Aug 29, 2016

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Monday, Aug. 29, 2016

Fresno State’s Award-Winning Newspaper



When your roommate doesn’t have toilet paper & you’re not sharing



Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian

Gwen Stefani performs at the Save Mart Center on Aug. 27, 2016. The crowd erupted as she returned from intermission to perform songs such as, “Red Flag,” “Wind It Up,” and “Baby Don’t Lie,” to name a few.



GoFundMe saves professor after life stolen By Marcus Karby @MKarby

Darlene Wendels • Collegian file photo

John Vue, right, shows Mai Vee Vang, middle, and Keng Vang, left, how to sew a traditional pleated Hmong skirt May 3, 2016. Enrollment rate for Hmong students at Fresno State has doubled since 2011.

A glimpse into the newest minor on campus By Chueyee Yang @chueyee15

A Fresno State graduate said she would have minored in

Hmong if she’d had the opportunity. Monique Vang graduated in spring 2016 with a bachelor’s in mass communication and journalism and only took three

Hmong courses while at the university – Hmong 1B, 4 and 101. When Monique first heard about the possibility of Fresno

See HMONG, Page 6

Imagine you’ve gotten a new job in a different state. You and your spouse pack all of your belongings into a U-Haul, hitch your car to the back and set off. Halfway there, in the middle of the night, the U-Haul is stolen along with your car. Everything you own is gone. What now? This is the situation that Amber Crowell, a new assistant professor for Fresno State’s department of sociology, and her husband Zach found themselves in July. The U-Haul was found the next day, but most of their furniture was destroyed and their car, electronics and anything valuable, was gone. This is also when they found out that their insurance through U-Haul didn’t cover theft, and there was only liability insurance on their car. To top off their mis-

fortune, they had canceled their renters insurance when they left their old place. Bottom Line — just about nothing was insured. The morning after the theft, Crowell took to Facebook to ask for advice on how she could handle their situation. Little did she know that this would cause an avalanche of support from her new peers at Fresno State. Cristina Herrera, chair for the department of Chicano and Latin American studies; Larissa Mercado-Lopez, an associate professor for the department of women’s studies; and Rosa Toro, assistant professor for the department of psychology, started a GoFundMe page for Amber and Zach. It asked for help and set a goal for $10,000. Within a month, the amount of donations surpassed the goal and currently sits at $11,935. “I was just asking for advice,

See GOFUNDME, Page 3

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