Fresno Flyer Vol 5 No 1

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EDITOR’S NOTE It feels weird to celebrate anything during the frustrating dumpster fire we’ve all known as 2020. It also seems that if any of us find something worthy of celebration in these times, then we must embrace it. At the very least, for the sake of spilling some light into an otherwise dreary landscape. But I digress. This issue of Fresno Flyer officially marks volume five. (if you’re unfamiliar with how volumes and numbers work for publications - volumes are the years, numbers are the issues within that volume). After years of getting our feet wet, learning, re-tooling our purpose, redesigning the look, we’ve made it long enough to kick off our fifth year of producing the Flyer. The pandemic hasn’t been a friend to small business. In fact, it has downright devastated it. However, we here at the Flyer continue to survive because of a collaborative effort between ourselves and the local market. While I certainly credit the survival of this publication to our brute force refusal to give up, general stubbornness, and the pub-






lisher’s relentless ability to hustle - we didn’t do it by ourselves. We did it by working with other small businesses, by banding together with the community. We’re die-hard supporters of locally owned mom-npop shops. We’ll do whatever we can (without selling the whole farm) to get these small businesses the exposure they need to continue maintaining or growing their customer base. And in turn, they trust us with that mission by merely choosing to support local as well. And we can only do that for others because we have you, the readers, as the foundation. Seriously, it’s a team effort. So, please, celebrate with us. You are part of making this all happen. Even amid a global pandemic, wildfires, civil unrest, and a massive economic downturn, you guys held up at least a few small businesses. And this one, in particular, thanks to you. Take a bow, y’all, and enjoy a little bit of light in these dark times. Eric Draven said it best, “It can’t rain all the time.”

GIVE US SHELTER By Dave Fountinelle |


t’s 7 am. A new day starts at Project Safe Camp, a small, fence-lined homeless camp located beneath the freeway 41 overpass in downtown Fresno. “If I’m up, you’re gonna be up too!” jokes Dez Martinez as she makes the rounds between the tents, waking the occupants inside. Rose, the camp’s cook, prepares breakfast for the residents, and slowly but surely, everyone files out to get a bite to eat and start the day’s workload. “Everyone has a job here,” Dez explains. “Every resident has a stake in this camp. There are no free rides.” For the small group of residents who call Project Safe Camp home, a list of chores is a payment gladly made in exchange for a clean, safe place to set up their tents. Away from the crime, drugs, and violence that plagues the rest of the downtown area. “Santa Clara St. is basically lawless. The police don’t go there. The drug use is out of control. It’s violent and scary. 2-3 people a week are killed there, and you won’t even hear about it. It just doesn’t make the news,” Dez laments. Dez estimates about 70-100 homeless people die in Fresno every year. These statistics, much like the community itself, are largely ignored by the news media. “[Councilman Garry] Bredefeld got a 4 ½ acre land donation to build a $20 million dog park. But they haven’t committed a single dollar to help the city’s homeless population,” Dez shares. “It’s just frustrating and honestly really sad that the City cares more about giving dogs a place to play than giving human beings a safe space to live.” It was this frustration with the lack of assistance from the city that ultimately motivated Dez to start Project Safe Camp. There is currently only one place in Fresno that provides shelter for homeless men, women, and families, and that’s the Fresno

Photos by Joel Pickford |

Rescue Mission. At one time, they had 200 beds available for people in need of transitional shelter. At the same time, they waited for permanent housing or admission to rehab or other live-in programs. That number has dwindled to around 60 beds today. To make matters worse, residents can only stay for 30 days and must wait 90 days before returning. “It’s just a mess, because yes, there is M.A.P. (the multi-agency program) that

the most violent and dangerous street in the city. “The City told the homeless, ‘you can’t be here anymore, go out by the 99 and camp there,” Dez explains. “But, at the same time, they were telling CalTrans’ Hey, you need to do something about all these homeless people along the highway’, so it’s like, what’s really going on here?” Dez found herself encountering more and more people with nowhere to go

provides housing placement and all the services to get people off the streets if they want to be. But, the waiting list for housing is so long, it takes months to get someone placed. And what are they supposed to do in the meantime? Where are they supposed to go?” Dez asks. Most of the homeless people Dez meets doing outreach want to get off the streets. They want to find a job and get their lives back on track. Unfortunately, the city’s homeless policy has become the biggest obstacle to making that happen. In 2017, a new ordinance passed that banned homeless camps in the city. The camps that used to line the streets in downtown were pushed out towards highway 99. The only exception being Santa Clara St., which quickly became

and no one to turn to for help. “People were scared to be on the streets downtown. It’s terrible here. But where else could they go?” Dez describes the current situation in downtown Fresno as a living hell for the homeless there. Stories of people being dragged out of their tents, beaten, and robbed. Women being raped and forced into prostitution. And the constant presence of drugs. Those who found themselves on the streets downtown would be lucky to survive for a month, let alone the several months it could take to find permanent housing. It was out of a desperate need to find some kind of solution that Project Safe Camp was born. Dez secured a small vacant lot behind BD Auto on Broadway street. Along with the group of soon-to-



be residents, she went to work cleaning the lot, leveling the ground, and setting up the facilities. Since then, the camp has become an example of how homeless camps can and should operate. The residents are all responsible for cleaning and maintaining their respective tents and the grounds as well. Chores are delegated and rotated. Bathroom facilities are cleaned and sanitized after every use. COVID-19 is taken very seriously here. The camp had its first confirmed case a little over a week earlier, and they have been under self-quarantine ever since. Residents who leave the camp must provide a negative test result before they can return. Everyone coming into the camp to drop off donations or visit a resident must have their temperatures taken. And social distancing is strictly enforced at all times. “COVID has been devastating to the homeless community,” Dez sighs. “Nobody’s talking about it, but it’s bad. Really bad.” Lack of sanitation, lack of access to medical care, and a lack of testing for the homeless community have created a perfect storm for COVID to flourish. To make matters worse, the data on COVID infection rates in the homeless community is allegedly being kept under wraps by the City. “We can’t even get any count on just how many people in the homeless community have COVID, because the city won’t make those numbers public,” Dez says. However, as Dez explains, that just further proves why camps like hers are necessary. Despite the impact of COVID on the rest of the downtown homeless population, Project Safe Camp has only had one confirmed case since opening. The ability to provide a clean, secure, and self-contained homeless encampment has been crucial to avoiding an outbreak. More than just demonstrating suc-

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...‘Shelter’ cont’d from pg 3

Is This YOU? By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


aise your hand if how you eat now resembles how your family ate while you were growing up. Raise your hand again if you think that those ways don’t work for you anymore. Maybe you’ve put on weight or don’t have the energy you need or simply don’t feel healthy. Well, maybe it’s time to put some changes into place. Let me explain by telling you a story. I grew up in a family of five that always had what we needed, but we didn’t have much more than that. We were so fortunate that we always had plenty to eat, but a lot of the time, it wasn’t the best quality of meat, bought from the cheaper outlet bread store, or came out of a can or box. Mom, and later Dad, cooked simple meals with lots of heavy, starchy dishes. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but in general, I didn’t like it. I didn’t realize it, but it was a way of eating that just didn’t fit what my body wanted. I didn’t participate in very much cooking, so I never really learned confidence in the kitchen. When I got out on my own, I ate easy, quickly-prepared foods. Foods that resembled what I grew up eating. Think boxed macaroni and cheese, frozen pizzas, frozen veggies, microwave meals, instant rice. I didn’t cook and didn’t like to cook. Then I met my husband, and he showed me how homecooked meals ought to look. He really enjoyed being in the kitchen, making exotic recipes that were so delicious. He was my model of what fun, tasty cooking could look like. But I still didn’t take the bait! I continued in my old habits.

A few years later, our children started to arrive. And I realized

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cess against pandemic conditions, Project Safe Camp is also a haven from drugs, violence, and crime. “Our residents feel safe here. They know that they can leave their stuff here and go to the store, and it will still be here when they get back. Our female residents can go to sleep without worrying about someone forcing their way into their tents and raping them. Nobody should ever have to worry about that.” Many politicians and homeless advocates have maintained that building more shelters like those found at the Rescue Mission is the best way to address the state’s homeless crisis. Dez disagrees. “Building more shelters is really just a band-aid,” She explains. “It’s a revolving door. These shelters suffer due to poor management and red tape.” Indeed, government bureaucracy has a history of shooting itself in the foot when it comes to providing real solutions to the homeless problem. “What good does it do to build a 500-bed shelter when you still have things like the 90-day rule in place?” Dez asks, referring to the City ordinance that prohibits someone from re-applying for a shelter bed for 90 days after leaving for any reason, including simply timing out their stay. The policy resulted in many homeless individuals and families who initially came to the shelter searching for permanent housing, put back out on the streets with nowhere to go. And also, no reliable way for M.A.P. to contact them when housing finally becomes available. The camping ban has only exacerbated this issue. While intended to address the crime and drug use rampant in the makeshift homeless camps, the ban has caused most of the homeless to build camps along the highway – on state property. These camps cause trash to spill onto the roadways. And brush fires from campsites are becoming a frequent occurrence. With no shelter options available, and no safe transitional alternatives in place, the system fails the very people it’s designed to help. Dez believes that the solution isn’t in more costly, inadequate, short-term bandaids. The homeless need safe, organized, extended-stay facilities where they can have a stable place to stay until they can be placed in permanent housing. That’s the message Dez hopes to send to the City Council with Project Safe Camp. A properly-managed campsite with rules, structure, and personally invested residents to maintain the space is a low-cost, long-term solution to the homeless problem. So far, the community response to the camp has been overwhelmingly positive.


Some local businesses were apprehensive at first, but once they saw how clean and well-maintained the camp was, their trepidation turned to praise. “We have a great relationship with the local businessess,” Dez beams. “They look at what we’re doing here, and they see a way for the homeless to share space with them that doesn’t create an eyesore or scare away business. Camps like this can work if they’re just managed right.” Dez wants to establish more safe campsites in other areas of Fresno’s city and county areas with large homeless populations. She admits that a problem with their current location is that many homeless people in other parts of the city are too afraid to relocate. Fears of the crime, violence, and proliferation of drugs in the downtown area stop them from making the camp journey. She’s currently reaching out to businesses, developers, and the city to obtain land space in North and East Fresno to create more safe camps. Dez is optimistic that businesses in other impacted areas of Fresno will see her camp’s positive results and will feel inspired to help establish camps in their areas. In the meantime, Dez continues to put in her regular 17-hour days, giving 150% to making Project Safe Camp the model for a community-driven solution to the homeless problem. When asked what their needs are and how others can help, her reply is modest and straightforward.



“We need monitors. People willing to come watch the gate, handle donations, and just help keep the wheels turning.” Currently, Project Safe Camp is essentially a labor of love. There’s no grant money or funds from the City to hire staff. Everyone working there is a volunteer. They rely entirely on donations for their needs. At the moment, their most pressing needs are ice and large igloo coolers. As fall and the rainy season approaches, they are also working to gather large, sturdy canopies to protect the tents from the elements. They also need blankets, pillows, and heaters. “We’re making this work. Every day we prove to the community that we don’t need to spend a ton of money and build a bunch of expensive shelters to solve the homeless problem. All we need are safe spaces where people can set up camp without worrying about being harassed, attacked, robbed, ran off, or arrested. These are good people. They don’t want to stay out here forever. They just want a real chance to get back on their feet. That’s what we’re providing here. The results are speaking for themselves.” To learn more about Project Safe Camp, volunteer your time, or donate money or resources, visit the Homeless in Fresno Facebook page, the We Are Not Invisible Fresno website,, or on IG @ wearenotinvisible1.

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts Labor Day

1. Labor Day in Canada began in 1872 in Toronto but quickly made its way south to the U.S. Originally it began as a significant demonstration demanding rights for workers. 2. The first U.S. Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, planned by the Central Labor Union. The Labor Day parade of about 10,000 workers took unpaid leave and marched from City Hall past Union Square uptown to 42nd street, and ended in Wendel’s Elm Park at 92nd Street and 9th Avenue for a concert, speeches, and a picnic.

5. What are we celebrating? The contributions and achievements of the 155 million men and women who are in the U.S. workforce. 6. In the late 1800s the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks to eke out a basic living. Children as young as 5-6 years old worked in factories and mines. 7. The year in which the 8-hour day was firmly established was 1916 with the passage of the Adamson Act. This was the first federal law regulating hours of workers in private companies. 8. Oregon was the first state to make Labor Day a holiday in 1887

3. Traditionally people did not wear white or seersucker clothes after Labor Day as it unofficially marked the end of summer.

9. The football season starts on or around Labor Day and many teams play their first game of the year during Labor Day weekend.

4. On June 28, 1894, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories.

10. Labor Day is viewed as the unofficial last day of vacation before the start of the new school year (and mourned by students all over). Stated differently, it is the | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Back-to-School kickoff (cheered by parents all over!).

11. The first Waffle house opened on Labor Day. In 1955, in Avondale Estates, GA, the very first Waffle House opened its doors to the public. 12. Labor Day is the unofficial end of Hot Dog season. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council says that between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Americans will eat 7 billion hot dogs. 13. The New York parade inspired other unions. Other regions started having parades, and by 1887, Oregon, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Colorado made Labor Day a state holiday.






By I. smiley G. Calderón



hew, it’s been one helluva summer! And then California caught on fire! (Now, normally I would sarcastically quip, ‘What else could go wrong, 2020!’ But, with all of the horrible catastrophes simultaneously happening across the country at this time, I’ll respectfully refrain.) Suddenly, saturated in smoke-filled skies packed with harmful microscopic particulate matter, countless Californians across the state learned just how really important their masks are for their health and safety - the raging fires made the nearby air dangerous for breathing without them. And, if you recall my earlier columns about the bad air quality here in Fresno County, “Barely Breathing” and “(Still) Barely Breathing,” in December 2019 and January 2020, respectively, you’ll remember how we already have some of the highest PM 2.5 levels in the country. This is due to a number of industrial and anthropogenic factors, yet one of the worst reasons is purely geographic. The Central Valley traps bad air, preventing it from dissipating quicker, like in areas near the coast. These recent fires have been especially horrible for our air quality. But, if you’ve been wearing your mask in public (as any dummy should), you’d been breathing a whole lot easier and protecting your lungs from harmful microscopic airborne pollutant particles exacerbated by the fires. Unfortunately, however, if your type of mask is a typical fabric kind of one, wearing it alone may not give you the actual protection you need. That’s because the particulate matter that is especially dangerous is the kind that is 2.5 microns or smaller in diameter. That’s like 30 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Particles this size would pass right through any fabric mask. Basically, if you can see light pass through your mask when you hold it up against a light, then microscopic particles are buzzing right through it too.



That’s why the best kinds of masks to wear are the ones that are rated for blockage of particles that are .3 microns or bigger at a minimum efficiency level of 95%. You’ve heard about these masks, no doubt. They became well known at the beginning of the pandemic because they were the kinds of respirator masks in shortage for medical personnel. They are the kind of masks that the government had recommended against because of the shortage: the infamous N95 masks. Where the N designates that the mask is not resistant to oil particulates and the 95 means that it protects against 95% of the particulate matter that it’s rated for. Wearing an N95 mask can protect you from inhaling both dangerous inorganic microscopic particles and dangerous infectious viral pathogens. Yet, the government still does not recommend using N95 masks for the public in this pandemic. The reason? We’re still in a shortage and we need to ensure that medical first responders have a constant supply of N95s to protect themselves against the coronavirus. It’s not because these masks don’t work. Instead, it’s because they work too well. Yet, we all need the best protection that we can get our hands on at this time. Here in Fresno County, we have had about 25,000 total confirmed positive COVID-19 cases - that’s about double just from last month - with a total of 263 deaths and over 200 people currently in the hospital. Only a month or so ago, we had 100 deaths. This pandemic is far from over as the death toll steadily rises. The need for effective and affordable face masks and respirators is more crucial now than ever. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a part of the CDC, is the agency responsible for rating respirators here in the United States. In addition to N95 masks, they have also


rated N97 and N100 masks that are even more efficient for certain applications. The ratings are due to a combination of material, fit and design. Since N95 masks are in high demand and short supply here in the U.S., thank goodness there are other similar masks rated the same in the marketplace for sale. These are the KN95 respirators. You already know what the “N95” part means. The “K” part here signifies that the origin of the government agency responsible for its rating of testing is Chinese. But, so what? Both the N95 and KN95 masks are rated the same and provide the exact same protection. And I saw these KN95 masks on sale for only $1.99/ea at the local Smart and Final. Listen, bottom line is: if you want to have the best protection on your face, you should really look into buying some KN95 masks. Well, what about the cloth masks we’ve been talking about these past six months? If they can’t protect us against the smoke that we can see, how in the hell are they keeping us safe from what we can’t see like the invisible coronavirus? The answer is in the fact that the coronavirus is not simply floating around out in the air as separate, discrete rogue virions - no. Instead, these viruses are attached to other, bigger particles and aerosols, ones that can normally be captured and filtered by a multilayered cloth mask. This is how cloth masks are effective against the coronavirus. And, like I wrote last time, what’s important here is the multiple layers. These layers should prevent virus-laden aerosols and saliva from leaving your face while at the same time protect you from virus-laden aerosols and saliva coming from the environment. Viruses are incredibly small. The size of the coronavirus is about .10 microns - much smaller than even the pernicious PM 2.5 pollutant particles (like the ones pro-



duced by fires) which are about 2.5 microns in diameter. So, if you were saturated in a room full of sick coronavirus patients spewing virus by their coughing and talking, like in a hospital setting, you’d definitely want to be wearing an N95 or KN95 mask. But, chances are, while you go about your daily business around town, you’re not sitting in clouds of coronavirus. Wearing a cloth mask makes sense for normal, everyday use. Yet, if you have access to a respirator like the N95 or KN95s, why not wear it instead, right? If, by chance, you walk into an area where an infected person has coughed up a storm right before you enter, a KN95 mask would protect you more from infection than your porous cloth mask would. What I like to do is wear a cloth mask over my KN-95 mask. I can easily spray down the cloth mask with Lysol or wash it as it is serves as my first line of defense, my barrier protection from the bigger harmful environmental particles and aerosols. And, my inner KN-95 mask protects me from the even smaller particles, including dangerous particulate matter and virions, that may pass through my cloth mask. But, if all you have is a cloth mask, that’s better than nothing - wear it! Just remember to fully cover your mouth and your nose. Because, like I’ve said before, wearing a mask incorrectly is like wearing no mask at all. This is true for N95 and KN95 respirator masks too. If your mask is not pressed up against your face so that there are no air gaps and if it isn’t fully covering your mouth and nose, it isn’t giving you the level of protection that you think you’re getting. And in these uncertain, critical times, when the world around us is burning down in every sense of the word and it’s not safe to breathe in the air around us, every dummy needs some sort of certainty in his life - why not start with what’s hanging from your face first? That’s right, until next time - wear your mask and wear it right.

Newsom, lawmakers strike pandemic eviction deal. Here’s what you need to know The proposed deal has some eviction protection provisions for tenants, but no rent forgiveness. Proponents of the bill insist that it’s a stopgap measure meant to help Californians in need until — they hope — federal aid comes through. By Matt Levin |


o rent forgiveness for tenants. No money for landlords to help them meet their mortgage payments. And no real time to do anything else. Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers unveiled their plan Friday to protect California from a looming tsunami of evictions caused by the economic fallout from the novel coronavirus pandemic. Not everyone is going to like it. The “Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020,” the product of contentious, last-minute negotiations that flirted with the constitutional deadline to finalize legislative language, protects renters financially impacted by the coronavirus pandemic from eviction until February 2021. The bill also proposes some foreclosure protections to small landlords suffering from missed rent payments. Legislators vote on the bill on Monday. “Absolutely you’ll hear from some, not just those representing tenants…that will express that we could have done more, done better,” said Newsom. “But the totality and the consequence of what we were able to achieve in terms of mitigating the prospects of millions, literally millions of people being evicted or at least subject to eviction, substantially was mitigated because of this effort.” Hamstrung by a recently patched $54 billion budget deficit and thorny legal questions about the limits of state power to interfere in private contracts, some Democratic lawmakers stressed the bill is intended as a bridge to next year, by which time they hope a second round of federal stimulus spending will free up new rental assistance funds for cash-strapped California. Another round of boosted unemployment benefits —

which experts said kept many renters afloat before they expire at the end of July — could also help beleaguered tenants. The California Apartment Association, the premier landlord lobbying group in the Capitol, has endorsed the proposal, while eagerly awaiting a federal hand flush with cash. “To truly address this crisis, the federal government needs to step up,” wrote Debra Carlton, executive vice president of public affairs for CAA, in a blog post. “COVID-impacted renters need financial assistance, from the feds, so they can pay their rent.” Tenant advocacy groups, while pleased with certain protections afforded by the bill, expressed disappointment that not all renters would be protected from evictions for a longer period of time. They argue that displaced renters will inevitably end up in environments in which coronavirus thrives: doubled-up apartments, homeless shelters, and inter-generational homes. A recent UC Berkeley analysis found that nearly one million renter households in California have had a member lose their job due to the pandemic and could be vulnerable to eviction. “For our low-income clients this bill provides important protections for those who can’t pay the rent, and we hope that the Legislature acts effectively to pass it on Monday,” said Brian Augusta, a legislative advocate for the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation. “But I will note it leaves unresolved the question of evictions for many other tenants.” Here’s what you need to know about what’s in the proposal — and what’s not.

Renters will still owe all the rent they missed so far. They can be evicted starting Feb. 1 if they miss more than 25% of their future rent. The deal prohibits landlords from using missed rent payments accrued between March and Aug. 31 as a legal basis to evict tenants, as long as the tenant fills out legal paperwork attesting to financial hardship from COVID-19. Tenants rights groups had long sought this provision. However, renters will have to pay a portion of their rent going forward. Tenants financially impacted by COVID-19 would be obligated to pay 25% of their rent between Sept. 1 and Jan. 31 of 2021 to avoid being evicted starting in February. Renters can come up with that 25% anytime between September and Jan. 31, 2021 — a lump sum payment days before February is allowed. While renters can miss some payments and still be shielded from eviction, they will still be legally liable for their full rental debt. Starting March 1 2021, landlords can pursue all rent that’s owed from the start of the pandemic in small claims court. While many tenant groups chafe at the notion that any rental debt accrued during the pandemic should be paid in full, landlords may take little comfort in the provision. While they may be legally entitled to missed rent payments, landlords may have a difficult time actually recouping funds, especially if tenants simply don’t have the resources. An earlier proposal from Sen. Toni Atkins, a Democrat from San Diego and leader of the state Senate, would have given renters until 2024 to begin repaying rental debt. Under that proposal, renters making

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3 Technologies to Help You Feel Connected to Far Away Loved Ones (StatePoint) When it’s not possible to be near loved ones, being connected becomes more important. Here are three technologies to feel closer to friends and family, wherever they may be: Stream in Sync Streaming services like Netflix are introducing new features allowing users to watch programming in sync with their friends. Whether it’s the latest episode of your favorite reality game show or a movie you’ve all been excited to see, now you can host a virtual movie night or watch-party and share your reactions to the show in a real-time chat room. Keep the Time A globally-minded timepiece can help you feel more connected by displaying the time of where your friends and family are located. And the Casio Edifice EQB1000 is especially informative. The watch’s main dial and date display “Home Time” (the time and date in the current location), while an inset dial at 3 o’clock displays “World Time” (the current time in over 300 major cities) in a 12-hour format. Its operations are easily managed via a connected smartphone, and its “Phone Finder” feature causes your phone to sound a tone even if it’s in silent mode. Workout, Together Have a gym buddy or workout partner who is suddenly remote? New tools can help you motivate one another and stay fit together, even if you are far apart. Some of the latest stationary bikes and treadmills on the market now allow you to connect to classes and coaches in real-time and have features that allow you to enjoy realistic city and countryside scenery as you sweat. Join the same class as a friend and compete against each other, or take a virtual tour of a city together. Thanks to new technologies, the world doesn’t need to feel so big. Embrace the tools that let you feel close and conContinues on pg 8... nected. | FRESNO FLYER |



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that I wanted to feed our family differently. I wanted fewer boxed or canned foods and wanted more homemade. Using my husband as my model, I sought out recipes and cookbooks that could teach me. I started to make whole meals from scratch: fresh vegetables, sauces, meat prepared using a recipe, pizza and pancakes, and even macaroni and cheese. Bit by bit, I gained confidence and skills so that we all ate so differently than what and how I ate during my first 30 years. I came to realize that how we ate in the family I grew up in, with lots of meat, bread, and boxed or canned foods, didn’t match what felt right for my body. My body doesn’t crave a lot of meat, and it loves fresh produce, cheeses, and beans. Over the years, I’ve built meals that meet everyone’s health needs and desires in the family. It doesn’t mean each of us gets a personal meal every time we eat, but we are all satisfied over time. So back to your raised hands. If you genuinely want to make changes in what you eat, start with small and easy steps. Try to include more fresh vegetables and fruit. Make take out or drive-thru meals a special treat rather than a regular part of your lunch or dinner rotation. Drink more water and fewer sweetened beverages. Get online and do some searches for recipes that have your favorite foods in them. There are so many resources to help you figure out what you love and how to make changes. As you build new ways of buying and preparing foods that better meet you where you’re at, it will get easier to put additional changes or additions into place. Be open to trying new ingredients and dishes; you might find something that you love that makes you feel great, too!

below a certain percentage of state median income would have seen their debts reduced. Renters can be evicted for other lease violations starting next week. While evictions for missed rent payments related to coronavirus may be frozen until February, evictions for other lease violations can proceed starting Sept. 2, according to the terms of the deal released Friday. Landlord groups insisted on that provision, arguing that the state court system’s blanket moratorium on all evictions has allowed renters to break leases in ways that endanger their property and the comfort of neighboring renters. “We applaud the Legislature and governor for advancing legislation with protections for tenants truly harmed by COVID, while ensuring that owners can evict nuisance tenants and residents who can afford to pay rent but choose to game the system instead,” said Tom Bannon, chief executive officer of the California Apartment Association, in a statement. Tenant groups charge that considering the public health imperatives of Newsom’s shelter in place order, all evictions except in cases of public health and safety should be barred for at least a few more months. They also worry about landlords using other lease violations as a pretext for removing renters who owe them back rent. “What the governor has announced today is an imperfect but necessary solution to a colossal problem,” said Assemblymember David Chiu, a Democrat from San Francisco, who introduced a previous eviction protection bill backed by tenant groups. “The bill is definitely not all that’s needed to protect all tenants, but it will prevent and delay many evictions. Doing nothing would be catastrophic.”

The bill also prohibits local governments from essentially trying to override the new state law when it comes to evictions based on missed rent payments. However, cities and counties could enact new rules to ban evictions in cases unrelated to non-payment of rent. San Francisco has banned evictions in cases unrelated to COVID through Dec. 1. Some tenant groups are already calling on Newsom to issue another executive order extending a statewide eviction moratorium through the end of the year. How will renters prove they are financially impacted by COVID to qualify for eviction protection? Renters making below 130% of statewide median household income (roughly over $90,000) will have 15 days after being served an eviction notice to sign legal paperwork declaring they’ve suffered a loss of income, have higher medical bills or have otherwise been financially impacted by COVID-19. They can also bring up their financial situation in court as an allowable defense if they don’t fill out the necessary paperwork within 15 days. Higher-income renters will be required to provide some documentation of their income loss to qualify for eviction protections.

No money for small landlords, but some foreclosure protections. Landlord groups had initially lent tentative support to a proposal that would have granted them future tax credits in the amount of the missed rent they were owed. But that plan was ultimately shelved, partly out of fears that it was impractical to administer and expensive for the state. Until new federal stimulus spending is approved, landlords will have to wait

Nadine is a Wellness Coach for women who want to break long-standing eating and inactive habits. She guides clients toward confidently building an achievable healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. Nadine can be reached at npbwellnesscoach@, and is on Instagram @npbwellnesscoach.






until March to begin recovering missed rent payments. Some smaller landlords may be especially hard pressed to wait that long to meet monthly mortgage payments. Mortgages not backed by the federal government do not qualify for some of the forbearance programs Congress and the Trump administration created in response to the pandemic. The proposal extends the 2013 “California Homeowner Bill of Rights,” passed in the wake of the late 2000’s foreclosure crisis, to small, non-corporate landlords who own up to 4 units. Those “rights” include specific guidelines mortgage servicers must obey in notifying and communicating with borrowers, as well as a prohibition against “dual track” foreclosures where lenders are allowed to pursue foreclosures while simultaneously negotiating loan modification deals. But the bill stops short of compelling banks, credit unions and other lenders from offering mortgage forbearance upon request of small landlords. Many lawmakers thought the state was on shaky legal ground regulating banking activities that are typically the federal government’s territory.

The vote ahead In order to have the bill take effect immediately, two-thirds of legislators in both the state Senate and Assembly will have to vote for it on Monday. That’s a high bar for any bill, but with support from Newsom, state legislative leaders and key interest groups like the California Apartment Association, Democratic leadership is cautiously optimistic. Assemblymember Chiu reiterated that despite his disappointment with certain provisions in the bill, he hopes for more aid from Washington D.C. “Let’s be clear this is a temporary fix. As we track the impact of the pandemic and recession on tenants, we will have to revisit this conversation early next year,” said Chiu.

Make a Commitment to More Family Meals Peanut Butter Banana Protein Baked Oatmeal

Hawaiian Chicken Pizza



pending moments together with loved ones carries obvious benefits like time to catch up and opportunities to bond, but sharing meals actually provides definitive value for families. With restricted social interactions and confinement at home due to COVID-19, many families are facing meal challenges that have shifted from juggling busy schedules to seeking new ways to mix up the traditional menu or using digital solutions to reconnect at a virtual table. A study published in the “Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior” funded by the FMI Foundation shows that more frequent family meals are associated with better dietary and family functioning outcomes. The results build on years of previous research studies to punctuate the creation of the Family Meals Movement, which encourages Americans to pledge to share one more family breakfast, lunch or dinner at home per week. Consider these notable findings from the study: n Family meals improve fruit and vegetable consumption. Studies show a positive relationship between

family meal frequency and fruit and vegetable intake when examined separately, but also when fruit and vegetable intake are combined. n Family meals improve family dynamics. Nearly all the studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated a positive relationship between family meal frequency and measures of family functioning. Family functioning is defined as family connectedness, communication, expressiveness and problem-solving.

Recipe courtesy of Toby Amidor on behalf of the FMI Foundation Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Nonstick cooking spray 1 1/2 cups shredded rotisserie chicken 3/4 cup barbecue sauce 1 ready-made pizza crust or whole wheat pizza crust (10 ounces) 1 cup canned or jarred tomato sauce 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese or part-skim mozzarella cheese 1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple or canned pineapple tidbits packed in 100% juice Preheat oven to 375 F. Coat pizza pan or baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. In medium bowl, combine rotisserie chicken and barbecue sauce. Place pizza crust on pan and evenly spread tomato sauce over crust. Sprinkle evenly with cheese. Top evenly with rotisserie chicken mixture and pineapple. Bake until crust is crisp and browned around edges, about 10 minutes. Let pizza cool 10 min­utes before cutting into eight slices.

“There are thousands of individual studies that examine the impact of family meals on nutrition and family behavior, but this meta-analysis looks at the relationship between family meal frequency and family functioning outcomes,” said David Fikes, executive director of the FMI Foundation. “We can confirm that family meals are a valuable contributor of improved nutrition and family dynamics.” Find tips, recipes and ways to increase your family meal frequency despite COVID-19 circumstances at



Recipe courtesy of Lauren Harris-Pincus on behalf of the FMI Foundation Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Servings: 6 2 cups old-fashioned oats 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 packets stevia (sugar substitute) or preferred sweetener 1/2 cup powdered peanut butter 1 scoop (1/4 cup) vanilla plantbased protein powder 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 3 tablespoons liquid egg whites 1 ripe banana (4 ounces), mashed 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 ripe banana (4 ounces), sliced into 24 slices Preheat oven to 350 F. In large bowl, combine oats, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, stevia, powdered peanut butter and vanilla protein powder. In separate bowl, combine almond milk, yogurt, egg whites, mashed banana and vanilla extract. Add oat mixture to wet ingredients and gently stir until fully combined. Line 9-inch brownie pan with parchment paper. Pour mixture into pan and spread evenly. Top with banana slices in four rows of six slices each. Bake 27-35 minutes, or until golden brown and set. Let cool and cut into six rectangles. Wrap and refrigerate extras until ready to eat.




bowlzeye 75 W Bullard Ave, Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 298-3986

Andiamo Ristorante Italiano 1275 Shaw Ave #120 Clovis, 93612. Offering curbside pick-up. 559-298-3196 Carrillo’s Mexican Food 151 W Bullard #101 Clovis, 93612 Take-out available. 559-325-5688

Dai-Ichi 1820 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93611 Take out available. Call in ahead of time for immediate pick up. Call 559-297-1177 El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant 40 W Clovis Ste 101 Patio Dining or Take Out (559)299-0675 Florentina’s Pizza and Pasta 2141 Shaw Ave Unit 113 Clovis, 93611. Pickup available. 559-297-8310 House of Juju 565 Pollasky Ave #101 Clovis, 93612. Call ahead and walk-in orders and DoorDash. 559-298-3090 Huckleberry’s 2100 Clovis Ave Clovis, 93612 (and Fresno locations). Open 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily for take-out, curbside pick-up, and delivery through DoorDash. Call 559-412-7889 Hungry Bear Cookies 1127 N. Willow Ave Clovis, 93611 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free delivery of Hungry Bear Cookies (1 dozen minimum per order) Place order from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and your cookies will be delivered between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Delivery address must be within five miles of Hungry Bear location. 559-299-6919 Jugo Salad & Juice Bar 1845 Herndon Ave Clovis, 93611. Take-out and delivery 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. 559-472-3351 (Champlain Dr location, 559-407-5846) Jus Jo’s 701 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Takeout and curbside available. 559-322-1788

Mah’s Teriyaki Express 605 Herndon Ave #400, Clovis, 93612. Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 8.30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Take-out only, calling ahead is highly recommended. 559-297-8831 Michelangelo’s Pizzeria 619 Woodworth Ave, Clovis, 93612. Pick-up only Monday through Saturday from 4 - 9 p.m. You must call in to order, first. 559-322-1666 Neighbors Tap and Cook House 1175 N Fowler Ave #800, Clovis, 93611. Pick-up available from 11 to 8 every day, with to-go cocktails beer and wine with food purchase. 559-298-4020 Pad Thai Restaurant 198 Shaw Ave (Shaw at Minnewawa) Clovis, 93612. Take-out available, as well as delivery through Postmates. 559-324-1235 Panda City Hot Pot & Grill 458 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Offering delivery and take-out for Fresno and Clovis orders from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (559) 324-8888 Pure Water & Ice Cream 1835 Ashlan Ave #103A, Clovis, 93611 We offer water fill up, boba drinks, ice cream, springrolls, bahn mi sandwich, and papaya salad. Open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. pickup only. 559-346-1399 RusHour 701 W Shaw Ave # 101, Clovis, 93612.Open daily 11 am - 6 pm; take-out, pick-up, and delivery with DoorDash available. Call 559-326-0574

Sakura Chaya 1200 Shaw Ave, 559-900-4326. Second location: 690 E Nees Ave, 559-438-9378. To-go and curbside pickup available. Hours of operation 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sandy’s Country Junction 532 Clovis Ave. Clovis, 93612

Subs-N-Grub 3157 Fowler Ave #102 Clovis, 93611. Take-out available. (559)-291-4782 Subbies Subs & More 2 150 Minnewawa Ave ste D, Clovis, 93612. Take-out and delivery by Grub Hub available, Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. 559-478-4627 Sunnyside Pizza 1175 N Fowler Ave #600 Clovis, 93611. Take-out orders available. 559-374-9361 Thai Gem 742 W Shaw Ave, Clovis, 93612. Open 11 am - 2 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm, take-out available. Call 559-298-4425 The Craft House 760 Pollasky Ave Clovis, 93612. Please call for take out and curbside pick up 559-472-3398. Toledo’s Mexican Restaurant 1125 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Clovis location open for take-out and delivery. 559-298-0290 Trelio Restaurant 438 Clovis Ave #4, Clovis, 93612. Take-out available Tuesday - Saturday. Call 559-297-0783

Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant 2141 Shaw Ave Ste 101, Clovis, 93611. Take-out available; Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Call 559-326-0524 Luna Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, 93612. Alley pick-up, open for drive through, call and let them know you have arrived. Pick-up in front as well. 559-299-4141

10 | SEPTEMBER 2020




Armenian Restaurant 3051 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Place a takeout or delivery order by calling 559-681-0988 Angkor Asian Bistro & Bar 1568 E. Champlain Dr. STE 105 Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available. 559-492-2344 Annex Kitchen 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711. Take-out only, curbside available. Lunch 11-3 and dinner from 4-8. Call 559-248-8512 Benaddiction 3015 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Curbside pick-up available. 559-374-6082 BJ’s Kountry Kitchen 4065 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Take-out options available 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. seven days a week. Delivery available through DoorDash. 559-222-5206 Bollywood Indian Street Food 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available and delivery through Uber Eats. 559-493-5975 BooBoo Bean Bakery & Café 2063 W Bullard Fresno, 93711. Open Monday - Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pick-up. 559-570-8093 Bulldog Burger Bistro 1782 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710. Pick up is available, and delivery through Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub. 559-492-2420

Casa Corona 1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-2838605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 Call 559-323-7409. Pick-up orders available. Free Uber Eats delivery. Chicken King 1234 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 Pick-up available; as well as delivery through Uber Eats and DoorDash, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 559-266-5464 Colorado Grill All Fresno locations. To-go orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-325-3460 DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant Offering take-out or delivery. 1530 E Nees Ave, 559321-0544. 2221 W Shaw Ave, 559-221-6337. 144 N Blackstone, 559-237-7054. 7038 N West Ave, 559436-1650, offers online ordering via 5635 E Kings Canyon, 559-252-7100. 1071 E Shaw, 559-229-7811. 1914 W Clinton, 559-266-9893

Good Eats Chinese Food 7724 N First St (at Nees) Fresno, 93720. Take-out/ Pick-up service offered. 559-261-0238 Gus Kebab 855 Kern St #180 Fresno, 93721. Take-out and delivery (for 3 orders or more) options available. 559-353-2119 India’s Oven 3035 W. Ashlan Ave, Fresno, 93722. Open for takeout, curbside delivery as well as free delivery within 5 miles on orders $50+; delivery also available via DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-229-1313 India Sweets & Spices 3055 West Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93722. Open for takeout and all essential needs. 559-222-2700 Find us on Facebook @ISSashlan Joe’s Steakhouse 831 Van Ness Ave Fresno, 93721. Call 559-486-3536

El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant 3046 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Take-out, delivery and curbside service available. 559-435-2371 El Premio Mayor 3247 E McKinley Ave, Fresno, 93703. Call in and takeout orders only at the moment, curbside and delivery coming soon. 559-498-9925 Fort Blossom Café 433 N Fort Washington Rd Fresno, 93730. Take-out only. 559-824-1224 GG’s Food Factory 2139 Kern St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available and delivery on Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-840-1185

Lush Fine Wines and Beers 202 W Lacey Blvd. Open Tues - Wed from 2 pm to 9 pm, Thurs 2 pm to 10 pm, Fri 2 pm to midnight, and Sat from 5 pm to midnight. Pair a charcuterie box with wine or beer and have it delivered. Text orders to 559-707-0808, charcuterie boxes to 559-816-4324 Superior Dairy 325 N Douty St. Open 11 am to 9 pm for take-out. 559-582-0481 Sweet Palette Bakery 701 N Irwin St. Open Mon - Fri from 9 am to 6 pm for pickup and delivery. 559-530-3001 Fatte Alberts Pizza Co 110 E 7th S Open Sun 12 pm - 8 pm Mon - Thur 11:30 am - 8pm Fri - Sat 11:30 am - 9pm. Delivery and Takeout. 559-585-0220 Ryan’s Place Restaurant 330 S 11th Ave Sun-Sat 6am-10pm. Takeout and Delivery. 559-582-0678 Thai Kitchen 122 N 11th Ave, Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 583-1212

Irwin Street Inn and Restaurant 522 N Irwin St. All lunch orders $50+ will receive a free family style salad, and dinner orders $100+ will receive one free appetizer or dessert. Purchase a Gift Certificate receive a 10% discount. Call for hours and orders 559-583-8000. Kabab City 129 W 7th St. Open 11 am - 8 pm for take-out. 559-530-3085

The Chicken Shack 913 W Lacey Blvd Sun - Sat 10am-9pm. Delivery and Takeout 559-589-9511 Valle Grullense 901 W Lacey Blvd Mon-Thur 9am-10pm Fri-Sun 8am-10pm Takeout (559) 772-8045 Zaytoona Resturant 129 W 7th St, Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 530-3085

Beto's 1208 N Lemoore Ave. Hours are Mon - Sat 10 am to 8 pm, Sun 10 am to 3 pm. 559-924-4101 Burger Shack 718 N Lemoore Ave. Open 10 am - 9 pm. 559-997-1114 Chica's 329 Fox St. Open Tues - Fri 6 am to 11:30 am and Sat 7 am to 11:30 am. 559-997-1200 Down Range Coffee Company Call for hours or check Facebook. Pre-order by calling 559-429-0843 La Parrilla Mexican Grill 150 E Hanford-Armona. Open Sun - Thurs from 6 am to 9 pm. Fri - Sun 6 am to 10 pm. 559-817-5240 Las Espuelas 55 E D St. Open Mon - Fri 7 am to 8 pm and Sat - Sun from 7 am to 9 pm. 559-924-2814 Maverick's Coffee Shop 55 E D St. Open Mon - Sunday 7 am to 7 pm. Call 559-410-1754 New Boba Island 201 E Street. Open Mon - Fri from 11 am to 8 pm. Saturday 12 pm to 8 pm. 559-924-1027 Pad Thai 405 W D St. Open Mon - Sat from 11 am to 2:30 pm and from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm. 559-925-7959 Reyna's Restaurant 333 E Street. Call ahead for hours and orders 559-925-9125 Senor Panchos 1250 N Lemoore Ave. Open Tues - Thurs 11 am to 7 pm. Fri - Sun from 11 am to 8 pm. 559-924-8121 Tacos El Grullo 855 N Lemoore Ave. Open Mon - Sun from 10 am to 9 pm. 559-924-9700 Tacos Los Juanes 1025 W Bush St. Open Sun - Thurs from 6 am to 9 pm. Fri - Sat 6 am to 9:30 pm. 559-924-4168 Trinity Justo Bakery/Deli 245 E St. Open from 9 am to 6 pm, closed on Sundays. 559-924-4601 White Top Drive-In 1110 W D St. Open from 10 am to 9 pm, closed on Sundays. 559-924-3887 Zeny's 352 W D St. Open Mon - Sun 10 am to 8 pm. 559-924-4973






THE STAY AT HOME EDITION NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center - - and Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www.nasa. Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. - offer online tours for ites-en-ligne The Louvre, the world’s largest art free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality and antiques museum, was forced to close its experiences” via The Space Center Houston’s doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you app. can no longer waltz into its famous glass exte rior, you can learn something of the phenomNational Women’s History Museum, Virginia. enal collection via a number of virtual tours, everything from Egyptian antiquities tory/online-exhibits Have a late International to the Galerie d’Apollon. Women’s Day celebration with online exhib its and oral histories from the Virginia museThe British Museum, London. britishmuseum. The UK capital’s famed museum has hooked up with Google Arts & Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// Culture, along with more than 2,000 other institutions, to offer an interactive tour. politan-museum-of-art Though the Met Gala Wander through time and click on different arwas cancelled this year, you can still have a tefacts to see them up close, read up on their peak at the The Costume Institute Conversahistory, and hear more information with an aution Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 dio guide. online exhibits. Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. heim-museum-interior-streetview New York sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection tour where you can “amble” along its wind- available online. ing corridor and view works up close, such as Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library by Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also sim- Virtual Tech Tuesdays hosted by Ideaworks. ply gaze upon the building’s remarkable archiTuesday, September 01, 2020 6:00 pm Tuestecture. day, September 15, 2020 6:00 pm Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:00 pm Tuesday, SepThe Smithsonian National Museum of Nat- tember 29, 2020 6:00 pm. https://www. ural History, Washington DC. Move at your own ly-tech-tuesdays/973614283072626/ Ideapace through the 360-degree room-by-room works’ weekly technology meet-up, Tech Tuestour of every exhibit in the museum. day, is moving into the ether as we reboot to take advantage of the very technologies we The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// discuss. This is your chance to explore, learn new skills, and work on advanced paul-getty-museum?hl=en Los Angeles’s pretech projects. Beginners are always welcome miere gallery has two virtual tours, including as we discuss projects using micro-controllers “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closer (such as the arduino’s ATmega328P) and sinlook at food in the Middle Ages and Renais- gle-board-computers (such as the Raspberry sance. pi) working down the path of creating robotics, automation, or “Internet Of Things” projects. National Museum of Anthropology, MexiSo log in and say, “Hi” and tell us what you’ve co City. been up to during the COVID-19 pandemic-inasset/the-national-museum-of-anthropolo- duced isolation and what kinds of electrongy-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-comic projects you’ve been working on, or what mons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the would you like to learn more about. See you pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit then! This is a free, public event. All are welrooms full of Mayan artifacts. come to ‘attend’.

Museum (virtual) Tours

Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline Creative. The free online drawing lessons at Kline Creative website are designed for beginners of any age, from young children to adults. The site offers instructional videos on a range of drawing subjects. The videos are designed to give the beginner core skills to enhance any art medium you choose to use. How to Draw Cartoons! If drawing cartoons is your thing, this site offers plenty of free instruction on the topic. The site covers categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock and Darth Vader.


Morning Metta Meditation by Benessere Fresno. A short meditation practice to cultivate lovingkindness and send it to yourself and others. Great for emotional balancing/ strengthening. Appropriate for all levels and spiritual practices. This class is taking place via a live Zoom meeting. For more information or to register: https://www.benesserefresno. com/schedule/1737f6b9-623f-449e-a119aeab26de675b_1599318000 Children’s Etiquette Online Virtual Course. Daily 1:00pm-2:00pm. free-online-children-s-etiquette-class?geo=paFree Online Ivy League College Courses. lo-alto-ca&location_id=124509&activity_ schedule_id=516789&start_date=&end_ league-moocs Class Central offers free, online date=&aht_cam=blog&aht_src=yourcentralinstruction courses from Brown, Columbia, valley In this course your child will learn the Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, 3 Core Values. They will identify when to use and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, them at home, at school, and when out and about. The link to the video will be sent in your and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with registration confirmation. This is a pre-recordreminders. ed class. We ask the younger students have a parent help them with the writing activities. The Kitchn’s Cooking School. www.thek5 Simple Steps To Ending The feelings Of The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day, 20-lesson iety, Stress, Sadness & Fear That Leads To Deprogram where students tackle an essential pression. Sunday, September 13, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday, September 20, 2020 cooking topic each day. You’ll even have home7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday, September 27, work! Free to join at their website. 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. This is a FREE online event. You will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite with the link so you can access the webinar immediately. Tregistration: https:// | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Learn at Home

12 | SEPTEMBER 2020

Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. Arts Visalia offers a wide array of classes for children and adults. At-Home Art kits for children are available until we are able to meet safely in the gallery. Visit our website for more details and enrollment forms. Arts Visalia’s spring class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children. For more information on all Arts Visalia events and available classes visit our website at or call the gallery at (559) 7390905 CMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Online Workshops. CMAC is offering a series of online workshops that are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a CMAC member to register. Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make thxe best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime.

EVENTS Heal Your Lifelong Binge Eating and Lifelong Dieting [FREE ONLINE EVENT] Wednesday, September 09, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Wednesday, September 30, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Sponsored By Shelby McDaniel, TNT Nutrition Tickets: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/112801113166 Blogilates. blogilates/videos Most of these workouts are about 10 minutes or less, and based around Pilates workouts to help strengthen and tone muscle. The instructor, Cassey, guides you through the routines in the comfort of her home, sometimes with friends, but oftentimes alone. With these short, attainable workouts, and one-on-one instruction, it can feel like you have your own personal trainer right in your living room—minus the hefty price tag that usually comes along with it. Heart and Soul Fitness. There isn’t anything wild or flashy in the production of these videos—it’s just two people working hard, encouraging you to give your best effort, and demonstrating moves you can do that don’t require a lot of floor space. Coach Kozak does the full workout while Claudia models the modifications, so regardless of your fitness level, you will always have someone to follow. Get ready to sweat! Move with Colour. c o m / c h a n n e l / U C Z F d k G 0 3 m Z w KG t 1 _ RJ23vAA These are less of a “I need to get a serious workout in” type class and more of a “I need to burst with joy and smile for 10 minutes straight” sort of thing. While there are a few 45-minute sessions, the majority are just 10 minutes, and leave you mastering a small dance combination. With tons of different music choices you can feel like you’re in a boy band, at a disco, or even in a ‘90s club for a few minutes out of your day. It’s a great way to get your blood pumping and heart racing, but more importantly, these videos are just plain fun. Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed workouts are available on the Facebook page. Workouts are open to anyone, including those who aren’t Planet Fitness members, and typically last around half an hour. Yoga with Adriene. https://yogawithadriene. com/ Can you already twist your body into a pretzel? Great, Adriene is here for you. Can’t even touch your toes? Even better, Adriene is ready to help. She has so many videos and options that it’s almost overwhelming. Keyword: almost. Her soothing voice and relaxed approach to yoga will keep you—and her other 6 million-plus subscribers—coming back for more.

Sweat with SELF. com/playlist?list=PL7Ax6CP9_hgPjjCrA9zNH9ebuvgJ1riXd If you’re looking for some serious (free) “fitspiration,” the “Sweat with SELF” channel is where you should go. From the backdrop of their classes (the NYC skyline is often featured), to the upbeat and spandex-clad instructors, these classes give the most realistic vibe of an in-person group fitness class. You know, but without the group. These classes range from 10 to 30 minutes. However, there is a timer in the corner counting down each move, so the time flies by, as each section is broken up into segments. Most workouts don’t require anything other than your body weight, though some utilize dumbbells and kettlebells. Word to the wise: If you have neighbors living beneath you, these aren’t the videos to bust out at 6 a.m.— be kind and wait at least until 9 a.m. Popsugar Fitness. https://www. videos If you’re looking for classes that will make you feel like you’re working out with friends, Popsugar fitness is exactly what you need.

The Record Club. Record Store Day UK, Official Charts and National Album Day have come together to launch The Record Club, a bi-monthly Facebook Live virtual club, taking place on every other Wednesday at 6.30pm (BST). Hosted by Jess Iszatt (BBC Music Introducing/BBC Radio London) and live streamed simultaneously across the Record Store Day UK, Official Charts and National Album Day Facebook feeds, the idea is to order each Record Club album ahead of the broadcast, listen to the album in full, and then come to the live feed armed with questions. Royal Albert Home. The Royal Albert Hall – yes, THE Royal Albert Hall – is hosting a series of Royal Albert Home performances over the coming days and weeks, which will see “artists sharing their work from their homes to yours”. The free streaming programme already includes Rufus Wainwright, Peter Gregson, Brassed Off and many more. You can also donate to the Hall to show your support. We have Imogen Heap, Kaiser Burning Man (Virtual). Aug. 30th - Sept. 7th. Chiefs and Tim Burgess to look forward to. burning-man Burning Man will not be held on Radiohead. Yes, Radiohead. The band will be Travis Brooks Quaranthe playa in 2020, but will take place virtualposting weekly classic concert videos to their tine Concerts. We look forward to welcoming you back in YouTube channel on Thursdays at 10pm BST vis.brooks Travis is a local artist who performs 2021. (5pm ET). And you can watch them back at weekly livestream concerts that are available your leisure. on his facebook page. He continues to create The Premise (Quarantine Edition): Virtual fresh new content for his fans and supporters Comedy Show. Wednesday, September 09, every week. MTV Unplugged at home. The first install2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wednesday, Sepment of this new MTV Youtube series starts tember 16, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wednesthat will take place every Friday started with Metallica. day, September 23, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wiclef Jean. Link: MTV Youtube MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica have Wednesday, September 30, 2020 8:00 pm launched a new concert series, #Metallica- 9:30 pm. Ticket/registration: https://www. Songkick Live Stream Concerts. Songkick, Mondays, which will see the band stream a the concert connection site, hosts live stream complete Metallica live show on the group’s concerts and in-home performances from naYouTube channel and on Facebook every Diplo offers themed #COVIDseries sets evtional and local artists all over the world. New week. They start at 8pm (EDT) every Friday. ery Friday and Saturday. Watch the livestream events are added daily. Neil Young. Major Lazer offers themed #COVIDseries sets news/4/article?id=Subscriber-Fireside-Sesevery Sunday. Watch the livestream https:// sions-to-stream-from-NYA Neil Young is ing it in the family with his Fireside Sessions The San Diego Zoo. https://kids.sandiego- his wife will be filming while he gives a live Grouplove performs every Monday, With what may be the most concert from his living room, presumably by day and Friday on Instagram Live. Watch the live cam options, this zoo lets you switch bethe fire. It looks like his dogs could feature livestream koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one heavily, too. Young is promising a “down-home plove/ production, a few songs, a little time together”, sitting. which sounds good to us. Find out more via the Dillon Francis hosts weekly livestreams, inMonterey Bay Aquarium. https://www.monNeil Young website, see link below. cluding Taco Tuesdays and Humpday Heaters It in addition to appearing Saturdays on Diplo’s can be Shark Week every week thanks to live online footage of Monterey Bay’s Habitat exCoronight Fever. Watch the livestream https:// hibit. Indigo Girls do an all request livestream every Thursday at 7 p.m. to benefit different charities. Request songs and watch the livestream

Live Concert Streams


Zoo Tours and Wildlife Streams





EVENTS Virtual Dives. vr/?mod=article_inline You won’t need scuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with these stunning high-res 360-degree views of national marine sanctuaries like the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast. You can even pair your device with a virtual reality headset for the ultimate immersive experience. International Wolf Center. http://www.wolf. org/wolves/experience/webcam.asp Highly recommended: the wolf den cam. This morning, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two others moving around the den. As the site explains, the den is the primary resting spot for wolves during the winter months, where they lie on beds of straw for added warmth. During the summer, they’re more likely to be inside, escaping the heat. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco. farallones/ This live streaming web cam lets you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species of seabirds, five species of seals and sea lions, and land birds. Great white sharks and gray, blue, and humpback whales inhabit the surrounding waters. National Wildlife Federation’s Bald Eagle Cam. cfm This camera gets you right up near the nest, about 30 feet off the ground.

Fresno Online/Virtual Game Night: Trivia, Music with Chaia (Ages 1-10) Wednesday, Charades, and Drawing, Hosted by Let’s Roam September 09, 2020 11:00 am - 11:30 am Scavenger Hunt Adventures. Monday-Sun- Wednesday, September 16, 2020 11:00 am day, 6-9pm. Let’s Roam’s Virtual Game Night - 11:30 am Wednesday, September 23, 2020 makes it easy for you to have an epic game 11:00 am - 11:30 am Wednesday, September night any night. A leader in global adventures, 30, 2020 11:00 am - 11:30 am https://www. Let’s Roam has taken our mission virtual, people explore, discover, and connect sic-with-chaia-free-class?geo=palo-alto-ca&lothrough a one-of-a-kind video platform. We’ve cation_id=124447&activity_schedule_ combined crazy-fun games with embedded id=528574&start_date=&end_date=&aht_ video chat software for a game night experi- cam=blog&aht_src=yourcentralvalley Chaia ence that will level up your joy. You’ll take on introduces young children to music, rhythm, five rounds of fun games through Let’s Roam’s and musical notation in a lively way. Children next-level video call software. Virtual Games will sing, dance, and smile along with Chaia you’ll experience: Trivia: 8,000+ questions, May and her cast of characters! Explore the 60+ categories including Rom-Coms, Historange of emotions that her classical and “feelry, 90’s Music, Disney, and more. Get down ing” based stories evoke. Also appropriate for Photography Exhibition at Arts Visalia. Arts to quiz-ness and go brain-to-brain with your children with ADHD and on the Autistic Specfriends. Charades: Can your team guess what trum. Visalia Visual Arts Center. Photography Exhibition, featuring James you’re acting out? This classic party game has Bonafé, Robert Farrell, and William Gerlach. gone virtual. Dozens of themed categories to Crazy Squirrel D&D on Roll20, hosted by Encapsulating the vast beauty of nature, pho- choose from. Let’s Draw: This is Pictionary Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of tographers James Bonafé, Robert Farrell, and with a virtual twist. Guess what your friends adventure continue! Behind the scenes, SquirWilliam Gerlach, have created an enchanting are drawing before time runs out. Trivia About rels have been working diligently to bring you You: Find out how well people know you! Fill exhibition that will be on display from Septemonline D&D adventures, and we’re happy to ber 2nd until September 25th, 2020. A First out a short questionnaire, and Let’s Roam’s announce we’re ready to start. We’ll offer taFriday reception will be held Friday, September platform will auto-generate personalized quesbles for kids only as well as other tables for 4th, 2020, 6-8 p.m., followed by an artist talk tions. Drinking Games: For the party animals, adults.Want to play? We’ll be using Roll20 as this themed game night option offers drinking on September 5th at 2 p.m. These compelling the platform and we’ve stocked our GMs larphotographs come from a variety of locations games and drinking-themed challenges. No der with all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll across the globe, providing an opportunity to more spreadsheets, third party video soft- just need a free account to join a game. Voice experience different parts of the world at Arts ware, and game night chaos. Our game is bun- Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Visalia Visual Art Center. dled right into our custom video call software. Discord Channel. virtual-tours. Access your virtual game night on a desktop, Included in this post is the link for payment laptop, or tablet. for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Manifestation Magic: The Art of Conscious roam_from_home/virtual_game_night?utm_ Please choose the DM and date you want to source=event_brite_free_game Creation. Wed. Sept. 9th. 3:30pm-5:30pm. play. After payment is received you will be put Hosted by Intuitive Counselor & Psychic Meinto the room for chat in discord. Within the dium Diana Harris. Do you desire more joyful room will be the link to the Roll20 game. Break the Barriers Online Silent Auction. abundance and magic in your life? If so it is August 28th at 9:00am - September 12th at time to take your manifestations to the next Kids D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel 6:00pm. Before we dive into the process – we will “The Present”: Goldstar-Exclusive Magic Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure conthebarriersauction This online silent auction first unlearn some gotcha’s – old programs Show Performances -- Online Thursday, Septinue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been (along with other fundraisers) will help provide that hold us back. This is so we can work effectember 10, 2020 5:00 pm PDT* Friday, Sep- working diligently to bring you online D&D adBreak the Barriers with the funding to remain tively with the Divine Law of Manifestation. We tember 18, 2020 5:00 pm *Event originates ventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re open during this difficult COVID-19 season. will explore: The fundamental building blocks in a different time zone with a local start of ready to start. Want to play? These tables for Auction items include two F1B Goldendooof Conscious Manifestation How to clarify our 8:00 pm. Quarantine or not, you can’t deny the kids only. There will be a limit of 6 kids per dle puppies, Huntington Lake cabin vacation, intentions and align with our Soul’s Potential delightful thrill of seeing a surprise package table.We are having this be for kids ages 10round of golf at Fort Washington Country Club, How to create a manifestation practice and appear on your doorstep — especially when it’s 16. We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and round of golf at Sunnyside Country Club, a more. Join us and learn how to create a life from Helder Guimarães. Leave it to this mas- we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the adcase of 36 gel hand sanitizers, gift cards, and that matches your heart and personal truth. ter magician to add a fun, interactive element ventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free much more. This event is offered through Zoom meetings. to these Goldstar-exclusive performances of account to join a game. Voice Chat will take “The Present”. One ticket per household is all place within the Crazy Squirrel Kids Discord Pre-registration is required. Participants will STEPtember 2020. Tues. Sept. 1st - Monday receive an email notification with a login link you need to experience the endless magic of Channel. IncludSept. 28th. STEPand phone number 24 hours before our gath- this one-of-a-kind show. With a maximum of ed in this post is the link for payment for the tember is all about being active. That might be ering. Event times are in EST. 25 households per show, tickets have been game. The price is $10 for the session. Please walking, running, wheeling, or stretching. Con selling out in minutes to this virtual show choose date you want to play. After payment is nect with your friends, family and co-workers Anti-Racism: A Public Professional Learning that has critics and audiences raving. “Expereceived you will be put into the room for chat in a fun, safe, and virtual environment – and Community Webinar Series. Hosted by Enseñariencing outstanding magic isn’t about being in discord. Within the room will be the link to challenge yourself to move the equivalent of mos en el Valle Central. A Public Professional fooled — it’s about grateful surrender. And the the Roll20 game. 10,000 steps a day for 28 days, all while makLearning Community Webinar Series hosted at enchantment of a magician’s goody box in Dolly Parton continues her “Goodnight with ing a difference in the lives of people with ceCalifornia State University, Fresno for current your mailbox.” – Peter Marks, The Washing- Dolly” series, reading children’s books from rebral palsy. Visit, register and future teachers. Tickets: https://www. ton Post. Ticket/registration: http://tracking. her Imagination Library every Thursday at 7 as an individual or team, and click on “Join an Watch the livestream https://www.faceOrganization” and search for UCPCC to partici=210657&aff_sub3=circus-tickets&aff_ fessional-learning-community-webinar-sepate! Join us on our journey to get healthy and ries-tickets-118365200501 sub4=the-present-goldstar-exclusive-mag support UCP of Central California! Tickets are ic-show-performances-online&offer_id=24 $28. 14 | SEPTEMBER 2020 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM | Online Marketing Meetup, Hosted by Bitwise. Tuesday, September 08, 2020 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm events/ Our Meetup dates are on every 2nd Taco Tuesday at 6pm. We will meet at Bitwise South Stadium unless other was mentioned on the event. #OMFresno is for anyone interested in Online Marketing. All skills levels are welcome. I started this group to help grow the marketing community in Fresno. We will be hosting monthly events in the Bitwise South Stadium in Downtown Fresno. We cover the following topics (and more, of course!) If you are a business owner who wants to improve your website or brush up on your internet marketing knowledge, Price: $0-$5.00

Local Virtual Events

Fun for Kids and All Ages

EVENTS Tour the International Space Station (ISS). inline Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams floats through the International Space Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to see our planet down below from the observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station. Virtual Farm Tour. Explore 11 different Canadian farms and food processing facilities. Learn how to milk a cow, go behind the scenes at a sheep farm and meet some of the livestock guardian dogs, or visit an apple orchard. Draw with Ed Vere. Every Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. (he’s posting from the UK) illustrator Ed Vere will share a new “how to draw” lesson via video on his website. So far he’s taught how to draw a lion, a monster and more. The videos remain available on his website after they’re shared, so don’t feel like you have to be up at 6 a.m. Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https:// Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live. Go to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle. com/?mod=article_inline Explore the surface of Mars in the ultimate form of social distancing. While the team at NASA is currently updating the site, you can still take a peek at 360-mode and get a feel for what the Curiosity rover sees every day.

Central Park, New York. centralpark NYC’s green centrepiece is available to tour online. Not only does it show you the sites, it also comes with a guide who talks you through significant events in Central Park’s history as you “travel” from the West 72nd entrance. Ibiza, Spain. Ushuaïa Ibiza, an open-air club on the hard-partying Balearic Island, has launched #StayAtHomeSessions – a re-stream of some of 2019’s best DJ sets from Hï Ibiza and Ushuaïa Ibiza, to bring the party atmosphere to the homes of ravers around the world. The first session was launched on 21 March, featuring SolarIcehotel, Swedish Lapland. https://www. do, Davide Squillace, Camelphat, Nic Fanciulli Andrea Oliva. The streaming sessions alh83fcCg Aurora photography company Lights over Lapland has created experiences for low users to invite friends to join them online. those suffering wanderlust to virtually travel to More virtual events are also in the works. the Icehotel in Swedish Lapland. The 360-deGrand Canyon, Arizona. gree videos allow viewers to visit the local Arctic wilderness, meet local huskies and rein- grca/001/archeology There are plenty of picdeer, go dogsledding and reindeer sledding tures of the famed canyon online, but get a little deeper with a VR archaeological tour. This and even join a Northern Lights hunt. allows armchair travellers to explore and learn more about the history behind the canyon’s Jerusalem, Israel. Wv_0tcndBOG Israel is promoting a whole formation by clicking on different geological series of virtual tours for armchair travellers, features. including one that takes you around Jerusalem’s most famous sights. Videos have a Yosemite National Park, California. voiceover tour guide giving more information yose Experience this natural wonder in real on the city’s holiest places, while 360-degree time by clicking through to its webcams. The functionailty makes it feel more like you’re ex- views include Yosemite Falls, the view of the ploring. Half Dome from the floor of Yosemite Valley, and vistas from the High Sierra captured at 8,000 feet. Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Fancy watching the sun set over Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. these picturesque peaks? You can take a One of the best things about tual tour of the famous Irish geological landmark, which captures 360-degree views and being in the great outdoors is the way you exeven has virtual reality headset capability for a perience it with all your senses. Rocky Mountain National Park has allowed virtual visitors fully immersive experience. to use their ears rather than their eyes, with an online “sound library” that features an array of birds and wildlife found in the park. Weekday Live Streams with Mr. Jon & Friends. events/1074677622899381/ Mr. Jon & Friends is a group that writes and performs music just for kids! With schools are closed, they will be hosting weekday live streams and fun videos at 10:30 a.m. each day. These virtual events are all about fun, music, and laughter. Watch live, and then come back to re-watch alter as often as you’d like. You can find all the info on the Facebook event page

Virtual Destinations



Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. nps. gov/grte Fancy climbing a mountain? You can try out an e-climb with Grand Teton National Park, navigating your way to the 13,770-ft summit (minus the effort). Viewers can also discover the geology and history of the Grand Teton massif along the way, and learn more about the native plants and wildlife. The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. http://www. collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/tour-virtuale.html The national lockdown in Italy has forced the country to a near-standstill, shuttering public events, soccer stadiums and even the Vatican. Now, visitors can tour the interior artworks of the chapel, including its renowned ceiling and The Last Judgment, by Renaissance painter Michelangelo. The Great Wall of China, China. https:// China’s most famous attraction offers virtual tours of some of the most visited sections of the wall, 3000 miles of which are walkable. With much of the country under quarantine measures, the virtual tour offers a reprieve from the crowds who normally come from all over the world to see the 2000-yearold marvel. Walt Disney World. https://disneyparks. Set aside some time, because there’s plenty to see here. Virtual tours you can take include Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot, just to name a few. There are also unofficial YouTube videos that feel just like you’re on famous rides like the Frozen Ever After ride, It’s a Small World, Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!, and Pirates of the Caribbean.






ANTIQUE loveseat bench Great for a project All four legs are sitting on brass wheels Needs to be upholstery some TLC $60 serious buyers only No pay pal no checks (559)9083338

ANTIQUE EAST- ANTIQUE Gold Lamp LAKE SETTEE $275 - very Elegant and its (559) 269-9079 in great Condition $80 (559) 871-2263 COKE CRATE $35 ea text for pictures 559- 304-1831 APPLIANCES

JUKEBOX Missing side glass, needs good cleaning, has key, working, great speakers, Manual 1952 $4000 obo 559-304WOOD dresser in 1831 great shape $100 5597902258 STAINED glass lamp is low light and beauPORCELAIN sign’s tiful when its on (559) small $15 to 25 , poss. 826-2584 Trade for vintage items or ? Have a shop full 4 VINTAGE candleof unique, vintage and holder with the brackantique items call to set ets that hold them Text appointment to check me at 5597531958 out 559-706-3226 or 559-718-4753 SUPPORT LOCAL

16 | SEPTEMBER 2020

WASHER and dryer/ electric - $260 559394-3369 VASE CLEAR 3ft $40 text for pictures 559304-1831 SMALL COUNTER top Black + Decker microwave. Exterior is black with stainless. See photos for specs. Interior turntable is 10 inches. Very clean. Excellent condition. $40 Text (559)790-4812. SUPPORT LOCAL


KENMORE Refrigerator $250 (Kerman) It is in good conditions and work really well. It’s freezes really well and the bottom get really cold as well. We are asking $250 and if you are interested call (559)800-5118 BRAND NEW Aroma Stainless Steel 8-Cup Rice Cooker/Food Steamer. $40 OBO. Call or Text 559-9309122 SINGER SEWING macine rewired $200 cash heavy duty sews through leather (559)301-4816


125CC Coolster 3125R Quads $1395 plus taxes and fees 559-299-1600

2006 4x4 Outlander Max 800 EFI - $6,200 DUAL AXLE Quad trailer. Holds 4 559-213-9451 quads. Gvwr $2,200 rated BRAND NEW KAYO (Oakhurst) BULL 125 For Sale!! 6,000lbs. Roughly 8 $1,999 (Hanford) Fer- ft wide. Surge brakes. oma Motorsports & Comes with a pair of Auo Sales (559)582- ramps that slide into the 5501 www.feromamo- trailer frame. Has pink slip and permanent tags 559-570-4066 2008 YAMAHA Wolverine 350cc (Just BIKES Serviced) $3,999 plus taxes and fees 559-299BOYS BIKE in excel1600 lent condition. Huffy 07 CUSTOM Yamaha 20”. 45 cash. Txt at 661 Rhino. Custom 4 seat 772 3216 roll cage with alumiRaleigh num roof and cus- VINTAGE tom aluminum doors (1970’s) steel frame all powder coated to bicycle with upgradmatch. many other ex- ed components. Shimano 105, new seat, tras too much to list. newer 700C wheel Asking $9500 OBO If interested contact me set and new all terrain tires. The bike frame is at 559-904-9390 straight with no cracks WANTED. I’m look- or dents. The paint ing for 2 super clean could use some TLC quads. The models I’m due to its age. $250 after are Suzuki Ltz Text if interested 559250, Honda Trx 250ex 286-557. , Yamaha yfz 250 I’m a cash buyer and will 26” ADULT Trike travel to pick them up. brand new! $400 New Must have clean clear out of the box adult CA title in hand in your trike, can deliver less name with current reg- than 5 miles radius istration. Call or text show contact info 559761-4383 5596984566


2004 MONTE Carlo SS intimidator supercharged Dale Earnhardt FOR SALE Buick edition V6 automatic Century $3,900 very fast & fun Fully loaddependable and clean ed leather heated seats power windows factory (559)301-4816 alarm upgraded stereo 2006 FORD Fusion asking $3900 call me at Se - $4,950 (Visalia) (209)735-2510 Clean title, Smog, Brand new 2021 tags, 2010 HONDA CIV132k miles. Drives IC LX, runs and drive new, always serviced, like new,clean title and v-6, auto, power locks smoged, good tires, and windows, always paint in good shape, 4 serviced, brand new cylinders, clothes intea/c pump and condens- riors like new, power er , newly tinted win- windows and doors dows,Please text only lock, info call 559 451 7959 559-407-9367


1996 CHEVY camaro z28/SS 128k miles. Badge #2045 with an automatic transmission . It needs some love when it comes to cosmetics, seats need reupholster, dash is broken, and it needs a paint job. It runs like a champ and was my daily driver tags expire in oct 2020. Clean tittle. My asking price is 3800 obo. If you have any other questions please feel free to msg me. 559 942 68O8

2007 FORD Mustang $5950 Clean title smog 130k miles one owner always serviced runs perfect. 4.0 liter, leather, ice cold a/c, automatic, cruise tilt, power windows and locks. We are firm on price all low ball offers won’t be responded to don’t want to waist your time or ours thanks. Please text only 559-296-9616 2007 TOYOTA prius automatic all around great car just hit 170k miles clean title. $5000 call 5593944179

1998 BMW M3 $5,800 Great conditionn Clean title SUPPORT LOCAL 184,000 miles call or text 559-520-2147



DREXEL Heritage Woodbriar Collection 5 Drawer Chest & King Headboard. Very well 2017 CRAFTSMAN made vintage furniriding mower $800 ture. Drexel Heritage new starter, it runs is in the top 6 of used good but sometimes furniture. $600 (559) it doesn’t start. Not 377-0725 sure feels like battery doesn’t have enough MISCELLANEOUS juice to turn over sometimes 708-2064 FOR SALE Buick LAWN EDGER, Century $3,900 very Briggs and Stratton en- dependable and clean gine $40 call 645-7642 (559)301-4816


ALOE VERA plants - $5 Aloe plants medium, large and extra large plants in 1 gal. pots. They are $5, $10, $15. $20 Landscaping Plants, tropical’s, shrubs, flowers, fruit, herbs and succulent plants (559) 307-9366 BRAND NEW Harbor Freight hydraulic push --pull ram set never used. $160 Call 559 360 2977. CRAFTSMAN 3000Watt Gasoline Portable inverter Generator - $650 Brand new with receipt, never used in the box Firm price Selma only 903-2222




HARBINGER APS15 Powered Speaker (Single) $109 Pre-owned Harbinger in good shape. Works great no issues. Powered speaker. Shows some normal wear from use. The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm or call us with any questions at 559-264-5856.

LIKE NEW Outdoor Tuff Stinger 3 OTF2751PK Inflatable One-Person Sport Kayak with Rotatable Paddle, 275-Pound Capacity Includes carry bag. $175 559-214-9835

12 CHAIR link frence panels for dog cage or goat etc. 1 gare & some connections approx 6’ tall 9’ across $1,200 cash (559)301-4816

IBANEZ GIO GSR105EX 5-String Bass In great shape, plays great as well. No issues with this bass. Comes as shown does include a soft case which is not pictured. 5 string. Come check it out and MOTORCYCLES many other musical 2002 HARLEY Road instruments and equipKing Classic $8000 ment The Fresno Hock Great bike it has Shoppe Mon-Fri from 21,084 miles please 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm 559text 5594694060 264-5856 YAMAHA RoadStar for 3500 or Best offer I am the original ownPERSONALS er, it has BUB straight pipes, and the carbu- GOOD LOOKIN, tall, retor is jetted , lots of slim, white male, 70. extras. saddlebags, sis- Looking to meet slim, sy bar good tires, new white female, 60-70 brakes. Runs great. who likes to go westLow mileage. 21,604 ern swing dancing, flea miles. This bike is markets, estate sales, ready to roll. Tags are fishing, and camping. good. Pink in hand. Call 559-779-1021 Call mike at 559-395- please leave a message 5272 if no answer.

RETRO BOOTH x2 one with back one without $1000 each matching stools x4 $800 text or leave mes- 1993 HARLEY Davidson FXDWG Dyna sage (559)779-8999 wide glide anniversary BEAUTIFUL large edition please give me entertainment center a call 559–232–5997. with lighted storage and lots of storage space in the bottom cabinets. For 55” tv (559) 546-3280 GREAT, COMFY sectional for sale. No damage, pillows included. Pick up only. (559) 458-3146



LARGE VARIETY of different name brand clubs, drivers, irons, putters, hybrid, troubles, bags, starter sets. The Fresno hock shoppe has a full line of different golf clubs starting at $1. Starter sets $10. Full sets around $40. Come see these clubs, wakeboards bicycles and more at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Monday Through Friday 10am to 530pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Located at 3235 E Belmont Fresno Ca 93702 (559) 264-5856 TENNIS RACKET bag with 5 rackets $70 obo text for more info 559-304-1831

TRUCKS 1996 SILVERADO z71 4wd $6300 (Kerman) (559) 728-6262 1989 JEEP Wrangler lifted, gears, lockers,winch,fuel injection! $7000 (Visalia) (559) 300-7700

2004 TOYOTA Tacoma double cab. Runs great, automatic transmission, air conditioner is cold, has new tires. V6 motor, it’s not FOOD Concession a 4x4. In Spanish call Trailer 16 Foot Equip- 346-9194 for English ment Included $18,00 346-9195 $10,500 OB 291-9864 or 29803 TAHOE z71 4x4 4725 with smog n tags 190. TRAVEL Trailer 2008 miles clean title exel26ft long $11800 412- lent $3600 644-5434 0629 97 AIRBUS Motorhome 32 foot $12,000 OBO 291-9864 or 298-4725






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18 | SEPTEMBER 2020


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3 BEDROOM 2 BATH house available July 1st. ( Behymer and Maple) $2,000 a month (gardening service is included). $2,000 deposit HELP WITH your housing needs. Please con- Please call 213-7600 tact Destinee or visit website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or 3BD/2BTH Country home in Reedley Double visit our website www.ApartmentRentalsLLC. car garage, fenced front yard and a fenced back yard. $1500 $2000 deposit (559)318-4897 com


$1,600 / 3br - 1700ft2 - House for Rent (Oakhurst 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment located near town of Oakhurst, Fireplace, yard. new wood flooring and carpet. $1600 per month plus deposit pets, must have good credit and job. text only 559-760-6011

$1195 / 3BR - 1261ft2 - 3 Bedroom Home with Tile & Hardwood Floors Properties are only shown to an approved applicant. www.rentpms. com, or call 559-221-3151

$1,695 / 4BR - 1767ft2 - Beautiful and spacious four bedroom home in Northwest Fresno For $995 / 1BR - 800ft Expand your lifestyle at The more information or other available properties Victor Apartments, located across the street from please visit, or call 559-221Bulldog Stadium and just steps from Fresno State 3151 University. The Victor is designed for the ultimate college experience. -Furnished Suites Available -Study Center -New Energy Efficient Vinyl Windows -In-Home Washer/Dryer -Central AC $179,0002 BD1 BA 936 sqft This charming 2 -Online Leases -Access to Fresno State Bulldog bed, 1 bath house has exactly what you’ve been Express Bus Route -Pet Friendly -Free 150 Mbps looking for! The front is spacious enough to Comcast Internet -Separate Dining Area -Energy accommodate an RV if needed. Notice the new Efficient Appliances -Controlled Access/Gated roof and stucco before entering the front door Community Pricing and availability are subject to and seeing the new flooring throughout. The change (833) 355-3980 kitchen has been given new granite countertops,

Houses For Sale

GOLDEN GARDENS Apartments is well located near schools, shopping, Tower District and Fulton Mall. Three bedroom apartment has two bathrooms and plenty of space! Golden Gardens, managed by Winn Residential 2130 North Marks Ave Fresno, CA 93722 559-512-7020

Houses For Rent $1395 RENT / $1395 Deposit 3 Bd / 1 Bth Amenities: Home is Completely Remolded & Fenced In!! Kitchen has a granite counter tops, gas stove, white kitchen cabinets / Small kitchen nook area, Living Room w/ ceiling fan / Laminate Wooden Floors Throughout / Bathroom has shower & tub combo / Washer & Dryer Hook Ups / Large Backyard / Backyard Gate opens to drive way for parking / Central AC & Heating / 1292sqft Fresno Unified School District- Roosevelt High School, Sequoia Middle School, and Lane Elementary School District (Please verify with school district) (559) 261-0208 3 + 2 and Garage in North Coarsegold , Highway 41 - corner of Holly Lane , water is included new A/C system , must apply and qualify , minimum 1 year Lease $1655 / 3br - 1705ft Call 559-760-4366 photos available text for an application and interior photos (North COARSEGOLD) CLOVIS COTTAGE Home for Lease Like new 1 bed 1 bath 2 car garage call broker for more info $1250 559-940-1246

as well as new, tasteful, stainless steel appliances. (559) 999-8587

$282,500 / 2BR - 1591ft2 - Remodeled Condo in Gated Community remodeled two-story home is located within the gates of the Northridge Terrace Community that offers a pool and BBQ area. It is the largest model available at nearly 1,600 sq.ft. offering two en-suite master bedrooms, one on each level. The home has granite countertops throughout the large kitchen and 2 1/2 bathrooms. French doors to the garden with a hide-away screen slider, interior doors, baseboard and trim are among the newly replaced features of this spectacular home. This light and bright home offers new flooring throughout, a large loft overlooking the downstairs living room, indoor laundry room, two car garage and Nest thermostat/camera smart technology. The tranquil backyard offers a remote controlled water fountain, peach tree, raised garden bed, and mature Maple tree. Private showings may be scheduled for pre-approved buyers only. Doyle (805) 890-9827 $299,9503 BD2 BA 1496 sqft Tarpy Village gem, room to grow your family, business or just live on your own terms. Pontiac offers new flooring, updated kitchen and bath. The 14,640 SqFt +/- lot means more room to breath. Business owners, 2-double wide gates and parking area to store your large and small trucks. Detached garage has a shop and an extra room, let your mind run wild, woman/man cave or secret room. 26,000-gallon pool with child protective fencing will make your new home the party place for family. (559) 917-3246 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |






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