Online Marketing

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BUI L DI NG Y OURBRAND Ar eyout aki ngadvant ageoft hebenef i t sofmar ket i ngyourbusi nessont hei nt er net ? I fnotyouar emi ssi ngoutonahugeoppor t uni t yt ohel pyourbusi nessgai nnew cust omer sandr ecoupyourmar ket i ngexpendi t ur e. Thei nt er neti savastandgr owi ngmar ket i ngchannelt hathasbeenpr ovennotonl y t obeasbenef i ci alt oyourcompanyast r adi t i onalmar ket i ng,butevenmor eso.

Benef i t sofi nt er netmar ket i ngt hatt r adi t i onaladver t i si ngcannotof f er .Someoft hesei ncl ude: •I nt er netadver t i sement scanr eachacr osst heent i r enat i on,orevent hewor l d. •I nt er netmar ket i ngt act i cscanbechangedver yeasi l yandcostef f ect i vel y. •I nt er netmar ket i ngal l owsyout ogetupdat esonhowyouradver t i si ngcampai gni sgoi ngi nr ealt i meandmakeadj ust ment sasyousee. • Or gani csear chengi neopt i mi zat i on,oneoft hemanyf acet sofi nt er netmar ket i ng,i sal ongt er mi nvest mentt hatcont i nuest obenef i tyourcompanyf oryear s. •I nt er netmar ket i ngal sogi vesyout heoppor t uni t yt oengageyourcust omer si nst ant l y,gi vi ngf eedbackonyourcompany. • Butper hapst hegr eat estbenef i tofi nt er netmar ket i ngi st hecost .I nt er netmar ket i ngi sconsi der edt obeoneoft hemostcost ef f ect i vemar ket i ngt echni quesavai l abl e. PackageOne-Get t i ngSt ar t ed Si ngl ePageWebsi t eDesi gn AFREEUKDomai nName Upt o3Pr of essi onalEmai lAddr esses 12Mont hsWebandEmai lHost i ng FacebookPageCr eat i onwi t h1000+Li kes Pr omot eyourwebsi t ewi t h3000SEO Backl i nks Twi t t erPageCr eat i on100+Fol l ower s £40Googl eAdver t i si ngandCampai gnManagement PackageTwo-Mor eBangf oryourBuck! 34PageWebsi t eDesi gn AFREE. co. ukor. com Domai nName Upt o10Pr of essi onalEmai lAddr esses 12Mont hsWebandEmai lHost i ng FacebookPageCr eat i on wi t h2000+Li kes Pr omot eyourwebsi t ewi t h3000SEO Backl i nks Soci albookmar kyourur lt o500+soci alsi t es. Twi t t erPageCr eat i on100+Fol l ower s £40Googl eAdver t i si ngandCampai gnManagement Yout ubeAccountCr eat i on( I ncl udes1xi nt r ovi deo) Fr eeWebLogoCr eat i on

S i l ver Pack age £349

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Anot herbenef i tofi nt er netmar ket i ngi st hatyoudon’ thavet ochoosebet weeni tandt r adi t i onal mar ket i ng.Manycompani eshavebecomequi t eadeptatt aki ngf ul ladvant ageofbot ht o maxi mi zet hei rexposur eanddr i veupt hei rsal es. Ef f ect i vel yEmpl oyi ngI nt er netMar ket i ng Li kewi t ht r adi t i onalmar ket i ng,mostoft heaspect sofi nt er netmar ket i ngsi mpl ycannotbe donei nhouse–manycompani eshavet r i edandf ai l ed.I nt er netmar ket i ngr equi r esacer t ai n exper t i set hatmanyspendyear sacqui r i ng,andhi r i ngt hem i sal ongt er mi nvest mentt hatcan usual l yguar ant eeamassi ver et ur n.

Br onz e Pack age £199

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