Vice-President for Capacity Building
Frida María Vizcaíno Rios 2017 – 2018
CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Information Name: Frida María Vizcaíno Ríos Date and place of birth: August 4th 1993. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México. Adress: Calle El Castillo #3135 Fracc. Pradera del Rey Telephone: 52 +1 6677 546763 Cellphone: 52 +1 6672 365837
Languages Spanish: Native English: High level Portuguese: High level French: Medium level
Skills ● ● ● ● ●
Adaptability to change Leadership Teamwork Ease for public speaking Risponsability and discipline Desire for personal and professional growing
Local Training Director, 2013-2014 & 2014-2015. Local Secretary General, 2015-2016 (AEMUAS). IFMSA-Mexico’s Training Support Division Director, 2016-2017. Capacity Building Regional Assistant for the Americas, 2016-2017.
ASSEMBLIES/MEETINGS National ● XXII National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, February 2014. ● XXIII National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, September 2014. ● XXIV National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, February 2015. ● XXV National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, September 2015. ● XXVI National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, February 2016. ● XXVII National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, September 2016. ● XXVIII National General Assembly of IFMSA-México, February 2017.
Regional ● PreRM & Regional Meeting of the Americas, Colombia 2015. ● Sub Regional Training, México 2015. ● PreRM & Regional Meeting of the Americas, Uruguay 2016. ● Sub Regional Training, Mexico 2016. ● PreRM & Regional Meeting of the Americas, Peru 2017.
International ● IFMSA August Meeting, Mexico 2016. ● Team of Officials Meeting 2 Zagreb, Croatia, 2016. ● IFMSA March Meeting, Montenegro 2017.
CAPACITY BUILDING Received ● Training New Trainers (TNT), at the XXII National GA of IFMSA-México, February 2014. ● Training for Experienced Trainers (TET): “NMO & Financial Management”, pre Regional Meeting of the Americas, Colombia 2015. ● Training Old Trainers (TOT), pre Regional Meeting of the Americas, Uruguay 2016. Delivered ● Around 20 different training sessions at my university. ● Different training sessions during the last 7 National General Assemblies of IFMSA-Mexico. ● Different training sessions during the last 3 Regional Meeting of the Americas (Colombia 2014, Uruguay 2015 & Peru 2016). ● Different training sessions during 2 GA (August Meeting Mexico 2016 & March Meeting Montenegro 2017). ● 6 TNTs (5 for IFMSA-Mexico and 1 for IFMSA-Honduras). ● 1 TOT (pre Regional Meeting of the Americas, Peru 2017). Support Person ● For Capacity Building, IFMSA August Meeting 2016 Puebla, Mexico. ● For Capacity Building, IFMSA March Meeting 2017 Budva, Montenegro.
MOTIVATION LETTER I’ve been part of IFMSA for 4 years now, which I’ve completely dedicated to the Training Support Division and Capacity Building. I did my TNT 3 years ago and started delivering training sessions in my local committee and later on national General Assemblies, I was Local Training Director for 2 terms, and during those years I started realizing how being a trainer changed me, I believe that little by little it has helped me become the best version of myself, and that is my biggest motivation when it comes to anything TSD/CB related. Step by step I learned and became aware of the CB world, on every level, since I started as Local Training Director, then became IFMSA-Mexico’s Training Support Division Director, afterwards I ran for CB Regional Assistant for the Americas and got the position. So every position I had before helped me be ready for the next one, and with every position I learned new things and got new experience and all of that started giving my ideas of things I’d like to do or the plans I’d make if I had a certain position, and that’s how to motivation for every position I’ve had has come to me. And this time was no exception. I’d be lying if I said I’ve always wanted to be VPCB, to be honest it seemed as something very far away, but the more involved I got with the international scene of IFMSA, the more I knew about my area of work and ideas started flowing to me, plans I’d like to implement, and to me it just made sense to run for VPCB because is like they say “if you want something done, do it yourself”, and that’s what I want to do, to see my ideas be put into action, and who better to make sure of that than myself? As for training experience one year after doing my TNT, I did a TET (Training Experienced Trainers) on NMO & Financial Management, which comes perfectly right now since as VPCB it will be my responsibility to plan NMO Management sessions. One year after that I did the TOT (Training Old Trainers), I’ve also facilitated 6 TNTs and 1 TOT, and several different training sessions at my university and other universities in my hometown. Being a trainer, being a facilitator has been a wonderful experience for me, seeing the participants’ face being lit up after a dose of motivation, after helping them believe in themselves is a feeling that can’t really be described, and is not only them who learn, but also as a facilitator we are always learning with every session we deliver. As VPCB I not only want to supervise and approve CB events, I want to be a force of motivation for IFMSA members, including the EB and the TO, IFMSA helped me find confidence in myself, and I want to help others achieve that. I believe every capacitation I’ve taken, session I’ve delivered and position I’ve had have led me to exactly this path I’m taking, I believe I have the skills, knowledge, motivation and passion to do a great job as Vice-President for Capacity Building, and I will if I’m given the opportunity. Sincerely,
Frida María Vizcaíno Rios
“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion”
PRELIMINARY PLAN OF ACTION MEDIA (COLLABORATION WITH THE VPPRC) UPDATING TRAINING RESOURCE CENTER Everyone who has been a new trainer knows how it feels like trying to deliver your first training sessions and not having any idea where to get the information from, and that’s why the resource center is for, for trainers to have a baseline to get information when they don’t know where to get it from. Unfortunately, the resource center we have today hasn’t been updated for at least 3 years, we’re missing a lot of topics, and there’s no information regarding Standing Committee training sessions, and I would love to change that. Different trainers from different parts of the world have expressed to me their interest in helping updating the resource center, and that’s how the idea of how to update it came to me. I’d like to create an international Small Working Group with trainers from every region, 2 trainers per region and at least 1 trainer per Standing Committee.
UPDATING TRAINERS DATABASE Up to this day, I don’t think anybody in IFMSA could actually tell how many trainers there are, this becomes a problem when we organize a workshop for different reasons. First of all, to choose the better option of workshop we need to know how many trainers there are and what kind of trainers they are so we’d know what we need as NMO or region, also to choose facilitators it’s important to know if we have capacitated trainers nearby, or when we have applications for facilitators, it’s hard looking for references, to get all these kind of information we need to ask around, having an updated database available for every IFMSA member would save us a lot of time. To be able to do this we need to work as a team, worldwide, the CB IT would ask every national training director / CB coordinator to trace down their trainers from 5 years ago up to today and fill out an excel form with their information, to be able to make a database from that.
CAPACITY BUILDING CALENDAR For us the Capacity Building International Team (CB IT) this is a dream finally came true, the CB calendar is a fact, so now we need our members to know it exists, so I’d like to keep it always updated (the RAs would be in charge of that) and I’d like to share it through the servers and facebook group, so everyone knows about its existence.
CAPACITY BUILDING SERVER & GROUPS A lot of our members are not signed up in the official servers, but they’re part of our facebook group, so for a lot of them facebook is their way of knowing what’s going on with CB, that’s why I believe posting important news, updates, calls on the facebook group is just as important as sending it through the official servers and that’s why I’d like to keep our group more active and always up to date with everything happening in the CB world. I’d also like to re start what used to be the Training server, but now as the Capacity Building server, for trainers to get every invitation worldwide for every CB event.
WORKSHOPS (COLLABORATION WITH THE VPA) OPERATIVE GUIDELINES FOR TNT & OTHER WORKSHOPS The guidelines for workshops it’s the same story as the resource center, they haven’t been updated for at least 3 years, and they’re not as specific as we’d like them to be, they don’t include for example the basic training topics every TNT should cover, and a lot of new Standing Committee workshops don’t actually have a written down guideline. It also becomes a problem when we don’t know the specific details facilitators should fulfill if they want to deliver a workshop, so this should also be included to make the workshop coordinators’ lives easier. In this case the Training Assistant from the CB IT would be in charge of updating the guidelines, and creating basic manuals with the help of the rest of the CB IT and for the SC workshops, with the help of the SC General Assistants, or whoever the director chooses to be in charge of the CB related topics.
WORKSHOPS REPORT Every time a workshop is concluded we just send out the names of the new trainers, but there’s nothing for us to give a report on the workshop we just hosted. I’d like to change this to make sure we’re giving quality workshops, for this besides giving the names of the participants for the corresponding certificates, I’ll create a google form in which workshop coordinators will have to fill out certain information as well as pictures to explain what they did and how everything went. I’ll also encourage the RAs to hold OLMs right after the workshops end to talk about the success of the events, the difficulties they had, how they could do better for next time, etc. and ask them to leave all of these written down for the next people in their NMOs who’d like to host a CB event, knowing about past events will help have better future events.
CERTIFICATION I strongly believe we need a better control of the certificates IFMSA issues for the trainers, in the aspect that we don’t always make sure TNT trainers have actually delivered their graduation training session before sending out their certificate. To be able to have a better control of this, for the certificates to be issued first of all the workshop coordinators would have to already have filled out the Workshop report form. Once they do, the certificates will be send out either to the corresponding CBRAs or the workshop coordinators, so based on the workshops guidelines they can decide who to send their certificates already, and who not to send them yet. My main idea here is that participants don’t directly get their certificate in their inbox, not until someone who was part of their training can make sure they’ve actually completed it.
TNT FOLLOW UP After becoming trainers a lot of them become inactive and never actually facilitate after their graduation training session, to have a better follow up of the trainers development and as a way of motivating them, the current CB IT thought of having forms being filled by the trainers before doing the TNT, right afterwards, 3 months later, 6 months later and a year later, these 3 last ones would be accompanied by an interview to talk about their growth and development, so I’d like to implement that this year. These would be done by the facilitators and the trainers themselves.
DEFINITION OF AN ACTIVE TRAINER We’re always talking about active trainers, but is there an official definition of what that is? I think it’s time we set it down for every trainer out there who’s ever wondered that, to me an active trainer is a trainer who has deliver a training session in the last 6 months.
PRE REGIONAL MEETINGS To be able to choose the right workshops for the preRMs, I’d like for the CBRAs to discuss along the RDs their region’s NMO’s needs, for the workshops to actually have a purpose they need to fulfill needs and not just get done because they sound like fun.
TRAINING SESSIONS NMO MANAGEMENT SESSIONS & TRAINING SESSIONS AT GA To be able to choose the best topics for NMO management & training sessions during the GAs, I’d run a needs assessment previous to the event. For the NMO management sessions, we’d create a google form aimed for the national EBs from the different NMOs, and for the training sessions, a survey aimed for every IFMSA member attending the GA. These will be sent out 2 months before the event, and they will be open for 3 weeks, so the last week we could choose (CB IT) the best suiting topics, discussing the surveys’ results. Afterwards the call for facilitators will be open, for 2 weeks, which leaves us 2 weeks away from the GA, allowing them to prepare their topics and deliver the best training sessions they can offer.
LOCAL TRAINING SESSIONS Lots of trainers have the belief that they can only facilitate in IFMSA events, but training sessions go way beyond IFMSA, what we do is useful not only for IFMSA members, not even for medical students only, it’s useful for everybody. We can deliver interesting useful sessions in our universities, in other universities, so I’d like to encourage our trainers to do so, to pass their comfort zone and put their skills into practice, because their use goes way beyond IFMSA.
ONLINE TRAINING SESSIONS This is an idea that came to me thanks to my work as Mexico’s Training Support Division Director, since we have around 60 Local Committees in our NMO, many of them have never had the joy of attending a training session, to be able to give them a little taste of our incredible world, we started organizing online training sessions. I think it goes the same for many NMO’s in IFMSA who sometimes don’t have the chance to attend an IFMSA event but are looking forward to learn what a training session is, but it’s also useful for any trainer who wishes to know more about a certain topic he’s never received. My idea here is giving every region an opportunity to shine, 1 online training session per month, delivered by trainers from different regions every month, I’d leave to the CBRA to choose the trainers from their region. In the past we’ve done it through skype, but for the amount of participants I’m thinking about, I think a dynamic like a webinar could work, using google drive at the same time to share information on real time.
TRAINER BUDDIES While training sessions & CB is quite new for some NMOs, other have plenty of experience on it, my plan here is to pair up new trainers with old trainers looking forward to organizing a workshop, sometimes it can be overwhelming for the CBRA to follow up close every step of the workshops being organized in their regions, so pairing the new coordinators with trainers who already have experience organizing workshops, can be a very fruitful sharing of knowledge and experiences, and they can be more in touch and available since they’ll only be looking over one workshop, and not over every workshop in the region.
TRAINERS EXCHANGE This is an idea that’s been on my mind for quite some time now, in the past I’ve had the wonderful experience of delivering trainings in Brazil, while I did an exchange there. These sharing of experiences, dynamics, ways of working, meeting new trainers and working together, is just amazing and I would love for more trainers in IFMSA to know how these feels and to become better by sharing. My idea here is to work along the SCOPE and SCORE Ds to be able to add to the exchange application form, whether the exchanger is an IFMSA trainer or not, so the hosting Local Committee (LC) can be aware, and if possible give them the platform to deliver a training that can be very motivating not only for the members of their LC, but also for the other exchangers they may have, if they have more at the same time, integration dynamics could be delivered to have a better and warmer exchange experience.
ONLINE MEETINGS I’d love to say the CB IT will have monthly OLMs but based on my experience I know how difficult this is, so I believe an OLM every 2 months is more than enough for us to catch up, discussed what we’re doing, give updates, announcements, etc. And of course if we need to have an OLM to discuss a specific issue that arise, we would do that. The same goes for individual OLMs with the CB IT, I will also schedule them every 2 months, skipping between the general and the individual ones, or extra ones if they or I have something specific to talk about. I will also encourage the CBRAs to do the same with their national training directors / CB coordinators, to have general and individual OLMs with them, as their needs require them. And I’d like to organize “How to” OLMs, what do I mean by this? OLM opened for every IFMSA member who would like to know for example: How to create a new training session? How to organize a workshop? How to prepare a training session? etc. These will be delivered in the same dynamic as the online training sessions, using a webinar dynamic along with google drive to be able to share information on real time. They will be delivered by either members of the CB IT who would like to do it, or by experienced trainers who volunteer.
STANDING COMMITTEE DIRECTORS To improve the working dynamics between them I will not only continue with the joint sessions during the GAs, but I will also propose to them the creation of guidelines or small manuals for multi-committee activities. What do I mean by this? Many activities have fields of interest for more than one standing committee (SC) and we can benefit from that, teaching national officers to work together to implement events that involve activities from more than one SC, can help our events be bigger, reach out to more people, motivate more people from the local committees and at the end of the day have a greater impact in our communities. It can get problematic working with more people than what they’re used to, but that’s what the manuals will be for, to show them what activities from different SC can be mixed in an event, or what activities can be organized together by members of different SCs. The creation of these guidelines will lead the SC directors to get to know about the activities of the other SC and to even discover in a deeper way the activities from their own. Is also in my plans to run a needs assessment with every one of them every 3 months, to see where they are, what struggles they have and how can I help them achieve their goals for their term.
TEAM OF OFFICIALS BONDING I believe when we have a team who knows and trusts each other, quality work comes naturally because relations are healthy, and it makes us look and care for each other. It can be hard to achieve considering the TO is scattered all around the world, but to be able to achieve this I’d like to create some dynamics to share information about each other. I’d start with one in which I create a survey with some basic and some random questions, every week a different member from the team would answer the survey, and so it will continue every week until we all finish, in this way we can get to know each other better and maybe discover we had more things in common than we thought.
“Be crazy enough to know you can do anything you want in life”