Monday, Feb. 27, 2017
Fresno State’s Award-Winning Newspaper
Yezmene Fullilove • The Collegian
The Department of Physical Therapy held its annual fundraiser “Let’s Get Physical 5K Run/Walk” Feb. 25. The event’s start and finish was by the north gym, and had two routes: a one mile walk and a 5K run, which circled the campus perimeter twice. “A lot of people came with their family, their kids, their spouses, it was really good. We had about 90 people show up,” Said Nicholas Oifoh, a physical therapy student. Student Carolyn Collins said that the fundraiser goes toward paying for preparation for courses and exams, sending students to conferences and buying equipment and other things needed for training. Student Gina Horath said it was fun being at the event with her classmates because it goes to a good cause and shows how the department is a family. Horath said, “We do it every year, so we’ll be out here next year, and it’s a great event, a great time of the year, like perfect racing weather, so the more people we can get out next year, the better.”
New bill announced Collegian to to freeze tuition hikes claim victories By Daniel Gligich @DanielGligich
California Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva announced the Student Protection Act last week, which – if passed – will freeze tuition and fee hikes for California State Universities and California Community Colleges through the 2019-20 academic year. Quirk-Silva introduced the bill, AB 393, to the California State Assembly on Feb. 9 and publicly announced the bill at a press conference last week. The bill proposes that tuition and fees shall be frozen as charged since Dec. 31, 2016. “We know now, more than ever, our students are struggling not only to pay their rents, to be able to work, to pay for food and other essentials, but also to go to college,” Quirk-Silva said. She referred to the California Master Plan for Higher Education, drafted in 1960, which she said reaffirmed California’s longtime commitment to the principle of tuition free education to Cali-
fornia residents. “This moratorium will give students and their families peace of mind that the already high costs of higher education will be capped for the near future, as the Legislature works on long-term funding solutions for the three segments of our higher education system,” Quirk-Silva said. The California Faculty Association is sponsoring the act, and Dr. Kevin Wehr, sociology professor and president of the CFA chapter at CSU Sacramento, stood with Quirk-Silva as the bill was announced. “The California Faculty Association is sponsoring the Student Protection Act because the faculty members of the CSU see the impact first-hand of financial stress on our students’ ability to prepare for class, to buy the books and have time to study – not to mention their health and well-being,” Wehr said. Every fee increase and tuition hike leads to students working extra shifts and multiple jobs, Wehr said, and some students dropped out because they could not afford the tuition raises.
The CSU board of trustees is expected to vote in March on a 5 percent tuition increase for undergraduates, which is $270. CSU East Bay sophomore Isaiah de la Cruz also spoke in favor of the new bill during the conference. “I am working three jobs and taking 16-17 units a quarter,” de la Cruz said. “The board of trustees is considering a tuition increase of $270, which is a quarter of my paycheck.” De la Cruz said he is grateful to Quirk-Silva for introducing the bill, and that many students cannot afford an extra $270. Quirk-Silva said the bill could be approved by the end of the legislative session in September. It will need a simple majority vote to pass. “This won’t be easy, and we’re at the very beginning stages of this legislation,” Quirk-Silva said. “We know that we will have serious talks with our caucus members. We will have serious talks with our Senate friends and with our governor. The investment in education is the investment of our future.”
By Collegian Staff @TheCollegian
The Collegian will be accepting 17 awards this weekend at the annual California College Media Association Awards Banquet in San Francisco. The awards – which include three first place, six second place, four third place and four fourth place – will be presented to The Collegian at the CCMA Excellence in Student Media banquet on Saturday at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown San Francisco. As per the mission of the CCMAs, to honor excellence in journalism, the CCMAs was created to instill a unified voice representative of college news media, provide support and education, and foster, nurture and promote collegiate journalism. “I couldn’t be more proud of my team. We set out every
semester with a goal in mind – to inform the community of Fresno State’s news, arts and sports,” said Diana Giraldo, The Collegian’s editor-in-chief. “We look to find interesting stories of bold Bulldogs, inform students of campus happenings and always look to bring prominent topics of discussion to the forefront – receiving the awards are just the cherry on top.” The award nominations include: Best Website, Best Editorial, Best Column, Best Arts & Entertainment article, Best Newspaper Page Design, Best Headline Portfolio, Best Infographic, Best Use of Social Media, Best News Video, Best Black & White Ad, Best Color Ad, Best Sales Materials and Best Online Ad. Last year The Collegian was nominated for 13 awards, two of which were first place, beat
See AWARDS, Page 3