5 minute read

Generation Alpha

-Page 10-17... Generation Alpha -Page 18-23... Movers and shakers in the sustainability streetwear race -Page 24-25... Christopher Raeburn -Page 26-29... What brands need to do to create sustainable brand stories

Page 30-87... Introducing the brands


-Page 30-31... Introducing the brands -Page 32-37... Introducing Heron Preston -Page 38-59... Heron Preston 20x20 -Page 60-61... Heron Preston consumer profile

-Page 62-63... Introducing Bethany Williams -Page 64-85... Bethany Williams 20x20 -Page 86-87... Bethany Williams consumer profile

Page 88-117... Brand collaboration

-Page 88-91... Introducing the collaboration -Page 92-117... 7P’s of promotion

Page 118-119... Conclusion Page 120-127... References

Generation Alpha, of which are born between 2010 and 2025 are considered to be the most technological infused demographic to date, and the first generation to be born entirely in the 21st century, which means that technology will be something they naturally adapt to from a young age. Despite being the youngest generation yet, they have brand influence and purchasing power beyond their years, they shape the social media landscape, are the popular culture influencers and the emerging consumers in which brands should be engaging with. The voice of this generation so far is North West, who at 5 years old has probably only been able to use such a voice in any coherent way for what, two years? She accomplished her first ever magazine cover for WWD and has been pushed to the forefront of a generation highly engaged in fashion and beauty.

These kids aren’t living plain vanilla lives. Brand owners and communicators need to understand that Alphas are almost hardwired to expect choice and innovation. They want to engage with brands on a deeper level and distinguish a brands identity/message to understand whether or not they should buy into that brand, they will most likely identify with a brands ethical message first as a result of their concerns over sustainability. The alpha consumer will most likely buy into a brand that they can trust, they need reassurance that the brands values are as they state. In order for brands to build an honest and open connection with this new consumer, THEY MUST BE 100% AUTHENTIC.

The most important matter to understand about this generation is that normal childhood experiences for them will have been staring at a screen more than spending quality time with family or friends, connecting with and building relationships with peers will be something they learn to do virtually, and the Covid-19 pandemic will have accustomed them to technology even more.

Ryan Toys Review, a 7 year old youtuber with over 20 million followers reportedly earned $22 million last year demonstrating and reviewing toys on his channel. In order for brands to make a success out of their business, they need to be tapping into what the future consumers are doing as of right now at a young age, studying their behaviours, interests, influences etc. This will allow the brand to build a consumer profile of what this category of consumers will be interested in. With this emerging generation looming upon us, the world as we see it now will naturally reconstruct itself to adapt to generation alphas expectations. Kids today are finding radical new ways of earning an income even if they are only 7 years old. When we look at the case study of this 7 year old youtuber, are we supposed to view it as a positive or should we view it as ‘too young to have that much responsibility?’ from my own personal point of view, I do believe that it may be something that as growing up In this futuristic world that we have to adapt to and come to terms with the fact that children lead a completely different lifestyle to how we knew our childhood.

Apart from technology, Generation Alpha are passionate and conscious about everything that is going on in this world from Greta Thunberg’s climate change debates to inclusivity, acceptance and gender stereotyping. Greta Thunberg who is currently 18 years old and an environmental activist does not shy away from being a voice for change and influence for the younger generation that look up to her. Unlike many teenagers these days who want the latest iPhone, Greta Thunberg’s ideal birthday present is a promise from everyone that they will do everything they can for the planet.

Generation alpha are the new generation of children that will seek to bend the digital world to their needs and ambitions and not be defined nor consumed by it, they will set aside our current worldview of stereotypes of identity and difference, and their love for cherishing and saving the physical world around them will quite literally change the face of our planet. Unlike any other past generation, Alpha’s really do care about the planet and enacting change. It is great to see youngsters nowadays educating themselves and standing up for what they believe in.

The first generation to judge people by who they are instead of what they are. Generation Alpha girls are encouraged to reject narrow gender stereotypes of themselves as ‘princesses’ and ‘dreamers’. They have moved on from binary rejection of pink for girls into a post-stereotype mindset, perhaps summed up best by the attitude that ‘I can wear pink AND play football’. Gone will be the days when gender labels existed for clothing, menswear and womenswear will disappear and people will wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Nowadays, you may already begin to notice men wearing dresses. Harry Styles for example could be considered a positive advocate for genderless clothing for the younger generation, as he himself wears what he feels comfortable in and has been featured in Vogue on numerous occasions wearing a dress. However, just because he feels comfortable and is drawn to women’s clothing does not mean to say that he is homosexual, having such an influential individual in the industry who also happens to have a platform in which he can encourage others to freely express themselves through fashion is remarkable. On the other hand, Many people find it difficult to comprehend how Harry Styles can be seen as revolutionary when so many people without a platform or without being in the public eye have been mocked, ostracized, beaten and even killed for freely expressing themselves. This raises the question as to why having a platform makes you more significant and able to have the freedom of choice without the need of judgement. Furthermore, I believe that future generations won’t experience harsh gender stereotyping to the extent that we had growing up as a result of children nowadays having more positive influences and not being afraid to stand up for their own beliefs.

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