Fresno Flyer Vol 6 No 7

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The world feels a little out of control right now, doesn’t it? If you haven’t heard, things look to be on the brink of World War III. Ukraine is fighting for her life against Russia’s attempt of a brute-force, hostile takeover. The West is trying to stay out of the line of fire while still fighting the good fight in support of Ukraine - although we may find ourselves personally in the mix soon enough. And all while a pandemic still ravages our community, the housing market has exploded beyond the reach of the middle class, inflation, and civil unrest.

It’s exhausting. It’s overwhelming. Sometimes, it’s enough to make a person feel hopeless. All of it is a stark reminder that life is so painfully short. But there is a beauty in that if you’re open to it.

We’ve been told our whole lives to think and act for the future. At five years old, we’re asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” And from there on out, we’re pushed to map out the rest of our lives, complete with retirement options. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad thing to think about the future, but our obsession with it has caused us to forget about today. To forget that we’re living a moment right now.

“Maybe” becomes our motto. “I would love to learn to play piano, but maybe later when there’s more time.” “I want to tell that person I love them, but maybe later, when I feel more

confident.” We all have a list of “maybes” that we daydream about and continue to put off for another day - someday, later.

But life is short. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, World War III or not. So we should soak up life right now while the opportunities are here. Now, I’m not saying you should sell everything tomorrow, move into a converted bus and travel the country (unless you want to, then you definitely should). What I am saying is that every time you feel that dark, end-of-the-world cloud encroaching on your inner peace - pull one of those “maybes” down off the shelf and get after it.

Write that play. Learn to skateboard. Tell that person you love them. Call in sick, play hooky and do absolutely nothing all day. Or take it even further - go back to school and finish that degree before the opportunity is gone forever. Change your career. Change your life, whatever that looks like to you.

The future is only moderately within our control, at best. The only thing we can control, however, is right now. But, unfortunately, we spend so much of our time looking toward the future or swimming in the past that we forget to make the most of the moment we’re currently living.

It all could be over in a blink, you guys. So let’s make the most of what we have, in this moment, right now. Let’s make it count.




WhenSerena Williams gave birth to her daughter Olympia in 2018, she never expected a routine C-section delivery to result in a series of complications that would almost cost her life. Williams, the most famous Black female athlete in the world, almost died because no one listened to her. Her concerns about her own health were ignored or dismissed by her nurses and doctors. They exposed a severe and systemic problem of racial bias in the American healthcare system. And it is a problem all too familiar to women of color, especially those in poor and underserved communities.

Racism and discrimination in the healthcare system have been a well-documented and long-standing issue for minority pregnant women, especially Black women. For example, a 1992 New England Journal of Medicine report found that a college-educated Black woman had a significantly higher chance of her baby dying within the first year after birth than a white woman with an 8th grade education. In addition, they compiled 174 different studies on how race affected both the biology of expecting mothers and the quality of healthcare they received. The results of these studies were that there was a direct and provable correlation between race and the quality of healthcare pregnant women receive in America. Further, this disparity was pervasive throughout the healthcare system, affecting access, diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare.

The United States is one of only 13 countries where the death rate is worse today than it was 25 years ago. Between 700 and 900 women die each year from problems related to pregnancy, childbirth, or postnatal complications within a year of delivery. And the disproportion between Black and white mothers and their babies is shocking. Black infants are more than twice as likely to die during birth or within their first year than white babies. A disparity even worse than it was back in 1850 - 16 years before the end of slavery.

Sabrina Kelley has made it her mission to change those statistics. The daughter of a Black teen mother, born low-weight, Kelley has a strong personal connection to

the struggle Black women face in getting adequate pre and postnatal care. As a result, Kelley founded the Black Maternal Wellness Innovation Lab (BMWIL) to address the Black premature birth epidemic in Fresno County, which has the second-highest number of premature births in California.

ever, as she related later in an interview with Vogue, the response she received was not what she expected.

“She walked out of the hospital room so her mother wouldn’t worry and told the nearest nurse, between gasps, that she needed a CT scan with contrast and IV heparin (a blood thinner) right

She had a filter placed in a major vein to prevent blood clots from traveling to her lungs. When she finally came home, she was on bed rest for six weeks.

Stories like Willams’ are appallingly common among Black women of all socioeconomic levels. However, the outcomes are often tragic for those without the benefit of Williams’ wealth and profile. Kelley founded BMWIL to give a voice to those mothers who don’t have the platform or resources to make themselves heard.

BMWIL uses Human-centered design (HCD) to train, develop, and empower Birth Justice Advocates to help educate and support Black and minority mothers in underserved areas of Fresno. Particularly in the 93706 zip code, which has one of the highest preterm birth rates in the nation. These Birth Justice Advocates provide a voice for the voiceless, lobbying on their behalf with state and local officials, as well as healthcare providers.

“ We provide our Birth Justice Advocates with knowledge, talking points, and the tools to communicate effectively with elected officials and health providers,” Kelley explains. “Sharing resources, making connections, and building a voice to bring awareness to these serious issues affecting all women, and particularly Black women.”

“The reality is, Black women don’t feel heard or seen by healthcare providers,” Kelley says. “Too often our concerns are ignored, or the care we receive is inadequate.”

Serena Williams’ harrowing experience is the unfortunate and far too common reality for many women of color in America today. It is estimated that between 50,000 and 70,000 women each year deal with dangerous or life-threatening complications from pregnancy. And Black women, in particular, are 3 to 4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related health complications than white women. Having undergone treatment for pulmonary embolism in 2011, Williams was familiar with its warning signs. So, when she began experiencing shortness of breath, she quickly alerted a nurse. How-

away. The nurse thought her pain medicine might be making her confused. But Serena insisted, and soon enough, a doctor was performing an ultrasound of her legs. “I was like, a Doppler? I told you, I need a CT scan and a heparin drip,” she remembers telling the team. The ultrasound revealed nothing, so they sent her for the CT, and sure enough, several small blood clots had settled in her lungs. Minutes later, she was on the drip. “I was like, listen to Dr. Williams!” (Vogue, 2018)

Williams continued to have health problems after that. Her severe coughing from the embolism caused her C-section wound to rupture. When she went in for surgery, doctors found a hematoma filling her abdomen caused by the blood thinners.

Social media has been a powerful and effective tool for BMWIL to raise awareness and connect and share information with expecting mothers in Fresno County.

We created the #areyoulisteningtoher campaign to help elevate these challenges that Black women in particular face when they try to access the healthcare system and providers,” Kelley explains. “The focus is on continuing these conversations in the black community and looping back to social media in preparation for the launch of Black Maternal Health Week.”

Black Maternal Health Week runs from April 11th to the 17th. As part of its activities during the week, BMWIL plans to facilitate a roundtable discussion simulcast

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Sabrina Kelley, MPH - Founder BMWIL with Cohort 1 graduates

Be kind, be patient, listen to understand

...The fight cont’d from pg 3

live on social media and YouTube. They have also partnered with UCSF graduates Tamera Moore and Nahima Shaffer to produce “In Our Bodies.” The video highlights the problem of unconscious bias and racial discrimination in healthcare from women who’ve experienced it first-hand.

And while the primar y focus of BMWIL is advocating on behalf of Black women, particularly in the 93706 zip code, Kelley believes that theirs is a message that can empower all women.

What do human beings need to do to remember that wisdom, kindness, and patience are the precursor to doing the right thing when faced with challenges? There are no mistakes, only choices. So how do we recalibrate when tempers flare, and patience is replaced with reactive behavior?

Speaking calmly and explaining our personal needs keeps things friendly and straightforward. Typically, as a result, the conversation concludes with a resolution.

Times are challenging indeed, and undoubtedly every day brings new developments with it. Just turn on a news channel. Most of us are inundated with international and local news updates that may leave us feeling anxious within five minutes. In addition, we feel vicarious trauma witnessing someone else’s loss; it can trigger anxiety, loss of hope, grief, sadness, and anger. So, what can you do to avoid being overwhelmed?

Here are some routine exercises to incorporate into your morning to avoid the mind clutter that can, if we allow it in, will catastrophize the day and promote fear. Unfortunately, anxiety has a way of creeping in unexpectedly. Still, we can learn to deescalate panic by learning coping skills to filter out unnecessary events we do not consent to.

• If you must watch the morning news, watch one segment, which

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Additionally, BMWIL has launched #thepath to promote body awareness and self-care for teens and preteens. The intent is to teach young women how to take care of themselves and choose when to become sexually active instead of feeling pressured into it. Educating young women about the options available to them, including Planned Parenthood, empowers them to choose motherhood on their terms and make the best decisions for their health and the health of their baby. Additionally, to hold medical providers accountable and encourage them to listen to women’s feedback and hear their concerns.

“It’s important to highlight collaborative innovation between women of all ethnicities,” Kelley says. “We live in an area with high ethnocentric concentration, so advocating for all women helps all women, not just one particular ethnic group. As we prepare to celebrate National Women’s Day, it’s essential to talk about the collective power of all women and what can be accomplished when all women get together and make our voices heard.”

For more information about the Black Maternal Wellness Innovation Lab, follow them on facebook at, or Instagram @bmwilab.


(StatePoint) As the country takes steps toward economic recovery amidst an ongoing pandemic, women business owners are reporting increased optimism about the current economic outlook, which may be accredited to their resilience and decisive action, according to a recent survey of women-owned businesses by PNC Bank.

Leading the way in employee vaccination. According to the survey, nine in 10 (89%) women business owners have taken action to encourage employee vaccination, compared to 78% of male business owners. In fact, half (49%) are providing assistance or education about the vaccine and nearly half (48%) are requiring their employees to receive vaccinations.

Those efforts may well be making an impact: eight in 10 (79%) women business owners estimate that a majority of their employees have been vaccinated, and eight in 10 (81%) of those with 100% vaccinated employees report they are highly optimistic about their company’s prospects over the next six months. Among those with fewer than 100% of their workforce vaccinated, 56% are highly optimistic.

“The optimism reflected in this survey is significantly higher than in our previous surveys of women business owners and this year, there is an undeniable correlation between safeguarding their workforce and

their future financial prospects,” said Beth Marcello, director of PNC Women’s Business Development.

Supporting employees through the pandemic. In addition to encouraging COVID-19 vaccination, female business owners have outpaced men in taking other actions since the start of the pandemic on behalf of their employees, such as implementing health and safety improvements (49%), allowing more flexible work arrangements (49%), and providing caregiving support and other benefits (14%).

Both women (36%) and men (44%) increased wages and salaries during the pandemic to retain and attract talent, and said they plan to increase compensation (27% and 37%, respectively) in the next six months.

Taking action on social responsibility. Women business owners differed substantially from their men counterparts in the area of social responsibility, according to the survey. Six in 10 (60%) women business owners have formally considered or reviewed policies supporting diversity and inclusion, gender pay equity, volunteering or charitable giving, or sustainability or the environment in the past 12 months. This is double the percentage of men business owners who have done the same (30%).

“It is clear from the data that fe-

male business owners are prepared for the challenges they face; in fact, more than half attributed their optimism to their own resilience and resourcefulness,” Marcello said. “The support they provide for each other and their employees is key to thriving, and why we’re optimistic about the future for women-owned businesses and their growing contribution to economic prosperity overall.”

About the survey and Project 257: Accelerating Women’s Financial Equality. The survey, among small- and medium-sized businesses with self-reported revenue of $100,000 to $250 million, was conducted by telephone among a national sample of women’s business owners during August and September of 2021.

Under the leadership of Marcello and with support from the bank’s 4,000 PNC-Certified Women’s Business Advocates, PNC recently launched Project 257: Accelerating Women’s Financial Equality, an initiative designed to help close the 257-year economic gender gap and expand on PNC’s decades-long track record of supporting female financial decision makers. More information can be found at

One thing is clear. Women business owners have taken decisive action during the pandemic, and these efforts are making a positive impact on their employees and their business.

Mastewal Abebe - presenting Human Centered Design concepts at Cohort 1 graduation

Masks For Dummies XX

Aswe usher into spring 2022, we should contemplate how far we’ve come since the coronavirus pandemic was officially announced by the WHO around this time back in 2020. That seems like more than a decade ago now. At the beginning of March, we Americans now have over 79,070,000 total confirmed Covid cases and 952,000 deaths here in the United States. Worldwide, we have lost over 5,975,000 dear family and friends, with a total of over 437,950,000 confirmed cases. Here in Fresno, a county of just one million people, we’ve felt the carnage, too. We have lost over 2,597 Fresnans with a total of over 225,679 confirmed cases. All of this tells us what we’ve been saying for quite some time now: for every 100 confirmed Covid cases, there are two Covid deaths.

It’s been an awful, heartfelt time. More than 20% of Fresnans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2. Right now, in Fresno, we have over 290 people in the hospital fighting for their lives because of Covid. Family members, friends - both the old and the young. As we’ve painfully learned, the coronavirus spreads fast. It is super contagious, especially with its latest new variants and strains. It has wreaked havoc across our country and the world. By the time you read this, we’ll probably have crossed the one-millionth death mark in the United States. After two long, painful years, we still average over 2,180 Covid deaths a day across the country. It’s traumatizing.

And, I know. Last month, I wrote that my dear grandmother died of Covid. But, you may not have seen that previous installment because I missed the February print deadline, unfortunately. It’s been an emotionally tough couple of months. It’s been a tougher couple of years. We’re going to miss

those who’ve abruptly left us and passed on due to this horrible and rampant disease. Yet, at the same time, we stay hopeful. We should remain thankful for our free life-saving vaccines and our free life-saving N95 respirator masks. Without a doubt, both vaccines and masks have made a tremendous difference in this coronavirus fight, and they have saved many countless lives.

This fact is undeniable.

Yet, they also horribly divided our country in ways we didn’t expect. Mask and vaccine mandates stirred up so much contention and discord they became painfully politicized in the U.S. The outlandish ‘anti-vax’ and ‘anti-mask’ rallies, demonstrations, and confrontations were just privileged first-world crybabies complaining about their privileged first-world problems. But such demonstrations persisted while the rest of the world still desperately wears whatever masks they can get their hands on as they wait for their turn for the vaccine. But what’s tragic here is that these crybaby ‘freedom fighters’ very actions may have seriously contributed to the Covid death toll. You see, instead of protecting themselves by wearing masks and avoiding overly crowded places, these idiots held massive rallies and meetings, all without masks or vaccination protection. Unsurprisingly, they ended up causing more infections, subsequently resulting in many more thousands of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers getting sick and dying. For what? Because of their undying obstinate ignorance. What’s worse is that all of the conspiracy theorizing and fake news propaganda caused countless others to postpone their vaccinations or discard their masks as ‘useless’ and ‘stupid.’ It led to increased infections and deaths. The war against Covid has been fought on the weary battlefields of

accurate information, where fake news and ‘alternative truths’ masquerade and turn communities into casualties.

Let’s be honest here. At the heart of the issue is the truth that Americans just don’t like being told what to do. Early in the pandemic arose an expression of American’ liberty’ when our local and state governments tried to impose curfews and other social restrictions on the public. The pushback was intense. People distrusted the sudden new rules and did not know who or what to believe. There was a lot of fear and misinformation in the air - a deadly combination. What we needed so direly, back then and even now, was some clarity. We needed some easily accessible, regular, fact-based, and evidence-driven community resources to help cut through all of the questionable news. And that’s why this Masks For Dummies (MFD) column series was created two years ago - for people like you, dear Flyer reader. You know that, in reality, you’re the real dummy if you don’t wear your mask during a global pandemic.

It’s not the other way around.

You’re the dummy if you berate and belittle people or make them feel uncomfortable for wearing a mask. You’re the dummy for attacking people for simply trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from a horrible, untimely - and preventable - death. You’re the dummy if you go out of your way to promote any conspiracy theory you can find that aims to debunk the effectiveness of mask-wearing and the efficacy of vaccines. And, you’re the dummy, too, if you listen to any of those dummies. It’s a horrible cycle.

This Masks for Dummies (MFD) series began some two years ago to provide you, dear reader, the information you need to know about masks and why they are so cru-

cial in preventing transmission. As we know, Covid is rapid, acute, and severe - but it’s not invincible. Simple collective mitigating healthcare measures, like social distancing, quarantining, and mask-wearing drastically slow down Covid’s destruction because they stop its spread. As we’ve discussed throughout this entire series in depth, viruses are tiny particles that only want to infect and replicate - but they need a host to do that - they need you and me. So, if we can prevent these virions from entering our nose and mouth by simply using a mask/respirator - then we can stop this coronavirus dead in its tracks, which will save lives.

This was the original game plan with our collective mask measures. And those who faithfully wore their masks did just that. Everyone who wears their mask protects themselves and does their part to protect those around them. But, of course, collective measures require collective participation - or else they don’t work. This is why the government stepped in and intervened by mandating everyone adhere to the universal mask plan. Because, if only a few faithful wear their masks among a sea of non-maskers during a raging pandemic, how effective will viral mitigation be? Not very. And now, mask mandates are dropping all over the country under the CDC’s new guidance of ‘Covid-19 Community Levels.’ It’s even more important to understand how maskers will continue to protect others and themselves. In a footnote on their new guidance website, the CDC says, “At all levels, people can wear a mask based on personal preference, informed by personal level of risk. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.”

Mask-wearing is not dead at all. You’d be a dummy to think that…

I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of being a father.


Class action lawsuit filed on behalf of the unhoused

OnFebruary 21, 2020, Fresno Police Department officers assaulted and injured Lewis Brown at a homeless encampment near Highway 180 and Hughes Avenue in West Fresno. The encampment was not located on city property. Brown had been living there cooperatively with other residents for over a year. Recently, Brown opened up about his experiences that day.

“I had just woken up, starting to do my daily chores, fed my dog, and I saw the (FPD) Homeless Task Force walking up,” Brown begins.

The police officer instructed Brown to leave, telling him the property belonged to the city. Brown explained that it was, in fact, private property. Still, the officer insisted – stating that Brown would be arrested if he did not move.

“I go walking back to my tent with my dog and had my friend tie my dog up. The police officer said I told [the other residents] they didn’t have to move. I said I didn’t say that, and then I started packing my stuff. The officer looks at me and says, oh yeah, grabs my arm and says, stop resisting, right off the top. He threw me to the ground with four other cops, and from then on, they were beating me up,” shares Brown.

“As I was packing my stuff, I did nothing against their orders. They never told me I was under arrest. They put their knees on my back, rubbed my face into the ground, busted my eye open. And I just had eye surgery three weeks before, a cornea transplant, they messed it up.”

“They picked me up off the ground and took me to the police vehicle and kick[ed] my legs out from under me, then said, have a seat … they beat me up for about three minutes with my arms up way over my head. In court, they said they never saw someone treated like that, and I’m lucky I’m still walking.”

“I’m in a lot of pain. I’m 62 years old, my knees are bad, and the police abuse made my pain worse. They searched me while I was lying there. They yanked me up, called the paramedics, and arrested me while

I was in the ambulance, on the way to the hospital.”

Initially, the prosecution dropped the resulting charges against Brown quickly after his arrest. However, according to Brown, the charges were again pursued after his attorney filed suit against the city. Brown viewed the act as retaliation. After two years defending against the allegations, Brown was ultimately found not guilty. Now, he is the named plaintiff in a lawsuit awaiting judicial approval to move forward as a “class-action.”

The lawsuit is filed by Attorney Kevin Little on behalf of Lewis Brown and all others similarly situated. The city estimates there are over 4,000 unhoused individuals. However, advocates estimate the number to be twice that. In addition to the City of Fresno, the lawsuit is filed against the Police Chief, former Police Chief, the Mayor, and five police officers involved in the incident. It is also filed against unknown law enforcement officers who may have engaged in unlawful conduct throughout the city.

The complaint seeks damages, declaratory and injunctive relief, and demands a jury trial. It cites Brown’s case as an example of how the city mistreats the unhoused. This mistreatment includes the constant removal to other locations, taking and destroying personal property, using excessive and unreasonable force, attempting to silence and punish those that advocate for themselves, and restricting other advocates from assisting the unhoused.

Brown sustained injuries to his eye, face, knees, back, and torso. The officers had no reason to believe Brown was violent or armed. Yet, they used unreasonable and excessive force, all of which is documented on police video cameras. In addition, the officers on the scene ordered the destruction of all Brown’s property. The destruction of his property directly violates a court order and injunction issued in Kincaid v. Fresno over a decade ago.

After his release from custody, Brown spoke publicly about his experience. Longtime Homeless Advocate Dez Martinez and journalist Mike Rhodes assisted Brown

in helping him share his story. Rhodes covered the incident, which was published in the Community Alliance newspaper. Shortly after speaking out, Brown was charged criminally for resisting arrest, possession, trespassing, refusing to leave private property, and unlawful lodging. However, Brown was ultimately found innocent of all charges by a jury after only 90 minutes of deliberation.

For many years, the Fresno Police Department and other city agencies have harassed the unhoused residents of Fresno. Many have been arrested simply because of their homeless status. Many have been issued citations for things that result from being homeless like loitering, trespassing, public urination, having unlicensed dogs, littering, and other conditions that are difficult to avoid while homeless. Harassment and arrests result in incarceration for petty offenses and having warrants issued against them for failure to appear in court or failing to pay a fine.

The city has continued to engage in cleanup sweeps of homeless encampments over many years. Sometimes these sweeps result in the belongings of the unhoused being treated like trash and thrown away. Shelters, tents, clothing, pets, bedding, medicines, appliances, food, utensils, and priceless items of sentimental value have been thrown away, often on very short or no notice. Many advocates and others believe the city’s strategy is to force people to move from one location to another continually. Although the city and county have received millions of dollars for housing and homeless services in the last 20 years and many more millions recently, they’ve implemented no permanent solution. The Housing First approach has been ignored entirely, and instead, in its place is a failed system of temporary shelters, transitional housing, and limited services for the chronically homeless. A statewide system of shelter operators, service providers, and public agencies is wasting billions of dollars on perpetuating a self-serving and failed industry that perpetuates homelessness. For example, Fresno has not provided any permanent

supportive housing for those suffering on the streets since 2016. Instead, the city is remodeling motels along Parkway, a motel corridor, and warehousing those removed from encampments in run-down motels. The city dubs this “temporary housing.”

There are many different reasons why people become homeless. Sometimes a family crisis or other crisis starts the process, a job loss, a health condition that leads to bankruptcy, a mental health crisis, falling into addiction and substance abuse, losing foster care housing, being evicted for various reasons, being a victim of domestic violence, cannot afford a rent increase, the list goes on. But poverty, inequality, institutionalized racism, and the domination of a white, patriarchal elite are the root causes. Our capitalist economic system perpetuates it, and our amoral culture allows it to continue. If we are serious about ending homelessness, we must recognize that.

Brown further shared his personal experience as a member of the unhoused community:

What is a day like? Rough?

“Yeah, it’s a struggle. I don’t have any money. I don’t have a vehicle, so I can’t make money.”

How long have you been homeless?

“Since 2014. I had a job, a house, my kid lived with me. I lost my house in 2012. I went to prison after I bought a car for car parts and didn’t know it was stolen. I got 16 months in prison for stolen property.”

Do you have relatives?

“Yeah, my mom’s still alive. My sister works for the county. I don’t want to stay with my mom and put a burden on her. My son got killed by the cops in a high-speed chase, only 21 years old, in 2014. He stayed in a coma

Continues on pg 7...


A Sweet St. Patrick’s Day

( Even if you’re not Irish, a green treat like this Luck o’ the Irish Mint Pie can get you and your guests into the festive spirit. With enough seasonal flavor to go around, this recipe makes two pies, so be sure to cut every leprechaun a generous portion.

Luck o’ the Irish Mint Pie

Makes: 2 pies (9 inches each)

3 3/4 cups heavy whipped cream, divided

8 ounces cream cheese, softened

1 1/4 cups, plus 2 tablespoons, powdered sugar, divided

5 drops green food coloring

1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract, divided

1/4 teaspoon mint extract

...Lawsuit cont’d from pg 6

for seven months with a busted spine and internal injuries, and then he passed away. I had just gotten out [of prison].”

It’s hard to get a job and rent a place, right?

“Yeah, I need a house. It’s hard for me to get a job, I’m injured, I can’t see in one eye.”

What do you think about the housing and support system?

“Well, everyone out here wants a place to stay, to shower and sleep, but the way they treat people in the shelter system is bad. They got a lot of messed-up rules. The staff mistreats people. Then they only give you the room for 90 days. I don’t want it. Just because we’re homeless, we shouldn’t be treated like animals. They say their mission is to help us get back into society, but they don’t do anything to help. They’re supposed to help get food stamps and other services, but they don’t.”

Do people get mental health or substance abuse services?

“I don’t think so, from what I know.”

What do you hear from people about why they are homeless?

1 bag mint chocolate candies, chopped, divided

2 chocolate cookie crusts (9 inches each)

1 bag mint chocolate candies

To make filling: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk 2 1/2 cups heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Transfer to bowl.

In separate stand mixer bowl, beat cream cheese on high 2 minutes. Gradually add 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar and green food coloring; mix until smooth. Add 1/4 teaspoon vanilla and mint extract; mix well.

Fold prepared whipped cream into cream cheese mixture. Fold 1 cup chopped mint chocolate candies into filling.

To make frosting: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk remaining heavy cream and remaining powdered sugar. Add remaining vanilla extract and mix until stiff peaks form.

Pour filling into crusts and smooth tops.

Fill decorating bag with frosting and pipe thick band around edges of pies. Then pipe circle dollops evenly around edges of pies.

Scatter 1 cup chopped mint chocolate candies in middle of pies. Place whole mint chocolate candies into each dollop of frosting around edges of pies.

Refrigerate until firm, 5-6 hours.

Find more festive recipes at

“Because of a crisis, something happened in their family… it’s not because they’re drug addicts. That’s what everybody thinks. There are good people out here. Everybody’s had jobs. I know electricians, carpenters, construction workers. People have a tragedy; they lose their families. It’s rough.”

What should the city and county focus on?

“The tiny home villages, permanent housing, permanent apartments, and then services if people need them. The city needs to do more street outreach. All they have is Poverello. The city has good intentions, I think… of getting rid of us!”

As the lawsuit proceeds, a team of lawyers will be gathering statements and depositions from the unhoused persons in Fresno who have been mistreated by the Fresno Police Department, other city employees, or have had property taken and discarded by the city.

This story will continue to update as more details unfold. Updates will be included in subsequent issues of the Fresno Flyer


Feed Team supplies (Potatoes, Rice, Meat, tortillas, eggs etc)

Hygiene Bags

Snack bags


2-man tents

PayPal - Hygiene, snacks, water, tents, blankets, socks, etc (@Homelessinfresno)

Venmo - Hygiene & Food donations (@we-are-not-invisible)

Cash App - to help with gas for outreach (Invisiblenomore)


Poverello House: (available to public)

Men showers and laundry

7 am - 11 am Monday thru Friday

Women showers and laundry

1 pm to 3 pm Monday thru Friday

Breakfast 830 am; lunch 12:00 pm; Dinner 4:00 pm - 7 days a week

...Be kind cont’d from pg 4

typically is the weather, a briefing of world news, local reports, and traffic. Then turn it off. You don’t need to continually watch a ribbon or listen to it as it repeats while you’re getting ready for your day.

• If you work from home, you have the freedom to put on a YouTube channel that has soothing calming music, a video with tranquil sounds such as soft rain, or space exploration with meditation merit.

• Mediate your thoughts. Focus and relax on what you want to give your attention to and what you don’t and then meditate for 30 minutes before starting your day.

• Faith-based daily prayer remembering grace and gratitude for all you have and all you love.

• Stressed? Change the focus. (1) Place your bare feet on a cool surface and count to 10. (2) Envision a STOP sign and count to 10. (3) Take a walk (4) Get hydrated

Above all, remember to be kind and patient to yourself, nurture your connection with yourself, and the Universe, in return, will be there for you, with you, and to guide you. Kindness and patience go a long way. When you listen to a client or customer today, hear with understanding and respond to be helpful and compassionate. We never truly know what another person is going through. Be there for them as you would want them to be there for you. Practice the gift of empathy.

Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb, M.A. Counseling Psychology Author & Narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors” & “Keeping a Suggestive Mind Through Meditation”, speaker for transition, loss & grief.

Bob McCloskey is an organizer for the Fresno Homeless Union.


Ilove good BBQ. Well, I love the idea of good BBQ. I say that because good BBQ places are rather hard to find around these parts. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of great BBQ spots in the Central Valley. It’s just that finding one can take some searching. So you can imagine my excitement when I heard about a new BBQ spot opening in Clovis: Kemp BBQ. They claim to offer authentic, Texas-style BBQ. No fancy fusion, no “re-imagined sides, “just traditional, slowsmoked BBQ done right.

Owner Dom Matthews’ BBQ career began a few years ago with the gift of a smoker from his grandmother. With no formal culinary training, Dom taught himself how to smoke meat. He traveled to Texas to sample some of the best BBQ in the state, picking up even more tips and techniques along the way. In 2019, Dom opened his first BBQ restaurant in Gustine. While the response from customers was very positive, he felt a lot of pressure to expand his menu beyond the standard fare found at traditional BBQ spots.

“People would say, ‘Why don’t you serve fries?’ or ‘How about making burritos?” Dom recalls, but he wasn’t convinced. “Not that there’s anything wrong with those things, but that’s not traditional BBQ.”

Two years later, Dom closed his restaurant and relocated to Clovis. Excited to bring his signature style to the Central Valley, Kemp BBQ opened its doors at the end of December. The public response has been extremely positive. Dom has been hustling to keep up with the demand. He’s also been listening to customer feedback, which has helped him fine-tune the menu while still maintaining his commitment to tradition.

I visited Kemp BBQ prepared to throw down on some BBQ. Dom greeted me with a smile and asked what I was in the mood for.

“I want all of it!”  I declared, like a carnivorous Gollum searching for my precious. But seriously, how could I just choose one, or two, or even three types of meat to try when Kemp BBQ has pulled pork, brisket, tritip, hot links, and of course ribs.

“Actually, we’re sold out of ribs,” Dom said sheepishly.

“ WHAT? NO RIBS?? It’s barely after lunch!” I protested.

“Sorry, man, you gotta get here earlier next time,” He chuckled. “But don’t worry, I got you!”

A few minutes later, Dom produced


a tray loaded with half-sandwiches of pulled pork, brisket, tri-tip, and hot links. Next to them were each of the sides: ranch beans, rice pilaf, mac n cheese, and coleslaw, along with cups of their traditional and spicy BBQ sauces.

I started with the pulled pork. Served on a toasted french roll and topped with a generous serving of Kemp’s house slaw. It was the juiciest, most flavorful pulled pork I had ever eaten. The rich, smoky flavor of the meat contrasted perfectly with the sweet, tangy, and crunchy slaw. However, I had to resist the urge to eat the whole thing because I still had 3 more sandwiches to try, plus those sides.

Next up was the tri-tip. Now, I’ve had all kinds of delicious tri-tip, cooked in just about every way imaginable, so I was prepared to judge and judge harshly if this wasn’t up to snuff. However, one bite was enough to convince me that Dom knows his way around that smoker. The post oak wood smoke blends expertly with his secret-recipe dry rub.

I had to tr y some of the delicious-looking sides that were just sitting there staring at me with those sad mac n cheese eyes. Aww, it’s ok, mac n cheese, I didn’t forget about you! And unforgettable is definitely a great way to describe it, too. But it was the homemade ranch beans that really knocked

me out. I wanted to dive into that cup of beans and swim around. Is that weird? Moving on…

Next, I tried the hotlink sandwich and was promptly kicked in the mouth with a sweet and (very) spicy link that snapped beautifully when I bit into it, exploding with juiciness. It wasn’t at all what I was expecting from a hotlink, in the best possible way.

And then there was only one. The brisket. The standard by which all good, traditional BBQ is judged.

Kemp BBQ slow-smokes their brisket for up to 12 hours to get it just right. Boy, did I save the best for last. Let me tell you, that brisket melted in my mouth - it was so tender. Now, at this point, I was starting to get the meat sweats, but I wasn’t going down without a fight! I did my absolute best to leave nothing on that tray but memories, but the meats had me outnumbered 4 against one. I reluctantly threw in the towel and leaned back in my chair, completely satisfied.

For more information about Kemp BBQ, follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

Kemp BBQ

2220 Herndon Ave, #102, Clovis

IG: @kemp_bbq

| @darkstar84_photos
By: Laci Miranda


River Park’s Art Groove Galley - Art Hop. Thursday, March 17th, 5pm. River Park’s Art Groove Gallery, 80 E. Via Del Oro, Fresno. ArtHop is one of the most active and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts Council. Art lovers have the opportunity to meet the artists and experience their art exhibits. ArtHop has received a remarkable response from the Fresno community. River Park Shopping Center will host ArtHop at River Park’s Art Groove Gallery the 3rd Thursday of every month from 5-9 p.m. Free.

Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio. Saturday, March 19th, 6:30pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multiacre walk-through installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll.

Pet Stones Painting at Hoyt. Saturday, April 9th, 12pm. Paseo Market Walk, 1803 Spring St, Paso Robles. Celebrate Wine for Paws weekend with us. The artists of ArtSocial805 will guide you through the process of painting your furry family member on a stone.


Urban Bachata Thursdays. Thursday, March 10th, 8pm. Urbano California Bistro, 1016 H St, Modesto. Urban Bachata Thursdays featuring Urban Bachata Lessons and Dance after!! Try our refreshing Mojitos, Sangrias and Margaritas!

CMAC Orientation. Saturday, March 12th, 1pm. CMAC, 1555 Van Ness Ave, Ste 201, Fresno. Find out what CMAC has to offer. We will give you an overview of our channels, services and policies - plus answer your questions. This is a great opportunity to tell us how we can help you make the best use of your community media center.

Bachata Dance Workshop Series. Saturday, March 12th, 4pm. Art Depot, 35 5th St, Ste D, Hollister. Join us for this 3 session Bachata Dance Workshop. All levels of dance experience welcome, no partner or prior experience needed! In this workshop series, students will be introduced into the basic steps and movements of Bachata. Students will learn progressive footwork patterns, partner patterns, styling, and practice the most common styles of Bachata.

Lord of the Rings Trivia. Tuesday, March 15th, 6:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Welcome back for #triviatuesday!

Tuesday, March 15th - Lord of the Rings Trivia Night. Come test your knowledge on the Lord of the Rings trilogy! 6:30pm / All Ages / Free /


Learn To Sword Fight, Like A Medieval Monk! Tuesday, March 22nd, 7pm. Fresno School of Self Defense, 3333 W. Sussex, Fresno. Have you ever wanted to learn how to fight with a sword and shield? Now is your Chance! We are Offering a 3 week intensive class, meeting twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm8:30pm) on medieval swordsmanship! We will be working through the Walpurgis Fechtbuch (MS I.33)- one of, if not the oldest complete fencing manuals in existence ( Dating from the 14th century). Admission is $75.


JUST THE TIPS Comedy Show + Open Mic Headlining Michael Regilio. Wednesday, March 9th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Ticketed and TIP Based show with Professional comics followed by a comedy open mic. Just the Tips is back. Feature show followed by a Comedy Open Mic every Wednesday. Nationally touring comedians from all around the world. Seen on Netflix, Hulu, Comedy Central, Laughs on Fox, HBO, Showtime, The Roast Battles, and BOB AND TOM.

Movie Night: On the Basis of Sex. Thursday, March 10th, 7pm. The GardenShoppe, 364 7th St, Hollister. Join us on The GardenShoppe patio for the second of our Women’s History movie nights! We will be watching On the Basis of Sex. This is a FREE, 21 and older event. Please dress warmly as our patio can be chilly in


evenings. No outside beverages are allowed, however, we have a wide selection of beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and snacks available for purchase.

Our Town Oakhurst Play. Friday, March 11th, 5pm. Sierra Vista Presbyterian Church, 39696 California 41, Oakhurst. “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder is a poetic play that focuses on small-town life much like our own town, Oakhurst. Along with the great script, we have an amazing cast of local talent. Our directors, high school seniors, Grace Mierkey and Olivia Hagen have been in many local productions since a young age.

Comedy at The Labyrinth Art Collective. Friday, March 11th, 7pm. The Labyrinth Art Collective, 1470 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Stand Up Comedy; Headlining Michael Regilio and Rick Storer. Also featuring Josh Edleman & Marcos Alvarez; Hosted by Mike Wooten.

Kabir Singh Comedy Show DiCicco’s Old Town Clovis. Saturday, March 12th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Kabir Singh Semi-finalist in America’s Got Talent, Winner SF Comedy Competition One night only. It’s safe to say Kabir is not an act to miss and, according to many members of the industry, will be a household name in due time. Tickets $25-300.

It’s Not My Weekend. Saturday, March 12th, 8pm. 205 N. Main St, Porterville. Come out and laugh with us at the comedic style of Jerry Garcia and Jesus Sepulveda. Come enjoy the great food and drinks at Poor Richard’s. Tickets $15-25

Comedy Night: Jokers & Jester. Sunday, March 13th, 3:30pm. The GardenShoppe, 364 7th St, Hollister. You’re invited to The GardenShoppe’s first comedy night of 2022! Mark Gee and Jake Daniels will perform live stand-up comedy. The duo was featured in the hilarious Jokers and Jester Comedy Tour. Tickets include dinner: a gourmet grilled cheese panini, green salad, and chips, plus a beverage of your choice. Doors open at 3:30 pm. Dinner will be served from 4 pm - 5 pm, and the comedy show starts at 5 pm. Please note, this is a 21 and older event,

Full Circle Presents: The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Sunday, March 13th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewing District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Come see some of the Central Valley’s best up and coming stand-ups perform each Sunday Night!

Rancho Fresco Stand Up Comedy

Wednesday, March 16th, 7pm. Rancho Fresca Cantina & Nightclub, 950 10th St, Modesto. Rancho Fresco Cantina and Nightclub has teamed up with “Entertainmentmax, Inc. the largest provider of comedy shows in the nation! Together we will be showcasing twonational comedians, as well as the 2021’s Modesto Area Music Award-Best Comic winner Serena Camboa. Tickets $20-30

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Mario Hodge. Wednesday, March 16th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Headlining Comedy with comics from all over with open mic to follow. Comedian Mario Hodge is a sure must see when he comes to your town. His creative mind and his hilarious animated style will have you crying with laughter and wanting more.

Good Luck Bella Luna StandUp Show. Thursday, March 17th, 6:30pm. Bella Luna, 350 W. Main St, Merced. Anniversary Celebration With Bella Luna Thursday March 17thDoors open at 6:30pm show starts at 8pm. tickets are $20.

Movie Night: A League of Their Own. Thursday, March 17th, 7pm. The GardenShoppe, 364 7th St, Hollister. Join us on The GardenShoppe patio for the third of our Women’s History movie nights! We will be watching A League of Their Own. This is a FREE, 21 and older event. Please dress warmly as our patio can be chilly in evenings. No outside beverages are allowed, however, we have a wide selection of beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and snacks available for purchase.

Full Circle Presents: Nurse’s Night Out. Friday, March 18th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Join Greg ‘G’ Williams and friends for an evening of stand-up comedy at Full Circle’s new location in the heart of Fresno’s Brewery District. Featuring: Tristan Johnson, Taylor Evans, and Ashley Monique. Hosted by Dave Apkarian. Tickets $20.

your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


Aesop’s Fables. Friday, March 18th, 7pm. Carnegie Arts Center, 250 N. Broadway Ave, Turlock. Wolfie, Syd, Barry, and Harriet invite you into their magical world where anything is possible when you use your imagination. Whether it’s The Tortoise And The Hare or The Boy Who Cried Wolf, everyone knows at least one of Aesop’s great Fables. In this spellbinding production, storytellers use song, dance and drama to bring these famous Fables to life.

La Sylphide. Friday, March 18th, 7pm. Robert Stanton Auditorium, Mildred & Broadway, King City. Join MCDF & MCDT for La Sylphide, a ballet set in Scotland, filled with love,

lore, & betrayal. All ticket proceeds go to non-profit Monterey County Dance Foundation to fund future productions, provide scholarships, and provide cultural enrichment in Southern Monterey County.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Sammy Obeid. Friday, March 18th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Nationally touring Comedians every Friday from NetFlix, Bob & Tom, Comedy Central, HBO, Showtime and more.

Misfit Live Comedy Presents Professional Emmy Winning Comedy! Saturday, March 19th, 7pm. Kramer Estate Wines/Kramer Guitar Cellars,

825 Riverside Ave, #16, Paso Robles. Misfit Live Comedy Hosting Live Professional Emmy Winning Comedy at the Best Little Venue in Town!

Here We Go Again Comedy, Merced. Saturday, March 19th, 7:30pm. 1145 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Merced. Julian El Gordo Mamon is a Mexican American full-time stand-up comedian and content creator whose relatable and original digital skits -- in English and Spanish -- have earned hundreds of thousands of views online and helped to build an ever-growing fanbase. The US Army Veteran is currently finishing a bachelor’s degree in Entertainment Business Marketing from LA Film School.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Quincy Johnson II. Wednesday, March 23rd, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Headlining Comedy with comics from all over with open mic to follow. Born in Chicago, raised in Texas, now residing in Los Angeles, Quincy has entertained audiences across the country with his unique brand of comedy.

Love & Deception. Friday, March 25th, 7pm. Revive City, 5096 N. Blythe Ave, Fresno. Husbands love your wives, wives respect your husbands. Love & deception follows the Jackson family as the wrestle with these two principals and the fallout that ensues due to secrets and lies not dealt with.

Tickets $20.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Alex Hooper. Friday, March 25th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Nationally touring Comedians every Friday. Alex Hooper is a stand-up comedian, actor and professional roaster. He delights crowds by blending dark humor with silly positivity. His joke writing is clever and fearless. Onstage he bursts with energy.

South Valley Art Tour 2022. Saturday, March 26th, 10am. The Arts Consortium, 808 N. Court St, Visalia. Get to know the faces and places behind Tulare County’s best artwork! Broaden your art horizons and make personal connections with creative minds in your community! This year we are featuring the artist studios located North of Highway 198 located throughout Visalia, Exeter, Woodlake, Elderwood, and Three Rivers, featuring nationally recognized artists, as well as aspiring greats.

WHM Intersectional Poetry Slam. Sunday, March 27th, 2pm. The Source LGBT+ Center, 109 NW 2nd Ave, Visalia. Woxmwise & LoudMouth Poetry team up for a Intersectionality based poetry slam. You’re welcomed to join us for an all ages all identities slam happening March 27th at The Campus @ The Source LGBT in Visalia CA. Grand prize of $250 up for grabs!

Mystery Dinner Theatre. Saturday, April 2nd, 6:30pm. Children’s Storybook Garden and Museum, 175 E. Tenth St, Hanford. We are excited to bring our second annual Dinner Theatre in partnership with The Kings Players in “Would You Like Poison with that?” Tickets are on sale now

at $65 each. Adult event 21+ Please call 559-500-9966 for more information and accomidations.

Fresno Best Comedy Show. Saturday, April 2nd, 8pm. Bobby Salazar’s, 2839 N. Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Dedicated to the memory of AJ Johnson, aka Ezal. Hosted by Peanut Tha Funnyman. Featuring Keith Lookaround Morris.

Valentine Concert & Tea. Sunday, April 3rd, 3pm. 1705 Sherwood Ave, Modesto. Annual Grace Lieberman Tribute/David Bradford Memorial Cabaret & Tea. Liisa Davila is our Valentine Sweetheart for our annual Grace Lieberman Tribute/David Bradford Memorial Cabaret & Tea. The love songs will span several genres and there will be goodies galore to nosh. Tickets $35.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Alfonso Ochoa. Wednesday, April 6th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Headlining Comedy with comics from all over with open mic to follow. Born and raised in a working class region of Southern California called the Inland Empire. Over his nearly decade long comedy career he honed his skills as comedian and is known for his clever writing and dynamic stage presence.


Family Karaoke at Gold Dust Pizza Oakdale. Wednesday, March 9th, 5pm. Gold Dust Pizza, 830 N. Yosemite Ave, Oakdale. Family night out! Hand-crafted pizza + karaoke. Gold Dust Pizza is an excellent family-owned and operated pizza joint. They provide a free karaoke show in a family-friendly atmosphere for everyone to have fun. The pandemic has been rough on many businesses, especially the foodservice and entertainment industries. When you come out to support karaoke, please, remember to show Gold Dust Pizza some love, too! Make it a night out by enjoying pizza, an appetizer, soda, or beer when you come to sing or visit. Your support of Gold Dust Pizza’s business keeps our shows going.No cover. All ages.

Creative Art Classes - Kids Age under 10. Saturday, March 12th, 11am. Palak Studiolink Zoom Classes, Clovis. This free painting class is open



for all ages. You are welcome to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easier. I have different versions of same painting so it suits all ages.

Painting Classes - Age 10+ and Adults. Saturday, March 12th, 12:15pm. Tempe Online Art Classes, Clovis. This free painting class is open for all ages. You are welcome to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easier.

Brilliant Bugs Youth Painting. Wednesday, March 23rd, 4pm. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St, Paso Robles. Youth are invited to paint with us at Studios on the Park in Paso Robles. The fee is only $23 per painter (OMG!) and that covers all painting materials and step by step art instruction from one of our talented ArtSocial 805 artists.

Yosemite Little League Annual Car Show. Saturday, April 2nd, 9am. Yosemite Little League Field, Long Hollow Dr, Coarsegold. Yosemite Little League Around the Horn Car Show, Raising Funds to Support Little League Baseball and Softball in Coarsegold. Admission $40.


The Killer Dueling Pianos. Wednesday, March 9th, 7pm. The Udder Place, 110 W. Main St, Turlock. The Killer Dueling Pianos are the #1 rated mobile dueling pianos show in America!

LIVE MUSIC at the Visalia Marriott’s DT Lounge & Patio! Feat. Lance Canales. Thursday, March 10th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S. Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Thursday, March 10, from 6pm-8pm. Our beautiful patio welcomes Lance Canales for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Thursday Night DJ Dance Party. Thursday, March 10th, 6pm. Yosemite Wine Trails, 40409 Highway 41, Oakhurst. We are rocking the house with DJ Kevin @ Yosemite Wine Tails.

Dust off those dancing shoes for this once a month party night! DJ Kevin will be mixing in pop, country, R&B, rock and soul selections. Enjoy crafted wine cocktails, beer and sake.

Said the Sky - Sentiment Tour Fresno. Thursday, March 10th, 8pm. Rainbow Ballroom, 1725 Broadway St, Fresno. Said The Sky ‘Sentiment’ Tour. 18+ w/ Bars Available for 21+ Presented by K-Lin & Crowdsurf

She Rocks. Thursday, March 10th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. A Musical Tribute To 8 Great Female Classic Rock Icons of The 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Featuring Catt John. With Karen Tesi. For More Information Visit The She Rocks Website at WWW.Sherockstribute. com Tickets $15-25

Tony Suraci AKA “The Highwayman” Friday, March 11th, 7pm. Kramer Estate Wines/Gary Kramer Guitar Cellars, 825 Riverside Ave, #16, Paso Robles. An incredible tribute to Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Kris Kristofferson! Tony Suraci’s performances are purely musical with deep, honest manifestations of tone and expression. Tickets $20.

LMC Presents Gene Farris. Friday, March 11th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. This bonafide Chicago legend has been providing absolute heat & love to the dance floor for close to three decades! From spinning at underground warehouse parties in the early 90s to working with the current crop of world-leading labels, releasing on Relief, Dirtybird, ViVa Music, Defected, Cajual, Soma & so so many more!!

Rock En Espanol. Friday, March 11th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Rock En Espanol is back! There will be food, vendors, live music, cold beer + more! ALSO, keep your eyes out for drink specials! 6pm / All Ages / Free

K8doo will be performing live at the Palladium Nightclub in Modesto. Friday, March 11th, 7:30pm. Palladium Nightclub, 950 10th St, Modesto. K8doo aka Mr. Go Off will be performing live inside of the Palladium Nightclub. Tickets $20. 21+

Fado: An Evening of Traditional Portuguese Music. Saturday, March 12th, 7:30pm. Carnegie Arts Center,


250 N. Broadway Ave, Turlock. Enjoy an evening of Portuguese fado music. Featuring vocalists George Costa, Lysandra Silva, and Marisa Silva Rocha with musicians Gino Almeida, Steve Soares, and Tommy Vieira. Tickets available at the door. $30 General Admission; $25 CAC Member.

Mr Crowley Ozzy Tribute. Saturday, March 12th, 8pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Full Circle Brewing welcomes back The Most Authentic Sounding & Looking Ozzy Band in America! Please join us in welcoming this great Ozzy recreation back to Fresno! 8pm | All Ages | $12 adv. | $17 Dos | 21+ Bar

Jazz Jam at the Brewery District. Sunday, March 13th, 2pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Sunday March 13th - Jazz Jam at the Brewery District. 2-5pm / All Ages / Free. Come out and listen to Trio Expression play some jazz or join in on the fun yourself as you can sign up to play with them!

Thirteen Thirty Five, LifeJacket & More. Sunday, March 13th, 6pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Numbskull Entertainment. $8 adv, $10 dos.

Savvy Contemporary Night at Saint Joaquin. Wednesday, March 16th, 6:30pm. Saint Joaquin, 1755 Broadway St, #106, Fresno. Treat your most starved sense (hearing) to a night out with the Programme Hifi team. Our next listening session will focus on a record label founded in Berlin-Neukölln at SAVVY Contemporary, a space for international visual and performing artists. The gallery invites creators from around the globe to address current issues in art, science, sociology, and philosophy. $35.

Willy Tea Taylor & The Fellership. Thursday, March 17th, 6pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. Willy Tea Taylor brings the heat to The Grove House backed by a hot band and supported by The Turkey Buzzards. Willy Tea Taylor is a father, brother, and son.

Todd Day Wait & Kristina Murray at the Grove House. Friday, March 18th, 7pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. Todd Day Wait is a Missouri native with an easy-going, good humored nature that will have you singing along faster than you know the words. Georgia-bred, Nashville-based songwriter Kristina

Murray plays Americana and country music rooted and steeped in troubadour storytelling, southern-rock grit and the footsteps of country queens of yesteryear.

Nef the Pharaoh Live. Friday, March 18th, 8pm. My Mimosas Breakfast and Brunch, 917 J St, Modesto. Nef the Pharaoh performing live at My Mimosas Breakfast and Brunch. Tickets $20.

The Young Dubliners Live at The Pour House! Saturday, March 19th, 7pm. The Pour House, 525 Pine St, Paso Robles. Come celebrate St. Paddy’s Week with the one and only Young Dubliners at the Pour House in Paso Robles! It’s hard to properly celebrate one of the best holidays on a Thursday, so come down on Saturday and let loose for what will be an epic celebration of St. Paddy’s day with authentic Celtic rock from the Young Dublilners! Tickets $25.

Obscura. Wednesday, March 23rd, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Obscura Vale of Pnath Interloper Fatal Rebirth Fire to the Throne All Ages / $20 Adv / $25 Dos.

Willie Watson + Tarantula. Wednesday, March 23rd, 6pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. For nearly two decades, Willie Watson has made modern folk music rooted in older traditions. He’s a folksinger in the classic sense: a singer, storyteller, and traveller, with a catalog of songs that bridge the gap between the past and present. With special guests Tarantula. Tickets $15.

Defeated Sanity. Friday, March 25th, 5pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Defeated Sanity Skeletal Remains Vitriol Splattered All Ages / $15 Adv / $18 Dos.

Sean Hayes at the Grove House, Friday, March 25th, 7pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. Sean Hayes is a Bay Area singer-songwriter who makes music to dance to or cry to, or maybe both at the same time. He was born in New York City, raised in North Carolina, and honed his earliest musical chops in a band playing Irish and old-time tunes — but his unique style of deeply felt, R&B-inflected folk really matured during his two decades singing and playing in cafes, bars, and night clubs of San Francisco. Tickets $20.

MercyMe Inhale/Exhale Spring 22 Tour. Sunday, March 27th, 5pm. Save Mart Center, 2650 E. Shaw Ave, Fresno. MercyMe needs volunteers for our merchandise tables! Register for free, get a free T-shirt and see some of the show! For more information Email:

TK & The Holy Know-Nothings at the Grove House. Tuesday, March 29th, 6pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. TK & The Holy Know-Nothings is perhaps Kingman’s most beloved project. Half-dutifully and half-facetiously self-dubbed “psychedelic doom boogie,” the group was born out of Kingman’s desire to create a loose, groove-heavy bar band that never sacrifices the importance of good, honest songwriting. Tickets $15.

Gentle Beacons CD Release - Shaghoian Hall. Tuesday, March 29th, 7pm. Paul Shaghoian Memorial Concert Hall, 2770 E. International Ave, Fresno. Postponed 2 full years, the band from Tim’s debut album on Origin’s OA2 Records is getting together to celebrate the release with you!

Feat: Chris Janzen - guitar, Kevin Person Jr. - piano, Richard Lloyd Giddens Jr. - bass, and Antonio Montañezdrums. $15 General Admission, $10 Student Admission with ID

Kyle Smith (Full Band) in concert. Thursday, March 31st, 6pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Kyle Smith brings his band to La Maison Kabob in Fresno, CA for a night of Reggae, Punk Rock, & Skapunk! Tickets $10-80

John Pemberton at Full Circle. Thursday, March 31st, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Country music artist, John Pemberton will be taking the stage at our Brewery District Taproom! 7pm / All Ages / Free

The Boondock Boys. Friday, April 1st, 7pm. The Pour House, 525 Pine St, Paso Robles. Come out and enjoy some good ole rock n roll mixed with the best of classic country and more! The Boondock Boys join us all the way from Oregon and they absolutely destroy the stage every time they play! We are always honored to have them at the Pour House and if you love good ole country mixed in with some classic rock, you will LOVE this band! Tickets are just $10


Trial By Fire. Friday, April 1st, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Trial by Fire returns to Full Circle.

Robert Jon & the Wreck. Saturday, April 2nd, 7pm. California Coast Beer Company, 1346 Railroad St, Paso Robles. Robert Jon & The Wreck are a double shot of southern rock with a blues chaser. Roots rock jams, whiskey drenched lyrics and fervent stage shows only scratch the surface of what makes RJ&TW one of the best live bands to emerge from Southern California in years. Catch this up-andcoming southern rock & blues band before they tour in Europe! Limited number of reserved tables available. Gemini Syndrome. Tuesday, April 5th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery District, 712 Fulton Ave, Fresno. Gemini Syndrome Pushing Veronica MORE TBA!

All Ages / $15 Adv / $20 Dos.

Jesse Daniel at the Grove House. Wednesday, April 6th, 7pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa.

Jesse Daniel possesses the hard-won life experience that many sing about, but few have actually lived. Instead of wearing those trials like badges of honor, he has used them to forge the solid foundation from which he has built his career. After overcoming years of addiction and all that comes with it, he set out to make a life in music and hasn’t looked back since.

Tickets $15.

Tim & The Glory Boys - THE HOMETOWN HOEDOWN TOUR. Thursday, April 7th, 7pm. Northpark Community Church, 2297 E. Shepherd Ave, Fresno. THE exclusive bluegrass/country party your town has been waiting for!

A spirited night of singin’, laughin’, and stompin’ yer boots. It’ll be the show you can’t stop talking about -

the event of the spring! The tickets are gonna go fast folks! Get yours before they’re gone like a tumbleweed on the Kansas plains.

Tower Porchfest 2022. Saturday, April 9th, 10am. Fresno Tower District, Fresno. The mission of Tower PorchFest is to build community through music and art.. It is up to each porch to schedule, arrange sound, and host their performance(s).

John R. Miller at The Grove House. Saturday, April 9th, 6pm. The Grove House, 4993 5th St, Mariposa. John R Miller is a true hyphenate artist: singer-songwriter-picker. Every song on his thrilling debut solo album, Depreciated, is lush with intricate wordplay and haunting imagery, as well as being backed by a band that is on fire. Tickets $15.


BoTW Presents: Year 6. Saturday, March 12th, 6pm. BotW Studios, 5766 E. Fountain Way, Fresno. After missing last years anniversary show due to live events being shuttered, BoTW looks to make up for last time with our biggest event ever in Fresno! See your favorite BoTW Stars and a few huge surprises. More info coming soon! Tickets $15-25

Mammoth Lakes Ski Weekend Getaway 2022. Friday, March 18th, 2:30pm to Monday, March 21st, 3:30pm. 3253 Meridian Blvd, Mammoth Lakes. New this season, United Airlines will offer flights into the Eastern Sierra Regional Airport in Bishop (BIH), just 45 minutes south of Mammoth Lakes. Fly direct from Los Angeles (LAX) and San Francisco (SFO). Service begins December 19 and will run through the winter season.

UCA Central California Battle of the Badges. Saturday, April 2nd, 4pm. Visalia Convention Center, 303 E. Acequia Ave, Visalia. Mark your cal-

endars fight fans. The Central California Battle of the Badges is back with another banger featuring the biggest names in public safety boxing. On Saturday April 2, 2022 the Visalia Convention Center will be the site for this action packed event. The Battle of the Badges is an event that raises money for charity, promotes physical fitness and camaraderie among members of the firefighter, law enforcement and military community.

21 and Over

LMC Presents Gene Farris. Friday, March 11th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. This bonafide Chicago legend has been providing absolute heat & love to the dance floor for close to three decades! From spinning at underground warehouse parties in the early 90s to working with the current crop of world-leading labels, releasing on Relief, Dirtybird, ViVa Music, Defected, Cajual, Soma & so so many more!!

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM


Mint w/ Ookay. Friday, March 11th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. From humble beginnings, San Diego based producer, Ookay exploded onto the electronic dance music scene and left a permanent mark resembling his now iconic bandana. With a rapidly growing fan base, due in part to his hilarious Twitter persona, Ookay has proven that age isn’t a factor and has quickly become one of the young leaders in the league of superstar Trap producers. Tickets $10-275. 21+

Tierra’s 50th Anniversary Tour. Saturday, March 12th, 5pm. 2425 Marshall Rd, Patterson. Tierras 50th Anniversary tour coming to Patterson California. Live performances by Tierra, Brittany Nicole, and Adam Aldama & The Aces. Tickets $40.

Face Your Maker and Decayer, Gravoid and Forgotten. Saturday, March 12th, 7pm. Barmageddon, 126 E. Kern Ave, Tulare. Luther Nye, The Dreamer Agency and Barmageddon proudly present. Tickets $7-10

Touch of Gravy with special guests: Richfield. Saturday, March 12th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. The Central Valley’s Touch of Gravy returns to Fulton 55, Saturday, March 12. Doors at 8, Show at 8:30 The Central Valley’s Home Grown Tribute to the Grateful Dead are here to provide your groove and dancing pleasures. Tickets available at

Bailo Presents The Trapathon Tour. Saturday, March 12th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. If you know of Bailo, you’ve heard his remix of Calvin Harris’ “How Deep Is Your Love,” which essentially put him on the underground trap map. This, along with the rest of his music, was and is heavily supported by DJ Snake, Borgore, Brillz, UZ, HeroBust, 4B, and Kennedy Jones. Bailo has rapidly become the most promising upcoming producer of trap, so ready your ears for some fresh, innovative, killer beats! Tickets $10-275

Jerry Burns: A Celebration of Life. Sunday, March 13th, 4pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, January 23rd. Starting at 4pm , we’ll have music, fellowship and remembrances of our dear friend Jerry. R.I.P. Jerry Burns

Willy Tea Taylor & The Fellership. Friday, March 18th, 5:30pm. Dying Breed Brewing, 963 Shepherd Ct, Suite B, Oakdale. The man, the myth, the legend back in Oakdale with The Fellership backing him and The Turkey Buzzards supporting. Willy grew up surrounded by rolling hills and horses in the small town of Oakdale, California. Known as the “Cowboy Capital of the World” for breeding so many world champion rodeo cowboys, Oakdale is still Willy’s home and the setting for many of his songs.

Tickets $10-160

Hunt The Dinosaur, Saltwound, Godless Throne. Friday, March 18th, 7pm. Barmageddon, 126 E. Kern Ave, Tulare. RAD Music presents: Hunt The Dinosaur(DinoCore) Godless Throne(Vegas Death Metal) +more TBA. 7pm | 21+ | $12 // $15

Diablo Squad en Fresno. Friday, March 18th, 7:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Llega la Diablo Squad a Fresno, Ca con comedia de Stand Up100% en español con Macario Brujo, Sergio Mejorado y Gonzo Leon. Spanish Stand up comedy with Macario Brujo, Sergio Mejorado and Gonzo Leon

90s COVER SHOW featuring Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, No Doubt, Bad Religion Tributes by local favorites + more. Friday, March 18th, 8pm. Strummer’s, 833 E. Fern Ave, Fresno. The 90’s Slaughter is back!! We got the best locals playing your favorite 90’s songs! These shows are always a blast and create one-off super-groups to tickle your earballs! It all goes down Friday, March 18 at 8PM. $10 presale/$12 at the door/21+

Mint w/ Ben Gold. Friday, March 18th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Ben Gold returns to Fresno on March 18th. For more info, visit Ben’s FB page,

River City Outlaws Live At The Udder Place. Friday, March 18th, 9pm. The Udder Place, 110 W. Main St, Turlock. River City Outlaws will be bringing their high energy show of “Classic and Current Country Hits to “The Udder Place” in Turlock California. Admission free, 21+.

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


The Morning Drive, Bad Camper and Fist Bump. Saturday, March 19th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Since their formation in 2014, The Morning Drive have followed a simple formula: fun on stage equals fun for fans. “Funk. Blues-rock. Folk. It’s hard to imagine they left anyone out with their buffet-style display of writing prowess which included trombones, a violin, trumpet, and yes, the saxophone”. Doors at 8, show at 8;30 Tickets available at

The Emo Night Tour. Friday, March 25th 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Imagine going to a show and hearing Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance and many more, all only playing their best songs... all night long. The Emo Night Tour DJ’s will be spinning all the angst your teenage dirtbag heart desires all night long and a special guest band will make you feel like you’re at Warped Tour ‘08 minus all the dust and melting in the sun! Tickets $15.

Mint w/ YDG. Friday, March 25th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. In a short time, YDG has become a revered name rising from the underground bass community. From humble beginnings in San Diego to earning nods from the likes of 4B, Borgore, Flux Pavilion, ATLiens, and Showtek, YDG has brought his blend of dubstep, trap, and experimental bass to many. YDG has proven to be a versatile producer.

Latin Legend Jerry Salas (of El Chicano). Saturday, March 26th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Latin Legend Jerry Salas (of El Chicano) the voice behind the Smash hit “Tell Her She’s Lovely” brings some ‘Latin soul’ to the 55 stage! Jerry’s band includes Visalia’s Rudy Parris, known for his appearance on NBC’s “The Voice” and Marcos Reyes of WAR. Doors at 8,

Two of Us: A Ruud Awakening of Lennon and McCartney. Sunday, March 27th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Two of Us: A Ruud Awakening of Lennon and McCartney. Debi and Karter Ruud sing the songs of Lennon and McCartney. Joining Debi and Karter are musicians Nate Butler, Stan Schafer, Ben Sondheim and Vince Warner. Tickets $20.

Cloudship with special guests: Motel Drive and SIRSY. Saturday, April 2nd, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Cloudship with special guests: Motel Drive and SIRSY at Fulton 55. Doors at 7, show at 8. Tickets available at

Jesse Daniel w/ special guest Summer Dean. Thursday, April 7th, 7pm. Dying Breed Brewing, 963 Shepherd Ct, Oakdale. Kickoff Rodeo weekend with some country music to the core. Summer Dean, singer songwriter, touring from Fort Worth, Texas will join forces with Jesse Daniel for an incredible night of honky tonk mu-

sic! Don’t miss this great show with Jesse Daniel and Summer Dean. This is country music to the core! Tickets $15.

Keak da Sneak, King of Hyphy Tour. Friday, April 8th, 9pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Established Ent/Mic BenJammin Music, Bound 2Win, & RedView LiveWire Presents.

UTNS Presents Wide Awake. Saturday, April 9th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N. Van Ness Ave, Fresno. UTNS Presents Wide Awake. Tickets $10-200.

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SOLID WOOD cabinet for displaying $250 (559) 577-0295

2 CARTS for sale 1 $250 the other needs love and is $100. Brian 559-779-7537

VINTAGE RCA phonograph not sure what year needs repair 75.00 price is firm (559) 9304455


KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484

OSTER countertop oven and air fryer with large 3.7L capacity, brand new in open box, $100, txt559-8698268.

KENMORE washer in good working condition is a dependable long lasting washer and everything works. I’m asking 140$ for it and delivery is also available if interested call me call or text: (559) 721-3520

Refrigerator $400 refrigerator is in very good condition. It is not very old. Ice and water in the door. It is 26 cubic feet in size. 559 513 0723. My phone does NOT text, please call 559 513 0723


ceramic Tower Heater with remote and widespread oscillation $35 (559)548-4872


A good working and very clean High-Flo Gold Series Duplex Diaphragm Pump 12 Volts, 60 Psi , 2.1 Gpm made by Fimco Part#5277981 is for sale for only $50.00 please call or text me at (559)389-4462


K-Classic K50 Black coffee maker - $100 New, never used, Keurig K-Classic K50 Black, Single Serve Coffee Maker, 3 Cup Sizes, 48oz Includes Quick Start guide Call/ text 559.301.4141


2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock except for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basically brand

KAWASAKI kfx 90 quad for sale. Runs great, no issues and just had it serviced. Only selling because the kids don’t use it. This quad is not registered due to it was only ridden on my property. As you can tell it really only needs a new seat and other than that, it’s great. Electric start $1,200 (559) 392-8466

OEM TINTED half windshield Canam maverick x3 New, Used on 1 trip due to full windshield on back order. Excellent condition and works well. Easy install, perfect fit New 350$ asking $300 (559) 760-9023


LADIES 26” Road Master bicycle functional but needs restoration, $300. 559 259 9740.

USED in excellent condition girls 16” cruiser bike. Everything works. Ready to ride. 50 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216


Alloy Seven Cruiser with 7 speed. Just had it tune up, new handle bar grip, chain and cable comes with pump. Asking $150. Call/text 644-9OO3. Thanks

3 SPEED Nexus 26” X

1.75” Tires Clean and in good condition $150

Please call 559-2614680 if interested. No text.


2003 TOYOTA Camry

$2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. 559-458-1056

2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

2008 CHEVY Malibu

lt clean title and smog ready to go, in excellent conditions ,4 cylinders, runs very good, tires in good condition, paint in good shape, clothes interiors like new, power windows and doors lock alarm, power seat,A/C cold more info 451 7959


2 EPSON Stylus Color 3000 PRINTERS $100 CALL ME AT 559307-5552

CAMBRIDGE soundworks Left & Right Channel Movie Works

5.1 Heavy Duty Speakers. This Movie Works

5.1 left/right channel speakers are in excellent working condition. $30 If interested please call or text (559) 2745996


15watt Guitar Amplifier Amp - Like New. This 15watt guitar amp is in excellent working condition. It is like new. This amp is only for a guitar and not a bass guitar. measurements: 12 inches high x 10 inches wide x 6 inches deep. $30 If interested please call or text (559) 274-5996



If not, here’s a refresher for you:

Fresno’s three-cart (green, gray, blue) program is part of an ongoing effort to meet and exceed state-mandated goals of landfill reduction and waste diversion. It’s simple to be Cartsmart, but people sometimes forget what goes where.

Contaminated carts cost residents like you and me about half a million dollars per year because the contaminated waste must be removed.

GREEN is for Yard Clippings


Holiday Wreaths

Wood (untreated)

Palm Fronds

GRAY is for Garbage


Animal Waste (bagged)

COLD Coals/Ashes




Rubber/Vinyl Hoses

Soiled Napkins/ Tissues/Paper Plates


Trees/Branches (cut in 3’ lengths)

Garden Plants

Fruit/Veg Clippings (from your yard)

BLUE is for Recycling

All Paper Books/Magazines



All Metal Paint Cans (empty/dry)

Food Cans

Beverage Cans

Plastics - Beverage/Food, Laundry

Detergent & Bleach Bottles, Shampoo Bottles

Glass Bottles/Jars (empty)


Hot Coals


Broken Glass

Tires - TVs


Plastic Bags

Used Motor Oil


Toxic Chemicals


Flourescent Tubes


Please donate all clothes and other usable household items to your local charities. These items are not allowed in any cart.

Call 559-621-1111 to find out how to dispose of any of the above items!

SELLING something List it here



WEED EATER is working perfectly. It is basically brand new it was hardly used. We are asking $130. If Interested call (559)8005118

THE WOODYard Firewood (559)9068983 We are selling green split firewood for only $40 per bin. Eucalyptus, Almond, Pines, and more. It’s green but now is the time to buy and get the best deal. Call us today. We deliver

TALL BREAKFAST table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken..

$80. Call or text 559217-9024

55 GALLON metal barrels. Food GRADE. Lids included. $12 each. (559) 287-9304


2009 Yamaha R1 14XXX Exhaust slip on, carbon fiber front and rear fairings New chain, new plugs, new levers, new throttle cable Second owner Runs 100% $8,500 559-7507479


WOOD Workbench on Wheels with Vise

$75 cash! Call 559 341 2575

2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 341 2575

2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

LOW-HOUR (26.5)

DECORATIVE Real Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind!

Call Call 559 341 2575

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484


TORO 22inch recycler self propelled lawn mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything works. $150. (559)3555533

TITAN Implement root grapple. These grapples attach to the skid steer quick attach mounting system. A third function of some sort is required to be able to operate this grapple. I have one sizes currently in stock: 48” root grapple. This one is $1,300. Call Joseph at 559-574-5445 extension 2


BEDROOM or Living Room Tables with Drawers Both for $35 Text call 559-207-0589

ROCKING Cradle for babies/infants Antique 60 years old ORIGINAL Owner Call Ann 559-765-0980 NO Texts please.

2019 YFZ 50 Great condition Always garaged Pink in hand Trickle charger Ready for something bigger Bought brand new Price firm. $2000 559250-9761


I bought the bike brand new at the end of 2020. It’s completely stock and has been well maintained. Amazing bike, crazy power, fully loaded, but I never ride it so it needs a new home. -Title in hand

-Fuel Injected -Selectable Engine Map Switch -Traction/Torque Control

-Launch Control -Electric Start w/ Lithium starter battery (10 year life span) Cash only. Call or Text 559-3808998

2018.5 KTM 450SXF. The bike is basically stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and everything OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratches here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559246-8965 $8500 OBO. 1-888-773-5664

2020 CRF450R $8700 Bike has a total of 22 hours on it. Brand new wheels, bars, levers, plastics, discs, chain/ sprocket, wheels, tires, exhaust, Factory Connection Suspension. (209)271-9494

FENDER SQUIRE statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case - Brand New! - $120 Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888

Find the right senior living option with our personalized process Our service is free, as we’re paid by our participating communities and providers.
Call(559)313-0488 SELLING something List it here SUPPORT LOCAL


set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. Gladly taking phone calls only. 831601-0915


ROOM FOR rent for single person $350 month. Near Fresno State, by airport. Small deposit, utilities split evenly, no pets. Call (559) 797-5209


2003 fleetwood pioneer 23ft travel trailer rv$6,900 559-581-5 0 8 3


that is 24’ from ball hitch to tail gate. It has 400 watts of solar,4- 6 ,volt batteries, 2000 watt inverter, 4000 watt generator, 45 amp converter with wizard that allows you to leave the trailer plugged in to shore power of you wanted. 25 gal. Fuel station,6 gal. Water heater that is gas/ electric. 53 gal. Fresh water, 38 gal gray , 38 gal black. Tires are good with less than two years use. 32” flat scree8n television.

LIghting is all led. 10’ awning in good shape. Will hold Polaris are so 1000. Easy couple gas line for BBQ or gas fire pit. Furnace and AS work great. Has load leveled hitch. Has electric front jack. Land line call only 559 841 5358

SELLING something

List it here

PIONEER 18’ Camp Trailer - $12,500 “Like New” Fully Self Contained, Dual Axle/New Tires, SLEEPS SIX, Air Conditioner & Heater, Full Solar Power, Shade Kit, Antennae Stereo, Microwave (559) 287-5664

1997 HOLIDAY Rambler vacationer 29ft.

Class A. Like new low miles - $12,900 (1 owner super clean must see!) 559-770-6130

1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse

Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230

2000 mallard 24 ft

Model# 24J Everything works No leaks

Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed

New tires Registration

$9200 559-214-9352


GOLF CLUB starter

Sets $35 Each 559 5194648

TENNIS Racquets

$20 each Call 559 5194648

LEEDOM Snowboard Helmet XL call 559 519-4648

ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I

might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interested call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648

SELLING something

List it here

NEW TENNIS bag with back pack carrying straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. Price is firm. Thanks! $40 470-8091 text please

PSE Nighthawk Recurve Bow. Great condition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762

GOLD’S GYM elliptical excellent condition has fan and heart monitor. $200 559-213-6452


2 TIER tool box on wheels. Snap-on and other brands, SAE and metric. Asking $3,000 OBO (559) 229-3637

WOOD Workbench on Wheels with Vise $75 cash! 559 341 2575

METAL lockers, 15x36x78, in good condition $300. Call 559 360 2977.

TWIN 3 ft aluminum ladder 300 lb rating in good condition. Call 559 259 9740.

WORKS PERFECT, Black and Decker Brand in really good condition. $30 Call 760-458-3888

3.5 FOOT expands to 6 foot step ladder. Fiberglass electricians ladder. Thus like new has not been used much, stored inside. Text $285 559-9742870

CRAFTSMAN Jigsaw NEW $35 RidGid SanDer $35 RidGid 21° Framing Gun NEW $165 If interested in any of the above just call/text me at (559)356-6553

SELLING something

List it here

Lucky Savings! 115 SHAW AVE. IN CLOVIS! OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM Monday - Saturday THRIFT STORES 30% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE White tag items are excluded. One coupon per person, per day Must surrender at the time of purchase. Discount off the subtotal, before taxes. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photo-copies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 3/31/22. CASHIER USE: FF30 Looking to give back to your community? Wanting to keep busy and make some new friends? Need job experience? If you said YES to any of these questions, then we are looking for you! Call us today! Call Volunteer Services at (559) 317-6016 We are looking for Volunteers! INTERESTED?

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