black and white
black and white
Of Interni Una collezione che riunisce oggetti, storie, esperienze, in pieno stile classico contemporaneo, basato su un’idea di abitare sempre piÚ personale. - A collection that combines objects, histor y and experiences in classic contemporar y style, based on a more individual living style.
04 black and white
06 black and white
Art. OF.R11T/COM - 18x18xH50 cm - 1 max 100W E27 Lampada da comodino nichel lucido con cristalli quadrati.Table-lamp with square crystals.
08 black and white
Art. 328.07 - 130x110 cm Specchio con cornice in vetro di Murano lavorata a mano, cristallo e nero, incisioni eseguite a mola. Mirror in handicrafted Murano glass with grinding wheel carving-clear crystal and black Murano glass decorations. Art. MM.9350 - 145xH86xP40 cm Consolle in legno con gambe intagliate finitura argento-piano rivestito in ecopelle nero. Wooden consolle with legs silver finishing-covered top in black faux leather.
Art. ML.2610L - L200xH170 cm Letto con testiera imbottita. Upholstered headboard. Art. CP.99002 - 75x35x8 cm Mensola rivestita in ecopelle nera. Console-covered in black faux leather. Art. OF.R11T - L22x22 H75 cm - 1 max 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo nichel lucido con cristalli quadrati. Table-lamp with square crystals.
010 black and white
012 black and white OF INTERNI 013
black and white
Il calor e d el l egno val orizzato e ravvivato da forti abbinam e n t i e lu ssu ose fin it u re . - T h e warm appe al of wood, e n hanced and enlivened with str iking contr asts and luxur y finishes.
Art. MM.9226FR - 90x90xH75 cm Tavolo in specchio con fregio in legno finitura argento caldo. Wooden mirrored table with wooden warm silver finishing decoration. Art. MM.8006/4 - 47xH100xP42 cm Sedia in legno intagliato finitura argento antico-ecopelle nero stampato. Wooden chair, antique silver finishing, black faux leather. Art. OF.C25/60 - Ă˜60xH65 cm - 3 max 60W E27 Sospensione - paralume in organza nera e pendenti in cristallo. Suspension-black organdie lamp-shade and crystal pendants.
014 black and white
Art. MM.8023/5 - 90xH105xP86 cm Poltrona in legno intagliato, finitura nero, seduta fissa, ecopelle nero Wooden carved arm-chair, black finishing, black faux leather. Art. OF.C25P60 - 60Ă˜xH180 cm - 3 max 60W E27 Piantana con paralume in organza nera e pendenti in cristallo. Floor-lamp with organdie black lamp-shade and crystal pendants. Art. OF.C25T Ă˜25xH90 cm - 1 max 60W E27 Lampada da tavolo con paralume in organza bianca e pendenti in cristallo. Table-lamp-white organdie lamp-shade and crystal pendants. Art. MM.9227 - 66x66xH60 cm Tavolino in legno intagliato-finitura argento caldo. Wooden carved table-warm silver finishing. 016 black and white
Art. 064/8 - H100x100 cm Lampadario 8 luci in vetro di Murano colore cristallo. 8 lights chandelier in clear crystal Murano glass.
018 black and white
Art. 060/6 - Ă˜80xH85 cm Lampadario a 6 luci in vetro di Murano color nero. Chandelier 6 lights in black Murano glass. 020 black and white
Art. MM.9025/3 - 118xH87xP50 cm Comò in legno con tre cassetti, finitura foglia argento antico. Wooden comò with three drawers, antique silver leaf finishing. Art. CL.2512 - 100x100 cm Specchio-cornice in legno intagliato-finitura nero e argento. Mirror-carved wooden frame-black and silver finishing. 022 black and white
Art. MM.9027/2 - 50xH60xP30 cm Comodino in legno con due cassetti, finitura foglia oro. Wooden bedside table, with two drawers, gold leaf finishing. Art. OF.C05T - Ă˜20xH80 cm 1x 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo con paralume a cilindro plissĂŠ e set pendenti cristallo. Table lamp with lamp-shade and crystal pendants. 024 black and white
026 black and white
Luci vi ve, cangi anti, volumi geometrici, nero totale, prodot t i n o-t im e pe r proge t t i di re spiro in t e rn azion ale . Bri ght and varied lights, geometri cal shap es, s heer bl ack, and no-time products for designs wit h in t e r n at ion al im pac t .
black and white
Art. OF.R01/70 - 70x25H30 cm - 5x max 40W G9 Sospensione rettangolare con catene di cristalli quadrati. Rectangular suspension with square crystals chains. OF INTERNI 027
Art. OF.R12/25 - 25xH50xP11 cm - 2x max 60W E14 Applique con catene di cristalli quadrati. Applique with square crystals chains. Art. OF.R10P Skyscraper - 40xH180xP20 cm - 8x 25W G9 Piantana con catene di cristalli quadrati. Floor - lamp with square crystals chains.
028 black and white
Art. MM.9301/180.90 - 180x90xH42 cm Tavolo in legno rivestito in specchio, gambe in legno finitura argento. Wooden mirrored table with wooden warm silver finishing decoration. 030 black and white
Art. MM.2647T - 103x103xH31cm Tavolo con cornice in legno finitura argento caldo, piano in specchio e catene in cristallo. Table-wooden frame warm silver finishing-mirrored top with crystal’s chains. Art. OF.R11T/COM - L18x18H50 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo nichel lucido con cristalli quadrati. Table-lamp with square crystals.
032 black and white
Art. OF.R12/45 - 45xH30 P11 cm - 2x max 60W E14 Applique con catene di cristalli quadrati. Applique with square crystals chains. / Art. OF.R11/22 - 22x22xH50 cm (asta esclusa. Stick excluded) 1 max 100W E27 Sospensione quadrata con cristalli quadrati. Square suspension with square crystals.
034 black and white
036 black and white
black and white
Il p otere as soluto della luce, protagonista incontrastat a de gli spazi. Casc at e di c rist alli m ode llan o, rifle t t o n o , ri frangono . - The ab solute p ow er of li ght, the undi sp uted protagonist of all spaces. Cascades of glass sh ape , re fle c t an d re frac t .
Art. OF.C12/352518 - Ă˜35xH125 cm - 6x max 40W E14 Applique a tre piani con catene di cristalli. 3 levels applique with crystals chains.
Art. OF.C20P - Ă˜25xH190 cm - 1x max 100W E27 + 4x max 40W E14 Piantana con catene di cristalli, supporto finitura nichel lucido. Floor-lamp with crystal chains, glossy nikel frame. Art. OF.C17P - Ă˜25xH177 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Piantana con catene di cristalli. Supporto finitura nickel satinato. Floor-lamp with crystal chains. Brushed nikel frames finishing.
038 black and white
Art. ML.2647L - 200xH150 cm Testiera letto con cornice in legno finitura argento antico, imbottita capitonĂŠ seta. Headboard wooden antique silver frame, capitonĂŠ silk upholstered.
040 black and white
Art. MM.8049/2 - 154xH108xP80 cm Divano in legno 2 posti, finitura bianco lucido, ecopelle bianca. Wooden sofa, 2 seats, white glossy finishing, white faux leather.
042 black and white
044 black and white
C olori saturi, fo rme es senziali, per modellare e plasmare luci e d om bre . L’ogge t t o c u lt div e n t a il padron e de lla c asa. S trong col ours and simpl e shapes to mould and shape li ght and shade. The cult object becom e s a prot agon ist in t h e h om e .
black and white
Art. OF. C15P - Ø45xH177 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Piantana con paralume plissé e catene di cristalli. Supporto finitura nickel satinato. Floor - lamp nichel finishing with lamp-shade and crystals chains. OF INTERNI 045
Art. MM.8046/3 - 172xH65xP75 cm Panca in legno a 2 posti finitura nero e tessuto damascato nero. Wooden bench 2 seats, black finishing and damask fabric. Art. MM.9028 - 104xH87xP43 cm Comò in legno, 2 cassetti, finitura nero opaco e bianco lucido. Wooden comò with two drawers, black and white finishing. Art. OF.C01/80 - Ø80xH75 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Lampada sospesa con paralume plissé e catene di cristalli. Suspension lamp with lamp-shade and crystals chains.
Art. MM.8023/2 - 90xH105xP86 cm Poltrona in legno, finitura nero e tessuto damascato. Wooden arm-chair, black finishing and damask fabric. Art. OF.C05T - Ø20xH80 cm - 1x max 60W E27 Lampada da tavolo con paralume plissé e catene di cristalli. Supporto finitura nickel satinato. Table lamp with lamp-shade and crystals chains. Brushed nikel frames. Art. OF.C11T/COM - Ø15xH50 cm 1 max 60W E14 Lampada da comodino con catene di cristalli, finitura supporto nichel satinato. Bed-side lamp with crystals chains, brushed nikel frame’s finishing.
046 black and white
Art. OF.C12/2518 - Ø25xH75 cm 3x max 60W E14 Applique a mezza luna a due piani con cristalli. Half-moon applique-two levels-crystal pendants. Art. OF.C11T/COM - Ø15xH50 cm 1x max 60W E14 Lampada da comodino con cristalli. Bedside lamp with crystal pendants. Art. OF.C05AP - Ø20xH73 cm 1x max 60W E27 Applique con paralume a cilindro plissé e set cristalli. Applique with lamp-shade and crystal pendants. Art. OF.C11T - Ø25xH68cm 1x max 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo con cristalli. Table lamp with crystals. Art. OF.C11T/80 - Ø25xH80 cm 1x max 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo con cristalli. Table lamp with crystals. Art. MM.9231 - 114xH47xP66 cm Tavolino ovale sagomato, finitura argento antico. Oval table, antique silver finishing.
048 black and white
Art. CS.032 Portacandela a rosa in vetro di Murano Candle-holder in Murano glass. 050 black and white
Art. MM.8011/8 - 47xH110xP42 cm Sedia in legno intagliato finitura argento, imbottita velluto glitter stampato color avorio. Carved wooden chair-silver finishing-upholstered with glitter velvet ivory colour. Art. MM.9302 - 180x90xH75 cm Tavolo rivestito in specchio con gambe in legno finitura argento caldo. Mirrored table, wooden legs warm silver finishing.
052 black and white
Art. MM.8010/8 - 60xH120xP48 cm Capotavola in legno intagliato finitura argento, imbottito velluto glitter stampato color avorio. Carved wooden arm-chair-silver finishing-upholstered with glitter velvet ivory colour. Art. CL.2647 - 70x210 cm Specchio, cornice in legno, finitura argento. Mirror-wooden frame, silver finishing. 054 black and white
Art. OF.OV01 - L80x43xH46 cm - 5 max 25W G9 Sospensione ovale con cristalli. Oval suspension with crystals. 056 black and white
OF.C11L/60 - Ă˜60xH80 cm - 4 max 25W G9 Sospensione con catene di cristalli. Suspension lamp with crystals chains. 058 black and white
Art. OF.C10/25 - D.25xH61 cm (asta esclusa) 1 x 100W E27 Sospensione a due piani con cristalli. Suspension lamp-two levels-crystal pendants.
060 black and white
Art. OF.C10/40 - Ă˜40xH61 cm (asta esclusa) 1 x 100W E27 Lampada sospesa a due piani con cristalli. Suspension lamp-two levels-crystal pendants.
Art. OF.C11/40 - Ă˜40xH40 cm (asta esclusa) 1 x 100W E27 Lampada sospesa con catene di cristalli. Suspension lamp with crystals chains.
062 black and white
Art. MM.8013M - 43xH93xP54cm Sedia “vestita”-in raso nero e bottoni Swarowski. “Dressed” chair in black satin fabric and Swarowski buttons. Art. MM.9226 90x90xH75cm Tavolo in legno rivestito in specchio. Wooden mirrored table.
Art. MM.8013DFR - 43xH93xP54 cm Sedia “vestita”. Tessuto lurex e rasobottoni Swarowski. “Dressed” chair-lurex and satin fabric-Swarowski buttons. 064 black and white
Art. CL.2659XL - 200x150 cm Specchio con cornice in legno finitura argento caldo-specchio centrale riquadrato. Wooden frame mirror-warm silver finishing-divided central mirror. Art. OF.C11L/60 - Ă˜60xH80 cm - 4 max 25W G9 Sospensione con catene di cristalli. Suspension lamp with crystals chains.
066 black and white
Art. MM.8013D - 43xH93xP54 cm Sedia “vestita”-Tessuto lurex e rasobottoni Swarowski. “Dressed” chair- lurex and satin fabric-Swarowski buttons. Art. MM.8013M - 43xH93xP54 cm Sedia “vestita”-in raso nero e bottoni Swarowski. “Dressed” chair in black satin fabric and Swarowski buttons.
Art. MM.8013DFR - 43xH93xP54 cm Sedia “vestita” tessuto lurex, raso e frange. “Dressed” chair in lurex fabric, satin and fringes. 068 black and white
Art. CL.2573 - 80x130 cm Specchio, cornice in legno intagliato, finitura argento caldo. Wooden mirror carved frame, silver warm finishing.
Art. CS.400/15 Ă˜15cm Fermacarte in vetro di Murano. Presse-papier in Murano glass. Art. MM.9401 - 106xH90xP52 cm Consolle in legno, finitura argento caldo. Wooden consolle, warm silver finishing.
070 black and white
Art. MM.8070/2 - 138xH40xP70 cm Panca in legno 2 posti, finitura argento caldo, ecopelle argento. Wooden bench 2 seats, warm silver finishing, silver faux leather.
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Art. OF.30/12 - OF.30/8 - Ă˜96xH90 cm Ă˜80xH90 cm - 12x max 40W E14 Lampadario a 12 luci con pendenti in cristallo. Supporto finitura nickel lucido. 12 lights lamp with crystal pendants. Bright nikel frames finishing.
074 black and white
076 black and white
black and white
Un’i nterpretazi one del classico che predilige la luce e le tin t e t e n u i pe r m e glio adat t arsi allo st ile c on t e m poran e o . Li ght ar eas, f ur nished with great personali ty. A taste of contemporar y classic style with neutral c olou rs.
Art. MM.2647LIB/2 - 103xH103xP31cm Libreria in legno, finitura argento caldo, interno wengè moro. Wooden etagère, warm silver finishing, black wengé inner frame.
Art. MM.8049/2 - 154xH108xP80 cm Divano in legno 2 posti, finitura bianco lucido, ecopelle bianca. Wooden sofa, 2 seats, white glossy finishing, white faux leather. Art. MM.2653LIBV - 57xH171xP31 cm Libreria in legno, finitura argento caldo, interno wengè moro. Wooden etagère, warm silver finishing, black wengé inner frame.
078 black and white
Art. CL.2647AP - 210x70 cm - 4x max 40W E14 Cornice in legno con finitura argento caldo, fondo in ecopelle ed applique a 3 piani con cristalli. Wooden frame, warm silver finishing, faux leather on back, 3 levels applique with crystals.
080 black and white
Art. MM.8021 - 80xH100xP80 cm Poltrona in legno, finitura argento, tessuto seta. Wooden arm-chair silver finishing, silk fabric.
Art. MM.9048/5 - 88x102Hx43P cm Cassettiera 5 cassetti finitura argento antico. Cassetti specchio. Pomoli vetro di Murano color cristallo. Five-drawers chest antique silver finishing. Handles in Murano glass, crystal color. Drawers mirror. Art. LL.P309 - Ă˜55xH170 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Piantana in legno, finitura argento e paralume in organza. Wooden floor-lamp, silver finishing and organdie lamp-shade. Art. CL.2662P - CL.2663P - 45x62 cm - 40x67 cm Specchio piccolo, cornice in legno, finitura argento antico caldo e nero. Little mirror-wooden frame, antique warm silver finishing and black. 082 black and white
084 black and white
black and white
Amp ie s up erfi ci a specchio, forme classiche, nero t ot ale da c u i e m e rgon o e si rifle t t on o i c olori prim ari. A sp ace wi th its o wn histor y, exp ressing cl assi c styl e while focusing on contrasting light and se n sat ion al sh ape s.
Art. CL.2647XL - 140x200 cm Specchio, cornice in legno, finitura argento, specchio centrale riquadrato.Mirrorwooden frame, silver finishing - dissected central mirror.
Art. MM.9216 - Ø57xH65 cm Tavolino rotondo in legno, finitura avorio. Round wooden table ivory finishing. Art. LL.T310 - Ø25xH60 cm 1x max 40W E14 Lampada in legno, finitura bianco paralume nero. Wooden table lamp - white finishing - black opaque lamp-shade. CS.400/10 - Ø10 cm Fermacarte in vetro di Murano. Presse-papier in Murano glass. - CS.400/15 - Ø15 cm Fermacarte in vetro di Murano. Presse-papier in Murano glass. Art. ML.2405PAR - 70+70xH150 cm Paravento in legno, finitura argento, imbottito capitonè velluto “glitter”.Wooden screen, silver finishing, velvet “glitter” fabric.
Art. LL.C307 - H86 cm Candeliere in legno intagliato finitura argento antico. Carved wooden candle-holder antique silver finishing. Art. LL.P309 - Ø55xH170 cm Piantana in legno intagliato finitura nero-paralume organza nero. Carved wooden floor-lamp-black finishing-black organdie lamp-shade.
086 black and white
Art. ML.2405LL - 200+70+70xH150 cm Testiera letto con ante-cornice in legno intagliato finitura argento caldo-imbottita capitoné in velluto glitter. Headboard with side panels, warm silver wooden frame, capitoné glitter velvet upholstering. Art. CL.2666P - 52x64 cm Specchio cornice in legno finitura nero-fregi argento. Wooden frame mirror-black finishing-silver decorations. Art. MM.9227 - 66xH57xP66 cm Tavolino in legno, finitura nero. Wooden table, black finishing. Art. LL.T309 - Ø40xH72 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo in legno finitura nero e paralume in seta nero/oro. Wooden table-lamp, black finishing, black/gold silk lamp-shade.
088 black and white
Art. MM.9402 - 158xH104xP68 cm Consolle in legno, finitura argento caldo. Wooden consolle warm silver finishing. - CL.2573 - 80x130 cm Specchio, cornice in legno, finitura argento caldo. Mirror-wooden frame, silver warm finishing. Art. OF.C07/25T - Ă˜25xH80 cm - 1 max 60W E27 Lampada da tavolo, paralume in organza nera e cristalli. Supporto finitura nickel satinato. Table-lamp with black organdie lamp-shade and crystal pendants. Brushed nikel frames. 90 black and white
063/8 - Ă˜100xH100 cm Lampadario 8 luci in vetro di Murano color cristallo. 8 lights chandelier in Murano glass, clear crystal colour.
92 black and white
Art. 066/8 - Ă˜100xH115 cm Lampadario a 8 luci in vetro di Murano color cristallo e oro con pendenti a goccia. Chandelier 8 lights in Murano glass crystal and gold color, drop pendants. Art. 066/3AP - L47xH72xP24 cm Applique a 3 luci in vetro di Murano color cristallo con pendenti a goccia. Applique 3 lights in Murano glass crystal, drop pendants. 094 black and white
96 black and white
Or igi nal e, fuo ri d agl i schemi, sorprendente. In una parola, “c ool”. M at e riali pre ziosi e fort i ac c ost am e n t i pe r arre dare sp azi mol to p er sonal i . - Or iginal , unco nventi onal and striking. In a word, “stylish”. Precious m at e rials wit h at t rac t ive c om bin at ion s for fu r n ish in g ve r y personal areas.
black and white
Art. OF.C07P50 - Ø50xH180 cm - 4x max 60W E27 Piantana, paralume in organza nera e cristalli. Supporto finitura nickel lucido. Floor-lamp with black organdie lamp-shade - glossy nikel frame. OF INTERNI 97
Art. OF.C07/25T - Ø25xH80 cm - 1 max 60W E27 Lampada da tavolo, paralume in organza nera e cristalli. Supporto finitura nickel satinato. Table-lamp with black organdie lamp-shade and crystal pendants. Brushed nikel frames. Art. OF.C07/25 - Ø25xH50 cm - 1 max 60W E27 Art. OF.C07/50 - Ø50xH50 cm (asta esclusa/excl. stick) - 3 max 60W E27 Sospensione, paralume in organza nera e cristalli. Suspension, black organdielamp-shade and crystal pendants.
98 black and white
Art. MM.8015/2 - 85xH112xP80 cm Poltrona in legno finitura argento caldo in ecopelle color testa di moro, seduta fissa. Wooden arm-chair-warm silver finishing, brown faux leather.
100 black and white
Art. OF.C25AP - Ø25xH60 cm - 2 max 40W E14 / Art. OF.C25/40AP - Ø40xH90 cm - 2x max 60W E27 Applique, paralume in organza nera e pendenti in cristallo. Applique - black organdie lamp-shade and crystal pendants.
102 black and white
MM.9227 - 66x66xH57 cm Tavolino in legno intagliato finitura argento antico. Wooden carved table-antique silver finishing. Art. LL.T311 - Ă˜30xH80 cm - 1x max 100W E27 Lampada da tavolo, base in legno colore nero lucido. Paralume in organza nera. Wooden table-lamp, black finishing, black organdie lamp-shade.
104 black and white
Art. MM.8049DIV3 - 210xH107xP80 cm Divano 3 posti in legno intagliato finitura argento, velluto glitter panna. 3 seats wooden sofa-silver finishing-glitter ivory velvet.
106 black and white
Art. 328.07 - 130x110 cm Specchio con cornice in vetro di Murano lavorata a mano-cristallo e nero, incisioni eseguite a mola. Mirror in handicrafted Murano glass with grinding wheel carving-clear crystal and black Murano glass decorations.
108 black and white
Art. MM.9301/4 - 91x91xH42 cm Tavolino in legno rivestito in ecopelle nero-gambe in legno finitura argento. Wooden table-black faux leather covered-wooden legs silver finishing. Art. OF.30/12 - Ă˜96xH90 cm - 12x max 40W E14 Lampadario a 12 luci con pendenti in cristallo. Supporto finitura nickel. 12 lights lamp with crystal pendants. Nikel frames finishing.
110 black and white
Art. MM.8023/6 - 90xH105xP86 cm Poltrona in legno intagliato finitura argento, velluto glitter bianco stampato. Wooden arm-chair silver finishing, white glitter velvet. 112 black and white
Art. MM.8023 - 90xH105xP86 cm Poltrona intagliata finitura foglia oro in velluto. Arm-chair gold leaf finishing, velvet fabric.
114 black and white
Art. OF.C15PSP - D.25xH176 cm - 1 x 100W E27 Piantana con cristalli. Floor-lamp brushed and crystal pendants. Art. MM.8044 - 165xH105xP80 cm Divano con finitura foglia argento in velluto. Sofa with silver finishing and velvet fabric. Art. OF.C11/25 - Ø25xH40 cm (asta esclusa) 1 x 100W E27 Lampada sospesa con catene di cristalli. Suspension lamp with crystals chains. Art. OF.C20P - Ø25xH190 cm - 4 x max 40W E14 - 1 x max 100W E27 Piantana con catene di cristalli. Floor-lamp with crystals chains.
116 black and white
Art. OFC20/35H200 - Ø35xH200 cm - 6x max 40W G9 Sospensione in cristallo con struttura in metallo cromato. Suspension, chrome frame, crystal pendants.
Art. MM.8060 - 77xH95xP90 cm Poltrona, finitura foglia argento, velluto avorio. Arm-chair -silver finishing-velvet fabric. Art. MM.8020 - 75xH105xP80 cm Poltrona finitura foglia argento con velluto. Arm - chair, silver finishing, velvet fabric. Art. MM.8015 - 85xH112xP80 cm Poltrona finitura foglia oro con velluto. Arm - chair, gold finishing, velvet fabric. Art. OF.17/6 - Ă˜72xH80 cm - 6 x max 40W E14 Lampadario nichel satinato con paralumi plissĂŠ nero e pendagli vetro di Murano. Chandelier brushed nickel finishing with black plissĂŠ lamp-shades and Murano glass pendants.
118 black and white
Art. OF.17/6/F - Ø72xH80 cm - 6x max 40W E14 Lampadario nichel satinato con paralumi plissé nero e pendagli vetro di Murano neri. Chandelier brushed nickel finishing with black plissé lamp-shades and black Murano glass pendants. Art. 115/80 - 90x135 cm Specchio in vetro di Murano cristallo lavorato a mano con incisioni eseguite a mola. Mirror in handicrafted Murano glass, with grindind wheel carving. Art. MM.8020 - 75xH105xP76cm Poltrona con finitura foglia argento e velluto. Arm-chair with silver finishing and velvet fabric. Art. MM.8041/3 - 160xH100xP80 cm Divano, finitura foglia argento antico e velluto nero. Sofa, antique silver finishing, velvet fabric. Art. CL.2653P - 38x44 cm Specchio con cornice in legno foglia argento. Mirror, wooden frame, silver leaf finishing.
120 black and white
Art. OF.10/12/F - Ø110xH75 cm - 12 x max 40W E14 Lampadario nichel satinato con paralumi plissé nero e pendagli vetro di Murano cristallo. Chandelier brushed nickel finishing with black plissé lamp-shades and Murano glass pendants.
122 black and white
Art. MM.8041/3 - 160xH100xP80 cm Divano, finitura foglia argento antico e velluto nero. Sofa, antique silver finishing, velvet fabric. 124 black and white
Art. MM.8010/2 - 60xH120xP48 cm Capotavola finitura oro invecchiato. Chair - antiqued gold finishing. 126 black and white
Art. CLA.F23 - Ø99 cm “Sole” con cornice nero opaco e specchio anticato. “Sun” mat black finishing and antiqued mirror. Art. MM.8046/3 - 172xH65xP75 cm Panca a 2 posti finitura laccato nero e tessuto damascato nero. Bench-2 seats, black finishing and damask fabric.
128 black and white
Art. OF.22/5/O - Ø55xH65 cm - 5x max 40W E14 (Disponibile a 3 luci. - Available with 3 lights.) Lampadario oro satinato con paralumi foglia oro e particolari in vetro di Murano ambra. Chandelier brushed gold finishing with gold-leaf lamp-shades and Murano glass decorations. Art. OF.11/6/F - Ø79xH74 cm 6x max 40W E14 (Disponibile a 8 luci. - Available with 8 lights.). Lampadario nichel satinato con paralumi plissé rossi e pendagli in vetro di Murano neri.Chandelier brushed nickel finishing with red plissé lamp-shades and Murano glass pendants.
130 black and white
Art. 062/6 - Ă˜77xH85 cm Lampadario a 6 luci in vetro di Murano cristallo e oro. Chandelier 6 lights in Murano glass. 132 black and white
concept, scenografie e foto
Printed in 05.2015
of interni by
LIGHT4 srl viale dell'industria, 2A - 31055 quinto di treviso (tv) - italia t. +39 0422 378122 - t. +39 0422 475009 - f +39 0422 370409 - - -