Team 2 launch night & alumni reunion

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To celebrate the end of the journey for the class of ’23 on the Fashion Marketing and Communication course, we will be hosting a launch night in celebration of our 3 year journey on this course. This night will be a special occasion and a chance for us to showcase our work, and connect with industry and alumni.

The role of team two is to plan and execute the class of ’23 launch night and alumni reunion. To reach the desired outcome for this event, we were given a list of KPIs of which we were to work together in our team to decide on what role each person would like to take on. The list of KPIs included venues, costings, save the date and invitations, promotion, funding, organisation and communication of the event and the press release.

As you can see on the following page, I have included the introduction to our dragons den presentation to introduce you to our team. Within this introduction, there is the department statement which is a brief statement that we put together as a team, outlining our main responsibility. Below this statement, as you can see, I have included each individual member of the team with their picture and their individual KPIs, so that you can understand how each of our roles have contributed to the final outcome.

AD6607 Contemporary Fashion Business 1200 words business plan

To introduce myself, my name is Freya Davidson and my KPIs include designing the save the date and invitation, and creating a separate version specifically for the VC, taking charge of the guest list and liaising with Charlotte whom is in charge of guest and VIP outreach to see how many people have been invited, creating promotional material for the launch night and passing that on to Charlotte to email out to guests, and finally, as I have taken on the creative roles within team 2, I also took on the responsibility of creating an individual croquis of each student for the little miss awards.

I identified my KPIs at different points along the progression of this module. After our first team meeting with Tracey, I looked over the list of KPIs for our team and I decided that I wanted to take on the role of designing the save the date and invitation for my first task, as I am naturally more of a creative person than a marketer. I was informed by Tracey in our team meetings that the save the date needed to be done as soon as possible so that we could email it out to industry and guests once we had a confirmed date for the launch night.



With regards to the design of the save the date, keeping in line with the rebrand colours of which we decided on black and pink, I made sure to use the exact shade of pink by taking it from the logo and using it as the background colour. Then, to make it more relevant to our class legacy, I included a collage of pictures in the background that best represents this, so I took the start of year class photo and the class of ’23 work from this year and previous years from the studio 204 Instagram account, and placed it in the background with low opacity so that it doesn’t take away the focus from the text as the text is just as important, as it provides detailed information for the launch night. For the details of the night, I used black for the text and provided the most vital information which included the date, location and address, and then of course to keep it branded under studio 204, I included the logo at the bottom. For the invitation that followed, I stuck with the same colours, but added in some more details such as time and how we look forward to welcoming guests with a drink on arrival, and finally the email to RSVP to. Aswell as the save the date and invitation, I was also asked by Tracey if I could create a separate, more personalized invitation for the VC and as you can see, I kept it mainly the same, but just worded it differently to make it more special, and I also added in a few of the little miss award croquis’.

The next KPI I took the responsibility of was putting together the guest list. To begin with, I started off by getting a list together of names on google sheets, with the approximate number of guests and confirmed number of guests in the following columns, so that as I moved through the module, I could gauge an idea of numbers to see whether I would need to extend the max number for the event which was 100. From the list of student’s names, I asked everyone how many guests they would like to bring and to begin with, I just put a number down in the approximate number column and then later on checked to confirm these numbers. For industry and alumni, I was given a list of people that had been invited so I added them to the list. Once everyone was added to the list, I began counting numbers by separating the columns, so I counted students, industry and alumni separately to the guests they wanted to invite, and the total number came to 91.

As we progressed through the module, we discussed new ideas and roles in our team meetings for each of us to take on. For myself, I decided to take on the responsibility of the promotion of the launch night, so I began to do some research into types of promotional material for promoting an event, and my findings found the best solution to be email marketing, so I began putting my ideas into Photoshop. I created promotional material such as directions to the event and where the nearest car parks are, meet the class of ’23 and finally a schedule of events for the night. After creating each promotional design, I sent them to Charlotte who then emailed them to guests.

For my final KPI, on the topic of promotion, I took on the exciting role of creating a croquis of each student for the little miss awards. Before starting this creative task, Jess created a voting poll of students names and personalities that we would put next to each student, and everyone had to vote which name they would match to each personality, so once we had a set list of names and their little miss awards also known as their personality e.g. little miss sassy, I began creating their croquis. We thought that this would be a fun added extra as something that each student can take home with them. After creating these croquis’, I started looking into how I could get them printed professionally, and I also looked into photo frames to put the prints in as I knew we had a remaining budget. Working with my team, I asked them if they had any ideas where I could get the prints printed and Jess suggested a really good company called free prints, so I ordered the prints from them and I was very happy with how they looked upon arrival. Finally, for the photo frames, I shopped around and found that IKEA had some black photo frames for £1 each so I added them to the basket and emailed Clare Dickens, who I had to go through to pay for the frames. Once the frames had been delivered, I picked them up from campus and placed each print into a frame ready to take to launch night.


FIGURE 1: Rooftop Cinema. [Online Image]. Campaign Monitor. Havenly. [Online Image]. Really Good Emails. something-new-is-coming-to-havenly

Funky Retro Mod Unique Pink and Red Photo Save The Date By Leaf And Lake. [Online Image]. Zazzle. red_photo_save_the_date-256762741752327891?epik=dj0yJnU9VkU4am92cUlZd1BCMHRpWGJiTW1hN0h6SFFGb2FWWkYmcD0wJm49T0xIWElrMExDU3VBUXFRNXlkeVh2ZyZ0PUFBQUFBR1JPZi1j

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