Fresno Flyer Vol 6 No 12

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This month’s feature article is ‘The State of Cannabis in Fresno.’ However, it’s more of an overview rather than an exhaustive look. The article focuses mainly on retail stores and leaves out manufacturing and cultivation, along with a myriad of political issues that have plagued the permitting process. But detailed coverage of the whole picture of cannabis in Fresno would be impossible to do in a single article or even in a single issue.

I’ve found that most people are of the impression that since cannabis is now legal, the fight is over - but I assure you it is not. The fight simply looks different these days. Once a legal market opens in a city or state, companies from around the country swarm in for a slice of the highly profitable pie. Independent owners are locked out of the process by fees near impossible for small organizations to surmount. The potential for corruption is exponential as each city strictly limits the number of cannabis businesses allowed in their jurisdiction. Over 100 applicants fought for at least one of 21 retail permits in Fresno alone. That level of steep competition has given rise to questionable outcomes and application processes all over the country, not just here.

And yet, equity in cannabis is but one of many facets of the industry. While a fight for fairness and transparency in the application process ensues, many other areas of legalized cannabis have exploded into sub-industries with their own issues.

There are endless conversations over whether cannabis grown outdoors under the sun vs. indoors in controlled environments maximizes the plant’s properties. Debates continue to wage about whether lamps or LED lights are best - and technological advancements in lighting equipment for cultivation seem to happen rapidly. Concerns arise over the effects of mass cultivation on the environment. And a whole article could undoubtedly be dedicated to the various consumption methods and product types that have evolved over time. It’s no longer the flower or “buds” many remember - it’s shatter, wax, budder, diamonds, tinctures, or kief consumed by smoke, vaporizers, or using dab rigs. The cannabis world is massive, evolving and transforming right in front of us as our society figures out how to exist with it. My goal is to talk about all of it eventually - maybe not all at once in a single issue, but comprehensively over time. However, the focus of importance now is getting to know the cannabis businesses setting up shop in Fresno, paying attention to the promises they make, and watching to see if they’ll actually deliver on those promises. As consumers, we’re about to be inundated with options, and we must remember that we hold incredible power in choosing where and with whom to spend our money. Our decisions will ultimately decide who thrives and who will have to move on to a new city. It’s up to us to help shape a local cannabis industry that truly serves our community.



The retail cannabis industry is open for business in Fresno. However, the appeals process and delayed inspections have complicated timelines for many dispensaries to become fully operational. While the City of Fresno has ultimately awarded 20 of the available 21 retail permits - the unassigned permit remains open in District 7 - only two dispensaries have opened for business as of the end of July: The Artist Tree and Embarc.

The first round of permit approvals in early September 2021 saw an immediate appeal by city council members of five dispensaries; only one survived – Lemonnade in the Tower District (now called Dr. Green Thumbs). The results of the appeals opened the door to a second round of applications to compete for the four newly available permits. However, as soon as the city announced the next set of permit holders, city council members were quick to appeal again, leading to another public hearing process. It wasn’t until mid-December 2021 that the Office of Cannabis Oversight finally announced that Authentic 559, Embarc, and Beyond Rooted 559 would take their place among the final 21.

While those dispensaries initially appealed by select council members were certainly delayed in preparing their businesses to open, others were affected by different challenges altogether.

Robert DiVito, CEO of Element 7 in District 5 explains that their shift in the opening process results from a complex mix of both awaiting approvals from the Planning Commission and maintaining a vacant building. The dispensary has secured a location but is still waiting to hear back from the city over paperwork they submitted 10-12 weeks ago. Without the requisite approvals, Element 7 cannot begin regularly occupying the building.

“ We’d love to be open right now [but] we respect the City’s process,” says DiVito.

As Element 7 patiently waits to hear from the Planning Commission, their building remains vacant and, therefore, has attracted attention from the nearby homeless population.

“We’re doing whatever we can to work with local groups and the homeless as individuals as we understand the complexities of the issue locally,” expresses DiVito.

As setbacks and other issues mount, Element 7 is still excited about their grand opening – even if the exact date is still unclear.

“ We love launching new stores and recently had some wonderful events take place around our Firebaugh and Mendota stores. Rest assured, any event [we host] will include entertainment, local vendors and partners, community engagement, and amazing deals and special discounts you will only find at Element 7 Fresno,” beams DiVito.

Retail cannabis is a highly regulated industry. Many cities create extensive municipal codes that strictly outline security and safety requirements, daily inventory tracking, and other detailed procedures unique to cannabis. Fresno is no different, nor is it more restrictive. Much of Fresno’s municipal code regarding commercial cannabis mirrors that of other cities – including requiring a “buzz-in” mechanical entrance to a lobby separate from the sales floor, armed security, and storing cannabis products in a locked vault. And while cities enact rigorous regulations, dispensaries must also ensure they meet requirements at the state level. Retail cannabis stores must satisfy an extensive checklist by obtaining approval from

state and local governments throughout the multiple stages of the build-out process. Winning a permit in any city is merely the beginning, and dispensaries face many hurdles before making it to opening day. It’s no wonder that in Fresno, grand openings are currently few and far between.

However, undeterred by the loss of their second permit in the Tower District, The Artist Tree has rocketed through their store’s build-out, beating everyone else to the finish line and officially opening their doors on July 11. Located at Palm and Nees, The Artist Tree has been pleased with the response from the community. Co-owner and co-founder Lauren Fontein states they’ve had an overwhelmingly positive turnout thus far.

A combination of art and cannabis, The Artist Tree proclaims to highlight the natural synergy between the two by doubling their sales floor as an art gallery. Every three months, The Artist Tree rotates its exhibit to showcase a new local artist and has even become an official Arthop venue. All proceeds from the sale of any artwork go back to the artist. So, customers can explore both art

and an extensive collection of more than 800 cannabis products.

While The Artist Tree holds title as the first Fresno dispensary to open, others are soon to follow. Fresnans can expect to see more cannabis storefronts popping up one by one over the next few months as management teams overcome setbacks. It may not have been the explosion everyone hoped to see, but a thriving new industry in California’s fifth largest city is well on its way.


As Fresno begins to blossom as a competitor in this emerging market, it is crucial that consumers remember why and how legalized cannabis ever became possible in the first place.

For decades, the government waged war on drugs that was massively unsuccessful while negatively and disproportionately

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Showroom inside The Artist Tree

Legislators shouldn’t shut down ways to help Californians get legal help

Theend of another legislative session in Sacramento is an opportunity to reflect on questions many are asking these days: How well is our democracy working? When we elect representatives, do they pass laws that help us solve our problems?

Though we are relative newcomers to how Sacramento works, our experience on an important issue facing Californians — access to justice — raises concerns. There is still time for judiciary committee chairs Assemblymember Mark Stone and state Sen. Tom Umberg to fix a troubling bill.

Assembly Bill 2958 would harm, not help, Californians.

For the past year, we and others have been tasked by the State Bar of California trustees with designing a pilot program to spur innovation in the delivery of legal services.

Innovation is desperately needed. Studies find that 85% of Californians get no help or plainly inadequate help for their legal problems. This includes millions of middle-income residents and small businesses, not just poor people. Far too many Californians suffer when they must navigate the legal system alone on child custody issues and end-of-life planning, or square off against lawyered-up debt collectors and landlords.

The goal of a pilot program would be to create a regulatory “sandbox” in which legal-services providers can build out promising new delivery models under close scruti-

ny from regulators. Utah and Arizona, along with England and Wales, have adopted similar reforms, with promising results.

But last month, just days before a hearing, the judiciary committees added amendments to the state bar’s annual fee bill that would all but kill the sandbox idea. After only brief discussion, the bill passed out of committee, and it is slated to go to the floor this month.

The whole point of a sandbox is to test smart ways to relax a few of the highly restrictive rules around legal service provision, such as the rule that only lawyers can provide legal advice, or that lawyers cannot partner with other professionals. Under California rules, even lawyers are limited in their ability to try out promising new approaches that might benefit consumers.

The amended bill takes these reforms off the table, muzzling the expert judges, lawyers and academics on the working group. It says: You can consider anything you want except everything you were considering, and everything that might make a difference to everyday Californians.

We lead Stanford research teams that study the innovations that have emerged from reforms in Utah and Arizona. What has emerged? New, affordable ways to access legal help.

These innovations include free support for domestic violence victims seeking a restraining order; technology-enabled bilingual legal help for Latino small businesses; low-cost subscription services that allow small-business owners to call a lawyer with questions; and help with expungement of criminal records for people seeking a second chance. Consumer complaints have been negligible and easily addressed.

None of these pioneering approaches could so much as be discussed by the working group under the California bill’s new limits.

Many Californians, neither wealthy enough to pay a lawyer $300 an hour nor poor enough to qualify for legal aid, would benefit from these innovative services. They are teachers, nurses and grocery store workers. They own restaurants, nail salons and landscaping businesses. All of them deserve help with issues affecting their lives and livelihoods.

They deser ve legislators who want more information — not less — about policies that might help them. And most important, they deserve legislators who are on their side.

David Freeman Engstrom is a lawyer, a Stanford Law School professor, co-director of the Rhode Center on the Legal Profession and a member of the California State Bar Association’s Closing the Justice Gap Working Group.

Lucy Buford Ricca, Special to CalMatters

Lucy Buford Ricca is a lawyer, the director of policy and programs at the Rhode Center on the Legal Profession and a memberof the California State Bar Association’s Closing the Justice Gap Working Group.

The author wrote this for CalMatters, a public interest journalism venture committed to explaining how California’s Capitol works and why it matters.

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Lucy Buford Ricca

We Are The Ones Killing Us

Lastmonth, we discussed how legal and illegal guns terrorize our communities. We discussed firearms in America, whether acquired legally or illegally and how they can (and often) be used for egregious and life-altering crimes. Unfortunately, tragic mass shootings are much too commonplace and have recently plagued our nation. But of course, the guns aren’t doing the damage or causing the carnage all by themselves.

We are the ones who are killing us.

This fact must remain at the forefront of this gun discussion so that we don’t solely focus on or blame inanimate objects for the American gun violence problem. Instead, the blame for illegal gun violence should always fall squarely on the shoulders of people — on the shooter, the gun manufacturer, the legislator who legalizes firearms, the judges who sanction them, the politicians and lobbyists who keep access to high-powered guns lawful — on all of us. The reality is that we live in a subconsciously violent society that celebrates gun violence everywhere — in our movies and TV shows. It is ubiquitous in our entertainment — a core American attribute and a key component of our unique culture. It’s wholeheartedly American to experience gun violence in one way or another.

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.

Maybe we’ve had so many mass shootings every week this year because Americans are more inherently violent than the rest of the world. It’s undoubtedly true that gun violence pales elsewhere in the developed world. A recent Bloomberg analysis of worldwide gun violence noted that “Mass shootings… feel unique to America.” Still, it also honed in on one significant fact about our great nation - the U.S. is “...where there are more civilian-owned guns than people.”

People with guns kill people.

Last month, we acknowledged that there couldn’t be any gun violence without guns. Yet, we also recognized that America would never completely ban or outlaw civil-

ian-owned guns. Plus, even if the government completely illegalized firearms, criminals would still find a way to get them. There would always be gun-related deaths, even in a “gun-free” land. But there wouldn’t be the kind of mass shootings that are happening right now all over the country, every day. The typical criminal is not doing these mass shootings. There is no money or incentive involved. When it comes to mass shootings, organized crime isn’t the problem.

Mass shootings happen when a deranged or spiteful person with a firearm purposefully decides to end other people’s lives. The only difference between the United States and most of the world is that, in most developed nations, access to purchasing or owning guns is highly restricted. And the ability to acquire high-powered assault weapons is unheard of—an impossible thought for a civilian. In some countries, like Japan or South Korea, gun violence almost never happens. And in other countries where limited gun ownership is legal, even if the gun owner becomes deranged or spiteful enough to kill many people, he (assuming he’s male, which is statistically probable) wouldn’t be able to do it. Without a semiautomatic assault rifle, he would be limited in the carnage he could effect. But, equipped with a semiautomatic or automatic weapon, he becomes equivalent to a small army of one. Sometimes, the police are outgunned or are too late to stop a bloodbath in these situations. With these kinds of weapons of mass destruction easily in the hands of Americans, it’s no surprise they’re used.


People killing people is nothing new. How efficiently and quickly a person can do it, however, is what has changed throughout civilization. Wielding the potent power of a high-powered assault weapon is almost godlike and absolutely terrifying. Therefore, access to these weapons needs to be drastically curtailed, if not banned entirely in our society, to prevent further massacres. This reasoning is why, finally, after decades of countless avoidable gun-related tragedies,

the recent news that Congress has worked together to enact a series of crucial gun reform laws is promising yet long overdue. After President Biden signed the reforms into law in late June, he acknowledged, “While this bill doesn’t do everything I want, it does include actions I’ve long called for that are going to save lives ... God willing, it’s going to save a lot of lives.”

The Gun Safety Bill, among other things, expands background checks on people 21 and younger. However, to no one’s surprise, the National Rifle Association staunchly opposed it. “This legislation can be abused to restrict lawful gun purchases, infringe upon the rights of law-abiding Americans, and use federal dollars to fund gun control measures being adopted by state and local politicians,” they said in a statement. The new bill also allows states to enforce ‘red flag’ laws that permit the confiscation and removal of firearms from any individual found by a judge to be too dangerous to possess them. It also provides millions of dollars of support for state intervention systems like mental health and drug programs.

One of the significant changes in the new gun legislation addressed the socalled ‘boyfriend loophole.’ This loophole allowed a domestic abuser not living with or not married to his girlfriend to still legally possess a firearm (the law had only prohibited the possession of a gun of a domestic abuser who lived with or was married to the victim of abuse). This is a breakthrough in gun reform, but is it enough? As the new law is written, it still gives the right to own a gun back to domestic abusers after five years of a clean record. ‘Firearm-philic’ legislators like Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas, who helped negotiate the loophole’s new conditions, see gun ownership as a pinnacle of American life. “This is an incentive, I think, for people who have made a mistake, committed domestic violence, and received a misdemeanor conviction, to straighten up their act and not repeat it,” he said about allowing convicted abusers to own and possess a firearm again legally. However, the prob-

the ultimate in self-care

Self-care means many things to different people – it’s personalized, as it should be. Self-care for one person may not be the same for another. Therefore, it is important to identify your individual needs and create a self-care guide. Be patient in figuring out those needs, and remember that all life transitions take time. We are all a work in progress. The journey you’re on was made just for you, and it is, in large part, what makes you unique.

What is self-care to you? Let’s begin with:

• Health Boundaries

• Not being responsible for other reactions

• Knowing your value and self-worth is #1

• Remember the golden rule - treat everyone the way you want to be treated

• Respecting yourself with kindness and virtue

• Moral compass

• It’s OK not to like everyone; life isn’t a popularity contest

• It’s OK if someone doesn’t like you; if the synchronicity isn’t there, move on

• Keep your life private

• Discover what you love about yourself

• Connect with “the Universe” and seek what you know to be true

The closer you are to your intuitive ener-

Continues on pg 6...
with high-powered assault weapons kill a lot of people.
on pg 6...

...‘Self-Care’ cont’d from pg 5

gy, the more fulfilled and complete you will feel. Listen to it when your body tells you something is off; that connection, that feeling of alertness, is a builtin gift. Listen to its guidance because it is never wrong.

Social media brings with it much anxiety. Do you want to change something in your daily routine that is outside visiting social media?

• Walk through a bookstore, where there are tons of great books to discover

• Visit a toy section in a department store and explore your inner child.

• Open a cookbook and re-visit a favorite recipe from childhood.

• Visit a craft store and begin a new project; create from your soul.

• Write in a journal and personalize it with a wish list.

• Make a 5-year timeline. “In 5 years, I want to accomplish…” Write how you will get there and how you will reasonably reach that life milestone

• Plant a vegetable garden, nurture it daily, then savor the work you sow. The earth and soil are healing elements.

When anxiety sets in, so does self-doubt, fear, worry, and all the past judgment we accumulate and label ourselves with. Let it go. You are #1 and don’t need anyone to remind you of this. You are the master of you, and only you consent to how you feel. Believe in yourself.

Never compare yourself to someone else. There is only one you.

Welcome August; the summer is in full swing! Grab a popsicle and a glass of iced sweet tea, and have a sunshiny day!

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Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb, M.A. Counseling Psychology, author & narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors,” & “Keeping a Suggestive Mind through Meditation” speaker for transition, loss & grief.

...‘Cannabis’ cont’d from pg3

impacting Black and Brown communities. Yet, during cannabis criminalization, cannabis advocates continued to innovate and pioneer new cultivation and manufacturing techniques that are at the foundation of the current industry. Their research, work, and advocacy paved the way. However, rather than celebrate them, many were incarcerated and served/continue to serve extensive sentences for doing the same thing that allows others to accumulate wealth today.

Recognizing the inequity and ensuring compliance with the voter-approved Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), the State of California implemented the Cannabis Equity Grants Program for Local Jurisdictions. The program’s purpose and intent are to further AUMA’s “calls for regulating cannabis in a way that reduces barriers to entry into the legal, regulated market.” Local municipalities may apply for funding that aims to help support social equity applicants and licensees in their jurisdiction. The City of Fresno successfully obtained a $1.2 million grant for the 2020-21 fiscal year.

Cities that allow commercial cannabis often have exorbitant application fees that are nonrefundable. The City of Fresno requires nearly $8,000 for its application fee and an additional $13,391 for a Conditional Use Permit once a business obtains preliminary approval. These costs do not consider the building rentals an applicant must pay while it awaits the city’s decision or the fees associated with obtaining the requisite state license. Such fees create barriers that ensure only large companies can compete.

Social equity programs are designed to level the playing field by waiving or significantly reducing fees and allowing equal access to a highly lucrative market. The program is typically reserved for those from

...‘Killing Us’ cont’d from pg 5

lem with these relaxed regulations is that they legally enable abusers and ultimately still endanger society. If the goal is to reduce gun violence, less access to guns should be the answer, especially for known abusers.

The deeper we dig into our American gun violence epidemic, the more clear it is that we are divided. We are a divided

communities historically impacted by the War on Drugs, with a past conviction for a cannabis crime, or both. The City of Fresno has reserved at least three of the 21 permits for social equity applicants, but no more than six. So far, the city has awarded five permits to social equity dispensaries: Fresno Canna Co., Traditional Fresno, Viola Fresno, Beyond Rooted 559, and Roeding Leaf.

Still, more social equity cannabis businesses are expected to arrive under the ‘microbusiness’ and ‘cultivation’ license designations. The 21 permits at the center of the Fresno dispensary conversation refer only to storefronts. More permits are available to cultivators, manufacturers, testing facilities,

opportunities for businesses with a strong economic development background that benefits the community of [Fresno],” expresses the team.

The People’s Fresno is passionate about investing and uplifting disadvantaged communities, especially through the legalized cannabis market.

“ We’ve always understood [cannabis’] leverage as an economic development tool as well as its medicinal powers,” explains The People’s Fresno. “We believe our local communities most impacted by the War on Drugs and its generational damage should be leading both the direction of funds [and the] participation and profits in this industry.”

For The People’s Fresno, the “social equity” title is more than just about getting a foot in the door - it’s about rebuilding communities. The People’s Fresno plans to create pathways that allow access to capital through small innovative programs that promote community engagement and upliftment. Ten percent of their net profits will go towards funding these initiatives.

and microbusinesses (small operations seeking to cultivate, manufacture, and sell products under one roof). The People’s Fresno is one such social equity applicant that successfully obtained preliminary approval for a microbusiness license.

Consisting of Cesar Casamayor, Gidai Maaza, and Shawn Robinson, the team is also awaiting approvals from the city and Planning Commission before becoming operational, but hope to begin the hiring process within 6-8 months. Once open, The People’s Fresno will cultivate (grow) cannabis and provide packaged flower, pre-rolls, and trim (stem and leaves) for soil fertilization that will be available locally and statewide.

“ We will be selective in creating

nation of conflicting ideas regarding the place of firearms in our society. Although many Americans are fine with personal gun ownership, many also recognize the danger of assault weapons and want to see them outlawed.

Who knows how many more American massacres we’ll need to endure before Americans truly unite and kick the gun enthusiast legislators to the side for the sake

Soon, Fresnans and Central Valley residents will have an expansive catalog of cannabis brands, storefronts, and products vying for their attention. However, consumers, just as with most anything else, can choose how and where to spend their well-earned money. For those concerned with where their money will go and what it will help to support, The People’s Fresno explains what it means to choose a social equity brand or business:

“It means to pay homage to the folks who lived and died for this plant, and who passed along deep knowledge of the plant to the next generation … it means social and economic justice … giving those who’ve been disparately impacted by the War on Drugs an opportunity to build wealth for their families and communities.”

of our children’s future.   The longer we wait, the more we will realize that we are the ones killing us. - - -

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.


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Sweet Summer Treats that Beat the Heat

(Family Features) Whether your family’s ideal summer day consists of swimming, hiking, biking or simply enjoying the sunshine, all that time in the heat calls for a sweet way to cool off. It’s hard to beat a homemade treat loaded with favorite summertime flavors that’s as cold and creamy as it is sweet and delicious.

For a lighter, better-for-you solution, this Watermelon Gelato has about half the fat and fewer calories than traditional ice cream but with equally mouthwatering flavor. In fact, the word “gelato” means “ice cream” in Italian, and while the two frozen desserts have much in common, gelato is typically lower in fat with more density.

If you’re looking for an added touch of tastiness, try adding a few chocolate chips to the mix in the last few minutes of churning in your ice cream maker, or simply add some on top before serving.

When a summer weekend offers opportunities for morning kitchen lessons with the kiddos, they can help measure ingredients for Watermelon Ice Cream Bars and watch the magic happen as you mix up a watermelon curd, homemade crust and whipped cream. Once your creation freezes completely throughout the day, turn out and cut into bars for a cold afternoon treat following all that fun in the sun.

While sweet and tasty, these desserts also provide a bite of hydration with the power of watermelon, which is 92% water for a delicious way to rehydrate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, daily fluid intake is defined as the amount of water consumed from foods, plain drinking water and other beverages, meaning you don’t have to rely only on what you drink to meet your fluid needs.

Because what you eat also provides a significant portion of daily fluids, fruits

and vegetables like watermelon can help you and your family stay hydrated for whatever summer days bring your way.

Find more sweet summer recipe ideas at

2 tablespoons honey

1 pinch salt

4 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled basil leaves, for garnish

Whipped Cream:

In food processor, pulse graham crackers until rough crumbs form. Add honey, salt and melted butter; pulse until mixture resembles wet sand.

Line 8-by-8-inch pan with parchment paper then press graham cracker mixture into bottom of pan in even layer. Bake crust about 10 minutes, or until just beginning to brown. Allow crust to cool completely.

Watermelon Gelato

Servings: 8

2 cups pureed watermelon

1/2 cup sugar

1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 cup fat-free half-and-half

3 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 cup whipping cream

In blender, blend watermelon, sugar, cornstarch, half-and-half, lemon juice and whipping cream until smooth.

Using ice cream maker, process gelato according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Watermelon Ice Cream Bars

Servings: 8

Watermelon Curd:

3/4 cup watermelon juice

2 tablespoons lime juice

1/2 cup honey

1 pinch salt

3 eggs, lightly beaten

1/2 cup butter (1 stick), cut into small cubes


8 graham crackers, crushed

1 cup heavy whipping cream

To make watermelon curd: In medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine watermelon juice, lime juice, honey and salt. Stir to combine then add eggs. Place pan over medium heat and cook, adding cubed butter to pan and stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and coats back of wooden spoon. Immediately remove from heat and carefully pour through fine mesh sieve. Cool completely in refrigerator.

To make crust: Preheat oven to 350 F.

To make whipped cream: When crust and curd are completely cooled, in large bowl, whip cream until stiff peaks form.

Gently push cream to one side of bowl and pour in watermelon curd. Using spatula, gently fold cream and watermelon curd together until no streaks are visible. Pour creamy watermelon mixture over graham cracker crust. Freeze dessert completely, 4-6 hours or overnight.

When ready to serve, loosen sides with small spatula or butter knife. Turn out onto cutting board and use large spatula to flip so graham cracker crust is on bottom. Cut into eight bars and top each with basil leaf.

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Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio. Saturday, August 13th, 7pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multiacre walk-through installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Created to celebrate Paso Robles’ extensive wine country environs, Light Towers features 69 towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles, illuminated with glowing optic fibers whose colors change to a custom musical score.

Pottery Workshop hosted by Benessere Fresno. Wednesday, August 17th, 6pm. Benessere Fresno, 1057 R St, Fresno. A 3-part handbuilding workshop where you can build a few pieces, have them glazed and fired in a kiln. Creative, relaxing and fun! We will provide instruction and materials for projects or you can bring your own images and ideas for inspiration. Info: Visit www.benesserefresno. com/events


Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio, “SENSORIO GIVES BACK.” Sunday, August 21st, 7pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Created to celebrate Paso Robles’ extensive wine country environs, Light Towers features 69 towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles, illuminated with glowing optic fibers whose colors change to a custom musical score.

Paint and Sip. Friday, August 26th, 6:30pm. 3025 W Shaw Ave, #108, Fresno. Business Hub Paint will be a great event! We provide the canvas, paint, brushes and unlimited wine while we enjoy each other’s company and follow the instruction of our instructor. Come out and spend the evening with friends painting the night away


Costaki Economopoulos Headlines

DiCicco’s Old Town Clovis. Friday, August 12th, 7:30pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis.

Costaki Economopoulos For 20 years

Costaki has been living his dream as a full-time stand up comic.He has written jokes for Bette Midler, Jay Leno, MTV and BET.You may have seen him on Showtime, or heard him on Sirius, but you probably know him best from his regular appearances on the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom Radio Show.

Full Circle Brewing Presents: The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Sunday, August 14th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. We are excited to announce The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Come see some of the Central Valley’s brightest comedy stars, and many of it best up and comers, work out their new bits on stage. And maybe give that stand up dream a go yourself while you’re at it? If you need a few beers before you try it out, we got you there too.


Julian Aguilar Presents Saul Trujillo & Friends LI. Monday, August 15th, 7pm. Jocy’s Mexican Restaurant, 228 S 8th St, Fowler. Julian Aguilar Comedy Presents Saul Trujillo & Friends LIVE at Jocy’s Mexican Restaurant in Fowler

Playhouse Annual Gala Dinner Fundraiser. Saturday, August 20th, 6pm. Merced Women’s Club House, 707 W 22nd Street, Merced. Please join us at the historic Women’s Club in downtown Merced for a lively and lovely evening celebrating the Playhouse Merced’s ongoing success in bringing live theater to our community and fine arts and theater education to our community’s youth. Indulge in delicious light appetizers, a catered fine dining experience including dessert, no-host bar, silent dessert auction, and a live Swing band with singers from our Playhouse community for your dancing and entertainment. This evening, is sure to not disappoint!

Down the Black Hole Burlesque show 2. Saturday, August 20th, 9pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. D & J burlesque are collaborating with Full circle brewing to give you a great night out of fun enticing performance. An 18 + show! You can buy beer before or during the show. Doors open at 6pm. Seating at 8pm.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining Taylor Evans. Wednesday August 24th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Taylor Evans is a young, talented California comedian with a sly delivery and jokes that will sneak up on you and knock you out! Hailing from Turlock, California, Evans has spent years on the comedy circuit spinning boredom, racism and unemployment into gut-busting laughs.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Jay Rich. Friday, August 26th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Comedian Jay Rich is from the Oakland Bay Area. Moved upped the rankings in the local comedy scene winning competitions after competition leading him to touring the country with the late great Paul Mooney and now on his own coming to a stage near you with his witty stories and observations that amaze crowds from younger to older audiences.

Dana Turner’s 50 Years of Fabulous. Saturday, August 27th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. We’re celebrating the one and only Dana Turner’s 50th birthday with a night of comedy at Full Circle Brewery! The birthday girl will by joined by some of her closest friends and Fresno’s finest comedians for wild night of comedy. Don’t miss out!

Erik Power & The Fun Junkies present Summer Night Spectacular Comedy. Saturday, August 27th, 7pm. Persuasion Brewing, 500 7th St, Modesto. Modesto, You asked for a Saturday show, so we’re bringing you a saturday show!! Get ready for a fun filled night of brews and laughter at Persuasion Brewing! This show Stars the one and only Matt Gubser and features Marcus Peverill and Erik Power (as well as some special guests) Get Your tickets before theyre gone!

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining DeeDee Carbajal. Wednesday, August 31st, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Dee Dee Has opened for comedians such as Dj Sandhu, Anna Valuenzela, Corde Snell, and Quincy Weekley. Has performed in rooms through out California as well as the Laughing Stock Comedy Club. Dee Dee’s will have you laughing your ass off with her takes on life, love, relationships and family.

Tower Blendz Art Hop Open Mic Night. Thursday, September 1st, 5pm. Tower Blendz, 802 E Olive Ave, Fresno. If you have a talent (singing, musician, comedian, poet, spoken word, etc) Make sure you come out and sign up. Our Open mic runs from 5-8PM. Our open mic events are always family friendly and provide an open platform that welcomes all types of artists. We welcome and support all types of first-timers and experienced artists. Our host: We have the talented Apocalypse Phoenix as our special host for this event!

NOTE: This is a free event open to the community during Art Hop

Slice of Comedy Headlining Clay Newman. Friday, September 2nd, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. This smoky, joke slinging rabble rouser has been delighting audiences for years with his high energy and eclectic take on

this weird world we live in. His comedy career began as just another way for the long time theater nerd to get his stage fix, but he soon found that stand-up was his greatest passion and only actual skill. With his love for animals and mediocre editing prowess, you can see Clay any time on his YouTube series: The Zoo Review.

Central Valley Music Awards. Sunday, September 4th, 5pm. Orosi, 13851 rd 412, Orosi. 2nd Annual Central Valley Music Awards takes place Sept 4th awarding all genres, don’t miss out on the biggest event of the year.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining Ben Gonzalez. Wednesday, September 7th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Ben Gonzalez A licensed paramedic & father of 2, Ben Gonzalez has literally “seen it all”. Born in Los Angeles with 2 Parents who thought they were funny, Ben decided to be super shy & quiet his entire life. This led to a collective shock among everyone who knew him when he decided to try comedy. In a short time, he has built a reputation for sharp, quick jokes & observations, with a lot of punchlines.

The Night Fairy. Friday, September 9th, 7pm. Carnegie Arts Center, 250 N Broadway Ave, Turlock. What would happen to a fairy if she lost her wings and could no longer fly? The Night Fairy. Play by John Glore. Based on the novel by Laura Amy Schlitz. Directed by Laura Martinez. $8-12


Free Online Paint Nite For AdultsClovis. Thursday, August 11th, 5pm. Palak StudioInk, Online Art Classes, Clovis. This free painting class is open for all ages. You are welcome to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easier.

Second Saturday Marketplace. Saturday, August 13th, 1pm. 554 S Blackstone St, Tulare. Shop local with our vendor marketplace. Local artisans & food vendors will come together to offer their wares to the local community.

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM


Basic Photography. Tuesday, August 16th, 6:30pm. Horn Photo, 7899 N Blackstone, Villaggio Center, Fresno. This informative two-hour class will teach you the fundamentals of photography. It will give you the confidence to take your camera out of Auto Mode, and put it in Manual Mode. Manual Mode is where the photographic possibilities are endless, and where you can let your creativity take over!

Workshop: Content Creation for Social Media. Wednesday, August 24th, 6:30pm. CMAC, 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201, Fresno. This workshop will cover a variety of approaches to producing content for certain social media platforms. Learn how to uniquely record, edit and create multiple videos in order to garner attention from online audiences across certain platforms! Membership required.


Free Online Art Class For Kids & Teens - Clovis. Thursday, August 11th, 5pm. Palak StudioInk, Online Art Classes, Clovis. This free painting class is open for all ages. You are welcome to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easier. I have different versions of same painting so it suits all ages.

Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio, FAMILY NIGHT. Thursday, August 11th, 7pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Created to celebrate Paso Robles’ extensive wine country environs, Light Towers features 69 towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles, illuminated with glowing optic fibers whose colors change to a custom musical score.

Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLYER.COM

Family Fridays - Family Bingo Night and Lantern Launch. Friday, August 12th, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 North Bishop Ave, Fresno. Enjoy an evening of trivia games, questions for kids and adults, with $$ envelopes for winners under 21 and wine for winners over 21. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors in the country, share a bottle of wine or sangria while the kids enjoy the playground and country evenings. Fresno County Astronomers will bring their telescopes for our guests to enjoy star gazing.

Mono Lake Canoe Tours. Saturday, August 13th, 8am. Mono Lake, South Tufa, Lee Vining. Discover bubbling springs, alkali flies, brine shrimp, underwater tufa towers, migrating birds, and crystalline waters, all from the unique vantage point of a canoe. Guided canoe tours provide a unique look into the ecology and geology of this high desert lake. No canoe experience is necessary and we provide all the equipment. Our experienced canoe guides will share with you some of Mono Lake’s unusual natural history as well as the story about efforts to protect this nearly millionyear-old lake.

Family Paint Party. Wednesday, August 17th, 6pm. 2.0 Coffee Shop, 1570 W Olive Ave, Unit C, Porterville. Grab the kids and unleash your inner artist at the Original Paint Nite. You’ll all go from a blank canvas to a masterpiece of your own, with plenty of laughs along the way. You and the kids will love what your create, and how much fun you have doing it. No experience needed. Come early and grab some snacks!

Family Fridays - Polynisian Dance with Halau Hula I Ka La. Friday, August 19th, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 North Bishop Ave, Fresno. Enjoy an evening with the eautiful art of Hula performed by dancers from Halau Hula I Ka La, along with family craft of paper lei making. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors in the country, share a bottle of wine or sangria while the kids enjoy the playground and country evenings.

Camp Riverdance for the Littles. Saturday, August 20th, 9am. Riverdance Farms Gate, 12230 Livingston Cressey Rd, Livingston. Let’s get your little ones outdoors and onto the

farm! We are pleased to announce Riverdance Nature Learning center’s Camp Riverdance for the Littles. This one-day camp will run on August 20th. from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Children ages 3 - 6 years will have the opportunity to learn through nature and the world around them through STEAM activities and hands-on nature-based learning.

Family Fridays - Music from Natural Bridge. Friday, August 26th, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 North Bishop Ave, Fresno. Enjoy an evening of great classic rock & roll music from Natural Bridge. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors in the country, share a bottle of wine or sangria while the kids enjoy the playground and country evenings.

August Card, Anime, Coin and Comics. Saturday, August 27th, 9am. Wyndham Event Center, 9000 W Airport Dr, Visalia. 300+ Tables of Trading Cards, Anime items, Coins, Comics and Memorabilia of all kinds. We have a growing list of signors coming. As well as a live performance from the Motown Legend band The Notations!!! This is the Valley’s Premier Card Show!

Family Fridays - Family Bingo and Floating Lanterns. Friday, September 2nd, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. An evening playing bingo with adult and kid prizes, culminating with the launching of beautiful floating lanterns. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors in the country, share a bottle of wine or sangria while the kids enjoy the playground and country evenings.

Family Fridays - Music from Marigold. Friday, September 9th, 6pm. Moravia Wines & Event Venue, 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Great music from local favorite band Marigold, sharing 70’s and 80’s rock & roll music. Great event for the whole family. Enjoy an evening outdoors in the country, share a bottle of wine or sangria while the kids enjoy the playground and country evenings.

Food Trucks at Gazebo Gardens. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 5-9pm. Gazebo Gardens. 3204 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. Plant nursery by day and food truck community by


Children’s Musical Theaterworks, of Fresno, CA, Brings Valley audiences the wildly successful Disney's High School Musical 2! The kids are back with another adventure with everyone's favorite Wildcats!

Disney's High School Musical 2 debuted on the Disney Channel to a record-breaking audience of 17.3 million viewers. The stage version debuted at Atlanta's Theatre of the Stars and has subsequently been released for licensed productions at hundreds of eager venues worldwide.

On the last day of junior year, the East High gang can't wait

to get the summer started – they're ready for summer jobs, money for college and to have fun. To that end, Troy gets them all jobs at Lava Springs Country Club – which happens to be owned by popular girl, Sharpay's, father! While Sharpay schemes to steal Troy's heart from Gabriella, her brother, Ryan, hopes to win the Star Dazzle Award. Everything comes to a head at the talent show, where the group has to remember their motto: "All for one, and one for all."

Tickets, show dates and time and pricing can be found at



night. Complete with a beer garden and live music, grab some grub from the sampling of food trucks Thursday through Saturday evenings. Spend quality time with the family to stop and smell the roses--and don’t forget to snap a photo with the giant garden gnome!

Vineyard Farmers Marker. Every Wednesday, 3-6pm and every Saturday, 7am-Noon. 100 W. Shaw Ave., Fresno.

River Park Farmers Market. Every Tuesday, 5-9pm and every Saturday, 10am-2pm. 220 Paseo Del Centro, Fresno.

Clovis Old Town Farmers’ Market. Every Saturday, 9:00am-11:30am. Old Town Clovis on Pollasky between 5th & Bullard.


What-A-Drag Wrestling One Year Anniversary Show. Saturday, August 13th, 6pm. WAD WRESTLING ARENA, 2972 S Elm Ave, Fresno. On August 13th Fresno, is going to be Sunny and 2 Fly when WAD Wresting returns for our 1st Anniversary! Every match on this show could be The main event match anywhere else!!! This is not a show you want to miss! $25 and $10 children 13 & under.

559 Fights 89. Saturday, August 13th, 6pm. Visalia Rawhide Baseball Club, 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. 559 Fights is back with live MMA and Grappling action Saturday, August 13. Doors open at 6pm, first fight starts at 7. Fight card subject to change. amateur-mma-events/E1405/559Fights-899

BoTW Presents: Summer Sizzler. Saturday, August 20th, 6pm. BotW Studios, 5766 E Fountain Way, Suite 101, Fresno. Best of The West returns to Fresno with another huge event on Aug 20th! Already Announced: Funnybone vs Sledge The debut of Tracy Grace New Heavyweight Champion Niko defends his title against the man he defeated, Johnny Butabi! New Womens Champion Christina Von Eerie will be in action! Much Much more!

Blacklist Pro Wrestling Presents

K-5 Volume 1. Sunday, August 21st, 5pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Blacklist Pro Wrestling presents K-5 VOLUME 1. At Strummers in Fresno CA, August 21st Doors 5PM Bell Time 5:30PM Tickets are only $20 and Free Admission for our Active Military/Veterans

Valley Fight Series 9. Saturday, August 27th, 6pm. The Wakehouse, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. Valley Fight Series is back at the Wakehouse in Reedley Ca Aug 27th! Come out to an awesome night of fights ,featuring 4 MMA Title fights and 3 grappling title matches! Come experience VFS... We Just Hit Different! Mia Mei will be performing Live. Also, live commentary by former UFC fighter Jason Von Flue! Other special guests to be announced!


SHE WANTS REVENGE, D’Arcy, Fearing. Friday, August 12th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. presented by

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Three & the Machine. Sunday, August 14th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center. 300 S Court St. Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, August 14th, from 3-6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes ARTIST for a night of entertaining


NASCAR ALOE - United We Fall with special guests Death Proof. Sunday, August 14th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by

Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLYER.COM

Bass Lake Live - Dinner & Music (Night Heat). Thursday, August 18th, 6:30pm. The Pines Resort, 54432 Road 432, Bass Lake. Celebrate Summer at Bass Lake! Come enjoy the sight and sounds of Bass Lake! Join us for a lakefront dinner and music, held at lakefront Gazebo Deck. Live Music by: Night Heat. Night Heat plays all of your favorite classic & modern rock with passion & excitement!

AJ Lee & The Blue Summit. Thursday, August 18th, 7pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. AJ Lee and Blue Summit made their first appearance in Santa Cruz in 2015. Led by singer, songwriter, and mandolinist, AJ Lee, the bluegrass band has performed all over the world, but finds home in California’s Bay Area. In 2019, they released their debut album, Like I Used To. Their second full length project, I’ll Come Back, came out August 2021 - with national touring in support of the record ongoing.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Matthew Bailey. Friday, August 19th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center. 300 S Court St. Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, August 19th, from 6-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Matthew Bailey for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Celebrate Every Note Concert Series - An Evening with Hope Garcia. Friday, August 19th, 6pm. 117 S Locust St, Visalia. Join us for an incredible and inspiring night as we have “An Evening with Hope Garcia”! You won’t want to miss her unbelievable musical talents! Tickets available on Eventbrite and at Center for Spiritual Living.

Sumer Sun Party. Friday, August 19th, 7pm. 3666 N Valentine Ave, Fresno. House, Tech House, and Techno. Featuring DJ Edoo, DJ Dee James, DJ Gio Bilzerian, and DJ J Smooth. Tickets $15

Bottom of the Valley Presents Sloome, Mediocre Cafe & Victor Gamez. Friday, August 19th, 7pm. Carnegie Arts Center, 250 N Broadway Ave, Turlock. In collaboration with CAC, Bottom of the Valley presents its very first show with a night of live music, vendors, food & drinks! To start the night off we have Victor Gamez, all the way out from Chicago. Up

next, making the short hop from Sacramento, we’ll hear Mediocre Café play their sweet tunes. And to end the night, Sloome will be bringing down the house. You surely won’t want to miss it! $15 Entry; CAC Members $10

The No Filter Music Fest 2K22. Saturday, August 20th, 2pm. Merced Multicultural Arts Center, 645 West Main St, Merced. The No Filter Music Fest 2K22 presented by Real One Radio Featuring Trav Murray, Slow Burn Crew, Nic, The Underdawgs & more.

La Raza MC 13th Anniversary Annual Event. Saturday, August 20th, 4pm. Visalia Convention Center, 303 East Acequia Ave, Visalia. La Raza MC 13th Anniversary Concert. Featuring Trish Toledo. 18 + event

EMO TRAP NIGHT 9 with Blade Exe. Saturday, August 20th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. ETN Volume 9! This wild and festive theme night dedicated to Emo-Trap-Soundcloud-Underground Hip Hop sells out every time. So get tickets early. Blade will be premiering the music video for his single Bad Luck. Portion of proceeds will be donated to a suicide prevention & mental health awareness charity.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Tina Marie. Sunday, August 21st, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center. 300 S Court St. Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, August 21st, from 3-6pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Tina Marie for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Upon a Burning Body. Sunday, August 21st, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Upon a Burning Body Signs of the Swarm Vulvodynia Decayer 1 TBA All ages / $20 ADV / $25 DOS

IZAAK OPATZ + Austin Leonard Jones at The Grove House. Wednesday, August 24th, 6pm. The Grove House, 4993 5TH St, Mariposa. Izaak Opatz brings the whole band back to Mariposa for a special evening. Izaak Opatz is an ungulate in life’s winter pasture, chewing on and metabolizing disappointment, heartbreak, and the other tough stuff into enjoyable musical carbohydrates.


JSP X PLEASURE PACK. Thursday, August 25th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by

EBK YOUNG JOC, EBK BCKDOE & FRIENDS. Friday, August 26th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewry, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. EBK YOUNG JOC, EBK BCKDOE & FRIENDS will be performing LIVE in Fresno, CA. OFFICIAL AFTER-PARTY will be announced. Tickets $15-75.

Summer Vibes. Friday, August 26th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. The Most Epic College Party Returns! Come party with Teezy Radio, DJ Burns, & Fresno NAK at Strummer’s Strictly 18+ with Valid ID

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Karri Henry. Saturday, August 27th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center.

300 S Court St. Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, August 27th, from 6-9pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Karri Henry for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Jesse Daniel. Wednesday, August 31st, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


The Expendables at The Wakehouse. Saturday, September 3rd, 6:30pm. The Wakehouse, 850 Kings River Rd, Reedley. The Expendables LIVE at The Wakehouse in Reedley California with Mah’ Op, MKC & More Than Without. All Ages | Doors at 6:30pm.

Lil Bean and Zaybang Live. Saturday, September 3rd, 7pm. Full Circle Brewing Co, 712 Fulton St, Fresno.

Lil Bean and Zaybang Live in Fresno! Meet and greet will take place @6pm. Tickets $25-95.

Snuffed On Sight. Sunday, September 4th, 7pm. 160 M St, Fresno. RAD

Music presents: Snuffed on Sight(Bay Area Dummy Death Metal) Ugly

Bones(Oakland) Sunday September 4th 2022 | 7pm | All Ages | $8 // $10

Richie Ramone. Tuesday, September 6th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Richie Ramone Go Betty Go More TBA! All Ages / $17 Adv / $20 Dos

Diggin’ Dirt -The Grove House 5 year Anniversary party. Thursday September 8th, 7pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. Come join The Grove House in celebrating 5 years of being open. Diggin’ Dirt will be joining us for the event. This seven-piece band emerging from behind the redwood curtain in Humboldt County, California is skyrocketing

through the west coast music scene. Shoveling out their own path, and consistently wowing audiences and filling concert venues, Diggin Dirt is no ordinary funk and soul band.

21 and Over

Cumbia Bass con La Mackina. Friday, August 12th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Fresno’s favorite Cumbia Dance Party Cumbia Bass con special guest Fresno’s own Grupo La Mackina performing live at

Fulton 55 in downtown Fresno! 21+ 2 floors of dancing / Tacos / full bar / art / Cumbia fun!

American Made Concerts Presents Heavy 4/70’s. Saturday, August 13th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. American Made Concerts Presents Heavy 4/70’s with special guests RISE. A four band salute/tribute to Aerosmith, UFO, Montrose and Thin Lizzy is the engine that fuels the bands energy which completely dominate their explosive live shows. Tickets $15-20. 21+


Mint w/ Cam Girl. Saturday, August 13th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Cam Girl returns to Fresno to headline Mint on Saturday August 13th! Tickets $10-275.

Foam Party. Saturday, August 13th, 9pm. Ravello’s Restaurant - High Dive Bar, 560 W 18th St, Merced. Come enjoy some fun in the foam, along with great music, great drinks, food, dancing, and good times!

POP NIGHT. Saturday, August 13th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. presented by Tickets $5


Brad Jaurique: The Man Behind the Music

September is almost here, and that means the annual Berner concert at Fresno’s Chukchansi Park is less than a month away. At last year’s concert, the Cookies founder was joined by Bay Area legend E-40, NWA’s DJ Yella, and Lil Eazy E, son of NWA founder Eric “Eazy E” Wright. But before the sold-out crowd could even finish making their way out of the downtown stadium, Brad Jaurique was already thinking about the next event on his calendar.

For over 12 years, Brad Jaurique has been bringing some of the hottest R&B and Hip Hop stars to Fresno. Born and raised in Fresno, Jaurique takes pride in the city he calls home. But, for Jaurique, bringing big-name national acts to town is more than just his business; it’s a way for him to give back to the community and the culture that made it all possible.

Chukchansi Park is where Brad Jaurique Promotions began. In 2010, Jaurique met fellow Fresnan and 90’s R&B star Timmy T, who introduced him to Rick Mirigian. Mirigian was managing the career of boxer Jose Ramirez and was in Fresno promoting a new nightclub called “The Penthouse,” located in the 600 club at Grizzly Stadium. Mirigian gave Jaurique his start in the business, promoting events at The Penthouse. Soon, Mirigian let Jaurique start booking his own events every Friday night. Mirigian mentored Jaurique and taught him the ins and outs of promotion and booking events. Together they produced several concerts, events, and afterparties for the nightclub.

The Penthouse closed its doors in 2011, and Jaurique began working with Club Rome. There, he continued to promote concerts and events, bringing in big-name acts including Too Short, E-40, Baby Bash, Jo Koy, 112, and more. Jaurique also promoted independent events at Fresno’s Woodward Park, Warnors Theater, and several small clubs in

Tulare and Visalia.

In 2013, the City of Fresno approached Jaurique to help them put together a plan to attract marquee promoters from all over the country to bring A-list entertainment to the Selland Arena, Save Mart Center, and local tribal casinos like the Tachi Palace. Jaurique helped put together lineups, design marketing campaigns, and run production. His hard work would lead

brought Latin Hip Hop legends

A Lighter Shade of Brown to Tioga Sequoia Brewer There, he was given the honor of presenting the group with a proclamation from the city, naming the date of the concert as “Lighter Shade of Brown Day.”

Jaurique followed that up by promoting two of the highest-at-

Jaurique’s next concert will be the annual Berner concert at Chukchansi Park. This year, the Cookies CEO and Forbes richest legal cannabis mogul will be joined by another Bay Area icon, Too Short, along with legendary rapper/producer DJ Quik. Nhale - the son of legendary Death Row Records artist, the late Nate Dogg - will open the show along with rapper and Cookies co-founder, Stinje. Also on the

in a smaller market makes selling out concerts more difficult. Additionally, Los Angeles and the Bay Area are popular tourist spots, meaning concertgoers are more likely to travel to see shows there and then stay to visit other attractions. Most Fresno concert attendees live locally, go to see the show, and then go back home afterward. Fewer people are willing to travel to Fresno just to see a show and nothing else means that selling out shows here is much harder to do, except for superstar acts like Drake, Kanye, or Chris Stapleton.

Jaurique isn’t discouraged, however. Rather than chase the easy money by moving to one of the big market cities, Jaurique chooses to stay loyal to his city and the people who have supported him his entire career.

“I’m always working with promoters, managers, and record labels to bring big name acts to Fresno,” Jaurique explains.

to a job running promotions for the Tachi Palace from 2016 to 2019. There, Jaurique produced everything from the annual car show, to a Selena tribute concert, to the popular “Ladies Night Out” concert series.

The COVID pandemic brought the entertainment world to a screeching halt less than a year later. As a result, Jaurique couldn’t produce another concert until 2021. During that time, Jaurique reflected on his Downtown Fresno roots and wanted to focus the next chapter of his career on the place and the people where it all began. So, in July 2021, Jaurique again partnered with Chukchansi Park to host a stop on Snow Tha Product’s US Tour. The show not only sold out, but it was also the biggest turnout of the entire tour. A month later, Jaurique

tended shows at the 2021 Big Fresno Fair: “Ladies Night Out,” featuring Bell Biv Devoe and Mya, and Kumbia Kings with Chris Perez. Then, in October, Jaurique closed the year by bringing Ginuwine to headline the Fresno Grizzlies’ “Taco Truck Throwdown.”

Brad Jaurique Promotions kicked off 2022 with a bang, promoting another hugely successful “Ladies Night Out” concert. This time, fans packed the Save Mart Center to see Keith Sweat, 112, Frankie J, Amanda Perez, and Soul for Real rock the house. Jaurique followed that up with the June “Latin Legends” concert that he produced along with rap mogul and Death Row Records CEO Snoop Dogg.

lineup will be three bouts from the “Chin Check” slap fighting championship.

In 2014, when Jaurique first brought Berner to Fresno’s Woodward Park, the concertdubbed the “Fresno Smokeout” stirred up a lot of controversy among concerned moms. Much has changed in the cannabis industry and the city since then. Berner’s 2021 concert went on without any protest. As Fresno’s first batch of recreational cannabis dispensaries begins to open, Jaurique is optimistic that this year’s concert will be equally trouble-free.

Promoting shows in Fresno presents challenges that separate it from California’s big markets of Los Angeles and the Bay Area. Being

Jaurique will be ringing in the fall season with two shows at this year’s Big Fresno Fair. The first is another “Ladies Night Out” concert featuring Ashanti and Baby Bash. The second is “Cruising the Souldies,” featuring Russell Thompkins and the New Stylistics, along with Cota, hosted by Danny Trejo. Closing out the year will be some big surprises that Jaurique plans to share as soon as the details are finalized.

Looking for ward to 2023, Jaurique teases “exciting things” that will be announced soon.

“ We really need Fresno and the Central Valley to continue supporting us so that we can keep bringing bigger and bigger shows of all genres to our city,” Jaurique says. “It’s their loyalty and support that has made all of this possible, and the best is yet to come.”

For more information about upcoming concerts and events, follow Brad Jaurique Promotions. Facebook: Brad Jaurique Promotions and IG: @bradjauriquepromotions


Hot Summer Nights With DJ JEUCE BOX. Saturday, August 13th, 10pm. Switch Lounge and Nightclub, 5665 N Blackstone Ave, #110, Fresno. Hot Summer nights with Dj Jeuce Box 18+ to Party 21+ to Drink Full Bar/ late bite For bottle service VIP booth. Meet New People (20s - 30s). Saturday, August 13th, 10pm. Aldo’s Nightclub & Restaurant, 617 W Belmont Ave, Fresno. Are you single and looking for love or meet new people?

Do you want to try a fresh approach to dating, make new friends or meet new people? We would love to have you! Every Saturday, we choose a bar to party, drink and socialize. We invite you to join us! We’re seeking open and energetic individuals willing to join our app or party with us.

Spygenius, Blake Jones, Third Rail Power Trip, Guy Beard & the LW Romeos. Sunday, August 14th, 5:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Fulton 55 Presents: Spygenius, Blake Jones, Third Rail Power Trip, Guy Beard and the Lunch Wagon Romeos. Help us welcome in from the UK Big Stir recording artist Spygenius. Spygenius were forged from genetic material recovered from blocks of amber dug from a Patagonian slate mine. Local artists Blake Jones , Third Rail Power Trip and Guy Beard and the Lunch Wagon Romeos round out the bill!

ExPorter No Brakes Tour. Wednesday, August 17th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Santa Barbra Alt-Rock band exPorter hits the road on their No Brakes tour and joins us at Strummer’s for a free show Wednesday August 17th! Performing with local favs: Mindless Society, Blk Sage, & Blazed.

KISS Country $5 Summer Concert Series featuring Easton Corbin. Thursday, August 18th, 6:45pm. Rotary Ampitheater at Woodward Park, 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. The 93.7 KISS Country $5 Summer Concert Series presented by Michelob Ultra returns Thursday, August 18, 2022 at Rotary Amphitheatre at Woodward Park in Fresno. This is a general admission show. You must be 21 years or older to attend. No outside food or beverage allowed. Gates open at 5:00pm. Show begins at 6:45pm. Scheduled to perform: Easton Corbin, Caitlyn Smith, Jackson Dean & John Pemberton

NOCHE DE VERANO SIN TI - Celebración de Bad Bunny! Friday, August 19th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. ‘NOCHE DE VERANO SIN

TI’ is a dance party for fans of Bad Bunny. We play the best of his music all night long.

Y2K NIGHT. Friday, August 19th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. From the team that bring you our infamous 90s Night comes Y2K Night! 2 rooms of music & visuals from the early 2000s. Free photo booth with prints, giveaways, 2000s inspired dress encouraged.

Sick Little Monkeys, Splendid and more at Fulton 55. Saturday, August 20th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Join us for a reunion show featuring Sick Little Monkeys, Splendid and more. Tickets $10.

Foam Wonderland Afterparty w/ Tsu Nami. Saturday, August 20th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Register for free tickets to see Tsu Nami at the Official Foam Wonderland Afterparty. Must be 21+ and show Foam Wonderland ticket at entrance.

Ted Nunes & Richfield, The Appletons and Gilbert Louie Ray at Fulton 55. Thursday, August 25th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Ted Nunes and Richfield bring their blend of Northern and Southern California musical influences, delicately merged with the sound of Central Valley’s Dustbowl transplants to Fulton 55, Thursday, August 25. Special Guests Bakersfields’ own The Appletons bring their country sounds with an opening set from Gilbert Louie Ray. Tickets available at, Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

LMC Presents Freak On. Friday, August 26th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Where FREAK ON goes, the party follows. The LAbased producer and Portland native has quickly made a name for himself through his distinct take on driving, tech house originals mixed with his unique original vocal hooks. Blending an assortment of dance and hip hop influences into his unmistakable style, FREAK ON dares to be different and leads the way to the nearest function with his instinctual groove.

Mint 1 Year Anniversary w/ Bingo Players. Friday, August 26th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Bingo Players returns to Fresno to celebrate Mint’s 1 Year Anniversary!

Summer Gathering. Saturday, August 27th, 12pm. 9333 E Belmont Ave, Sanger. EDM Pool Party hosted by Rising Phoenix and RookieX Entertainment. Bring your shorts and bikinis. This is a 18+ event. Bring good vibes, swim, and dance the entire day till midnight. No drugs allowed. Full bar - 21+ with ID to drink. Full *Security* staff. No *INS or OUTS*.

Young Dro - PLATINUM ATL - 21+ Event - West Coast Shoulder Lean Route. Saturday, August 27th, 6pm. China’s Alley, 170 North Sweetbriar Ave, Lindsay. Young Dro Platinum Artist signed by T.I’s Grand Hustle Record Label will be performing live at China’s Alley while on his Cali an’ Dro Route.

Movie Under the Stars. Friday, August 27th, 7pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum, 175 E Tenth St, Hanford. Enjoy an adult relaxing movie night at the Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum. Join us under the stars to watch Grease at the celebration garden. Encouraged to wear your Grease theme costume. There will be movie snacks, dinner, and a no-host bar. Ticekts are available online or register at the garden office. Tickets are $30 per person for ages 21+ and over.

Grand Hustle’s YOUNG DRO performing At SWITCH. Saturday, August 27th, 10pm. Switch Lounge and Nightclub, 5665 N Blackstone Ave, #110, Fresno. Grand Hustle’s Young Dro performing at Switch Music by Dj Gbeats 18+ to party 21+ to Drink

Girls Night Out the Show at La Maison Kabob. Monday, August 29th, 8pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. “Girls Night Out The Show” is an intensely exciting Sex God, Ab Party, that will drive you absolutely the best possible way of course! The Show is a Whirlwind of Sexy Goodness as these ripped Adonis Men bring down the house with a Man-tastic Night of Fun & Excitement. Get ready for the BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER! You will meet your party match with “GIRLS NIGHT OUT THE SHOW”!

Girls Night Out the Show at The Udder Place. Wednesday, August 31st, 8pm. The Udder Place, 110 W Main St, Turlock. “Girls Night Out The Show” is an intensely exciting Sex God, Ab Party, that will drive you absolutely the best possible way of course! The Show is a Whirlwind of Sexy Goodness as these ripped Adonis Men bring down the house with a Man-tastic Night of Fun & Excitement. Get ready for the BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER! Whether you’re celebrating a Birthday, Bachelorette Party, Divorce, Dirty Thirty or your Sheer Awesome Self; You will meet your party match with “GIRLS NIGHT OUT THE SHOW”!

Scott Gallegos Fundraiser. Friday, September 2nd, 5pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. As most of you know, the Gallegos family recently experienced a tragedy. This is a day to gather and remember Scott in the most appropriate fashion I can think of...a fat show. Lets celebrate, and do what we can to raise money for his family in times of need. Thanks to anyone who has helped make this show possible including everyone showing up to support!

Audies Olympic Presents: HERWAY TO HELL - The Female AC/DC. Saturday, September 3rd, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Audie’s Olympic Presents: HERWAY TO HELLTHE FEMALE AC/DC. w/ special guest MANTIS WATCH. 8pm Doors 21+

RAW, Rise to Power & Carlos Perez and his Bruno Mars Show, Sunday, September 4th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. RAW, Rise to Power & Carlos Perez and his Bruno Mars Show Sunday, Sept. 4. Doors at 6, Show at 7. Tickets available at www., Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

Shiba San at Fulton 55. Friday, September 9th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. All Day All Night + LMC are teaming up again to bring SHIBA SAN to Fulton 55 in fresno on Friday, September 9th. The last time he played Fulton it was absolute madness! We can’t wait for round 2. Support by FS, Maj, J Maxx b2b Dj One Bite

Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLYER.COM

21 +
16 | AUGUST 2022 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM | FRESNO FLYER Get the Flyer in your mailbox every month. SUBSCRIBE TODAY Name: Address: $ 35 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR subscription form City: Zip: Phone: Email: CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY *For your security, please do not mail your credit card information. We will call you to complete the order. PAYMENT METHOD: CHECK or MO #: Mail To: FRESNO FLYER P.O. Box 4582 Fresno CA, 93744 Money Order Check Credit / Debit Answers to last issue’s puzzles




SOLID WOOD cabinet for displaying $250 (559) 577-0295


Wedding Box $50 16” diameter. Price is firm.

Thanks! 470-8091 text please


Scoop - $30 Measures 12” long. Price is firm. Thanks!

470-8091 text please

ANTIQUE buffet/ sideboard/credenzaUse good condition sturdy normal tear and wear $250 (559) 4337324


KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484


$300 with Warranty (Fowler) (559) 6668065

OSTER countertop oven and air fryer with large 3.7L capacity, brand new in open box, $100, txt559-8698268.


Frontload (Electric) Dryer in great working condition with Warranty included for an unbeatable price $260. Call/text me if interested 5597219845. It’s a ultra capacity and energy star efficiency. Must see. Can deliver if needed.

THOMSON refrigerator 7.5 cu asking 150 pick up only (559) 4673562

AC WORKS great almost new.. works fine. Mobil portable 110 volts..n electronics mode on-off. save energy mode 6615250672 text or calls after 3 pm or 10 am


2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock except for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basically brand

KAWASAKI kfx 90 quad for sale. Runs great, no issues and just had it serviced. kids don’t use it. This quad is not registered due to it was only ridden on my property. As you can tell it really only needs a new seat and other than that, it’s great. $1,200 (559) 392-8466

OEM TINTED half windshield Canam maverick x3 New, Used on 1 trip due to full windshield on back order. Excellent condition and works well. Easy install, perfect fit New 350$ asking $300 (559) 760-9023


TREK GIRLS bike$95 Great condition. For children 6-10 or so. My daughter grew out of it, otherwise it’s been good. 559-5799390

NISHIKI Medalist Road Bike - $195 12

Speeds 27” Quick release tires 23”/58cm Frame size Stand over height is 33” Rear rack Made in Japan Clean and in excellent condition ready to ride. Please call 559-2614680 if interested.

BMX FS NEXT 20”$50 Selling a used in excellent condition fs Next Chaos 20” BMX bike. Freestyle. Ready to ride. 50 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216.


2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call (559) 5318683 $5800

2007 NISSAN ALTIMA 147k miles a/c heater work great tagged till jan2023 and smog on hand clean title inside very clean runs real smooth good tires askin $4800obo let me know come take a look at it very reliable car it’s like a 2 tone color looks blue then with sun turns charcoal grey not sure but very nice color $4,800 (Parlier)


2005 HYUNDAI Accent for $4,200. Clean title, Passed smog today, February 2023 tag, 190k miles, Runs great, Good on gas, 33 MPG, Cold air conditioning, Oil change 5-14-2022, Bluetooth stereo, New tires. I’m easy to contact so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me 559.260.8433. For your safety and mine, I will be meeting any interested buyers in the parking lot at the Fresno police department at Cedar and Teague. There is a designated area for safe transactions.

SELLING something

List it here

2003 TOYOTA Camry

$2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California ap proved. 559-458-1056

94 TOYOTA Camry station wagon - $2,800 (Merced) Runs and drives great clean ti tle in hand all original everything works cold AC very clean inside no pets or smoking is a V6 automatic great on gas very neat and fun car for summer only selling because bought a new truck and don’t use it anymore just sits asking $2,800 or best offer 209 504 4771




mower, 5 blade and 20 in wide $250Charles 292-8134

THE WOODYard Firewood (559)9068983 We are selling green split firewood for only $40 per bin. Eucalyptus, Almond, Pines, and more. It’s green but now is the time to buy and get the best deal. Call us today. We deliver

TORO 22inch recycler self propelled lawn mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything works. $150. (559)3555533

FURNITURE BEDROOM or Living Room Tables with Drawers Both for $35 Text call 559-207-0589

SELLING something

List it here




leather - $350 L shape leather sectional some wear and tear 125x90 height 33. Call or txt



Desk $100 29 x 42 x 29 tall 559-776-5257

TALL BREAKFAST table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024

55 GALLON metal barrels. Food GRADE. Lids included. $12 each. (559) 287-9304


2013 Honda pcx150 scooter to sell. It has only 4183 miles on it and it is in show room condition. Can carry two people with weight limit. Liquid cooled. Fuel injected. CASH ONLY $2500 please text (559) 706 8888

GARAGE kept and covered 1978 Kawasaki KE175 for 3,500 obo. It has 3,800 miles on it and is in excellent condition. The paint is flawless and looks like it just came from the dealership new, seat is also in excellent condition. This is a street legal 2 stroke and runs great, I have it reg-


istered under non-op status because it is too nice in my opinion to ride and it has a clean title with the original blue and yellow plates from the 70s. Call or text 6613694929


WOOD Workbench on Wheels with Vise $75 cash! Call 559 341 2575

2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 341 2575

2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

LOW-HOUR (26.5)

2018.5 KTM 450SX-

F. The bike is basically stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and everything OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratches here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559-246-8965 $8500 OBO.


Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind!

Call Call 559 341 2575

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash!

Call 559 341 2575

KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484


FENDER SQUIRE statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case

- Brand New! - $120

Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888

VINTAGE DRUM set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. phone calls only. 831-601-0915


NICE MCLANE mower, 5 blade and 20 in wide $250Charles 292-8134

2003 TOYOTA Camry $2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. 559-4581056

2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call 531-8683


table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024


2003 fleetwood pioneer 23ft travel trailer rv - $6,900 559-581-5 0 8 3

PIONEER 18’ Camp Trailer - $12,500 “Like New” Fully Self Contained, Dual Axle/New Tires, SLEEPS SIX, Air Conditioner & Heater, Full Solar Power, Shade Kit, Antennae Stereo, Microwave (559) 287-5664

1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse

Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230

2000 mallard 24 ft

Model# 24J Everything works No leaks

Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed New tires Registration $9200 559-214-9352


GOLF CLUB starter Sets $35 Each 559 519-4648

TENNIS Racquets

$20 each Call 559 5194648

LEEDOM Snowboard

Helmet XL call 559 519-4648

ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interested call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648

NEW TENNIS bag with back pack carrying straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. Price is firm. Thanks! $40 470-8091 text please

PSE Nighthawk Recurve Bow. Great condition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762

GOLD’S GYM elliptical excellent condition has fan and heart monitor. $200 559-213-6452


1999 FORD ranger ext cab 1 owner 1999 Ford Ranger ext cab v6 3.0 5speed cold ac clean title 150.000 miles tags good just smog runs great no issues $4900 (559)724-0738

2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call (559) 5318683 $5800

18 | AUGUST 2022 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM | SELLING something List it here SELLING something List it here SELLING something List it here info@ Turning something old, into something new Help our RECYCLING DREAM become a reality by always recycling your CRV BOTTLES & CANS. 621-1111

Prorooter & SePtic 24/7 Emergency Services - Free Estimates. 10% OFF when you mention this ad. Serving the Central Valley Tulare (559) 931-2099 Hanford/Lemoore

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APPliAnce rePAir Washer/Dryer/Refrigerator/Oven/ Stove starting at $60 repair cost + parts. Over 5 years experience, licensed and insured. Feel free to give me a call or text

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oPtometry Bring in your RX and we’ll do the rest. Unique Optique (559) 298-8262

Flooring Valley Remnants & Rolls. Carpet, wood, laminate, vinyl (559)445-0206

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UPholStery Automotive, boats, RVS, custom furniture and more (559) 445-0019 jcolin.

Pool tABleS Service Repair & Accessories. Ping pong, fooseball, air hockey and darts.

Pool Tables R US (559) 495-1042

19 | FRESNOFLYER.COM | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNO FLYER | AUGUST 2022 | Marketplace 25% OFF FOR SENIORS 55 AND OLDER 25% OFF FOR MILITARY & VETERANS 25% OFF FOR TEACHERS & COLLEGE STUDENTS TUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY 30% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE Back to School! THRIFT STORES 115 SHAW AVE. IN CLOVIS! OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM Monday - Saturday EVERY WEEK! White tag items are excluded. One coupon per person, per day. Must surrender at the time of purchase. Discount off the subtotal, before taxes. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photo-copies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 8/31/22. CASHIER USE: FF30

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