Fresno Flyer Vol 6 No 2

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EDITOR’S NOTE Cannabis legalization has been a long hard road to fruition, and many feel that since cannabis advocates have won, the work is now over. However, I argue that a new fight has emerged, and the grind is far from over. The legalization of commercial cannabis has brought with it a brand new gold rush - a “green” rush if you will. For the first time in roughly 100 years or more, the average person has a chance to create generational wealth purely by becoming a part of this new market. Be it a grower, manufacturer, or retail store - each type of cannabis business has an enormous potential to build real wealth. And unlike other industries, the market has yet to have been carved out by a few powerful corporations who dominate and control access to its prosperity. But that will quickly change if we don’t keep careful watch over its development. It’s the Wild West out there. Everyone is making a mad dash to stake their claim in the legal cannabis world. And because it’s all so new, there are few safeguards in place to make sure access to the market remains fair - that major corporations from other states or countries don’t absorb control by taking over the local cannabis industry. Permits for commercial cannabis businesses are extremely limited. Most cities put a cap on the total number that they will allow in their jurisdiction. As a result, it is difficult for large corporations to expand their business efforts into other areas - not like Starbucks, which can open


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up on every corner in every city. There’s a limit to where they can go, and competition is incredibly stiff. Rumor has it that corporations will play dirty to get what they want, i.e., using loopholes in the application process to obtain a permit— or suing cities until they get what they want. It’s pretty cut-throat right now. But why should that matter to you? Because you have the power, as a consumer, to decide who to support. And by choosing where to spend your money, you influence who survives and who doesn’t. Each city is supposed to include social equity businesses. When we legalized cannabis, we recognized a need to build back communities disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs. For example, people, primarily people of color, are still serving life sentences for cannabis convictions. Additionally, if they’re not still in prison, they’ve been living with a felony conviction - dramatically impacting their ability to work and provide for themselves. But now, people are getting insanely rich for doing the same thing. They profit from a market others created during prohibition. Think of it like jumping on the bandwagon after all the work has been done and still getting a share in the reward. You have more power than you think. Get involved. Keep a close eye on the permitting process. Educate yourself and advocate for those businesses that genuinely support the local community.

Where There’s Smoke... By Dave Fountinelle


n August 31st, Fresno’s Office of Cannabis Oversight announced its tentative list of recipients for cannabis business permits in the city. Twenty-one applicants were selected, three for each of the city’s seven districts. Out of those applications, only four were chosen per California’s Cannabis Social Equity Program. The Social Equity program is part of Prop. 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), passed in 2016. The Social Equity program intends to provide an opportunity for ownership and investment in the cannabis industry to benefit individuals and communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs. Fresno had allotted a minimum of three and a maximum of six social equity permits of the 21 total spots available. In the end, only four businesses were chosen: Fresno Canna Co, Viola, Traditional Fresno, and Roeding Leaf. But before the ink dried on the announcement, accusations of conflicts of interest, “pay-toplay” schemes, and shady deals with big cannabis companies started to fly. As a result, the City has already begun gearing up for what is shaping up to be a lengthy appeals process. Social equity applicant, The People’s Dispensary, Fresno, was denied a retail business permit. Owners Cesar Casamayor and Gidai Maaza are long-standing supporters of legal cannabis and social equity advocates. They claim that a lack of transparency throughout the application and review process has left them with more questions than answers. “At this point, we have a number of questions,” Casamayor asserts, “How can there be equity without representation? How is it that two of the city’s most impoverished districts were denied a social equity permit? Why only four social equity permits for a city with so many disadvantaged areas? And, why were half of those chosen backed by big

business?” From the start, one of the strongest complaints from both standard and social equity applicants has been the lack of transparency from the City. Among the criticisms is the absence of clearly defined guidelines and seemingly arbitrary and inconsistent enforcement. Some applicants were disqualified for failing to meet specific criteria. At the same time, other applicants with the same issues were approved—for example, the City mandated an 800ft minimum distance between dispensaries. Two approved locations, Haven and Authentic Fresno/Urban Leaf, are more than 1000ft apart. But a 3rd approved location, Blackstone OPCO, would lie only 500ft between them both. Yet, the City denied other applicants for failing to meet the 800ft minimum. Still, all three of these businesses have been approved. However, the lack of transparency and clearly defined standards for social equity applicants are about more than just property lines. With two of the four social equity applicants in Fresno backed by out-of-state holding companies or large LLCs, many of the smaller, independent social equity applicants feel that they have been pushed out of a program intended to give them a seat at the table. “An equitable process, or lack thereof, will have a lasting effect on these communities in Fresno,” Casamayor observes, “What is the message that we are sending to the youth and those with entrepreneurial dreams?” The People’s Dispensary co-own| FRESNOFLYER.COM | er Gidai Maaza adds, “If there had been adequate transparency and consistency in the approval process, questions like these could have been addressed as soon as they came up. Instead, most of us are just left wondering why it seems that there are a different set of rules for each applicant.” Casamayor questions the lack of social equity approvals for Districts 4 and 7, two of the lowest-income districts in the city. Casamayor continues, “It has always been our understanding that the purpose of the social equity program is to address [those] who have been disproportionately harmed by the criminal policies of the war on drugs ... Anyone who knows Fresno knows that Districts 4 and 7 are among the most negatively-impacted areas of the city. Again, it begs the question, how were these determinations made? Why were these communities denied a voice in the discussion? Why was the public kept out of the approval process?” Further adding fuel to the fire is the awarding of a social equity dispensary to District 2. Despite it containing Pinedale, which qualifies as a low-income community, over 85% of the district is among the most affluent communities in Fresno. Northwest Fresno is one of the city’s fastest-growing areas, with over 20% of its growth occurring since the passage of Prop. 215, which legalized cannabis for medicinal use and began the statewide decriminalization process. In contrast, Districts 4 and 7 are over 60% low-income and are two of the slowest-growing areas of the city. Based on the numbers, it’s difficult to defend awarding District 2 with a social equity location


while denying them for Districts 4 and 7. Without a clearly defined public approval process from the City, critics are left to speculate why northwest Fresno received a social equity dispensary but central and southeast Fresno did not. The Fresno Flyer reached out to Councilman Karbassi’s office for a comment but did not receive a response. Still, the involvement of big business backers in two of the four social equity recipients is the most troubling issue for Casamayor, Maaza, and other social equity applicants. Viola is backed by VCA Ops, Inc., based out of Chicago, IL. Traditional Fresno is backed by EEL Holdings LLC, a Los Angeles-based company owned by Elliot Lewis, who applied for and was denied a standard-use permit in District 3 operating as Catalyst. “Standard use” permits refer to traditional, commercial retail businesses. And “double-dipping” by applying for multiple retail permits is supposed to be against the rules for social equity applicants. Some applicants view Lewis’ backing of Traditional Fresno as using the social equity program as a loophole to get another shot at owning a retail business location. The abuse of the Social Equity program by standard retail business applicants “double-dipping” has been an issue for nearly every county in the state that has participated in the program. In Los Angeles, the problem was so widespread that the City adopted the strictest social equity mandates in the state to address it. In addition to restricting retail and delivery businesses solely to social equity applicants until 2025, Los Angeles also revised the eligibility criteria to require all applicants to meet at least two of the three qualifying factors. Those factors are low income, a record of cannabis arrest or conviction, and residency within a recog-

Continues on pg 7... | FRESNO FLYER |

OCTOBER 2021 |



We Need a Community Forum Brian J. Allfrey - Executive Director, Utah Press Association


am not sure what I expected our country to look like in 2021, but I certainly did not expect it to be so fractured and so bogged down in hate. My oldest son was a year old on September 11, 2001. The wave of patriotism following that day gave me hope for the America that my kids would inherit. Fast forward twenty years, and that hope has been overtaken by fear. Fear that our country has become so polarized on every issue that it may not survive. In 1858, Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. Never in America’s history has this quote been truer. In 1858, Lincoln spoke about the divide between free states and slave states. In 2021, America is divided on a multitude of issues, and most of our society is determined to expand that divide rather than close the gap. We have technology and media platforms that not only created this divide but continue to drive a wedge between us. These concerns are a driving force behind the theme of National Newspaper Week -- THE Community Forum, newspapers as the foundation of our communities. Let me explain the problem and then offer a solution. We are polarized on every issue because of the information that we consume every day. We have completely lost our ability to see another point of view. We no longer accept differences of opinion, debate, disagreement, or dissent. Any division in thought is met with anger and hatred. This is in complete violation of the concepts that created America. America was founded on the ideals of freedom, tolerance, and acceptance. All men were created equal with fundamental rights. People of diverse backgrounds and beliefs worked together to frame these ideas into a new country with liberty and justice for all. They compromised for the betterment of everyone. Now, we all know our country is not perfect. It never has been and never will be. These ideals have not always applied to everyone, but the beauty of our


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country is that it should continue to evolve. America is a concept, a target for which we are striving. Unfortunately, it feels like we are as far away from the target, as far from a perfect system, as we have ever been. The question for all of us is, how did we get here, and how we evolve. The 1980’s gave birth to the 24hour news networks. These “news” networks have become Entertainment TV Programming with multiple networks now fighting for viewers, ratings, and advertising dollars. They each appeal to a subset of viewers with a distinct political leaning. Their programming has little reporting of the actual news, focused mostly on commentary, feeding their viewers what they want to see and hear. These networks have become 100% entertainment losing all their journalistic integrity. They feed us the information that they want us to have, and most of us are unaware that we are consuming propaganda rather than facts. The 2000’s saw the advent of social media networks, heralded as a breakthrough in human interaction and communication. With a mouse click, or swipe, you can connect with anyone, or any group, anywhere in the world. This modern technology has changed how we live and communicate. Unfortunately, it is being used to further the divide of the American public. Social networks work on algorithms designed to show you things in which you are interested, which explains why they are so entertaining and addicting. However, many entities are exploiting these platforms to divide us. Social Media has moved beyond connecting people to the single most polarizing platform in this country. Think about the negativity, hate, fear and bullying in your feed. No matter the subject, people are attacking each other in the most vile, evil ways. There is no discussion or civil discord, just polarized ideas of right and wrong. We say things to each other that we would never say to someone’s face. We treat each other

without dignity or class. The technology and platforms that we entertain ourselves with are destroying the fabric of our society. The very nature of social media is to connect people with shared interests, and on the surface, seems great. However, it connects people with like interests regardless of whether those interests are positive or negative. Social media platforms become an echo chamber of people sharing the same beliefs and same fears, regardless of what those are. Ted Kaczynski (The Unabomber) was one man, working alone. In 2021, he would be part of an extremist social media group, spreading his thoughts and feeding off the radicalism of others in a virtual mob effect. We need to get back to being civil with one another, treating each other with dignity. We need to listen to others viewpoint. We will not always agree, but we do not have to. Differences of opinion are not bad. There can be truth on both sides of an argument. For example, masks are a huge argument across our communities right now. Is it possible that both sides could be correct in parts of their argument? Could it be that masks may help slow the spread of disease, but at the same be detrimental to students learning? The issue is very rarely black and white but usually in the grey area between. We need to understand that both sides of an argument can be correct and stop fighting, hating, and bullying those that disagree with us. The first step is in our own mind. We must look at the media and propaganda we are consuming. Our minds are consuming these ideas of hatred and polarization.



We need to move towards civil discussion and treating everyone with respect. To do this, we must regulate our media intake. We must turn away from the ideological echo chamber of “news” entertainment and social media around us. Open minded people are bad for business for media outlets or social media groups pushing a certain agenda. We need a new COMMUNITY FORUM for news, entertainment, and connection with our community. Every night, Walter Cronkite told you what had happened that day. He did not give you his opinion, he gave you facts. We need the facts about what is going on in our community, and we can only get that in our local newspaper. Newspapers are embedded in the community. Local news has a much bigger impact in your day-to-day life than national/regional news. City Council, Zoning, School Board, Local Elections all have profound effect on our daily life. Engaging with our local newspaper makes our community better. Attend town halls and community events. Help hold our local elected officials accountable. Local Newspapers are the original community forum, disseminating essential information, holding government accountable and engaging the community in civil discourse. We can ignite a wave of change, but we must start local. Our government and leaders reflect our values. If we want them to change, we must change. Be part of the Community Forum. Subscribe to your local newspaper today, in print or online. Support Local Journalism, engage in activities that build up your communities.

Masks For Dummies XV

It is well with my soul

By I. Smiley G. Calderón |


ear reader, wherever you live, you should know the Covid data in your area. Do you? If you’ve been following this Masks for Dummies series, you already know that I always include Fresno County data in every edition. Why? Because I want you to see the bare facts as they are for yourself. Unfiltered. This is not a time for political games or buffoonery. It never was. It’s still a matter of life and death. For example, here in Fresno County, we’ve had 128,450 total confirmed positive Covid cases. Last month this time around, we only had 113,854. That’s a 13% increase in just one month. Clearly, this pandemic is still raging. At the beginning of September, our total Covid death toll was 1,770. At this month’s start, we’re at a total of 1,964. You do the math. And it’s not pretty, either. At this rate, by the time you finish reading this article, we’ll probably have the names of well over 2,000 dear Fresnans on Covid’s casualty list. Yet, sadly, our country as a whole is doing even worse. In just the past month alone, we have had over 3.6 million new Covid cases as well as over 52,000 new Covid deaths. The United States has now amassed over 43.6M total cases and over 700K deaths since the beginning of this horrible pandemic. To put this into perspective, consider India, a country with considerably fewer resources to combat Covid than us has a total of 33.7M cases - but 449K total deaths. Dear reader, we are leading the entire world in a senselessly cruel cycle of Covid tragedy after Covid tragedy. It is a real-life dystopian public health nightmare where science and common sense are distrusted and rejected. Can you see it? When our top scientists and doctors recommend and urge (practically beg) the nation to wear masks to reduce Covid’s community spread, but the public response is crazy political uproar and rejection, you know we live in a hazardous type of Twilight Zone. Have we abandoned common sense? When people frantically de-

mand their freedom to not wear lifesaving covering over their mouth and nose during a deadly pandemic, can we really get any dumber? And when our world’s very best scientists come together in a race to create groundbreaking, lifesaving vaccines in record time that are safe and proven to work, we really can’t be anything but collectively stupid when we ignore them or think that our quick ‘internet research’ and fast ‘Googling’ can trump and disprove the science. So, more and more, I think, this Covid pandemic is showing us just how stupid we really are. A little harsh, sure - but you know it’s true. How long have we been fighting Covid with this same damn tiresome opposition towards mask-wearing and vaccines? How many more people need to get sick and die before America’s unmasked and unvaccinated get with the program? Meet husband and wife Jose Lopez-Guerrero and Natalie Wester, new parents to their dear infant son with cystic fibrosis, living in Texas near Dallas. They went on a much-deserved date night at Hang Time Sports Grill & Bar in Rowlett in mid-September. Even though they are fully vaccinated, they always wear their masks in public because of their son’s delicate health condition. (They both understand the simple science that, even if they are fully vaccinated against Covid and thereby personally protected from SARS-CoV-2, they can still become infected with the virus and still unknowingly pass it to anyone they come in contact with - which can prove deadly for the recipient). So, they went to Hang Time with their masks on. But then something shocking happened - even for Texas. Their server abruptly came to their table some 30 minutes after they had already placed their order and said, “Hey, so our manager is over there in the kitchen, and he is not as nice as I am, so I came over here to talk to you and unfortunately, this is a political thing, but our manager does not believe in the mask. He’s tired of being told what to do by, you know, politics in the country,

and so you’re going to need to take the mask off….” Wow. What did I say about being really dumb and stupid? Not convinced yet? Well, here’s what the owner of Hang Time had to say about the incident at his restaurant: “I spent my money on this business, I put my blood, sweat, and tears in this business, and I don’t want any masks in here...” Wow - again. After being confronted by their server, Jose and Natalie quietly paid their tab and just left. They know that protecting themselves and their baby from Covid is worth a whole lot more than a fun night out on the town. But, they also learned the hard way that being surrounded by idiots is tough for your health. Natalie reflected, “It’s kind of just made me realize that maybe I shouldn’t go out least not here in Texas. Not right now. It’s just it’s not a good environment...” She’s right. It’s not. It’s still not a safe, good environment right now from Covid. Until these crazy sociopathic anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers see the light or die off (remember, dear reader, Covid kills), this pandemic won’t stop, can’t stop. SARSCoV-2 absolutely needs a human host to replicate, propagate, and dominate. And, unfortunately, these anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers have become real-life ‘virus volunteers’ offering themselves up as fresh meat. Yet the truth is until we all stop the coronavirus in its tracks together, we will all be on the Covid menu. *Dear reader, please continue to tell your friends to get vaccinated and to wear their masks. Let’s end this pandemic!

--I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.

By Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb


ctober has arrived with cooler weather, autumn leaves, and of course, spooky pumpkins, decorative fun goblins, and costume parties. Celebrated traditions stir the imagination in a playful way around the world about ghosts, spirits, and holiday fun. Spirituality can be defined as divine and unique to the person who experiences spiritual events in their life. Spirituality is the belief that there is something greater than yourself. Have you witnessed any miracles in your life? What is your definition of spirituality? Whether faith-based religion or research based on science or both, your culture, traditions, and geographical domain set that connection between you and spirituality. Spirituality touches everyone individually in a unique way. There is no wrong or right way to connect to your spiritual side. This is yours alone to experience a genuine, undeniable deep connection with the universe. Keep a journal of your experiences. Spiritual events can be described and defined as miraculous moments that occur in life, a connection to the prospect of a higher conscious, a deeper understanding of the universe, and all that is. These moments in time are glimpses with absolute observed clarity, energy, and guidance, a gift and vision of continued transitions in light. Developing a deep connection with self and a desire to be more spiritual encourages you to learn more about the relationship with the unknown. Meditation is another form of prayer connecting with self, self-love, soul, essence, intuition, and energy. Being closely connected to

Continues on pg 7... | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



OCTOBER 2021 |


Anthony Flores’


Is the point

By Jaguar Bennett |


f the many mysteries surrounding Adventure Church’s attempted purchase of the Tower Theatre, the one I find most mysterious is this: Why does Adventure Church Pastor Anthony Flores take such obvious delight in being a dick? From taunting protestors to confronting picketers to making snotty remarks to reporters — always with a fixed aggressive grin — Flores seems to deeply enjoy being rude to people. In Flores’ circumstances, most ministers would want to look more conciliatory. After all, Flores has spent most of 2021 trying to force his church into a neighborhood that doesn’t want him. He’s had protests outside his Sunday services for months. He hasn’t been able to buy the property he wants because it’s tied up in a lawsuit. Even if the property were for sale, many people are calling for the city to seize it through eminent domain. None of these problems would necessarily go away if Flores were a nicer guy. But most people have certain expectations of how a minister of a church should behave. Peacefully. Cooperatively. Showing concern for other people and the community. Humbly. Or at least politely. We know ministers are human beings. We don’t necessarily expect a minister to be Christ-like. But at a minimum, we do expect ministers to be somewhere in the ballpark of behavior that Christ would recommend. And if Flores could meet that bare


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minimum of tolerable behavior, he might find it easier to persuade the public that he is a genuine man of God who intends the best for the Tower District. If Flores could show that he even partially understood the concerns of the Tower District community and was prepared to speak to those concerns, he might meet less opposition. At the very, very least, if Flores could behave like a normal person he might be taken more seriously by the judges and government officials that will ultimately decide the fate of the Tower Theatre. Instead, Flores has not missed a single opportunity in nine months to be aggressively confrontational, even when it’s self-defeating. When community opposition to the sale first organized in January, Flores immediately released a video denouncing all opponents as “anti-God” and “racist.” When Fresno City Council members drew attention to zoning laws that prohibit community and religious assembly at the Tower Theatre, Adventure Church released a Facebook graphic describing the council members as “subversive.” When the city notified the Tower Theatre and Adventure Church that there were in violation of zoning, Flores immediately threatened a lawsuit against the city. During nine months in the media spotlight, Flores has gone out of his way to court controversy and create a bad image for himself. He refuses to speak to report-

ers. Nearly every Sunday, he abandons his parishioners to stand out in front of the Tower Theatre to mock protesters. When Proud Boys counter-demonstrated in favor of Adventure Church, Flores didn’t denounce them — instead, Flores allowed himself to be on video warmly greeting right-wing extremists at a Larry Elder rally in Clovis. Other ministers would try to win the confidence of the community before planting a church. Flores’ attitude toward the Tower District has been “Screw you. You can’t stop me.” Is this what Jesus would do? But the dickishness is the point. As with Donald Trump, Anthony Flores’ goal is to project an image of defiance that is its own reward. Flores is a product of three dominant trends in American Christianity: (1) fear of women; (2) Christian Dominionism; and (3) backlash against gay rights. Since the 1990s, American evangelical Christianity has been gripped by a bizarre terror that Christianity has become “feminized.” The turn-the-other-cheek virtues traditionally associated with the Prince of Peace and the Lamb of God, such as humility and compassion, are reevaluated as being too, you know, girly. American Jesus kicks ass and takes names, because he is not girly or queer. Flores’ sermons frequently feature panic over the role of men in modern society, claiming that his church has “re-



claimed masculinity” and is a church where “It’s OK when men are men and when men know how to lead.” Flores is also trying to make this fight as nasty as possible because he doesn’t want a resolution — he wants to score a point, to prove that churches are not bound by petty, man-made institutions like municipal zoning laws. Another recurring theme of American Christianity for the last 20 years has been an open desire for theocracy, to trim the First Amendment so that evangelical Christianity achieves a most-favored-religion status in American law. A peaceful resolution to the Tower Theatre crisis would deny Flores his chance to play a starring role in a court battle to establish that churches are, in fact, above the law. It’s also no accident that Flores insists on buying the Tower Theatre and nothing else. He could have gone elsewhere; a realtor has assured me that old church buildings can be bought for a song these days. Adventure Church’s goal in buying the Tower Theatre is to deliberately antagonize gay people. Planting an anti-gay church in the Central Valley’s only gay neighborhood is meant to be a deliberate attack on gay people and their community support. Flores is not just a minister who wants a home for his congregation. Flores wants to incite a culture war, and his persistent dickishness is his weapon of choice to make sure the war happens.

... Smoke cont’d from pg 3 nized, impacted area. They also expanded the definition of “equity share” in the businesses co-owned by licensees. It includes adequate profit share, voting rights, and operational control in qualifying licensees as majority owners. In addition, this revision prohibits divestment of any part of the social equity owner’s requisite equity share. It ensures that the stated social equity owner retains unconditional ownership. As a result, many Los Angeles-based cannabis investment businesses have shifted their interests to smaller cities that have not yet adopted those same equity protections, including Fresno. Simply being backed by a larger business isn’t by itself a cause for alarm - the social equity application process has proven to be quite costly. There are many fees and expenses associated with the permit process. As such, many of the social equity applicants seek out financial backing from various sources. However, the problem arises when a big business backs an applicant with an agreement to acquire their equity shares after receiving approval from the City. In doing so, the big business uses the social equity applicant as a proxy to get approval. After approval, the company buys them out and takes over the business - having used the social equity program as a loophole to gain a permit they may have been denied as a standard applicant. EEL Holdings LLC, the Los Angeles-based backer for Traditional Fresno’s successful social equity application, was rejected for a standard permit for its d.b.a. Catalyst in District 1. Fresno has not adopted the same strict requirements for equity protection and ownership control as Los Angeles. This lack of oversight is a significant cause for concern among other social equity applicants, including Casamayor and Maaza. “We know how rigorous, stressful, and costly the application process is,” Casamayor explains, “That being said, the social equity program is about creating both opportunity and investment in these impacted communities. What should matter most to the people of Fresno is - are these businesses going to invest those profits back into the areas they’re meant to serve? Because the ones that do are the ones they should be supporting.” With all of the questions and con-

...My Soul cont’d from pg 5

troversy surrounding the approval process so far, it appears the legal challenges are only just beginning. So far, five of the awarded business permits have been appealed by council members. Mike Karbassi has appealed the Cookies-owned Blackstone OPCO location in District 2. Esmeralda Soria has appealed both the standard business applications in District 1, 1261 Wishon OPCO, owned by Lemonade, and The Artist Tree, set to occupy the former location of Audie’s Olympic on Van Ness Ave. Miguel Arias has also appealed both the standard business locations in District 3, Haven, and Public Cannabis. On the surface, these appeals don’t seem particularly concerning. However, a closer look reveals some potentially troublesome relationships between the council members and some rejected applicants in their districts. For example, Soria’s fiancee, Terance Frazier, owns a 40% share of the Catalyst location rejected for an application in Arias’ District 3. Frazier’s business partner, Elliot Lewis of EEL Holdings LLC, was denied his Catalyst location in Soria’s District 1. Additionally, Arias is among several council members named in a Fresno County District Attorney’s investigation into Brown Act violations regarding a $4.3 million settlement with Frazier. Finally, cannabis investor Cliff Tutelian has filed a lawsuit | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

against Arias. He accuses the councilman of attempting to coerce the developer into a “pay for play” scheme, demanding bribes, kickbacks, and special favors in exchange for permit approvals. Tutelian is a 20% owner in The Artist Tree location granted a permit in Karbassi’s District 2. Arias’ and Soria’s office did not return the Fresno Flyer’s calls to their offices for comment. As Fresno moves forward into the appeal process, Fresno can be sure that retail dispensaries are coming to the city. One major takeaway from this whole fiasco is that consumers can choose where to spend their money. The choice will undoubtedly determine what kind of an impact these businesses have on their communities. With each district receiving three dispensaries, prospective cannabis buyers have the power to choose to do business with the ones whose values and priorities align with theirs. By spending with locally owned and invested dispensaries, consumers are assured that their money will continue to be reinvested in the community. It will provide not just jobs but real growth, equity, and opportunity for all of Fresno. The City set a public hearing date for the five pending cannabis permit appeals for October 27th. The public may attend and express their opinions about the appeals during the hearing. For more details, including how and where to attend, as well as all public information about the other approved cannabis businesses, visit the Fresno City Office of Cannabis Oversight’s website at www.fresno. gov/citymanager/office-of-cannabis-oversight/


yourself and your higher power requires patience and practice, a skill you can master through meditation and prayer. Spirituality allows you to build improved connections and communication with yourself, meaningful, long-lasting relationships in your inner circle and the world around you with ultimate clarity. We are all part of the universe; we are part of the elements and stars that formed this planet. We are blessed with incredibly divine energy, spirit, and everlasting life. Discover what this means to you and embrace new practices that allow you to embrace your spirituality. Whatever your faith, whatever your belief, you can connect to the universe using meditation and prayer. Making a commitment to practice as part of your relationship with yourself, you will learn to engage, believe, and have hope. Questions will become answers if you are open to receiving. You can learn to do this when you find your higher power. This is how we learn to let go of control as we consent to letting go of the power and allowing the universe to step in. Meditation: Meditation and prayer are transitional resources for connecting with self, your spirituality, faith, the universe, and whatever you believe is on the other side of this life. Attempt to connect daily for at least 30 minutes. Meditation is prayer yet more profound. May you find peace in the Universe. Have a safe and Happy Halloween. Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb Counseling Psychology, MA. author and narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors.” Consultant/Speaker for transition, loss & grief.


OCTOBER 2021 |


Decorate Your Way to a Howling Good Halloween (Family Features) Costumes and candy may be mainstays of Halloween, but decorating is a fun way to set the mood and add a little extra excitement in the weeks leading up to the holiday. These spooktacular ideas can help dial up the drama and delight for all ages. Pumpkins aplenty: A traditional glowing jack-o’-lantern may be one of Halloween’s most recognized icons, but pumpkins can be used in plenty of other fun ways. You can dress them up with glitter and ribbon for a more elegant look or group a series of pumpkins in varied shapes and colors for a seasonal centerpiece. You can even give a pumpkin a coat of chalkboard paint and count down the days until Halloween. Creepy kids’ crafts: Get little ghosts and goblins into the Halloween spirit with hand-made decorations that make your seasonal decor equal parts sweet and spooky. Fold a black piece of construction paper down the middle and trace a child’s hand and wrist, with the wrist extending over the folded edge. Cut along the traced line, leaving the fold intact, and when you unfold the paper, you’ll have a bat to decorate. Add eyes and attach string to the top of the wings to hang and display. Gross and ghoulish: Some of the best Halloween displays have something in


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common: attention to detail. Get creative with your props and decorations to incorporate some unexpected attention-grabbers like brains in a jar. Place bunches of cauliflower in a clear glass container and cover with water died red. Spooky serving: If you’re entertaining for Halloween, incorporate spooky decor with your food and drinks to keep the theme going throughout the party. Use cauldrons as serving bowls and skeleton hands as serving spoons. Add plenty of cobwebs and other spooky accents to the table, and search for easy recipes that fit your theme. One fun idea for kids is baking sugar cookies in fun Halloween shapes and serving them with a selection of food-safe syringes pre-filled with colored frosting. Ghostly greetings: All the tricks and treats indoors make for plenty of good spirit, but don’t forget to set the scene outside, too. Dressing up your front door lets visitors know they’re in for a real treat. A haunted graveyard scene or a spooky spider den with lots of critters dangling from fake cobwebs are sure to show all who dare to enter that a howling good time lies ahead. Find more frightfully fun ideas to make your home Halloween ready at | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


A show-stopping

Strawberry Snack ( When you are craving something sweet, sometimes you just can’t get it off your mind until you have just one bite. You need something small, delicious and something that will ease your cravings. This recipe for Chocolate Coated Strawberry Treats is not only fun to make, but will give you that perfect little snack you have been longing for. The recipe begins with fresh strawberries and ends with a drizzle of mouthwatering peanut butter sauce. This is a great recipe for little ones looking to help out in the kitchen. These strawberries are fun to dip and even more enjoyable to devour. This snack can also be perfect for date night, a romantic date or just a picnic in the park with friends. They are easy to transport from place to place and don’t leave a huge mess behind to clean up afterwards. It’s also simple to just melt, whisk, dip and repeat. The red, ripe berries are bursting with color and the chocolate is glazed right across the top for the perfect bite. The best part is you can be creative and dip these strawberries into a number of your favorite ingredients you already have in your pantry at home. This includes, sprinkles, small candies, white chocolate drizzle and different kinds of nuts. The possibilities are endless. Next time you can’t get chocolate off your mind, enjoy something delightful, rich and a show-stopping snack.

If you made this recipe at home, use #MyCulinaryConnection on your favorite social network to share your work.

Chocolate Coated Strawberry Treats Servings: 5 1 1/4 1/2 3 1

baking chocolate chips baking peanut butter chips tablespoons coconut oil, divided pound fresh strawberries shredded coconut crushed almonds

In saucepan, add baking chocolate chips and two tablespoons of coconut oil. Melt on low to medium heat and whisk until smooth. In a small bowl, add baking peanut butter chips and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Microwave in 30 second intervals until melted. Whisk together until smooth. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Dip all strawberries into melted chocolate. Then, dip 1/3 in coconut, 1/3 in almonds and 1/3 just chocolate and lay on tray. Drizzle the melted peanut butter over the plain chocolate strawberries. Put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes or until strawberry treats are chilled.

Find more snack recipes at | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



OCTOBER 2021 |


CALENDAR Learn at Home Visalia Adult School Online Classes. cfm The Visalia Adult School is open with many classes online! If you need your high school diploma, GED, or just want to take English as a Second Language Classes we offer them for free. Other classes such as Medical Billing, Medical Terminology, or one of our many other classes that include small fees are also available. For more information, please, give us a call! 559-730-7646. Our office is open 9am to 3pm Monday-Friday and we can help you meet your future.

Arts Visalia’s spring class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. Spring classes start in February. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children Arts Visalia’s Fall class enrollment forms are available at Arts Visalia and online. There is a wide range of classes offered for both adults and children. For more information on all Arts Visalia events and available classes visit our website at or call the gallery at (559) 739-0905

CMAC Multimedia, Film and Video Free Online Workshops. https:// CMAC is offering a series of online workshops that are free and open to the public. You Online Art Classes @ Arts Visalia. do not need to be a CMAC member Arts Visalia offers a wide array of to register. classes for children and adults. AtHome Art kits for children are avail- Live guitar lessons with Benjamin able until we are able to meet safely Napoles. https://www.facebook. in the gallery. Visit our website for com/benjamin.napoles ONLINE GUImore details and enrollment forms. TAR LESSONS!! Please Share. We will learn songs for you to sing and/ or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime.


Free Online Ivy League College Courses. https://www.classcentral. com/collection/ivy-league-moocs Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with reminders.

Art Himmapan: Exhibition of Lao Art. Thursday, Oct. 7th, 5:30pm. Jeffrey Scott Agency, 1544 Fulton St, Fresno . I Scream for ArtHop. Thursday, Oct. 7th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno.

Fall Boutique by Santa’s Artist. Fri- Park, 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Calday, Oct. 15th, 4pm. 4215 Wishon Viva Health is honored to partner Ave, Fresno. with Marjaree Mason Center to host the 38th Annual Top Ten ProfessionTaste the Arts 2021. Saturday, Oct. al Women and Leading Business 16th, 10am. Garden Street Down- Awards. A prestigious awards ceretown Visalia, 300 E Oak Ave, Visalia. mony honoring local professionals, will recognize outstanding individuals 46th Annual Calico Art Festival. in our community while also raising Sunday, Oct. 17th, 11am. Kings Riv- awareness about domestic violence er-Hardwick Elemtary School, 10300 in Fresno County and beyond. This Excelsior Ave, Hanford. event pays tribute to ten women who have served as role models and given River Park Art Hop. Thursday, Oct. back to their communities, all while 21st, 5pm. Art Groove Gallery, River making strides in their professions. Park, 80 E Via del Oro, Fresno. Free. Sip and Paint Halloween Theme. A Grave Affair featuring “The Killer Thursday, Oct. 14th, 6pm. Aromas Dueling Pianos”. Friday, Oct. 29th, Fresno. Have a cocktail and dinner 6:30pm. Fresno Art Museum, 2233 while painting glass and a great time! N First St, Fresno. Halloween themed!

Antique Barbed Wire & Collectibles Fall Art Series. Friday, Oct. 8th, 5pm. Show. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 9am. CloWest Lawn of the OAB Bldg @ Fresno vis Rodeo, 748 Rodeo Dr, Clovis. City College, 1101 E University Ave, Fresno. Tickets $25.


Navaho Textiles. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 12pm. Kings Art Center, 605 N Douty The Marjaree Mason Center’s 38th Top Ten Professional Women St, Hanford. and Business Awards. Thursday, Oct. 14th, 11:15am. Chukchansi FRESNOFLYER.COM

A History of Unfairness. Thursday, Oct. 14th, 6pm. OAB Auditorium @ Fresno City College. 1101 E University Ave, Fresno. A Nightmare on Main St. Fashion Pop-Up. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 6pm. 216 W Main St, Visalia. Tickets $15. Nightmare on Clipper St. Sunday, Oct. 24th, 12pm. 5665 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Make sure to attend the very first Halloween Nightmare on Clipper Street Barber Battle….. Maxim Healthcare’s Halloween Blood Drive. Friday, Oct. 29th, 10am. Maxim Healthcare, 6051 N Fresno St, Ste 102, Fresno. Central Valley Blood Center will be onsite 10am -2pm with their mobile Blood Van. Gift Card awarded to Best Costume 16th Annual Fresno Fall Home Improvement Show/ 3rd Annual Tiny House Expo. Friday, Nov. 5th, 8am to Sunday, Nov. 7th, 6pm. Fresno Expo Center, Fresno.

Theater Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E. Friday, Oct. 8th, 7pm. DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Fresno State Symphony Orchestra Concert - The Lonely Bohemian. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 8pm. Fresno State Concert Hall, Fresno. Thomas Loewenheim conducting the Fresno Symphony Orchestra.

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Family The Cake: A Staged Reading. Satur- works for cello and symphony orday, Oct. 9th, 2pm. 2nd Space The- chestra by Glazounov, Fauré, Hadley, ater, 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets Tchaikovsky, and Saint-Saëns. $10 in advance. Fast Lane-Shen Yun. Sunday, Oct. Little Shop of Horrors. Sunday, Oct. 31st, 11am. Saroyan Theater, 730 M 10th, 2pm. California Arts Academy, St, Fresno. 4750 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. $15. Danny Minch. Wedneday, Nov. 3rd, The Downtown Beatdown Comedy 7pm. DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave, CloShowcase. Sunday, Oct. 10th, 5pm. vis. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Tickets $7.


The Comedy Palace Comedy Show + Open Mic. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, Sun-Maid Kids Day. Thursday, Oct. 10pm. The Palace Nightclub Bar & 7th, 4pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 Lounge, 446 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Chance Ave, Fresno. Danny Minch. Wednesday, Oct. Campus Pointe’s 1st Cultural Unity 13th, 7pm. DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave, Fest. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 4pm. CamClovis. pus Pointe, Fresno. We will be hosting our 1st Cultural Unity Fest at the The Addams Family - Good Compa- Square in Campus Pointe. This Fest ny Players. Thursday, Oct. 14th, 7pm. is an opportunity to get to know your Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater, 1226 neighbor. A chance to become acWishon Ave, Fresno. quainted with our diverse community and better understand their culture Full Circle Presents: An Evening and customs through Art, Food, Muof Stand Up with James Frey and sic & Uplifting FUN Activities! Friends. Thursday, Oct. 14th, 8pm. This is a FREE FAMILY FRIENDLY Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Ful- EVENT! ton St, Fresno. Tickets $15-$25 Family Friendly Disney Trivia WorkRichard Villa. Friday, Oct. 15th, 7pm. shop. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 2pm. Board DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. & Brush Creative Studio, 207 N Irwin St, Hanford. The Winery Comedy Tour @ Yosemite. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 6pm. Vampires vs. Werewolves Ride. FriYosemite Wine Trails, 40409 CA 41, day, Oct. 15th, 7pm. Fig Garden VilOakhurst. lage, 790 W Shaw, Ste 290, Fresno. Halloween is just around the corner, Danny Minch. Wednesday, Oct. what better way to get ready, than 20th, 7pm. DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave, a nice battle between Werewolves Clovis. and Vampires? All the children of the night, grab your bike and let’s feast Allison Weber. Friday, Oct. 22nd, like it’s thanksgiving on all the mere 7pm. DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave, Clo- mortals that get in our way...or just vis. look tasty. We will all be dressed as a werewolf or vampire (or anything Louis CK. Friday, Oct. 22nd, 7:30pm. related...costumes aren’trequired Fresno Convention & Entertainment just preferred) and we will be riding Center, 848 M St, Fresno. Tickets @ to the Hobby Lobby parking lot where Ticketsmarter. you can look at people eat chicken at El Pollo Loco. Or watch people drink Slice of Comedy, Aidan Park Head- at ‘the bar’ (V’s and W’s only eat hulining. Friday, Oct. 29th, 8pm. DiCic- mans, but if you don’t just want to co’s, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Tickets watch you can eat or drink too) There start @ $15 is a haunted house set up the parking lot and you’ll have plenty of time to Cello Mania Concert. Saturday, Oct. enter if you wish ($20, $10 for kids) 30th, 8pm. Fresno State Concert Hall, we, will then return to Fig Garden Vil2380 Keats Ave, Fresno. Acclaimed lage. guest artists and Cello | Fresno Concerto Competition winners perform FRESNOFLYER.COM | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

The Great Ballis Glass Pumpkin Patch. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 10am. Ballis Glass, 2888 N Sunnyside, # 104, Fresno. This is our 2nd Annual Great Ballis Glass Pumpkin Patch! We will be donating 10% of all the sales to Rebuild our Sierra. We will have our glass Pumpkin Patch as well as our Open Air Market with other LOCAL vendors. This will be a great way to start your Christmas shopping by supporting your local community! There will be LIVE Glass Demonstrations. We will have a food truck serving food all weekend and LIVE music to dance to all day long! Bring the entire Family, this is an ALL Ages FREE event! Dogs on leashes are welcome, but it will be on asphalt.

10:00 am, at 7946 North Maple Avenue, southeast corner at Nees. Join us for a fun, family event with prizes for the best adult and child pink costumes as well as most laps walked, silent auctions, prize drawings, entertainment, vendors, and refreshments. Presented by Hollywood Wigs and Ivanhoe Medical Supply, who have helped thousands of cancer survivors over the years, the event proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer lifesaving research and patient support. For more information, please contact Marlene at 559-647-6956

James and the Giant Peach Movie Night. Friday, Oct. 29th, 6:30pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum, 175 E 10th St, Hanford. Free. Food Trucks at Gazebo Gardens. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 5-9pm. Gazebo Gardens. 3204 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. Plant nursery by day and food truck community by night. Complete with a beer garden and live music, grab some grub from the sampling of food trucks Thursday through Saturday evenings. Spend quality time with the family to stop and smell the roses--and don’t forget to snap a photo with the giant garden gnome!

Barbie Truck Malibu Tour. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 10am. Fashion Fair, 645 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Barbie™ is hitting the road again with the Barbie Truck Totally Throwback Malibu Tour! Come check out all new limited edition 70’s inspired Barbie merch only available at the truck! We will be at Fashion Fair in the Outdoor Village near Michael Kors. Central Valley Cards & Collectibles Show. Saturday, Nov. 13th, 8am. Wyndham Garden Fresno Yosemite Airport, 5090 E Clinton Way, Fresno. Taco Truck Throwdown. Saturday, Oct. 23rd. Chukchansi Park, 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Oktoberfest. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 5pm. Civic Center Park, 314 Court St, Hanford. Unlimited Craft Beer and Food for only $40! Lady and the Tramps will be performing on the Courthouse Stage and DJ “The Marshal” will be closing out the night with all your favorite songs until 10pm. You do not want to miss this! Tickets are limited so get them while you can! This event benefits the Hanford Police K9 Foundation. Eat and drink for a good cause! Fall Family Fest. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 4pm. SpiritHorse Connections, 12099 E Stroud Ave, Kingsburg. Happily Haunted. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 5:30pm. Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum, 175 E 10th St, Hanford. Tickets $5-$12. In honor of breast cancer awareness month, a fundraiser walk-a-thon will be held on Sunday, October 31,

International Newspaper Carrier Day October 9, 2021

Newspaper Carriers Continuing to play a critical role in providing Americans with a trusted source of reliable news coverage of the issues impacting our community and nation. Thanks to our hardworking newspaper carriers!



OCTOBER 2021 |


Trunk or Treat Halloween Celebtration. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 1pm. Cedarbrook Memory Care, 1425 E Nees Ave, Fresno. Boo!! You’re invited to join us for a spooktacular family-friendly event. Enjoy seasonal snacks, music, games, and, of course, candy! Trunk or Treat. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 2pm. Valley Animal Center, 3934 N Hayston, Fresno. In partnership with Valley Dream Car, we’re bringing to you Valley Animal Center’s very first Trunk-or-Treat car show! This is a trunk or treat and a car show combined! Have treat hungry little ones? Dress them up in their Halloween apparel and join us. More interested in the car show? Stop on by to see some amazing cars! This is a FREE event. Fall Festival 2021. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 2pm. Teague Community Resource Center, 4718 N Polk Ave, Fresno. A Fall Event for the whole family... come in costume(nothing scary for the littles please) and enjoy a carnival atmosphere complete with lots of laughter. This event is held outside for the safety of everyone during these times.

River Park Farmers Market. Every Tuesday, 5-9pm and every Saturday, 10am-2pm. 220 Paseo Del Centro, Fresno. Clovis Old Town Farmers’ Market. Every Saturday, 9:00am-11:30am. Old Town Clovis on Pollasky between 5th & Bullard.

Music Core - STP Tribute. Friday, Oct. 8th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Tickets $10. Max Headroom @ Rockin The Arbor. Friday, Oct. 8th, 7pm. Rockin The Arbor, 300 E St, Lemoore. Rock On! @ The Big Fresno Fair. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 3pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Rock On! Live at the Pavillion Stage. Volbeat and Twin Temple. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. Tickets $49.50-$69.50

Baby Gas & Friends. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 7pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Haunted House. Saturday, Oct. Fresno. Tickets start at $10. 30th, 7:30pm. 4505 N Archie Ave, Fresno. FREE Haunted House, one The Outlaw Mariachi Live. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 7pm. The Big Fresno night only! Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. The The Yokai Market, Samhain’s Har- Outlaw Mariachi performing live @ vest. Sunday, Oct. 31st, 2pm. Amer- The Big Fresno Fair. ican Legion Riders Chap. 509, 3509 N First St, Fresno. It’s that time again K-Paz de la Sierra and Guardianes and on top of that, Spooky season del Amor. Saturday, Oct. 9th, 7pm. is upon us! Our very first ever, Trick’r Marlos, 468 N Palm Ave, Fresno. TickTrunk that’ll be for all the families ets @ Ticketon. with those lil’ Yokai from 2-5pm. Be sure and check out all the Art, Food, Animal Sun and Cannibal Kids. SatAnime, Comics, Collectibles, Retro urday, Oct. 9th, 7pm. Tioga-Sequoia games/toys, Vintage Goods, Food, Brewing Co, 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Music and personal crafts that are Free Admission. sure to catch your eye! Ramon Ayala y Sus Bravos Del Fresno Water Lantern Festival. Sat- Norte. Sunday, Oct. 10th, 7pm. The urday, Nov. 6th, 4pm. Fresno Wood- Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance ward Park, Fresno. Tickets are on Ave, Fresno. The King of Accordion, sale for the Water Lantern Festival in Ramon Ayala returns to the 2021 Fresno. Get your tickets at www.Wa- Big Fresno Fair as part of the Table before they Mountain Concert Series presented sell out. Water Lantern Festival is an by Coors Light and Toyota! The Norteamazing experience where you’ll wit- no legend himself will perform his ness the magic of lanterns as they top melodies like “Tragos Amargos,” “Un Rinconcito en el Cielo,” “Que Me light up the water. Entierren Cantando” and many more! Vineyard Farmers Marker. Every Ticket prices are $95, $65, $45 and Wednesday, 3-6pm and every Satur- $25. day, 7am-Noon. 100 W. Shaw Ave., Fresno.

12 | OCTOBER 2021




Flogging Molly, The Violent Femmes, and Me First and the Gimme Gimme’s. Sunday, Oct. 10th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, 3800 Mill Rd, Fresno. Tickets @ Ticketmaster.

Midland. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 7pm. Paul Paul Theater @ The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno.

Rule 34 Rocking The Big Fresno Fair. Friday, Oct. 15th, 4pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. We will be performing on the Pavilion Stage at this year’s Big Fresno Fair Geoff Tate. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, and rocking some Van Halen. Los Angeles Azules. Sunday, Oct. 7pm. Tower Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, 10th, 7pm. William Saroyan Theater, Fresno. Tall Can Koozi @ The Big Fresno Fair. 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets $35-$175. Friday, Oct. 15th, 6pm. The Big FresThe Queers. Sunday, Oct. 10th, 8pm. Nelly and Blanco Brown. Thursday, no Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Oct. 14th, 8pm. The Big Fresno Fair, Come join us for our second night Tickets $10. 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. of performing at The Big Fresno Fair Doobie Brothers, Michael McDonald, and Dirty Dozen Brass Band. Monday, Oct. 11th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Tickets @ Ticketmaster.

Sublime with Rome and The Dirty Heads. Thursday, Oct. 14th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. Tickets $49.50$69.50.

The 8th Annual Tejano & Country Music Bash. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 4pm. Selma Pioneer Village, 1800 Art Gonzales Pkwy, Selma. Tickets $15. Combichrist. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 5pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Tickets $18.

on the Craft Beer Stage @ 6PM and 7PM.


Hawak, Dontcryformeimalreadydead, Bucky. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 6pm. Sour Milk Shop, 1474 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. System of a Down, Korn, Russian Circles. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 7pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E Shaw Ave, . Primus. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles.

Mr. Crowley. Friday, Oct. 15th, 8pm. Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Strummers in Fresno presents Mr Crowley on Friday Night October 15th! The Fat Man’s Pallbearers. Monday, Smokey Robinson. Friday, Oct. Sunroom Live @ The Big Fresno Fair. Oct. 11th, 8:30pm. The Big Fresno 15th, 10am. Paul Paul Theater @ Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. the Big Fresno Fair. 1121 S Chance Ave, Saturday, Oct. 16th, 11am. The Big Fat Man’s Pallbearers playing live at Fresno. Freso Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresthe Big Fresno fair with their unique no. Join us at the Big Fresno Fair for set list and wicked tones Luke Bryan. Friday, Oct. 15th, 7pm. corndogs, lemonade, and a healthy Save Mart Center, 2650 E Shaw Ave, dose of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Saturday, OctoLos Hooligans @ The Big Fresno Fresno. Tickets @ Ticketmaster. ber 16th. Fair. Monday, Oct. 11th, 8:30pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. LOS HOOLIGANS Live!!! Performing Rocksteady, Rudeswing and Traditional Jamaican SKA! Chris Tomlin. Tueday, Oct. 12th, 7pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Award-winning Christian artist, Chris Tomlin will take over the Paul Paul Theater as part of the Table Mountain Concert Series presented by Toyota at the 2021 Big Fresno Fair! Sing along to worship songs like “Our God,” “Is He Worthy,” “Nobody Loves Me Like You” and more! Ticket prices $42, $32, $22. The Score. Tuesday, Oct. 12th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tickets @ Ticketweb. Rock en Espanol. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Free Rancid and The Dropkick Murphys. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. Tickets @ Ticketmaster. Flogging Molly, The Violent Femmes, and Me First and the Gimme Gimme’s. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 7pm. Woodward Park Rotary Ampitheater, Fresno. Tickets @ Ticketweb. FRESNOFLYER.COM | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



OCTOBER 2021 |


21 +

Jeremy Camp. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 7pm. William Saroyan Theater, 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets $23.50-$69 @ Ticketmaster. Bravo the Bagchaser. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 7pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Tickets $20

JNX @ The Big Fresno Fair. Sunday, Oct. 17th, 4pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. JNX will be doing a set on the Craft Brew Court Stage! Come say Hi friends in Fresno!

El Yaki and Marca Registrada. Sunday, Oct. 17th, 9pm. Bella Vista The Excursions Present: Return of Ranch, 2327 N McCall Ave, Sanger. the Son of One-Hit Wonders and Be- Tickets @ Ticketon. yond. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 7:30pm. Vista Theater, 1296 Wishon Ave, Asking Alexandria, A Day to ReFresno. The Excursions present a re- member, Point North. Monday, Oct. prise of our acclaimed Rogue show 18th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, celebrating the musicians who cre- 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. ated one hit wonders, We will also delve into the Excursions vast cata- Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunlogue of originals and beloved cov- day. Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 7pm. Vina ers, with refreshments and special Robles Ampithearer, 3800 Mill Rd. guests. Please join us for a one-of- Paso Robles. Tickets $45-$55 a-kind event to kick off the Holiday season of 2021. Hail the Sun. Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tickets $20.

14 | OCTOBER 2021


DRI. Thursday, Oct. 21st, 5:30pm. to invite the community to join us for Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Ful- some family fun filled with food venton St, Fresno. Tickets $15. dors, craft vendors, informational booths, Live music, as well as a beer James and Clark Live. Thursday, Oct. garden for the 21 and over! 21st, 5:30pm. Mochuelos Tapas, Hotel Picadilly, Fresno. James and Clark Fitz & The Tantrums. Friday, Oct. return to Mochuelos Tapas at Hotel 22nd, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, Piccadilly in Fresno Ca on Oct. 21, 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. Tickets 2021, to play a great variety of well $35-$75 @ Ticketmaster. known classic songs. They will be performing outside on the patio. Mu- Mariachi Los Camperos. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 6:30pm. Visalia Fox Thesic starts at 5:30 PM. atre, 300 W Main St, Visalia. Tickets Prawn Dawg, Scoundrel (559), Note $29 @ Etix. of Terra, Beyond California. Thursday, Oct. 21st, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E King Daweed Music Festival. SatFern Ave, Fresno. Tickets $10 @ Tic- urday, Oct. 23rd, 5pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresketweb. no. King Daweed Music Festival. Rockin the Arbor with The Fab- $10 Adv. | $15 Dos. | All Ages King ulous Enchantments. Friday, Oct. Daweed + Special Guest Performanc22nd, 6:30pm. The Arbor, 300 E St, es as well as a food truck on site and Lemoore. The Greater Kings County cold beer on tap! Chamber of Commerce would like



Karen Marguth. Sunday, Oct. 24th, 6pm. Veni Vidi Vici, 1116 N Fulton, Fresno. Hot Flash Heat Wave, Post Animal, Reptaliens. Sunday, Oct. 24th, 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. The Home Team & Glacier Veins. Sunday, Oct. 24th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. 559 Halloween Bash feat. Kasher Quon & 10kKev. Friday, Oct. 29th, 7pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Stephen Marley. Friday, Oct. 29th, 7pm. Vina Robles Ampitheater, 3800 Mill Rd, Paso Robles. Tickets $39.50$49.50 @ Ticketmaster. J Stalin’s Naughty Halloween Bash. Friday, Oct. 29th, 9pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Tickets $25-$50

El Fantasma, Los Dos Carnales, Voz de Mando. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 5pm. Chukchansi Park, 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Tickets @ Ticketon.

Best of The West returns to fresno with Return of the King! Come see the hottest independent pro wrestling show on this coast or any coast! Already announced, The return of The Tempest Halloween Bash. Satur- Battle King ! Christina Von Eerie will day, Oct. 30th, 7pm. Full Circle Brew- be in action! The debut of Manimal! ery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. The fresno return of The Stoner Bros! Tickets $12. The Metalhead Maniac Sledge and much much more! OhGeesy. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 7pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St, Fresno. Fresno State Women’s Vollyball vs. University of Nevada. Sunday, Oct. Blunt Force Drama. Saturday, Oct. 17th, 1pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 30th, 8pm. Sequoia Brewing North, E Shaw Ave, Fresno. 1188 E Champlain Dr, Ste 107, Fresno. Come join “The BLUNT” for a Fresno State Bulldogs Women’s Volgreat night out!! lyball vs. Boise State Broncos. Thursday, Oct. 21st, 6pm. Save Mart CenHalloween Concert & Costume Par- ter, 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. ty. Sunday, Oct. 31st, 1pm. Club Dante, 6176 N Grantland Ave, Fresno. Fresno State v Nevada. Saturday, 18+ Halloween party. Music by DJ Oct 23rd, 10am. Bulldog Stadium, Diier. 1620 E Bulldog Ln, Fresno. Fresno State Bulldogs Football vs. Nevada Summer Salt. Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, Wolfpack. Tickets @ Ticketmaster. 7pm. Strummer’s, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tickets $20. Monster Mash Dash, Saturday, Oct. 30th, 8:55am. Woodward Park, FresLos Tigres del Norte. Friday, Nov. no. 5th, 8pm. William Saroyan Theater, 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets $49-$119 SD State Aztecs vs. Fresno State Bulldogs. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 7pm. $not. Friday, Nov. 5th, 8pm. Strum- California State University, 5241 Mamer’s. 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tick- ple Ave, Fresno. ets $25. Fresno California Independents Day Music Festival. Saturday, Nov. 6th, 3pm. Azteca Theater, 838 F St. Fresno. Tickets start @ $25.

tional booths, Live music, as well as a beer garden for the 21 and over! Fifty Shades Live. Thursday, Oct. 21st, 8pm. Los Arcos Nightclub, 1435 Fresno St, Fresno. Tickets $30. Trish Toledo. Thursday, Oct. 21st, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tickets $20. Stoneshiver EP Release Party. Friday, Oct. 22nd, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tickets $10-$12 Betrayel. Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tickets $10-$15. 21+ Ron Thompson’s Celebration of Life. Sunday, Oct. 24th, 3pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Free Admission. 21+ Chromeo. Thursday, Oct. 28th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tickets $20. Emo Night. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tickets $15. 2021 FRESNO Haunted Mansion Halloween Party. Saturday, Oct. 30th, 8pm. The Standard Restaurant & Lounge, 9455 N Ft Washington Rd, Fresno. Highly exclusive, limited capacity party. 21+

21 and Over

La Santa Cecilia. Thursday, Nov. 4th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Matt Zo @ Fulton 55. Friday, Oct. Fresno. Tickets $20. 8th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Tickets @ KBong and Johnny Cosmic. Friday, Atomic Jackrabbit. Sunday, Nov. Nov. 5th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Di7th, 5pm. Bog House Pub, 7089 N Ashley Wallbridge. Friday, Oct. 8th, visadero, Fresno. Tickets $15-$20 Marks, #109, Fresno. Atomic Jack- 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, rabbit performing live. Fresno. Tickets start at $10. 21+ FRESNOFLYER.COM Wolf King and Teeth. Sunday, Nov. 7th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno.

Sports A Day at the Races Mixer. Monday, Oct. 11th, 12:45pm. The Big Fresno Fair, 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Come and join us for some fun at the horse races at the Fresno Fair. Appetizers and mingle.

Girls Night Out The Show. Monday, Oct. 11th, 8pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. $19.95$69.95. 21+ Dom Dolla. Wednesday, Oct. 13th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero, Fresno. Tickets $25. Donald Glaude. Friday, Oct. 15th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Tickets start at $10. 21+

Boxing: Garcia vs. Martin. Saturday, Rockin The Arbor with The Band. Oct. 16th, 1pm. Chukchansi Park, Friday, Oct. 15th, 6:30pm. The Ar1800 Tulare St, Fresno. bor, 300 E St, Lemoore. The Greater Kings County Chamber of Commerce BoTW Presents: Return of the would like to invite the community to King. Saturday, Oct. 16th, 6pm. 5766 join us for some family fun filled with E Fountain Way, Ste 101, Fresno. food vendors, craft vendors, informa| FRESNOFLYER.COM |



OCTOBER 2021 |


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2 SINGER Machines - $200 Very nice Rob 288.9999 2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 559 341 2575


2004 TOYOTA CAMRY LE smoged ready to go runs very good, 2017 YAMAHA 450 4 cylinders, good tires, r quad. Everything is paint in good shape incompletely stock ex- teriors like new, a/c and cept for nerf bars. This heater work,low miles quad has no more than 131,000 original miles, 15 hrs on it. It’s basi- yes CLEAN TITLE. cally brand new and 559 451 8959 in excellent shape. This is the last year 2 TIER tool box on for green sticker 450 wheels. Snap-on and quads as well. I’m ask- other brands, SAE and ing 10,000 for it, title metric. Asking $3,000 in hand and good tags. OBO (559) 229-3637 Cash only call or text 559-826-9919


MID CENTURY settee; excellent condition; material has no 2012 RZR 900 XP EPS (Lemoore) stains, rips or wear $12,600 marks; size is 39” tall 559-631-7019 by 33” deep by 56” wide $250 Delivery BIKES available for extra charge (559) 269-9079 LADIES 26” Road 2 CARTS for sale 1 Master bicycle func$250 the other needs tional but needs restolove and is $100. Brian ration, $300. 559 259 9740. 559-779-7537 VINTAGE RCA phonograph not sure what year needs repair 75.00 price is firm (559) 9304455


GREAT working electric dryer 30 day guarantee delivery available for additional fee. (559) 385-1217

3 SPEED Nexus 26” X 1.75” Tires Clean and in good condition $150 Please call 559-2614680 if interested. No text.

CARS 2003 TOYOTA Camry $2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. There is no check engine lights and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference driving it. 559-458-1056

TITAN Implement root grapple. These grapples attach to the skid steer quick attach mounting system. A third function of some sort is required to be able to operate this grapple. I have one sizes currently in stock: 48” root grapple. This one is $1,300. Call Joseph at 559-574-5445 extension 2


BEDROOM or Living Room Tables with DUAL MP3 player Drawers Both for $35 model: XD7500N it’s Text call 559-207-0589 for sale for only $40.00 please call or text me at BEAUTIFUL daybed (559)389-4462 in excellent condition. This daybed can USED in excellent be used with either a condition 32” Sony twin size mattress (not Bravia flat screen TV. included) or soft cushRemote control includ- ions instead. It comes ed. 120 cash. Txt at 661 with pillows and the 772 3216. bed cover. Selling for $65. Call or text (559) FIRESTICK Up- 362 - 5276. dates/Repairs $25 Wi Fi and HDMI port re- R E C TA N G U L A R quired. New movies, Table available. 33” Cable Tv / Live TV, length x 16.5” width Netflix,Hulu,Disney x 30” high Beautiful Plus,Hbo Max, Sports piece that just doesn’t / PPV, Cartoons, Tv match my new setup. Shows And much, 559-797-5869 much,more.. Updates / Repairs $25 Firesticks $75 4 K firesticks $90 MOTORCYCLES Any questions ? 559 795 6122 2009 Yamaha R1 14XXX Exhaust slip on, carbon fiber front and rear fairings New FARM & chain, new plugs, new GARDEN levers, new throttle caWEED EATER is ble Second owner Runs working perfectly. It 100% $8,500 559-750is basically brand new 7479 it was hardly used. We are asking $130. If In- 2020 CRF450R $8700 terested call (559)800- Bike has a total of 22 hours on it. Brand new 5118 wheels, bars, levers, TORO 22inch recy- plastics, discs, chain/ cler self propelled lawn sprocket, wheels, tires, exhaust, Factory Conmower. 6.5hp engine. Suspension. runs good everything nection works. $150. (559)355- (209)271-9494 5533


R E F R I G E R AT O R Text 681-3986 BLACK SIDE x side Refrigerator $400 refrigerator is in very good condition. It is not very old. Ice and water in the door. It is 26 cubic feet in size. 559 513 0723. My phone 2008 CHEVY Malibu does NOT text, please lt clean title and smog ready to go, in excelcall 559 513 0723 lent conditions ,4 cylKENMORE washer inders, runs very good, $160 Heavy duty su- tires in good condition, per capacity everything paint in good shape, works good comes clothes interiors like with a 30 day warranty new, power windows and doors lock alarm, contact me 491-8067 power seat,A/C cold more info 451 7959 SUPPORT LOCAL




OCTOBER 2021 |



CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS OLD WOOD box refrigerator free! Call 559 341 2575 WOOD Workbench on Wheels with Vise $75 cash! Call 559 341 2575 2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 559 341 2575 2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637 DECORATIVE Real Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind! Call Call 559 341 2575 TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

LOW-HOUR(26.5) 2018.5 KTM 450SXF. The bike is basically stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and everything OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratches here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559246-8965 $8500 OBO. MUSIC FENDER SQUIRE statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VINTAGE DRUM set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. Gladly taking phone calls only. 831601-0915

ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent for single person $350 month. Near Fresno State, by airport. Small deposit, utilities split evenly, no pets. Call (559) 797-5209


1997 HOLIDAY Rambler vacationer 29ft. Class A. Like new low miles - $12,900 (1 owner super clean must VIOLIN SET- Adult see!) 559-770-6130 4/4 w/bow and Case - Brand New! - $120 SELLING something Price reduced, have List it here info@fresnew rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888

1992 TOYOTA Micro Mini RV. Small enough to park in a standard parking space. 104,760 Miles. V6 3.0 Fuel injected motor with electronic ignition. Runs great. Clean overall for it’s age. New Stereo with back up camera. Service done at 97K miles: Head gasket, Fuel injector, timing belt, plugs & wires, Distributor cap & rotor, coolant hoses, thermostat, coolent flush, power steering fluid, new alternator. New tires. Longer valve stems installed for inside tires so you can check pressure yourself. 2800 Watt Onan generator, built in, works great. Microwave, bathroom, shower, TV. Call Or Text: 559-240-4499 1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230 2000 mallard 24 ft Model# 24J Everything works No leaks Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed New tires Registration $9200 Pink in hand 559-214-9352

Call(559)313-0488 18 | OCTOBER 2021




MARSHALL Valvestate 80V Model 8080 - $340. In good condition. Call only (408)571-9818 2003 SPRINTER by keystone 29ft Double door entry Everything works No leaks Super slide Sleeps 6 comfortably Private bathroom Front bedroom Big stand in shower Current registration Good tires Asking $11,900 Pink in hand Serious buyers only! 559-4511678 2007 STARCRAFT Antigua 22 ft hybrid all the Screens & canvas zippers are in excellent condition No mold or patches it Only weighs 3700 lb dry sleeps 8 a super slide out for extra space. Full kitchen everything works. Has Air Conditioning Heating. a big bathroom walk-in shower. Current tags clean title Good tires. good battery dual LP tanks Asking 10,900 call 559 647-6879


LEEDOM Snowboard METAL lockers, Helmet XL call 559 15x36x78, in good 519-4648 condition $300. Call 559 360 2977. ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, TWIN 3 ft aluminum Knee, Surf, Skim, ladder 300 lb rating in Body Boards for sale. good condition. Call Life preserve Jackets, 559 259 9740. Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows WORKS PERFECT, to meet Coast Guard Black and Decker requirements, Tow Brand in really good Ropes, Wet Suits. If condition. $30 Call it goes in the water I anytime: 760-458-3888 might have it. Shop early as this gear does MANY VISES, swivnot last! First come el, in good condifirst service! If interest- tion,Wilton, Sears, Coed call Zeus, calls only, lumbian, etc, $55 and NO TEXT Call 8am to up. Call 559 360 2977. 5pm only 5597067841 A ALMOST brand BASEBALL bags , new ZIRCON EDGE sports bags $10 Each FINDER STUD-SENcall 559 519-4648 SOR L40 is for sale for only $25.00 please call NEW TENNIS bag or text me at (559)389with back pack carry- 4462 ing straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. 18V HITACHI drill Price is firm. Thanks! and impact $75 2 pak $40 470-8091 text drill/impact and charplease ger 5599179631 PSE Nighthawk Recurve Bow. Great condition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762 GOLD’S GYM elliptical excellent condition has fan and heart monitor. $200 559-213-6452 TOOLS 2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

out this nailer and our selection of jewelry, tools, electronics and more. Please visit THE FRESNO HOCK SHOPPE, Monday through Friday 10am to 530pm or Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Located at 3235 E Belmont Fresno Ca 93702 Or call us at 559-264-5856 with any questions VIDEO GAMES NINTENDO 64 w/ Controller & 3 Games $80. Nintendo 64 with one controller and three games. Works great still but you will need an ac adapter. Text 559 666 8136

MODDED Wii 219 wii Games 1000s of retros - $150. Comes with all wires, 1 controller 1 nunchuck ,1 hard drive that has 219 wii games. It also a 32gb memory card that contains the programs HUGE snap on and all retros 4-5000 pipe wrench 250$ old school games, nin5594004145 tendo , Super Nintendo, sega, sega génesis, BRAND new honda gameboy, Atari. call or generator never used I text (559)551-9038 never put in gas number $1000 5593753348 XBOX GUITAR hero microphone Selling a DEWALT 20-Volt used in excellent conMAX Lithium-Ion dition Xbox guitar hero 15-Degree Cordless microphone. 10 cash. Roofing Nailer Kit with Txt at 661 772 3216 Battery 2.0 Ah Charger and Bag. Like new nail- PLAYSTATION 4 er in great condition. $350 5 games includComes with charger, ed. call or text 559case and battery. Drill 7776558 is ready to go holds charge and will handle any job. Priced well below retail ($399) Home Depot. Come get this great deal today!!! And Check out our great inventory of tools. If you would like to check

Workbench GOLF CLUB starter WOOD Sets $35 Each 559 519- on Wheels with Vise $75 cash! Call 559 341 4648 2575 TENNIS Racquets $20 each Call 559 519- SUPPORT LOCAL SELLING something 4648 List it here | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



OCTOBER 2021 |





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Services. Estate sale cleanups. Yard, trash, construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments and foreclosures. We it all, just call! (559) 307-4304 ask for James


Preseason Checkup Mention this ad for 10% off CA lic. #479374 Call David with Specialized Air Conditioning (559) 226-6102

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