The future of data about
you and your friends
Laurie Frick
Anticipating the future of data‌ and how we’ll consume it
Body grew faster than me‌. Trying to catch up with the future
Leave ourselves clues
Time had shifted into little bits
As an engineer if you want to understand something – you measure it
Data realization: Creeped out ďƒ resigned ďƒ irresistible
Mesmerized by data about friends
who you hang out with will be like diet and exercise‌
we’ll manipulate body chemistry via our friends
Signs of the Adjacent possible 99cents
digital Small
Libraries Jukebox
in 1940 Studied 268 men – still going….
Relationships were everything – Didn’t even ask about friends until the 1970s ?!
cooperation for survival
Friends are the new family, in cities like Atlanta, Denver, Seattle, DC - 40% of people live alone
You basically have 150 friends
1500 name to face 500 acquaintances 150 casual friends 50 close friends 15 confidants 5 best friends
size of neocortex = How many friends
Friends + friends of friends ďƒ Undervalued? Lose weight Stop smoking Survive illness
source of stress ½ are real friends
Social = Digital
YOU can be profiled
68 likes is all it takes
Epigenetics - You are more malleable than you think
nutrition Stress maternal care Social experience Exposure to toxins Hormones Age of father
Types of genes sensitive to social regulation Steve Cole from UCLA studied
141 lonely people – 5 years ďƒ Negative Immune response to Loneliness
What is it about friends? We pick them Leave out grievances Demand less Often one dimensional
Easier for unsupervised learning?
Observe the steps that led up to a positive friendship and favor more of those?
Machine learning Will Simply watch Your response To
Using voice analysis from mic on phone
Facebook is an ai - you are the trainer
With 2b monthly active users
Really big dataset
It will be like alphago for people How our friends affect us?
Watches your physical response to 150-ish friends + expert learning about relationships
the Adjacent possible
Sociology + Real data Friends = family Social = digital Phone as sensor
Network math to predict Biotech / chemistry of you Machine Learning
FRIEND Nutrition 3 minute pitch
Who you hang out with will be like diet and exercise
Manipulate body chemistry with friends
Software to disrupt the random way we make friends Using machine learning and smart sensors in your phone
Some friends are a vitamin, others a little toxic? People want to connect 79% of US internet users on facebook* 50% of age 18-24 go to facebook when they wake up* Over 100 messages a day*
…and Feel better Friends are the new family and help smoking, weight, health
The most powerful mechanism to influence how you feel – and it’s left to chance *Zephoria 2017, Pew 2016
An invisible Nudge - who to see, know, ignore Control group saw Huge improvement Stress & inflammation Behavioral change Visibility
Top messages
‘Cancels’ toxic
Meet in real-world
Amid conflicting options - we watch, learn and serve a nutritious mix Biz Model is reverse micro payments for product placement
14% 32%
Use Machine Learning – like AlphaGo for the game of Friends Don’t actually understand how you make friends, we watch your response to people
150 casual friends phone mic, analyze Msg metadata, sentiment and Social Media content Algorithm sorts Latent variables and favors better friends
Artificial intelligence – social media platform extension + adjustable algorithm
Friend nutrition
a balanced meal of who to see, know, ignore
The future of data about
you and your friends @lauriejoyfrick