ELPRO’s Efforts: Infiltration
mple of disruption was its d active pread overage in a ridge y. Here is the FBI project:
“COINTELPRO.” FBI, FBI, 5 May 2011, vault.fbi.gov/cointel-pro.
explicitly states “Bureau requested to furnish essence of above e national news media. Text should be pitched along line that uilt up between west and east coast BPP Leadership. East coast eel they are being used merely as newspaper delivery boys while aders take in the profits. East coast leadership in NYC are feel ship no longer interested in “Panther Twentyone” who remain in jail.”
ate the movement, which had already gained support throughout he FBI attempted to split the East and West coast leaderships g feelings of resentment within the party. This infiltration by the vate information within the group, in order to manipulate and e mass media, in hopes of ultimately separating the movement.