Fresno Flyer Vol 6 No 1

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EDITOR’S NOTE There is a saying around here whenever we find out that a person moved to Fresno or one of its sister cities from an arguably more exciting place. “How the hell did you end up in Fresno?” It’s a reflex. Similar to the one we have when something inadvertently touches the back of our throats. Or when we smell something grotesquely foul. We say it as if the Central Valley is a black hole of misery and despair - like we’re embarrassed to be here. It causes us to say equally cringe-worthy things like, “there’s good, and then there’s valley good.” A comment that every accomplishment in the Central Valley is subpar - a knock-off imitation of real, noteworthy talent. And when we say it, that last part drips out of our mouths like toxic waste. Our face contorts into a malevolent sneer. We snicker like we’re talking about other people - but we’re talking about ourselves. I’m tired of hearing it, and you should be, too. We want to be mad that we’re not San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, or Seattle - that we don’t have the same culture, prestige, economic opportunities, or sophistication. I hate to break it to you, but we have to build those things. It is not an inherent quality. And those cities are no different except that they’re decades in the making, if not a hundred years or more. Those cities started as nothing but dirt roads and a few wooden buildings. But people






flocked there, gave to it, shaped it, and brought it up because they had a vision of what it could be. We have to build those things for ourselves, and we can’t do it with everyone moping around believing this place is worthless. Fresno and the Central Valley have all the right ingredients. We’re equal distance to just about everything worth doing in California. Tech startups, artisan shops, fortune 500 companies have set their sights here because there’s ample opportunity for them. Likewise, our athletics programs have churned out numerous pro-ballers. The writing programs have birthed multiple Poet Laureates (yes, we’re known for our poetry). And our cost of living is still (mostly) humane. Fresno is a bit like an optical illusion. It looks like one thing on the surface, but the longer you stare, the more you start to notice what you didn’t before. You just have to care enough to look. And let’s not forget the lifeblood of this place. There is a vast number of people who are trailblazers for their families. They are the “first-generation” everything, and they are slugging it out with the rest of them, making their way without generational wealth or family connections. The Central Valley is filled with people who fought tooth and nail for every inch of their success. It’s a bootstrapping culture. Everyone here is doing a lot, with a lot less. We should be proud of who we are. We’re fighters, you guys. And this place is worth fighting for.

Drinks Valley the

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eptember is here again. That means summer will soon be mercifully drawing to an end. And with that end brings sweet relief from the brutal triple-digit temperatures that have been pummeling weary Valley residents. But, of course, it also means summer sports playoffs, fall sports kickoffs, and getting in all the backyard BBQs possible while the weather is still perfect. But, most important of all, it’s time for the Fresno Flyer’s annual drink issue! As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, the backyard gatherings of summer naturally head indoors. There’s no better time, then, to find the perfect neighborhood pub to become your regular hangout spot for unwinding with friends at the end of a long week. The craft brew scene in the Central Valley has exploded over the past few years, with a new brewery, pub, or taphouse opening up around every corner. This has given brew lovers a wealth of options for places to go. The Fresno Flyer recently spoke with some of the many exceptional brew, wine, and spirit houses in the Valley to help make that choice a little easier.

Second Son Brews 37167 Avenue 12. Suite 4C Madera (559) 283-1990 IG: @secondsonbrews

Second Son Brews is a family-owned brewhouse in Madera Ranchos. The brewery has been quietly making a name for itself with local craft beer lovers since it opened in 2017. Second Son Brews’ name comes from Troy, the Brew Master and the second oldest of three sons. Like most independent brewers, Troy started brewing as a hobby. Then, he decided to turn it into a business, much to the delight of friends and neighbors who had become big fans of his quality creations. Troy recently took some time to tell us more about Second Son Brews. What is it about Second Son Brews that separates you from the rest? We like to treat all of our customers like they are our friends. Which a lot of them are in our small community. Many of our customers are people we’ve known for years. We like to think of our brewery as a community gathering place. We want everyone who comes through our doors - from first-timers to regulars - to feel like this is a place they can relax, feel welcome, and enjoy some delicious brews. For a first-time customer, what are the “specialties of the house” you’d recommend? New customers usually notice that we have a large selection of beers for a brewery our size. Most of our 9 main brews were family and friends back when I was homebrewing, and everyone seemed to like something different. So, I made something for each of them. Some of the brews currently on tap inthe Strawberry Blonde, an English-style blonde ale infused with fresh strawberries for a tart finish. The Midnight in Doublin, a dark Irish stout flavored with grains. There’s also the Good Morning Blondie, which infuses their | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


Just Beer with a unique coffee blend. There’s even an “adult” root beer and a spiked water seltzer. And this is only about half of the selections currently available. Do you offer any food options? In keeping with our commitment to provide a true community gathering place, we are a place to meet friends, hang out, eat, and even play games. Second Son Brews has an in-house food menu that features a variety of traditional “pub grub.” The star is our 9” and 12” pizzas with all the fresh toppings you’d expect from a pizzeria, but we also serve wings, nachos, cheese fries, pretzel bites, and even fried green beans. Additionally, our customers can also order food from one of the great local restaurants nearby and have it delivered here if they want to do that. Do you provide any live music or entertainment? We usually have live music on either Friday or Saturday night. You can check our Facebook page to stay up-to-date on what events we have planned each week. Second Son Brews also makes their selections available for customers to take home as well. Get brews in both draft kegs and cans by ordering through the website.

Sierra Peaks Winery 50806 Bramble Lane Squaw Valley (559) 731-1960 IG: @sierrapeakswinery Sierra Peaks Winery is a boutique winery nestled at 3200’ in the beautiful southern Sierra foothills, within the Squaw Valley-Miramonte American Viticultural Area. They specialize in unique varietals, including Aglianico, Mourvèdre, and one of the first plant-


By Dave Fountinelle

ings of Carménere in California. Christine Flannigan is one of the owners, along with her husband, Chuck. She happily explains what sets Sierra Peaks Winery apart from the rest. Tell us about yourselves. What are your backgrounds? My name is Christine, and I’m the winemaker and vineyard manager. I have a science degree from UC Davis in Ag Systems and the Environment. Chuck is the Director of Special Projects and has extensive knowledge in the building trades. Chuck built the subterranean winery in 2014, and we’ve been in business ever since. What inspired you to open a winery? We got started in the winery business after moving to Squaw Valley in 2004. Our first Carménere vines were planted in 2006. We are also members of a local viticulture association - Viticulture and Enology Association of Squaw Valley-Miramonte. The other association members helped motivate our decision to open a commercial winery. What is one of the specialty wines that you would recommend to a new customer? The specialty of the house is our Carménere. It is an Estate wine (we grow the grapes and do all of the processing onsite). Carménere is an original Bordeaux varietal; however, it is now primarily grown in Chile. It has notes of ripe plum, sweet fruit, and peppery spice. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants a great example of what we have to offer. What is it about Sierra Peaks Winery that separates you from other local wineries?

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...‘Drinks’ cont’d from pg 3

Our Estate wines are unique varietals so that visitors can experience wines not available elsewhere. Our Estate varietals are Aglianico, Carménere, Mourvèdre and Vermentino. We are located in the Squaw Valley-Miramonte American Viticultural Area, formally recognized by TTB as a unique wine-growing region in 2015. The quality and selection of wines we offer are both exceptional and incredibly uncommon to this region, which truly sets us apart from other wineries. Do you offer anything besides wines, such as food or other libations? Well, besides wine, we offer an excellent view at 3200’ elevation. Unfortunately, we are not open to the public for wine tasting. However, guests can reserve a table on the wine deck for a picnic overlooking the vineyard, foothills, and the Valley with a wine purchase. Glasses, tables, and a corkscrew are provided, along with a visit with the winemaker. Do you host any music or other entertainment events? We periodically have live events that focus primarily on jazz. However, the venue is small, so attendance is limited, and guests are required to be on an invitation list to make reservations. Our next event is the Dale Engstrom Jazz Trio on September 18. Guests can check the Sierra Peaks Winery Facebook page for more information on events, including how to get on the reservation list. Sierra Peaks Winery offers online ordering for all of its exceptional varietals through its website. They also have gift cards available to make the perfect gift for your favorite wine aficionado. For more information, including events and hosting your own tasting party, visit the Sierra Peaks Winery website and follow their social media.

Bird Street Brewing, Inc. 242 Heinlen St Lemoore (559) 423-7748 IG: @birdstreetbeer When the Fresno Flyer profiled Bird Street Brewing, Inc. for the August 2019 issue, they had only been open for a few months. Yet, they were already making a buzz with



South Valley craft beer lovers. Owner Philip Wren was blowing customers away with his delicious and inventive creations. Beers like the Churroveza, which actually tastes like a churro, has been a big-time local favorite. The quality and attention to detail in each of Phil’s creations showed he was a serious player in the craft beer scene. Bird Street Brewing quickly became a not-so-hidden gem in downtown Lemoore. Less than a year later, the Covid-19 pandemic devastated the bar and restaurant industry. Businesses that had been open for generations were closing their doors for good. For new businesses like Bird Street, still trying to build a customer base, the lockdown was practically a death sentence. Yet, despite the odds, Bird Street Brewing, Inc. survived the shutdown. Phil took some time out from cooking up the next outrageous brew to reflect on the past two years and look down the road ahead as they approach their 3rd anniversary. When we profiled Bird Street Brewing back in 2019, you hadn’t been open very long at all. And then, a year later, Covid hit and absolutely devastated the bar and restaurant industry. What was that like for you? Before COVID, we were just hitting our stride with building a steady clientele. However, we noticed a dedicated following during COVID from people buying our to-go selections, and we focused heavily on pivoting our business to accommodate carry-out business. How were you able to adapt to the shutdown when so many other businesses like yours couldn’t? Instead of brewing a large variety of beers, we ended up brewing our most popular selections. In addition, we kept up with social media to ensure people knew we were open for to-go sales and let people know how to buy our products. We focused entirely on to-go can sales. We purchased as many cans as we could get our hands on as there ended up being an aluminum can shortage. We’re still ensuring


our empty can inventory is at a good level, so we’re not caught in a situation where we run out of cans. During the to-go exclusive sales, we also had an online site where people could order their cans to make it quicker for customers to get in and out. After a few months, we also started doing “grab and go” and invested in better canning equipment to make sure our product stayed fresh so we could can a bunch of cans to accommodate people coming in without an advanced order. Have you kept any of the changes you made during the pandemic since re-opening? The biggest change to our business has been utilizing some of our new equipment for packaging and sanitizing. We always focused on cleanliness but have adopted a few new processes to enhance cleanliness. How has business been since re-opening? Since we re-opened, business has been almost as good as it was pre-pandemic. We noticed a rise in new customers when re-opening as people were enthusiastic to get back to supporting local businesses. We’ve seen a steady week-to-week growth of people that are making their way back out. We still make to-go sales, but we are fully open for onsite sales again. For one of those new, first-time customers, what do you recommend to them to really give them a taste of what sets Bird Street apart from the rest? First-time customers always get asked, “what do you like to drink?” and if they enjoy hoppy beers, I’m always eager to have them try our hazy IPA. We make our hazies a bit “west coast” with a subtle bitterness typically attributed to the classic clear IPAs that were popular before hazies took over. And we always like to show off our English Browns. Our current “In the Furze” is full-flavored but drinks very light and is a refreshing change of pace from a typ-



ical light lager, but still very appropriate for the hot weather. One thing about your business that stood out was your incredibly creative and delicious beer flavors. What flavors do you have available currently? We have a rule of “we won’t brew the same beer twice in a row.” So the fan-favorite Churroveza kicked out a few weeks ago, and it will be a few more weeks before it comes back. We have well over 100 recipes we rotate in and out now and want to keep making fun, unique beers as long as people continue to drink them. We invested a lot in cold-side lagering, so we have quite a few lighter lagers that we brew with the weather. We’re winding down some fruit-forward beers, such as our “Peach Puns Are SO Last Year” wheat beer with white and yellow peaches and “Three Hours” strawberry blonde. We hope to incorporate seasonal flavors in ambers, browns, porters, and stouts when the weather (hopefully) cools down. Are you exploring any new ventures or continuing to stick with what works? We’re always looking at expansion. We always have our eyes open for opportunities. We thought our current building would be big enough to hold us for a while, but we’ve quickly grown too large for it. Our next plan will involve something with food, so follow us on social media for more updates on that. What are your plans for Bird Street heading into 2022? Heading into 2022, we want to get back to where we were in 2019 before the Pandemic happened. We’re already pretty close to being there. The support from the community has just been amazing. Also, we’d like to add maybe a few more taps because we can never have enough beer! Lastly, we’d like to say a huge “thank you” to everyone that has supported Bird Street and all of the local breweries in the Valley during the Pandemic. We are beer fans first and foremost, and we want to see our breweries succeed. So whether you come down to Lemoore for one of our beers or have your own local favorite, keep supporting local brewers, pubs, and taphouses. Bird Street Brewing, Inc. is open Thursday/Friday 5:30-9:30pm, and Saturday 3-9:30pm. They offer in-person and online ordering for pick up for cans, growlers, and refills

Masks For Dummies XIV

For every season under heaven & the occasional blue funk

By I. Smiley G. Calderón |


t seems like everything is getting worse. The hospitals are jam-packed with unvaccinated Covid patients so much so that typically treatable emergencies are turning deadly. Take, for example, 46-year-old Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient Daniel Wilkinson. He was rushed to a Texas hospital after feeling sick. Yet, he could not get the simple 30-minute surgery he needed to remove a gallstone because there were no rooms available. And so he died - of gallstone pancreatitis. His doctor said, “I’ve never lost a patient from this diagnosis, ever - I’m scared that the next patient that I see is someone I can’t get to where they need to get to go. We are playing musical chairs, with 100 people and 10 chairs….” Wilkinson’s dear mother put it into perspective when she said, “My wonderful son Daniel Wilkinson took his last breath today a 1:37 pm... After all he went through in Afghanistan, a little gallstone took him out.” But it didn’t have to be that way. At this point in the Covid-19 pandemic, we shouldn’t have hospitals overrun by desperate Covid patients fighting for their lives - we have a life-saving vaccine readily available. It makes no sense! Here in Fresno, the Covid situation is dire. Fresno County emergency medical services coordinator Dan Lynch says, “If I had to describe the healthcare system in the region, it’s in a state of paralysis. We are in worse condition today ... than we were in the highest point of December and January. ... In my 26 years in this position, we’ve never had to transfer patients out of our area because of sheer volume - That is the condition that we’re in right now.” Last month, we had about 105,000 total Covid infections in Fresno. At the time this article was written, we had 113,854. And, since then, 26 additional Fresnans have died. May they all rest in peace. Last month, 613,000 Americans died of the coronavirus. That number is now 639,006 dear souls. This pandemic is not over. In fact, at our current rate of vaccination and mask-wearing, a University of Washing-

ton model forecasts an additional 100,000 American deaths by December 1st. And, worst-case scenario, another 71,000 dead on top of that. But, of course, that is if all vaccinated Americans stop wearing their masks. On the other hand, a best-case scenario won’t happen unless 95% of the population wears their masks. If our nation could do that, the projection for December 1st is reduced to 50,000 additional deaths rather than 71,000. The numbers are still bleak, but it shows us something important that we have already known: masks save lives. And, we’ve been talking about this since the beginning. It’s incredible how controversial and political wearing a mask has become, though. Sure, there has always been pushback by crazy coronavirus deniers. Still, even when infections and deaths began to rise steadily, and people could see the imminent danger all around them, many refused to wear a mask. You’ve seen in the news how the mere mention of mask mandates is horribly dividing communities all over the country. It has become a very heated topic, especially when it concerns our kids going back to school. California got so mad at its governor over his mandates that they mounted a gubernatorial recall. On the other end of the spectrum, Florida Governor Ron Desantis banned masks in school in July. Although the courts rejected his order, the Florida Department of Education recently withheld funds from the school districts that kept their mask mandates in place. The department’s action fell in line with the governor’s mission of making Florida maskless. In addition, his reelection campaign is selling T-shirts that say: “Don’t Fauci My Florida.” Florida Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran had this to say about the extreme action, “We’re going to fight to protect parents’ rights to make healthcare decisions for their children. They know what is best for their children.” Really? Since when did parents become health experts who “know what is best” for their kids?

Instead, we should listen to our medical experts and not deceive ourselves thinking we know more about SARS-CoV-2 than the experts. Children are susceptible to Covid too, and this new Delta strain is nothing but trouble. In mid-August, a record-high number of children were hospitalized across the country because of Covid. Over 1,900 children made up about 2.4% of all Covid hospitalizations. Sally Goza, former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, wants everyone to know, “This is not last year’s COVID. This one is worse, and our children are the ones that are going to be affected by it the most.” We’re living in a time of misinformation and fake news, where the real deadly emergent virus attacks our social trust in our medical experts and leaders. Fresno County Interim Health Officer Dr. Rais Vohra made this clear when he said, “It’s just another symptom of the ‘infodemic’... In the same way that Covid presents with a constellation of symptoms, this information pandemic that we’re struggling with also presents with a constellation of symptoms – people doubt the layers of protection. They doubt the efficacy of the vaccines, and they seek out alternative and unproven cures. They express skepticism whenever the leaders of the hospitals are telling them that hospitals are at or over capacity.” “Unfortunately,” Dr. Vohra warns, “until we can convince everyone about the veracity of what we are expressing, we’re going to be losing lives... That’s what’s heartbreaking ... By the time we convince the skeptics, it may be too late for themselves or their families.” Dear readers, let’s lead by example by getting vaccinated and wearing our masks. Our community and country are depending on us.


I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.

By Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb Did you know you could experience a change in your mood with every change of season? Winter, spring, summer, and fall. Just as the landscape and weather change with every season, so too does your mood. And depending on whether or not you are already coping with anxiety or depression or a challenging life transition, the symptoms may or may not be obvious. It is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. This seasonal pattern surprises many people as they experience a change in their mood throughout their lifetime. Suppose depression or anxiety is a disorder you already manage. In that case, the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder may be more noticeable during the seasonal changes. The essential features and notable characteristics may be evident with increased depression and anxiety, depending on the time of year and decreasing as the season changes. • You may feel like you require more sleep • Have a decrease in energy • An increase in appetite for food high in carbohydrates • Easily reactive and agitated • Brain fog • Possible weight gain Coping skills are crucial to continuing throughout seasonal changes, even more so during challenging times of transition. Eating healthy, exercising, and staying well hydrated will help decrease the feeling of being overwhelmed. The spring and summer months, while providing longer days with sunshine, can still affect the mood. Other possible onsets to

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If the tower theatre becomes a church, it’s last call for the bars of the toweR district I

confess, I’m a barfly. I love hanging out in bars. I love beer and cocktails. I love random conversations with strangers. I love long boozy conversations about philosophy, politics, morality and God that last till 2 a.m. And considering that Fresno once hit Number 1 on Men’s Health magazine’s list of the drunkest cities in America, I would bet that it’s highly likely that you, dear reader, also like having a drink in a bar now and again. Unfortunately, it may soon be last call for bars in the Tower District, because of Adventure Church’s nine-month-long attempt to overturn existing zoning law and convert the Tower Theatre into a church. It’s about the zoning, stupid Adventure Church and its defenders have repeatedly claimed that the only reason why thousands of Tower District residents have opposed his takeover of the Tower Theatre is because we all hate God and churches. Adventure Church pastor, Anthony Flores says that every argument we have made about zoning is a lie and simply a cover for our anti-Christian bigotry. But if that’s true, why are we only targeting his church? Why aren’t we protesting the 27 other churches that have operated in the Tower District for decades? For that matter, why have many faith leaders from churches throughout the



San Joaquin Valley joined us in opposing Adventure’s attempt to seize the Tower Theatre? The zoning issue is the heart of why so many Tower District residents have demonstrated for over 30 weeks against Adventure Church. Under current zoning, public and religious assembly is not permitted at the Tower Theatre, even for conditional use, and for good reason. Putting a church in the middle of the Tower District threatens the liquor licenses and conditional use permits that bars depend on. Selling alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the premises is one of the most highly regulated businesses in America. Alcohol licenses are prohibited in a 1,000-foot “sensitive use” zone around certain facilities. If the Tower Theatre is converted to a church, it threatens the liquor licenses of nearly every bar in the Tower District. This wouldn’t mean that bars would immediately close — it would just mean that granting new liquor licenses and transfers of existing liquor licenses would be restricted. In the Tower District, bars frequently change hands. Bars close, are sold to new owners and reopen. But if liquor licenses can’t be transferred, bars will close and no new bars will open to replace them. Existing bar owners will find that their liquor license, their biggest investment, can’t be transferred to a new owner, instantly


eliminating the resale value of their business. In the long term, the bars will close, one by one, until none are left. Anthony Flores claims he has no intention of shutting down bars; he neglects to mention that he has no power to guarantee that bars will remain open. Just as Adventure Church can’t dictate the zoning of the Tower Theatre just on their say-so, they can’t magically suspend the laws regulating bars either. If the Tower Theatre is ever zoned as a church, the fate of the bars of the Tower District is sealed. Without bars, the Tower District won’t be the Tower District Of course, there are people who think that the Tower District would be better off with more churches and fewer bars. But bars play an essential role in maintaining the Tower District as an artsy, bohemian, queer-affirming neighborhood. Sometimes the role of bars is quite direct — every music venue in the Tower District sells alcohol and alcohol sales are key to keeping these venues profitable. The gay clubs are essential centers for the LGBTQIA+ community. Bars also play an important behind-the-scenes role in sustaining the arts community. Bars, music venues, live theater venues and art galleries form an ecosystem. Live performance attracts more audience



By Jaguar Bennett in a neighborhood where people can get a drink after the show, and live performances draw more people out to drink. Anything that threatens the viability of Tower District bars also threatens the long-term viability of live theater, live music, art galleries and art events like the Rogue Festival — everything that makes the Tower District the Tower District. Of late, Adventure Church has tried to pretend that their presence won’t hurt the arts scene, but the cultural clash between freewheeling entertainment and the puritanical, homophobic church is too big to ignore. In late August, Flores released a video praising a Steely Dan cover band playing at the Tower Theatre. I wonder if anyone explained to Flores that Steely Dan was named after a fictional dildo from a novel written by a gay man. Fresno conservatives often like to say that they support the arts, as long as the arts are “family-friendly.” But real art is never family-friendly — real art is for adults who want to see adult entertainment and think adult thoughts, often while drinking adult beverages. Bars are an essential part of the culture of the arts. Bars are democratic, independent, free, libertine and a little sinful — all of the qualities we are fighting to keep in the Tower District.

More Drinks 4 1 1 Broadway Ales & Spirits 411 Broadway St Fresno faceboo com/411Broa wayBrew/ IG: @411broadwaybrew 411 Broadway Ales & Spirits is a startup brewery in downtown Fresno bringing unique, world-class beers and spirits to their community. In their words, they want to "revolutionize and inspire the craft beer and spirit industry with unique, high-quality products." Their menu is ever-changing. From a chocolate stout aptly named "What the Fudge?" to their mango IPA and blood orange sour. Customers are encouraged to stop by the brewery on Broadway Street to pick up one of their original brews. 411 Broadway Ales & Spirits are currently preparing to open their Rec Room location in the heart of Fresno's Brewery District with a series of soft openings featuring live music and food from local eateries. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with their latest creations and events.

Crow & Wolf Brewing Company 526 Spruce Ave Clovis (559) 940-7542 IG: @cawbrewingco The vision for Crow & Wolf Brewing Co. was born from a desire to create craft products and to offer those crafts in a venue unlike any other in the Valley. Anchored by their brewers, Brad Gaines and Spencer Andrews,

Crow & Wolf Brewing Co. brings a strong passion for creation and innovation. Their stateof-the-art brewhouse and cellar set the stage for award-winning beers that highlight their partnerships with the local farms from which their ingredients are sourced. In addition, they strive to promote the art of brewing, educate their consumer audience, and elevate their craft community partners everywhere. The Crow & Wolf motto is "craft comes first." Crow & Wolf Brewing Company offers a wide variety of craft brews, including IPAs, pale ales, lagers, wheat beers, pilsners, stouts, and sours. They have hard seltzers, ciders, and root beer as well. To stay up to date on their latest available selections, as well as the next event they'll be hosting, follow them on social media.

Amalgamation Brewing Co. 6585 N Santa Fe Ave Fresno (559) 375-1771 IG: @amalgamationbrewing Amalgamation Brewing Company seeks to bring an exciting new approach to brewing in Fresno by offering craft brews inspired by culinary tastes and styles. The brewery offers a unique taproom in northwest Fresno featuring 24 taps, handcrafted food, and seating that looks into their brewhouse production facility. Amalgamation's unique approach to brewing involves using a variety of spices and flavor profiles to pay homage to the ethnic diversity of the people of the Central Valley. The result is a blend of exotic flavors | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

that will expose some customers to new flavor experiences while feeling familiar to others. Amalgamation's 24 taps cover the whole spectrum of craft beers, including IPAs, lagers, stouts, pale ales, reds, blondes, ambers, browns, sours, ciders, and fruit beers. In addition, their food menu offers elevated pub food, with tacos, nachos, sliders, and flatbreads, featuring pulled pork, shredded chicken, beef brisket, and black beans, prepared with southwestern, bbq, Korean, or tandoori flavors. All of their food selections are designed to pair perfectly with one of their many brews on tap.

Hop Forged Brewing Company 106 W 7th St Hanford (559) 670-3097 IG: @hopforgedbrewing Hop Forged Brewing Company is a family and pet-friendly establishment that offers a complete selection of in-house brews. Featuring traditional brewhouse selections like IPA's, blondes, brown ales, hefeweizen, pale ales, stouts, and sours. Along with their experimental "fruited series" and 6 flavors of house-made micheladas. Hop Forged also hosts live music every weekend, featuring the best local entertainers in various styles. Hop Forged brews are available for take-home from their Historic Downtown Hanford location. They also have online ordering available through their website, BbljxsrN.

Sequoia Brewing Company 1188 E Champlain Dr Fresno (559) 434-2739 IG: @sequoiabrewingcompany

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...‘Every Season’ cont’d from pg 5 changing mood are hereditary factors or chemical (reduced serotonin) factors in the brain - low blood sugar, hypertension, hormones. In addition, our biological clock changes as the season changes with the time change and fewer days of sunshine. All these factors are possibilities that can bring on increased mood changes or depression/anxiety. Daily Basic Needs: • Oxygen (Survival) • Food (Nutrients) • Water (Hydration) • Shelter (Place to sleep) • Security (Safety) • Sleep (To help process information) • Love (I matter) Embracing change as you transition through life challenges, even the best and bravest. We all have a learning curve to develop. Remember to give yourself a mental health break and be patient throughout the transformation. Let yourself be vulnerable and be courageous to reflect, resonate and understand your journey is a unique path created just for you. Capture the day, take mental notes, write in a journal and be ready for positive cognitive changes. ‘The Blue Funk,’ otherwise dubbed the occasional state of depression, is not necessarily related to clinical depression or anxiety. Whether you have had or presently manage a disorder, or you happen to be in an occasional “blue funk,” you are not alone. The connection to self is the golden thread of life. This golden connection weaves into the fabric of daily life - continue to explore the journey. May you be blessed this September autumn. WHEN DO I NEED TO SEEK SUPPORT BEYOND MYSELF? • Depression more than two weeks • Increased anxiety • Insomnia or excessive sleep • Decrease in appetite/weight • Increased sadness / tearful • Illicit drug use/alcohol consumption Please contact a mental health professional, support group & crisis intervention in your community for consultation and assessment. | FRESNO FLYER |



Hangin’ in Hanford Local Business Spotlight

Plan B Taphouse 129 W 5th St Hanford (559) 707-2941 IG: @planbtaphouse


lan B Taphouse has been making waves in the South Valley ever since it opened its doors in 2017. Featuring a large selection of craft beers, sours, and ciders from local breweries all over the tri-county and Central Valley, Plan B Taphouse quickly established itself as the go-to spot for great beers, live music, and good times. Owner Chris Graham took a few minutes away from pulling handles to give us the 4-1-1 on his “retirement plan.” Tell us a little bit about Plan B Taphouse. We are a mom ‘n pop, husband and wife run business. Sometimes I’ll drag my son and some friends in here when it gets too crazy, but usually, it’s just my wife and I handling everything. Where does the name “Plan B” come from? We came up with the name “Plan B” because this was literally our plan b. My wife and I used to always talk about opening up a taphouse when we retired. We would visit different brew houses in our travels and just loved trying different craft beers. Owning a place like that was something we dreamed about doing for ourselves one day. So, sometime in 2015, the opportunity presented itself to buy an old dive bar, and I couldn’t say no. I told my wife, “Our Plan B just became our Plan A,” and that’s when the name was born. How many people get to say that they’re living their dream retirement plan? Owning this business doesn’t feel like work at all. It’s just fun. About the location… Old-timer locals might remember when our



building used to be Shorty’s bar. It was sort of a veteran/biker dive bar that had been closed for a while when I came into the picture. A lot of work needed to be done to get where we are now, but the results are definitely worth it. We have a 2000 square foot beer garden out back and a 900 square foot front house. We have about 20 taps running at all times with a huge variety of craft beers, IPAs, barrel-aged stouts, sours, and at least 6 ciders at all times. We have a few different wines as well, but our forte is beer. Most people relax or take vacations when they retire, but you decided to start a business? Well, we aren’t officially retired yet! We’re both still about a year away from retiring from our day jobs. So, the transition to retirement is still in full effect. But, honestly, this isn’t a job for us. It’s way too much fun to call it a job. This is what we’ve always wanted to do. Sure, it’s a challenge, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. And Sundays are for sleeping, so it all works out!

for my friends and me. After a while, I started getting good at it, and more and more friends were hitting me up for some, and I thought, “Why am I just giving this away when I could be charging for it?” [laughs] But honestly, that’s where the whole idea started, as a fun hobby that turned into an awesome business. And here we are. What do you recommend for a first-time customer? The first thing I ask any new customer is, “what kind of beer do you like?” I want them to have something they will enjoy. So, if a customer says they like IPAs, I’ll show them what we have on tap and find the one I think they’ll like the most. Of course, if a customer asks me to surprise them or show them something new, I’m ready to knock their socks off, too. I’m astonished at what a big hit our ciders have been with our customers. We have at least 6 different ciders on tap at all times, and honestly, if I could open a second location just for ciders, I would. The demand for them is crazy, and we’re happy to provide the biggest and best selection around. We’ve also added hard seltzers as well due to popular demand. What is it about Plan B Taphouse that makes it unique? We just really want our customers to feel those “backyard party” vibes when they come here. Like when you walk into a backyard party at your friend’s house, and you see a bunch of people you know and maybe a bunch more that you don’t. But, the music’s

How long has Plan B been in business? We opened our doors in September of 2017, so we’re coming up on our 4th anniversary. Of course, with everything just starting to recover from the pandemic shutdown, we aren’t planning anything special other than our usual shenanigans. But, we are planning to do something next year to celebrate our 5th anniversary. A lot of craft breweries started with a beer lover brewing his own beer in his garage. Is the Plan B story similar? Absolutely. My wife and I fell in love with craft beers during our travels, and I started brewing General Sherman IPA in my garage




playing, the beer is cold, and by the end of the night, you’re gonna end up knowing everybody. That’s the energy we want to put out here. So, come on in, grab a beer, and make yourself at home. What kind of entertainment do you offer? Live music has really been our thing. We have live music in the beer garden every Friday and Saturday until mid-October. After that, it gets too cold and wet to really host live entertainment out there. But from April until October, we keep the beer garden rocking on the weekends. Our calendar is on our Facebook page so people can check it out and see who’s going to be here next. How has the public support been since the state re-opened? We have always felt a lot of love and support from the local community, and that certainly hasn’t changed since the shutdown has ended. People are definitely fired up to enjoy the nightlife and have drinks with friends again. It’s been our pleasure to provide that much-needed environment to unwind and blow off steam after a long week. We get a lot of love and support from the naval base, and we really appreciate them and their service. It means a lot to us that so many people come and hang out with us every weekend. We couldn’t ask for a better, more supportive community than this one. Plan B Taphouse is open Wednesday/Thursday 5-10pm and Friday/Saturday 5pm12am. In addition, they have live music every Friday and Saturday.

Add a Personal Touch to a Classic Drink (Family Features) A traditional drink that’s easy to make when entertaining, it can be easy to put your own personal twists on the Bloody Mary. In this iteration, ditch the celery stick and complement your spicy beverage with cheese-filled perogies and bacon. For more entertaining and beverage recipes, visit

1 teaspoon red pepper sauce 1 bottle (64 ounces) tomato juice 2 cups vodka 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons lime juice ice wooden skewers 6 cheese-filled perogies, baked according to package directions 6 slices bacon, cooked until crispy In large pitcher, combine red pepper sauce, tomato juice, vodka, Worcestershire sauce and lime juice; stir well. In glasses, pour over ice.

Bloody Mary

Using wooden skewer, garnish each Bloody Mary with a cheese-filled perogy and bacon slice.

...‘More Drinks’ cont’d from pg 7

and Instagram, or visit their website for their full calendar of events. Table reservations are also available.

Sequoia Brewing Company is something of a neighborhood icon in Fresno's Brewery District. With assorted beers on tap, live music, and a cozy atmosphere, Sequoia Brewing Company is confident you won't want to enjoy a craft beer anywhere else. They offer award-winning ales and lagers, great food, a full bar with a patio, and live performances by local bands. Sequoia's menu offers delicious food prepared with the freshest ingredients. It serves Angus beef, fresh daily fish, and all of its sauces and items from scratch. With a menu for all ages in a warm and comfortable atmosphere, they invite customers to keep coming back to the "brewery where everyone knows your name." Sequoia Brewing Company on Champlain and Perrin has a mountain lodge atmosphere and a rock fireplace for patrons to cozy up with friends, family, or a special someone. Sequoia Brewing Company features live music at both the Champlain and Tower District locations every Friday and Saturday night. Follow them on Facebook

Spokeasy Public House 1472 N Van Ness Ave Fresno (559) 492-7765 IG: @spokeasy Located in the Tower District's Van Ness Village, Spokeasy is a neighborhood pub where friends can meet and enjoy craft beers, ciders, and retro arcade gaming. Their menu features IPA's, pale ales, stouts, brown ales, Belgians, ciders, and sours. They have non-alcoholic selections available as well. Spokeasy is open Wednesday Sunday, 11am-10pm. They have several promotions, including $1 drafts days, and offer online ordering as well. To view their full menu, including merch and gift cards, visit their website. To stay up to date on their latest promotions, follow their social media. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |





CALENDAR Events Learn at Home

Arts Visalia’s spring class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children. For more information on all Arts Visalia events and available classes visit our website at or call the gallery at (559) 739-090

Visalia Adult School Online Classes. cfm The Visalia Adult School is open with many classes online! If you need your high school diploma, GED, or just want to take English as a Second Language Classes we offer them for free. Other classes such as Medical Billing, Medical Terminology, or one of our many other classes that include small fees are also available. For more information, please, give us a call! 559-730-7646. Our office is = open 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday and we can help you meet your future. Design + Art in Motion - Fresno. Thursday, Sept. 9th, 4pm. Fresno Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. City Center, 1401 Fulton St, Fresno. Arts Visalia offers a wide array of Design + Art in Motion is a hybrid classes for children and adults. At- event where the Interior Design ProHome Art kits for children are avail- fession and local arts collide. Come able until we are able to meet safely see the new products from our fabuin the gallery. Visit our website for lous vendors ranging from furniture more details and enrollment forms. to furnishings, flooring to textiles and


experience in-person live art being created on site. Please join us in Fresno at The Grand 1401 for unique this event. We look forward to seeing you all in person! RiverPark Art Hop at Art Groove Galley. Thursday, Sept. 16th, 5pm. Art Groove Gallery in River Park, 80 E Via del Oro, Fresno. River Park’s Fresno ArtHop. ArtHop is one of the most active and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers have the opportunity to meet the artists and experience their art exhibits. ArtHop has received a remarkable response from the Fresno community. River Park Shopping Center will host ArtHop at River Park’s Art Groove Gallery the 3rd week of every month Tuesday -Thursday from 5-9 p.m & Saturday from 10-2 p.m. The Gallery is 80 Via Del Oro next to Tillys. We are currently Exhibiting 20+ phenomenal Artists local work. You’ll find a beautiful assortment of artwork

from Fine Art, Abstract, Tie Dye, Watercolor, Handmade Jewelry, Mix Media , Graphite Pencil, Photography... etc. (All work is for Sale). ArtHop. Thursday, Oct. 7th, 5pm. Various locations, downtown Fresno. ArtHop occurs every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. It’s one of the most active and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers and enthusiasts from all walks of life flock downtown Fresno and the Tower District on the first Thursday of each month, and the rest of ArtHop venues in the Fresno metro areas on third Thursdays, to meet and greet with the artists and enjoy the reception and music. Museums, studios, galleries and other venues open their exhibitions to the public at 5:00 p.m. and run the free event until 8:00 p.m. ArtHop has received a remarkable response from the Fresno community. Over 50 participating artist studios, galleries, museums, and other venues exhibit art and artists reception during ArtHop, and it has become both a cultural and special event for the community with a great deal of media coverage.

Kids EXPLORE & DISCOVER! | FRESNO DISCOVERY CENTER Presented By: Fresno Discovery Center Recurring weekly on Monday, Saturday. Fresno Discovery Center 1944 N Winery Ave , Fresno, CA 93703 (559) 251-5533 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM https://www.fresnodiscoverycenter. org/admission

Theater Daddy Long Legs - The Good Company Players. Thursday, Sept. 9th, 7pm. Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater, 1226 Wishon Ave, Fresno. 18-yearold orphan, Jerusha Abbot, is given a college scholarship by a mysterious benefactor. Asked only that she write him once a month relaying her progress, Jerusha proceeds to christen her anonymous patron “Daddy Long Legs” and inundates him with correspondence so overflowing with intelligence, wit, compassion, and humor that his cynicism is seriously undermined. In the spirit of Jane Austen, this unusual and compelling love story is enhanced by an exquisite score

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and is not to be missed. Rated PG. Full Circle Presents: The Downtown Beat Down Comedy Showcase. Every Sunday Night, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. It’s a new show, a new night, and a new venue, but that’s not stopping us from picking up right where we left off with live comedy in March of 2020. Join us at our new Fulton St tap room! Beginning May 16, 2021, we’ll be showcasing some of the very best comedians California has to offer every Sunday night. And stick around after the show for the open mic. Its your chance to see some of Fresno’s up and coming comedians. And maybe sign up yourself and give that stand up dream of yours a go. It’s going to be a lot of fun and we can’t wait to giggle along with you guys! Full Circle Presents: Nurse’s Night Out. Friday, Sept. 10th, 8pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Join Greg ‘G’ Williams and friends for an evening of stand-up comedy at Full Circle’s new location in the heart of Fresno’s Brewery District. Featuring: Eddie Trevino, Daniel Betts, & Ric James. Hosted by Dave Apkarian JUST THE TIPS Comedy Show + Open Mic. Wednesday, Sept 15th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Just the Tips is back! Feature show followed by a Comedy Open Mic every Wednesday. Nationally touring comedians from all around the world. Seen on Netflix, Hulu, Comedy Central, Laughs on Fox, HBO, Showtime, The Roast Battles, and BOB AND TOM. Bring TIPS TIPS TIPS The Comedy Palace Comedy Show + Open Mic. Wednesday, Sept. 15th, 10pm. The Palace Nightclub Bar & Lounge, 446 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Late Night Comedy For the NIGHT OWLS, with Open Mic. So grab some stage time. Opening with a feature and Headliner doing a quick set, then open mic flows right into the show. Hosted by up and coming rising star and touring comedian, Isaiah Washington. You will see comics from your favorite comedy spots at this show. The Addams Family. Thursday, Sept. 16th, 7pm. Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater, 1226 Wishon Ave, Fresno. The Addams Family live at the Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater, running from Sept. 16th to Nov. 7th. Tickets start at $33.

Family Felipe Esparza “Unmasked” Tour. Thursday, Sept 16th, 8pm. The Tower Theatre, 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. During his early years as a comedian, Felipe was part of the successful tv show “Que Locos” on Galavision. That show and the resulting tour helped launch the careers of several other latino comedians such as George Lopez, Gabriel Iglesias and Willie Barcena. Finally, after 16 years of stuggling, Felipe’s big break came in the form of winning NBC’s “Last Comic Standing.”

Explore & Discover @ Fresno Discovery Center. Every Monday and Saturday, 9am-12pm. Fresno Discovery Center, 1944 N Winery Ave, Fresno. Outdoor areas are open 9AM-12PM Saturdays. Social distancing and facial masks are required. Cannot take same day reservations after the gates open; however,will admit you as we are able. Visit the Deutsch Cactus Garden, Garden of the Sun, and our pond. 10AM Saturday Science. For everyone! The whole family can join a STEAM activity. You might work together to solve a problem, complete JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining against each other, or other families! David”Rosey”Rosenberg. Wednes- Run around and play in our meadday, Sept. 22nd, 7pm. DiCicco’s ow, dino dig, and playground! 11 AM Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, TOT TIME For our youngest visitors Clovis. (0-5yrs) Join us while we read some good books then sing our favorite moSlice of Comedy headlining Danny tion songs! Minch CD Recording. Friday, Sept. 24th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restau- Friday Family Happy Hour - Music rant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Danny from Fire and Rain. Friday, Sept. 10th, Minch a Nationally touring comedian, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, Started his full-time comedy career 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Fire and later in life at 39 and has been work- Rain will get you singing along and ing on the road for over a decade. Ob- dancing to tunes from James Taylor, servational, Quick-witted, known to Creedence Clearwater, Dooby Bros, do his share of crowd-work and word- Crosby, Stills & Nash. Great event for play. Danny has become an integral the whole family. Enjoy an evening part of the Central Valley Comedy outdoors, share a bottle of wine or Scene. Danny is a regular at the Hol- sangria while following safe guidelywood Improv, Brea Improv, the Ice lines for gatherings. Adults $5 per House, the Comedy Store, the John person, kids and CREW members Lovitz Comedy Club and, the HaHa free. Tables for ten with two comCafe and also tours across the US. plementary bottles of wine: $75 or He has opened for comedians such CREW - $50 (CREW pricing is for our as Bob Zany, Henry Phillips, Brad Gar- wine club members only). Children rett, Jim Jefferies, Rudy Moreno, and are welcome and our playground is Jeff Garcia. Join Him and his friends now open. Food vendor available, for a hilarious night caught on audio check social media to see who is for his upcoming CD release. coming each week. No outside food allowed, we want our food vendors to JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining have a successful outing at Moravia Jono Zalay. Wednesday, Sept. 29th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, Disney’s Aladdin Kids. Saturday, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Sept. 11th, 5pm. California Arts Academy, 4750 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Based on the iconic animated film, with an Academy Award-winning score by Alan Menken, Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, Disney’s Aladdin Madera District Fair. Friday, Sept. KIDS is sure to send audiences soar10th to Sunday, Sept. 12th. Madera ing on a flying carpet ride filled with District Fairgrounds, 1850 W Cleve- romance and adventure. When the land Ave, Madera. Kids 12 and under street urchin, Aladdin, vies for the atare FREE! Seniors 62 and over are tention of the beautiful princess, JasFREE! Admission and Carnival Pre- mine, he uses a genie’s magic power Sale will be available ONLINE and to become a prince in order to marry at the Madera Fair Office, 1850 W. her. Iago, Jafar, the Genie, and more Cleveland Ave. during office hours are here in Disney’s Aladdin KIDS, a 8-4:30 pm Monday-Friday thru Sept. musical adventure filled with magic, 8th. mayhem and the power of love.

Friday Family Happy Hour - Mariachi Alas de Plata. Friday, Sept. 17th, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Help us celebrate Mexican Independence Day with some fantastic Mariachi music from Mariachi Alas De Plata. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors, share a bottle of wine or sangria while following safe guidelines for gatherings. Adults $5 per person, kids and CREW members free. Tables for ten with two complementary bottles of wine: $75 or CREW - $50 (CREW pricing is for our wine club members only). Children are welcome and our playground is now open. Food vendor available, check social media to see who is coming each week. No outside food allowed, we want our food vendors to have a successful outing at Moravia FRESNOFLYER.COM

Friday Family Happy Hour - Rick and the Country Crew. Friday, Sept. 24th, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors, share a bottle of wine or sangria while following safe guidelines for gatherings. Adults $5 per person, kids and CREW members free. Tables for ten with two complementary bottles of wine: $75 or CREW - $50 (CREW pricing is for our wine club members only). Children are welcome and our playground is now open. Food vendor available, check social media to see who is coming each week. LMC Takeover. Saturday, Sept. 11th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Come out Saturday September 11th for an LMC Takeover with a food truck on sight, dancing, & cold taps! 7pm. All Ages. FREE.

Karaoke on the Patio - Shep’s Club. Tuesday, Sept. 14th, 8pm. Shep’s Club @ Shepherd’s Inn, 935 Santa Fe Ave, Fresno. The weather is perfect for Karaoke and Tacos! Come smash down some tacos and get ready to sing your favorite song while sipping on your favorite drink! Event starts at 8pm! Don’t miss out! A Vegan Celebration. Thursday, Sept. 16th, 7pm. The Tipping Pointe, 245 N Fulton St, Fresno. Celebrating produce of the valley with local chef Chauncey of Unir Dining providing locally sourced bounty for a curated dining experience. This is a super exciting event for us here at the Tipping Pointe as it will be showcasing local artists and live DJ’ing by Mr. Leonard, as well as an unforgettable dining experience by Unir Dining! Hitting All The Senses. Sustainability, care and passion is very important to us. We love the produce that is grown here in







Music the valley by our amazing farmers and we’re not shy about it. We are very excited to invite you to dine with us on August 26th, 2021 in celebration of the beautiful fruits and vegetables available from our local farms. This will be a five course menu, completely plant based with local ingredients. Dinner will also be accompanied with seasonal housemade kombucha/ cocktails. This will be a Vegan menu however, we welcome anyone with an appreciation of local fruits, vegetables and farms to join us.

know where to go? Or who is my contact? A: Once you sign up, we will be sending you a couple confirmation emails with all the information you need. And if you ever have any questions you can always contact us at:

Bike Night w/ Clawson Motorsports. Friday, Sept. 17th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Join us Friday September 17th, 2021 for another Bike Night Block Party with Clawson Motorsports & Dave’s Not Here (Foo Fighter Tribute) Maverick City - Food for the Hungry Band Volunteers - Fresno, CA. Friday, Sept. 17th, 5pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E Oktoberfest at Full Circle. Saturday, Shaw, Fresno. Q: Where can I contact Sept. 18th, 2pm. Full Circle Brewery the organizer with any questions? A: District, 712 Fulton St. Fresno. OktoPlease email: Michelle@loopevents. berfest is happening again at Full Cirorg Q: How important is it that I ar- cle, this time it’s in our Brewery Disrive at training time? A: Very import- trict Taproom in conjunction with the ant! We will be checking in volunteers Brewery District Block Party. 2pm. All at 5:00PM for mandatory training. Ages. FREE. Food, Music, and festivPlease allow time for parking and ities that come with Oktoberfest will getting to the entrance. Q: How will I be present.

Monday Night Live. Monday, Sept. 20th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St. Fresno. CoastByCoastSwag Presents: Monday Night Live. Live music, dancing, vendors + more! 5:30pm. All Ages. $10

to Pollasky Avenue where family fun begins! Visit our newest attraction, the Fresno/Clovis Convention & Visitors Bureau ClovisFest International Village, featuring live multicultural performances, storytelling and various booths selling international food Where Umami Meets Italian and wares. Don’t miss the Grand Wines. Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, 7pm. Opening Ceremony at 8 am sharp, on Namikaze, 1134 E Champlain Dr, Saturday. Live performances will take #108, Fresno. Join us for a fun eve- place on stage all day from 8:00 a.m. ning of amazing flavors of Japanese to 5:00 p.m. Don’t miss this unique cuisine paired perfectly with Italian opportunity to learn more about diwines! UMAMI the fifth taste of the verse cultures – close to home in the world. UMAMI and the presence in Central Valley. Japanese cuisine. HEF Bourbon Trail Horseshoe TourClovisfest & Hot Air Balloon Fun Fly nament & Luncheon. Saturday, Sept. 2021. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 25th, 9am. HJUSHD Ag Farm, 1640 25th and 26th, 8am. Bullard & Wood- Centennial Dr, Hanford. Come out worth, Old Town Clovis. ClovisFest for a great and competitive morning spans over twelve city blocks, includ- of Horseshoes in our tournament ing side streets where you’ll discover followed by a “Bourbon Trail,” bourover 200 craft and commercial ven- bon tasting in which you get to try dor booths, in addition to our Interna- ten craft bourbons while enjoying tional Village. After the early morning some snacks. We will then host a hot air balloon launch, walk across great luncheon catered by Dowd’s Catering and raffle some fantastic silent auction items. The entire event is a fundraiser for the Hanford Education Foundation which provides for student awards and recognition, scholarships, project funding, and much more. All of this takes place at the HJUHSD Ag Farm and you can purchase tickets for the tournament play, tasting, and luncheon for $75 or just the tasting and luncheon for $50. Don’t miss out! This is expected to be a sell out event. Tickets are available through Eventbrite . Age 21 and over only. For more details go to: https://ca50000496.schoolwires. net/Page/3405

Tesoro Viejo Sip & Support. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 1pm. Ranch House Clubhouse at Tesoro Viejo, 801 Redrock Dr, Madera. Sip & Support will feature top local wineries and handcrafted beer, delicious food, desserts, and a silent auction at the private Tesoro Viejo Ranch House Clubhouse. Silent Auction includes: Luxury Vacation Beach House, Signed Derek Carr Jersey, Picnic on the Trails, and more. Mystery Dinner Theatre. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 6:30pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum. 175 E Tenth St, Hanford. What?! A murder? You won’t believe the mayhem the Garden! Join us in the Garden along with the Kings Players on June 19th for supper and sleuthing. Bring your favorite wine and we’ll begin with drinks at 6:30 pm, and the mischief begins at 7:15 pm. This is an adults-only event. You can purchase tickets on our website,, Facebook Events, at the Garden during open hours; by mail at CSG&M PO Box 363, Hanford, CA 93232; or from any CSG&M staff member. Tickets may also be purchased from the Board Members of Kings Players. A night of celebration, food, and mystery Farmer John Dell, Glenda (Goldie) Lockes, Ignacious Marconi (I. M.) DeWolfe, Bonnie (Bo) Peep, Peter Carpenter, and Scarlett LeHoode are among the people from Stonybrook gathered at the Garden to celebrate Maude (Mother) Goose’s birthday. Jack B. Nimble presents her with a beautiful candlestick as their gift. Unfortunately, one of people at the party will be murdered and the rest become suspects. Amateur sleuth, Henrietta Pennysmith and rest of the cast from Kings Players will help guests work though the possible motives, evaluate alibis, and review clues. Dinner guests will be asked to help solve the murder so that the villain can be brought to justice! Whether you come for the mystery challenge or just to enjoy a wonderful dinner in the beautiful Children’s Storybook Garden and Museum, your support will help keep both organizations providing quality experiences for the community.

Farm to Table Dinner. Saturday, Sept. 25th, 6pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum, 175 E Tenth St, Hanford. Tickets are on sale now! Call (559)500-9966 or (779)-0056 for more information. Enjoy a delicous dinner and the beautiful aesthetic of a classy farm to table dinner. This event will take place in historic downtown Hanford at the Children’s Storybook Garden & MuCars At The Pointe. Sunday, Oct. 3rd, seum 175 E Tenth St Hanford. 8am. The Square Campus Pointe, 5050 4th Annual Chili Cookoff for Charity. N Chestnut Ave, Fresno. Brought to Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 12pm. Woodward you by 302 Coyotes & Venomous CC. Park, 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. Tick- All cars welcomed! Every First Sunday ets $10. $10.00 Admission Fee 12 years of each Month. Every First Sunday of and up this includes (5) Tasting. Tickets Each Month. Time: 8:00Am - 10:30Am. (1) Ballot. Gates Open - 12:00 pm Chili Registration Required To Attend (1 Per Sampling & Salsa Sampling - 2:00 pm Vehicle) Free (General & Club AdmisJudges Tasting - 3:00 pm Winners An- sions) Premium Parking Available (Show nounced - 5:00 pm. Presented by Avila’s Admissions) Trophies/Medals/Plaques Giveaways All Cars Welcomed! Cancer Fund Non Profit.

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I Scream for Arthop. Thursday, Oct. 7th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Join us for a Halloween themed Arthop Thursday Oct. 7th, 2021. There will be spooky themed everything! Food by Fresno Street Eats, Music, Vendors, Pop-ups, Beer + More! 6pm, All Ages, Free.

Music Boots in the Park w/ Jon Pardi. Friday, Sept. 10th, 4pm. Granite Park, 3978 N Cedar Ave, Fresno. NEW TICKET PURCHASE LINK - https://bit. ly/3vRq0k8 Boots in the Park with Jon Pardi, Mitchell Tenpenny, Matt Stell , Michael Austin & More, takes over Granite Park on Friday, September 10, 2021. Enjoy an all-day country PARDI featuring live music, some of the valley’s best BBQ, cold beers, full bars, line dancing, art installations and more! This event is ALL AGES!

to verify age to enter the 21+ area. - Food and other drinks available for purchase - VIP will have two private areas, one at the side of the stage for lounging, and another at the very front of the stage. Restricted to only VIP ticket holders - Local Vendors will be at the event selling their merch or promoting their business, so check them out - Camel packs, fanny packs, and blankets encouraged - No outside food or drink DB Boutabag & Stunnaman02 live in Fresno. Saturday, Sept. 11th, 7pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St. Fresno. DB Boutabag comes to Fresno for his first show! He’s bringing special guest San Francisco’s own Stunnaman02! For tickets and info ibookshows-11139375594

Xavier Wulf. Tuesday, Sept. 14th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. ENT Legends presents Xavier Wulf at Strummer’s. All ages, tickets Malaynah Evolution Tour. Friday, $25-30 on Ticketweb. Sept. 10th, 6pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Malaynah in tour with Rock en Espanol. Wednesday, Sept. 15th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery DisKristall Poppin. trict, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Join us WAR at The Wakehouse. Friday, Wednesday Sept. 15th, 2021 for Sept. 10th, 7pm. The Wakehouse, Rock en Espanol. There will be Food, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. Music, & Vendors. 6pm. All Ages. Multi-platinum-selling WAR, the orig- FREE inal street band, has been sharing its timeless music and message of Ben Napoles. Thursday, Sept. 16th, brotherhood and harmony for almost 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 5 decades before millions across the Fulton St. Fresno. Thursday September 16th, Benjamin Napoles takes globe. the stage! 6pm. All Ages. FREE. Riff Raff & The Ultraviolet Pirates. Friday, Sept. 10th, 8pm. Strummer’s, Strawberry Girls. Thursday, Sept. 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Numbskull 16th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern, Entertainment presents: Riff Raff live Fresno. Strawberry Girls is an American experimental rock musical trio @ Strummer’s. All ages. composed of members Zachary Berner & E40 with DJ Yella and lil Garren (guitars), Benjamin Rosett Eazy E. Saturday, Sept. 11th, 7pm. (drums, percussion), and Ian EdChukchansi Park, 1800 Tulare St, wards Jennings (bass guitar) based Fresno. Berner and E-40 with special in Salinas, California. guests DJ Yella & Lil Eazy E September 11, 2021 Downtown Fresno at Maverick City Music Tour. Friday, Chukchansi Park! Another Brad Jau- Sept. 17th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, rique Promotions Event. VIP almost 2650 E Shaw, Fresno. all sold out!! Get your tickets here Tap & Cellar’s 1st Annual Boots & Brews on The San Joaquin River. SatProject Bass: No Man’s Land. Sat- urday, Sept. 18th, 1pm. Tap & Cellar, urday, Sept. 11th, 7pm. JR Ranch, 6695 N. Dickenson Ave, Fresno. $25. 29100 Ave 14 1/2, Madera. Come Join us for a day of country music, join us on our voyage through No great beer & wine, and awesome Man’s Land as we discover the bass shopping and food! South 65 John together. With headliner Evalution Pemberton Zach Macias Ted with alongside local artists. - Alcohol avail- Richfield able for purchase. Please bring ID’s | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

2021 Fall Concert Series. Saturday, Sept. 18th, 3pm. Park Place Outdoor Events Center, 7815 N. Palm Ave, Fresno. Grab your chairs and or blankets for a fun evening out at Park Place Outdoor Event Center. Live performances by The Band August, The Monsanto Band & Class All-Stars! Local food vendors and food trucks as well as Park Place restaurants will have you covered and available for pick-up. Beyond the Wine will be pouring Craft Beer on draft, as well as plenty of your favorite domestics plus a Margarita Bar. There will also be several local vendors set up so you can #shoplocal There will be a limited general admission tickets available (bring out your own chair or blanket and set up on the grass). Grab a table for up to 8 people (see ticket description for details) tables prices will go up on Sept 1st so don’t delay. Pop-up tents and umbrellas are welcome. There will be spaces allocated specifically for groups with tents. Gates open 2:30pm so come early to grab your spot! This is a 21+ only event, we will be checking ID’s at the gate. Please stay home if you do not feel well. Absolutely no outside beverages or ice allowed. Live Music by Jason Cade. Sunday, Sept. 19th, 1pm. Toca Madera Winery, 36140 Ave 9, Madera. Jason Cade will be live at Toca Madera Winery every Sunday through Dec. 5th! Reservations Strongly Encouraged. If sold out, you are welcome to bring a lawn chair, purchase a bottle, and hang out on the lawn to enjoy the music. His sound is a blend of old and new other words, it pairs beautifully with wine! The tasting room opens at 12 noon and live music starts at 1pm. Swing by to put that perfect finish to your weekend with amazing wine and music at Toca Madera. Devin The Dude. Sunday, Sept. 19th, 6pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Sunday Funday Fresno presents: Devin The Dude w/ Willy J Peso. September . 19 . 2021, 6 PM - Midnight. Follow @sundayfundayfresno on IG for any questions or info! 93.7 KISS Country Ten Dollar Holler Concert. Thursday, Sept. 23rd, 7pm. Rotary Ampitheater at Woodward Park, 7775 N. Friant Rd, Fresno. 93.7 KISS Country’s “Ten Dollar Holler” presented by Michelob Ultra on Thursday, September 23, 2021 at Rotary Amphitheater at Woodward





21 + Park in Fresno. This general admission show. You must be 21 years or older to attend. No outside food or beverage allowed. Gates open at 5:00pm. Show begins at 7:00pm. Scheduled to perform: Joe Nichols, Walker Hayes and Ian Munsick.

Fresno. Saturday, Sept. 25th, 7pm. The Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Mac J & Friends Saturday September 25th in Fresno ALL AGES. Tickets $20-40. CUMBIATRON at The Wakehouse. Saturday, Sept. 25th, 7pm. The Wakehouse, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. The West Coasts BEST Cumbia Dance Party returns to The Wakehouse on Saturday September 25th. Outdoors on the Kings River, Cumbiatron is a party like no other featuring Cumbia, Dancing, Art, More Cumbia, Drinks, Snacks, Food, Even More Cumbia & Vendors! 21+ | 7pm-12am | $10 Presale | $15 At The Door

DJ KG559. Thursday, Sept. 23rd, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Thursday September 23rd DJ KG559 will be in the mix at our Taproom. There will be a food vendor on site so come eat, dance, & drink with us! 6pm. All Ages. FREE Astrid’s 80’s Remix. Friday, Sept. 24th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Totally Awesome 80’s New Wave, Romantic, Pop/Rock. 7pm. All Ages. Free. An Evening with Michael Buble in Concert. Tuesday, Sept. 28th, 8pm. Central Valley Big Band & Vendor Save Mart Center, 2650 E Shaw Ave, Event. Saturday, Sept. 25th, 6pm. Fresno. Event has been rescheduled KC’s Ranch, 6414 S. Pedersen Ave, to September 28, 2021 at 8pm. TickReedley. Bring the whole family out ets for the previous dates of May 3, for an incredible evening with live mu- 2020 and February 11, 2021 will be sic from The Central Valley Big Band! honored for the new date. This 20 piece big band will have you singing & dancing to music the whole Heath Sanders - Small Town Loud family will enjoy. Event is Saturday, Tour (with Joe Peters). Thursday, September 25th, 2021 from 6pm- Sept. 30th, 6pm. Barrelhouse Brewpm. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Shop ing Co - Taproom & Beer Garden, 521 with a variety of incredible vendors & E Main St, Visalia. The Small Town support small businesses. Big Papas Loud Tour is back! Tickets are limitWood Fired Pizza will be making cus- ed....Pre-order tickets includes a free tom pizzas all night. The cost is $10 beer! Tickets at the door (if not sold per person. Kids 10 and under are $5 out) won’t have the free beer... Doors per person. No outside food or drinks open at 6 pm. Show starts at 7. ALL Mac J & Friends Performing Live in PROCEEDS from ticket purchase will

go to local first responders via The Resiliency Project. resiliencyproject. info/ Heath Sanders recently signed with Big Machine Label Co. and has been opening for Justin Moore the last few months. He is an Arkansas natural gas-worker-turned-songwriter whose realness informs the music he crafts. It all started after Heath posted on Facebook his cover of Chris Stapleton’s “Either Way” in early 2018. The video filmed in his living room would quickly transform his life as millions watched and reshared, making Heath an overnight viral sensation among the working class communities in the Midwest and Rust Belt. Drawing upon a lifetime of early mornings and long days, Heath emerges as the new voice of folks who identify with hard work and have the sore backs and tired feet to show for it. Local Bakersfield singer Joe Peters will be opening the show! Ladies of Rock 2021. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 11am. Jackson’s Roadhouse, 20023 Auberry Rd, Clovis. ***Doors Open at 10:00 am. Music begins at 11:00 am*** **Food, Cold Beer and Full Bar** **More details to come** Dawny Reb Band featuring Dawny Reb. Weekend Affair featuring Krystie Leigh. Jill & Co featuring Jill Holstein. Night Heat featuring Missy Nan. Wheels Up featuring Candace Ramirez. What Comes Next featuring Kelly Hillman. Jaded featuring Cheri Perry.

Shordie Shordie & Boe Sosa Live in Fresno. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 7pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Teamactive & 10/10 Studios presents Shordie Shordie & Boe Sosa live in concert. Hosted by ActiveArnold, JLSY, & Two Tone. $10 pre-sale. follow Teamative on IG: @teamactivee for more info.

Retro 90’s Night with Primary Process and One Hot Minute HURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 AT 8:30 PM PDT – 1r an out of this world night!!! Kristina Sky Kuhteeuh Czechmate Dj Lucky Rabbit Wavy. 1342 Tulare Street, Fre

The Jules Winnfield Album Release Show. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 7pm. Intermountain Nursery, 30443 Auberry Rd, Prather. Music on the Creek is excited to bring you Fresno’s legendary jazz/metal outfit The Jules Winnfield performing their debut album!

Teething with Aenimals. Friday, Oct. 1st, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Teething with Aenimals a Deftones/Tool Tribute with special guests Fire to the Throne A Bid farewell to Zephan Lagrutta. Doors at 9 $10 advance $15 day of show 21+

Philthy Rich. Sunday, Oct. 3rd, 6:30pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Sunday Funday at the Azteca Theater, featuring the Philty Rich album listening party.

Rockin’ On The Bluff. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 4pm. Park Place Outdoor Event Center, 7855 N. Palm Ave, Fresno. Grab your chairs and or blankets for a fun evening out at Park Place Outdoor Event Center! Don’t want to bring your own? We’ve got you covered with a few options. Not only will we set things up for you we will host you and your group as well! The night will be kicked off by a live performance from Jerry Thurston followed by Terry Barnes & big performance by Debi Ruud and the Lost Souls !! Amazing LOCAL LIVE MUSIC with a view of the San Joaquin River at a unique and intimate venue in North Fresno. Fresno Street Eats will be bringing out a couple of their fan favorite food trucks and the tenants of Park Place will have food available for pick-up. Beyond the Wine will be serving your favorite cocktails and craft beer and Cardella Winery and Center Cork will be pouring some amazing Central Valley Wines. Gates open 3:30pm so come early to grab your spot! Tickets at the Gate will be $25 for General Admission. No tickets will be available at the gate for this event when sold out. This is a 21+ only event, we will be checking ID’s at the gate. Please stay home if you do not feel well. Absolutely no outside beverages, cups, or ice allowed. Tickets are available at; Beyond the Wine 7775 N Palm Ave, Ste 105 Fresno, or get your tickets on Eventbrite.

Luke Bryan in Fresno. Thursday, October 7th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Full Circle Presents: Core - STP Tribute. Friday, Oct. 8th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Core is a nationally touring tribute band from San Diego, CA who raises the bar for the live STP experience playing rock radio classics 7pm | All Ages | $10 Adv. | $15 Dos | 21+Bar FRESNOFLYER.COM

21 and Over

Noche de Cumbia. Friday, Sept. 10th, 7pm. Cellar Door, 101 W Main St, Visalia. We are excited to to perform once again at our home venue, the newly remodeled Cellar Door. $15 Online Pre-sale. $20 At Door. Doors open at 7pm. Mariachi Los Guapos start at 8pm. Mezcal takes the stage from 9pm-11pm. This is a 21 and over event. For reservations email:

14 | SEPTEMBER 2021




Junkyard plus special guests Speedbuggy. Friday, Sept. 10th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. American Made Concerts presents Junkyard plus special guests Speedbuggy. Doors at 7:30 Show at 8 Tickets available at www.fulton , Tower District Records in Fresno and Cravings in Clovis.

ers of sonic tones and imagery, even after the 100th listen. As a resurrected project originally under the name Melgarth, Goldenboy has already gathered attention for his musical style. “What’s Hot Water For A Frozen Heart?”, his last release under Melgarth, reached over 200,000 plays and a solid musical following without any promotion, marketing or touring. The Outlaw Mariachi with Leather Now with a more defined direction, Serpent and Peligro Brass. Satur- Goldenboy is introducing listeners to day, Sept. 11th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, his world. 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Fulton 55 Presents The Outlaw Mariachi with Tab Benoit’s Swampland Jam. Satspecial guests Leather Serpent and urday, Sept. 18th, 8pm. Fulton 55, Peligro Brass. 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tab Benoit’s Swampland Jam - Tab Benoit, one of Guns ‘N Hoses. Sunday, Sept. 12th, music’s most enduring and master5pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, ful blues and roots performers - and Fresno. Our local heroes not only an authority on Louisiana music and save lives by day, but they can soothe culture - leads an all star band feathe soul with great music at night! turing three giants of Louisiana Roots Guns & Hoses are a Police Dept. and Music - Big Chief Monk Boudreaux, a Fire Dept. band that like to get to- Johnny Sansone, and Waylon Thibogether and raise funds for different deaux. Big Chief Monk Boudreaux charities. 5150 BAND (Fire Dept) (HBO’s Treme) incorporates African and LADY & The TRAMPS (Police Rhythms and Mardi Gras Chants into Dept) Portions of the proceeds from his own original style of Rhythm and this show will be going to the Police Blues. Boudreaux is the Big Chief Chaplaincy Program and to the Val- of the Golden Eagles, a legendary ley Music Hall of Fame. Classic rock Mardi Gras Indian tribe. He is widely at it’s finest, performed by some of known for his long-time collaboration Fresno’s finest! Doors at 5pm, Show with Big Chief Bo Dollis in The Wild at 6pm. Tickets available at www. Magnolias. In 2016, Boudreaux, Tower District Records ceived a National Endowment for in Fresno and Cravings Wood Grilled the Arts National Heritage Fellowship Burgers and Dogs in Clovis. $10 ad- in Washington, DC. Johnny Sansone vance, $15 Day of show goes deep into Bayou Blues and Zydeco with his roof shaking vocals, Brother with special guest Golden harmonica and accordion. Sansone Boy. Thursday, Sept. 14th, 8:30pm. has won numerous awards in the Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Crescent City, including multiple catBrother. with special guest Golden egories for Offbeat magazine’s anBoy. Doors at 8pm show at 8:30pm. nual “Best of the Beat” competition. Brother. is an indie alternative band Rounding out the Jam is Waylon Thibased out of Provo, Utah. Brother. bodeaux on vocals and fiddle. Born brings together an eclectic sound of in Louisiana’s ‘Bayou Country’ just a energetic bass lines, catchy sound- few miles southwest of New Orleans, scapes and heavy-laden harmonies. Houma native Waylon Thibodeaux With the success and high antici- has been dubbed “Louisiana’s Rockpation of their singles “Without It”, in Fiddler”. His rollicking, Cajun and “Don’t Worry” and “Oxidate”, Broth- zydeco rhythms never fail to serve up er. has toured through the US and a good helping of spicy, high-energy UK/EU as official 2020 SXSW and Louisiana fun. Treefort Music Fest artists as well as headlining and opening for acts such An Evening of Soulsa with Rumba as Slothrust, Mating Ritual, Joshua 32. Thursday, Sept. 23rd, 8pm. FulJames and more. Golden Boy: Be- ton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. An yond the vibrant orange suit, white Evening of Soulsa with Rumba 32 nail polish and chaotic hair, lies a mu- featuring lead vocalist John Perea sical project that requires its listen- with special guest appearance by ers to put on their gloves and interact Melinda Salcido. Doors at 8, music with the multi-dimensional Golden- at 8:30. Tickets available at www. boy. The use of poetic lyrics over pop, Tower District Records influenced music gives listeners the in Fresno and Cravings Wood Grilled ability to continue peeling back lay- Burgers and Dogs in Clovis | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Oktoberfest. Friday, Sept. 24th, 5:30pm. Vossler Farms, 26773 S Mooney Blvd, Visalia. Visalia’s Oktoberfest is back! In 2019, we sold out with 1,500 attendees and had the most amount of food, beer, and vendor booths than ever before. This year’s event is on Friday, September 24 at Vossler Farms. With your ticket you’ll get food samplings, wine tastings, and of course, beer tastings from local breweries. Our goal is to share the Central Valley’s best food, wine, beer, and entertainment with the community. 21 & OVER EVENT! Justin Martin at Fulton 55. Friday, Sept. 24th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. All Day All Night + LMC Present Justin Martin at Fulton 55 on September 24th. You know this is going to be crazy, see you on the dance floor. Support by FS, Maj, Makle, Shibby E-mail for questions. 21+ Flaw. Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 6pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Flaw. The OddEven. Tangent. Angels to Some. 21+ / $15 Adv / $18 Dos The Expendables with Ballyhoo! and Tunnel Vision. Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. The Expendables and BALLYHOO! team up for The Expendahoo! Mat Zo. Friday, Oct. 8th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. All Day All Night and LMC present Anjunabeats star, Mat Zo, at Fulton 55 on October 8th. Mat is known for some of the most well rounded sets of any DJ so we’re excited to host this phenom in Fresno. Support by Rick Wired & Rios. 21+ FRESNOFLYER.COM





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16 | SEPTEMBER 2021


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FRESNO FLYER P.O. Box 4582 Fresno CA, 93744



2 SINGER Machines - $200 Very nice Rob 288.9999 2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 559 341 2575


ATVS 2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock except for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basically brand new and in excellent shape. This is the last year for green sticker 450 quads as well. I’m asking 10,000 for it, title in hand and good tags. Cash only call or text 559-826-9919

MID CENTURY settee; excellent condition; material has no 2012 RZR 900 XP EPS (Lemoore) stains, rips or wear $12,600 marks; size is 39” tall 559-631-7019 by 33” deep by 56” wide $250 Delivery BIKES available for extra charge (559) 269-9079 LADIES 26” Road 2 CARTS for sale 1 Master bicycle func$250 the other needs tional but needs restolove and is $100. Brian ration, $300. 559 259 9740. 559-779-7537 VINTAGE RCA phonograph not sure what year needs repair 75.00 price is firm (559) 9304455


GREAT working electric dryer 30 day guarantee delivery available for additional fee. (559) 385-1217 R E F R I G E R AT O R Text 681-3986 BLACK SIDE x side Refrigerator $400 refrigerator is in very good condition. It is not very old. Ice and water in the door. It is 26 cubic feet in size. 559 513 0723. My phone does NOT text, please call 559 513 0723

3 SPEED Nexus 26” X 1.75” Tires Clean and in good condition $150 Please call 559-2614680 if interested. No text.

CARS 2003 TOYOTA Camry $2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. There is no check engine lights and you wouldn’t be able to

tell the difference driving it. 559-458-1056

quired. New movies, Cable Tv / Live TV, Netflix,Hulu,Disney Plus,Hbo Max, Sports / PPV, Cartoons, Tv Shows And much, much,more.. Updates / Repairs $25 Firesticks $75 4 K firesticks $90 Any questions ? 559 795 6122

2008 CHEVY Malibu lt clean title and smog ready to go, in excellent conditions ,4 cylinders, runs very good, tires in good condition, paint in good shape, clothes interiors like new, power windows and doors lock alarm, power seat,A/C cold FARM & more info call# 559 GARDEN 451 7959 WEED EATER is 2004 TOYOTA CAM- working perfectly. It RY LE smoged ready is basically brand new to go runs very good, it was hardly used. We 4 cylinders, good tires, are asking $130. If Inpaint in good shape in- terested call (559)800teriors like new, a/c and 5118 heater work,low miles 131,000 original miles, TORO 22inch recyyes CLEAN TITLE. cler self propelled lawn 559 451 8959 mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything 2 TIER tool box on works. $150. (559)355wheels. Snap-on and 5533 other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 TITAN Implement OBO (559) 229-3637 root grapple. These grapples attach to the skid steer quick attach ELECTRONICS mounting system. A third function of some DUAL MP3 player sort is required to be model: XD7500N it’s able to operate this for sale for only $40.00 grapple. I have one sizplease call or text me at es currently in stock: (559)389-4462 48” root grapple. This one is $1,300. Call JoUSED in excellent seph at 559-574-5445 condition 32” Sony extension 2 Bravia flat screen TV. Remote control includ- ed. 120 cash. Txt at 661 FURNITURE 772 3216. BEDROOM or LivFIRESTICK Up- ing Room Tables with dates/Repairs $25 Wi Drawers Both for $35 Fi and HDMI port re- Text call 559-207-0589

KENMORE washer $160 Heavy duty super capacity everything works good comes with a 30 day warranty contact me 491-8067 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |






CLASSIFIEDS BEAUTIFUL daybed in excellent condition. This daybed can be used with either a twin size mattress (not included) or soft cushions instead. It comes with pillows and the bed cover. Selling for $65. Call or text (559) 362 - 5276. R E C TA N G U L A R Table available. 33” length x 16.5” width x 30” high Beautiful piece that just doesn’t match my new setup. 559-797-5869 MOTORCYCLES 2009 Yamaha R1 14XXX Exhaust slip on, carbon fiber front and rear fairings New chain, new plugs, new levers, new throttle cable Second owner Runs 100% $8,500 559-7507479 2020 CRF450R $8700 Bike has a total of 22 hours on it. Brand new wheels, bars, levers, plastics, discs, chain/

sprocket, wheels, tires, exhaust, Factory Connection Suspension. (209)271-9494 MISCELLANEOUS

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

LOW-HOUR(26.5) OLD WOOD box re- 2018.5 KTM 450SXfrigerator free! Call F. The bike is basically 559 341 2575 stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The WOOD Workbench bike will come with oil, on Wheels with Vise oil filters, extra air fil$75 cash! Call 559 341 ter, owners manual, and 2575 everything OEM that came with the motor2 FRANKLIN Mint cycle. Bike has scratchmodels. First one, Har- es here and there, as ley-Davidson Electra well as a slightly bent Glide $45 Cash! Sec- front fender; however, ond one, 1989 H/D the forks are aligned Heritage Softail $45 and the front tire is Cash! Call 559 341 true(straight).Text 5592575 246-8965 if interested. Serious inquires only 2 TIER tool box on please. $8500 OBO. wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 MUSIC OBO (559) 229-3637 MARSHALL ValvesDECORATIVE Real tate 80V Model Steer Skull Head $35 8080 - $340. In good cash! One of a kind! condition. Call only Call Call 559 341 2575 (408)571-9818 SELLING something List it here



VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case - Brand New! - $120 Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888 VINTAGE DRUM set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. Gladly taking phone calls only. 831601-0915

RVS 1997 HOLIDAY Rambler vacationer 29ft. Class A. Like new low miles - $12,900 (1 owner super clean must see!) 559-770-6130 1992 TOYOTA Micro Mini RV. Small enough to park in a standard parking space. 104,760 Miles. V6 3.0 Fuel injected motor with electronic ignition. Runs great. Clean overall for it’s age. New Stereo with back up camera. Service done at 97K miles: Head gasket, Fuel injector, timing belt, plugs & wires, Distributor cap & rotor, coolant hoses, thermostat, coolent flush, power steering fluid, new alternator. New tires. Longer valve stems installed for inside tires so you can check pressure yourself. 2800 Watt Onan generator, built in, works great.

Call(559)313-0488 18 | SEPTEMBER 2021

FENDER SQUIRE statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417


a super slide out for extra space. Full kitchen everything works. Has Air Conditioning Heating. a big bathroom walk-in shower. Current tags clean title Good tires. good battery dual LP tanks Asking 10,900 call 559 647-6879

SPORTS Microwave, bathroom, GOLF CLUB starter shower, TV. Call Or Sets $35 Each 559 519Text: 559-240-4499 4648 1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call for more information 925726-7230 2000 mallard 24 ft Model# 24J Everything works No leaks Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed New tires Registration current GVWR 6400 lbs Must see Asking $9200 Pink in hand 559-2149352

TENNIS Racquets $20 each Call 559 5194648 LEEDOM Snowboard Helmet XL call 559 519-4648 BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648 ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interested call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

2003 SPRINTER by keystone 29ft Double door entry Everything works No leaks Super slide Sleeps 6 comfortably SELLING something Private bathroom Front List it here info@fresbedroom Big stand in shower Current registration Good tires Asking $11,900 Pink in hand Serious buyers only! 559-451-1678



2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

NINTENDO 64 w/ Controller & 3 Games $80. Nintendo 64 with one controller and three games. Works great still but you will need WOOD Workbench an ac adapter. Text 559 on Wheels with Vise 666 8136 $75 cash! Call 559 341 2575 MODDED Wii 219 wii Games 1000s of retros METAL lockers, - $150. Comes with 15x36x78, in good all wires, 1 controller condition $300. Call 1 nunchuck ,1 hard 559 360 2977. drive that has 219 wii games. It also a 32gb TWIN 3 ft aluminum memory card that conladder 300 lb rating in tains the programs and good condition. Call all retros 4-5000 old 559 259 9740. school games, nintendo , Super Nintendo, sega, WORKS PERFECT, sega génesis, gameboy, Black and Decker Atari. If interested call Brand in really good or text (559)551-9038 condition. $30 Call anytime: 760-458-3888 XBOX GUITAR hero microphone Selling a MANY VISES, swiv- used in excellent conel, in good condi- dition Xbox guitar hero tion,Wilton, Sears, Co- microphone. 10 cash. lumbian, etc, $55 and Txt at 661 772 3216 up. Call 559 360 2977. PLAYSTATION 4 A ALMOST brand $350 excellent condinew ZIRCON EDGE tion. Everything is in FINDER STUD-SEN- working condition. 5 SOR L40 is for sale for games included. call or only $25.00 please call text 559-7776558 or text me at (559)3894462 18V HITACHI drill and impact $75 2 pak drill/impact and charger 5599179631


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