Fresno Flyer Vol 5 No 2

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EDITOR’S NOTE A great many things are demanding our attention right now. The pandemic refuses to relax its hold, virtual learning for kids has turned into an exponentially exhausting circus, the Creek Fire destroyed some of our most beloved communities, and the election is rounding the corner – yet, another sideshow catastrophe. We’re overwhelmed. We’re tired. We need a break. It’s easy to say that you ought to lean on your family and friends now more than ever, to stay connected, to talk to one another. However, it takes for granted the idea that everyone has a support system or relevant technology allowing them that luxury. Some of you may live alone and may not own a computer or a smartphone. Or maybe you do, but there’s no one to provide that outlet with you. Many of us have “fair weather” friends – those we share light pleasantries with, but not the ones we know we can call in a pinch if we ever needed to move a body. (not literally, of course, it’s a figure of speech… you know what I mean). The point is that we all need a connection to the outside world, a way to make sense of it, because doing so helps us in return, to understand where we stand in it. With everything going on out there, we can’t afford not to at least try. Sometimes, it’s a single conversation with another person. Other times, it’s a blog, column,


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or article that provides that connection. With us, the Flyer, you’re more than welcome to do one or the other, or both. I love receiving letters in the mail – hard copy letters, not email (those are great, too, but letters are where it’s at). The ones that ask in-depth questions about the content we’ve covered or provide a genuine inquiry into the socio-political landscape are my favorite and are always appreciated. I may not always have a chance to respond as quickly as I’d like, but I promise to respond to those. We’re happy to be your connection to the outside world if you find you need one. Maybe a pen-pal situation isn’t your jam, and you’re looking for a more active role. Write for us. Or rather, write for yourself, on a subject you’re passionate or curious about, and let us print it. If you’ve never attempted such a thing, let us guide you through it. As a writer, I will say that it is often cathartic to tackle difficult subjects I’m not entirely familiar with. I research, talk to folks with the first-hand experience, and then synthesize it all down into an article that provides an explanation and story to the public. It’s always an educational experience that broadens my understanding of the world. Perhaps, it’ll do the same for you. We’re more than a magazine; we’re your community in 20 pages. Connect with us, and connect with others through us.

Photo by Quinn Padilla

GONE IN AN INSTANT By Dave Fountinelle |


“his was our family cabin,” Quinn Padilla notes in a video tour of the property where he once lived. He recorded it on Sept. 7th, shortly before the Sheriff’s Office issued evacuation orders for the Huntington Lake area. In the clip, he walks through the main cabin, documenting the various mementos and furnishings acquired over generations of ownership. “There’s smoke in the air, it’s all around us right now,” he narrates, tilting the camera up to reveal a hazy layer of orange-tinted smoke. It was so dense it obscured the tops of the redwoods surrounding the property. The second video he shares begins with him standing in the same spot as the previous one. Only this time, there are just piles of smoldering ash where the circle of cabins used to be. A few half-melted metal appliances and charred frames stick out, and a giant scorched fallen tree lies right through the middle of it all. The tall, green pines that previously circled the lot are now blackened skeletons. The air is foggy with grey smoke, and ash falls through the air like snowflakes. “So, for uh, 111 years there was a cabin standing here. This is all that’s left. Just a bunch of twisted fucking metal. There’s nothing left. It’s all gone,” Quinn sighs as he walks through the wreckage. “God help us all.” Padilla’s family cabin predated the Lakeshore resort. It was built in 1909 before the U.S. designated it as a national park. It’s

been his family’s cabin since 1969. The fires reduced a lifetime of memories to ash overnight. The fires came so quickly there wasn’t enough time to save anything. “The fire jumped 2 miles in a day,” Padilla explains. “We had a fire tornado rip through here. I have never seen a fire tornado in my life. It sounded like a jet engine, and it just wiped out everything in its path.” When the order to evacuate came down, many of the residents in the area hastily packed up what they could and fled to safety. A handful of the Lakeshore Resort staff, including Padilla and owner Steve Sherry, decided to defy the evacuation order and stay behind to protect as much of their community as they could. “That’s our home and our land, we’re not going anywhere,” Padilla states. With that, they made fire lines clear cut paths that separate sections of unburned forest growth to contain a wildfire cutting down trees, and clearing an “escape route” to the docks. On Monday, Sept. 14th, the fire chief informed them that the fire had jumped 2 miles in less than 12 hours and was now just one hour away from their location. The Lakeshore crew prepared with a boat full of supplies, ready to head out to the tiny sandbar “island” that sits in the middle of the lake and wait it out if necessary. “We had the pontoon boat and a jet ski | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

that we used to do recon around the area and get a feel for how things were going and where the fire was moving,” Padilla explained. Padilla described 200ft flames that towered above the tree line and how intense the heat felt, even on the other side of the lake from the fires. Huntington Lake is famous for its sailing weather, but those high winds had made containing the fire a nightmare for the Cal Fire crews. On Tuesday, Cal Fire crews with bulldozers helped dig fire lines around Lakeshore Resort and nearby condos. The Lakeshore crew also had three small loaders that they were using to help clear away brush and debris for fire lines. “Cal Fire helped us tremendously,” Owner Steve Sherry adds. “Those guys worked hard and got a lot done in a very short amount of time. I can’t say enough about what a great job they did for all of us here.” Despite all of their hard work, however, there were problems that the outof-town crews faced working in an unfamiliar area. “They just didn’t know where some things were,” Sherry explained, adding, “At one point, they had no water. So, we had to show them where the hook up was and get it working for them.”


Opinions were mixed regarding the efforts of the Huntington Lake VFD. Padilla was critical of their efforts. “I feel like they just cut and run on Saturday [the 12th],” he said. “They left their equipment in a parking lot, and we didn’t see them again.” Sherry reserved criticism. Instead, he credited them for doing the best they could, given the circumstances. “I know these guys,” he said, “They’re good guys. They work hard. I’ve worked with them a lot over the years. We’ve done fundraisers with them. I think they did as much as they could.” Unfortunately, the Lakeshore crew’s refusal to comply with the evacuation order would eventually catch up to them. By mid-week, the sheriffs arrived to order the men to clear out. When Sherry refused to leave, a sheriff handcuffed him for allegedly impersonating a fire official. This claim was little more than a pretense to remove him from the property. The sheriff drove him into town and dropped him off. “It wasn’t about our safety,” Padilla snorted, “We were always safe and in constant communication with everyone. This was just about us not obeying the evacuation order.” To which he added, “They took away our ability to fight for our homes.”

Continues on pg 4... | FRESNO FLYER |

OCTOBER 2020 |


...‘Gone’ cont’d from pg 3

Someone to take care of us By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


think we all might be feeling a need to be taken care of lately. We’ve been taking care of so many things over the past few months without our usual escapes and support networks available to us. Add nearby devastating fire and poor air quality and the world becomes so much heavier. Wouldn’t it be great to just have someone magically appear to take over some of your responsibilities, some of your worries? Someone who would tell you it’s all going to be ok? Like a genie in a bottle. Maaaybeee you are your own genie. You know the best ways to fill your soul so that you can feel taken care of. You know the hobbies or friends or alone time that will fill you. Give yourself the permission you need to become your own genie, and get started. I suggest you begin by purposely scheduling time to focus just on you. Engage whole-heartedly in something you love. You know how that feels...all thoughts of anything else fade away because you’re so engrossed in what you’re doing; time flies, and you feel light and upbeat with the sense that you are totally in yourself. Those heavy cares disappear while you’re doing what you love. You don’t have to set aside a lot of time. It could be a couple of times a week for a block of time, or every day for a shorter period of time. Try to really dive in while you’re doing

Continues on pg 7...


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Adding to that frustration was the Lakeshore crew’s feeling that their community had been largely ignored in favor of higher priority assets in the area. Both Padilla and Sherry described the relief they felt when extra fire crews arrived in the area and began aggressively working on digging breaks and working on containment. However, it was quickly replaced with exasperated disappointment. Those same fire crews abruptly left after securing just a few high-value areas — namely the SoCal Edison Big Creek station and some multi-million-dollar residential properties. “They never brought in any air support,” Sherry lamented. “Never dropped any water or retardant around here at all.” Padilla shared his boss’s frustration, saying, “It feels like we just weren’t important enough to fight for … that’s what’s so irritating about this whole situation. We were willing and able to stay there and fight for our homes and our community. We never ran, we never relinquished ground until the authorities removed us.” A week later, the news was positive for Lakeshore Resort. “We’re still standing so far,” Sherry sighs. “I’m trying to get approval to get back up there and check on the properties, retrieve some equipment and personal belongings, and just get a visual on what the situation is like there.” Speculation from local authorities was that residents could begin returning by mid-October. Not soon enough, according to Sherry. “We aren’t going to wait that long;

Fire Resources Evacuation Centers: *Any Evacuees looking for shelter, food, and additional resources please visit/register with one of the following locations to get connected with Red Cross and Department of Social Services. Local Assistance Center, Clovis Veterans Memorial District, 808 4th St, Clovis, CA 93612 Animals: All small animals are now located with the Fresno Humane Society. Contact (559) 600-PETS (7387) or visit For help with livestock, please contact the Central California Animal Disaster Team by calling or texting 1-888-402-2238 or or its Facebook page at For lost or missing pets from evacuation zone, please contact the shelter or Red Cross. Livestock donations should now be directed to the emergency animal shelter at Reedley college. Contact is David Clark, 559-260-1538.

we can’t.” There’s never a shortage of finger-pointing during a crisis, and the Creek Fire has been no exception. Democrats in Sacramento, including Governor Newsom, have blamed the severity of the 2020 fire season largely on the consequences of global warming, while Republicans blame poor forest management and logging restrictions. Having grown up in his family’s ill-fated cabin, Padilla had seen first-hand how 30+ years of environmental policymaking created a perfect storm for super fires such as this one. “The Drought had a huge impact on these trees, as did the bark beetles. They chewed these trees up and basically covered the ground with sawdust,” Padilla explains. “These trees are dry and brittle, like matchsticks.” According to both Padilla and Sherry, forest management is the single most significant factor responsible for these fires’ severity. “Everything changed drastically about 10-15 years ago,” Padilla noted. “All the effort was focused on Hwy 168 and that side, while everything on the backside has been completely ignored.” Padilla described fire access trails blocked by fallen trees and debris, making it impossible for fire crews to reach some of the worst hot spots. “They just didn’t do enough to maintain the trails and work in a proactive way to prevent this from happening in the first place.” Sherry echoes Padilla’s sentiment, adding, “All of us who live and work here, we’ve known for years what the problems

were and what to do about them. But nobody in Sacramento wants to listen or do anything until it’s too late. All of this could have been prevented, or at the very least, it could have been a lot less severe. Maybe now they will start taking [forest management] seriously, while we still have some forest left.” To date, the Creek Fire is about 40% contained. Families in the Huntington Lake area should start getting the ok to return home in the next few weeks. Some who have lost their cabins have already been allowed passes to assess the damage. As residents begin the long, painful process of rebuilding, some are doing their part to collect donations on behalf of the community to help those who need it. Sherry’s son-inlaw admins the Huntington Lake Facebook page, which locals and neighboring communities have used to coordinate donations and drop-offs. Their most critical needs are the most obvious ones – food, clothing, gas, or other gift cards for residents, hot meals and cold drinks for fire crews and volunteers. “You can’t imagine what this is like until you’ve experienced it first-hand,” Sherry says. “We’ve got a long, difficult road ahead. But we’re a different type of people up here. We don’t back down; we don’t give up. We look out for each other, and we fight for what’s ours. We’ll get through this like we always do, together.” For more information on ways you can help the families affected by the Creek Fire, you can visit the Huntington Lake Facebook Page, or contact the Red Cross at www.redcross. org/donate/donation.html/

Donations: Please DO NOT donate material goods that have not been specifically requested and coordinated with the emergency operation. Despite the best intentions, unsolicited donated items are NOT needed and can quickly overwhelm relief efforts. When possible, make monetary donations to reputable organizations helping those affected and/or register with them to volunteer your time. If you wish to donate goods, please contact your relief organization of choice first to identify the specific needs and make appropriate arrangements. Thank you.

Resources for Returning After a Fire: Fresno County Fire After Fire Resources (safe water and well treatment)

American Red Cross - Donations (559-455-1000) Find Info On: American Red Cross - Shelter Resources American Red Cross - Safe and Well - Find Loved Ones Detailed Fresno Sheriff’s Office - Creek Wildfire Evacuation Zone Map Incident Overview Announcements Closures US Forest Service - Sierra National Forest CalFire - Creek Fire Madera County Sheriff - Updates



Behavioral Health Resources: Behavioral Health Disaster Fatigue Resources or call 1-800-654-3973 Central Valley Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-2738255 Crisis Text Line 741741 Fresno County Behavioral Health Access Line 1-800654-3937 California Peer-Run Warm Line 1-855-845-7415 Behavioral Health Non-Emergency Warm Line- 559600-WARM (9276) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800985-5990 For Missing Persons Contact Fresno County Sheriff 559-600-3111 For Missing Persons Contact Madera County Sheriff 559-658-2555

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts Hallloween

1. The word “witch” comes from the Old English wicce, meaning “wise woman.” In fact, wiccan were highly respected people at one time. According to popular belief, witches held one of their two main meetings, or sabbats, on Halloween night. 2. The Mexico celebrates the Days of the Dead (Días de los Muertos) on the Christian holidays All Saints’ Day (November 1) and All Souls’ Day (November 2) instead of Halloween. The townspeople dress up like ghouls and parade down the street. 3. Dressing up as ghouls and other spooks originated from the ancient Celtic tradition of townspeople disguising themselves as demons and spirits. The Celts believed that disguising themselves this way would allow them to escape the notice of the real spirits wandering the streets during Samhain. 4. The longest haunted house in the world is “Factory of Terror” in Canton, Ohio.

5. Halloween celebrations in Hong Kong are known as Yue Lan or the “Festival of the Hungry Ghosts” during which fires are lit and food and gifts are offered to placate potentially angry ghosts who might be looking for revenge.

6. The average bag of candy that one child will collect on Halloween contains about 11,000 calories. 7. The original name of Count Dracula in Bram Stoker’s famous book was Count Wampyr. 8. In a few American cities, Halloween was originally called “Cabbage Night.” The name is on a Scottish fortune-telling game in which girls would use cabbage stumps to predict who their future husband would be. 9. The blockbuster movie Halloween was filmed in just 21 days. 10. In Dublin, Georgia, it is illegal for anyone over the age of 16 to wear a mask, sunglasses, or any other facial covering on Halloween. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

11. In Alabama, it is illegal to dress up as a priest or as a nun on Halloween. 12. The original creator of Milk Duds wanted to make the candies into perfect circles. When that proved impossible, he called them “duds.” He added the word “milk” to refer to the large amount of milk used to make the candy. 13. Children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian/ car accident on Halloween than on any other night. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


OCTOBER 2020 |



By I. smiley G. Calderón |



een writing this column for five months now - but it’s needed now more than ever. Blame it on human nature, I don’t know - but it’s safe to say we’ve become a bit tired of our new pathetic pandemic reality. Certain complacency has settled in a little, and for some, a little too much. I hear it all the time: “I don’t know anyone sick” or “My friend got the coronavirus, and it wasn’t that bad.” All excuses to let your guard down and pretend that COVID-19 is no longer a threat to you. But nothing could be farther from the truth. And no, I’m not trying to be a fearmonger - don’t accuse me of that. Instead, look at the facts as we know them: 33,279,488 total confirmed global coronavirus cases (undoubtedly more by the time you read this) and 1,000,825 deaths. And, as you already know, we’re leading the world with over 7 million cases here in the United States, with over 205,000 deaths. Stop to think about that number. Stop and think about it. Over 205,000 Americans DEAD. Because of COVID. And all of these deaths were very unexpected for these poor pandemic victims. Just months ago, the coronavirus was only a foreign, distant threat. Massive death from a microbe seemed unlikely in the most advanced and modern country on the planet. But then, suddenly, like a raging Californian wildfire, it rapidly spread. In only a matter of months, it has already resulted in more American casualties than our wars. It’s been a horrific tragedy. But, don’t you remember just a few months ago when it was almost unimaginable to think that we’d ever reach this awful benchmark number? It’s incredible. Did you really think it was even possible to get here back in March? I didn’t want to believe so. Still, the magnitude of death the coronavirus has wreaked upon us in such a short time is so piercing that it’s almost inconceivable. We’ve lost dear family and friends way too soon. Friends and family that would be alive


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today should be alive today - if it weren’t for COVID. It’s purely shocking. Here in Fresno County alone, we’ve had over 28,000 total cases and 390 deaths. For months, our coronavirus risk level was considered ‘widespread’ by Sacramento - the worst of California’s four-level tier system. Our risk color code had been purple, tier one, for so long that I thought we were going to have to change the colors to our official county seal to match. For months, we consistently had more than seven new cases per 100,000 residents almost every day, with a weekly average positivity rate of over 8% of those tested. (and since Fresno County’s population is roughly 1 million, that means that we had seen more than 70 new cases every day). Thankfully, though, we have seen a recent slight decline in our positivity rates and daily new caseloads. So we have ‘graduated’ to the red tier, called the ‘substantial’ tier, the second-worst COVID community risk category. This means that we’ve had less than seven but more than four new positive cases per 100,000 or between 40-70 every day with a positivity rate between 5-8% - which is good news. Yet still, right now, there are scores of people hospitalized with COVID-19 fighting for their lives. So, yes, the threat is still real today as it has ever been no matter what popular opinion may say or suggest. Fresno county could be knocked back to purple like a black eye if our infection rates increase again. Some fear that the worst is still yet to come. As the fall and winter months cause more people to spend more time inside around others, and as people increasingly grow weary of wearing masks and practicing social distancing, the coronavirus may become even more ‘efficient’ in exploiting our community weaknesses resulting in increased infections. Which is why we just cannot drop our guard. A local friend of mine, who’s been very COVID-careful since the beginning of

the pandemic (practiced social distancing, hand sanitizing, and faithfully wearing his mask), told me the other day a family member who recently lived with him tested positive. And, unknowingly, he had just spent the day with him helping him gather his belongings to move. When my friend learned the news the next day by phone, he was crushed. At home, like all of us do, he let his guard down and didn’t mask-up or do any of the safety measures that he had been so carefully practicing outside the house. He didn’t know that his visiting ex-roommate was positive. No one knew yet. So, does this mean that he will now catch COVID and die? No - but his risk factor went up because he was exposed to it without protection. And, not surprisingly, so did his anxiety and stress with the fear that he would get sick - which in itself may weaken the immune system. In reality, we can’t control external factors like our friends’ or family’s coronavirus risk factors or exposure - all we can do is our best to protect ourselves - which, when you really think about it, also protects everyone around us - for sure, wearing your mask around others is probably the most neighborly and considerate action you can take to help fight this pandemic right now. I know this can be incredibly difficult when we live with multiple people with different coronavirus protection practices and risk factors. Still, somehow we all have to get on the same page with the people we live with, to be careful not to introduce the virus at home where we are unprotected and vulnerable. Yet, there’s good news for those who have been taking COVID seriously, especially for you mask-wearing dummies like me. Last month, researchers from the University of California at San Francisco suggested: “that an ordinary face mask could actually work a bit like a vaccine and give you immunity against the Covid-19 coronavirus.” That’s right, wearing your mask could impart some coronavirus immunity to you through a process called variolation. Drs. Gandhi and Rutherford explain: “Variolation was a process whereby people who were



susceptible to smallpox were inoculated with material taken from a vesicle of a person with smallpox, with the intent of causing a mild infection and subsequent immunity.” Hey, if it’s good enough for the smallpox virus - a vicious virus that humankind successfully eradicated in 1977 - it’s good enough for the coronavirus, I always say. The idea is that, by wearing a mask, you are protecting yourself from the coronavirus - but not just in the obvious way of keeping the virus from passing into your nostrils or mouth. Since your mask may be letting the coronavirus pass through and infect you (depending on how efficient your mask is at keeping it out) - your infection would involve a much smaller viral load at much smaller capacity. It may then allow your immune system to develop protections against it. Sometimes this works, but it’s not as safe as vaccination. With variolation, sometimes those inoculated develop the fullblown disease. Still, most of the time, their immune systems produce protections against it. In the case of exposure while mask-wearing, then your mask would be, in a sense inoculating you with minimal viral load big enough to trigger a successful immune response - but not too large to cause disease. I bet you didn’t think your mask-wearing was protecting you in more ways than one. Who would have thought that, by doing the socially considerate and ethical practice of wearing your mask in public, would also come a bonus of immunity? I love it. So, until next time, my friends, keep on wearing your masks and keep on being alert and safe. Remember to vote (whether by mail, the ballot box, or in-person) - and not just for the sensational national or statewide contests - but also really take the time to truly understand what’s at stake at the district, city, and county level because each race this season is as crucial for the immediate future of our communities as is wearing that mask. Oh, so very crucial.

...‘Healthy’ cont’d from pg 4

2020 has shown us why America needs journalists By Randy Evans


here is one week set aside each year to salute newspapers for the important role they have played in our nation, a role that goes back to the beginning of these United States. This year, however, waiting until October 4-10 and National Newspaper Week has been difficult, because the coronavirus pandemic and a variety of major news events across our land have tested newspapers, and our communities, in ways we might never have fathomed. Taking stock of the contributions by newspapers, large and small, serves as an important reminder of why our Founding Fathers wrote freedom of the press into the Constitution’s Bill of Rights --- and why the theme for this year’s National Newspaper Week, “America Needs Journalists,” is so appropriate. We have seen our lives and our communities change in dramatic ways because of coronavirus. In the early weeks, businesses closed their doors and government offices were darkened in response to directives that all but the most essential workers should remain at home to guard against spreading the disease. Newspapers scrambled to protect their employees, too. But newspapers still needed to be produced to serve their readers and communities and to fulfill that vital information function the Founding Fathers envisioned. Journalists quickly educated themselves on the coronavirus and shared that knowledge with readers. They kept their communities informed --- telling readers where tests were available, reporting on local

test results, sharing the heartbreaking news of deaths, and alerting people about employment changes at local businesses. Journalists turned to their kitchen tables, spare bedrooms and basement offices to take the place of the newsrooms where they had gathered with colleagues a few weeks earlier. While the locations changed, the core mission of newspapers did not. Newspapers have long served as “watchdogs” over government. The pandemic magnified the significance of this role because the virus closed most government offices, and meetings of school boards, city councils and county officials moved onto Zoom. Reporters have always tried to be vigilant over the way state and local governments use tax money and make decisions. But in 2020, journalists also have worked to keep up with the dynamic nature of the coronavirus testing data. They have tried to make sense of the metrics government leaders have relied upon in making decisions on mask wearing, social distancing, and backto-school directives. The most potent tool of newspapers continues to be the spotlight. They shine it on problems that need to be addressed and on solutions that ought to be considered. They shine it on stories that are heartwarming and uplifting. At other times, they shine it on topics that might raise the blood pressure of readers. There has been a long tradition of newspapers advocating for the public’s access to government meetings and records so citizens know what their government is doing, or not doing. This is hugely important now | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

and long term, because government should conduct its business --- really, it’s the public’s business --- in open, not in secret, so citizens have the opportunity to share their views on forthcoming decisions. The important work of newspapers stretches far beyond government buildings, however. Newspapers are there to introduce readers to interesting people. They tell their communities about events that are coming up. They provide the stuff that finds its way into families’ scrapbooks and onto the doors of refrigerators --- news items about awards received, honors bestowed, touchdowns scored, prizewinning pigs shown at local fairs, and on and on. And in times of great distress --during killer hurricanes and tornadoes, horrendous floods and wildfires --- newspapers step up in ways that truly can make the difference between life and death. Newspapers have done that this year, once again being the go-to source for vital details the public needs --- the lists of places where people can charge their cellphones, laptops and medical equipment, the locations of shelters and meal distribution sites, and places where people can get drinking water or provide a helping hand to those in need. The immense challenges we all have dealt with this year clearly underscore the fact that America needs journalists. *** Randy Evans is executive director of the Iowa Freedom of Information Council. He was a newspaper reporter and editor in Iowa for 42 years.


it; tuck everything else into the back of your mind. For some help, clue your family in. I am positive that they would love to help any way they can; we all love helping. You have to be the one to make it a priority, though. Once they see how important it is to you, they will likely follow your lead. If you’re anything like me, it probably feels like there’s not enough time in the day. But I think if you really look at how you spend your time, you’ll see that there are some available minutes. How much time are you spending looking at social media posts around things that aren’t very interesting to you? Or, how many minutes are you watching something on Netflix/HBOmax/Disney+/(name your channel) that you don’t even enjoy? These activities are distractions from the world, but they don’t take care of you. Be deliberate and put your phone down or leave your television off, and focus on something that is about you. This will likely be a challenging action because I’m guessing that most of us have created a habit of turning to electronics as our easiest escape. Make the effort to push them aside. Make it a point to put your focus time on repeat, with a literal plan of when you’re going to do it. The goal is to have become a habit. If you don’t build it into your everyday life, you won’t be making it, or you, a priority. And you deserve and need to put yourself in a position of being taken care of. Consider it a loving gift to yourself. You may truly just want someone to show up and take care of you. But, for right now, that person might only be you. By rearranging how you focus your time, you’re giving yourself permission to simply do what brings you joy. That will make the rest of your life easier to manage. Nadine is a Wellness Mindset Coach for exhausted moms who want to prioritize their health by giving themselves permission to stop obsessing over perfection while they become confident in their own healthy abilities, without guilt or compromising their family life. Nadine can be reached at npbwellnesscoach@gmail. com, and is on Instagram @npbwellnesscoach.


OCTOBER 2020 |


tate — typically a lot less than what it’s worth today. If this measure passes, property taxes for many large businesses would be elevated to the property’s current, probably higher, market value. That would net $6.5 to $11.5 billion — 60% for cities, counties and special districts, and 40% for schools and community colleges. Not (directly) affected: homeowners, and businesses with under $3 million in California property. Farm land would be exempt. An analysis by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office wasn’t able to determine whether the buildings and other improvements on that land would be too.


More than two-thirds of state lawmakers — motivated by racial inequities highlighted by the police killing of George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis — voted to put this measure on the November ballot. Essential to the argument of reinstating affirmative action is the concern that Black, Latino and Native American Students have seen their access to the University of California harmed. The data on the matter is complex, giving fodder to both opponents and backers of Prop 16 to select the data that best fits their arguments. Since affirmative action was banned, the sheer number of Black and Latino students admitted as freshmen to the UC has quadrupled. But while Black and Latino students make up 60% of California’s high school enrollment, they comprise just 28% of UC freshmen admits in 2019. Getting into a UC has gotten tougher for all applicants, but Black, Latino and Native American students have seen their admissions rates plunge more than white and Asian American applicants. Some advocates warn that reinstating affirmative action invariably would mean a decline in Asian American enrollment.



Restore affirmative action in California — meaning universities and government offices could factor in someone’s race, gender or ethnicity in making hiring, spending and admissions decisions. The practice has been illegal in California since 1996, when voters approved another proposition that banned affirmative action. Prop. 16 would reverse that vote. An example of how Prop. 16 might work: Back when California did allow affirmative action, state offices set goals for how many contracts they awarded to women-owned and minority-owned businesses. What it wouldn’t do: create racial quotas in university admissions. The U.S. Supreme Court banned those in 1978.



Prop14 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 14 DO? Have California continue funding stem cell research, by borrowing up to $5.5 billion. Prop. 14 would generate the money to keep open the state’s own stem cell agency, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and expand its research capacity. That would include dedicating $1.5 billion for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, epilepsy, and other brain and central nervous system diseases. The rest of the money would go for other research, medical training, building new research facilities and expanding treatment access. The state would sell investors bonds worth $5.5 billion, and taxpayers would then pay back that money, with interest, over the next 30 years. Estimated cost: $7.8 billion. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? It may seem like eons ago in political years, but in the early 2000s a political war had erupted over embryonic stem cell research.


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Think of the stem cells that make up human embryos are blank slates — uniquely useful to researchers, they haven’t yet differentiated to form vastly different parts of the body. To maintain a cell supply, scientists must destroy lab-created human embryos, typically produced for in-vitro fertilization. Pro-life advocates likened this to abortion, leading then-President George W. Bush to ban federal funding for research using new embryonic stem cells. Touting possible cures for diseases from Parkinson’s to paralysis, Californians opted in 2006 to fill the federal void by borrowing $3 billion to create California’s own stem cell agency. Now that money is drying up. Without a fresh infusion, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine will cease to exist.

Prop15 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 15 DO? Hike property taxes on big businesses, raising billions for schools and local governments. Now, owners pay property taxes based on the price they originally paid for that real es-


Back in 1978, California voters famously passed Proposition 13 — a huge permanent tax cut for landowners. It amended the state constitution to reset property taxes based on the purchase price of a home or business, and capped how much the tax could increase each year after that. To strip businesses of this protection, a majority of voters must approve Prop. 15 — amending the constitution again.



Allow people on parole in California to vote. The prop also would allow parolees to run for office if they’re registered to vote and haven’t been convicted of perjury or bribery. California now prohibits state prisoners and parolees from voting. People serving their sentences in county jails can vote, unless they’re transferring to a state or federal prison, or they’re serving time for a parole violation. Sixteen other states and the District of Columbia allow people to vote once they’ve finished their prison sentences. Vermont and Maine let people vote while still in prison.



The Legislature, by a two-thirds vote, approved placing this amendment to the state constitution on your ballot.

Because Realtors really, really, really want you to pass it. They floated a very similar initiative two years ago, which California voters rejected overwhelmingly. But that initiative didn’t close the inheritance tax break, so according to a nonpartisan analysis, it would have cost local governments billions. In the broader sense, you’re voting on this because almost any change to property taxes in California has to come through a constitutional amendment, which requires a ballot measure. The Realtors and firefighters’ union, two powerful state interest groups, convinced lawmakers to put this one on the 2020 ballot.

Prop18 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 18 DO? Allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections if they will be 18 and eligible by the next general election. Currently, voters must be 18 to participate in any local, state or federal election. This constitutional amendment would also pave the way for 17-year-olds who qualify to vote under this proposition to seek office, because the law says only registered voters can run for elected positions. Estimated cost: Between $200,000 and $1 million at the county level every two years. Statewide one-time costs are expected to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? The Legislature, by a two-thirds vote, placed this constitutional amendment on your ballot. It was the sixth time state lawmakers had considered the idea, but the first time it has reached voters. Nationwide, at least 19 states and Washington D.C. allow 17-year-olds who would be eligible for the next general election to vote early.

Prop19 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 19 DO? Give Californians 55 or older a big property tax break when buying a new home. To fund that new tax break, it would curtail a separate tax break Californians may receive on homes inherited from parents and grandparents. Typically when Californians buy a new home, their property taxes shoot way up. That’s because property taxes here are based mostly on the value of your home when you bought it — not its current market value. Baby Boomers who bought that bungalow down the street right after Woodstock are paying way less in property taxes than the tech yuppies who bought an identical bungalow last year. This prop would allow the Boomer couple to buy a new house anywhere in the state and retain relatively low property taxes. Also under current law, a Californian who inherits a Malibu estate can rent it out on Airbnb yet still pay property tax locked in at the parents’ rates. Under this prop? If adult heirs want to keep their artificially low property tax bill, they’ll need to live in their inherited digs. New revenue from closing the inheritance tax break could generate billions for schools, local governments and the state. A big chunk would go to firefighters.

Prop20 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 20 DO? Increase penalties for certain property crimes and repeated parole violations — and make it more difficult for some convicted felons to qualify for early parole and release from prison. Specifically, Prop. 20 would: Give prosecutors new flexibility to charge some property crimes of more than $250, such as “serial shoplifting” and carjacking, as felonies rather than misdemeanors. Increase penalties for former inmates who violate the terms of their supervised release three times, making it more likely that they will be sent back to jail or prison. Require law enforcement to collect DNA samples from people convicted of certain misdemeanors — including shoplifting, forgery and illegal drug possession — to be stored in a state database. Double the number of felonies that disqualify prison inmates from being able to apply for early parole consideration. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? Attitudes about crime and criminal justice have whipsawed over the last 40 years in California. In the 1980s and 90s, voters and elected leaders repeatedly enacted measures to crank up penalties. The “Three Strikes” law of 1994 is the most notable example. But as mass incarceration led to prison overcrowding, Californians began to have second thoughts. Six years ago, Californians passed Prop. 47, knocking many felonies down to misdemeanors. Two years later they passed Prop. 57, creating new opportunities for inmates to apply and qualify for early release from prison. The pendulum has swung. Law enforcement unions, conservative prosecutors, crime-minded legislators and some retailers concerned about shoplifting say it’s swung too far and they’ve put Prop. 20 on the ballot.


Allow cities to pass rent control measures on almost all rental housing, as long as it’s more than 15 years old. Renters got a break last year, when the state enacted a law capping annual rent increases at around 8%. But another, older state law doesn’t let cities enact their own, stricter rent control laws for single-family homes or rental housing first occupied in the past 25 years. Nor can cities prevent landlords from raising the rent on new tenants to market rates. There are still a few exemptions built into Prop. 21. For example, cities still wouldn’t be able to cap rent increases by “mom-and-pop landlords,” who own no more than two small properties such as single-family homes or condos. If the measure passes, cities and states may lose revenue in the “high tens of millions per year,” according to an analysis by the Legislative Analyst’s office, because landlords will pay lower property taxes. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? Prior to 1995, cities and counties could enact their own rent control laws — and several did. Then, state lawmakers passed the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act to curb that power. As the cost of rent in California has skyrocketed, tenant advocacy groups have now twice tried to roll back the Costa-Hawkins


Rental Housing Act as a way to let cities protect their affordable housing stock. You might remember voting on a very similar measure in 2018 — it went down in flames as 59% of Californians voted against it. But the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which co-sponsored the 2018 campaign and whose president Michael Weinstein has increasingly waded into California’s housing battles, has brought it back. So what’s new this time? While the measure has been tweaked a bit, the context has changed drastically. Though Prop 21. won’t help people from being evicted because they’re late on rent due to the pandemic, advocates hope that the financial shock triggered by the coronavirus pandemic will make people more eager to protect renters.

Prop22 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 22 DO? Exempt gig companies like Uber and Lyft from a new state law requiring them to treat workers as employees. Since January, state law has required former contract workers in many industries to be classified as employees and offered benefits such as overtime pay, health care, paid sick leave, unemployment insurance and workers’ compen-


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sation. If this measure passes, companies that employ drivers through apps — among them, Lyft, Uber, DoorDash and Instacart — would instead keep workers classified as contractors and be able to offer narrower benefits, including pay at least 120% of minimum wage, health care subsidies and accident insurance. Benefits under Prop. 22 would be tied to drivers’ “engaged time” completing passenger routes, excluding any wait time on apps between rides. The measure also includes consumer safety changes such as more driver background checks and zero tolerance for drug or alcohol violations. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? Gig companies were a primary political target of the new law, but they’ve fought state and city attorneys over whether they should have to comply. A Superior Court Judge ruled in August that Uber and Lyft must immediately switch to treating drivers as employees. That prompted the app companies to threaten “hundreds of thousands” of job cuts and the suspension of operations in California until voters decide the fate of Prop. 22. A shutdown was averted by an appellate court ruling, but that could change before Election Day with more court dates on the horizon. The stakes are high in this bitter dispute between business and labor. If this proposition passes, any amendments would require a 7/8 supermajority — a longshot in the Legislature.

Prop23 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 23 DO? Require kidney dialysis clinics to have at least one physician present during all operating hours, and to report infection data to the state. It also would require that operators get approval from the state’s health department before closing a clinic, and prohibit clinics from discriminating against patients based on insurance type. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? The number of people with kidney failure who require dialysis treatment continues to grow; about 80,000 Californians depend on it. That also means a boom in the dialysis industry. A powerful labor union, Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West, has targeted these companies. Two years ago, the union introduced a ballot initiative that would have essentially limited clinics’ profits. After a very expensive battle, voters ultimately sided with the dialysis companies. The union said it would be back, so this is round two.

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Prop24 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 24 DO? Change California’s data privacy law: By letting you tell businesses to limit the use of sensitive data, such as your exact location, health information, race and religion. By prohibiting businesses from holding onto your data for longer than necessary. By allowing the government to fine companies up to $7,500 for violating children’s privacy rights. By creating a new state agency to enforce the privacy law, investigate violations and assess penalties . By reducing the number of businesses that have to comply, making it apply only to companies that buy or sell data of at least 100,000 households a year. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? San Francisco real estate developer Alastair Mactaggart began advocating for consumer privacy a few years ago, after a Google engineer he met at a dinner party told him Americans would be shocked by how much the company knows about us. Mactaggart successfully pushed the Legislature to pass a landmark data privacy law in 2018. Now he says it needs some changes, so he drove the effort to put Prop. 24 on the ballot.

Prop25 WHAT WOULD PROPOSITION 25 DO? Transform how people get out of jail while awaiting trial — making California the first state to replace cash bail with an algorithm. Today, rich Californians can afford cash bail, while poorer people either pay bail bond companies or wait for trial in jail. This measure, if passed, would uphold a 2018 law that sought to eliminate cash bail and replace it with an algorithm to assess a person’s risk for not appearing at trial — the higher the risk, the less likely they are to be released. Not affected: People accused of crimes outside the state court system. WHY AM I VOTING ON THIS? In 2018, former Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that would have replaced cash bail with a riskbased algorithm. Superior courts would have to create new pretrial assessment divisions— this is pretty much how federal courts already work. Opposition, led by the bail bonds industry, challenged the law almost immediately. Prop 25 is the statewide showdown: Will voters choose to move away from cash bail? And is this the right alternative?



Chicken King 1234 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 Pick-up available; as well as delivery through Uber Eats and DoorDash, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 559-266-5464 Armenian Restaurant 3051 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Place a takeout or delivery order by calling 559-681-0988 Angkor Asian Bistro & Bar 1568 E. Champlain Dr. STE 105 Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available. 559-492-2344 Annex Kitchen 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711. Take-out only, curbside available. Lunch 11-3 and dinner from 4-8. Call 559-248-8512 Benaddiction 3015 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Curbside pick-up available. 559-374-6082 BJ’s Kountry Kitchen 4065 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Take-out options available 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. seven days a week. Delivery available through DoorDash. 559-222-5206 Bollywood Indian Street Food 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720. Take-out orders available and delivery through Uber Eats. 559-493-5975 BooBoo Bean Bakery & Café 2063 W Bullard Fresno, 93711. Open Monday - Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pick-up. 559-570-8093 Casa Corona 1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-2838605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 Call 559-323-7409. Pick-up orders available.

Colorado Grill All Fresno locations. To-go orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-325-3460 DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant Offering take-out or delivery. 1530 E Nees Ave, 559321-0544. 2221 W Shaw Ave, 559-221-6337. 144 N Blackstone, 559-237-7054. 7038 N West Ave, 559436-1650, offers online ordering via 5635 E Kings Canyon, 559-252-7100. 1071 E Shaw, 559-229-7811. 1914 W Clinton, 559-266-9893 El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant 3046 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. Take-out, delivery and curbside service available. 559-435-2371 El Premio Mayor 3247 E McKinley Ave, Fresno, 93703. Call in and takeout orders only at the moment, curbside and delivery coming soon. 559-498-9925 Fort Blossom Café 433 N Fort Washington Rd Fresno, 93730. Take-out only. 559-824-1224 GG’s Food Factory 2139 Kern St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available and delivery on Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-840-1185 Good Eats Chinese Food 7724 N First St (at Nees) Fresno, 93720. Take-out/ Pick-up service offered. 559-261-0238 Gus Kebab 855 Kern St #180 Fresno, 93721. Take-out and delivery (for 3 orders or more) options available. 559-353-2119


Andiamo Ristorante Italiano 1275 Shaw Ave #120 Clovis, 93612. Offering curbside pick-up. 559-298-3196 bowlzeye 75 W Bullard Ave, Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 298-3986 Carrillo’s Mexican Food 151 W Bullard #101 Clovis, 93612 Take-out available. 559-325-5688

Dai-Ichi 1820 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93611 Take out available. Call in ahead of time for immediate pick up. Call 559-297-1177 El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant 40 W Clovis Ste 101 Patio Dining or Take Out (559)299-0675 Florentina’s Pizza and Pasta 2141 Shaw Ave Unit 113 Clovis, 93611. Pickup available. 559-297-8310

House of Juju 565 Pollasky Ave #101 Clovis, 93612. Call ahead and walk-in orders and DoorDash. 559-298-3090 Huckleberry’s 2100 Clovis Ave Clovis, 93612 (and Fresno locations). Open 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily for take-out, curbside pick-up, and delivery through DoorDash. Call 559-412-7889 Jus Jo’s 701 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Takeout and curbside available. 559-322-1788


Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant 2141 Shaw Ave Ste 101, Clovis, 93611. Take-out available; Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Call 559-326-0524 Luna Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, 93612. Alley pick-up, open for drive through, call and let them know you have arrived. Pick-up in front as well. 559-299-4141 Mah’s Teriyaki Express 605 Herndon Ave #400, Clovis, 93612. Monday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 8.30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Take-out only, calling ahead is highly recommended. 559-297-8831 Michelangelo’s Pizzeria 619 Woodworth Ave, Clovis, 93612. Pick-up only Monday through Saturday from 4 - 9 p.m. You must call in to order, first. 559-322-1666 Neighbors Tap and Cook House 1175 N Fowler Ave #800, Clovis, 93611. Pick-up available from 11 to 8 every day, with to-go cocktails beer and wine with food purchase. 559-298-4020 Pad Thai Restaurant 198 Shaw Ave (Shaw at Minnewawa) Clovis, 93612. Take-out available, as well as delivery through Postmates. 559-324-1235 Panda City Hot Pot & Grill 458 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Offering delivery and take-out for Fresno and Clovis orders from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (559) 324-8888 Pure Water & Ice Cream 1835 Ashlan Ave #103A, Clovis, 93611 We offer water fill up, boba drinks, ice cream, springrolls, bahn mi sandwich, and papaya salad. Open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. pickup only. 559-346-1399


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Haunted House Civic Center Auditorium, 400 N. Douty St., Hanford, events/1700142140218570, Free. 8-10 p.m. Trunk or Treat This Ain’t Your Mama’s Church, 1405 W. Main St., Merced, Saturday, October 31st 7-9 p.m. Trunk or Treat New Covenant Community Church, 1744 E. Nees Ave., Fresno. Saturday, October 31st 6:30 p.m.

Museum (virtual) Tours Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. The Louvre, the world’s largest art and antiques museum, was forced to close its doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you Pumpkin Patch & Hayrides Simonian Farms, can no longer waltz into its famous glass exte2629 S. Clovis Ave., Fresno, 559-237-2294, rior, you can learn something of the, $2 hayrides, free enal collection via a number of virtual tours, Children’s Crafts: Day of the Dead mask, corn maze and haunted caboose. Now until charting everything from Egyptian antiquities Hosted by Tulare County Library. Friday, Oc- Halloween Night. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. to the Galerie d’Apollon. tober 30th. Call for times and locations, 559-713-2700, www.tularecountylibrary. Planet Pumpkin First and Nees avenues, The British Museum, London. britishmuseorg. Fresno, 559-321-4369. Now until Halloween The UK capital’s famed Night 9 a.m.-10 p.m. museum has hooked up with Google Arts & Visalia Players present The Rocky Horror Culture, along with more than 2,000 other Show Ice House Theatre, 410 E. Race Ave., Bass Lake Craft Show & Trick or Treat The leading institutions, to offer an interactive tour. Visalia, 559-734-3900,, Pines Resort, 54432 Road 432, Bass Lake, Wander through time and click on different ar$16-$22. 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 30th, 7:30 559-642-3141,, Free. Sat- tefacts to see them up close, read up on their p.m. urday, October 31st 10 a.m.-5 p.m. history, and hear more information with an au dio guide. Hip Hop Halloween featuring Halo the HuBooFest @ Sierra Vista Mall, 1050 Shaw Ave., man Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern Ave., Fresno, Clovis, 559-299-0660, Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. 559-485-5356,, $8events/1627964864118981, Free. Saturday,$10. Friday, October 30th 8 p.m. October 31st 4-7 p.m. heim-museum-interior-streetview New York City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View ZooBoo Fresno Chaffee Zoo, 894 W. Belmont Come in Costume Halloween Nature tour where you can “amble” along its windAve., Fresno, 559-498-5910, $10-$16.Friday, Walk The River Center, 11605 Old Friant ing corridor and view works up close, such as October 30th 5-8 p.m. Road, Fresno, 559-248-8480, riverparkCatherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Tales and Treats. Storyland, 890 W. Belmont tail/2015/10/31/448/-/come-in-costumeLamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library by Ave., Fresno, 559-486-0516, $10 Friday, Octohalloween-nature-walk, Free. Saturday, October Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also simber 30th 5-8 p.m. 31st 9:30-11:30 a.m. ply gaze upon the building’s remarkable archi tecture. Nightmare Theater Fresno Veterans Memo2015 Haunted Mansion Halloween Party The rial Building, 2425 Fresno St., Fresno, 559Standard, 9455 N. Fort Washington Road, The Smithsonian National Museum of Nat202-0902,, $25Fresno, 559-434-3638, ural History, Washington DC. https://natural$30, $32-$40 for ghost pass.Friday, October halloween, $10-$30. 8 p.m. Move at your own 30th 7 p.m.-midnight pace through the 360-degree room-by-room Halloween dance party featuring Danny & tour of every exhibit in the museum. Night of the Living Dead at Hobb’s Grove. The Mix American Legion Post 509, 3509 N. Hobb’s Grove, 14265 E. Goodfellow Ave., First St., Fresno, 559-224-0522, $15, $25 per The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// Sanger, 559-356-3958,, $7couple. 6:30-11 p.m.$39.95. October 30th-31st 6 p.m. paul-getty-museum?hl=en Los Angeles’s pre Halloween Massacre Fulton 55, 875 Dimiere gallery has two virtual tours, including Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch Vossler visadero St., Fresno, 559-412-7400, www.ful“Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closFarms, Ave 266, Visalia, www.vosslerfarms., $10-$20. 9:30 p.m. er look at food in the Middle Ages and Recom, $5-$9. Now until Halloween Night 10 naissance. a.m.-10 p.m. Halloween Spooktacular featuring Dave’s Not Here Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern Ave., Fresno, National Museum of Anthropology, MexiRaisin Hell Ranch Haunted Cornfield Raisin 559-485-5356,, no co City. Hell Ranch, 7451 Road 32, Madera, raisincover. 7 p.m. asset/, $17-$30.Now until Halloween gy-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-comNight 7 p.m. mons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the 12 | OCTOBER 2020 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Halloween Events

pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit rooms full of Mayan artifacts. NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center - - and Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www.nasa. gov/glennvirtualtours - offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality experiences” via The Space Center Houston’s app. National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. Have a late International Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum. Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// Though the Met Gala was cancelled this year, you can still have a peak at the The Costume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 online exhibits. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection available online.

Learn at Home Visalia Adult School Online Classes. https:// The Visalia Adult School is open with many classes online! If you need your high school diploma, GED, or just want to take English as a Second Language Classes we offer them for free. Other classes such as Medical Billing, Medical Terminology, or one of our many other classes that include small fees are also available. For more information, please, give us a call! 559-730-7646. Our office is open 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday and we can help you meet your future. Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. Arts Visalia offers a wide array of classes for children and adults. At-Home Art kits for children are available until we are able to meet safely in the gallery. Visit our website for more details and enrollment forms. Arts Visalia’s spring class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children. For more information on all Arts Visalia events and available classes visit our website at or call the gallery at (559) 7390905

EVENTS CMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Online Workshops. CMAC is offering a series of online workshops that are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a CMAC member to register. Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime. Free Online Ivy League College Courses. Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with reminders. The Kitchn’s Cooking School. The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day, 20-lesson program where students tackle an essential cooking topic each day. You’ll even have homework! Free to join at their website. Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline Creative. The free online drawing lessons at Kline Creative website are designed for beginners of any age, from young children to adults. The site offers instructional videos on a range of drawing subjects. The videos are designed to give the beginner core skills to enhance any art medium you choose to use. How to Draw Cartoons! If drawing cartoons is your thing, this site offers plenty of free instruction on the topic. The site covers categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock and Darth Vader.

Self-Improvement 5 Simple Steps To Ending The feelings Of Anxiety, Stress, Sadness & Fear That Leads To Depression Sunday, October 11, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday, October 04, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday, October 18, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday, October 25, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm https://www.eventbrite. com/e/90889712577

Children’s Etiquette Online Virtual Course. Daily 1:00pm-2:00pm. free-online-children-s-etiquette-class?geo=palo-alto-ca&location_id=124509&activity_ schedule_id=516789&start_date=&end_ date=&aht_cam=blog&aht_src=yourcentralvalley In this course your child will learn the 3 Core Values. They will identify when to use them at home, at school, and when out and about. The link to the video will be sent in your registration confirmation. This is a pre-recorded class. We ask the younger students have a parent help them with the writing activities. Morning Metta Meditation by Benessere Fresno. A short meditation practice to cultivate lovingkindness and send it to yourself and others. Great for emotional balancing/ strengthening. Appropriate for all levels and spiritual practices. This class is taking place via a live Zoom meeting. For more information or to register: https://www.benesserefresno. com/schedule/1737f6b9-623f-449e-a119aeab26de675b_1599318000 Blogilates. blogilates/videos Most of these workouts are about 10 minutes or less, and based around Pilates workouts to help strengthen and tone muscle. The instructor, Cassey, guides you through the routines in the comfort of her home, sometimes with friends, but oftentimes alone. With these short, attainable workouts, and one-on-one instruction, it can feel like you have your own personal trainer right in your living room—minus the hefty price tag that usually comes along with it. Heart and Soul Fitness. There isn’t anything wild or flashy in the production of these videos—it’s just two people working hard, encouraging you to give your best effort, and demonstrating moves you can do that don’t require a lot of floor space. Coach Kozak does the full workout while Claudia models the modifications, so regardless of your fitness level, you will always have someone to follow. Get ready to sweat! Move with Colour. c o m / c h a n n e l / U C Z F d k G 0 3 m Z w KG t 1 _ RJ23vAA These are less of a “I need to get a serious workout in” type class and more of a “I need to burst with joy and smile for 10 minutes straight” sort of thing. While there are a few 45-minute sessions, the majority are just 10 minutes, and leave you mastering a small dance combination. With tons of different music choices you can feel like you’re in a boy band, at a disco, or even in a ‘90s club for a few minutes out of your day. It’s a great way to get your blood pumping and heart racing, but more importantly, these videos are just plain fun. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed workouts are available on the Facebook page. Workouts are open to anyone, including those who aren’t Planet Fitness members, and typically last around half an hour. Yoga with Adriene. https://yogawithadriene. com/ Can you already twist your body into a pretzel? Great, Adriene is here for you. Can’t even touch your toes? Even better, Adriene is ready to help. She has so many videos and options that it’s almost overwhelming. Keyword: almost. Her soothing voice and relaxed approach to yoga will keep you—and her other 6 million-plus subscribers—coming back for more. Sweat with SELF. playlist?list=PL7Ax6CP9_hgPjjCrA9zNH9ebuvgJ1riXd If you’re looking for some serious (free) “fitspiration,” the “Sweat with SELF” channel is where you should go. From the backdrop of their classes (the NYC skyline is often featured), to the upbeat and spandex-clad instructors, these classes give the most realistic vibe of an in-person group fitness class. You know, but without the group. These classes range from 10 to 30 minutes. However, there is a timer in the corner counting down each move, so the time flies by, as each section is broken up into segments. Popsugar Fitness. com/user/popsugartvfit/videos If you’re looking for classes that will make you feel like you’re working out with friends, Popsugar fitness is exactly what you need.

Live Concert Streams The Premise (Quarantine Edition): Virtual Comedy Show Wednesday, October 07, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wednesday, October 14, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wednesday, October 21, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2020 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm https:// Piff The Magic Dragon: Live From Las Vegas -- Online Friday, October 09, 2020 4:00 pm PDT* Friday, October 02, 2020 4:00 pm Saturday, October 03, 2020 4:00 pm Saturday, October 10, 2020 4:00 pm Friday, October 16, 2020 4:00 pm Saturday, October 17, 2020 4:00 pm. “Piff the Magic Dragon: Live from Las Vegas” brings the magic to you at home with a hilarious, interactive magic show to entertain the entire family, with the ease and convenience of Zoom. Hot off his record-breaking Vegas residency, Piff presents a completely new show created for online viewing, featuring never-before-seen magic, with tricks happening in your hands and homes.


Carole’s Kings: The Music of “Beautiful” “Livestream @ The Box” Sunday, October 11, 2020 4:00 pm PDT *Event originates in a different time zone with a local start of 7:00 pm An iconic singer-songwriter gets a brandnew sound in CAROLE’S KINGS, the world’s first all-male Carole King tribute. With lush orchestrations, witty banter, and a cast of three incredibly talented New York stage veterans (one of whom plays live piano throughout the show), CAROLE’S KINGS a unique experience that’s fun for the whole family! http://tracking. Sidewalk Prophets- The Chosen Tour Wednesday, October 14, 2020 7:00 pm 10:00 pm The Chosen Tour (live stream) puts you right the middle of the action! Cast YOUR vote and help determine the band’s set list in real time. Vote for your favorite songs like: Come To The Table, Smile, You Love Me Anyway and more.. Don’t miss one of the most innovative, and engaging concerts of the year. Tickets start at just 14.99 per household! Exclusive VIP Preshow Party available for 39.99 per household. Large group tickets available starting at 49.99. The Rolling Stones - Live at Fonda Theater: Online Stream Thursday, October 15, 2020 *Event originates in a different time zone with a local start of 12:00 am Everyone should see The Rolling Stones live at least once in their lifetime. And if you haven’t gotten around to checking it off your bucket list, this recorded stream of their 2015 Fonda Theater performance will do the trick! http://tracking. Diplo offers themed #COVIDseries sets every Friday and Saturday. Watch the livestream Major Lazer offers themed #COVIDseries sets every Sunday. Watch the livestream Dillon Francis hosts weekly livestreams, including Taco Tuesdays and Humpday Heaters in addition to appearing Saturdays on Diplo’s Coronight Fever. Watch the livestream https:// Indigo Girls do an all request livestream every Thursday at 7 p.m. to benefit different charities. Request songs and watch the livestream | FRESNO FLYER |

OCTOBER 2020 |


EVENTS Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. https:// Travis is a local artist who performs weekly livestream concerts that are available on his facebook page. He continues to create fresh new content for his fans and supporters every week. Metallica. MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica have launched a new concert series, #MetallicaMondays, which will see the band stream a complete Metallica live show on the group’s YouTube channel and on Facebook every week. They start at 8pm (EDT) every Friday. Neil Young. news/4/article?id=Subscriber-Fireside-Sessions-to-stream-from-NYA Neil Young is keeping it in the family with his Fireside Sessions - his wife will be filming while he gives a live concert from his living room, presumably by the fire. It looks like his dogs could feature heavily, too. Young is promising a “down-home production, a few songs, a little time together”, which sounds good to us. Find out more via the Neil Young website, see link below. Grouplove performs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Instagram Live. Watch the livestream Royal Albert Home. The Royal Albert Hall – yes, THE Royal Albert Hall – is hosting a series of Royal Albert Home performances over the coming days and weeks, which will see “artists sharing their work from their homes to yours”. The free streaming programme already includes Rufus Wainwright, Peter Gregson, Brassed Off and many more. You can also donate to the Hall to show your support. We have Imogen Heap, Kaiser Chiefs and Tim Burgess to look forward to. Radiohead. Yes, Radiohead. The band will be posting weekly classic concert videos to their YouTube channel on Thursdays at 10pm BST (5pm ET). And you can watch them back at your leisure. MTV Unplugged at home. The first installment of this new MTV Youtube series starts that will take place every Friday started with Wiclef Jean. Link: MTV Youtube Songkick Live Stream Concerts. Songkick, the concert connection site, hosts live stream concerts and in-home performances from national and local artists all over the world. New events are added daily.

Zoo Tours and Wildlife Streams The San Diego Zoo. With what may be the most live cam options, this zoo lets you switch between koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one sitting.

14 | OCTOBER 2020


Monterey Bay Aquarium. It can be Shark Week every week thanks to live online footage of Monterey Bay’s Habitat exhibit. Virtual Dives. vr/?mod=article_inline You won’t need scuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with these stunning high-res 360-degree views of national marine sanctuaries like the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast. You can even pair your device with a virtual reality headset for the ultimate immersive experience. International Wolf Center. http://www.wolf. org/wolves/experience/webcam.asp Highly recommended: the wolf den cam. This morning, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two others moving around the den. As the site explains, the den is the primary resting spot for wolves during the winter months, where they lie on beds of straw for added warmth. During the summer, they’re more likely to be inside, escaping the heat. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco. farallones/ This live streaming web cam lets you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species of seabirds, five species of seals and sea lions, and land birds. Great white sharks and gray, blue, and humpback whales inhabit the surrounding waters. National Wildlife Federation’s Bald Eagle Cam. cfm This camera gets you right up near the nest, about 30 feet off the ground.

Local Virtual Events DRI w/Retox, Psychosomatic, Verbal Abuse & Cousin Fister Surf Band Thu, October 15, 2020 6:00 PM – 11:30 PM PDT Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F Street, Fresno. One night only! D.R.I. touring with Retox. Along with Psychosomatic, Verbal Abuse and local favorite Uncle Fister Surf Band!! The Big Fresno Fair Presents Drive-Thru Eats The Big Fresno Fair presents “Drive-Thru Eats,” a 10-day series to indulge in all your favorite Fair foods, plus entertainment, music and more! Drive-Thru Eats is FREE to attend and runs Friday, October 9 through Sunday, October 18! Hours are Monday – Thursday from 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Friday – Sunday from 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Special hours for Country Fair Cinnamon Rolls is 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. daily! Skip the lines with a “Fast Pass” available for purchase at participating Save Mart & FoodMaxx locations. Also, attendees can take advantage of optional, onsite FREE COVID-19 testing and flu shots. Details and the link to pre-register

are available at There you can also find information on the food line-up, menu pricing, entertainment, health and safety guidelines and more! Event Info: (559) 650-3247 Price: Free Event Website: The Big Fresno Fair’s Virtual Jr. Livestock Auction Friday, October 09, 2020 11:00 am 11:59 pm Saturday, October 10, 2020 12:00 am - 11:59 pm Sunday, October 11, 2020 12:00 am - 11:59 pm Monday, October 12, 2020 12:00 am - 11:59 pm https://www. Help support the more than 500 hardworking Big Fresno Fair 4-H and FFA students in our community by joining us for the first-ever Virtual Jr. Livestock Auction, taking place Friday, October 9 at 11 a.m. through Monday, October 12 at 11:59 p.m.! You can help support the exhibitors by purchasing animals or placing add-ons – all online from the convenience of your home! Market beef, goats, sheep and swine are included in the virtual auction. Buyer instructions and information on the new online bidding process is available at VirtualAuction. The website also features 4-H and FFA exhibitor profiles highlighting the hard work of these young leaders! Help support The Big Fresno Fair’s Jr. Livestock Auction – buy an animal or pace an add-on bid! 2020 Virtual California Women’s Fair Saturday, October 24, 2020 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday, October 25, 2020 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Successful Women of America is hosting a Virtual Women’s Fair on October 24 & 25, 2020 which includes an Exhibit Hall with Virtual Artist & Vendor booths, a Job Fair Hall with Virtual Employer booths in addition to an exciting line-up of professional speakers on topics that will inform, inspire and change lives. Visitors can come and go over two days for only $10.00 for both days. Virtual Mixer & Game Night Hosted by: Clovis Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday, October 21, 2020 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm clovis-chamber-of-commerce/virtual-mixer-game-night/722593028295588/ Join us for a fun and lively Virtual Mixer & Game Night on October 21st from 5:30 to 6:30 pm! We’ll connect via Zoom to enjoy a fun evening of networking and interactive gaming. This event requires RSVP. Seats are limited, please RSVP to reserve your seat. https:// Most Zoom conference participants use their computer’s audio/ video to communicate during a virtual event. However, if you would prefer to use a phone for audio, please search for your local access number at kgaOHKGXR Registration required to view meeting details. You’ll receive an email after the host approves you.



Fresno Video Speed Dating - Filter Off The Fresno video speed dating event is the most effective way for men and women to meet. Whether you are recently single, new in town, or have been single for a while, this event is for you. To attend our video speed dating events, make sure to download the app here. https:// This is an online event for Fresno singles only. Every Friday we’ll set up Fresno specific speed dating sessions and set you up on three, 90-second dates! Filter Off is modeled after real-world speed dating and is designed to get those with confidence, courage and crazy schedules meeting each other face-to-face. We look at your age, location, height and education preferences and attempt to find someone that fits all of them. These events will take place in the Fresno, California area. Anti-Racism: A Public Professional Learning Community Webinar Series. Hosted by Enseñamos en el Valle Central. A Public Professional Learning Community Webinar Series hosted at California State University, Fresno for current and future teachers. Tickets: https://www. Fresno Online/Virtual Game Night: Trivia, Charades, and Drawing, Hosted by Let’s Roam Scavenger Hunt Adventures. Monday-Sunday, 6-9pm. Let’s Roam’s Virtual Game Night makes it easy for you to have an epic game night any night. A leader in global adventures, Let’s Roam has taken our mission virtual, helping people explore, discover, and connect through a one-of-a-kind video platform. We’ve combined crazy-fun games with embedded video chat software for a game night experience that will level up your joy. You’ll take on five rounds of fun games through Let’s Roam’s next-level video call software. Virtual Games you’ll experience: Trivia: 8,000+ questions, 60+ categories including Rom-Coms, History, 90’s Music, Disney, and more. Get down to quiz-ness and go brain-to-brain with your friends. Charades: Can your team guess what you’re acting out? This classic party game has gone virtual. Dozens of themed categories to choose from. Let’s Draw: This is Pictionary with a virtual twist. Guess what your friends are drawing before time runs out. https:// free_game

Fun for Kids and All Ages Intro to Scratch Coding - FREE Class (Ages 7 10) Monday, October 12, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday, October 19, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday, October 26, 2020 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm campaign=&utm_source=event_site&aht_

EVENTS cam=event_site&utm_medium=yourcentralvalley&aht_src=yourcentralvalley Coding with Scratch is designed to foster creativity, reasoning and problem-solving. Scratch. Instructors will introduce students to concepts in coding through creating a fun project and in Scratch. They will provide real-time feedback and suggestions, interacting directly with each participant. Please note...we offer this free class several times a month. This class is meant to introduce students to Scratch and the world of coding! Thus, the learning program remains the same for each free class. We provide these classes so kids can experience coding and hopefully, begin a fulfilling journey in coding and computer science! Crazy Squirrel D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure continue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been working diligently to bring you online D&D adventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re ready to start. We’ll offer tables for kids only as well as other tables for adults.Want to play? We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free account to join a game. Voice Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Discord Channel. Included in this post is the link for payment for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Please choose the DM and date you want to play. After payment is received you will be put into the room for chat in discord. Within the room will be the link to the Roll20 game. Kids D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure continue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been working diligently to bring you online D&D adventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re ready to start. Want to play? These tables for kids only. There will be a limit of 6 kids per table.We are having this be for kids ages 10-

16. We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free account to join a game. Voice Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Kids Discord Channel. Included in this post is the link for payment for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Please choose date you want to play. After payment is received you will be put into the room for chat in discord. Within the room will be the link to the Roll20 game. Draw with Ed Vere. Every Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. (he’s posting from the UK) illustrator Ed Vere will share a new “how to draw” lesson via video on his website. So far he’s taught how to draw a lion, a monster and more. The videos remain available on his website after they’re shared, so don’t feel like you have to be up at 6 a.m. Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https:// Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live. Weekday Live Streams with Mr. Jon & Friends. events/1074677622899381/ Mr. Jon & Friends is a group that writes and performs music just for kids! With schools are closed, they will be hosting weekday live streams and fun videos at 10:30 a.m. each day. These virtual events are all about fun, music, and laughter. Watch live, and then come back to re-watch alter as often as you’d like. You can find all the info on the Facebook event page.

Go to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle. com/?mod=article_inline Explore the surface of Mars in the ultimate form of social distancing. While the team at NASA is currently updating the site, you can still take a peek at 360-mode and get a feel for what the Curiosity rover sees every day. Tour the International Space Station (ISS). inline Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams floats through the International Space Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to see our planet down below from the observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station. Virtual Farm Tour. Explore 11 different Canadian farms and food processing facilities. Learn how to milk a cow, go behind the scenes at a sheep farm and meet some of the livestock guardian dogs, or visit an apple orchard.


Virtual Destinations Icehotel, Swedish Lapland. https://www. Aurora photography company Lights over Lapland has created experiences for those suffering wanderlust to virtually travel to the Icehotel in Swedish Lapland. The 360-degree videos allow viewers to visit the local Arctic wilderness, meet local huskies and reindeer, go dogsledding and reindeer sledding and even join a Northern Lights hunt.


Jerusalem, Israel. Wv_0tcndBOG Israel is promoting a whole series of virtual tours for armchair travellers, including one that takes you around Jerusalem’s most famous sights. Videos have a voiceover tour guide giving more information on the city’s holiest places, while 360-degree functionailty makes it feel more like you’re exploring. Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Fancy watching the sun set over these picturesque peaks? You can take a virtual tour of the famous Irish geological landmark, which captures 360-degree views and even has virtual reality headset capability for a fully immersive experience. Central Park, New York. centralpark NYC’s green centrepiece is available to tour online. Not only does it show you the sites, it also comes with a guide who talks you through significant events in Central Park’s history as you “travel” from the West 72nd entrance. Ibiza, Spain. Ushuaïa Ibiza, an open-air club on the hard-partying Balearic Island, has launched #StayAtHomeSessions – a re-stream of some of 2019’s best DJ sets from Hï Ibiza and Ushuaïa Ibiza, to bring the party atmosphere to the homes of ravers around the world. The streaming sessions allow users to invite friends to join them online. Grand Canyon, Arizona. grca/001/archeology There are plenty of pictures of the famed canyon online, but get a little deeper with a VR archaeological tour. This allows armchair travellers to explore and learn more about the history behind the canyon’s formation by clicking on different geological features.


OCTOBER 2020 |




LOT’S OF antiques for sale. Wagon wheels, metal wheels, gas pumps, windmill, signs and much more! Call 559-467-8585 ANTIQUE Settee $150 Mike call or text: (559) 269-9079 COKE CRATE $35 ea text for pictures 559304-1831 JUKEBOX Missing side glass, needs good cleaning, has key, working, great speakers, Manual 1952 $4000 obo 559-3041831

16 | OCTOBER 2020

BUY SELL TRADE OLD VINTAGE collectible military memorabilia, two old brass civil war black p flasks with original leather shoestring ties, prisoner bagged mask with rubber straps and an old Safariland Leather Holster (Monrovia Calif 101). Since these are each from different wars they are being sold separately unless requested as a bundle. (Italy) Brass Black P Flask W/Pouch Long Stick Brass Black Flask w/Pouch Mask w/Straps Holster $50 is what I can do picked up $55 delivered in Fresno Clovis. If you are interested please message me (559) 461-3508 SUPPORT LOCAL



GE FRIDGE in great condition, works great. Call or text 805-6890300 $100 (Coarsegold) LG DRYER $250 (Kerman) It is in good conditions and work really well. We can go ahead and connect it so you can see it working. We are asking $250 and if you are interested call (559)800-5118 LG DRYER - $250 (Kerman) Hotpoint washer heavy duty super capacity $140 comes with a 30 day warranty 559-3720294

KENMORE Refrigerator $250 (Kerman) It is in good conditions and work really well. It’s freezes really well and the bottom get really cold as well. We are asking $250 and if you are interested call (559)800-5118 DRYER available in gas or electric Cleaned serviced in good working condition 30 day warranty 559-3137519 $400 BRAND NEW Aroma Stainless Steel 8-Cup Rice Cooker/Food Steamer. $40 OBO. Call or Text 559-9309122

SINGER SEWING macine rewired $200 cash heavy duty sews through leather (559)301-4816

WANTED. I’m looking for 2 super clean quads. The models I’m after are Suzuki Ltz 250, Honda Trx 250ex , Yamaha yfz 250 I’m a cash buyer and will travel to pick them up. ATVS Must have clean clear YFZ 450 for sale Very CA title in hand in your Well maintained Oil name with current regchanged every 2 rides istration. Call or text About 40 hours on it 5596984566 Fmf pip with cherry bomb Pink slip in hand BIKES Yfz ltr Ktm honda Call or text for more info or pictures (559)381-1393 REDLINE 20” boys bmx $150 elling a used $6500” in excellent condition 05’ HONDA TRX 20” redline bmx boys 450R, I am the second bike. Sorry the price is owner and I’ve owned firm. 150 cash.Txt at it since 2006, this is a 661 772 3216 super super clean ,really low hours & always BRAND NEW! 24”” garaged bike, it’s been kids mountain bike, very well maintained & 3x7, 21 speeds $160 taken care of as the pic- 5597614383 tures show. This bike is SCHWINN never been in any acci- NEW! dents or rollovers ,the beach cruiser, 3 speeds, engine has never been 26”” wheels, coastcracked open its all er brake, added: rear stock Factory ,the bike rack, bottled holder, runs very very strong chain guard, tools and & is in amazing shape owners manual $300 !, thank you, call Scott 5597614383 lee (559) 513-2032 TREK JAZZ Voltage 2008 YAMAHA Wol- 26” Mountain Bike verine 350cc (Just $150 This cost about Serviced) $3,999 plus $300 new and I am taxes and fees 559-299- asking $150. Deliver is available for an extra 1600 fee. Please call or text SUPPORT LOCAL 559- 304 - 6457



26” ADULT Trike brand new! $400 New out of the box adult trike, can deliver less than 5 miles radius show contact info 559761-4383

CARS FOR SALE Buick Century $3,900 very dependable and clean (559)301-4816 2003 VOLVO C70 Asking $4,950.00 obo. original 97,000 miles, motor 2.3 liter with Turbo. Very clean, looks and runs like new , new tires, full loaded, must see to appreciate. for more information or to set up an appt to see: call Roy (559) 940 0928 CHEVY 2001 Impala Senior Owner 80K Orginal Miles All Power Cold Air Interior In Excellent Condition Almost New Tires Just Smoged Very Clean please Call Ph 559803-2169

TOYOTA Corolla 2013, with 78995 miles. Very clean. New tires. Keep good maintenance. New stereo with apple and android car play. For more information please call 559-436-9939 $9,195 2015 Toyota Prius C Hybrid One owner. Clean title. Vehicle has just under 100,000 miles. Body does have minor cosmetic issues but overall good. I have the title (pink slip). I will provide the CARFAX to verify vehicle history. Priced to sell! Cash or Cashiers check only. No trades. Serious offers only please. Feel free to contact me for a test drive or with any questions you may have. (559)-425-8064 $8,500

2004 MONTE Carlo SS intimidator supercharged Dale Earnhardt edition V6 automatic fast & fun Fully loaded leather heated seats power windows factory alarm upgraded stereo asking $3900 call me at 2013 KIA Optima EX (209)735-2510 $9,900 Clean title 84,000 miles This car SELLING something runs very smooth and under $300? List it it’s in a great condition. here FREE. List someSerious buyers only plz thing over $300 for reply to this ad... 805- only $20/ issue. info@ 280-6624



DUCATI hyper moto FARM FRESH eggs Call or text for more $6 (Kingsburg) Pls txt details 559-765-9160 $4000 me at 559-707-8297 JACOBSEN riding commercial mower, kubota Diesel motor, 4WD , runs ,drives and works excellent, new tires, all hydraulic, you can select 2, 3 or 5 reels to cut, Interested call or text 559-375-8486

LOOK HERE musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm 1999 Kawasaki 250cc and Sat from 10am to MX Dirtbike ( KX250) 2pm 559-264-5856 $2,500 559-341-4015

IMMACULATE 2017 KTM 1290 SuperDuke GT. No accidents, has aftermarket windshield(and stock). 8900 miles, oil change reSTORAGE Con- cent and has new back tainers $3,000 ALL tire. Too fast for me, EQUIPMENT IN EX- but otherwise superb CELLENT CONDI- bike. $11,800 Mark 5599089505 TION 5596919846 FULL BARRELS $75.00 each Half barrel planters $45.00 eachPlease call 559-4749022


COUNTER Height Extension Table. I have had this table for a five years and need something bigger. 36”x54” table dimensions 54””x54”” table extension dimensions 36” table height I’m asking $300 obo. Call or text. 559-916- 2998 2 WOODEN dinning chairs, both for one money, very sturdy. $15 Call or text 559217-9024

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Buick Century $3,900 very dependable and clean (559)301-4816 12 CHAIN link frence panels for dog cage or goat etc. 1 gate & some connections approx 6’ tall 9’ across $1,200 cash (559)301-4816 SUPPORT LOCAL



GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, white female, 60-70 who likes to go western swing dancing, flea markets, estate sales, fishing, and camping. Call 559-779-1021 please leave a message 2000 YAMAHA road- if no answer. star low miles, in very good condition asking price $3,000 ask for RVS mark 559-259-5770 1989 wilderness 22ft 1973 YAMAHA CT1 Everything works No 175 Dual Sport $2,300 leaks Sleeps 4-5 com(Coalinga) (805) 264- fortably Private bed6298 room with 2 twin beds Bunk bed Dinette 2003 HARLEY Da- converts to bed Prividson 100 year an- vate bathroom Asking niversary. Bike is in $4100 Pink in hand great condition with Very good condition no leaks. Tires good. for age 559-652-8544 13500 miles. Bike comes with aftermar- 2009 wave by thor 27ft ket Thunder Pipes. Af- dual entry-ways Has termarket LED front a sofa slide-out it’s headlight and rear tail- 5,000lbs dry Has a rear light. Has aftermarket full kitchen everything bars but will come with works Front private original. Has Speed- walk around bedroom ometer/info relocation. a full private bathroom Asking $4,000 obo. heated tanks Has a Big Pink in hand. Must mirror sliding door have cash to test drive. closet Central air conNo low-ballers. No ditioning and heating trades. Please call or Has a Stereo system text George 559 363- flat screen TV Has 9466 brand new tires chrome wheels Has Current tags clean title in hand Very clean inside and out a must-see Never any leaks or damages (Non-smoking no-pets no funny odors) Asking $12,900 call 559 580 9133 SUPPORT LOCAL | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

2003 Coachmen Captiva 29 foot fully self-contained double door lightweight easy tow nice and clean inside and out cold AC works great double private bedrooms three burner cook stove with oven microwave full standing refrigerator everything works great good tires awning is an excellent condition sleeps 8 to 10 clean title asking 8900$ obo call 5593194598 SPORTING LIKE NEW Outdoor Tuff Stinger 3 OTF2751PK Inflatable One-Person Sport Kayak with Rotatable Paddle, 275-Pound Capacity Includes carry bag. $175 559-214-9835 LARGE VARIETY of different name brand clubs, drivers, irons, putters, hybrid, troubles, bags, starter sets. The Fresno Hock Shoppe Monday Through Friday 10am to 530pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Located at 3235 E Belmont Fresno Ca 93702 (559) 264-5856 TENNIS RACKET bag with 5 rackets $70 obo text for more info 559-304-1831

TRUCKS 1996 SILVERADO z71 4wd $6300 (Kerman) (559) 728-6262 1989 JEEP Wrangler lifted, gears, lockers,winch,fuel injection! $7000 (Visalia) (559) 300-7700 03 TAHOE z71 4x4 with smog n tags 190. miles clean title exellent $3600 644-5434 SUPPORT LOCAL | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


OCTOBER 2020 |




Animal Care


FAMILY PET HOSPITAL- Weekdays 7:30-6p Wednesday Vaccine Clinic 12-2pm Saturday Vaccine Clinic 8:30a-11a 1455 Herndon Ave Clovis, 93612

MCK ELECTRIC Complete electrical work with 20 years of experience, Owner completes all jobs. Seniors receive a 10% discount on labor. 90% of estimates are completed due to best price around. 100% satisfaction guaranteed with on time appointments. Fully licensed experienced contractor with complete electrical work. Contact Manuel (559) 696-5967 State Contractor License #: 880233


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304

Heating & Cooling


ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month.




ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month. Reach your local market. We can help. Call/text (559)472-7182 or Info@

Lawn Care

Plumbing PLUMBING- Fresno’s 24/7 Professional Plumber. We offer not only general emergency plumbing but blocked drains, burst pipes, toilet repairs and much more. (559) 354-9839

Tree Services

VALLEY REMNANTS & ROLLS- Carpet, Wood, Vinyl, Lmainate. Quality Guaranteed. 2050% Savings everyday! All Styles, All colors. 3845 N Blackstone Ave (559) 445-0206

Hauling Bikes

ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month. Reach your local market. We can help. Call/text (559)472-7182 or Info@

18 | OCTOBER 2020


ADVERTISE here Reach your local market. Call/text (559)472-7182 | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


TREE SERVICE. Reasonable Prices , Senior Discounts & Free Estimates. We can do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps, MistleToe, Removal and More. Licensed and Insured (559)4218555

10% OFF on Hair Color

All of the Best Services Under One Roof!



5627 E Kings Canyon Road, Ste#110, Fresno 93727 HOURS: MON-SAT: 9am-6pm, SUN: Closed


Style & Smile




Call for an appointment: 559-283-8579



OCTOBER 2020 |



Walker’s Tree Service Serving all your tree care needs We can do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps, MistleToe, Remova, Trimming, Topping. Serving Fresno & Madera (559) 421-8555 Lic#93739750


Marijuana Recommendations Lowest Price Guaranteed $55 Card & Rec at Green Doctor Evaluations 295 W. Cromwell Ave. 101 (559) 440-0420 or online at




Help with your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website



CBD Tinctures, Lotion, Edibles, CBD for Pets. Yosemite Hemp Club Get 50% off product with a membership. Free membership when you mention the Flyer. (833) 872-2237

Discount is taken off the subtotal, before taxes. One time use only, must surrender at the time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photocopies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 10/31/20. CASHIER USE: FFS20G10


OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM Tuesday - Saturday

We are doing our part to ensure a safe and healthy shopping experience for everyone, including limiting in-store capacity, regularly cleaning and disinfecting, and requiring the use of masks.


Call The Fresno Hock Shoppe (559) 264-5856 or come in. 3235 E. Belmont Ave. Fresno. We have electronics, jewelry, and more! You can also check us out online


Services. Estate sale cleanups. Yard, trash, construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments and foreclosures. We it all, just call! (559) 307-4304 ask for James


cbd tinctures lotion edibles CBD FOR PETS YOSEMITEHEMPCLUB.COM CBD & NEW CBG


New Store In Clovis 1505 Tollhouse Road

Yosemite Hemp Co

FREE MEMBERSHIP this coupon gets you a free membership

Members get 50% off purchases


Tues-Sun 10am-4pm Closed Monday

Cleanups - Fertilizer - New Sawing Lawn Spray - Sprinkler Repair Lawn Reseeding Affordable Prices (559)270-6617


Preseason Checkup Mention this ad for 10% off CA lic. #479374 Call David with Specialized Air Conditioning (559) 226-6102

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