Fresno Flyer Vol 5 No 3

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EDITOR’S NOTE Media literacy has been a big topic as of late. Schools, universities, and community organizations have increasingly found ways to incorporate its teachings into their curriculum. As a public-facing magazine, we should be no different in that we should include best practices in our pages. As a media platform, we owe it to you, the reader, to be transparent. Fresno Flyer is not a newspaper, so we don’t cover the news. However, from time to time, we (or our writers) will see a topic of social significance that generates a deep desire to cover it. When that happens, we’ll dig into the issue from an editorial perspective. One of our writers will generally speak to one or two people with firsthand knowledge or experience with that topic or issue and tell their story as authentically as they can. Without an extensive pool of resources, we’re unable to take on the necessary training to adhere to the extremely high standards that exist in news coverage. In these pages, we share stories from individuals, small businesses, and organizations in your community. These stories reflect a snapshot of Central Valley culture as it existed in a moment of our history. This issue of the Flyer is no different.






Flip over a couple of pages, and you’ll see such a story. However, to protect a member of our community, we had to write it under the assurance of anonymity. Typically, I would shy away from unnamed sources in our articles. That’s simply because it’s challenging to convey their credibility to readers. But I couldn’t ignore the need to share a perspective from an essential worker inside one of our local hospitals. Regardless of the decision we’ve made in doing so, I still encourage you to watch for any other platforms using unnamed sources in their stories. Approach it with reasonable skepticism. Unless you trust the outlet delivering the story and the author’s credibility, all anonymous sources require a bit more of your attention than usual. It doesn’t mean they aren’t reliable, but it should catch your attention. We respect and honor those who trust us with their stories, but we also value our readers’ trust. If at any point you have questions about the information we print on these pages, let us know. All the writers have their contact information listed in their bylines, and my information is listed above. I love hearing from you, so let me know how we’re doing – for good or... not so good.

For many Californians, the pandemic marks the end of ‘barely making it’ The pandemic is accelerating the demise of the middle class, leaving many unable to sustain financial independence. In Silicon Valley and elsewhere, middle-class workers have found themselves unable to make rent.


arah Rivas was barely making rent since she’d moved to the city of Sunnyvale, in Silicon Valley, California. When, three months into the pandemic, she woke up to an email from her school announcing a nearly 7% cut in teachers’ pay, she gave up a three-year battle. “I moved into my parent’s house,” said Rivas, who’s been teaching her class of twelfth graders from Sacramento, three hours from their high school. “Not what every 26-year-old wants to do.” Rivas makes above the median household income in the U.S. and hasn’t lost her job due to pandemic closures. Yet her inability to financially survive the pandemic is the manifestation of a foundational economic fracture between California’s haves and have-nots. And for many middle-income workers, the pandemic marked the end of “barely making it.” Home to one hundred and sixty-six billionaires, who made over $235 billions since the beginning of the pandemic, the Golden State also has the highest poverty rate: 17.2% percent when adjusted for the cost of living, according to a recent Census Bureau analysis. Even with a $66,129 salary, Rivas couldn’t make her more-than $2,000 monthly rent in the tech valley. According to 2017 data, the median household income in Sunnyvale is $134,234, and the median rent is $2,390. “How can you be normal when that’s what it takes?” Rivas said. If Summit Denali charter school reopens this year, Rivas will have to face a difficult choice: either quit her job or find a new place to live in Silicon Valley. “I’ll never be able to buy a home, I’m never going to be able to comfortably raise a family there.” She isn’t the only one struggling: one Mill Valley high school teacher, who asked not to be identified, described contemplating sex work to fill the gaps left by her roughly $65,000 salary. Others switched to gig or low wage work. Experts worry that, on top of increased distress for the poor, the state’s already-shrinking middle class is tak-

By Laurence Du Sault | ing a hard hit too. “We kind of already had a hollowing of the middle class — that’s not going to help,” said Dr. Sylvia Allegretto, a labor economist and co-chair of the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics at the University of California, Berkeley. “This is going to be harmful for families, you’re going to see more food insecurity, then evictions play out.”

housing. Rents haven’t gone down, she says, and she might become one more California worker unable to afford to live where they work, no matter how much she loves her job or how good she is at it. “I think one of the key things to recognize is that economic value is increasingly based on information and knowledge — not labor,” said Chris Benner, a longtime

In the Bay Area, what used to be the packed parking lot of the San Francisco Giants is now a makeshift drive-thru food pantry. Collective food fridges popped up in front of Oakland houses so the hungry could eat. One in four Californians filed for unemployment since March, and the state’s unemployment rate in August was still three points higher than the rest of the country, with 11.4% percent, according to the state Employment Development Department. Some found new work, but job growth has been slow and many have had to settle for the lower-paying jobs available on the market, often without career prospects. Rivas, who learned in September — months after she’d moved out — that the school would reinstate teachers’ full pay, isn’t sure whether she’ll be able to find new

professor of sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. So, hard work and long hours are not rewarded as generously as ideas and information, and in the Bay Area, people’s ideas are often worth a lot in the form of investments, wealth, and net worth. But Benner points out our system taxes income, not net worth, leading to increased wealth disparity. “It doesn’t serve to redistribute wealth, it serves to raise government revenue,” adds University of Santa Clara School of Law professor of tax law Patricia Cain. As a result, economic growth doesn’t translate into social inclusion. The wealth gap is powered by two principal forces, Cain said: growing concentration of wealth, and government spending on social safety nets.



In the Bay Area, the one-time federal check of $1,200 plus additional $500 per child barely made up one month’s rent for many. Thanks to the latest federal Lost Wages Assistance Program, workers who lost work due to the pandemic can now apply to receive an extra $300 (the previous program provided $600), although applicants must already be receiving $100 or more from regular unemployment. Other governmental emergency programs like the one-time federal stimulus check and the Pandemic Electronics Benefit Transfer, which provided eligible families with up to $365 grocery money, have expired or about to. So are many local eviction bans still protecting renters from having to pay a quarter of their rent starting in September, a requirement under Gov. Newsom’s new statewide regulation. Between March and July, the median amount Californians received in unemployment was $339 — the equivalent of less than $20,000 a year. For many, that might not be enough to stay housed. “It’s a lot of suffering and not a lot of coverage,” said Michael Katz, a regional coordinator for East Bay Works, a state-funded provider of workforce programs. To many, the streets of the Bay Area are renowned for the enduring homelessness crisis as much as for the renowned tech giants of Silicon Valley. In-between, California’s middle class isn’t done shrinking; teachers, artists, waiters and gig workers are awaiting their fate, often one government program away from having to take a minimum-wage job — or lose their homes. “I love my job, I love these kids, but this is stressful. This is hurtful,” Rivas said. This article is part of The California Divide, a collaboration among newsrooms examining income inequity and economic survival in California. First published in USA Today, this article is part of a series called “On the Ground” with Report for America, an initiative of The GroundTruth Project. | FRESNO FLYER |



I AM #ESSENTIAL connecting and wellness By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


big part of our wellness has to do with the people in our lives. It feels so good to connect with a friend or family member. Or, it feels lousy when we aren’t getting along with someone we love. As this pandemic has made it challenging to spend time with the people we like and love, our interactions have an even more considerable influence on our wellness. One of the easiest positive effects you can have on any time you’re with a loved one, in real life or virtually, is to move away from electronic devices. Of course, if you’re using your phone or computer, you can’t quite do that. But, you can purposely ignore notifications or ignore other devices while you’re talking. By being totally focused on who you’re talking with and your conversation, it’s easier to feel attached, making it easier to open up. That openness will make your time with that person more rewarding. Whatever is going on in your phone or computer can wait. Another effective way to magnify the value of your time with someone is to stay present with the topic and moment. Really listen to the person you’re with. Go with the flow of the current conversation, stay focused on what you are both sharing. The connection of spending time with the people you enjoy is giving and taking what matters to both of you. It might take deliberate attention to remain present, but your reward will be how good you feel about the time you spend with

Continues on pg 7...



By Dave Fountinelle |


ovember marks the 10th month since the COVID-19 pandemic began, nine months since the first business closures began in California. Seven months since the American people received a one-time $1,200 stimulus check, initially promised as “just the first of more aid to come.” Four months since eviction protection for families expired. Four months have passed since the expanded unemployment benefits ended for millions of Americans still out of work. Nine months have passed, and both infection rates and deaths continue to rise, with no indication the virus will be contained anytime soon. Last week, the US exceeded 100,000 new cases for the first time. Nearly nine million Americans have already been infected, almost 250,000 have died. The economic impact has been devastating. Over 10 million people are still out of work, and millions more liv-ing day to day as hundreds of thousands of small businesses cling tenaciously to life. Like other densely-populated states, California has been hit particularly hard by the novel coronavirus. Approximately 940,000 people in the state have tested positive for COVID-19, nearly 18,000 have died. In the Central Valley alone, almost 75,000 cases and 1,000 deaths have been recorded so far. Arguably, no group has been impacted more by the pandemic than the frontline healthcare workers who have carried the “essential” designation like a badge of honor. Every


d a y they put selves at themrisk to perform their jobs, adapting to ever-changing health and safety guidelines, dealing with an increasingly frustrated public, and trying to avoid exposing themselves or their families to the virus. The following is a perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic from one such essential employee, an ER worker for 15 years. Due to the healthcare profession’s sensitive nature, this worker requested to preserve their identi-ty and speak under anonymity. What is an average day at work like for you now, with the new COVID guidelines? An average day at this point consists of coming into work early [enough] to prepare for the night - we must all have masks on when entering the hospital. Most days run pretty smoothly with all the precautions we have. It’s changed in the sense of how we screen [patients] before entering the department. Everyone must have a mask, and we have a particular set of questions we run down to determine if you are an at-risk patient for COVID. If so, then we have a specific room [to place patients in] and guidelines we must go through while in contact with that person. For example, we



must have a gown, eye protection, gloves, and a mask before entering the room. We do not allow any visitors at this time, either unless special circumstances arise and they [require] someone [to be] with them. How has COVID impacted your daily work routine? I think COVID has made doing everything a little bit of a longer process. However, I feel it’s better for us as staff and the patients for safety. We get daily briefings before we go on shift to cover any changes that have come up in policy and [go over] how to handle things properly. But at this point, things have settled into a somewhat “normal” feeling in the department because we are so far along with it. What do you wish more people knew or understood when it comes to COVID? Just to be patient with everything. It can be frustrating at times, but it’s all about keeping people safe. Even nine months in, we are still learning about COVID and what will keep everyone safe in the future and the present. And that [COVID] is a real thing, and people are becoming very sick from it. But, with simple measures, we can protect ourselves. What is one thing you wish the general public could see from your perspective? To not take it lightly. Yes, it may not harm you specifically, but that’s because everyone reacts differently to being sick. For some, it is very mild, and they will be perfectly fine. But for others, it can be extremely harmful. We need to protect them. It’s simple, be a good person. In general, do you think most people are taking COVID seriously enough?

Continues on pg 7...

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts Thanksgiving

1. The first Thanksgiving was held in the autumn of 1621 and included 50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoag Indians and lasted three days. Many historians believe that only five women were present at that first Thanksgiving, as many women settlers didn’t survive that difficult first year in the U.S. 2. Thanksgiving didn’t become a national holiday until over 200 years later! Sarah Josepha Hale, the woman who actually wrote the classic song “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” convinced President Lincoln in 1863 to make Thanksgiving a national holiday, after writing letters for 17 years campaigning for this to happen. 3. No forks at the first Thanksgiving! The first Thanksgiving was eaten with spoons and knives — but no forks! That’s right, forks weren’t even introduced to the Pilgrims until 10 years later and weren’t a popular utensil until the 18th century.

4. Thanksgiving is the reason for TV dinners! In 1953, Swanson had so much extra turkey (260 tons) that a salesman told them they should package it onto aluminum trays with other sides like sweet potatoes — and the first TV dinner was born! 5. Thanksgiving was almost a fast — not a feast! The early settlers gave thanks by praying and abstaining from food, which is what they planned on doing to celebrate their first harvest, that is, until the Wampanoag Indians joined them and (lucky for us!) turned their fast into a three-day feast! 6. Presidential pardon of a turkey: Each year, the president of the U.S pardons a turkey and spares it from being eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. The first turkey pardon ceremony started with President Truman in 1947. President Obama pardoned a 45-pound turkey named Courage, who has flown to Disneyland and served as Grand Marshal of the park’s Thanksgiving Day parade!. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

7. Why is Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November? President Abe Lincoln said Thanksgiving would be the fourth Thursday in November, but in 1939 President Roosevelt moved it up a week hoping it would help the shopping season during the Depression era. It never caught on and it was changed back two years later. 8. Wild turkeys can run 20 miles per hour when they are scared, but domesticated turkeys that are bred are heavier and can’t run quite that fast. 9. Butterball answers more than 100,000 turkey-cooking questions via their Butterball Turkey Hotline each November and December. 10. The average number of calories consumed on Thanksgiving is 4,500.






PART VI By I. smiley G. Calderón |


ell, now that the election is over and everyone’s happy with the results…(or lack thereof ) - Yeah, right! - Just kidding... It’s been one hell of a nightmare rollercoaster of nonstop dirty, polemic, and divisive confabulation these past few weeks! But no matter how politically crazy and exhausting it’s been, it’s been no match for how depressing and soul-crushing the coronavirus has been to our country. We are now well over 231,000 COVID-related deaths, with a total of over 9 million confirmed cases. And, as you know, the United States has about 330 million people in it. So, that means that, at one time or another in the past 8 months, about 3% of the population has been infected. That is to say, it has taken the virus only 8 months to spread to 9 million Americans. And of these inflicted, about 2.5% have died. So, at this rate, if it takes only 8 months to mercilessly and swiftly kill 231,000 of 9,000,000 people, does that mean that we should expect countless hundreds of thousands more dead by next summer? - Think about what I’m saying here: we know this virus isn’t just ‘going away.’ Instead, it’s adapting, evolving, and looking for new ways to spread and thrive. And, unfortunately for us, it’s been doing a pretty damn good job at it. The problem is SARS-CoV-2 is adept at literally breaking into one of the most important and ubiquitous cell receptors found all throughout our body: ACE-2, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. The invading coronavirus legion uses its many unforgiving outer protein spikes to rip open



innocent ACE-2 receptors everywhere in your body. Essentially, it gains control of the cell machinery that lines the epithelial cells of your nose and throat, making it highly contagious like the common cold. But, unlike the common cold, COVID-19 is pervasive and invades the ACE-2 receptors in your lungs, heart, kidneys - everywhere it can find it, wreaking destructive havoc throughout your body. And it’s even worse for men. (And not just because we are stubborn and refuse to listen, either). Why? Well, because it just so happens that testosterone also increases ACE-2 receptor production. So, basically, the more ACE-2 receptors, the more risk of a bad COVID-19 outcome. After 230,000 Americans died because of this god-awful plague, we need to finally recognize the fact that this invisible and infinitesimally tiny threat is actually a huge formidable and cunning enemy. An enemy that we’ll need to collectively fight the best way we know how as a united people to survive. Which is why wearing masks is (still) crucial. We’ve gone over this before, but if we can reduce the amount of viral load allowed to enter our bodies or prevent entry at all - we would have a better chance of fighting off infection. This makes sense, right? Let me say it in a more mundane kind of way: if we don’t let the murderous thief inside the front door, we all have a good chance of sur-


vival - right? It’s pretty simple. In this case, our ‘front door’ is at the face, nose and mouth. And our ‘murderous thief ’ is SARS-CoV-2. So, as long as we keep our ‘front door’ covered and closed, we have a better chance of keeping mister killer coronavirus out. But, with about 100,000 new coronavirus cases each day in the U.S. and over 1,000 deaths a day, our trajectory doesn’t look too good. As it is now, one American is diagnosed with coronavirus every second, and another one dies every two minutes. And it’s only getting worse, unfortunately. Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a medicine professor at George Washington University, offered this frightening foreboding: “The 100,000 cases yesterday two weeks from now will start to translate into massive numbers of deaths… So we’re going to see not just cases continue to escalate, but we’re going to see perhaps 2,000 deaths per day two or three weeks from now.” Imagine being on a sinking ship with water rushing crazily in. People are dying right in front of your eyes, gasping for air, trying not to drown. All the while, a group onboard urges everyone just to wait it out for the experts to fix the leaks - to wait it out for their modern miraculous technology to save the day. That’d be stupid, right? When your ship is sinking, it’s not ‘business as usual.’ No, man - it’s time to do whatever it takes to either try to keep that boat afloat or abandon ship - whatever it takes to keep your people alive. Well, America, sad to say,



but our ship’s been sinking. And, if we try to ‘wait it out’ for a miraculous vaccine or state-of-the-art therapeutic to save the day instead of taking immediate commonsense measures like mask-wearing and social distancing to keep us safe, many more of us will be doomed, sadly. This is no leftwing liberal conspiracy, people. And, there’s no political agenda here. Despite what you may have heard, you’re gonna still be hearing about this damn virus well after the election is over, for months and even possibly years to come. For sure, if you or your family has already been negatively affected by it, you’re going to remember it for a lifetime. Here in Fresno, the 443 families that have lost their loved ones since March will never forget. Don’t be a dummy - keep on wearing that mask. Do your part and encourage others to do the same (maybe they’ll listen to YOU). Hopefully, one day soon, we, as a united and resilient species, will see the light at the end of the tunnel and rise up and defeat this invisible beast. One mask at a time.

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.

...‘Essential’ cont’d from pg 4 I think in the beginning they were, but not now. I feel like everyone has become kind of relaxed with it. And it’s a “well if it doesn’t harm me, then it must not be that bad” attitude. But that’s not the case. The numbers tell us it’s still a very real thing, and it’s getting worse, not better. And if we all just did our part, it would be under control, and a lot sooner. Do you think the media’s coverage of COVID has accurately reflected your personal experiences dealing with patients and public perception overall? On some level, yes. It would just depend on what you are watching. The media now plays into specific de-mographics and what they want to hear. I don’t think it’s fair or accurate across the board, though, no. Do you think the government is doing enough in terms of getting you and your co-workers the PPE and other resources you need? When it first started, absolutely not. It was terrible. We did not have the proper protection we needed. But now we are ok. I know some hospitals are not; however, they are still low on supplies. But we have what we need at this point. And it changes dayto-day. We get new masks, and they fit us constantly to make sure it is safe.

How safe do you feel when it comes to avoiding exposure in the workplace? I feel safe. I now know how to protect myself. And how [COVID] spreads. So, I feel like my co-workers, and I are ok when it comes to safely protecting ourselves. I actually feel like I have more protection at work than I do in public. We are exposed daily, but we are trained in protecting each other from becoming ill. How well do you think people have been adjusting to the COVID regulations implemented in your work-place? We have pushback for sure. You are always going to have people who don’t want to believe what they hear. But for the most part, I think everyone is adjusting well. And it’s just become the new normal now. It’s been going on for months, and you just kind of get used to all of it. How has COVID affected employee morale in your line of work? Do you feel that it has negatively affected your mental health? I think it has affected some more than others. We work short-staffed a lot, so that’s wearing people out. It makes them feel both tired and frustrated, especially in going through all the changes to meet guidelines. It was stressful in the beginning, but I think we have found ways to deal with it. I know a lot of people started hiking and spending time outside. It’s tough to see these patients go through such hard times

and be so iso-lated, especially when they cannot have loved ones with them. Seeing COVID patients in isolation, the fear and uncertainty they experience, and all they want is to have family or loved ones with them ... that’s some-thing I wouldn’t wish on anyone. At the same time, I wish people could understand that this is the reality for many people who get COVID. These are the consequences of not following guidelines or taking precautions seriously. --Experts in the CDC and WHO estimate that a COVID vaccine may not be ready for at least another year. Many countries are beginning to see the “second wave” surges that were cautioned months ago. Meanwhile, America is still experiencing the first wave, and we have seen no leveling off or decrease in infection rates since the pandemic began. The economic impact has already been devastating, with tens of thousands of small businesses forced to close due to shutdowns and a lack of government financial stimulus support. Sui-cide and drug abuse rates are also spiking, as are incidents of domestic violence. Added to an already ex-tremely contentious political climate, and the COVID pandemic has become more than a public health crisis, but a mental health one as well. With no end in sight, frontline workers have an increasingly difficult task ahead of them. They will not only have to contend with handling COVID patients and adhering to seemingly ever-changing guidelines but also an increasingly frus-

trated and complacent public who are bombarded with conflicting and often dangerously inaccurate information about the virus. More than ever, essential workers deserve our empathy, compassion, patience, and understanding. As we enter fall and approach the winter flu season, public cooperation and per-sonal responsibility will determine just how much worse the pandemic gets.

...‘Wellness’ cont’d from pg 4 your loved one. You can do other things to build connections that might seem a little counterintuitive. Set a time limit for your conversation and share this limit with your conversation partner. If you know you only have a limited amount of time, you’ll make sure to talk about, and listen to, what’s really important to both of you. You’ll soak up every moment. And, as we’re pushed to stay connected via the alien technology of video calls, a bonus of the time limit is that it might help you from feeling depleted energetically. Finally, simply sit in the good feelings that you get in talking with each specific person. Pay attention to the phrases or pauses, or tones that you love about them. Notice how your familiarity with them and who they are just makes you feel good. Their value to you goes way be-

yond the current conversation. Honor that thought, honor them, and celebrate the connection you’ve built together. Carefree times with those we care about are much more complicated to come by now. If you focus more closely on how you interact with the people that matter most to you, you’ll gain connections that support your overall wellness. And that will make your life better. *On another note, this year has held a lot of challenges for all of us. You might have had some health goals you wanted to hit before or after the pandemic took over your life. Add the upcoming holiday season, and now you’re probably feeling even more drained and unprepared for how you’re going to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain and unhealthy holiday temptations. If you want to finish the year strong, develop some good habits (while still | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

enjoying some holiday treats), and feel more consistent than ever before... I’m beginning my Winning Streak program on November 12. Over 6 weeks, we’ll target a weekly goal with doable, sustainable habits that will move you toward your own health success. You choose which week(s) you want to participate in and only pay for the weeks you opt into. You’ll receive a step by step process for building habits, my personal encouragement and accountability support, and a live video tutorial addressing questions or concerns you may have. Topics include... ● A personalized movement plan you can enjoy without the dread ● How to prioritize & stick to healthy eating choices while feeling in control when you choose to indulge


Ways to build in accountability to your day ● How to nurture yourself without guilt or breaking the bank ● And more! ●

Through this program, you’ll begin to construct your own winning streak! Email or DM me today to get started with the subject line HEALTHY HOLIDAYS. Questions? Just ask via email or DM. Nadine is a Wellness Mindset Coach for women who want to prioritize their health by giving themselves permission to stop obsessing over perfection while they become confident in their own healthy abilities, without guilt or compromising their family life. Nadine can be reached at, and is on Instagram @npbwellnesscoach. | FRESNO FLYER |



El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant 3046 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. 559-435-2371 El Premio Mayor 3247 E McKinley Ave, Fresno, 93703 559-498-9925 Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 639 E Shaw Ave #149, Fresno, 93710 559-222-5823

Casa Corona 1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 559-283-8605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 559-323-7409. Armenian Restaurant 3051 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726 559-681-0988

CASA de TAMALES 609 E Olive Ave, Ste C Fresno, 93728 559-541-4656

Andiamo Ristorante Italiano 1275 Shaw Ave #120 Clovis, 93612 559-298-3196

Angkor Asian Bistro & Bar 1568 E. Champlain Dr. STE 105 Fresno, 93720 59-492-2344

Chicken King 1234 Fulton St, Fresno, 93721 559-266-5464

bowlzeye 75 W Bullard Ave, Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 298-3986

Annex Kitchen 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711 559-248-8512

Colorado Grill 2088 W Shaw Ave #3422, Fresno, CA 93711 559-412-7860 46 E Herndon Ave, Fresno, CA 93720 559-439-2747 1207 Willow Ave, Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 325-3460

Benaddiction 3015 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711. 559-374-6082

Corner Bakery Café 8464 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 (559) 328-5991

BJ’s Kountry Kitchen 4065 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726 559-222-5206 Bollywood Indian Street Food 7059 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 559-493-5975 BooBoo Bean Bakery & Café 2063 W Bullard Fresno, 93711 559-570-8093 Bulldog Burger Bistro 1782 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710 559-492-2420

Cracked Pepper Bistro 6737 N Palm Ave Fresno, 93704 559-222-9119 DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant 1530 E Nees Ave, 559-321-0544. 2221 W Shaw Ave, 559-221-6337. 144 N Blackstone, 559-237-7054. 7038 N West Ave, 559-436-1650, 5635 E Kings Canyon, 559-252-7100. 1071 E Shaw, 559-229-7811. 1914 W Clinton, 559-266-9893 Elbow Room 731 W. San Jose Ave Fresno 93704 559-227-1234

Carrillo’s Mexican Food 151 W Bullard #101 Clovis, 93612 559-325-5688 Dai-Ichi 1820 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93611 Call 559-297-1177 El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant 40 W Clovis Ste 101 (559)299-0675 Florentina’s Pizza and Pasta 2141 Shaw Ave Unit 113 Clovis, 93611 559-297-8310 House of Juju 565 Pollasky Ave #101 Clovis, 93612 559-298-3090 Huckleberry’s 2100 Clovis Ave Clovis, 93612 559-412-7889 Jus Jo’s 701 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612 .559-322-1788

Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant 2141 Shaw Ave Ste 101, Clovis, 93611 559-326-0524 Luna Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, 93611 559-299-4141 Mah’s Teriyaki Express 605 Herndon Ave #400, Clovis, 93612. 559-297-8831 Michelangelo’s Pizzeria 619 Woodworth Ave, Clovis, 93612 559-322-1666 Neighbors Tap and Cook House 1175 N Fowler Ave #800, Clovis, 93611 559-298-4020 Pad Thai Restaurant 198 Shaw Ave (Shaw at Minnewawa) Clovis, 93612. 559-324-1235 Panda City Hot Pot & Grill 458 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612 (559) 324-8888 Pure Water & Ice Cream 1835 Ashlan Ave #103A, Clovis, 93611 559-346-1399 RusHour 701 W Shaw Ave # 101, Clovis, 93612 559-326-0574 Sakura Chaya 1200 Shaw Ave, 559-900-4326. Second location: 690 E Nees Ave, 559-438-9378 Sandy’s Country Junction 532 Clovis Ave. Clovis, 93612 Subs-N-Grub 3157 Fowler Ave #102 Clovis, 93611. (559)-291-4782 Subbies Subs & More 2 150 Minnewawa Ave ste D, Clovis, 93612 559-478-4627 Sunnyside Pizza 1175 N Fowler Ave #600 Clovis, 93611 559-374-9361

NEW OPENING TAKE OUT ORDERS 50 W. Bullard Ave, Suite 111 (559) 207-3738











Fresno Hock SHoppe


Owner - Robbie Van Gronigen

Brass Unicorn Inc 1007 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 (559) 441-7107

Fresno Hock Shoppe has been a Belmont Ave figure, locally owned and operated, for 30 years. Robbie took over ownership five years ago, although he has worked for the Hock Shoppe the entire 30 years it has been open. The pawn shop sells a variety of items like guitars, basses, musical instruments, tools, electronics like tablets, laptops and game consoles, and firearms. The staff, always eager to help, are known for their youthful and energetic approach. The Fresno Hock Shoppe also offers a variety of items on eBay, and you can also check out their inventory on their website at

10 | NOVEMBER 2020

The Shop at KLSD 1755 Broadway St Unit 105, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 478-5501 Repeat Performance 1429 N. Van Ness Ave. (559) 442-0129

Parabolic Art & Design

root 1424 Fulton St, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 540-0460

Founded in 2017, Tony Fernandez seeks to create an experience through furniture and home decor. Parabolic offers a thoughtfully curated, eclectic mix of vintage furniture, home decor and fine art from past decades through the present, including hundreds of unusual items that make great gifts. A modernist at heart, Fernandez is inspired by the way great modern architects, designers, and artists looked at the world in fresh new ways that were not a rehash of traditional, historical styles. But he’s not a strict purist, Parabolic features an eclectic collection from various periods and cultures to keep Fernandez and his customers on their toes. If you’re looking for more beyond what Parabolic hosts in its shop, Fernandez has the experience to help customers with everything from finding the perfect item to custom creating a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture. Parabolic is located at 431 E. Olive Ave., between Roosevelt and Wilson. They’re open Wed to Sun 12-5, or by appointment. For more information visit www. parabolicgallery.comFollow them on Instagram (parabolicgallery) and Facebook (@parabolic559)

Legends Comics and Games 5412 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 374-5020 legendscomics-games

Owner - Tony Fernandez


Heroes Comics 110 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 229-4376 Tower District Records 1930 N Echo Ave, Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 478-4034



Free Bird Company 838 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 (559) 312-6174 Hocus Pocus Magic Shop 1492 N Clark St #104, Fresno, CA 93703 (559) 266-5150 Yoshi Now! 648 Broadway St, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 485-8142

Bikes Steven’s Bicycles 4045 W. Figarden Drive (559) 229-8163 1365 N. Willow Ave., Clovis (559) 797-0148 Rubber Soul 132 W. Nees Ave., Suite 111 (559) 435-2453 Sunnyside Bicycles 6105 E. Kings Canyon Road, Suite 104 (559) 255-7433


(559) 207-3767

Ooh La La 7973 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 297-7770

Sugar & Spice 1305 N Willow Ave, Clovis, CA 93619 (559) 340-4600

Revival 23 453 Pollasky Ave., Suite 107, Clovis (559) 593-5127

Fresno Music Academy & Arts 1298 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, CA 93728 (559) 222-7464

Orphan Annie’s 6735 N. First St., Suite 104 (559) 449-8707



Whitie’s Pets 5215 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 438-4343

Petunia’s Place 6027 N Palm Ave, Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 438-1561

Kelley’s Pets 1382 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, CA 93703 (559) 252-6303

Crazy Squirrel Game Store 7711 N First St, Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 431-0188


Fairy Godmother’s Closet 2930 E Nees Ave Ste 107, Fresno, CA 93720

Jalisco Jewelers 1014 Fulton St, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 266-6743

Ragin’ Records

Owners - Paul Cruikshank Ragin’ Records is a familiar name to music collectors in the Fresno area. Their Olive Ave. location was a Mecca for music heads in the 90’s. It’s closure marked the end of an era for the Tower music scene. 25 years later, owner Paul Cruikshank returned to his Tower roots to reopen Ragin’ Records at their new location on Fulton St. next to Vini Vidi Vici. Shortly after opening, the Covid pandemic started and Ragin’s return looked as though it may be over as quickly as it started. Paul refused to give up, however, and thanks to some savvy social media promotion, and the loyal support of Central Valley vinyl lovers, Ragin’ Records has managed to weather the storm and enjoy growing success. Featuring everything from rare first pressings worth hundreds to new albums for under $20, Ragin’ Records has something to please collectors and fans alike. Their focus is mainly indie rock and punk, Paul’s personal favorites. But, their inventory also includes a growing hip-hop section and tons of new and vintage rock records. Plus used CD’s, and an assortment of random books and merchandise. Not to mention the famous Ragin’ Records logo tees! Ragin’ Records is located at 1118 N Fulton, Fresno. Hours: Mon-Sat: 12pm7pm and Sun: 12pm-5pm (559) 369-7274 IG: @Raginrecordsfresno FB: facebook. com/raginrecordsfresno

hereos comics

Owner - Dave Allread In business for 30 years, Heroes Comics has become a fixture at the Shaw Ave. location just off Hwy 41. In that time, owner Dave Allread has built a reputation for being friendly and knowledgable, and his store is always clean, well-organized, and inviting. Heroes does carry a small selection of toys, games, trading cards, and other merchandise, but the focus is primarily on comic books and graphic novels. Heroes has everything from rare, high-dollar collectible issues to the latest new releases with the best selection of titles anywhere in Central California. If you have a special comic book geek in your family and you’re looking for a perfect gift this holiday season, let Dave put his knowledge to work for you. Heroes Comics is located at 110 E Shaw Ave., Fresno. Hours: Mon/Tues/ Thurs/Fri/Sat: 10am-6pm, Weds: 9am8pm, Closed Sundays (559) 229-4376 IG: @heroescomicsfresno FB: heroescomicsfresno

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CALENDAR Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. Arts Visalia offers a wide array of classes for children and adults. At-Home Art kits for children are The Smithsonian National Museum of Nat- available until we are able to meet safely in the ural History, Washington DC. https://naturalgallery. Visit our website for more details and Move at your own enrollment forms. Arts Visalia’s spring class enpace through the 360-degree room-by-room rollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and tour of every exhibit in the museum. online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class forms are available at Arts Visalia paul-getty-museum?hl=en Los Angeles’s preand online. There is a wide range of classes miere gallery has two virtual tours, including offered for both adults and children. For more “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closer information on all Arts Visalia events and availlook at food in the Middle Ages and Renais- able classes visit our website at sance. or call the gallery at 739-0905 National Museum of Anthropology, MexiCMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Onco City. line Workshops. asset/the-national-museum-of-anthropolo- CMAC is offering a series of online workshops gy-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-comthat are free and open to the public. You do mons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the not need to be a CMAC member to regispre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit ter. rooms full of Mayan artifacts. Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Cen- - - and Ohio’s poles Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR Glenn Research Center - https://www.nasa. LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advangov/glennvirtualtours - offer online tours for tage of being home and learn how to jam! We free. Also, you can try some “augmented rewill learn songs for you to sing and/or play with ality experiences” via The Space Center Housfriends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory ton’s app. and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Mestory/online-exhibits Have a late International senger, and FaceTime. Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum. Free Online Ivy League College Courses. Museum of Art. https:// league-moocs Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, politan-museum-of-art Though the Met Gala Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, was cancelled this year, you can still have a and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, peak at the The Costume Institute Conversa- and they offer personalized course recomtion Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 mendation and course/subject tracking with online exhibits. reminders. The Kitchn’s Cooking School. The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day, 20-lesson Visalia Adult School Online Classes. https:// program where students tackle an essential The Visalia cooking topic each day. You’ll even have homeAdult School is open with many classes onwork! Free to join at their website. line! If you need your high school diploma, GED, or just want to take English as a Second Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline Language Classes we offer them for free. OthCreative. classes such as Medical Billing, Medical online-art-lessons.htm The free online drawing Terminology, or one of our many other classlessons at Kline Creative website are designed es that include small fees are also available. for beginners of any age, from young children For more information, please, give us a call! to adults. The site offers instructional videos 559-730-7646. Our office is open 9am to 3pm on a range of drawing subjects. The videos are Monday-Friday and we can help you meet your designed to give the beginner core skills to enfuture. hance any art medium you choose to use.

Museum (virtual) Tours

Learn at Home

12 | NOVEMBER 2020


and demonstrating moves you can do that don’t require a lot of floor space. Coach Kozak does the full workout while Claudia models the modifications, so regardless of your fitness level, you will always have someone to follow. Get ready to sweat! Move with Colour. c o m / c h a n n e l / U C Z F d k G 0 3 m Z w KG t 1 _ RJ23vAA These are less of a “I need to get a serious workout in” type class and more of a Live, Write Workshop: Mai Der Vang. Sat- “I need to burst with joy and smile for 10 minurday, November 07, 2020, 10:00 am utes straight” sort of thing. While there are a - 1:00 pm few 45-minute sessions, the majority are just events/702076777066076 The Live, Write 10 minutes, and leave you mastering a small dance combination. With tons of different muWorkshop for Writers of Color is hosted by sic choices you can feel like you’re in a boy Fresno State Prof. Venita Blackburn. The featured author is the poet and educator Mai Der band, at a disco, or even in a ‘90s club for a Vang, winner of the Walt Whitman Award from few minutes out of your day. It’s a great way to the Academy of American Poets. This one- get your blood pumping and heart racing, but more importantly, these videos are just plain day discussion and generative poetry-writing workshop is open to anyone interested in the fun. literary expression of the lived experiences of communities of color. Participants will produce Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. and share their own creative writing; any ex- com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains perience level is welcome. Online via Zoom. is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook Admission is free. Register to attend: http:// Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed Details: www.fresnostate. workouts are available on the Facebook page. Workouts are open to anyone, including those edu/creativewriting or 559.278.1569. who aren’t Planet Fitness members, and typically last around half an hour. Travel & Virtual Run Around the World 2020 Saturday, November 07, 2020, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Yoga with Adriene. https://yogawithadriene. com/ Can you already twist your body into a travel-and-virtual-run-around-the-world-2020 pretzel? Great, Adriene is here for you. Can’t Coffee Chat: Boosting Your Emotional In- even touch your toes? Even better, Adriene is ready to help. She has so many videos and telligence. Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:00 am - 11:00 am https://boostingyourei. options that it’s almost overwhelming. word: almost. Her soothing voice and relaxed approach to yoga will keep you—and her other 6 million-plus subscribers—coming back for Camera and Public Speaking Powerful Techniques Online Masterclass Business. Monday, more. November 16, 2020, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm https:// Popsugar Fitness. Tickets: $10 com/user/popsugartvfit/videos If you’re looking for classes that will make you feel like you’re Blogilates. working out with friends, Popsugar fitness is blogilates/videos Most of these workouts are exactly what you need. about 10 minutes or less, and based around Pilates workouts to help strengthen and tone muscle. The instructor, Cassey, guides you through the routines in the comfort of her home, sometimes with friends, but oftentimes Vail Comedy Show - Online. Thursday, Noalone. With these short, attainable workouts, vember 19, 2020, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm PST and one-on-one instruction, it can feel like you *Event originates in a different time zone with a local start of 5:30 pm. http://www.vailcomhave your own personal trainer right in your Vail Comedy Show every third ing room—minus the hefty price tag that usualThursday with nationally touring comedians ly comes along with it. streamed into your living room. Hosted by Mark Masters. Our October show has Usama Heart and Soul Fitness. There Siddiquee and Jenny Zigrino! isn’t anything wild or flashy in the production of these videos—it’s just two people working hard, encouraging you to give your best effort, How to Draw Cartoons! If drawing cartoons is your thing, this site offers plenty of free instruction on the topic. The site covers categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock and Darth Vader.



Live Concert Streams


EVENTS Josh Groban: The Virtual Concert Series. Thursday, November 26, 2020, 10:00 am PST *Event originates in a different time zone with a local start of 1:00 pm Unprecedented times like these call for moments that raise us up -- and no one is better suited for the job than Josh Groban. Having one of the best voices in the biz, Groban has uplifted audiences around the globe with his angelic baritone pipes and moving lyrics. Join him as he continues to share his many musical gifts with this series of livestreamed concerts. $25.00 to $65.00 Diplo offers themed #COVIDseries sets every Friday and Saturday. Watch the livestream Major Lazer offers themed #COVIDseries sets every Sunday. Watch the livestream Dillon Francis hosts weekly livestreams, including Taco Tuesdays and Humpday Heaters in addition to appearing Saturdays on Diplo’s Coronight Fever. Watch the livestream https:// Indigo Girls do an all request livestream every Thursday at 7 p.m. to benefit different charities. Request songs and watch the livestream Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. https:// Travis is a local artist who performs weekly livestream concerts that are available on his facebook page. He continues to create fresh new content for his fans and supporters every week. Metallica. MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica have launched a new concert series, #MetallicaMondays, which will see the band stream a complete Metallica live show on the group’s YouTube channel and on Facebook every week. They start at 8pm (EDT) every Friday. Neil Young. news/4/article?id=Subscriber-Fireside-Sessions-to-stream-from-NYA Neil Young is keeping it in the family with his Fireside Sessions - his wife will be filming while he gives a live concert from his living room, presumably by the fire. It looks like his dogs could feature heavily, too. Young is promising a “down-home production, a few songs, a little time together”, which sounds good to us. Find out more via the Neil Young website, see link below. Grouplove performs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Instagram Live. Watch the livestream R o y a l Albert Home. The Royal Albert Hall – yes, THE Royal Albert Hall – is hosting a series of Royal Albert Home performances over the coming

days and weeks, which will see “artists sharing their work from their homes to yours”. The free streaming programme already includes Rufus Wainwright, Peter Gregson, Brassed Off and many more. You can also donate to the Hall to show your support. We have Imogen Heap, Kaiser Chiefs and Tim Burgess to look forward to. Radiohead. Yes, Radiohead. The band will be posting weekly classic concert videos to their YouTube channel on Thursdays at 10pm BST (5pm ET). And you can watch them back at your leisure. MTV Unplugged at home. The first installment of this new MTV Youtube series starts that will take place every Friday started with Wiclef Jean. Link: MTV Youtube Songkick Live Stream Concerts. Songkick, the concert connection site, hosts live stream concerts and in-home performances from national and local artists all over the world. New events are added daily.

National Wildlife Federation’s Bald Eagle Cam. cfm This camera gets you right up near the nest, about 30 feet off the ground.

Local/Virtual Events Red Cross Disaster Response Virtual Fair. Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020 4pm - 5pm. Be ready to help your local community! Due to predictions for an active hurricane and wildfire season and the complexities of COVID-19, the Red Cross will need thousands of volunteers to care for people when disasters strike. Learn how you can be a Ready Red Cross Shelter Volunteer so you can answer the call when your community needs it most! We will need volunteers to help support emergency shelters by staffing different areas including reception, registration, feeding, health services, information collection and other vital tasks. We have both associate and supervisory level opportunities available. Will you be ready to roll up

your sleeves and help? This Volunteer Fair is ideal for community members new to the Red Cross, those looking for a volunteer opportunity in their community during disasters, or looking to learn more about how Red Cross will shelter community members affected by disasters. Join us! To register for the Virtual Volunteer Fair, contact Taylor Poisall at taylor. or call (559) 513-1656. You can also register online at CCRvolunteerfair LGBTQ+ Support Group. Thursday, Nov 5, 2020 6pm - 7pm, Thursday, Nov 12, 2020 6pm - 7pm. Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center, 1250 Fulton St, Fresno. Join our peerto-peer support group on Thursdays as we engage in empowering conversations. Arts Visalia Annual Holiday Show and sale. Thursday, November 05, 2020, 12:00 pm 5:30 pm. *Additional Dates: Wednesday, November 04, 2020 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm,Friday, November 06, 2020 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm,Sat-

Zoo Tours and Wildlife Streams The San Diego Zoo. With what may be the most live cam options, this zoo lets you switch between koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one sitting. Monterey Bay Aquarium. It can be Shark Week every week thanks to live online footage of Monterey Bay’s Habitat exhibit. Virtual Dives. vr/?mod=article_inline You won’t need scuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with these stunning high-res 360-degree views of national marine sanctuaries like the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast. You can even pair your device with a virtual reality headset for the ultimate immersive experience. International Wolf Center. http://www.wolf. org/wolves/experience/webcam.asp Highly recommended: the wolf den cam. This morning, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two others moving around the den. As the site explains, the den is the primary resting spot for wolves during the winter months, where they lie on beds of straw for added warmth. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco. farallones/ This live streaming web cam lets you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species of seabirds, five species of seals and sea lions, and land birds. Great white sharks and gray, blue, and humpback whales inhabit the surrounding waters. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |





EVENTS urday, November 07, 2020 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Wednesday, November 11, 2020 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm. virtual-tours/ Would you like to support local business and local artists this holiday season? Then look no further than Arts Visalia’s Annual Holiday Show and Sale. Starting November 4th you will be able to shop our selection of handcrafted, artistic, and functional works of art from over 30 different Central Valley artists. This includes gift items such as jewelry, ceramics, illustrations, books, sculptures, hand-painted decorative or functional pieces, glass art objects, paintings, photographs, and more. Be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity to do your holiday shopping all in

14 | NOVEMBER 2020

one place! By purchasing a handmade gift, you are supporting the arts in your community, plus taking something special home with you. Arts Visalia is also offering free gift wrapping for all purchases! Arts Visalia is anticipating opening our doors again Wednesday-Saturday from noon-5:30 p.m. to allow our visitors to shop and experience the works in person. However, we will continue to have a virtual gallery tour available on our website at www. to allow everyone an opportunity to see the amazing items we have to offer. If Arts Visalia is unable to open our doors for our Holiday Show and Sale we will be offering the opportunity to schedule your shopping trip Wednesday through Sat-


urday from 1:00 PM- 3:00 PM. From January 6th-29th, 2021, Arts Visalia will be hosting Surviving or Thriving: 2020 in Review. This will be a community art show featuring art reflecting the impact of 2020. Applications to participate in the show will be accepted until 11:59 p.m., Dec. 4th, 2020. $100 awards for Best in Show and People’s Choice to be announced on Friday, January 8th, 2021. Visit to apply and for more information. Drive by dinner in Fresno. Sunday, November 8th, 1pm. Deran Koligian Stadium, 4200 N Grantland Ave, Fresno. $40 Dinner for 6: Chicken and ribs, green beans, rice pilaf and rolls Dinner. Tickets:https://fresno.eventful. com/tickets/selector? c a b 1 8 d 8 8 d 5 9 2 5 c e 6 5 3107 3 c e e 3b&spot=links&lid=edp&source=edpp

Kearney Park Renaissance Fair. Sat, 14 Sun, 15 Nov 2020. Kearney Park, Fresno. Kearney Park Renaissance Faire will showcase products like King Henry will be presiding over a Border war where Participation by costumed actors from various Renaissance guilds will add to the feeling... for KING and COUNTRY: A Drummer Boy Christmas Drive-In. Sat, Nov 14, 2020, 6:00 PM PST International Agri-Center® Heritage Complex, 4500 South Laspina Street, Tulare, CA 93274 It goes without saying that 2020 has been one of the most difficult years of our lifetime, so it seems more important than ever for us to celebrate the greatest news the world has ever known.. so let’s come ‘together’ this holiday season to experience a LIVE Christmas concert like you’ve never experienced before! The band will be playing songs and Christmas classics from their brand new album ‘A Drummer Boy Christmas,’ as well as some of your year-round favorites like God Only Knows, Together, and more. And who knows…. The Premise (Quarantine Edition): Virtual there may even be hot chocolate and a festive Comedy Show. Wednesday, November 11, light show set to the tune of Drummer Boy to 2020, 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm *Additional Dates: spread some holiday cheer. Virtual Meet & Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:00 pm Greet with for KING & COUNTRY We’ve missed - 9:30 pm, Wednesday, November 25, 2020 getting to meet you all face to face, so we’ve 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm https://www.eventbrite. come up with a safe way to meet you virtualcom/e/87900979195 ly! Join us virtually for a quick hello before the show by purchasing your meet and greet pass, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio, and we’ll be sure to take a quick snapshot of Thursday “FAMILY NIGHT” Nov 12th. 5:00 our time together. Only 10 spots available! PM – 9:00 PM PST Sensorio, 4380 Highway (Note this is in addition to a ticket) Price: $9946 East, Paso Robles, CA 93446. Interna345. tionally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro will premier his largest artwork to date—an enorAre you a Trans Ally? Tuesday, November mous multi-acre walk-through installation—at 17, 2020, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm A Fresno City Sensorio in Paso Robles, California beginning College Zoom Webinar. https://www.fresnociMay 19, 2019 and now due to overwhelming demand, Sensorio has announced the l?date=1605643200000-1605646800000 extension of this stunning outdoor art exhibit through January 3, 2021. Bruce Munro: Field Thanksgiving for Paso Robles November of Light at Sensorio uses an array of over 26 | Volunteer & Donate. Thu, November 26, 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, 2020 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM PST. Centennial gently illuminating the landscape in subtle Park, 600 Nickerson Road, Paso Robles, CA blooms of morphing color that describe the 93446 A celebration of thanks serving over undulating landscape. Powered by solar, the 1000 men, women, and children a traditionstunning exhibition will captivate visitors, invital drive-thru Thanksgiving meal at no cost. A ing them to engage with the landscape and entrue expression of community that brings divironment through an ethereal light-based and verse people together to share the day with sculptural experience. Smithsonian Magazine others. All made possible through the generhas called Munro’s art “stunning,” while The osity of caring individuals, students, organiGuardian noted, “This is art you feel, rather zations, churches and businesses.This year’s than art you view.” dinner will be served in individual to-go con tainers and handed out while supplies last, Central California Auto Show. Fresno Conin a drive-thru from 11am - 2pm at St. Rose vention & Entertainment Center, Fresno. In- Church on Creston Road. Donate and Volunternational Automobiles, Spare Parts and teer – Here’s how you can help! Thanksgiving Accessories Industry trade fair. Fri, 13 - Sun, for Paso Robles is 100 percent organized and 15 Nov 2020 Central California Auto Show will executed by volunteers. COVID-19 Protocols be a platform where hundreds of the newest will be in effect for all volunteers. There’s lots cars, trucks, crossovers, and SUVs will cruise to do on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday into the show transforming the venue into an of Thanksgiving week. It takes about 200 peoautomotive utopia. ple working nearly 1200 man-hours to put on Thanksgiving for Paso Robles each year.



EVENTS 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Comedy Bash. Sat, November 28, 2020, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST The Hummingbird Ranch. 648 East Grand Avenue, Porterville, CA 93257 Come out to have a night of fun laughing your butts off with the comedic style of Willie Barcena. Temperature checks and masks are required. Let’s stay safe and have a great time. Admission $20-30. https://www.eventbrite. com/e/3rd-annual-thanksgiving-comedy-bash-tickets-124643647505?aff=ebdssbdestsearch#listing-organizer Fresno Video Speed Dating - Filter Off. The Fresno video speed dating event is the most effective way for men and women to meet. Whether you are recently single, new in town, or have been single for a while, this event is for you. To attend our video speed dating events, make sure to download the app here. This is an online event for Fresno singles only. Every Friday we’ll set up Fresno specific speed dating sessions and set you up on three, 90-second dates! Filter Off is modeled after real-world speed dating and is designed to get those with confidence, courage and crazy schedules meeting each other face-to-face. We look at your age, location, height and education preferences and attempt to find someone that fits all of them. These events will take place in the Fresno, California area. Fresno Online/Virtual Game Night: Trivia, Charades, and Drawing, Hosted by Let’s Roam Scavenger Hunt Adventures. Monday-Sunday, 6-9pm. Let’s Roam’s Virtual Game Night makes it easy for you to have an epic game night any night. A leader in global adventures, Let’s Roam has taken our mission virtual, helping people explore, discover, and connect through a one-of-a-kind video platform. We’ve combined crazy-fun games with embedded video chat software for a game night experience that will level up your joy. You’ll take on five rounds of fun games through Let’s Roam’s

next-level video call software. Virtual Games you’ll experience: Trivia: 8,000+ questions, 60+ categories including Rom-Coms, History, 90’s Music, Disney, and more. Get down to quiz-ness and go brain-to-brain with your friends. Charades: Can your team guess what you’re acting out? This classic party game has gone virtual. Dozens of themed categories to choose from. Let’s Draw: This is Pictionary with a virtual twist. Guess what your friends are drawing before time runs out. Trivia About You: Find out how well people know you! Fill out a short questionnaire, and Let’s Roam’s platform will auto-generate personalized questions. Drinking Games: For the party animals, this themed game night option offers drinking games and drinking-themed challenges. No more spreadsheets, third party video software, and game night chaos. Our game is bundled right into our custom video call software. Access your virtual game night on a desktop, laptop, or tablet. roam_from_home/virtual_game_night?utm_ source=event_brite_free_game

Free Beginner Karate Training (Ages 3 - 12). Monday, November 09, 2020, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm *Additional Dates: Wednesday, November 04, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Monday, November 16, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm https:// action-karate-online? This is a karate class designed for kids ages 3-12. Children will learn “easy to follow” moves at home in this interactive class. This is not a class you will just watch, parents will be involved too- so it’s fun for the whole family. Please wear comfortable clothes and turn your camera on! Crazy Squirrel D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure continue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been working diligently to bring you online D&D adventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re ready to start. We’ll offer tables for kids only as well as other tables for adults.Want to play? We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free account to join a game. Voice Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Discord Channel. Included in this post is the link for payment Fencing Online Class (Ages 5 - 18) Thurs- for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Please choose the DM and date you want to day, November 05, 2020, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm play. After payment is received you will be put into the room for chat in discord. Within the tivityhero-live/fencing-online-class?utm_ campaign=&utm_source=event_site&aht_ room will be the link to the Roll20 game. cam=event_site&utm_medium The ROC’s online fencing classes emphasize conditioning Kids D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure conand technique with exciting reaction drills, coordination challenges and super fun games. All tinue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been levels of fencers, from beginners through ex- working diligently to bring you online D&D adperienced, get a great and productive workout ventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re while learning and enhancing critical fencing ready to start. Want to play? These tables for kids only. There will be a limit of 6 kids per skills such as finger and wrist techniques, improved reaction abilities, enhanced footwork, table.We are having this be for kids ages 10endurance, strength, strategic actioning, and 16. We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and more. we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free

Fun for Kids and All Ages



account to join a game. Voice Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Kids Discord Channel. Included in this post is the link for payment for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Please choose date you want to play. After payment is received you will be put into the room for chat in discord. Within the room will be the link to the Roll20 game. Dolly Parton continues her “Goodnight with Dolly” series, reading children’s books from her Imagination Library every Thursday at 7 p.m. Watch the livestream Draw with Ed Vere. Every Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. (he’s posting from the UK) illustrator Ed Vere will share a new “how to draw” lesson via video on his website. So far he’s taught how to draw a lion, a monster and more. The videos remain available on his website after they’re shared, so don’t feel like you have to be up at 6 a.m. Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https:// Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live. Weekday Live Streams with Mr. Jon & Friends. events/1074677622899381/ Mr. Jon & Friends is a group that writes and performs music just for kids! With schools are closed, they will be hosting weekday live streams and fun videos at 10:30 a.m. each day. These virtual events are all about fun, music, and laughter. Watch live, and then come back to re-watch alter as often as you’d like. You can find all the info on the Facebook event page.







LOT’S OF antiques for sale. Wagon wheels, metal wheels, gas pumps, windmill, signs and much more! Call 559-467-8585 ANTIQUE Settee $150 Mike call or text: (559) 269-9079 COKE CRATE $35 ea text for pictures 559304-1831 JUKEBOX Missing side glass, needs good cleaning, has key, working, great speakers, Manual 1952 $4000 obo 559-3041831

OLD VINTAGE collectible military memorabilia, two old brass civil war black p flasks with original leather shoestring ties, prisoner bagged mask with rubber straps and an old Safariland Leather Holster (Monrovia Calif 101). Since these are each from different wars they are being sold separately unless requested as a bundle. (Italy) Brass Black P Flask W/Pouch Long Stick Brass Black Flask w/Pouch Mask w/Straps Holster $50 is what I can do picked up $55 delivered in Fresno Clovis. If you are interested please message me (559) 461-3508


GE FRIDGE in great condition, works great. Call or text 805-6890300 $100 (Coarsegold) LG DRYER $250 (Kerman) It is in good conditions and work really well. We can go ahead and connect it so you can see it working. We are asking $250 and if you are interested call (559)800-5118

16 | NOVEMBER 2020



LG DRYER - $250 (Kerman) Hotpoint washer heavy duty super capacity $140 comes with a 30 day warranty 559-3720294

YFZ 450 for sale Very Well maintained Oil changed every 2 rides About 40 hours on it Fmf pip with cherry bomb Pink slip in hand Yfz ltr Ktm honda Call or text for more info or KENMORE Refriger- pictures (559)381-1393 ator $250 (Kerman) It $6500” is in good conditions and work really well. 05’ HONDA TRX It’s freezes really well 450R, I am the second and the bottom get re- owner and I’ve owned ally cold as well. We it since 2006, this is a are asking $250 and if super super clean ,realyou are interested call ly low hours & always (559)800-5118 garaged bike, it’s been very well maintained & DRYER available in taken care of as the picgas or electric Cleaned tures show. This bike is serviced in good work- never been in any acciing condition 30 day dents or rollovers ,the warranty 559-313- engine has never been 7519 $400 cracked open its all stock Factory ,the bike BRAND NEW Aroma runs very very strong Stainless Steel 8-Cup & is in amazing shape Rice Cooker/Food !, thank you, call Scott Steamer. $40 OBO. (559) 513-2032 Call or Text 559-9309122 WANTED. I’m looking for 2 super clean SINGER SEWING quads. The models I’m macine rewired $200 after are Suzuki Ltz cash heavy duty - 250, Honda Trx 250ex sews through leather , Yamaha yfz 250 I’m (559)301-4816 a cash buyer and will travel to pick them up. Must have clean clear CA title in hand in your ATVS name with current reg2008 YAMAHA Wol- istration. Call or text verine 350cc (Just 5596984566 Serviced) $3,999 plus taxes and fees 559-299SUPPORT LOCAL 1600


BIKES REDLINE 20” boys bmx $150 elling a used in excellent condition 20” redline bmx boys bike. Sorry the price is firm. 150 cash.Txt at 661 772 3216 BRAND NEW! 24”” kids mountain bike, 3x7, 21 speeds $160 5597614383 NEW! SCHWINN beach cruiser, 3 speeds, 26”” wheels, coaster brake, added: rear rack, bottled holder, chain guard, tools and owners manual $300 5597614383 lee TREK JAZZ Voltage 26” Mountain Bike $150 This cost about $300 new and I am asking $150. Deliver is available for an extra fee. Please call or text 559- 304 - 6457 26” ADULT Trike brand new! $400 New out of the box adult trike, can deliver less than 5 miles radius show contact info 559761-4383 SELLING something under $300? List it here FREE. List something over.






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CARS FOR SALE Buick Century $3,900 very dependable and clean (559)301-4816 2003 VOLVO C70 Asking $4,950.00 obo. original 97,000 miles, motor 2.3 liter with Turbo. Very clean, looks and runs like new , new tires, full loaded, must see to appreciate. for more information or to set up an appt to see: call Roy (559) 940 0928 CHEVY 2001 Impala Senior Owner 80K Orginal Miles All Power Cold Air Interior In Excellent Condition Almost New Tires Just Smoged Very Clean please Call Ph 559803-2169 2013 KIA Optima EX $9,900 Clean title 84,000 miles This car runs very smooth and it’s in a great condition. Serious buyers only plz reply to this ad... 805280-6624 TOYOTA Corolla 2013, with 78995 miles. Very clean. New tires. Keep good maintenance. New stereo with apple and android car play. For more information please call 559-436-9939 $9,195 2004 MONTE Carlo SS intimidator supercharged Dale Earnhardt edition V6 automatic fast & fun Fully loaded leather heated seats power windows factory alarm upgraded stereo asking $3900 call me at (209)735-2510 SELLING something under $300? List it here FREE. List something over.

18 | NOVEMBER 2020



2015 Toyota Prius C Hybrid One owner. Clean title. Vehicle has just under 100,000 miles. Body does have minor cosmetic issues but overall good. I have the title (pink slip). I will provide the CARFAX to verify vehicle history. Priced to sell! Cash or Cashiers check only. No trades. Serious offers only please. Feel free to contact me for a test drive or with any questions you may have. (559)-425-8064 $8,500


2 WOODEN dinning chairs, both for one money, very sturdy. $15 Call or text 559217-9024

2000 YAMAHA roadstar low miles, in very good condition asking price $3,000 ask for mark 559-259-5770

1973 YAMAHA CT1 175 Dual Sport $2,300 (Coalinga) (805) 264FOR SALE Buick 6298 Century $3,900 very dependable and clean (559)301-4816 MUSIC MISCELLANEOUS

12 CHAIN link frence panels for dog cage or goat etc. 1 gate & some connections approx 6’ tall 9’ across $1,200 cash (559)301-4816


LOOK HERE musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm 559-264-5856

PERSONALS FARM FRESH eggs DUCATI hyper moto $6 (Kingsburg) Pls txt Call or text for more GOOD LOOKIN, tall, details 559-765-9160 slim, white male, 70. me at 559-707-8297 $4000 Looking to meet slim, JACOBSEN riding white female, 60-70 commercial mower, 1999 Kawasaki 250cc who likes to go westkubota Diesel motor, MX Dirtbike ( KX250) ern swing dancing, flea 4WD , runs ,drives and $2,500 559-341-4015 markets, estate sales, works excellent, new fishing, and camping. tires, all hydraulic, you IMMACULATE 2017 Call 559-779-1021 can select 2, 3 or 5 reels KTM 1290 SuperDuke please leave a message to cut, Interested call or GT. No accidents, if no answer. has aftermarket windtext 559-375-8486 shield(and stock). 8900 STORAGE Con- miles, oil change reRVS tainers $3,000 ALL cent and has new back EQUIPMENT IN EX- tire. Too fast for me, 1989 wilderness 22ft CELLENT CONDI- but otherwise superb Everything works No bike. $11,800 Mark leaks Sleeps 4-5 comTION 5596919846 5599089505 fortably Private bedFULL BARRELS room with 2 twin beds $75.00 each Half barrel 2003 HARLEY Da- Bunk bed Dinette planters $45.00 each- vidson 100 year an- converts to bed PriPlease call 559-474- niversary. Bike is in vate bathroom Asking great condition with $4100 Pink in hand 9022 no leaks. Tires good. Very good condition 13500 miles. Bike for age 559-652-8544 comes with aftermarFURNITURE ket Thunder Pipes. Af- 2009 wave by thor 27ft COUNTER Height termarket LED front dual entry-ways Has Extension Table. I have headlight and rear tail- a sofa slide-out it’s had this table for a five light. Has aftermarket 5,000lbs dry Has a rear years and need some- bars but will come with full kitchen everything thing bigger. 36”x54” original. Has Speed- works Front private table dimensions ometer/info relocation. walk around bedroom 54””x54”” table exten- Asking $4,000 obo. a full private bathroom sion dimensions 36” Pink in hand. Must heated tanks Has a Big table height I’m asking have cash to test drive. mirror sliding door $300 obo. Call or text. No low-ballers. No closet Central air contrades. Please call or ditioning and heating 559-916- 2998 text George 559 363- Has a Stereo system 9466 rman) (559) 728-6262 SUPPORT LOCAL | FRESNOFLYER.COM |







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