the worst is over and things begin to return to business as usual, Maverick’s will be opening a drive-thru, and Alkurdi is also considering adding a delivery option as well. You can follow Maverick’s Coffee Shop and Juice Bar on Instagram @maverickscoffeeshop_lemoore and download their menu and ordering app from Google Play or the Apple store. Maverick’s Coffee Shop and Juice Bar is located at 55 E. D St., Ste M, in Lemoore.


EAT WELL, BE HEALTHY By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


ou can maintain your fitness, even if exercising at home isn’t your usual gig. The key to sticking with all exercise is to find something that you like doing. Thousands of free movement videos are available online. Cardio, yoga, strengthening, HIIT, stretching; you name it, it’s there. Locally, many trainers and venues have begun to offer their products online, some for free, and many are equipment-free. Fitness Social offers live full-body workouts, and stress-reducing stretching and mobility classes. Alicia Giana Fitness provides live sculpting workouts in addition to her personalized online workout plans. Or, Tower Yoga has free videos showcasing many of the classes they offer. You can also get in touch with your favorite venue or trainer and ask what they’re offering during this time. We’re in a great time of year to be active outside. Run, walk, or bike trails at Woodward Park and the Old Town Clovis Trail. With a little online sleuthing, you’ll find hiking trailheads in Sierra and Sequoia National Forests; the National Parks are shuttered, so aren’t an option at this time. In the spirit of what is going on in our world, maybe you have a neighbor who needs some springtime yard work done. Gardening and yard work are definitely forms of exercise. If you like exercising with others, pull your housemates into an exercise routine you can do together. Rotate who creates the workout and playlist for the day. Mix up activities by building an obstacle course or running creative relay races. Make time for movement every day, and try to do it outside. The combination of being in nature and exercising will make you feel emotionally and physically better. What you eat is just as healthy as what you do. There’re ways to eat healthfully without hoarding, or panicking. Locally grown fresh produce is available here all year, and two farmers markets continue to operate every week. The Vineyard Farmers Market on the corner of Shaw and Blackstone is open Wednesday afternoon and

Continues on pg 4... | FRESNO FLYER |

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...‘Stay Fit’ cont’d from pg 3

Forget Politics. This is a Humanitarian Issue By Jennifer Parson |

T Saturday morning. At the same time, the River Park Farmers Market, at its namesake location, is open Tuesday afternoon/evening and Saturday morning/afternoon. Right now, these markets have winter and spring produce available. Foods such as citrus, carrots, beets, lettuces, leafy greens, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, strawberries, and asparagus are at the markets. If stored properly, some of these items can last over two weeks. Stock your pantry with shelf-stable staples, and you’ll have options that last for weeks. Grains like rice, barley or quinoa, and pasta, can last for months on your shelves. Dried or canned beans provide a healthy protein boost to your dishes. Think quick bean burritos or curry lentil soup. Canned tomatoes can go in so many recipes. Nut butters, nuts, and seeds are healthy additions to your snacking. Nuts and seeds are also good on leafy salads. When it comes to planning or preparing your meals, focus on building around the fresh foods, then add other components from your pantry or fridge. For example, top lettuce with carrots, beets, radishes, and add black beans, pepitas, salsa, and cheese to make a healthy lunch or dinner. You can add shredded chicken or ground beef, but the beans and cheese already provide protein. Keep in mind that you can prepare recipes in large amounts and freeze a portion so that you have quick, easy meals for the future. Cooking at home will keep you at your healthiest, even when the social distancing is over. --Nadine is a Wellness Coach for women who want to lose unwanted weight and confidently build consistent, healthy nutrition and exercise habits for themselves and their families. She can be reached at npbwellnesscoach@gmail. com.


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he last few weeks have been a confusing time for people around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic crept across the globe, shutting down communities in its progression. The unprecedented nature of the crisis has been a challenge to governments at the national and local levels, and despite everyone facing the same problem, each country has taken a different approach to fight back. I was born in California and raised in King’s County but have been living in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh for eight years. Recently, the UK has been deeply divided over issues like Scottish independence and leaving the European Union (i.e., Brexit). It’s led to an increasing feeling that the country is tilting towards the more partisan politics seen in America. However, the British government’s response to the pandemic has been widely accepted by the public, even as stricter measures have come into force. In addition, British citizens have generally recognised the severity of the issue and are adhering to government guidance. This means staying at home, only leaving to buy essentials like food and medicine, going to work, or heading outdoors for exercise. One of the main reasons for this success is because the government has shifted the message away from politics and focused on the effect the virus will have on the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS is our publicly funded healthcare system, which enables all residents to access healthcare at no personal cost. The official government slogan during the pandemic is “stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.” The message is clear, while the threat of death may be statistically low for most healthy people, inundating the NHS with low-risk cases increases the burden on staff and takes up resources vital to save lives. In a way, it’s like a time of war – doctors and nurses are the country’s soldiers on the frontline and citizens are asked to support them by staying home, staying healthy, and not increasing NHS’ workload while they fight

the virus. Polls consistently show strong backing for the NHS. Furthermore, all political parties openly support it as an institution. This is reflected by the nearly 20,000 retired healthcare workers who have answered the call to return to work during the crisis. In response, the British public has shown their love. Grocery stores keep the first hour of opening for NHS workers only. The public can donate money on Deliveroo to pay for meals for NHS staff doing long hospital shifts. At 8 pm on April 2nd, we took part in “Clap for Carers,” where citizens clapped, shouted, and banged pots and pans from their homes to salute the NHS staff and other key workers. And when UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock asked the public for 250,000 volunteers to help the NHS deliver vital food and medicine to vulnerable people stuck at home, over 750,000 people signed up within days. The fact that the US does not have nationalised healthcare is a serious concern, especially during these times. Millions of Americans do not have health insurance. Of those that do, tens of millions are still underinsured, meaning a stint in the ICU could have a devastating impact on their finances. Likewise, many people, and particularly undocumented immigrants, may feel afraid to access healthcare services should they become ill with the virus due to costs



or risk of deportation. Issues with paid sick leave and certification of illness exacerbate the problem. In the UK, employees are legally entitled to two weeks paid sick leave should they need it, and they can “self-certify” if they are off work for up to seven days. Self-certifying means they are more likely to use sick leave should they start feeling ill rather than spreading the virus at work. By self-certifying, they do not need to leave their homes or interact with healthcare staff as they do not require a doctor’s note. This will prove a huge advantage over the US during the outbreak because healthcare professionals will have reduced contact with the broader public. Those who have the virus but do not require acute care. Additionally, the UK government is now paying 80% of monthly salaries to people unable to work due to COVID-19, up to a maximum of £2,500 (the average monthly salary in the UK). This virus is also a great equalizer – both the Prime Minister and Prince Charles, second in line to the British throne, have recently tested positive. Money can help shield you from the virus to some extent, ordering essentials online or taking leave from work makes staying home much more available. While age is also a factor in your chances of having a severe reaction, there is always a possibility you may end up on a ventilator or worse, no matter who you are. While the US has made great efforts to expand unemployment support, invigorate the economy through stimulus checks, and push for research into a vaccine, there are still systemic issues that make supporting people through the outbreak more difficult. My hope is that the pandemic opens peoples’ eyes to the devastating consequences of inequality and gives us time to reflect on how we can enact positive change to correct this. Things like universal healthcare and better employment laws to protect workers’ rights are essential to keeping the US healthy and functional during such trying times and beyond.

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In Celebration of Earth Day

1. On the very first Earth Day, 20 million people gathered in the streets of America to protest the industrial revolution. An environmental movement was born as a result.

5. Caffeine—which is found in tea leaves, guarana berries, kola nuts, and, of course, coffee beans—acts as a natural pesticide. It overloads the nervous systems of insects that try to eat the plants containing caffeine, paralyzing and even killing them before they can do too much damage. It affects humans’ central nervous systems, too, but for us, it merely acts as a stimulant. In an Earth Day celebration in 2011, 28 million trees were planted in Afghanistan by the Earth Day Network.

2. Acacia trees can warn each other of danger. When animals like antelopes start to gobble up its leaves, the tree increases tannin production to levels that are toxic to animals. The tree then emits a cloud of ethylene gas that travels through the air, reaching other 6. Owls don’t have eyeballs. What trees so they too can begin produc- they have instead are better described as eye tubes. Since they ing more tannins. can’t move these tubes back and 3. The Low’s pitcher-plant is a forth, owls have developed increditoilet and food source all in one. ble neck flexibility to be able to see You’ve probably heard of carnivo- the world around them. They can rous plants like the Venus flytrap, turn their heads a whopping 270 but the Nepenthes lowii (or the degrees, whereas humans can only Low’s pitcher-plant) has moved manage about 180. away from eating animals, to instead feasting on what they leave 7. African buffalo herds make debehind. The plant secretes a white, cisions by voting. One by one, the sugary nectar that both birds and adult females of the herd will stand shrews love. But in order to access up, look in a particular direction, it, they must perch their rear ends and then lay back down. Whichevover the mouth of the Low’s pitch- er direction gets the most looks is almost always where the herd traver-plant. els. If voting is strongly divided, 4. In Panama, 100 endangered the herd will often split up temspecies of orchids were planted and porarily. Red deer and numerous maintained to prevent their extinc- kinds of monkeys display similar democratic behavior. tion in honor of Earth Day. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

8. Every year on April 22, men, women, and children collect garbage, plant trees, clean up coral reefs, show movies, sign petitions, and plan for a better future for our planet. 9. Humans eat only 200 types of plants. Scientists estimate that there are about 400,000 different species of plants on Earth. It’s much harder to estimate how many of them are edible, but figures range from 80,000 to a whopping 300,000. Amazingly, about 50 percent of the plant calories we do eat come from just three species: rice, wheat, and maize (corn). 10. The ocean produces up to 85 percent of the Earth’s oxygen. Tiny sea-dwelling creatures called phytoplankton are actually the ones that produce the vast majority of the oxygen in our atmosphere: 50 to 85 percent to be exact. Though they’re too small to see without a microscope, they live in the upper layers of water and use the same method plants do—photosynthesis—to convert sunlight into energy, creating oxygen in the process. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


APRIL 2020 |



THIS DAMN VIRUS By I. smiley G. Calderón |


nless you’ve been hiding under a rock this past month (which, actually, doesn’t sound too bad in light of current events), you’re now all too familiar with the pernicious worldwide pandemic caused by the deadly virus SARS-CoV-2, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, also known simply as Coronavirus. Since December 2019, this positivesense single-stranded RNA novel virus that causes COVID-19, or Coronavirus Disease 2019, has ravaged mankind by infecting over one million people worldwide, killing tens of thousands to date. There are at least 277,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and over 7,000 deaths in the United States, with over 1,800 deaths in New York City alone. In California, there have been more than 12,000 confirmed infections and 278 related deaths. In the Central San Joaquin Valley, there have been 232 cases, and in the counties of Fresno, Madera, Merced, Kings, and Tulare, there have been a total of 6 deaths. So far, Fresno County has 100 confirmed cases and one related death. Additionally, about 400 individuals are currently being monitored for the disease. No doubt, these are unprecedented times. There is currently no known cure for COVID-19. And there is no SARSCoV-2 vaccine either, the only way to combat it right now is with social distancing and isolation to prevent its spread. On Wednesday, March 4th, California Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency. On Thursday, March 12th, he took the additional bold step of issuing an executive order prohibiting social gatherings of 250 people or more. A week later, on the 19th, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-3320, which enforced the mandate given by Director of the California Department of Health and State Public Health Officer, Dr. Sonia Y. Angell, stating, “all individuals living in the state of California to stay home or at their place of residence.” This edict is meant to “preserve the public health and safety, and to ensure the healthcare delivery system is capable of serving all.” Governor Newsom made it abundantly clear: “This Order is being issued to protect the public health of Californians… in order to ensure that we mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Our goal is simple, we want to flatten the curve [of infection] and disrupt the spread of the virus.” Of course, we are still free to leave our homes for essential items, like food and medical services,


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or to go to work at jobs deemed essential. Yet, Californians are further ordered to “at all times practice social distancing.” Details can be found at California’s COVID-19 resource website: On Sunday, March 15th, the County of Fresno declared a State of Emergency after its second confirmed infection. The next day, on the 16th, the City of Fresno also declared a State of Emergency. But, the City went a step further to ensure the safety of Fresnans by issuing Emergency Order 2020-02 to “Shelter in Place” on

species, can beat this virus right now is by continuing our aggressive path of social distancing.” Yet, these State of Emergency Executive and Emergency Orders are having a horrible economic effect statewide on local business and commerce. Especially restaurants and bars, small businesses, and Momand-Pop stores. Layoffs and furloughs are all too commonplace nowadays. Unemployment has skyrocketed. And, Councilmember Esparza, an economist who also teaches at Fresno City College, knows that these are

because of our “ And, awful air [quality], we have a lot of people here living with severe pulmonary related illnesses, like asthma - not good with a virus that attacks the respiratory system.

Wednesday, the 18th - a day before Governor Newsom’s Executive Order - taking effect the next day, on the 19th at 12:01 am. It was initially intended to last until the end of March. Still, it was extended through midnight Sunday, April 12th, by Emergency Order 2020-08, with the possibility of being extended yet again. Mayor Lee Brand had this to say about it: “We are making the most difficult decision we’ve ever made…In the end, this is really a life and death situation… and it all boils down to what is most important: to protect the lives of as many people as I possibly can.” Mayor Brand and the majority of Fresno’s City Council get it. They understand the seriousness of this pandemic, and Fresnans should be thankful and proud that they acted so swiftly. Councilmember Nelson Esparza of District 7 made it clear: “The only way that we, as a human

trying times. But he also knows that saving and preserving human life now is more critical in both the short and long run than the consequences of temporarily stifling the economy. “We all have concerns about the state of the economy,” Esparza confessed, “but we do know that it is going to get worse before it gets better. When the dust settles, we will work aggressively to help our local economy get back on its feet - We as leaders must protect human life from COVID-19 right now at all costs.” At all costs. And there most definitely will be a cost to shutting down our City. Mayor Brand admits, “I fully understand the economic impact these orders have on our community,” but he also remains optimistic, “and my hope, my prayer, is to get people back to work, back to school and back to normal life as soon as we safely can.”



But this is in stark contrast to other Central Valley elected officials who value economic activity over human life. United States Congressmember for California’s 22nd Congressional District, Devin Nunes, believes we should turn a blind eye to Americans getting sick and dying, and instead focus on making money. “All American politicians and the media need to stop looking at death counters,” Nunes said in a public interview. “Let’s talk about how we can keep as many people employed as possible. That’s the key right now.” Good thing Congressmember Nunes, a former so-called dairy farmer, isn’t in charge of city or statewide operations right now. If he had it his way, he’d milk the American people bone dry and then walk over our carcasses after we drop dead. But some businesses are booming despite the deadly pandemic. Unskilled jobs that are deemed ‘essential’ are in demand. Places like Amazon, Walmart, and Target are hiring to meet public demand as people stock up for Armageddon. Restaurants and beverage spots that offer take-out, delivery, or drive-thru are open, as well as supermarkets and grocery stores. And, in that line, farmers and farm workers are also deemed essential and will continue to work the land during the lockdown. To see a list of what jobs are considered essential or not, and to see what the City of Fresno is doing in preparation and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit To see the latest news from the county of Fresno’s Department of Public Health, visit If you checked out last month’s Fresno Flyer, you might have read my article celebrating Ag week and especially farmworkers. I followed up with a few local friends who work in the fields about the impact of COVID-19. I asked them about work conditions and what their companies are doing or saying about the pandemic. Now, all of the friends that I spoke with are undocumented workers. Hard, honest workers - but undocumented from a Latino country south of the border. One of them surprised me by telling me his company gives him and his contracted coworkers disposable face masks and have taken extra precautionary measures at the worksite. Someone there checks workers’ temperatures onsite and explains the importance of wash-

Benaddiction 3015 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Curbside pick-up available. 559-374-6082 Al's Café 1823 W Olive Ave Fresno, 93728 Open for take-out orders. 559-233-9226

Alla's Mediterranean

Armenian Restaurant 3051 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Place a takeout or delivery order by calling 559-681-0988

Birrieria el Taco Solito 4002 E. Jensen Ave Fresno, 93725. Call 559-233-0507 BJ's Kountry Kitchen 4065 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Take-out options available 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. seven days a week. Delivery available through DoorDash. 559-222-5206

Angkor Asian Bistro & Bar 1568 E. Champlain Dr. STE 105 Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available. 559-492-2344

Blufin Sushi 7033 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out, curbside, and delivery available. 559-412-4919

Annex Kitchen 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711. Take-out only, curbside available. Lunch 11-3 and dinner from 4-8. Call 559-248-8512 Batter Up Pancakes 8029 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out available 6:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Call 559-440-1221

ing hands and wearing masks. Although work is slow and has resulted in fewer days, my friend feels that his company is doing a good job of keeping workflow in line during this pandemic. My other two friends work by the hour. They tell me that apart from the companywide talk about trying to maintain social distancing and washing hands, it’s been business as usual. In fact, they’re angry they can’t get any overtime. I was surprised. I asked them if they felt that it was fair that they were expected to go to work, given the potential danger of this pandemic. They both downplayed the seriousness of the virus and said that they needed to work, or they wouldn’t be able to pay rent or buy food. They reminded me that since they don’t have social security numbers, they wouldn’t be getting a cent from the government, like other taxpayers during this national crisis. To clarify, taxes are taken out of their weekly checks. Still, because they don’t have legitimate social security numbers assigned to their names, they won’t be entitled to any of the recent government relief assistance. Even though these are precisely the kinds of workers who would benefit from it the most. They feel like they have no other option but to work in the same way as before the pandemic to survive - despite any Stay Home or Shelter in Place Executive

Bollywood Indian Street Food 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available and delivery through Uber Eats. 559-493-5975 BooBoo Bean Bakery & Café 2063 W Bullard Fresno, 93711. Open Monday - Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pick-up. 559-570-8093

Order. And my friends understand the seriousness of their jobs, too: if they don’t work the fields, the crops will be lost - millions of dollars forfeited. Right now, Councilmember Luis Chavez of District 5 wants to propose a city law that issues misdemeanor fines of up to $500 or 6 months in jail for violating the City’s Shelter in Place Emergency Order because it “creates an imminent threat to public health and safety.” But, when I go visit the supermarket in his district’s downtown section, a block from my home, I see business as usual. Of course, shopping for food or working at a supermarket are protected, essential tasks - but what good is a Shelter in Place Order if your essential tasks also endanger you? Because people at these shopping centers near where I live act like it’s just business as usual, without care to practice social distancing. Maybe it’s because they don’t follow the news much - or maybe it’s because this pandemic has yet to become a raw reality for them. After all, Fresno County has only seen one death due to COVID-19 so far – perhaps it doesn’t seem like a thing to worry about in a county of about a million residents. But it is. I pray that Fresno doesn’t become the next New York City, with countless succumbing to the deadly sting of the Coronavirus. Sadly, if we do not urgently take the | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Bulldog Burger Bistro 1782 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710. Pick up is available, and delivery through Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub. 559-492-2420 Butterfish 8482 N Friant Rd Fresno, 93720. Call 559-478-5471. Second location: 7090 N Palm Ave #109 Fresno, 93650 Call 559-721-2197 Pick-up orders available. Campagnia Bistro 1185 E Champlain Dr Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available and delivery via DoorDash. 559-433-3300 Casa Corona 1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-2838605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 Call 559-323-7409. Pick-up orders available. Free Uber Eats delivery. CASA de TAMALES 609 E Olive Ave, Ste C Fresno, 93728 Take-out orders available. Call 559-541-4656 Castillo's Mexican Food 3659 E Ventura Ave, Fresno, 93702 Curbside Pickup available 6.30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 559-485-1635

necessary protective measures to stop this pathogen now, it could happen. Let’s face it: Fresno is a place full of people with a ton of comorbidities and a lot of obesity - highrisk factors for COVID-19. And, because of our awful Central Valley air, we have a lot of people here living with severe pulmonary related illnesses, like asthma - not good with a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This pandemic could wreak havoc here in Fresno and hit these vulnerable populations very hard if it spreads as predicted, and as forecasted. Still, during these dark times for humanity, a curious but critical positive externality has coincidentally emerged, just in time for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day 2020, commemorated on Wednesday, April 22nd. Not surprisingly, due to global and local lockdowns around the world, anthropogenic pollution has drastically reduced. Earth has finally been able to take a deep breath of relief and experience healing and restoration at some of its most polluted places. For example, in India, where at least 21 of the world’s 30 most polluted cities are, residents are finally able to see a clear sky - something that hasn’t been possible for years. Indian air activist and author of “Breathing Here is Injurious to Your Health,” Jyoti Pande Lavakare, is amazed. “I have not seen such blue skies in Delhi for the past 10 years - a silver lining in


Chicken King 1234 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 Pick-up available; as well as delivery through Uber Eats and DoorDash, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 559-266-5464 Chronic Tacos 6717 N Riverside Dr, Suite 101 Fresno, 93722 Take out and delivery through Uber Eats, and DoorDash. Use Chronic Tacos app to order ahead for pick-up, or call the restaurant to order. 559-276-5541. Churrasco Grill 1901 N Gateway ste 101 Fresno, 93727 Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Take out, delivery, and catering are available. 559-253-1266 Colorado Grill All Fresno locations. To-go orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-325-3460 Corner Bakery Café 8464 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 Delivery with DoorDash, Postmates, Uber Eats; togo orders available. 559-328-5991

Continues on pg 8... terms of this awful crisis.” With ambient air PM 2.5 levels usually exceeding 90 µg/m³, after only a week of the economic shutdown, PM 2.5 levels fell 71% down to 26 µg/m³. Now, usually, PM 2.5 levels of 26 µg/m³ are nothing to be proud of (the WHO calls anything over 25 µg/m³ unsafe). Still, the difference here is incredible - and life-saving. How fitting that Earth Day 2020’s theme is Climate Action. Who would have thought that it would take a globally collective un-action to create a noticeable effect on the climate? Even during these unfamiliar quarantined and locked down days, there are still some things you can do on your own to celebrate Earth Day. At Earth Day’s website, there are some great resources and ideas on how to act for the Earth while practicing safe social distancing. Check them out here: I don’t know about you all, but for this Earth Day, since it’s 4/20 all month, I’m going to celebrate the way I’ve been observing this whole damn month: by keeping it lit and puff, puff, passing - to myself, of course (since I am Sheltering in Place) - benefitting from the powerful endocannabinoid medicinal properties and much needed calming effects of cannabis during this very stressful time in enduring this damn virus. | FRESNO FLYER |

APRIL 2020 |


...‘Still Open’ cont’d from pg 7 Cracked Pepper Bistro 6737 N Palm Ave Fresno, 93704. Visit for a s pecial menu. 559-222-9119 Curry House Indian Bistro and Bar 7735 N Blackstone Ave Fresno, 93720 Offering takeout and delivery. 559-432-2700 DaVinci's Pizza 7081 N Marks Ste. 101 Fresno 559-438-8300. Second location: 7509 North Willow Suite 102 Fresno 559298-9400 Take-out, delivery, and online ordering at DiCicco's Italian Restaurant All Fresno locations. Offering take-out or delivery. 1530 E Nees Ave, 559-321-0544. 2221 W Shaw Ave, 559-221-6337. 144 N Blackstone, 559-237-7054. 7038 N West Ave, 559-436-1650, offers online ordering via 5635 E Kings Canyon, 559-2527100. 1071 E Shaw, 559-229-7811. 1914 W Clinton, 559-266-9893 Dog House Grill 2789 E Shaw Ave Fresno, 93710. Carry-out orders available and delivery with DoorDash. 559-294-9920 Donut Fantasy 1731 W Bullard Ave Suite 111 Fresno, 93711 Monday - Saturday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Take-out and delivery through DoorDash. Eddie's Bakery and Café 7089 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, 93720. Take-out available, or order online or via Uber Eats. 559-323-0900 Elbow Room 731 W. San Jose Ave Fresno 93704. Offering take out, call 559-227-1234 or visit El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant 3046 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Take-out, delivery and curbside service available. 559-435-2371 El Michoacáno 3639 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711. Take-out and delivery through Uber Eats and DoorDash available. 559-275-3911 El Premio Mayor 3247 E McKinley Ave, Fresno, 93703. Call in and takeout orders only at the moment, curbside and delivery coming soon. 559-498-9925 Eureka! 7775 N Palm Ave Fresno, 93711. Offering take-out orders and delivery through several third-party apps. 559-320-1300 Field House 2042 E Copper Avenue, Suite 101 Fresno, 93730. Take-out available; alcoholic beverages available for take-out with food purchase. 559-433-8750 FIVE Restaurant 1110 E Champlain Dr Fresno, 93720. Pick-up, curbside pick-up, and delivery offered. 559-434-5553


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Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 639 E Shaw Ave #149, Fresno, 93710. Take-out daily from 12 pm - 8 pm with curbside delivery available. Filet & Lobster special along with new take-out menu. 559-222-5823 Fort Blossom Café 433 N Fort Washington Rd Fresno, 93730. Take-out only. 559-824-1224 GG's Food Factory 2139 Kern St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available and delivery on Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-840-1185 Good Eats Chinese Food 7724 N First St (at Nees) Fresno, 93720. Take-out/ Pick-up service offered. 559-261-0238 Green Papaya Mart & Deli 2403 E Clinton Ave, Fresno, 93703. Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. for take-out. 559-570-8450 Guadalajara Restaurant 3020 N Weber Ave Fresno, 93705. Call 559-268-9528 Gus Kebab 855 Kern St #180 Fresno, 93721. Take-out and delivery (for 3 orders or more) options available. 559-353-2119


8398 N Fresno St Fresno, 93720. Pick-up orders available. 559-228-9735 Hungry Howie's Pizza 4209 E. Shields Ave Fresno, 93726. Takeout and delivery offered. 559-227-5555 Huong Lan 9 4965 N Fresno St, Fresno, 93726. To-go and curbside pick-up is available. (559) 221-8000 Huong Lan 10 5669 E Kings Canyon Rd #102, Fresno, 93727. To-go and curbside pick-up is available. 559-251-5000 Imperial Garden 6640 N. Blackstone Ave #108 Fresno, 93710. Takeout orders available, delivery through DoorDash. 559-435-4406 India's Oven 3035 W. Ashlan Ave, Fresno, 93722. Open for takeout, curbside delivery as well as free delivery within 5 miles on orders $50+; delivery also available via DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-229-1313 India Sweets & Spices 3055 West Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93722. Open for takeout and all essential needs. 559-222-2700 Find us on Facebook @ISSashlan Indian Kebab Palace 1552 E Champlain Dr. Fresno, 93720. Call 559-374-6070 Irene's Café 747 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728. Pickup only, closes at 8 p.m. 559-237-9919

Islitas Express 13699 E Manning Ave Suite #107 Parlier, 93648. Take-out 10am-9pm/Mon-Sun. Delivery 4pm-8pm/ Mon-Sun. 559-646-1101 Javier's Mexican Restaurant and Cantina 5680 E Kings Canyon Rd Fresno, 93727. Taking to-go orders, alcohol sold with orders. 559-252-4511 or 559-252-4537. Joe's Steakhouse 831 Van Ness Ave Fresno, 93721. Call 559-486-3536 Kabab City 682 E Nees Ave #101 Fresno, 93720. Curbside pickup and DoorDash available. Free delivery and free hummus for orders over $25 for Zip Code 93720. Call 559-435-5044 Kar Wah Restaurant 3025 W. Shaw Ave. #101 Fresno, 93711. Open Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take-out and delivery through DoorDash and Postmates. 559-225-2993 Kijima Japanese Restaurant 300 W Shaw Ave # 100, Clovis, 93612. Take-out available. Lunch 11:30-1:30. Dinner 5:00-7:30. Closed Monday all day and Sunday no lunch. 559-298-1011 Kikku Japanese Food 2336 Tulare St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders only. Call to place your order or use their app. 559-233-8890 Kunisama 6825 N Willow Ave #101 Fresno, 93710 Call or order online via for takeout and delivery through DoorDash. 559-322-5864 La Boulangerie French Bakery & Café 730 W Shaw Ave Fresno, 93704. Fresh bread is available for take-out as well as limited breakfast and lunch items. 559-222-0555 La Elegante Taqueria 23 Kern St Fresno, 93706. To-go orders only. 559-497-5844 La Maison Kabob 43 Fulton St Fresno, 93728. Curbside pick-up and take-out orders. Delivery offered within two-mile radius. 559-721-7232 La Sirenita Reataurante Y Panaderia 4207 E Olive Ave Fresno, 93702. Curbside pick and togo orders. Delivery available through Uber Eats and DoorDash. Free delivery with orders over $20. Call 559-412-7476 Level X Nutrition 5235 E Kings Canyon Rd #103 Fresno, 93727. Hours of Operation: M-F 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday 8 p.m. - 12 p.m. 559-289-2356 Lily's Café 2326 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 Take-out available. 559-498-6261 Livingstone's Restaurant & Pub 831 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728. Open 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. curbside pick-up or delivery available. 559-554-9662



Los Panchos Mexican Restaurant 1000 Fulton St Fresno, 93721, 559-452-1111 and 4910 E Kings Canyon Rd #103 Fresno 93727, 559497-9999. Open from 11am-3pm with take-out only. Curbside pick-up available. Offering 10% off all orders. Lum's Chop Suey 609 E Divisadero St Fresno, 93721. Call ahead and walk-in orders available. 559-268-7919 Mama Mia Italian 734 W Bullard Ave, 559-439-5303. Second location: 737 E Olive Ave, 559-369-4298. Take-out and delivery offered at both locations. Marat's Restaurant 8961 N Cedar Ave #103, Fresno, 93720. To-go orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-4392400 Mariscos Colima 3692 W Shaw Ave Fresno, 93711. Take-out orders available. 559-275-3340 Mariscos Las Islitas 4555 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno, 93702. Take-out Mon-Sun 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Delivery Mon-Sun 12 p.m. 6 p.m. 559-252-2703 Maw n' Paw BBQ 2686 N Clovis Ave Fresno, 93727 Pick-up and Postmates offered. Order by phone with drive-up pickup 559-348-9559. Max's Bistro and Bar 1784 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-439-6900 or visit Mr. Pickle's Sandwich Shop 7967 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, 93720. Order online at or call 559-492-3354 The Mad Duck Brewery 3085 E Campus Pointe Dr Fresno, 93710. Offering 15% off all take-out orders. Curbside pick-up and delivery are available. 559-385-3825 Me-n-Eds All Fresno locations Mediterranean Grill & Café 1031 U St Fresno, 93721. Curbside pick-up and deliveries are available. 559-441-7050 MEGA Texas Barbeque 2429 E McKinley Ave Fresno, 93703 (Inside Arco) Take-out, pre-orders available. 214-254-6448 Mimi's Bistro + Bakery 7660 N Blackstone Ave. To-go and catering. Hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 559-439-2669 Mochuelo at Hotel Picadilly 2305 W Shaw Ave. Fresno, 93711. Thursday - Saturday, 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. DoorDash, Uber Eats. 559-348-5520 More Than Pizza 2093 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Offering take-out. 559-840-1564 Mountain Mike's Pizza 1089 E Shaw Ave Fresno, 93710. Open for takeout and delivery. Daily specials and discounts available. Delivery also available through Grubhub, DoorDash and UberEats. 559-241-7210

Namikaze 1134 E Champlain Dr #108 Fresno, 93720. Delivery available. 559-478-5917

Noah's Ark Restaurant & Bakery 783 E Barstow Ave, Suite C, Fresno, 93710. Open Monday- Sunday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Order with apps DoorDash, GrubHub, Postmates, UberEats, or call restaurant directly 559-225-1045 Oaxaca Restaurant 4773 E Belmont Ave, Fresno, 93702. Open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for take-out. Specials posted on their Facebook page. 559-454-1614 Ocampo's Mexican Restaurant 5211 E Kings Canyon Rd #103 Fresno, 93727. Take-out only open everyday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 559-252-6263 Ovidio Italian Restaurant 3097 W Bullard Ave, Fresno, 93711. Curbside pick-up and free delivery through DoorDash available. 559-435-1396 Patio Café 5138 N Palm Ave Fresno, 93704. Discounted family meals available. Takeout, curbside pickup available. Delivery also available. 559-243-1074 Papi's Mex Grill 5624, 1560 E Champlain Dr #101 Fresno, 93720. Pick-up, and delivery offered. 559-434-1609 Pete' s Teriyaki 2738 W Shaw Ave, Fresno 93711. Take-out only Monday - Saturday 12 - 7 p.m. 559-276-3890 Pho 75 #2 3127 E McKinley Ave Fresno, 93703. Take out and delivery service through DoorDash regular business hours: Sun-Thurs 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri & Sat 8 a.m. 12 a.m. 559-497-9261 Phoenician Garden 1025 E Herndon Ave #106 Fresno, 93720. Offering take-out and delivery via DoorDash (25% off orders for six or more) 559-261-2747 The Quirky Café 901 L St Fresno, 93721 Order online or call in for pick-up 559-696-4466 Pismo's Coastal Grill 7937 N Blackstone Ave Fresno, 93711. Take-out and curbside service 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Offering 10% off all gift cards with 30% of the proceeds going to support their employees. 559-439-9463 Rob's Bayside BBQ 4190 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93726 (Located in Arco) Offering take-out and delivery via Grubhub, Postmates, Seamless, and DoorDash (free deliveries to seniors) 866-932-2728 Roundup Bar-B-Q 5730 N First St # 101, Fresno, 93710. Take-out orders only. Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Call 559-448-8501 Ramen vs Pho 3747 W Shaw Ave Fresno, 93711. Offering take-out. 559-840-2840 Raw Fresno 2405 Capitol St #103 Fresno, 93721. Offering curbside pickup, take out, & delivery. Mon - Fri 7 am to 7 pm, Sat 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 559-250-5292 (text)

Robertito's Taco Shop All Fresno/Clovis Robertitos Taco Shop Locations Are Open. Available by drive-thru, pick-up and delivery on DoorDash app. They are offering a free kids meal with the purchase of any combo meal, which can be ordered through drive-thru DoorDash. Rocket Dog Fresno and Clovis Locations. Fresno, 558-283-8096. Clovis, 559-321-8754. Curb side and DoorDash delivery. SabaiDee Thai Lao Cuisine 5730 N First St, Fresno, 93710. Open 11 am - 9 pm everyday for take-out. 559-412-7895 Sakanaya 9447 N Fort Washington Rd. #116 Fresno 93730. Monday to Friday, lunch 11:30 - 2:30, dinner 5:00 - 8:30. Saturday, Sunday lunch 11:30 - 2:30, dinner 4:30 - 8:30. Take-out order available and delivery (limited mile), discount on Teppanyaki dinner meal, family meal deal. 559-433-6607 Sal's Mexican Restaurant 7476 N Fresno St Fresno. Curbside take-out and delivery for orders $30 or more. Open 10:30 am to 7:30 pm. 559-438-3030 Sam's Burger 4483 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno, 93726. Open every day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Available for take-out and curbside. 559-375-1810 Sam's Italian Deli & Market 2415 N First St. Fresno, 93703. They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. with takeout and delivery. 559-229-9346 Santa Fe Basque Restaurant 3110 N Maroa Ave 93704 Fresno. Take-out is available Monday through Saturday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Call 559-226-7499 Senor Aji Peruvian Kitchen 6701 N Milburn Ave #130, Fresno, 93722. Take-out available. Hours of operation: Tuesday-Friday 12 pm - 2 pm and then 5 pm - 8 pm. Saturday 1 pm - 7 pm. Sunday 1 pm - 3 pm. 559-375-1285 Shanghai Chinese Cuisine 4011 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, 93726. Take-out and pick up available. Free delivery of $40 or more within three-miile radius. Free delivery to seniors or disabled people with no limit order and five-mile radius. Sunday through Thursday: 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. 559-221-0227 Sierra Nut House and Bistro Villagio Shopping Center 7901 N Blackstone Hours: Everyday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, 559-432-4023. Sierra & Chestnut hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Call: 559-299-3052 Carry out and curbside delivery available. 25% all Sierra Nut House labeled products, 20% off wines, and 50% off all fresh cheeses. Spicy J's 165 E Paseo del Centro Fresno, 93720. They are offering discounts, delivery and curbside pickup. 559-448-8894 Starving Artists Bistro 9447 N Fort Washington Rd #101 Fresno, 93730. Open for take-out Tuesday through Sunday from 11 am to 8 pm. 559-433-0133


Sunnyside Diner 5235 E Kings Canyon Rd. Fresno, 93727. Open from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for take-out or curbside pick-up. 559-252-2006 Sushi N Pop 1788 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710. Call 559-438-1690 Sushiculture Blufin Sushi, and Izakaya 3187 W. Shaw Ave. 7033 North Cedar Ave. To-go and delivery only. 559-438-1690 Sweet Lyfe Boba Bar 3052 E. Campus Pointe Dr Fresno, 93611. Offering take-out orders, and offering free deliveries through DoorDash and UberEats. 559-322-1734 Sweet Mango Mart & Deli 1244 N First St Fresno, 93703. Take-out and curb-side pickup available. 559-515-6889 Tacos La Piedad 2709 N Hughes Ave Fresno, 93705. Take-out orders available. 559-233-7858 Take 3 Burgers 1230 Fulton Street Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-489-0490 Taqueria Jaliscience 3115 E Central Ave Fresno, 93725. Take-out orders only. Open 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, Monday through Sunday. 559-486-1351 Taqueria Y Carnerceria El Charrito 2327 N West Ave, Fresno, 93705. Take-out available. 559-445-1517 Teriyaki Don 6731 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, 93710. Takeout available, as well as delivery through DoorDash and Teriyaki Don app orders. 559-439-6759 Thai Phuket 1830 N First St Fresno, 93703. Offering take-out and delivery through Uber Eats. Open 10 am to 10 pm. 559-709-6707 Tokyo Garden 1711 Fulton St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available during regular dinner hours (Wed-Sun 5pm8pm) from the special menu available online www. or call 559-268-3596 The Berrock Shop 2016 W Bullard Ave, Fresno, 93711. Curbside pickup available, open Monday through Saturday. Visit the website for a complete menu www.berrockshop. com/menu/ or call 559-439-0402 The Chicken Shack North Fresno 7675 N Blackstone Ave #114, 559-8783134. Downtown Fresno 1108 Fulton St, 559-7249887. Take-out only. The Crawfish Guy 5730 N First St, Ste 102, Fresno, 93710. Modified hours: 3pm to 9pm daily; take-out only. 559-438-2729 The Curry Pizza Company Fresno and Clovis locations open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Shaw & Marks: 559-365-7000, Willow & Nees: 559-206-7000



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The Frappe House 2777 E. Nees Avenue, Fresno, 93720. Orders available for take-out or curbside. Menu available on Yelp or Call ahead at 559-384-1100 The MacDonnell Deli and Grill 1320 E Shaw Ave, Ste 111 Fresno, 93710. Call for BBQ meals to go 559-974-2483 The Train Depot 3045 E Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Take-out orders available and delivery through DoorDash. All orders called in for take-out will receive 10% off of the normal menu price. 559-442-1401 The Palms 7550 N Palm Ave #101 Fresno, 93711. Take-out orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-438-0500 The Pizza Pit 4289 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno, 93726. They are offering delivery and carry-out. You can also find them on Uber, Postmates, DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-225-9900 The Seafood Company 4775 E Kings Canyon Rd. Fresno, 93702. Preorders via telephone, offering take-out and delivery via Uber Eats. Sunday through Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday and Saturday 11am-9pm. 559-255-6000 Toshiko: Ramen and Sushi Bar 1112 Fulton St. Fresno, 93721. Restaurant hours are Mon-Sat: 11am-7pm. Website to order online is 559-705-6513 Tower Tea 1020 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno, 93728. Store hours: Monday-Saturday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm. 559-269-8668 Twentieth Century Grill 1920 Tulare St Fresno, 93721. Open from 11am - 5pm Monday through Friday, free delivery to downtown Fresno. Delivery also available through DoorDash, Uber Eats, & Grubhub. Prices for large pizzas have been lowered by at least 50%. Call 559-721-7275 Umi Sushi 2321 Kern St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders only. 559-515-6636 VeniVidiVici Restaurant 1116 N Fulton St. Fresno. Open for takeout, 4 pm to 10 pm. 559-266-5510 Vino Grille & Spirits 1440 E Champlain Dr #106 Fresno, 93720. Take-out, curbside, delivery with DoorDash and Postmates. Open 11 am - 8:30 pm. 559-434-1771 Wahoo's Fish Tacos 7835 N Palm Ave, 559-449-8226. Second location: 3053 Campus Dr, 559-322-1982. Take-out orders available. Westwoods BBQ & Spice Co 8042 N Blackstone Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available. Drive-thru pick-up also offered. Offering 10% off all gift cards with 30% of the proceeds going to support their employees. 559-449-9227 Yosemite Falls Café 4020 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93726. To-go orders available and delivery on DoorDash, Uber Eats and Postmates. 559-222-7800

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Yosemite Ranch 1520 E Champlain Dr Fresno, 93720 Take-out orders available. Offering 10% off all gift cards with 30% of the proceeds going to support their employees. 559-434-4403 YOSHINO Japanese Restaurant 6226 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, 93710. Open for togo orders 559-431-2205

Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St Fresno, 93706. Delivery and pick-up available. 559-264-6323

Tioga-Sequoia Brewing Co 745 Fulton St Fresno, 93721. Online ordering for pick or delivery at Food trucks out front also with food to-go. 559-486-2337

Wonderland Comics 1409 N Van Ness Ave. We have the largest selection of back issue comics; action figures. Unfortunately, we are shut down until the lockdown is lifted. If you have a specific item or book you are looking for, we can make arrangements to set an appointment. Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 559-268-3950 CTA CONSULTING Substance/Addiction Tele-Counseling Services Enjoy the convinience of Cellphone, FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom Counseling. 8am-6pm (209)2526970

Andiamo Ristorante Italiano 1275 Shaw Ave #120 Clovis, 93612. Offering curbside pick-up. 559-298-3196 BC's Pizza & Beer 1315 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Pick up and delivery only. 559-297-7800 Carrillo's Mexican Food 151 W Bullard #101 Clovis, 93612 Take-out available. 559-325-5688 Charley's Philly Steaks 1240 Shaw Ave. Suite 109 Clovis, 93611 Take out and delivery through UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub, and Postmates. Call 559-325-7351 to place orders over the phone. Dai-Ichi 1820 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93611 Take out available. Call in ahead of time for immediate pick up. Call 559-297-1177 DOY Grill 1845 Herndon Ave. Clovis, 93611. Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take-out only. 559-324-8048

Florentina's Pizza and Pasta 2141 Shaw Ave Unit 113 Clovis, 93611. Pickup available. 559-297-8310 House of Juju 565 Pollasky Ave #101 Clovis, 93612. Call ahead and walk-in orders and DoorDash. 559-298-3090 Huckleberry's 2100 Clovis Ave Clovis, 93612 (and Fresno locations). Open 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily for take-out, curbside pick-up, and delivery through DoorDash. Call 559-412-7889 Hungry Bear Cookies 1127 N. Willow Ave Clovis, 93611 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free delivery of Hungry Bear Cookies (1 dozen minimum per order) Place order from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and your cookies will be delivered between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Delivery address must be within five miles of Hungry Bear location. 559-299-6919 Jugo Salad & Juice Bar 1845 Herndon Ave Clovis, 93611. Take-out and delivery 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. 559-472-3351 (Champlain Dr location, 559-407-5846) Jus Jo's 701 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Takeout and curbside available. 559-322-1788 Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant 2141 Shaw Ave Ste 101, Clovis, 93611. Take-out available; Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Call 559-326-0524 Luna Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, 93612. Alley pick-up, open for drive through, call and let them know you have arrived. Pick-up in front as well. 559-299-4141 Mah's Teriyaki Express 605 Herndon Ave #400, Clovis, 93612. Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 8.30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Take-out only, calling ahead is highly recommended. 559-297-8831 Michelangelo's Pizzeria 619 Woodworth Ave, Clovis, 93612. Pick-up only Monday through Saturday from 4 - 9 p.m. You must call in to order, first. 559-322-1666 Neighbors Tap and Cook House 1175 N Fowler Ave #800, Clovis, 93611. Pick-up available from 11 to 8 every day, with to-go cocktails beer and wine with food purchase. 559-298-4020 Pad Thai Restaurant 198 Shaw Ave (Shaw at Minnewawa) Clovis, 93612. Take-out available, as well as delivery through Postmates. 559-324-1235 Panda City Hot Pot & Grill 458 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Offering delivery and take-out for Fresno and Clovis orders from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (559) 324-8888 Pure Water & Ice Cream 1835 Ashlan Ave #103A, Clovis, 93611 We offer water fill up, boba drinks, ice cream, springrolls, bahn mi sandwich, and papaya salad. Open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. pickup only. 559-346-1399 RusHour 701 W Shaw Ave # 101, Clovis, 93612.Open daily 11 am - 6 pm; take-out, pick-up, and delivery with DoorDash available. Call 559-326-0574



Sakura Chaya 1200 Shaw Ave, 559-900-4326. Second location: 690 E Nees Ave, 559-438-9378. To-go and curbside pickup available. Hours of operation 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sandy's Country Junction 532 Clovis Ave. Clovis, 93612 Subs-N-Grub 3157 Fowler Ave #102 Clovis, 93611. Take-out available. (559)-291-4782 Subbies Subs & More 2 150 Minnewawa Ave ste D, Clovis, 93612. Take-out and delivery by Grub Hub available, Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. 559-478-4627 Sunnyside Pizza 1175 N Fowler Ave #600 Clovis, 93611. Take-out orders available. 559-374-9361 Thai Gem 742 W Shaw Ave, Clovis, 93612. Open 11 am - 2 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm, take-out available. Call 559-298-4425 The Craft House 760 Pollasky Ave Clovis, 93612. Please call for take out and curbside pick up 559-472-3398. Toledo's Mexican Restaurant 1125 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Clovis location open for take-out and delivery. 559-298-0290 Trelio Restaurant 438 Clovis Ave #4, Clovis, 93612. Take-out available Tuesday - Saturday. Call 559-297-0783

DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant 516 I St. Open Sun-Thurs 11:00 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. Fri – Sat 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Take-out or delivery. 559-674-2435 Fastway Fried Chicken 749 N D St. Open Sun – Thurs 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Fri – Saturday 10:00 a.m. -8:30 a.m. Take-out, online ordering available and mobile delivery DoorDash. 559-673-2630 Mojo’s Catering Services 1016 S Pine St. Open Mon - Fri 11am to 2 pm, Sat Sun 10 am to 2 pm. Take-out only. 559-975-7238 Mountain Mike’s Pizza 2180 W Cleveland, 559-664-9990. Second location: 1460 E Yosemite, 559-674-4487. Take-out and delivery. Players Smoked BBQ Mobile food truck only. 559-831-2135

Sal’s Mexican Restaurant 2001 W Cleveland Ave. Open Mon - Sun 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Take-out, and mobile delivery Grubhub. 559-673-7257 Sugar Pine Smokehouse 1830 W Cleveland Ave. Open Mon - Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Take-out or Curb side 559-674-1212

The Vineyard Restaurant & Bar 605 S I St. Open Mon - Sat 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Take-out, online ordering available and mobile delivery - DoorDash. 559-674-0923

Chubby's Diner 855 N Lemoore. Open 8 am - 2 pm. Call 559-925-8889

Deli Delicious 855 N Lemoore Ave. Open Mon - Sat from 11 am to 7 pm, closed on Sundays. 559-423-5688

Oakhurst Spirits 40300 Greenwood Way, 93644 Open Friday - Sunday from 12 to 6 pm. Bottled craft spirits, art gallery, and gift shop available for pickup. Call ahead for orders 559-641-5400

Islitas Express 13699 E Manning Ave Suite #107 Parlier, 93648. Take-out 10am-9pm/Mon-Sun. Delivery 4pm-8pm/ Mon-Sun. 559-646-1101

Legends Tap House and Grill 2910 Pea Soup Andersen Blvd Selma, 93662. Call 559-891-7000 Sal’s Mexican Restaurant 2163 Park St Sun-Sat 11 am - 7 pm Delivery and Takeout. 559-896-7257 Roscoe’s Dogs 1962 Whitson St Open Mon - Sat 11 am - 6 pm Drive-Thru and Grubhub 559-898-3060 La Estrella 2363 Whitson St. Open Sun - Sat 8 am - 8 pm To Go Only 559-318-9396 Rodolfo’s 1802 E Front St Sun - Sat 11 am - 9 pm Take Out. 559-896-1180 Cattlemens 1880 Art Gonzales Pkwy Sun - Sat. Take Out Only. 559-896-8450

Beto's 1208 N Lemoore Ave. Hours are Mon - Sat 10 am to 8 pm, Sun 10 am to 3 pm. 559-924-4101 Boston House of Pizza 1180 W Bush St. Open Mon - Thurs 10 am to 10 pm. Fri - Sun 10 am to 11 pm. Delivery available after 4 pm. 559-924-9527 Burger Shack 718 N Lemoore Ave. Open 10 am - 9 pm. 559-997-1114 Chica's 329 Fox St. Open Tues - Fri 6 am to 11:30 am and Sat 7 am to 11:30 am. 559-997-1200

Domino's Pizza 25 W D Street. Open Sun - Thurs from 10:30 am to midnight, and Fri - Sat 10:30 am to 1 am. Carry out ends at 10 pm. Call 559-924-3581 Down Range Coffee Company Call for hours or check Facebook. Pre-order by calling 559-429-0843 La Parrilla Mexican Grill 150 E Hanford-Armona. Open Sun - Thurs from 6 am to 9 pm. Fri - Sun 6 am to 10 pm. 559-817-5240 Las Espuelas 55 E D St. Open Mon - Fri 7 am to 8 pm and Sat - Sun from 7 am to 9 pm. 559-924-2814 Little Ceaser's Pizza 885 N Lemoore Ave. Open Sun - Thurs 10 am to 10 pm. Fri - Sat 10 am to 11 pm. 559-924-7992 Maverick's Coffee Shop 55 E D St. Open Mon - Sunday 7 am to 7 pm. Call 559-410-1754 Me-n-Ed's 1290 N Lemoore Ave. Open Sun - Thurs 11 am - 10 pm. Fri - Sat from 11 am - 11 pm. 559-924-3484 New Boba Island 201 E Street. Open Mon - Fri from 11 am to 8 pm. Saturday 12 pm to 8 pm. 559-924-1027 Pad Thai 405 W D St. Open Mon - Sat from 11 am to 2:30 pm and from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm. 559-925-7959 Pizza Hut 1029 N Lemoore Ave. Open Sat - Thurs from 9:30 am to 11 pm. Sunday from 9:30 am to midnight. 559-924-2000 Reyna's Restaurant 333 E Street. Call ahead for hours and orders 559-925-9125 Senor Panchos 1250 N Lemoore Ave. Open Tues - Thurs 11 am to 7 pm. Fri - Sun from 11 am to 8 pm. 559-924-8121 Subway 1790 W Bush St. Open Mon - Sun 7 am to 9 pm. 559924-7194. (Hanford Armona location, call for hours and orders 559-924-0934) SuperMercado Leon 250 W D St. Open Mon - Sun from 7 am to 8 pm. 559-924-2966 Sushi Table Asian Bistro 155 W Hanford-Armona. Open Mon - Fri from 11 am to 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm to 8 pm. Sat and Sun from 11 am to 8 pm. Tacos El Grullo 855 N Lemoore Ave. Open Mon - Sun from 10 am to 9 pm. 559-924-9700


Tacos Los Juanes 1025 W Bush St. Open Sun - Thurs from 6 am to 9 pm. Fri - Sat 6 am to 9:30 pm. 559-924-4168 Trinity Justo Bakery/Deli 245 E St. Open from 9 am to 6 pm, closed on Sundays. 559-924-4601 Tropicana Asian Market 142 W D St. Open Mon - Thurs from 9 am to 6:30 pm. Friday 9 am to 5:30 pm. Sat - Sun from 9 am to 6:30 pm. They offer deliveries to Seniors 55+ in Lemoore and Hanford. 559-925-1891 White Top Drive-In 1110 W D St. Open from 10 am to 9 pm, closed on Sundays. 559-924-3887 Zeny's 352 W D St. Open Mon - Sun 10 am to 8 pm. 559-924-4973

Dickey's Barbecue Pit 240 N 12th Ave. Open everyday 11 am to 9 pm. Offering 2 meat plates for $25 for curbside pickup or free delivery. Order online at, through the app, or by calling 559-584-7427 Irwin Street Inn and Restaurant 522 N Irwin St. All lunch orders $50+ will receive a free family style salad, and dinner orders $100+ will receive one free appetizer or dessert. Purchase a Gift Certificate receive a 10% discount. Call for hours and orders 559-583-8000.


Kabab City 129 W 7th St. Open 11 am - 8 pm for take-out. 559-530-3085 Lush Fine Wines and Beers 202 W Lacey Blvd. Open Tues - Wed from 2 pm to 9 pm, Thurs 2 pm to 10 pm, Fri 2 pm to midnight, and Sat from 5 pm to midnight. Pair a charcuterie box with wine or beer and have it delivered. Text orders to 559-707-0808, charcuterie boxes to 559-816-4324 Superior Dairy 325 N Douty St. Open 11 am to 9 pm for take-out. 559-582-0481 Sweet Palette Bakery 701 N Irwin St. Open Mon - Fri from 9 am to 6 pm for pickup and delivery. 559-530-3001 Fatte Alberts Pizza Co 110 E 7th S Open Sun 12 pm - 8 pm Mon - Thur 11:30 am - 8pm Fri - Sat 11:30 am - 9pm. Delivery and Takeout. 559-585-0220 Ryan’s Place Restaurant 330 S 11th Ave Sun-Sat 6am-10pm. Takeout and Delivery. 559-582-0678 The Chicken Shack 913 W Lacey Blvd Sun - Sat 10am-9pm. Delivery and Takeout 559-589-9511 Valle Grullense 901 W Lacey Blvd Mon-Thur 9am-10pm Fri-Sun 8am-10pm Takeout (559) 772-8045 | FRESNO FLYER |

APRIL 2020 |


THE STAY AT HOME EDITION Museum (virtual) Tours Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. visites-en-ligne The Louvre, the world’s largest art and antiques museum, was forced to close its doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you can no longer waltz into its famous glass exterior, you can learn something of the phenomenal collection via a number of virtual tours, charting everything from Egyptian antiquities to the Galerie d’Apollon. The British Museum, London. The UK capital’s famed museum has hooked up with Google Arts & Culture, along with more than 2,000 other leading institutions, to offer an interactive tour. Wander through time and click on different artefacts to see them up close, read up on their history, and hear more information with an audio guide. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. artsandculture. Stuffed with masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, the Rijksmuseum is one of Amsterdam’s most popular attractions. It’s closed until 1 June, but has just launched a new interactive experience, Rijksmuseum From Home, that allows you to virtually visit the home of Rembrandt’s The Nightwatch and Vermeer’s The Milkmaid. In a collaboration with Google, there’s also the chance to explore 11 “exhibits”, where you’re able to interact with various works from the museum, read about their history and see close-ups of the pieces. Musee d’Orsay, Paris. Housed in the fabulous former Orsay railway station, the Musee d’Orsay displays art dating from 1848 to 1914. An online tour goes through the history of the building, first constructed for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Viewers can also explore some of the most famous pieces in the collection, including one of Van Gogh’s self-portraits, and take a virtual wander through the galleries. Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. New York City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View tour where you can “amble” along its winding corridor and view works up close, such as Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library by Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also simply gaze upon the building’s remarkable architecture.

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Uffizi Gallery, Florence. artsandculture. This gallery houses the art collection of the Medicis inside a 16th-century building. Online, there are four exhibitions that take viewers through various works, explaining their significance and showing close-ups of important details within the paintings. See such works as Piero di Cosimo’s Perseus Freeing Andromeda like never before. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC. NMNH/ Move at your own pace through the 360-degree room-by -room tour of every exhibit in the museum. The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https://artsandculture. Los Angeles’s premiere gallery has two virtual tours, including “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closer look at food in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid. Madrid’s must-see art museum has the works of some of the continent’s most celebrated artists like Rembrandt and Dali available online. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. https:// Six virtual exhibits are available online from this museum named for the “Mother of American modernism.” National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. Dive into the pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit rooms full of Mayan artifacts. NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center - - and Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www. - offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality experiences” via The Space Center Houston’s app. https://spacecenter. org/app/

National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. Have a late International Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum. Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// Though the Met Gala was cancelled this year, you can still have a peak at the The Costume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 online exhibits. High Museum of Art, Atlanta. com/exhibit/ civil-rights-photography/9wISPkiyouv-Lw?hl=en This museum’s popular online exhibits include “Civil Rights Photography” — photos that capture moments of social protest like the Freedom Rides and Rosa Park’s arrest. Detroit Institute of Arts. Mexican art icon Frida Kahlo is the focal point of two of the four available online exhibits. National Museum of the United States Air Force. Visit/Virtual-Tour/ You can’t take a ride in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential airplane, but you can check it out, in addition to other military weapons and aircraft, online in the Air Force’s official museum. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection available online. The National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes, UK. https://www.tnmoc. org/news-releases/2017/6/6/3d-vir tual-tour-now-online?rq=virtual The National Museum of Computing contains the world’s largest collection of working historic computers. The museum features a fantastic, intuitive, virtual 3D tour. You can zoom in on each exhibit’s details, and find out more about every aspect of computing history, such as the world’s oldest working digital computer.



Ivy League Classes Free Online Ivy League College Courses. ivy-league-moocs Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with reminders.

Self-Improvement Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime. Draw Every Day with JJK: Webcasts for young artists. events/137105464374016/ Every weekday at 2 p.m., artist Jarrett J. Krosoczka, aka JJK, will be offering up a free art lesson on a webcast. They are currently scheduled through Friday, April 3rd. This is the Facebook event, or you can go right to his Youtube channel, where they will be streamed. The Kitchn’s Cooking School. The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day, 20-lesson program where students tackle an essential cooking topic each day. You’ll even have homework! Free to join at their website. Delia Online Cookery School. Delia Online features a host of cooking technique articles of varying levels of difficulty. Each lesson has step-by-step instructions with photos. Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline Creative. The free online drawing lessons at Kline Creative website are designed for beginners of any age, from young children to adults. The site offers instructional videos on a range of drawing subjects. The videos are designed to give the beginner core skills to enhance any art medium you choose to use.

How to Draw Cartoons! If drawing cartoons is your thing, this site offers plenty of free instruction on the topic. The site covers categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock and Darth Vader.

Live Concert Streams Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. h t t p s : / / w w w. fa c e brooks Travis is a local artist who has performed 2 live concerts that are available on his facebook page. He continues to create fresh new content for his fans and supporters. Human to Human Benefit. April 11th. Facebook Live will be hosting Human to Human, a benefit event from noon to midnight ET. Confirmed performances include Alec Bejanim, Andrew McMahon, Butch Walker, Grouplove, Hunter Hayes, Jensen McRae, Jewel, Lauren Daigle, Lucie Silvas, Nicolas Petricca (Walk The Moon), Sam Nelson Harris (X Ambassadors), Skylar Grey, Tim McIlrath (Rise Against), Tori Kelly and more. Proceeds from the event will benefit PLUS1’s COVID-19 Relief Fund working in conjunction with MusiCares and Sweet Relief. Viewers will be to contribute via Facebook’s Donate feature or by texting PLUS1H2H to 50155. DJ D-Nice. Instagram Live. The DJ of Boogie Down productions fame, whose star-studded Instagram parties have drawn everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Rihanna to Joe Biden, will put on his next on April 4 at 7 p.m. He previously partnered with Michelle Obama and When We All Vote for a #CouchParty on March 25, and DJ’d his “Homeschool” party for ten hours on March 21. Miley Cyrus: Bright Minded. https://www. While it’s not quite a concert, Cyrus has been livestreaming with a slew of guests at 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on her Instagram. Come for the revelation that her and Demi Lovato probably hooked up during their Disney days, stay for the Cyrus family reunion. Her show’s guests so far have included everyone from Reese Witherspoon to Hilary Duff to a Hannah Montana reunion with Emily Osment. Diplo. watch?v=UE4WQeQ_D3M A fixture of our new livestreamed era since his first set on March 13, the producer is now streaming themed sets five nights per week: A Very Lazer Sunday (inspired by his group Major Lazer) at 4 p.m., Ronatronix (for his early Hollertronix parties) on Tuesdays at 10 p.m., The Thomas Wesley Show (country) Thursdays at 10, Corona Sabbath (ambient) Fridays at 11 p.m., and Coronight Fever (“a good, old-fashioned … rave) Saturdays at 11. A press release confirmed that all the musicians he spins will be paid: “In an unprecedented coordinated effort, major publishers and record labels will allow the

archived streams to live on YouTube and to be monetized by respective rights holders, with royalties being paid to all those whose music is played in the shows,” it said. Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. https:// w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / G a r t h B ro o k s / v i deos/780295392795481/ The country legend, who was set to receive the Icon Award in April at the since-postponed Billboard Music Awards, will stream “Live From Studio G” from his home on Mondays to perform music. His wife Trisha Yearwood joined last episode for a duet of “Shallow.” The couple also performed on CBS on April 1 for the special “Garth and Trisha Live!” Metallica. com/user/MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica have launched a new concert series, #MetallicaMondays, which will see the band stream a complete Metallica live show on the group’s YouTube channel and on Facebook every week. They start at 8pm (EDT) every Friday. Neil Young. Neil Young is keeping it in the family with his Fireside Sessions - his wife will be filming while he gives a live concert from his living room, presumably by the fire. It looks like his dogs could feature heavily, too. Young is promising a “down-home production, a few songs, a little time together”, which sounds good to us. Find out more via the Neil Young website, see link below. Co-Trilla Quarantine Sessions. April 10th-12th. Triller, the AI-powered music video “social streaming” platform, presents “Co-Trilla Quarantine Sessions,” an epic three-day music festival April 10th-12th, 2020 to benefit COVID-19 relief efforts. Produced by Propagate along with Proxima Media’s Daniel Herther, the curated festival content will stream on Triller’s YouTube channel. Jay Pharoah, noted actor, stand-up comedian, impressionist, rapper, and voice actor, will host the event in collaboration with five-time Emmy nominated writer and creator Chris Case. Scheduled participants include Migos, Snoop Dogg, Kash Doll, G Herbo, Rich the Kid, Gallant, and more. Yo-Yo Ma’s “Songs of Comfort”, Instagram. On a semi-regular basis, Yo-Yo Ma will perform live on Instagram. “In these days of anxiety, I wanted to find a way to continue to share some of the music that gives me comfort,” he says.


Zoo Tours The Cincinnati Zoo. https://www.facebook. com/cincinnatizoo/ The Cincinatti Zoo hosts a daily home safari at 3pm on its Facebook page. Atlanta Zoo. The Georgia zoo keeps a “Panda Cam” livestream on its website. Georgia Aquarium. Sea-dwellers like African penguins and Beluga Whales are the stars of this aquarium’s live cam.

Riverbanks Zoo and Garden. https://www. Riverbanks Zoo, in Columbia, SC, is streaming Z-Learning live on their Facebook page every weekday at 10 a.m. Meet and learn about animals! The videos will also be on Riverbanks’ website by 2 p.m. each day.

Wildlife Camera Streams

Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma. tour/?site=42&scenename=815&mod=article_inline Escape the confines of your home and take a virtual field trip through Oklahoma’s vast wilderness by clicking through several 360-degree views of the Conservancy’s The Houston Zoo. https://www.houstonvarious preserves. You can also click on There are plenty tures of the landscapes to learn more about of different animals you can check in on with the unique prairie ecosystem. this zoo’s live cam, but we highly recommend watching the playful elephants. Virtual Dives. https://sanctuaries.noaa. gov/vr/?mod=article_inline You won’t need The Shedd Aquarium. https://www.facescuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with This Chicago these stunning high-res 360-degree views of aquarium shares some pretty adorable benational marine sanctuaries like the Florida hind-the-scenes footage of their residents on Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast. Facebook. You can even pair your device with a virtual reality headset for the ultimate immersive ex perience. International Wolf Center. http://www. asp Highly recommended: the wolf den cam. This morning, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two others moving around the den. As the site explains, the den is the primary resting spot for wolves during the winter months, where they lie on beds of straw for added warmth. During the summer, they’re more likely to be inside, escaping the heat. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco. http://www. This live streaming web cam lets you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species of seabirds, five species of seals and sea lions, and land birds. Great white sharks and gray, blue, and humpback whales The S a n inhabit the surrounding waters. D i e g o Zoo. https:// With what may be the most live cam options, this zoo lets wildlife/ offers several options you switch between koalas, polar bears, and to choose from (look to the column on the tigers in one sitting. left of the homepage): Cams in South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, and North America. Under Monterey Bay Aquarium. https://www. ‘Streaming Cams,’ clicking ‘Flamingos’ takes to Kamfers Dam, where hundreds of the cams It can be Shark Week every week thanks birds are milling about. to live online footage of Monterey Bay’s Habi tat exhibit. Wildlife Focus: Brazil & Ecuador. http:// National Aquarium. (Southern Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil) dia/virtualtours/baltimore/index.html Walk (Buenaventhrough tropical waters to the icy tundra in tura Reserve, Ecuador) Wildlife Focus has two this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Baltihigh-quality, live-streaming webcams. One at more-based aquarium. the Southern Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil’s Pa rana State, and the site says you might espy Seaworld Orlando. https://www.visitorlanthe Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Black, Blue-winged Parrotlet and the Plain Paraworld-orlando The virtual tour of Seaworld keet. The second web cam is located in the reincludes a tour of Discovery Cove and the opmote tropical forest of Fundación Jocotoco’s tion to”ride” the steel roller coaster Mako. Buenaventura Reserve, Ecuador.



APRIL 2020 |


National Wildlife Federation’s Bald Eagle Cam. This camera gets you right up near the nest, about 30 feet off the ground. Polar Bears in Wapusk National Park, Canada. Channel Islands National Park Live Ocean Webcam. Home to one of the richest marine environments in the world, Channel Islands National Park offers an underwater glimpse of marine life as it is rarely seen. The cam records life in a “majestic, amber-colored kelp forest” where nearly 1,000 marine species live or regularly pass through. The park’s live wildlife cam is located in the ocean landing cove on Anacapa Island, off the coast of California between Ventura and Los Angeles. When tuning in, prepare to be mesmerized as colorful fish dart back and forth across the camera lens as the kelp sways peacefully with the push and pull of the ocean currents. Manatee Webcams, Blue Spring State Park, Florida. Florida manatees live in slow moving, shallow water such as bays and rivers. These large marine mammals are a treat to spot in their natural environment, but they can be elusive. If you don’t have the opportunity to search for the creatures in the wild, try the manatee webcams at Blue Spring State Park instead. While the underwater and above-water webcams are no longer live, tune in to see highlights from the most current manatee season, including special shots of a manatee with her calf and one of an adorable manatee named Alice inspecting the camera. Audobon Osprey Nest Cam, Hog Island, ME. osprey-nest Getting up close and personal with a bird of prey’s nest has never been easier. This live wildlife cam captures the nest area of two western ospreys—Rachel and Steve—perched 30 feet above the Audubon Society’s Hog Island sanctuary off the coast of Maine. While the couple separates for the winter, thousands tune in for their reunification every spring. This live wildlife cam shows an intimate look at these raptor-like birds as they fish, soar, and hatch eggs annually.

Workout Classes Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed workouts are available on the Facebook page. Workouts are open to anyone, including those who aren’t Planet Fitness members, and typically last around half an hour. Orangetheory. https://www.orangetheory. com/en-au/member-communication-regarding-coronavirus/ Two days after closing locations nationwide last week, Orangetheory began posting daily workouts on its website. According to the website, Orangetheory will share daily 30-minute workouts featuring top coaches from around the world. You won’t need special equipment, but you might be

14 | APRIL 2020


Central Park, New York. tour/centralpark NYC’s green centrepiece is available to tour online. Not only does it show you the sites, it also comes with a guide who talks you through significant events in Central Camp Gladiator. https://www.facebook. Park’s history as you “travel” from the West com/CampGladiator/ Camp Gladiator is a 72nd entrance. four-week outdoor group fitness program for all levels led by certified personal trainers Ibiza, Spain. more than 4,000 locations nationwide. za Ushuaïa Ibiza, an open-air club on the This fee-based program has launched free hard-partying Balearic Island, has launched live at-home workouts on its Facebook page, #StayAtHomeSessions – a re-stream of some three times a day on weekdays and once on of 2019’s best DJ sets from Hï Ibiza and UshSaturdays. Previous workouts are available uaïa Ibiza, to bring the party atmosphere to on the Facebook page as well. You can also the homes of ravers around the world. The download printable 30-minute workouts from first session was launched on 21 March, featuring Solardo, Davide Squillace, Camelphat, its website. Nic Fanciulli and Andrea Oliva. The streaming ClassPass. sessions allow users to invite friends to join them online. More virtual events are also in live-workouts ClassPass, a subscription service that ordinarily enables users to visit a the works. variety of boutique fitness studios, also hosts a library of virtual workouts. Right now, those Grand Canyon, Arizona. 2,000+ audio and video workouts are free for grca/001/archeology There are plenty of pictures of the famed canyon online, everyone, no subscription required. but get a little deeper with a VR archaeological tour. Corepower Yoga. https://www.corepoweryoThis allows armchair The yoga franchise — which has 18 studios in Col- travellers to explore orado, most in the Denver area — is offering and learn more free access to a “special weekly collection” about the history behind the canof online classes. “Please share this with formafriends, family and anyone who could use a yon’s little yoga in their life right now,” Corepower tion by clicking on different Yoga said on its website. geological feaMovement Climbing + Fitness. https:// tures. w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / m o v e m e n t d e n - ver/?ref=br_rs All of Movement’s gyms and Yosemite Naclimbing walls may be closed, but head to the tional Park, Calcompany’s Facebook page, where trainers ifornia. Experience from Movement locations around the city are yose this natural wonder posting live, free daily workouts recorded in in real time by clicking their own homes. through to its webcams. The views include Yosemite Falls, the view of the Half Dome from the floor of Yosemite Valley, and vistas from Icehotel, Swedish Lapland. https://www. the High Sierra captured at 8,000 feet. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. hELh83fcCg Aurora photography company One of the best things about Lights over Lapland has created experiences for those suffering wanderlust to virtually being in the great outdoors is the way you extravel to the Icehotel in Swedish Lapland. The perience it with all your senses. Rocky Moun360-degree videos allow viewers to visit the tain National Park has allowed virtual visitors local Arctic wilderness, meet local huskies to use their ears rather than their eyes, with and reindeer, go dogsledding and reindeer an online “sound library” that features an arsledding and even join a Northern Lights hunt. ray of birds and wildlife found in the park. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. nps. Jerusalem, Israel. gov/grte Fancy climbing a mountain? You can Wv_0tcndBOG Israel is promoting a whole series of virtual tours for armchair travellers, try out an e-climb with Grand Teton National Park, navigating your way to the 13,770-ft including one that takes you around Jerusalem’s most famous sights. Videos have a summit (minus the effort). Viewers can also voiceover tour guide giving more information discover the geology and history of the Grand on the city’s holiest places, while 360-degree Teton massif along the way, and learn more functionailty makes it feel more like you’re ex- about the native plants and wildlife. ploring. The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. http:// of Moher, Ireland. virtual-visit-tour Fancy watching the sun set cani/en/collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/ over these picturesque peaks? You can take tour-virtuale.html The national lockdown in Ita virtual tour of the famous Irish geological aly has forced the country to a near-standstill, landmark, which captures 360-degree views shuttering public events, soccer stadiums and and even has virtual reality headset capability even the Vatican. Now, visitors can tour the interior artworks of the chapel, including its for a fully immersive experience. renowned ceiling and The Last Judgment, by Renaissance painter Michelangelo. asked to scrounge up some household objects to use in your workout. Thursday’s video included five blocks including warm-up, some cardio and flexibility focusing on legs.

Virtual Destinations



The Great Wall of China, China. https:// China’s most famous attraction offers virtual tours of some of the most visited sections of the wall, 3000 miles of which are walkable. With much of the country under quarantine measures, the virtual tour offers a reprieve from the crowds who normally come from all over the world to see the 2000-yearold marvel. Walt Disney World. https://disneyparks. Set aside some time, because there’s plenty to see here. Virtual tours you can take include Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot, just to name a few. There are also unofficial YouTube videos that feel just like you’re on famous rides like the Frozen Ever After ride, It’s a Small World, Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Machu Pichu, Andes Mountains, Peru. https://www. A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that just has to be seen. You no longer need to fly all the way to Peru to see it in all its glory, however, as the virtual tour is comprehensive, immersive, and filled with fascinating insights. With 360-degree views of the ruins of Inca settlements and lush green landscapes, you can visit every popular vantage point and learn more about the history of the famous site thanks to a helpful voice narrator. The Vatican, Rome. Filled with spectacular architecture and historic monuments, The Vatican is within your virtual reach, with a host of museums providing online tours. Step into the Sistine Chapel and Raphael’s Rooms, which are adorned with simply sensational artwork. The tour is compatible with WebVR, so you can pop on a VR headset to get an even closer look at some of mankind’s most memorable creations. It’s truly breathtaking, even when viewed through a screen. Athens Acropolis, Greece. https://www. A must-visit destination for history buffs, the Athens Acropolis includes the world-famous Parthenon, and is a cultural hotspot for tourists. Choose between popular sites such as the Theatre of Dionysus and enjoy in-depth videos that provide a fascinating and educational insight into ancient Greece.

Color Me!

For the Kids LEGOLAND Florida Resort. https://www. The Great Lego Race and Miniland USA are just two of the attractions you can check out in a virtual tour of the park. Go to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle. com/?mod=article_inline Explore the surface of Mars in the ultimate form of social distancing. While the team at NASA is currently updating the site, you can still take a peek at 360-mode and get a feel for what the Curiosity rover sees every day. Tour the International Space Station (ISS). station/main/suni_iss_tour.html?mod=article_inline Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams floats through the International Space Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to see our planet down below from the observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station. Virtual Farm Tour. Explore 11 different Canadian farms and food processing facilities. Learn how to milk a cow, go behind the scenes at a sheep farm and meet some of the livestock guardian dogs, or visit an apple orchard. Bedtime Stories with Dolly Party. https:// Dolly Party is reading bedtime stories to children every Thursday night at 7 p.m. (scheduled from April 2nd to June 4th) on Facebook. More info here. Family Story Time from ImaginOn. events/240144260490638/ Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and ImaginOn are hosting Family Storytimes every day through April 3rd, at 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Cartoons and Coffee Story Time with Rea Farms and Children’s Party Plus. https:// Every Monday, scheduled through April 27th, at 10 a.m., Rea Farms and Children’s Party Plus will post a video on Rea Farm’s Facebook page that will include a story being read by a character. There will also be coloring sheets for each story. Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https:// Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live. Tuesdays with Tinkergarten: Free Virtual Class. Every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. head to Tinkergarten’s Facebook page for a free virtual Facebook Live Tinkergarten class led by founder Meghan Fitzgerald. Classes will last roughly 20 minutes and you won’t need any special equipment. Here’s the Facebook | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



APRIL 2020 |



PAINTING Services with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing, Hotel / Apt Turn Arounds and More. Call for Free Quote (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) Lic#1051349

GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim,å white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559779-1021 please leave a message if no an- CAL KING Cal swer. Memory Foam Topper Brand new $50 Call 559-304-1831


2004 Wildwood 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs, excellent condition.Asking $15,000 OBO (559) 673-7185 or (559) 975-9835 FOOD Concession Trailer 16 Foot Equipment Included $18,00 OBO (559) 291-9864 or (559) 298-4725 2008 KAWASAKI vulcan classic 8,900 miles $5,000 or trade for registered tagged small truck or SUV with trailor hitch. Garaged 95% of life. (559) 903-8283

VINTAGE sewing FURNITURE machine $100 (Hanford) 261-5494 BLACK CALIFORWINDOWS $15 NIA King bed in good Text (559) 940-8666 condition. Dimension The more you get the it’s California King cheeper they are We you need box spring took the windows out size. 72 x 84 inches. of my home House is Text me or call at 559.424.35.85 in the Tower District

VERY NICE condition portable case plug-in cromwell record player 1950s very good condition for its age needs needle ARE YOU SELLING which you can pursomething? List it here chase online for under for only $20/ issue. $15 I am selling it for $75 or best offer call or Call 559-472-7182 text 559-709-3250 OLD WOOD winANTIQUES & dows, all in good shape COLLECTIBLES wood and glass, asking ANTIQUE Rice $20.00 each or take all Scoop $40 Measures for $50.00, call 55912” long. Price is firm. 776-4385 470-8091 text please 3 SEAT theater chair. MILLER BEER com- Seats are all connectpany neon sign $240 I ed, folds up pretty flat am willing to negoti- for storage. In very ate. Jasper (559) 801- good condition for its age, very sturdy and 5028 solid. Cash only, you ARE YOU SELLING must pick up in person. something? List it here (559) 341-1038 Call 559-472-7182


16 | APRIL 2020



LIVE EDGE table. Made from locally sourced Sugar Pine and has cast iron legs. (559) 284-0985


WOMAN’S Raleigh Retroglide Cruiser Bike With Aluminum ELEGANT Buffet/ Rims and Frame in Sideboard. 6 dove- good condition (no tail drawers. All slide leaks) $90 779-5181 smoothly. 2 doors with inner shelves. Origi- ROADMASTER binal handles. Beautiful cycle in good condidetailed legs. In great tion $99. If interested, condition. Perfect for please contact 559any room. 60 in long x 434-3796 37 in tall x 21 in depth Asking 245 If your D I A M O N D B A C K interested call or text Serena Classic 26”, 559-284-0750 L-17”, 21 speed Original purchase price OLD DROP leaf ta- $388.52 asking $150 ble, has the original Rarely used and in exrollers, $65.00 call cellent condition (559) 559-776-4385 360-5581 COFFEE TABLE with glass. Great DIY project $20. Call 559304-1831

SELLING a John Deere 12”” Childs Bicycle, excellent shape and has training wheels that can be removed or NICE VINTAGE attached. Grandson has wood chair, swiv- outgrown it now.Call el, needs cushions, Kelly 559-977-3598 $40.00, call 559-7764385 ARE YOU SELLING SUPPORT LOCAL

something? List it here Call 559-472-7182


26” KULANNA “sunfish” Nice mid-level ELECTRONICS bike in ok cond for only $60.00 Call Dar- IPHONE & PC Reryl anytime at 559- pairs. We repair bro444-3283 ken glass and LCD, battery replacement, GOOD COND bike tablets, computers and with high handlebars water damage. Visand 7sp Snap-on ediit 49 W. Alluvial Ave tion. Smooth riding (559) 417-5319 or 230 and just tuned for W.Fallbrook Ave #101 $150.00 Call John (559) 474-1825 at show contact info or 270-7687 HP M3-U001DX i3 6GB RAM 500GB VINTAGE Bianchi HD $269 It has been Bike 1986-1987 Red cleaned out of all old 20" Frame. Has not data. No passwords been used for many etc. 6GB of RAM, a years. Needs brakes re500GB HD, and an i3 done and tires. Frame processor. It is running is in great condition. Windows 10 as well. Comes with original Touchsreen with foldowners manual. Call ing screen. I will pro559-474-1895. No vide more information texts on this laptop below for those who are in26" LADY'S Beach terested. The Fresno Cruiser by PHAT CYHock Shoppe 559-264CLE"aloha 3" rides 5856 smooth and can't be beat, MSRP was 1950S CHROME $580.00 asking $175 well record player with (559)44-3283 plug in cord portable very good condition BRAND NEW 80cc for its age turns on and motorized bicycle. If spins only needs neeinterested please call dle which can be puror text at (559)270chased online for un1794 der $15 I am selling for $75 or best offer call or text 559-709-3250 SUPPORT LOCAL


ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 XBOX ONE and one S $160 Up for sale is a gamestop refurbished original xbox one with controller for $120 and a xbox one s with controller for $160. Both these consoles have been cleaned out and work. They can be tested at the fresno hock shoppe during normal busniess hours. Open Monday - Friday 10am to 530pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm, you can also reach us by phone at 559-264-5856 APPLE WATCH series 3 42mm in space grey for sale, only work twice, no scratches or damage and come with original everything. Call or text 559916-1602 12 INCH massive speakers $120 (559) 573-2883 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here Call 559-472-7182

CLASSIFIEDS TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all the TV’s we currently have in stock. We have 3 50” TV’s and a 24”. the 24”, and two of 50” TV’s are Vizio and the other 50” is an Insignia. They all have remotes with them and work properly. The Fresno Hock Shoppe questions at 559-2645856


HARBINGER APS15 Powered Speaker (Single) $109 Pre-owned Harbinger in good shape. Works great no issues. Powered speaker. Shows some normal wear from use. Come check it out and other PA speakers at 3235 E Belmont Ave Fresno CA 93702 at The ARE YOU SELLING Fresno Hock Shoppe something? List it here Mon-Fri from 10am to for only $20/ issue. 530pm and Sat from Call 559-472-7182 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at DELL LATITUDE 559-264-5856. E7470 Laptop - $199 with charger. It is run- ARE YOU SELLING ning Windows 10, has something? List it here 8GB of RAM an Intel Call 559-472-7182 i5 and a 500GB HD. Clean unit has some IBANEZ GIO GSvery light wear and R105EX 5-String Bass tear from use nothing In great shape, plays major. It is missing the great as well. No issues piece between the G H with this bass. Comes and B keys for scroll- as shown does include ing. Come check this a soft case which is out and other electron- not pictured. 5 string. ics at The Fresno Hock Come check it out Shoppe Mon-Fri from and many other mu10am to 530pm and sical instruments and Saturdays from 10am equipment The Fresno to 2pm or call us with Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri any questions at 559- from 10am to 530pm 264-5856 and Sat from 10am to 2pm or call us with any BEATS SOLO wire- questions at 559-264less Excellent condi- 5856 tions $180 cash you can test them out no YAMAHA MG06X problem practical- Mixing Console $109 ly new only used a original box and powfew times cuz being er adapter. In great in schoolI don’t have working and cosmetic time so my loss is ur shape. I will provide gain they still under 4 more information on year warranty plz only this unit below for serious comes with those who are interesteverything in picture ed. And if you are inBeats solo wireless terested come on down color rose gold 40 to at The Fresno Hock hour battery You can Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am contact me at 559-320- to 5:30pm and Sat7949 urdays from 10am to 2pm or call 559-264ARE YOU SELLING 5856 something? List it here for only $20/ issue. NICE CONDITION Squier strat. Priced to Call 559-472-7182 sell $75.00 w/padded gig bag Ibanez Electric $60.00 559-246-4922 SUPPORT LOCAL


WHIRLPOOL refrigerator $150 Works excellent Delivery available 559-394-3369 30 INCH hot point electric range Color almond Clnn good working condition 30 day warranty delivery available Price $140.00 Call 559-3137519 No text please EVERGLOW Kerosene Heater M#-PT-E4 Works Great $45.00 (559) 289-9321 4 PERSON health mate sauna Only used a few times Perfect working order and condition Text for more info 559-7079552 Reasonable offer considered $2499 (Visalia) WINDOW AIR Conditioner by LG 18500 btu. 220 volt $295 (559) 250-3033 NEW BELLA 2 Slice Toaster Extra-Wide Slots $15 559-2462220

CHEAP COOPS ..light weight and earth friendly..made from untreat fence pickets use/new ...smaller coop /cages is $30 ..great for small birds/Quils / chickens/chicks .l arge ones are $50 to $60 .size 5x4x5 will need a pick up truck or I can drop them off for $10 gas fee within 20 miles in Fresno call 643-7156 ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here for only $20/ issue. Call 559-472-7182 I SELL dog houses to be ready for winter time. X-small -12x12x16-$10/$30 with paint roof Small18x18x24-$20/$50 with paint roof Medium-24x24x32-$30/$70 have two different size door with paint roof carpet Large36x36x48-$100/$150 with paint and X-large42x42x60-$150/$200 with paint Huge48x48x72-$200/$250 with paint and roof I have 12 different colors. Questions please text 559-475-2803

ARE YOU SELLING ARE YOU SELLING something? List it here something? List it here Call 559-472-7182 Call 559-472-7182 R E F R I G E R ATO R 2017 CRAFTSMAN by Whirlpool. Apt.size riding mower $800 new starter, it runs (559) 250-3033 good but sometimes it doesn’t start. Not sure feels like battery FARM & doesn’t have enough GARDEN juice to turn over HONDA/Craftsman sometimes 708-2064 mower CCV 160. - low hours runs great- $125. Edger. Yardman Briggs and Stratton 158 $100. Both excellent running condition. Reasonable offers considered. 8000 pound 12 volt winch attached to old train station baggage cart - $100. Runs off 12 volt car battery. Very large road closed ahead sign $75. Please text only for appt. to see. Ken 559-593-1059

LAWN EDGER, Briggs and Stratton engine $40 call 645-7642 ALOE VERA plants - $5 Aloe plants medium, large and extra large plants in 1 gal. pots. They are $5, $10, $15. $20 Landscaping Plants, tropical’s, shrubs, flowers, fruit, herbs and succulent plants (559) 307-9366




APRIL 2020 |



JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 ask for James LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. 559-696-5149 or 559-275-7630


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304

PAINTING PAINTING Services with Asante Paint & Décor. Residential / Commercial Interior & Exterior, Repaints / Paper Hanging, Commercial Power Washing and More. Call (661) 492-2310 (Fresno) Lic#1051349


2005 HONDA trx 450 Good condition Brand new wheels and tires SS brand Exhaust Upgrade Alba grab bar Alba nerf bars Recent tune up Titled Led light upgrade 3500$ Contact me @ 5593668764 05 YAMAHA raptor350 runs good electric start clutch 6 gears light and brake lights works reverse on it tags up to date until 2021 pink slip in hand (559) 598-3800 03 SUZUKI ltz 400 (559) 289-3859

18 | APRIL 2020



TRX 250 EX Quad for sale. This thing is in like new condition for an 07 year model. Just changed the oil and put a couple of new tires on the rear because I ran over a stick with the originals. Always kept inside since new. No cracks anywhere in the plastic. Light scratching here and there that will polish out. Aluminum skid plate under the engine. New battery. 5 speed with reverse. Startsruns-shifts-and stops like new. Pink in hand. $3200.00 Cash only! Phone only. 559 877 2567

2010 KTM 530 EXC Dual sport, limited edition Kini-Red Bull. I am the original owner of the bike. I purchased it new from Wilsons motorcycle. The bike is in excellent shape (559) 474-1318 2005 YAMAHA Midnight Star 1700 cc excellent Bike no problems runs perfect 14000 miles clean title Text 559.260.5449 2007 ZX-10R $5300 (559) 473-9302


HUNTER 170 Sailboat $4995 (559) 2993422 MARLIN Bayliner Ski Boat $8500 (Selma) 708-6996

HONDA EX-400 quad. Very good condition. Low hours. Well maintained with oil changes regularly. Has a crack on the right and side front plastics. Also has a set of sand paddles included for full RVS price. Txt. 549-3491804. $299 97 AIRBUS Motorhome 32 foot $12,000 HONDA trx250 - OBO (559) 291-9864 $2500 Great condition or (559) 298-4725 quad 250cc Very low hours Still has the tire FOOD Concession line from factory! Just Trailer 16 Foot Equipserviced with fresh flu- ment Included $18,00 ids and spark plugs! OBO (559) 291-9864 This would be a great or (559) 298-4725 quad for the wife or kids! Or even a be- 2004 WILDWOOD ginner! Contact me @ 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide 5593668764” outs, excellent condition. Asking $10,000 2008 Polaris Ranger OBO (559) 673-7185 700 XP 4X4 Seats 6 or (559) 975-9835 Low miles Second owner, always adult HUNTERS Speowned Well main- cial-1995 Salem Travtained Great for trail el Trailer, 17 ft Long, rides and around the extra clean, everything yard Includes rear stor- works, $4,800. 559age rack $6000 (559) 412-0629 287-0719 2007 PIONEER Spir it - $6900 19 ft box, 18 MOTORCYCLES CK- Center Kitchen. Great floor plan, lots of 2008 KAWASAKI storage, fully self-convulcan classic 8,900 tained. Comfortably miles $5,000 or trade sleeps 7. Everything for registered tagged works well- AC, elecsmall truck or SUV tric hitch, new brakes, with trailor hitch. Ga- new 12 ft awning, all raged 95% of life. new LED lighting. (559) 903-8283 Very well maintainedclean, non-smoker. Call/text Will @ (559) SUPPORT LOCAL 360-0953 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

TRAVEL Trailer 2008 26ft long $11800 (559) 412-0629


1969 PONTIAC Grand Prix $8000 (559) 978-2710 2014 KIA Optima $8800 (559) 999-2480 1997 CADILLAC Deville excellent condition low miles clean leather interior no tears good paint no scratches $4000 obo cash call or text 559-519-0365 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta 2009 2.5L in perfect conditions. It only has 67k miles, tires in good condition and new brake pads! All the windows works perfectly fine. Excelent and reliable car. I am the second owner of the car! Selling it because I’m moving out of California. $4690 559-612-5828 1981 CORVETTE I’m asking 13,000 or best offer. Please only serious Offers only. No low balling, no trade, no checks, not shipping out of state. Cash only. If you’re serious and want more information you can contact me at(559) 906-4195

TRUCKS 1996 SILVERADO z71 4wd $6300 (Kerman) (559) 728-6262 2004 TOYOTA Tacoma double cab. Runs great, automatic transmission, air conditioner is cold, has new tires. V6 motor, it’s not a 4x4. In Spanish call 559-346-9194 for English 346-9195 $10,500 2012 JEEP Liberty $7700 Second owner. Clean title. Remote start, leather seats, satellite radio. (559) 3674904

ventilation during use of the product. Launder items (if possible) according to Clean hands often and Cleaning And Disinfecting• Your Homeinstructions. Use the Cleaning the manufacturer’s • Wash your hands often with Cleaning And Disinfecting Your Home seconds. Home warmest appropriate water setting and dry soap and water for 20Your Disinfection items completely.

Everyday Steps and

CS316270B 04/03/2020

to clean and disinfect ctingHowYour Home

- Always wash immediately Clean handsafter oftenremoving gloves and after contact with a person • Wash your hands often with who is sick.20 seconds. Is Extra Steps soap andWhen water forSomeone

OR • Launder items (if possible) according to • Disinfect with an EPA-registered the manufacturer’s instructions. UseSick the Extra Steps When Someone Is household disinfectant. These warmest appropriate water setting and Everyday Stepsdry and disinfectants items EPA’s criteria for use against COVID-19. OR • Diluted household bleach solutions may

• Disinfect an EPA-registered to clean and disinfect alsoHow bewith used if appropriate for the surface. household disinfectant. These Electronics Check to ensure the product istonot past its • Launder items (if possible) to Wear disposable glovesaccording disinfectants meet EPA’s criteria for usethe expiration date. Unexpired household bleach the manufacturer’s instructions. Use clean and disinfect. • For electronics, such as Clean against will COVID-19. be appropriate effective coronaviruses when warmest water setting and dry tablets, touchagainst screens, Clean • Clean surfaces using properly diluted. items completely. keyboards, and remote soap and water. Practice • Clean surfaces using controls. routine cleaning of frequently soap and water. instructions Practice Follow manufacturer’s for OR Electronics touched surfaces. routine cleaning of frequently application and proper ventilation. Never mix •Disinfect Consider putting aas with an EPA-registered • • For electronics, such touched surfaces. household bleach with ammonia or any High touch surfaces include: wipeable cover household disinfectant. tablets, screens, These othertouch cleanser. High touch surfaces include: on electronics. disinfectants meet EPA’s criteria for use Tables, doorknobs, light keyboards, and remote Leave solution on the surface for at least switches, countertops, handles, againstTables, COVID-19. doorknobs, light controls. • Follow manufacturer’s instruction for desks, phones,household keyboards, bleach solutions may 1 minute • Diluted switches, countertops, handles, cleaning and dinfecting. • Consider putting a toilets, faucets, sinks, etc. Wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect.

xtra Steps When Someone Is Sick

desks, aphones, bleachkeyboards, solution, mix: also be used if appropriate for the surface. To make wipeable cover toilets, faucets, sinks, etc. -- If5no guidance, use alcohol-based wipes Check to ensure the product is not past Electronics its Disinfect tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon on electronics. or sprays containing at least 70% Disinfect date. Unexpired bleach • expiration Clean the area or item with soap household and of water such as • For electronics, alcohol. surface thoroughly. water another detergent it is dirty. will beoreffective againstifcoronaviruses when • Follow manufacturer’s forand • touch CleanDry the area orinstruction item with soap tablets, screens, Then, use a household disinfectant. OR water or another detergent if it is dirty. cleaning and dinfecting. keyboards, and remote properly diluted.

Then, use a household disinfectant. controls. - 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water • Recommend use of EPA-registered - If no guidance, use alcohol-based wipes Laundry household disinfectant. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for • putting Recommend useat ofleast EPA-registered • or Alcohol solutions with at 70% alcohol. sprays containing • Consider a linens clothing, towels, andleast 70% HOT household disinfectant. application and proper ventilation. NeverFor mix alcohol. Dry surface thoroughly. wipeable Follow the instructions on the label other items cover household bleach with ammonia or any on electronics. to ensure safe and effective use of instructions on the label Soft surfacesFollow • Launder items the according other cleanser. the product. to ensure safe and effective use of to the manufacturer’s • For Follow manufacturer’s instruction for soft surfaces such as carpeted Laundry the product. Many products recommend: Leave solution on the surface for at leastfloor, instructions. Use the cleaning and dinfecting. rugs, and drapes HOT For clothing, towels, linens and Many products recommend: warmest appropriate water setting and 1 -minute Keeping surface wet for a period of • Clean the surface using other items -dry If no guidance, use alcohol-based wipes items time (see product label). soap and-completely. water or surface with wet for a period of Keeping Extra Steps When Someone Is Sick or sprays containing least 70% • Launder items according To- make a bleach solution, mix: cleaners appropriate for useat label). time (see product Precautions such as wearing gloves alcohol. Dry surface thoroughly. • Wear disposable gloves when handling to the onmanufacturer’s these surfaces. making sure you have good - Precautions such aswho wearing gloves dirty laundry from a person is sick. - and 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon instructions. Use the ventilation during use of the product. and making sure you have good of water warmest appropriate water and ventilation duringsetting use ofisthe product. • Dirty laundry from a person who sick can Laundry • Diluted household bleach solutions may dry items completely. be washed with other people’s items. HOT also OR be used if appropriate for the surface. For clothing, towels, linens and - Caregivers can provide personal • Wear disposable gloves when handling Check to ensure the product is not past its other supplies to the person who • items Do notcleaning shake dirty laundry. expiration date. Unexpired from a person whoSupplies is sick. include - 4 teaspoons bleachhousehold per quartbleach of water dirty laundry is sick (if appropriate). • Launder items according will be effective against coronaviruses when • Clean and disinfect clothes hampers tissues, paper towels, cleaners, • properly Alcoholdiluted. solutions with at least 70% alcohol. • Dirty laundry from a person who is sickand to the manufacturer’s according to guidance above for surfaces. registered disinfectants. If they be washed with instructions. Useother the people’s items.feel up to CS316270B 04/03/2020 it, the person who is sick can clean their Follow manufacturer’s instructions for appropriate waterhands setting and •warmest Remove gloves, and wash right away. CS316270B 04/03/2020 own space. • Do not shake dirty laundry. application and proper ventilation. Never mix

ecting Your Home

Softhousehold surfaces bleach with ammonia or any - Caregivers can provide personal

other cleanser. For soft surfaces such as cleaning supplies tocarpeted the person who is sick (if appropriate). Supplies include floor, rugs, and drapes Leave solution on the surface for at least

dry items completely. • If shared bathroom: The person who is sick Food • • Clean disinfect clothes hampers Wearand disposable gloves when handling should clean and disinfect after each use. according to guidance above for surfaces. • Stay separated: person dirty laundry from a The person who is sick.


• Hand sanitizer: If soap and water are not - Always immediately readily wash available and hands are not visibly dirty, after removing glovesthat andcontains at least 60% use a hand sanitizer after contact with a person • alcohol. Diluted However, householdifbleach handssolutions are visiblymay dirty, who sick. also is be used hands if appropriate for the Clean hands often always wash with soap andsurface. water.

Check to ensureIfthe productwater is not are pastnot its • • Hand sanitizer: soap Wash your hands oftenand with • Additional key times to clean hands include: expiration date. Unexpired household bleach readily available hands are not visibly dirty, soap water and for 20 seconds. willand be effective against coronaviruses when use a -hand sanitizer contains at least 60% After blowingthat one’s nose, coughing, or properly diluted. - Always wash immediately alcohol. However, if hands are visibly dirty, sneezing after removing gloves and always wash hands with soap and water. for Follow manufacturer’s instructions After using the restroom after contact with a person application and proper ventilation. Never mix • Additional key times toammonia clean hands include: who is sick. household bleach any - Before eatingwith or preparing or food other blowing cleanser. one’s nose, coughing, or - After • Hand sanitizer: If with soap animals and water - After contact or are petsnot sneezing readily available hands are not visibly Leave solutionand on the surface for at least dirty, -minute Before and after providing routine care use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%for 1 - Afteranother using the restroom person who needs assistance alcohol. However, if hands are visibly dirty, To make bleach solution, mix: (e.g. aahands child) - Before eating or preparing always wash with soapfood and water. - 5 contact tablespoons cup)or bleach per gallon •- After Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth with(1/3rd animals pets and • Additional key times to clean hands include: water withofunwashed hands. - Before and after providing routine care for - another After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or OR person who needs assistance sneezing (e.g. a child) -Someone 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water When Sick - After usingisthe restroom

• Avoid touching yourwith eyes,at nose, mouth • Alcohol solutions leastand 70% alcohol. Bedroom and Bathroom with unwashed hands. - Before eating or preparing food Keep separate bedroom and - After contact with animals or pets bathroom Soft surfacesfor a person who is sick (if possible) - soft Before and afterasproviding When Someone is Sick For surfaces such carpetedroutine care for another person who assistance floor, andwho drapes • Therugs, person is sickneeds should Bedroom and Bathroom (e.g. a child) separated from other people in the home (as • stay Clean the surface using Keep separate bedroom and soaptouching and wateryour or with much as possible). • Avoid eyes, nose, and mouth bathroom for aappropriate person who is cleaners with unwashed hands.for use sick (if possible) • If have a separate bedroom and onyou these surfaces. bathroom: Only the area around the • The person who is sickclean should person who is sick when needed, such as when staySomeone separatedisfrom people in the home (as When Sick other the area is soiled. This will help limit your much as possible). Food Bedroom andwith Bathroom contact the person who is sick. • Stay separated: The person • If you have a separate bedroom and Keep who separate bedroom is sick should eat and (or be around the bathroom: Only clean the bathroom for a room person whoarea is fed) in their if possible. person who is sick when needed, such as when sick (if possible) the area dishes is soiled. This will help limit your • Wash and utensils • contact The person who is sick should theand person usingwith gloves hot who is sick. stay separated from other people in the homeor(as water: Handle any used dishes, cups/glasses, Page 2 of 3 much as possible). silverware with gloves. Wash

and hot water If this is not possible, the caregiver should • Ifthem you with havesoap a separate bedroom and who is sick should eat (or be or in a dishwasher. wait as long as possible before cleaning and tissues, paper towels, cleaners, and EPAbathroom: Only clean the area around the • • Remove gloves, andawash hands away. minute fed) in theirfrom room if possible. Dirty laundry person whoright is sick can • 1Clean the disinfectants. surface using disinfecting. registered If they feel up to person is sick such as when • Clean who hands afterwhen takingneeded, off be• washed with other people’s items. soap and water or withcan To make a bleach solution, mix:clean their it, the person who is sick Page 2 of 3 Wash dishes and utensils the area is soiled. This will help limit your gloves or handling used items. • See precautions for household members and cleaners appropriate for use own space. using gloves and hot contact with the person who is sick. shake dirty laundry. - 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon • Do not caregivers for more information. these surfaces. The person who is sick water: Handle any used dishes, cups/glasses, or of water • Ifon shared bathroom: with gloves. Wash • Clean and disinfect clothes hampers should clean and disinfect after each use. Trash ncov/hcp/guidance-prevent-spread.html them with soap and hot water according to guidance above for surfaces. OR If this is not possible, the caregiver should • Dedicated, lined trash can: If possible, dedicate or in a dishwasher. wait- as long as possible before cleaning and 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water a lined trash can for the person who is sick. Use • Remove gloves, and wash hands right away. disinfecting. • Clean hands after taking off gloves when removing garbage bags, and handling • Alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol. gloves or handling used items. and disposing of trash. Wash hands afterwards. Page 2 of 3 • See precautions for household members and caregivers for more information. Soft Trash ncov/hcp/guidance-prevent-spread.html For soft surfaces such as carpeted floor, rugs, and drapes • Dedicated, lined trash can: If possible, dedicate | FRESNOFLYER.COM | trash | FEATURED | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNO FLYER | APRIL 2020 | 19 a lined can for the| DINING person who is sick. Use • Clean the surface using gloves when removing garbage bags, and handling soap and water or with and disposing of trash. Wash hands afterwards. cleaners appropriate for use on these surfaces.


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