DERUYTER GETS SACKED Monday, MONDAY,Oct. OCT.17, 24,2016 2016
Fresno State’s Award-Winning Newspaper FRESNOSTATE.EDU/COLLEGIAN
‘The president and I both felt that on the field, he has not lived up to the standard that the Valley needs.’ -Jim Bartko, Athletic Director
By Jenna Wilson & Daniel Gligich @fsjennawilson, @DanielGligich
im DeRuyter was removed as head coach of the Fresno State football team, Athletic Director Jim Bartko said at a press conference Sunday. “The president and I both felt that on the field [DeRuyter] has not lived up to the standard that the Valley needs,” Bartko said. Offensive coordinator Eric Kiesau has been named the interim head coach. See DERUYTER, Page 8
Photo by Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian