Fresno Flyer Vol 5 No 9

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Pride month is just around the corner, and for the Central Valley, it’s already here. While the culture of Pride is to celebrate love, liberation, and community, counter-arguments arise to dampen this spirit. I’ve heard more than a few times – “why isn’t there a ‘straight’ pride?” And some people ask this not out of spite but out of genuine curiosity. As succinctly as I can make it, the answer is this – every other day in the year is straight pride.

It’s 2021, and I live in California, but I still think twice before grabbing my wife’s hand in public. I pause before introducing her as my spouse to anyone I’m not already close with because I don’t know what consequence might come from spontaneously ‘outing’ us. Sometimes, I just want to avoid the uncomfortable expression of disapproval that passes over someone else’s face. I don’t always have the energy to debate or explain myself, and I feel I shouldn’t have to… but I almost always have to. And other times, it’s simply a safety precaution.

Pride celebrations are the few occasions that allow us to publicly cast off doubt, secrecy, and loneliness to be embraced by a community that rains down hugs, laughter, and acceptance without a shred of judgment. Pride is loud, colorful, joyous, and a little weird. We don’t get to do this very often, so when it’s our time to shine in the sun, we’re going to make it count. These celebrations make up for all the other days in the year

that we have to quietly conform to the unspoken societal demands that we do not make others uncomfortable with our presence. We live that way at work, with certain family members, colleagues, and even classmates – all things we can leave behind while we’re at Pride.

And it’s not just a reason to party and cut loose, either. In 1969, the Stonewall riots taught the world that being queer wasn’t a crime. LGBTQ rights were born out of those protests. Every year, the community remembers that fight, honoring it through Pride celebrations around the world. It’s a beautiful testament to strength, resilience, determination, and, most importantly, self-love.

If you’ve picked up this issue wondering if reading the rest of it is worth your time, I assure you it is. Pride also celebrates its allies. Believe it or not, but not everyone who participates in the parades and festivities is a card-carrying member of the LGBTQ community. These events aren’t meant to be exclusive, just the opposite; these celebrations are inclusive and welcome allies with open arms.

Pride isn’t meant to be a source of contention, but rather a radiant beacon of hope, self-acceptance, and community to those who need it – to raise visibility for those who think they’re alone. Pride isn’t the antithesis to any particular culture, but rather a proclamation that we belong in this world, too, just as we are.


pride 2021: Le Entr’acte

Last year was supposed to mark the 30th anniversary of Fresno’s Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival. Fresno Rainbow Pride had initially planned a massive celebratory blowout. It was a journey they embarked upon from the moment they wrapped up the 2019 festivities. Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic and subsequent lockdown on social gatherings, the milestone soiree was put on hold. Instead, what replaced it was the virtual events conceived, organized, and successfully delivered on scarcely two months’ notice. Fresno Rainbow Pride decided to postpone the official 30th-anniversary celebration for a year. Everyone hoped that things would return to a “normal” state in time to give the landmark jubilee its proper due. Until then, the traditional parade and social gatherings were in an intermission.

In French theater, the term for intermission is “le entr’acte.” The notable difference between an intermission and an entr’acte is that there is a separate, typically musical and dance performance during an entr’acte. The idea is that a pause in the act doesn’t have to mean a pause in the action. For Jefferey Robinson, founder and organizer of Fresno Rainbow Pride, pausing the action simply was not an option.

“Pride is so much more than just the parade and partying. It’s a spiritual recharge,” Robinson explains, “for many people in the community, it’s a rare opportunity to express who they truly are without fear or judgment and interact with others who share the same experiences.”

When the Pride celebration con-

cluded in 2019, Fresno Rainbow Pride im mediately began planning for the big 30th anniversary in 2020. In February, as fears of lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic began to grow, some organizers held out hope that they would still be able to pull it off. Robinson wasn’t as optimistic. He made the difficult decision to postpone the official celebration and focus on creating virtual alternatives to the traditional festivities. A month later, the lockdown began, and all social gatherings were suspended.

“It cannot be overstated just how devastating the lockdown could have been for Pride,” Robinson says, “how do you have a parade and events and everything else when all social gatherings are banned?”

With only about two months to plan and organize a workable alternative, Fresno Rainbow Pride embraced social media and Zoom. They held drag competitions via YouTube video submissions. The organization also utilized the platform to host performances and inspirational speeches from activists, entertainers, and other voices in the LGBTQ+ community. Tik Tok was another popular app for younger people, in particular, to participate, interact, and show their pride. Not only were remote celebrations organized on Zoom, but support groups and lectures embraced the

medium as well. Virtual Pride turned out to be more successful than anyone could have predicted. Robinson credits that success to the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community.

“ We have always been resourceful and able to adapt to whatever life throws at us,” Robinson continues, “We’re used to overcoming obstacles and making the best of what we’re given. At no point did any of us ever think Pride wasn’t going to happen. Whatever our alternative was going to be, there was going to be one.”

Not only did virtual alternatives save Pride 2020, but they also significantly changed the way the LGBTQ+ community provided support, outreach, and even mental health services for itself during the past year. Support groups taking place via Zoom meant that people could still attend meetings during the lockdown. They also attracted new faces who otherwise might not have participated. The most significant increases in new attendees were in the youth and senior groups.

“Young people and seniors actually have many of the same issues when it comes to attending these support groups in-person,” Robinson explains, “lack of transportation, lack of family support, feeling isolation but also anxiety about putting themselves out there. Having the meetings on Zoom solved

a lot of these problems, and the response has been incredible.”

So much so that Zoom meetings will be a permanent part of the LGBTQ+ support system even after in-person meetings return.

“Connectivity has been a blessing,” Robinson shares, “we are able to facilitate support in a real, impactful way. It’s not the same experience that in-person meetings provide, but it’s definitely better than no meetings at all. And the fact that it has provided a way for people who otherwise might never have attended one of these meetings to participate is truly special.”

As a mental health professional, Robinson has observed a noticeably higher compliance rate for people using Zoom calls than other mental health treatment methods. Depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicide rates are exceedingly high among the LGBTQ+ community. The additional physical isolation imposed on top of that by the pandemic only made things worse. Having access to virtual support options has literally been life-saving.

“Our philosophy is: That which doesn’t kill us will only make us stronger,” Robinson observes, “the LGBTQ+ community is a very social one. We have always depended on making connections and providing that inclusion because so many of us feel alone.”

The lockdown could have been devastating to the community, but instead of killing Pride, it’s just proved how strong and

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resilient the community is. Indeed, many of the temporary virtual alternatives to traditional Pride events will be a permanent part of the festivities in the future.

Unfortunately, with social gathering restrictions still in place, the official 30th anniversary Pride celebration has been put on hold for another year. Restrictions are set to be lifted on June 15th, but that comes about three weeks too late for Fresno Pride, which occurs at the end of May. On the positive side, a year of adjusting to those restrictions has yielded more inventive alternatives to the traditional crowded events.

“Slay it with Pride,” the virtual fashion, costume, hair, and make-up competition Fresno Rainbow Pride hosted on their Facebook page last year, will return this year, with help from The Fool’s Collaborative. Choosing to hold the competition online rather than in-person resulted in a considerable increase in participation. Robinson expects it to be even bigger this year.

“Yardi Gras,” a Mardi Gras-inspired event, is also planned. Residents of the Tower District will decorate their houses to look like Mardi Gras floats to create a drive-by, reverse parade of sorts. Fresno Rainbow Pride will provide maps for people to find all the participating homes, and photo submissions will also be accepted. Prizes will be awarded to the houses with the best decoration. The organization will include a separate category for Tower businesses as well.

There will be a parking lot, drive-instyle drag show at a yet-to-be-named location. Modeled after the drive-in concerts that many musicians and comedians put on over last

summer, the drag show will also feature prizes for winning performances.

“ Take Pride Mobile” will be a caravan of decorated vehicles that will venture through Fresno and Clovis. Participation is encouraged. The bigger the caravan, the better!

Fresno Rainbow Pride is also planning a “Drive-thru” festival. Organizers and sponsors will set up kiosks for attendees to pull up and get free “swag bags” and information. Food trucks will be on hand as well.

In addition to the events planned for May, there will be a virtual dance party on June 5th for Pride. Sponsors and endorsers will present 60-second PSA’s, and there will be pre-recorded speeches, performances, and statements from artists, entertainers, and activists in the Fresno LGBTQ+ community sprinkled throughout the event. Local drag celebrities will act as hosts.

Fresno Rainbow Pride will also host a San Joaquin Valley declaration of Pride. The goal is to bring every city, county, and municipality in the Valley together in a unified message of support for their LGBTQ+ community.

Other events are also in the works. Robinson recommends visiting the Fresno Rainbow Pride Facebook and Instagram pages to get the latest updates, including dates/ times, locations, and participation information.

Robinson furthers, “This year is really a hybrid of the types of events people normally associate with Pride, and the virtual ones we did last year. I think we’ve done an excellent job of adapting traditional elements like the parade and festival atmosphere to comply with social distancing protocols with things like Yardi Gras, Take Pride Mobile, and the drive-thru festival.”

When Pride 2019 concluded and Fresno Rainbow Pride begun planning its 30th anniversary, no one could have predicted the events that would put the party on hold a year later - even less so that social gathering restrictions would still be in place another year after that. Remarkably, despite a two-year delay, Robinson says the infrastructure is still in place.

“ We didn’t lose any of our sponsors,” he explains, “we offered everyone refunds, and they all refused. Every one of our 30th-anniversary sponsors has let us hold their donations in reserve for when we can actually hold the real celebration. Even our Grand Marshalls are still hanging in there. Nobody is giving up, and that just speaks so much to the wonderful support we have.”

Robinson says that the true heroes are all the people behind the scenes who work all year long to make Pride Week such a success. Everyone involved with Community Link - the parent organization for Fresno Rainbow Pride - is a volunteer.

“This is truly a labor of love,” he beams.

Fresno Rainbow Pride is always looking for more people eager to volunteer their time or resources to help the LGBTQ+ community. Anyone interested can call (559) 266-LINK (5465) to volunteer, donate, or get more information about providing programs or services to their communities.

As more and more people receive the COVID vaccine, the odds are good that 2022 will finally be the year Fresno Rainbow Pride gets to throw a proper 30th-anniversary bash. However, what that celebration might look like could depend on several factors, not the least of which is the controversial and contested sale of the Tower Theatre to Adventure Church. The lot on Olive Avenue in the Tow-

er District, home to past Pride events, is no longer available. The lot was sold to a private builder who has already broken ground on the property.

We’re looking for alternative locations to hold the physical events once things return to normal,” Robinson says, “the biggest challenge for us is to find a space big enough to host everything that also has adequate parking close enough to be viable.”

As for concerns regarding the sale of the Tower Theater, Robinson is cautious but optimistic.

“For the most part, we’re hopeful that we can coexist peacefully and respectfully,” he says, “but, at the same time, it’s not unreasonable to worry that Adventure Church could be a voice of protest against Pride and the LGBTQ+ community.”

Pride itself is a celebration of inclusiveness and support that rose from the Stonewall Riots, a dark chapter in the fight for LGBTQ+ acceptance in America. It was with that same spirit and refusal to give up that Virtual Pride rose out of the pandemic, still providing that spiritual recharge for a community in lockdown.

“This is what we do,” Robinson states matter of factly, “we adapt. We overcome. We take whatever life throws at us, and we come back stronger than ever because we do it together. Our strength is in each other. Celebrating the power of inclusion and acceptance, that’s what Pride is all about.”

For more information about Pride events and how you can volunteer your time or resources to help the LGBTQ+ community, visit the Fresno Rainbow Pride Facebook ( and Instagram (fresno_rainbow_pride), or follow them on Twitter (@pride_fresno).

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Fun Facts


1. The rainbow flag as a gay pride symbol made its debut at the San Francisco Pride Parade in 1978. Harvey Milk asked his good friend Gilbert Baker to design a unifying symbol for the gay community, and the rainbow flag was the result.

2. Harvey Milk was an American politician who became the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California. The critically-acclaimed 2008 film Milk, starring Sean Penn, was based on his life.

3. The first Pride march occurred a year after the events at Stonewall, on June 28, 1970. It was referred to as the Christopher Street Liberation Day March.

4. June was chosen to be the LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which took place in New York in June 1969, when gay bars were illegal. The brave activism displayed in the incident is considered the start of the gay liberation movement.

5. The oldest still-existing LGBT organisation in the world is Netherland’s Center for Culture and Leisure (COC). Founded in 1946, it adopted a vague name to mask its taboo purpose.

6. With an estimated 3.5 million attendees in 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil hosted the world’s largest Pride Parade.

7. Europe has a Pan-European International Pride Event, called, appropriately, Europride.

8. Amsterdam is the only city whose Pride celebration literally floats on a river. The parade involves 100 decorated boats that sail through the city on the Prinsengracht River.

9. The longest pride celebration lasts three to four weeks in Sydney, Australia each February, ending with Mardi Gras.

10. Marsha P. Johnson, a Black trans woman, is a central figure to the Stonewall riots of ‘69. Without Johnson, Pride as it exists today would not be the same.

11. The original LGBT flag was hand dyed and consisted of eight symbolic colours. Here are their meanings: Pink - sexuality, Red - life, Orange - healing, Yellow - sunlight, Green - nature, Turquoise - magic/art, Blue - serenity/harmony, Purple - spirit (Pink and turquoise were later removed from the flag due to production constraints and the need for design symmetry.)

12. The National Historic Landmark nomination for the Stonewall Inn was drafted in 1999. It wasn’t until 2016 that the site was named a national monument.

13. On the night of June 28, 1969, patrons at the Stonewall Inn fought back against the police raids they had become so accustomed to. Those who took a stand were led by trans and femme women of color..

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1969 stonewall inn riots

Referred to as the ‘pin drop heard round the world’ the 1969 riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York sparked a movement across the globe.

In 1969, homosexual acts and the solicitation of homosexual acts were illegal. Gay bars became a place of refuge for gays, lesbians, and anyone else who would fall into the sexually suspect spectrum, where they could go to escape harassment safely. However, being a known gay establishment meant harassment from local law enforcement.

The Stonewall Inn, along with other gay-friendly bars, suffered raids on occasion to bust up the clientele and arrest the offenders. On June 28, 1969, yet another raid came down in a series of attacks that had been happening all too frequently. As the police carted people outside and into a police van, they didn’t disperse as usual. Angry, frustrated, tired of the harassment, the patrons of Stonewall began jeering, vocally protesting, and throwing bottles and debris at the police officers. Law enforcement quickly lost control of the situation, and the protesters rioted well into the early morning until a riot-control squad arrived to disperse the violent crowd.

The next few days were filled with even more rioting as the patrons, along with increasingly more members of the gay community growing the numbers to some 400 people, returned to Stonewall to face off with the local police. It was the first time that gays, lesbians, drag queens, and trans people united behind a common cause to fight injustice.

On the one year anniversary of the riots, the first gay pride marches took place in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. In the years that followed gay rights groups erupted in almost every major city in the U.S.

At this point, we know that masks work for both dummies and non-dummies alike.

And, it’s really pretty simple: whip it out and slap it on your face, and then bam! - just like that, you’re a lifesaver - a bonafide modern superhero.  It’s true.  Masks save lives.

Saving lives is cool and all, but that’s not the only reason why masks are awesome.

They also do a good job in hiding bad breath, which has been very convenient, to be honest.  But what I really love about masks is that they also let me talk to myself without anyone even noticing or judging me, which has actually been pretty therapeutic during this awful time, I’d have to admit.  It’s so liberating, I often wonder just how those poor ‘non-maskers’ go throughout their day so uncomfortably exposed.  Especially when their faces always stay so adamantly angry all the time at the mere mention of masks. They really don’t know what they’re missing out on.  A mask could instantly fix that ugly face.

In fact, masks have been known to make certain people look better.  And, let’s face it (no pun intended), some people need all the help they could get. Everyone wants their barber or cosmetologist to work a miracle for them. Yet the miracle is already at our fingertips. Just put it on and instantly get a makeover.

And, who doesn’t love anonymity?  As an introspective, introverted person at times, I’ve loved the freedom that masks have given me to feel secure and confident out in


public. Wearing a mask has been liberating because it helps me feel at ease around people, which can be difficult at times when I start feeling insecure.  Wearing a mask helps me feel freer.

All of these unexpected intangible benefits of mask-wearing emerged from the basic physical need that we recognized early on in the pandemic to limit and prevent Covid-19 spread at all costs.  We understood that covering up our noses and mouths in public - although uncomfortable and awkward - was and still is an effective mitigating measure to combat SARS-CoV-2.  The idea is that if we could curtail or prevent the spread of this virus from person to person by collective mask-wearing, then we could effectively prevent its replication.  And if we could prevent this virus’s replication, it would effectively be stopped in its tracks.  We win.

And this plan has worked.  Sadly, it would have worked a whole lot better and hundreds of thousands of Americans could possibly still be alive today if our nation and communities had seriously organized and institutionalized mandatory public mask-wearing instead of downplaying it or making it optional. Indeed, our American Covid-19 death toll is a horrible tragedy, yet we are still not out of the woods yet.  We are still active within this pandemic.  And we need to stick to the plan in order to end it.

The good news is that we have made significant strides in this coronavirus battle.  Our positivity rate has really dropped across the country.  Deaths are no longer in the thousands per day.  Here in Fresno County, we are averaging only about 5 new

Covid cases per 100,000 per day (And, since the county is made up of roughly 1 million people, that comes out to about 50 new cases per day).  Compare that to 41 new Covid cases per 100,000 per day back in February.  So this is a good trend.  We want to lower the transmission rate and stop SARS-CoV-2 right in its tracks.

But, the death rate. This has continued to be troubling.  Here’s why.  Right now, the national Covid death rate is at 1.8% (577,314/32,445,034). In Fresno County, it is 1.6% (1,670/101,263).  They are pretty much consistent.  This means that for every 100 Covid infections, about 2 people will die from it.  Or, another way to look at it - for every 50 new coronavirus infections, 1 Fresnan will die because of it.  That may not seem like a lot, 1 or 2 people a day dying from Covid.  Is that the ‘acceptable’ threshold to justify fully reopening all businesses and activities like pre-Covid days?  It’s sad to think like that, but you know that’s how certain governmental and business leaders are looking at it.

So, we need to continue to protect ourselves.  And, how do we do that?  Thank God, we all can do that now by getting fully vaccinated, of course.  This is so very crucial.  But the other way we will continue to protect ourselves is by wearing our masks in public.

It’s proven. It’s simple. It’s effective - even a dummy can do it.

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.

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WhenCOVID struck in early March, 2020, we moved our programming online for what we believed to be just a few weeks. During that time our Pride Visalia committee continued to plan for our 4th event Memorial Day weekend. However, by early April it was becoming apparent that we wouldn’t be able to have Pride as the cases began to shoot up and restrictions on gatherings increased.

We were worried. Pride Visalia is our largest fundraiser of the year and helps sustain The Source LGBT+ Center’s services to people living with HIV and LGBTQ+ youth, as well as free counseling, peer support groups, and the actual community center. If we didn’t have Pride, we might not have a center.

With only 6 weeks to plan, we pivoted to creating a virtual event that could be aired the same day we would have had Pride Visalia 2020. Our committee, our staff, local drag queens and the people who rely on The Source for services and support collaborated to create Pride Inside. As we were creating the event we were concerned that no one would show up or that it wouldn’t be engaging enough for people. We also wanted to deliver benefits and visibility for our sponsors, all of whom remained on as sponsors when informed that we were shifting to a virtual event. We did what we could to market it through social media, partners,

Virtual Pride Events Are Here Stay

word of mouth, and local media.

Around 3,000 people attended Pride Visalia in 2019. Our social media following was at least 16,000 people in May 2020. Yet, we had only a few hundred people interested in attending and we knew many of those might not show up. Could we raise the amount we needed to, deliver value to our sponsors, and spread Pride vibes to our area in an effective way? It didn’t seem likely with our first major virtual event and with no blueprint to follow.

May 23, 2020, Pride Visalia, was shaping up to be a key moment in our center’s history and either pave the way for a future or begin the epitaph of a grassroots movement to make a hostile area more inclusive for LGBTQ+ people. At noon we started the stream. Immediately we noticed people signing on and viewers going up. There was a lot of interaction in the chat, engagement on social media, and when it came time to give during the program – we raised nearly $10,000.

It was not the amount we would have raised with an in-person Pride but it was a huge start. Pride Inside showed our team that a virtual event could be done and that people would show up and support. One of our attendees said that they were, “just happy to have Pride at all and to reconnect with their community.” Our sponsors were thrilled with the response and the way we incorporated them during and after the

event. An unforeseen bonus for sponsors and for us is that the content lives on forever on YouTube and social media. Logos, commercials, messages and drag shows can be viewed by anyone at any time; thus giving more longevity to sponsors and the community.

Pride Attendance Reimagined

Accessibility is fast becoming a necessary consideration within the planning process of events, especially for events such as Pride that are fundamentally about the inclusion and equitable treatment of all within our diverse community. Transportation and accessibility has always been a large deterrence for event attendance; many who wish to be a part of The Source and our events are within another county, city, or state. Now, people can access our events from anywhere in the world from the comfort of their own living room.

It is often assumed that just because an event or venue is ADA compliant that the barriers for those with disabilities are eliminated. That is not the case for many with invisible disabilities, or disabilities that require extra considerations. Virtual events help bridge these needs in accessibility, and we have seen that firsthand within our attendance numbers. One of our disabled attendees mentioned that “It was nice to not have to worry about finding accomodations and

the extra stress” that goes along with in-person events.

Pride is a day of jubilee for the LGBTQ+ community, a symbol of overcoming discrimination and cultivating solidarity through our differences. Pride Inside is an evolution of those principles. It was a response to a global hardship that impacted LGBTQ+ folks in ways that exacerbated long lasting issues within our community, particularly around our need for each other and spaces in which we can freely express ourselves. In meeting that need, we also bridged another longstanding gap for those with barriers to equitable access and inclusion.

We hope that you join us for even better Pride Inside than our last on May 29th at 12pm. After that, our hybrid (in-person & virtual) Pride Visalia 2021 event will take place on October 23rd! Our Executive Director, Brian Poth, says that “with the massive community response from 2020’s Pride, we are excited to bring together the best of both worlds with our hybrid Pride Visalia 2021 later this year!” Bring your friends, family, or support for The Source’s Pride events by reaching out to the website or number provided below.

Sponsor, attend, and support Pride Visalia at or text “Pride2021” to 43506


St. George Greek Orthodox Church presents Fresno Greek Fest TO-GO!

Announcing the bi-monthly continuation of the Greek Fest TO-GO series!

Every other month will feature different meal options along with sides and Greek pastries.

Save the Date for 2021 Greek Fest TO-GO events:

May 22

July 17

September 18

November 13

Check the website for announcements of our different entrees, sides, and desserts!

Meal orders may be purchased online at and must be paid by midnight the Wednesday prior to each event. Order and pay online in advance ONLY, pick up at our drive through at the church.


Saturdays, 5/22, 7/17, 9/18, and 11/13, 2021, Lunch 11-2PM Dinner 4-6PM.


St. George Greek Orthodox Church-covered parking area, enter off Yale Ave. 2219 N Orchard St, Fresno, CA 93703 (559) 233-0397


“ While we are unable to host our annual Fresno Greek Festival due to COVID-19, this TO-GO option will help generate funds to be used for a variety of local organizations,” said Peter Vallis, Executive Director. “We can’t wait to bring back the full Festival in 2022 “, he added.

About St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Fresno, CA

St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Fresno, CA has a membership of approximately 250 families. Fresno’s Greek community founded the Church in the 1920s, and welcomes all that wish to worship. Current membership is comprised of 40 percent Greek-Americans with the remaining 60 percent consisting of Romanian, Lebanese, Armenian and other ethnicities. Proceeds from the Greek Fest TO-GO will go to a variety of organizations. St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a 501(c) (3) within the umbrella of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.

Contact: Peterangelo Vallis Mobile: (559) 905-7748 for media inquiries Office: (559) 233-0397 for all other questions.



For tickets and up to date info please visit


May 16, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

An informative-prerecorded talk style event with the goal to highlight the stories, experiences, and knowledge of the LGBTQ+ members in our community and to share those experiences with others.  Individual talks will occur between 12-4PM with a livepanel discussion airing at 4PM.


May 17, 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM

Join the Board and Staff of the Gala Pride & Diversity Center for this social hour. The Gala Pride and Diversity Center has been providing support, encouraging diversity and inclusion since before its incorporation in 1997. From more than 10 years we have owned our beautiful center at 1060 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo.  Our mission is to support and empower people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions to strengthen and unite our central coast community.  This lounge is a great way to meet some of the folks to run the programs and services of our nonprofit or connect with other LGBTQ and allied people.

Join us for a parade through downtown San Luis Obispo to kick off Pride Week.  Decorate your car and help us spread some love!  More details will be shared in May! San Luis Obispo, 1060 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


May 18, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Únase a otras personas LGBT y mas de habla hispana para esta hora social. Estamos organizando este espacio intencionalmente para brindar a los miembros de la comunidad LGBT y mas de habla hispana un espacio para conectarse.


May 18, 6:30 PM

From early childhood Kurt had a stutter. You and your family are invited to join Central Coast Pride and the folks from Kramer Events in an interactive evening centered around some of your favorite game shows.


May 19, 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM

This lounge is a great way to connect with other LGBTQ and allied youth across San Luis Obispo county.

Join Cal Poly and Cuesta Pride students for an evening of LGBTQ+ affirming cartoons, discussion and hangouts! Learn more about Cal Poly Pride (@calpolypridecenter) and Cuesta Pride (@cuestapride) on Instagram.


May 20, 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM

Tranz Central Coast (TCC) uses outreach and advocacy to help transgender and other gender-diverse people live authentic, productive and happy lives in a safe and affirming community.  This is provided through education, support, and resources.  This lounge is a great way to meet some of the folks to run programs and services or connect with other LGBTQ and gender diverse people.


May 20, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Join Central Coast Pride and Tranz Central Coast for the PREMIERE of two short videos about being transgender on the central coast. At 6:30 p.m. we will PREMIERE the first of two short videos about being transgender on the Central Coast. It will be followed by a panel discussion with some of the people interviewed in the video.  We have designed the videos to be short, happy, funny, and educational. The second video will be shown around 7:15 p.m. or 7:30 p.m., followed by another panel of featured interviewees. Afterwards there will be more time for socializing.

The Central Coast Kink Community brings us Guy Baldwin, an American titleholder, author and psychotherapist from Los Angeles named International Mr. Leather in 1989 and the author of Ties that Bind, SlaveCraft and The Leather Contest Guide. For more information see: http://www.leatherpedia. org/guy-baldwin/


May 21, 8:30 PM 18+

Join Cal Poly Drag Club, SLOQueerdos & SLO Tease for this unique and quirky show. This is a ticketed livestream event intended for audiences.


May 22, 7:00 PM

STRONG. PROUD. UNITED. Livestream Concert celebrating 25 Years of Central Coast Pride featuring groups from around San Luis Obispo with Jill Knight. That’s The Key Acapella, ITF, and more. Tickets will go on sale May 1st. Digital Tickets will be donation-based with a recommendation of $10 per person.  Donations will help support the cost of the event and support ongoing LGBTQ programs and services within San Luis Obispo.


Learn at Home

Sound Design Masterclass with Nomine aka Outrage & Nurve. Thursday, May 13th, 11:00am-12:30pm Education & Bass has partnered up with *Kilohearts for a free Sound Design Masterclass (limited spaces) that will be hosted by Nomine aka Outrage & Nurve aka Macabre Unit aka Demon, who have more than 50 years of combined industry experience as music producers and mastering engineers in a variety of genres. You will be in VERY safe hands! This free session will showcase Sound Design tips, tricks and secrets that can be used for any genre, using the software and tools of your choice, it will be a demonstration of workflow, theory and principles that can be translated into your own music world. Please note that we will be overselling this event by about 20% due to previous events we’ve done having experienced some drop off where people haven’t attended and therefore some people have missed out. This means that the first 150 people who join the zoom call will all get into the event and unfortunately anyone who is running late will be unable to get into the call due to the **Zoom call cap. https://,Register,-Event

Visalia Adult School Online Classes. https:// The Visalia Adult School is open with many classes online! If you need your high school diploma, GED, or just want to take English as a Second Language Classes we offer them for free. Other classes such as Medical Billing, Medical Terminology, or one of our many other classes that include small fees are also available. For more information, please, give us a call! 559-730-7646. Our office is open 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday and we can help you meet your future.


Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. Arts Visalia offers a wide array of classes for children and adults. At-Home Art kits for children are available until we are able to meet safely in the gallery. Visit our website for more details and enrollment forms. Arts Visalia’s spring class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children. For more information on all Arts Visalia events and available classes visit our website at or call the gallery at (559) 7390905

CMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Online Workshops. CMAC is offering a series of online workshops that are free and open to the public. You do not need to be a CMAC member to register.

Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime.

Free Online Ivy League College Courses. ivy-league-moocs Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with reminders.

For Kids and All Ages

Kids Concert with Beth and Scott. Tuesday, May 11th, 1:00-2:00pm. Join us for a fun afternoon concert with performers and musicians Beth and Scott Bierko. This dynamic musical team will entertain your children in a live, interactive concert! https://www.eventbrite. com/e/kids-concert-with-beth-and-scott-tickets-145315226755?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch#:~:text=Panel-,Register,-Event

Reading Circle at Tower Blendz. Every Saturday, 11am-1pm. Tower Blendz, 802 E. Olive, Fresno. Reading Circle is a free interactive reading program with educational activities for children 4-16 years old.

Cooking with Kids. Saturday, May 22nd, 11:00am-12:00pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum. 175 E. 10th Ave, Hanford. Join us in the garden for Cooking with Kids! These events are FREE with admission and FREE for members. We are cooking up tons of nutritious meals and snacks that are super educational as well as fun. All materials are included, only thing we ask kids to bring is their tummy and appetite to learn!

Spring Kids Fest 2021. Saturday, May 22nd, 1:00-5:00pm. Bowlero Clovis, 140 Shaw Ave, Clovis. It’s your family’s favorite day to bowl, eat, and have fun! Join us on the lanes with great deals everyone will enjoy! FREE Bowling* FREE Shoe Rental* FREE $5 Arcade Card $1

12 oz. Soft Drinks $1 Cookies $2 Hot Dogs

$14 Pizzas *One lucky family will also have a chance to win 1 free year for the PBA Jr. Club for their child! *1 Free hour of bowling and shoes for kids 15 and younger. Adults will receive a discounted rate.

Promote Your Event Here. Delivered to Fresno, Clovis, Hanford and Many More. 559472-7182 or

Ride for Kids. Saturday, May 22nd. Veater Ranch Rd, Coarsegold. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central California is saddling up for their inaugural Ride for Kids Rodeo event on Saturday, May 22, 2021 hosted at the exclusive Veater Ranch nestled in the rolling hills of Coarsegold, California. This action-packed live event will prove to be the Super Bowl of all rodeos. Entertainment includes Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls, exhibition and of course, the world’s top 15 professional bronc riding champions!

Fairy Garden Festival. Sunday, Mat 23rd, 2:00-4:00pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum. 175 E. 10th Ave, Hanford. Our Fairy Garden Festival is Sunday, May 23. Everyone knows garden fairies are mischievous and prone to pranks. Keep them happy by creating a place all their own, and they will not give you so much trouble. Make your reservation today! Reading Circle at Tower Blendz. Every Saturday, 11am-1pm. Tower Blendz, 802 E. Olive, Fresno. Reading Circle is a free interactive reading program with educational activities for children 4-16 years old.

Evenings on the Savanna at Fresno Chaffee Zoo. Every Friday and Saturday. Fresno Chaffee Zoo, 894 W. Belmont Ave, Fresno. The animals stay out late Fridays and Saturdays in May for longer visits, more opportunities to dine at the Zoo, and evening fun when the weather cools. In addition to our regular menu of family favorites, enjoy daily food and drink specials for purchase. We will also be hosting live music, theme nights, and other family-friendly entertainment throughout these evenings, so check back for the schedule! Tickets available at tickets

Promote Your Event Here. Delivered to Fresno, Clovis, Hanford and Many More. 559472-7182 or


Fresno (CA) - The Fresno Grizzlies announced this morning that they will be putting limited single game tickets on sale for games in the month of May later this week. This comes on the heels of Fresno County’s move into the Orange Tier last week, allowing outdoor venues to increase their capacity to 33%.

“ We have had fans reaching out for single game tickets nonstop and Friday will finally be the day that we can say ‘yes, we have them’!” said President Derek Franks. “By advancing to the Orange Tier of reopening, we will be able to have even more of Growlifornia in the stands for Opening Night and beyond.”

Single game tickets will be sold on a limited basis in compliance with the current COVID-19 restrictions and availability will vary from game to game with ticket package holders getting first priority. Seats will be set up in a pod configuration with a focus on the health and safety of fans by ensuring physical distancing between familial groups.

Tickets to the first month of games will be on sale starting at 10am Friday morning. The May promotional calendar will also be available that morning. Fans will be able to purchase single game tickets at or by calling the Ticket Office at 559-320-TIXS(8497). #Growlifornia


The Fresno Grizzlies are the Low-A affiliate of the Colorado Rockies. The team plays at Chukchansi Park in Downtown Fresno, which is also a year-round community venue, hosting a myriad of other special events beyond Grizzlies’ games, such as concerts, festivals, high school baseball, and over 100 non-profit community events every year. The Grizzlies enter the 2021 season - their 24th year in Fresno - with a new affiliation and classification but with the same family-friendly and entertaining atmosphere fans have come to expect from the team.

Kids D&D on Roll20, hosted by Crazy Squirrel Games & Toys. Let the spirit of adventure continue! Behind the scenes, Squirrels have been working diligently to bring you online D&D adventures, and we’re happy to announce we’re ready to start. Want to play? These tables for kids only. There will be a limit of 6 kids per table.We are having this be for kids ages 1016. We’ll be using Roll20 as the platform and we’ve stocked our GMs larder with all the adventures they’ll need. You’ll just need a free account to join a game. Voice Chat will take place within the Crazy Squirrel Kids Discord Channel. Included in this post is the link for payment for the game. The price is $10 for the session. Please choose date you want to play. After payment is received you will be put into the room for chat in discord. Within the room will be the link to the Roll20 game.

Tour the International Space Station (ISS).

inline Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams floats through the International Space Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to see our planet down below from the observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station.


The Resume Makeover Masterclass, by Ash Goel. Monday, May 10th, 3:00-5:00pm. Online. In this workshop, Ash is going to show you exactly how you too can land your next job within no time. It is a proven system that’s been worked on for over 11 years and thousands of professionals have already benefited from it from around the world. All you need to do is register your seat today for FREE. the-resume-makeover-masterclass-fresno-tickets-152235359057?aff=ebdssbdestsearch#:~:text=Free-,Register,-Event

Fresno Job Fair - Fresno Career Fair, Hosted by HealthcareX. Tuesday, May 11th, 11:00am2:00pm. Fresno Virtual Job Fair, Fresno. HealthcareX connects healthcare professionals with their next employers. Our virtual events connect you directly to healthcare recruiters, a direct connection that can reduce your job search from months to minutes. Our new virtual events are just as effective as our in-person events. Connect with more employers than ever before from the comfort of your home at our one of a kind online event. https://www.,Register,-Event

Book Writing & Publishing Masterclass - Passion2Published. by Sus Dutta - CEO, Global Book Publishing. Tueday, May 11th, 4:00-6:00pm. Online. Welcome to the Book Writing and Publishing Workshop by Susmita, Founding Partner and CEO of Global Book Publishing. It is a 2 hour workshop, where Susmita teaches you Perfect Book Writing and Publishing Strategy right from scratch, going into immense detail on why, what, and how to do specific little-known critical things in the book publishing process. https://,Register,-Event.

Dance Classes. Monday - Saturday. Break the Barriers, 8555 N Cedar Ave., Fresno. Price: $220.00 to $570.00 The fully integrated dance program at Break the Barriers gives students of all abilities the opportunity to learn a variety of dance styles: tap, ballet, creative movement, contemporary, and hiphop. Our skilled dance coaches strive to teach high-quality dance technique, terminology, and etiquette in an effort to pass down an appreciation for the art of dance movement. We offer beginning to advanced pointe technique classes, as well as a variety of other dance genres. Join today by calling our office at (559) 4326292! For more information, visit our website or email our dance director at

Local/Virtual Events

Rocking in the Fillmore with Bill Graham. Sunday, May 9th, 2:00-3:30pm. Impresario Bill Graham was crucial to establishing San Francisco as the epicenter for the psychedelic rock music sounds of Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, Big Brother and the Holding Company with Janis Joplin and many others. Graham was truly a self-made man, surviving the Holocaust and coming to the US as an orphan child.

We’ll talk about his beginnings in the SF hippie scene and his emergence as a rock promoter

using the Fillmore Auditorium, Winterland and other venues. The presentation will include videos of Graham describing the scene and some of the top bands he hosted. https://,Register,-Event

Mother’s Day Brunch in the Vineyard Park and Englemann Cellars. Sunday, May 9th, 11am-2pm. Cellar Door Patio and Vineyard Park at Englemann Cellars. 3275 N. Rolinda, Fresno. Spoil Mom this Mother’s Day with a spectacular brunch the whole family will enjoy at Engelmann Cellars. Brunch begins with a Complimentary Mimosa for Mom, and a decadent buffet provided by A thumbs Up Catering with a variety of brunch favorites. This will be a served buffet.

Mother’s Day Brunch at Evergreen Island. Sunday, May 9th, 10:00am-12:00pm. Evergreen Island, 2567 E. Bardsley Ave, Tulare. Join us as we celebrate Mother’s Day at Evergreen Island. Brunch is served from 10am to Noon, and drinks until 1pm. Get your tickets now!

Just the Tips - Headlining: Anna Valenzuela. Wednesday, May 12th, 7:00pm and Thursday, May 13th, 10:00pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. TIP Based show with Professional comics followed by a comedy open mic. Just the Tips is back. Feature show followed by a Comedy Open Mic every Wednesday. Anna Valenzuela has a radiant smile that’s wonderfully at odds with her dark material. A trained black belt, she’s fought her way to the top of LA’s competitive standup scene with the sheer force of will and killer jokes. She can easily roast the audience, other comics, and herself with equal aplomb. Anna’s skills earned her a spot on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle, where she emotionally destroyed her opponents while maintaining her balanceences in, and her expertly crafted bits keep


Drop That Azz Paradise Party. Hosted by Priceless Da Roc. Saturday, May 15th, 8:00pm-1:00am. Edison Social Club, 3325 W. Clinton Ave, Fresno. Drop That Azz Paradise Party is going down May 15th! It’s going 2 be a movie. Who’s ready to finally get out the house and come turn up with Slim400, Youngtonez, Icewater Rock and so many more dope artist at the Edison Social Club in fresno SHOW UP AND SHOW OUT.

#MIADrumClinic2K21. Saturday, May 15th, 12:00-2:00pm. Gorden Campbell, whose work on sessions, tours, television shows, and clinics include every style of music: jazz, rock/ pop, R&B, hip hop, gospel, orchestral, and country.

Kiwanis Lunch in the Park. Sunday, May 16th, 11:00am-2:00pm. Englemann Cellars, 3275 N. Rolinda Ave, Fresno. Join us for a picnic lunch for two at the beautiful Englemann Cellars park and support Kiwanis Club of Fresno programs for youth and veterans in our community, including: Youth Orchestras of Fresno. Cub Scout Pack 211. VA Volunteer Services. Your purchase for $80 includes 2 picnic lunches (vegetarian option available) and live music performed by the Youth Orchestras of Fresno. Wine may be purchased separately from Englemann Cellars. Please bring your own lawn chairs or blanket. Advance online ticket sales highly recommended ($6.50 service fee applies). Sales end a week before on May 9th; day-of ticket sales subject to availability. For information about corporate sponsorships or group ticket sales, please contact David Rodriguez at (559)978-2946.

Full Circle Presents: The Downtown Beat Down Comedy Showcase. Weekly starting Sunday, May 16th. Full Circle Brewing Co. 712 Fulton St, Fresno. It’s a new show, a night, and a new venue, but that’s not stopping us from picking up right where we left off with live comedy in March of 2020. Join us at our new Fulton St tap room! Beginning May 16, 2021, we’ll be showcasing some of the very best comedians California has to offer every Sunday night. And stick around after the show for the open mic. Its your chance to see some of Fresno’s up and coming comedians. And maybe sign up yourself and give that stand up dream of yours a go. It’s going to be a lot of fun and we can’t wait to giggle along with you guys!

Dinner Show at KC’s Ranch featuring Jeremy “Elvis” Pearce. Sunday, May 16th, 6:008:00pm. KC’s Ranch, 6414 S. Pedersen Ave, Reedley. Come on out for a great night of delicious food from Cool Hand Luke’s Steakhouse & live music! You will be tapping your blue suede shoes to the incredible music of Elvis Presley sung by Jeremy “Elvis” Pearce. JEP is an incredible singer & will have you

singing along to your favorite songs. Whether you are celebrating a special event like a birthday or anniversary or you are just wanting to enjoy an evening under the stars this is the place to be! This event will sell out so get your tickets now!! Doors open at 5:30 pm Dinner is from 6pm-7pm Cool Hand Luke’s Steakhouse. Enjoy mouth watering, Hand Carved Tri-Tip, Fire-Grilled Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans, Green Salad, Lemonade & Rolls while listening to oldies. Show is from 7pm-8pm

Just the Tips - Headlining: Michael Regilio. Wednesday, May 19th, 7:00-10:00pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. TIP Based show with Professional comics followed by a comedy open mic. Just the Tips is back. Feature show followed by a Comedy Open Mic every Wednesday. Michael Regilio’s journey to comedy has been a winding path that echo the circuitous lines in his act that drop like cartoon anvils on his razor sharp punchlines. Draw to comedy like a bug to a bug zapper Regilio, a musician whose current band SORRY ABOUT EVERYTHING (fronted by Dino Stamotopolous) has received attention and accolades alike From his multiple appearances on the Kill Tony Show. Where he performed for Bill Burr, Dom Irrera, Joe DeRosa, Big Jay Oakerson to a multitude of sets around Los Angeles, sharing the stage with Reggie Watts, Andy Dick, Andy Kindler, Baron Vaughn, Rachel Bloom, Jimmy Dore and more.

ArtHop. Thursday, May 20th, 5:00pm. Various locations, Tower District, Fresno. ArtHop occurs every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. It’s one of the most active and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers and enthusiasts from all walks of life flock downtown Fresno and the Tower District on the first Thursday of each month, and the rest of ArtHop venues in the Fresno metro areas on third Thursdays, to meet and greet with the artists and enjoy the reception and music. Museums, studios, galleries and other venues open their exhibitions to the public at 5:00 p.m. and run the free event until 8:00 p.m. ArtHop has received a remarkable response from the Fresno community. Over 50 participating artist studios, galleries, museums, and other venues exhibit art and artists reception during ArtHop, and it has become both a cultural and special event for the community with a great deal of media coverage

The Fresno Home & Garden Show. Friday, May 21st - Sunday, May 23rd, 10:00am5:00pm. The Big Fresno Fair, Fresno. Talk to licensed contractors, shop gourmet foods, and artisans/crafters, and dine at the Outdoor Food Court with fair food and gourmet food trucks! Homeowners can shop with health dept. approved guidelines such as wide aisles, all vendors a part and mandatory masks for

Law School 101

TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 6-8pm

You’re invited to this free informational forum to learn more about the legal profession and what a law degree can do for you. At this forum you will be introduced to law school, from courses offered to admission requirements. Register for either event at or 559/323-2100

A Degree in any Major Qualifies you to Apply to Law School.
“SJCL is very welcoming to Veterans and the admissions staff is very helpful with the application process.”
James Proctor Juris Doctor Candidate 2023 Business


both vendors and attendees. We’ll inspire you to dust off the cobwebs and put on your walking shoes and enjoy shopping once again at the Fresno Home & Garden Show!

Save the Date: CMAC Youth Voices Live Stream Event. Sunday, May 23rd, 1:00pm. Virtual Event URL: We are excited to announce the second annual Youth Voices premiere event! For the last 14 weeks, our cohort of youth leaders have been training in documentary filmmaking. Each young person has created their very own documentary on issues that matter to them. Catch the premiere live stream on May 23 at 1 p.m. Only on CMAC!

FLUID - Virtual Open Mic. Wednesday, May 26th, 8:00pm. #QuarantineLife can get flat out boring for musicians and performers. We need a safe space to connect in these troubling times. That’s why we’re bringing the stage to you! FLUID, presented by AnyxMeans, is an open mic event created for YOU to speak your truth in a safe space. Nominated by East Bay Express on Best Of The East Bay for Best Open Mic and Best Underground Cultural Event. Here, feel free to express your inner creativity with a vibe tribe that resonates on your level. We believe that empowering our community through Music, Development, and Self Care paves the way to a holistic lifestyle. AnyxMeans is a sponsored project of Youth Aid

Non-Profit. Everyone is welcome to express themselves. From Singers to Rappers, Poets, Musicians, Producers, and beyond. You will receive a zoom link after you RSVP. Feel free to contact us at

Not Your Typical Comic Con Pop Up Shop, Various Awesome Vendors, Cosplay, Special Guests!! INDOOR MALL SHOW FREE FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT - DRESS UP & COSPLAYNO ENTRY FEE - NO PARKING FEE - FRESNO STREET EATS will be there behind the Mall!! May 29th & 30th, 2021 Sierra Vista Mall 1050 Shaw Clovis Ca 93612 FREE FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT - DRESS UP & COSPLAY, NO ENTRY FEE - NO PARKING FEE - FRESNO STREET EATS will be there behind the Mall!! Event Hours: Sat 11am--8pm, Sun 12pm--6pm 12 years and building!! Special Guest Artist Len Smith (Tailspin, Bonkers, Creator of TOONTOWN in Who framed Roger Rabbit to name a few) 501st Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, Cosplay Guests!! The Weekend Blender Blood Drive just added!! Donate Blood and receive the coolest T-Shirt!!

Live Concert Streams

Sessions Live presents Zac Brown Band, live from Southern Ground Studio in Nashville. Saturday, May 8th, 9:00pm. Tickets start at $19.99.

Dionne Warwick presents the Mother’s Day edition of At Home With You: All The HIts and More. Sunday, May 9th, 2:00pm & 8:00pm. Tickets start at $20. f

Cooper Tire presents the Driven To Perform Concert featuring Evanescence and hosted by Alice Cooper. Thursday, May 13th, 9:00pm. Register for the free livestream at https://www.driventoperformconcert. com/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_content=23847859918330152&fbclid=IwAR21CvvLYYJfVIp804L0eg1LDDxc8zN8Fr6w2bHK-Zk-4SeZ_SBWP4hgxVU

P.O.D. present Satellite over Southtown. Thursday, May 13th, 9:00pm. A streaming series to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their album “Satellite”, live from Petco Park in San Diego. Tonight’s show will feature “Satellite” in full. Tickets are $20, or $50 for a 3-show pass.

Madness present The Get Up, a global evening of music, drama, and comedy, live from the London Palladium. Friday, May 14th, 8:30pm. Tickets available at

311 will perform “From Chaos” in full. Friday, May 13th, 9:30pm. Tickets start at $20. Available at Mandolin and City Winery present Wynonna Judd Unplugged – Live from City Winery Nashville. Sunday, May 15th, 7:00pm. Tickets are $15, available at https://citywinery. com/washingtondc/cwtv-livestream-wynonna-judd-unplugged-live-from-city-winery-nashville-5-15-21.html

Session Live presents Digable Planets, live from Neumos in Seattle, WA. Sunday, May 15th, 9:00pm. Tickets start at $15, available at

Covenant House and Kia present Night of Covenant House Stars, a virtual gala featuring appearances by Audra McDonald, Dolly Parton, Vanessa Williams, Sara Barielles, Chita Rivera, Dionne Warwick, and more. Tuesday, May 17th, 8:00pm. RSVP to the event at

Sessions Live presents Jukebox The Ghost doing “Everything Under The Sun” in full, live from Rockwood Music Hall in NYC. Friday, May 20th, 8:00pm. Tickets start at $18, available at

The Glastonbury Festival presents Live At Worthy Farm, a livestream featuring performances by Coldplay, Damon Albarn, HAIM, IDLES, Jorja Smith, Kano, Michael Kiwanuka, Wolf Alice, and special guests. Sunday, May 22nd, 7:00pm. The stream will benefit Oxfam, Greenpeace, and WaterAid, as well as helping secure Glastonbury’s return in 2022. Tickets start at $27.50. Available at global-livestream/1819367#op1

Museum/Virtual Tours

Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. The Louvre, the world’s largest art and antiques museum, was forced to close its doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you can no longer waltz into its famous glass exterior, you can learn something of the phenomenal collection via a number of virtual tours, charting everything from Egyptian antiquities to the Galerie d’Apollon.

The British Museum, London. The UK capital’s famed museum has hooked up with Google Arts & Culture, along with more than 2,000 other leading institutions, to offer an interactive tour. Wander through time and click on different artefacts to see them up close, read up on their history, and hear more information.


Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. New York City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View tour where you can “amble” along its winding corridor and view works up close, such as Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library by Jonas Wood.

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC. Move at your own pace through the 360-degree room-by-room tour of every exhibit in the museum.

The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// Los Angeles’s premiere gallery has two virtual tours, including “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is a closer look at food in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. asset/the-national-museum-of-anthropology-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-commons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit rooms full of Mayan artifacts.

NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center - - and Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www. - offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality experiences” via The Space Center Houston’s app.

National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. Have a late International Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum.

Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// Though the Met Gala was cancelled this year, you can still have a peak at the The Costume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one of the institution’s 26 online exhibits.

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection available online.

Promote Your Event Here. Delivered to Fresno, Clovis, Hanford and Many More. 559472-7182 or

er Winery. Sunday, May 16th, 2:30-5:00pm. Kings River Winery, 4276 S. Greenwood Ave, Sanger. I am SO excited to announce the return of my in-person workshops, I have missed teaching you all the creative art of Modern Calligraphy! With the state of the world today, I know we all could use a relaxing afternoon learning something new and having some FUN! This workshop is meant to teach you my Modern Calligraphy letter forms and style guide. With 5 years of being a professional calligrapher and having taught more than 200 workshops, I have created an easy and interactive teaching method that will get you started with everything you would want to learn about Modern Calligraphy. The mood is always lighthearted and fun, so don’t feel intimidated! If you are bad at all things hand lettering, this workshop is for YOU! We will be fully socially distanced, and there are a very limited amount of seats available. If you come with a friend, please let me know so I can keep everyone seated in their desired “pods”.

ABC Party(Anything But Clothes). Saturday, May 22nd, 9:00pm-2:00am. Clem’s Hall, 3383 W. Muscat Ave, Fresno. Lingerie party coming to you in Fresno, with special guests Priceless da Roc and the Turn Up Gang, get your tickets now. https://www.eventbrite. com/e/abc-partyanything-but-clothes-tickets-152813935595?aff=ebdssbdestsearch#:~:text=Panel-,Tickets,-Event

Cumbiatron. Saturday, May 29th, 4:00pm. Veni Vidi Vici, 1116 N. Fulton St, Fresno. The Worlds Best Dance Music w/ DJ sets from El Selector, Cumbia Wayne, Dog Plasma, Galaxy Paisa & Kalakas. $20 Advance | 4pm | 21+ Tickets: Outdoors, mask required for entrance, stay home if you are sick. Limited Capacity. Do not attend with any flu symptoms. Masks required for entrance. Please social distance to the best of your ability. Temperature check required to enter. Tickets will be honored at any upcoming CUMBIATRON events, if you cannot attend but bought a ticket, just save it for the next event!

The Weekend Blender

Presented by Diehardz & Son

Not Your Typical Comic Con Pop Up Shop, Various Awesome Vendors, Cosplay, Special Guests!!



NO ENTRY FEE - NO PARKING FEEFRESNO STREET EATS will be there behind the Mall!!

May 29th & 30th, 2021 Sierra Vista Mall 1050 Shaw Clovis Ca 93612


NO ENTRY FEE - NO PARKING FEEFRESNO STREET EATS will be there behind the Mall!!

Event Hours

Sat 11am--8pm Sun 12pm--6pm

12 years and building!!

Special Guest Artist Len Smith (Tailspin, Bonkers, Creator of TOONTOWN in Who framed Roger Rabbit to name a few)

501st Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, Cosplay Guests!!

The Weekend Blender Blood Drive just added!! Donate Blood and receive the coolest T-Shirt!!




VINTAGE and antique motorcycles for sale. Various prices & condition. 350cc, B.S.A., Red Line Triumph race bike, Ariel sq, 4’s, B.M.W., one with V.W engine, custom parts. call (559)285-0156

VINTAGE SIGNS & Treasures $100 (Merced). Very neat signs for sale: supervisors $125 mystic park $225 coca cola $375 inspection station $600 Birch motel $725. Call any time after 10:30am 209-756-3175.

PEDDLE GRINDER $250. Call Jim (559) 575-2056.

ANTIQUE Candy Dish $25. Historical “Remember the Maine” candy dish from the 1930s. Text 559-392-3729.

ANTIQUE Cultivator Horse Drawn $125. Call Jim (559) 5752056

ANTIQUE OLIVER Plow $140. Antique farm plow. Was used as a decoration on a farm. About 6’ long x 4’ tall. Will deliver. Call/text Jeff - 559-270-6406

BRASS FLOWER lamp $40 (Madera). Beautiful brass flower shaped lamp with 2 bulbs on wood base. $40 firm. Call or text 424-3325.

ANTIQUE METAL Wheels $90. Antique Metal Wheels 30 inch tall. Sold as a pair only. Call Jim (559) 5752056


EMERSON Microwave $49. Emerson microwave model mw1337sb 1.3 cubic foot, 1000watts. Clean and works great. Glass turn table. Touch control. Phone or text (559) 326-4571

INSIGNIA 19-30” TV Wall Mount $15. New in the box condition. Please call (559)2465661

WATER Dispenser $20. Leave message 559 513 4359

KENMORE Gas Dryer $140. Cleaned and serviced in good working condition. 30 day warranty. Price $140.00. Delivery available. Call 559313-7519

KENMORE Side-byside Refrigerator $325. 25 cu ft. Ice and water in door clean in good working condition. Price $325.00. Call 559-313-7519.

HOTPOINT Dishwasher $60. Clean in good working condition. Call 559-3137519.

SAMSUNG Washer & Dryer Set $200. Works great. Asking $200 or best offer. Call or text: (213) 545 - 6597.


2012 POLARIS Phoenix 200 - $4,490 (Hanford). 200cc. Automatic Trans. Immaculate condition. Call (559) 582-5501

2019 KUBOTA RTV500 4X4 - $10,995 (North Fork). Also includes a Big Tex 60” wide 30SA single axle utility trailer. Call or text (559) 258-0462.

2001 Bombardier

DS650 - $4,800 (Coalinga). Mint condition with Creator X graphics kit. Everything works on the quad it needs nothing. Call 559-365-5988.

2018 POLARIS Ranger 150 - $6,250 (Hanford). 150cc automatic transmission. Immaculate condition. Call (559) 582-5501

COOLSTER Jeep Green Sticker - $2,999. 125cc 3-spd. For more info, call 559-2991600.


TODDLER Bikes (for age 2-6) - $25. Many available, $20-30 each. Call Darryl at 559-4443283.

GIANT STP Custom - $900. Quality Giant STP with just about everything upgraded. Too many upgrades to list. Please call John for details at 559-443-9818

K2 ZED-0 27.5”

Mountain Bike - $400. 27.5” Good condition with lots of upgrades. Tuned to perfection. Call John at 559-443-

SPECIALIZED Globe - $175. Nice bike in good condition 21 speed with special aftermarket front disc brakes so will stop on a dime. Call John at 559443-9818


Boys Bike - $45. Selling a used in excellent condition Next Flare boys bike with training wheels. Ready to ride. Txt at 661 772 3216

SCOOTER Whiplash - $20. Selling a used in excellent condition whiplash scooter. Txt at 661 772 3216.

BOYS 12” Hot Wheels Bike - $25. Selling a used in excellent condition 12” boys bike. Ready to ride. Txt at 661 772 3216.


2015 FORD Mustang 2dr Fastback EcoBoost - $19,950. Fully loaded, fun to drive. Carfax available. For more info, call (559) 435−2886.

2012 AUDI Q5 quattro 4dr 3.2L Prestige - $14,950. Navigation, fully loaded. For more info, call (559) 435−2886.

2007 TOYOTA Prius - $4,900 (Madera). Reliable, 45mpg, loaded. Silver. Call 559-2467875.


Looking for a change? The Flyer is looking for outside sales person. Independent contractor with high commission email resume to

2015 HYUNDAI Elantra SE Sedan$1,000. 4cyl, 109k miles. For more info, call or Text (559) 2365999

2014 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE Pickup 4D 5 3/4 ft - $28,999. Excellent condition, loaded. For more info, call: (559) 949-4203 ext 10112.

2007 CHEVROLET Tahoe LS - $12,995. For more info, call Credit World Auto Sales. Clovis: 559-3532455. Abby: 559-4127359

2009 MERCURY Milan Premier - $5,900. Well taken care of. 122k orig miles. Runs great. Loaded. Clean registration, title in hand. For more info, call 559-722-9405.

16 | MAY 2021 | FRESNO FLYER | | FRESNOFLYER.COM | Jamal Rhodes 559.313.0488



Experienced Tree

Climber needed

$150-$200 a day. Must have your own equipment and transportation. (559) 4218555 or (559) 548-3331

2015 FORD Mustang

2dr Fastback EcoBoost - $19,950. Fully loaded, fun to drive. Carfax available. For more info, call (559) 435−2886.

2012 AUDI Q5 quattro 4dr 3.2L Prestige - $14,950. Navigation, fully loaded. For more info, call (559) 435−2886.

2007 TOYOTA Prius - $4,900 (Madera). Reliable, 45mpg, loaded. Silver. Call 559-2467875.

2015 HYUNDAI Elantra SE Sedan$1,000. 4cyl, 109k miles. For more info, call or Text (559) 2365999

2014 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE Pickup 4D 5 3/4 ft - $28,999. Excellent condition, loaded. For more info, call: (559) 949-4203 ext 10112.

2007 CHEVROLET Tahoe LS - $12,995. For more info, call Credit World Auto Sales. Clovis: 559-3532455. Abby: 559-4127359

2009 MERCURY Milan Premier - $5,900. Well taken care of. 122k orig miles. Runs great. Loaded. Clean registration, title in hand. For more info, call 559-722-9405.


SPEAKER - $50. Ion portable PA/amplifier. Good condition. Call or text: (559) 831-9551 or (559) 479-6264

BOSE vintage 901 series 2 speakers. Various other stereo components. Best offers (559) 285-0156 phone calls please.


$175 (Sanger). Bose Home Speaker 450 and 500. Text 201-3979


Flat Screen TV - $120. Used in excellent condition. Text 661 772 3216.

VENTEV Wireless Charger - $20. Works with all wireless charging capable devices. Call or Text (559) 355-9780.

HOME Theater

Speakers - $150. Fluance bi-directional speaker pair. High output, unique 2-direction design. Like new condition. For more info, call (559) 960-8613

PEOG Zara Wireless Earbuds - $49. Bluetooth ear buds Call or text (559) 355-9780

SELLING something List it here

Get smart about your coverage!

Jonathan Wallace

Your Local Farmers Agent | CA License # 0M73890 6761 N WILLOW AVE STE 101 FRESNO, CA 93710 JWALLACE4@FARMERSAGENT.COM



SQUEEZE Chute$900. Squeeze chute could use new chains/ ropes & grease. 559977-9911

SUCCULENTS - $10 (Fowler). 2 beautiful succulents in 2 gallon pots for sale. Fertilized with Dynamite Cactus & Succulent food 18-68. $10 each plant. Call or text Jeff (559) 6470611.

PLANT STAND$10. Approx. 5’ tall x 3’ wide. Text (559) 2708907.


Mower - $180 (Madera). 2 available. One Husquvarna and one Briggs $ Stratton. Each $180. For more info, call (559) 706-3050.


SHIMMER Blue Rug 8x10 - $275. Semi new, used it for a few days but didn’t fit my decor so my loss is your gain $275 cash firm plz only serious buyers. 559 320 7949.


With Both Mattresses

$500. Only a year old. Clean and in good condition. Willing to deliver Fresno or Clovis. Call 559 320 7949


- $40. Wooden bed frame. 40.00 OBO If interested text or call Eric 559 917-5958


- $80. H43.5 W27.5 D15.5. Please serious buyer only text to 559577-2054.

MODERN Black 3

China Cabinet & 2 Corner Cabinet - $300. Serious buyers only. 559-577-2054


BOSE vintage 901 series 2 speakers. Various other stereo components. Best offers (559) 285-0156 phone calls please.

ELIMINATE gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, gutter protection. Schedule a FREE estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-844442-5591


2019 STREET Glide Special 114 - $28,500. Super clean and fast 2019 street glide special 114 with S&S 475 cam screamin eagle intake. Basant road rage 3 exhaust big sucker air filter and Dino tuned at cycle gear in Fresno. Vivid blackpaul yaffy bars. Contact Cleve 209 489 9542

2017 INDIAN Scout$10,500 (Coarsegold). Immaculate condition, over $2200 in extras. 559 770 5925

2009 Kawasaki Concours 14 - $6,495. 13k original miles. Excellent condition. For more info, call (619) 550-4419.

2006 SUZUKI GSXR 1000 - $7,995. 9k original miles. Yoshimura exhaust system. Excellent condition. For more info, call (619) 550-4419.


2016 SNAKE Eyes SSR 250 - $2,499. Only 2 miles of drive time. For more info, call 559-299-1600.

2017 HARLEY Davidson Iron 883$5,800. 2017 Iron Sportster. Salvage Title. 3.5k miles. Super clean bike. Has Aftermarket headlight and Cobra exhaust. Tags paid for in March good until 2022. For more info, text (559)3076682.


ROOM FOR rent for single person $350 month. Near Fresno State, by airport. Small deposit, utilities split evenly, no pets. Call (559) 797-5209


2021 Springdale Mini 17ft. Travel Trailer w/ Slide - $19,800. Never used still in new condition. For more info please call 559-7706130.


Fifth Wheel - $13,900. Interior like new. Hardly used, in great condition. Call only 559 705 8776.

2021 FOREST River Vibe 17DB - $22,950. Excellent condition. For more info, call (559) 229-2277.

2021 GENESIS Supreme Vortex 2814IKS - $67950. In excellent condition. For more info, call 559-229-2277

BIG HORN 5th Wheel - $25,000. 30rl Big Horn fifth wheel. Very clean. Always stored inside. 3 slides, fireplace. See to appreciate. For more info, call Tom 559-285-5106.

1996 National Seabreez 131 Limited - $13,500. 31ft. Class A. 38,400mi. Ford 460 V8 on F53 chassis w/ 4 speed o/d auto transmission. Tow package. Tires good, runs good, newly registered till March 2022 well built. $13500.00 obo. Text or serious call 304 3880


SELLING something List it here



Home / Auto / Specialty / Life / Commercial. Lowest Cost per Thousand of Coverage! Jonathan Wallace Agency! Tailored Policies with a Local Trusted Advisor! 6761 N Willow ave #101 Fresno, Ca 93710 (559)298-8900 (Text Okay)


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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-888-442-5591


Call The Fresno Hock Shoppe (559) 264-5856 or come in. 3235 E. Belmont Ave. Fresno. We have electronics, jewelry, and more! You can also check us out online


Services. Estate sale cleanups. Yard, trash, construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments and foreclosures. We it all, just call! (559) 307-4304 ask for James

Preseason Checkup Mention this ad for 10% off CA lic. #479374 Call David with Specialized Air Conditioning (559) 226-6102

S p r i n g S a v i n g s ! $10 OFF $20 PURCHASE 115 SHAW AVE. IN CLOVIS! OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM Monday - Saturday Need a pick-up? We come to you! Just leave it out front!* (559) 892-2120 for pick-ups and store info! We accept gently used clothing, household items, furniture, and more! Sales from your donations help fund our numerous programs! *Restrictions apply. We cannot enter your home due to COVID-19. Discount is taken off the subtotal, before taxes. One-time use only. Must surrender at the time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photocopies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 5/31/21 CASHIER USE: FFS20G10 THRIFT STORES 0098.892.955 ruoy tuoba trams teG !egarevoc Jonathan Wallace ruoYlacoLsremraFtnegA# |esneciL 0M73890 1676NWOLLIWEVAETS101 ONSERF,01739 JWALLACE4@FARMERSAGENT.COM Jonathan Wallace Insurance Agent CA License #0M73890 Owner Operator 6761 N. Willow Avenue, Sutie 101 Fresno 559-298-8900 (text ok) 559-221-6688

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