Fresno Flyer Vol 7 No 2

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Fresno Flyer is not a newspaper. More specifically, we do not cover the news the way a traditional newspaper does. Our medium is newsprint, but that does not somehow equate our content to that of a news plat form. This is a distinction I find myself making to others often, and I find that it bears repeating every few ‘Editor’s Note’ as we gain new readers.

While I’m always flattered to hear oth ers refer to the Flyer as a newspaper, I remain highly aware of all the ways we are not. As a media professional, and to give due respect to our hard working news journalists, it’s vital that I share the stark contrasts between the Flyer’s content and that which is classified more aptly as ‘news.’

The real spirit of news journalism is to simply report the facts as they happened, with out bias, judgment, or opinion from the reporter. The unbiased voice of the reporter allows the au dience to absorb all the relevant information, as sess them, and form their own conclusions about its meaning. A good news story does not tell the audience what to think - only what events and facts to consider. Further, a true news story pro vides multiple perspectives. A brilliant journalism professor once told me, “a reporter doesn’t report both sides; they report all sides.”

Certainly, there are plenty of “news” outlets today that have deviated from the above track yet still insist on calling themselves “news,” - but that is a conversation for a different day.

Instead, the point I aim to make here is that the neutral, full-picture delivery of information is at the very heart of what is to be considered proper news jour nalism.

In contrast, Fresno Flyer is an editorial magazine. We (meaning myself and the publisher) select the topics and assign arti cles based on what we think will have value to our readers. And this idea of “value” is fairly broad and far-reaching as it is rooted in the concept of ‘central valley culture.’ To truly reflect central val ley culture requires giving space in our pages to those who live, work, and create in the central val ley and identifying topics that interest or concern the same. This is undoubtedly a wide-ranging area of focus, which is why you’ll often see an array of content from us - opinion pieces, business high lights, artist highlights, reviews, and even newsstyled articles. To be clear, this doesn’t also mean that I don’t require my writers to fact-check their information, verify sources, and whittle down their personal biases - I most certainly do. We simply operate in a different category with differ ent demands.

Now, arguably, our content choices could be wider than they have been. While we have not been able to cover everything that could be considered ‘central valley culture,’ it is not for lack of trying. We need more input. Readers are our lifeblood, not only as the Flyer’s audience but also as its eyes and ears on the ground. So, sound off! What should we do next?



California is home to hun dreds of famously haunt ed locations. Some, like the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose and the Queen Mary in Long Beach, have become in ternationally popular tourist destina tions. However, many lesser-known spooky spots throughout the state have also inspired countless local urban legends. The array of stories ranges from incorporeal conquista dors and clergymen occupying old Spanish missions to restless spirits roaming the halls of gold rush era hotels. The Central Valley is an excellent place for fans of the paranormal to celebrate Halloween month with a “ghost tour” of its various haunted sites.

One particular valley location with a dark and deviant past and a prolific para normal presence is the Bastille, located in the courthouse square in downtown Hanford. In late September, TAPS - The Atlantic Para normal Society - stars of the hit series Ghost Hunters on Discovery+, paid a visit to the former jailhouse. Along with special guest Chandler Riggs, who played Carl on AMC’s The Walking Dead, the TAPS crew spent the night at the allegedly haunted hoose gow for an episode set to air in Spring 2023. While fans of the series will have to wait a few months to find out what the TAPS team observed during their otherworldly over nighter, Fresno Flyer is here to give you the frightening 4-1-1 on what might be the most baleful big house in the valley.

Dark History

Kaitlyn Lusk is the Recreational Coordinator for the Hanford Civic Center. She has also become somewhat of an authority on the history of the Bastille.

“I probably only know about half of what really went on here,” she confesses. “But some of it is pretty disturbing.”

The Bastille served as Kings Coun ty’s jail and sheriff’s office from 1897 until 1964. Yet, even before the doors opened on

the cursed criminal cooler, there was chaos and controversy sur rounding its construction. Kings County awarded Frank Sharples’ Exeter Granite Company the build ing contract. During the construction, a disgruntled business associate shot Shar ples in the neck over a payment dispute. Sharples survived, but this would be just the first in a long and increasingly sinister series of events surrounding the spectral slammer.

The first floor of the jail was de signed to house the general population. The second floor contained cells for pris oners considered sick or mentally insane. Eventually, the upstairs cells would house female and juvenile offend ers as well. Initially, the jailhouse was designed to hold

roughly 50 inmates at one time. However, various accounts have reported as many as 260 inmates were packed into the iron and granite building during its nearly 70 years of operation. With that many men, wom en, and children - some who were violent or mentally ill - packed into a space meant to

hold 1/5th of the occu pancy, atro cious stories poured from the cold, stone walls

into several local news reports. Some female inmates were raped by both male inmates and the guards. The incarcerated women gave birth to their babies inside the jail, where they raised them until they complet ed their sentences. Juvenile inmates were also abused and tormented by their adult cellmates. Some inmates committed suicide due to the harsh and desparate conditions inside the jail. Some were killed, either by other inmates or the guards. It is this histo ry of abuse, brutality, misery, and death that paranormal experts believe has left the Bas tille filled with tormented souls and restless spirits. Former and present employees have

no shortage of accounts of encounters with the building’s disembodied denizens.

Paranormal Activity?

“I absolutely will not come in here after dark,” Lusk chuckles nervously as she walks through the doorway and into what was once the receiving area for the jail. “And I NEVER go upstairs; I just can’t do it,” she adds.

Lusk shares a story about a co-worker who conducted a tour for a group of school children. After the tour’s conclu sion, when students had left the building, Lusk heard the woman screaming from the back room near the cell block. When she ran back to investigate, she found her co-worker standing alone, pale and shaking. “I felt something grab me by the neck!” her co-worker told her. There was no one else in the room.

Continues on pg 6...

Post-it inspiration, a daily dose

Begin a journey toward self-love.

Writing affirmations to yourself will remind you that you have a daily life confronting you, both the present and the future. Be prepared to meet the jour ney with dignity, integrity, and grace ev ery day. Daily inspirational affirmations in the form of post-it notes are perfect reminders of life’s challenges. The notes will help remind you that transitions are real, preparing you mentally and emo tionally, and alerting you to be mindful and conscientious. Such a reminder will allow you to be gentle, to be kind, to be wise, and to be humble in challeng ing times. Self-made post-it note affir mations will carry you through times of distress, loneliness, doubt, and grief. Writing and posting daily affirmation validates strength, tenacity, and persever ance, encouraging ambitious intent and spiritual reflection. Above all, daily inspi rations mirror you and help to reinforce your infinite self-respect and self-love.

When we are confronted with our reflection every day, we identify with and see the soul of our character through our patterns and our true self with re fined clarity.

Practice this coping skill to in spire, motivate, and connect with your soul, self-worth, value, and identity. This skill will help you recognize and know your strength, admire who you are, and understand the navigation required to maintain personal boundaries. Explore spirituality, choose faith and hope over suffering. Life is a personal journey as we strive for safe well-being and daily transi tion goals; yours is precious.

Carve Out More Family Time This Halloween

(Family Features) By the time Halloween rolls around, many families are deep into the hustle and bustle of the school year. The holiday provides a great opportunity to focus on family and spend some quality time together.

Shared experiences bring loved ones closer, and Halloween is a perfect time for doing something with the people in your life who matter most, whether it’s your immediate family, college family, friends, siblings or extended family.

These family-friendly activities can help you create some special spooky memories this Halloween with your friends and loved ones:

Visit local attractions. Many communities offer seasonal events or destinations where you can find all kinds of family fun while enjoying a refreshing autumn afternoon. Some popular examples include corn mazes, pumpkin patches and haunted houses. You might also find other attractions such as hayrides and petting zoos.

Decorate pumpkins. Designing the perfect jack-o’-lantern or pumpkin creation can be fun for the whole family. Toddlers and younger children can express their creativity through painting, stickers and accessory kits while older children and young adults may find carving kits to be more their style. Consider the options from Pumpkin Masters, which creates new products every year so you can always find something fresh each Halloween. For example, Premium Sticker

Patterns make it easy to peel, stick and carve with pattern transfer sheets while options like Mummy Carving and Decorating Kit or Unicorn Decorating let little creatures in on the fun.

Go trick-or-treating together. Participating in this age-old tradition as a family can make for a fun evening of joy and laughter. You can also incorporate numerous teachable moments, including reminders about safety around strangers and when crossing the street, practicing manners like please and thank you or taking turns ringing doorbells with friends or siblings.

Watch scary movies. Whether you relive your own youth by introducing your kids to the classics or explore more contemporary flicks, gathering the group around the screen for a frighteningly fun movie night can appeal to the whole family. With so many options available, you can easily find something age-appropriate for your little ones – just be sure to add some seasonal snacks to make the night complete.

Find more ideas to inspire quality time with family this Halloween at pumpkinmasters. com.

Recycle Your Pumpkin

Once the holiday fun is done, you may wonder what to do with your leftover pumpkin (and the insides, too). Consider these ideas:

Bake the seeds. Whether you eat them yourself or share them with local wildlife, roasted pumpkin seeds provide a tasty treat. They’re delicious with a light coating of olive oil and salt, or you can get creative with seasonings and spices.

Make slime. The stringy, gooey insides of a pumpkin make for a ghoulish bowl of goopy guts, perfect for Halloween pranks. You can use the pulp in its natural form or search for recipes that add ingredients like glue, water and baking soda for even more texture.

Compost it. Pumpkins generate organic waste, so adding them to a compost bin (or burying them) can be quite beneficial for the soil. Either option returns organic matter to the Earth, rather than heaping it into a landfill where it’s just adding to accumulating food waste.

Create a planter. If you save the pieces carved from your jack-o’-lanterns, you can use a toothpick to secure them in place. Then you’ll be left with a vessel that’s perfect for using as a seasonal planter. Add some mums or other autumn blooms and enjoy them throughout the fall.

Donate to a nearby farm. Pumpkins can be a tasty treat for wildlife and livestock. If you don’t have animals like bunnies and squirrels to share your pumpkin with in your own backyard, check with area farms to see if they’d like your leftover pumpkins to use as food for the animals.

Continues on pg 5...

masks for dummies XxIII

In May, I wrote what I thought might be the last installment to this Masks for Dummies (MFD) ad hoc column series. The discussion of the horrible pernicious and forever evolving SARS-CoV-2 virus, aka the ‘Coronavirus,’ ended with the sad realization that too many lives were lost because of it. At the time of the last MFD article, we had lost 993,717 Americans to this vicious disease, with over 81 million infections. Five months later, our death toll is 1,059,605, with over 96 million infections. That’s an average death rate of about 13 thousand per month for the past five months.

Covid is still killing people.

Yet we can say that we’re doing much better as a nation in fighting this vi rus—at least for now. We will never forget the horrific days when three to four thou sand Americans died per day because of Covid. Those were very scary and sad times, which are behind us now. Still, we have to be vigilant for the future.

We may be currently winning the Covid war with our vaccines, but this virus is highly adaptable and smart. We could easily fall back into darker times.

Before the summer began, we cele brated that we had left the ‘pandemic phase’ of Covid. That is, we have left the ‘fulminate stage’ of the pandemic where there were sud den and sustained spikes of infection and death. But the pandemic is not over. We are still averaging over 400 deaths per day. And the world is doing worse.

Here in Fresno County, we’ve had 2,859 confirmed Covid deaths.

Despite President Biden’s Septem ber 60 Minutes interview with Scott Pelley, the pandemic is still a concern. In his inter view, Biden said: “The pandemic is over…If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Every body seems to be in pretty good shape, and so I think it’s changing….”

But is 400 American Covid deaths a day an acceptable statistic to declare to the nation that the pandemic is ‘over’? Dr. Megan Ranney, director at Brown Universi ty’s school of public health, doesn’t seem to think so. She tweeted “malarkey” in response to Biden’s public health gaffe. She explained: “Is the pandemic DIFFERENT? Sure. We have vaccines & infection-induced immuni ty. We have treatments. We have tests (while they last). The fatality rate is way down. And

so, we respond to it differently. But over? With 400 deaths a day?!”

The pandemic is not over.

The White House acknowledged this and had to backtrack the president’s remarks. Health and Human Services Secre tary Xavier Becerra clarified: “The president was reflecting what so many Americans are thinking and feeling….”

But thoughts and feelings aren’t facts. And the facts of the matter are that Covid is still an ever-present danger and con cern.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical advisor, made this clear: “I’ll say it even today—Four hundred deaths per day is not an acceptable number as far as I’m concerned.”

In fact, Covid is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. after heart disease and cancer.

The total annual deaths from Covid surpasses the last four of the ten current lead ing causes of American deaths. That is, per year in the United States, there are more coronavirus deaths than all the deaths from Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis combined. So for our leaders to declare the pandemic ‘over’ is irresponsi ble and dangerous. It’s just not a true reflec tion of our reality.

Part of the problem is that we aren’t properly using the weapons we have to fight the virus. In addition, only about half of our population is vaccinated against SARSCoV-2.

According to the CDC’s records, only about 48.8% of the American popula tion over 5-yrs old has been vaccinated with their first booster dose. Vaccination rates for completing the first two shots in the primary series were better, at 67.9%. However, our goal is to protect our entire nation and put an end to this damn coronavirus. We won’t be able to really take control of the pandemic when over 30% of the population nev er finished their first pair of shots or when over 50% haven’t received their first booster. One of the reasons is that the coronavirus is constantly mutating and evolving. We must adapt to the virus’ rapid adaptation and cir cumvention of our medical technology and continue to use our vaccinations to stay

ahead of the enemy. Unfortunately, one shot is just not enough.

Dr. Fauci wants the American peo ple to know: “How we respond and how we’re prepared for the evolution of these variants is going to depend on us, and that gets to the other conflicting aspect of this—is the lack of a uniform acceptance of the interventions that are available to us in this country—We are not where we need to be if we’re going to be able to, ‘live with the virus,’ because we know we’re not going to eradicate it….”

Of course, when Dr. Fauci ac knowledges that “we’re not going to eradicate it,” he is referring to our collective human accomplishment of eradicating smallpox in 1980, and how we won’t be able to do the same for the coronavirus. He’s not accepting defeat; it’s just science. The smallpox virus is very different from the coronavirus. One hardly changes and is transmitted through face-to-face interactions. The other is con stantly mutating and evolving and can be spread as an aerosol. Different viruses require different tools to defeat them.

This is why wearing your N95 or KN95 mask is still essential.

Wearing your mask is still import ant to protect yourself from Covid and other airborne diseases, like influenza, despite the fact that most Americans have already aban doned their face protection. According to an Axios/Ipsos poll released last month, at least 66% of Americans only occasionally or never wear a mask in public indoor spaces. Hope fully, this same 66% are among the 48.8% of fully vaccinated Americans. If not, they will likely get infected the next time the corona virus wisps around their airways. And, with out any vaccination, unmasked people are susceptible to developing severe Covid and dying.

You don’t want to be one of the daily 400. This pandemic is not over. So get vaccinated and boosted and carry your mask with you in public—you’d be a dummy not to pull it out and use it when you need it.

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I. smiley G. Calderón is a Gen X Chicano and lifelong educator who spent a career in academia in Southern California, but is most proud of be ing a father.

...Post-it cont’d from pg 4

Here is a collection of reflections you may consider:

• Keep healthy boundaries.

• Finish what you started.

• Work the day, rest at night.

• It’s ok to let go.

• Focus on what you made possible, rather than on what is behind you.

• Roll with the changes.

• Try to see the silver lining in things.

• Never jeopardize your credibility.

• Flexibility is the name of the game.

• Take a mental health day off.

• Master being alone.

• Don’t draw a line you are unwilling to enforce.

• Listen to understand.

• Take small steps, not leaps.

Use bright colored post-it notes and put them on the mirrors, the kitchen cab inets, the hallway door, the washer and dryer, and anywhere you frequent. Place the notes anywhere you can be reminded of how important the relationship with the self is, and how the landscape is con stantly changing. Remember each day is a new chapter in your life.

Happy blessed October!

- - -

Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb, M.A. Counseling Psychology, author & narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors, Changing the Landscape, A Relationship with Self”, speaker for transition, loss & grief.


“I could just feel  something in the room that wasn’t right,” she explained.

Lusk has had her own eerie expe riences as well. “I’ve heard some things, like strange noises coming from upstairs when there’s nobody up there,” she says. “We do have a lot of homeless people who come onto the grounds, so the first thought is that maybe someone broke in looking for a place to sleep. But, then we go to investigate and there’s nobody there.”

William Eaton - who worked as a bouncer at the Bastille back when it was a bar, restaurant, and nightclub - says that, while he didn’t witness any ghostly appari tions, he and the rest of the crew would often hear strange sounds coming from the second floor after closing.

“There was weird shit that hap pened after we closed at night. Like groans and weird sounds,” he said.

Cooks in the kitchen also claimed to hear strange noises, groans, and wailing. In addition, they reported seeing pots and pans moving around by themselves.

One of the most famous supernat ural inhabitants of the Bastille is believed to be a woman named Mary, a former inmate who hung herself in her cell. Several visi tors and employees have reported seeing her ghost walking through rooms, up the stairs, and staring out of the second-floor windows at night.

“Most of the really supernatural occurrences seem to happen on the second floor, where they kept the mentally ill and the women and children,” Lusk recalls. “But people have seen weird things happening all over the grounds outside too.”

Lusk explains that public hangings would take place outside the courthouse square during the days when the Bastille was still an operating jail. Considering the history of violent discrimination upon which many valley communities were built, it’s fair to say that a number of those hanged were likely innocent of the crimes for which they were convicted. Stories of men and women wear ing “old west” clothing walking the grounds of the courthouse square, only to disappear behind a tree or the large stone fountain in the center of the lawn when approached, are common among employees and visitors alike.

Despite - or perhaps because ofits revenant-rich reputation, the Bastille is a popular place for people looking to host events. Currently, the Bastille is in a state of semi-disrepair. Lusk says that sometimes small events occur there, but bookings are held outside for the most part.

“It’s a really beautiful backdrop for all sorts of events,” Lusk beams.

With many first-hand accounts of strange noises, ghostly figures, and unex plained phenomena, the Bastille should be on every ghost chaser’s itinerary this Hallow een season. And for those seeking less phan tasmal, family-friendly festivities, Lusk says that the City of Hanford is planning to run a haunted house experience for kids and adults on the 3rd floor of the neighboring court house. So, spooky spectators of all ages can come down and experience one of the most haunted places in the valley first-hand.

For more information about fam ily-friendly Halloween events at Hanford’s courthouse square and civic center, visit the Hanford Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.

The Hype is Real

While working on my article about the Bastille for this month’s issue, I was fortunate enough to run into Kaitlyn Lusk, the Recreational Coordinator for the Han ford Civic Center. She was kind enough to give me and my wife an impromptu tour of the building so we could get some inte rior photos for the article. She also shared a number of first and secondhand stories of paranormal encounters that were both fascinating and a little freaky. After hearing those stories, we were excited to check out the cells in the heart of the old jail, where most of the alleged supernatural sightings were said to take place.

As we were standing in what was once the front desk/receiving area of the jail, there was a feeling that someone or  something was watching us from a corner of the room. That feeling of being watched followed us into every room. But as we entered the cell block, there was a palpable change in the air itself. Suddenly the air felt dense, heavy, almost hard to inhale. There was a persistent sensation, somewhat like wading in waisthigh water, with a gentle but steady current pushing me back towards the doorway and away from the cells. I turned to my wife, and I could tell by the look on her face that she felt it, too. The feeling of being watched was

now joined by what I can only describe as an overwhelming sense of dread. I don’t know if Kaitlyn felt the same thing we did, but she quickly wrapped up the story she was telling us about those old cells and seemed to be in just as much of a hurry to leave that area as we were.

As we walked back to the front of the building, the heaviness in the air faded, but that feeling of being watched persisted until we were outside. It was strong enough that I didn’t look up at the second-floor win dows as we were leaving because I wasn’t entirely sure there wouldn’t be a ghostly fig ure looking down at me. I just don’t need

that kind of jolt to the heart at 8:30 in the morning.

Suffice it to say; I’m convinced there is definitely something to all of the various ghost stories surrounding the Bastille. But don’t just take my word for it; come down to the courthouse square and see for yourself. Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of one of the ghosts that are said to wander the grounds where the gallows used to be. Or perhaps you’ll see the fa mous ghost of Mary looking down from that second-floor window at the Bastille.

~ Dave

...Haunted Hanford cont’d from pg 3

Cannabis Education

Looking for a new cannabis experience with more terpene taste and potency than a pre-roll or flower? Or are you an experienced dabber looking for premium concentrates? From shatter to rosin, The Artist Tree cannabis dispensary in Fresno has got you covered. Not sure where to start or need a crash course on what these words mean? Let us guide you.All cannabis concentrates are either created with or without solvents, and extraction methods affect the texture and potency of the product resulting in diamonds, hash, rosins, and crumble. At The Artist Tree, we have a carefully curated and extensive selection of solventless cannabis concentrates. As an added bonus, we offer 25-50% off top concentrate brands weekly!

Rosin also known as “live rosin” is created without solvents. Pressure is used to create this extract giving it a texture similar to honey. The extraction process involves pressing dry cannabis buds with pressure and heat, resulting in a pure, terpene rich flavor. Rosin is considered one of the most natural concentrates available. In particular, we recommend Dab Logic Live Rosin Badder and Rosin Tech Labs Cold Cured Rosin. Both are top of the line quality, guaranteeing a luxurious smoking experience.

Ice Water Hash. Another solventless option is ice water hash, which is created without any chem ical solvents - only ice water, freshly frozen cannabis, mesh bags and agitation to shake off the trichomes. It is a fantastic and flavorful way to consume, and we are big fans of Papa Select Water Hash for cannabis purists.

Shatter is known for its stiff taffy-like texture. Shatter is distinguished from other concentrates by its heating and cooling process. This process gives it the texture dabbers love as well as potency rates as high as 90%! With brittle shatter, precise dosing can be tricky, so start slow and build. One of our favorites is KOROVA’s shatter due to its consistent taste & clarity.

Diamonds. Looking for high potency? Give diamonds or sugar a try. Diamonds resemble a crystal that is slightly transparent. With a potency rate between 70-95%, diamonds are about three times the potency of cannabis flower. We especially love Cresco Live Sugar, which is derived from fresh cannabis for maximum cannabinoid and terpene retention.

Budder, also known as wax or crumble, has a creamy soft texture that is the result of a whipping process that helps the chemical solvents dissipate. THC percentages and flavor profiles of budder cross a wide spectrum. When less whipping takes place, the end result is a creamy badder. When more aggressive whipping occurs, it results in a dry “crumble”. Dosing of budder and crumble is easier than other forms of concentrates, because the texture is malleable and easy to get on a dab tool.




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Spooky Snacks that Make Halloween Pop

(Family Features) From watching scary movies to dressing up as ghouls and goblins, spooky season means it’s time to pop up your loved ones’ favorite snacks for a ghostly good time. Before heading out to trick-or-treat, gather your minions in the kitchen for some family-friendly fun crafting these haunting yet tasty treats.

Throughout October, you can honor National Popcorn Poppin’ Month with eerie, delicious eats like Spooky Popcorn Spider Web, Green Halloween Zombies, Witchy Popcorn Balls and Popcorn Caramel Apples that add festive fun to the Halloween excitement.

As a perfect ingredient in treats of all types, popcorn is beloved for its seed-to-snack simplicity as a non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free snack that’s naturally low in fat and calories. Add in its irresistible smell, taste and versatility, and it’s easy to see why it pairs so well with spooky celebrations.

Find more Halloween treats at

Spooky Popcorn Spider Web

Yield: 1 spider web

1/4 cup butter

8 cups mini marshmallows, divided 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

9 cups popped popcorn, divided 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, divided black string licorice candy eyes

Line round pizza pan with parchment paper; set aside. In large saucepan over low heat, melt butter; stir in 5 cups marshmallows, stirring constantly, 3-4 minutes, or until completely melted. Stir in vanilla. Remove from heat. Stir in 8 cups popcorn until coated. Spread onto prepared pizza pan in irregular round shape, about 1-inch thick, to resemble spider web. Refrigerate about 15 minutes, or until firm.

In microwave, melt remaining marshmallows about 20 seconds, or until melted. Using spatula, string strands of melted marshmallow over popcorn spider web to create cobweb effect.

In heatproof bowl set over saucepan of hot (not boiling) water, melt 3/4 cup chocolate chips; cool slightly. In large bowl of remaining popcorn, pour chocolate over popcorn, folding gently to coat. Spread mixture on waxed paperlined baking sheet, separating into eight small clusters. Affix two candy eyes to each popcorn cluster. Refrigerate 10-15 minutes, or until set.

Melt remaining chocolate chips. Cut licorice into 1-inch lengths. Using small spoon, dab circles of chocolate onto spider web. Affix chocolate-coated popcorn onto chocolate circles. Affix licorice lengths to chocolate popcorn clusters to resemble spider legs.

Refrigerate 15 minutes, or until set. To serve, cut into smaller pieces.

Witchy Popcorn Balls

Yield: 8 popcorn balls

16 chocolate wafer cookies

nonstick cooking spray

3 quarts popped popcorn

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter or margarine

3 cups miniature marshmallows

3 tablespoons (1/2 of 3-ounce box) lime gelatin dessert mix

until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Adjust color with 1-2 drops food color, if desired. Pour mixture over popcorn and mix until coated.

Spray hands with nonstick cooking spray and press firmly to form into eight balls. Place balls on eight wafer cookies. Press candy decorations into popcorn balls to form “eyes,” “nose” and “mouth.”

In small, microwave-safe bowl, heat chocolate chips, covered, 10 seconds. Stir to aid melting. Repeat as needed until chocolate is melted and smooth.

2 1/2 quarts popped popcorn

6 tablespoons butter or margarine

3 cups mini marshmallows

4 tablespoons lime gelatin powder red gum balls candy corn

flat green candy strips or fruit leather green sugar sprinkles

Place popcorn in large bowl; set aside.

In medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Stir marshmallows into butter until melted. Stir in gelatin powder until evenly colored.

Pour melted mixture over popcorn and stir until evenly coated. With buttered hands, shape popcorn into seven ovals.

Flatten one oval slightly and squeeze one end to form “skull” shape. Place on parchmentlined baking sheet. Repeat with remaining ovals.

To decorate: Press two gumballs into each skull to form “eyes.” Press candy corn into skull to form “teeth.” Use scissors to trim candy strips and press into top for “hair.” Sprinkle with sugar sprinkles.

Allow “zombies” to set about 20 minutes before wrapping individually in plastic wrap or serve immediately.

Popcorn Caramel Apples

Yield: 4 apples

1 quart freshly popped popcorn

1 package (9 1/2 ounces, 35 total) caramels, unwrapped

1/4 cup light cream or half-and-half 4 lollipop sticks or wooden candy apple sticks 4 apples

1/2 cup chocolate chips sugar sprinkles decorative ribbon (optional)

Place popcorn in large bowl; set aside. Place sheet of waxed paper on work surface.

In small saucepan over medium-low heat, heat caramels and cream. Stir frequently until caramels are melted and cream is blended into caramels.

green food color (optional)

3/4 cup chocolate chips

licorice strings

8 chocolate ice cream cones orange sugar sprinkles, placed in small dish jelly beans candy corns

Spread sheet of waxed or parchment paper over work surface and place wafer cookies on it.

Spray large mixing bowl with nonstick cooking spray and place popcorn inside.

In medium saucepan over low heat, melt butter. Stir in marshmallows and gelatin powder

Spoon about 1/2 teaspoon melted chocolate on top of each popcorn ball. Press licorice strings into chocolate to form “hair.”

Dip cone edges into melted chocolate then orange sugar sprinkles. Place on remaining wafer cookies to form “witches’ hats.” Place hats on popcorn balls. Allow chocolate to set about 45 minutes before serving.

Serve or seal individually in plastic wrap.

Green Halloween Zombies

Yield: about 7 pieces

Push one stick into apple center and dip into caramel. Spoon caramel over apple to coat. Repeat with remaining apples

Place caramel-coated apple in bowl of popcorn and press popcorn onto caramel to cover. Place apple on waxed paper to set; repeat with remaining apples.

In small, resealable plastic bag, microwave chocolate chips 10 seconds and press chips to aid melting. Repeat, heating at 10-second intervals, until chips are completely melted. Cut small corner off bag and squeeze chocolate onto each apple, allowing chocolate to drip down sides. Sprinkle with sugar sprinkles.

Tie bow to each apple stick, if desired. To serve, cut apples into slices.


Calendar Events


Taste The Arts 2022 Artist Booth

Registration. Saturday, October 15th, 10am. Downtown Visalia, Intersec tion of Center Ave & Garden St, Visa lia. The Arts Consortium’s Taste The Arts Festival is back! Join us for a full day of ART!

37th Annual Horizon Awards. Sun day, October 16th, 3pm. Fresno Art Museum Bonner Auditorium, 2233 N 1st St, Fresno. The Horizon Awards is an event honoring individuals, or ganizations, and businesses that have made significant contributions toward the enrichment of life in Fres no County through excellence in the Arts. The Fresno Arts Council has or ganized this event since 1984 to pro vide recognition to the Fresno com munity dedicated to the excellence in the arts.

Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio. Friday, October 21st, 6pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Ro bles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multiacre walk-through installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor ex hibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Ro bles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of mor phing color, through which the pub lic may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Created to celebrate Paso Robles’ extensive wine country envi rons, Light Towers features 69 towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles, illuminated with glowing optic fibers whose colors change to a cus tom musical score.


JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlin ing Sammy Obeid. Wednesday, Sep tember 14th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Lebanese-Palestinian-Syrian-Ital ian-American, born in Oakland, Cal ifornia, Sammy Obeid (Twitter, Insta gram, Facebook) is best known for his 1,001 day streak of consecutive

comed 5-8PM. Our open mic events are always family friendly and provide an open platform that welcomes all types of artists. We welcome and sup port all types of first-timers and expe rienced artists. Our host: We have the talented Apocalypse Phoenix as our special host for this event!

Slice of Comedy Headlining Aaron Weaver. Friday, October 14th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clo vis Ave, Clovis. Aaron Weaver started doing stand-up in Chicago in 2008, with a point-of-view so specific, so original, and so hilarious that the rest of the Chicago comedy scene quickly took notice. He rapidly became one of Chicago’s most heralded standups, due to his custom brand of ab surd soulfulness and his way of ex ploring all the smartest and stupidest thoughts that go through all of our heads.

El Pocho y El Paisa en Dinuba. Sat urday, October 15th, 7pm. Dinuba Indoor Soccer, 289 W Tulare St, Di nuba. Julian Gonzalez “El Gordo Ma mon” y Gonzo Leon “El Boston” ha cen su primer gira juntos de Stand Up en Español llamada “Check & Taste”.

Full Circle Brewing Presents: The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Sunday, October 16th, 6:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. We are excited to announce The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Come see some of the Central Valley’s brightest com edy stars, and many of it best up and comers, work out their new bits on stage. And maybe give that stand up dream a go yourself while you’re at it?

If you need a few beers before you try it out, we got you there too.

2022 Spotlight Awards. Friday, Oc tober 21st, 7pm. Regency Event Cen ter, 1600 Willow Ave, Clovis. Join us as we elevate and celebrate all things gospel at the 2022 Spotlight Awards!

Slice of Comedy Headlining Neer aj Srinivasan. Friday, October 21st, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis.



Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fres no. We are excited to have two of the same shows, one week apart. You can choose which date you will be able to attend. Doors open at 8 pm, and beer will be served. Show starts at 9pm. There will be two intermis sions. This show is for 18 & up. It’s an informal show meaning you can scream, clap, whistle, and buy beer during the show. Costume contest at the end so we encourage you to dress up. We can’t wait to see you soon.

Cryptic Creatures: A Journey Through the Macabre. Friday, Octo ber 28th, 8pm. 1470 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Join us for a performance journey through the macabre and defiance of archetypes. Dance, spo ken word, burlesque, belly dance and more! Tickets $20.

Slice of Comedy Headlining Rob Smallwood. Friday, October 28th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Rob Small wood is based out of Los Angeles, by way of Baltimore Maryland. He has been featured on Kill Tony podcast, Brian Redban’s Deathsquad and ABFF award winning Podcast Tough Choice with Kazeem Rahman. Rob is also inline at the Hollywood’s Laugh Factory Chocolate Sundaes gradua tion. By performing in some of the top comedy clubs throughout the coun try, such as the World Famous Come dy Store, Hollywood Improv, Westside Comedy Theater, Broadway Comedy Club, Magooby’s Joke house ,D.C Im prov Hollywood Laugh Factory, and the Mad House Comedy Club.

your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182
Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM RESERVE YOUR SPACE


Tower Blendz Art Hop Open Mic Night. Thursday, November 3rd, 5pm. Tower Blendz, 802 E Olive Ave, Fresno. If you have a talent (singing, musician, comedian, poet, spoken word, etc) Make sure you come out

and sign up. Our Open mic runs from 5-8PM. Our open mic events are always family friendly and provide an open platform that welcomes all types of artists. We welcome and support all types of first-timers and experienced artists.

REGALIA (TRASHIQUE®2022). Saturday, November 5th, 6pm. Saint George Greek Orthodox Church, 2219 N Orchard St, Fresno. An evening of art, music, dancing, food, cocktails, and Fresno’s most anticipated fash ion show! Regalia (TRASHIQUE®

2022) is THE PRIMARY FUNDRAISER for the Fresno Art Museum in 2022 and will coincide with A Queen With in the huge international fashion ex hibition at FAM. Proceeds from the event directly support the stellar ex hibitions and programs at FAM. The event will be highly publicized and is expected to sell out. We look forward to making it equally if not more suc cessful than in years past!

Wheel of Fortune Live - Volunteers. Thursday, November 10th, 8am. Sa royan Theatre, 730 M St, Fresno. “Wheel of Fortune LIVE!,” an all-new theatrical experience, is going on tour & we need volunteers! Please email: or give us a call at the office: (615) 492-1010

OCEAN SOULS’ Fresno Special Screening. Thursday, November 10th, 6pm. Maya Cinemas Fresno 16, 3090 E Campus Pointe Dr, Fresno. Ocean Souls is a gorgeous and emo tive documentary, showing possibly the largest diversity of whales and dolphins ever seen on film. Despite looking so different to us, cetaceans are possibly our closest relatives in terms of cognitive abilities and family ties. Directed and produced by Philip Hamilton, and co-written by Fresno native Amber Herzog Lyman, this film is an extraordinary collaboration of over 100 filmmakers, scientists, and experts. It highlights new scientific discoveries and teams them with ex quisite cinematography.

Slice of Comedy THE WEIGH-IN Tom Goss VS Danny Minch. Friday, No vember 11th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Nationally touring comedians Danny Minch and Tom Goss are entering the ring , before they so they are gonna do a weigh-in, trash talk, and Inter view. Then the 2 will perform a com edy show.


Jazz Education Workshop. Satur day, October 15th, 8am. Hamilton School, 102 E Clinton Ave, Fresno. A hands on clinic to help middle school jazz educators prepare to mentor inexperienced jazz rhythm sections. Get some hands on experience on drums, bass, guitar and piano and insight on how to best get your new rhythm section started. Learn how to optimize your drumset setup. Learn how to get the right sound and tone

quality from your bass and guitar amps. Learn to help your rhythm section know how to adjust festival equipment to get the sounds you want. Learn to guide your guitar play er in getting an authentic jazz tone out of their instrument.

Fresno State Super Saturday African American College and Career Sum mit. Saturday, October 15th, 8am. Satellite Student Union, 2485 E San Ramon Ave, Fresno. Super Saturday is an intentional outreach event that promotes early educational outreach to African American student popula tions. The summit will run from 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Satellite Student Union, will center on accessing resources, net working and collaboration to address college readiness, retention and graduation from a post-secondary institution. Throughout the day, stu dents and their families will attend workshops, hear from educational and community leaders, learn about community resources and win raffle prizes.

Enchílate Salsa Team’s Half-Year Social. Saturday, October 15th, 7pm. Dianna’s Studio of Dance, 826 N Ful ton St, Fresno. Enchílate’s half-year social at Dianna’s Studio of Dance. Doors open at 6:30PM Zouk class with Wilkie Kwok at 7:00PM Bachata class with Alex Leyva at 7:30PM Sal sa class with Erika Saucillo Rivera at 8:15PM Ft. Dj Cee Dos and live music by Súbale with performances by Rit mo Aché & Enchílate Salsa Team


Free Online Art Class For Kids & Teens - Clovis. Thursday, October 13th, 5pm. Palak StudioInk, Online Art Classes, Clovis. This free painting class is open for all ages. You are wel come to this class as a beginner as well. We will be doing a painting on nature and learn how to blend colors. I will be walking you through a few techniques to make blending easi er. I have different versions of same painting so it suits all ages.

Family Paint Party. Thursday, Octo ber 13th, 6pm. Poor Richards Pizza, 35634 CA 190, Springville. Grab the kids and unleash your inner artist at the Original Paint Nite. You’ll all go from a blank canvas to a masterpiece of your own, with plenty of laughs along the way.


Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio, FAMILY NIGHT. Thursday, October 13th, 6pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. nternation ally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multi-acre walkthrough installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of mor phing color, through which the pub lic may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Created to celebrate Paso Robles’ extensive wine country envi rons, Light Towers features 69 towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles, illuminated with glowing op tic fibers whose colors change to a custom musical score.

Corcoran Fortnite Tournament. Friday, October 14th, 6pm. The Pirate Pizza, 917 Whitley Ave, Corcoran. Do you have what it takes? Are you the best in town? COME TEST YOUR SKILLS! All Entry’s MUST have your child’s name and AGE. Sessions will be broken up into age groups. First 3 kills will move up the brackets and compete for first place. Once you lose you are out!

Family Paint Party. Thursday, Octo ber 20th, 6pm. Poor Richards Pizza, 1549 W Olive Ave, Porterville. Grab the kids and unleash your inner art ist at the Original Paint Nite. You’ll all go from a blank canvas to a mas terpiece of your own, with plenty of laughs along the way.

Disney’s Descendants The Musi cal. Friday, October 21st, 7pm. Mer ced Multicultural Arts Center, 645 W Main St, Merced. Disney’s Descen dants: The Musical is a brand-new musical jam-packed with comedy, adventure, Disney characters, and hit songs from the films! Imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost – home of the most infamous villains who ever lived – the teenaged children of Malefi cent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cru ella De Vil have never ventured off the island… until now.

your event with us. INFO@

World Cuppies 4v4 - FRESNO @

FooBoo. Saturday, October 22nd, 12pm. Campus Pointe at Fresno State, 3090 E Campus Pointe Dr, Fresno. Soccer, Food, Halloween Kid events, Culture, DJ, E-Sports, Fash ion, Pop Up Shops, Bounce House, Community vendors, Brews, Movies, and more! World Cuppies Fresno ‘22 will take place at FooBoo 2022 on Oc tober 22nd. The Central Valleys’ very own 4v4 Street Style World Cup pro motes all the beautiful diversity the Central Valley has to offer! We hope that you join us to celebrate cultures from around the world in the heart of Central Valley while having World Cup Fever. From a #worldcuppies section to prize giveaways and special guests to unique beats by DJ HBK - a week end you don’t want to miss!!

Family Paint Party. Saturday, Octo ber 22nd, 12pm. 2.0 Coffee Shop, 1570 W Olive Ave, Unit C, Porterville. Grab the kids and unleash your inner artist at the Original Paint Nite. You’ll all go from a blank canvas to a mas terpiece of your own, with plenty of laughs along the way.

CoComelon Live JJ’s Journey. Sat urday, October 22nd, 3pm. Saroyan Theatre, 730 M St, Fresno. JJ from Cocomelon shares his aventure live at the Saroyan Theatre.

Happily Haunted. Saturday, Octo ber 22nd, 5:30pm. Children’s Story book Garden & Museum, 175 E Tenth St, Hanford. Enjoy a fun-filled spooky night at the Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum jun us for exciting activities and joyous spooks! Bring your Jack-o’-Lantern for our contest! Wear your fun costume if you wish (not required). And bring a container for trick-or-treating! Recomended for children ages 9 and under. Volunteer opportunities are available. Member: $10 child & $5 adults. Non-member: $12 child & $5 adults.

Halloween Costume Party. Wednesday, October 26th, 5:30pm. 1050 Shaw Ave, Clovis. Join us for a Spooky Family-Fun Halloween Event at The Jungle Party House. Join us for a Spooky Family-Fun Halloween Event at The Jungle Party House. Acess to the Indoor Play Area plus Spooky Crafts, Costume Contest , Face Paint ing, Halloween Treats , Goodie Bags and more!

Promote your event with us. INFO@

Halloween Spooktacular. Sat urday, October 29th, 11am. Clovis Veterans Memorial District, 808 4th Street, Clovis. Trick or Treating, Ghastly Games, Creepy Crafts, and Phantastic Prizes. Bring the commu nity together to celebrate our free dom, traditions, and to showcase our Veteran and Community Service Organizations. Provide a safe envi ronment for families to celebrate Hal loween and fall activities.

Mad Hatter Tea Party. Friday, No vember 4th, 10am. Children’s Sto rybook Garden & Museum, 175 E Tenth St, Hanford. Enjoy a tea party at the Children’s Storybook Garden & Museum join us for exciting activ ities! Come join Alice for a fun ad venture! Activities include- games, snacks, bingo, limbo & face painting. Recommended for children ages 6 and under. Member: $12 child & $5 adults. Non-member: $15 child & $5 adults


We Hunt Like Wolves. Thursday, October 13th, 8:30pm and 9:30pm. The Big Fresno Fair 2022, Save Mart Beer and Wine Garden Stage.

THE QUEERS at Full Circle. Thurs day October 13th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. The Queers The Venomous Pink All ages / $20 ADV / $25 DOS

We The Kingdom - Volunteers. Fri day, October 14th, 4:30pm. CrossCity Christian Church, 2777 E Nees Ave, Fresno. We are needing volunteers for the We The Kingdom LIVE tour! Please email: or give us a call at the office: (615) 492-1010

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182



Psycroptic & Fallujah at Full Circle. Friday, October 14th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Psycroptic Fallujah Interloper Cogni tive Amenthes GraveVoid The Last Of Lucy Exvamon All Ages / $20 ADV / $25 DOS

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Three & The Machine. Friday, October 14th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for hand crafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites onF riday, October 14th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Three & The Machine for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

LA DISPUTE Wildlife Anniversary Tour in celebration of the seminal 2011 album Wildlife. Friday, October 14th, 7:30pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. With Sweet Pill and Pictoria Vark. Presented by Numb

The Clovis Veterans Memorial District is up to some ghoulish fun as we present our annual Hal loween Spooktacular on Saturday, October 29th from 11am to 2pm. This family friendly outdoor event is free for the community and features some trick or treating, ghastly games, creepy crafts, and phantastic prizes!

Our Veterans Service Organizations and Community Service Organizations come together to make this an afternoon of enjoyment. Costumes are encouraged but not required for all to attend. This event is free to the community, but we ask that you bring a can of food to be donated to the Salvation Army to feed local families this winter. Join us Saturday, October 29th on Veterans Parkway between 4th and 5th Streets in Clovis!

The Clovis Veterans Memorial District is a dedicated team of community leaders that facilitate rela tionships between 40+ local veterans and community service organizations that collectively serve our local military families and the Clovis community. Since 1946, our combined efforts and events have brought the community together to preserve our local and national ideals. We serve as a permanent living memorial to honor our past while inspiring our future, keeping at the forefront a focus on good citizenship and being a community worthy of the sacrifice of service.



LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Crooked Crick.

Saturday, October 15th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, October 15th, from 3-6PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Crook ed Crick for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

New Rock Brew Rock. Saturday, October 15th, 6pm. Tioga-Sequoia Brewing Company Beer Garden, 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Introducing The New Rock Brew Rock with a special performance by Silversun Pickups! New Rock 104.1 is proud to an nounce the debut of its official beer!

Enjoy the beer, food trucks, and a live concert from Silversun Pickups plus special guests! Saturday, October 15th at Tioga Sequoia Brewing Com pany at 6pm! Get your tickets today!

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Genfra. Sun day, October 16th, 6pm. Visalia Mar riott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cock tails & mouthwatering bites on Sun day, October 16th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Genfra for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Bravo the Bagchaser Live in Fresno!

Sunday, October 16th, 7pm. Full Cir cle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Bravo the bag chaser live in Fresno! Born 2 Win Tour! All Ages | full bar for 21+ Tickets $25-80.

D.R.I at Full Circle. Thursday, Octo ber 20th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brew ery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. D.R.I. DeathWish More TBA! All Ages / $15 Adv / $20 Dos.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marri ott DT Lounge & Patio Ft That Little Band. Friday, October 21st, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for hand crafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, October 21st, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes That Little Band for a night of enter taining LIVE MUSIC!

Space Odyssey II. Friday, October 21st, 8pm. 2814 N Maroa Ave, Fres no. Welcome back Voyagers!!! We are proud to present Space Odyssey II! Come join us for a night of house music and plur vibes. Lineup TBH

Rock For A Cause. Saturday, Oc tober 22nd, 6pm. 4532 Nees Ave, Clovis. Fundraiser dinner with drinks, food, and a live band to support ‘Ex ercise for Life Foundation’.

Old Cross. Saturday, October 22nd, 6pm. The Fulton, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Portland Pop Punkers Old Cross make their return to Fresno with local support from Judah, Girl Named Pixie and Running with Scis sors.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Elena Experi ence. Saturday, October 22nd, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for hand crafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, October 22nd, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio wel comes Elena Experience for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Cash Kidd + D-LO live in Fresno! Sat urday, October 22nd, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Cash kidd live in Fresno! Special Invited guest D-Lo. Tickets $15-80.

DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, October 23rd, from 3-6PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Rene Emilio for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Alesana at Full Circle. Sunday, Octo ber 23rd, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brew ery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Alesana Vampires Everywhere! All ages / $25 ADV / $30 DOS

KNUCKLE PUCK, Microwave, Youth Fountain. Sunday, October 23rd, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All ages show. Presented by

Powerman 5000. Monday, Octo ber 24th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brew ery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Power man5000 The World Over Angels To Some TangenT From Depths Arise All Ages / $17 ADV / $20 DOS

College Radio. Thursday, October 25th, 6:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Di visadero St, Fresno. Mindless Soci ety, College Radio and Sci-fi Caper at Fulton 55. Neon Pineapple and RAD Music present: Mindless Society (Fresno, Ca) College Radio (Seattle, Wa) Sci-fi Caper (Fresno, Ca)

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Tina Marie. Fri day, October 28th, 6pm. Visalia Mar riott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cock tails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, October 28th, from 6-9PM. Our beau tiful patio welcomes Tina Marie for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marri ott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Flashback. Saturday, October 29th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the

DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, October 29th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Flash back for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

80s Halloween Bash with THE EN GLISH BEAT + 80s DJ Dance Party. Saturday, October 29th, 8pm. Strum mers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All Ages show. Presented by Numbskull

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLY ER.COM

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marri

ott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Fire on the Mountain. Sunday, October 30th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Conven tion Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwater ing bites on Sunday, October 30th, from 3-6PM. Our beautiful patio wel comes Fire on the Mountain for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

First Annual Central Valley Jazz and R&B Festival. Saturday, November 5th, 1pm. The First Annual Central Valley Jazz and R&B Festival will be a night to remember. This will be an all age event. Get ready to dance to the soulful sounds of Jazz in Pink, Nicky J. Crawford, Hope, and Jazz Asylum. Taking it back to the days of Madera Ranchos.

Chris Perez with Grupo Metal at Full Circle Brewery. Saturday, November 5th, 6pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Chris Perez with Grupo Metal in Fresno, Meet and greets will be offered at additional cost. Tickets $35-85.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Dirty Poppas. Saturday, November 5th, 6pm. Visa lia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcraft ed cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, November 5th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Dirty Poppas for a night of entertain ing LIVE MUSIC!

Channel 5 Live with Andrew Cal laghan. Saturday, November 5th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Andrew Callaghan is a 25-year-old American journalist ac claimed as “the only honest man left in news.”

Women Make Waves - The Tower Quartet featuring Rei Hotoda. Satur day, November 5th, 7pm. Historic Old Administration Bldg, 1101 E Univer sity Ave, Fresno. The Tower Quartet is thrilled to welcome Rei Hotoda - accomplished pianist, conductor of the Fresno Philharmonic, and a formidable female in her own right - as we celebrate the women who have made waves in classical music. String Quartet No. 1, Danielle Fisher (Fresno’s own!) String Quartet in E flat major, Fanny Mendelssohn Hen sel Piano Quintet in F Sharp minor, Op. 67, Amy Beach.

EBK BCKDOE + special guests live.

Saturday, November 5th, 7pm. The Fulton (previously La Maison Kabob), 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. $15 early bird (General admission, discounted rate, limited supply.) $20 General admission. $40 VIP+ Meet & Greet (Skip the line, meet EBK BCKDOE + event poster.)

Destructive Prod & Fulton 55

Present: Dead Boys, The Briefs & Suzi Moon. Tuesday, November 8th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero

St, Fresno. Destructive Prod & Fulton 55 Present: Dead Boys, The Briefs & Suzi Moon. Tickets available at www., Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at Fly TrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

40 oz to Freedom at Full Circle. Sat urday, November 12th, 5:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. 40 oz to Freedom All ages / $15 ADV / $20 DOS

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Karri Henry. Saturday, November 12th, 6pm. Visa lia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday,

2nd Annual Central Valley Music Awards. Sunday, November 13th, 3pm. 13851 Avenue 412 Orosi. 2nd Annual Central Valley Music Awards November 13th at C&S Event Center Of Orosi. Special guest performance’s by Acito & GB.

MELT BANANA, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat, Deaf Club, Psychic Graveyard. Sunday, November 13th, 7pm. All ages show. Presented by


559 Fights 91. Friday, October 21st, 6pm. Visalia Convention Center, 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. 559 Fights 91 - Live, local MMA and Grappling Action! 559 Fights is back with live MMA and Grappling action Friday, October 21. Doors open at 6pm, first fight starts at 7. Fight card subject to change. amateur-mma-events/E1418/559Fights-911


CWA: Turn the page (Live Pro Wres tling). Saturday, November 12th, 3:30pm. Castle Youth center @ Veter ans park, 1699 county park, #3, At water. CWA returns back to the Cas tle youth center in Atwater for a night of amazing wrestling action!

Valley Fight Series 10. Saturday, November 12th, 6pm. Kings County Fairgrounds, 801 South 10th Ave, Hanford. VFS MMA is the proving grounds for talented local fighters and hungry out -of-towners. Valley Fight Series comes to you LIVE for the 2nd time ever at the Kings Coun ty Fairgrounds in Hanford, CA. Dont miss out on the action!!! November 12, 2022 featuring local fighters and hungry out- of- towners with an ac tion packed card from the first punch thrown- to the final bell.

21 and Over

Max Headroom 80’s Party at En gelmann Cellars. Friday, October 14th, 6pm. Engelmann Cellars, 3275 N Rolinda Ave, Fresno. Concert, pic nic, wine, frose and live music in the 2 acre Vineyard Park at Engelmann Cellars. Grab your chairs and or blan kets for a great night out in the Vine yard Park at Engelmann Cellars. This is a 21+ only event we will be check ing id’s at the gate.

Dia de los Muertos. Friday, October 14th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisade ro St, Fresno. Let’s celebrate and dance Friday Oct. 14 at Fulton 55 doors 9pm - close, presale $10- $20 at door. The Valley’s Favorite Cumbia Dance Party! Costume and face paint is encouraged will have a few prizes to give away!

Baby stone gorillas x young jr show. Friday, October 14th, 9pm. Marlo’s Club and Mexican Restaurant, 468 N Palm Ave, Fresno. Raymackin x young betho x footz x nissh. Tickets $15. Nifra Presents Follow Me Tour. Fri day, October 14th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Nifra brings her Follow Me Tour to Fresno on Fri day Oct. 14th! Tickets $10.

The 9th Annual Tejano & Country Music Bash. Saturday, October 15th, 5pm. Selma Pioneer Village, 1880 Art Gonzales Pkwy, Selma. The Te jano and Country Music Bash is one of Selma’s premiere annual events! Tickets only $15 in advance! $20 at the door. Enjoy live music and dance under the stars in Selma’s historic Pioneer Village. Ruben y La Nueva Onda, Califas and Elena Betancourt, performing live! This is a 21 and over event. Plenty of food vendors. Beer Garden. Bring your lawn chairs, no ice chests. No Refunds.

Festival of Souls - WAREHOUSEHalloween Party. Sunday, October 15th, 7pm. 160 M St, Fresno. Camp Las Venegas w/DJ Sterling & Adam Temple presents: Festival of Souls Halloween Party. October 15th 2022 | 7pm - 3am. This Halloween season, our collective is excited to bring you a party you will never forget! Live music from a number of talented local DJs (TBA) Food available for purchase as well as beer & liquor. Giant WARE HOUSE space fitted with massive sound system, lasers, & spooky dec orations. Come in COSTUME or not at all; everyone is welcome and encour aged to dance all night! 21+ ONLY.

PRESALE STARTS THIS FRIDAY 9/16, so stay tuned to our Link in Bio. Tick ets start at $10 See you ALL on the dance floor!

AFK. Saturday, October 15th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. AFK makes his Fresno debut Satur day Oct. 15th! Tickets $10.

Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLY ER.COM

Mothersound, Sorry No Sympathy, Cruel Idols. Sunday, October 16th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. RAD Music presents: Mother sound(Los Angeles Metalcore) Sorry, No Sympathy(Wyoming Metalcore) Cruel Idols(Salinas Hardcore) 7pm | 21+ only | $8 // $12

4play, Carlos Montano Band, The Band August. Friday, October 21st, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Ray Carrion presents 4Play Band, Carlos Montano Band, The Band August. Featuring guest perfor mances by Ray Carrion (formerly of El Chicano) and Tex Nakamura (formerly of War). Hosted by Henry Lozano and Noddy Roddy Doors at 7, Music at 8.

Wuki Presents Beats I Can’t Re lease Tour. Friday, October 21st, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Wuki returns to Mint Friday Oct. 21st!

2022 Fresno Whiskey Festival. Saturday, October 22nd, 4pm. The Standard Restaurant and Lounge, 9455 Fort Washington Rd, Fresno. 6th Annual 2022 Fresno Whiskey Festival is brought to you by The Stan dard Restaurant & Lounge. Features include fine single malt, blended Scotch and American Whiskies in cluding Bourbon and Rye. This tast ing event allows guests to sample over 60 whiskies and interact with industry professionals. A vast array of cigars will be available for purchase and provided by Cigars Ltd.

Celebración de Bad Bunny. Satur day, October 22nd, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. NOCHE DE VERANO SIN TI’ is a dance party for fans of Bad Bunny. We play the best of his music all night long. ¡Vamos a bailar! DJ set by @officialzuhnddry $15 earlybird, $18 adv, $20 DOS.

Los Rakas plus special guests at Fulton 55. Thursday, October 27th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Los Rakas plus special guests at Fulton 55.

Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLY ER.COM

Mystery at the Darling Hotel. Friday, October 28th, 4pm. The Darling Ho tel, 210 N Court St, Visalia. Join us for a one-of-a kind dinner and hotel experience that will transport guests back to a time of science fiction and superstition. Twists and turn will be around every corner that may lead you to an indefinite boundary of fan tasy and reality.

The Stone Foxes. Friday, October 28th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisade ro St, Fresno. Friday Oct.28 The Stone Foxes with special guests Danielle Rondero and the Nitty Gritty. Doors at 8. Tickets available at www.fulton55. com,

Fresno Halloweekend Hangover Bar Crawl. Saturday, October 29th, 4pm. Fresno (Various Venues) Fresno let’s get freaky this Halloween for the spookiest time of you the year. Join the party October 29, 2022, when we turn the streets of Fresno into the haunted trails bar crawl style. This is our annual Fresno Halloween Happy Hour Weekend Bar Crawl. We want to Bar Crawl Fresno with all spooky ghouls and gals. Bring your sexiest and scariest costume on this Fres no Bar Crawl because we want to give you spooky treats and prizes! We can’t wait to party the Halloween night away with you Fresno, See you soon!

The 5th Annual Halloween Bar Crawl. Saturday, Octoner 29th, 4pm. Kocky’s Bar and Grill, 1231 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. The 5th Annual Hallow een Bar Craw! - Don’t Miss The Big gest Crawl Of The Year!

Club Cypher Presents: Trick or Te quila. Saturday, October 29th, 7pm. Granite Park, 3978 N Cedar Ave, Fresno. Fresno’s Newest dance par ty with DJs spinning your favorite decades including all of the top hits across all genres. OUTDOOR | DJ’s | DANCING | FULL BAR. Dress Code Will Be Enforced

HALLOWEEN PARTY Salsa/ Bachata/Cumbia/Reggaeton. Satur day, October 29th, 8pm. 468 N Palm Ave, Fresno. HALLOWEEN SUPER BIG PARTY! Latin Saturdays! Salsa, Bach ata, Cumbia, Reggaeton and Latin Hits. Unique and Fun Halloween Per formance by LAS REiNAS DEL VALLE. The best Halloween party! 6 hours of dancing! free photo and video for

your memory! The kitchen open all night! the best dance floor! THE CASH PRIZE FOR THE BEST COSTUMES!

21+ W/ID | Doors Open 8PM | Strict security all night.

DJ Halloween Costume Party. Sunday, October 30th, 5pm. Fresno Masonic Hall, 3444 E Shields Ave, Fresno. 9 DJ’s 9 Performers Costume Contest Photo Booth Food Drinks

2022 DJ Halloween Costume Par ty. 21+ physical ID check for drinks and entry | Pre-sale Tickets $20, $25 at the door Security Enforced | Costumes only! 5PM-2AM Schedule goes as follows: 5pm - DJ HAZY 6pm -DJ HBK 7pm - DJ MURDOCK 8pmDJ LITTY MIKE 9pm -DJ ALEX 10pm - DJ OSO 11pm - DJ OHH PANDUUHH 12pm - DJ LIGHT THE FIRE 1am - DJ ROCKY

KFSR’s 40th Anniversary Jazz & Blues Concert, Sunday, October 30th, 5pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. You’re invited to KFSR’s 40th Anniversary Jazz & Blues Concert on Sunday, October 30th at Fulton 55 in Fresno! (Doors at 4:30, Show at 5:00) Join us for awesome jazz from the Fresno State Faculty Jazz Band and blues from Bill Clifton’s Chicken & Whiskey Band! (Also, cameo ap pearances by KFSR artists!) Join us as we celebrate 40 years of broad casting and help support local radio! Numbskull presents An Evening with MACHINE HEAD. Thursday, November 3rd, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Numbskull presents: An Evening with MACHINE HEAD. $29 advance $32 dos

American Made Concerts Presents: Little Caesar and Circus of Power. Fri day, November 4th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. American Made Concerts Presents: Little Cae sar and Circus of Power. Get your tickets on-line at: http://american and http://www. or visit our friends at Tower District Records (1930 N. Echo St., Fresno,) Cali Stuffed Pipe (2377 E Shaw, Fresno) and Fly Trendz Cloth ing (1156 Clovis Ave, Clovis.) (Con venience fee may apply.) 21 & Over/

Doors open at 7:30pm/Showtime at 8:00pm. Support act subject to change without notice. No refunds or exchanges.

CUMBIATRON™ Day Of The Dead. Friday, November 4th, 9pm. Mezcal Lounge, 1310 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. The Worlds Best Dance Party RETURNS To Mezcal Lounge on Fri day November 4th 2022 for a Day Of The Dead Party like NO OTHER! Fea turing an AMAZING line up of Cumbia producers: DJ Gecko (TEXAS) DJ Chi huahua (NY) & Ivan Cantor (NY) with El Selector & Jalinche. Doors open at 9pm | 21+ | $5 Tickets available for the next 24 hours ONLY.

Must Die! Presents Feral Fantasy Tour. Saturday, November 5th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Must Die! makes his Fresno debut Sat. Nov. 5th! Tickets $10.

Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds. Wednes day, November 9th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Culti vated in The South Bay of Los Ange les, Tomorrows Bad Seeds is the mu sical embodiment of surf and street culture; a perfect blend of hip hop, punk, reggae, rock and soul. Since TBS’ inception in 2001, the band has shared the stage with a number of well known artists, such as Willie Nel son, Slightly Stoopid and Pennywise, and has performed at some of the biggest music festivals in the U.S., in cluding Vans Warped Tour, Cali Vibes and BeachLife.

INFEKT x Samplifire Presents

Round Table Tour 2022. Friday, No vember 11th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Tickets $10.

Lighter Shade Of Brown at The Ful ton. Saturday, November 12th, 8pm. The Fulton, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno. 8pm | 21+ | Limited Capacity. Tick ets $30

Lydia Pense & Cold Blood. Satur day, November 12th, 8:30pm. Lydia Pense & Cold Blood return to Fulton 55! The band Tower Of Power was born from! Lydia Pense & Cold Blood return to the Fulton 55 stage, Satur day Nov. 12.

Country Rap Tour. Sunday, Novem ber 13th, 6pm. Fulton 55, 875 Di visadero St, Fresno. Country Rap Tour featuring Adam Calhoun, Brodnax, and Dusty Leigh. Doors at 6, Show at 7. Tickets available at www.fulton55. com

21 + Promote your event with us. (559)472-7182 INFO@FRESNOFLY ER.COM
16 | OCTOBER 2022 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | FRESNOFLYER.COM FRESNO FLYER Get the Flyer in your mailbox every month. SUBSCRIBE TODAY Name: Address:$ 35 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR subscription form City: Zip: Phone: Email: CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY *For your security, please do not mail your credit card information. We will call you to complete the order. PAYMENT METHOD: CHECK or MO #: Mail To: FRESNO FLYER P.O. Box 4582 Fresno CA, 93744 Money OrderCheck Credit / Debit Answers to last issue’s puzzles



SOLID WOOD cabinet for displaying $250 (559) 577-0295


Wedding Box $50 16” diameter. Price is firm. Thanks! 470-8091 text please


Scoop - $30 Measures 12” long. Price is firm. Thanks! 470-8091 text please

ANTIQUE buffet/ sideboard/credenza -

Use good condition sturdy normal tear and wear $250 (559) 4337324

AC WORKS great almost new.. works fine. Mobil portable 110 volts..n electronics mode on-off. save ener gy mode 6615250672 text or calls after 3 pm or 10 am

BMX FS NEXT 20”$50 Selling a used in excellent condition fs Next Chaos 20” BMX bike. Freestyle. Ready to ride. 50 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216.



KENMORE Natu ral gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120 Call or text 559 Two 86-1484

MAYTAG WASHER $300 with Warranty (Fowler) (559) 6668065

OSTER countertop oven and air fryer with large 3.7L capac ity, brand new in open box, $100, txt559-8698268.


Frontload (Electric) Dryer in great working condition with War ranty included for an unbeatable price $260. Call/text me if inter ested 5597219845. It’s a ultra capacity and energy star efficiency. Must see. Can deliver if needed.

THOMSON refriger ator 7.5 cu asking 150 pick up only (559) 4673562


2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock ex cept for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basi cally brand

KAWASAKI kfx 90 quad for sale. Runs great, no issues and just had it serviced. kids don’t use it. This quad is not registered due to it was only rid den on my property. As you can tell it really only needs a new seat and other than that, it’s great. $1,200 (559) 392-8466

OEM TINTED half windshield Canam maverick x3 New, Used on 1 trip due to full windshield on back order. Excellent con dition and works well. Easy install, perfect fit New 350$ asking $300 (559) 760-9023


TREK GIRLS bike$95 Great condition. For children 6-10 or so. My daughter grew out of it, otherwise it’s been good. 559-5799390

NISHIKI Medalist Road Bike - $195 12 Speeds 27” Quick re lease tires 23”/58cm Frame size Stand over height is 33” Rear rack Made in Japan Clean and in excellent con dition ready to ride. Please call 559-2614680 if interested.

2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call (559) 5318683 $5800


TIMA 147k miles a/c heater work great tagged till jan2023 and smog on hand clean title inside very clean runs real smooth good tires askin $4800obo let me know come take a look at it very reliable car it’s like a 2 tone col or looks blue then with sun turns charcoal grey not sure but very nice color $4,800 (Parlier) 5595742975


NICE MCLANE mower, 5 blade and 20 in wide $250Charles 292-8134


Firewood (559)9068983 We are selling green split firewood for only $40 per bin. Euca lyptus, Almond, Pines, and more. It’s green but now is the time to buy and get the best deal. Call us today. We deliver

TORO cler self propelled lawn mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything works. $150. 355-5533

| OCTOBER 2022 |
Recycling Used Motor Oil & Filters is FREE CURBSIDE PICK-UP AND FREE RECYCLING AT CERTIFIED COLLECTION CENTERS. FOR MORE DETAILS CALL (559) 621-1111 as One- Two- Three! 1 2 3 DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED ATTENTION? We can help you reach more customers, find more volunteers and promote your brand. (559)304-1831 INFO@FRESNOFLYER.COM NEED SOMETHING NEW? Let us help with your business, nonprofit or event.

SECTIONAL genuine leather - $350 L shape leather sectional some wear and tear 125x90 height 33. Call or txt 559-577-7122

SOLID OAK Antique Desk $100 29 x 42 x 29 tall 559-776-5257

TALL BREAKFAST table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024

55 GALLON metal barrels. Food GRADE. Lids included. $12 each. (559) 287-9304


2013 Honda pcx150 scooter to sell. It has only 4183 miles on it and it is in show room condition. Can carry two people with weight limit. Liquid cooled. Fuel injected. CASH ONLY $2500 please text (559) 706 8888


2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Har ley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Sec ond one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 341 2575

LOW-HOUR (26.5) 2018.5 KTM 450SXF. The bike is basi cally stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and every thing OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratch es here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559-246-8965 $8500


Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind!

Call Call 559 341 2575

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Han dle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

KENMORE Natu ral gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry $120 Call or text 559 Two 86-1484



statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and nev er used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case - Brand New! - $120

Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888

VINTAGE DRUM set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. phone calls only. 831-601-0915


2003 TOYOTA Camry $2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the cat alytic converter on the car is not California approved. 559-4581056

2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call 531-8683 $5800


table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024

LEEDOM Snowboard Helmet XL call 559 519-4648


2003 fleetwood pio neer 23ft travel trailer rv - $6,900 559-581-5 0 8 3

PIONEER 18’ Camp Trailer - $12,500 “Like New” Fully Self Con tained, Dual Axle/New Tires, SLEEPS SIX, Air Conditioner & Heater, Full Solar Power, Shade Kit, An tennae Stereo, Micro wave (559) 287-5664

1995 sandpiper by co bra 24ft Bunkhouse Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burn er stove/oven refriger ator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air condition ing and heating cur rently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230

2000 mallard 24 ft Model# 24J Every thing works No leaks Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed New tires Registration $9200 559-214-9352

ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interest ed call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648

NEW TENNIS bag with back pack carry ing straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. Price is firm. Thanks! $40 470-8091 text please

PSE Nighthawk Re curve Bow. Great con dition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762

GOLD’S GYM ellipti cal excellent condition has fan and heart moni tor. $200 559-213-6452



GOLF CLUB start er Sets $35 Each 559 519-4648

TENNIS Racquets

$20 each Call 559 5194648

1999 FORD ranger ext cab 1 owner 1999 Ford Ranger ext cab v6 3.0 5speed cold ac clean title 150.000 miles tags good just smog runs great no issues $4900 (559)724-0738

SELLING something List it here info@fres



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