Feb 1, 2017

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Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017

Fresno State’s Award-Winning Newspaper



BARTKO SAYS ‘SPEAK UP’ Abuse turns into advocacy

By Daniel Gligich | @DanielGligich


ver since Fresno State Athletic Director Jim Bartko told someone what happened during his childhood, a burden was lifted. Bartko revealed to the public in the middle of January that he was molested by a Catholic priest about 35 times as a child. He traveled in December to Tucson, Arizona, to a rehabilitation facility, Sierra Tucson, and received treatment for sleeping issues, anxiety and anxiousness. Bartko never spoke of his experiences as a child. But after more than 40 years, he decided to talk publicly about the molestations. “It’s kind of funny, after 40some years you never say it,” Bartko said. “But when you get asked the hard questions, it’s kind of like, ‘Do I tell the truth, or do I lie about it or keep it in?’ and I just said it.” It was a huge burden to first discuss the abuse, Bartko said, but after returning to Fresno, it became much easier. Talking about the molestations has been therapeutic, he said, whether it is with counselors or people at the grocery store. Many people throughout the country, whom Bartko has never met, including fellow athletic directors, have sent letters and emails offering him their support, some saying that his revelation has helped them or their family. “People have called in say-

Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian

ing, ‘I had a daughter who went through it. Now with talking, it will help out,’” Bartko said. “And that’s what my wife and I need to figure out – outside of our jobs and being parents and everything else – how can we make a difference in somebody else’s life?” Although his goal is to help others by telling his story, at times he finds it hard to believe that he has made an impression on people. “I had many people call me and send me emails [saying] that I’ve had an impact,” Bartko said. “And I find that hard to believe, because I’m just a normal guy from Modesto.” Many victims of child abuse and sexual assault struggle to disclose their experiences. Some, like Bartko, do not say anything for decades, if ever. “I was very wrong in holding it all in for all these years,” Bartko said. “I think that’s what I want to get across to people – holding it in does you no good.” Children often do not reveal traumatic experiences for a variety of reasons ranging from threats made to the child and them simply not understanding the situation, said Maggie Armistead, Title IV-E BA program coordinator at Fresno State. The Title IV-E program trains students to be Child Protective Services workers. Armistead has experience as a CPS worker and has dealt


Fresno State Athletic Director Jim Bartko speaks in his office at the Duncan Building on Jan. 26, 2017

University Testing Center undergoes changes By Daniel Gligich @DanielGligich

Fresno State President Dr. Joseph Castro has announced to the campus community a new plan for the University Testing Center. The new plan was announced to students through an email on Jan. 13, which stated the testing center will be open for the spring

2017 semester. Castro said he appointed a task force in February 2016 to review the role of the testing services. The task force submitted its report to Castro in May 2016, which was shared with the Academic Senate. Tracey Smith was brought in by Castro as a consultant in the fall of 2016 to meet with students, faculty and staff about the center.

Smith submitted his report with his recommendations to Castro in November 2016. “After a careful review of the reports by both the task force and the consultant that included feedback from students, faculty and staff and after thoughtful discussion with Provost [Lynnette] Zelezny and Vice President [Frank]

See CENTER, Page 3

CLASSA scores booth By Yesenia Candelaria @yesiamanda6

Among all the club and organization booths outside of the University Student Union is the very first Chicano and Latin American Studies Student Association (CLASSA) booth. “I’m super proud of it, and the rest of the club members love it, which makes it that much more rewarding,” said Raymond Rey, vice president of the club. The club, which was founded in the spring of 2015, serves as

an involvement opportunity for students who are interested in being a part of the Chicano and Latino community on campus, contribute to the community and to represent the Chicano and Latino studies department. “One of my big goals is to help the department grow, and I think by having the booth it will help expose more students to the organization,” Rey said. The idea to build the booth began last semester when Rey and Zacarías González, club recruitment chair, were walking by the University Student Union and

thought having a booth would help bring more people to the club. There is a lottery in which clubs and organizations enter for a booth spot. Rey and González decided to take a chance and enter the drawing. Rey attended the lottery to represent the club and said he was surprised when its name was called. “It came as surprise since there was a handful of other clubs that wanted a spot, but it was an exciting moment,” Rey said.

See CLASSA, Page 3




President Castro responds to Trump’s Muslim ban Today I joined Chancellor Timothy White, the 22 other CSU presidents, the California State Student Association and the CSU Academic Senate in a statement of concern regarding the recent executive order issued by President Trump. I want to underscore to the Fresno State campus community that we offer our unwavering support to the students here who are from countries around the world, including countries subject to the president's actions. We also note the significant uncertainty affecting our Muslim student, faculty and staff populations. We stand steadfast in supporting them and each Fresno State community member. Fresno State is continuing to monitor immigration implications coming out of the White House and the Congress that could impact our students, faculty

and staff. Our office of Governmental Relations is in daily communication with congressional staffers in Washington and I have personally been in regular contact with our area congressional representatives to convey concerns expressed by our campus community. Our International Student Services program strongly suggests individuals who may be impacted by the executive orders refrain from travel outside of the United States. Individuals holding citizenship (including dual citizenship with another non-U.S. country) in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen are especially advised that departure from the United States could lead to a denial of re-entry. Individuals holding current US citizenship can expect heightened immigration screening upon re-entry to the United States. All outbound US citizens are reminded to check that their passport has a minimum of six months of remaining eligibility before de-

parting the United States. Individuals needing a new passport may receive assistance by visiting the Passport Place on our campus (Kremen Education, room 130.) I recognize that as we await developments from Congress and the new administration, the uncertainty and rhetoric may cause disruption, anxiety and fear among our students and the greater campus community. As a reminder, students and employees have access to an array of support services through the Student Health and Counseling Center and through the Employee Assistance Program. I invite you to take advantage of these services. I will continue to keep you informed about pertinent developments as soon as we know of them. In the meantime, please be assured that Fresno State remains committed to our mission - To boldly educate and empower students for success – and our core value of diversity, inclusion and respect for all.

community. We are deeply troubled by President Trump's recent executive order that stands in stark contrast to the fundamental tenets of the California State University. We believe in the free exchange of ideas globally, central to which is our ability to welcome and interact with those

from around the world. When something threatens our ability to think beyond our borders and learn from the world as a whole, we will oppose it. When something impacts anyone in our CSU community – especially the most vulnerable – it impacts us all. Therefore, we oppose the di-

visiveness of the recent executive order, and we stand with state and national officials in requesting that the president reconsider this policy.

By Dr. Joseph Castro, Fresno State President

Darlene Wendels • Collegian File Photo

CSU Chancellor stands by campus community


By Timothy P. White, Chancellor, California State University The California State University is committed to being an inclusive and welcoming institution of higher education that is enhanced by the students, faculty, staff and alumni from our global


COMMENT: The Collegian is a forum for student expression. http://fresnostate.edu/collegian

Jordan Bradley • The Collegian

THE COLLEGIAN The Collegian is a student-run publication that serves the Fresno State community. Views expressed in The Collegian do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff or university. fresnostate.edu/collegian

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Testing Center Booth helps reorganizes services CLASSA gain CENTER from Page 1 Lamas, I am pleased to share with you a new plan for the future of the University Testing Center,” Castro said in the announcement. Testing service operations will be split into two sections: the division of academic affairs and the division of student affairs and enrollment management. Lamas, the vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, explained that different tests fit better with the different divisions and their missions. Previously, students encountered many long lines at the testing center, which prevented them from taking exams in a timely manner. “Part of the issue before was that the testing center has somewhere around 150 spaces, and there weren’t enough spaces to continually rotate people in and out taking the variety of tests,”

Lamas said. He said the administration is hoping to give most tests in the classroom, as opposed to the testing center. Dr. Rajee Amarasinghe, chair of the department of mathematics, received feedback from math professors when the center closed. Instructors were affected when the testing services halted, Amarasinghe said. They had to give tests in the classroom which lessened the students’ learning time in the classroom. When the services were running, professors had more time to teach, he said. “[Instructors] used the testing time as a review, and then said, ‘You are free to go take the test,’” Amarasinghe said. “So the students, in that sense, they lost that review time. That is not good, particularly if it is a large lecture where students are struggling.” Although professors now have less time to review the material, Amarasinghe said they have ad-

justed well to the changes. According to the announcement, the division of academic affairs will offer two services: faculty exams and department exams. Faculty exams will include exams for online and full classrooms, department-specific survey exams, early-take and makeup exams, summer school full classroom exams and extended-time disability accommodations. Department exams will include the Medical Interpreting Exam, the U.S. Constitution Exam, the Calculus Readiness Test and the Upper Division Writing Exam. The division of student affairs and enrollment management will offer four different services: professional certification and licensing exams, educational assessment and placement exams, Saturday paper-based testing and Saturday computer-based testing, according to the announcement.


CLASSA from Page 1 The next step was to meet with the club and begin picking colors and a logo. González said the club chose red to make the booth stand out and the front logo of three women wearing bandanas to represent current indigenous struggles and resistance. “It can either be interpreted as three Zapatista women which is a modern indigenous struggle going on in Chiapas, Mexico, or it can be seen as three farmworkers,” González said. He said the farmworkers movement is very important to the club because it is a part of the Chicano movement as well as the foundation of Chicano studies. He hopes, he said, the logo will spark

interest and draw in students to ask questions and become educated about it. Along with recruiting, the club is also using the booth to promote other Chicano/Latino student organizations such as Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano Estudiantil (MECHA) and Los Danzantes De Aztlan. Club president Mayra Cano said she will be spending two hours a week in the booth this semester and hopes for the continued growth and expansion of the club. “I am excited to see what new prospects and opportunities this booth will bring CLASSA as well as the visual exposure it provides for its department and its students,” Cano said.

MCJ students finalists in national broadcasting competition By Hayley Salazar @Hayley_Salazarr

What began as a dream has evolved into a reality for media, communications and journalism (MCJ) students Edmer Archila and Brittany Sosa – they’re finalists in the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Golden Microphone Awards competition. The Fresno State Focus participants were selected to have their segment hosted on KFSR in October 2016. “Faith Sidlow, our adviser, let us know about it, and I originally did not have interest in entering,” Archila said. “But what changed was Faith [Sidlow] kind of told me, ‘You got to do this, you got to do this.’ and I did. I wouldn’t have imagined that I’d be selected as a finalist.” Archila’s co-anchor, Sosa, also had no expectations of becoming a finalist. “I didn’t really know what to expect, but after a couple months or so I started getting emails from people saying congratulations,


congratulations,” Sosa said. “I didn’t really know how big it was. I’m pretty excited about it.” Archila and Sosa are not the only ones excited by the honor. Fellow MCJ student Kelsie Berry voiced her support for her peers. “I feel that sometimes Fresno State isn’t recognized for some of the outstanding opportunities, professors and events that we have available.” Berry said. “With [having] the students names in such a renowned event, it will shed such [a] positive light on this campus and the program.” Seeing students having success will inspire other MCJ students in their academic journey, Berry said. The broadcast, nominated for Best Public Affairs Program, steps away from the recent politics-filled media found on a daily basis. The show reaches out to tell the stories of people of the San Joaquin Valley. Additionally, Archila has been chosen as a finalist for Best Community News for his coverage of the food insecurities faced by farmers.

Spring 2017 May 30, 2017 - June 20, 2017

For Archila, community-based reporting is beneficial in strengthening community bonds. “I used to think: ‘You do your story; people might see it, but they might discuss it for a while then they’ll put it away.’ But it seems like people have an interest in what is being said,” Archila said. It helped him grow, Archila said, and understand that people want to know what is going on in the community. “That first show that we did, it wasn’t easy,“ said Archila. “It was our first time on the mics. We were getting ready to figure out how the show was going to come together. When we were recording that show, things kind of just fell into place. I think that chemistry between Brittany and I worked in that sense,” he said. Archila and Sosa showed a passion for news media well before entering college. After meeting with a news anchor filming a segment in the area [connecting] to his backyard at the age of 8, Archila took advantage of every journalism opportunity available in Mendota, including producing for the student newspaper at his high school. Sosa’s involvement as the anchor for the video production academy at Sunnyside High School stirred her love for broadcasting. “I realized real quick that hard news wasn’t for me,” Sosa said. “I’m that type of person that’s always happy, so me reporting sad stuff to people is just kind of like,

Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian

Media Communications and Journalism student Edmer Archila (left) at the Fresno State campus on Jan. 26, 2017. Archila, along with Brittany Sosa (right), are student finalists in the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s Golden Microphone.

‘I don’t know if I could do that.’” She started becoming interested in audio production and started moving toward radio, Sosa said. As for when it comes to sticking in the business of journalism and multimedia, both students stressed the importance of hard work, adaptation and reception. “I feel like anybody that is a ‘people person’ can make it in radio if you have the drive,” Sosa said. “I’ve learned real quick they’re going to put you in situations that you don’t like, but if you really want to become someone or become something, you’re going to have to deal with it.” Sosa said she has immersed herself in radio culture. “There’s been situations where

I’ve been like, ‘I don’t know if I want to do that,’ but I do it anyway, with a smile on my face every time,” she added. Archila said adapting is the name of the game. “If that means having to go outside your comfort zone and doing something totally different, you have to be able to do that,” Archila said. “Because otherwise you don’t get to stay in the business.” The Fresno State Focus broadcast will go up against radio programs submitted by Cal State San Bernardino, Concordia University in Texas, University of Missouri, University of Virginia and University of West Georgia. The award ceremony is March 4 in New York City.





Rock meets sci-fi at Fulton 55

Starset preforms at Fulton 55 on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017.

By Selina Falcon @SelinaFalcon

Cinematic rock band Starset took to Fulton 55’s stage on Jan. 29 and performed a high-energy sci-fi rock demonstration. The Ohio-based band comes with its

Yezmene Fullilove • The Collegian

own sci-fi backstory. It exists to push “The Message” of The Starset Society, an organization aiming to bring awareness to the impacts emerging technologies will have

on our future. The society is currently focusing on the brain, the body, automation and space. Starset, which calls its performances “demonstrations” make The Starset Society a focal part of its hour-long live show. The band comes out in space suits – helmets included – while frontman Dustin Bates is dressed in more everyday attire that includes black jeans and a black jacket, which he takes off later in the show to reveal a white button-up and bowtie. Onstage Bates uses what appears to be a transparent touch-screen computer to adjust the sound of a separate microphone he also uses. Along with the band’s use of stage lighting and videos playing on screens behind it, the overall staging of Starset’s performance adds to the futuristic sci-fi vibes and the cinematic sound and experience. Visuals aside, Bates impressed the large crowd at Fulton 55 with his vocal range and though he didn’t converse with the crowd, he made up for that through interacting with the audience in different ways such as running across the stage, jumping up on platforms and encouraging the crowd to sing along. Another aspect that gathered cheers from the crowd were the few times they could actually hear the cello player. Starset has a cello player during their demonstrations and makes everything feel epic and intense. Starset made its demonstration immersive and huge on Fulton 55’s fairly small stage. If the band can make such a production work extremely well and run smoothly on a small stage, one can only imagine what it can do with a much larger space. Starset will be staging demonstrations throughout February and begins a festival run in April.

Internationally-known cellist performs on campus By Eric Zamora @TheCollegian

At the age of 22, Narek Hakhnazaryan is an Armenian cellist who has performed globally, won first prize in the cello division at the International Tchaikovsky Competition, a classical music event in Russia. Hakhnazaryan, now 29, performed at the Fresno State Concert Hall Jan. 29 as a part of the Philip Lorenz Memorial Keyboard Concert Series. The concert was co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State and the Thomas A. Kooyumjian Family Foundation. Hakhnazaryan has traveled and performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and a number of symphony orchestras. In 2016 he debuted with the BBC Proms, a session of daily orchestral concerts in London. Accompanying him at Fresno State was Julio Elizalde, a pianist and artistic director of the Olympic Music Festival near Seattle, Washington. Elizalde has performed alongside many well-known musicians and conductors such as Itzhak Perlman. However, Hakhnazaryan and Elizalde were initially not scheduled to perform together. The original plan was for Hakhnazaryan to be accompanied by Noreen Polera, a different pianist. “I found out about this concert a week

ago,” Elizalde said. “Fortunately for everyone, I happened to be free which is usually not the case.” The two musicians performed an eclectic collection of pieces from Romantic Era, 20th century and contemporary composers. The audience gave many standing ovations before and after the encore performance. Together, Hakhnazaryan and Polera were to perform many of the same pieces offered during the concert with Elizalde. For the actual concert, the setlist had to be changed. “There was a program that [Hakhnazaryan] already had that we had to change a lot actually because some of the pieces I didn’t know. We had to come to a decision that we were going to play something that was doable for me in the one week that was leading up,” Elizalde said. Usually there is more time in advance for the performers to practice the pieces on the program and get accustomed to each other, so the changes to the program were necessary in order to ensure a good performance, he said. Among the composers who performed was John Williams, a contemporary composer best known for his work on film scores. Together, Hakhnazaryan and Elizalde performed the “Theme from Schindler’s List,” a work written by Williams. The contemporary works mixed with the older compositions allowed for an entertaining experience for audience members.

Christian Ortuno • The Collegian

Narek Hakhnazaryan plays the cello at the Music Concert Hall on Jan. 29, 2017.

“I thought the program was well put together. It was a balance of a lot of different styles and sounds, and it really displayed [Hakhnazaryan’s] virtuosity,” said Daniel Ruiz, a music major and graduate student. Other students were happy to be able to see world-renowned performers in Fresno.

“Every year tons, of fantastic artists come,” said Nathan Nau, a fourth-year music composition major. “You don’t think of Fresno as the central hub for [the] arts; most people wouldn’t know about it, but here they are.”





Sexual assault and her ‘fight back’ By Selina Falcon @SelinaFalcon



1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college

Selina Falcon • The Collegian

I knew “We Believe You” was a difficult book to get through since it’s dedicated to stories of sexual assault on college campuses far and wide.Though the content was heavy, I can say it is one of the most rewarding books I have read. Split into five parts, the book written by political activists Annie E. Clark and An-

More than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report the assault

drea L. Pino opens with “Part I—Before.” This part introduces us to the people in the stories before their assaults. Some people share their names, but many remain anonymous. “Part II—How It Happened” is the most difficult part of the book to get through, for obvious reasons. The stories in Part I are continued here, and we learn about the assaults, some at great length and others in less than a page. “Part III—Trauma and Betrayal” details what happened after these assaults. Clark, Pino and their fellow survivors drive home the point that though the actual assaults were awful and traumatic, many survivors feel the way they were treated by their schools and law enforcement was worse. Clark and Pino’s greatest success with “We Believe You,” aside from creating something important that will help victims of sexual assault, is that they are not only saying sexual assault on college campuses needs to stop, but that when it does happen, it needs to be taken seriously by the college administration. “Part IV—Healing and Everyday Activism” continues the stories of the survivors, how they all healed or are healing and how some became activists. In this part, we are introduced to Stephanie Canales, a former Fresno State student, who tells her story of sexual assault. Her story, “Women’s Studies Built Me,”

details how a women’s studies course at Fresno State was a pivot point in her life and ultimately motivated her to seek help, heal and become an advocate. As someone who has taken a few women’s studies courses and who constantly recommends them to everyone, I felt a sense of understanding reading Canales’ story. “Part V—Declarations of Independence” is the final part of the book and focuses on the small and large ways survivors are fighting back. Some fight back by speaking to their kids about consent. Some create art. Some get tattoos. Some go back to college. Some hold protests. But all are fighting back. “We Believe You” wraps up with a “Rights and Resources” section that offers information including what to do immediately after experiencing violence, further resources and organizations that can help you and an affirmation for all survivors that: “You are not alone. It’s not your fault. We believe you.”

63.3% of men at one university who self-reported acts qualifying as rape or attempted rape admitted to committing repeat rapes

24/7 National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

*Sexual assault statistics from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center




‘Holding it in does you no good’ CHILD ABUSE from Page 1 with many children who have been abused. Many of the children also struggled to talk about their experiences. “I think that’s a big step, to be able to disclose,” Armistead said. “That’s part of the healing process. That’s a huge step just to be able to help someone.” Given Bartko’s position in the university, many people in the Fresno community listen to what he says. “For him, it’s sending the message that it can happen to anyone,” Armistead said. “And it does happen to people, and there [are] probably many people out there that have never disclosed.” Armistead said students who have had traumatic experiences should seek counseling and therapy to talk about the issues. She recommends students visit the Student Health and Counseling Center on campus. “Just being able to tell someone is difficult,” Armistead said. “I look up to [Bartko] for just being able to say this.”

Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian

The center offers many services to assist victim of sexual violence with individual and group counseling, Lisa Risch, a confidential victim advocate at the center, said in an email. The center also helps victims file claims with the victim compensation program,

which provides financial reimbursement for crime-related expenses, Risch said. To help victims, Risch said, people should listen actively and make themselves available to share their experiences. False reports are rare, and disclosing traumatic experiences can be very difficult. “I hope [Bartko] knows that with that disclosure, he positively impacted a great number of people, though he may never know them by name, and that he humanized and personalized the experience of survivors of that type of abuse and violence,” Risch said. “He also serves as a model that people can overcome traumatic experiences of their past, and he did so in a gracious manner.” Bartko says the support from the community has shaped him and has given him a chance to move forward. “It makes you feel good, but it’s not something I want to be proud of,” Bartko said. “Now the defining moment for me is what I do with my experiences moving forward.” Revealing his secret was crucial for him

and has made an impact on how he thinks about things, Bartko said. He has a better perspective for what he does, and as important as sports are, he said that he is here for a bigger purpose. The athletic director understands the difficulty of talking about abuse, but feels that disclosing is vital. “You can never tell somebody when to talk about it,” Bartko said. “But I’ll guarantee you this – not talking about it is worse than the outcome of talking about it, because there’s a sense of relief.” Bartko is unsure of exactly how he will advocate for victims of child abuse, but he is signed up to speak with many groups throughout the Valley to raise awareness and help those in need. He wants people to know that if they have been negatively affected by someone, they should speak up. He said, “I’m hoping that if I have any influence in the community, I can make people realize that you can go on with your life and be successful and be happy – put it behind you and help others.”

Cory Nelson ‘perfect fit’ as new Air Force ROTC wing commander

Daniel Avalos • The Collegian

Cory Nelson, the new wing commander for the Fresno State Air Force ROTC detachment 35, is in the ROTC office, on Jan. 27, 2017.

By Vila Xiong @TheCollegian

A Lompoc native and a Fresno State senior studying computer science, was overwhelmed with excitement and disbelief when he received the news he was being named cadet wing commander. Cadet Cory Nelson was named cadet wing commander during the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Change of Command Parade at Bulldog Stadium last fall. “In that minute, I was like, ‘Oh boy, I got it,’” Nelson said with a wide grin. “I was so happy and then the next moment, I was like, ‘Wow, I’m probably going to have a lot of work to do.’” The semester before the cadet being selected to be wing commander, the AFROTC collects bids from the upper-class cadets, consisting of juniors and seniors. Operations Flight Commander Capt. Larry Cornelio, along with the rest of the

cadre, an assembly of enlisted and active-duty Air Force officers and Fresno State staff who run the university detachment, evaluate all aspects of the candidates and whom they find the best fit for the position. Based off all the briefings and assessments, they believed that Nelson fulfilled most of the requirements. “Cadet Cory Nelson had not only the expertise of being one of the most senior cadets of the cadet wing, but he has a very good GPA, a very high physical fitness average and scores very well under military performance,” Cornelio said. “He’s the perfect fit for our wing commander for spring 2017.” Nelson is responsible for overseeing 40 cadets in the program, ensuring that they all stay on track while juggling work outside of school and a full-time class schedule. Although the position is demanding, he couldn’t be any happier about ending his last semester at Fresno State as wing commander. He has large plans for the spring. May Rou, a first-year cadet, seeks inspiration from Nelson. She anticipates the kind of legacy he will leave behind to Fresno State, Detachment 35. “[With] him as a leader, I want to learn how to be a good leader also,” Rou said. “I want to be able to lead this detachment. When he’s gone, I’ll step up, and I’ll do what I can.” Nelson anticipates graduation in May and will be commissioned into the Air Force in June. With help from his computer science degree, he is excited to launch his career as a cyber operations officer. He strives to serve his country like how his grandfather, a U.S. Air Force veteran once did.

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Men’s Tennis v. St. Mary’s @ 2 p.m. Moraga, California


Men’s Basketball v. Air Force @ 7 p.m. Fresno, California


This Week in Sports



Champion Diamond ’Dogs open season ranked No. 24 in nation

Women’s Basketball v. Air Force @ 6 p.m. USAF Academy, Colorado

Alyssa Razo • Fresno State Athletics

The 2016 Fresno State softball team poses for a team picture.

By Jenna Wilson @fsjennawilson

Men’s Tennis v. USF @ TBA San Francisco, California

Men’s Basketball v. SDSU @ 4 p.m. Save Mart Center

Women’s Tennis v. Utah @ 11 a.m. Fresno, California Spalding G. Wathen Tennis Center

Women’s Basketball v. SDSU @ 2 p.m. San Diego, California

It’s been seven years since the Fresno State softball team last appeared in the preseason Top 25 of the USA Today/NFCA Division I Preseason Coaches’ Poll. That changed on Tuesday morning for the Bulldogs — they open the 2017 season ranked No. 24 in the nation. The team spent 14 weeks in the Top 25 last season and finished No. 22 overall. With 59 points and four first place votes in the Mountain West coaches preseason poll, the Diamond ‘Dogs return as the conference favorites for the third season in a row. “At this point in the year we are focused on preseason and the process of getting better every day,” Fresno State head coach Linda Garza said. “While we are humbled by the results of this poll, there are respectable programs who have competed well in conference and will be giving us a run for our money this year.” The back-to-back conference champi-

ons have 13 players returning including starters Kamalani Dung, Malia Rivers and Mountain West Player of the Year, Kierra Willis. “My expectations are to win the Mountain West Conference and go all the way. I’m expecting to win an NCAA Championship, but I think we’re going to focus on taking it game by game,” sophomore pitcher Dung said. “Focus on doing the best that we can do and everyone handling their jobs.” Boasting a 2016 overall record of 4212-1, the Bulldogs will find winning the conference for the third straight year, in Garza’s first year at Fresno State, will be a tall mountain to climb. Sophomore outfielder Morgan Howe said, “We just have to stay grinding and continue to work hard, keep pushing each other and hold each other accountable. Just make sure we’re doing what we need to do.” The Bulldogs will open their season against Indiana at the ASU Kajikawa Classic in Tempe, Arizona on Feb. 10 at 8 a.m.

Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian

The 2016 Fresno State softball team celebrates at home plate after teammates score in April 2016 at the Margie Wright Diamond.

Correction: The Signing Day reception hosted by Fresno State football set for Feb. 1 is a ticketed event and tickets are sold out.





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Jahmel Taylor


6’0” Guard

Los Angeles, California

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On if he wasn’t playing basketball:

By David Chavez @d23chavez

Ranking on top of the leaderboards in the Mountain West Conference in 3-point shooting, Jahmel Taylor has been one of the most consistent Bulldogs on the court. On the season, per game he is averaging 12.1 points and is shooting 47.1 percent from the 3-point line. Taylor scored a season-high 21 points in a Fresno State win against Oregon State on Nov. 25. In the same game, he also made a career-high six 3-pointers. After averaging 22.7 points per game as a senior at Pacific Hills High School of West Hollywood, he played at Washington for one and a half seasons. He transferred to Fresno State in the spring semester of 2015. Head coach Rodney Terry said Taylor’s ability on both sides of the ball is what makes him special to the team. “I think Jahmel has worked really hard.

He had to come in and become a really good defender for us,” Terry said. “We knew he could really shoot the basketball but the biggest challenge for him was to come in and defend the way we want to defend as a program. And I think he’s worked really hard at that. I think he’s working on that every single day in terms of bringing a defensive presence.” Taylor is majoring in economics because he plans to build a community center for his father’s church back home in Los Angeles. His father is a pastor and has been the head of the church since Taylor was 4 years old. Taylor said he has been playing basketball since he was 1 or 2 years old. He said that even though he was young, he understood what he was doing. When he was about 5, he would try dunking the ball through a hoop the family had in their apartment, all while watching the movie “Space Jam” in the background.

“I’d be playing football. But I’m into space and things like that so I would want to be an astronaut if I wasn’t playing sports or going into economics. That’s kind of a huge hobby of mine.”

On what it's been like being in Fresno: “It’s great. I’ve gotten a lot of experience here. I’ve got a great opportunity to play and give back to the community. Just have fun on the court. I think that’s the biggest thing — enjoying my time on the court.” On being one of the top 3-point shooters in the country: “It’s very cool.

Finally being able to my skill especially this year getting a lot more attempts up. I’ve been having fun with it. I’m not too worried as far as ratings, where I am, I just try to hit as much as I can each game.” On what makes this year’s team special: “We’ve got a lot of guys who understand that everybody wants to win. We’re not a selfish team. We don’t have one guy feeling like they need to be ahead of another guy. We all kind of stay as a unit.”

Christian Ortuno • The Collegian

Favorite artists: “I would say my favorite artist is J. Cole. My favorite L.A. rapper is Dom Kennedy. Before a game, I try to listen to some Gospel music to try and kind of get my head right. I listen to a little YG if I am trying to get the rhythm up a little bit.” On pre-game routines or rituals: “I think the biggest thing for me is pray before a game. Try to talk to my dad, my family before I come out and get shots up.” On being a Bulldog: “It means a lot. It’s a community that thrives off winning. I love to win. Each level I’ve played at, I’ve tried to be one of the best as far as getting wins and things like that. Being here and being with coach Terry and getting a good culture where everyone is really hungry to get a win. It feels fun for me to be a part of that.”


’Dogs run without Russo By Jenna Wilson @fsjennawilson

The Fresno State men’s basketball team will take on Air Force Wednesday night at the Save Mart Center without senior Cullen Russo. Russo has been suspended indefinitely for an undisclosed vio-

lation of team rules. The forward also missed an exhibition game against Cal State San Bernardino in early November due to an administrative issue. The Minnesota native has missed three of the team’s 21 games. In 18 games played, Russo averaged 9.6 points, 5.9 total rebounds and 2.6 assists.


Christian Ortuno • The Collegian

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