Fresno Flyer Vol 5 No 7

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EDITOR’S NOTE It seems wild to think that with everything going on, there’s time to volunteer. The Central Valley is known for its grit, work-ethic, and pull-itself-up-by-itsown-bootstraps kind of attitude. We’re all working and, for many, working overtime in multiple places. Whether you’re at a job, in school, or taking care of house and family, you’re working. You may look at this month’s issue and find the thought of having enough free time to volunteer as an indulgent fantasy. But the purpose of this issue was not to make us feel the void of a work-life balance. Instead, we put this together to remind us all who else is selflessly hard at work. To shine a light on organizations trying to leave the world a little better than how they found it. Believe me, I wish I had a few hours each week to give to an organization of my choosing, and sometimes, it kills me that I don’t. However, I talk about them every chance I can get, wherever relevant. I do that because visibility matters. I’ve worked for nonprofits nearly my entire adult life. In all those years, there were so many times a person turned up at our doors, delighted to have found us because


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someone had mentioned the organization’s name to them in passing. Whether that person came in need of the organization’s services or showed up because they wanted to help – it always drove us forward in our mission somehow. Word-ofmouth has significant power to create visibility beyond that which any pamphlet, website, or advertisement can provide. So, as you thumb through our pages, wondering what any of this content has to do with you, dear busy and exhausted reader, think of the power in your word-of-mouth recommendation. You never know who you may reach in sharing what you know about an organization. That person could make all the difference for that nonprofit and those who benefit from their services. Whether you decide to give your time, your voice, or donation of some other kind, it all serves to reinforce these organizations’ efforts in their own way. Learn and share what you can because you never know when it’ll be our turn to rely on what these nonprofits can give. They support our community, so by finding a vehicle that allows us to give back, we’re also supporting the community we live in.

By Dave Fountinelle |


n his book “The American Crisis” Thomas Paine famously wrote, “these are the times that try men’s souls.” He was speaking about the Revolutionary War and the need for all Americans to find the strength to endure the long and difficult road to freedom and independence. He spoke of “summer soldiers” who were happy to devote themselves to the cause of American independence when the war was going in their favor, but who lost their zeal when it didn’t. Paine’s writing has held up as a message to the people that true courage and strength comes from holding onto one’s beliefs when times are at their toughest. It almost goes without saying that 2020 was a year that tried the soul of our country. March marks the one-year anniversary of the nationwide rollout of COVID-19 lockdowns. Over half a million Americans have died in that time. Tens of thousands of small businesses across the country have been forced to close their doors forever. Millions of Americans are out of work, many of whom are facing food and housing insecurity for the first time in their lives. Then there were the summer protests against police brutality. A modern revolution in its own right. Mostly peaceful protestors clashed with police over the killing

of unarmed black men and women. Hate groups capitalized on the conflict to push their divisive agenda, and in turn incite violence and destruction. Fires burned into the night, blood flowed in the streets, and many were left wondering if any of this would truly change things for the better. And the year drew to an end with a historic presidential election. Joe Biden was elected president by the largest number of votes any presidential candidate has ever received, in an election that many viewed as a referendum on where we stood as a country. What our values were. What our vision for the future was as a nation. The shameful events of January 6th, the attempted coup by violent insurrectionists, incited by the previous administration, cast a black mark on our nation. However, despite the failed effort to destroy it, our democracy remains intact. The long, difficult road to rebuilding our country has begun and with the national rollout of COVID vaccines, a light at the end of the tunnel is finally coming into view. Now, perhaps more than any time in modern history, Americans are in need. Everyone has been affected in some way by the pandemic. Some have lost jobs, some have lost their homes, and some have lost

family members and loved ones. The strain that has been put on charitable organizations and non-profit service groups is unprecedented. More than ever, the importance of volunteering and charitable giving needs to be recognized. Our nation has never been stronger, our future has never been brighter, than when we all come together for the common good. Together, we can lift ourselves up and carry on through the long road ahead. One nation, indivisible, we can and will get through this. All of us can do our part to shine a ray of hope into the lives of our friends, families, and neighbors who need it. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, is like a pebble tossed into a pond. The ripples radiate out from it and grow into waves of change. Let us all commit to making 2021 the year that proves there is nothing that we cannot accomplish if we work together. Please consider donating or volunteering with one of the groups listed below. Or any of the other amazing organizations in the valley that are saving lives and giving hope to the hopeless every single day. Be that pebble that creates a wave of change.

CASA Fresno/Madera 2300 Tulare St. #210, Fresno (559) 244-6485 Since their humble beginnings in 1996 with only one full-time staff member and a handful of volunteers, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) began serving the foster youth of Fresno County with the goal of being a voice for the community’s most at-risk children. In 2006, CASA expanded to serve the children of Madera County as well. All of the services provided by CASA, from legal to counseling and mental health, are made possible through the hard work and tireless dedication of men and women who volunteer their time and resources. Attorneys, therapists, advocates, social workers, teachers, and anyone else with the desire and ability, help provide these often overlooked children with hope for a better future and the comfort of knowing someone is looking out for them.

Continues on pg 10...


"For forty years, volunteers have been at the heart of our mission and always will be." -Nancy Hinds | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Answer phones, greet visitors, provide support to staff and families.


Join the response team and provide immediate assistance to survivors of suicide loss.

Circle of Friends

Volunteer in our children's grief support program and help a child who lost a loved one.

Contact Volunteer Services for more information: (559) 317-6016 2490 W. Shaw Ave. Fresno CA 93711


Patient Companion

Sit with patients, provide companionship, and help give caregivers a rest.

Thrift Stores

Contribute to our retail activities at one of the three store locations.


MARCH 2021 |


The Real Low-Down on United Way (Fresno and Madera Counties) By Haley White |


nited Way is an international brand name, though I’m guessing many people only have a vague sense of what the organization itself actually does. I was once like that. Before I started working for the local chapter of United Way, I only knew the non-profit as an entity that…helps people? Somehow? I wasn’t sure who got help or what the help was, and, even as I applied for an open marketing consultant position at United Way Fresno and Madera Counties last year, I found myself wondering if the whole thing was just some sort of cover for a more nefarious secret operation. Drugs? The mob? Or, perhaps most likely, one of those non-profits where the CEO gets a ridiculous wage while underpaying their staff and not really doing anything to assist the community they claim to support? Boy, was I wrong. Now that I’ve been working for United Way Fresno and Madera Counties for over a year, I realize it’s hard to pin down what United Way does, simply because they do so much. And with over 1,800 independent chapters across the world, spanning 40 countries and territories and six continents, the problems addressed by each of those individual organizations varies quite significantly, depending on the high-priority needs of residents in any given location. The overall United Way mission is to “fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community”. That goal is the same regardless of what any single United Way chapter may be dealing with on a local or regional level, but there are three primary ways various chapters do this work. One way is by serving as a central resource hub. By partnering with trusted community organizations and promoting programs like the round-theclock 211 helpline (available in multiple languages), United Way can connect people to the help they need, all at once. (Food drives? Utilities assistance? Child development tips? Call 211 and be directed to resources for


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all of those things in one fell swoop.) Another way is by creating their own internal programs to assist community members in ways that relate to their mission’s education, health, and financial stability goals (this is how the very successful Free Tax Prep program was developed). The third method is the one employed by our local United Way. It involves doing both external partnerships and internal programming to create wraparound support for families and individuals who struggle to get by. How did these three different operational styles come to be? Basically, United Way was first established in 1887 when a woman, a priest, two ministers, and a rabbi got together in Denver, CO (sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it’s true!), to collect funds for local charities, coordinate relief services, and refer citizens to vetted agencies. From here, similar chapters developed. Eventually, some of the United Way chapters decided to add their own programming into the mix. From there, many United Ways decided internal programming was more viable for their organization, while others (with less resources) went back to serving only as a connection hub. Still others, like our very own United Way Fresno and Madera Counties, understood the growing needs of their local population could only be served by employing both tactics simultaneously. While we have different priorities throughout the year and are continuously altering what is on our front burner depending on whatever recent disaster has taken place, there are several programs we are particularly proud of right now. They include: • Being part of the Creek Fire Recovery Collaborative, a collective of over 40 state and community agencies dedicated to addressing the needs of survivors impacted by the Creek Fire. For our own part, we’ve established the Creek Fire Community Relief Fund and are working directly with 46 families who need long-term support.

• Promoting and supporting the work of our partners at Listos California, a program from the Governor’s office that is meant to provide valuable emergency preparedness information to California’s most vulnerable communities. Since the start of 2019, we have been helping Listos California get word out about preparing for natural disasters like fires, earthquakes, and floods, and have joined them in providing pandemic-related tips and PPE for underserved demographics like seniors, agricultural workers, Communities of Color, rural populations, and more. • Offering Free Tax Preparation services from IRS-certified volunteers to low-income families. In addition to helping families save on their tax returns, our volunteers also check if tax payers qualify for cashback credits like EITC and CalEITC and, due in part to United Way’s recent advocacy, some of these credits are available to ITIN filers as well. • Providing direct cash aid to 1000 families with our Coranavirus Relief Fund, allocating $140,000 to local food banks and college pantries to assist them with the increased food insecurity demands, and distributing PPE to 17 different agencies. • Developing a “Prosperity Coaching” model to help BIPOC residents with individualized, long-term assistance to address issues with our nation’s systemic wealth gap and allow them to achieve financial stability longterm. After seeing the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the Central Valley and the rest of the country, as well as watching the push for social and economic justice rise to the forefront of the American consciousness since the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and too many others like them, we are doubling down on our commitment to help improve the radical wealth, health, and educational disparities that have been negatively impacting our Communities of Color for far too long.



• Operating a 24/7 helpline, available in 130 different languages, where people can call and be connected to resources and programs in their area that can help address immediate needs like food, shelter, clothing, and utilities, or provide more nuanced assistance like child development skills, job preparation, translation services, and more. People can call 211 (or 1-866-559-4211, tollfree) to get assistance. These are just a handful of the things we offer local residents through United Way Fresno and Madera Counties, and our work often includes partnering with other community groups (such as Poverello House, The Boys & Girls Club, Central Valley Community Foundation, Marjaree Mason Center, and others) as well as other corporate sponsors (like AT&T, Wells Fargo, and UPS). We believe that working together, we can create lasting positive change in our neighborhoods, as well as the world at large. That’s why our motto is Live United. We welcome volunteers and donors to join our family and be a part of the work we do. Every penny we earn stays in Fresno and Madera Counties and directly contributes to our goal to provide solidarity, not charity, to local residents. Potential volunteers can reach out to to Emily at in order to learn about the various ways they can help. We also offer Workplace Giving, an easy and efficient way to have donations directed to us (or your other favorite legally recognized non-profit) by simply having the donation deducted from your paycheck. This method of community care helps ensure the needs of our most marginalized residents are met when, unfortunately, our government is not set up to meet those needs alone. If you are interested in potentially bringing Workplace Giving to your office or company, please email Coreen, our VP of Resource and Development at If you would simply like to follow along and keep updated on what we’re doing, we can be found on Facebook and Twtiter at @uwfmc or Instagram at @uw_fmc.

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts St. Patrick’s Day

1. Saint Patrick himself would have to deal with pinching on his feast day. Though we’ve come to associate kelly green with the Irish and the holiday, the 5th-century saint’s official color was “Saint Patrick’s blue,” a light shade of sky blue. The color green only became associated with the big day after it was linked to the Irish independence movement in the late 18th century. 2. Although he made his mark by introducing Christianity to Ireland in the year 432, Patrick wasn’t Irish himself. He was born to Roman parents in Scotland or Wales in the late 4th century.

3. As you might expect, St. Patrick’s Day is a huge deal in his old stomping grounds. It’s a national holiday in both Ireland and Northern Ireland, but up until the 1970s, pubs were closed on that day. (The one exception went to beer vendors at the big national dog show, which was always held on St. Patrick’s Day.) Before that time, the saint’s feast day was considered a more solemn, strictly religious occasion. Now, the country welcomes hordes

of green-clad tourists for parades, drinks, and perhaps the reciting of a few limericks.

4. New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade is one of the world’s largest parades. Since 1762, roughly 250,000 marchers have traipsed up 5th Avenue on foot—the parade still doesn’t allow floats, cars, or other modern trappings. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York; and Miracle on 34th Street actress Maureen O’Hara have served as Grand Marshal. 5. New York may have more manpower, but Chicago has a spectacle all its own. The city has been celebrating St. Patrick by dumping green dye into the Chicago River since 1962. And though the organizers won’t reveal their exact formula, we do know that the orange powder used is dispersed through flour sifters by the local Plumbers Union. 6. Not every city goes all-out in its celebratory efforts. From 1999 to 2007, the Irish village of Dripsey proudly touted that it hosted the Shortest Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in the World. The route ran | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

for 26 yards between two pubs. Today, Hot Springs, Arkansas, claims the title for brevity—a mere 98 feet.

7. How did the shamrock become associated with St. Patrick? According to Irish legend, the saint used the three-leafed plant (which is not to be confused with the fourleaf clover) as a metaphor for the Holy Trinity when he was first introducing Christianity to Ireland. 8. In Irish lore, St. Patrick gets credit for driving all the snakes out of Ireland. Modern scientists suggest that the job might not have been too hard—according to the fossil record, Ireland has never been home to any snakes. Through the Ice Age, Ireland was too cold to host any reptiles, and the surrounding seas have staved off serpentine invaders ever since. Modern scholars think the “snakes” St. Patrick drove away were likely metaphorical. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


MARCH 2021 |



WE’RE WORN OUT By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


e’ve been doing this for almost a year now. In the beginning, it was a shocking, sudden change to have to isolate and stay home. There was also the eeriness of the empty streets and the surge of collective support and admiration for health care workers. We panicked about having enough of everyday items. All of it had a sense of novelty and unconventionality that had some excitement to it; don’t you agree? Those days and weeks seemed so much lighter by comparison to what we’re facing now. Little did we know that we would be in a more-than-year-long pandemic affecting our health (physical, emotional, and mental), economy, and relationships. I think it’s fair to say we’re worn out and in a pandemic burnout. Let’s sort out some of the pieces to the burnout, and maybe that will help alleviate its weight. First, the ‘end’ is drawing nearer. We just don’t know precisely when that will be. Late in 2020, we had some expectation that spring would bring an end. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen. We know now that we’re on the verge of vaccinations for the millions of people who want them. And as we watch the illness rate and transmission risk reduce, it makes waiting for the ‘end’ all that much harder simply because it is nearer. Have you ever driven a few hours to visit someone or attend an event, and those that last few miles seem endless? That’s what this stage is like. Almost there, but not quite. I suggest you keep looking forward and hold onto your optimism as best as you can. Talk with family and friends about what you’d like to do when virus transmission risk is lower. You could begin to make

Continues on pg 10...


| MARCH 2021


By I. smiley G. Calderón



o, we are now over 515,000 dead here in America because of Covid. After about a year of living under the pandemic, we have had over 28.5 million fellow Americans test positive for the SARS-CoV-2 infection - about 9% of our population. The only burning question is, why in the hell do we have so many cases and so many (unnecessary) deaths? When we compare ourselves globally, we are literally leading the world in Covid deaths by an incredibly huge margin. The next worst nations are India and Brazil - and they both have only around 11 million Covid cases, with Brazil having 255,000 total deaths and India 157,000. However, at the other end of the spectrum is Australia, a developed nation with a population of 25.5 million that has had only 29,000 cases - and less than a thousand Covid-related deaths nationwide. Wow! In light of our horrible progress here in the States, these Covid figures are incredible. We are about 13 times bigger than Australia in terms of population, but we have more than 515 times the number of Covid deaths. Seriously, so how is Australia doing so much better? Maybe it has something to do with their ‘drastic’ coordinated and concerted efforts to fight Covid’s rapid spread. For example, in Sydney, Australia’s largest city, wearing your mask in public became an enforceable law, punishable by a $154 fine. Could you imagine that happening here in the U.S.? (Yeah, right.) The Australian Medical Association even applauded the decision. “This is a crucial decision,” they said, “particularly as more people will be returning to work...and trains and buses become increasingly crowded.” Gladys Berejiklian, Premier of the state of New South Wales, explained quite simply, “This is an example where the New South Wales government strategy is to keep jobs, to keep community morale and wellbeing while making sure we are Covid-safe…” Is that too much to ask from a government? Why can’t our leadership make sure we are ‘Covid-safe’ like other sane governments?

Here in Fresno, a county of about a million residents, we have had a total of 95,548 confirmed positive Covid cases - an 8% increase from the 88,852 total from this time last month. Unfortunately, we have also seen a horrible 24% increase in Covid-related deaths from 1,173 to 1,451 - in just one month. The fact of the matter is that, to date, at least 10% of Fresno has been infected by the coronavirus. Of those infected here, the mortality rate has been about 1.5%, a little bit lower than the national average of 1.8% across the country. Clearly, these statistics tell a consistent story that doesn’t lie: For every 100 Covid-19 diagnoses, on average, 1-2 of these Americans will ultimately die because of it. Covid was the leading cause of death in the U.S. last month, with an average of 2,400 deaths per day. It’s even higher than the typical leading causes of American death, namely Heart Disease and Cancer, which usually kill 2,000 - 1,600 per day on average, respectively. The threat is more real than ever today. Which is why it’s a downright shame to think of the kind of disservice our government officials and leaders have provided us during this time of critical action. Instead of taking control through zero-tolerance mandates and enforcing social distancing protocols, necessary temporary lockdowns, and mandatory public mask-wearing during this deadly pandemic, our leaders have acquiesced to negative public opinion. They have given into conspiracy theories that deny and mock the seriousness or the very existence of Covid and the proven effectiveness of life-saving, nonpharmaceutical prevention measures like mask-wearing. Putting politics before lives. Wearing a mask for your health and the health of your community has become a glaring political statement. But it shouldn’t be. And it should have never come to this. Mask-wearing effectiveness is based on tested science and facts and not based on politics or pseudoscience. Un-



fortunately, the pandemic emerged in a critically dangerous time of extreme social distrust and dubiety, where conspiracy theories and rampant allegations of ‘fake news’ pollute the thruways of legitimate breaking news outlets and reliable public information circuits. In this type of toxic social environment, truth and fact are easily choked out. In this context, it’s not surprising that masks have become a contentious ‘hot topic’ after all. Their importance was easily and immediately clouded by political propaganda used to discredit rivals. Instantly, the effectiveness of facemasks was met with chants of ‘Fake News,’ ‘Alternative Facts,’ ‘Mind-Control,’ ‘Free the Face,’ ‘The CDC is Lying’ by angry, unmasked protestors, deniers, and self-proclaimed ‘patriots.’ Unfortunately for us, the dire need for face masks was born in this dense fog of social uncertainty about what is true or false in the news. Sadly, this critical and absolute need for masks emerged during a politically deceptive era of misinformation that has proven deadly. It’s the worst time for a pandemic. Because it is the disenfranchised - the misinformed and deceived - who will ultimately pay the price for our social ignorance and false information. Clearly, our Covid morbidity and mortality statistics compared to the rest of the world speak loudly for themselves and reflect this steep social price for our American ‘freedom’ to not wear a mask. It’s tragic. But it doesn’t have to continue to be. Hope is on the horizon. Vaccinations are being mass administered. We are slowly turning the tide against Covid - so long as we don’t put our guard down until the fight is over and done with. Stay strong and fight the good fight, friends - wear that mask!

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.

How to Help the Millions of Americans Facing Hunger (StatePoint) Millions of people nationwide face hunger. And the COVID-19 pandemic has thrust even more Americans into this vulnerable position. Before the COVID-19 crisis began, one in nine people, including 10 million children, already lived in a food insecure household. Communities of color are disproportionately affected by both poverty and hunger. For example, one in four Native American and Alaska Natives experience food insecurity. One in five Blacks and one in six Latinos experience food insecurity. As a result of the pandemic, unemployment has soared and the need for food assistance has increased. More families are accessing food banks than ever before, and many of them for the very first time, which is why it’s really important for everyone to come together to help fight hunger,” says Casey Marsh, chief development officer for Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. Fortunately, efforts are being made to meet the sharp rise in food insecurity. As part of its “Many Hearts, One Community.” campaign, Wells Fargo fulfilled its commitment to help provide 82 million meals to families in need through the Feeding America network of 200 food banks during the holidays. This was a continuation of a decade-long relationship with the Feeding

America network which, since the start of the pandemic, has included efforts such as turning Wells Fargo corporate properties and branch locations into mobile food distribution centers. Additionally, the company made grants over the holiday season to food banks operating in Wells Fargo’s global footprint. “It was life-changing,” says Andrea Thomas, a single mother who received food assistance in Mesa, Ariz. “I didn’t have to figure out if I was going to pay for groceries or pay for rent to keep my household afloat.” So how can you get involved? There are 200 Feeding America member food banks across the country, many of which need volunteers to help pack food boxes, distribute food at drive-through pantries and more. Feeding America food banks have adjusted their practices to ensure social distancing to keep everyone safe. Contact your local food bank to see how you can help families in need. You can also join the fight to end hunger by making a donation. For more information, visit feedingamerica. org. While the issue of hunger is pervasive and persistent, philanthropy, volunteerism and innovative efforts like drive-up food banks can help meet the needs of families across America.

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*$19.99/month + †$100 off Installation: Requires 36-month monitoring contract with a minimum charge of $28.99/mo. (before instant savings) (24-month monitoring contract in California, total fees from $695.76 (before instant savings) and enrollment in Easy Pay. Service and installation charges vary depending on system configuration, equipment and services selected. Offer includes (i) $9.00 instant savings per month applicable only towards monthly monitoring charge for the first 12 months of initial contract term (total value of $108.00) and (ii) $100 instant savings on installation with minimum purchase of $449 after promotion is applied. Traditional Service Level requires landline phone. Excludes ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. Upon early termination by Customer, ADT may charge 75% of the remaining monthly service charges for the balance of the initial contract term. Limit one offer per new ADT customer contract. Not valid on purchases from ADT Authorized Dealers. Expires 4/15/2021. **Theft Protection Guarantee: Customer may receive reimbursement of up to five hundred dollars ($500) of Customer’s homeowner’s insurance deductible (if any) if, and only if, ALL requirements for Theft Protection Guarantee are met to ADT’s reasonable satisfaction. Customer must request reimbursment within 60 days of property loss. Request must be mailed to ADT and include: Theft Protection Guarantee certificate signed by Customer, a letter from Customer requesting reimbursement, a copy of the police report, and a copy of the accepted insurance claim. ADT reserves the right to reject any application for reimbursement that does not comply with all of the requirements. ‡ADT Money-Back Guarantee: Money back guarantee only applies after ADT has made attempts to resolve a system related issue and has not been able to resolve that issue within the first 6 months of your contract. Equipment must be fully removed before a refund will be processed. Conditions preventing normal system operation cannot be caused by the customer. Interactive Services: ADT Command Interactive Solutions Services (“ADT Command”) helps you manage your home environment and family lifestyle. Requires purchase of an ADT alarm system with 36 month monitoring contract ranging $45.99-$57.99/mo with QSP (24-month monitoring contract in California, total fees ranging $1,103.76-$1,391.76), enrollment in ADT Easy Pay, and a compatible device with Internet and email access. These interactive services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systems that are connected to the ADT Command equipment. All ADT Command services are not available with all interactive service levels. All ADT Command services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the interactive service features you desire. General: Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. System remains property of ADT. Local permit fees may be required. Prices and offers subject to change and may vary by market. Additional taxes and fees may apply. Satisfactory credit required. A security deposit may be required. Simulated screen images and photos are for illustrative purposes only. ©2021 ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services. All rights reserved. ADT, the ADT logo, 800.ADT.ASAP and the product/service names listed in this document are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Third-party marks are the property of their respective owners. License information available at or by calling 800.ADT.ASAP. CA ACO7155, 974443, PPO120288; FL EF0001121; LA F1639, F1640, F1643, F1654, F1655; MA 172C; NC Licensed by the Alarm Systems Licensing Board of the State of North Carolina, 7535P2, 7561P2, 7562P10, 7563P7, 7565P1, 7566P9, 7564P4; NY 12000305615; PA 090797 DF-CD-NP-Q121




MARCH 2021 |


Annex Kitchen 2257 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, 93711. Take-out only, curbside available. Lunch 11-3 and dinner from 4-8. Call 559-248-8512 BJ’s Kountry Kitchen 4065 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno, 93726. Take-out options available 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. seven days a week. Delivery available through DoorDash. 559-222-5206 Bulldog Burger Bistro 1782 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710. Pick up is available, and delivery through Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub. 559-492-2420 Casa Corona 1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-2838605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 93720 Call 559-323-7409. Pick-up orders available. Free Uber Eats delivery. Colorado Grill All Fresno locations. To-go orders available and delivery through DoorDash. 559-325-3460 Fort Blossom Café 433 N Fort Washington Rd Fresno, 93730. Take-out only. 559-824-1224 GG’s Food Factory 2139 Kern St Fresno, 93721. Take-out orders available and delivery on Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-840-1185

Sushi N Pop 1788 E Barstow Ave Fresno, 93710. Call 559-438-1690

Indian Kebab Palace 1552 E Champlain Dr. Fresno, 93720. Call 559-374-6070

The Curry Pizza Company Fresno and Clovis locations open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Shaw & Marks: 559-365-7000, Willow & Nees: 559-206-7000

Lily’s Café 2326 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 Take-out available. 559-498-6261 Lily’s Café 2326 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 Take-out available. 559-498-6261 Noah’s Ark Restaurant & Bakery 783 E Barstow Ave, Suite C, Fresno, 93710. Open Monday- Sunday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. call 559-225-1045 | FRESNO FLYER |

Rocket Dog Fresno and Clovis Locations. Fresno, 558-283-8096. Clovis, 559-321-8754. Curb side and DoorDash delivery. Sam’s Italian Deli & Market 2415 N First St. Fresno, 93703. They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. with takeout and delivery. 559-229-9346

Taqueria Y Carnerceria El Charrito 2327 N West Ave, Fresno, 93705. Take-out available. 559-445-1517

Indian Kebab Palace 1552 E Champlain Dr. Fresno, 93720. Call 559-374-6070

| MARCH 2021

Raw Fresno 2405 Capitol St #103 Fresno, 93721. Offering curbside pickup, take out, & delivery. Mon - Fri 7 am to 7 pm, Sat 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 559-250-5292 (text)

Imperial Garden 6640 N. Blackstone Ave #108 Fresno, 93710. Takeout orders available, delivery through DoorDash. 559-435-4406


Ovidio Italian Restaurant 3097 W Bullard Ave, Fresno, 93711. Curbside pick-up and free delivery through DoorDash available. 559-435-1396 Patio Café 5138 N Palm Ave Fresno, 93704. Discounted family meals available. Takeout, curbside pickup available. Delivery also available. 559-243-1074 Phoenician Garden 1025 E Herndon Ave #106 Fresno, 93720. Offering take-out and delivery via DoorDash (25% off orders for six or more) 559-261-2747 The Quirky Café 901 L St Fresno, 93721 Order online or call in for pick-up 559-696-4466



The Seafood Company 4775 E Kings Canyon Rd. Fresno, 93702. Preorders via telephone, offering take-out and delivery via Uber Eats. Sunday through Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday and Saturday 11am-9pm. 559-255-6000 Vino Grille & Spirits 1440 E Champlain Dr #106 Fresno, 93720. Take-out, curbside, delivery with DoorDash and Postmates. Open 11 am - 8:30 pm. 559-434-1771 Yosemite Ranch 1520 E Champlain Dr Fresno, 93720 Take-out orders available. 559-434-4403

Oranges are good sources of folate, which is particularly important to consume during pregnancy because of its role in cell growth, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Oranges are a versatile fruit, making them an easy addition to both sweet and savory dishes as well as beverages. Try incorporating oranges into your weekly meal plan with dishes like a lighter version of orange chicken or drinks like this Orange Moscow Mule Mocktail. To help maximize the flavor profile and nutritional benefits of California oranges, consider these tips:

5 Health Benefits of Oranges Beyond Vitamin C (Family Features) Healthful eating starts with the ingredients you use, so it’s important to use fresh, seasonal ingredients that pack a nutritional punch. One of the easiest ways to meet your daily nutrient needs is to eat a variety of whole foods like fruit (which about 80% of the U.S. population doesn’t get enough of, according to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans), because they provide a unique mix of beneficial nutrients that can’t always be found in a supplement. Consider an option like delicious California Navel and Cara Cara oranges, which are in season and available nationwide, offering a wide variety of health benefits. Oranges are best known as an excellent source of vitamin C to support a healthy immune system, because one orange can offer 70100% of the recommended daily value

of vitamin C depending the varietal. However, oranges also offer other important nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, including: •

Phytonutrients (beneficial compounds produced by plant foods) like flavonoids, which can help mitigate cell damage and support brain and heart health. Citrus is the only type of fruit packed with hesperidin and naringin, two flavonoids that offer antiinflammatory properties.

Potassium, which the body can’t produce on its own, supports cell function, healthy blood pressure levels, bone health and hydration.

California Navel and Cara Cara oranges are good sources of fiber, which supports gut health. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Numerous parts of citrus can be consumed, including the flesh, juice, zest and peel, meaning a single piece of fruit can go a long way.

Next time you use citrus in a beverage or as part of a meal, bring it to room temperature before cooking to help ensure you get the most juice.

Because vitamin C is water soluble, it’s important to eat it fresh. When using as part of a recipe, use as little water as possible and avoid overcooking.

For storage, it’s often best to keep oranges refrigerated to help them last longer and ensure freshness.

Visit to find more information.

Orange Moscow Mule Mocktail Recipe courtesy of Gina Homolka of “Skinnytaste” Servings:1 1

California Cara Cara orange


cup ice

1 bottle (6.8 ounces) light ginger beer

fresh mint leaves, for garnish Slice orange in quarters then cut 2-3 slices for garnish and set aside. Juice rest of orange and place in copper mug (or any glass). Fill glass to top with ice. Add ginger beer and garnish with orange slices and mint leaves.



MARCH 2021 |


...‘Worn Out’ cont’d from pg 6 some plans with them for a few months out from now. (keeping in mind that you may have to reschedule, of course) Think about all of the people you’ll be able to hug endlessly. We’re also in winter. The dark and cold can affect us even when we’re not in a pandemic. We go to and from work when the sun is barely up. The cold temperatures keep us hunkered down inside our houses more. Our energy naturally reduces. We get outside of the house less often, which means fewer opportunities for a change of scenery. The sky is grayer and cloudier, making it feel heavier on top of us. All of that adds up to make it more challenging to see easier days. Fortunately, spring is feeling much closer, and that will hopefully lift some of our burnout. Remind yourself, frequently, how the winter season might be affecting you differently this year. Use that reminder to help you realize that brighter days are coming soon, and hang onto the thought that this winter pandemic season will pass. Third, our lives have become filled with virtual contact, personally and professionally. Our devices have become a way to connect, be entertained, be informed, work, learn, and fill time. It takes less energy to turn to our devices and let them ‘give’ us something than it does to actively engage with another person. But have you noticed how your mood and energy spike after you’ve spent time with someone purposefully? You can fill some of your need for personal interaction by playing a game with a family member, or by talking and snuggling with your partner, or take a safely distanced walk with a friend, or curl up with your pet while you read. When you can make those personal connections, your body has chemical reactions that can boost your spirits. Set up times during the day when a device isn’t near, so your focus is on the people who are physically close to you and present. Our pandemic fatigue is very real. Be gentle and patient with yourself, and remember that this is temporary. The time of ‘normalcy’ is moving closer and closer every day. --Nadine is a Wellness Mindset Coach who helps women struggling to give themselves permission to prioritize living the healthy lifestyle they dream of. Nadine can be reached at, and is on Instagram @npbwellnesscoach. You can subscribe to her newsletter at

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Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer advocate can visit the CASA website and RSVP for a volunteer info session, currently being conducted via Zoom due to COVID-19 protocols. Those wishing to make a donation or help in other ways can find information for that on the website as well. Integral Community Solutions Institute 255 N. Fulton St. Ste 105, Fresno (559) 497-5056 Integral Community Solutions Institute (ICSI) is a non-profit mental health agency founded in 2011 by a group of community mental health experts, providers, and advocates. Since that time, ICSI has partnered with schools and other local agencies to provide mental health services to individuals and families in need. Recipients of their services include children, young adults, and women who are exposed to trauma, abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. ICSI currently works with community based organizations and Fresno State University to provide intern positions for students from advanced graduate programs who are interested in training to be counselors. Any other professionals who wish to donate their services as counselors, consultants, facilitators, educators, or advocates are encouraged to visit their website for more information on joining the ICSI team. Beautify Fresno (559) 621-8626 Beautify Fresno is a city-wide effort to clean Fresno neighborhoods, streets, and highways. They have partnered with local non-profits, churches, and service organizations, along with individuals in the community with the common goal of making Fresno a cleaner, safer, healthier, and more beautiful place to live. Beautify Fresno operates under the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) affiliate program. They join over 600 other affiliates,

including 27 states and several international groups, representing more than 3.5 million volunteers. Through their efforts, litter in these communities is reduced, solid waste is managed responsibly, vacant lots and other empty spaces are being improved or repurposed, trees and flowers are being planted, and recycling and composting programs are expanding. Beautify Fresno’s mission is to “inspire everyone to take pride in their community” and show that anyone can “take action to make [their] community a clean and beautiful place to live. Beautify Fresno invites clubs, churches, Boy/Girl scouts, professional organizations, and anyone who wants to lend a hand to do their part to make Fresno more beautiful. Whether it be hosting a trash pickup event, planting trees and flowers in their neighborhoods, cleaning up vacant lots, or starting a community garden. For more information on ways you or your organization can help, email NAMI Fresno 7545 N. Del Mar #105, Fresno (559) 224-2469 Facebook: nami.fresno Started in 1979 as a coalition of 6 independent support groups for parents of adults with severe and persistent mental illness, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) has grown to over 200,000 members in 1,200 affiliates nationwide. In that time, NAMI has expanded beyond a parent support organization to include children, spouses, siblings, and friends of people with mental illness, as well as many mental health care professionals. The heart of NAMI’s mission is providing grassroots support and sharing information with those affected by mental illness. For the individuals and their families, friends, and loved ones. NAMI is working to change the national conversation about mental health at all levels. From the individual in need of help, to their loved ones seeking support, to the communities at large.



All with the goal of providing support, sharing information, advocating on behalf of patients, lobbying for legislative changes, increasing funding for programs, and ultimately erasing stigma and prejudice. NAMI is currently seeking volunteers at all levels, from counselors, advocates, coordinators, educators, medical and legal professionals to help line support, website support, artists and graphic designers, or anyone else who wishes to donate their time to help. To sign up as a volunteer or to get more information, visit the NAMI website or email The Poverello House 412 F Street, Fresno (559) 498-6988 Facebook: poverellohousefresno The Poverello House began over 30 years ago with one man and a truck full of peanut butter sandwiches. Mike McGarvin was looking for a way to repay God for saving him from a life of drugs, violence, and hopelessness. He was inspired by a San Francisco coffee house called simply “Poverello” that served the homeless in the city, and where he had volunteered. It was through this life-changing experience that “Papa Mike” found purpose in helping others. Years later, after moving to Fresno with his wife, and with those sandwiches, a handshake, and a kind word, his work began. Soon after, Papa Mike obtained the storefront that would become the first Poverello House, named in honor of the coffee shop where Mike had found his calling. The menu expanded to include chili beans and hot coffee and so did the lines of hungry people. Fire, evictions, and financial insecurity would force the Poverello House to move from one location to another until finally landing at the F Street address they have called home since the 1990’s. From those humble beginnings, the Poverello House has grown into one of the largest homeless services non-profits in the Central Valley. From serving peanut butter sandwiches and bowls of chili to a few dozen people a day to providing 3 meals a day for over 600 individuals and families, including special holiday meals for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Their services have expanded far beyond providing hot meals too. Clothing, blankets, tents, backpacks, shoes, clean socks, laundry services and hot showers are some of the many services the Poverello House provides for homeless and low-income individuals and families. Additionally, the Poverello House also provides

off-site meals for partner agencies including The Marjaree Mason Center, Spirit of Women, EOC Youth Sanctuary, Trinity Lutheran Church and the Patti Project. Social services offered by the Poverello include Naomi’s House, a temporary shelter for homeless women, many of whom find themselves on the streets fleeing domestic violence. There is also the Men’s Residential Rehabilitation Program which provides counseling and services for men struggling with substance abuse and addiction. The Poverello House runs in large part thanks to hard-working and dedicated volunteers, many of whom have been giving their time for years. Whether prepping meals in the kitchen, serving clients for a “Papa Mike’s Cafe”, or wrapping the hundreds of gifts that are donated every year for the Christmas toy giveaway, volunteers are the lifeblood of the Poverello House. Papa Mike passed away in 2017, but the Poverello House organization continues to carry on his legacy of purpose through service and believing in the dignity of every individual. The Poverello House is always in need of both volunteers and donations. If you would like more information, to RSVP for a volunteer orientation session, or to make a donation, visit their website or call. Valley Animal Haven 990 E. D Street, Lemoore (559) 997-3601 Valley Animal Haven was founded in 2014 by Pamela Brasil to serve the homeless and helpless animals across the Central Valley. Her dream was to open a haven for all animals, big or small, young or old, until a forever home could be found for them. From its small, backyard beginnings, Valley Animal Haven has expanded to a 2.5 acre parcel, thanks in large part to the generosity of the caring community. They now house dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, and more. There is also an infirmary on site to provide essential medical services for the animals. Valley Animal Haven is a non-profit, no-kill animal rescue facility and shelter. They provide care and rehoming services for abused, neglected, abandoned, homeless or surrendered animals. It is their mission to find a forever home for every one of their animal companions. Valley Animal Haven is always looking for volunteers to assist their team of coordinators and technicians with a variety of tasks and services, ranging from walking,

grooming and serving as a community ambassador, to cleaning, laundry services and more. There is always work to be done for these furry friends. For more information, visit the Valley Animal Haven website, call or email. We Are Not Invisible Fresno (559) 412-6800 Facebook: HIF559 We Are Not Invisible Fresno is a non-profit homeless housing and resource assistance organization started in 2015 by Desiree “Dez” Martinez, who was homeless herself at the time. She was motivated to do something by the absence of “real help” available to those in her situation. Discouraged by the lack of resources, long-term transitional housing, and outreach available to the Fresno homeless population, Dez took it upon herself to create We Are Not Invisible in an effort to bring attention to the plight of the homeless community and bring their voices into the conversation about how to address the homeless crisis in Fresno. Most recently, Dez was successful in securing an empty lot in downtown Fresno for a homeless camp. Called “Project Safe Camp” it provides a safe, secure place for homeless individuals and even some families to set up a tent without worrying about crime, violence, harassment, or being constantly forced to relocate by the city. It has been one of the few truly safe havens for the homeless in the otherwise violent, drug and crime-ridden downtown area. Currently, Dez has been focused on the “Project Offramp” project, which is intended to address the problem of homeless camps along the 99 Freeway by relocating them to motels that have been converted to temporary housing facilities. It is a project that Dez believes is a step in the right direction, but there is still much work to be done. Dez has been operating the WANIF organization and running the safe camp project almost single-handedly since it began. She is always looking for hard-working, dedicated people to volunteer their time to help run the daily operations at the camp, or assist with her outreach efforts in the city. They are also always in need of donations ranging from blankets and tarps to bottled water and food. Anyone interested in volunteering or making a donation can contact WANIF through their Facebook page, Homeless in Fresno, by phone, or emailing at


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MARCH 2021 |


CALENDAR Museum/Virtual Tours Artist Studio Live Zoom Tour: Margaret Lazzari. Thursday, March 18th, 12pm. Fresno Art Museum 2233 N First St, Fresno. https:// Margaret Lazzari is a classically trained painter whose work is rooted in her observations of the natural world. Margaret received her M.F.A. from Washington University in St. Louis and is a Professor Emerita of the University of Southern California’s Roski School of Art and Design where she began teaching painting in 1986. Her paintings focus on energy, light, and matter, utilizing a rich color palette and complex surfaces to emphasize the gesture and movement of the paint. With her art practice grounded in observational drawing, Margaret’s paintings are abstractions that explore the way humans interact with the physical world. She is also half of the Lazzari and Evans Public Art Design team. In 2015, Margaret was honored as the Fresno Art Museum’s Council of 100 Distinguished Woman Artist. Note that this studio tour will be recorded and available to be viewed by non-members of the Museum within a few weeks of the live tour.

Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. The Louvre, the world’s largest art and antiques museum, was forced to close its doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you can no longer waltz into its famous glass exterior, you can learn something of the phenomenal collection via a number of virtual tours, charting everything from Egyptian antiquities to the Galerie d’Apollon.

by Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also simply gaze upon the building’s remarkable architecture.

The British Museum, London. The UK capital’s famed museum has hooked up with Google Arts & Culture, along with more than 2,000 other leading institutions, to offer an interactive tour. Wander through time and click on different artefacts to see them up close, read up on their history, and hear more information with an audio guide.

The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// Los Angeles’s premiere gallery has two virtual tours, including “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closer look at food in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. New York City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View tour where you can “amble” along its winding corridor and view works up close, such as Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC. Move at your own pace through the 360-degree room-by-room tour of every exhibit in the museum.

National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. asset/the-national-museum-of-anthropology-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-commons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit rooms full of Mayan artifacts. NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center - - and Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www. - offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality experiences” via The Space Center Houston’s app. National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. Have a late International Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum. Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// Though the Met Gala was cancelled this year, you can still have a peak at the The Costume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 online exhibits. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection available online.

Learn at Home Visalia Adult School Online Classes. https:// The Visalia Adult School is open with many classes online! If you need your high school diploma, GED, or just want to take English as a Second Language Classes we offer them for free. Oth-

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er classes such as Medical Billing, Medical Terminology, or one of our many other classes that include small fees are also available. For more information, please, give us a call! 559-730-7646. Our office is open 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday and we can help you meet your future. Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. Arts Visalia offers a wide array of classes for children and adults. At-Home Art kits for children are available until we are able to meet safely in the gallery. Visit our website for more details and enrollment forms. Arts Visalia’s spring class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children. For more information on all Arts Visalia events and available classes visit our website at or call the gallery at 739-0905 CMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Online Workshops. CMAC is offering a series of online workshops that are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a CMAC member to register. Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime. Free Online Ivy League College Courses. Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking

Self-Improvement Sketch Drawing on Zoom. Wednesday, March 10th, 4-5pm. Fresno County Public Library 2420 Mariposa St, Fresno. Join a speed sketch-along program on Zoom. Have your pencils and paper ready to follow along at home. For this session its sketching different types of reptiles using photos of animals and artist Kait will provide information about the species.

Reiki Level I Training Class and Attunement. Saturday, March 13th, 10am-2pm. Hosted By Cathy Abeyta - Energy Intuitive. 6052 N. Stockdale Dr. Fresno. Level I Reiki is all about healing the healer, so this is a very important and powerful first class. In this Level I Reiki class we will be covering the history of Usui Reiki, the basics of the healing practice, and students will be receiving the attunement to level I. The second half of the class will be spent in hands-on practice, learning to detect and move energy in the body, and learning how to use Reiki on yourself, your pets, your food, your plants, your loved ones....anything with life force energy! Class fee is $150 and includes materials. Deposit of $50 is required to hold your spot. End of the Trail Virtual Half Marathon. Saturday, March 20th - Monday, April 12th. Visalia. You can run your race anywhere you like. Keep your time or use Race Joy. Upload your times to runsignup and you are done.The virtual races are “run anywhere” in the USA. This is a great time to try Race Joy. Race Joy will track you, give you splits, and upload your finish time to runsignup. Best of all, family and friends can watch the progress of your run and send you cheers and words of encouragement. Proceeds benefit local High School Running Programs, Athlete Scholarships and Community Running Events. Sign up Learn Digital Painting and Color Workshop. Tueday, March 23rd, 10-11am. Sunnyside Branch Library. 5566 E. Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno. Are you struggling with paint color but don’t know where to start? If you love to paint portraits, draw characters or create fantasy environments, painting digitally is a lot of fun. But for most digital artists and those who are learning to paint, color is challenging, intimidating and one of the most difficult subjects to learn. We will be performing series of workshops to help you start learning color to improve your color. To begin the color journey, we’ll first study the most important building block of color: value and composition. Some of our topics include: - Color and Composition exercise (We will cover a fun and powerful exercise to help you start painting in color the right way). - Monochrome film studies Our workshops are designed for those who want to start painting in color with confidence and get consistent results.

ifornia’s most anticipated Home Show. Now in it’s 35th year, this premier event showcases products and services in the home and garden industries. Gypsy Moon live with Fresno Street Eats. Sunday, March 7th, 12-5pm. Engelmann Cellars. 3275 N. Rolinda Ave. Fresno. Join Fresno Street Eats and Engelmann Cellars as we team up for a Sunday Picnic with food trucks, wine tasting, shopping and more! It’s happening Sunday, March 7 at the spacious Engelmann Cellars winery from 12-5p with fantastic local wine, frosé, delicious food truck, handmade local goods plus live music. Food from: - TBA - Food Truck Live music: - Gypsy Moon 1-4PM Admission is free. It’s open to pets and families. Arts Visalia Presents: Seen and Unseen-The Art of Ricardo Favela. Wednesday, March 10th, 12-5:30pm. Arts Visalia is excited to host the inspiring Seen and Unseen art exhibition. The exhibition will honor the life’s work of Chicano Artist Ricardo Favela, and other Central Valley artists to bring awareness to the region’s rich cultural diversity. Favela’s commitment to the community and education guided him to engagement with the Royal Chicano Air Force (RCAF). This led to his engagement with the United Farm Workers Union (UFW), the Chicano cultural arts movement and statewide and local civil rights and community empowerment. This exhibition will celebrate how Favela used his artistic voice to reflect the Chicano experience. Seen and Unseen will be featured in the gallery from March 3rd-26th, 2021. Virtual Event URL: virtual-tours/ Drive In Comedy At Barbs Drive In Starring Aurelio Miguel Bocanegra. Thursday, March 11th, 6:30-9:30pm. 1113 Broadway Plz, Fresno. This is Drive in Comedy Show that you can enjoy from the comfort of your vehicle. We will be streaming the show live to the projector for everyone to watch!! The show will be starring the hilarious Aurelio Miguel Bocanegra!! Along with other great comics to bring back some safe distance entertainment for the 559!! Located at Barbs Drive In Downtown Fresno!! Get Your Tickets For March 4th at www.

Local/Virtual Events

Vail Comedy Show. Thursday, March 18th, 4-5:30pm. Vail Comedy Show every third Thursday with nationally touring comedians streamed into your living room. Event URL:

Fresno Home And Garden Show. Friday Saturday and Sunday, March 5th-7th, 8:30am5:30pm. The Big Fresno Fair. 1121 S. Chance Ave. Fresno. Explore all the possibilities at Cal-

Glenn Miller Orchestra. Thursday, March 18th, 7-10pm. Saroyan Theater. 700 M St. Fresno. Price: Free. Tickets available at | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

“Working as a full-time first grade teacher while going to law school at night can be challenging, but SJCL was very supportive in my pursuit to obtain my Juris Doctor degree. I’m so glad I did it. You can too.” – Denise Ruiz-Wall, Class of 2016

Law School 101 TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 6-8pm You’re invited to this free informational forum to learn more about the legal profession and what a law degree can do for you. At this forum you will be introduced to law school, from courses offered to admission requirements.

LSAT Forum SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 6-8pm Join us for a free session on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), led by San Joaquin College of Law’s Professor Andrew Kucera, to develop strategies to approach the analytical thinking questions on the LSAT. You will also receive registration assistance for the LSAT, see sample LSAT questions, and receive information about LSAT prep courses. Register for either event at or 559/323-2100.

A Degree in any Major Qualifies you to Apply to Law School.




MARCH 2021 |


EVENTS The Fresno Ripper. Saturday, March 20th, 9am-5pm. Think you have what it takes to catch a serial killer? CluedUpp is an exciting, outdoor detective adventure - and it’s coming to Fresno, CA on Saturday the 20th March 2021. The name of Jack The Ripper strikes fear into the heart of detectives across the world. Now it seems that a new Ripper is on the loose in Fresno and only you can put an end to the terror. Can your team of detectives scramble across town, solve the clues and crack the case before The Ripper strikes again? CluedUpp murder-mysteries have been played by half a million detectives in more than 40 countries worldwide. Tickets sell out fast so grab your team place today and find The Ripper, before The Ripper finds you. Ani Me Con. Saturday, March 20th. 12-1pm. The Big Fresno Fair. 1121 S. Chance Ave. Fresno. Ani-Me Con is the biggest annual anime/ gaming convention in the Central Valley, attracting more than 6,000 attendees during our last 2-day weekend convention. This event is for bring all anime fan, sci-fi fans, TCG players, gamers, vendors, artists, musicians, and the community together and showcase all the fine talents we have in the Central Valley and beyond. Frestival 2021. Friday, March 26th. 3-8pm. Location TBA, Fresno. Tickets $5. March 26, 2021 date is tentative assuming sanctions due to COVID-19 are lifted for festivals by the State of California and Fresno County. If not, the event will be rescheduled. Location TBA. Come and bring the family to Frestival, the premiere Fresno festival! Who has the best food truck in Fresno? Vote for your favorite in our Fresno Food Truck Fight! Where can you find Fresno’s best artisans? Choose from dozens of craftsmen that make handmade items! Where is the best place to shop? Stroll through a ton of businesses at our bazaar! Take pictures with exotic cars at our car show. Have fun with the family at our Kids Zone. Eating, shopping, playing...there’s plenty to do at Frestival! River Park Farmers Market. Every Tuesday, 5-9pm and every Saturday, 10am-2pm. 220 Paseo Del Centro, Fresno. Clovis Old Town Farmers’ Market. Every Saturday, 9:00am-11:30am. Old Town Clovis on Pollasky between 5th & Bullard.

Live Concert Streams The Disco Biscuits Live from Ardmore Music Hall. Saturday, February 6th, 5:00pm. https://

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Silverstein in Concert. Saturday, February 6th, 5:00pm. Silverstein kick off their Out of this World Virtual Concert Series with a set of their greatest hits. Tickets start at $15 or $40 for a three show bundle. Todd Rundgren: Clearly Human Live Virtual Tour. Sunday, March 7th, 5pm. Tickets $30. Dwight Yoakam: ‘One Time Live’ Series ‘Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc., Etc.’ Sunday, March 7th, 6pm. Tickets $20-80. For info and tickets dwight-yoakam Josh Turner: Live from Old Red, Nashville. Wednesday, March 10th, 5:30pm. Tickets $9.99 tickets Grouplove: ‘This Is The Moment’ Vol. 1. Thursday, March 11th, 6pm. Tickets $9. https:// Ziggy Marley: Live at Belly Up Solana Beach. Thursday, March 11th, 6:30pm. Tickets $20. lespecial plays Primus’ ‘Frizzle Fry’ Friday, March 12th, 5pm. Free. com/c/lespecial DJ Paul (Three 6 Mafia): Live from Los Angeles. Saturday, March 13th, 5pm. Tickets $5. tickets Dwight Yoakam: ‘One Time Live’ Series ‘Hillbilly Deluxe’ Sunday, March 14th, 6pm. Tickets $20-80. Bret Michaels Livestream. Monday, March 15th, 6pm. Tickets $100. seen_material/951444 SXSW Online 2021. Tuesday, March 16th, 9am. Tickets $249. attend/#register Dropkick Murphys: ‘St. Patrick’s Day Stream 2021...Still Locked Down’ Wednesday, March 17th, 4pm. Pay what you can. http://www. Lake Street Dive: Amoeba Records Virtual In-Store Performance. Thursday, March 18th, 5pm. Tickets $15.


Folk-bluegrass-Americana band/duo Nell & Jim perform every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.

Charli XCX: Bandsintown PLUS. Friday, March 19th, 6pm. Tickets $9.99. https://plus.

Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. https:// Travis is a local artist who performs weekly livestream concerts that are available on his facebook page. He continues to create fresh new content for his fans and supporters every week.

Sessions Live presents Postmodern Jukebox live from LA. Saturday, March 20th, 5pm. Tickets $20 The Disco Biscuits: ‘In Space When I’m With You’ Saturday, March 20th, 6pm. Tickets $15150. tickets The Lightning Seeds. Saturday, March 27th, 11:30am. Known for their famous rivalry, Liverpool and Manchester have reached hands and hearts across the M62 and come together to host The North Will Rise Again (27 & 28 March ‘21), a live-streamed micro festival featuring The Charlatans, The Lightning Seeds, Red Rum Club, Ist Ist, Zuzu and LIINES. Crucibles of the nation’s music industry, these great northern cities have united to highlight the catastrophic damage caused by Covid-19 to the north’s live music scene and its eco-system. The proceeds from The North Will Rise Again will go to charities Liverpool Music House and The Music Venue’s Trust #saveourvenues campaign whilst also providing work for independent venues, production staff and film crews that have been hit hard during the pandemic. the-north-will-rise-again-the-charlatans-ist-istliines-tickets-baton-rouge-G91C3X Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark. Saturday, March 27th, 1pm. YOU ME & OMD is a livestream concert in aid of OMD’s hard-working crew who have not had any work since February and face huge uncertainty for the future as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The concert will take place on 27th March 2021 at 9pm UK time and will feature selections from the band’s seminal album Architecture & Morality as well as plenty of the greatest hits. you-me-omd Dwight Yoakam: ‘One Time Live’ Series ‘Buenas Noches From A Lonely Room’ Sunday, March 28th, 6pm. Tickets $20-80. https:// boxof Mary Chapin Carpenter presents her Songs From Home series with livestream videos on her Facebook page https://www.facebook. com/officialmarychapincarpenter


21 and Over Boozestorming (Zoom Edition). Wednesday, March 10th, 7pm. Online @ Boozestorming is a way for people to get together, enjoy a tasty beverage, and discuss topics or problems that are personally meaningful. With the power of video conferencing, Creative Fresno has come up with a Sheltering-in-Place-compatible way to Boozestorm: Zoom-storming. Join us on Zoom to connect and share our ideas, feelings, and frustrations over a tall cold one. The Vince Warner Band at Sequoia Brewing-North. Saturday, March 13th, 8-11pm. Join us at Sequoia Brewing North on Saturday March 13th on the Patio! Grab a Drink: St. Patrick’s Day Edition. Friday, March 19th, 7pm. Hosted by Bitwise Industries. Tickets: $35. Top of the mornin’ to ya! Ready for a very lucky edition of Grab a Drink? We’re excited to be hosting another virtual mixology event, Join us and learn how to whip up some delicious St. Patrick themed cocktails from two stellar local bars, The Padre in Bakersfield and Quail State in Fresno. For just $35 you’ll receive a cocktail kit with pre-measured ingredients for two unique cocktails, so you can follow along with our master mixologists during the event. Cocktail kits will be available for pick-up in Bakersfield or Fresno the night before the event. Tickets are limited, so be sure to register fast! Cocktails: The Padre Whiskey Sour Taste the luck of the Irish with this American whiskey classic! The whiskey sour combines tart citrus flavor with Jameson whiskey and egg white to make for a sweet and sour, creamy cocktail. Add just a dash of green food coloring and it’s the perfect way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at home! Quail State Quail State’s Cold Brew Irish Coffee Legend has it, Joseph Jackson of county Donegal created the Irish coffee during WWII as a way to keep his fellow soldiers awake during long nights under siege. Learn the secrets of this iconic pick-me-up featuring Jameson, Hi-Top cold brew coffee, and of course, Irish cream! | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Energy Reading for March 2021 By Natalie Nigg |


eading tarot cards is much like reading our horoscope. People all over the world have been using tarot cards for centuries to gain insight into their lives as they embark on new journeys or when they feel stuck. Much like horoscopes give insight into the energies for each sign in the zodiac, tarot readings can dive into a variety of areas of our lives to offer perspective, clarity, and guidance. This reading focuses on our work, home, and relationships for the month ahead. Work: 5 of Wands Sometimes a little competition is a good thing. Whether with yourself, a coworker, or even a competitor in business, the 5 of Wands brings challenges--challenges to do more, to push past what you know and go further. There is a great deal of ambition in this card. If you’re waiting for a sign to start that side hustle or go for that promotion, this is it. It may not unfold exactly as you hope, but the act of working toward your goal is where the lesson of the 5 of Wands lies. Home: Eight of Swords This card speaks to the limitations we create for ourselves through accepting our experiences in life. If we feel stuck in our current space and we accept that as our reality, then we will continue to feel stuck. On the other hand, if we feel safe, grounded, and accept that our environment is where we are allowed to explore and grow, then that will become our reality.

We are only limited by our perspective. The 8 of Swords invites you to pay close attention to your thoughts this month. Are they creating a reality in which you feel stuck or free? Relationships: Ace of Swords Aces represent new beginnings and new ideas. In the world of relationships, this card invites you to challenge old thought patterns that keep you closed off or unavailable. Like the spiral on the card, our thoughts move and evolve as we do, allowing new opportunities for clarity, insight, and growth. This card asks you to bring these new ideas to your relationships in order to strengthen your connection to others. This card also asks that you speak with clear intention, especially with yourself. How we speak to and about ourselves defines what kind of relationship we have with ourselves. Now is not the time to shy away from positive self-talk. Afterall, our longest relationships are with ourselves. Pay attention to your thoughts and when you find your selftalk is more negative than positive, correct it. Remind yourself why you’re amazing… because you are. Natalie Nigg is an experienced intuitive tarot card reader. She uses tarot as a guide for herself and others on their spiritual journey, as a means to understand where we are and how to move through each moment with ease and grace. For more information about her readings, please visit




MARCH 2021 |




CASH Register. $200. National, vintage. Text APPLIANCES only 559-580-3228 15CU.FT. Apt. Size $175. RADIO FLYER Wag- GLASS WATER Bot- Refrigerator on. $85. Classic. In tle Jug. $85. Vintage in Frigidaire. Clean, good good condition. Call orig crate. Text Danny cond. Call 559-313559-668-5790 7519 10am-8pm. 559-259-9740


LOGGING SAWS. $100. 2-man. A piece of history. Both for $100. Call 559-3606941 after 12pm. BURROUGHS Adding Machine. $600. Excellent cond. Very heavy. Beveled glass on sides and front. Call 559-230-9839 Ask for Mr.Kay FIRE Extinguisher. $85. Polished Brass. Very good cond. Call 559-360-2977.

16 | MARCH 2021

ASIAN Wedding Dowry Stacking Box. $250. Very unique wood carved old stacking wedding box. Price firm. Text only 559 470-8091 VINTAGE Coca-Cola Hanging Lamp. $350. Stained glass. $350 OBO. Call only (559)477-2375 DRESSER W/ Mirror. $200. Antique. In person sales only. Price firm. Text 392-3729 SELLING something List it here (559) 4727182


INDUSTRIAL Range w/ Oven. $1000. 4-burner 24” 150,000 BTU. Text 559-5803228

GAS DRYER. $110. Heavy duty, works good. Delivery in Fresno. Call or text 559 217 9024

GE Dishwasher. $300. Stainless steel. Works ATVS great. $300 OBO. Call KITCHENAID Side- or text 719 367 9306 DUNLOP Tires & By-Side Refrigerator. Rims. $75. (AtwaPatio ter) Dunlop KT-131 6 $250. 25cu.ft. Ice & OUTDOOR water in door. Clean, Heater. $350. DCX ply AT25X8X12 tires good cond. Call 559- Phoenix. Heavy duty on ITP Heavy steel professional. Call only wheels. Please call 313-7519 10am-8pm. 559 246 5914 209-769-6718 KENMOORE Gas Microwave 2007 Suzuki LTZ90 Dryer. $125. Cleaned OVEN & Serviced. Good Stove. $200. Ken- $2,000 Excellent cond. cond. Call 559-313- moore stove, $250. Call or text 661-706Oven, $300. Micro- 2271 7519 wave, $200. All white. REFRIGERATOR. Package deal for all 3. 2014 Club Car Elec. $125. Frigidaire 16cu. Call (559)473-7314 Golf Cart. $1,005. Cusft. Reversable doors. tom wheels & tires. KENMOORE Refrig- Runs good. Contact: Call 559-721-9464 erator. $125. Works (530) 364-4781 good. Text 559 442SELLING something 9759 List it here (559) 4727182

Jamal Rhodes Jamal Rhodes 559.313.0488 559.313.0488


2021 Polaris RZR Turbo S $25,199. (Merced) Call California Custom Trailers & Power Sports at (209) 580-4062

JAMIS Explorer SX Mt. Bike $150. 21spd, 26” tires. Please call 559-261-4680

26” TREK 930 24spd MTB $175. 1998 19” GOLF CART. $800. frame. Call Darryl 559Good brakes, drives 444-3283 good. Text (443) 6847828 SPECIALIZED Exposition sport MTB 2014 POLARIS 90. $175. Good cond. New $2,500. Daughter out- tires. Call Darryl 559grew it. Please call 559 444-3283 353 4021 26” ELECTRA Cruis2013 RZR 900 er Single Spd $150. $12,000 (North Fork) Great mechanical, Title in hand. Asking good everything. Call $12k OBO. (559)760- Darryl 559-444-3283 3480 18” REDLINE. $75. Needs brakes BIKES and grips, but good cond. Text 709 7280 CHILD’S PAW Patrol Bike. $25. Excellent 80CC bicycle Motorcond. Tires still new. ized bike, $350 OBO. Call or text 559-790 (559) 801-3177 5108


CARS 2006 CADILLAC Escalade ESV $5,800. Pearl white w/ tan leather int. Fully loaded. Runs great. Call Marc at 559-392-9800 2012 CHEVROLET Avalanche LTZ 4x4 $19,900. Clean title & Carfax. Runs great. Fully loaded w/ lots of extras. Call or Text 559-900-5500 2010 DODGE Avenger SXT $3,200. Very clean, runs great. 559652-4941 2003 TOYOTA Tacoma $14,950. Looks and runs excellent. Call or Text 559-900-5500

2009 Chevy Cobalt LT $4,699. Seller can EMPLOYMENT handle all DMV paperwork for the buyer. EXPERIENCED Tree Climber needed $150559-293-2210 $200 a day. Must have 2014 LAND Rover your own equipment transportation. Sport HSE $29,999. and Gray w/ Black int. (559) 421-8555 or Excellent cond. Call: (559) 548-3331 (559) 949-4203 ext 10113


2019 HONDA Civic LX 4dr CVT $16,985. Red w/ Black int. Ex- DOBERMAN Puppies cellent cond. Call (559) (Madera) Purebred, de377−7107 wormed and first shots. Rehoming fee required. 2017 SUBARU Lim- (209)900-3693 ited WRX Custom $25,000. Wide body, BACKPACK sprayers carbon fiber hood, $80. Birchmeier. Mulheavily modified. 14k tiple available. 2.5 and miles. 559-259-3778 3gal. Call 492-8860

ELECTRONICS SAMSUNG Gear VR $25. 3 units. Almost new, only used once. $25ea or $60 for all 3. Call only 246 5628

WROUGHT Iron Mail box $45 Custom stand Call only 408438-1481

FEMALE GOAT $229. 4 year old Pygmy Nigerian mix female goat. (Not a dairy goat). Price firm. Call only 559-246-5628 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd Puppies (Madera) Serious inquiries only. For rehoming fee or more info, call or text 707 380 4637

WALNUT Coffee Table $1,600. Handcrafted by local artist Keith ROUND Glass Table Newton. Claro black $60. 42” glass round walnut w/ turquoise table with metal base. inlay. For more info or Call Ron (805)539- to make an appt to see other pieces, call 5595580 892-9396 WOOD BUFFET King Server Hutch $175. COMPLETE Espresso. Call or text Bdrm Set $1500. Dark blue velvet w/ bed and 559 305 1867 memory foam cool gel JEWELRY Mirror mattress, chest, dress$80. Black velvet int. er w/ matching mirror, holds necklaces, rings, 2 night stands and a jewelry mirrored chest. etc. 559-332-3737 559 320 7949


COMPLETE Queen Bdrm Set $1,000. Get smart about your Beautiful bed with coverage! brand new in box 559.298.8900 memory foam mat- Jonathan Wallace Your Local Farmers Agent | CA License # tress, bedding, dresser 0M73890 6761 N WILLOW AVE STE 101 FRESNO , CA 93710 w/ led mirrors and car- JWALLACE4@FARMERSAGENT.COM pet. Cash only. 559 320 7949

Get smart about your coverage!

SELLING something List it here

HORSE Accessories $150 (Sanger) Saddlers, blankets, halters. Selling as a package. Text 559 408 8757 8ft 3pt Tractor Disc SUPPORT LOCAL Set $1,200. Perfect for vineyard. 559-3566003

559.298.8900 Jonathan Wallace

Your Local Farmers Agent | CA License # 0M73890 6761 N WILLOW AVE STE 101 FRESNO, CA 93710 JWALLACE4@FARMERSAGENT.COM


SELLING something List it here



PEAVEY 2x15 PA Speaker $400. 2400w amp to power them available for $100. Call 559 862 3267



% & OFF

APPLE IPOD Nano 6th Gen Multitouch Clip $25. No charger. Price firm. Text please 559 470-8091



NINTENDO Switch Mario Ed. $400. Sealed in the box. Price firm. Call or text 384-1697




Subject to credit approval. Call for details.




MARSHALL Guitar Amp $340. Marshall Valvestate 80V Model 8080. Great condition. Call only (408)5719818



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SONY MD Walkman MZ-R70 MiniDisc Player Recorder $50. Comes with one disc. Welcome to try it before you buy it. Price is firm. Text only 559 470-8091





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MARCH 2021 |


INSURANCE HOME / Auto / Specialty / Life / Commercial. Lowest Cost per Thousand of Coverage! Jonathan Wallace Agency! Tailored Policies with a Local Trusted Advisor! 6761 N Willow ave #101 Fresno, Ca 93710 (559)298-8900 (Text Okay) MISCELLANEOUS ELIMINATE gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-844-442-5591


1993 HONDA Goldwing $3,995. Call or Text John Hollywood (559) 517-3055 1970 HONDA ct70 $5,350. All custom. For more info call/text 559 779-5200 2013 HONDA Goldwing $14,995. Candy red. Phone: (209) 5221061 2013 TRIUMPH Trophy SE $5,995. Call or Text John Hollywood (559) 517-3055. 2006 SUZUKI S83 Blvd 1500 $6,500. 35k miles. Original owner. Call Roy (559) 9052326 2005 HONDA CRF 450X $4,799 (Hanford) For more info: (559)582-5501 SUPPORT LOCAL

18 | MARCH 2021



XS SOCCER Socks $15-25. New Soccer Socks with built Shins. MARTIN D-35 ROOM FOR rent for $15ea or both pairs for Acoustic Gtr $2,500. single person $350 $25. Call or Text (559) Like new cond. Comes month. Near Fresno 355-9780 w/ Hardshell case. State, by airport. Small (559) 360-1543 deposit, utilities split VINTAGE PEPSI evenly, no pets. Call Golf Bag $90. Great M I C R O P H O N E S (559) 797-5209 condition. Pickup only. $150 (Mendota) CAD 559-575-1918 PRO-7 Drum Microphone Kit. 559 755 OLYMPIC Barbells & RVS 3127 Olympic weights. $252005 WEEKEND $160/pair. 7ft 700lb TRADITION ELEC Warrior FS2300 Toy limit barbell, $100. Guitar $300. Comes Hauler $8,950. Fully Text only (559) 300with cable & gig bag. loaded. Title in hand. 6853 559 755 3127 Cash only. 559-885NIKE GOLF Shoes 2565 FENDER PRO Jr $19. Size 9.5 W. Call or 4 Tweed Amp $325. 2007 T@B Teardrop Text (559) 355-9780 Will consider trades & Camper Trailer $8,800. offers. Text (559) 681- Clean, great cond. Call BASEBALL BAT 1419 $39. Marucci AM22 or text 559-417-1173 Andrew McCuther Pro ALESIA DRUM 2006 Pilgrim19ft Maple Youth Bat. Call Module $300. 1 yr old, Travel Trailer $14,500 or Text (559) 355-9780 very new cond. Serious OBO. Very clean inside inquiries only. (559) and out. No smoking, 326-4544 VIDEO GAMES no pets. Call only (209) 229-2226 BUNDY SELMAR 620 CLASSIC Game Flute $150. For more 1996 TIOGA Moto- Build-In $40. Choose info call (559)477- rhome $12,800. 34k your favorite retro 2375 miles. Senior owned. games for the console. Call only 661-458 7144 Store pickup. Call A.R. SEIDEL 1979 (559)475-1825 Stradovarius Copy 3/4 2004 DOLPHIN LX Scale Violin $450. May $29,900. Class A. No PS4 ASST Games consider trade for bass smoker, no pets. Great $18ea. Good cond. No guitar. For more info cond. 16k orig miles. scratches. Call or text call only (559)477- For more info call only Logan: 951-750-0966 2375 530-240-5076 NINTENDO DSi w/ 1 BBE OPTO Stomp 2017 WILDWOOD Game $30. Comes w/ Optical Compressor X-Lite 26ft Travel Plants Vs. Zombies. No Pedal $100. Works per- Trailer $21,900. Beau- charger or stylus. Text fectly. Price firm. Call tiful, like new. Power only 559 470-8091 only 559 636-8661 everything. Cash only, NINTENDO Switch in person. 691-0978 Mario Edition $400. Brand new factory PERSONALS sealed in the box. Call SPORTS or text (559)384-1697 GOOD LOOKIN, tall, slim, white male, 70. 4IRON GYM Total Looking to meet slim, Upper Body Work- PS3 W/ Mult Games white female, 60-70 out Bar $20. Fits up & Controllers $400. who likes to go west- to 35.4” wide door Comes w/ 3 controlern swing dancing, flea frames. Installs in sec- lers, 14 games, plus markets, estate sales, onds. Call only 559- @20 more games loaded on the console. Incl fishing, and camping. 261-4680 DLC’s, Skins, Camos. Call 559-779-1021 please leave a message BASKETBALL Hoop Price firm. 559 779 if no answer. $25. No net. Text 661 3689 772 3216







MARCH 2021 |


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